Job 30:15 Interlinear: He hath turned against me terrors, It pursueth as the wind mine abundance, And as a thick cloud, Hath my safety passed away.

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turn about, turn over, turn around <BR> 1a3) to change, transform <BR> 1b) (Niphal) <BR> 1b1) to turn oneself, turn, turn back <BR> 1b2) to change oneself <BR> 1b3) to be perverse <BR> 1b4) to be turned, be turned over, be changed, be turned against <BR> 1b5) to be reversed <BR> 1b6) to be overturned, be overthrown <BR> 1b7) to be upturned <BR> 1c) (Hithpael) <BR> 1c1) to transform oneself <BR> 1c2) to turn this way and that, turn every way <BR> 1d) (Hophal) to turn on someone">2015</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_2015.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 2015 -- Occurrence 1 of 1">[e]</a></span><span class="reftop">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15</span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/hahepach_2015.htm" title="ha·he·Pach: Are turned -- Occurrence 1 of 1.">hā·hə·paḵ</a></span><span class="reftrans">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15</span><br><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="right"><tr><td width="99%" align="right"><span class="hebrew">הָהְפַּ֥ךְ</span></td><td width="1"><span class="refheb">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15</span><br></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><span class="eng">Are&nbsp;turned</span><span class="refbot">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Verb - Hofal - Perfect - third person masculine singular">V&#8209;Hofal&#8209;Perf&#8209;3ms</a></span><span class="reftop2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15</span></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/5921.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 5921: prep<BR> 1) upon, on the ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to, against <BR> 1a) upon, on the ground of, on the basis of, on account of, because of, therefore, on behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in spite of, notwithstanding, concerning, in the matter of, as regards <BR> 1b) above, beyond, over (of excess) <BR> 1c) above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence) <BR> 1d) upon, to, over to, unto, in addition to, together with, with (of addition) <BR> 1e) over (of suspension or extension) <BR> 1f) by, adjoining, next, at, over, around (of contiguity or proximity) <BR> 1g) down upon, upon, on, from, up upon, up to, towards, over towards, to, against (with verbs of motion) <BR> 1h) to (as a dative) <BR> conj <BR> 2) because that, because, notwithstanding, although">5921</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_5921.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 5921 -- Occurrence 75 of 169">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/alai_5921.htm" title="'a·Lai,: upon me -- Occurrence 75 of 169.">‘ā·lay,</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">עָלַ֗י</span><br><span class="eng">upon&nbsp;me</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Preposition :: first person common singular">Prep&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;1cs</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/1091.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 1091: 1) terror, destruction, calamity, dreadful event">1091</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_1091.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 1091 -- Occurrence 3 of 7">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/ballahot_1091.htm" title="bal·La·Hot: Terrors -- Occurrence 3 of 7.">bal·lā·hō·wṯ</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">בַּלָּ֫ה֥וֹת</span><br><span class="eng">Terrors</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Noun - feminine plural">N&#8209;fp</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/7291.