Alexander-Whitney map in nLab
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href="/nlab/show/homological+algebra">homological algebra</a></strong></p> <p>(also <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/nonabelian+homological+algebra">nonabelian homological algebra</a>)</p> <p><em><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/schreiber/show/Introduction+to+Homological+Algebra">Introduction</a></em></p> <p><strong>Context</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/additive+and+abelian+categories">additive and abelian categories</a></p> <ul> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ab-enriched+category">Ab-enriched category</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/pre-additive+category">pre-additive category</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/additive+category">additive category</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/pre-abelian+category">pre-abelian category</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" 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<p><strong>Lemmas</strong></p> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/diagram+chasing">diagram chasing</a></p> <ul> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/3x3+lemma">3x3 lemma</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/four+lemma">four lemma</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/five+lemma">five lemma</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/snake+lemma">snake lemma</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/connecting+homomorphism">connecting homomorphism</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/horseshoe+lemma">horseshoe lemma</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Baer%27s+criterion">Baer's criterion</a></p> </li> </ul> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Schanuel%27s+lemma">Schanuel's lemma</a></p> <p><strong>Homology theories</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/singular+homology">singular homology</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/cyclic+homology">cyclic homology</a></p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Theorems</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Dold-Kan+correspondence">Dold-Kan correspondence</a> / <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/monoidal+Dold-Kan+correspondence">monoidal</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/operadic+Dold-Kan+correspondence">operadic</a></p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Moore+complex">Moore complex</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Alexander-Whitney+map">Alexander-Whitney map</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+map">Eilenberg-Zilber map</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+theorem">Eilenberg-Zilber theorem</a></p> <ul> <li><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/cochain+on+a+simplicial+set">cochain on a simplicial set</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/universal+coefficient+theorem">universal coefficient theorem</a></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/K%C3%BCnneth+theorem">Künneth theorem</a></p> </li> </ul> </div></div> </div> </div> <h1 id="contents">Contents</h1> <div class='maruku_toc'> <ul> <li><a href='#definition'>Definition</a></li> <li><a href='#properties'>Properties</a></li> <li><a href='#related_concepts'>Related concepts</a></li> <li><a href='#references'>References</a></li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="definition">Definition</h2> <p>Let <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi><mo>:</mo><mi>sAb</mi><mo>→</mo><msubsup><mi>Ch</mi> <mo>•</mo> <mo>+</mo></msubsup></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C : sAb \to Ch_\bullet^+</annotation></semantics></math> be the chains/<a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Moore+complex">Moore complex</a> functor of the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Dold-Kan+correspondence">Dold-Kan correspondence</a>.