Education - WBEZ Chicago
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around the world.", "playable": false, "programName": "BBC World Service", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "4:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "4:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "4:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "4:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "4:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:29:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.", "playable": false, "programName": "Morning Edition", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.", "playable": false, "programName": "BBC Newshour", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.", "playable": false, "programName": "1A", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.", "playable": false, "programName": "1A", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.", "playable": false, "programName": "Here & Now", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.", "playable": false, "programName": "Reset", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.", "playable": false, "programName": "Fresh Air with Terry Gross", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.", "playable": false, "programName": "Fresh Air with Terry Gross", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.", "playable": false, "programName": "All Things Considered", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.", "playable": false, "programName": "Marketplace", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "4:30:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "4:30:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "4:30:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "4:30:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:29:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "4:30:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "From The New York Times, hosted by Michael Barbaro and powered by The New York Times’ journalism.", "playable": false, "programName": "The Daily", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "7:30:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "7:30:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "7:30:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "7:30:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"playable": false, "programName": "Live, special NPR coverage: Democratic National Convention in Chicago", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A network of correspondents providing impartial news, reports and analysis in 33 languages from locations around the world.", "playable": false, "programName": "BBC World Service", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Jeremy Hobson and guests take your live calls. The question at hand is: How do you feel about your choices in this election?", "playable": false, "programName": "Special Programming: The Middle with Jeremy Hobson", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"playable": false, "programName": "The Middle with Jeremy Hobson", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"playable": false, "programName": "The Middle with Jeremy Hobson", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Covering everything about science and technology — from the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies — Science Friday is your source for entertaining and educational stories and activities. Hosted by Ira Flatow.", "playable": false, "programName": "Science Friday", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.", "playable": false, "programName": "This American Life", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "The world’s only rock and roll talk show. Sound Opinions is hosted by Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot.", "playable": false, "programName": "Sound Opinions", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"playable": false, "programName": "Specials", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A mix of live performances and interviews from WXPN Philadelphia’s daily program, featuring important established and emerging artists.", "playable": false, "programName": "Conversations from The World Cafe", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "10:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "11:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Weekly film podcast and radio show from Chicago featuring in-depth reviews, top 5 lists and interviews. Hosted by Adam Kempenaar and Josh Larsen.", "playable": false, "programName": "Filmspotting", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "11:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "The first 50 years of modern advertising was based on hard-sell. The next 50 years was persuasion through creativity and media tonnage. But as advertising squeezed into the 21 century, it was forced to shed its elbowing ways and become a delicate dialogue. The goal is no longer to triumph by weight, but to win by influence. CBC's Under the Influence is hosted by Terry O'Reilly.", "playable": false, "programName": "Under the Influence", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "6:30:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.", "playable": false, "programName": "Weekend Edition", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up. Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me is hosted by Peter Sagal.", "playable": false, "programName": "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Each week, It's Been a Minute features people in the culture who deserve your attention. Plus weekly wraps of the news with journalists in the know.", "playable": false, "programName": "It's Been a Minute", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, from NPR.", "playable": false, "programName": "TED Radio Hour", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "11:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A radio journal of news and culture produced from a Latino perspective. From NPR. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa.", "playable": false, "programName": "Latino USA", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "3:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features from Chicago and around the world. From NPR. Hosted by Michel Martin on the weekends.", "playable": false, "programName": "All Things Considered", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "4:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "4:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "True stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers.", "playable": false, "programName": "The Moth", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "In-depth interviews with brilliant creators, culture picks from our favorite critics, and irreverent original comedy. From NPR.", "playable": false, "programName": "Bullseye", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built. Hosted by Guy Raz. Planet Money is the economy explained. From NPR.", "playable": false, "programName": "Planet Money & How I Built This", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "10:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.", "playable": false, "programName": "Hidden Brain", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. In an age of information overload, On The Media helps you dig your way out. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Brooke Gladstone.", "playable": false, "programName": "On the Media", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Discover the hidden side of everything. Prepare to be enlightened, engaged, perhaps enraged, and definitely surprised. From WNYC Studios.", "playable": false, "programName": "Freakonomics", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Important ideas and practical advice: Code Switch, based on the long-running podcast, features fearless and much-needed conversations about race—and Life Kit offers practical advice on things in life no one prepared you for.", "playable": false, "programName": "Code Switch & Life Kit", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Created by The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, Reveal is public radio’s first one-hour radio show and podcast dedicated to investigative reporting.", "playable": false, "programName": "Reveal", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "3:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Notes from America with Kai Wright is a show about the unfinished business of our history, and its grip on our future. From WNYC Studios.", "playable": false, "programName": "Notes from America", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A weekly program presented by the New Yorker magazine’s editor, David Remnick. From WNYC Studios.", "playable": false, "programName": "The New Yorker Radio Hour", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Dramatic tales, killer beats and the edgiest new talent in storytelling come together for a weekly show that straps audiences into an audio rollercoaster. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Glynn Washington.", "playable": false, "programName": "Snap Judgment", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Radiolab is known for its deep-dive journalism and innovative sound design. Created in 2002 by former host Jad Abumrad, the program began as an exploration of scientific inquiry. Over the years it has evolved to become a platform for long-form journalism and storytelling. Radiolab is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.", "playable": false, "programName": "Radiolab", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "10:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}]" class="AudioNavigationItem"> <bsp-player-controller> <button class="Button" data-style="pill"> <span class="LiveTag">Live</span> <p>WBEZ 91.5</p> </button> </bsp-player-controller> </bsp-navigation-item-audio></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><bsp-navigation-item-audio data-schedule="[{"playable": false, "programName": "Vocalo Radio", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}]}]" class="AudioNavigationItem"> <bsp-player-controller> <button class="Button" data-style="pill"> <span class="LiveTag">Live</span> <p>Vocalo 91.1</p> </button> </bsp-player-controller> </bsp-navigation-item-audio></li> <hr/> </ul> </div> <div class="NavigationGroup"> <ul class="NavigationGroup-items" > <div class="GroupTitle"> <h3 class="NavigationLink">More</h3> </div> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">About</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Events</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Mobile Apps</a></li> <li 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Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.", "playable": false, "programName": "Morning Edition", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "5:00:00 AM", "endTime": "5:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.", "playable": false, "programName": "BBC Newshour", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. 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From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.", "playable": false, "programName": "Here & Now", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "11:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. 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The question at hand is: How do you feel about your choices in this election?", "playable": false, "programName": "Special Programming: The Middle with Jeremy Hobson", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"playable": false, "programName": "The Middle with Jeremy Hobson", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"playable": false, "programName": "The Middle with Jeremy Hobson", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "8:00:00 PM", "endTime": "8:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Covering everything about science and technology — from the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies — Science Friday is your source for entertaining and educational stories and activities. 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Hosted by Scott Simon.", "playable": false, "programName": "Weekend Edition", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "8:00:00 AM", "endTime": "8:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "9:00:00 AM", "endTime": "9:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "10:00:00 AM", "endTime": "10:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up. Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me is hosted by Peter Sagal.", "playable": false, "programName": "Wait Wait... 