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 7291: 1) to be behind, follow after, pursue, persecute, run after<BR> 1a) (Qal) <BR> 1a1) to pursue, put to flight, chase, dog, attend closely upon <BR> 1a2) to persecute, harass (fig) <BR> 1a3) to follow after, aim to secure (fig) <BR> 1a4) to run after (a bribe) (fig) <BR> 1b) (Niphal) <BR> 1b1) to be pursued <BR> 1b2) one pursued (participle) <BR> 1c) (Piel) to pursue ardently, aim eagerly to secure, pursue <BR> 1d) (Pual) to be pursued, be chased away <BR> 1e) (Hiphil) to pursue, chase">7291</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_7291.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 7291 -- Occurrence 3 of 4">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/tirdof_7291.htm" title="tir·Dof: they pursue -- Occurrence 3 of 4.">tir·dōp̄</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">תִּרְדֹּ֣ף</span><br><span class="eng">they&nbsp;pursue</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person feminine singular">V&#8209;Qal&#8209;Imperf&#8209;3fs</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;<br><span class="translit">&nbsp;</span><br><span class="hebrew"> <span class="punct3"> 、</span><br><span class="eng">&nbsp;</span><br><span class="strongsnt">&nbsp;</span></td><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right">&nbsp;</td><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/7307.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 7307: 1) wind, breath, mind, spirit <BR> 1a) breath<BR> 1b) wind <BR> 1b1) of heaven <BR> 1b2) quarter (of wind), side <BR> 1b3) breath of air <BR> 1b4) air, gas <BR> 1b5) vain, empty thing <BR> 1c) spirit (as that which breathes quickly in animation or agitation) <BR> 1c1) spirit, animation, vivacity, vigour <BR> 1c2) courage <BR> 1c3) temper, anger <BR> 1c4) impatience, patience <BR> 1c5) spirit, disposition (as troubled, bitter, discontented) <BR> 1c6) disposition (of various kinds), unaccountable or uncontrollable impulse <BR> 1c7) prophetic spirit <BR> 1d) spirit (of the living, breathing being in man and animals) <BR> 1d1) as gift, preserved by God, God's spirit, departing at death, disembodied being <BR> 1e) spirit (as seat of emotion) <BR> 1e1) desire <BR> 1e2) sorrow, trouble <BR> 1f) spirit <BR> 1f1) as seat or organ of mental acts <BR> 1f2) rarely of the will <BR> 1f3) as seat especially of moral character <BR> 1g) Spirit of God, the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son <BR> 1g1) as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy <BR> 1g2) as impelling prophet to utter instruction or warning <BR> 1g3) imparting warlike energy and executive and administrative power <BR> 1g4) as endowing men with various gifts <BR> 1g5) as energy of life <BR> 1g6) as manifest in the Shekinah glory <BR> 1g7) never referred to as a depersonalised force">7307</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_7307.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 7307 -- Occurrence 1 of 2">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/karuach_7307.htm" title="Ka·Ru·ach: as the wind -- Occurrence 1 of 2.">kā·rū·aḥ</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">כָּ֭רוּחַ</span><br><span class="eng">as&nbsp;the&nbsp;wind</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Preposition-k, Article :: Noun - common singular">Prep&#8209;k,&nbsp;Art&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;N&#8209;cs</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/5082.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 5082: 1) nobility, nobleness, noble deeds <BR> 1a) nobility (of rank), honour <BR> 1b) noble things">5082</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_5082.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 5082 -- Occurrence 1 of 1">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/nedivati_5082.htm" title="ne·di·va·Ti;: my honor -- Occurrence 1 of 1.">nə·ḏi·ḇā·ṯî;</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">נְדִבָתִ֑י</span><br><span class="eng">my&nbsp;honor</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Noun - feminine singular construct :: first person common singular">N&#8209;fsc&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;1cs</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/5645.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 5645: 1) darkness, cloud, thicket <BR> 1a) dark cloud <BR> 1b) cloud mass <BR> 1c) thicket (as refuge)">5645</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_5645.