</p> <p>Let <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>sAb</mi><mo>,</mo><mo>⊗</mo><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">(sAb, \otimes)</annotation></semantics></math> be the standard <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/monoidal+category">monoidal category</a> structure given degreewise by the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/tensor+product">tensor product</a> on <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Ab">Ab</a> and let <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><msubsup><mi>Ch</mi> <mo>•</mo> <mo>+</mo></msubsup><mo>,</mo><mo>⊗</mo><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">(Ch_\bullet^+, \otimes)</annotation></semantics></math> be the standard monoidal structure on the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/category+of+chain+complexes">category of chain complexes</a>.</p> <div class="un_defn"> <h6 id="definition_2">Definition</h6> <p>For <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi><mo>∈</mo><mi>sAb</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">A,B \in sAb</annotation></semantics></math> two abelian <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/simplicial+group">simplicial group</a>s, the <strong>Alexander-Whitney map</strong> is the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/natural+transformation">natural transformation</a> on <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/chain+complex">chain complex</a>es</p> <div class="maruku-equation"><math xmlns="" display="block" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>Δ</mi> <mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi></mrow></msub><mo>:</mo><mi>C</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>A</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>B</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>→</mo><mi>C</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>A</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>⊗</mo><mi>C</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>B</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"> \Delta_{A,B} : C(A \otimes B) \to C(A) \otimes C(B) </annotation></semantics></math></div> <p>defined on two <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>n</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">n</annotation></semantics></math>-simplices <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>∈</mo><msub><mi>A</mi> <mi>n</mi></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">a \in A_n</annotation></semantics></math> and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>∈</mo><msub><mi>B</mi> <mi>n</mi></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">b \in B_n</annotation></semantics></math> by</p> <div class="maruku-equation"><math xmlns="" display="block" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>Δ</mi> <mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi></mrow></msub><mo>:</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>↦</mo><msub><mo>⊕</mo> <mrow><mi>p</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>q</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>n</mi></mrow></msub><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><msup><mover><mi>d</mi><mo stretchy="false">˜</mo></mover> <mi>p</mi></msup><mi>a</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>⊗</mo><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><msubsup><mi>d</mi> <mn>0</mn> <mi>q</mi></msubsup><mi>b</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mo>,</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"> \Delta_{A,B} : a \otimes b \mapsto \oplus_{p + q = n} (\tilde d^p a) \otimes (d^q_0 b) \,, </annotation></semantics></math></div> <p>where the <em>front face map</em> <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msup><mover><mi>d</mi><mo stretchy="false">˜</mo></mover> <mi>p</mi></msup></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\tilde d^p</annotation></semantics></math> is that induced by</p> <div class="maruku-equation"><math xmlns="" display="block" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">[</mo><mi>p</mi><mo stretchy="false">]</mo><mo>→</mo><mo stretchy="false">[</mo><mi>p</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>q</mi><mo