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Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, from NPR.", "playable": false, "programName": "TED Radio Hour", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "11:00:00 PM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A radio journal of news and culture produced from a Latino perspective. From NPR. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa.", "playable": false, "programName": "Latino USA", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "3:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "6:00:00 AM", "endTime": "6:59:59 AM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features from Chicago and around the world. From NPR. Hosted by Michel Martin on the weekends.", "playable": false, "programName": "All Things Considered", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "4:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "4:00:00 PM", "endTime": "4:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "True stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. 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From NPR.", "playable": false, "programName": "Bullseye", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built. Hosted by Guy Raz. Planet Money is the economy explained. From NPR.", "playable": false, "programName": "Planet Money & How I Built This", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "10:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.", "playable": false, "programName": "Hidden Brain", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "7:00:00 AM", "endTime": "7:59:59 AM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "7:00:00 PM", "endTime": "7:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. In an age of information overload, On The Media helps you dig your way out. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Brooke Gladstone.", "playable": false, "programName": "On the Media", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "12:00:00 PM", "endTime": "12:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Discover the hidden side of everything. Prepare to be enlightened, engaged, perhaps enraged, and definitely surprised. From WNYC Studios.", "playable": false, "programName": "Freakonomics", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "1:00:00 PM", "endTime": "1:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Important ideas and practical advice: Code Switch, based on the long-running podcast, features fearless and much-needed conversations about race—and Life Kit offers practical advice on things in life no one prepared you for.", "playable": false, "programName": "Code Switch & Life Kit", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "2:00:00 PM", "endTime": "2:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Created by The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, Reveal is public radio’s first one-hour radio show and podcast dedicated to investigative reporting.", "playable": false, "programName": "Reveal", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "3:00:00 PM", "endTime": "3:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Notes from America with Kai Wright is a show about the unfinished business of our history, and its grip on our future. From WNYC Studios.", "playable": false, "programName": "Notes from America", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "5:00:00 PM", "endTime": "5:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "A weekly program presented by the New Yorker magazine’s editor, David Remnick. From WNYC Studios.", "playable": false, "programName": "The New Yorker Radio Hour", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "6:00:00 PM", "endTime": "6:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Dramatic tales, killer beats and the edgiest new talent in storytelling come together for a weekly show that straps audiences into an audio rollercoaster. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Glynn Washington.", "playable": false, "programName": "Snap Judgment", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "9:00:00 PM", "endTime": "9:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}, {"content": "Radiolab is known for its deep-dive journalism and innovative sound design. Created in 2002 by former host Jad Abumrad, the program began as an exploration of scientific inquiry. Over the years it has evolved to become a platform for long-form journalism and storytelling. Radiolab is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.", "playable": false, "programName": "Radiolab", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "10:00:00 PM", "endTime": "10:59:59 PM"}], "ctaUrl": "/schedule", "ctaButtonText": "RADIO SCHEDULE"}]" class="AudioNavigationItem"> <bsp-player-controller> <button class="Button" data-style="pill"> <span class="LiveTag">Live</span> <p>WBEZ 91.5</p> </button> </bsp-player-controller> </bsp-navigation-item-audio></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><bsp-navigation-item-audio data-schedule="[{"playable": false, "programName": "Vocalo Radio", "streamUrl": "", "coverArtS": "", "coverArtL": "", "weeklySchedule": [{"weekDay": "Monday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Tuesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Wednesday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Thursday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Friday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Saturday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}, {"weekDay": "Sunday", "startTime": "12:00:00 AM", "endTime": "11:59:59 PM"}]}]" class="AudioNavigationItem"> <bsp-player-controller> <button class="Button" data-style="pill"> <span class="LiveTag">Live</span> <p>Vocalo 91.1</p> </button> </bsp-player-controller> </bsp-navigation-item-audio></li> <hr/> </ul> </div> <div class="NavigationGroup"> <ul class="NavigationGroup-items" > <div class="GroupTitle"> <h3 class="NavigationLink">More</h3> </div> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">About</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Events</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Mobile Apps</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Newsletters & Email Alerts</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Search</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" data-cms-ai="0">Support Us</a></li> <li class="NavigationGroup-items-item"><a class="NavigationLink" href="" target="_blank" data-cms-ai="0">Manage Your Membership</a></li> <hr/> </ul> </div> </ul> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <ul class="Navigation-items -WBEZ -remainder"> <li id="" class="NavigationWBEZ-items-item"> <div class="NavigationItem-WBEZ " > <div class="NavigationItem-WBEZ-text -listen"> <bsp-player-controller> <span> <svg class="play-icon-large"> <use xlink:href="#play-icon-large"></use> </svg> <p class="nav-item-text">Listen Live</p> </span> </bsp-player-controller> </div> </div> </li> <li id="" class="NavigationWBEZ-items-item"> <div class="NavigationItem-WBEZ " > <div class="Page-header-WBEZ-end"> <div class="Button donate"> <div class="-icon"> <svg class="heart"> <use xlink:href="#heart"></use> </svg> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="Page-header-donate-button" data-cms-ai="0">Donate</a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li id="" class="NavigationWBEZ-items-item"> <div class="NavigationItem-WBEZ " > <div class="NavigationItem-WBEZ-text -search"> <a href="" data-cms-ai="0" > <svg class="icon-magnify"> <use xlink:href="#icon-magnify"></use> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </bsp-header-wbez> <div class="Page-header-WBEZ-tagline--medium"> <div class="Page-tagline-image--medium"> <img src="" width="175" height="16" alt="Chicago's NPR News Source" /> </div> </div> </div> <div id="playerBroadcastStreamTool" data-playlist-url-prefix=""> <script type="text/fauxscript" data-player-schedule-map> var scheduleItems = []; 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Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740999600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740999600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741003199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740398400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740398400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740401999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741003200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741003200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741006799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740402000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740402000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740405599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741006800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741006800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741010399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740405600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740405600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740409199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741010400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741010400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741013999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740481200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740481200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740484799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741086000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741086000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741089599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740484800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740484800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740488399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741089600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741089600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741093199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740488400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740488400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740491999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741093200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741093200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741096799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740492000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740492000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740495599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741096800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741096800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741100399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740567600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740567600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740571199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741172400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741172400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741175999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740571200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740571200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740574799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741176000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741176000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741179599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740574800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740574800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740578399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741179600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741179600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741183199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740578400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740578400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740581999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741183200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741183200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741186799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740654000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740654000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740657599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741258800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741258800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741262399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740657600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740657600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740661199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741262400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741262400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741