Things 3 on the App Store
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KG, Productivity,Business, ios apps, app, appstore, app store, iphone, ipad, ipod touch, itouch, itunes"> <meta name="description" content="Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. Best of all, it’s easy t…"> <!----> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <!----> <!----> <meta name="apple:content_id" content="904237743"> <!----> <script name="schema:software-application" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"SoftwareApplication","name":"Things 3","description":"Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals.\n\nBest of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can start focusing on what matters today.\n\n“Things offers the best combination of design and functionality of any app we tested, with nearly all the features of other power user applications and a delightful interface that never gets in the way of your work.”\n—Wirecutter, The New York Times\n\n\nKEY FEATURES\n\n• Your To-Dos\nYour basic building block is the almighty To-Do—each a small step toward a great accomplishment. You can add notes, tag it, schedule it, and break it down into smaller steps.\n\n• Your Projects\nCreate a Project for any big goal, then add the to-dos to reach it. Use headings to structure your list as you outline your plan. There’s also a place to jot down your notes, and a deadline to keep you on schedule.\n\n• Your Areas\nCreate an Area for each sphere of your life, such as Work, Family, Finance, and so on. This keeps everything neatly organized, and helps you see the big picture as you set your plans in motion.\n\n• Your Plan\nEverything on your schedule is neatly laid out in the Today and Upcoming lists, which show your to-dos and calendar events. Each morning, see what you planned for Today and decide what you want to do. The rest is down to you :)\n\n\nMORE THINGS TO LOVE\n\nAs you dive deeper, you’ll find Things packed with helpful features. Here are just a few:\n\n• Reminders — set a time and Things will remind you.\n• Repeaters — automatically repeat to-dos on a schedule you set.\n• This Evening — a special place for your evening plans.\n• Calendar integration — see your events and to-dos together.\n• Tags — categorize your to-dos and quickly filter lists.\n• Quick Find — instantly find to-dos or switch between lists.\n• Magic Plus — drag the + button to insert to-dos anywhere in a list.\n• Share extension — create to-dos with content from other apps.\n• Widgets — see lists on your home/lock screens.\n• Mail to Things — forward an email to Things; now it’s a to-do.\n• Markdown — structure & style your notes.\n• And much more!\n\n\nMADE FOR IPHONE\n\nThings is tailored to the iPhone with deep system integrations as well. A great example is the Share extension, which allows you to create to-dos with content from other apps, such as a link to a website you want to get back to.\n\nYou can also enjoy a beautiful dark mode at sunset, connect your calendars, add a variety of widgets, create to-dos via Siri, import from Reminders—Things can do it all! There’s even Shortcuts integration if you want to automate your workflows.\n\n\nMADE FOR APPLE WATCH\n\nThings comes with a great app for Apple Watch. Just raise your wrist to glance at your Today list, mark to-dos complete as you go, and dictate new ones on the fly—all synced instantly with your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.\n\n\nAWARD-WINNING DESIGN\n\nMade in Stuttgart, with two Apple Design Awards to its name, Things is a fine example of German engineering: designed not only to look fantastic, but to be perfectly functional as well. Every detail is thoughtfully considered, then polished to perfection.\n\n“It’s like the unicorn of productivity tools: deep enough for serious work, surprisingly easy to use, and gorgeous enough to enjoy staring at.”\n—Apple\n\n\nGET THINGS TODAY\n\nWhatever it is you want to accomplish in life, Things can help you get there. Install the app today and see what you can do!\n\n• Things is also available for Mac, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro (sold separately).\n• Sync is provided for free via our Things Cloud service.\n• A free trial is available for Mac:\n\nIf you have any questions, please get in touch. We provide professional support and will be glad to help you!","screenshot":["","","","","","","","","","","",""],"image":"","applicationCategory":"Productivity","datePublished":"May 18, 2017","operatingSystem":"Requires iOS 15.0 and watchOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Cultured Code GmbH & Co. KG","url":""},"aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":4.8,"reviewCount":26024},"offers":{"@type":"Offer","price":9.99,"priceCurrency":"USD"}} </script> <!----> <meta property="og:title" content="Things 3"> <meta property="og:description" content="Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. Best of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can…"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="App Store"> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="Things 3 on the App Store"> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png"> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1200"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="630"> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=""> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Things 3"> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. Best of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can…"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@AppStore"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Things 3 on the App Store"> <!----> <meta name="version" content="2508.0.0"> <!-- @@HEAD@@ --> <script src=""></script> <script type="module" data-resources-url="" src=""></script> <script nomodule data-resources-url="" src=""></script> <link integrity="" rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/web-experience-app-real-6a8bd7d2e9810a83ddac4c52415e593a.css" data-rtl="/assets/web-experience-rtl-app-eaba3b398e66c36fa61a1a076027b1a1.css"> </head> <body class="no-js no-touch globalnav-scrim"> <script type="x/boundary" id="fastboot-body-start"></script><div id="globalheader"><aside id="globalmessage-segment" lang="en-US" dir="ltr" class="globalmessage-segment"><ul 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The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals.<br /><br />Best of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can start focusing on what matters today.<br /><br />“Things offers the best combination of design and functionality of any app we tested, with nearly all the features of other power user applications and a delightful interface that never gets in the way of your work.”<br />—Wirecutter, The New York Times<br /><br /><br />KEY FEATURES<br /><br />• Your To-Dos<br />Your basic building block is the almighty To-Do—each a small step toward a great accomplishment. You can add notes, tag it, schedule it, and break it down into smaller steps.<br /><br />• Your Projects<br />Create a Project for any big goal, then add the to-dos to reach it. Use headings to structure your list as you outline your plan. There’s also a place to jot down your notes, and a deadline to keep you on schedule.<br /><br />• Your Areas<br />Create an Area for each sphere of your life, such as Work, Family, Finance, and so on. This keeps everything neatly organized, and helps you see the big picture as you set your plans in motion.<br /><br />• Your Plan<br />Everything on your schedule is neatly laid out in the Today and Upcoming lists, which show your to-dos and calendar events. Each morning, see what you planned for Today and decide what you want to do. The rest is down to you :)<br /><br /><br />MORE THINGS TO LOVE<br /><br />As you dive deeper, you’ll find Things packed with helpful features. Here are just a few:<br /><br />• Reminders — set a time and Things will remind you.<br />• Repeaters — automatically repeat to-dos on a schedule you set.<br />• This Evening — a special place for your evening plans.<br />• Calendar integration — see your events and to-dos together.<br />• Tags — categorize your to-dos and quickly filter lists.<br />• Quick Find — instantly find to-dos or switch between lists.<br />• Magic Plus — drag the + button to insert to-dos anywhere in a list.<br />• Share extension — create to-dos with content from other apps.<br />• Widgets — see lists on your home/lock screens.<br />• Mail to Things — forward an email to Things; now it’s a to-do.<br />• Markdown — structure & style your notes.<br />• And much more!<br /><br /><br />MADE FOR IPHONE<br /><br />Things is tailored to the iPhone with deep system integrations as well. A great example is the Share extension, which allows you to create to-dos with content from other apps, such as a link to a website you want to get back to.<br /><br />You can also enjoy a beautiful dark mode at sunset, connect your calendars, add a variety of widgets, create to-dos via Siri, import from Reminders—Things can do it all! There’s even Shortcuts integration if you want to automate your workflows.<br /><br /><br />MADE FOR APPLE WATCH<br /><br />Things comes with a great app for Apple Watch. Just raise your wrist to glance at your Today list, mark to-dos complete as you go, and dictate new ones on the fly—all synced instantly with your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.<br /><br /><br />AWARD-WINNING DESIGN<br /><br />Made in Stuttgart, with two Apple Design Awards to its name, Things is a fine example of German engineering: designed not only to look fantastic, but to be perfectly functional as well. Every detail is thoughtfully considered, then polished to perfection.<br /><br />“It’s like the unicorn of productivity tools: deep enough for serious work, surprisingly easy to use, and gorgeous enough to enjoy staring at.”<br />—Apple<br /><br /><br />GET THINGS TODAY<br /><br />Whatever it is you want to accomplish in life, Things can help you get there. Install the app today and see what you can do!<br /><br />• Things is also available for Mac, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro (sold separately).<br />• Sync is provided for free via our Things Cloud service.<br />• A free trial is available for Mac:<br /><br />If you have any questions, please get in touch. We provide professional support and will be glad to help you!</p> <!----></div> </div> </div> </section> <!----> <section class="l-content-width section section--bordered whats-new"> <div class="section__nav section__nav--small"> <h2 class="whats-new__headline">What’s New</h2> <div class="version-history"> <!----> <!----></div> </div> <div class="l-row whats-new__content"> <div class="l-column small-12 medium-3 large-4 small-valign-top whats-new__latest"> <div class="l-row"> <time data-test-we-datetime datetime="2025-02-04T00:00:00.000Z" aria-label="February 4, 2025" class="" >Feb 4, 2025</time> <p class="l-column small-6 medium-12 whats-new__latest__version">Version 3.21.9</p> </div> </div> <div class="l-column small-12 medium-9 large-8 small-valign-top"> <div class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive " dir> <p dir="false" data-test-bidi>• Improved stability and bug fixes.<br /><br /><br />THINGS 3.21<br /><br />Things is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.<br /><br /><br />CONTROL CENTER<br /><br />iOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:<br /><br />• Create To-Do<br />Opens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.<br /><br />• List<br />Quickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.<br /><br />You can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.<br /><br /><br />DARK & TINTED HOME SCREENS<br /><br />iOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.<br /><br />• Dark Mode<br />Things has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!<br /><br />• Tinted Mode<br />Things’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.<br /><br /><br />LARGER WIDGETS<br /><br />Things’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.<br /><br /><br />KEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL<br /><br />Finally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.<br /><br /><br />READY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries<br /><br />When conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.<br /><br />1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”<br />2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”<br />3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”<br />4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)<br /><br />We’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.<br /><br /><br />We hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!</p> <!----></div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="l-content-width section section--bordered"> <div class="section__nav"> <h2 class="section__headline"> Ratings and Reviews </h2> <!----> </div> <div class="we-customer-ratings lockup"> <div class="l-row"> <div class="we-customer-ratings__stats l-column small-4 medium-6 large-4"> <div class="we-customer-ratings__averages"><span class="we-customer-ratings__averages__display">4.8</span> out of 5</div> <div class="we-customer-ratings__count small-hide medium-show">26K Ratings</div> </div> <div class=" l-column small-8 medium-6 large-4"> <figure class="we-star-bar-graph"> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__row"> <span class="we-star-bar-graph__stars we-star-bar-graph__stars--5"></span> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar"> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar__foreground-bar" style="width: 89%;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__row"> <span class="we-star-bar-graph__stars we-star-bar-graph__stars--4"></span> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar"> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar__foreground-bar" style="width: 7%;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__row"> <span class="we-star-bar-graph__stars we-star-bar-graph__stars--3"></span> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar"> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar__foreground-bar" style="width: 2%;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__row"> <span class="we-star-bar-graph__stars we-star-bar-graph__stars--2"></span> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar"> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar__foreground-bar" style="width: 1%;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__row"> <span class="we-star-bar-graph__stars "></span> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar"> <div class="we-star-bar-graph__bar__foreground-bar" style="width: 1%;"></div> </div> </div> </figure> <p class="we-customer-ratings__count medium-hide">26K Ratings</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="l-row l-row--peek"> <div id="ember19921" class="small-valign-top l-column--equal-height l-column--small-hide small-hide medium-show l-column small-4 medium-6 large-4"> <div> <!----> <!----></div> <div class="we-editor-notes lockup"> <div class="we-editor-notes__editor we-editor-notes--editor-choice"> <h3 class="we-editor-notes__editor__editor-choice">Editors’ Choice</h3> </div> <div class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive " dir> <p dir="false" data-test-bidi>Everyone needs a task manager–and this Apple Design Award winner is adaptable enough for anyone. Organizing items is as simple as dragging them where you want them, and the Magic Plus button makes it easy to add to-dos from anywhere in the app.</p> <!----></div> </div> </div> <div id="ember19923" class="small-valign-top l-column--equal-height l-column small-4 medium-6 large-4"> <div> <!----> <!----></div> <div aria-labelledby="we-customer-review-1057" class="we-customer-review lockup"> <figure class="we-star-rating we-customer-review__rating we-star-rating--large" aria-label="5 out of 5"> <span class="we-star-rating-stars-outlines"> <span class="we-star-rating-stars we-star-rating-stars-5"></span> </span> <!----></figure> <div class="we-customer-review__header we-customer-review__header--user"> <span class="we-truncate we-truncate--single-line we-customer-review__user" dir> Pen137 </span> <span class="we-customer-review__separator">, </span> <time data-test-customer-review-date datetime="2019-12-31T03:59:57.000Z" aria-label="December 31, 2019" class="we-customer-review__date" >12/31/2019</time> </div> <h3 class="we-truncate we-truncate--single-line we-customer-review__title" dir="ltr" id="we-customer-review-1057"> The Essential To Do App </h3> <blockquote class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive we-customer-review__body" dir> <p dir="false" data-test-bidi>Instead of boosting my productivity, my previous task management app had so many customization options that it actually ate away at my time. It became a procrastination tool. I could spend an hour entering dates, setting up filters, and customizing views only to realize at the end of that time that I hadn’t actually gotten anything done. In contrast, Things 3 is wonderfully simple and clarifying. It’s as powerful as my previous app, but it strips out all the distractions and the fussiness, leaving pure, easy-to-access essentials: tagging, scheduling & project organizing. The scheduling feature has been the real game changer for me. The app tracks due dates (if you have them) but—more importantly— you can also add a schedule date for each task. The interface makes it very easy to add, move, & view tasks in the schedule (while keeping due dates fixed). So you can plan your time (and easily rearrange that plan as needed). If you’re a GTD person, you can still use that methodology with Things 3 projects & tags. But I find that I do better by adding the accountability of a scheduled list of things that I want to get done on a particular day or in a particular week. Things 3 helps me organize and manage that schedule better than anything else I’ve found. And it gives me the powerhouse organization tool I need without sucking me down a rabbit hole of customization options.</p> <!----></blockquote> <!----></div> </div> <div id="ember19925" class="small-valign-top l-column--equal-height l-column small-4 medium-6 large-4"> <div> <!----> <!----></div> <div aria-labelledby="we-customer-review-1058" class="we-customer-review lockup"> <figure class="we-star-rating we-customer-review__rating we-star-rating--large" aria-label="5 out of 5"> <span class="we-star-rating-stars-outlines"> <span class="we-star-rating-stars we-star-rating-stars-5"></span> </span> <!----></figure> <div class="we-customer-review__header we-customer-review__header--user"> <span class="we-truncate we-truncate--single-line we-customer-review__user" dir> CourtC85 </span> <span class="we-customer-review__separator">, </span> <time data-test-customer-review-date datetime="2021-01-20T22:59:33.000Z" aria-label="January 20, 2021" class="we-customer-review__date" >01/20/2021</time> </div> <h3 class="we-truncate we-truncate--single-line we-customer-review__title" dir="ltr" id="we-customer-review-1058"> It’s worth it! </h3> <blockquote class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive we-customer-review__body" dir> <p dir="false" data-test-bidi>I have tried numerous apps to try to stay on top of what I need to do, reoccurring tasks, upcoming events, and my accomplishments each day. I’ve used free apps, one-time fee apps, and subscription based apps. I end up either deleting them immediately, or I eventually stop using them due to how inefficient they are, or I end up with several apps to cover all my needs. I tried just using a regular physical journal, which I do recommend and I still use; but it doesn’t help me with reoccurring tasks or my incredibly long list of things I need to do for a specific category. An example would be, I have a special needs child who needs specialized schooling and assistance with every day tasks. Getting him the help he needs is covered by various government services but requires numerous steps on my part to get each need of his covered. It would require me to have a large desk planner to have something like this (which is basically a project but a one person, non paid project) planned out on a physical planner; but this app eliminates that necessity. I’m still new to this app, and I’m certain that I’m not using it to its extent, but as of now, it has been the best to-do app I’ve come across; paid or free! I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to delete some of my other apps and replace them with Things3!</p> <!----></blockquote> <!----></div> </div> </div> <div class="l-row l-row--margin-top medium-hide"> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> </div> </section> <!----> <!----> <!----> <section class="l-content-width section section--bordered app-privacy"> <div class="section__nav"> <h2 class="section__headline section__headline--app-privacy"> App Privacy </h2> <div class="app-privacy--modal privacy-type--modal"> <!----> <!----></div> </div> <p> The developer, <span class="app-privacy__developer-name">Cultured Code GmbH & Co. KG</span>, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the <a href="">developer’s privacy policy</a>. </p> <div class="app-privacy__cards"> <div class="app-privacy__card"> <div class="privacy-type__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M32.09 61.568c16.185 0 29.586-13.43 29.586-29.587 0-16.186-13.43-29.587-29.616-29.587-16.157 0-29.558 13.4-29.558 29.587 0 16.156 13.43 29.587 29.587 29.587zm0-4.932c-13.692 0-24.628-10.964-24.628-24.655 0-13.692 10.907-24.656 24.598-24.656 13.691 0 24.656 10.964 24.685 24.656.03 13.69-10.965 24.655-24.656 24.655zm-.03-25.555c4.12.03 7.455-3.48 7.455-8.121 0-4.351-3.336-7.977-7.455-7.977s-7.455 3.626-7.455 7.977c0 4.64 3.336 8.092 7.455 8.121zM18.804 46.687h26.512c1.16 0 1.712-.754 1.712-1.827 0-3.162-4.786-11.4-14.968-11.4-10.181 0-14.967 8.238-14.967 11.4 0 1.073.55 1.827 1.711 1.827z"/></svg> </div> <h3 class="privacy-type__heading">Data Linked to You</h3> <p class="privacy-type__description">The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:</p> <ul class="privacy-type__items privacy-type__items--single-item"> <li classs="privacy-type__item"> <span class="privacy-type__grid"> <span class="privacy-type__grid-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="privacy-type__glyph privacy-type__glyph--user-content" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M10.227 24.818c0-6.378 3.38-9.713 9.803-9.713h30.333v-.563c0-4.643-2.366-6.987-7.076-6.987H9.122c-4.732 0-7.076 2.344-7.076 6.987v23.73c0 4.643 2.344 6.964 7.076 6.964h1.105V24.818zm10.14 31.28h34.188c4.687 0 7.076-2.344 7.076-6.986V25.156c0-4.62-2.389-6.964-7.076-6.964H20.368c-4.71 0-7.077 2.322-7.077 6.964v23.956c0 4.642 2.367 6.986 7.077 6.986zm8.655-19.2a5.232 5.232 0 01-5.229-5.229c0-2.862 2.344-5.228 5.229-5.228 2.862 0 5.205 2.366 5.205 5.228 0 2.885-2.343 5.228-5.205 5.228zM20.12 52.47c-2.028 0-3.2-1.15-3.2-3.2v-1.848l3.944-3.583c1.983-1.803 3.155-3.043 4.732-3.043 1.623 0 2.907 1.285 4.98 3.065l2.119 1.893 7.37-6.648c2.478-2.231 4.1-3.741 6.061-3.741 2.006 0 3.696 1.465 6.108 3.741l5.769 5.476v4.688c0 2.05-1.194 3.2-3.2 3.2H20.12z"/></svg> </span> <span class="privacy-type__grid-content privacy-type__data-category-heading">User Content</span> </span> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="app-privacy__card"> <div class="privacy-type__icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.36 17l3.208 3.208A24.23 24.23 0 007.39 32.235c0 13.44 10.93 24.374 24.366 24.374 4.374 0 8.483-1.159 12.035-3.186L47 56.631A28.616 28.616 0 0131.756 61C15.874 61 3 48.122 3 32.235A28.637 28.637 0 017.36 17zM9.77 6.642l47.588 47.606a2.204 2.204 0 010 3.11 2.206 2.206 0 01-3.111 0L6.632 9.753c-.829-.8-.856-2.283 0-3.11.826-.828 2.253-.886 3.138 0zM32.238 3C48.123 3 61 15.878 61 31.761c0 5.597-1.599 10.82-4.364 15.239l-3.208-3.209a24.221 24.221 0 003.182-12.03c0-13.437-10.934-24.37-24.372-24.37a24.223 24.223 0 00-12.03 3.18L17 7.363A28.628 28.628 0 0132.238 3zm-7.492 31L36 45H18.373C17.44 45 17 44.418 17 43.572c0-2.224 2.5-7.11 7.746-9.572zm6.915-20C35.733 14 39 17.634 39 22.002c0 2.419-.874 4.529-2.281 5.998L26 16.923C27.343 15.145 29.376 14 31.661 14z"/></svg> </div> <h3 class="privacy-type__heading">Data Not Linked to You</h3> <p class="privacy-type__description">The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:</p> <ul class="privacy-type__items privacy-type__items--single-item"> <li classs="privacy-type__item"> <span class="privacy-type__grid"> <span class="privacy-type__grid-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="privacy-type__glyph privacy-type__glyph--diagnostics" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M29.47 61.996h5.234c1.48 0 2.56-.882 2.873-2.332l1.48-6.258c1.109-.37 2.19-.797 3.128-1.252l5.49 3.357c1.223.768 2.617.654 3.64-.37l3.67-3.64c1.024-1.025 1.166-2.504.341-3.727l-3.356-5.433c.483-.995.91-2.02 1.223-3.043l6.314-1.508c1.45-.313 2.304-1.393 2.304-2.872v-5.149c0-1.45-.853-2.531-2.304-2.844l-6.257-1.508c-.37-1.166-.825-2.218-1.223-3.1l3.356-5.518c.796-1.223.711-2.617-.341-3.64l-3.727-3.67c-1.052-.967-2.303-1.138-3.555-.427l-5.575 3.442c-.91-.483-1.962-.91-3.129-1.28l-1.479-6.343c-.313-1.45-1.393-2.332-2.873-2.332h-5.233c-1.48 0-2.56.882-2.901 2.332l-1.48 6.286c-1.109.37-2.19.797-3.157 1.309l-5.518-3.414c-1.251-.71-2.531-.568-3.584.427l-3.697 3.67c-1.053 1.023-1.166 2.417-.342 3.64l3.328 5.518c-.37.882-.825 1.934-1.194 3.1l-6.258 1.508c-1.45.313-2.304 1.394-2.304 2.844v5.149c0 1.479.853 2.56 2.304 2.872l6.315 1.508c.312 1.024.739 2.048 1.194 3.043L8.85 47.774c-.853 1.223-.682 2.702.342 3.726l3.64 3.641c1.024 1.024 2.446 1.138 3.67.37l5.46-3.357c.968.455 2.02.882 3.13 1.252l1.479 6.258c.34 1.45 1.422 2.332 2.9 2.332zm2.618-19.683c-5.518 0-10.04-4.551-10.04-10.07 0-5.489 4.522-10.011 10.04-10.011 5.518 0 10.04 4.522 10.04 10.012 0 5.518-4.522 10.069-10.04 10.069z"/></svg> </span> <span class="privacy-type__grid-content privacy-type__data-category-heading">Diagnostics</span> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <p class="app-privacy__learn-more">Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. <a href="">Learn More</a></p> </section> <section class="l-content-width section section--bordered section--information"> <div> <h2 class="section__headline">Information</h2> <dl class="information-list information-list--app medium-columns l-row"> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top information-list__item--seller"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Seller</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition"> Cultured Code GmbH & Co. KG </dd> </div> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Size</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition" aria-label="122.6 megabytes">122.6 MB</dd> </div> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Category</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition"> <a href="" class="link" data-metrics-click="{"actionType":"navigate","actionUrl":"","targetType":"link","targetId":"GenrePage"}"> Productivity </a> </dd> </div> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Compatibility</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition"> <dl class="information-list__item__definition__item"> <dt class="information-list__item__definition__item__term"> iPhone </dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition__item__definition">Requires iOS 15.0 or later. </dd> </dl> <dl class="information-list__item__definition__item"> <dt class="information-list__item__definition__item__term"> iPod touch </dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition__item__definition">Requires iOS 15.0 or later. </dd> </dl> <dl class="information-list__item__definition__item"> <dt class="information-list__item__definition__item__term"> Apple Watch </dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition__item__definition">Requires watchOS 8.0 or later. </dd> </dl> </dd> </div> <!----> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Languages</dt> <dd class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive information-list__item__definition" dir> <p data-test-bidi>English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese</p> <!----></dd> </div> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dl class="information-list__item__definition__item"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Age Rating</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition"> 4+ <!----> </dd> </dl> <!----> </div> <!----> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Copyright</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition information-list__item__definition--copyright">© 2008-2025 Cultured Code</dd> </div> <div class="information-list__item l-column small-12 medium-6 large-4 small-valign-top"> <dt class="information-list__item__term medium-valign-top">Price</dt> <dd class="information-list__item__definition">$9.99</dd> </div> <!----> </dl> </div> <div class="small-hide medium-show"> <ul class="inline-list inline-list--app-extensions"> <li class="inline-list__item inline-list__item--margin-inline-end-large"> <a class="link icon icon-after icon-external" data-metrics-click="{"actionDetails":{"type":"developer"},"actionType":"navigate","actionUrl":"@@url@@","targetType":"link"}" href=""> Developer Website </a> </li> <li class="inline-list__item inline-list__item--margin-inline-end-large"> <a class="link icon icon-after icon-external" data-metrics-click="{"actionType":"navigate","targetType":"link","targetId":"LinkToAppSupport"}" href=""> App Support </a> </li> <li class="inline-list__item inline-list__item--margin-inline-end-large"> <a class="link icon icon-after icon-external" data-metrics-click="{"actionType":"navigate","targetType":"link","targetId":"LinkToPrivacyPolicy"}" href=""> Privacy Policy </a> </li> <!----><!----> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="section section--link-list l-content-width medium-hide"> <ul class="link-list link-list--a"> <li class="link-list__item link-list__item--a"> <a class="link icon icon-after icon-external" data-metrics-click="{"actionDetails":{"type":"developer"},"actionType":"navigate","actionUrl":"@@url@@","targetType":"link"}" href=""> Developer Website </a> </li> <li class="link-list__item link-list__item--a"> <a class="link icon icon-after icon-external" data-metrics-click="{"actionType":"navigate","targetType":"link","targetId":"LinkToAppSupport"}" href=""> App Support </a> </li> <!----> <li class="link-list__item link-list__item--a"> <a class="link icon icon-after icon-external" data-metrics-click="{"actionType":"navigate","targetType":"link","targetId":"LinkToPrivacyPolicy"}" href=""> Privacy Policy </a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="l-content-width section section--bordered"> <div class="section__nav"> <h2 class="section__headline">Supports</h2> </div> <ul class="supports-list l-row"> <li class="supports-list__item l-column l-column--grid small-12 medium-6 large-4"> <img src="/assets/images/supports/supports-FamilySharing@2x-f58f31bc78fe9fe7be3565abccbecb34.png" class="supports-list__item__artwork" alt role="presentation"> <div class="supports-list__item__copy"> <h3 class="we-truncate we-truncate--single-line supports-list__item__copy__heading" dir="ltr"> Family Sharing </h3> <h4 class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive supports-list__item__copy__description" dir> <p data-test-bidi>Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled.</p> <!----></h4> </div> </li> <li class="supports-list__item l-column l-column--grid small-12 medium-6 large-4"> <img src="/assets/images/supports/supports-Siri@2x-24823d6579e391abe63d240af5ed42d2.png" class="supports-list__item__artwork" alt role="presentation"> <div class="supports-list__item__copy"> <h3 class="we-truncate we-truncate--single-line supports-list__item__copy__heading" dir="ltr"> Siri </h3> <h4 class="we-truncate we-truncate--multi-line we-truncate--interactive supports-list__item__copy__description" dir> <p data-test-bidi>Get things done within this app 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KG\",\"isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible\":false,\"sellerLabel\":\"Seller\",\"platformAttributes\":{\"ios\":{\"seller\":\"Cultured Code GmbH \u0026 Co. KG\",\"copyright\":\"© 2008-2025 Cultured Code\",\"minimumMacOSVersion\":\"12.0\",\"description\":{\"standard\":\"Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals.\\n\\nBest of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can start focusing on what matters today.\\n\\n“Things offers the best combination of design and functionality of any app we tested, with nearly all the features of other power user applications and a delightful interface that never gets in the way of your work.”\\n—Wirecutter, The New York Times\\n\\n\\nKEY FEATURES\\n\\n• Your To-Dos\\nYour basic building block is the almighty To-Do—each a small step toward a great accomplishment. You can add notes, tag it, schedule it, and break it down into smaller steps.\\n\\n• Your Projects\\nCreate a Project for any big goal, then add the to-dos to reach it. Use headings to structure your list as you outline your plan. There’s also a place to jot down your notes, and a deadline to keep you on schedule.\\n\\n• Your Areas\\nCreate an Area for each sphere of your life, such as Work, Family, Finance, and so on. This keeps everything neatly organized, and helps you see the big picture as you set your plans in motion.\\n\\n• Your Plan\\nEverything on your schedule is neatly laid out in the Today and Upcoming lists, which show your to-dos and calendar events. Each morning, see what you planned for Today and decide what you want to do. The rest is down to you :)\\n\\n\\nMORE THINGS TO LOVE\\n\\nAs you dive deeper, you’ll find Things packed with helpful features. Here are just a few:\\n\\n• Reminders — set a time and Things will remind you.\\n• Repeaters — automatically repeat to-dos on a schedule you set.\\n• This Evening — a special place for your evening plans.\\n• Calendar integration — see your events and to-dos together.\\n• Tags — categorize your to-dos and quickly filter lists.\\n• Quick Find — instantly find to-dos or switch between lists.\\n• Magic Plus — drag the + button to insert to-dos anywhere in a list.\\n• Share extension — create to-dos with content from other apps.\\n• Widgets — see lists on your home/lock screens.\\n• Mail to Things — forward an email to Things; now it’s a to-do.\\n• Markdown — structure \u0026 style your notes.\\n• And much more!\\n\\n\\nMADE FOR IPHONE\\n\\nThings is tailored to the iPhone with deep system integrations as well. A great example is the Share extension, which allows you to create to-dos with content from other apps, such as a link to a website you want to get back to.\\n\\nYou can also enjoy a beautiful dark mode at sunset, connect your calendars, add a variety of widgets, create to-dos via Siri, import from Reminders—Things can do it all! There’s even Shortcuts integration if you want to automate your workflows.\\n\\n\\nMADE FOR APPLE WATCH\\n\\nThings comes with a great app for Apple Watch. Just raise your wrist to glance at your Today list, mark to-dos complete as you go, and dictate new ones on the fly—all synced instantly with your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.\\n\\n\\nAWARD-WINNING DESIGN\\n\\nMade in Stuttgart, with two Apple Design Awards to its name, Things is a fine example of German engineering: designed not only to look fantastic, but to be perfectly functional as well. Every detail is thoughtfully considered, then polished to perfection.\\n\\n“It’s like the unicorn of productivity tools: deep enough for serious work, surprisingly easy to use, and gorgeous enough to enjoy staring at.”\\n—Apple\\n\\n\\nGET THINGS TODAY\\n\\nWhatever it is you want to accomplish in life, Things can help you get there. Install the app today and see what you can do!\\n\\n• Things is also available for Mac, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro (sold separately).\\n• Sync is provided for free via our Things Cloud service.\\n• A free trial is available for Mac:\\n\\nIf you have any questions, please get in touch. We provide professional support and will be glad to help you!\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"is32bitOnly\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":true,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved stability and bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.21\\n\\nThings is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-04T13:35:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug where an item from Anytime didn’t display a yellow dot after being moved into Today by the arrival of a deadline.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.21\\n\\nThings is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-14T11:54:08Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug which could prevent an item’s modification date from updating.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.21\\n\\nThings is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-10T09:29:55Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved haptic feedback when dragging to-dos.\\n• Added support for dismissing the keyboard when editing a reminder time by tapping outside the time popup.\\n• Fixed a bug where, in some very specific scenarios, notes could take longer to get in sync.\\n• Fixed a crash that could occur when re-entering the password after it had been changed on another device.\\n• Fixed crash that could occur for some users when launching the app on Apple Watch.\\n• Many other fixes and improvements under the hood.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.21\\n\\nThings is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-11T10:38:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Tweaked the behavior of the selection state to more closely match the behavior on Mac.\\n• Fixed a bug where dragging and releasing a project’s first logged to-do could cause it to be marked incomplete.\\n• Fixed a crash that could potentially occur after the contents of the list were changed.\\n• Various other changes under the hood.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.21\\n\\nThings is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-10T12:41:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved stability and bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.21\\n\\nThings is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-22T09:31:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Things is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\\n\\n\\n---\\n\\n\\nNew in 3.21.3:\\n• Fixed a bug where recently typed text could be lost when tabbing out of a field.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-19T18:56:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Things is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\\n\\n\\n---\\n\\n\\nNew in 3.21.2:\\n• Fixed a bug where, when creating a new to-do in the popover view, the last entered checklist item would be lost if the cursor was in that row when tapping Save.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-17T19:31:07Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Things is ready for iOS 18 and watchOS 11, with new Control Center buttons and support for the new Dark and Tinted Home Screen appearances. Plus, we’ve laid the groundwork for upcoming integration with Apple Intelligence.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nREADY FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming later to some countries\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things will support four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T23:06:49Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.21\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Things is ready for iOS 18 \u0026 watchOS 11! Improvements include support for Apple Intelligence, Control Center and Lock Screen controls, dark \u0026 tinted Home Screens, and more.\\n\\n\\nSUPPORT FOR APPLE INTELLIGENCE - coming in October to some regions\\n\\nWhen conversing with Siri, Things now supports four different kinds of commands. We recommend trying these once Apple Intelligence is made available in your country. See Apple’s website for more information.\\n\\n1. Create a new to-do: “Remind me to ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n2. Search for a to-do: “Search for ‘Call Tim’ in Things.”\\n3. Show a list: “Show my Today list in Things.”\\n4. Edit a to-do: “Complete the second to-do.” (you can also edit a to-do’s title or reminder time)\\n\\nWe’ve also adjusted Things to smoothly integrate the new Writing Tools once they become available.\\n\\n\\nCONTROL CENTER\\n\\niOS 18 introduces a new way to control apps from your iPhone’s Control Center, which is accessible when swiping down from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can add two types of controls for Things:\\n\\n• Create To-Do\\nOpens Things to a new to-do, ready to type.\\n\\n• List\\nQuickly jumps into any list in Things, such as Today, your Errands tag, or a project. To choose which list, flip the control over like you would when configuring a widget.\\n\\nYou can also place these controls at the bottom of your iPhone’s Lock Screen for even quicker access.\\n\\n\\nDARK \u0026 TINTED HOME SCREENS\\n\\niOS 18 provides two new appearance modes for your Home Screen and Things supports them both.\\n\\n• Dark Mode\\nThings has a beautiful new dark app icon. Switch your device to Dark Mode to see how it looks!\\n\\n• Tinted Mode\\nThings’ app icon and widgets also adapt to your color of choice in the new Tinted Mode. To see how it looks, choose “Tinted” when customizing your Home Screen.\\n\\n\\nLARGER WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets can be made slightly larger on iOS 18 by setting your Home Screen to “Large”. This hides the labels under widgets and app icons, providing a bit more room. Things’ layout smartly adapts to the new size and even shows more of your list in some configurations.\\n\\n\\nKEYBOARD LANGUAGE RECALL\\n\\nFinally, there’s a neat little improvement for our multilingual users: If you wrote one of your to-dos in another language, Things now remembers that and switches the keyboard back to that language when you next edit that to-do.\\n\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy using Things on iOS 18 and watchOS 11!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T09:08:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved performance of lists.\\n• Changed behavior in multi-select mode: tapping in an empty space no longer clears the selection.\\n• Fixed the behavior of auto-shift in bullet lists for upcoming OS versions.\\n• Fixed a bug that allowed the scrollbar to sometimes interfere with dragging to reorder checklist items.\\n• Fixed a bug where a link wasn’t correctly formatted when dropping an email into an expanded to-do.\\n• Fixed a crash that could occur when editing a to-do’s repetition settings after making changes to its title or notes.\\n• Reduced memory usage when logging in to Things Cloud.\\n• Many other small fixes and improvements under the hood.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-02T09:12:58Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug that could make searches slow.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T14:31:51Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug that broke auto-capitalization after bullets and Markdown headings on iOS betas.\\n• Fixed a bug that prevented import from Todoist for some users.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T13:04:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Things now requires iOS 15 or later.\\n• Tweaked projects’ progress rings.\\n• Updated Things Cloud’s login screens.\\n• Fixed a crash that could occur when a change was made to a particularly large database.\\n• Fixed crashes that could occur in certain scenarios when creating to-dos in projects.\\n• Added some missing localizations.\\n• Many other improvements under the hood.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-12T13:17:11Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug where tapping a URL would sometimes fail to open the link.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-11T10:11:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed some bugs when tapping on notes to start editing text or to open a link.\\n• Fixed a bug that caused incorrect spacing between rows while dragging areas.\\n• Fixed a bug that caused the reminder time in expanded to-dos and projects to be incorrectly styled.\\n• Fixed a bug where tapping on a to-do created via Siri would not reveal the to-do in Things.\\n• Fixed a bug where, when copying and pasting a repeating to-do that generates deadlines, the pasted item would be assigned an arbitrary deadline.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-04T13:37:29Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved stability and bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-20T19:25:29Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved stability and bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-19T18:02:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed an animation glitch during onboarding.\\n• Fixed an animation glitch that could occur when going in/out of select mode.\\n• Fixed a bug where certain fonts were incorrectly sized in dialogs.\\n• Fixed a bug where checklist items could sometimes be duplicated when hitting Return.\\n• Improved the localization in Traditional Chinese.\\n• Improved Todoist import and added support for project sections.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-18T11:07:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.20.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Made date detection diacritic-insensitive to avoid conversion to bullets when the date is at the start of a line.\\n• Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to show Things’ share sheet in more than one app at a time.\\n• Updated some localizations.\\n• Various changes under the hood to align with Things for Vision Pro.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-16T08:33:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.19.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Improved stability and bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-22T18:04:44Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.19.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug that could prevent the Watch app from launching for some users.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-20T15:05:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.19.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Added a new setting on the backside of Widgets for disabling their interactivity (i.e. you can now disable the checkbox). PLEASE NOTE: Widgets must be deleted and re-added for the new option to appear.\\n• Further improved the layout of Widgets, including tightening the layout to show more to-dos (in some cases) if the checkbox is disabled.\\n• Tweaked the “New To-Do” complication icon for monochrome watch faces.\\n• Fixed some issues with pasting links from certain apps.\\n• Fixed a bug where the first day in Upcoming would show as the name of the weekday rather than “Tomorrow”.\\n• Fixed a bug where the “Later Projects” list header icon was not displayed correctly.\\n• Fixed a bug where the backward navigation gesture could conflict with a long press on a checkbox, leaving the complete/cancel menu visible after going back.\\n• Fixed a bug where the Quick Action icons were missing when long-pressing the app’s icon.\\n• Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting checklist items via the slide-to-type keyboard.\\n• Fixed some French localization bugs in the Logbook.\\n• Many other fixes and improvements under the hood.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-19T17:39:16Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.19.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Fixed a bug where, when to-dos were moved into a repeating project, they would keep their existing dates and completion status.\\n• Fixed a crash that occurred when Things automatically cleaned up empty to-dos at the bottom of a list.\\n• Fixed some crashes that could occur when updating lists that were not currently displayed.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-13T09:47:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.19.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• Worked around an issue that prevented installation of the app on devices running watchOS 8.\\n• Things now requires watchOS 8 or later.\\n• Fixed a bug in widgets where tapping a to-do or the + button would not work as expected on iOS 16 or earlier.\\n• Fixed a crash that could occur when editing the schedule of an item that repeats yearly.\\n\\n\\nTHINGS 3.19\\n\\nThis update brings support for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, including Interactive Widgets and other great improvements.\\n\\n\\nINTERACTIVE WIDGETS\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now interactive. This means that you can complete your to-dos right on the Home Screen, without having to open the app:\\n\\n• Tap a to-do’s checkbox to mark it complete.\\n• Tap a to-do’s title to reveal it in Things.\\n\\n\\nWIDGETS EVERYWHERE\\n\\nThings’ widgets are now available in more places than ever. Once you’ve upgraded to the latest OS versions, you can add them to:\\n\\n• Your iPad’s Lock Screen.\\n• Your iPhone’s new StandBy mode, which is activated when the device is on its side and connected to power.\\n• Your Watch’s new Smart Stack, which is revealed by swiping up from the bottom of the watch face.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE WATCH\\n\\nWe’ve adjusted Things to fit in nicely with the new design of watchOS 10, and modernized the app under-the-hood.\\n\\nThings for Apple Watch now requires watchOS 7 or later.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-01T09:37:45Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"minimumXROSVersion\":\"1.0\",\"languageList\":[\"English\",\"French\",\"German\",\"Italian\",\"Japanese\",\"Russian\",\"Simplified Chinese\",\"Spanish\",\"Traditional Chinese\"],\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"Feature-filled task manager\",\"standard\":\"Everyone needs a task manager–and this Apple Design Award winner is adaptable enough for anyone. 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of boosting my productivity, my previous task management app had so many customization options that it actually ate away at my time. It became a procrastination tool. I could spend an hour entering dates, setting up filters, and customizing views only to realize at the end of that time that I hadn’t actually gotten anything done. In contrast, Things 3 is wonderfully simple and clarifying. It’s as powerful as my previous app, but it strips out all the distractions and the fussiness, leaving pure, easy-to-access essentials: tagging, scheduling \u0026 project organizing. The scheduling feature has been the real game changer for me. The app tracks due dates (if you have them) but—more importantly— you can also add a schedule date for each task. The interface makes it very easy to add, move, \u0026 view tasks in the schedule (while keeping due dates fixed). So you can plan your time (and easily rearrange that plan as needed). If you’re a GTD person, you can still use that methodology with Things 3 projects \u0026 tags. But I find that I do better by adding the accountability of a scheduled list of things that I want to get done on a particular day or in a particular week. Things 3 helps me organize and manage that schedule better than anything else I’ve found. And it gives me the powerhouse organization tool I need without sucking me down a rabbit hole of customization options.\",\"rating\":5,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"Pen137\",\"title\":\"The Essential To Do App\"}},{\"id\":\"6893903083\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2021-01-20T22:59:33Z\",\"review\":\"I have tried numerous apps to try to stay on top of what I need to do, reoccurring tasks, upcoming events, and my accomplishments each day. I’ve used free apps, one-time fee apps, and subscription based apps. I end up either deleting them immediately, or I eventually stop using them due to how inefficient they are, or I end up with several apps to cover all my needs. I tried just using a regular physical journal, which I do recommend and I still use; but it doesn’t help me with reoccurring tasks or my incredibly long list of things I need to do for a specific category. An example would be, I have a special needs child who needs specialized schooling and assistance with every day tasks. Getting him the help he needs is covered by various government services but requires numerous steps on my part to get each need of his covered. It would require me to have a large desk planner to have something like this (which is basically a project but a one person, non paid project) planned out on a physical planner; but this app eliminates that necessity. I’m still new to this app, and I’m certain that I’m not using it to its extent, but as of now, it has been the best to-do app I’ve come across; paid or free! I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to delete some of my other apps and replace them with Things3!\",\"rating\":5,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"CourtC85\",\"title\":\"It’s worth it!\"}},{\"id\":\"8213123916\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2022-01-07T05:53:21Z\",\"review\":\"I purchased this on my MacBook and on my iPhone. I was hesitant to purchase because I have bought countless things to help me get organized — planners, calendars, to-do lists, sticky notes, and utilized countless modalities — paper and pen, GoodNotes5, Google Keep, Google Tasks, YOU NAME IT! Nothing has really helped me, and I have probably wasted hundreds of dollars.\\n\\nLet me start off by saying that I am a very type A person and extremely productive, but I am also obnoxiously busy every day and have ADHD. It is hard for me to focus on what is the most important thing to do to because there’s just so much of it. I am currently a teacher, planning my wedding, I own an apartment building, and have so many other things on my plate. So, when my to-do list gets too long (AKA at about noon everyday), I become completely overwhelmed. I don’t know where to start or how to prioritize.\\n\\nThis app is truly life changing for me. There’s no thrills and it only has what’s important. I can focus on what needs to be done without distractions. It helps me prioritize, I can schedule things out in advance, remind myself of things, organize projects, break difficult tasks into smaller steps, etc. I am SO beyond impressed with these apps and there features, and I am thrilled to have found them to start my year off right!\",\"rating\":5,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"Missgazz\",\"title\":\"Just get it!\"}},{\"id\":\"10893216362\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2024-02-02T15:34:48Z\",\"review\":\"I’ve been using this app for almost three years and it’s been fantastic, but I do have a suggestion that I think will make this app even better. When you look at your list of to-do’s, the app only lists each out in a single line. This is the case for notifications as well. Sometimes when I write a to-do, it’s over a sentence long and it would be nice to read all of it in one go without having to tap on it to expand it just so I can read it all. \\n\\nAny to-do longer than approximately five words is cut off and an ellipses is added to the end. This is even worse when you have a deadline set because it shows that label on the far right side of the to-do, taking up that much extra space. Something as simple as allowing text to use two lines instead of one would be wonderful. Hopefully this can be changed in an update. What inspired me to write this review was how I’d be notified of a to-do and I could complete it right from that banner BUT, I’d still end up opening the app to confirm all what I wrote instead of completing the to-do right from the Notification Center. Other than all of this, it’s a great app.\",\"rating\":5,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"lowstarz\",\"title\":\"Great app, just one suggestion\"}},{\"id\":\"12051906434\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2024-12-11T18:29:26Z\",\"review\":\"I love the flow of the app. It feels really good to use and I like that it isn’t overflowing with complication. One thing that I would love, which may seem a little redundant, would be to have tasks able to be locked until other specific tasks are marked off. Kind of like the checklist feature, except if it could be with other tasks from anywhere. Like having a “Long Term Goals” Area with something like “Get a job in so and so career”, but it couldn’t be marked off until you marked off “Graduate” under the “School” Area. Sure you can do that without a feature like this, and you can pretty much do that with individual Projects, but it would be cool to see that work across all your Areas and Projects, leading up to one big goal. It would be like different paths are unlocking, and I think it would be distinct enough to act different than Projects themselves. Another example would be a Project to finish reading a book, with Tasks being “Finish chapter one”, “Finish chapter two”, etc. Finishing the book would be the goal of the Project, but what if there was a “Start a book club” Project or Task that only unlocked once you marked off finishing chapter one? I think that would be exciting to open and unlock things like that.\",\"rating\":4,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"unauthorized_user\",\"title\":\"Satisfying to use! I have some ideas\"}},{\"id\":\"10571968946\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2023-11-10T23:06:20Z\",\"developerResponse\":{\"id\":39480583,\"body\":\"You can actually change the default behavior in settings and make it so that to-dos don't move to the Logbook immediately. If you have any further trouble or questions, please feel free to drop us a message here:\",\"modified\":\"2023-10-12T15:22:34Z\"},\"review\":\"Update: I was too harsh. I do like some features of Things 3. It’s much easier to move a to do item to a future date. There are still some cosmetic options I would like—lines between items, a graying out of the background for a completed task rather than just the text, keeping the title of the task visible when selecting a new date for it. But overall I like the functionality of Things 3. My opposition to design change for the sake of design change stands. \\n\\nI have loved using Things 2 for years. It was the simple, elegant to do list I need. With Things 3, once an item is checked (even accidentally), it disappears—so I am scrambling to undo if I even notice that an item is gone, or at best, I don’t see what I’ve accomplished. I liked to have a blank, checked off item that I could use as a divider between sections of my to do list—no longer possible in Things 3. There are no longer lines between items, so everything appears to have melted into one giant mass of tasks. In a to do list app, I am looking for efficiency. I am not looking for change just for the sake of change and new bells and whistles. Why not just let Things 3 users select the Things 2 interface if they prefer it?\",\"rating\":4,\"isEdited\":true,\"userName\":\"ELHH83\",\"title\":\"A fix for what wasn’t broken; but good functionality\"}},{\"id\":\"7669570106\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2021-08-08T15:27:13Z\",\"review\":\"I am always hesitant about paying for something without really knowing everything about it beforehand, however I am pleased with my purchase and thrilled with this App. It has all the bells and whistles without being cumbersome or overwhelming. The tutorial walked me through learning everything and if I ever need a refresher I can take the tutorial again. I have been using the free version of another to do list but it fell short. Even the paid version didn’t have the ability to make things easy to sort, manage and use. This THINGS App has well organized screen views, the ability to change a task to a project easily and I’m not quite sure how to describe it, but it just flows well and visually makes sense. I have difficulty sorting things out in my head, on paper and with other lists Apps, but the Things drag and drop feature helps to sort, manage and organize easily. The only drawback is the lack of PC usage. Sometimes it is nice to brain dump by typing with all ten digits. Hope the developers decide to add that functionality someday. Other than that, I say Bravo! I LOVE THIS APP and it has already made me more productive.\",\"rating\":5,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"North Idaho Niel\",\"title\":\"Love it!\"}},{\"id\":\"4392925417\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2019-06-30T18:52:00Z\",\"review\":\"I am one of those who seldom spare time to write reviews. By the way in the 7+ years I have been an Apple products consumer, this is probably the third time at most I am writing a review for an App.\\nI have dreamed for an app like this one many years before. I used to scan the App Store to download top rated apps, but I could never find the type of app I was looking for. They just weren’t practical. For instance sometimes you want to write down something that just popped in your head. You don’t want to worry about figuring out then if it’s a reminder or a To-do or just a note. You don’t want to worry about setting it for a specific day and a specific time. You just want to quickly jot it down in your To-dos/ reminder/ notes and be able to easily access it and take care of details later.\\nI had given up on my hope of finding an app that would solve this type issue. So for the past few years, I had just been relying on the iOS default note app. \\nI have been using this app now for a few months and it has everything I have ever dreamed of in a To-do/ reminder app. Honestly I am beyond satisfied. I have now found “the piece of resistance of my existence”!!