stretchy="false">]</mo><mo>:</mo><mi>i</mi><mo>↦</mo><mi>i</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"> [p] \to [p+q] : i \mapsto i </annotation></semantics></math></div> <p>and the <em>back face</em> <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msubsup><mi>d</mi> <mn>0</mn> <mi>q</mi></msubsup></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">d^q_0</annotation></semantics></math> map is that induced by</p> <div class="maruku-equation"><math xmlns="" display="block" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mo stretchy="false">[</mo><mi>q</mi><mo stretchy="false">]</mo><mo>→</mo><mo stretchy="false">[</mo><mi>p</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>q</mi><mo stretchy="false">]</mo><mo>:</mo><mi>i</mi><mo>↦</mo><mi>i</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>p</mi><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mo>.</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"> [q] \to [p+q] : i \mapsto i+p \,. </annotation></semantics></math></div></div> <div class="un_defn"> <h6 id="definition_3">Definition</h6> <p>This AW map restricts to the normalized chains complex</p> <div class="maruku-equation"><math xmlns="" display="block" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>Δ</mi> <mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi></mrow></msub><mo>:</mo><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>A</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>B</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>→</mo><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>A</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>⊗</mo><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>B</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mo>.</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"> \Delta_{A,B} : N(A \otimes B) \to N(A) \otimes N(B) \,. </annotation></semantics></math></div></div> <h2 id="properties">Properties</h2> <p> <div class='num_prop'> <h6>Proposition</h6> <p>The Alexander-Whitney map is an <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/oplax+monoidal+transformation">oplax monoidal transformation</a> that makes <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>C</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">C</annotation></semantics></math> and <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>N</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">N</annotation></semantics></math> into <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/oplax+monoidal+functors">oplax monoidal functors</a>.</p> </div> </p> <p>Beware that the AW map is <em>not</em> <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/symmetric+monoidal+category">symmetric</a>. For details see <em><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/monoidal+Dold-Kan+correspondence">monoidal Dold-Kan correspondence</a></em>.</p> <p> <div class='num_prop' id='EZAWDeformationRetract'> <h6>Proposition</h6> <p><strong>(<a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber%2FAlexander-Whitney+deformation+retraction">Eilenberg-Zilber/Alexander-Whitney deformation retraction</a>)</strong> <br /></p> <p>Let</p> <ul> <li><math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mo>∈</mo><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mi>sAb</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">A, B \,\in\, sAb = </annotation></semantics></math> <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/SimplicialAbelianGroups">SimplicialAbelianGroups</a></li> </ul> <p>and denote</p> <ul> <li> <p>by <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>A</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>,</mo><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>B</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mo>∈</mo><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><msubsup><mi>Ch</mi> <mo>•</mo> <mo>+</mo></msubsup><mo>=</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">N(A), N(B) \,\in\, Ch^+_\bullet = </annotation></semantics></math> <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/ConnectiveChainComplexes">ConnectiveChainComplexes</a> their <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/normalized+chain+complexes">normalized chain complexes</a>,</p> </li> <li> <p>by <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>⊗</mo><mi>B</mi><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mo>∈</mo><mspace width="thinmathspace"></mspace><mi>sAb</mi></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">A \otimes B \,\in\, sAb</annotation></semantics></math> the degreewise <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/tensor+product+of+abelian+groups">tensor product of abelian groups</a>,</p> </li> <li> <p>by <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>A</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo><mo>⊗</mo><mi>N</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>B</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">N(A) \otimes N(B)</annotation></semantics></math> the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/tensor+product+of+chain+complexes">tensor product of chain complexes</a>.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Then there is a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/deformation+retraction">deformation retraction</a></p> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="397.591" height="65.705" viewBox="0 0 397.591 65.705"> <defs> <g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-0-0"> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-0-1"> <path d="M 11.046875 -8.640625 C 11.21875 -9.28125 11.453125 -9.71875 12.59375 -9.765625 C 12.640625 -9.765625 12.8125 -9.78125 12.8125 -10.03125 C 12.8125 -10.203125 12.6875 -10.203125 12.625 -10.203125 C 12.328125 -10.203125 11.5625 -10.171875 11.265625 -10.171875 L 10.546875 -10.171875 C 10.34375 -10.171875 10.0625 -10.203125 9.859375 -10.203125 C 9.765625 -10.203125 9.59375 -10.203125 9.59375 -9.921875 C 9.59375 -9.765625 9.703125 -9.765625 9.8125 -9.765625 C 10.703125 -9.734375 10.765625 -9.390625 10.765625 -9.125 C 10.765625 -9 10.75 -8.953125 10.703125 -8.734375 L 9.015625 -2 L 5.828125 -9.953125 C 5.71875 -10.1875 5.703125 -10.203125 5.375 -10.203125 L 3.5625 -10.203125 C 3.25 -10.203125 3.125 -10.203125 3.125 -9.921875 C 3.125 -9.765625 3.21875 -9.765625 3.515625 -9.765625 C 3.578125 -9.765625 4.46875 -9.765625 4.46875 -9.640625 C 4.46875 -9.609375 4.4375 -9.484375 4.421875 -9.4375 L 2.4375 -1.53125 C 2.25 -0.796875 1.890625 -0.484375 0.90625 -0.4375 C 0.84375 -0.4375 0.6875 -0.421875 0.6875 -0.15625 C 0.6875 0 0.84375 0 0.875 0 C 1.1875 0 1.9375 -0.03125 2.234375 -0.03125 L 2.953125 -0.03125 C 3.171875 -0.03125 3.421875 0 3.625 0 C 3.734375 0 3.90625 0 3.90625 -0.28125 C 3.90625 -0.421875 3.75 -0.4375 3.6875 -0.4375 C 3.203125 -0.453125 2.71875 -0.53125 2.71875 -1.078125 C 2.71875 -1.1875 2.75 -1.328125 2.78125 -1.453125 L 4.796875 -9.4375 C 4.890625 -9.296875 4.890625 -9.265625 4.9375 -9.125 L 8.5 -0.265625 C 8.578125 -0.09375 8.609375 0 8.734375 0 C 8.890625 0 8.90625 -0.046875 8.96875 -0.296875 Z M 11.046875 -8.640625 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-0-2"> <path d="M 2.546875 -1.65625 C 2.015625 -0.78125 1.515625 -0.484375 0.796875 -0.4375 C 0.625 -0.421875 0.515625 -0.421875 0.515625 -0.15625 C 0.515625 -0.0625 0.578125 0 0.6875 0 C 0.953125 0 1.625 -0.03125 1.890625 -0.03125 C 2.328125 -0.03125 2.8125 0 3.21875 0 C 3.3125 0 3.5 0 3.5 -0.28125 C 3.5 -0.421875 3.375 -0.4375 3.28125 -0.4375 C 2.9375 -0.46875 2.65625 -0.578125 2.65625 -0.9375 C 2.65625 -1.15625 2.75 -1.3125 2.9375 -1.640625 L 4.078125 -3.53125 L 7.890625 -3.53125 C 7.90625 -3.390625 7.90625 -3.265625 7.921875 -3.140625 C 7.96875 -2.75 8.140625 -1.1875 8.140625 -0.90625 C 8.140625 -0.46875 7.375 -0.4375 7.140625 -0.4375 C 6.96875 -0.4375 6.8125 -0.4375 6.8125 -0.171875 C 6.8125 0 6.953125 0 7.03125 0 C 7.296875 0 7.59375 -0.03125 7.84375 -0.03125 L 8.6875 -0.03125 C 9.609375 -0.03125 10.265625 0 10.28125 0 C 10.375 0 10.546875 0 10.546875 -0.28125 C 10.546875 -0.4375 10.40625 -0.4375 10.1875 -0.4375 C 9.359375 -0.4375 9.34375 -0.5625 9.3125 -1.015625 L 8.390625 -10.34375 C 8.359375 -10.640625 8.3125 -10.671875 8.140625 -10.671875 C 7.984375 -10.671875 7.90625 -10.640625 7.765625 -10.40625 Z M 4.328125 -3.953125 L 7.328125 -8.984375 L 7.84375 -3.953125 Z M 4.328125 -3.953125 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-0-3"> <path d="M 5.46875 -9.1875 C 5.59375 -9.734375 5.65625 -9.765625 6.25 -9.765625 L 8.1875 -9.765625 C 9.875 -9.765625 9.875 -8.328125 9.875 -8.203125 C 9.875 -6.984375 8.65625 -5.453125 6.6875 -5.453125 L 4.546875 -5.453125 Z M 7.984375 -5.328125 C 9.625 -5.625 11.09375 -6.765625 11.09375 -8.140625 C 11.09375 -9.3125 10.0625 -10.203125 8.375 -10.203125 L 3.578125 -10.203125 C 3.296875 -10.203125 3.171875 -10.203125 3.171875 -9.921875 C 3.171875 -9.765625 3.296875 -9.765625 3.53125 -9.765625 C 4.4375 -9.765625 4.4375 -9.65625 4.4375 -9.484375 C 4.4375 -9.453125 4.4375 -9.359375 4.375 -9.140625 L 2.359375 -1.109375 C 2.21875 -0.578125 2.203125 -0.4375 1.15625 -0.4375 C 0.859375 -0.4375 0.71875 -0.4375 0.71875 -0.171875 C 0.71875 0 0.8125 0 1.109375 0 L 6.234375 0 C 8.515625 0 10.28125 -1.734375 10.28125 -3.234375 C 10.28125 -4.46875 9.203125 -5.21875 7.984375 -5.328125 Z M 5.875 -0.4375 L 3.859375 -0.4375 C 3.640625 -0.4375 3.609375 -0.4375 3.53125 -0.453125 C 3.359375 -0.46875 3.34375 -0.5 3.34375 -0.609375 C 3.34375 -0.71875 3.375 -0.8125 3.40625 -0.9375 L 4.453125 -5.15625 L 7.265625 -5.15625 C 9.015625 -5.15625 9.015625 -3.515625 9.015625 -3.390625 C 9.015625 -1.953125 7.71875 -0.4375 5.875 -0.4375 Z M 5.875 -0.4375 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 4.859375 3.625 C 4.859375 3.578125 4.859375 3.5625 4.59375 3.296875 C 3.109375 1.796875 2.265625 -0.671875 2.265625 -3.71875 C 2.265625 -6.625 2.96875 -9.109375 4.703125 -10.875 C 4.859375 -11.015625 4.859375 -11.03125 4.859375 -11.078125 C 4.859375 -11.171875 4.78125 -11.203125 4.71875 -11.203125 C 4.53125 -11.203125 3.296875 -10.125 2.5625 -8.65625 C 1.8125 -7.15625 1.46875 -5.5625 1.46875 -3.71875 C 1.46875 -2.390625 1.671875 -0.609375 2.453125 0.984375 C 3.328125 2.78125 4.5625 3.75 4.71875 3.75 C 4.78125 3.75 4.859375 3.71875 4.859375 3.625 Z M 4.859375 3.625 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-1-2"> <path d="M 4.21875 -3.71875 C 4.21875 -4.859375 4.0625 -6.703125 3.21875 -8.4375 C 2.34375 -10.234375 1.125 -11.203125 0.953125 -11.203125 C 0.890625 -11.203125 0.828125 -11.171875 0.828125 -11.078125 C 0.828125 -11.03125 0.828125 -11.015625 1.078125 -10.75 C 2.5625 -9.25 3.40625 -6.78125 3.40625 -3.734375 C 3.40625 -0.84375 2.703125 1.65625 0.96875 3.421875 C 0.828125 3.5625 0.828125 3.578125 0.828125 3.625 C 0.828125 3.71875 0.890625 3.75 0.953125 3.75 C 1.15625 3.75 2.375 2.671875 3.109375 1.203125 C 3.875 -0.3125 4.21875 -1.921875 4.21875 -3.71875 Z M 4.21875 -3.71875 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-2-0"> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-2-1"> <path d="M 10.78125 -3.734375 C 10.78125 -6.484375 8.546875 -8.703125 5.8125 -8.703125 C 3.03125 -8.703125 0.828125 -6.453125 0.828125 -3.734375 C 0.828125 -0.984375 3.0625 1.234375 5.796875 1.234375 C 8.578125 1.234375 10.78125 -1.015625 10.78125 -3.734375 Z M 2.84375 -6.953125 C 2.8125 -6.96875 2.703125 -7.078125 2.703125 -7.109375 C 2.703125 -7.171875 3.90625 -8.328125 5.796875 -8.328125 C 6.3125 -8.328125 7.6875 -8.265625 8.921875 -7.109375 L 5.8125 -3.984375 Z M 2.40625 -0.609375 C 1.5 -1.625 1.1875 -2.78125 1.1875 -3.734375 C 1.1875 -4.890625 1.625 -5.96875 2.40625 -6.859375 L 5.53125 -3.734375 Z M 9.1875 -6.859375 C 9.90625 -6.09375 10.40625 -4.953125 10.40625 -3.734375 C 10.40625 -2.578125 9.984375 -1.5 9.203125 -0.609375 L 6.078125 -3.734375 Z M 8.765625 -0.515625 C 8.796875 -0.5 8.90625 -0.390625 8.90625 -0.359375 C 8.90625 -0.296875 7.6875 0.859375 5.8125 0.859375 C 5.28125 0.859375 3.90625 0.796875 2.6875 -0.359375 L 5.796875 -3.484375 Z M 8.765625 -0.515625 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-3-0"> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-3-1"> <path d="M 1.9375 -6.140625 C 1.9375 -6.4375 1.71875 -6.703125 1.390625 -6.703125 C 1.09375 -6.703125 0.84375 -6.46875 0.84375 -6.15625 C 0.84375 -5.796875 1.125 -5.59375 1.390625 -5.59375 C 1.734375 -5.59375 1.9375 -5.875 1.9375 -6.140625 Z M 0.453125 -4.28125 L 0.453125 -3.953125 C 1.09375 -3.953125 1.171875 -3.890625 1.171875 -3.40625 L 1.171875 -0.78125 C 1.171875 -0.328125 1.0625 -0.328125 0.421875 -0.328125 L 0.421875 0 C 0.8125 -0.03125 1.359375 -0.03125 1.515625 -0.03125 C 1.640625 -0.03125 2.25 -0.03125 2.59375 0 L 2.59375 -0.328125 C 1.9375 -0.328125 1.90625 -0.375 1.90625 -0.765625 L 1.90625 -4.390625 Z M 0.453125 -4.28125 "></path> </g> <g id="3JZz9r0WTtEMnw16yJ_K9A8kORM=-glyph-3-2"> <path d="M 3.28125 -6.8125 L 3.28125 -6.484375 C 3.953125 -6.484375 4.03125 -6.40625 4.03125 -5.921875 L 4.03125 -3.8125 C 3.6875 -4.203125 3.21875 -4.390625 2.703125 -4.390625 C 1.453125 -4.390625 0.34375 -3.421875 0.34375 -2.140625 C 0.34375 -0.921875 1.34375 0.09375 2.609375 0.09375 C 3.1875 0.09375 3.671875 -0.171875 4 -0.53125 L 4 0.09375 L 5.515625 0 L 5.515625 -0.328125 C 4.84375 -0.328125 4.765625 -0.40625 4.765625 -0.890625 L 4.765625 -6.921875 Z M 4 -1.234375 C 4 -1.0625 4 -1.015625 3.859375 -0.8125 C 3.578125 -0.421875 3.125 -0.171875 2.65625 -0.171875 C 2.1875 -0.171875 1.796875 -0.421875 1.5625 -0.78125 C 1.28125 -1.171875 1.234375 -1.671875 1.234375 -2.140625 C 1.234375 -2.71875 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2.359375 -1.109375 C 2.21875 -0.578125 2.203125 -0.4375 1.15625 -0.4375 C 0.859375 -0.4375 0.71875 -0.4375 0.71875 -0.171875 C 0.71875 0 0.8125 0 1.109375 0 L 6.234375 0 C 8.515625 0 10.28125 -1.734375 10.28125 -3.234375 C 10.28125 -4.46875 9.203125 -5.21875 7.984375 -5.328125 Z M 5.875 -0.4375 L 3.859375 -0.4375 C 3.640625 -0.4375 3.609375 -0.4375 3.53125 -0.453125 C 3.359375 -0.46875 3.34375 -0.5 3.34375 -0.609375 C 3.34375 -0.71875 3.375 -0.8125 3.40625 -0.9375 L 4.453125 -5.15625 L 7.265625 -5.15625 C 9.015625 -5.15625 9.015625 -3.515625 9.015625 -3.390625 C 9.015625 -1.953125 7.71875 -0.4375 5.875 -0.4375 Z M 5.875 -0.4375 "></path> </g> <g id="0cqAJ165BMQrr_KWRcGUYokx0BQ=-glyph-1-0"> </g> <g id="0cqAJ165BMQrr_KWRcGUYokx0BQ=-glyph-1-1"> <path d="M 4.859375 3.625 C 4.859375 3.578125 4.859375 3.5625 4.59375 3.296875 C 3.109375 1.796875 2.265625 -0.671875 2.265625 -3.71875 C 2.265625 -6.625 2.96875 -9.109375 4.703125 -10.875 C 4.859375 -11.015625 4.859375 -11.03125 4.859375 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stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M -1.553318 3.068445 C -0.799477 1.447281 1.227837 0.0565272 2.384108 0.00178083 C 1.227832 -0.0567563 -0.799622 -1.447308 -1.553624 -3.068396 " transform="matrix(0.00005, 0.99998, 0.99998, -0.00005, 186.46685, 42.39719)"></path> </svg> <p>where</p> <ul> <li> <p><math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mo>∇</mo> <mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi></mrow></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\nabla_{A,B}</annotation></semantics></math> is the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+map">Eilenberg-Zilber map</a>;</p> </li> <li> <p><math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><msub><mi>Δ</mi> <mrow><mi>A</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>B</mi></mrow></msub></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\Delta_{A,B}</annotation></semantics></math> is the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Alexander-Whitney+map">Alexander-Whitney map</a>.</p> </li> </ul> <p></p> </div> </p> <p>For unnormalized chain complexes, where we have a <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/homotopy+equivalence">homotopy equivalence</a>, this is the original <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+theorem">Eilenberg-Zilber theorem</a> (<a href="#EilenbergZilber53">Eilenberg & Zilber 1953</a>, <a href="#EilenbergMacLane54">Eilenberg & MacLane 1954, Thm. 2.1</a>). The above <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/deformation+retraction">deformation retraction</a> for normalized chain complexes is <a href="#EilenbergMacLane54">Eilenberg & MacLane 1954, Thm. 2.1a</a>. Both are reviewed in <a href="#May67">May 1967, Cor. 29.10</a>. Explicit description of the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/homotopy+operator">homotopy operator</a> is given in <a href="#GonzalezDiazReal99">Gonzalez-Diaz & Real 1999</a>).