265999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740661200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740661200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740664799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741266000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741266000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741269599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740664800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740664800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740668399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741269600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741269600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741273199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740740400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740740400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740743999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741345200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741345200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741348799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740744000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740744000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740747599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741348800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741348800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741352399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740747600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740747600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740751199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741352400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741352400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741355999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1740751200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740751200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740754799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Morning Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "morning-edition-1741356000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741356000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741359599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Up-to-the-minute news and analysis from around the world and in Chicago. Hosted by WBEZ's Mary Dixon and NPR's Steve Inskeep, A Martínez, Leila Fadel, and Michel Martin.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1740409200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740409200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740412799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1741014000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741014000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741017599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1740495600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740495600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740499199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1741100400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741100400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741103999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1740582000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740582000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740585599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1741186800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741186800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741190399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1740668400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740668400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740671999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1741273200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741273200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741276799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1740754800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740754800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740758399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "BBC Newshour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bbc-newshour-1741359600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741359600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741363199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Newshour is the award-winning flagship program of the BBC World Service, the world’s largest news gathering operation.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740412800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740412800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740416399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741017600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741017600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741021199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740499200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740499200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740502799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741104000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741104000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741107599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740585600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740585600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740589199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741190400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741190400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741193999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740672000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740672000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740675599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741276800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741276800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741280399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740758400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740758400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740761999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741363200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741363200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741366799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740452400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740452400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740455999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741057200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741057200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741060799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740538800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740538800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740542399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741143600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741143600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741147199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1740625200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740625200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740628799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "1A"; scheduleItem.streamId = "1a-1741230000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741230000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741233599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>From WAMU and NPR, 1A convenes a conversation about the most important issues of our time. Hosted by Jenn White. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740416400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740416400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740419999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741021200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741021200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741024799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740427200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740427200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740430799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741032000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741032000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741035599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740502800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740502800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740506399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741107600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741107600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741111199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740513600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740513600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740517199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741118400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741118400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741121999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740589200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740589200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740592799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741194000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741194000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741197599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740600000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740600000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740603599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741204800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741204800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741208399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740675600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740675600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740679199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741280400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741280400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741283999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740686400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740686400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740689999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741291200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741291200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741294799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740762000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740762000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740765599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741366800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741366800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741370399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1740772800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740772800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740776399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Here & Now"; scheduleItem.streamId = "here-now-1741377600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741377600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741381199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Timely, smart reflection on world news as it’s happening. Includes NPR reporters, leading newsmakers, innovators and artists from around the globe. From WBUR and NPR, co-hosted by Robin Young and Scott Tong, with news from Chicago from WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1740420000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740420000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740423599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1741024800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741024800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741028399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1740506400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740506400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740509999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1741111200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741111200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741114799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1740592800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740592800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740596399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1741197600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741197600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741201199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1740679200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740679200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740682799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1741284000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741284000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741287599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1740765600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740765600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740769199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reset"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reset-1741370400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741370400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741373999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each weekday from 12 - 1p, Reset digs into how the news has moved since you left the house, discussing and unpacking the biggest stories and issues in Chicago and beyond right in the heart of the day. Hosted by Sasha-Ann Simons. News from Chicago with WBEZ’s Lisa Labuz.