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Calling mixpanel.init is // async and takes a 'loaded' callback argument. The code below creates a window // global object that allows other parts of the code to register callbacks. Callers // should use window.mixpanelLoader.onLoad(cb). Note: this is only implemented for // the AppSheet Web mixpanel instance. TODO: make it work for both mixpanel projects. window.mixpanelLoader = (function () { var callbacks = [] var isLoaded = false return { // The method that callers should use onLoad: function (cb) { if (isLoaded) { cb() } else { callbacks.push(cb) } }, // The callback that is passed to mixpanel.init loaded: function () { isLoaded = true callbacks.forEach(function (cb) { cb() }) } } })() mixpanel.init('f3f157a3585cb23361a9ace882b7611e', { loaded: window.mixpanelLoader.loaded }); // Makes the AppSheet bucket accessible via mixpanel.appSheet.track(...) mixpanel.init('6460a5084cbe5c139b2cd70d800f9fa0', {}, "appSheet"); // Needed to access the web bucket in a special case for app signups converting app creators mixpanel.init('f3f157a3585cb23361a9ace882b7611e', {}, "web"); </script> <script nonce="gFDBUhFyNF2ErrQg/uUmxQ==" type="text/javascript"> // function getQueryStrings() { var assoc = {}; var decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); }; var queryString =; var keyValues = queryString.split('&'); for (var i in keyValues) { var key = keyValues[i].split('='); if (key.length > 1) { assoc[decode(key[0])] = decode(key[1]); } } return assoc; } function addDefaultProperties(properties) { if (properties == null) { properties = {}; } var linkFrom = ''; properties.linkedFrom = linkFrom; properties.user = ''; return properties } function setUTMPropertiesOnUser() { var params = getQueryStrings(); for (var i in params) { var match = /utm_[a-z]+/ if (match.test(i)) { var value = params[i]; mixpanel.people.set_once(i, value); } } } /** * Checks whether all of the UTM fields are empty in local storage. */ function hasNoSetUtmFields() { return ( window.localStorage.getItem('JeeneeNewUserCampaign') == null && window.localStorage.getItem('JeeneeNewUserSource') == null && window.localStorage.getItem('JeeneeNewUserMedium') == null && window.localStorage.getItem('JeeneeNewUserContent') == null && window.localStorage.getItem('JeeneeNewUserTerm') == null ); } /** * Checks for UTM fields in URL params. */ function hasUtmFieldsUrlparams(queryParams) { return ( queryParams.hasOwnProperty('utm_campaign') || queryParams.hasOwnProperty('utm_source') || queryParams.hasOwnProperty('utm_medium') || queryParams.hasOwnProperty('utm_content') || queryParams.hasOwnProperty('utm_term') ); } /** * Sets UTM fields to direct/default values in local storage * when none are passed in via the URL upon user's first visit. * utm_content and utm_term are left undefined for direct and organic traffic. */ function setDefaultUtmPropertiesOnUserLocalStorage() { window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserCampaign', 'direct'); window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserSource', 'direct'); window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserMedium', 'none'); } /** * Sets UTM values in local storage. Only process UTM parameters within the URL when * all of UTM fields in local storage are undefined. This ensures first touch attribution. * utm_campaign, utm_source, and utm_medium are required fields for every campaign, CTA, etc. * Seeing any of these fields as undefined is an indication that there are invalid UTM parameters in the URL. * utm_content and utm_term are optional. */ function setUTMPropertiesOnUserLocalStorage() { if (hasNoSetUtmFields()) { var queryParams = getQueryStrings(); if (hasUtmFieldsUrlparams(queryParams)) { if (queryParams['utm_campaign'] != null) { window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserCampaign', queryParams['utm_campaign']); } if (queryParams['utm_source'] != null) { window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserSource', queryParams['utm_source']); } if (queryParams['utm_medium'] != null) { window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserMedium', queryParams['utm_medium']); } if (queryParams['utm_content'] != null) { window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserContent', queryParams['utm_content']); } if (queryParams['utm_term'] != null) { window.localStorage.setItem('JeeneeNewUserTerm', queryParams['utm_term']); } } else { setDefaultUtmPropertiesOnUserLocalStorage(); } } } function TrackSimpleConcordEvent(eventName) { if (window.Concord && typeof window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent === 'function') { window.Concord.TrackSimpleEvent(eventName); } } setUTMPropertiesOnUserLocalStorage(); /* Only use this function for non-webpack pages. Cannot pass props to Concord using this */ window.Track = function (event, properties, callback) { properties = addDefaultProperties(properties) mixpanel.track(event, properties, callback); } window.TrackSuperProp = function (properties) { mixpanel.register(properties) } window.TrackSuperPropOnce = function (properties) { mixpanel.register_once(properties) } window.TrackPeopleProp = function (properties) { mixpanel.people.set(properties) } window.TrackTabClick = function (pageName, tabName, properties) { properties = addDefaultProperties(properties); properties.zType = 'TabClick'; properties.zPage = pageName; properties.zTab = tabName; window.Track('Action', properties); TrackSimpleConcordEvent('Tab Click'); } window.TrackActionClick = function (pageName, buttonName, properties) { properties = addDefaultProperties(properties); properties.zType = 'ButtonClick'; properties.zPage = pageName; properties.zButton = buttonName; window.Track('Action', properties); // Need to create an event in EventName for each combo here otherwise it's not very useful // to just know that a user clicked on a button but not what it was TrackSimpleConcordEvent('Button Click ' + pageName + ' ' + buttonName); } // Use this function to track user link clicks. You need a special function for this, since // the browser reloads a new page when the user clicks a link, before Mixpanel has a chance to // log the event. The mixpanel.track_links method waits for 300ms before giving up and moving to // the new link. query should be a jquery selector for the links to track. eventName is the event name // passed to mixpanel. properties is either a function of the DOM node that was clicked that returns the // event props, or a constant object of event props. window.TrackLinks = function (query, eventName, properties) { var newProperties; if (typeof properties === 'function') { // Wrap the function so we get all of the default properites newProperties = function (node) { var result = properties(node) return addDefaultProperties(result) } } else { newProperties = addDefaultProperties(properties); } mixpanel.track_links(query, eventName, newProperties); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" nonce="gFDBUhFyNF2ErrQg/uUmxQ=="> (function () { // Utility for running A/B tests on the website. An AB test is defined with a testName and an array of variants. // Each variant consists of a name, a jquery selector, and an initialize function that renders the variant in the website. // When a variant is run, the jquery selector is made visible and the initialize function is called. // The results of the test are saved to mixpanel. The test name is used as a super property in Mixpanel. The value // of the super property is the variant of the test that the user was shown. var ABTest = function (props) { = this.variants = props.variants this.defaultVariant = props.variants[0] this.initialized = false this.currentVariant = null // We need to know if mixpanel has been loaded and we can access the current user's properties. // You can pass in an onMixpanelLoad callback function, or use the default window.mixpanelLoader. // See _TrackingTop.cshtml for the code that loads mixpanel. if (typeof props.onMixpanelLoad === 'function') { this.onMixpanelLoad = props.onMixpanelLoad } else if (window.mixpanelLoader && typeof window.mixpanelLoader.onLoad === 'function') { this.onMixpanelLoad = window.mixpanelLoader.onLoad } else { this.onMixpanelLoad = function () { } } // How long to wait on mixpanel before giving up and showing the default variant this.timeout = 2000 // Gets the variant of the page for the current user. If they've already been assigned to a variant, // give them that one. Otherwise, assign them to a random variant. Parameter specifiedVariant allows // the caller to ask for a particular variant, without setting mixpanel super props. this.getVariant = function (specifiedVariant) { var variantName = specifiedVariant ? specifiedVariant : mixpanel.get_property( var variant = this.variants.find(function (v) { return === variantName }) if (!variant && !specifiedVariant) { // The user has not yet beeen assigned to a variant and one has not been specified by caller variant = this.getRandomVariant() props = {} props[] = mixpanel.register_once(props) } return variant } // Picks a variant uniformly at random this.getRandomVariant = function () { return this.variants[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.variants.length)] } this.getVariantSelector = function (variant) { return "." + + "-" + } // Renders the variant to the page this.showVariant = function (variant, callback) { // Hide all of the variants. this.hideVariants() // Show the dom elements associated with this particular variant $(this.getVariantSelector(variant)).show() // Variant definition can supply a callback if (typeof variant.initialize === 'function') { variant.initialize() } // Caller can supply a callback, either a function or an object with keys named // according to the variants if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(variant) } else if (typeof callback === 'object' && typeof callback[] === 'function') { callback[](variant) } this.currentVariant = variant } // Hides any variants that are currently showing in the page this.hideVariants = function () { var tmpThis = this this.variants.forEach(function (variant) { $(tmpThis.getVariantSelector(variant)).hide() }) } // Runs with a particular variant, but doesn't actually bucket the user (for debugging) this.runVariant = function (variantName, callback) { var variant = this.getVariant(variantName) this.initialized = true this.showVariant(variant, callback) } this.showSpinner = function () { $('.ab-loading.' + } this.hideSpinner = function () { $('.ab-loading.' + } // Runs the experiment = function (callback) { var tmpThis = this tmpThis.showSpinner() // The run method has already been called if (this.currentVariant && this.initialized) { callback(this.currentVariant) return } // We need to make sure mixpanel is loaded to check whether the user has already been assigned // to a variant. this.onMixpanelLoad(function () { if (tmpThis.initialized) { callback(tmpThis.currentVariant) return } tmpThis.initialized = true var variant = tmpThis.getVariant() tmpThis.showVariant(variant, callback) tmpThis.hideSpinner() }) // Just in case mixpanel doesn't load, we show them the default variant setTimeout(function () { if (tmpThis.initialized) { callback(tmpThis.currentVariant) return } tmpThis.initialized = true tmpThis.showVariant(tmpThis.defaultVariant, callback) tmpThis.hideSpinner() }, this.timeout) return this } } // Set up a global abTests object that's used to add/run tests in particular pages var tests = [] var abTests = {} var menuInitialized = false var isDebug = false abTests.addTest = function (props) { tests.push(new ABTest(props)) } abTests.getTest = function (name) { var test = tests.find(function (t) { return === name }) if (test) { return test } else { console.error('Could not find AB test: ' + String(name)) return { run: function () { } } } } // Functions below allow internal users to select ab test variants. Don't store this state // in mixpanel because mixpanel is not turned on for internal users. var localStorageAvailable = function () { var test = 'test' try { localStorage.setItem(test, test) localStorage.removeItem(test) return true } catch (e) { return false } } abTests.setSelectedVariant = function (testName, variantName) { if (!localStorageAvailable()) return localStorage.setItem(testName, variantName) } abTests.loadSelectedVariant = function (testName) { if (!localStorageAvailable()) return var variantName = localStorage.getItem(testName) if (variantName) { return variantName } else { return } } var highlightMenuVariant = function (testName, callback) { return function (variant) { callback(variant) if (isDebug) { $('.ab-menu-root .ab-test-name').filter(function () { return $(this).data('name') === testName }) .find('.ab-test-variant-name').each(function () { var thisVariant = $(this).data() || {} if ( === { $(this).addClass('ab-menu-highlight') } }) } } } abTests.runTest = function (name, callback) { // Check to see if there's a selected variant to override default ab behavior var selectedVariant = abTests.loadSelectedVariant(name) // Update the menu to display ab info if (!menuInitialized) abTests.initializeMenu() abTests.addToMenu(name) var newCallback = highlightMenuVariant(name, callback) if (selectedVariant) { return abTests.runTestVariant(name, selectedVariant, newCallback) } else { return abTests.getTest(name).run(newCallback) } } abTests.runTestVariant = function (name, variantName, callback) { var newCallback = highlightMenuVariant(name, callback) return abTests.getTest(name).runVariant(variantName, newCallback) } abTests.initializeMenu = function () { // Only initialize menu if in debug mode if (!isDebug) return var $menu = $('#ab-menu') if ($menu.length != 1) return $ var $root = $('.ab-menu-root') $root.hide() $('#ab-menu').find('.title').on('click', function () { $root.toggle() }) menuInitialized = true } abTests.addToMenu = function (testName) { if (!menuInitialized || !isDebug) return var test = abTests.getTest(testName) if (!test) return var $root = $('.ab-menu-root') var $testRoot = $('<li class="ab-test-name">' + testName + '</li>') ${name: testName}) $testRoot.appendTo($root) test.variants.forEach(function (variant) { var $variant = $('<li class="ab-test-variant-name"><a class="link" href="#">' + + '</a></li>') $ $variant.appendTo($testRoot) $variant.find('a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault() abTests.setSelectedVariant(testName, location.reload() }) }) } window.abTests = abTests /* leaving this here as an example abTests.addTest({ name: 'abSpecClickableHints', variants: [ { name: 'Clickable', useHintLinks: true }, { name: 'Not Clickable', useHintLinks: false } ] }) */ })() </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/web/20210819194224cs_/"/> </head> <body class="gsuite-root"> <div class="bodyWrapper"> <img src="/web/20210819194224im_/" alt="" class="hidden" style="display: none;"/> <script 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