\",\"rating\":5,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"bkgadam\",\"title\":\"Dream come True\"}},{\"id\":\"7726105492\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2021-08-23T16:41:05Z\",\"review\":\"I have to say that I love this app and don’t know how I’ve survived so long without it. I love the simple concept of typing up a thing you want to do, then assigning it to a day in the future so you don’t have to worry about it until then. Building out projects is a great way to keep track of things as well. I especially love the ability to integrate the Apple Calendar into the app so I can see everything at once. \\n\\nI do have one small gripe though. I use this app to keep track of regular monthly bills and when they are coming due. My current system is that I pay forward all the bills that are due before my next paycheck. This ensures I’m always early. However, there’s no way to mark a recurring task as complete before they populate in the Today field. This means I have to keep track of which bills I’ve paid in my head until they come due and I can check them off. It’s very annoying. Other task apps I’ve used allowed me to check them off early, so why not this one?\\n\\nUnfortunately, this one thing, while small, is so annoying that it affects my overall headspace, so until it’s fixed I can only give it 4 stars.\",\"rating\":4,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"Ndustrialhippie\",\"title\":\"Simply perfect. Almost…\"}},{\"id\":\"9601273022\",\"type\":\"user-reviews\",\"attributes\":{\"date\":\"2023-02-10T02:09:53Z\",\"developerResponse\":{\"id\":34829780,\"body\":\"Hey there! When we released Things 3 in May 2017, we *continued* to offer support for Things 2, the old app. And despite discontinuing Things 2 (after more than 5 years of free updates, free new features, and free sync), the mobile apps continued to work for years on iOS versions which we hadn't even build Things 2 for. Sync for Things 2 was discontinued in 2020 due to technical reasons – a full three years (!) after the app had already been retired. So we really did our best to ensure that our existing users had a very long transition period, and weren't pressured into an update if they weren't ready for it yet.\",\"modified\":\"2023-02-13T08:51:02Z\"},\"review\":\"I would readily pay all $80 the developers want from us for this app suite! It is overall excellent and exactly what I was looking for in a to-do app. However, when I purchase a suite such as this, I assume that I will be able to use it at its current level of functionality for several years -- to put it on the same price level as $30/year subscription services like its peers. When things 3 came out, the developers dropped support for syncing in things 2! This is absolutely unacceptable as if I didn't want syncing I would not pay the extra $30 for the iPhone and iPad apps. I do not expect the developers to maintain expensive servers indefinitely, however. \\n\\nThe developers need to add support for syncing over iCloud like most other syncing apps on the App store, or my rating will remain low as I expect upon the advent of things 4, sync support will once again be dropped. This would allow users to use the $80 software suite that they paid for for as long as they choose, and purchase the new version if they feel the features so warrant it, not because the developers feel as though it is appropriate to extort users by disrupting their use of the existing software.\",\"rating\":2,\"isEdited\":false,\"userName\":\"big_pharrma\",\"title\":\"Excellent App but needs critical improvement to avoid being money sink\"}}]},\"top-in-apps\":{\"href\":\"/v1/catalog/us/apps/904237743/top-in-apps?l=en-US\",\"data\":[]},\"developer-other-apps\":{\"href\":\"/v1/catalog/us/apps/904237743/developer-other-apps?l=en-US\",\"data\":[]},\"related-editorial-items\":{\"href\":\"/v1/catalog/us/apps/904237743/related-editorial-items?l=en-US\",\"data\":[]},\"customers-also-bought-apps\":{\"href\":\"/v1/catalog/us/apps/904237743/customers-also-bought-apps?l=en-US\",\"next\":\"/v1/catalog/us/apps/904237743/customers-also-bought-apps?l=en-US\u0026offset=10\",\"data\":[{\"id\":\"1306893526\",\"type\":\"apps\",\"href\":\"/v1/catalog/us/apps/1306893526?l=en-US\",\"attributes\":{\"distributionKind\":\"APP_STORE\",\"supportsArcade\":false,\"isFirstPartyHideableApp\":false,\"privacy\":{\"privacyTypes\":[{\"privacyType\":\"Data Not Linked to You\",\"identifier\":\"DATA_NOT_LINKED_TO_YOU\",\"description\":\"The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:\",\"dataCategories\":[{\"dataCategory\":\"Purchases\",\"identifier\":\"PURCHASES\"},{\"dataCategory\":\"Identifiers\",\"identifier\":\"IDENTIFIERS\"},{\"dataCategory\":\"Usage Data\",\"identifier\":\"USAGE_DATA\"},{\"dataCategory\":\"Diagnostics\",\"identifier\":\"DIAGNOSTICS\"}]}]},\"contentRatingsBySystem\":{\"appsApple\":{\"name\":\"4+\",\"value\":100,\"rank\":1}},\"deviceFamilies\":[\"mac\",\"watch\",\"iphone\",\"ipad\",\"ipod\"],\"supportsStreamlinedBuy\":true,\"url\":\"\",\"userRating\":{\"value\":4.7,\"ratingCount\":3963,\"ratingCountList\":[108,40,118,407,3290],\"ariaLabelForRatings\":\"4.7 stars\"},\"watchBundleId\":\"com.staysorted.Sorted.watchkitapp\",\"firstVersionSupportingInAppPurchaseApi\":\"3.0\",\"genreDisplayName\":\"Productivity\",\"name\":\"Sorted³ - Calendar Notes Tasks\",\"isPreorder\":false,\"artistName\":\"StaySorted Limited\",\"reviewsRestricted\":false,\"isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible\":false,\"requirementsByDeviceFamily\":{\"ipod\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"iPod touch\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires iOS 15.6 or later.\"},\"iphone\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"iPhone\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires iOS 15.6 or later.\"},\"watch\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"Apple Watch\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires watchOS 6.0 or later.\"},\"ipad\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"iPad\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires iPadOS 15.6 or later.\"},\"mac\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"Mac\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires macOS 10.15 or later.\"},\"realityDevice\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"Apple Vision\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires visionOS 1.0 or later.\"}},\"minimumWatchOSVersion\":\"6.0\",\"platformAttributes\":{\"osx\":{\"description\":{\"standard\":\"FREE forever. Also check out the PRO features for 14 days.\\n\\nNO Subscription! Get PRO to gain the full power of Sorted³ once and for all. PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nSorted³ has been featured by Apple as [App Of The Day], [Apps We Love Right Now] \u0026 [Get Stuff Done] in 130+ regions.\\n\\nWe've now rebuilt the app from the ground up to make it even easier (and more fun) to hyper-schedule your entire day from a single place.\\n\\nAs you start integrating Sorted³ into your daily workflow, you'll notice 3 foundational benefits:\\n\\n● Unified Timeline\\n\\nSorted³ seamlessly integrates your calendar events and tasks into one timeline so you can manage your entire day from a single place. To make things even more delightful, you can take formatted notes, attachments and drawings on both your events and tasks inside the app.\\n\\n● Effortless Scheduling\\n\\nSorted³ helps you easily set a schedule for your day, and decide what’s important, what can wait, and what you reasonably have time for. You can use Auto Schedule to figure out what you can realistically get done in a day. Instead of feeling underproductive, Sorted³ helps you set attainable goals that you can accomplish.\\n\\n● Built-in Flexibility\\n\\nEven when properly scheduled in advance, days don’t always go as planned! Sorted³ is built with that flexibility in mind to adjust to your changing schedule. It's as dynamic as your day, with smart features such as Magic Select and our signature Time Ruler to help you shift things around with a few taps.\\n\\nOn top of all these, there are various other functionalities to make your experience more fun and seamless across all your devices:\\n\\n- New Widgets for iOS 16 \u0026 macOS Monterey\\n- Auto Backup\\n- Timeline view\\n- iCloud Sync\\n- Powerful repeat rules\\n- Light \u0026 Dark Themes\\n- Natural Language Processing\\n- URL Scheme\\n- Siri Integration\\n- And much more!\\n\\n● Get Sorted³ Today\\n\\nIf you've ever struggled with to-do lists or managing your day, then you need to try hyper-scheduling with Sorted³.\\n\\n- Sorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store!\\n- Sorted³ PRO is also available for Mac (sold separately)\\n\\nTo learn more, check our website and blog (\\n\\nWe love hearing from our users about how much clarity and focus Sorted³ brings to their day.\\n\\nWe can't wait for you to try it out and see for yourself!\\n\\n● Community \u0026 Support\\n\\nJoin our Slack community by visiting:\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\\nEmail:\\nSupport Center:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 16\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-12-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-12-30T02:39:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 16\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-11-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-11-04T12:19:02Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-08-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-08-22T06:28:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-01-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-01-14T02:02:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nShe is excited to bring to you a bunch of new features, to name a few:\\n• Extra Large Widget on iPad\\n• Live Text support\\n• Quick Notes support\\n• Notification action icons\\n• Enhanced Keyboard support, including the adoption of new menu system on iPad\\n• Enhanced UI for Photo Picker\\n\\nand she doesn't forget those productivity focused features\\n• Shortcut Actions\\n• Time sensitive notifications in Focus modes\\n\\nBesides, as part of this update, Sorted is introducing some new widgets. We know you love widgets, isn't it?\\n• New widget kind for Inbox, List \u0026 Tag, available in all sizes\\n• Various enhancements to Today widget\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-10-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-10-20T00:38:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-10-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-10-13T07:33:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-10-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-10-12T09:32:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-10-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-10-07T15:24:56Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-09-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-09-18T22:29:49Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Fixed sort order issue\\n• Fixed crash after changing selection inside `Filter by Tag`\\n• Fixed potential crash at launch caused by calendar event\\n• Fixed event not staying marked\\n• (iPad) Fixed crash with pinch gesture using trackpad of Magic Keyboard\\n• (Mac) Fixed iCloud Sync stop getting update after idle\\n• (Mac) Fixed creating folder\\n• Improve iCloud error message display in Settings\\n• Update styling of Share extension\\n• Add small location icon to event\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-08-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-08-27T14:07:23Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Adds iCloud Sync interface with sync status\\n• Fixed several iCloud Sync issues\\n• Fixed bug on creating recurring calendar event\\n• Fixed bug on making change to occurrence of recurring calendar event\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-07-09T05:16:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Fixed repeating task missing occurrences\\n• Fixed repeating task showing duplicates\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-05-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-05-24T15:26:23Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Improved overall reliability\\n• Reduced a number of crash issues\\n• Improved iCloud Sync speed\\n• Rebuilt repeating task from the ground up\\n• Enhanced search results\\n• Fixed bug on Filter by List / Tag\\n• Fixed bug for some events being not able to complete\\n• Fixed repeating task missing occurrences\\n• Fixed issues with Hey Siri and Siri Shortcuts\\n• Fixed refreshing scheduled and items count on showing Lists / Tags\\n• Fixed bug on using navigate keyboard shortcuts when showing Search detail view (Mac)\\n• New ways to collect diagnostic data and send to developers\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-05-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-05-06T00:59:09Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Improved overall reliability\\n• Reduced a number of crash issues\\n• Improved iCloud Sync speed\\n• Rebuilt repeating task from the group up\\n• Enhanced search results\\n• Fixed bug on Filter by List / Tag\\n• Fixed bug for some events being not able to complete\\n• Fixed repeating task missing occurrences\\n• Fixed issues with Hey Siri and Siri Shortcuts\\n• Fixed refreshing scheduled and items count on showing Lists / Tags\\n• Fixed bug on using navigate keyboard shortcuts when showing Search detail view (Mac)\\n• New ways to collect diagnostic data and send to developers\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n• Fixed event completion and sync status\\n• Added Todoist Integration\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-05-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-05-05T05:09:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Fix crash in using special characters in search \\n• Allow setting theme for widgets\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-02-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-02-23T05:05:06Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Reload widgets more regularly\\n• Fix configuring list and tags in widgets\\n• Fix loading events in widgets on Big Sur\\n• Fix repeating task in missing save this occurrence option\\n• Fix keyboard shortcuts for List \u0026 Tags Pickers\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-02-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-02-13T09:33:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• PRO Bundle (iOS + macOS) purchase is now working!\\n• Fix an issue on recovering a task from trash\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-01-31\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-01-31T01:05:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nNEW FEATURES\\n\\n• PRO Bundle (iOS + macOS) purchase is now available!\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Fix a few crash issues at launch\\n• Fix an issue on deleting repeating tasks\\n• Enhance iCloud Sync speed and reliability\\n• Fix various minor bugs when switching views\\n• Fix sound effects on item selection\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-01-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-01-23T15:25:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Sorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store!\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. 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To make things even more delightful, you can take formatted notes, attachments and drawings on both your events and tasks inside the app.\\n\\n● Effortless Scheduling\\n\\nSorted³ helps you easily set a schedule for your day, and decide what’s important, what can wait, and what you reasonably have time for. You can use Auto Schedule to figure out what you can realistically get done in a day. Instead of feeling underproductive, Sorted³ helps you set attainable goals that you can accomplish.\\n\\n● Built-in Flexibility\\n\\nEven when properly scheduled in advance, days don’t always go as planned! Sorted³ is built with that flexibility in mind to adjust to your changing schedule. It's as dynamic as your day, with smart features such as Magic Select and our signature Time Ruler to help you shift things around with a few taps.\\n\\nOn top of all these, there are various other functionalities to make your experience more fun and seamless across all your devices:\\n\\n- New Widgets for iOS 16 \u0026 macOS Monterey\\n- Auto Backup\\n- Timeline view\\n- iCloud Sync\\n- Powerful repeat rules\\n- Light \u0026 Dark Themes\\n- Natural Language Processing\\n- URL Scheme\\n- Siri Integration\\n- And much more!\\n\\n● Get Sorted³ Today\\n\\nIf you've ever struggled with to-do lists or managing your day, then you need to try hyper-scheduling with Sorted³.\\n\\n- Sorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store!\\n- Sorted³ PRO is also available for Mac (sold separately)\\n\\nTo learn more, check our website and blog (\\n\\nWe love hearing from our users about how much clarity and focus Sorted³ brings to their day.\\n\\nWe can't wait for you to try it out and see for yourself!\\n\\n● Community \u0026 Support\\n\\nJoin our Slack community by visiting:\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\\nEmail:\\nSupport Center:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":true,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Fixes a navigation issue on iPadOS 18\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-15T06:47:39Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fixes an issue with app crashing on launch due to Calendar access permission.\\n- Fixes an issue causing iOS widgets from displaying properly.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-13T08:55:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Fixes an issue with restore purchase.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-08T07:33:22Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• Try the NEW interactive widgets\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 17\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-09-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-09-22T10:26:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 17\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-09-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-09-17T01:39:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 16\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-12-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-12-30T02:38:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 16\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-11-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-11-04T12:18:38Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• (NEW) Lock Screen Widgets are available now!\\n• Use Today widget to show the upcoming tasks\\n• Show a list of actions in List / Tag widgets\\n• Reveal your achievements using the beautiful Swift Charts\\n• Updated translations\\n• Fixed using Home Screen widgets in early iOS\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 16\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-09-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-09-14T23:34:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Updates in this version:\\n\\n• (NEW) Lock Screen Widgets are available now!\\n• Use Today widget to show the upcoming tasks\\n• Show a list of actions in List / Tag widgets\\n• Reveal your achievements using the beautiful Swift Charts\\n• Updated translations\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS 16\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nIf you have any inquiry or feedback, please go to Settings \u003e Contact us which sends us an email. For more usage tips and support, check our website and blog (\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-09-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-09-10T09:12:51Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-08-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-08-22T06:28:08Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-01-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-01-14T02:02:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nShe is excited to bring to you a bunch of new features, to name a few:\\n• Extra Large Widget on iPad\\n• Live Text support\\n• Quick Notes support\\n• Notification action icons\\n• Enhanced Keyboard support, including the adoption of new menu system on iPad\\n• Enhanced UI for Photo Picker\\n\\nand she doesn't forget those productivity focused features\\n• Shortcut Actions\\n• Time sensitive notifications in Focus modes\\n\\nBesides, as part of this update, Sorted is introducing some new widgets. We know you love widgets, isn't it?\\n• New widget kind for Inbox, List \u0026 Tag, available in all sizes\\n• Various enhancements to Today widget\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-10-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-10-20T16:32:16Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.\\n\\nMeet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ is now compatible with iOS and iPadOS 15\\n\\nShe is excited to bring to you a bunch of new features, to name a few:\\n• Extra Large Widget on iPad\\n• Live Text support\\n• Quick Notes support\\n• Notification action icons\\n• Enhanced Keyboard support, including the adoption of new menu system on iPad\\n• Enhanced UI for Photo Picker\\n\\nand she doesn't forget those productivity focused features\\n• Shortcut Actions\\n• Time sensitive notifications in Focus modes\\n\\nBesides, as part of this update, Sorted is introducing some new widgets. We know you love widgets, isn't it?\\n• New widget kind for Inbox, List \u0026 Tag, available in all sizes\\n• Various enhancements to Today widget\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nSorted³ PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. 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For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-09-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-09-17T18:49:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Fixed sort order issue\\n• Fixed crash after changing selection inside `Filter by Tag`\\n• Fixed potential crash at launch caused by calendar event\\n• Fixed event not staying marked\\n• (iPad) Fixed crash with pinch gesture using trackpad of Magic Keyboard\\n• (Mac) Fixed iCloud Sync stop getting update after idle\\n• (Mac) Fixed creating folder\\n• Improve iCloud error message display in Settings\\n• Update styling of Share extension\\n• Add small location icon to event\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-08-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-08-27T14:06:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Adds iCloud Sync interface with sync status\\n• Fixed several iCloud Sync issues\\n• Fixed bug on creating recurring calendar event\\n• Fixed bug on making change to occurrence of recurring calendar event\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-07-09T05:15:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\nPlease make sure to update to this version on all devices.\\n\\n• Fixed repeating task missing occurrences\\n• Fixed repeating task showing duplicates\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-05-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-05-24T15:26:17Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.7.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Improved overall reliability\\n• Reduced a number of crash issues\\n• Improved iCloud Sync speed\\n• Rebuilt repeating task from the ground up\\n• Enhanced search results\\n• Fixed bug on Filter by List / Tag\\n• Fixed bug for some events being not able to complete\\n• Fixed repeating task missing occurrences\\n• Fixed issues with Hey Siri and Siri Shortcuts\\n• Fixed refreshing scheduled and items count on showing Lists / Tags\\n• Fixed bug on using navigate keyboard shortcuts when showing Search detail view (Mac)\\n• New ways to collect diagnostic data and send to developers\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. 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If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Improved overall reliability\\n• Reduced a number of crash issues\\n• Improved iCloud Sync speed\\n• Rebuilt repeating task from the group up\\n• Enhanced search results\\n• Fixed bug on Filter by List / Tag\\n• Fixed bug for some events being not able to complete\\n• Fixed repeating task missing occurrences\\n• Fixed issues with Hey Siri and Siri Shortcuts\\n• Fixed refreshing scheduled and items count on showing Lists / Tags\\n• Fixed bug on using navigate keyboard shortcuts when showing Search detail view (Mac)\\n• New ways to collect diagnostic data and send to developers\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n• Fixed event completion and sync status\\n• Added Todoist Integration\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. 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For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-02-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-02-23T05:04:31Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• Reload widgets more regularly\\n• Fix configuring list and tags in widgets\\n• Fix loading events in widgets on Big Sur\\n• Fix repeating task in missing save this occurrence option\\n• Fix keyboard shortcuts for List \u0026 Tags Pickers\\n• Other bug fixes and enhancements\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. For more information, check our website and blog (\\n\\nEmail:\\n\\nTwitter: @SortedHQ\",\"releaseDate\":\"2021-02-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2021-02-12T05:45:26Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Meet the world's first Hyper-Scheduler!\\n\\nSorted³ for macOS is now available on the Mac App Store! PRO iOS and macOS are separate purchases. You can choose to buy the bundle or separately.\\n\\nIn order to make Sorted³ available to more users worldwide, we've made the app FREE forever. If you wish to use all the additional features, you can get PRO with a single in-app purchase.\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n\\n• PRO Bundle (iOS + macOS) purchase is now working!\\n• Fix an issue on recovering a task from trash\\n\\n—-\\n\\nWe hope you enjoy the brand new Sorted³. Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. 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Please leave us a review to help spread the word!\\n\\nVisit the Mac App Store to download Sorted³ for macOS. 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In OmniFocus 4, discover enhanced versions of all the powerful task management features you already rely on, along with new features that will level-up your workflow.\\n\\nOmni offers a free and secure sync service, protected with end-to-end encryption, ensuring only devices you authorize can access your data. And now, for the first time ever, OmniFocus is available as a universal cross-platform purchase: get full access to OmniFocus 4 on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch with a single license purchase.\\n\\nAlready own a previous version of OmniFocus? Upgrade today and receive a special upgrade discount. Prefer to subscribe to OmniFocus on a monthly or yearly basis? 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The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-12T13:10:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.2 includes more powerful notifications on iPhone and iPad, a new Apple Watch complication, improvements to Smart Match, updates to our Shortcuts actions (including an all-new Sync action), better VoiceOver support for repeats, enhanced keyboard navigation on iPad, a new Omni Automation API, and a collection of bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Omni Automation — Omni Automation can be used to change the color of a custom perspective icon.\\n• Shortcuts — Sync OmniFocus action has been added.\\n• In-App Purchases — In-app purchases have been streamlined to offer perpetual OmniFocus 4 licenses for all new purchases.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Actions has a new “Item Type” filter, which supports filtering by action, group, or project.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Projects filter for “Folder” now supports both “is” and “is not”, which apply to projects directly inside the selected folder.\\n• Shortcuts — Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Sync OmniFocus actions are grouped under a new Application header.\\n• Smart Match — Smart Match has been updated to prioritize consecutive letters over consecutive words, as well as words over non-contiguous capital letters, improving results when assigning projects and tags.\\n• Tips — Updated “Hide feature tips” label in settings.\\n• Custom Perspectives — Tagged actions inside of groups now display consistently whether or not \\\"Preserve Hierarchy\\\" is enabled.\\n• Estimated Duration — Estimated Duration consistently uses hours instead of minutes, even when “Latest Start” notifications are enabled.\\n• Forecast — Actions added to groups will no longer appear to be duplicates of the selected action.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes can be copied and pasted more reliably, and use consistent spacing.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes display in previews for unselected rows.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Sync — Changes received from other devices are integrated more quickly. (The app still waits for a pause in editing, to avoid interrupting edits in progress.)\\n• Defer Dates — Defer Date field in the Outline now immediately updates.\\n• Forecast — Piano key date tiles at the top of the Outline highlight correctly when dragging an item across, rather than remaining purple.\\n• Settings — Sync Settings load consistently, resolving an issue which could block editing of sync account settings.\\n• Sync — Windows and tabs consistently restore when incorporating sync changes, resolving an issue which could unexpectedly close open windows or tabs.\\n• Tips — Synced changes to the “Hide feature tips” setting immediately updates the checkbox on Mac, in addition to updating the setting.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-25T13:19:16Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.1 includes the addition of cross-platform support for Show Full Item Title, improvements to our recently upgraded Shortcuts actions, fixes to better support Genmoji, more reliable Sync, improved Accessibility support, the ability to disable our recently added Tips, and a collection of other improvements and fixes across our supported platforms.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Crashes — Fixed several crashes.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji will no longer be removed from pasted content when using Paste; Paste with Original Style continues to preserve Genmoji content.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for triggering a sync using Omni Automation. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — Add Action action now prompts for an action title when running a shortcut, if one is not initially provided.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Actions, Find Folders, Find Projects and Find Tags actions now support case-insensitive title search.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Projects title search now returns results for “is” and “begins with” filters.\\n• Tips — Added General settings toggle to disable tips; this setting syncs between devices.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Genmoji — Fixed crash when opening a note which had contained a Genmoji, prior to using the Anonymize Database… command.\\n• Keyboard — Improved consistency of Option-clicking status circles to drop actions.\\n• OmniOutliner — Fixed the Import OmniOutliner Document… command incorrectly calculating the year of dates that occur during both the last Gregorian calendar week of a given year, and the first ISO-8601 calendar week of the following year.\\n• Permissions — Updated the “Allow ‘OmniFocus’ to find devices on local networks?” description to match our other supported platforms.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-20T18:39:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5 introduces new and re-written Shortcuts actions, enhanced Spotlight results (with parity on all platforms), in-app tips and guidance for getting the most out of OmniFocus, improvements to Omni Automation, additional appearance and accessibility options for Mac, and a collection of bug fixes.\\n\\nOur new Shortcuts actions have been developed using the latest Apple technologies, with each action having a streamlined focus. This makes it easier to build new shortcuts, with a clearer sequence of actions, while enabling us to take advantage of future Apple releases. We have left legacy Shortcuts actions in place, to ensure that all your current shortcuts will continue working as expected, while exploring new possibilities in automation. This work continues, so please let us know what you think, if you run into any issues, or if you have any suggestions.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Genmoji — Added support for Genmoji in the notes field, when supported by the operating system. Please note that syncing notes containing Genmoji to earlier versions of OmniFocus can result in errors; updating to v4.5 on all your devices will provide a more consistent experience.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for new `omnifocus:///project/` URLs. Using Copy as Link will continue to provide `omnifocus:///task/` URLs for projects, to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of OmniFocus; this will change in a future release. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — New and updated Shortcuts actions include Add Action (replaces Legacy: Add Item); Add TaskPaper; Complete Action (new!); Complete Project (new!); Find Actions (replaces Legacy: Find Items); Find Folders (new!); Find Projects; Find Tags; Get Action, Get Folder, Get Perspective, Get Project, and Get Tag (using Copy as Link, and replacing Legacy: Get Database Object Result from Input); Get Actions from Perspective (new!); Open Action, Open Folder, Open Perspective, Open Project, Open Tag (replaces Legacy: Show in OmniFocus); and Today’s Forecast (with added support for due, deferred, tagged, and flagged actions). Find Actions and Find Projects are in beta; please read their descriptions regarding limitations. Previous Shortcuts actions now include Legacy: in the title and summary, along with suggestions for replacement actions.\\n• Spotlight — Enhanced Spotlight results are now available on all platforms, and include actions, action groups, projects, folders, tags, default perspectives, and custom perspectives.\\n• Tips — Helpful tips and guidance will display, as you use OmniFocus.\\n• Shortcuts — App Shortcuts-related crashes have been fixed.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Accessibility — Color palette options now include a black background, for increased contrast.\\n• Appearance — Added support for custom fonts, along with a list of Omni-selected system font options, and an updated slider which supports a wider range of sizes (from 9 to 42 point). When choosing a custom font, we recommend using a Regular style, which allows OmniFocus to provide the same style-based context (such as action groups being presented in bold) as when using the default fonts.\\n• Spotlight — Spotlight results on Mac now match those available on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro.\\n• Appearance — Appearance settings pane has been re-written in SwiftUI, to support future cross-platform improvements.\\n• Writing Tools — Make Table is restricted for notes on Mac, as the note fields on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro do not support tables.\\n• Localization — Corrected several Japanese localizations in the Inspector.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-11T04:18:31Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes and sync improvements.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Omni Automation — Added `window.toolbarVisible` property. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Omni Automation — Added API to translate between database objects and URLs. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for specifying the dropped date of a task. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — Fixed several crashes related to App Shortcuts.\\n• Shortcuts — Fixed a crash in the Today’s Forecast action which would result in ignoring the setting for Show When Run.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Find \u0026 Replace — Performance improvement when using Find \u0026 Replace in the outline.\\n• Omni Automation — Fixed crash when running an Omni Automation script using the AppleScript `evaluate javascript` command.\\n• Sync — Fixed issue of the same Mac showing multiple registrations in Settings \u003e Sync \u003e Registered Devices, when running macOS 15 Sequoia. After this update, OmniFocus 4.4.3 may show up as one additional registration; delete all other registrations of the same Mac (that don't include “this device”) to improve sync times.\\n• Writing Tools — Writing Tools are now available for the title of a selected row (without having to edit the title directly), but are not available when multiple rows are selected, to avoid unwanted changes. Writing Tools can also be used in the title and note fields, instead of selecting a row.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-25T18:58:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Styling note text via Omni Automation no longer triggers a crash.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Writing Tools — Writing Tools now support \\\"Replace\\\" behavior when a single row is selected.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-14T18:02:57Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4 introduces new Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective functionality, brings new gesture and widget support to Apple Watch, and improves compatibility with newer OS versions.\\n\\nOmniFocus 4.4 requires macOS 14 Sonoma, iOS 17, iPadOS 17, watchOS 10, or visionOS 1. Some features may not be available on all supported OSes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• OS Compatibility — Improved compatibility with newer versions of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and visionOS.\\n• Shortcuts — New Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective shortcuts.\\n• Spotlight — Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective shortcuts are now included in Spotlight search results on supported OSes.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Widgets — Widgets no longer allow for selection of custom perspectives when OmniFocus is running in Standard mode.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T02:59:06Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Our team is currently hard at work updating OmniFocus to support the new operating systems announced last month and shipping later this year. But we've also been fixing some important bugs!\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Outline — Fixed a bug that could cause new items to sometimes appear to be added above the previously selected outline row instead of below it.\\n• Omni Automation — Addressed an installation path bug that could occur for Github hosted plug-ins installed via Install Link.\\n• Perspectives — \\\"Due Soon\\\" status filter no longer includes items which have inherited the completed (or dropped) status from a project or parent.\\n• Sync — Disconnected database transaction files detected on the sync server are now cleaned up after one week.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Localizations — Restored missing tutorial project languages.\\n• Localizations — .ofocus files once again display correct file name in Share menu.\\n• Menus — Corrected keyboard shortcut for Edit \u003e Delete menu item.\\n• Performance — Improved performance completing items after opening numerous favorited perspectives with specific rule types.\\n• - Software Update — Software Update now supports app updates that use the more compact .txz archive format.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur creating a new item after performing a search in Forecast.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-26\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-26T21:15:40Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nOur team is currently hard at work updating OmniFocus to support the new operating systems announced last month and shipping later this year. But we’ve also been fixing some important bugs!\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Forecast — Improved item sorting in Forecast, so items are sorted on selection change or Clean Up whenever Keep Sorted is enabled.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash sometimes encountered while calculating the location of an item in Forecast.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Multiple Windows — Database rebuilds will now reopen all windows which were previously open, rather than only reopening a single window.\\n• Notes Inspector — Fixed a bug where links added to notes using “Edit \u003e Add Link…” could sometimes get lost.\\n• Performance — Improved the performance of completing items by clicking on the status circle.\\n\\niPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Drag \u0026 Drop — Adding items to the outline no longer breaks the long-press drag gesture.\\n• Inspector: Title — Fixed a bug editing the title field with a hardware keyboard where the field could lose focus immediately after being tapped unless you tapped on another inspector field first.\\n• Inspector: Notes — Fixed a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n• Omni Automation — Automation scripts that present forms should no longer run into an error saying “No presenting view controller found.”\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash encountered when an building a Spotlight index after conflicting edits deleted an item which had a tag assigned to it on another device.\\n• Sync Settings [Apple Vision Pro] — Updated the Replace Sync Data dialog to have a more reasonable size on visionOS.\\n• VoiceOver — Fixed a recent regression from the inspector redesign in 4.3 that could cause VoiceOver to get stuck in the top toolbar rather than navigating through the inspector fields.\\n• VoiceOver — Made it possible to navigate through search results that return results from outside the current perspective (i.e. when using the “Search Remaining” and “Search Everything” options).\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-22T22:03:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Displayed perspective rules now refresh automatically when changed in another context (such as another window, another device, or through some automation).\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — When a perspective is organized by projects, hiding the “Preserve hierarchy” switch, its hidden value no longer affects the contents of the perspective.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Restored ability to cancel out of upgrading legacy custom perspectives.\\n• Localization — Restored missing Spanish strings in View Options.\\n• Unsupported OS Alerts — Unsupported OS alert no longer presents on every app launch.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could be triggered by Omni Automation scripts which focus on a folder.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Focus Filters — Device Focus filter bar now adapts to Dark Mode.\\n• Tags — Popover to assign a Search location is now scrollable.\\n• Stability — Made a change intended to address a crash triggered by an infinite layout loop.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when quickly typing into inspector note field for a newly created action.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T17:53:33Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3 introduces support for device Focus Filters and a new Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. Additionally, this release includes a wide range of improvements and bug fixes, including new custom perspective rule comments, enhanced Apple Watch sync reliability, and improved outline behavior in a variety of contexts.\\n\\n• Device Focus Filters — In the Focus section of the Settings app, you can now configure Focus Filters for OmniFocus to limit which folders are visible when a device Focus is enabled. Note that when a device Focus is applied in this way, it’s no longer possible to use the custom Focus feature in OmniFocus Pro until you exit the device Focus.\\n• Shortcuts — New Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. With this shortcut, you can change your favorite perspectives based on your device focus or by using a Siri command.\\n• Custom Perspectives — You can now intersperse comments among your perspective rules.\\n• Rich Text Notes — Added a Text submenu to the Format menu, with options to Align Left, Center, Justify, Align Right, and change the Writing Direction. Moved the existing font controls into a Font submenu, and added support for Strikethrough, Kern, Ligatures, and Baseline (i.e. Superscript, Subscript, Raise, Lower).\\n• Settings — General Settings now has an option to delete items without requiring the Command key.\\n• Clean Up — Selected items now immediately clean up when removed from current view via drag \u0026 drop or a key command.\\n• Forecast Calendars — Calendar events are now enabled by default in Forecast on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro, matching the default behavior on Mac.\\n• Import — Choosing to skip syncing during setup now offers to import data from previous versions of OmniFocus.\\n• Inspector — Updated Inspector layout code to be better shared cross-platform, including some visual changes for cross-platform consistency.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Outline — Improved overall stability/reliability of outline order when editing.\\n• Review — Review now supports filtering by availability.\\n• Sync — Provide more context in the encryption passphrase prompt.\\n• Custom Perspectives — Assigning a keyboard shortcut to a custom perspective now saves correctly and no longer breaks additional edits to custom perspective rules.\\n• Custom Perspectives — The correct tag is now assigned when adding an action to a custom perspective which groups actions by tag but doesn’t sort them in Tags Order.\\n• Custom Perspectives — When a perspective is grouped, hiding the “Preserve hierarchy” switch, its hidden value no longer affects the contents of the perspective.\\n• Forecast — Corrected the display of the date headers in Forecast when “Show toolbar button shapes” in enabled in System Accessibility Settings.\\n• Forecast — Indenting an item in Forecast no longer causes temporary duplicate display of that item.\\n• Notes — Improved buggy “Add Link” behavior.\\n• Notes Inspector — Fixed a bug where the notes inspector could accidentally save edits to a newly selected item, or continue to display content from an old item if the cursor was still in the notes field when a new item was selected (using some interaction that didn’t first move the cursor’s focus to another field).\\n• Outline — Note text is now properly aligned with other content in the main outline.\\n• Quick Open — Fixed a bug where using Quick Open to find a project or folder would fail to select that target in the sidebar when the window was focused.\\n• Search Scope — Fixed a regression introduced in 4.2 where the search scope was being reset whenever a different perspective was opened.\\n• Sidebar — Fixed a bug that could cause content displayed in the outline to fall out of sync with the selection in the sidebar.\\n• Sync — Prevented a rare sync conflict that could be encountered when a device syncs changes while edits are in progress.\\n• Stability — Crash fixes.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-05T16:02:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — \\\"In the past\\\" date range rules now include items through the current time today.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Adjusted vertical spacing when configuring a “Has date in range” rule.\\n• Omni Automation [Pro] — Improved Omni Automation's Install Link support for plug-ins hosted on Github.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Addressed a bug that could cause incomplete outline content to display after modifying a custom perspective rule.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Corrected capitalization for “Has date in range” rule summaries.\\n• Forecast — Non-functional disclosure triangles are no longer displayed in outline when \\\"Preserve hierarchy\\\" is not enabled.\\n• Repeats — Fixed a bug that blocked customizing weekly repetitions in the Inspector on macOS 13.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-15T20:38:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2 introduces new custom perspective rules that let you filter based on dates, repeats, and more. These new perspective rules require OmniFocus 4.2 or later; custom perspectives which use these rules will not be displayed in prior versions of OmniFocus. Custom perspectives require OmniFocus Pro.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Has date in range\\\" rule type enables filtering a perspective by assigned date range.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is repeating\\\" rule enables filtering repeating tasks.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is project, group, or neither\\\" rule type enables filtering for projects or groups.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is in single actions list\\\" rule type enables filtering for items in single action lists.\\n• Omni Automation — Omni Automation now supports “Install Links” for simplified Omni Automation plug-in installation.\\n• Omni Automation — It's now possible to write a plug-in which changes the filter rules which define the contents of a perspective. See Perspective.Custom.archivedFilterRules.\\nupdated - Omni Automation — See Automation API Reference Release Notes for additional Omni Automation updates.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Delete — \\\"Delete\\\" option in Delete confirmation prompt is now default button, allowing for confirmation via keyboard.\\n• Inspector — Improved alignment of flag button in Inspector.\\n• Inspector Notes — Fixed a bug which could cause notes edited in the Inspector to be written to the wrong row when changing selection.\\n• Keyboard — Keyboard focus is now consistently places in the outline when switching perspectives.\\n• Outline — Fixed a bug that could cause edits to estimated duration, repeat interval, or review interval to display for incorrect item in outline.\\n• Perspective List — The button to add a perspective is no longer offered when using Standard rather than Pro.\\n• Perspective Rules — Perspective rules correctly describe themselves using restrictive clause phrasing (\\\"that\\\").\\n• Review — Non-functional project disclosure triangles are no longer displayed in Review.\\n• Search — Back/forward navigation no longer restores previous search terms in an unexpected manner.\\n• Settings — Hooked up the \\\"Learn more…\\\" button in Settings \u003e Layout.\\n• Sidebar — Sidebar width is now perserved across app relaunches.\\n• Sidebar — Sidebar now resizes as expected when an empty folder is selected.\\n• Sync — Improved logic for updating linked encryption passphrase when account password is changed.\\n• Trial Mode — Toolbar customizations are now preserved when running in Pro trial mode.\\n• Trial Mode — Previously open custom perspective is now preserved across launches when running in Pro trial mode.\\n• Stability — Addressed crash on launch that could be encountered after creating a new item.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-08T13:46:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.5 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Menus — Complete is now available in contextual shortcut menu for action rows.\\n• Perspectives Bar — Perspectives Bar now correctly displays favorited perspectives in Trial mode.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-01-31\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-01-31T18:11:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.4 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives — Fixed a bug that blocked setting custom images as custom perspective icons.\\n• Menus — Delete keyboard shortcut (command-delete) is now listed in menu bar.\\n• Outline — Notes entered in a right-to-left language such as Hebrew or Arabic are now displayed correctly in outline.\\n• Purchasing — Improved reliability of upgrade discount eligibility check by automatically registering previously unregistered OmniFocus 3 purchases.\\n• Quick Entry — Quick Entry is now customizable in Standard.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash incorporating a task from Shortcuts app when the target location contains a trailing \\\"/\\\".\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-01-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-01-10T22:48:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Archive — OmniFocus now prompts to import an existing archive file on initial archive attempt.\\n• Archive — Cancelling archive location selection no longer triggers an error.\\n• Archive — \\\"Open Archive\\\" now trigged an appropriate error when no archive file is available to open.\\n• Notes — Fixed a bug that could cause previously typed note to text to become selected in Inspector while typing.\\n• Notes — Improved note saving logic to avoid applying note edits made in the Inspector to the incorrect item when changing selection via the outline.\\n• Sync — \\\"Trust Always\\\" certificate setting nows persists across app launches.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-29T22:59:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Purchasing — Corrected alert text in discounted upgrade eligibility check flow.\\n• Sync — Sync setup now handles certificate trust prompts correctly (note, \\\"Trust Always setting does not yet persist across app launches, we intend to address this in a forthcoming update).\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-20T20:28:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when adding new items while a sync is in progress.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-14T23:26:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":null,\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-13T04:05:36Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"messagesScreenshots\":{},\"requiresGameController\":false,\"offers\":[{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1542143627\u0026pricingParameters=STDQ\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=873037449\",\"type\":\"get\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"macSoftware\",\"size\":39615343}]},{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1542143627\u0026pricingParameters=SWUPD\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=873037449\",\"type\":\"update\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"macSoftware\",\"size\":39615343}]}],\"requires32bit\":false,\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-12\",\"hasInAppPurchases\":true,\"bundleId\":\"com.omnigroup.OmniFocus4\",\"hasMessagesExtension\":false,\"artwork\":{\"width\":1024,\"height\":1024,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"2f2f2f\",\"textColor1\":\"b98dff\",\"textColor2\":\"aa79ff\",\"textColor3\":\"9e7ad5\",\"textColor4\":\"926ad5\"},\"privacyPolicyUrl\":\"\",\"videoPreviewsByType\":{},\"supportURLForLanguage\":\"\",\"isHiddenFromSpringboard\":false,\"isStandaloneForWatchOS\":false,\"isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS\":false,\"runsOnAppleSilicon\":true,\"requiresRosetta\":false,\"editorialArtwork\":{\"contentIconTrimmedMonochrome\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"contentIconTrimmed\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0092ff\",\"textColor1\":\"00070c\",\"textColor2\":\"000e19\",\"textColor3\":\"00233d\",\"textColor4\":\"002947\"},\"brandLogo\":{\"width\":1080,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"}},\"subtitle\":\"Accomplish More Every Day\",\"preflightPackageUrl\":\"\",\"customAttributes\":{\"default\":{\"default\":{\"customVideoPreviewsByType\":{},\"customScreenshotsByType\":{\"mac\":[{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ba8efe\",\"textColor2\":\"a952f9\",\"textColor3\":\"9571cc\",\"textColor4\":\"8841c8\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"c6c6c7\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"9e9ea0\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"c2c2c2\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"9b9b9c\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"c2c2c2\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"9b9b9c\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"c2c2c2\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"9b9b9c\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"9b47fd\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"7c39cb\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"aa52f8\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"8842c7\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"a44ef5\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"843ec5\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"e5f1ff\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"b7c0cc\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"020005\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"9d59f6\",\"textColor3\":\"cccbcc\",\"textColor4\":\"7e47c6\"}]}}}},\"runsOnIntel\":true},\"xros\":{\"description\":{\"standard\":\"OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time.\\n\\nTwo-week free trial!\\n\\nOmniFocus 4 introduces a modernized, unified interface across Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple Vision Pro. Centered around your task outline, OmniFocus 4 brings a consistent experience, optimized for each device type, to all of your Apple devices.\\n\\nEasily create tasks anytime–from anywhere–and organize them with projects, tags, and dates. Quickly navigate OmniFocus on any device using the Perspectives Bar, Quick Open, and Back and Forward history. With Pro, use Focus to help focus your attention on specific projects or folders, and customize OmniFocus to only display the information most relevant to you.\\n\\nNew to OmniFocus? The simple, efficient OmniFocus 4 interface will help you discover and implement a trusted system that works and grows with you.\\n\\nUpgrading from a previous version of OmniFocus? In OmniFocus 4, discover enhanced versions of all the powerful task management features you already rely on, along with new features that will level-up your workflow.\\n\\nOmni offers a free and secure sync service, protected with end-to-end encryption, ensuring only devices you authorize can access your data. And now, for the first time ever, OmniFocus is available as a universal cross-platform purchase: get full access to OmniFocus 4 on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch with a single license purchase.\\n\\nAlready own a previous version of OmniFocus? Upgrade today and receive a special upgrade discount. Prefer to subscribe to OmniFocus on a monthly or yearly basis? An OmniFocus subscription unlocks OmniFocus Pro on all supported Apple devices, and includes access to OmniFocus for the Web from any web browser.\\n\\nAccomplish more every day–anywhere you go–with OmniFocus 4.\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.3 includes a bug fix related to localization.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Localization — Chinese Pinyin input once again works in the Project and Tags picker.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-12T13:00:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.2 includes more powerful notifications on iPhone and iPad, a new Apple Watch complication, improvements to Smart Match, updates to our Shortcuts actions (including an all-new Sync action), better VoiceOver support for repeats, enhanced keyboard navigation on iPad, a new Omni Automation API, and a collection of bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Omni Automation — Omni Automation can be used to change the color of a custom perspective icon.\\n• Shortcuts — Sync OmniFocus action has been added.\\n• In-App Purchases — In-app purchases have been streamlined to offer perpetual OmniFocus 4 licenses for all new purchases.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Actions has a new “Item Type” filter, which supports filtering by action, group, or project.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Projects filter for “Folder” now supports both “is” and “is not”, which apply to projects directly inside the selected folder.\\n• Shortcuts — Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Sync OmniFocus actions are grouped under a new Application header.\\n• Smart Match — Smart Match has been updated to prioritize consecutive letters over consecutive words, as well as words over non-contiguous capital letters, improving results when assigning projects and tags.\\n• Tips — Updated “Hide feature tips” label in settings.\\n• Custom Perspectives — Tagged actions inside of groups now display consistently whether or not \\\"Preserve Hierarchy\\\" is enabled.\\n• Estimated Duration — Estimated Duration consistently uses hours instead of minutes, even when “Latest Start” notifications are enabled.