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740423600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740423600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740427199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741028400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741028400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741031999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740510000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740510000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740513599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741114800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741114800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741118399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740596400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740596400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740599999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741201200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741201200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741204799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740682800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740682800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740686399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741287600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741287600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741291199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740448800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740448800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740452399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741053600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741053600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741057199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740535200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740535200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740538799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741140000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741140000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741143599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740621600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740621600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740625199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741226400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741226400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741229999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740711600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740711600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740715199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741316400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741316400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741319999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1740884400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740884400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740887999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Fresh Air with Terry Gross"; scheduleItem.streamId = "fresh-air-with-terry-gross-1741489200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741489200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741492799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Fresh Air is a weekday “talk show” that hardly fits the mold. Fresh Air Weekend collects the week’s best cultural segments and crafts them together for great weekend listening. The show is produced by WHYY and hosted by Terry Gross.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740430800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740430800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740436199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741035600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741035600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741040999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740438000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740438000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740441599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741042800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741042800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741046399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740441600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740441600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740443399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741046400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741046400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741048199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740517200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740517200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740522599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741122000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741122000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741127399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740524400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740524400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740527999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741129200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741129200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741132799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740528000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740528000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740531599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741132800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741132800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741136399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740603600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740603600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740608999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741208400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741208400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741213799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740610800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740610800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740614399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741215600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741215600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741219199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740614400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740614400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740617999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741219200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741219200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741222799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740690000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740690000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740695399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741294800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741294800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741300199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740697200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740697200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740700799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741302000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741302000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741305599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740700800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740700800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740704399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741305600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741305600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741309199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740776400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740776400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740781799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741381200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741381200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741386599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740783600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740783600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740787199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741388400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741388400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741391999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740787200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740787200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740790799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741392000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741392000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741395599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>News, interviews, commentaries, and features from Chicago and around the world. From WBEZ and NPR. Hosted by WBEZ’s Melba Lara and NPR’s Ailsa Chang, Mary Louise Kelly, and Ari Shapiro.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1740436200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740436200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740437999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1741041000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741041000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741042799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. 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Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1741213800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741213800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741215599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1740618000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740618000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740619799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. 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Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1741300200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741300200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741301999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1740704400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740704400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740706199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1741309200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741309200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741310999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. Hosted by Kai Ryssdal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Marketplace"; scheduleItem.streamId = "marketplace-1740781800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740781800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740783599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A daily take on business and economics news for the rest of us. From American Public Media. 