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 5645 -- Occurrence 1 of 1">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/ucheav_5645.htm" title="u·che·'Av,: and like a cloud -- Occurrence 1 of 1.">ū·ḵə·‘āḇ,</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">וּ֝כְעָ֗ב</span><br><span class="eng">and&nbsp;like&nbsp;a&nbsp;cloud</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Conjunctive waw, Preposition-k :: Noun - common singular">Conj&#8209;w,&nbsp;Prep&#8209;k&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;N&#8209;cs</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/5674.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 5674: 1) to pass over or by or through, alienate, bring, carry, do away, take, take away, transgress <BR> 1a) (Qal) <BR> 1a1) to pass over, cross, cross over, pass over, march over, overflow, go over <BR> 1a2) to pass beyond <BR> 1a3) to pass through, traverse <BR> 1a3a) passers-through (participle) <BR> 1a3b) to pass through (the parts of victim in covenant) <BR> 1a4) to pass along, pass by, overtake and pass, sweep by <BR> 1a4a) passer-by (participle) <BR> 1a4b) to be past, be over <BR> 1a5) to pass on, go on, pass on before, go in advance of, pass along, travel, advance <BR> 1a6) to pass away <BR> 1a6a) to emigrate, leave (one's territory) <BR> 1a6b) to vanish <BR> 1a6c) to perish, cease to exist <BR> 1a6d) to become invalid, become obsolete (of law, decree) <BR> 1a6e) to be alienated, pass into other hands <BR> 1b) (Niphal) to be crossed <BR> 1c) (Piel) to impregnate, cause to cross <BR> 1d) (Hiphil) <BR> 1d1) to cause to pass over, cause to bring over, cause to cross over, make over to, dedicate, devote <BR> 1d2) to cause to pass through <BR> 1d3) to cause to pass by or beyond or under, let pass by <BR> 1d4) to cause to pass away, cause to take away <BR> 1e) (Hithpael) to pass over">5674</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_5674.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 5674 -- Occurrence 2 of 5">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/averah_5674.htm" title="'a·ve·Rah: has passed -- Occurrence 2 of 5.">‘ā·ḇə·rāh</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">עָבְרָ֥ה</span><br><span class="eng">has&nbsp;passed</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Verb - Qal - Perfect - third person feminine singular">V&#8209;Qal&#8209;Perf&#8209;3fs</a></span></td></tr></table><table class="tablefloatheb"><tr><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;<br><span class="translit">&nbsp;</span><br><span class="hebrew"> <span class="punct"> .</span><br><span class="eng">&nbsp;</span><br><span class="strongsnt">&nbsp;</span></td><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right">&nbsp;</td><td height="165" valign="middle" align="right"><span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/3444.htm" title="Strong's Hebrew 3444: 1) salvation, deliverance <BR> 1a) welfare, prosperity <BR> 1b) deliverance<BR> 1c) salvation (by God) <BR> 1d) victory">3444</a></span>&nbsp;<span class="strongs"><a href="/hebrew/strongs_3444.htm" title="Englishman's Hebrew: 3444 -- Occurrence 1 of 8">[e]</a></span><br><span class="translit"><a href="/hebrew/yeshuati_3444.htm" title="ye·shu·'a·Ti.: my prosperity -- Occurrence 1 of 8.">yə·šu·‘ā·ṯî.</a></span><br><span class="hebrew">יְשֻׁעָתִֽי׃</span><br><span class="eng">my&nbsp;prosperity</span><br><span class="strongsnt"><a href="/hebrewparse.htm" title="Noun - feminine singular construct :: first person common singular">N&#8209;fsc&nbsp;&#124;&nbsp;1cs</a></span></td></tr></table><iframe src="/intframe4ot.htm" width="100%" height="150" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe><br /><br /><div align="center"> <script id="3d27ed63fc4348d5b062c4527ae09445"> (new Image()).src = ''; </script> <script id="b817b7107f1d4a7997da1b3c33457e03"> (new Image()).src = ''; </script><br /><br /> <!-- /1078254/BH-728x90-ATF --> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1529103594582-2'> </div><br /><br /> <!-- /1078254/BH-300x250-ATF --> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1529103594582-0' style='max-width: 300px;'> </div><br /><br /> <!-- /1078254/BH-728x90-BTF --> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1529103594582-3'> </div><br /><br /> <!