\\n• Forecast — Actions added to groups will no longer appear to be duplicates of the selected action.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes can be copied and pasted more reliably, and use consistent spacing.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes display in previews for unselected rows.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Accessibility — Custom monthly and weekly repetitions will now read their values when using VoiceOver.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes no longer cause the “note with attachment” icon to display.\\n• Project/Tags Picker — Filter text is once again cleared when selecting or deselecting an item from the filtered list, and the “Go To” arrow successfully goes to the tapped item.\\n• Shortcuts — Add Action, Add TaskPaper, and Complete Action consistently create actions that are part of a repeat loop.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-25T13:19:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.1 includes the addition of cross-platform support for Show Full Item Title, improvements to our recently upgraded Shortcuts actions, fixes to better support Genmoji, more reliable Sync, improved Accessibility support, the ability to disable our recently added Tips, and a collection of other improvements and fixes across our supported platforms.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Crashes — Fixed several crashes.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji will no longer be removed from pasted content when using Paste; Paste with Original Style continues to preserve Genmoji content.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for triggering a sync using Omni Automation. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — Add Action action now prompts for an action title when running a shortcut, if one is not initially provided.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Actions, Find Folders, Find Projects and Find Tags actions now support case-insensitive title search.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Projects title search now returns results for “is” and “begins with” filters.\\n• Tips — Added General settings toggle to disable tips; this setting syncs between devices.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Appearance — Added cross-platform support for Show Full Item Title in Appearance settings. As part of that work, selecting multiple rows will now show the full title for all selected rows, matching the Mac behavior.\\n• Shortcut Menu — Fixed issue that could present an outline shortcut menu (also called a contextual menu) behind the Perspectives Bar, which made it difficult to tap.\\n• Shortcut Menu — Fixed issue that made it difficult to open the shortcut menu using long tap or double-tap when editing in the note field.\\n• Tips — “Add with Quick Entry” tip will no longer appear on Apple Vision Pro, as it has a dedicated Quick Entry button.\\n• Tips — Fixed crash related to “Customize Inspector” tip.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-20T18:40:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5 introduces new and re-written Shortcuts actions, enhanced Spotlight results (with parity on all platforms), in-app tips and guidance for getting the most out of OmniFocus, improvements to Omni Automation, additional appearance and accessibility options for Mac, and a collection of bug fixes.\\n\\nOur new Shortcuts actions have been developed using the latest Apple technologies, with each action having a streamlined focus. This makes it easier to build new shortcuts, with a clearer sequence of actions, while enabling us to take advantage of future Apple releases. We have left legacy Shortcuts actions in place, to ensure that all your current shortcuts will continue working as expected, while exploring new possibilities in automation. This work continues, so please let us know what you think, if you run into any issues, or if you have any suggestions.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Genmoji — Added support for Genmoji in the notes field, when supported by the operating system. Please note that syncing notes containing Genmoji to earlier versions of OmniFocus can result in errors; updating to v4.5 on all your devices will provide a more consistent experience.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for new `omnifocus:///project/` URLs. Using Copy as Link will continue to provide `omnifocus:///task/` URLs for projects, to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of OmniFocus; this will change in a future release. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — New and updated Shortcuts actions include Add Action (replaces Legacy: Add Item); Add TaskPaper; Complete Action (new!); Complete Project (new!); Find Actions (replaces Legacy: Find Items); Find Folders (new!); Find Projects; Find Tags; Get Action, Get Folder, Get Perspective, Get Project, and Get Tag (using Copy as Link, and replacing Legacy: Get Database Object Result from Input); Get Actions from Perspective (new!); Open Action, Open Folder, Open Perspective, Open Project, Open Tag (replaces Legacy: Show in OmniFocus); and Today’s Forecast (with added support for due, deferred, tagged, and flagged actions). Find Actions and Find Projects are in beta; please read their descriptions regarding limitations. Previous Shortcuts actions now include Legacy: in the title and summary, along with suggestions for replacement actions.\\n• Spotlight — Enhanced Spotlight results are now available on all platforms, and include actions, action groups, projects, folders, tags, default perspectives, and custom perspectives.\\n• Tips — Helpful tips and guidance will display, as you use OmniFocus.\\n• Shortcuts — App Shortcuts-related crashes have been fixed.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Accessibility — Additional layout fixes for Omni Automation pane when Larger\\nAccessibility Sizes is enabled.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-11T04:07:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes and sync improvements.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Omni Automation — Added `window.toolbarVisible` property. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Omni Automation — Added API to translate between database objects and URLs. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for specifying the dropped date of a task. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — Fixed several crashes related to App Shortcuts.\\n• Shortcuts — Fixed a crash in the Today’s Forecast action which would result in ignoring the setting for Show When Run.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Accessibility — Fixed layout of Omni Automation pane when Larger Accessibility Sizes is enabled.\\n• First Launch — Sync button will no longer be disabled if you skip sync setup, then change your mind.\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be discarded, when selecting a different item.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-25T18:47:43Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-24T17:56:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Styling note text via Omni Automation no longer triggers a crash.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Keyboard — Project and Tag pickers now support Chinese Pinyin input on iOS/iPadOS 18.\\n• Keyboard — Pressing the tab key now confirms autocomplete suggestion when appropriate.\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n• Notes — Addressed a bug that could cause new note content entered in Inspector to be lost after some types of navigation.\\n• Notes — Addressed a bug that could cause link formatting in notes field to bleed into notes field of other selected items.\\n• Sharing — Popovers now layout correctly when sharing to OmniFocus on iPadOS 18.\\n• VoiceOver — Fixed a bug that could cause sidebar projects/tags list contents to be inaccessible by VoiceOver after toggling Show Sidebar button.\\n\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-14T18:03:08Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4 introduces new Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective functionality, brings new gesture and widget support to Apple Watch, and improves compatibility with newer OS versions.\\n\\nOmniFocus 4.4 requires macOS 14 Sonoma, iOS 17, iPadOS 17, watchOS 10, or visionOS 1. Some features may not be available on all supported OSes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• OS Compatibility — Improved compatibility with newer versions of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and visionOS.\\n• Shortcuts — New Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective shortcuts.\\n• Spotlight — Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective shortcuts are now included in Spotlight search results on supported OSes.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Widgets — Widgets no longer allow for selection of custom perspectives when OmniFocus is running in Standard mode.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T02:59:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Outline — Fixed a bug that could cause new items to sometimes appear to be added above the previously selected outline row instead of below it.\\n• Omni Automation — Addressed an installation path bug that could occur for Github hosted plug-ins installed via Install Link.\\n• Perspectives — \\\"Due Soon\\\" status filter no longer includes items which have inherited the completed (or dropped) status from a project or parent.\\n• Sync — Disconnected database transaction files detected on the sync server are now cleaned up after one week.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Dates — Fixed a bug that could cause date changes in date picker to be discarded if time is also changed.\\n• Keyboard — Displayed hardware keyboard row highlight now stays in sync with actual outline selection.\\n• Outline — Improved animation after marking an item complete.\\n• Outline — Creating items in a previously empty outline via hardware keyboard no longer breaks drag \u0026 drop.\\n• Outline — Scroll gesture no longer breaks up/down keyboard navigation in outline.\\n• Repeats — Restored ability to customize days of week for monthly repetitions.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur on sync in certain app states.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Stability — Fix a crash attempting to import reminders on visionOS.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-26\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-26T21:16:44Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nOur team is currently hard at work updating OmniFocus to support the new operating systems announced last month and shipping later this year. But we’ve also been fixing some important bugs!\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Forecast — Improved item sorting in Forecast, so items are sorted on selection change or Clean Up whenever Keep Sorted is enabled.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash sometimes encountered while calculating the location of an item in Forecast.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Multiple Windows — Database rebuilds will now reopen all windows which were previously open, rather than only reopening a single window.\\n• Notes Inspector — Fixed a bug where links added to notes using “Edit \u003e Add Link…” could sometimes get lost.\\n• Performance — Improved the performance of completing items by clicking on the status circle.\\n\\niPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Drag \u0026 Drop — Adding items to the outline no longer breaks the long-press drag gesture.\\n• Inspector: Title — Fixed a bug editing the title field with a hardware keyboard where the field could lose focus immediately after being tapped unless you tapped on another inspector field first.\\n• Inspector: Notes — Fixed a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n• Omni Automation — Automation scripts that present forms should no longer run into an error saying “No presenting view controller found.”\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash encountered when an building a Spotlight index after conflicting edits deleted an item which had a tag assigned to it on another device.\\n• Sync Settings [Apple Vision Pro] — Updated the Replace Sync Data dialog to have a more reasonable size on visionOS.\\n• VoiceOver — Fixed a recent regression from the inspector redesign in 4.3 that could cause VoiceOver to get stuck in the top toolbar rather than navigating through the inspector fields.\\n• VoiceOver — Made it possible to navigate through search results that return results from outside the current perspective (i.e. when using the “Search Remaining” and “Search Everything” options).\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-24T17:11:11Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"All Platforms\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Displayed perspective rules now refresh automatically when changed in another context (such as another window, another device, or through some automation).\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — When a perspective is organized by projects, hiding the “Preserve hierarchy” switch, its hidden value no longer affects the contents of the perspective.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Restored ability to cancel out of upgrading legacy custom perspectives.\\n• Localization — Restored missing Spanish strings in View Options.\\n• Unsupported OS Alerts — Unsupported OS alert no longer presents on every app launch.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could be triggered by Omni Automation scripts which focus on a folder.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T17:53:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3 introduces support for device Focus Filters and a new Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. Additionally, this release includes a wide range of improvements and bug fixes, including new custom perspective rule comments, enhanced Apple Watch sync reliability, and improved outline behavior in a variety of contexts.\\n\\nAll Platforms:\\n\\n• Device Focus Filters — In the Focus section of the Settings app, you can now configure Focus Filters for OmniFocus to limit which folders are visible when a device Focus is enabled. Note that when a device Focus is applied in this way, it’s no longer possible to use the custom Focus feature in OmniFocus Pro until you exit the device Focus.\\n• Shortcuts — New Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. With this shortcut, you can change your favorite perspectives based on your device focus or by using a Siri command.\\n• Custom Perspectives — You can now intersperse comments among your perspective rules.\\n• Clean Up — Selected items now immediately clean up when removed from current view via drag \u0026 drop or a key command.\\n• Inspector — Updated Inspector layout code to be better shared cross-platform, including some visual changes for cross-platform consistency.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Outline — Improved overall stability/reliability of outline order when editing.\\n• Review — Review now supports filtering by availability.\\n• Custom Perspectives — The correct tag is now assigned when adding an action to a custom perspective which groups actions by tag but doesn’t sort them in Tags Order.\\n• Quick Open — Fixed a bug where using Quick Open to find a project or folder would fail to select that target in the sidebar when the window was focused.\\n• Sidebar — Fixed a bug that could cause content displayed in the outline to fall out of sync with the selection in the sidebar.\\n• Stability — Crash fixes.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-05T15:51:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — \\\"In the past\\\" date range rules now include items through the current time today.\\n• Omni Automation [Pro] — Improved Omni Automation's Install Link support for plug-ins hosted on Github.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Addressed a bug that could cause incomplete outline content to display after modifying a custom perspective rule.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Corrected capitalization for “Has date in range” rule summaries.\\n• Omni Automation [Pro] — Improved layout of Omni Automation window.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when changing search scope.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash trigged by Omni Automation plug-ins which attach a file to an email.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-15T21:18:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2 introduces new custom perspective rules that let you filter based on dates, repeats, and more. These new perspective rules require OmniFocus 4.2 or later; custom perspectives which use these rules will not be displayed in prior versions of OmniFocus. Custom perspectives require OmniFocus Pro.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Has date in range\\\" rule type enables filtering a perspective by assigned date range.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is repeating\\\" rule enables filtering repeating tasks.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is project, group, or neither\\\" rule type enables filtering for projects or groups.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is in single actions list\\\" rule type enables filtering for items in single action lists.\\n• Siri — Implemented Siri support.\\n• Omni Automation — It's now possible to write a plug-in which changes the filter rules which define the contents of a perspective. See Perspective.Custom.archivedFilterRules.\\n• Omni Automation — Updated appearance and organization of Omni Automation navigation bar and menus.\\n• Omni Automation — See Automation API Reference Release Notes for additional Omni Automation updates.\\n• Repeats — Updated layout of repeat customization UI.\\n• Attachments — Correct appearance of audio recording hover effects.\\n• In App Purchases — \\\"Done\\\" button is now displayed after restoring a previous purchase.\\n• Inspector — Corrected padding for repeat and review text fields.\\n• Perspective Rules — Perspective rules correctly describe themselves using restrictive clause phrasing (\\\"that\\\").\\n• Sidebar — Improve the animation used when hiding and showing the sidebar.\\n• Sync — Improved logic for updating linked encryption passphrase when account password is changed.\\n• Stability — Addressed crash on launch that could be encountered after creating a new item.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-08T13:35:34Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":null,\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-14T19:26:53Z\"}],\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"messagesScreenshots\":{},\"requiresGameController\":false,\"offers\":[{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1542143627\u0026pricingParameters=STDQ\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=873037454\",\"type\":\"get\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"iosSoftware\",\"size\":88080384}]},{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1542143627\u0026pricingParameters=SWUPD\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=873037454\",\"type\":\"update\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"iosSoftware\",\"size\":88080384}]}],\"requires32bit\":false,\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-12\",\"hasInAppPurchases\":true,\"bundleId\":\"com.omnigroup.OmniFocus4\",\"hasMessagesExtension\":false,\"artwork\":{\"width\":512,\"height\":512,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"393939\",\"textColor1\":\"bd92ff\",\"textColor2\":\"a674ff\",\"textColor3\":\"a280d7\",\"textColor4\":\"9068d7\"},\"videoPreviewsByType\":{},\"privacyPolicyUrl\":\"\",\"supportURLForLanguage\":\"\",\"isStandaloneForWatchOS\":false,\"isHiddenFromSpringboard\":false,\"isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS\":false,\"editorialArtwork\":{\"contentIconTrimmedMonochrome\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"contentIconTrimmed\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0092ff\",\"textColor1\":\"00070c\",\"textColor2\":\"000e19\",\"textColor3\":\"00233d\",\"textColor4\":\"002947\"},\"brandLogo\":{\"width\":1080,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"}},\"subtitle\":\"Accomplish More Every Day\",\"customAttributes\":{\"default\":{\"default\":{\"customVideoPreviewsByType\":{},\"customScreenshotsByType\":{\"appleVisionPro\":[{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"142023\",\"textColor1\":\"ccd8e3\",\"textColor2\":\"b3c1d8\",\"textColor3\":\"a7b3bd\",\"textColor4\":\"93a1b4\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"516579\",\"textColor1\":\"f9f9fb\",\"textColor2\":\"fec0c1\",\"textColor3\":\"d7dbe1\",\"textColor4\":\"dcaeb3\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"241c16\",\"textColor1\":\"7fb8dd\",\"textColor2\":\"68b2dd\",\"textColor3\":\"6d99b5\",\"textColor4\":\"5a94b5\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"121f24\",\"textColor1\":\"cdd9e4\",\"textColor2\":\"b9c8da\",\"textColor3\":\"a7b4bd\",\"textColor4\":\"98a6b6\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"51677a\",\"textColor1\":\"f0f5fa\",\"textColor2\":\"edeff1\",\"textColor3\":\"d1d9e0\",\"textColor4\":\"ced4d9\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"231e0c\",\"textColor1\":\"d3e0e8\",\"textColor2\":\"bac6d9\",\"textColor3\":\"b0b9bc\",\"textColor4\":\"9ba4b0\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"111c23\",\"textColor1\":\"cedce5\",\"textColor2\":\"bed0db\",\"textColor3\":\"a8b6be\",\"textColor4\":\"9bacb6\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"7b90a6\",\"textColor1\":\"0d1012\",\"textColor2\":\"0d1218\",\"textColor3\":\"23292f\",\"textColor4\":\"232b34\"}]}}}}},\"ios\":{\"description\":{\"standard\":\"OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time.\\n\\nTwo-week free trial!\\n\\nOmniFocus 4 introduces a modernized, unified interface across Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple Vision Pro. Centered around your task outline, OmniFocus 4 brings a consistent experience, optimized for each device type, to all of your Apple devices.\\n\\nEasily create tasks anytime–from anywhere–and organize them with projects, tags, and dates. Quickly navigate OmniFocus on any device using the Perspectives Bar, Quick Open, and Back and Forward history. With Pro, use Focus to help focus your attention on specific projects or folders, and customize OmniFocus to only display the information most relevant to you.\\n\\nNew to OmniFocus? The simple, efficient OmniFocus 4 interface will help you discover and implement a trusted system that works and grows with you.\\n\\nUpgrading from a previous version of OmniFocus? In OmniFocus 4, discover enhanced versions of all the powerful task management features you already rely on, along with new features that will level-up your workflow.\\n\\nOmni offers a free and secure sync service, protected with end-to-end encryption, ensuring only devices you authorize can access your data. And now, for the first time ever, OmniFocus is available as a universal cross-platform purchase: get full access to OmniFocus 4 on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch with a single license purchase.\\n\\nAlready own a previous version of OmniFocus? Upgrade today and receive a special upgrade discount. Prefer to subscribe to OmniFocus on a monthly or yearly basis? An OmniFocus subscription unlocks OmniFocus Pro on all supported Apple devices, and includes access to OmniFocus for the Web from any web browser.\\n\\nAccomplish more every day–anywhere you go–with OmniFocus 4.\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":true,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":true,\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.3 includes a bug fix related to localization.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Localization — Chinese Pinyin input once again works in the Project and Tags picker.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-12T12:59:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.2 includes more powerful notifications on iPhone and iPad, a new Apple Watch complication, improvements to Smart Match, updates to our Shortcuts actions (including an all-new Sync action), better VoiceOver support for repeats, enhanced keyboard navigation on iPad, a new Omni Automation API, and a collection of bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Omni Automation — Omni Automation can be used to change the color of a custom perspective icon.\\n• Shortcuts — Sync OmniFocus action has been added.\\n• In-App Purchases — In-app purchases have been streamlined to offer perpetual OmniFocus 4 licenses for all new purchases.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Actions has a new “Item Type” filter, which supports filtering by action, group, or project.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Projects filter for “Folder” now supports both “is” and “is not”, which apply to projects directly inside the selected folder.\\n• Shortcuts — Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Sync OmniFocus actions are grouped under a new Application header.\\n• Smart Match — Smart Match has been updated to prioritize consecutive letters over consecutive words, as well as words over non-contiguous capital letters, improving results when assigning projects and tags.\\n• Tips — Updated “Hide feature tips” label in settings.\\n• Custom Perspectives — Tagged actions inside of groups now display consistently whether or not \\\"Preserve Hierarchy\\\" is enabled.\\n• Estimated Duration — Estimated Duration consistently uses hours instead of minutes, even when “Latest Start” notifications are enabled.\\n• Forecast — Actions added to groups will no longer appear to be duplicates of the selected action.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes can be copied and pasted more reliably, and use consistent spacing.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes display in previews for unselected rows.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Notifications — Notifications for projects or groups which contain available actions, as well as those based on location, now support Dynamic Type and include a list of remaining items, each of which can be completed by tapping on its status circle.\\n• Accessibility — Custom monthly and weekly repetitions will now read their values when using VoiceOver.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji in notes no longer cause the “note with attachment” icon to display.\\n• Keyboard — Project rows now expand to show metadata when selected, even after moving the project into a folder.\\n• Keyboard — Row selection once again expands when using Shift–Up Arrow and Shift–Down Arrow, and now works after using the Begin Select Mode command.\\n• Project/Tags Picker — Filter text is once again cleared when selecting or deselecting an item from the filtered list, and the “Go To” arrow successfully goes to the tapped item.\\n• Shortcuts — Add Action, Add TaskPaper, and Complete Action consistently create actions that are part of a repeat loop.\\n• Tips — “Add with Quick Entry” tip will no longer display on iPhone while the Inspector is open.\\n\\nApple Watch\\n\\n• Complication — Added Quick Entry complication, which launches OmniFocus and opens the Quick Entry editor.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-25T13:18:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5.1 includes the addition of cross-platform support for Show Full Item Title, improvements to our recently upgraded Shortcuts actions, fixes to better support Genmoji, more reliable Sync, improved Accessibility support, the ability to disable our recently added Tips, and a collection of other improvements and fixes across our supported platforms.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Crashes — Fixed several crashes.\\n• Genmoji — Genmoji will no longer be removed from pasted content when using Paste; Paste with Original Style continues to preserve Genmoji content.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for triggering a sync using Omni Automation. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — Add Action action now prompts for an action title when running a shortcut, if one is not initially provided.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Actions, Find Folders, Find Projects and Find Tags actions now support case-insensitive title search.\\n• Shortcuts — Find Projects title search now returns results for “is” and “begins with” filters.\\n• Tips — Added General settings toggle to disable tips; this setting syncs between devices.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Accessibility — Fixed Repeat interval of selected outline item not being provided when using VoiceOver. Previously, VoiceOver would only read \\\"item repeats.\\\" This change is now available in English, and will be localized in a future release.\\n• Accessibility — Fixed Repeat toggle switch not being accessible when using VoiceOver.\\n• Appearance — Added cross-platform support for Show Full Item Title in Appearance settings. As part of that work, selecting multiple rows will now show the full title for all selected rows, matching the Mac behavior.\\n• Forecast — Fixed date selection being lost when switching between perspectives.\\n• Sync — Fixed issue where devices could ignore some received changes, if integrating those changes was initially blocked by in-progress edits. Changes were safely preserved in the database, and newly received changes would continue to successfully sync. OmniFocus now checks during each restart to see if there are changes which have not yet been integrated, and immediately integrates them. If there are expected changes you are not seeing on your device, please quit and reopen OmniFocus. Sync log now captures more detail related to this situation.\\n• Tips — Fixed crash related to “Customize Inspector” tip.\\n\\nApple Watch\\n\\n• Sync — Updated “Phone Sync” toggle label to “Optimize sync using iPhone” to clarify the function.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-20T18:39:14Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.5 introduces new and re-written Shortcuts actions, enhanced Spotlight results (with parity on all platforms), in-app tips and guidance for getting the most out of OmniFocus, improvements to Omni Automation, additional appearance and accessibility options for Mac, and a collection of bug fixes.\\n\\nOur new Shortcuts actions have been developed using the latest Apple technologies, with each action having a streamlined focus. This makes it easier to build new shortcuts, with a clearer sequence of actions, while enabling us to take advantage of future Apple releases. We have left legacy Shortcuts actions in place, to ensure that all your current shortcuts will continue working as expected, while exploring new possibilities in automation. This work continues, so please let us know what you think, if you run into any issues, or if you have any suggestions.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Genmoji — Added support for Genmoji in the notes field, when supported by the operating system. Please note that syncing notes containing Genmoji to earlier versions of OmniFocus can result in errors; updating to v4.5 on all your devices will provide a more consistent experience.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for new `omnifocus:///project/` URLs. Using Copy as Link will continue to provide `omnifocus:///task/` URLs for projects, to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of OmniFocus; this will change in a future release. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — New and updated Shortcuts actions include Add Action (replaces Legacy: Add Item); Add TaskPaper; Complete Action (new!); Complete Project (new!); Find Actions (replaces Legacy: Find Items); Find Folders (new!); Find Projects; Find Tags; Get Action, Get Folder, Get Perspective, Get Project, and Get Tag (using Copy as Link, and replacing Legacy: Get Database Object Result from Input); Get Actions from Perspective (new!); Open Action, Open Folder, Open Perspective, Open Project, Open Tag (replaces Legacy: Show in OmniFocus); and Today’s Forecast (with added support for due, deferred, tagged, and flagged actions). Find Actions and Find Projects are in beta; please read their descriptions regarding limitations. Previous Shortcuts actions now include Legacy: in the title and summary, along with suggestions for replacement actions.\\n• Spotlight — Enhanced Spotlight results are now available on all platforms, and include actions, action groups, projects, folders, tags, default perspectives, and custom perspectives.\\n• Tips — Helpful tips and guidance will display, as you use OmniFocus.\\n• Shortcuts — App Shortcuts-related crashes have been fixed.\\n\\niPhone\\n\\n• Automation — Improved layout of Omni Automation menu.\\n• Toolbar — Fixed an elusive crash.\\n\\niPad\\n\\n• Automation — Improved layout of Omni Automation menu.\\n• Keyboard — Tapping on a row, after using hardware keyboard arrow keys to navigate, will once again select and focus on the tapped row.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-11T04:06:43Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes and sync improvements.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Omni Automation — Added `window.toolbarVisible` property. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Omni Automation — Added API to translate between database objects and URLs. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Omni Automation — Added support for specifying the dropped date of a task. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.\\n• Shortcuts — Fixed several crashes related to App Shortcuts.\\n• Shortcuts — Fixed a crash in the Today’s Forecast action which would result in ignoring the setting for Show When Run.\\n\\niPhone\\n\\n• First Launch — Sync button will no longer be disabled if you skip sync setup, then change your mind.\\n\\niPad\\n\\n• First Launch — Sync button will no longer be disabled if you skip sync setup, then change your mind.\\n• Quick Entry — Fixed layout of Quick Entry when used from other apps.\\n• Toolbar — Fixed an elusive crash related to the popover inspector, on specific sizes of iPad.\\n\\nApple Watch\\n\\n• Sync — Apple Watch app will no longer attempt any database maintenance tasks, reducing sync times. These tasks are still handled by OmniFocus on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-25T18:47:20Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n\\nApple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-24T17:56:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Styling note text via Omni Automation no longer triggers a crash.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Keyboard — Project and Tag pickers now support Chinese Pinyin input on iOS/iPadOS 18.\\n• Keyboard — Pressing the tab key now confirms autocomplete suggestion when appropriate.\\n• Notes — Additional fix to address a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n• Notes — Addressed a bug that could cause new note content entered in Inspector to be lost after some types of navigation.\\n• Notes — Addressed a bug that could cause link formatting in notes field to bleed into notes field of other selected items.\\n• Sharing — Popovers now layout correctly when sharing to OmniFocus on iPadOS 18.\\n• VoiceOver — Fixed a bug that could cause sidebar projects/tags list contents to be inaccessible by VoiceOver after toggling Show Sidebar button.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-14T18:02:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.4 introduces new Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective functionality, brings new gesture and widget support to Apple Watch, and improves compatibility with newer OS versions.\\n\\nOmniFocus 4.4 requires macOS 14 Sonoma, iOS 17, iPadOS 17, watchOS 10, or visionOS 1. Some features may not be available on all supported OSes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• OS Compatibility — Improved compatibility with newer versions of macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and visionOS.\\n• Shortcuts — New Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective shortcuts.\\n• Spotlight — Quick Entry, Quick Open, and Open Perspective shortcuts are now included in Spotlight search results on supported OSes.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Widgets — Widgets no longer allow for selection of custom perspectives when OmniFocus is running in Standard mode.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Control Center — Customize Control Center with resizable new Quick Entry, Quick Open and Open Perspective controls available in the Control gallery.\\n• Lock Screen — Replace the controls at the bottom of the Lock Screen for new Quick Entry, Quick Open and Open Perspective controls to quickly access your most frequently used OmniFocus features.\\n• Action Button — Customize the Action Button to launch Quick Entry, Quick Open, or a perspective (requires iPhone with Action Button).\\n• Home Screen — App Icon and widgets have been optimized for light, dark, and tinted display.\\n• Widgets — Tapping on a date in Forecast Widget now launches OmniFocus to selected date in Forecast.\\n• Outline — Date fields now display in time-only format in outlines grouped by date (matching Mac behavior).\\n• Outline — Row swipe now action now displays correct tag icon.\\n• Settings — Removed deprecated \\\"Show Explanation in Today Widget\\\" setting.\\n• Sync — Fixed a bug that could temporarily block displaying synced changes.\\n\\nApple Watch\\n\\n• Gestures — Double tap now activates Quick Entry or completes the displayed item (double tap gesture requires supported Apple Watch).\\n• Widgets \u0026 Complications — New widget type displays Inbox, Forecast, and Flagged item counts in Smart Stack and on supported watch faces.\\n• Widgets \u0026 Complications — Item completion is now supported in new interactive widgets in Smart Stack and on supported watch faces.\\n• Widgets \u0026 Complications — Additional watchOS complication options now highlight key elements using the watch face's accent color.\\n• Siri — Siri capture has been updated for parity with functionality available in iOS, iPadOS, and visionOS, allowing for assignment of project and tags on capture.\\n• Quick Entry — Quick Entry button is now displayed when viewing outline.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T02:58:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Our team is currently hard at work updating OmniFocus to support the new operating systems announced last month and shipping later this year. But we’ve also been fixing some important bugs!\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Outline — Fixed a bug that could cause new items to sometimes appear to be added above the previously selected outline row instead of below it.\\n• Omni Automation — Addressed an installation path bug that could occur for Github hosted plug-ins installed via Install Link.\\n• Perspectives — \\\"Due Soon\\\" status filter no longer includes items which have inherited the completed (or dropped) status from a project or parent.\\n• Sync — Disconnected database transaction files detected on the sync server are now cleaned up after one week.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Dates — Fixed a bug that could cause date changes in date picker to be discarded if time is also changed.\\n• Keyboard — Displayed hardware keyboard row highlight now stays in sync with actual outline selection.\\n• Outline — Improved animation after marking an item complete.\\n• Outline — Creating items in a previously empty outline via hardware keyboard no longer breaks drag \u0026 drop.\\n• Outline — Scroll gesture no longer breaks up/down keyboard navigation in outline.\\n• Repeats — Restored ability to customize days of week for monthly repetitions.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur on sync in certain app states.\\n\\nApple Watch\\n\\n• Complications — Circular Infographic complication now displays relevant task title in addition to item count.\\n• Sync — Watch app now attempts to connect to the network immediately when launched while in low power mode.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email or call 1–206–523–4152.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-26\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-26T21:15:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nOur team is currently hard at work updating OmniFocus to support the new operating systems announced last month and shipping later this year. But we’ve also been fixing some important bugs!\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Forecast — Improved item sorting in Forecast, so items are sorted on selection change or Clean Up whenever Keep Sorted is enabled.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash sometimes encountered while calculating the location of an item in Forecast.\\n\\nMac\\n\\n• Multiple Windows — Database rebuilds will now reopen all windows which were previously open, rather than only reopening a single window.\\n• Notes Inspector — Fixed a bug where links added to notes using “Edit \u003e Add Link…” could sometimes get lost.\\n• Performance — Improved the performance of completing items by clicking on the status circle.\\n\\niPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro\\n\\n• Drag \u0026 Drop — Adding items to the outline no longer breaks the long-press drag gesture.\\n• Inspector: Title — Fixed a bug editing the title field with a hardware keyboard where the field could lose focus immediately after being tapped unless you tapped on another inspector field first.\\n• Inspector: Notes — Fixed a bug that could cause note edits in the inspector to be copied to a different item.\\n• Omni Automation — Automation scripts that present forms should no longer run into an error saying “No presenting view controller found.”\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash encountered when an building a Spotlight index after conflicting edits deleted an item which had a tag assigned to it on another device.\\n• Sync Settings [Apple Vision Pro] — Updated the Replace Sync Data dialog to have a more reasonable size on visionOS.\\n• VoiceOver — Fixed a recent regression from the inspector redesign in 4.3 that could cause VoiceOver to get stuck in the top toolbar rather than navigating through the inspector fields.\\n• VoiceOver — Made it possible to navigate through search results that return results from outside the current perspective (i.e. when using the “Search Remaining” and “Search Everything” options).\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-24T17:07:14Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\nAll Platforms\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Displayed perspective rules now refresh automatically when changed in another context (such as another window, another device, or through some automation).\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — When a perspective is organized by projects, hiding the “Preserve hierarchy” switch, its hidden value no longer affects the contents of the perspective.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Restored ability to cancel out of upgrading legacy custom perspectives.\\n• Localization — Restored missing Spanish strings in View Options.\\n• Unsupported OS Alerts — Unsupported OS alert no longer presents on every app launch.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could be triggered by Omni Automation scripts which focus on a folder.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad\\n\\n• Omni Automation [Pro] — Addressed a memory leak that could be triggered by repeatedly running Omni Automations via a shortcut.\\n• Outline — Empty space displayed at bottom of outline is now a drop target.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T17:52:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.3 introduces support for device Focus Filters and a new Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. Additionally, this release includes a wide range of improvements and bug fixes, including new custom perspective rule comments, enhanced Apple Watch sync reliability, and improved outline behavior in a variety of contexts.\\n\\nAll Platforms:\\n\\n• Device Focus Filters — In the Focus section of the Settings app, you can now configure Focus Filters for OmniFocus to limit which folders are visible when a device Focus is enabled. Note that when a device Focus is applied in this way, it’s no longer possible to use the custom Focus feature in OmniFocus Pro until you exit the device Focus.\\n• Shortcuts — New Set/Remove Favorite Perspective shortcut. With this shortcut, you can change your favorite perspectives based on your device focus or by using a Siri command.\\n• Custom Perspectives — You can now intersperse comments among your perspective rules.\\n• Clean Up — Selected items now immediately clean up when removed from current view via drag \u0026 drop or a key command.\\n• Inspector — Updated Inspector layout code to be better shared cross-platform, including some visual changes for cross-platform consistency.\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n• Outline — Improved overall stability/reliability of outline order when editing.\\n• Review — Review now supports filtering by availability.\\n• Custom Perspectives — The correct tag is now assigned when adding an action to a custom perspective which groups actions by tag but doesn’t sort them in Tags Order.\\n• Quick Open — Fixed a bug where using Quick Open to find a project or folder would fail to select that target in the sidebar when the window was focused.\\n• Sidebar — Fixed a bug that could cause content displayed in the outline to fall out of sync with the selection in the sidebar.\\n• Stability — Crash fixes.\\n\\niPhone \u0026 iPad:\\n\\n• Outline — Outline content is no longer pinned to bottom of the screen when scrolling.\\n• Outline — Note icons now float towards the trailing edge of the row (where they’re more likely to align with other note icons) rather than being placed adjacent to the title text.\\n• Widgets — The small Forecast widget for the Lock Screen now counts items that are due soon as well as those that are overdue. For customers who prefer to count only overdue items, we’ve added a separate Overdue widget.\\n• Expansion State — Fixed a bug that could cause collapsed parent items in the sidebar and outline to be incorrectly displayed as expanded.\\n• Forecast — Fixed a bug that could cause calendar events to disappear when scrolling.\\n• Outline — All four corners of row selection highlight are once again rounded.\\n• Outline — Attachments can now be deleted from notes in the outline.\\n• Performance — Very large image attachments no longer negatively impact performance.\\n• Select Mode — Addressed incorrect row spacing that could occur when scrolling with Select Mode enabled.\\n• VoiceOver — Search results for a Here scoped search are now accessible to VoiceOver.\\n• VoiceOver — Focus is now always placed immediately in the title field when the “Edit in Inspector” VoiceOver action is invoked.\\n• VoiceOver — Estimated Duration units are now read correctly by VoiceOver.\\n\\nApple Watch\\n\\n• Note Indicator — Items now indicate when they have a note or attachment.\\n• Complications — The Forecast complication now counts items that are due soon as well as those that are overdue. For customers who prefer to count only overdue items, we’ve added a separate Overdue complication.\\n• Sync — When a paired iPhone is nearby, the watch app will now download recent changes from that iPhone prior to syncing with the sync server. This makes syncing faster and more reliable when the watch doesn’t have a fast connection to the sync server.\\n• Sync — The watch app now attempts to sync automatically whenever it detects that the iPhone app has newer data.\\n• Complications — Improved display and reliability of watch complications.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-05T15:50:51Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Stability — Addressed a crash that could occur when swiping between outline and sidebar or rapidly tapping on a Perspectives Bar tab.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-13T14:52:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — \\\"In the past\\\" date range rules now include items through the current time today.\\n• Omni Automation [Pro] — Improved Omni Automation's Install Link support for plug-ins hosted on github.\\n• Apple Watch — Corner complications now display accurately for empty perspectives.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Addressed a bug that could cause incomplete outline content to display after modifying a custom perspective rule.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — Corrected capitalization for “Has date in range” rule summaries.\\n• VoiceOver — Quick Open results are now accessible by VoiceOver.\\n• VoiceOver — Flagged status is now read on selection of flagged items.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash trigged by Omni Automation plug-ins which attach a file to an email.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-16T07:05:17Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.2 introduces new custom perspective rules that let you filter based on dates, repeats, and more. These new perspective rules require OmniFocus 4.2 or later; custom perspectives which use these rules will not be displayed in prior versions of OmniFocus. Custom perspectives require OmniFocus Pro.\\n\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Has date in range\\\" rule type enables filtering a perspective by assigned date range.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is repeating\\\" rule enables filtering repeating tasks.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is project, group, or neither\\\" rule type enables filtering for projects or groups.\\n• Custom Perspectives [Pro] — New \\\"Is in single actions list\\\" rule type enables filtering for items in single action lists.\\n• Omni Automation — Omni Automation now supports “Install Links” for simplified Omni Automation plug-in installation.\\n• Omni Automation — It's now possible to write a plug-in which changes the filter rules which define the contents of a perspective. See Perspective.Custom.archivedFilterRules.\\n• Omni Automation — Updated appearance and organization of Omni Automation navigation bar and menus.\\n• Omni Automation — See Automation API Reference Release Notes for additional Omni Automation updates.\\n• Forecast — Forecast View Options tag picker now updates immediately when Forecast tag selection is changed.\\n• In App Purchases — \\\"Done\\\" button is now displayed after restoring a previous purchase.\\n• Quick Open — Add Perspective button is no longer disabled when in Edit mode in Quick Open.\\n• Review — Non-functional project disclosure triangles are no longer displayed in Review.\\n• Performance — Improved performance when adding or removing an item in a long outline.\\n• Performance — Improved performance when editing an item's assigned project or tags.\\n• Perspective Rules — Perspective rules correctly describe themselves using restrictive clause phrasing (\\\"that\\\").\\n• Settings — Fixed a bug that could cause Settings to fail to open after an Omni Automation plug-in is run via Quick Open.\\n• Settings — Corrected formatting of \\\"Learn more…\\\" link Settings \u003e Layout.\\n• Spotlight — Fixed broken support for searching for \\\"Today\\\" in Spotlight.\\n• Sync — Improved logic for updating linked encryption passphrase when account password is changed.\\n• VoiceOver — Improved VoiceOver support for Select mode.\\n• VoiceOver — VoiceOver now indicates when an item is completed.\\n• VoiceOver — Quick Open button is now labeled for VoiceOver.\\n• VoiceOver — Flagged state is now announced by VoiceOver.\\n• VoiceOver — Fixed a bug that blocked subsequent item edits via VoiceOver.\\n• VoiceOver — Drop target is now announced by VoiceOver when dragging an item.\\n• VoiceOver — Button selections in Inspector are now announced by VoiceOver.\\n• Stability — Addressed crash on launch that could be encountered after creating a new item.\\n• Stability — Addressed crash on launch related to iCloud on iOS 17.4.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-08T13:34:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.5 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Menus — Complete is now available in contextual shortcut menu for action rows.\\n• Forecast — Clean Up behavior following date change is now consistent in Standard and Pro modes.\\n• Navigation — \\\"Show in Projects,\\\" \\\"Show in Tags,\\\" Show in Inbox\\\" menu commands now work more reliably, keyboard shortcut (⌥⌘R) is now supported.\\n• Outline — Addressed jittery scroll behavior when saving a new item.\\n• Outline — Tapping anywhere on tag row now opens tag picker on iPhone.\\n• Sharing — URL is now captured correctly when sharing from Safari on iOS 17.3.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-01-31\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-01-31T18:09:44Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.4 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Apple Watch — Improved Forecast complication reliability.\\n• Apple Watch — Recently favorited perspectives are now correctly offered for selection when configuring complications.\\n• Forecast — Corrected View Options available in Standard mode.\\n• View Options — Fixed a bug that could cause View Options button in toolbar to sometimes fail to respond.\\n• Stability — Fixed a bug that could cause poor performance or a crash when attempting to assign a project or tags to an item on some devices.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur attempting to edit the current perspective on iPad.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-01-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-01-10T22:48:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Localizations — Localization updates.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-28\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-28T17:59:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Perspectives Bar — Improved reliability when initiating perspective editing for the currently displayed perspective via the Perspectives Bar shortcut menu.\\n• Purchasing — “Buy License” option in Omni Accounts screen now correctly navigates to in-app purchases.\\n• Sync — Sync setup now handles certificate trust prompts correctly.\\n• Stability — Addressed a crash triggered by Edit menu option in Perspectives Bar shortcuts menu.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive too.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-20T20:27:06Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"OmniFocus 4.0.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.\\n\\n• Dates — Addressed a bug that caused AM to always be displayed selected instead in time picker.\\n• First Run — Addressed a bug that could cause Perspectives Bar and outline content to fail to display after exiting first run flow.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when adding new items while a sync is in progress.\\n• Stability — Fixed a crash trigged by toggling tutorial project option in first run flow.\\n\\nIf you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! The Omni Group offers free tech support; you can email, call 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152, or tweet @OmniFocus.\\n\\nIf OmniFocus empowers you, we would appreciate an App Store review. Your review will help other people find OmniFocus and make them more productive 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With Timepage installed, your calendar events will automatically appear in the Schedule screen in Actions so you can see everything in context. In Timepage, you can see scheduled actions alongside your events. Master your calendar events and your to-dos with the ultimate productivity app duo!\\n\\n\\n–––MEMBERSHIP–––\\n\\nActions is a membership service with a free trial. Download the app free to try it out without restriction or registration. After the trial period you can choose to purchase a membership which allows unlimited use across all of your devices.\\n\\nWithout an active membership, you can still use the app in read-only mode.\\n\\n• Unlimited access on all your devices.\\n• Both monthly and annual options available.\\n\\nPrice may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Your subscription will automatically renew unless automatic renewal is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. You can manage your subscriptions and automatic renewal status in Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of the free trial period will be forfeited when you purchase a subscription.\\n\\nPrivacy Policy:\\nTerms of Service:\\n\\n\\n–––QUESTIONS?–––\\n\\nIf you’ve got a question or something isn’t working quite right, you can contact us directly from the Menu \u003e Help \u003e Contact Support.\\nGot a feature idea? Let us know at\\n\\n\\n–––THANK YOU–––\\n\\nWe have put thousands of hours into creating Actions. We read every single one of your reviews. If you enjoy using Actions please take a minute to leave us a nice review, thank you!\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":true,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.6:\\n\\n• Various small fixes\\n\\nVersion 3.5:\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-17T03:20:02Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.5.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.5.5:\\n\\n• Various small fixes\\n\\nVersion 3.5:\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-10T02:36:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.5.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.5.4:\\n\\n• Various small fixes\\n\\nVersion 3.5:\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-14T00:13:29Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.5.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-07T05:25:08Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.5.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-29T01:37:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.5.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-27T01:30:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.5.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new action, or opening the app to a particular list.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T09:21:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.4.3\\nThis version of Actions includes various crash fixes including some issues in the watch app.\\n\\nVersion 3.4.2\\nThis new version of Actions has some important bug fixes. Most notably, a fix for an issue with the Actions Widgets.\\n\\nVersion 3.4\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n• Overhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n• Along with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n• With a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nFrom recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-05T18:04:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.4.3\\nThis version of Actions includes various crash fixes including some issues in the watch app.\\n\\nVersion 3.4.2\\nThis new version of Actions has some important bug fixes. Most notably, a fix for an issue with the Actions Widgets.\\n\\nVersion 3.4\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n• Overhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n• Along with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n• With a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nFrom recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-02T06:02:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.4.1\\n\\nThis new version of Actions has some important bug fixes. Most notably, a fix for an issue with the Actions Widgets.\\n\\nVersion 3.4\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n• Overhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n• Along with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n• With a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nFrom recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-30T01:36:56Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 3.4\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n• Overhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n• Along with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n• With a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nFrom recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-18T03:46:11Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This release is all about fixes and polish, but we also have these new features from recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-06T13:26:45Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This release is all about fixes and polish, but we have these new features from recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-23T05:27:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This release is all about fixes and polish, but we have these new features from recent releases:\\n\\n• Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n• Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-27T02:28:31Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This release is mainly fixes and polish, but we did have time to slip in one heavily requested new feature:\\n\\n• NEW: Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n\\nNew in previous versions:\\nIntroducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-11T23:45:29Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This release is mainly fixes and polish, but we did have time to slip in one heavily requested new feature:\\n\\n• NEW: Duplicating actions: You can now duplicate actions by long pressing on the action and selecting \\\"duplicate\\\" from the menu. When duplicated, an action's subtasks will be reset to incomplete.