</p> <h2 id="related_concepts">Related concepts</h2> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Alexander-Whitney map</strong></p> </li> <li> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+map">Eilenberg-Zilber map</a></p> </li> </ul> <h2 id="references">References</h2> <p>The <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+theorem">Eilenberg-Zilber theorem</a> is due to</p> <ul> <li id="EilenbergZilber53"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Samuel+Eilenberg">Samuel Eilenberg</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Joseph+Zilber">Joseph Zilber</a>, <em>On Products of Complexes</em>, Amer. Jour. Math. 75 (1): 200–204, (1953) (<a href="">jstor:2372629</a>, <a href="">doi:10.2307/2372629</a>)</p> </li> <li id="EilenbergMacLane54"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Samuel+Eilenberg">Samuel Eilenberg</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Saunders+MacLane">Saunders MacLane</a>, Section 2 of: <em>On the Groups <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>H</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>Π</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>n</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">H(\Pi,n)</annotation></semantics></math>, II: Methods of Computation</em>, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 60, No. 1 (Jul., 1954), pp. 49-139 (<a href="">jstor:1969702</a>)</p> </li> </ul> <p>using the definition of the <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Eilenberg-Zilber+map">Eilenberg-Zilber map</a> in:</p> <ul> <li id="EilenbergMacLane53"><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Samuel+Eilenberg">Samuel Eilenberg</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Saunders+MacLane">Saunders MacLane</a>, (5.3) of: <em>On the groups <math xmlns="" display="inline" class="maruku-mathml"><semantics><mrow><mi>H</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>Π</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>n</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">H(\Pi,n)</annotation></semantics></math></em>, I<em>, Ann. of Math. (2) 58, (1953), 55–106. (<a href="">jstor:1969820</a>)</em></li> </ul> <p>Review:</p> <ul> <li id="May67"> <p><a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/show/Peter+May">Peter May</a>, Section 29 of: <em>Simplicial objects in algebraic topology</em> , Chicago Lectures in Mathematics, University of Chicago Press 1967 (<a href="">ISBN:9780226511818</a>, <a href="">djvu</a>, <a class="existingWikiWord" href="/nlab/files/May_SimplicialObjectsInAlgebraicTopology.pdf" title="pdf">pdf</a>)</p> </li> <li id="GonzalezDiazReal99"> <p>Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, Pedro Real, <em>A Combinatorial Method for Computing Steenrod Squares</em>, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 139 (1999) 89-108 (<a href="">arXiv:math/0110308</a>)</p> </li> </ul> </body></html> </div> <div class="revisedby"> <p> Last revised on September 13, 2021 at 07:36:46. See the <a href="/nlab/history/Alexander-Whitney+map" style="color: #005c19">history</a> of this page for a list of all contributions to it. </p> </div> <div class="navigation navfoot"> <a href="/nlab/edit/Alexander-Whitney+map" accesskey="E" class="navlink" id="edit" rel="nofollow">Edit</a><a href="">Discuss</a><span class="backintime"><a href="/nlab/revision/Alexander-Whitney+map/6" accesskey="B" class="navlinkbackintime" id="to_previous_revision" rel="nofollow">Previous revision</a></span><a href="/nlab/show/diff/Alexander-Whitney+map" accesskey="C" class="navlink" id="see_changes" rel="nofollow">Changes from previous revision</a><a href="/nlab/history/Alexander-Whitney+map" accesskey="S" class="navlink" id="history" rel="nofollow">History (6 revisions)</a> <a href="/nlab/show/Alexander-Whitney+map/cite" style="color: black">Cite</a> <a href="/nlab/print/Alexander-Whitney+map" accesskey="p" id="view_print" rel="nofollow">Print</a> <a href="/nlab/source/Alexander-Whitney+map" id="view_source" rel="nofollow">Source</a> </div> </div> <!-- Content --> </div> <!-- Container --> </body> </html>