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scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741312800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741316399000; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Science Friday"; scheduleItem.streamId = "science-friday-1740769200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740769200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740772799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Covering everything about science and technology — from the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies — Science Friday is your source for entertaining and educational stories and activities. Hosted by Ira Flatow.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Science Friday"; scheduleItem.streamId = "science-friday-1741374000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741374000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741377599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Covering everything about science and technology — from the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies — Science Friday is your source for entertaining and educational stories and activities. Hosted by Ira Flatow.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Science Friday"; scheduleItem.streamId = "science-friday-1740859200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740859200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740862799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Covering everything about science and technology — from the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies — Science Friday is your source for entertaining and educational stories and activities. Hosted by Ira Flatow.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Science Friday"; scheduleItem.streamId = "science-friday-1741464000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741464000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741467599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Covering everything about science and technology — from the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies — Science Friday is your source for entertaining and educational stories and activities. Hosted by Ira Flatow.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "This American Life"; scheduleItem.streamId = "this-american-life-1740790800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740790800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740794399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "This American Life"; scheduleItem.streamId = "this-american-life-1741395600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741395600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741399199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "This American Life"; scheduleItem.streamId = "this-american-life-1740852000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740852000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740855599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "This American Life"; scheduleItem.streamId = "this-american-life-1741456800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741456800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741460399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "This American Life"; scheduleItem.streamId = "this-american-life-1740362400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740362400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740365999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "This American Life"; scheduleItem.streamId = "this-american-life-1740967200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740967200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740970799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, a new theme and a variety of stories on that theme. This American Life is hosted by Ira Glass.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Sound Opinions"; scheduleItem.streamId = "sound-opinions-1740794400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740794400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740797999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>The world’s only rock and roll talk show. Sound Opinions is hosted by Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Sound Opinions"; scheduleItem.streamId = "sound-opinions-1741399200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741399200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741402799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>The world’s only rock and roll talk show. Sound Opinions is hosted by Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Sound Opinions"; scheduleItem.streamId = "sound-opinions-1740880800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740880800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740884399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>The world’s only rock and roll talk show. Sound Opinions is hosted by Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Sound Opinions"; scheduleItem.streamId = "sound-opinions-1741485600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741485600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741489199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>The world’s only rock and roll talk show. Sound Opinions is hosted by Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Bullseye"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bullseye-1740877200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740877200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740880799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>In-depth interviews with brilliant creators, culture picks from our favorite critics, and irreverent original comedy. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Bullseye"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bullseye-1741482000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741482000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741485599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>In-depth interviews with brilliant creators, culture picks from our favorite critics, and irreverent original comedy. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Bullseye"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bullseye-1740798000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740798000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740801599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>In-depth interviews with brilliant creators, culture picks from our favorite critics, and irreverent original comedy. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Bullseye"; scheduleItem.streamId = "bullseye-1741402800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741402800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741406399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>In-depth interviews with brilliant creators, culture picks from our favorite critics, and irreverent original comedy. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Conversations from The World Cafe"; scheduleItem.streamId = "conversations-from-the-world-cafe-1740801600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740801600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740805199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of live performances and interviews from WXPN Philadelphia’s daily program, featuring important established and emerging artists.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Conversations from The World Cafe"; scheduleItem.streamId = "conversations-from-the-world-cafe-1741406400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741406400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741409999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of live performances and interviews from WXPN Philadelphia’s daily program, featuring important established and emerging artists.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Conversations from The World Cafe"; scheduleItem.streamId = "conversations-from-the-world-cafe-1740373200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740373200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740376799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of live performances and interviews from WXPN Philadelphia’s daily program, featuring important established and emerging artists.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Conversations from The World Cafe"; scheduleItem.streamId = "conversations-from-the-world-cafe-1740978000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740978000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740981599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of live performances and interviews from WXPN Philadelphia’s daily program, featuring important established and emerging artists.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Filmspotting"; scheduleItem.streamId = "filmspotting-1740805200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740805200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740808799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Weekly film podcast and radio show from Chicago featuring in-depth reviews, top 5 lists and interviews. Hosted by Adam Kempenaar and Josh Larsen.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Filmspotting"; scheduleItem.streamId = "filmspotting-1741410000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741410000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741413599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Weekly film podcast and radio show from Chicago featuring in-depth reviews, top 5 lists and interviews. Hosted by Adam Kempenaar and Josh Larsen.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Under the Influence"; scheduleItem.streamId = "under-the-influence-1740832200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740832200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740833999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>The first 50 years of modern advertising was based on hard-sell. The next 50 years was persuasion through creativity and media tonnage. But as advertising squeezed into the 21 century, it was forced to shed its elbowing ways and become a delicate dialogue. The goal is no longer to triumph by weight, but to win by influence. CBC's Under the Influence is hosted by Terry O'Reilly.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Under the Influence"; scheduleItem.streamId = "under-the-influence-1741437000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741437000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741438799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>The first 50 years of modern advertising was based on hard-sell. The next 50 years was persuasion through creativity and media tonnage. But as advertising squeezed into the 21 century, it was forced to shed its elbowing ways and become a delicate dialogue. The goal is no longer to triumph by weight, but to win by influence. CBC's Under the Influence is hosted by Terry O'Reilly.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740834000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740834000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740837599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1741438800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741438800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741442399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740837600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740837600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740841199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1741442400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741442400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741445999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740841200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740841200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740844799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1741446000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741446000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741449599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740319200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740319200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740322799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740924000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740924000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740927599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740322800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740322800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740326399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740927600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740927600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740931199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740326400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740326400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740329999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Weekend Edition"; scheduleItem.streamId = "weekend-edition-1740931200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740931200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740934799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A wrap up of the week's news and a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. From NPR. Hosted by Scott Simon.