\\n\\n\\nNew in previous versions:\\nIntroducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-22T03:52:07Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-08T05:08:31Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-01T02:30:57Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.3.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing Actions Interactive Widgets support for iOS 17!\\n\\nActions widgets are now interactive! Simply tap an action in order to show some buttons. Tap the \\\"check\\\" button to complete the action.\\n\\nAlso new for iOS17 is support for Standby Mode, a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging and in landscape orientation. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-17T08:46:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.2.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nInteractive widgets are coming very soon, so watch this space.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user and you can talk to our team any time by emailing\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-10-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-10-04T13:15:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.2.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. Our Schedule, List and Next Action widgets are all compatible.\\n\\nWe've also fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nInteractive widgets are coming very soon, so watch this space.\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user and you can talk to our team any time by emailing\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-09-21\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-09-21T00:44:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.1.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"v3.1.6:\\n\\n• Fixes a bug where sub-tasks in shared repeated actions wouldn't appear for all the users.\\n• Other small fixes and improvements.\\n\\nv3.1.5:\\n\\n• Fixes a layout bug that made a list's close button difficult to tap on smaller devices\\n\\n\\nv3.1:\\n\\nThis update is packed full of great new features. You can now sort and filter actions, archive lists, and search actions with a whole new search screen. We’ve also introduced a new way to browse colors and more than doubled the number of colors available with beautiful new muted and dark options. \\n\\n\\nFiltering and Sorting Actions\\n\\nOn every list you can now filter and sort the actions on it via the filter button. You can show or hide actions depending on if they are shared with other people, scheduled, repeating, or set to hot or cold priority. You can sort actions by priority, creation date, name and scheduled date. Sorting is applied as a one-time reordering of the actions on the list each time you tap one of the sort options. This means you can manually reorder actions too.\\n\\n\\nChecklist (Subtasks) Sorting and Cleanup\\n\\nYou can now sort the subtasks on action by name and completion with the sort button underneath the subtasks list. Tap the new cleanup button and choose whether to delete all, delete all completed or delete all incomplete.\\n\\n\\nFiltering and Sorting Lists\\n\\nThe new filter button in the top right of the Lists screen lets you filter and sort the order of your lists. You can show or hide lists that are shared with other people or that have been archived. You can sort the order of your lists by name, creation date, the number of actions on them, the number of incomplete actions on them, and by most recent to last used.\\n\\n\\nArchiving Lists\\n\\nYou can now archive lists by tapping the archive button next to the delete button on a list’s settings screen.\\n\\n\\nNew Search Screen\\n\\nThe new search screen has been added to the main tab buttons at the bottom of the screen between logbook and schedule. It’s a whole new way of keeping on top of your actions, and works as a dynamic list, changing what actions are displayed depending on the filters you set across the top of the screen. You can quickly turn on and off each icon to filter what actions are shown, and also filter by text which searches action names and notes. The sort button in the top right lets you sort the order of the actions currently on screen. \\n\\n\\nNew Colors\\n\\nYou can now sort between groups of colors on the color screen, with vivid, pastel, muted, dark and monochromatic options. New colors have been added, expanding the range to 70 unique options. The new grid view arranges all the color bubbles into a neat order, and the lists button displays a mini preview of your lists so that you can setup all your colors at once. \\n\\n\\nNotifications \\n\\nYou can now enable notifications on changes to shared lists per list, in the List Settings screen on a shared list. \\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user and you can talk to our team any time by emailing\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-08-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-08-09T09:51:17Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.1.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"v3.1.5:\\n\\n• Fixes a layout bug that made a list's close button difficult to tap on smaller devices\\n\\n\\nv3.1:\\n\\nThis update is packed full of great new features. You can now sort and filter actions, archive lists, and search actions with a whole new search screen. We’ve also introduced a new way to browse colors and more than doubled the number of colors available with beautiful new muted and dark options. \\n\\n\\nFiltering and Sorting Actions\\n\\nOn every list you can now filter and sort the actions on it via the filter button. You can show or hide actions depending on if they are shared with other people, scheduled, repeating, or set to hot or cold priority. You can sort actions by priority, creation date, name and scheduled date. Sorting is applied as a one-time reordering of the actions on the list each time you tap one of the sort options. This means you can manually reorder actions too.\\n\\n\\nChecklist (Subtasks) Sorting and Cleanup\\n\\nYou can now sort the subtasks on action by name and completion with the sort button underneath the subtasks list. Tap the new cleanup button and choose whether to delete all, delete all completed or delete all incomplete.\\n\\n\\nFiltering and Sorting Lists\\n\\nThe new filter button in the top right of the Lists screen lets you filter and sort the order of your lists. You can show or hide lists that are shared with other people or that have been archived. You can sort the order of your lists by name, creation date, the number of actions on them, the number of incomplete actions on them, and by most recent to last used.\\n\\n\\nArchiving Lists\\n\\nYou can now archive lists by tapping the archive button next to the delete button on a list’s settings screen.\\n\\n\\nNew Search Screen\\n\\nThe new search screen has been added to the main tab buttons at the bottom of the screen between logbook and schedule. It’s a whole new way of keeping on top of your actions, and works as a dynamic list, changing what actions are displayed depending on the filters you set across the top of the screen. You can quickly turn on and off each icon to filter what actions are shown, and also filter by text which searches action names and notes. The sort button in the top right lets you sort the order of the actions currently on screen. \\n\\n\\nNew Colors\\n\\nYou can now sort between groups of colors on the color screen, with vivid, pastel, muted, dark and monochromatic options. New colors have been added, expanding the range to 70 unique options. The new grid view arranges all the color bubbles into a neat order, and the lists button displays a mini preview of your lists so that you can setup all your colors at once. \\n\\n\\nNotifications \\n\\nYou can now enable notifications on changes to shared lists per list, in the List Settings screen on a shared list. \\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user and you can talk to our team any time by emailing\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-05-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-05-30T18:19:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.1.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This update is packed full of great new features. You can now sort and filter actions, archive lists, and search actions with a whole new search screen. We’ve also introduced a new way to browse colors and more than doubled the number of colors available with beautiful new muted and dark options. \\n\\n\\nFiltering and Sorting Actions\\n\\nOn every list you can now filter and sort the actions on it via the filter button. You can show or hide actions depending on if they are shared with other people, scheduled, repeating, or set to hot or cold priority. You can sort actions by priority, creation date, name and scheduled date. Sorting is applied as a one-time reordering of the actions on the list each time you tap one of the sort options. This means you can manually reorder actions too.\\n\\n\\nChecklist (Subtasks) Sorting and Cleanup\\n\\nYou can now sort the subtasks on action by name and completion with the sort button underneath the subtasks list. Tap the new cleanup button and choose whether to delete all, delete all completed or delete all incomplete.\\n\\n\\nFiltering and Sorting Lists\\n\\nThe new filter button in the top right of the Lists screen lets you filter and sort the order of your lists. You can show or hide lists that are shared with other people or that have been archived. You can sort the order of your lists by name, creation date, the number of actions on them, the number of incomplete actions on them, and by most recent to last used.\\n\\n\\nArchiving Lists\\n\\nYou can now archive lists by tapping the archive button next to the delete button on a list’s settings screen.\\n\\n\\nNew Search Screen\\n\\nThe new search screen has been added to the main tab buttons at the bottom of the screen between logbook and schedule. It’s a whole new way of keeping on top of your actions, and works as a dynamic list, changing what actions are displayed depending on the filters you set across the top of the screen. You can quickly turn on and off each icon to filter what actions are shown, and also filter by text which searches action names and notes. 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Inc.\",\"reviewsRestricted\":false,\"isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible\":false,\"requirementsByDeviceFamily\":{\"iphone\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"iPhone\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires iOS 17.0 or later.\"},\"ipad\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"iPad\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires iPadOS 17.0 or later.\"},\"realityDevice\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"Apple Vision\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires visionOS 2.2 or later.\"},\"watch\":{\"deviceFamily\":\"Apple Watch\",\"requirementString\":\"Requires watchOS 10.0 or later.\"}},\"minimumWatchOSVersion\":\"10.0\",\"platformAttributes\":{\"xros\":{\"minimumMacOSVersion\":\"14.0\",\"description\":{\"standard\":\"Fantastical is the award-winning calendar app with powerful features including intuitive natural language text parsing, beautiful full calendar day, week, month, quarter and year views, tasks, time zone support, and much, much more.\\n\\nTRY FANTASTICAL FOR FREE\\n\\n• Beautiful, clean, and easy to use calendar app allowing you to manage basic events\\n• See your schedule like never before with multiple windows on Apple Vision Pro\\n• Full screen day, week, month, quarter, and year views\\n• Full task support including Todoist and Google Tasks\\n• 3 day weather forecast (powered by AccuWeather)\\n• 14 day free trial for Flexibits Premium\\n\\nUPGRADE TO FLEXIBITS PREMIUM FOR EVEN MORE (requires subscription)\\n\\n• Includes Fantastical on all devices: Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and Vision Pro\\n• Openings: Schedule events based on your availability\\n• Proposals: Create meeting polls\\n• Add Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, and Microsoft Teams calls\\n• Extended 10 day weather forecast with RealFeel and MinuteCast up-to-the-minute weather data (powered by AccuWeather)\\n• Browse and instantly subscribe to interesting calendars, including sports, TV shows, holidays, and much more (powered by SchedJoules)\\n• Calendar sets - Go from Home to Work and back again by turning multiple calendars on or off with a tap — you can even switch sets automatically when your work day begins or when you pull into the garage at home.\\n• Event and task templates\\n• Sync calendar sets and templates across devices\\n• Parser autocomplete recommendations for invitees, locations, and calendars/task lists\\n• Propose multiple times to easily ask people when they can meet\\n• Combine duplicate events across multiple calendars\\n• Invitees and availability lookups\\n• Respond to event invitations\\n• Default alerts\\n• Time zone override\\n• Favorite time zones\\n• Push updates for Google and Exchange\\n• Set event travel time and receive time to leave notifications\\n• Custom event colors\\n• Custom alert sounds\\n• Hide events without deleting them\\n• Add attachments to events on iCloud, Google, and Exchange\\n• Priority email support\\n\\nADDING NEW EVENTS OR TASKS IS FAST AND FUN\\n\\n• The easiest and fastest way to add new events or tasks\\n• Type in your details or use dictation and watch your words magically turn into an actual event or task!\\n• Powerful parser features, including:\\n - Create tasks by starting your sentence with “task” ”reminder\\\", \\\"todo\\\", or \\\"remind me to\\\"\\n - Powerful and expressive repeating events such as third Thursday of every month, every weekend, last weekday of the month, and more\\n - Create alerts with phrases like \\\"remind me tomorrow at 3PM\\\", \\\"alert 1 hour before\\\", or \\\"alarm 3PM\\\"\\n\\nTHE BEST TASKS APP, TOO\\n\\n• See your events and dated tasks together in the main list\\n• Add tasks directly from the Tasks list or new event screen - just flip the switch to toggle between events and tasks\\n• Set dates, times, and geofences (when I arrive/when I leave)\\n• Support for iCloud Reminders, Todoist, and Google Tasks\\n\\nWORKS THE WAY YOU DO\\n\\n• Connects to your favorite calendar services including iCloud, Google, Exchange, Office 365, Todoist, and more\\n• Automatically add alarms to your new events\\n• Fantastical is fully localized in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese\\n• Start typing your event or task in any of these languages and Fantastical will automagically understand!\\n\\nEVEN MORE FANTASTICAL\\n\\n• Background app updating enables events, tasks, and alerts to be pushed to Fantastical even if you don't launch the app often\\n• Birthdays and Anniversaries - see your contact’s details or send a quick birthday or anniverary greeting\\n• Time zone support including floating time zone support\\n• Accessibility support\\n• And much, much more!\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"websiteUrl\":\"\u0026pk_kwd=website\",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added new options to collectively handle groups of notifications or invitations\\n- Added the ability to specify relative alarms\\n- Up Next widget will prioritize showing events from tomorrow over all-day events after the configured end of day\\n- Adding a Todoist account will now load completed tasks from the last year\\n- The accessibility label of the parser text field is now updated to avoid confusion whenever the item type is changed\\n- Improved the accessibility for the Up Next complication on watchOS\\n- Fixed an issue where removing a date alert from a task would also remove the location alert that was set\\n- Fixed an issue where task durations would get picked up as distance, offering physical conversions\\n- Fixed an issue where notifications for Microsoft 365 tasks could say 12:00 AM even though they appear at the correct time\\n- Fixed an issue where searching for invitees would cause Fantastical to crash for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where activating overlapping calendar items in day view using VoiceOver would display the details of the wrong calendar item\\n- Fixed an issue where changing the calendar and color of a Google event at the same time would not always sync\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would not update the travel time for certain events\\n- Fixed removing Teams meetings from events\\n- Fixed Focus Filters not changing calendar sets\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-11T13:00:40Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added actions in Shortcuts to search for events and tasks\\n- The Show Calendar shortcut can be configured to skip today's past events\\n- The Flexibits account encryption key is now stored more securely using iCloud Keychain\\n- Improved handling of alarms when using templates\\n- Fixed repeating tasks on Exchange accounts\\n- Fixed an issue with locations having a trailing newline on Graph accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where the sign in screen would display with the wrong theme configuration\\n- Fixed an issue where VO would skip overdue tasks in month view\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented RSVP meeting attendees from being manually removed\\n- Fixed an issue where Migration Assistant wouldn't display some information of the Flexibits Account\\n- Fixed a crash when long tapping items in the event list\\n- Fixed an issue that preventing changes to meetings with an attached Webex conference\\n- Fixed an issue where ICS files containing GEO property with too many fractional digits would fail to be parsed\\n- Fixed an issue where the Show Schedule AppIntent would not prompt for the specific date\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-11T16:00:39Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Improved VoiceOver support for interactive widgets\\n- Fixed a crash when running a second app in Slide Over with Migration Assistant visible\\n- Fixed an issue where uploading attachments with iCloud would fail for some users\\n- Fixed an issue users with Microsoft 365 accounts added via Graph would receive sporadic errors\\n- Fixed an issue where adding a task in the Tasks view would sometimes cancel unexpectedly\\n- Fixed an issue with events with a Teams meeting added using the MS Teams app\\n- Fixed an crash when trying to sync a task with no title\\n- Fixed an issue where the navigation bar would be transparent when importing an ICS file\\n- Fixed an issue with locations having duplicate addresses on Graph accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would perform too many unnecessary Zoom API requests which would affect syncing\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical's snapshot in the Application Switcher wouldn't update when the system theme changed\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would crash when making changes in the Openings Editor for some users\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-13T16:01:02Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added the ability to include guests when signing up for an Fantastical RSVP invitation\\n- Improved performance when adding attendees using the parser\\n- Fixed an issue where the Task List would not updated due changes via sync for some users\\n- Fixed syncing locations over Exchange\\n- Fixed undoing the completion of a recurring reminder\\n- Fixed an issue where creating public proposals would incorrectly display an error\\n- Fixed an issue with disappearing phone numbers for Zoom events on Google calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Migration Assistant would crash for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical failed to update special Google events (i.e, Out of Office, Focus Time, Events from Gmail, and Google Scheduled Appointments)\\n- Fixed an issue where Birthdays from Google Contacts could incorrectly show up in the main Google calendar\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-12T22:00:13Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added the ability to include guests when signing up for an Fantastical RSVP invitation\\n- Improved performance when adding attendees using the parser\\n- Fixed an issue where the Task List would not updated due changes via sync for some users\\n- Fixed syncing locations over Exchange\\n- Fixed undoing the completion of a recurring reminder\\n- Fixed an issue where creating public proposals would incorrectly display an error\\n- Fixed an issue with disappearing phone numbers for Zoom events on Google calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Migration Assistant would crash for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical failed to update special Google events (i.e, Out of Office, Focus Time, Events from Gmail, and Google Scheduled Appointments)\\n- Fixed an issue where Birthdays from Google Contacts could incorrectly show up in the main Google calendar\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-10T16:00:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for Signal Call Links\\n- Added a new directions button on the UpNext and List views in the watch app\\n- Todoist users with team projects can elect to self-assign tasks as they are created\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented the Create Event Control Center widget from opening the app\\n- Fixed an issue with iCloud calendars disappearing intermittently\\n- Fixed an issue where \\\"Start Week View On\\\" setting was not always respected\\n- Fixed a crash on watchOS for some users\\n- Fixed searching for contacts by email\\n- Fixed an issue where completed, timed tasks on Graph accounts would lose their timed component\\n- Fixed an issue where changing an event from all-day to timed would default to the wrong times\\n- Fixed an issue where some events would be skipped in week view when using VoiceOver\\n- Fixed a rare issue where week view would initially display a date from the previous month instead of today\\n- Fixed an issue preventing the modification an existing task on Microsoft Graph to be repeating\\n- Fixed poor readability for some events on lock screen Up Next widget\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-19T16:00:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fantastical for Windows is here! Visit our website for more details\\n- New \\\"Create Task\\\" widget available in Control Center\\n- Added support for Miro conference calls\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would incorrectly report errors when using Microsoft 365 via Graph\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented users from being able to enable/disable their Google account\\n- \\\"Create Event\\\" control center widget no longer defaults to including today's date\\n- Fixed a bug that could allow RSVP events to look like they repeated even though that isn't supported\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-29T14:01:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- The \\\"Today Schedule\\\" complication no longer requires \\\"Up Next, Events, and Tasks\\\" to be enabled in watch settings\\n- The \\\"Today Schedule\\\" complication now shows upcoming timed-tasks\\n- Added travel time to Live Activity on Apple Watch\\n- Improved the responsiveness of the tasks view\\n- Improved VoiceOver support when displaying error popups\\n- Event notes can now be shared using custom VoiceOver actions\\n- Improved VoiceOver support when going to specific dates and navigating around in Month view\\n- Event notes are not broken up by paragraphs anymore when VoiceOver is turned on\\n- Fixed an issue where Openings co-hosts would not be invited to events\\n- Fixed an issue for some users where Fantastical would incorrectly report sporadic errors when using Exchange or Office365 accounts\\n- RSVP events with a physical location now correctly show a map in the event details\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented complications from opening the event details when tapped\\n- Fixed an issue on the watch that caused some items to overlapping incorrectly on in the UpNext view\\n- Fixed an issue where Week view would display the wrong month name at the top\\n- Fixed an issue where deleting a Zoom account didn't work\\n- Fixed an issue where an iCloud account could be shown greyed out in the account list, although it was already added\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would not recognize timezones in Chile\\n- Fixed an issue where the slideover and splitscreen on iPad could fail to transition\\n- Fixed an issue with duplicate Google invitations\\n- Fixed an issue where the Live Activity shown in the Dynamic Island might continue showing after the end of an event\\n- Fixed URL detection for links with a dollar sign\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would incorrectly delete all the events in a series when the user deleted a cancelled event in some instances\\n- Fixed an issue with yearly events taking a long time to open\\n- Fixed checkbox alignment in the Day view\\n- Fixed an issue where auto complete menus wouldn't be selectable when creating events with VoiceOver turned on\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-09T22:24:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Dark and tinted versions for all app icons (requires iOS 18)\\n- New control widgets for launching Fantastical directly from Control Center, the Action button, and the lock screen (requires iOS 18)\\n- Live Activities now appear on your Apple Watch (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Added a new “Today’s Schedule” complication (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Quickly jump to the next or previous event in a recurring series\\n- Added a new way to switch between task lists by tapping on the task header\\n- You can now change your Openings username from Fantastical\\n- Openings settings have been consolidated into a single screen\\n- Support for combining OneCal blocking events with the original event\\n- Event details on Apple Watch now include individual attendee statuses\\n- Fixed an issue that caused small text in Date complication on watchOS 11\\n- Fixed a potential crash when syncing personal Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Editing an out of office event on Google no longer warns that the changes will not sync\\n- Fixed an issue where the some Teams links with password parameters weren’t fully recognized.\\n- Fixed a rare issue where tasks would appear to not get saved\\n- Fixed an issue that caused Fantastical to incorrectly report a Graph API error when interacting with detached events\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the List view in watchOS to flash briefly for some users\\n- Fixed an issue that caused a crash for some users when toggling “Show Completed” tasks\\n- Fixed an issue that caused links to incorrectly match as Skype for Business conference calls\\n- Fixed a rare issue where Fantastical would crash when encountering bad data coming from an Exchange account\\n- Fixed an issue causing the Up Next widget to always show events as happening \\\"In 2 days\\\"\\n- Fixed an issue where the checkboxes for tasks were not correctly aligned in some scenarios\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-20T14:25:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Dark and tinted versions for all app icons (requires iOS 18)\\n- New control widgets for launching Fantastical directly from Control Center, the Action button, and the lock screen (requires iOS 18)\\n- Live Activities now appear on your Apple Watch (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Added a new “Today’s Schedule” complication (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Quickly jump to the next or previous event in a recurring series\\n- Added a new way to switch between task lists by tapping on the task header\\n- You can now change your Openings username from Fantastical\\n- Openings settings have been consolidated into a single screen\\n- Support for combining OneCal blocking events with the original event\\n- Event details on Apple Watch now include individual attendee statuses\\n- Fixed an issue that caused small text in Date complication on watchOS 11\\n- Fixed a potential crash when syncing personal Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Editing an out of office event on Google no longer warns that the changes will not sync\\n- Fixed an issue where the some Teams links with password parameters weren’t fully recognized.\\n- Fixed a rare issue where tasks would appear to not get saved\\n- Fixed an issue that caused Fantastical to incorrectly report a Graph API error when interacting with detached events\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the List view in watchOS to flash briefly for some users\\n- Fixed an issue that caused a crash for some users when toggling “Show Completed” tasks\\n- Fixed an issue that caused links to incorrectly match as Skype for Business conference calls\\n- Fixed a rare issue where Fantastical would crash when encountering bad data coming from an Exchange account\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T18:32:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.23\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for Focusmate session URLs\\n- The Remaining Items complications can be used in more complication configurations\\n- Removing attendees from an event in a short succession is now more reliable\\n- Resize handles are now hidden during a drag and drop\\n- Refreshed the design of the Flexibits account management page in Settings\\n- Improved the reliability of watch complications when changing time zones\\n- Conference call info for RSVP invitations will only be available to attendees after registration\\n- Dismissing notifications Exchange invitation replies will now sync across online devices\\n- Fixed an issue where you were able to remove attendees from an event you've been invited to\\n- Fixed an issue where too many notifications would appear when people reply to an invitation on Exchange\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing all their task calendars when using Office365 with the Graph API\\n- Fixed an issue where starting the dragging of an item would prevent scrolling to a different day to conclude the drop\\n- Fixed a bug where Zoom URLs were not correctly included in RSVP Invitations\\n- Fixed search not finding daily repeating events +6 months in the future\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the items on the Up Next Timeline complication to clip for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with setting tasks to be all day on Microsoft Graph\\n- Fixed an issue with moving timed tasks on Microsoft Graph for certain timezones\\n- Fixed an issue where RSVP invitations would incorrect indicate a missing backing event on Microsoft calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Calendar Set button would get smaller and eventually disappear when some notifications are available\\n- Fixed an issue where alarms couldn't be set for some events\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-14T14:00:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.22\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for Focusmate session URLs\\n- The Remaining Items complications can be used in more complication configurations\\n- Removing attendees from an event in a short succession is now more reliable\\n- Resize handles are now hidden during a drag and drop\\n- Refreshed the design of the Flexibits account management page in Settings\\n- Improved the reliability of watch complications when changing time zones\\n- Conference call info for RSVP invitations will only be available to attendees after registration\\n- Dismissing notifications Exchange invitation replies will now sync across online devices\\n- Fixed an issue where you were able to remove attendees from an event you've been invited to\\n- Fixed an issue where too many notifications would appear when people reply to an invitation on Exchange\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing all their task calendars when using Office365 with the Graph API\\n- Fixed an issue where starting the dragging of an item would prevent scrolling to a different day to conclude the drop\\n- Fixed a bug where Zoom URLs were not correctly included in RSVP Invitations\\n- Fixed search not finding daily repeating events +6 months in the future\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the items on the Up Next Timeline complication to clip for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with setting tasks to be all day on Microsoft Graph\\n- Fixed an issue with moving timed tasks on Microsoft Graph for certain timezones\\n- Fixed an issue where RSVP invitations would incorrect indicate a missing backing event on Microsoft calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Calendar Set button would get smaller and eventually disappear when some notifications are available\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-13T14:00:44Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.20\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- RSVP! Invite others to your event with control over response types, number of participants, and registration deadlines\\n- Diagnostics \u0026 Troubleshooting! Quickly identify and fix problems such as configuration and service issues in the Help section\\n- Improved combining events that contain Microsoft Teams meetings\\n- Improved the performance of scrolling the event list on the watch app\\n- Improved legibility in the UpNext corner complication on the watch app when using certain colors\\n- Fixed an issue where adding attachment to Microsoft 365 events wouldn't show when the upload has finished\\n- Fixed an issue in the tasks view where a change in task list name wouldn't be reflected\\n- Fixed an issue that prevent authenticating with a Meetup account\\n- Fixed an issue where HTML could appear in notes for some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where the incorrect times would be displayed when responding to a proposal\\n- Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to sign in to your Flexibits account from Migration Assistant\\n- Fixed random hanging for some users when sending updates to a paired Apple Watch\\n- Fixed a crash when tapping on a task header to scroll to the top of an empty list\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-17T14:00:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.19\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- A full resync of Todoist accounts will now include completed tasks\\n- Added a scroll to the top interaction to the tasks view header\\n- Improved the animation of the tasks view on initial launch\\n- Improved VoiceOver support on the calendar item editor\\n- Improved accessibility support for the Openings Editor\\n- Made it easier to view and copy your account encryption key\\n- Emailing all attendees for an event will now default to using BCC\\n- Fixed an issue where timed tasks would not sync correctly to CalDAV servers\\n- Fixed Exchange timezone mappings in Central Asia\\n- Fixed an issue where reminders were not picking up their calendar colour\\n- Fixed an issue that showed invitations from birthday and holiday calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where overdue tasks with duration would not be visible\\n- Fixed an issue where showing weather for the current location wouldn't update when moving to a new location\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T17:14:11Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.17\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for durations for Todoist Premium users\\n- Improve handling of delegated calendars when using Microsoft Graph\\n- Improved performance of updated Tasks view\\n- Editing all future events on an Exchange account will now preserve past modified instances more accurately\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented the UpNext complication from displaying the event title for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with undoing proposed time changes\\n- Fixed a crash that could happen when declining an Openings appointment\\n- Fixed a visual issue with multiline calendar items in the list view\\n- Fixed a rare crash when selecting a location\\n- Fixed birthdays and anniversaries getting counted as conflicts when receiving a Fantastical Proposal\\n- Editing all future events on a Microsoft 365 account will now preserve past modified instances more accurately\\n- Fixed deleting invitations not including the cancellation message on some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. 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If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-13T15:10:43Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fixed an issue that caused Fantastical to crash on launch for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where Openings appointments targeting calendars on Microsoft 365 would get immediately deleted upon resolving\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-16T14:00:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added a section linking to the user's Fantastical Openings public page\\n- Condensed some Fantastical Openings settings for better clarity\\n- Fixed an issue where widgets wouldn't update when completing tasks from notifications\\n- Fixed an issue where you could incorrectly add travel time to events on a Zoho calendar\\n- Fixed an issue where all-day events could jump by a day when time zone override is enabled\\n- Fixed an issue that caused tasks using Microsoft Graph to appear incorrectly on the watch app\\n- Fixed a problem with Google occasionally re-syncing everything\\n- Fixed an issue that would not show response messages from invitees if there were large numbers of attendees in the meeting\\n- Fixed invitations sent to a group not showing a notification for some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Fixed an issue that caused drag and drop to failed when importing tasks from OmniFocus 4\\n- Fixed Microsoft 365 accounts incorrectly re-requesting admin authorization when needing to sign in again\\n- Fixed an issue that caused duplication when completing recurring tasks on MS Graph\\n- Fixed a regression where some slots where offered for Openings ignoring events coming from a subscription\\n- Multi-day timed events are no longer shown in widgets if all-day events are hidden\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-09T14:01:06Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for multiple hosts in the Openings editor (requires Flexibits Premium for Teams)\\n- Added a prompt to alert you to a change in a local copy of an event\\n- Mothers day in the UK now recognised as happening in March instead of May\\n- Improved responsiveness of syncing in the background for the watch app\\n- Improved performance for the Get Attendees shortcut\\n- Improved the visibility of the \\\"Go To Today After Adding Items\\\" setting\\n- Fixed an issue where the Openings Editor would allow to set a date interval outside of the supported range\\n- Fixed an issue that could cause event colors to show up incorrectly in the widgets\\n- Fixed device rotation on devices running iOS 15\\n- Fixed an issue with events in the Africa/Casablanca timezone syncing from Exchange Servers\\n- Fixed an issue that caused notifications for some users to erroneously disappear after displaying\\n- Fixed pointer interactions in the week view on the iPad\\n- Fixed an issue where all-day events on Exchange accounts could end a day early when in the middle of a Daylight Saving Time change\\n- Fixed a problem with timezone offsets for exchange accounts\\n- Fixed searching for cities in a specific state when choosing a weather location\\n- Fixed rapid changes to Microsoft 365 events causing temporary visual glitches\\n- Fixed an issue with deleting attachments from Google events\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. 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is the award-winning calendar app with powerful features including intuitive natural language text parsing, beautiful full calendar day, week, month, quarter and year views, tasks, time zone support, and much, much more.\\n\\nTRY FANTASTICAL FOR FREE\\n\\n• Beautiful, clean, and easy to use calendar app allowing you to manage basic events\\n• The DayTicker and calendar makes your schedule look the nicest it ever has\\n• Full screen day, week, month, quarter, and year views\\n• Full task support including Todoist and Google Tasks\\n• 3 day weather forecast (powered by AccuWeather)\\n• 14 day free trial for Flexibits Premium\\n\\nUPGRADE TO FLEXIBITS PREMIUM FOR EVEN MORE (requires subscription)\\n\\n• Includes Fantastical on all devices: Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch, and iPad\\n• Openings: Schedule events based on your availability\\n• Proposals: Create meeting polls\\n• Add Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, and Microsoft Teams calls\\n• Extended 10 day weather forecast with RealFeel and MinuteCast up-to-the-minute weather data (powered by AccuWeather)\\n• Browse and instantly subscribe to interesting calendars, including sports, TV shows, holidays, and much more (powered by SchedJoules)\\n• Calendar sets - quickly toggle multiple calendars on or off with a simple click or automatically when you leave or arrive, based on location\\n• Event and task templates\\n• Sync calendar sets and templates across devices\\n• Apple Watch app with Up Next and Weather (and works over LTE)\\n• Parser autocomplete recommendations for invitees, locations, and calendars/task lists\\n• Propose multiple times to easily ask people when they can meet\\n• Combine duplicate events across multiple calendars\\n• Invitees and availability lookups\\n• Respond to event invitations\\n• Default alerts\\n• Time zone override\\n• Favorite time zones\\n• Push updates for Google and Exchange\\n• Set event travel time and receive time to leave notifications\\n• Custom event colors\\n• Custom home screen icons\\n• Custom alert sounds\\n• Hide events without deleting them\\n• Add attachments to events on iCloud, Google, and Exchange\\n• Priority email support\\n\\nADDING NEW EVENTS OR TASKS IS FAST AND FUN\\n\\n• The easiest and fastest way to add new events or tasks\\n• Type in your details or use dictation and watch your words magically turn into an actual event or task!\\n• Powerful parser features, including:\\n - Create tasks by starting your sentence with “task” ”reminder\\\", \\\"todo\\\", or \\\"remind me to\\\"\\n - Powerful and expressive repeating events such as third Thursday of every month, every weekend, last weekday of the month, and more\\n - Create alerts with phrases like \\\"remind me tomorrow at 3PM\\\", \\\"alert 1 hour before\\\", or \\\"alarm 3PM\\\"\\n\\nTHE BEST TASKS APP, TOO\\n\\n• See your events and dated tasks together in the main list\\n• Add tasks directly from the Tasks list or new event screen - just flip the switch to toggle between events and tasks\\n• Set dates, times, and geofences (when I arrive/when I leave)\\n• Support for iCloud Reminders, Todoist, and Google Tasks\\n\\nWORKS THE WAY YOU DO\\n\\n• Connects to your favorite calendar services including iCloud, Google, Exchange, Office 365, Todoist, and more\\n• Automatically add alarms to your new events\\n• Fantastical is fully localized in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese\\n• Start typing your event or task in any of these languages and Fantastical will automagically understand!\\n\\nEVEN MORE FANTASTICAL\\n\\n• Lots and lots of iOS and iPadOS widgets\\n• Background app updating enables events, tasks, and alerts to be pushed to Fantastical even if you don't launch the app often\\n• Birthdays and Anniversaries - see your contact’s details or send a quick birthday or anniverary greeting\\n• Handoff support between Fantastical for Mac, iPhone, and iPad\\n• Time zone support including floating time zone support\\n• Dark and light themes\\n• Stickers\\n• Accessibility support\\n• And much, much more!\"},\"ovalArtwork\":{\"width\":1024,\"height\":768,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"4cc3ff\",\"textColor1\":\"0f0302\",\"textColor2\":\"090a0b\",\"textColor3\":\"1b2935\",\"textColor4\":\"162f3c\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":true,\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added new options to collectively handle groups of notifications or invitations\\n- Added the ability to specify relative alarms\\n- Up Next widget will prioritize showing events from tomorrow over all-day events after the configured end of day\\n- Adding a Todoist account will now load completed tasks from the last year\\n- The accessibility label of the parser text field is now updated to avoid confusion whenever the item type is changed\\n- Improved the accessibility for the Up Next complication on watchOS\\n- Fixed an issue where removing a date alert from a task would also remove the location alert that was set\\n- Fixed an issue where task durations would get picked up as distance, offering physical conversions\\n- Fixed an issue where notifications for Microsoft 365 tasks could say 12:00 AM even though they appear at the correct time\\n- Fixed an issue where searching for invitees would cause Fantastical to crash for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where activating overlapping calendar items in day view using VoiceOver would display the details of the wrong calendar item\\n- Fixed an issue where changing the calendar and color of a Google event at the same time would not always sync\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would not update the travel time for certain events\\n- Fixed removing Teams meetings from events\\n- Fixed Focus Filters not changing calendar sets\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-13T14:00:45Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added actions in Shortcuts to search for events and tasks\\n- The Show Calendar shortcut can be configured to skip today's past events\\n- The Flexibits account encryption key is now stored more securely using iCloud Keychain\\n- Improved handling of alarms when using templates\\n- Fixed repeating tasks on Exchange accounts\\n- Fixed an issue with locations having a trailing newline on Graph accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where the sign in screen would display with the wrong theme configuration\\n- Fixed an issue where VO would skip overdue tasks in month view\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented RSVP meeting attendees from being manually removed\\n- Fixed an issue where Migration Assistant wouldn't display some information of the Flexibits Account\\n- Fixed a crash when long tapping items in the event list\\n- Fixed an issue that preventing changes to meetings with an attached Webex conference\\n- Fixed an issue where ICS files containing GEO property with too many fractional digits would fail to be parsed\\n- Fixed an issue where the Show Schedule AppIntent would not prompt for the specific date\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-11T15:01:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Improved VoiceOver support for interactive widgets\\n- Fixed a crash when running a second app in Slide Over with Migration Assistant visible\\n- Fixed an issue where uploading attachments with iCloud would fail for some users\\n- Fixed an issue users with Microsoft 365 accounts added via Graph would receive sporadic errors\\n- Fixed an issue where adding a task in the Tasks view would sometimes cancel unexpectedly\\n- Fixed an issue with events with a Teams meeting added using the MS Teams app\\n- Fixed an crash when trying to sync a task with no title\\n- Fixed an issue where the navigation bar would be transparent when importing an ICS file\\n- Fixed an issue with locations having duplicate addresses on Graph accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would perform too many unnecessary Zoom API requests which would affect syncing\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical's snapshot in the Application Switcher wouldn't update when the system theme changed\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would crash when making changes in the Openings Editor for some users\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-13T15:00:53Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added the ability to include guests when signing up for an Fantastical RSVP invitation\\n- Improved performance when adding attendees using the parser\\n- Fixed an issue where the Task List would not updated due changes via sync for some users\\n- Fixed syncing locations over Exchange\\n- Fixed undoing the completion of a recurring reminder\\n- Fixed an issue where creating public proposals would incorrectly display an error\\n- Fixed an issue with disappearing phone numbers for Zoom events on Google calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Migration Assistant would crash for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical failed to update special Google events (i.e, Out of Office, Focus Time, Events from Gmail, and Google Scheduled Appointments)\\n- Fixed an issue where Birthdays from Google Contacts could incorrectly show up in the main Google calendar\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-12T21:59:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added the ability to include guests when signing up for an Fantastical RSVP invitation\\n- Improved performance when adding attendees using the parser\\n- Fixed an issue where the Task List would not updated due changes via sync for some users\\n- Fixed syncing locations over Exchange\\n- Fixed undoing the completion of a recurring reminder\\n- Fixed an issue where creating public proposals would incorrectly display an error\\n- Fixed an issue with disappearing phone numbers for Zoom events on Google calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Migration Assistant would crash for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical failed to update special Google events (i.e, Out of Office, Focus Time, Events from Gmail, and Google Scheduled Appointments)\\n- Fixed an issue where Birthdays from Google Contacts could incorrectly show up in the main Google calendar\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-10T15:01:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for Signal Call Links\\n- Added a new directions button on the UpNext and List views in the watch app\\n- Todoist users with team projects can elect to self-assign tasks as they are created\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented the Create Event Control Center widget from opening the app\\n- Fixed an issue with iCloud calendars disappearing intermittently\\n- Fixed an issue where \\\"Start Week View On\\\" setting was not always respected\\n- Fixed a crash on watchOS for some users\\n- Fixed searching for contacts by email\\n- Fixed an issue where completed, timed tasks on Graph accounts would lose their timed component\\n- Fixed an issue where changing an event from all-day to timed would default to the wrong times\\n- Fixed an issue where some events would be skipped in week view when using VoiceOver\\n- Fixed a rare issue where week view would initially display a date from the previous month instead of today\\n- Fixed an issue preventing the modification an existing task on Microsoft Graph to be repeating\\n- Fixed poor readability for some events on lock screen Up Next widget\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-19T15:00:43Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fantastical for Windows is here! Visit our website for more details\\n- New \\\"Create Task\\\" widget available in Control Center\\n- Added support for Miro conference calls\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would incorrectly report errors when using Microsoft 365 via Graph\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented users from being able to enable/disable their Google account\\n- \\\"Create Event\\\" control center widget no longer defaults to including today's date\\n- Fixed a bug that could allow RSVP events to look like they repeated even though that isn't supported\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-29T14:00:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- The \\\"Today Schedule\\\" complication no longer requires \\\"Up Next, Events, and Tasks\\\" to be enabled in watch settings\\n- The \\\"Today Schedule\\\" complication now shows upcoming timed-tasks\\n- Added travel time to Live Activity on Apple Watch\\n- Improved the responsiveness of the tasks view\\n- Improved VoiceOver support when displaying error popups\\n- Event notes can now be shared using custom VoiceOver actions\\n- Improved VoiceOver support when going to specific dates and navigating around in Month view\\n- Event notes are not broken up by paragraphs anymore when VoiceOver is turned on\\n- Fixed an issue where Openings co-hosts would not be invited to events\\n- Fixed an issue for some users where Fantastical would incorrectly report sporadic errors when using Exchange or Office365 accounts\\n- RSVP events with a physical location now correctly show a map in the event details\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented complications from opening the event details when tapped\\n- Fixed an issue on the watch that caused some items to overlapping incorrectly on in the UpNext view\\n- Fixed an issue where Week view would display the wrong month name at the top\\n- Fixed an issue where deleting a Zoom account didn't work\\n- Fixed an issue where an iCloud account could be shown greyed out in the account list, although it was already added\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would not recognize timezones in Chile\\n- Fixed an issue where the slideover and splitscreen on iPad could fail to transition\\n- Fixed an issue with duplicate Google invitations\\n- Fixed an issue where the Live Activity shown in the Dynamic Island might continue showing after the end of an event\\n- Fixed URL detection for links with a dollar sign\\n- Fixed an issue where Fantastical would incorrectly delete all the events in a series when the user deleted a cancelled event in some instances\\n- Fixed an issue with yearly events taking a long time to open\\n- Fixed checkbox alignment in the Day view\\n- Fixed an issue where auto complete menus wouldn't be selectable when creating events with VoiceOver turned on\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-10T05:32:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Dark and tinted versions for all app icons (requires iOS 18)\\n- New control widgets for launching Fantastical directly from Control Center, the Action button, and the lock screen (requires iOS 18)\\n- Live Activities now appear on your Apple Watch (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Added a new “Today’s Schedule” complication (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Quickly jump to the next or previous event in a recurring series\\n- Added a new way to switch between task lists by tapping on the task header\\n- You can now change your Openings username from Fantastical\\n- Openings settings have been consolidated into a single screen\\n- Support for combining OneCal blocking events with the original event\\n- Event details on Apple Watch now include individual attendee statuses\\n- Fixed an issue that caused small text in Date complication on watchOS 11\\n- Fixed a potential crash when syncing personal Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Editing an out of office event on Google no longer warns that the changes will not sync\\n- Fixed an issue where the some Teams links with password parameters weren’t fully recognized.\\n- Fixed a rare issue where tasks would appear to not get saved\\n- Fixed an issue that caused Fantastical to incorrectly report a Graph API error when interacting with detached events\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the List view in watchOS to flash briefly for some users\\n- Fixed an issue that caused a crash for some users when toggling “Show Completed” tasks\\n- Fixed an issue that caused links to incorrectly match as Skype for Business conference calls\\n- Fixed a rare issue where Fantastical would crash when encountering bad data coming from an Exchange account\\n- Fixed an issue causing the Up Next widget to always show events as happening \\\"In 2 days\\\"\\n- Fixed an issue where the checkboxes for tasks were not correctly aligned in some scenarios\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-20T13:30:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Dark and tinted versions for all app icons (requires iOS 18)\\n- New control widgets for launching Fantastical directly from Control Center, the Action button, and the lock screen (requires iOS 18)\\n- Live Activities now appear on your Apple Watch (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Added a new “Today’s Schedule” complication (requires watchOS 11)\\n- Quickly jump to the next or previous event in a recurring series\\n- Added a new way to switch between task lists by tapping on the task header\\n- You can now change your Openings username from Fantastical\\n- Openings settings have been consolidated into a single screen\\n- Support for combining OneCal blocking events with the original event\\n- Event details on Apple Watch now include individual attendee statuses\\n- Fixed an issue that caused small text in Date complication on watchOS 11\\n- Fixed a potential crash when syncing personal Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Editing an out of office event on Google no longer warns that the changes will not sync\\n- Fixed an issue where the some Teams links with password parameters weren’t fully recognized.