CSS Counter Styles Level 3 Disposition of Comments for 2017-12-14 CR

<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CSS Counter Styles Level 3 Disposition of Comments for 2017-12-14 CR</title> <style type="text/css"> pre { border: solid thin silver; padding: 0.2em; white-space: normal; } pre > span { display: block; white-space: pre; } .a { background: #52E052 } .d { background: #8CCBF2 } .oi { background: #E0CB52 } .r { background: orange } .fo { background: #f66 } pre.a { background: #E9FBE9 } pre.d { background: #DEF } pre.oi { background: #FCFAEE } pre.r { background: #FFEECC } { background: #FBE9E9 } .open { border: solid red; } :target { box-shadow: 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em; } a[href^=mid], a[href~=flatten] { text-decoration: none; } abbr { font-weight: bold; } </style> <h1>CSS Counter Styles Level 3 Disposition of Comments for 2017-12-14 CR</h1> <p>Dated Draft: <a href=""></a> <p>Editor's Draft: <a href=""></a> <p>The following color coding convention is used for comments:</p> <ul> <li class="a">Accepted or Rejected and positive response <li class="r">Rejected and no response <li class="fo">Rejected and negative response <li class="d">Deferred <li class="oi">Out-of-Scope or Invalid and not verified </ul> <p class=open>Open issues are marked like this</p> <p>An issue can be closed as <code>Accepted</code>, <code>OutOfScope</code>, <code>Invalid</code>, <code>Rejected</code>, or <code>Retracted</code>. <code>Verified</code> indicates commentor's acceptance of the response.</p> <pre class=' oi' id='issue-1'> <span>Issue 1. <a href='#issue-1'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Add suzhou-numeral counting style, cjk-tally-mark, cjk-stem-branch</span> <span>From: c933103</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="oi">Closed: OutOfScope / Deferred</span> <span>Note: cjk-tally-mark and cjk-stem-branch added to predefined-counter-styles</span> <span>Note: suzhou-numeral not (yet) attested in list numbering, somewhat complex</span></pre> <pre class='open ' id='issue-2'> <span>Issue 2. <a href='#issue-2'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Add Korean korean-hangul-informal</span> <span>From: c933103</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="">Open: Awaiting response</span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-3'> <span>Issue 3. <a href='#issue-3'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Allow UA-chosen fallback range for predefined counters</span> <span>From: Liam Quin</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="r">Closed: Rejected</span> <span class="a">Verified: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Resolved: Editor discretion</span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-4'> <span>Issue 4. <a href='#issue-4'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Make none/disc/decimal non-overridable</span> <span>From: Emilio Cobos 脕lvarez</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: <a href=''></a> <a href=""><abbr title="Thread">&#x2208;</abbr></a></span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-5'> <span>Issue 5. <a href='#issue-5'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: What's "current" in "currently defined"?</span> <span>From: Simon Sapin</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a> <a href=""><abbr title="Thread">&#x2208;</abbr></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Changes: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: Editorial</span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-6'> <span>Issue 6. <a href='#issue-6'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Clarify @counter-style lookup wrt shadow DOM</span> <span>From: Xiaochengh</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: <a href=''></a> <a href=""><abbr title="Thread">&#x2208;</abbr></a></span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-7'> <span>Issue 7. <a href='#issue-7'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Clarify "invalid and must be ignored"</span> <span>From: Xiaocheng</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Changes: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Changes: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: <a href=''></a> <a href=""><abbr title="Thread">&#x2208;</abbr></a></span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-8'> <span>Issue 8. <a href='#issue-8'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Additive algorithm shouldn't divide by zero</span> <span>From: Oriol Brufau</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Changes: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: Bugfix</span></pre> <pre class=' r' id='issue-9'> <span>Issue 9. <a href='#issue-9'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Change 'pad' descriptor handling of negative sign</span> <span>From: Xiaochengh</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="r">Closed: Rejected</span> <span>Resolved: <a href=''></a> <a href=""><abbr title="Thread">&#x2208;</abbr></a></span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-10'> <span>Issue 10. <a href='#issue-10'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: 'speak-as' and non-speech AT</span> <span>From: Meredith Lane</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: Editor discretion</span></pre> <pre class=' oi' id='issue-11'> <span>Issue 11. <a href='#issue-11'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Adding Pre-defined counter styles for Indian Languages</span> <span>From: Prashant Verma</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="oi">Closed: OutOfScope</span> <span>Note: Refiled as <a href=''></a></span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-12'> <span>Issue 12. <a href='#issue-12'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Change 'square' symbol from U+25FE to something else</span> <span>From: Mats Palmgren</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Changes: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: <a href=''></a> <a href=""><abbr title="Thread">&#x2208;</abbr></a></span></pre> <pre class=' a' id='issue-13'> <span>Issue 13. <a href='#issue-13'>#</a></span> <span>Summary: Restrict font family of predefined list-style symbols</span> <span>From: Oriol Brufau</span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Comment: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Response: <a href=''></a></span> <span>Changes: <a href=''></a></span> <span class="a">Closed: Accepted</span> <span>Resolved: Editor discretion</span></pre> <pre class=' ' id='issue-13'> </pre> <script> (function () { var sheet = document.styleSheets[0]; function addCheckbox(className) { var element = document.querySelector('*.' + className); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; element.innerHTML = null; var check = document.createElement('input'); check.type = 'checkbox'; if (className == 'open') { check.checked = false; sheet.insertRule('pre:not(.open)' + '{}', sheet.cssRules.length); check.onchange = function (e) { = this.checked ? 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