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me"; scheduleItem.streamId = "wait-wait-dont-tell-me-1740844800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740844800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740848399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up. Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me is hosted by Peter Sagal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me"; scheduleItem.streamId = "wait-wait-dont-tell-me-1741449600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741449600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741453199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up. Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me is hosted by Peter Sagal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me"; scheduleItem.streamId = "wait-wait-dont-tell-me-1740330000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740330000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740333599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up. Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me is hosted by Peter Sagal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me"; scheduleItem.streamId = "wait-wait-dont-tell-me-1740934800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740934800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740938399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up. Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me is hosted by Peter Sagal.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "It's Been a Minute"; scheduleItem.streamId = "its-been-a-minute-1740848400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740848400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740851999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, It's Been a Minute features people in the culture who deserve your attention. Plus weekly wraps of the news with journalists in the know.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "It's Been a Minute"; scheduleItem.streamId = "its-been-a-minute-1741453200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741453200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741456799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Each week, It's Been a Minute features people in the culture who deserve your attention. Plus weekly wraps of the news with journalists in the know.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "TED Radio Hour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "ted-radio-hour-1740855600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740855600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740859199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, from NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "TED Radio Hour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "ted-radio-hour-1741460400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741460400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741463999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, from NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "TED Radio Hour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "ted-radio-hour-1740891600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740891600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740895199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, from NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "TED Radio Hour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "ted-radio-hour-1741496400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741496400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741499999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, from NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Latino USA"; scheduleItem.streamId = "latino-usa-1740862800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740862800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740866399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A radio journal of news and culture produced from a Latino perspective. From NPR. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Latino USA"; scheduleItem.streamId = "latino-usa-1741467600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741467600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741471199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A radio journal of news and culture produced from a Latino perspective. From NPR. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Latino USA"; scheduleItem.streamId = "latino-usa-1740312000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740312000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740315599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A radio journal of news and culture produced from a Latino perspective. From NPR. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Latino USA"; scheduleItem.streamId = "latino-usa-1740916800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740916800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740920399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A radio journal of news and culture produced from a Latino perspective. From NPR. Hosted by Maria Hinojosa.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740866400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740866400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740869999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features from Chicago and around the world. From NPR. Hosted by Michel Martin on the weekends.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1741471200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741471200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741474799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features from Chicago and around the world. From NPR. Hosted by Michel Martin on the weekends.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740348000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740348000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740351599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features from Chicago and around the world. From NPR. Hosted by Michel Martin on the weekends.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "All Things Considered"; scheduleItem.streamId = "all-things-considered-1740952800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740952800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740956399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features from Chicago and around the world. From NPR. Hosted by Michel Martin on the weekends.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "The Moth"; scheduleItem.streamId = "the-moth-1740870000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740870000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740873599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>True stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "The Moth"; scheduleItem.streamId = "the-moth-1741474800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741474800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741478399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>True stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "The Moth"; scheduleItem.streamId = "the-moth-1740873600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740873600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740877199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>True stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "The Moth"; scheduleItem.streamId = "the-moth-1741478400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741478400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741481999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>True stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Planet Money & How I Built This"; scheduleItem.streamId = "planet-money-how-i-built-this-1740888000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740888000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740891599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built. Hosted by Guy Raz. Planet Money is the economy explained. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Planet Money & How I Built This"; scheduleItem.streamId = "planet-money-how-i-built-this-1741492800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1741492800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1741496399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built. Hosted by Guy Raz. Planet Money is the economy explained. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Planet Money & How I Built This"; scheduleItem.streamId = "planet-money-how-i-built-this-1740351600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740351600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740355199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built. Hosted by Guy Raz. Planet Money is the economy explained. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Planet Money & How I Built This"; scheduleItem.streamId = "planet-money-how-i-built-this-1740956400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740956400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740959999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built. Hosted by Guy Raz. Planet Money is the economy explained. From NPR.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Hidden Brain"; scheduleItem.streamId = "hidden-brain-1740315600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740315600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740319199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Hidden Brain"; scheduleItem.streamId = "hidden-brain-1740920400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740920400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740923999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Hidden Brain"; scheduleItem.streamId = "hidden-brain-1740358800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740358800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740362399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Hidden Brain"; scheduleItem.streamId = "hidden-brain-1740963600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740963600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740967199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "On the Media"; scheduleItem.streamId = "on-the-media-1740333600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740333600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740337199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. In an age of information overload, On The Media helps you dig your way out. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Brooke Gladstone.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "On the Media"; scheduleItem.streamId = "on-the-media-1740938400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740938400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740941999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. In an age of information overload, On The Media helps you dig your way out. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Brooke Gladstone.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Freakonomics"; scheduleItem.streamId = "freakonomics-1740337200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740337200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740340799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Discover the hidden side of everything. Prepare to be enlightened, engaged, perhaps enraged, and definitely surprised. From WNYC Studios.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Freakonomics"; scheduleItem.streamId = "freakonomics-1740942000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740942000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740945599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Discover the hidden side of everything. Prepare to be enlightened, engaged, perhaps enraged, and definitely surprised. From WNYC Studios.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Code Switch & Life Kit"; scheduleItem.streamId = "code-switch-life-kit-1740340800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740340800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740344399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Important ideas and practical advice: Code Switch, based on the long-running podcast, features fearless and much-needed conversations about race—and Life Kit offers practical advice on things in life no one prepared you for.