CINXE.COM — UAE participates in Diplomatic Conference on...
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Al Muaini: The treaty represents a new milestone in streamlining the registration of industrial designs.<br>The UAE participated in Diplomatic Conference to Conclude and Adopt a Design Law Treaty in Riyadh from 11 to 22 November, 2024. Chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the conference marked the final phase of…</p><div class="npf-link-block has-poster"><a target="_blank" href=""><div class="poster" style="background-image:url("><div class="title">UAE participates in Diplomatic Conference on Design Law in Riyadh to enhance collaboration in the legal protection of IP rights</div></div><div class="bottom"><div class="site-name"> </div></div></a></div></div> </section> <ul class=" post_info floating "> <li> <ul class="post_controls group"> <li><a href="" class="reblog_button"style="display: block;width:21px;height:21px;"><svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 21 21" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" fill="#000"><path d="M5.01092527,5.99908429 L16.0088498,5.99908429 L16.136,9.508 L20.836,4.752 L16.136,0.083 L16.1360004,3.01110845 L2.09985349,3.01110845 C1.50585349,3.01110845 0.979248041,3.44726568 0.979248041,4.45007306 L0.979248041,10.9999998 L3.98376463,8.30993634 L3.98376463,6.89801007 C3.98376463,6.20867902 4.71892527,5.99908429 5.01092527,5.99908429 Z"></path><path d="M17.1420002,13.2800293 C17.1420002,13.5720293 17.022957,14.0490723 16.730957,14.0490723 L4.92919922,14.0490723 L4.92919922,11 L0.5,15.806 L4.92919922,20.5103758 L5.00469971,16.9990234 L18.9700928,16.9990234 C19.5640928,16.9990234 19.9453125,16.4010001 19.9453125,15.8060001 L19.9453125,9.5324707 L17.142,12.203"></path></svg></a></li> <li><div class="like_button" data-post-id="767877082950860800" data-blog-name="mideastinfo" id="like_button_767877082950860800"><iframe id="like_iframe_767877082950860800" src="" scrolling="no" width="21" height="21" frameborder="0" class="like_toggle" allowTransparency="true" name="like_iframe_767877082950860800"></iframe></div></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="" class=" timestamp has_caption with_title ">November 22, 2024 (10:44 pm)</a></li> </ul> </section> </li> <!-- END POSTS --> </ul> <footer id="footer"> <section class="copyright">© 2013–2024</section> </footer> </section> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Tumblelog = {}; 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