\\n- Fixed a rare issue where tasks would appear to not get saved\\n- Fixed an issue that caused Fantastical to incorrectly report a Graph API error when interacting with detached events\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the List view in watchOS to flash briefly for some users\\n- Fixed an issue that caused a crash for some users when toggling “Show Completed” tasks\\n- Fixed an issue that caused links to incorrectly match as Skype for Business conference calls\\n- Fixed a rare issue where Fantastical would crash when encountering bad data coming from an Exchange account\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T08:00:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.23\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for Focusmate session URLs\\n- The Remaining Items complications can be used in more complication configurations\\n- Removing attendees from an event in a short succession is now more reliable\\n- Resize handles are now hidden during a drag and drop\\n- Refreshed the design of the Flexibits account management page in Settings\\n- Improved the reliability of watch complications when changing time zones\\n- Conference call info for RSVP invitations will only be available to attendees after registration\\n- Dismissing notifications Exchange invitation replies will now sync across online devices\\n- Fixed an issue where you were able to remove attendees from an event you've been invited to\\n- Fixed an issue where too many notifications would appear when people reply to an invitation on Exchange\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing all their task calendars when using Office365 with the Graph API\\n- Fixed an issue where starting the dragging of an item would prevent scrolling to a different day to conclude the drop\\n- Fixed a bug where Zoom URLs were not correctly included in RSVP Invitations\\n- Fixed search not finding daily repeating events +6 months in the future\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the items on the Up Next Timeline complication to clip for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with setting tasks to be all day on Microsoft Graph\\n- Fixed an issue with moving timed tasks on Microsoft Graph for certain timezones\\n- Fixed an issue where RSVP invitations would incorrect indicate a missing backing event on Microsoft calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Calendar Set button would get smaller and eventually disappear when some notifications are available\\n- Fixed an issue where alarms couldn't be set for some events\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-14T14:00:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.22\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for Focusmate session URLs\\n- The Remaining Items complications can be used in more complication configurations\\n- Removing attendees from an event in a short succession is now more reliable\\n- Resize handles are now hidden during a drag and drop\\n- Refreshed the design of the Flexibits account management page in Settings\\n- Improved the reliability of watch complications when changing time zones\\n- Conference call info for RSVP invitations will only be available to attendees after registration\\n- Dismissing notifications Exchange invitation replies will now sync across online devices\\n- Fixed an issue where you were able to remove attendees from an event you've been invited to\\n- Fixed an issue where too many notifications would appear when people reply to an invitation on Exchange\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing all their task calendars when using Office365 with the Graph API\\n- Fixed an issue where starting the dragging of an item would prevent scrolling to a different day to conclude the drop\\n- Fixed a bug where Zoom URLs were not correctly included in RSVP Invitations\\n- Fixed search not finding daily repeating events +6 months in the future\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the items on the Up Next Timeline complication to clip for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with setting tasks to be all day on Microsoft Graph\\n- Fixed an issue with moving timed tasks on Microsoft Graph for certain timezones\\n- Fixed an issue where RSVP invitations would incorrect indicate a missing backing event on Microsoft calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where the Calendar Set button would get smaller and eventually disappear when some notifications are available\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-13T14:00:33Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.20\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- RSVP! Invite others to your event with control over response types, number of participants, and registration deadlines\\n- Diagnostics \u0026 Troubleshooting! Quickly identify and fix problems such as configuration and service issues in the Help section\\n- Improved combining events that contain Microsoft Teams meetings\\n- Improved the performance of scrolling the event list on the watch app\\n- Improved legibility in the UpNext corner complication on the watch app when using certain colors\\n- Fixed an issue where adding attachment to Microsoft 365 events wouldn't show when the upload has finished\\n- Fixed an issue in the tasks view where a change in task list name wouldn't be reflected\\n- Fixed an issue that prevent authenticating with a Meetup account\\n- Fixed an issue where HTML could appear in notes for some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where the incorrect times would be displayed when responding to a proposal\\n- Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to sign in to your Flexibits account from Migration Assistant\\n- Fixed random hanging for some users when sending updates to a paired Apple Watch\\n- Fixed a crash when tapping on a task header to scroll to the top of an empty list\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-17T14:00:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.19\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- A full resync of Todoist accounts will now include completed tasks\\n- Added a scroll to the top interaction to the tasks view header\\n- Improved the animation of the tasks view on initial launch\\n- Improved VoiceOver support on the calendar item editor\\n- Improved accessibility support for the Openings Editor\\n- Made it easier to view and copy your account encryption key\\n- Emailing all attendees for an event will now default to using BCC\\n- Fixed an issue where timed tasks would not sync correctly to CalDAV servers\\n- Fixed Exchange timezone mappings in Central Asia\\n- Fixed an issue where reminders were not picking up their calendar colour\\n- Fixed an issue that showed invitations from birthday and holiday calendars\\n- Fixed an issue where overdue tasks with duration would not be visible\\n- Fixed an issue where showing weather for the current location wouldn't update when moving to a new location\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-24T15:22:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.18\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for durations for Todoist Premium users\\n- Improve handling of delegated calendars when using Microsoft Graph\\n- Improved performance of updated Tasks view\\n- Editing all future events on an Exchange account will now preserve past modified instances more accurately\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented the UpNext complication from displaying the event title for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with undoing proposed time changes\\n- Fixed a crash that could happen when declining an Openings appointment\\n- Fixed a visual issue with multiline calendar items in the list view\\n- Fixed a rare crash when selecting a location\\n- Fixed birthdays and anniversaries getting counted as conflicts when receiving a Fantastical Proposal\\n- Editing all future events on a Microsoft 365 account will now preserve past modified instances more accurately\\n- Fixed deleting invitations not including the cancellation message on some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-05T14:01:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.17\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for durations for Todoist Premium users\\n- Improve handling of delegated calendars when using Microsoft Graph\\n- Improved performance of updated Tasks view\\n- Editing all future events on an Exchange account will now preserve past modified instances more accurately\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented the UpNext complication from displaying the event title for some users\\n- Fixed an issue with undoing proposed time changes\\n- Fixed a crash that could happen when declining an Openings appointment\\n- Fixed a visual issue with multiline calendar items in the list view\\n- Fixed a rare crash when selecting a location\\n- Fixed birthdays and anniversaries getting counted as conflicts when receiving a Fantastical Proposal\\n- Editing all future events on a Microsoft 365 account will now preserve past modified instances more accurately\\n- Fixed deleting invitations not including the cancellation message on some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-04T14:00:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.16\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Updated Tasks view allows you to quickly focus on a single list\\n- Improved reliability of syncing to watch\\n- Fixed an issue that caused duplication when moving events to delegated calendars using Microsoft 365/Exchange\\n- Fixed an issue where Openings appointments targeting calendars on Microsoft 365 would get immediately deleted upon resolving\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented the UpNext complication (watchOS) from updating at the end of an event\\n- Fixed a crash when completing tasks on watch\\n- Fixed an issue where Exchange events could have the wrong time if the time zone definition is out of date\\n- Fixed a crash on iPad when pressing the button to share the user's public Openings page\\n- Fixed an issue where the wrong view was selected in the view switcher menu after force quitting the app with Tasks not enabled\\n- Fixed an animation glitch when quickly reversing the transition between views\\n- Fixed an issue where duplicating an event on Exchange with no Internet connection would delete the copy\\n- Fixed a potential error when modifying all future events of a recurring event on Microsoft 365\\n- Fixed an issue where items created via Shortcuts would sometimes not produce the properly response\\n- Fixed an issue where editing all future instances of an event on Exchange could leave behind one too many events\\n- Fixed an issue in on the watch that prevented the List Shows setting from working correctly for some users when an event spanning multiple days was included in the schedule\\n- Fixed an issue where creating Microsoft Teams meetings on delegated Microsoft 365 calendars might fail\\n- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to respond to an invitation to a group on Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where non editable calendar on Microsoft Graph would lose the color customization\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-07T14:00:39Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fixed an issue that caused Fantastical to crash on launch for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where Openings appointments targeting calendars on Microsoft 365 would get immediately deleted upon resolving\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-16T14:00:34Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added a section linking to the user's Fantastical Openings public page\\n- Condensed some Fantastical Openings settings for better clarity\\n- Fixed an issue where widgets wouldn't update when completing tasks from notifications\\n- Fixed an issue where you could incorrectly add travel time to events on a Zoho calendar\\n- Fixed an issue where all-day events could jump by a day when time zone override is enabled\\n- Fixed an issue that caused tasks using Microsoft Graph to appear incorrectly on the watch app\\n- Fixed a problem with Google occasionally re-syncing everything\\n- Fixed an issue that would not show response messages from invitees if there were large numbers of attendees in the meeting\\n- Fixed invitations sent to a group not showing a notification for some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Fixed an issue that caused drag and drop to failed when importing tasks from OmniFocus 4\\n- Fixed Microsoft 365 accounts incorrectly re-requesting admin authorization when needing to sign in again\\n- Fixed an issue that caused duplication when completing recurring tasks on MS Graph\\n- Fixed a regression where some slots where offered for Openings ignoring events coming from a subscription\\n- Multi-day timed events are no longer shown in widgets if all-day events are hidden\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-09T14:00:51Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Added support for multiple hosts in the Openings editor (requires Flexibits Premium for Teams)\\n- Added a prompt to alert you to a change in a local copy of an event\\n- Mothers day in the UK now recognised as happening in March instead of May\\n- Improved responsiveness of syncing in the background for the watch app\\n- Improved performance for the Get Attendees shortcut\\n- Improved the visibility of the \\\"Go To Today After Adding Items\\\" setting\\n- Fixed an issue where the Openings Editor would allow to set a date interval outside of the supported range\\n- Fixed an issue that could cause event colors to show up incorrectly in the widgets\\n- Fixed device rotation on devices running iOS 15\\n- Fixed an issue with events in the Africa/Casablanca timezone syncing from Exchange Servers\\n- Fixed an issue that caused notifications for some users to erroneously disappear after displaying\\n- Fixed pointer interactions in the week view on the iPad\\n- Fixed an issue where all-day events on Exchange accounts could end a day early when in the middle of a Daylight Saving Time change\\n- Fixed a problem with timezone offsets for exchange accounts\\n- Fixed searching for cities in a specific state when choosing a weather location\\n- Fixed rapid changes to Microsoft 365 events causing temporary visual glitches\\n- Fixed an issue with deleting attachments from Google events\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-19T14:13:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fantastical Openings meeting templates can now be marked to be visible on your personal page\\n- Improve the legibility of certain colors in the watch app\\n- Improved Zoom account reliability\\n- Improved detection of some types of Microsoft Teams conference URLs\\n- Improved sync reliability with Microsoft accounts\\n- Fixed an issue where extra tap sounds would be played in Week view on Apple Vision Pro\\n- Fixed an issue that caused notes from Microsoft 365 to display HTML tags\\n- Fixed an issue where searching for events with ampersands wouldn't show matches when using the mini window\\n- Fixed an issue with editing recurring events only showing the \\\"Save for this Event\\\" option\\n- Fixed an issue when trying to preview EML files (or other unsupported file types) attached to events\\n- Fixed an issue where changing birthday and anniversary alerts wouldn't take effect immediately\\n- Fixed an issue that caused notifications for some events and tasks to clear incorrectly\\n- Fixed an issue where birthday notifications wouldn't appear if event notifications were disabled\\n- Fixed an issue where tasks wouldn't updated quickly on some Microsoft 365 accounts\\n- Fixed an issue that cause the Up Next widgets to not countdown correctly during the hour before an event\\n- Fixed an issue where the meeting template list was displayed with the wrong color in dark mode\\n- Fixed an issue that caused Todoist project from losing their \\\"Ignore Alarms\\\" setting in Fantastical for some users\\n- Fixed an issue that would cause the Event List widgets to overflow their bounds\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for using Fantastical! :)\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-13T15:00:57Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.8.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Live Activities are now supported on iPad\\n- Break time in Fantastical Openings Meeting Templates now allows separate values for the before and after options\\n- Improved adding and editing meeting options for Openings\\n- Improved the Openings availability overview by including information about which devices an event is on\\n- Made improvements to the Show Schedule App Intent\\n- Improved URL detection for Zoom URLs\\n- Improve URL detection for Jitsi Meet\\n- Fixed a visual anomaly when selecting all-day items in the week view\\n- Fixed an issue that caused the Remaining Items widget on Apple Watch to report an incorrect number for some users\\n- Fixed an issue where widgets wouldn't update when the time zone changes\\n- Removed Mirror App appearance setting from widgets to help improve widget reliability\\n- Fixed an issue where clients would overwrite proposals with old invitee data\\n- Fixed an issue where the Up Next widget would be clipped for events with long titles\\n- Fixed an issue where the tasks icon was still visible in the iPad's navigation bar with reminders turned off\\n- Fixed an issue with recurring events in the openings availability view\\n- Fixed an issue with timed tasks on Exchange\\n- Fixed an issue with HTML code showing up in notes\\n- Fixed a rare crash in landscape mode\\n- Various fixes and improvements\\n\\nBy the way, App Store reviews are very helpful to us. If you think Fantastical is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to write a nice review? We'd greatly appreciate it. 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Process everything quickly using unique features like Link Mode, Arrange Mode, and text manipulation actions.\\n\\nLEVERAGE THE POWER OF YOUR WRIST COMPUTER:\\nUse your Apple Watch to quickly capture text using nothing more than your voice — and your ideas will be waiting on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac ready to be fleshed out.\\n\\nGETTING WORDS DOWN HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER:\\nDrafts opens lightning fast and with support for capture via Siri, the widget, share extension, file import, and dictation - Drafts is like post-its updated for the smartphone era.\\n\\n\\n## JOIN THE COMMUNITY ##\\n\\nCheck out our Directory ( for ready-to-use actions and themes. Join the Drafts Community ( to get help, integration guides, and a regular flow of tips \u0026 tricks.\\n\\n\\n## DRAFTS PRO ##\\n\\nDrafts is always free to use, but you can get more out of Drafts with a Drafts Pro subscription:\\n\\n• Create and Edit Actions\\n• Themes and Icons - suit the experience to your tastes with themes, custom app icons, and more\\n• Workspaces - Apply preferred tag, query, and sort settings for your drafts list with Workspaces\\n• Extra widgets and better share extension options\\n• Enhanced Automation\\n\\nWe are always working hard to expand the capabilities of Drafts and keep it up-to-date with the latest technologies. 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If your membership expires, you can still use the app in read-only mode. Calendar data will remain synced to your provider of choice (iCloud, Google etc).\\n\\nFamily membership options are available.\\n\\nPrivacy Policy:\\nTerms of Service:\\n\\n\\n–––QUESTIONS?–––\\n\\nIf you’ve got a question or something isn’t working quite right, you can contact us directly from the Menu \u003e Help \u003e Contact Support.\\nGot a feature idea? Let us know at\\n\\n\\n–––THANK YOU–––\\n\\nWe have put thousands of hours into creating Timepage. We read every single one of your reviews. 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If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-17T03:20:16Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 1.3.15: This version contains minor fixes.\\n\\nVersion 1.3.13:\\n• When using iPhone widgets on macOS, this version of Timepage macOS handles taps on those widgets. This means that you can now use the \\\"Add Event\\\" widget to create a new event in Timepage macOS, or tap on a day in the Heatmap widget to open Timepage macOS to the correct date. Please make sure you've also updated Timepage iOS to the latest version.\\n\\nVersion 1.3.11:\\n• This fixes a performance issue when ading contacts to an event. Searching for contacts should now be much faster, even on older Macs and with a large number of contacts.\\n\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-11T00:26:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 1.3.14: This version contains minor fixes.\\n\\nVersion 1.3.13:\\n• When using iPhone widgets on macOS, this version of Timepage macOS handles taps on those widgets. This means that you can now use the \\\"Add Event\\\" widget to create a new event in Timepage macOS, or tap on a day in the Heatmap widget to open Timepage macOS to the correct date. 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Searching for contacts should now be much faster, even on older Macs and with a large number of contacts.\\n\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-25T03:02:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 1.3.11:\\n\\n• This fixes a performance issue when ading contacts to an event. Searching for contacts should now be much faster, even on older Macs and with a large number of contacts.\\n\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-30T00:28:40Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 1.3.10:\\n\\n• Various small fixes\\n\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-14T00:13:22Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"v1.3.9\\nThis new version of Timepage macOS includes a fix for a crash, as well as other minor polish \u0026 tuning.\\n\\nFrom other recent versions:\\n• Improved Action bubbles on the Day View - now see more information about your actions including deadlines, alarms, and repeats.\\n• Improved keyboard navigation of the Day View.\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-19T05:18:50Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 1.3.8 includes:\\n• Improved Action bubbles on the Day View - now see more information about your actions including deadlines, alarms, and repeats.\\n• Improved keyboard navigation of the Day View.\\n• Some important crash fixes.\\n• Other fixes, tuning and polish.\\n\\n\\nFrom previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-06T06:55:05Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes several small fixes and improvements.\\n\\nFrom the previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-10T03:57:23Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes several small fixes and improvements.\\n\\n\\nFrom the previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-20T03:06:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes several small fixes and improvements.\\n\\n\\nFrom the previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-01T06:06:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes several small fixes and improvements.\\n\\n\\nFrom the previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-11T02:44:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes several small fixes and improvements.\\n\\n\\nFrom the previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-23T06:23:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes several small fixes and improvements.\\n\\n\\nFrom the previous versions:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-08-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-08-01T20:32:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This version includes some important fixes, and we've also added 4 more alternate calendar options (Persian, Buddhist, Indian and Coptic) that you can show on the day view. Thanks for the feature request PK!\\n\\n\\nFrom the previous version:\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-03-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-03-10T04:33:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.3.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This update features many design refinements throughout the app.\\n\\n• The window size of the whole app is now more flexible\\n• Scaling and proportions of the main views have been adjusted\\n• The Timeline has updated styling to more closely match Timepage for iOS\\n• The Day view has a new heading layout and icon for hourly mode\\n• Events on the day view use a new calendar color display\\n• Actions on the day view have also been updated to display full width and have a new completion button style to match Actions for Web\\n• The Months view now displays the add button on a day only when the date itself is hovered over\\n• The Event details pop out view has new styling with improved proportions to make the overall window smaller \\n• Cursor response on all clickable items and buttons has been improved\\n\\nNew themes!\\n• Be sure to check out the new theme options for Monochromatic, Muted, Pastel and Dark colors\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-02-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-02-24T01:23:09Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.2.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"v1.2.0\\n- New themes! A whole range of wonderful new themes to choose from.\\n- Fixed an issue that prevented tapping on the date picker.\\n- Other crash fixes and polish.\\n\\nv1.1.2\\n- Actions will now appear in the same order they appear in the Actions app.\\n\\nv1.1.1\\n- Fixes a bug that would cause action checkmarks to get stuck when hovering the mouse pointer over the action.\\n\\nv1.1\\n- Adds compatibiity with Actions Version 3 that includes shared lists, deadlines and more.\\n- Many bug fixes!\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-01-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-01-03T15:56:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.1.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"v1.1.2\\n- Actions will now appear in the same order they appear in the Actions app.\\n\\nv1.1.1\\n- Fixes a bug that would cause action checkmarks to get stuck when hovering the mouse pointer over the action.\\n\\nv1.1\\n- Adds compatibiity with Actions Version 3 that includes shared lists, deadlines and more.\\n- Many bug fixes!\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-12-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-12-07T04:51:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.1.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"v1.1.1\\n- Fixes a bug that would cause action checkmarks to get stuck when hovering the mouse pointer over the action.\\n\\nv1.1\\n- Adds compatibiity with Actions Version 3 that includes shared lists, deadlines and more.\\n- Many bug fixes!\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-11-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-11-22T01:28:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Adds compatibiity with Actions Version 3 that includes shared lists, deadlines and more.\\n- Many bug fixes!\\n\\nThanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! If you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-11-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-11-03T02:35:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.0.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Thanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! Check out what's new:\\n\\nv1.0.11\\n- Minor bug fixes.\\n\\nv1.0.10\\n- Fixes a crash that could happen when displaying some Actions.\\n\\nv1.0.9\\n- Fixes a bug that prevented repeting events from appearin gon their final day.\\n\\nIf you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-10-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-10-13T18:03:31Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.0.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Thanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! Check out what's new:\\n\\nv1.0.10\\n- Fixes a crash that could happen when displaying some Actions.\\n\\nv1.0.9\\n- Fixes a bug that prevented repeting events from appearin gon their final day.\\n\\nIf you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-09-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-09-30T21:39:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.0.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Thanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! Check out what's new:\\n\\nv1.0.9\\n- Fixes a bug that prevented repeting events from appearin gon their final day.\\n\\nIf you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-09-21\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-09-21T21:13:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"1.0.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Thanks to everyone who has downloaded Timepage for macOS! Check out what's new:\\n\\n===== WHAT’S NEW =====\\n\\n• MONTH VIEW now makes it easy to add a new event on a day. Hover over a day and a + button will appear where the day number is, which you can click to create a new event.\\n• Data handling improvements\\n\\nIf you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see next, just tap Feature Request in the help menu.\\n\\nEnjoy the update!\\n\\n- Adam D, Adam S, Alex, Andrew, Anj, Ashar, Ben, Ben M, Carly, Lennard, Michael, Nathan, Rica and Simon\",\"releaseDate\":\"2022-09-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2022-09-11T18:22:48Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"minimumXROSVersion\":\"1.0\",\"isXROSCompatible\":true,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"short\":\"Get organised with this beautiful and intuitive calendar.\",\"tagline\":\"A beautiful calendar app\"},\"messagesScreenshots\":{},\"requiresGameController\":false,\"offers\":[{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=989178902\u0026pricingParameters=STDQ\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=872456984\",\"type\":\"get\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"macSoftware\",\"size\":23879401}]},{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=989178902\u0026pricingParameters=SWUPD\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=872456984\",\"type\":\"update\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"macSoftware\",\"size\":23879401}]}],\"requires32bit\":false,\"releaseDate\":\"2015-05-28\",\"hasInAppPurchases\":true,\"bundleId\":\"com.moleskine.timeline\",\"hasMessagesExtension\":false,\"artwork\":{\"width\":1024,\"height\":1024,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"182424\",\"textColor1\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor2\":\"fb4100\",\"textColor3\":\"d0d3d3\",\"textColor4\":\"ce3b07\"},\"privacyPolicyUrl\":\"\",\"videoPreviewsByType\":{},\"supportURLForLanguage\":\"\",\"isHiddenFromSpringboard\":false,\"isStandaloneForWatchOS\":false,\"isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS\":false,\"runsOnAppleSilicon\":true,\"requiresRosetta\":false,\"editorialArtwork\":{\"bannerUber\":{\"width\":4320,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}sr.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"12171a\",\"textColor1\":\"dfb76e\",\"textColor2\":\"ceb26b\",\"textColor3\":\"b6975d\",\"textColor4\":\"a9935b\"},\"contentIconTrimmedMonochrome\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"contentIconTrimmed\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0092ff\",\"textColor1\":\"00070c\",\"textColor2\":\"000e19\",\"textColor3\":\"00233d\",\"textColor4\":\"002947\"},\"storeFlowcase\":{\"width\":4320,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"1f91b1\",\"textColor1\":\"020709\",\"textColor2\":\"091113\",\"textColor3\":\"07232a\",\"textColor4\":\"0d2a32\"},\"originalFlowcaseBrick\":{\"width\":3200,\"height\":600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"ebece2\",\"textColor1\":\"350e07\",\"textColor2\":\"3e1a12\",\"textColor3\":\"5a3b32\",\"textColor4\":\"60443b\"},\"brandLogo\":{\"width\":1080,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"subscriptionHero\":{\"width\":4320,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"3f375a\",\"textColor1\":\"fc731c\",\"textColor2\":\"ff6e15\",\"textColor3\":\"d66729\",\"textColor4\":\"d86222\"}},\"subtitle\":\"The essential planner app\",\"preflightPackageUrl\":\"\",\"customAttributes\":{\"default\":{\"default\":{\"customVideoPreviewsByType\":{},\"customScreenshotsByType\":{\"mac\":[{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor1\":\"000000\",\"textColor2\":\"142a2d\",\"textColor3\":\"333333\",\"textColor4\":\"435457\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor1\":\"000000\",\"textColor2\":\"36231e\",\"textColor3\":\"333333\",\"textColor4\":\"5e4f4b\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor1\":\"000000\",\"textColor2\":\"1c1c1c\",\"textColor3\":\"333333\",\"textColor4\":\"4a4a4a\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor1\":\"000000\",\"textColor2\":\"152a2d\",\"textColor3\":\"333333\",\"textColor4\":\"435457\"},{\"width\":2880,\"height\":1800,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"ffffff\",\"textColor1\":\"181818\",\"textColor2\":\"2f2f2f\",\"textColor3\":\"464646\",\"textColor4\":\"595959\"}]}}}},\"runsOnIntel\":true},\"ios\":{\"description\":{\"standard\":\"Get Timepage – the most intuitive and delightful calendar app you’ll ever use. It's a powerful and fun way to get organized!\\n\\n“Fun to use and provides essential consolidated information in a way that makes you want to use your calendar.”\\n– ZDNet\\n\\n“Moleskine Timepage keeps bringing us these terrific updates and enhancements, making the app better all the time. The exquisite interface and smooth animations already make the app not only beautiful but impressive.”\\n– AppAdvice\\n\\n“The new calendar app Timepage will make you forget the rest.”\\n– Gizmodo\\n\\nTimepage is a revolutionary smart calendar with a gorgeous design. It makes every day more productive by combining your events, maps, contacts and weather.\\n\\nDesign:\\n• The unique timeline view makes it simple to look ahead in time \\n• An intuitive month heatmap that instantly shows when you are busy and free.\\n• Over 60 beautiful hand crafted theme colors for the app, home screen widgets and icon \\n\\nDevices:\\n• iPadOS, iOS, Mac and Apple Watch \\n\\nPlan Your Day:\\n• See beautifully animated temperature and rainfall forecasts for the day so you know what to wear and how to get around.\\n• Never be late again! Timepage automatically gives you travel time estimates to walk, cycle, drive or catch public transport to your events.\\n• Timepage will give you helpful hints like “2 hours free after this event then Gym at 6pm”.\\n• Widgets for weather and events, so that essential info is always a swipe away.\\n\\nIt Just Works:\\n• The easiest event creation around, just swipe down and start typing\\n• Works with any calendar already on your iPhone like iCloud, Google, Outlook, Exchange, Facebook, Yahoo and CalDAV.\\n• Fast background sync so your events are always up to date when you edit events on the web, your computer or iPad.\\n• Search for events using Spotlight on your iPhone.\\n• Advanced calendar features you need like repeating events, reminders, calendar colors, app icon badge customisation, 24 hour time and more.\\n\\nDownload Timepage and enjoy being more organized.\\n\\n–––MEMBERSHIP–––\\n\\nTimepage is a membership service with a free trial.\\n\\nYour calendar data is never deleted by Timepage, regardless of your membership status. If your membership expires, you can still use the app in read-only mode, without weather features. Calendar data will remain synced to your provider of choice (iCloud, Google etc).\\n\\n• Unlimited access on all your devices.\\n• Both monthly and annual options available.\\n\\nPrice may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Your subscription will automatically renew unless automatic renewal is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. You can manage your subscriptions and automatic renewal status in Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of the free trial period will be forfeited when you purchase a subscription.\\n\\nPrivacy Policy:\\nTerms of Service:\\n\\n–––QUESTIONS?–––\\n\\nIf you’ve got a question or something isn’t working quite right, you can contact us directly from the Menu \u003e Help \u003e Contact Support.\\nGot a feature idea? Let us know at\\n\\n–––THANK YOU–––\\n\\nWe have put thousands of hours into creating Timepage. We read every single one of your reviews. If you enjoy using Timepage please take a minute to leave us a nice review, thank you!\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":true,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.6\\n\\nMinor fixes and polish.\\n\\nVersion 4.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n• A new widget! Welcome to our \\\"Month\\\" widget where you can see whole weeks of events, similar to the full-screen month view in the app. Tap a day to open it in Timepage.\\n\\n• A new \\\"Heatmap\\\" option as the module in the Large Today widget. This allows you to see a couple of weeks of heatmap, and select a date to show the events \u0026 actions on that date.\\n\\n• Other small fixes and polish\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-17T03:19:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n• A new widget! Welcome to our \\\"Month\\\" widget where you can see whole weeks of events, similar to the full-screen month view in the app. Tap a day to open it in Timepage.\\n\\n• A new \\\"Heatmap\\\" option as the module in the Large Today widget. This allows you to see a couple of weeks of heatmap, and select a date to show the events \u0026 actions on that date.\\n\\n• Other small fixes and polish\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-18T01:45:53Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n• A new widget! Welcome to our \\\"Month\\\" widget where you can see whole weeks of events, similar to the full-screen month view in the app. Tap a day to open it in Timepage.\\n\\n• A new \\\"Heatmap\\\" option as the module in the Large Today widget. This allows you to see a couple of weeks of heatmap, and select a date to show the events \u0026 actions on that date.\\n\\n• Other small fixes and polish\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-10T02:37:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.5.2\\n1. Fixed an issue that would occur in certain situations when entering event time via keyboard, where the time would appear to have the wrong number of digits.\\n2. Fixed tapping the iPhone widgets when viewed on macOS. Timepage macOS is now opened correctly, instead of showing an error in the widget.\\n3. Widgets that allow changing of the date, now reset back to 'today' after 10 seconds.\\n\\nVersion 4.5\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n• A new widget! Welcome to our \\\"Month\\\" widget where you can see whole weeks of events, similar to the full-screen month view in the app. Tap a day to open it in Timepage.\\n\\n• A new \\\"Heatmap\\\" option as the module in the Large Today widget. This allows you to see a couple of weeks of heatmap, and select a date to show the events \u0026 actions on that date.\\n\\n• Other small fixes and polish\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-02T01:26:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n• A new widget! Welcome to our \\\"Month\\\" widget where you can see whole weeks of events, similar to the full-screen month view in the app. Tap a day to open it in Timepage.\\n\\n• A new \\\"Heatmap\\\" option as the module in the Large Today widget. This allows you to see a couple of weeks of heatmap, and select a date to show the events \u0026 actions on that date.\\n\\n• Other small fixes and polish\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-30T01:15:05Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.5\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n• A new widget! Welcome to our \\\"Month\\\" widget where you can see whole weeks of events, similar to the full-screen month view in the app. Tap a day to open it in Timepage.\\n\\n• A new \\\"Heatmap\\\" option as the module in the Large Today widget. This allows you to see a couple of weeks of heatmap, and select a date to show the events \u0026 actions on that date.\\n\\n• Other small fixes and polish\\n\\n\\nThanks for being a Moleskine Studio user! You can contact our team any time at\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-14T00:09:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.4\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new event, or opening the app to show today's events.\\n • Live Activity Countdowns! Show a countdown to an upcoming event in a Live Activity. Countdowns can be started from the event view in the app, or by tapping on the new Control Center toggle button.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets.\\n\\nAnd some fixes:\\n\\n • Fixed a text size issue with the layout of the Countdown widget.\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n • If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-07T05:32:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.4\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new event, or opening the app to show today's events.\\n • Live Activity Countdowns! Show a countdown to an upcoming event in a Live Activity. Countdowns can be started from the event view in the app, or by tapping on the new Control Center toggle button.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets.\\n\\nAnd some fixes:\\n\\n • Fixed a text size issue with the layout of the Countdown widget.\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n • If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-01T03:11:22Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.4\\n\\nWe have some exciting new features in this update:\\n\\n • New Control Center buttons that allow quickly creating a new event, or opening the app to show today's events.\\n • Live Activity Countdowns! Show a countdown to an upcoming event in a Live Activity. Countdowns can be started from the event view in the app, or by tapping on the new Control Center toggle button.\\n • Support for the new tinted app icons and widgets.\\n\\nAnd some fixes:\\n\\n • Fixed a text size issue with the layout of the Countdown widget.\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n • If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T09:22:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.3.6\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes:\\n1. Fixed visibility of the selected buttons when editing an event's reminders when using Hawking Black theme.\\n2. Various crash fixes, tuning and other polish.\\n\\nVersion 4.3.4\\n1. Various crash fixes and polish.\\n2. Fixed an issue that prevented the adding of attendees manually (e.g. by typing the email address) if Contacts permission is denied.\\n3. Fixed an issue that prevented the weather from showing in the app for particular locations.\\n\\nVersion 4.3\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-05T21:04:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.3.5\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes:\\n1. Fixed visibility of the selected buttons when editing an event's reminders when using Hawking Black theme.\\n2. Various crash fixes, tuning and other polish.\\n\\nVersion 4.3.4\\n1. Various crash fixes and polish.\\n2. Fixed an issue that prevented the adding of attendees manually (e.g. by typing the email address) if Contacts permission is denied.\\n3. Fixed an issue that prevented the weather from showing in the app for particular locations.\\n\\nVersion 4.3\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-02T06:02:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.3.4\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes:\\n1. Various crash fixes and polish.\\n2. Fixed an issue that prevented the adding of attendees manually (e.g. by typing the email address) if Contacts permission is denied.\\n3. Fixed an issue that prevented the weather from showing in the app for particular locations.\\n\\nVersion 4.3\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-07T05:05:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.3.3\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nVersion 4.3\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-18T03:46:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.3.2\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes.\\n\\n\\nVersion 4.3\\n\\nWhat’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-11T03:49:53Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"What’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nVersion 4.2.14\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.11\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets shown on macOS, and responding to event invitations.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.10\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets, and configuring repeating events.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. We’ve made all our small widgets compatible like Schedule, Clock, Day, Date, Add New Event, Upcoming Event, Travel Time and This Day in History.\\n\\nWe’ve also increased the date range for your calendar beyond 12 months and fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-09T02:28:56Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"What’s New:\\n\\t•\\tOverhauled Account Management System: This version features a completely revamped account management system. While you might not notice significant changes until you sign in on a new device, this update will greatly streamline your account management across all our apps. We’ve been working tirelessly on this for months, and we’re confident that future-you will be thankful!\\n\\nBug Fixes:\\n\\t•\\tAlong with the major update, we’ve addressed numerous bugs to enhance your overall experience.\\n\\nLooking Ahead:\\n\\t•\\tWith a more stable foundation in place, our focus is now shifting back to developing shiny new features. Stay tuned for exciting updates!\\n\\nNeed Help?\\n\\t•\\tIf you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at\\n\\nThank you for your continued support!\\n\\n\\nVersion 4.2.14\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.11\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets shown on macOS, and responding to event invitations.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.10\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets, and configuring repeating events.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. We’ve made all our small widgets compatible like Schedule, Clock, Day, Date, Add New Event, Upcoming Event, Travel Time and This Day in History.\\n\\nWe’ve also increased the date range for your calendar beyond 12 months and fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-03T08:58:25Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.2.14\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.11\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets shown on macOS, and responding to event invitations.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.10\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets, and configuring repeating events.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. We’ve made all our small widgets compatible like Schedule, Clock, Day, Date, Add New Event, Upcoming Event, Travel Time and This Day in History.\\n\\nWe’ve also increased the date range for your calendar beyond 12 months and fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-06T13:26:38Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.2.13\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes for the timeline, and responding to RSVPs, as well as other polish and tuning.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.11\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, including fixes for birthday calendars, widgets shown on macOS, and responding to event invitations.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.10\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets, and configuring repeating events.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. We’ve made all our small widgets compatible like Schedule, Clock, Day, Date, Add New Event, Upcoming Event, Travel Time and This Day in History.\\n\\nWe’ve also increased the date range for your calendar beyond 12 months and fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-22T06:44:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.2.11\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, including fixes for birthday calendars, widgets shown on macOS, and responding to event invitations.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.10\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets, and configuring repeating events.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. We’ve made all our small widgets compatible like Schedule, Clock, Day, Date, Add New Event, Upcoming Event, Travel Time and This Day in History.\\n\\nWe’ve also increased the date range for your calendar beyond 12 months and fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-17T01:46:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.2.10\\n\\nThis version of Timepage includes some important bug fixes, mainly involving widgets, and configuring repeating events.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. We’ve made all our small widgets compatible like Schedule, Clock, Day, Date, Add New Event, Upcoming Event, Travel Time and This Day in History.\\n\\nWe’ve also increased the date range for your calendar beyond 12 months and fixed some pesky bugs.\\n\\nMake sure you update your devices to iOS 17 to try out these great new features.\\n\\nTHANKS!\\nLet us know what you think - you can email to talk to our team.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-02T02:41:34Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Version 4.2.8\\n\\nThis version includes some performance improvements, and improvements to how much space the app takes up on your devices. Please note, there may be a delay of a few seconds the first time you start the app after updating, but this should only happen once. Also included are some widget fixes, and some fixes for entering the time of an event using the on-screen keyboard.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.7\\n\\nNew helper tips are now in Timepage to help you discover all our great features. We've also fixed some bugs.\\n\\nVersion 4.2.4\\n\\nIntroducing interactive widgets and Standby Mode support for iOS 17!\\n\\nYou can now enjoy richer functionality with our widgets on your Home Screen. Tap the arrows to show different days of your Schedule without having to open the app.\\n\\nStandby Mode is a new Lock Screen feature in iOS 17 that activates automatically when your iPhone is charging in landscape mode. 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If you don’t choose to purchase a Craft subscription, you can continue using Craft for free.\\n\\nTerms of service:\\nPrivacy policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.1.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Craft’s Spring Update is Here!\\nThis update brings 100+ improvements to enhance your experience, including a higher block limit, and offline folder support.\\n\\nOn Device Folder support\\nTake your document assets fully offline! Now you can download all linked assets within a top-level folder for seamless access without an internet connection. Simply select “On My Mac / iPad / iPhone” from the three-dot menu, and everything inside the folder structure, including images, files, and other assets will be stored locally. Nested folders are included in the download but cannot be downloaded separately.\\n\\nBlock limit increase!\\nOver the past months we made significant under the hood improvements that allowed us to increase the block limit from 175,000 to 250,000. Also, these improvements will enable us to increase it further later this year!\\n\\nMarkdown Export improvements\\nMarkdown export now adheres to CommonMark with GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions, ensuring consistency and compatibility.\\n\\nCollection related improvements and fixes\\n- Added a context-aware context menu to the Collection’s row indicator, now available on all platforms\\n- Added Collections to the Table of Contents and Breadcrumb, provided they contain a page with a title\\n- Introduced a Collection View reordering context menu on iOS for easier organization\\n- Introduced Page Preview for Collections, allowing users to quickly glance at page content without opening it\\n- Refined the Collection keyboard shortcut ⌘ + Enter to insert a new row below the selected row\\n- Enabled immediate checkbox selection in Collections without requiring the cell to be selected first\\n- Improved Collection behavior by preventing alerts when changing the column type if all columns are empty\\n- Resolved an issue where the selection view overlaid the row indicator due to drag-and-drop functionality incorrectly assigning cells to the selected cell, even when they were not selectable\\n- Fixed text alignment issues when editing the title field of a Collection\\n- Fixed misalignment of the picker in Collections for improved consistency\\n- Corrected alignment of field editing panels (such as single and multi-select) in Collections for a more consistent appearance\\n\\nAdditional improvements and fixes\\n- Added a download option for images on iPhone and iPad, along with a dedicated download button in the Mac gallery view for quicker access\\n- Introduced a new menu action to convert media between file and visual formats. The context menu adapts based on selection: *Turn into Image* for images, *Turn into Video* for videos, and *Turn into Visual Media* for mixed selections\\n- Expanded calendar event visibility, now supports more than 10 events with a scrollable popup for easier navigation\\n- Improved pasting into an empty document, when the first line is formatted as a heading, subtitle, or title, it now moves to the document title. This applies only if the block is otherwise empty\\n- Enhanced the block mention footer, dates now display in a more readable format\\n- Improved video preview generation to produce full-resolution image previews\\n- Improved HTML pasting by converting Slack emojis from images to standard emojis\\n- Added a Cancel Selected command to the slash menu for canceling tasks more efficiently\\n- Added an error message when overwriting a cover image with an unsupported file format\\n- Refined Assistant settings with improvements to the Manage Models panel and a clearer delete icon for Saved Prompts\\n- Refined block deletion warnings to ensure consistent behavior across platforms\\n- Optimized loading and scrolling in the Style Gallery for a smoother experience\\n- Improved Widget loading performance for a faster and more seamless experience.\\n- Fixed a bug where selecting a new block incorrectly refocused the previous search result.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-11T08:24:34Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now try out Llama 3B, Llama 1B and DeepSeek 7B. \\nYour data never leaves your device - and you can keep going even if you are offline.\\nThis is an optional feature you can turn on if you download the model on your device.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-06T09:34:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now try out DeepSeek R1's smallest model. \\nYour data never leaves your device - and you can keep going even if you are offline.\\nThis is an optional feature you can turn on if you download the model on your device.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-03T07:47:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready to supercharge your Craft experience with fresh shortcuts, streamlined keyboard navigation, and a host of additional tweaks that make everything run smoother than ever. From improved markdown support to clever UI enhancements, this update is all about making your workflow faster, more intuitive, and undeniably delightful. Dive into the full details below:\\n\\nNew shortcuts and keyboard navigation!\\n- New Go To Menu: introduced a “Go To” menu in Quick Open (cmd+O), enabling users to navigate to sections of the app by typing “Go To” and using arrow keys to select from the list or tapping on the item.\\n- Task View \\n - Toggle Task Done/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + T` \\n - Toggle Task Cancelled/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Shift + T` \\n - Open Add Task Modal: `Space` \\n - Point at a document or day to create the task in that document or day\\n- Calendar View \\n - Toggle Task Done/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + T` \\n - Toggle Task Cancelled/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Shift + T`\\n- Deeplink \\n - Copy Deeplink to Page: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + L` \\n - Copy Deeplink to Block: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Shift + L`\\n- Keyboard Focus: added the ability to navigate between tasks using the arrow keys on the Task and Calendar view.\\n- New system shortcut: added support for the system shortcut `Ctrl ^ + Enter` to open the context menu in browse views for the selected document and in documents for the selected blocks.\\n- Shortcut Help Menu Update (`Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + ,`):\\n - Refreshed the visual design.\\n - Reorganized shortcut groups for better clarity\\n - Added missing shortcuts for a more comprehensive overview.\\n\\nMarkdown import\\nUpdated support to adhere to stricter syntax requirements, now following CommonMark with GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions. \\nThis change affects the following actions:\\n- Copy-pasting content from other app that supports markdown\\n- Drag-and-dropping .md file (import as blocks) into a document\\n- In-line formatting with markdown syntax (bold, *italic*, strikethrough, `code`, [link](, [equation](tex://equation))\\n- Regular bulk import\\n- Notion import\\n- HTML copy-paste (it is converted to markdown on our side)\\n\\nUI Updates and Fixes\\n- Aligned the tab icon for the Unsorted folder on iPad to match its appearance on Mac\\n- Added tooltips for the New View, New Row, and Search icons in a collection\\n- Aligned checkboxes on pinned documents with the page preview icon for better visual rhythm\\n- Addressed a glitch in the top toolbar transition on styled pages. When navigating back from a text block while editing, the keyboard no longer reappears unexpectedly.\\n- Resolved an issue where the title path in “Shared with Me” documents would jump after the first load\\n- Addressed several animation issues\\n- Task Widget: adjusted font sizes, spacing for improved aesthetics. \\n- Added the missing hover state for the selected table in collection tabs.\\n\\nOther Improvements and Bugfixes\\n- When creating or editing a view for a Collection, the popup now activates automatically, eliminating the need to manually tap or click to start editing\\n- Resolved an issue on iPhone where copying text from the title of a Collection item resulted in an empty string\\n- Resolved an issue where clicking “Apply” twice was required to close the overlay after adding users, resulting in duplicate invitation emails.\\n- Adding new row to collection behavior:\\n - Clicking the “Add” button now creates a new item at the top of the collection list.\\n - Clicking the “+” button at the bottom of the collection adds a new item to the bottom of the list.\\n- New View Creation Improvement:\\n - Clicking the “New View” plus button now creates a new view with the default name “New View” (instead of “Table”).\\n - The “Name View” popup is displayed immediately, allowing users to rename the view right away.\\n- Resolved multiple bugs in drag reordering within various Collection configuration views on iOS\\n- Resolved an issue where long documents were not being fully exported\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-29T11:15:33Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We’re kicking off the year with a bang, and we're thrilled to bring you the very first update of 2025! This release sets the tone for what’s to come—a year full of exciting enhancements and meaningful updates designed for you, inspired by you.\\n\\nAt Craft, your feedback is our north star. With every release, we’re not just adding new features but also doubling down on improving your experience, making every interaction smoother, faster, and more delightful.\\n\\nThis version contains multiple improvements and additions, the most important ones are:\\n\\nImage Playground: \\navailable on iOS 18.2 and macOS 15.2, enabling users to create:\\n- Cover images\\n- Inline images\\n- Custom patterns for washi tape\\n\\nNew Image Gallery View\\n- On macOS, users can now browse all images on a page\\n- iOS introduces the same updated design\\n- The Markup tool is accessible via the icon next to pagination on all platforms\\n\\nUpdated 3-dot Settings Context Menus: \\n- improved for a more consistent and intuitive experience\\n- Redesigned with a native appearance and enhanced with additional operation items in some menus\\n- Most notable changes were carried out on iOS\\n - Document view\\n - Space Home / Folder view\\n - Task view\\n - Calendar view\\n\\nUI Updates and Fixes\\n- In the insert sidebar/menu and format settings, the separator icon now aligns with the selected type style design\\n- Font sizes on the date picker for iPhone increased for better readability and usability\\n- The Schedule Panel now retains focus on the selected block\\n- The spellcheck line has been updated to a solid red line and on iOS it now uses the native context menu\\n- Fixed folder edit view issues on iPhone Max: the colour picker now spans the full width, and the About edit panel is repositioned to the centre of the screen\\n- The position of the Apple Intelligence glyph has been adjusted to prevent it from covering the drag indicator\\n- The icon location and spacing around the labels for the New Doc, New Folder, and Templates buttons have been adjusted for improved clarity and alignment\\n- Image Export Panel: the settings previously displayed in a subpanel have been moved to a native-looking settings menu for a more streamlined experience\\n- On macOS, fixed a flickering issue in the breadcrumb when editing the page title\\n- Corrected the placement of the schedule in block details relative to the checkbox\\n- Fixed an issue where the \\\"Use Style\\\" toggle was missing from PDF export settings in certain cases\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-16T11:05:50Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We’re kicking off the year with a bang, and we're thrilled to bring you the very first update of 2025! This release sets the tone for what’s to come—a year full of exciting enhancements and meaningful updates designed for you, inspired by you.\\n\\nAt Craft, your feedback is our north star. With every release, we’re not just adding new features but also doubling down on improving your experience, making every interaction smoother, faster, and more delightful.\\n\\nThis version contains multiple improvements and additions, the most important ones are:\\n\\nImage Playground: \\navailable on iOS 18.2 and macOS 15.2, enabling users to create:\\n- Cover images\\n- Inline images\\n- Custom patterns for washi tape\\n\\nNew Image Gallery View\\n- On macOS, users can now browse all images on a page\\n- iOS introduces the same updated design\\n- The Markup tool is accessible via the icon next to pagination on all platforms\\n\\nUpdated 3-dot Settings Context Menus: \\n- improved for a more consistent and intuitive experience\\n- Redesigned with a native appearance and enhanced with additional operation items in some menus\\n- Most notable changes were carried out on iOS\\n - Document view\\n - Space Home / Folder view\\n - Task view\\n - Calendar view\\n\\nUI Updates and Fixes\\n- In the insert sidebar/menu and format settings, the separator icon now aligns with the selected type style design\\n- Font sizes on the date picker for iPhone increased for better readability and usability\\n- The Schedule Panel now retains focus on the selected block\\n- The spellcheck line has been updated to a solid red line and on iOS it now uses the native context menu\\n- Fixed folder edit view issues on iPhone Max: the colour picker now spans the full width, and the About edit panel is repositioned to the centre of the screen\\n- The position of the Apple Intelligence glyph has been adjusted to prevent it from covering the drag indicator\\n- The icon location and spacing around the labels for the New Doc, New Folder, and Templates buttons have been adjusted for improved clarity and alignment\\n- Image Export Panel: the settings previously displayed in a subpanel have been moved to a native-looking settings menu for a more streamlined experience\\n- On macOS, fixed a flickering issue in the breadcrumb when editing the page title\\n- Corrected the placement of the schedule in block details relative to the checkbox\\n- Fixed an issue where the \\\"Use Style\\\" toggle was missing from PDF export settings in certain cases\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-13T12:48:29Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"One More Update Before We Say Goodbye to 2024! \\n\\nAs we wrap up the year, we’re thrilled to bring you another powerful update to Craft 3—an experience designed with you at the center. This release pushes forward on multiple fronts, making your workflow even smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable:\\n\\nTask Widgets\\nKeep your tasks front and center. New task widgets let you track your to-dos effortlessly, ensuring you always know what’s next.