-- /1078254/BH-300x250-BTF --> <div id='div-gpt-ad-1529103594582-1' style='max-width: 300px;'> </div><br /><br /> <!-- 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href="//" title="&#1504;&#1456;&#1491;&#1460;&#1497;&#1489;&#1464;&#1492; ncfsc 5082">&#8196;dignity</a> <a href="/strongs.htm" title="&#1499;&#1468;&#1456; Pp">&#8196;away like</a> <a href="/strongs.htm" title="&#1492;&#1463; Pa">&#8196;the</a> <a href="//" title="&#1512;&#1493;&#1468;&#1495;&#1463; ncbsa 7307">&#8196;wind</a>, <a href="/strongs.htm" title="&#1493;&#1456; Pc">and</a> <a href="/strongs.htm" title="&#1460;&#1497; psn1cs"> my</a> <a href="//" title="&#1497;&#1456;&#1513;&#1473;&#1493;&#1468;&#1506;&#1464;&#1492; ncfsc 3444"> prosperity</a> <a href="//" title="&#1506;&#1489;&#1512;&#95;&#49; vqp3fs 5674"> has&#8196;passed&#8196;by</a> <a href="/strongs.htm" title="&#1499;&#1468;&#1456; Pp"> like</a> <a href="//" title="&#1506;&#1464;&#1489;&#95;&#50; ncbsa 5645">&#8196;a&#8196;cloud</a>.</span><span class="p"><br /><br /></span><span class="versiontext"><a href="/nas/job/30.htm">New American Standard Bible</a></span><br /><span class="str"><a href="//" title="1091. ballahah (bal-law-haw') -- terror, dreadful event, calamity, destruction">"Terrors</a> <a href="//" title="2015. haphak (haw-fak') -- to turn, overturn">are turned</a> <a href="//" title="5921. al (al) -- upon, above, over">against</a> <a href="//" title="7291. radaph (raw-daf') -- to pursue, chase, persecute">me; They pursue</a> <a href="//" title="5082. ndiybah (ned-ee-baw') -- nobility, nobleness">my honor</a> <a href="//" title="7307. ruwach (roo'-akh) -- breath, wind, spirit">as the wind,</a> <a href="//" title="3444. yshuw'ah (yesh-oo'-aw) -- salvation">And my prosperity</a> <a href="//" title="5674a">has passed</a> <a href="//" title="5674a">away</a> <a href="//" title="5645. ab (awb) -- dark cloud, cloud mass, thicket">like a cloud.</a> </span><span class="p"><br /><br /></span><span class="versiontext"><a href="/kjvs/job/30.htm">King James Bible</a></span><br /><span class="str"><a href="//" title="1091. ballahah (bal-law-haw') -- terror, dreadful event, calamity, destruction">Terrors</a> <a href="//" title="2015. haphak (haw-fak') -- to turn, overturn">are turned</a> <a href="//" title="7291. radaph (raw-daf') -- to pursue, chase, persecute">upon me: they pursue</a> <a href="//" title="5082. ndiybah (ned-ee-baw') -- nobility, nobleness">my soul</a> <a href="//" title="7307. ruwach (roo'-akh) -- breath, wind, spirit">as the wind:</a> <a href="//" title="3444. yshuw'ah (yesh-oo'-aw) -- salvation">and my welfare</a> <a href="//" title="5674. abar (aw-bar') -- alienate">passeth away</a> <a href="//" title="5645. ab (awb) -- dark cloud, cloud mass, thicket">as a cloud.</a> </span><div class="vheading2">Parallel Verses</div><span class="versiontext"><a href="/isv/job/30.htm">International Standard Version</a></span><br />My greatest fears have overcome me; my honor is assaulted as though by a wind storm; my prosperity evaporates like a morning cloud."<span class="p"><br /><br /></span><span class="versiontext"><a href="/asv/job/30.htm">American Standard Version</a></span><br />Terrors are turned upon me; They chase mine honor as the wind; And my welfare is passed away as a cloud.<span class="p"><br /><br /></span><span class="versiontext"><a href="/ylt/job/30.htm">Young's Literal Translation</a></span><br /> He hath turned against me terrors, It pursueth as the wind mine abundance, And as a thick cloud, Hath my safety passed away.<div class="vheading2">Links</div><a href="/job/30-15.htm">Job 30:15</a> &#8226; <a href="/niv/job/30-15.htm">Job 30:15 NIV</a> &#8226; <a href="/nlt/job/30-15.htm">Job 30:15 NLT</a> &#8226; <a href="/esv/job/30-15.htm">Job 30:15 ESV</a> &#8226; <a href="/nasb/job/30-15.htm">Job 30:15 NASB</a> &#8226; <a href="/kjv/job/30-15.htm">Job 30:15 KJV</a> &#8226; <a href="//">Job 30:15 Commentaries</a> &#8226; <a href="//">Job 30:15 Bible Apps</a> &#8226; <a href="//">Job 30:15 Biblia Paralela</a> &#8226; <a href="//">Job 30:15 Chinese Bible</a> &#8226; <a href="//">Job 30:15 French Bible</a> &#8226; <a 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