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Code Switch & Life Kit"; scheduleItem.streamId = "code-switch-life-kit-1740945600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740945600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740949199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Important ideas and practical advice: Code Switch, based on the long-running podcast, features fearless and much-needed conversations about race—and Life Kit offers practical advice on things in life no one prepared you for.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Reveal"; scheduleItem.streamId = "reveal-1740949200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740949200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740952799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Created by The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, Reveal is public radio’s first one-hour radio show and podcast dedicated to investigative reporting.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Special Programming: "51st State: A Cross Border Live Conversation""; scheduleItem.streamId = "special-programming-51st-state-a-cross-border-live-conversation-1740344400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740344400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740347999000; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "The New Yorker Radio Hour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "the-new-yorker-radio-hour-1740355200000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740355200000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740358799000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A weekly program presented by the New Yorker magazine’s editor, David Remnick. From WNYC Studios.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "The New Yorker Radio Hour"; scheduleItem.streamId = "the-new-yorker-radio-hour-1740960000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740960000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740963599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>A weekly program presented by the New Yorker magazine’s editor, David Remnick. From WNYC Studios.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Snap Judgment"; scheduleItem.streamId = "snap-judgment-1740366000000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740366000000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740369599000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Dramatic tales, killer beats and the edgiest new talent in storytelling come together for a weekly show that straps audiences into an audio rollercoaster. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Glynn Washington.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Snap Judgment"; scheduleItem.streamId = "snap-judgment-1740970800000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740970800000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740974399000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Dramatic tales, killer beats and the edgiest new talent in storytelling come together for a weekly show that straps audiences into an audio rollercoaster. From WNYC Studios. Hosted by Glynn Washington.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Radiolab"; scheduleItem.streamId = "radiolab-1740369600000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740369600000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740373199000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Radiolab is known for its deep-dive journalism and innovative sound design. Created in 2002 by former host Jad Abumrad, the program began as an exploration of scientific inquiry. Over the years it has evolved to become a platform for long-form journalism and storytelling. Radiolab is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = true; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem);scheduleItem = {}; scheduleItem.programName = "Radiolab"; scheduleItem.streamId = "radiolab-1740974400000"; scheduleItem.streamUsesHLS = true; scheduleItem.playlistUrlPrefix = ""; scheduleItem.startTime = 1740974400000; scheduleItem.endTime = 1740977999000; scheduleItem.content = `<p>Radiolab is known for its deep-dive journalism and innovative sound design. Created in 2002 by former host Jad Abumrad, the program began as an exploration of scientific inquiry. Over the years it has evolved to become a platform for long-form journalism and storytelling. Radiolab is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.</p>`; scheduleItem.ctaUrl = '/schedule'; scheduleItem.ctaButtonText = '<p>RADIO SCHEDULE</p>'; scheduleItem.ctaTarget = '_blank'; scheduleItem.coverArtS = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.coverArtL = "!/quality/90/?"; scheduleItem.playable = false; scheduleItems.push(scheduleItem); return scheduleItems; </script> <script type="text/fauxscript" data-player-schedule-map-override> var scheduleItems = []; return scheduleItems; </script> </div> <script src=""></script> <audio preload="metadata" id="stream-audio" src="" type="audio/mpeg" data-playlist-extension="m3u8"></audio> <bsp-player class="Player"> <template data-template="players"> <div class="Player-collapsed"> <div class="Player-collapsed-placeholder" data-collapsed-template-placeholder> </div> </div> <div class="Player-enlarged"> <div class="Player-enlarged-placeholder" data-enlarged-template-placeholder></div> </div> </template> </bsp-player> <div class="Player-background"></div> <div class="Page-content" data-no-nav > <div class="Page-pageLead" data-pagelead> <div class="PageHeadingHorizontal" style=" --color-heading-text:var(--color-primary-text);" data-text-align="center" > <div class="PageHeadingHorizontal-content-wrapper"> <div class="PageHeadingHorizontal-content" > <h1 class="PageHeadingHorizontal-title">Education</h1> <div class="PageHeadingHorizontal-subHeading"><p>WBEZ Education covers the issues that matter to students, parents, educators, as well as the general public. Our coverage includes Chicago Public Schools, other city schools, youth culture, suburban schools, state education issues and higher education.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <main class="Page-oneColumn" data-modulewell> <div class="OneColumnContainer" data-module style=" " ><a class="AnchorLink" id="container-1-column-1c0000" name="container-1-column-1c0000" data-cms-ai="0"></a> <div class="OneColumnContainer-container" data-modulewell> <div class="PageListA" data-module data-hide-dates="true" data-show-loadmore="true" ><a class="AnchorLink" id="list-050000" name="list-050000" data-cms-ai="0"></a><div class="PageList-header" data-no-title> <div class="PageList-header-title-wrap" > </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items"> <div class="PageListA-items-row"> <div class="PageListA-items-column"> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoC"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Bronzeville high school choir alums are celebrated at Wendell Phillips High School" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="large"> <source type="image/webp" width="840" height="555" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="840" height="555" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="IMG_1763.png" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="840" height="555" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoC-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Music</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Bronzeville high school choir alums are celebrated at Wendell Phillips High School</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">Ten singers who were part of the Wendell Phillips High School alumni a capella choir in the 1960s and 1970s under director Andrew Duncan returned to the Bronzeville high school for the first time since graduating half a century or more ago, celebrated as “living legends.”</div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Lauren FitzPatrick </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740826800000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-column" data-with-borders> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >CPS board votes to keep open 5 Acero charters but will close 2 at end of school year</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"><div class="PagePromo-date"><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740705649000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Immigration</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Immigration agents detain a Chicago man during school drop-off, officials say</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"><div class="PagePromo-date"><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740692250000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Graduate saddled with $138K debt for 'worthless' degree sues loan servicer Navient for fraud</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"><div class="PagePromo-date"><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740672724000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >City Hall</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Mayor Johnson tightens CPS language, stands pat on $830M infrastructure bond on eve of showdown vote</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"><div class="PagePromo-date"><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740525589000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-row"> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"data-align-top> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="New Evanston law protects hospitality workers at large employers like Northwestern" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="Rosa Villaseñor stands outside of Northwestern’s Norris University Center." srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Work</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >New Evanston law protects hospitality workers at large employers like Northwestern</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Esther Yoon-Ji Kang </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740451393000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"data-align-top> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Mayor Johnson’s office intensifies push for CPS borrowing to avoid leaving city in the red" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="MAYORCPS-02XX24-13.jpg" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >City Hall</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Mayor Johnson’s office intensifies push for CPS borrowing to avoid leaving city in the red</a> </div> <button class="AudioPlayerController"> <bsp-player-controller data-srcpath="" data-playdata='[{"ctaUrl": "","ctaButtonText": "Read More","programName": "Mayor Johnson’s office intensifies push for CPS borrowing to avoid leaving city in the red","streamUrl": "","streamId": "","coverArtS": "!/quality/90/?","coverArtL": "!/quality/90/?","playable": true}]'> <template data-bsp-item-description=""> </template> <div class="AudioPlayerController-playPauseIcons"> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPlay"> <use xlink:href="#play-icon" /></svg> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPause"><use xlink:href="#pause" /></svg> </div> Listen </bsp-player-controller> </button> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Sarah Karp </a> and <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Tessa Weinberg </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740441717000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"data-align-top> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Medical schools enroll fewer Illinois Black, Latino students after Supreme Court banned affirmative action" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="medschool-02xx25-01_720.jpg" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Medical schools enroll fewer Illinois Black, Latino students after Supreme Court banned affirmative action</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Mary Norkol </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740401444000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListA-items-item"> <div class="PagePromoB"data-align-top> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Chicago Public Schools’ Black student success plan hit with federal legal challenge" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="20230824_School_Board_mm0109 (3).jpg" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Chicago Public Schools’ Black student success plan hit with federal legal challenge</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Sarah Karp </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740187302000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><bsp-list-loadmore class="PageListH" data-module data-show-loadmore="true" ><a class="AnchorLink" id="list-700000" name="list-700000" data-cms-ai="0"></a><div class="PageList-header" data-no-title> <div class="PageList-header-title-wrap" > </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items" data-with-borders data-list-loadmore-items> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Chicago students share mixed feelings on Pritzker proposal to restrict classroom use of cellphones" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="Farragut Academy senior Esmerelda Orozco wears a dark red hoodscarf and grey coat as she stands outside the school." srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Chicago students share mixed feelings on Pritzker proposal to restrict classroom use of cellphones</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">Gov. JB Pritzker’s plan would require school districts to develop policies that ban cells in the classroom. But some students say having or limiting phones won’t matter. </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Nader Issa </a>, <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Cindy Hernandez </a>, and 1 more <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740145658000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Schools, colleges have 2 weeks to ban DEI. An education expert warns it won't be easy." href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Schools, colleges have 2 weeks to ban DEI. An education expert warns it won't be easy.