\\n\\nEnhanced Apple Shortcuts\\nIntegrate Craft seamlessly into your daily routines. Our updated Apple Shortcuts support makes automating actions simpler than ever before.\\n\\nApple’s Writing Tool Support\\nWrite with ease and precision. With native support for Apple’s Writing Tool, you can bring more comfort and fluidity to your content creation.\\n\\nMajor Import Improvements\\nBringing all your content together just got easier. We’ve boosted our import capabilities to save you time and maintain an organized workspace.\\n\\n2024 was an incredible year for Craft, and we’re more excited than ever about what 2025 has in store. Update now and step into the future of your productivity journey!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-16T09:40:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Wrapping Up the Year with Craft v3 – Our Biggest Update Yet! \\n\\nAs the year comes to a close, we’re excited to release Craft v3, the most powerful, feature-packed update we’ve ever launched. We’ve reimagined how you work, organize, and create, delivering an experience that’s smoother, smarter, and more personal. Here’s a glimpse of what’s waiting for you:\\n\\nAchieve more with tasks - Managing your to-dos has never been this effortless. Capture ideas the moment they strike. Tasks flow naturally from your notes, land in a dedicated Inbox, and stay pinned where you need them. \\n\\nBuild powerful collections - Say hello to Collections, the ultimate way to organize your content. Whether it’s projects, ideas, or inspirations, Collections gives you the tools to structure your workspace like never before. Chaos, meet clarity.\\n\\nStyle without limits - Style your documents to match your unique flair, bringing personality and polish to every note, project, or presentation.\\n\\nUnder-the-Hood Enhancements We’ve made significant behind-the-scenes improvements to make Craft faster, smoother, and more reliable, so you can focus on what matters most.\\n\\nAnd So Much More With dozens of additional improvements sprinkled throughout, this is the Craft you’ve always dreamed of.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-02T09:32:14Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Wrapping Up the Year with Craft v3 – Our Biggest Update Yet! \\n\\nAs the year comes to a close, we’re excited to release Craft v3, the most powerful, feature-packed update we’ve ever launched. We’ve reimagined how you work, organize, and create, delivering an experience that’s smoother, smarter, and more personal. Here’s a glimpse of what’s waiting for you:\\n\\nAchieve more with tasks - Managing your to-dos has never been this effortless. Capture ideas the moment they strike. Tasks flow naturally from your notes, land in a dedicated Inbox, and stay pinned where you need them. \\n\\nBuild powerful collections - Say hello to Collections, the ultimate way to organize your content. Whether it’s projects, ideas, or inspirations, Collections gives you the tools to structure your workspace like never before. Chaos, meet clarity.\\n\\nStyle without limits - Style your documents to match your unique flair, bringing personality and polish to every note, project, or presentation.\\n\\nUnder-the-Hood Enhancements We’ve made significant behind-the-scenes improvements to make Craft faster, smoother, and more reliable, so you can focus on what matters most.\\n\\nAnd So Much More With dozens of additional improvements sprinkled throughout, this is the Craft you’ve always dreamed of.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-28\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-28T08:12:20Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Quick Update, Major Impact: We've fine-tuned our app with some essential bug fixes, enhancing stability and smoothness, so your experience is now more seamless and reliable than ever – all in one swift update!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-19T07:31:44Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Quick Update, Major Impact: We've fine-tuned our app with some essential bug fixes, enhancing stability and smoothness, so your experience is now more seamless and reliable than ever – all in one swift update!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-17T06:44:38Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Mid-Summer Update Highlights\\n\\nGet ready for a smoother, faster, and more powerful Craft experience with our latest mid-summer update! We've focused on significant under-the-hood enhancements to elevate your workflow. Here's what you can expect:\\n\\nTurbocharged Performance\\nExperience lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled efficiency with our latest performance improvements. We've optimized every corner of Craft to ensure you can work at your best without any hiccups.\\n\\nEnhanced Stability\\nEnjoy a more robust and reliable Craft with our comprehensive bug fixes and stability upgrades. Your favorite app is now more dependable than ever.\\n\\nPowerful New Capabilities\\nWhile you might not see all the changes, you'll definitely feel them! Our under-the-hood enhancements make Craft more powerful, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.\\n\\nUpdate now to discover the difference and enjoy an even better Craft experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-29T06:00:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Mid-Summer Update Highlights\\n\\nGet ready for a smoother, faster, and more powerful Craft experience with our latest mid-summer update! We've focused on significant under-the-hood enhancements to elevate your workflow. Here's what you can expect:\\n\\nTurbocharged Performance\\nExperience lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled efficiency with our latest performance improvements. We've optimized every corner of Craft to ensure you can work at your best without any hiccups.\\n\\nEnhanced Stability\\nEnjoy a more robust and reliable Craft with our comprehensive bug fixes and stability upgrades. Your favorite app is now more dependable than ever.\\n\\nPowerful New Capabilities\\nWhile you might not see all the changes, you'll definitely feel them! Our under-the-hood enhancements make Craft more powerful, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.\\n\\nUpdate now to discover the difference and enjoy an even better Craft experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-24T05:41:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Summer Update Highlights\\nWe're excited to introduce our latest summer update, packed with powerful new features and enhancements to elevate your Craft experience. Here's what's new:\\n\\nAI Assistant Enhancements\\nUnleash the full potential of our AI Assistant with custom prompts! Now you can tailor the AI to suit your specific needs, making it easier than ever to draft content, generate ideas, and manage tasks with your personalized commands.\\n\\nUpdated Insert Sidebar\\nNavigating and inserting content has never been smoother. Our revamped insert sidebar is designed to streamline your workflow, helping you quickly access and add the elements you need.\\n\\nMajor Whiteboard Overhaul\\nExperience a new level of creativity and efficiency with our updated Whiteboard! Enjoy significant performance improvements, bug fixes, and an upgraded Sticky Notes feature. Your brainstorming sessions just got a whole lot better.\\n\\nSimplified Login with Magic Link Support\\nSay goodbye to complicated login processes! With our new Magic Link support, logging into Craft is now a breeze. Just click the link sent to your email, and you're in.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-01T09:19:53Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready for an unparalleled experience with our latest update that takes Craft to new heights of power and speed. This major release designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient than ever before. Here’s what’s new:\\n\\nMeet GPT-4o for Craft Assistant: Say hello to your new intelligent companion! The GPT-4o integration makes Craft Assistant smarter, more intuitive, and incredibly powerful, helping you draft content, and summarize notes with ease.\\n\\nPresentation Mode on Published Pages: Impress your audience with our all-new Presentation Mode. Turn your published pages into sleek, professional presentations, perfect for meetings, pitches, and more.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy and Paste for HTML and RTF: Copying and pasting just got a whole lot better! Seamlessly transfer content between Craft and other apps with our improved support for HTML and RTF formats.\\n\\nMajor Editing Improvements: We've taken editing to the next level with major enhancements under the hood.\\n\\nUpdate now and discover how this new version can transform your productivity and creativity! \",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-07T07:20:06Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready for an unparalleled experience with our latest update that takes Craft to new heights of power and speed. This major release designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient than ever before. Here’s what’s new:\\n\\nMeet GPT-4o for Craft Assistant: Say hello to your new intelligent companion! The GPT-4o integration makes Craft Assistant smarter, more intuitive, and incredibly powerful, helping you draft content, and summarize notes with ease.\\n\\nPresentation Mode on Published Pages: Impress your audience with our all-new Presentation Mode. Turn your published pages into sleek, professional presentations, perfect for meetings, pitches, and more.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy and Paste for HTML and RTF: Copying and pasting just got a whole lot better! Seamlessly transfer content between Craft and other apps with our improved support for HTML and RTF formats.\\n\\nMajor Editing Improvements: We've taken editing to the next level with major enhancements under the hood.\\n\\nUpdate now and discover how this new version can transform your productivity and creativity! \",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-03T08:04:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Welcome to Our Sizzling Summer Update! \\n\\nGet ready to dive into our most expansive update ever! This season, we’re turning up the heat with spectacular new features and breathtaking enhancements that will transform how you interact with our app:\\n\\nSeamless Reminders: Never miss a beat again! Set reminders that keep you on top of your tasks with precision and ease.\\n\\nAdvanced Find and Replace: Navigate through your documents with lightning speed. Our enhanced find and replace tool lets you edit and organize your content effortlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Evolution: Unleash your creativity on a whole new canvas! Our updated whiteboard now supports backgrounds, images, and videos, making your brainstorming sessions visually stunning and more effective.\\n\\nWidget Makeover: Experience functionality in style! Our widgets have undergone a beautiful redesign, providing you with a seamless and more aesthetic interaction.\\n\\nCustom Cover Images: Personalize your projects like never before! With cover image customization, your work will not only be efficient but also uniquely yours.\\n\\nRevamped Create Tab on iOS: Crafting on the go is smoother than ever. Explore the updated 'Create' tab for quicker and more intuitive navigation.\\n\\nElevate your productivity this summer with these vibrant new features. Update now and start enjoying a more dynamic and personalized app experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-21\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-21T08:54:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Welcome to Our Sizzling Summer Update! \\n\\nGet ready to dive into our most expansive update ever! This season, we’re turning up the heat with spectacular new features and breathtaking enhancements that will transform how you interact with our app:\\n\\nSeamless Reminders: Never miss a beat again! Set reminders that keep you on top of your tasks with precision and ease.\\n\\nAdvanced Find and Replace: Navigate through your documents with lightning speed. Our enhanced find and replace tool lets you edit and organize your content effortlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Evolution: Unleash your creativity on a whole new canvas! Our updated whiteboard now supports backgrounds, images, and videos, making your brainstorming sessions visually stunning and more effective.\\n\\nWidget Makeover: Experience functionality in style! Our widgets have undergone a beautiful redesign, providing you with a seamless and more aesthetic interaction.\\n\\nCustom Cover Images: Personalize your projects like never before! With cover image customization, your work will not only be efficient but also uniquely yours.\\n\\nElevate your productivity this summer with these vibrant new features. Update now and start enjoying a more dynamic and personalized app experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-13T08:40:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Elevate Your Experience with Every Tap!\\n\\nGet ready to dive into a smoother, more intuitive Craft environment. We're rolling out a suite of quality of life enhancements designed to make Craft not only more powerful but also a joy to use. Each new feature is tailored to enrich your daily workflow and elevate your crafting to new heights of efficiency and ease.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy Capabilities: Elevate your sharing and saving game! With our new \\\"Copy as HTML\\\" and \\\"Copy as RTF\\\" options, moving your content between platforms is now as seamless as it is powerful. \\n\\nSleek New Card Type: Meet the new text-only layout in our card types – a minimalist's dream! This sleek addition is perfect for those who love clarity and simplicity, giving your ideas the space to shine without any distractions.\\n\\niPhone Zoom Feature: You asked for it, so we built it—change the text size in your documents with ease using our new zoom feature on iPhone. Perfect for when you need a closer look\\n\\nThis update is all about making Craft work smarter, so you don’t have to work harder. We're fine-tuning the details and supercharging the essentials to ensure that every interaction with Craft is more intuitive, effective, and delightful.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-23T04:58:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Elevate Your Experience with Every Click!\\n\\nGet ready to dive into a smoother, more intuitive Craft environment. We're rolling out a suite of quality of life enhancements designed to make Craft not only more powerful but also a joy to use. Each new feature is tailored to enrich your daily workflow and elevate your crafting to new heights of efficiency and ease.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy Capabilities: Elevate your sharing and saving game! With our new \\\"\\\"Copy as HTML\\\"\\\" and \\\"\\\"Copy as RTF\\\"\\\" options, moving your content between platforms is now as seamless as it is powerful. \\n\\nSleek New Card Type: Meet the new text-only layout in our card types – a minimalist's dream! This sleek addition is perfect for those who love clarity and simplicity, giving your ideas the space to shine without any distractions.\\n\\nTab Mastery: Ever accidentally closed a tab and immediately wished you could bring it back? We've got you covered. With the new option to restore the last closed tab using CMD + Shift + T, your workflow remains uninterrupted. It's like having an 'undo' button for your tabs!\\n\\nThis update is all about making Craft work smarter, so you don’t have to work harder. We're fine-tuning the details and supercharging the essentials to ensure that every interaction with Craft is more intuitive, effective, and delightful.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-15T08:53:26Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This Easter, Craft brings a truly festive release that's all set to spring your productivity and creativity into full bloom. With an array of surprises tucked away, we're eager to lift the lid on what we've been hopping around the clock to perfect. Get ready to crack open a whole new level of organization and flair in your workspace!\\n\\nRevamped Document Sidebar: Discover an updated sidebar that now nests a handy tasks list and attachments - all designed to keep your projects organized.\\n\\nPresentation Mode: Transform your documents into captivating presentations with our new mode.\\n\\nPDF Export Enhancements: We've fine-tuned the PDF export, making it smoother than an Easter bunny’s coat.\\n\\nTask Indicators: With new task indicators right in your document, you'll never lose track of your to-dos.\\n\\nNew Background Presets: Spruce up your pages and cards with our new background presets. Think of it as decorating your Easter eggs with an extra dash of color and joy.\\n\\nEgg-stra Special Fixes and Improvements: We've been on an egg hunt for bugs and areas needing a touch-up, leading to many fixes and improvements across the app. Your Craft experience is now smoother, faster, and more delightful – a true reason to celebrate this Easter!\\n\\nEaster Egg Surprise: And what's an Easter update without a hidden Easter egg? We've sprinkled a delightful secret within the app, just waiting to be discovered by our keen-eyed users. This little gem promises to add an extra layer of fun and surprise to your Craft experience. Start the hunt and let us know when you find it – a festive treat awaits the first few explorers!\\n\\nThis update is our way of saying \\\"Happy Easter\\\" to our wonderful community. We hope these new features add a spring to your step and bring even more joy to your creative endeavors.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-04T07:31:10Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This Easter, Craft brings a truly festive release that's all set to spring your productivity and creativity into full bloom. With an array of surprises tucked away, we're eager to lift the lid on what we've been hopping around the clock to perfect. Get ready to crack open a whole new level of organization and flair in your workspace!\\n\\nRevamped Document Sidebar: Discover an updated sidebar that now nests a handy tasks list and attachments - all designed to keep your projects organized.\\n\\nPresentation Mode: Transform your documents into captivating presentations with our new mode.\\n\\nPDF Export Enhancements: We've fine-tuned the PDF export, making it smoother than an Easter bunny’s coat.\\n\\nTask Indicators: With new task indicators right in your document, you'll never lose track of your to-dos.\\n\\nNew Background Presets: Spruce up your pages and cards with our new background presets. Think of it as decorating your Easter eggs with an extra dash of color and joy.\\n\\nEgg-stra Special Fixes and Improvements: We've been on an egg hunt for bugs and areas needing a touch-up, leading to many fixes and improvements across the app. Your Craft experience is now smoother, faster, and more delightful – a true reason to celebrate this Easter!\\n\\nEaster Egg Surprise: And what's an Easter update without a hidden Easter egg? We've sprinkled a delightful secret within the app, just waiting to be discovered by our keen-eyed users. This little gem promises to add an extra layer of fun and surprise to your Craft experience. Start the hunt and let us know when you find it – a festive treat awaits the first few explorers!\\n\\nThis update is our way of saying \\\"Happy Easter\\\" to our wonderful community. We hope these new features add a spring to your step and bring even more joy to your creative endeavors.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-02T06:55:58Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We're thrilled to announce a suite of enhancements and improvements designed to elevate your Craft experience. Each update is a step towards seamless creativity and productivity, inspired by your invaluable feedback!\\n\\nZoom in to get the most out of your documents:\\nNow you can zoom in (and out) on your document whether you need your content to be larger to focus better, to present your ideas for your audience, or simply when your eyes need to rest a bit.\\n\\nTable Performance Overhaul:\\nDive into smoother, swifter tables with our advanced rasterisation rendering changes. Every scroll, every interaction, now feels like a breeze.\\nTyping is now a joy with fixes and improvements that make your words flow seamlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Wonders: \\nSingle letter shortcuts are here to make your whiteboard sessions more dynamic and fluid, crafting your vision with simple strokes.\\n\\nEnhanced Right-Click Menus: \\nRight-click to discover a world of actions for URLs and other blocks, designed to make interaction more intuitive and efficient.\\n\\nTab Restoration Magic: \\nTransition between Craft versions without losing your tabs, ensuring a seamless upgrade experience, focused on preserving your workspace integrity.\\n\\nCursor \u0026 Commenting Elegance: \\nRefined cursor movement logic with the last toggle block, ensuring precision and ease. \\nInline commenting sees significant improvements – adding or removing comments, tapping out, and more is now smoother than ever.\\n\\nBehind-the-Scenes Fixes: \\nAddressed the root cause of block disappearance linked to inline comments, ensuring your creations remain intact.\\nCMD+W shortcut fixed for when you’re on the last tab or in a new window, enhancing navigation efficiency.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-11T07:57:39Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Your Voice, Our Action\\n\\nA heartfelt thank you for sharing your valuable insights and feedback on our last major update. Fueled by your suggestions, we've embarked on refining Craft together, bringing a suite of enhancements and tweaks in this latest release - and yes, it still includes a couple of delightful surprises!\\n\\nEffortless Navigation: Dive into a more intuitive experience with the ability to effortlessly swap the left sidebar with a simple swipe when you are in a document. It’s all about making your navigation smoother and more natural than ever before.\\n\\nRevamped Window and Tab Mastery: We’ve tackled several quirks around window and tab management, alongside state restoration, ensuring a seamless transition between your creative flows. No more distractions, just a streamlined pathway to your brilliance.\\n\\nPerformance Power-Up: Experience the difference with key performance improvements that might seem modest but pack a significant punch. We're talking smoother operations, faster loading times, and an overall boost that makes everything feel snappier.\\n\\nWhiteboard Beta \u0026 Sensory Enhancements: Get ready to unleash your creativity with the beta version of our simple yet powerful Whiteboard, complemented by the first set of sounds and haptics updates. It's a multi-sensory experience designed to bring your ideas to life in the most vibrant way possible.\\n\\nThis update is our way of saying thank you for being part of our journey. Dive in, explore, and let your creativity soar. The future is bright, and together, we’re just getting started.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-06T08:28:07Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Your Voice, Our Action\\n\\nA heartfelt thank you for sharing your valuable insights and feedback on our last major update. 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We're talking smoother operations, faster loading times, and an overall boost that makes everything feel snappier.\\n\\nWhiteboard Beta \u0026 Sensory Enhancements: Get ready to unleash your creativity with the beta version of our simple yet powerful Whiteboard, complemented by the first set of sounds and haptics updates. It's a multi-sensory experience designed to bring your ideas to life in the most vibrant way possible.\\n\\nThis update is our way of saying thank you for being part of our journey. Dive in, explore, and let your creativity soar. The future is bright, and together, we’re just getting started.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-27T06:17:50Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"A fresh take on documents\",\"standard\":\"If you’re looking to restore (or introduce) a little order to your life, Craft will fall somewhere between “immediately helpful” and “enough to bring a tear to your eye.” This productivity app is so versatile that it’s hard to define: It’s for taking notes, writing to-do lists, organizing important documents, organizing unimportant documents, stashing away random scraps and, ultimately, transforming your digital detritus into a blissfully organized system that’s easy to navigate and pleasing to look at.\"},\"messagesScreenshots\":{},\"requiresGameController\":false,\"offers\":[{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1487937127\u0026pricingParameters=STDQ\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=872320697\",\"type\":\"get\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"macSoftware\",\"size\":111126902}]},{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1487937127\u0026pricingParameters=SWUPD\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=872320697\",\"type\":\"update\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"macSoftware\",\"size\":111126902}]}],\"requires32bit\":false,\"releaseDate\":\"2020-11-10\",\"hasInAppPurchases\":true,\"bundleId\":\"com.lukilabs.lukiapp\",\"hasMessagesExtension\":false,\"artwork\":{\"width\":1024,\"height\":1024,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"fcfcff\",\"textColor1\":\"000d21\",\"textColor2\":\"221f47\",\"textColor3\":\"323c4d\",\"textColor4\":\"4d4b6c\"},\"privacyPolicyUrl\":\"\",\"videoPreviewsByType\":{},\"supportURLForLanguage\":\"\",\"isHiddenFromSpringboard\":false,\"isStandaloneForWatchOS\":false,\"isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS\":false,\"runsOnAppleSilicon\":true,\"requiresRosetta\":false,\"editorialArtwork\":{\"contentIconTrimmedMonochrome\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"contentIconTrimmed\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0092ff\",\"textColor1\":\"00070c\",\"textColor2\":\"000e19\",\"textColor3\":\"00233d\",\"textColor4\":\"002947\"},\"brandLogo\":{\"width\":1080,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"subscriptionHero\":{\"width\":4320,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"292988\",\"textColor1\":\"eae4eb\",\"textColor2\":\"dfdaed\",\"textColor3\":\"c3bfd7\",\"textColor4\":\"bbb7d8\"}},\"subtitle\":\"Journal ideas, meeting notes\",\"preflightPackageUrl\":\"\",\"customAttributes\":{\"default\":{\"default\":{\"customVideoPreviewsByType\":{},\"customScreenshotsByType\":{\"mac\":[{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"},{\"width\":2560,\"height\":1600,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\"}]}}}},\"runsOnIntel\":true},\"xros\":{\"description\":{\"standard\":\"Craft is a powerful note-taking and doc creation app.\\n\\nDesigned for those who love simple but powerful productivity tools. Write notes quickly and make them beautiful with AI in seconds. Get things done beyond docs with whiteboards, tasks, and reminders, securely synced across all your devices.\\n\\nINTRODUCING THE FULLY-NATIVE CRAFT APP FOR VISION OS:\\n- Fully featured - no compromises, as powerful as our Mac OS and iOS apps.\\n- Redesigned for a comfortable user experience on Vision OS.\\n- Enhanced with spatial audio support to provide feedback for key actions.\\n- Optimized navigation for your eyes and hands with support for Magic Mouse and trackpad.\\n- Offline mode to access your docs and continue working without the internet\\n\\nORGANIZE YOUR IDEAS\\nEasily nest docs inside others, creating an intuitive structure that works for you. Navigate effortlessly through linked pages, to seamlessly create, search and explore your thoughts.\\n\\nSTYLE \u0026 STRUCTURE DOCS\\nCraft supports images, checklists, code snippets and tables so you can present your ideas in a visually engaging way. Just drag and drop to move text, images and code blocks anywhere in your docs. \\n\\nAI-POWERED EDITING\\nWork faster with the built-in AI Assistant. Instantly brainstorm ideas, summarize long documents or edit your notes for tone and style.\\n\\nCOLLABORATE WITH ANYONE\\nWith Craft, working together has never been easier. Share documents and invite others to collaborate in real-time. Exchange ideas, comment and react, and create impactful documents as a team. \\n\\nSHARE DAILY UPDATES\\nEffortlessly take quick notes, plan your day, add tasks, or start a daily journal. With task lists in Daily Notes you, and your team can track all your to-dos and stay aligned.\\n\\nEXPORT \u0026 SHARE\\nExport your documents with ease in multiple formats, ensuring your work is accessible wherever it's needed. Whether it's Email, Markdown, PDF, or print, your docs will always look as good as they do in Craft — no more broken layouts! \\n\\nWORK OFFLINE OR ONLINE, ANYWHERE\\nYour documents are stored on your device so you can keep working, even when you're offline. All your changes sync automatically when you reconnect. Craft works on iPhone, iPad and Mac and your notes sync between all your devices effortlessly — perfect for working on the go.\\n\\nEVERYTHING ELSE YOU NEED\\n- Hundreds of customizable templates\\n- Powerful keyboard shortcuts\\n- Markdown support\\n- Link sharing\\n- Version history\\n- Incredible customer support\\n\\nQUESTIONS?\\nContact us on Twitter at @craftdocsapp or email\\n\\nSUBSCRIPTION DETAILS\\nIf you purchase Craft Plus, you'll be charged via the payment method associated with your Apple ID. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours of the end of the current period.\\nYou can turn off auto-renewal at any time in your account settings on the App Store. Craft Plus subscriptions start at $9.99 USD/month, and one-month and 12-month packages are available.\\nPrices are in U.S. dollars, may vary in countries other than the U.S., and are subject to change without notice. Current subscriptions cannot be cancelled during the active subscription period. If you don't choose to purchase Craft Plus, you can continue using Craft for free.\\nTerms of service:\\nPrivacy policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Craft v3 – Our Biggest Update Yet! \\n\\nWe’re excited to release Craft v3, the most powerful, feature-packed update we’ve ever launched. We’ve reimagined how you work, organize, and create, delivering an experience that’s smoother, smarter, and more personal. Here’s a glimpse of what’s waiting for you:\\n\\nAchieve more with tasks - Managing your to-dos has never been this effortless. Capture ideas the moment they strike. Tasks flow naturally from your notes, land in a dedicated Inbox, and stay pinned where you need them. \\n\\nBuild powerful collections - Say hello to Collections, the ultimate way to organize your content. Whether it’s projects, ideas, or inspirations, Collections gives you the tools to structure your workspace like never before. Chaos, meet clarity.\\n\\nStyle without limits - Style your documents to match your unique flair, bringing personality and polish to every note, project, or presentation.\\n\\nUnder-the-Hood Enhancements We’ve made significant behind-the-scenes improvements to make Craft faster, smoother, and more reliable, so you can focus on what matters most.\\n\\nAnd So Much More With dozens of additional improvements sprinkled throughout, this is the Craft you’ve always dreamed of.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-29T11:04:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Mid-Summer Update Highlights\\n\\nGet ready for a smoother, faster, and more powerful Craft experience with our latest mid-summer update! We've focused on significant under-the-hood enhancements to elevate your workflow. Here's what you can expect:\\n\\nTurbocharged Performance\\nExperience lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled efficiency with our latest performance improvements. We've optimized every corner of Craft to ensure you can work at your best without any hiccups.\\n\\nEnhanced Stability\\nEnjoy a more robust and reliable Craft with our comprehensive bug fixes and stability upgrades. Your favorite app is now more dependable than ever.\\n\\nPowerful New Capabilities\\nWhile you might not see all the changes, you'll definitely feel them! Our under-the-hood enhancements make Craft more powerful, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.\\n\\nUpdate now to discover the difference and enjoy an even better Craft experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-29T05:59:40Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Mid-Summer Update Highlights\\n\\nGet ready for a smoother, faster, and more powerful Craft experience with our latest mid-summer update! We've focused on significant under-the-hood enhancements to elevate your workflow. Here's what you can expect:\\n\\nTurbocharged Performance\\nExperience lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled efficiency with our latest performance improvements. We've optimized every corner of Craft to ensure you can work at your best without any hiccups.\\n\\nEnhanced Stability\\nEnjoy a more robust and reliable Craft with our comprehensive bug fixes and stability upgrades. Your favorite app is now more dependable than ever.\\n\\nPowerful New Capabilities\\nWhile you might not see all the changes, you'll definitely feel them! Our under-the-hood enhancements make Craft more powerful, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.\\n\\nUpdate now to discover the difference and enjoy an even better Craft experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-23T07:07:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Summer Update Highlights\\nWe're excited to introduce our latest summer update, packed with powerful new features and enhancements to elevate your Craft experience. Here's what's new:\\n\\nAI Assistant Enhancements\\nUnleash the full potential of our AI Assistant with custom prompts! Now you can tailor the AI to suit your specific needs, making it easier than ever to draft content, generate ideas, and manage tasks with your personalized commands.\\n\\nUpdated Insert Sidebar\\nNavigating and inserting content has never been smoother. Our revamped insert sidebar is designed to streamline your workflow, helping you quickly access and add the elements you need.\\n\\nMajor Whiteboard Overhaul\\nExperience a new level of creativity and efficiency with our updated Whiteboard! Enjoy significant performance improvements, bug fixes, and an upgraded Sticky Notes feature. Your brainstorming sessions just got a whole lot better.\\n\\nSimplified Login with Magic Link Support\\nSay goodbye to complicated login processes! With our new Magic Link support, logging into Craft is now a breeze. Just click the link sent to your email, and you're in.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-01T09:09:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready for an unparalleled experience with our latest update that takes Craft to new heights of power and speed. This major release designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient than ever before. 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Seamlessly transfer content between Craft and other apps with our improved support for HTML and RTF formats.\\n\\nMajor Editing Improvements: We've taken editing to the next level with major enhancements under the hood.\\n\\nUpdate now and discover how this new version can transform your productivity and creativity!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-03T11:31:41Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Welcome to Our Sizzling Summer Update! \\n\\nGet ready to dive into our most expansive update ever! This season, we’re turning up the heat with spectacular new features and breathtaking enhancements that will transform how you interact with our app:\\n\\nSeamless Reminders: Never miss a beat again! Set reminders that keep you on top of your tasks with precision and ease.\\n\\nAdvanced Find and Replace: Navigate through your documents with lightning speed. Our enhanced find and replace tool lets you edit and organize your content effortlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Evolution: Unleash your creativity on a whole new canvas! Our updated whiteboard now supports backgrounds, images, and videos, making your brainstorming sessions visually stunning and more effective.\\n\\nWidget Makeover: Experience functionality in style! Our widgets have undergone a beautiful redesign, providing you with a seamless and more aesthetic interaction.\\n\\nCustom Cover Images: Personalize your projects like never before! With cover image customization, your work will not only be efficient but also uniquely yours.\\n\\nElevate your productivity this summer with these vibrant new features. Update now and start enjoying a more dynamic and personalized app experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-15T03:58:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.0\",\"releaseNotes\":null,\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-07T16:07:36Z\"}],\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"messagesScreenshots\":{},\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"A fresh take on documents\",\"standard\":\"If you’re looking to restore (or introduce) a little order to your life, Craft will fall somewhere between “immediately helpful” and “enough to bring a tear to your eye.” This productivity app is so versatile that it’s hard to define: It’s for taking notes, writing to-do lists, organizing important documents, organizing unimportant documents, stashing away random scraps and, ultimately, transforming your digital detritus into a blissfully organized system that’s easy to navigate and pleasing to look at.\"},\"requiresGameController\":false,\"offers\":[{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1487937127\u0026pricingParameters=STDQ\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=872078952\",\"type\":\"get\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"iosSoftware\",\"size\":126495744}]},{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1487937127\u0026pricingParameters=SWUPD\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=872078952\",\"type\":\"update\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"iosSoftware\",\"size\":126495744}]}],\"requires32bit\":false,\"releaseDate\":\"2020-11-10\",\"hasInAppPurchases\":true,\"bundleId\":\"com.lukilabs.lukiapp\",\"hasMessagesExtension\":false,\"artwork\":{\"width\":512,\"height\":512,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"fffdff\",\"textColor1\":\"000d36\",\"textColor2\":\"031943\",\"textColor3\":\"333d5e\",\"textColor4\":\"354769\"},\"videoPreviewsByType\":{},\"privacyPolicyUrl\":\"\",\"supportURLForLanguage\":\"\",\"isStandaloneForWatchOS\":false,\"isHiddenFromSpringboard\":false,\"isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS\":false,\"editorialArtwork\":{\"contentIconTrimmedMonochrome\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"contentIconTrimmed\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0092ff\",\"textColor1\":\"00070c\",\"textColor2\":\"000e19\",\"textColor3\":\"00233d\",\"textColor4\":\"002947\"},\"brandLogo\":{\"width\":1080,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"subscriptionHero\":{\"width\":4320,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"292988\",\"textColor1\":\"eae4eb\",\"textColor2\":\"dfdaed\",\"textColor3\":\"c3bfd7\",\"textColor4\":\"bbb7d8\"}},\"subtitle\":\"Journal ideas, meeting notes\",\"customAttributes\":{\"default\":{\"default\":{\"customVideoPreviewsByType\":{},\"customScreenshotsByType\":{\"appleVisionPro\":[{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"211d1c\",\"textColor1\":\"f0f5fa\",\"textColor2\":\"e0cfd4\",\"textColor3\":\"c7cacd\",\"textColor4\":\"baabaf\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0d1b1f\",\"textColor1\":\"d7dde5\",\"textColor2\":\"c5dae5\",\"textColor3\":\"aeb6bd\",\"textColor4\":\"a0b4be\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"1f1e19\",\"textColor1\":\"bacbe4\",\"textColor2\":\"a2bfdf\",\"textColor3\":\"9ba9bb\",\"textColor4\":\"889fb7\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"162024\",\"textColor1\":\"fdfdfe\",\"textColor2\":\"bdc8d8\",\"textColor3\":\"ced1d2\",\"textColor4\":\"9ca6b4\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"1f1f21\",\"textColor1\":\"acc4e2\",\"textColor2\":\"96b7db\",\"textColor3\":\"90a3bb\",\"textColor4\":\"7e99b6\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f1f1f1\",\"textColor2\":\"d7d7d7\",\"textColor3\":\"c0c0c0\",\"textColor4\":\"acacac\"},{\"width\":3840,\"height\":2160,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"7491a2\",\"textColor1\":\"020202\",\"textColor2\":\"0b0d0e\",\"textColor3\":\"191f22\",\"textColor4\":\"20272c\"}]}}}}},\"ios\":{\"description\":{\"standard\":\"Unleash your creativity and take control of your plans with Craft, a powerful app that transforms how you write, organize, and get things done. 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Transform your workspace into a reflection of your personal aesthetic while maintaining consistency throughout your content.\\n\\nSEAMLESS TASK MANAGEMENT\\nTurn your ideas into action with our native Tasks system. Capture tasks as they emerge from your notes and documents, manage them in a dedicated Inbox, and pin important projects for quick access. Set target dates, due dates, and reminders to stay on track. With a unified tasks view in the sidebar, you’ll never lose track of action items buried in your documents.\\n\\nBUILD POWERFUL COLLECTIONS\\nTransform your documents into dynamic databases with Collections. Create and embed customizable lists of records directly within your documents, complete with custom properties, tags, and flexible viewing options. Connect blocks and mentions across your Collections to build an interconnected knowledge base that grows with your needs. \\n\\nSTAY ON TOP OF YOUR DAY\\nMake daily planning effortless with Daily Notes. Capture quick thoughts, plan your schedule, track tasks, or maintain your personal journal — all in one dedicated space. Switch to the calendar view to visualize your progress, reflect on your week, and understand how your days are shaping up. \\n\\nAI-POWERED EDITING\\nWork faster with the built-in AI Assistant. Instantly brainstorm ideas, summarize long documents or edit your notes for tone and style.\\n\\nEVERYTHING YOU NEED\\n- Integrations: Apple Reminders, Calendar and more\\n- Markdown and keyboard shortcuts\\n- Link sharing and web publishing\\n- Version history\\n- Quick synchronization\\n- Incredible customer support \\n\\nWHAT’S NEW\\nTasks: a powerful native task management system that lets you capture, organize, and track tasks. Features include a dedicated Inbox, task pinning, due dates, reminders, and a unified sidebar view for all your tasks.\\nStyling: make your workspace truly yours with customizable document styles. Create, save, and reuse your own style presets across documents for a consistent and personalized look.\\nCollections: transform your documents into dynamic databases. Build and embed customizable lists of records with custom properties, multiple viewing options, and connected blocks. \\n\\nQUESTIONS?\\nContact us on Twitter at @craftdocsapp or email\\n\\nSUBSCRIPTION DETAILS\\nIf you purchase a Craft subscription, you’ll be charged via the payment method associated with your Apple ID. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours of the end of the current period.\\nYou can turn off auto-renewal at any time in your account settings on the App Store. Craft subscriptions are available as one-month and 12-month packages.\\nPrices may vary depending on country and are subject to change without notice. Current subscriptions cannot be canceled during the active subscription period. If you don’t choose to purchase a Craft subscription, you can continue using Craft for free.\\n\\nTerms of service:\\nPrivacy policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.1.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Craft’s Spring Update is Here!\\nThis update brings 100+ improvements to enhance your experience, including a higher block limit, offline folder support, and better sketching tools.\\n\\nOn Device Folder support\\nTake your document assets fully offline! Now you can download all linked assets within a top-level folder for seamless access without an internet connection. Simply select “On My Mac / iPad / iPhone” from the three-dot menu, and everything inside the folder structure, including images, files, and other assets will be stored locally. Nested folders are included in the download but cannot be downloaded separately.\\n\\nBlock limit increase!\\nOver the past months we made significant under the hood improvements that allowed us to increase the block limit from 175,000 to 250,000. Also, these improvements will enable us to increase it further later this year!\\n\\niPad - Sketch block improvements\\nBasic shape recognition - lines, circles, triangles, and rectangles, and the ability to customise the background.\\n\\nMarkdown Export improvements\\nMarkdown export now adheres to CommonMark with GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions, ensuring consistency and compatibility.\\n\\nCollection related improvements and fixes\\n- Added a context-aware context menu to the Collection’s row indicator, now available on all platforms\\n- Added Collections to the Table of Contents and Breadcrumb, provided they contain a page with a title\\n- Introduced a Collection View reordering context menu on iOS for easier organization\\n- Introduced Page Preview for Collections, allowing users to quickly glance at page content without opening it\\n- Refined the Collection keyboard shortcut ⌘ + Enter to insert a new row below the selected row\\n- Enabled immediate checkbox selection in Collections without requiring the cell to be selected first\\n- Improved Collection behavior by preventing alerts when changing the column type if all columns are empty\\n- Resolved an issue where the selection view overlaid the row indicator due to drag-and-drop functionality incorrectly assigning cells to the selected cell, even when they were not selectable\\n- Fixed text alignment issues when editing the title field of a Collection\\n- Fixed misalignment of the picker in Collections for improved consistency\\n- Corrected alignment of field editing panels (such as single and multi-select) in Collections for a more consistent appearance\\n\\nAdditional improvements and fixes\\n- Added a download option for images on iPhone and iPad, along with a dedicated download button in the Mac gallery view for quicker access\\n- Introduced a new menu action to convert media between file and visual formats. The context menu adapts based on selection: *Turn into Image* for images, *Turn into Video* for videos, and *Turn into Visual Media* for mixed selections\\n- Expanded calendar event visibility, now supports more than 10 events with a scrollable popup for easier navigation\\n- Improved pasting into an empty document, when the first line is formatted as a heading, subtitle, or title, it now moves to the document title. This applies only if the block is otherwise empty\\n- Enhanced the block mention footer, dates now display in a more readable format\\n- Improved video preview generation to produce full-resolution image previews\\n- Improved HTML pasting by converting Slack emojis from images to standard emojis\\n- Added a Cancel Selected command to the slash menu for canceling tasks more efficiently\\n- Added an error message when overwriting a cover image with an unsupported file format\\n- Refined Assistant settings with improvements to the Manage Models panel and a clearer delete icon for Saved Prompts\\n- Refined block deletion warnings to ensure consistent behavior across platforms\\n- Optimized loading and scrolling in the Style Gallery for a smoother experience\\n- Improved Widget loading performance for a faster and more seamless experience.\\n- Fixed a bug where selecting a new block incorrectly refocused the previous search result.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-11T08:24:05Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now try out Llama 3B, Llama 1B and DeepSeek 7B. \\nYour data never leaves your device - and you can keep going even if you are offline.\\nThis is an optional feature you can turn on if you download the model on your device.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-06T09:33:08Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now try out DeepSeek R1's smallest model. \\nYour data never leaves your device - and you can keep going even if you are offline.\\nThis is an optional feature you can turn on if you download the model on your device.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-02T14:19:33Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now try out DeepSeek R1's smallest model. \\nYour data never leaves your device - and you can keep going even if you are offline.\\nThis is an optional feature you can turn on if you download the model on your device.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-31\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-31T10:51:05Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready to supercharge your Craft experience with fresh shortcuts, streamlined keyboard navigation, and a host of additional tweaks that make everything run smoother than ever. From improved markdown support to clever UI enhancements, this update is all about making your workflow faster, more intuitive, and undeniably delightful. Dive into the full details below:\\n\\nNew shortcuts and keyboard navigation!\\n- New Go To Menu: introduced a “Go To” menu in Quick Open (cmd+O), enabling users to navigate to sections of the app by typing “Go To” and using arrow keys to select from the list or tapping on the item.\\n- Task View \\n - Toggle Task Done/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + T` \\n - Toggle Task Cancelled/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Shift + T` \\n - Open Add Task Modal: `Space` \\n - Point at a document or day to create the task in that document or day\\n- Calendar View \\n - Toggle Task Done/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + T` \\n - Toggle Task Cancelled/Undone: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Shift + T`\\n- Deeplink \\n - Copy Deeplink to Page: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + L` \\n - Copy Deeplink to Block: `Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Shift + L`\\n- Keyboard Focus: added the ability to navigate between tasks using the arrow keys on the Task and Calendar view.\\n- New system shortcut: added support for the system shortcut `Ctrl ^ + Enter` to open the context menu in browse views for the selected document and in documents for the selected blocks.\\n- Shortcut Help Menu Update (`Cmd ⌘ + Option ⌥ + ,`):\\n - Refreshed the visual design.\\n - Reorganized shortcut groups for better clarity\\n - Added missing shortcuts for a more comprehensive overview.\\n\\nMarkdown import\\nUpdated support to adhere to stricter syntax requirements, now following CommonMark with GitHub Flavored Markdown extensions. \\nThis change affects the following actions:\\n- Copy-pasting content from other app that supports markdown\\n- Drag-and-dropping .md file (import as blocks) into a document\\n- In-line formatting with markdown syntax (bold, *italic*, strikethrough, `code`, [link](, [equation](tex://equation))\\n- Regular bulk import\\n- Notion import\\n- HTML copy-paste (it is converted to markdown on our side)\\n\\nUI Updates and Fixes\\n- Aligned the tab icon for the Unsorted folder on iPad to match its appearance on Mac\\n- Added tooltips for the New View, New Row, and Search icons in a collection\\n- Aligned checkboxes on pinned documents with the page preview icon for better visual rhythm\\n- Addressed a glitch in the top toolbar transition on styled pages. When navigating back from a text block while editing, the keyboard no longer reappears unexpectedly.\\n- Resolved an issue where the title path in “Shared with Me” documents would jump after the first load\\n- Addressed several animation issues\\n- Task Widget: adjusted font sizes, spacing for improved aesthetics. \\n- Added the missing hover state for the selected table in collection tabs.\\n\\nOther Improvements and Bugfixes\\n- When creating or editing a view for a Collection, the popup now activates automatically, eliminating the need to manually tap or click to start editing\\n- Resolved an issue on iPhone where copying text from the title of a Collection item resulted in an empty string\\n- Resolved an issue where clicking “Apply” twice was required to close the overlay after adding users, resulting in duplicate invitation emails.\\n- Adding new row to collection behavior:\\n - Clicking the “Add” button now creates a new item at the top of the collection list.\\n - Clicking the “+” button at the bottom of the collection adds a new item to the bottom of the list.\\n- New View Creation Improvement:\\n - Clicking the “New View” plus button now creates a new view with the default name “New View” (instead of “Table”).\\n - The “Name View” popup is displayed immediately, allowing users to rename the view right away.\\n- Resolved multiple bugs in drag reordering within various Collection configuration views on iOS\\n- Resolved an issue where long documents were not being fully exported\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-29T11:04:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We’re kicking off the year with a bang, and we're thrilled to bring you the very first update of 2025! This release sets the tone for what’s to come—a year full of exciting enhancements and meaningful updates designed for you, inspired by you.\\n\\nAt Craft, your feedback is our north star. With every release, we’re not just adding new features but also doubling down on improving your experience, making every interaction smoother, faster, and more delightful.\\n\\nThis version contains multiple improvements and additions, the most important ones are:\\n\\nImage Playground: \\navailable on iOS 18.2 and macOS 15.2, enabling users to create:\\n- Cover images\\n- Inline images\\n- Custom patterns for washi tape\\n\\nNew Image Gallery View\\n- On macOS, users can now browse all images on a page\\n- iOS introduces the same updated design\\n- The Markup tool is accessible via the icon next to pagination on all platforms\\n\\nUpdated 3-dot Settings Context Menus: \\n- improved for a more consistent and intuitive experience\\n- Redesigned with a native appearance and enhanced with additional operation items in some menus\\n- Most notable changes were carried out on iOS\\n - Document view\\n - Space Home / Folder view\\n - Task view\\n - Calendar view\\n\\nUI Updates and Fixes\\n- In the insert sidebar/menu and format settings, the separator icon now aligns with the selected type style design\\n- Font sizes on the date picker for iPhone increased for better readability and usability\\n- The Schedule Panel now retains focus on the selected block\\n- The spellcheck line has been updated to a solid red line and on iOS it now uses the native context menu\\n- Fixed folder edit view issues on iPhone Max: the colour picker now spans the full width, and the About edit panel is repositioned to the centre of the screen\\n- The position of the Apple Intelligence glyph has been adjusted to prevent it from covering the drag indicator\\n- The icon location and spacing around the labels for the New Doc, New Folder, and Templates buttons have been adjusted for improved clarity and alignment\\n- Image Export Panel: the settings previously displayed in a subpanel have been moved to a native-looking settings menu for a more streamlined experience\\n- On macOS, fixed a flickering issue in the breadcrumb when editing the page title\\n- Corrected the placement of the schedule in block details relative to the checkbox\\n- Fixed an issue where the \\\"Use Style\\\" toggle was missing from PDF export settings in certain cases\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-16T11:04:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We’re kicking off the year with a bang, and we're thrilled to bring you the very first update of 2025! This release sets the tone for what’s to come—a year full of exciting enhancements and meaningful updates designed for you, inspired by you.\\n\\nAt Craft, your feedback is our north star. With every release, we’re not just adding new features but also doubling down on improving your experience, making every interaction smoother, faster, and more delightful.\\n\\nThis version contains multiple improvements and additions, the most important ones are:\\n\\nImage Playground: \\navailable on iOS 18.2 and macOS 15.2, enabling users to create:\\n- Cover images\\n- Inline images\\n- Custom patterns for washi tape\\n\\nNew Image Gallery View\\n- On macOS, users can now browse all images on a page\\n- iOS introduces the same updated design\\n- The Markup tool is accessible via the icon next to pagination on all platforms\\n\\nUpdated 3-dot Settings Context Menus: \\n- improved for a more consistent and intuitive experience\\n- Redesigned with a native appearance and enhanced with additional operation items in some menus\\n- Most notable changes were carried out on iOS\\n - Document view\\n - Space Home / Folder view\\n - Task view\\n - Calendar view\\n\\nUI Updates and Fixes\\n- In the insert sidebar/menu and format settings, the separator icon now aligns with the selected type style design\\n- Font sizes on the date picker for iPhone increased for better readability and usability\\n- The Schedule Panel now retains focus on the selected block\\n- The spellcheck line has been updated to a solid red line and on iOS it now uses the native context menu\\n- Fixed folder edit view issues on iPhone Max: the colour picker now spans the full width, and the About edit panel is repositioned to the centre of the screen\\n- The position of the Apple Intelligence glyph has been adjusted to prevent it from covering the drag indicator\\n- The icon location and spacing around the labels for the New Doc, New Folder, and Templates buttons have been adjusted for improved clarity and alignment\\n- Image Export Panel: the settings previously displayed in a subpanel have been moved to a native-looking settings menu for a more streamlined experience\\n- On macOS, fixed a flickering issue in the breadcrumb when editing the page title\\n- Corrected the placement of the schedule in block details relative to the checkbox\\n- Fixed an issue where the \\\"Use Style\\\" toggle was missing from PDF export settings in certain cases\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-13T12:48:05Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"One More Update Before We Say Goodbye to 2024! \\n\\nAs we wrap up the year, we’re thrilled to bring you another powerful update to Craft 3—an experience designed with you at the center. This release pushes forward on multiple fronts, making your workflow even smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable:\\n\\nTask Widgets\\nKeep your tasks front and center. New task widgets let you track your to-dos effortlessly, ensuring you always know what’s next.\\n\\nEnhanced Apple Shortcuts\\nIntegrate Craft seamlessly into your daily routines. Our updated Apple Shortcuts support makes automating actions simpler than ever before.\\n\\nApple’s Writing Tool Support\\nWrite with ease and precision. With native support for Apple’s Writing Tool, you can bring more comfort and fluidity to your content creation.\\n\\nMajor Import Improvements\\nBringing all your content together just got easier. We’ve boosted our import capabilities to save you time and maintain an organized workspace.\\n\\nLock Screen Widgets \u0026 App Icon Quick Actions\\nAccess key features in an instant. From quick task creation from your lock screen to rapid navigation via app icon actions, staying productive is a breeze.\\n\\n2024 was an incredible year for Craft, and we’re more excited than ever about what 2025 has in store. Update now and step into the future of your productivity journey!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-16T09:40:17Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Wrapping Up the Year with Craft v3 – Our Biggest Update Yet! \\n\\nAs the year comes to a close, we’re excited to release Craft v3, the most powerful, feature-packed update we’ve ever launched. We’ve reimagined how you work, organize, and create, delivering an experience that’s smoother, smarter, and more personal. Here’s a glimpse of what’s waiting for you:\\n\\nAchieve more with tasks - Managing your to-dos has never been this effortless. Capture ideas the moment they strike. Tasks flow naturally from your notes, land in a dedicated Inbox, and stay pinned where you need them. \\n\\nBuild powerful collections - Say hello to Collections, the ultimate way to organize your content. Whether it’s projects, ideas, or inspirations, Collections gives you the tools to structure your workspace like never before. Chaos, meet clarity.\\n\\nStyle without limits - Style your documents to match your unique flair, bringing personality and polish to every note, project, or presentation.\\n\\nUnder-the-Hood Enhancements We’ve made significant behind-the-scenes improvements to make Craft faster, smoother, and more reliable, so you can focus on what matters most.\\n\\nAnd So Much More With dozens of additional improvements sprinkled throughout, this is the Craft you’ve always dreamed of.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-02T10:36:11Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.0.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Wrapping Up the Year with Craft v3 – Our Biggest Update Yet! \\n\\nAs the year comes to a close, we’re excited to release Craft v3, the most powerful, feature-packed update we’ve ever launched. We’ve reimagined how you work, organize, and create, delivering an experience that’s smoother, smarter, and more personal. Here’s a glimpse of what’s waiting for you:\\n\\nAchieve more with tasks - Managing your to-dos has never been this effortless. Capture ideas the moment they strike. Tasks flow naturally from your notes, land in a dedicated Inbox, and stay pinned where you need them. \\n\\nBuild powerful collections - Say hello to Collections, the ultimate way to organize your content. Whether it’s projects, ideas, or inspirations, Collections gives you the tools to structure your workspace like never before. Chaos, meet clarity.\\n\\nStyle without limits - Style your documents to match your unique flair, bringing personality and polish to every note, project, or presentation.\\n\\nUnder-the-Hood Enhancements We’ve made significant behind-the-scenes improvements to make Craft faster, smoother, and more reliable, so you can focus on what matters most.\\n\\nAnd So Much More With dozens of additional improvements sprinkled throughout, this is the Craft you’ve always dreamed of.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-28\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-28T08:01:41Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Quick Update, Major Impact: We've fine-tuned our app with some essential bug fixes, enhancing stability and smoothness, so your experience is now more seamless and reliable than ever – all in one swift update!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-19T07:31:09Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Quick Update, Major Impact: We've fine-tuned our app with some essential bug fixes, enhancing stability and smoothness, so your experience is now more seamless and reliable than ever – all in one swift update!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T06:50:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Mid-Summer Update Highlights\\n\\nGet ready for a smoother, faster, and more powerful Craft experience with our latest mid-summer update! We've focused on significant under-the-hood enhancements to elevate your workflow. Here's what you can expect:\\n\\nTurbocharged Performance\\nExperience lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled efficiency with our latest performance improvements. We've optimized every corner of Craft to ensure you can work at your best without any hiccups.\\n\\nEnhanced Stability\\nEnjoy a more robust and reliable Craft with our comprehensive bug fixes and stability upgrades. Your favorite app is now more dependable than ever.\\n\\nPowerful New Capabilities\\nWhile you might not see all the changes, you'll definitely feel them! Our under-the-hood enhancements make Craft more powerful, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.\\n\\nUpdate now to discover the difference and enjoy an even better Craft experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-29T05:59:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Mid-Summer Update Highlights\\n\\nGet ready for a smoother, faster, and more powerful Craft experience with our latest mid-summer update! We've focused on significant under-the-hood enhancements to elevate your workflow. Here's what you can expect:\\n\\nTurbocharged Performance\\nExperience lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled efficiency with our latest performance improvements. We've optimized every corner of Craft to ensure you can work at your best without any hiccups.\\n\\nEnhanced Stability\\nEnjoy a more robust and reliable Craft with our comprehensive bug fixes and stability upgrades. Your favorite app is now more dependable than ever.\\n\\nPowerful New Capabilities\\nWhile you might not see all the changes, you'll definitely feel them! Our under-the-hood enhancements make Craft more powerful, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.\\n\\nUpdate now to discover the difference and enjoy an even better Craft experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-23T07:06:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Summer Update Highlights\\nWe're excited to introduce our latest summer update, packed with powerful new features and enhancements to elevate your Craft experience. Here's what's new:\\n\\nAI Assistant Enhancements\\nUnleash the full potential of our AI Assistant with custom prompts! Now you can tailor the AI to suit your specific needs, making it easier than ever to draft content, generate ideas, and manage tasks with your personalized commands.\\n\\nUpdated Insert Sidebar\\nNavigating and inserting content has never been smoother. Our revamped insert sidebar is designed to streamline your workflow, helping you quickly access and add the elements you need.\\n\\nMajor Whiteboard Overhaul\\nExperience a new level of creativity and efficiency with our updated Whiteboard! Enjoy significant performance improvements, bug fixes, and an upgraded Sticky Notes feature. Your brainstorming sessions just got a whole lot better.\\n\\nSimplified Login with Magic Link Support\\nSay goodbye to complicated login processes! With our new Magic Link support, logging into Craft is now a breeze. Just click the link sent to your email, and you're in.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-01T09:08:44Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready for an unparalleled experience with our latest update that takes Craft to new heights of power and speed. This major release designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient than ever before. Here’s what’s new:\\n\\nMeet GPT-4o for Craft Assistant: Say hello to your new intelligent companion! The GPT-4o integration makes Craft Assistant smarter, more intuitive, and incredibly powerful, helping you draft content, and summarize notes with ease.\\n\\nPresentation Mode on Published Pages: Impress your audience with our all-new Presentation Mode. Turn your published pages into sleek, professional presentations, perfect for meetings, pitches, and more.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy and Paste for HTML and RTF: Copying and pasting just got a whole lot better! Seamlessly transfer content between Craft and other apps with our improved support for HTML and RTF formats.\\n\\nMajor Editing Improvements: We've taken editing to the next level with major enhancements under the hood.\\n\\nUpdate now and discover how this new version can transform your productivity and creativity!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-07T07:19:26Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get ready for an unparalleled experience with our latest update that takes Craft to new heights of power and speed. This major release designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient than ever before. Here’s what’s new:\\n\\nMeet GPT-4o for Craft Assistant: Say hello to your new intelligent companion! The GPT-4o integration makes Craft Assistant smarter, more intuitive, and incredibly powerful, helping you draft content, and summarize notes with ease.\\n\\nPresentation Mode on Published Pages: Impress your audience with our all-new Presentation Mode. Turn your published pages into sleek, professional presentations, perfect for meetings, pitches, and more.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy and Paste for HTML and RTF: Copying and pasting just got a whole lot better! Seamlessly transfer content between Craft and other apps with our improved support for HTML and RTF formats.\\n\\nMajor Editing Improvements: We've taken editing to the next level with major enhancements under the hood.\\n\\nUpdate now and discover how this new version can transform your productivity and creativity!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-03T08:03:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Welcome to Our Sizzling Summer Update! \\n\\nGet ready to dive into our most expansive update ever! This season, we’re turning up the heat with spectacular new features and breathtaking enhancements that will transform how you interact with our app:\\n\\nSeamless Reminders: Never miss a beat again! Set reminders that keep you on top of your tasks with precision and ease.\\n\\nAdvanced Find and Replace: Navigate through your documents with lightning speed. Our enhanced find and replace tool lets you edit and organize your content effortlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Evolution: Unleash your creativity on a whole new canvas! Our updated whiteboard now supports backgrounds, images, and videos, making your brainstorming sessions visually stunning and more effective.\\n\\nWidget Makeover: Experience functionality in style! Our widgets have undergone a beautiful redesign, providing you with a seamless and more aesthetic interaction.\\n\\nCustom Cover Images: Personalize your projects like never before! With cover image customization, your work will not only be efficient but also uniquely yours.\\n\\nRevamped Create Tab on iOS: Crafting on the go is smoother than ever. Explore the updated 'Create' tab for quicker and more intuitive navigation.\\n\\nElevate your productivity this summer with these vibrant new features. Update now and start enjoying a more dynamic and personalized app experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-24\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-24T06:45:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Welcome to Our Sizzling Summer Update! \\n\\nGet ready to dive into our most expansive update ever! This season, we’re turning up the heat with spectacular new features and breathtaking enhancements that will transform how you interact with our app:\\n\\nSeamless Reminders: Never miss a beat again! Set reminders that keep you on top of your tasks with precision and ease.\\n\\nAdvanced Find and Replace: Navigate through your documents with lightning speed. Our enhanced find and replace tool lets you edit and organize your content effortlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Evolution: Unleash your creativity on a whole new canvas! Our updated whiteboard now supports backgrounds, images, and videos, making your brainstorming sessions visually stunning and more effective.\\n\\nWidget Makeover: Experience functionality in style! Our widgets have undergone a beautiful redesign, providing you with a seamless and more aesthetic interaction.\\n\\nCustom Cover Images: Personalize your projects like never before! With cover image customization, your work will not only be efficient but also uniquely yours.\\n\\nRevamped Create Tab on iOS: Crafting on the go is smoother than ever. Explore the updated 'Create' tab for quicker and more intuitive navigation.\\n\\nElevate your productivity this summer with these vibrant new features. Update now and start enjoying a more dynamic and personalized app experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-21\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-21T08:53:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.8.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Welcome to Our Sizzling Summer Update! \\n\\nGet ready to dive into our most expansive update ever! This season, we’re turning up the heat with spectacular new features and breathtaking enhancements that will transform how you interact with our app:\\n\\nSeamless Reminders: Never miss a beat again! Set reminders that keep you on top of your tasks with precision and ease.\\n\\nAdvanced Find and Replace: Navigate through your documents with lightning speed. Our enhanced find and replace tool lets you edit and organize your content effortlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Evolution: Unleash your creativity on a whole new canvas! Our updated whiteboard now supports backgrounds, images, and videos, making your brainstorming sessions visually stunning and more effective.\\n\\nWidget Makeover: Experience functionality in style! Our widgets have undergone a beautiful redesign, providing you with a seamless and more aesthetic interaction.\\n\\nCustom Cover Images: Personalize your projects like never before! With cover image customization, your work will not only be efficient but also uniquely yours.\\n\\nRevamped Create Tab on iOS: Crafting on the go is smoother than ever. Explore the updated 'Create' tab for quicker and more intuitive navigation.\\n\\nElevate your productivity this summer with these vibrant new features. Update now and start enjoying a more dynamic and personalized app experience!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-13T08:29:21Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Elevate Your Experience with Every Tap!\\n\\nGet ready to dive into a smoother, more intuitive Craft environment. We're rolling out a suite of quality of life enhancements designed to make Craft not only more powerful but also a joy to use. Each new feature is tailored to enrich your daily workflow and elevate your crafting to new heights of efficiency and ease.\\n\\nEnhanced Copy Capabilities: Elevate your sharing and saving game! With our new \\\"Copy as HTML\\\" and \\\"Copy as RTF\\\" options, moving your content between platforms is now as seamless as it is powerful. \\n\\nSleek New Card Type: Meet the new text-only layout in our card types – a minimalist's dream! This sleek addition is perfect for those who love clarity and simplicity, giving your ideas the space to shine without any distractions.\\n\\niPhone Zoom Feature: You asked for it, so we built it—change the text size in your documents with ease using our new zoom feature on iPhone. Perfect for when you need a closer look\\n\\nThis update is all about making Craft work smarter, so you don’t have to work harder. We're fine-tuning the details and supercharging the essentials to ensure that every interaction with Craft is more intuitive, effective, and delightful.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-18T05:53:49Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Elevate Your Experience with Every Tap!\\n\\nGet ready to dive into a smoother, more intuitive Craft environment. We're rolling out a suite of quality of life enhancements designed to make Craft not only more powerful but also a joy to use. 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We're fine-tuning the details and supercharging the essentials to ensure that every interaction with Craft is more intuitive, effective, and delightful.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-15T08:52:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This Easter, Craft brings a truly festive release that's all set to spring your productivity and creativity into full bloom. With an array of surprises tucked away, we're eager to lift the lid on what we've been hopping around the clock to perfect. Get ready to crack open a whole new level of organization and flair in your workspace!\\n\\nTable of Contents on the Go: Navigate through your documents with ease, as the Table of Contents feature is now available on iPhone. Jump to the section you need without flipping through pages!\\n\\nFolder Tree View Returns: By popular demand, the folder tree view is back on the iPhone! Organize and access your documents in a way that feels natural and intuitive.\\n\\nRevamped Document Sidebar: Discover an updated sidebar that now nests a handy tasks list and attachments - all designed to keep your projects organized.\\n\\nPresentation Mode: Transform your documents into captivating presentations with our new mode.\\n\\nPDF Export Enhancements: We've fine-tuned the PDF export, making it smoother than an Easter bunny’s coat.\\n\\nTask Indicators: With new task indicators right in your document, you'll never lose track of your to-dos.\\n\\nNew Background Presets: Spruce up your pages and cards with our new background presets. Think of it as decorating your Easter eggs with an extra dash of color and joy.\\n\\nEgg-stra Special Fixes and Improvements: We've been on an egg hunt for bugs and areas needing a touch-up, leading to many fixes and improvements across the app. Your Craft experience is now smoother, faster, and more delightful – a true reason to celebrate this Easter!\\n\\nEaster Egg Surprise: And what's an Easter update without a hidden Easter egg? We've sprinkled a delightful secret within the app, just waiting to be discovered by our keen-eyed users. This little gem promises to add an extra layer of fun and surprise to your Craft experience. Start the hunt and let us know when you find it – a festive treat awaits the first few explorers!\\n\\nThis update is our way of saying \\\"Happy Easter\\\" to our wonderful community. We hope these new features add a spring to your step and bring even more joy to your creative endeavors.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-04T07:30:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This Easter, Craft brings a truly festive release that's all set to spring your productivity and creativity into full bloom. With an array of surprises tucked away, we're eager to lift the lid on what we've been hopping around the clock to perfect. Get ready to crack open a whole new level of organization and flair in your workspace!\\n\\nRevamped Document Sidebar: Discover an updated sidebar that now nests a handy tasks list and attachments - all designed to keep your projects organized.\\n\\nPresentation Mode: Transform your documents into captivating presentations with our new mode.\\n\\nPDF Export Enhancements: We've fine-tuned the PDF export, making it smoother than an Easter bunny’s coat.\\n\\nTask Indicators: With new task indicators right in your document, you'll never lose track of your to-dos.\\n\\nNew Background Presets: Spruce up your pages and cards with our new background presets. Think of it as decorating your Easter eggs with an extra dash of color and joy.\\n\\nEgg-stra Special Fixes and Improvements: We've been on an egg hunt for bugs and areas needing a touch-up, leading to many fixes and improvements across the app. Your Craft experience is now smoother, faster, and more delightful – a true reason to celebrate this Easter!\\n\\nEaster Egg Surprise: And what's an Easter update without a hidden Easter egg? We've sprinkled a delightful secret within the app, just waiting to be discovered by our keen-eyed users. This little gem promises to add an extra layer of fun and surprise to your Craft experience. Start the hunt and let us know when you find it – a festive treat awaits the first few explorers!\\n\\nThis update is our way of saying \\\"Happy Easter\\\" to our wonderful community. We hope these new features add a spring to your step and bring even more joy to your creative endeavors.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-02T06:55:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"2.7.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We're thrilled to announce a suite of enhancements and improvements designed to elevate your Craft experience. Each update is a step towards seamless creativity and productivity, inspired by your invaluable feedback!\\n\\nZoom in to get the most out of your documents:\\nNow you can zoom in (and out) on your document whether you need your content to be larger to focus better, to present your ideas for your audience, or simply when your eyes need to rest a bit.\\n\\nIntroducing Unsorted Views: \\nNavigate through your creative chaos with ease on your iPhone.\\n\\nTable Performance Overhaul:\\nDive into smoother, swifter tables with our advanced rasterisation rendering changes. Every scroll, every interaction, now feels like a breeze.\\nTyping is now a joy with fixes and improvements that make your words flow seamlessly.\\n\\nWhiteboard Wonders: \\nSingle letter shortcuts are here to make your whiteboard sessions more dynamic and fluid, crafting your vision with simple strokes.\\n\\nEnhanced Right-Click Menus: \\nTap and hold on iOS to discover a world of actions for URLs and other blocks, designed to make interaction more intuitive and efficient.\\n\\nTab Restoration Magic: \\nTransition between Craft versions without losing your tabs, ensuring a seamless upgrade experience, focused on preserving your workspace integrity.\\n\\niOS Formula/TeX Truncation Fix: \\nNo more cut-off symbols; your formulas are now displayed flawlessly, making clarity a top priority.\\n\\nCursor \u0026 Commenting Elegance: \\nRefined cursor movement logic with the last toggle block, ensuring precision and ease. \\nInline commenting sees significant improvements – adding or removing comments, tapping out, and more is now smoother than ever.\\n\\nBehind-the-Scenes Fixes: \\nAddressed the root cause of block disappearance linked to inline comments, ensuring your creations remain intact.\\nCMD+W shortcut fixed for when you’re on the last tab or in a new window, enhancing navigation efficiency.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-11T07:56:52Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"A fresh take on documents\",\"standard\":\"If you’re looking to restore (or introduce) a little order to your life, Craft will fall somewhere between “immediately helpful” and “enough to bring a tear to your eye.” This productivity app is so versatile that it’s hard to define: It’s for taking notes, writing to-do lists, organizing important documents, organizing unimportant documents, stashing away random scraps and, ultimately, transforming your digital detritus into a blissfully organized 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Deliver emails when they’re most likely to be opened, so you appear at the top of your recipient’s inbox at just the right time. \\n\\nCOLLABORATE FASTER THAN EVER BEFORE \\n\\nShare a live view of any email, and add comments for your team — no need to repeatedly screenshot, forward, or BCC. See your calendar and schedule events without leaving your inbox. Get full context on your customers and deals, with HubSpot and Salesforce directly integrated. \\n\\nTeams save 15 million hours every single year with Superhuman. \\n\\n\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 armv7 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.13.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Improvements to Auto Labels, which help you organize and manage your inbox better than ever before.\\n\\nTo use Auto Labels and the latest evolution of Superhuman AI, request early access on desktop now — Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Join Superhuman AI Beta Waitlist.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-10T20:40:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.12.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Become even more productive by joining a Superhuman webinar or team training.\\n\\nAnyone can book a spot at one of our webinars — just tap the ? at the top of your inbox, then Contact Us → Attend a Live Webinar. And teams on Superhuman can book a tailored session with one of our productivity experts — tap ? → Contact Us → Book Team Training.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-03-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-03-03T18:41:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.11.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Say hello to the next evolution of Superhuman AI! \\n\\nLike a truly great assistant, Superhuman AI is now constantly helping you. Organizing your inbox. Making sure you never drop the ball. Drafting and — if you want — sending fully written emails on your behalf. It can even execute complete workflows, end-to-end, so you don't have to.\\n\\nRequest early access on desktop now — Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Join Superhuman AI Beta Waitlist. On mobile, you'll then see incoming email get an Auto Label, and you can create splits by Auto Label. You can also update your settings for Auto Reminders and Auto Drafts.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-26\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-26T14:51:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.11.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Say hello to the next evolution of Superhuman AI!\\n\\nLike a truly great assistant, Superhuman AI is now constantly helping you. Organizing your inbox. Making sure you never drop the ball. Drafting and — if you want — sending fully written emails on your behalf. It can even execute complete workflows, end-to-end, so you don't have to.\\n\\nRequest early access on desktop now — Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) → Join Superhuman AI Beta Waitlist. On mobile, you'll then see incoming email get an Auto Label, and you can create splits by Auto Label. 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Our engineers maneuvered like magnificent geese in formation, graceful and exact.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-10T17:07:23Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.8.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Superhuman is as swift and precise as a ballerina's footwork, thanks to our latest performance improvements.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-03T18:55:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.7.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Superhuman is as fast and crisp as freshly waxed skis, thanks to our latest quality improvements.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-27T14:58:01Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.6.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"A quality improvement for @mentions in Shared Threads — your name is highlighted, so it's easier to see where you're tagged.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-23T13:27:38Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.6.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"A quality improvement for @mentions in Shared Threads — your name is highlighted, so it's easier to see where you're tagged.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-20T19:03:13Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.5.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We've added a slick, quick, multi-select — just long press a conversation then slide up or down. Perfect for tidying up any holiday email backlog.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-14T21:30:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"New year, new inbox — you've got this! After a holiday tune-up, Superhuman is ready to help you start fresh.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-06T13:22:10Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.2.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Get routine tasks done fast with Superhuman actions in iOS Shortcuts. \\n\\nSet up custom timesavers, like an automation that sends an email to with the transaction input, every time you tap your Brex card. \\n\\nWe’ve added options to Compose Email Message, Ask AI, Search in app, and Find Account. Try them out! There are countless ways to move faster with just a tap or by asking Siri.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-09T18:58:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Bug fixes\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-05T15:06:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Performance improvements\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-03T19:04:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Booking events with Ask AI is now even faster. Just prompt with the details — e.g. event tomorrow with Nico, 2pm, orchid room — and ta-da! A full event preview, ready to book.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-02T16:53:08Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now see and edit your Shared Drafts on mobile.\\n\\nSometimes all you need is a second set of eyes. With Shared Drafts, you can team up for tricky conversations and rapidly align with your team. \\n\\nStart by sharing a draft on desktop (coming soon on mobile). Then collaborate on any device — your whole team can comment, and you can edit and send.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-27T19:27:18Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.30.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Superhuman is as polished as a pair of wedding shoes, thanks to our latest quality improvements.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-20T18:36:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.29.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Superhuman is as fast and precise as a snacking hummingbird, thanks to our latest performance improvements.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-12\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-12T20:59:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.28.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now schedule events at the speed of thought, thanks to last week's release of Instant Event. Bug fixes and tweaks.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-07T15:09:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.27.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"New in Superhuman AI: Instant Event! \\n\\nInstant Event will create a calendar event, complete with title, description, location, attendees — as well as the best date and time — all from your email. No more back and forth; no more copy and paste. And if you're scheduling with your team, it'll find a time when you're all free. \\n\\nIf there's a date mentioned in the email, just find and tap the blue date underneath. You can also two-finger tap on an email then type \\\"Instant Event\\\", or simply open Ask AI from search, and ask.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-31\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-31T17:48:02Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.26.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Quality improvements plus work under the hood, in preparation for a bumper release next week. 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Simply swipe left on a suggestion, and that contact won't show up anymore.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-09T16:27:02Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":true,\"minimumXROSVersion\":\"1.0\",\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"messagesScreenshots\":{},\"requiresGameController\":false,\"offers\":[{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1120837655\u0026pricingParameters=STDQ\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=873041864\",\"type\":\"get\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"iosSoftware\",\"size\":97753088}]},{\"buyParams\":\"productType=C\u0026price=0\u0026salableAdamId=1120837655\u0026pricingParameters=SWUPD\u0026pg=default\u0026appExtVrsId=873041864\",\"type\":\"update\",\"priceFormatted\":\"$0.00\",\"price\":0,\"priceString\":\"0.00\",\"currencyCode\":\"USD\",\"assets\":[{\"flavor\":\"iosSoftware\",\"size\":97753088}]}],\"requires32bit\":false,\"releaseDate\":\"2019-08-08\",\"hasInAppPurchases\":false,\"bundleId\":\"com.superhuman.Superhuman\",\"hasMessagesExtension\":false,\"artwork\":{\"width\":1024,\"height\":1024,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"191919\",\"textColor1\":\"d1c0d6\",\"textColor2\":\"6fb9db\",\"textColor3\":\"ac9eb0\",\"textColor4\":\"5e99b4\"},\"privacyPolicyUrl\":\"\",\"videoPreviewsByType\":{},\"isStandaloneForWatchOS\":false,\"isHiddenFromSpringboard\":false,\"supportURLForLanguage\":\"\",\"isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS\":false,\"editorialArtwork\":{\"contentIconTrimmedMonochrome\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"},\"contentIconTrimmed\":{\"width\":1048,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"0092ff\",\"textColor1\":\"00070c\",\"textColor2\":\"000e19\",\"textColor3\":\"00233d\",\"textColor4\":\"002947\"},\"brandLogo\":{\"width\":1080,\"height\":1080,\"url\":\"{w}x{h}{c}.{f}\",\"bgColor\":\"000000\",\"textColor1\":\"f2f2f2\",\"textColor2\":\"e5e5e5\",\"textColor3\":\"c1c1c1\",\"textColor4\":\"b7b7b7\"}},\"subtitle\":\"The 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Always jumping between apps and losing track of what to do and where you put things?\\n\\nSay hello to NotePlan!\\n\\nNotePlan lets you manage everything in one place: your tasks, notes, and calendar.\\nPerfect for project managers, designers, researchers, writers, students, or anyone who wants to be organized and efficient.\\n\\nQUICKLY PLAN YOUR DAY WITH MARKDOWN\\n• Plan your day by seeing your calendar, notes, and tasks in a single view\\n• Create tasks and notes quickly with Markdown\\n• Add #tags to organize tasks and notes\\n• Use @mentions to find people\\n• Reschedule to-do items easily\\n• Create flexible recurring tasks\\n• Work faster with autocomplete\\n\\nBUILD YOUR NETWORK OF NOTES\\n• Create your own network of notes\\n• Organize any way you want to: from simple folders over P.A.R.A. to a Zettelkasten system\\n• Bi-directional notes: link your calendar and your notes in any direction, automatically\\n• Cross-reference and link notes easily\\n\\nSTAY ON TOP OF THINGS WITH REVIEW\\n• Search all tasks and notes, instantly\\n• See all open tasks with the click of a button\\n• Get a list of overdue to-do items\\n• See upcoming tasks at a glance\\n• Create custom filters with your own queries using status, #tags, @mentions, or even text\\n\\nSEAMLESS INTEGRATION WITH YOUR CALENDAR\\n• Create events and reminders right in NotePlan\\n• Support for iCloud, Google, and Exchange calendars\\n• Time-block tasks on your calendar simply by typing\\n\\nAVAILABLE ON MAC, IPHONE \u0026 IPAD\\n• Sync everything between your Apple devices\\n• Use any sync method you like: CloudKit or iCloud Drive\\n• A single subscription for all your devices\\n\\nOPEN, PRIVATE \u0026 FAST\\n• All your notes are stored in plaintext so you're never locked in\\n• Your information is private and cannot be accessed\\n• Enjoy lightning speed thanks to local files and native apps\\n\\nANY THEME YOU WANT\\n• Choose from a variety of built-in themes\\n• Work with light or dark versions\\n• Create your own custom theme\\n\\nSHORTCUTS FOR MAXIMUM SPEED\\n• Extended Markdown syntax support with customization options\\n• Move around without ever leaving the keyboard\\n• Find everything with the Global Command Bar\\n\\nNotePlan is developed independently and prioritizes user features and requests. We have long-term roadmaps and listen to customers to improve the apps.\\n\\n- - - - -\\n\\nTo unlock NotePlan's features you need to start a paid subscription (with free trial). A free version is not available.\\n\\nPrice may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. After purchase, manage your subscriptions in App Store Account Settings.\\n\\n- - - - -\\n\\nEmail:\\nWeb:\\n\\nDiscord:\\nTwitter: NotePlanApp\\nReddit:\\nLearn NotePlan course:\\n\\nTerms of use:\\nPrivacy policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"v3.16.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"In this smaller update we are shipping lots of improvements for the notes list and cards views to make it easier to work out of those new views as well as a smaller new feature that lets you change the background color of notes, plus many smaller improvements.\\n\\nNEW FEATURES:\\n\\n1. \\\"Add Notes\\\" in Card \u0026 List Views + Context Menu\\n- Quickly add new notes right where you need them with the new \\\"plus\\\" button beside the folder or column name in both views (list and cards).\\n- Right-click for quick actions (open in a new window, show in Finder, move to Trash/Archive, and more).\\n- If you group your notes by \\\"folder\\\", the complete path will be displayed, so you know exactly what you are looking at.\\n\\n2. Change the Background Color of Individual Notes\\n- Use \\\"bg-color\\\" and \\\"bg-color-dark\\\" in a note’s frontmatter to set custom background colors (supports hex and Tailwind CSS colors). Switch out of the note and back in to see the changes.\\n\\nExample:\\n bg-color: bg-green-100\\n bg-color-dark: bg-green-950\\n\\nMore details in our help center:\\n\\n\\nThe background color is also displayed in the notes list and card views.\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES\\n\\n- Fixes for Images:\\n - Copying images from a website now correctly copies the image data instead of just a link.\\n\\n- Notes List and Cards:\\n - Added icons for default fields (folder, date edited, date created, tags).\\n - Renamed \\\"date\\\" to \\\"date edited\\\" and added \\\"date created\\\" for.\\n - Improved performance showing frontmatter fields in lists and cards.\\n\\n- Cards View and Folders:\\n - Fixed issues with dragging cards between columns.\\n - Corrected sub-folder sorting in list and card views (now sorted by path instead of title).\\n - You can now move notes between folders in the card view.\\n\\n- Other Fixes and Updates:\\n - Added a menu item to re-add sample meeting note templates.\\n - Fixed UI glitches when renaming folders in the sidebar.\\n - Updated the internal templating plugin to fix a text replacement issue.\\n - Added Notes Helper as a core plugin.\\n - Fixed text truncation issues in various views and the API.\\n - Improved performance when switching between revisions and when opening large notes.\\n - Fixed an attachment (images) loading issue when using both web images and regular image attachments inside a note.\\n\\nIf you are happy with the app, please rate it, or even leave a review. This is a great way to support us, indie developers. Thanks a lot!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-13T02:37:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.16.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"In this smaller update we are shipping lots of improvements for the notes list and cards views to make it easier to work out of those new views as well as a smaller new feature that lets you change the background color of notes, plus many smaller improvements.\\n\\nNEW FEATURES:\\n\\n1. \\\"Add Notes\\\" in Card \u0026 List Views + Context Menu\\n- Quickly add new notes right where you need them with the new \\\"plus\\\" button beside the folder or column name in both views (list and cards).\\n- Right-click for quick actions (open in a new window, show in Finder, move to Trash/Archive, and more).\\n- If you group your notes by \\\"folder\\\", the complete path will be displayed, so you know exactly what you are looking at.\\n\\n2. Change the Background Color of Individual Notes\\n- Use \\\"bg-color\\\" and \\\"bg-color-dark\\\" in a note’s frontmatter to set custom background colors (supports hex and Tailwind CSS colors). Switch out of the note and back in to see the changes.\\n\\nExample:\\n bg-color: bg-green-100\\n bg-color-dark: bg-green-950\\n\\nMore details in our help center:\\n\\n\\nThe background color is also displayed in the notes list and card views.\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES\\n\\n- Fixes for Images:\\n - Copying images from a website now correctly copies the image data instead of just a link.\\n\\n- Notes List and Cards:\\n - Added icons for default fields (folder, date edited, date created, tags).\\n - Renamed \\\"date\\\" to \\\"date edited\\\" and added \\\"date created\\\" for.\\n - Improved performance showing frontmatter fields in lists and cards.\\n\\n- Cards View and Folders:\\n - Fixed issues with dragging cards between columns.\\n - Corrected sub-folder sorting in list and card views (now sorted by path instead of title).\\n - You can now move notes between folders in the card view.\\n\\n- Other Fixes and Updates:\\n - Added a menu item to re-add sample meeting note templates.\\n - Fixed UI glitches when renaming folders in the sidebar.\\n - Updated the internal templating plugin to fix a text replacement issue.\\n - Added Notes Helper as a core plugin.\\n - Fixed text truncation issues in various views and the API.\\n - Improved performance when switching between revisions and when opening large notes.\\n - Fixed an attachment (images) loading issue when using both web images and regular image attachments inside a note.\\n\\nIf you are happy with the app, please rate it, or even leave a review. This is a great way to support us, indie developers. Thanks a lot!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-11T16:32:03Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.16\",\"releaseNotes\":\"The latest NotePlan update brings you the all-new Card View (Kanban!). These features are designed to help you visualize projects and notes, making planning and productivity smoother than ever.\\n\\nHere’s what’s new:\\n\\nKANBAN-STYLE CARD VIEW — Organize your notes visually\\n\\nThe new Card View allows you to:\\n- Turn your notes into cards, group them into columns and drag them across the columns to organize your projects.\\n- Use Frontmatter to group notes into columns.\\n\\nWhat is Frontmatter?\\nFrontmatter is metadata added at the top of your notes, enclosed within triple dashes (---). This metadata can include fields like tags, dates, or status values. For example, you can add \\\"status: To Do\\\" to a note to group it in the \\\"To Do\\\" column.\\n\\nExample:\\n---\\nstatus: To Do\\n---\\n# Note Title\\n\\nBenefits:\\n- Project Management: Create columns to represent stages of progress (e.g., \\\"To Do,\\\" \\\"In Progress,\\\" \\\"Done\\\").\\n- Task Prioritization: Visually sort and rearrange notes based on urgency or importance.\\n- Personal Use Example: Track your book reading with a Kanban board. Create columns like \\\"Want to Read,\\\" \\\"Currently Reading,\\\" \\\"Finished,\\\" and \\\"Rated.\\\" Add notes for each book and update their status as you progress through your reading list.\\n\\nTo get started:\\n1. Click on a folder to open the Notes Table.\\n2. Switch the \\\"Style\\\" to \\\"Cards.\\\"\\n3. Add Frontmatter with grouping values to your relevant notes (e.g., status: To Do).\\n4. Use the \\\"Group By\\\" option to select the field from the Frontmatter that you want to group your notes by. This will create the columns.\\n5. Drag notes between columns as you make progress.\\n\\nPerfect to visualize your notes and to use Kanban to enhance your project management.\\n\\nIMPROVED \u0026 FIXED\\n- Improved Obsidian import for a smoother experience.\\n- Fixed a crash when clicking on weekly or monthly notes.\\n- Improved detection of frontmatter when empty lines appear before it.\\n- Prevent a crash when closing HTML plugin windows.\\n- Fixed copying links to synced lines.\\n- Updated the design of timeblock notifications to be slimmer.\\n- Fixed Web Views not deinitializing when closed.\\n- References that are collapsed in the original note now display correctly, without unwanted ellipses.\\n- Fixed saving tables with short headings that resulted in invalid Markdown.\\n\\nIf you’re enjoying these updates, please consider leaving a rating or review! Your feedback directly shapes new features and improvements, helping us make NotePlan even better for you.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-23T17:30:47Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This is another smaller release to fix a few issues we have discovered and to make performance improvements. \\n\\nNEW\\n- Added open task/checklist count badge to folded lists.\\n- Added Notes table when clicking on a folder in the sidebar. This table reads the frontmatter in your notes and allows you to group, filter, and sort by the properties you define in the frontmatter.\\n- Added an option to pin the window to the top (see top right note menu), allowing you to open say a separate window and take notes while working on something that's in the background without having to switch between windows.\\n\\nFIXED\\n- Couldn't use bold, italic, etc. formatting on folded items.\\n- Fixed plugin issues with defining the right note type (it had to be capitalized, like \\\"Calendar\\\" and not \\\"calendar\\\")\\n- Fixed the start date of repeating tasks, when the task has a schedule date (this date will be used as the start now)\\n- Fixed creating synced lines of folded lines.\\n- Fixed high cpu usage while using the plugin console for a long period.\\n- Fixed crashes with stale Reminders.\\n- Optimization fixes when loading events and reminders in the background.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-02T16:56:58Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Following up with the main release, we did some polishing on the folded tasks, bug fixing, performance improvements, and sync maintenance.\\n\\nNEW\\n- Added an API call to OpenAI: `, [file1, file2])`, which becomes very useful in templates. It can read the content of the specified files and work on them using the prompt to return say a random bullet point or the next open task from a note.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n- Updated the design of the unfold button (\\\"...\\\") behind folded lines.\\n- Folding button positioning fixed, so it appears also close left of indented tasks.\\n\\nFIXED\\n- Folding issue was fixed when headings and task folding were mixed.\\n- Performance issues fixed with loading and updating events and reminders in the background that led to high memory and CPU usage due to deadlocks.\\n- Plugin download issues fixed.\\n\\nSYNC\\n- Fixed issues with encryption.\\n- Fixed issues when reuploading notes on one device without re-downloading them from scratch on other devices.\\n\\nMain Release:\\n\\nFOLDING TASKS AND BULLETS\\n\\nWith this release, folding comes to tasks and bullets—no longer limited to headings! Now you can keep your notes cleaner and more organized by folding any task or bullet point with indented content below it, including images, code blocks, or text.\\n\\nHOW IT WORKS\\n\\n1. To start, add a task or bullet point and press enter to create a new line.\\n2. Press tab to indent any sub-tasks, bullets, or notes beneath it.\\n3. You’ll now see a folding icon appear when you hover over the task or bullet, allowing you to fold or unfold content below it.\\n4. For quick folding, use CMD + / to toggle folding on and off.\\n\\nUSE CASES\\n\\n- Simplify your task lists by grouping sub-tasks or related notes under a main task.\\n- Hide long notes or details within project tasks, revealing them only when you need them.\\n- Organize research notes, tracking your progress without clutter.\\n- Hide code blocks by indenting each line in the block, including the triple backticks at the start or end.\\n\\nAny text with indented lines can be folded, whether it’s tasks, sub-tasks, simple notes, or mixed content (can be plain text).\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Improved slow searching when you had attachments like PDFs in the regular folders.\\n- Fixed loading images in PDFs and RTF exports.\\n- Added x-callback-url to install plugin (/installPlugin?pluginID=)\\n- Drawings auto-save now while you work on them.\\n- Added support to copy images from Apple Notes.\\n- Fixed regular notes not supporting ‘under heading’ in filters.\\n- Fixed syncing issues.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-10T17:39:49Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"FOLDING TASKS AND BULLETS\\n\\nWith this release, folding comes to tasks and bullets—no longer limited to headings! Now you can keep your notes cleaner and more organized by folding any task or bullet point with indented content below it, including images, code blocks, or text.\\n\\nHOW IT WORKS\\n\\n1. To start, add a task or bullet point and press enter to create a new line.\\n2. Press tab to indent any sub-tasks, bullets, or notes beneath it.\\n3. You’ll now see a folding icon appear when you hover over the task or bullet, allowing you to fold or unfold content below it.\\n4. For quick folding, use CMD + / to toggle folding on and off.\\n\\nUSE CASES\\n\\n- Simplify your task lists by grouping sub-tasks or related notes under a main task.\\n- Hide long notes or details within project tasks, revealing them only when you need them.\\n- Organize research notes, tracking your progress without clutter.\\n- Hide code blocks by indenting each line in the block, including the triple backticks at the start or end.\\n\\nAny text with indented lines can be folded, whether it’s tasks, sub-tasks, simple notes, or mixed content (can be plain text).\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Improved slow searching when you had attachments like PDFs in the regular folders.\\n- Fixed loading images in PDFs and RTF exports.\\n- Added x-callback-url to install plugin (/installPlugin?pluginID=)\\n- Drawings auto-save now while you work on them.\\n- Added support to copy images from Apple Notes.\\n- Fixed regular notes not supporting ‘under heading’ in filters.\\n- Fixed syncing issues.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-14T00:16:20Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Fixes v3.14.2:\\n\\n- Fixed format menu (\\\"A\\\") not opening\\n- Fixed highlighting offset in references and filters \\n- Fixed timeblocks sometimes didn't add the check or didn't update in the calendar\\n- Fixed data access warning was appearing on every start\\n- Fixed plugin web views sometimes not loading the style sheets. \\n- Added 'under heading' option to filters\\n- Added language settings to voice transcriptions, open the command bar and search for \\\"Set Transcription Language\\\".\\n- Retry voice transcription request, if it fails due to a network error for example.\\n- Images are loaded asynchronously now, so that the notes with many images open faster.\\n\\nFixes v3.14.1:\\n\\n- Fixed crashes when opening daily notes and loading events or references\\n- Fixed image sync deadlocks\\n- Fixed auto-insert templates in German\\n- Fixed creating a synced line by dragging (it added an empty synced line)\\n- Fixed path contains stopped working in filters\\n- Fixed layout of colored backgrounds in filter views \\n\\nFull Release:\\n\\nThis NotePlan update is all about auto templates, making it easier to organize your periodic notes! With auto templates, you can set a standard set of tasks, notes, and checklists for specific note types. Once configured, these templates are automatically loaded when you open the corresponding note—no need for extra clicks or taps!\\n\\nCustomize it further: insert a different task list for weekdays and weekends, for example. Let’s break it down:\\n\\nAUTO TEMPLATES\\n\\nThere are two ways to set up auto templates.\\n\\n1. Open an existing template or create a new one under \\\"Templates\\\" in \\\"Smart Folders.\\\"\\n2. In the template, click on the calendar icon in the top right to set your auto-insert options (note: the icon only turns blue if an active rule is in place).\\n3. You can configure templates to be inserted based on specific frequencies, such as daily, or on certain days of the year—like January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.\\n\\nAlternatively, you can also set up auto templates directly while working in calendar notes.\\n\\n\\nSETUP AUTO TEMPLATES FROM CALENDAR NOTES\\n\\nFirst, ensure “Show help text (and template button)” is on in Settings → Markdown.\\n\\n1. Open an empty calendar note (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).\\n2. Click on “Insert Template”, then hover over \\\"Auto-Insert\\\" and choose a template.\\n\\nTo remove the template click again on it in the menu (it toggles it on/off). Or go into the template and open the recurrence settings by tapping on the calendar button top right.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Paste plain text with Cmd+Shift+V\\n- “Move” renamed to “Schedule”\\n- Fixed repeat crash (minimum now set to 2)\\n- Improved formatting when pasting\\n- New filter option: 'past including today'\\n- Fixed link alias issues\\n- Improved cursor positioning after auto-inserted brackets, you can hit enter to jump behind the closing bracket.\\n- Added shortcuts for opening notes in new window or split view\\n- Fixed link-tapping crash on iPad\\n- Resolved layout issues with empty event titles\\n- Fixed importing of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes from Obsidian\\n- Improved importing of file attachments from Obsidian\\n- Changed 'Preferences' to 'Settings'\\n- Fixed dragged in events created timeblocks and renamed the event in the note\\n- Fixed dragged in tasks with sub-tasks for creating synced lines from the references didn't make the subtasks synced lines\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-18T15:41:34Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Fixes:\\n\\n- Fixed crashes when opening daily notes and loading events or references\\n- Fixed image sync deadlocks\\n- Fixed auto-insert templates in German\\n- Fixed creating a synced line by dragging (it added an empty synced line)\\n- Fixed path contains stopped working in filters\\n- Fixed layout of colored backgrounds in filter views \\n\\nFull Release:\\n\\nThis NotePlan update is all about auto templates, making it easier to organize your periodic notes! With auto templates, you can set a standard set of tasks, notes, and checklists for specific note types. Once configured, these templates are automatically loaded when you open the corresponding note—no need for extra clicks or taps!\\n\\nCustomize it further: insert a different task list for weekdays and weekends, for example. Let’s break it down:\\n\\nAUTO TEMPLATES\\n\\nThere are two ways to set up auto templates.\\n\\n1. Open an existing template or create a new one under \\\"Templates\\\" in \\\"Smart Folders.\\\"\\n2. In the template, click on the calendar icon in the top right to set your auto-insert options (note: the icon only turns blue if an active rule is in place).\\n3. You can configure templates to be inserted based on specific frequencies, such as daily, or on certain days of the year—like January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.\\n\\nAlternatively, you can also set up auto templates directly while working in calendar notes.\\n\\n\\nSETUP AUTO TEMPLATES FROM CALENDAR NOTES\\n\\nFirst, ensure “Show help text (and template button)” is on in Settings → Markdown.\\n\\n1. Open an empty calendar note (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).\\n2. Click on “Insert Template”, then hover over \\\"Auto-Insert\\\" and choose a template.\\n\\nTo remove the template click again on it in the menu (it toggles it on/off). Or go into the template and open the recurrence settings by tapping on the calendar button top right.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Paste plain text with Cmd+Shift+V\\n- “Move” renamed to “Schedule”\\n- Fixed repeat crash (minimum now set to 2)\\n- Improved formatting when pasting\\n- New filter option: 'past including today'\\n- Fixed link alias issues\\n- Improved cursor positioning after auto-inserted brackets, you can hit enter to jump behind the closing bracket.\\n- Added shortcuts for opening notes in new window or split view\\n- Fixed link-tapping crash on iPad\\n- Resolved layout issues with empty event titles\\n- Fixed importing of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes from Obsidian\\n- Improved importing of file attachments from Obsidian\\n- Changed 'Preferences' to 'Settings'\\n- Fixed dragged in events created timeblocks and renamed the event in the note\\n- Fixed dragged in tasks with sub-tasks for creating synced lines from the references didn't make the subtasks synced lines\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-27T16:14:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This NotePlan update is all about auto templates, making it easier to organize your periodic notes! With auto templates, you can set a standard set of tasks, notes, and checklists for specific note types. Once configured, these templates are automatically loaded when you open the corresponding note—no need for extra clicks or taps!\\n\\nCustomize it further: insert a different task list for weekdays and weekends, for example. Let’s break it down:\\n\\nAUTO TEMPLATES\\n\\nThere are two ways to set up auto templates.\\n\\n1. Open an existing template or create a new one under \\\"Templates\\\" in \\\"Smart Folders.\\\"\\n2. In the template, click on the calendar icon in the top right to set your auto-insert options (note: the icon only turns blue if an active rule is in place).\\n3. You can configure templates to be inserted based on specific frequencies, such as daily, or on certain days of the year—like January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.\\n\\nAlternatively, you can also set up auto templates directly while working in calendar notes.\\n\\n\\nSETUP AUTO TEMPLATES FROM CALENDAR NOTES\\n\\nFirst, ensure “Show help text (and template button)” is on in Settings → Markdown.\\n\\n1. Open an empty calendar note (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).\\n2. Click on “Insert Template”, then hover over \\\"Auto-Insert\\\" and choose a template.\\n\\nTo remove the template click again on it in the menu (it toggles it on/off). Or go into the template and open the recurrence settings by tapping on the calendar button top right.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Paste plain text with Cmd+Shift+V\\n- “Move” renamed to “Schedule”\\n- Fixed repeat crash (minimum now set to 2)\\n- Improved formatting when pasting\\n- New filter option: 'past including today'\\n- Fixed link alias issues\\n- Improved cursor positioning after auto-inserted brackets, you can hit enter to jump behind the closing bracket.\\n- Added shortcuts for opening notes in new window or split view\\n- Fixed link-tapping crash on iPad\\n- Resolved layout issues with empty event titles\\n- Fixed importing of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes from Obsidian\\n- Improved importing of file attachments from Obsidian\\n- Changed 'Preferences' to 'Settings'\\n- Fixed dragged in events created timeblocks and renamed the event in the note\\n- Fixed dragged in tasks with sub-tasks for creating synced lines from the references didn't make the subtasks synced lines\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-22T16:28:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This is a smaller update with some corrections and improvements.\\n\\nNEW: \\n- Copy and paste text from websites preserving the formatting (like from a blog post)\\n- Web URLs for images are supported now (like the ones copied from websites), which means images don't have to be downloaded locally\\n- Copy tables from Numbers or Excel (or websites) into NotePlan\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS:\\n- Syncing attachments and note overwriting improved\\n- Shortcuts: added 'under heading matching', note title matching is case-insensitive now, fixed opening calendar notes\\n- Fixed an issue where drawings were sometimes not loaded\\n- Fixed printing tables in PDFs\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-02T15:58:31Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This NotePlan update introduces Shortcuts support to let you add things to your notes super quickly! \\n\\nWith just a tap, you can add text, tasks, checklists, and more to a note of your choice. Even to periodic notes like Today, Tomorrow, Next Month, and more! You can also integrate the action in other Shortcuts to make your own automations, too.\\n\\n\\\"ADD TO NOTE\\\" SHORTCUT\\n\\nNotePlan 3.13 integrates with Apple’s \\\"App Intent\\\" to make working with NotePlan and Apple apps even smoother. From Spotlight integration and Focus mode to Shortcuts: macOS and NotePlan work even more tightly together.\\n\\nAs a result, NotePlan now has an \\\"Add to Note\\\" action in Shortcuts by default. You can use it to create a shortcut that opens up a dialog and lets you add things to a note of your choice. There are even different options to play with:\\n\\n- Choose any note you want, including periodic notes like Today or Tomorrow\\n- Select whether you want to add it to the start or end of your note\\n- You can even put it under a specific Heading\\n- Choose what you want to add: text, a task, a checklist, a bullet point, a heading, or even a quote\\n- And add an optional priority: low, medium, or high (!, !! or !!!)\\n\\nOf course, you can use the \\\"Add to Note\\\" shortcut as an action in your own shortcuts for even deeper or more complex integrations. From pasting clipboard text to creating regular checklists, and more.\\n\\nOther Shortcuts:\\n- Open Filter\\n- Open Tag\\n- Open Note\\n- Find Notes\\n- Run Plugin Command\\n- Create Note\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Tasks in templates are now filtered out in the references area.\\n- Better attachment downloads. If an attachment fails to download, NotePlan will retry to reduce sync issues with embedded files and images.\\n- Renaming a hashtag with an emoji no longer causes an issue.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-10T11:56:54Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This NotePlan update introduces Shortcuts support to let you add things to your notes super quickly! \\n\\nWith just a tap, you can add text, tasks, checklists, and more to a note of your choice. Even to periodic notes like Today, Tomorrow, Next Month, and more! You can also integrate the action in other Shortcuts to make your own automations, too.\\n\\n\\\"ADD TO NOTE\\\" SHORTCUT\\n\\nNotePlan 3.13 integrates with Apple’s \\\"App Intent\\\" to make working with NotePlan and Apple apps even smoother. From Spotlight integration and Focus mode to Shortcuts: macOS and NotePlan work even more tightly together.\\n\\nAs a result, NotePlan now has an \\\"Add to Note\\\" action in Shortcuts by default. You can use it to create a shortcut that opens up a dialog and lets you add things to a note of your choice. There are even different options to play with:\\n\\n- Choose any note you want, including periodic notes like Today or Tomorrow\\n- Select whether you want to add it to the start or end of your note\\n- You can even put it under a specific Heading\\n- Choose what you want to add: text, a task, a checklist, a bullet point, a heading, or even a quote\\n- And add an optional priority: low, medium, or high (!, !! or !!!)