</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">The Department of Education told schools to stop DEI efforts or risk losing federal dollars. The president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation warns it won’t be quick and easy.</div> <button class="AudioPlayerController"> <bsp-player-controller data-srcpath="" data-playdata='[{"ctaUrl": "","ctaButtonText": "Read More","programName": "Schools, colleges have 2 weeks to ban DEI. An education expert warns it won't be easy.","streamUrl": "","streamId": "","coverArtS": "!/quality/90/?","coverArtL": "!/quality/90/?","playable": true}]'> <template data-bsp-item-description=""> The Department of Education told schools to stop DEI efforts or risk losing federal dollars. The president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation warns it won’t be quick and easy. </template> <div class="AudioPlayerController-playPauseIcons"> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPlay"> <use xlink:href="#play-icon" /></svg> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPause"><use xlink:href="#pause" /></svg> </div> Listen <div class="AudioPlayerController-audioDuration"> 05:08 </div> </bsp-player-controller> </button> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><span class="Link">Leila Fadel </span>, <span class="Link">Obed Manuel </span>, and 1 more <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740075224000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="UIC faculty and students fought for cultural centers. New federal guidance could take them away." href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="Students celebrate threading the needle during a workshop on the Palestinian art of tatreez at University of Illinois Chicago's Latino Cultural Center." srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >UIC faculty and students fought for cultural centers. New federal guidance could take them away.</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">President Trump’s Education Department is threatening programs for diverse students. Experts say universities need to fight back.</div> <button class="AudioPlayerController"> <bsp-player-controller data-srcpath="" data-playdata='[{"ctaUrl": "","ctaButtonText": "Read More","programName": "UIC faculty and students fought for cultural centers. New federal guidance could take them away.","streamUrl": "","streamId": "","coverArtS": "!/quality/90/?","coverArtL": "!/quality/90/?","playable": true}]'> <template data-bsp-item-description=""> President Trump’s Education Department is threatening programs for diverse students. Experts say universities need to fight back. </template> <div class="AudioPlayerController-playPauseIcons"> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPlay"> <use xlink:href="#play-icon" /></svg> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPause"><use xlink:href="#pause" /></svg> </div> Listen </bsp-player-controller> </button> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Lisa Kurian Philip </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740049200000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Chicago Teachers Union leaders are facing a challenge in spring union election" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="7ADA5FE2-CAE4-48BF-820A-D9AD2FAC86CC.jpeg" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Chicago Teachers Union leaders are facing a challenge in spring union election</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">President Stacy Davis Gates and her caucus, which propelled Mayor Johnson into office, are being challenged by a group that says the current CTU leaders are closed to differing views.</div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Sarah Karp </a> and <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Nader Issa </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1740006852000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="After monthlong delay, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson names final member of school board" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="Cydney Wallace" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >After monthlong delay, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson names final member of school board</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">Johnson is naming CPS parent Cydney Wallace to represent parts of five neighborhoods on the partly elected, partly appointed school board.</div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Sarah Karp </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1739894400000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="NIH funding cuts could have ‘devastating impact’ on medical advancements, Chicago researchers say" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="IMG_8074.png" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Federal</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >NIH funding cuts could have ‘devastating impact’ on medical advancements, Chicago researchers say</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">The National Institutes of Health under President Donald Trump announced this month that it was cutting payments covering overhead costs for research institutions that receive its grants. </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Cindy Hernandez </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1739885926000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Illinois weighs opening state financial aid to students in prison" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="Prison Education 1" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Illinois weighs opening state financial aid to students in prison</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">Research shows higher education is effective at preventing people from re-offending. Legislation could give more people inside access to college classes.</div> <button class="AudioPlayerController"> <bsp-player-controller data-srcpath="" data-playdata='[{"ctaUrl": "","ctaButtonText": "Read More","programName": "Illinois weighs opening state financial aid to students in prison","streamUrl": "","streamId": "","coverArtS": "!/quality/90/?","coverArtL": "!/quality/90/?","playable": true}]'> <template data-bsp-item-description=""> Research shows higher education is effective at preventing people from re-offending. Legislation could give more people inside access to college classes. </template> <div class="AudioPlayerController-playPauseIcons"> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPlay"> <use xlink:href="#play-icon" /></svg> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPause"><use xlink:href="#pause" /></svg> </div> Listen </bsp-player-controller> </button> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Lisa Kurian Philip </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1739790000000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="CPS CEO Pedro Martinez a finalist for Clark County, Nevada, superintendent job" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="CPSINAUGURATION-011625-13.JPG" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >CPS CEO Pedro Martinez a finalist for Clark County, Nevada, superintendent job</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">Martinez was fired from his role nearly two months ago, though his contract keeps him in Chicago through late June. He has worked for Clark County before as deputy superintendent. </div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Nader Issa </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1739580939000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Parents demand answers on the fate of Acero charter schools" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="ACERO-121224-11.jpg" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Parents demand answers on the fate of Acero charter schools</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">It’s been two months since the Chicago School Board voted to save five Acero charter schools but there’s no deal yet to make it happen.</div> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Nader Issa </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1739404342000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageListH-items-item"><div class="PagePromoB"> <div class="PagePromo-media"><a class="Link" aria-label="Illinois toddlers in need of crucial catch-up support are increasingly facing delays getting it" href="" data-cms-ai="0" ><picture data-crop="medium"> <source type="image/webp" width="490" height="275" srcset="!/format/webp/quality/90/? 1x,!/format/webp/quality/90/? 2x" loading="lazy" /> <source width="490" height="275" srcset="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" /> <img class="Image" alt="EARLYINTERVENTION-022125-7 (1).jpg" srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" width="490" height="275" src="!/quality/90/?" loading="lazy" > </picture> </a></div> <div class="PagePromoB-content"> <div class="PagePromo-category"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Education</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-title"> <a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Illinois toddlers in need of crucial catch-up support are increasingly facing delays getting it</a> </div> <div class="PagePromo-description">The need for free early intervention services has increased post-pandemic, but the number of therapists taking clients has decreased, a new report finds.</div> <button class="AudioPlayerController"> <bsp-player-controller data-srcpath="" data-playdata='[{"ctaUrl": "","ctaButtonText": "Read More","programName": "Illinois toddlers in need of crucial catch-up support are increasingly facing delays getting it","streamUrl": "","streamId": "","coverArtS": "!/quality/90/?","coverArtL": "!/quality/90/?","playable": true}]'> <template data-bsp-item-description=""> The need for free early intervention services has increased post-pandemic, but the number of therapists taking clients has decreased, a new report finds. </template> <div class="AudioPlayerController-playPauseIcons"> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPlay"> <use xlink:href="#play-icon" /></svg> <svg class="AudioPlayerController-IconPause"><use xlink:href="#pause" /></svg> </div> Listen </bsp-player-controller> </button> <div class="PagePromo-byline"> <div class="PagePromo-author"> <span>By </span><a class="Link" href="" data-cms-ai="0" >Sarah Karp </a> <div class="PagePromo-date"><span class="line"></span><bsp-timestamp data-timestamp=1739360948000> <template data-date-tpl>[month] [day], [year], [hour]:[minute][ampm] [timezone]</template> <span data-date> </span> </bsp-timestamp> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="PageList-footer"> <div class="PageList-nextPage" data-list-loadmore-pagination> <span class="PageList-nextPage-loading"></span> <a class="Button" href="?p=2" rel="nofollow" data-cms-ai="0">More Stories</a> </div> </div> </bsp-list-loadmore> </div> </div> </main> </div> </div> <footer class="Page-footer-WBEZ"> <div class="Page-footer-WBEZ-container"> <div class="Page-footer-WBEZ-columns"> <div class="Page-footer-WBEZ-column"> <div class="Page-footer-WBEZ-logo"><a aria-label="home page" href="/" data-cms-ai="0" > <img class="PageLogo-image" src="" alt="WBEZ Standard Logo" width="300" height="25" /> 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