\\n\\nOf course, you can use the \\\"Add to Note\\\" shortcut as an action in your own shortcuts for even deeper or more complex integrations. From pasting clipboard text to creating regular checklists, and more.\\n\\nOther Shortcuts:\\n- Open Filter\\n- Open Tag\\n- Open Note\\n- Find Notes\\n- Run Plugin Command\\n- Create Note\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Tasks in templates are now filtered out in the references area.\\n- Better attachment downloads. If an attachment fails to download, NotePlan will retry to reduce sync issues with embedded files and images.\\n- Renaming a hashtag with an emoji no longer causes an issue.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-09T19:24:24Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.12.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"In this release, we are fixing a couple of issues from the last release.\\n\\n- Fixed image transcription in dark mode\\n- Fixed loading of the right AI model\\n- Fixed crash when searching\\n- Fixed 'link note' sometimes cut off in the event editor\\n- Disabled auto-pairing for smart quotes (which always caused problems)\\n- Fixed '\u0026' cutting off the text when sending a note as an email with Outlook\\n- Fixed theme color of modification/creation date labels in the top right menu\\n- Removed 'reload' from the right-click menu in web view plugins \\n\\nMain Release:\\n\\nThis update adds support on macOS for drawings and handwritten notes made on iOS. NotePlan can recognize your handwriting (using AI) and turn it into text, too. \\n\\nThis update also adds support for OpenAI's latest model \\\"GPT-4o\\\", which is better, faster, and cheaper.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE PENCIL SUPPORT\\n\\nIn NotePlan 3.12 drawings and handwritten notes are synced and displayed from iOS, so you can view and transcribe handwritten text. Simply right-click your image and choose “Transcribe” from the menu. NotePlan can even recognize tasks (written with circles), bullet points (points or dashes), and checkboxes (square boxes) and add them right inside your notes.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- The OpenAI integration has been updated to the latest version, GPT-4o, for smarter, better, and faster functionality.\\n- Voice transcriptions longer than 25 minutes are now supported.\\n- Hanging and memory issues fixed.\\n- Fixed sync error when moving the note right after creation.\\n- Importing Reminders (through drag and drop from the Reminders filter), will complete the Reminder now (instead of deleting it) and more information is copied over (notes, location, if available).\\n- Fixed notifications didn't show up for Timeblocks if the app was in the foreground.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-05T13:11:17Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This update adds support on macOS for drawings and handwritten notes made on iOS. NotePlan can recognize your handwriting (using AI) and turn it into text, too. \\n\\nThis update also adds support for OpenAI's latest model \\\"GPT-4o\\\", which is better, faster, and cheaper.\\n\\n\\nAPPLE PENCIL SUPPORT\\n\\nIn NotePlan 3.12 drawings and handwritten notes are synced and displayed from iOS, so you can view and transcribe handwritten text. Simply right-click your image and choose “Transcribe” from the menu. NotePlan can even recognize tasks (written with circles), bullet points (points or dashes), and checkboxes (square boxes) and add them right inside your notes.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- The OpenAI integration has been updated to the latest version, GPT-4o, for smarter, better, and faster functionality.\\n- Voice transcriptions longer than 25 minutes are now supported.\\n- Hanging and memory issues fixed.\\n- Fixed sync error when moving the note right after creation.\\n- Importing Reminders (through drag and drop from the Reminders filter), will complete the Reminder now (instead of deleting it) and more information is copied over (notes, location, if available).\\n- Fixed notifications didn't show up for Timeblocks if the app was in the foreground.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-27T13:45:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This update enhances the integration of NotePlan with Apple's Reminders, making it even easier to manage the tasks you capture through Reminders.\\n\\nPreviously, NotePlan only displayed Reminders that had specific dates or times assigned. Now, you can view all your Reminders by list, regardless of whether they have a date.\\n\\nHere's how it works:\\n\\nYou can now access un-dated Reminders through a new filter option. When setting up filters, select \\\"Reminders\\\" under the \\\"by origin\\\" option and disable all other options. Or create a new filter from the template \\\"Reminders\\\" (click under \\\"Filters\\\" on \\\"New Filter\\\")\\n\\nTo view your Reminders, you can choose your newly created Filter in the right sidebar by clicking on the drop-down button below the calendar and choosing your Filter (switching the Timeline to a filter).\\n\\nUsing the Reminders Filter with Siri:\\n\\nYou can use Siri to quickly add Reminders by voice when you're busy, like when driving or cooking. Later, at your desk, open the Reminders Filter to see your tasks. You can either check them off directly from the filter or drag them into a note. Once moved, NotePlan will delete the original Reminder, effectively transferring it into NotePlan.\\n\\nThat's all for now (besides a few bug fixes) in this smaller update.\\n\\nIf you enjoy using the app, consider supporting us by rating it or leaving a review. Thank you for supporting indie developers!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-04T13:56:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We have made a couple of improvements in this release by fixing a list of annoying bugs and crashes, enjoy!\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Command Bar Navigation: Hit CMD+Return on folders in the command bar to reveal them in the sidebar instead of opening in the command bar.\\n- Weekly References: Quotes will show up now in the weekly references view at the top of calendar notes. Use them to add your thoughts on your goals and weekly tasks.\\n- Editor Clarity: Inactive editors in split view will now show a faded title on the top left to indicate they are not active.\\n- Date Detection: Typing dates? Our command bar now recognizes ISO formats automatically.\\n\\nFIXES\\n\\n- Synced Lines and folded text: If you maintained synced lines inside the same note and some were folded \\\"away\\\", they stopped syncing. This is fixed now. \\n- System Stability: Fixed various system hangs and crashes.\\n- UI Consistency: \\\"Event List\\\" in the right sidebar will now remember to show up after a restart, and auto-complete forms will close properly when you expect them to (when typing \u003etoday).\\n- Time Accuracy: Improved detection of time blocks (12-1pm for example), fixed timezone mix-ups (when traveling), and more.\\n- Filter Fixes: From synced lines showing up correctly to ensuring events display right even with smaller fonts, as well as switching between views. Also, an empty monthly note showed up when the yearly note was part of the results.\\n- Interface Enhancements: Fixed the gray overlay in plugin settings and made sure filter selections work smoothly.\\n- Sync: Fixed creation date was reset after receiving a synced file \\n\\nPLUGIN API\\n\\n- Logging: We've cut down on excessive logging from plugins and enhanced logs for HTML views.\\n- CommandBar: Added a third \\\"searchText\\\" parameter to showOptions and showInputs, so you can supply a default value.\\n\\nIf you are happy with the app, please rate it, or even leave a review. This is a great way to support us, indie developers. Thanks a lot!\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-25T15:36:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We’ve got a new update to NotePlan for you today with filter views in the sidebar! You can now switch between your daily timeline and filters in the sidebar.\\n\\nCombined with the new “Rolling 30 Days” timeline option inside filters, your sidebar now has always up-to-date views on yesterday and the next 30 days from today.\\n\\nAdding in filters makes your daily note even more dynamic and productive by showing a custom list of tasks alongside your daily to-do items.\\n\\nPLAN SMARTER AND KEEP YOUR EYE ON WHAT’S NEXT — Filter Views in the Sidebar\\n\\nIn NotePlan 3.11, your daily note sidebar now has a huge upgrade with filter views. You can switch the daily timeline for a filter view of your choice. Just click the dropdown button \\\"Timeline\\\" in the right sidebar above the timeline on macOS and select a specific Filter View (CTRL+4).\\n\\nFilter views also have a new timeline option that makes the filter view next to your daily note incredibly useful: “Rolling 30 Days”. This timeframe shows you tasks from yesterday and the next 30 days *based on your current day*. Having a filter view with “Rolling 30 Days” helps you stay current: you’re always looking 30 days into the future, from today.\\n\\nOne more thing: all tasks inside the Filter View can be completed and edited, too. You can even add new tasks to the filter right inside the sidebar view! \\n\\nSo how can you use the new integrated filter view to boost your workflow? Here are some ideas:\\n\\n- See upcoming tasks with a tag or mention from a filter. E.g. all tasks from your list “Personal Projects” tagged with #priority1.\\n- See you overdue tasks filter to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.\\n- Create a filter view with an important project and show it in the sidebar to keep the project front and center.\\n- Want a productivity boost? Why not show the filter with all tasks you’ve completed this week?\\n\\nThe new filter view inside the sidebar lets you stay on top of things even better by combining multiple views inside a single window.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Improvements and bug fixes to filters\\n- Performance improvements (potentially fix for freezing and memory issues)\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-09T17:26:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This is a smaller release to fix a couple of new and old bugs before working on the bigger features.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Improved grouping of calendars in the calendar settings (and fixed a bug when a reminder list and a calendar had the same name).\\n- Improved auto-scrolling when selecting a text range.\\n- Improved indent-by-drag behavior, so it's more accurate.\\n- Removed empty days which are in the past in filters\\n- Improved sorting in the command bar, so that archived notes and folders get de-prioritized over regular notes\\n- Detect frontmatter when dragging a task into a daily note\\n- Create notes while browsing folders in the command bar (type `//` to start browsing through folders).\\n- Changed clicking on search results opens the note and clicking on a Filter results opens edit note. Alternatively, press shift and click to open the directly in Filters. \\n\\nFIXED\\n\\n- Fixed refresh issues in Dashboard and other HTML plugins\\n- Fixed opening plugins from links.\\n- Fixed case insensitive folder search in command bar.\\n- Fixed mention and hashtag search in filters.\\n- Fixed creating meeting notes from the \\\"Link Note\\\" button in the event editor (the note wasn't opened).\\n- Updated internal OpenAI key (the current one got disabled).\\n\\n--- previous major release ---\\n\\nThe latest NotePlan update lets you create new tasks and move them directly in filter and search views to plan even better.. Finally, NotePlan 3.10 allows you to resize all images globally.\\n\\nBETTER PLANNING WITH FILTER VIEW EDITING — Edit tasks and move them around in filters\\n\\n- Simply click on a task inside a filter view to edit it (including formatting and tags/mentions).\\n- Clicking an item in a filter now also shows the entire text and any sub-tasks, comments, or bullets to give you the full context.\\n- You can also add new tasks in any filter views by clicking `+ Add task` at the top of an item.\\n- Empty days are now listed, too, allowing you to easily plan tasks on upcoming days.\\n- Finally, drag \u0026 drop now works across days and notes inside filter views. Simply grab an item and move it around.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- You can now resize all images, so they don't take up too much space. Go to Preferences → Editor and look for the setting at the bottom of the list.\\n- Bracket auto-pairing with \\\"type-over\\\" functionality is improved to eliminate accidental double brackets and make it easier to delete.\\n- You can now disable bracket auto-pairing under Preferences → Markdown (final item).\\n- Various bug fixes.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-13T14:47:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"The latest NotePlan update lets you create new tasks and move them directly in filter and search views to plan even better.. Finally, NotePlan 3.10 allows you to resize all images globally.\\n\\nBETTER PLANNING WITH FILTER VIEW EDITING — Edit tasks and move them around in filters\\n\\n- Simply click on a task inside a filter view to edit it (including formatting and tags/mentions).\\n- Clicking an item in a filter now also shows the entire text and any sub-tasks, comments, or bullets to give you the full context.\\n- You can also add new tasks in any filter views by clicking `+ Add task` at the top of an item.\\n- Empty days are now listed, too, allowing you to easily plan tasks on upcoming days.\\n- Finally, drag \u0026 drop now works across days and notes inside filter views. Simply grab an item and move it around.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- You can now resize all images, so they don't take up too much space. Go to Preferences → Editor and look for the setting at the bottom of the list.\\n- Bracket auto-pairing with \\\"type-over\\\" functionality is improved to eliminate accidental double brackets and make it easier to delete.\\n- You can now disable bracket auto-pairing under Preferences → Markdown (final item).\\n- Various bug fixes.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-15T01:54:22Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"The latest NotePlan update lets you create new tasks and move them directly in filter and search views to plan even better.. Finally, NotePlan 3.10 allows you to resize all images globally.\\n\\nBETTER PLANNING WITH FILTER VIEW EDITING — Edit tasks and move them around in filters\\n\\n- Simply click on a task inside a filter view to edit it (including formatting and tags/mentions).\\n- Clicking an item in a filter now also shows the entire text and any sub-tasks, comments, or bullets to give you the full context.\\n- You can also add new tasks in any filter views by clicking `+ Add task` at the top of an item.\\n- Empty days are now listed, too, allowing you to easily plan tasks on upcoming days.\\n- Finally, drag \u0026 drop now works across days and notes inside filter views. Simply grab an item and move it around.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- You can now resize all images, so they don't take up too much space. Go to Preferences → Editor and look for the setting at the bottom of the list.\\n- Bracket auto-pairing with \\\"type-over\\\" functionality is improved to eliminate accidental double brackets and make it easier to delete.\\n- You can now disable bracket auto-pairing under Preferences → Markdown (final item).\\n- Various bug fixes.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-13T15:33:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Bug Fixes:\\n\\n- Crashes when clicking on a day in the calendar top right.\\n- Markdown links on the same line as wiki-links broke the latter.\\n- Added command bar setting to turn off hidden wiki-link brackets (search for \\\"wiki-link\\\" in the command bar = CMD+J)\\n- Creating / Updating Reminders from other sources than the Reminders app caused \\\"location not supported\\\" errors.\\n- Could not rename filters to names containing points \\\".\\\".\\n\\nFull Release:\\n\\nFor NotePlan’s last release in 2023, we’re bringing you live edits to Filter items! Plus, wiki links now automatically hide the brackets when you’re not editing the link. And as soon as you type opening brackets [[ the closing brackets are added by default. Lastly, we’ve also improved image resizing and tweaked inline code (highlighting and tags).\\n\\n## Edit Items in Filters \\n\\nIn older versions of NotePlan, the Filter only showed you items but did not let you edit them directly. In NotePlan 3.9.11 you can now easily edit any item (tasks and even subtasks) inside a filter on macOS. Simply hover over an item and select the blue pencil icon on the right. It will also load any sub-items in this process which you can also edit here.\\n\\nAdditionally the events in Filters have been redesigned so it's easier to differentiate them from tasks and the logic has been tweaked so that when you point the filter to a folder you can activate \\\"Calendar\\\" to see only the scheduled tasks inside that folder.\\n\\n## User-friendly [[Wiki Links]]\\n\\nLinking between notes in NotePlan using [[wiki links]] is now even easier to work with. NotePlan will automatically add the closing brackets as soon as you type the opening brackets `[[`. The brackets will also be hidden when you’re not editing a link for a cleaner look.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Tags inside `inline code` are now ignored (you may need to update the note once)\\n- Improved code highlighting\\n- Improved image resizing so small images don't scale up\\n\\n FIXED\\n\\n- Fixed .children() function in plugin API not returning valid line indices\\n- Fixed filter issues where to-do items scheduled to monthly or weekly notes didn't show up correctly\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-01-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-01-07T16:18:41Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"For NotePlan’s last release in 2023, we’re bringing you live edits to Filter items! Plus, wiki links now automatically hide the brackets when you’re not editing the link. And as soon as you type opening brackets [[ the closing brackets are added by default. Lastly, we’ve also improved image resizing and tweaked inline code (highlighting and tags).\\n\\n## Edit Items in Filters \\n\\nIn older versions of NotePlan, the Filter only showed you items but did not let you edit them directly. In NotePlan 3.9.11 you can now easily edit any item (tasks and even subtasks) inside a filter on macOS. Simply hover over an item and select the blue pencil icon on the right. It will also load any sub-items in this process which you can also edit here.\\n\\nAdditionally the events in Filters have been redesigned so it's easier to differentiate them from tasks and the logic has been tweaked so that when you point the filter to a folder you can activate \\\"Calendar\\\" to see only the scheduled tasks inside that folder.\\n\\n## User-friendly [[Wiki Links]]\\n\\nLinking between notes in NotePlan using [[wiki links]] is now even easier to work with. NotePlan will automatically add the closing brackets as soon as you type the opening brackets `[[`. The brackets will also be hidden when you’re not editing a link for a cleaner look.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Tags inside `inline code` are now ignored (you may need to update the note once)\\n- Improved code highlighting\\n- Improved image resizing so small images don't scale up\\n\\n FIXED\\n\\n- Fixed .children() function in plugin API not returning valid line indices\\n- Fixed filter issues where to-do items scheduled to monthly or weekly notes didn't show up correctly\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-29T21:05:14Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing: **time block calendar sync**! You can now sync your NotePlan time blocks to your calendar as events in NotePlan 3.9.10.\\n\\n## Promote Time Blocks to Calendar Events\\n\\nYou can now sync NotePlan time blocks as events to a calendar of your choice. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner and choose the option at the bottom of the list: \\\"Create Events\\\", and select the calendar you want to let NotePlan sync your timeblocks into. This will turn your NotePlan time blocks for the selected day into calendar events.\\n\\nThis deeper integration with the calendar allows you to “send” your timeline into other calendar and scheduling apps. For example, send your timeblocks to your Google or Outlook calendar to mark yourself as unavailable in these blocks of time. Or simply use it to see your timeblocks appear in your external calendar apps and widgets, so it’s easier to protect your focus time.\\n\\n## Improved\\n\\n- Better copy/paste of tasks. When you paste a task onto an empty task line, only the task contents is pasted and not the task icon markdown(`- []`).\\n- Pasting links in a code block no longer resolves the link to a title.\\n- The weekly references on top of a daily note now only show the top tasks, with collapsible/expandable sub tasks.\\n\\n ## Fixed\\n\\n- Fixed various minor crashes\\n- Dragging a task with sub-tasks not the timeline of a different day assigned the date to the last task in the list.\\n- Titles of links can be edited normally now, before the keyboard shifted to upper scale randomly.\\n- When stopping the transcription, the cursor jumped to a random position.\\n- The Command Bar kept closing during plugin execution.\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-28\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-28T14:58:10Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"A quick update fixing a couple of crashes, display and alignment issues and bugs in general.\\n\\n-- Previous Full Release --\\n\\nOn macOS this release is mostly about improvements and bug fixes! We have smoothed out some issues that appeared with macOS Sonoma.\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS \u0026 FIXES\\n\\n- Improved drag \u0026 drop with indentation\\n- Improved performance of searching for events\\n- Fixed unresponsiveness when a note contained a lot of events\\n- Fixed crashes on Intel Macs\\n- Fixed adding code blocks with other content below stripped links from their URLs (typing the three backticks will add a full code block now)\\n- Fixed resetting AI requests automatically (they reset when you sent a request after the month changed)\\n- Fixed calendar permissions on macOS Sonoma (permissions are now split between *Write Only* and *Full Access* on Sonoma)\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-10-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-10-30T18:00:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"On macOS this release is mostly about improvements and bug fixes! We have smoothed out some issues that appeared with macOS Sonoma.\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS \u0026 FIXES\\n\\n- Improved drag \u0026 drop with indentation\\n- Improved performance of searching for events\\n- Fixed unresponsiveness when a note contained a lot of events\\n- Fixed crashes on Intel Macs\\n- Fixed adding code blocks with other content below stripped links from their URLs (typing the three backticks will add a full code block now)\\n- Fixed resetting AI requests automatically (they reset when you sent a request after the month changed)\\n- Fixed calendar permissions on macOS Sonoma (permissions are now split between *Write Only* and *Full Access* on Sonoma)\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-10-19\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-10-19T11:13:39Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"minimumXROSVersion\":\"1.0\",\"isXROSCompatible\":true,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"Your day in one 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trouble planning your day, managing your to-do list, and organizing your notes? Always jumping between apps and losing track of what to do and where you put things?\\n\\nSay hello to NotePlan!\\n\\nNotePlan lets you manage everything in one place: your tasks, notes, and calendar.\\nPerfect for project managers, designers, researchers, writers, students, or anyone who wants to be organized and efficient.\\n\\nQUICKLY PLAN YOUR DAY WITH MARKDOWN\\n• Plan your day by seeing your calendar, notes, and tasks in a single view\\n• Create tasks and notes quickly with Markdown\\n• Add #tags to organize tasks and notes\\n• Use @mentions to find people\\n• Reschedule to-do items easily\\n• Create flexible recurring tasks\\n• Work faster with autocomplete\\n\\nBUILD YOUR NETWORK OF NOTES\\n• Create your own network of notes\\n• Organize any way you want to: from simple folders over P.A.R.A. to a Zettelkasten system\\n• Bi-directional notes: link your calendar and your notes in any direction, automatically\\n• Cross-reference and link notes easily\\n\\nSTAY ON TOP OF THINGS WITH REVIEW\\n• Search all tasks and notes, instantly\\n• See all open tasks with the click of a button\\n• Get a list of overdue to-do items\\n• See upcoming tasks at a glance\\n• Create custom filters with your own queries using status, #tags, @mentions, or even text\\n\\nSEAMLESS INTEGRATION WITH YOUR CALENDAR\\n• Create events and reminders right in NotePlan\\n• Support for iCloud, Google, and Exchange calendars\\n• Time-block tasks on your calendar simply by typing\\n\\nAVAILABLE ON MAC, IPHONE \u0026 IPAD\\n• Sync everything between your Apple devices\\n• Use any sync method you like: CloudKit or iCloud Drive\\n• A single subscription for all your devices\\n\\nOPEN, PRIVATE \u0026 FAST\\n• All your notes are stored in plaintext so you're never locked in\\n• Your information is private and cannot be accessed\\n• Enjoy lightning speed thanks to local files and native apps\\n\\nANY THEME YOU WANT\\n• Choose from a variety of built-in themes\\n• Work with light or dark versions\\n• Create your own custom theme\\n\\nSHORTCUTS FOR MAXIMUM SPEED\\n• Extended Markdown syntax support with customization options\\n• Move around without ever leaving the keyboard\\n• Find everything with the Global Command Bar\\n\\nNotePlan is developed independently and prioritizes user features and requests. We have long-term roadmaps and listen to customers to improve the apps.\\n\\n- - - - -\\n\\nPrice may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. After purchase, manage your subscriptions in App Store Account Settings.\\n\\n- - - - -\\n\\nEmail:\\nWeb:\\n\\nDiscord:\\nTwitter: NotePlanApp\\nReddit:\\nLearn NotePlan course:\\n\\nTerms of use:\\nPrivacy policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"requiredCapabilitiesForRealityDevice\":\"arm64 \",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.16.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"In this smaller update we are shipping lots of improvements for the notes list and cards views to make it easier to work out of those new views as well as a smaller new feature that lets you change the background color of notes, plus many smaller improvements.\\n\\nNEW FEATURES:\\n\\n1. \\\"Add Notes\\\" in Card \u0026 List Views + Context Menu\\n- Quickly add new notes right where you need them with the new \\\"plus\\\" button beside the folder or column name in both views (list and cards).\\n- Long-press for quick actions (open in a new window on iPad, move to Trash/Archive, and more).\\n- If you group your notes by \\\"folder\\\", the complete path will be displayed, so you know exactly what you are looking at.\\n\\n2. Change the Background Color of Individual Notes\\n- Use \\\"bg-color\\\" and \\\"bg-color-dark\\\" in a note’s frontmatter to set custom background colors (supports hex and Tailwind CSS colors). Switch out of the note and back in to see the changes.\\n\\nExample:\\n bg-color: bg-green-100\\n bg-color-dark: bg-green-950\\n\\nMore details in our help center:\\n\\n\\nThe background color is also displayed in the notes list and card views.\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES\\n\\n- Fixes for Images and Previews:\\n - Tapping an image in edit mode no longer automatically opens a preview (making it easier to set the cursor).\\n - A new \\\"Preview\\\" option in the context menu lets you view images while still in edit mode.\\n - Web images can now be previewed directly in the app.\\n - Copying images from a website now correctly copies the image data instead of just a link.\\n\\n- Notes List and Cards:\\n - Added icons for default fields (folder, date edited, date created, tags).\\n - Renamed \\\"date\\\" to \\\"date edited\\\" and added \\\"date created\\\".\\n - Improved performance showing frontmatter fields in lists and cards.\\n\\n- Cards View and Folders:\\n - Fixed issues with dragging cards between columns (dragging would sometimes fail on iOS after the first attempt).\\n - Corrected sub-folder sorting in list and card views (now sorted by path instead of title).\\n - You can now move notes between folders in the card view.\\n\\n- Other Fixes and Updates:\\n - Added a menu item to re-add sample meeting note templates.\\n - Fixed UI glitches when renaming folders in the sidebar.\\n - Updated the internal templating plugin to fix a text replacement issue.\\n - Added Notes Helper as a core plugin.\\n - Fixed text truncation issues in various views and the API.\\n - Improved performance when switching between revisions and when opening large notes.\\n - Fixed an attachment (images) loading issue when using both web images and regular image attachments inside a note.\\n\\nIf you are happy with the app, please rate it, or even leave a review. This is a great way to support us, indie developers. Thanks a lot!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-02-11\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-02-11T16:31:46Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.16\",\"releaseNotes\":\"The latest NotePlan update brings you the all-new Card View (Kanban!) and the powerful Notes Table, now available on iPhone and iPad. These features are designed to help you visualize projects and notes, making planning and productivity smoother than ever.\\n\\nHere’s what’s new:\\n\\nKANBAN-STYLE CARD VIEW — Organize your notes visually\\n\\nThe new Card View allows you to:\\n- Turn your notes into cards, group them into columns and drag them across the columns to organize your projects.\\n- Use Frontmatter to group notes into columns.\\n\\nWhat is Frontmatter?\\nFrontmatter is metadata added at the top of your notes, enclosed within triple dashes (---). This metadata can include fields like tags, dates, or status values. For example, you can add status: To Do to a note to group it in the \\\"To Do\\\" column.\\n\\nExample:\\n---\\nstatus: To Do\\n---\\n# Note Title\\n\\nBenefits:\\n- Project Management: Create columns to represent stages of progress (e.g., \\\"To Do,\\\" \\\"In Progress,\\\" \\\"Done\\\").\\n- Task Prioritization: Visually sort and rearrange notes based on urgency or importance.\\n- Personal Use Example: Track your book reading with a Kanban board. Create columns like \\\"Want to Read,\\\" \\\"Currently Reading,\\\" \\\"Finished,\\\" and \\\"Rated.\\\" Add notes for each book and update their status as you progress through your reading list.\\n\\nTo get started:\\n1. Tap on a folder to open the Notes Table.\\n2. Switch the \\\"Style\\\" to \\\"Cards.\\\"\\n3. Add Frontmatter with grouping values to your relevant notes (e.g., status: To Do).\\n4. Use the \\\"Group By\\\" option to select the field from the Frontmatter that you want to group your notes by. This will create the columns.\\n5. Drag notes between columns as you make progress.\\n\\nNOTES TABLE COMES TO iOS — Get a bird’s-eye view\\nOur popular Notes Table is not also available on iPhone and iPad. It's also powered by frontmatter, so you can add custom fields besides the defaults of title, folder, date and tags.\\n\\nKey Features:\\n- Sort, filter, and manage all your notes in an organized table layout.\\n- Quickly locate notes, sort by date, or apply filters to find exactly what you need.\\n\\nTo use the Notes Table:\\n1. Click on a folder to open the Notes Table.\\n2. Customize your view by sorting and filtering to keep an overview of your projects.\\n\\nPerfect for staying organized on the go!\\n\\nIMPROVED \u0026 FIXED\\n- Improved Obsidian import for a smoother experience.\\n- Fixed a crash when clicking on weekly or monthly notes.\\n- Improved detection of frontmatter when empty lines appear before it.\\n- Prevent a crash when closing HTML plugin windows.\\n- Fixed copying links to synced lines.\\n- Updated the design of timeblock notifications to be slimmer.\\n- Fixed Web Views not deinitializing when closed.\\n- References that are collapsed in the original note now display correctly, without unwanted ellipses.\\n- Fixed saving tables with short headings that resulted in invalid Markdown.\\n\\nIf you’re enjoying these updates, please consider leaving a rating or review! Your feedback directly shapes new features and improvements, helping us make NotePlan even better for you.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-23\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-23T17:30:20Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This is another smaller release to fix a few issues we have discovered and to make performance improvements. \\n\\nNEW\\n- Added open task/checklist count badge to folded lists.\\n\\nFIXED\\n- Couldn't use bold, italic, etc. formatting on folded items.\\n- Fixed plugin issues with defining the right note type (it had to be capitalized, like \\\"Calendar\\\" and not \\\"calendar\\\")\\n- Fixed the start date of repeating tasks, when the task has a schedule date (this date will be used as the start now)\\n- Fixed tapping into an empty task completed it.\\n- Fixed creating synced lines of folded lines.\\n- Fixed crashes with stale Reminders.\\n- Optimization fixes when loading events and reminders in the background.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2025-01-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2025-01-02T16:56:20Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Following up with the main release, we did some polishing on the folded tasks, bug fixing, performance improvements, and sync maintenance.\\n\\nNEW\\n- Added an API call to OpenAI: `, [file1, file2])`, which becomes very useful in templates. It can read the content of the specified files and work on them using the prompt to return say a random bullet point or the next open task from a note.\\n- Added a folding button to iOS, which appears if you set the cursor into a line that's foldable.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n- Updated the design of the unfold button (\\\"...\\\") behind folded lines.\\n- Folding button positioning fixed, so it appears also close left of indented tasks.\\n\\nFIXED\\n- Folding issue was fixed when headings and task folding were mixed.\\n- Performance issues fixed with loading and updating events and reminders in the background that led to high memory and CPU usage due to deadlocks.\\n- Plugin download issues fixed.\\n\\nSYNC\\n- Fixed issues with encryption.\\n- Fixed issues when reuploading notes on one device without re-downloading them from scratch on other devices.\\n\\nMain Release:\\n\\nFOLDING TASKS AND BULLETS\\n\\nWith this release, folding comes to tasks and bullets—no longer limited to headings! Now you can keep your notes cleaner and more organized by folding any task or bullet point with indented content below it, including images, code blocks, or text.\\n\\nHOW IT WORKS\\n\\n1. To start, add a task or bullet point and press enter to create a new line.\\n2. Tap on the indent button in the toolbar to indent any sub-tasks, bullets, or notes beneath it.\\n3. You can now fold the main task or bullet by placing the cursor into the line, then tapping the folding icon (two arrows pointing towards each other) in the ⌘-menu on the right of the toolbar or, if it’s a task you can also tap on the check on the left to find the folding option.\\n5. For quick folding, use CMD + / to toggle folding on and off on iPad.\\n\\n\\nUSE CASES\\n\\n- Simplify your task lists by grouping sub-tasks or related notes under a main task.\\n- Hide long notes or details within project tasks, revealing them only when you need them.\\n- Organize research notes, tracking your progress without clutter.\\n- Hide code blocks by indenting each line in the block, including the triple backticks at the start or end.\\n\\nAny text with indented lines can be folded, whether it’s tasks, sub-tasks, simple notes, or mixed content (can be plain text).\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Improved slow searching when you had attachments like PDFs in the regular folders.\\n- Fixed loading images in PDFs and RTF exports.\\n- Added x-callback-url to install plugin (/installPlugin?pluginID=)\\n- Drawings auto-save now while you work on them.\\n- Added support to copy images from Apple Notes.\\n- Fixed Apple Intelligence keyboard being covered up.\\n- Fixed regular notes not supporting ‘under heading’ in filters.\\n- Fixed syncing issues.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-12-10\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-12-10T17:39:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"FOLDING TASKS AND BULLETS\\n\\nWith this release, folding comes to tasks and bullets—no longer limited to headings! Now you can keep your notes cleaner and more organized by folding any task or bullet point with indented content below it, including images, code blocks, or text.\\n\\nHOW IT WORKS\\n\\n1. To start, add a task or bullet point and press enter to create a new line.\\n2. Tap on the indent button in the toolbar to indent any sub-tasks, bullets, or notes beneath it.\\n3. You can now fold the main task or bullet by placing the cursor into the line, then tapping the folding icon (two arrows pointing towards each other) in the ⌘-menu on the right of the toolbar or, if it’s a task you can also tap on the check on the left to find the folding option.\\n5. For quick folding, use CMD + / to toggle folding on and off on iPad.\\n\\n\\nUSE CASES\\n\\n- Simplify your task lists by grouping sub-tasks or related notes under a main task.\\n- Hide long notes or details within project tasks, revealing them only when you need them.\\n- Organize research notes, tracking your progress without clutter.\\n- Hide code blocks by indenting each line in the block, including the triple backticks at the start or end.\\n\\nAny text with indented lines can be folded, whether it’s tasks, sub-tasks, simple notes, or mixed content (can be plain text).\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Improved slow searching when you had attachments like PDFs in the regular folders.\\n- Fixed loading images in PDFs and RTF exports.\\n- Added x-callback-url to install plugin (/installPlugin?pluginID=)\\n- Drawings auto-save now while you work on them.\\n- Added support to copy images from Apple Notes.\\n- Fixed Apple Intelligence keyboard being covered up.\\n- Fixed regular notes not supporting ‘under heading’ in filters.\\n- Fixed syncing issues.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-11-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-11-14T00:15:39Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Fixes v3.14.2:\\n\\n- Fixed timeline button bottom right not appearing\\n- Fixed scrolling the timeline (it stopped when you tried to scroll tapping on an event).\\n- Fixed timeblocks sometimes didn't add the check or didn't update in the calendar\\n- Fixed dragging PDFs from Mail app into NotePlan (including one page PDFs)\\n- Fixed plugin web views sometimes not loading the style sheets. \\n- Retry voice transcription request, if it fails due to a network error for example.\\n- Added 'under heading' option to filters\\n- Added language settings to voice transcriptions, open the command bar and search for \\\"Set Transcription Language\\\".\\n- Images are loaded asynchronously now so that the notes with many images open faster.\\n- Improve iPad portrait mode: the calendar is now displacing the editor instead of overlapping, enabled swiping through days on iPad, and enabled the timeline button at the bottom in split view. \\n\\nFixes v3.14.1:\\n\\n- Fixed crashes when opening daily notes and loading events or references\\n- Fixed image sync deadlocks\\n- Fixed auto-insert templates in German\\n- Fixed creating a synced line by dragging (it added an empty synced line)\\n- Fixed path contains stopped working in filters\\n- Fixed layout of colored backgrounds in filter views \\n\\nFull Release:\\n\\nThis NotePlan update is all about auto templates, making it easier to organize your periodic notes! With auto templates, you can set a standard set of tasks, notes, and checklists for specific note types. Once configured, these templates are automatically loaded when you open the corresponding note—no need for extra clicks or taps!\\n\\nCustomize it further: insert a different task list for weekdays and weekends, for example. Let’s break it down:\\n\\nAUTO TEMPLATES\\n\\nThere are two ways to set up auto templates.\\n\\n1. Open an existing template or create a new one under \\\"Templates\\\" in \\\"Smart Folders.\\\"\\n2. In the template, tap the calendar icon in the top right to set your auto-insert options (note: the icon only turns blue if an active rule is in place).\\n3. You can configure templates to be inserted based on specific frequencies, such as daily, or on certain days of the year—like January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.\\n\\nAlternatively, you can also set up auto templates directly while working in calendar notes.\\n\\n\\nSETUP AUTO TEMPLATES FROM CALENDAR NOTES\\n\\n1. Open an empty calendar note (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).\\n2. Tap “Insert Template”, then tap \\\"Auto-Insert\\\" and choose a template.\\n\\nTo remove the template tap again on it in the menu (it toggles it on/off). Or go into the template and open the recurrence settings by tapping on the calendar button top right.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Paste plain text with Cmd+Shift+V\\n- “Move” renamed to “Schedule”\\n- Fixed repeat crash (minimum now set to 2)\\n- Improved formatting when pasting\\n- New filter option: 'past including today'\\n- Fixed link alias issues\\n- Improved cursor positioning after auto-inserted brackets, you can hit enter to jump behind the closing bracket.\\n- Added shortcuts for opening notes in new window or split view\\n- Fixed link-tapping crash on iPad\\n- Resolved layout issues with empty event titles\\n- Fixed importing of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes from Obsidian\\n- Improved importing of file attachments from Obsidian\\n- Changed 'Preferences' to 'Settings'\\n- Fixed dragged in events created timeblocks and renamed the event in the note\\n- Fixed dragged in tasks with sub-tasks for creating synced lines from the references didn't make the subtasks synced lines\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-10-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-10-18T15:42:09Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Fixes:\\n\\n- Fixed crashes when opening daily notes and loading events or references\\n- Fixed image sync deadlocks\\n- Fixed auto-insert templates in German\\n- Fixed creating a synced line by dragging (it added an empty synced line)\\n- Fixed path contains stopped working in filters\\n- Fixed layout of colored backgrounds in filter views \\n\\nFull Release:\\n\\nThis NotePlan update is all about auto templates, making it easier to organize your periodic notes! With auto templates, you can set a standard set of tasks, notes, and checklists for specific note types. Once configured, these templates are automatically loaded when you open the corresponding note—no need for extra clicks or taps!\\n\\nCustomize it further: insert a different task list for weekdays and weekends, for example. Let’s break it down:\\n\\nAUTO TEMPLATES\\n\\nThere are two ways to set up auto templates.\\n\\n1. Open an existing template or create a new one under \\\"Templates\\\" in \\\"Smart Folders.\\\"\\n2. In the template, tap the calendar icon in the top right to set your auto-insert options (note: the icon only turns blue if an active rule is in place).\\n3. You can configure templates to be inserted based on specific frequencies, such as daily, or on certain days of the year—like January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.\\n\\nAlternatively, you can also set up auto templates directly while working in calendar notes.\\n\\n\\nSETUP AUTO TEMPLATES FROM CALENDAR NOTES\\n\\n1. Open an empty calendar note (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).\\n2. Tap “Insert Template”, then tap \\\"Auto-Insert\\\" and choose a template.\\n\\nTo remove the template tap again on it in the menu (it toggles it on/off). Or go into the template and open the recurrence settings by tapping on the calendar button top right.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Paste plain text with Cmd+Shift+V\\n- “Move” renamed to “Schedule”\\n- Fixed repeat crash (minimum now set to 2)\\n- Improved formatting when pasting\\n- New filter option: 'past including today'\\n- Fixed link alias issues\\n- Improved cursor positioning after auto-inserted brackets, you can hit enter to jump behind the closing bracket.\\n- Added shortcuts for opening notes in new window or split view\\n- Fixed link-tapping crash on iPad\\n- Resolved layout issues with empty event titles\\n- Fixed importing of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes from Obsidian\\n- Improved importing of file attachments from Obsidian\\n- Changed 'Preferences' to 'Settings'\\n- Fixed dragged in events created timeblocks and renamed the event in the note\\n- Fixed dragged in tasks with sub-tasks for creating synced lines from the references didn't make the subtasks synced lines\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-27T16:13:43Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This NotePlan update is all about auto templates, making it easier to organize your periodic notes! With auto templates, you can set a standard set of tasks, notes, and checklists for specific note types. Once configured, these templates are automatically loaded when you open the corresponding note—no need for extra clicks or taps!\\n\\nCustomize it further: insert a different task list for weekdays and weekends, for example. Let’s break it down:\\n\\nAUTO TEMPLATES\\n\\nThere are two ways to set up auto templates.\\n\\n1. Open an existing template or create a new one under \\\"Templates\\\" in \\\"Smart Folders.\\\"\\n2. In the template, tap the calendar icon in the top right to set your auto-insert options (note: the icon only turns blue if an active rule is in place).\\n3. You can configure templates to be inserted based on specific frequencies, such as daily, or on certain days of the year—like January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.\\n\\nAlternatively, you can also set up auto templates directly while working in calendar notes.\\n\\n\\nSETUP AUTO TEMPLATES FROM CALENDAR NOTES\\n\\nFirst, ensure “Show help text (and template button)” is on in Settings → Markdown.\\n\\n1. Open an empty calendar note (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).\\n2. Tap “Insert Template”, then tap \\\"Auto-Insert\\\" and choose a template.\\n\\nTo remove the template tap again on it in the menu (it toggles it on/off). Or go into the template and open the recurrence settings by tapping on the calendar button top right.\\n\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Paste plain text with Cmd+Shift+V\\n- “Move” renamed to “Schedule”\\n- Fixed repeat crash (minimum now set to 2)\\n- Improved formatting when pasting\\n- New filter option: 'past including today'\\n- Fixed link alias issues\\n- Improved cursor positioning after auto-inserted brackets, you can hit enter to jump behind the closing bracket.\\n- Added shortcuts for opening notes in new window or split view\\n- Fixed link-tapping crash on iPad\\n- Resolved layout issues with empty event titles\\n- Fixed importing of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly notes from Obsidian\\n- Improved importing of file attachments from Obsidian\\n- Changed 'Preferences' to 'Settings'\\n- Fixed dragged in events created timeblocks and renamed the event in the note\\n- Fixed dragged in tasks with sub-tasks for creating synced lines from the references didn't make the subtasks synced lines\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-22\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-22T16:28:20Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This is a smaller update with some corrections and improvements.\\n\\nNEW: \\n- Copy and paste text from websites preserving the formatting (like from a blog post)\\n- Web URLs for images are supported now (like the ones copied from websites), which means images don't have to be downloaded locally\\n- Copy tables from Numbers or Excel (or websites) into NotePlan\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS:\\n- Syncing attachments and note overwriting improved\\n- Image scaling on iOS didn't respect the settings\\n- Shortcuts: added 'under heading matching', note title matching is case-insensitive now, fixed opening calendar notes\\n- Fixed an issue where drawings were sometimes not loaded\\n- Fixed printing tables in PDFs\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-02\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-02T15:58:02Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This NotePlan update introduces Shortcuts support to let you add things to your notes super quickly! \\n\\nWith just a tap, you can add text, tasks, checklists, and more to a note of your choice. Even to periodic notes like Today, Tomorrow, Next Month, and more! You can also integrate the action in other Shortcuts to make your own automations, too.\\n\\n\\\"ADD TO NOTE\\\" SHORTCUT\\n\\nNotePlan 3.13 integrates with Apple’s \\\"App Intent\\\" to make working with NotePlan and Apple apps even smoother. From Spotlight integration and Focus mode to Shortcuts: iOS and NotePlan work even more tightly together.\\n\\nAs a result, NotePlan now has an \\\"Add to Note\\\" action in Shortcuts by default. You can use it to create a shortcut that opens up a dialog and lets you add things to a note of your choice. There are even different options to play with:\\n\\n- Choose any note you want, including periodic notes like Today or Tomorrow\\n- Select whether you want to add it to the start or end of your note\\n- You can even put it under a specific Heading\\n- Choose what you want to add: text, a task, a checklist, a bullet point, a heading, or even a quote\\n- And add an optional priority: low, medium, or high (!, !! or !!!)\\n\\nYou can add the shortcut to your home screen and tap it or let Siri do it for you by asking to run the shortcut. On iPhone 15 Pro, you can even assign it to the Action button. Just select the shortcut, hit the Action button on the side of your iPhone, and add your text to NotePlan.\\n\\nOf course, you can use the \\\"Add to Note\\\" shortcut as an action in your own shortcuts for even deeper or more complex integrations. From pasting clipboard text to creating regular checklists, and more.\\n\\nOther Shortcuts:\\n- Open Filter\\n- Open Tag\\n- Open Note\\n- Find Notes\\n- Run Plugin Command\\n- Create Note\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Tasks in templates are now filtered out in the references area.\\n- Better attachment downloads. If an attachment fails to download, NotePlan will retry to reduce sync issues with embedded files and images.\\n- Renaming a hashtag with an emoji no longer causes an issue.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-09T23:01:32Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This NotePlan update introduces Shortcuts support to let you add things to your notes super quickly! \\n\\nWith just a tap, you can add text, tasks, checklists, and more to a note of your choice. Even to periodic notes like Today, Tomorrow, Next Month, and more! You can also integrate the action in other Shortcuts to make your own automations, too.\\n\\n\\\"ADD TO NOTE\\\" SHORTCUT\\n\\nNotePlan 3.13 integrates with Apple’s \\\"App Intent\\\" to make working with NotePlan and Apple apps even smoother. From Spotlight integration and Focus mode to Shortcuts: iOS and NotePlan work even more tightly together.\\n\\nAs a result, NotePlan now has an \\\"Add to Note\\\" action in Shortcuts by default. You can use it to create a shortcut that opens up a dialog and lets you add things to a note of your choice. There are even different options to play with:\\n\\n- Choose any note you want, including periodic notes like Today or Tomorrow\\n- Select whether you want to add it to the start or end of your note\\n- You can even put it under a specific Heading\\n- Choose what you want to add: text, a task, a checklist, a bullet point, a heading, or even a quote\\n- And add an optional priority: low, medium, or high (!, !! or !!!)\\n\\nYou can add the shortcut to your home screen and tap it or let Siri do it for you by asking to run the shortcut. On iPhone 15 Pro, you can even assign it to the Action button. Just select the shortcut, hit the Action button on the side of your iPhone, and add your text to NotePlan.\\n\\nOf course, you can use the \\\"Add to Note\\\" shortcut as an action in your own shortcuts for even deeper or more complex integrations. From pasting clipboard text to creating regular checklists, and more.\\n\\nOther Shortcuts:\\n- Open Filter\\n- Open Tag\\n- Open Note\\n- Find Notes\\n- Run Plugin Command\\n- Create Note\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- Tasks in templates are now filtered out in the references area.\\n- Better attachment downloads. If an attachment fails to download, NotePlan will retry to reduce sync issues with embedded files and images.\\n- Renaming a hashtag with an emoji no longer causes an issue.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-09T19:24:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.12.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"In this release, we are fixing a couple of issues from the last release.\\n\\n- Fixed image transcription in dark mode\\n- Fixed loading of the right AI model\\n- Fixed crash when searching\\n- Disabled auto-pairing for smart quotes (which always caused problems)\\n- Fixed '\u0026' cutting off the text when sending a note as an email with Outlook\\n- Fixed when scheduling tasks sometimes selected only the last task\\n\\nMain Release:\\n\\nYou can now sketch and draw right inside NotePlan! Our latest update adds support for the Apple Pencil (iPadOS) so you can jot down things quickly. On the iPhone, you can simply draw using your finger. But that’s not all! NotePlan can recognize your handwriting (using AI) and turn it into text, too. \\n\\nThis update also adds support for OpenAI's latest model \\\"GPT-4o\\\", which is better, faster, and cheaper.\\n\\nAPPLE PENCIL SUPPORT\\n\\nIn NotePlan 3.12, you can add drawings, sketches, and handwritten text to any note. On iPadOS and iOS, simply tap the command icon (⌘), then tap the freehand drawing icon. Draw whatever you want, tap done, and ta-da! Your drawing is now available inside your note.\\n\\nYou can also transcribe handwritten text in your drawings. Simply long-press your image and choose “Transcribe” from the menu. NotePlan can even recognize tasks (written with circles), bullet points (points or dashes), and checkboxes (square boxes) and add them right inside your notes.\\n\\nThis becomes really handy when you are taking meeting notes. In a meeting, taking notes with your Apple pencil, and having the iPad flat on the table makes you look more attentive (just like taking notes with a real pencil, instead of “hiding” behind the screen and keyboard). With AI transcription you don't have to worry about having to type out your notes later.\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- The OpenAI integration has been updated to the latest version, GPT-4o, for smarter, better, and faster functionality.\\n- Voice transcriptions longer than 25 minutes are now supported.\\n- Added a long-press menu to images to delete or copy the image.\\n- Fixed poor writing performance if typing above or below images.\\n- Hanging and memory issues fixed.\\n- Fixed sync error when moving the note right after creation.\\n- Importing Reminders (through drag and drop from the Reminders filter), will complete the Reminder now (instead of deleting it) and more information is copied over (notes, location, if available).\\n- Fixed notifications didn't show up for Timeblocks if the app was in the foreground.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-05T13:10:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"You can now sketch and draw right inside NotePlan! Our latest update adds support for the Apple Pencil (iPadOS) so you can jot down things quickly. On the iPhone, you can simply draw using your finger. But that’s not all! NotePlan can recognize your handwriting (using AI) and turn it into text, too. \\n\\nThis update also adds support for OpenAI's latest model \\\"GPT-4o\\\", which is better, faster, and cheaper.\\n\\nAPPLE PENCIL SUPPORT\\n\\nIn NotePlan 3.12, you can add drawings, sketches, and handwritten text to any note. On iPadOS and iOS, simply tap the command icon (⌘), then tap the freehand drawing icon. Draw whatever you want, tap done, and ta-da! Your drawing is now available inside your note.\\n\\nYou can also transcribe handwritten text in your drawings. Simply long-press your image and choose “Transcribe” from the menu. NotePlan can even recognize tasks (written with circles), bullet points (points or dashes), and checkboxes (square boxes) and add them right inside your notes.\\n\\nThis becomes really handy when you are taking meeting notes. In a meeting, taking notes with your Apple pencil, and having the iPad flat on the table makes you look more attentive (just like taking notes with a real pencil, instead of “hiding” behind the screen and keyboard). With AI transcription you don't have to worry about having to type out your notes later.\\n\\nOTHER IMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- The OpenAI integration has been updated to the latest version, GPT-4o, for smarter, better, and faster functionality.\\n- Voice transcriptions longer than 25 minutes are now supported.\\n- Added a long-press menu to images to delete or copy the image.\\n- Fixed poor writing performance if typing above or below images.\\n- Hanging and memory issues fixed.\\n- Fixed sync error when moving the note right after creation.\\n- Importing Reminders (through drag and drop from the Reminders filter), will complete the Reminder now (instead of deleting it) and more information is copied over (notes, location, if available).\\n- Fixed notifications didn't show up for Timeblocks if the app was in the foreground.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-27\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-27T13:44:42Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This update enhances the integration of NotePlan with Apple's Reminders, making it even easier to manage the tasks you capture through Reminders.\\n\\nPreviously, NotePlan only displayed Reminders that had specific dates or times assigned. Now, you can view all your Reminders by list, regardless of whether they have a date.\\n\\nHere's how it works:\\n\\nYou can now access un-dated Reminders through a new filter option. When setting up filters, select \\\"Reminders\\\" under the \\\"by origin\\\" option and disable all other options. To view your Reminders, just open any note, tap on the calendar and time button at the bottom right, and select the Reminders filter from the timeline.\\n\\nUsing the Reminders Filter with Siri:\\n\\nYou can use Siri to quickly add Reminders by voice when you're busy, like when driving or cooking. Later, at your desk, open the Reminders Filter to see your tasks. You can either check them off directly from the filter or drag them into a note. Once moved, NotePlan will delete the original Reminder, effectively transferring it into NotePlan.\\n\\nThat's all for now (besides a few bug fixes) in this smaller update.\\n\\nIf you enjoy using the app, consider supporting us by rating it or leaving a review. Thank you for supporting indie developers!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-04\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-04T13:55:57Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We have made a couple of improvements in this release by fixing a list of annoying bugs and crashes, enjoy!\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS\\n\\n- iPad Navigation: Hold CMD and click on folders in the command bar to reveal them in the sidebar.\\n- Weekly References: Quotes will show up now in the weekly references view at the top of calendar notes. Use them to add your thoughts on your goals and weekly tasks.\\n- Date Detection: Typing dates? Our command bar now recognizes ISO formats automatically.\\n\\nFIXES\\n\\n- Synced Lines and folded text: If you maintained synced lines inside the same note and some were folded \\\"away\\\", they stopped syncing. This is fixed now. \\n- System Stability: Fixed various system hangs and crashes.\\n- UI Consistency: \\\"Event List\\\" in the right sidebar will now remember to show up after a restart, and auto-complete forms will close properly when you expect them to (when typing \u003etoday).\\n- Time Accuracy: Improved detection of time blocks (12-1pm for example), fixed timezone mix-ups (when traveling), and more.\\n- Filter Fixes: From synced lines showing up correctly to ensuring events display right even with smaller fonts, as well as switching between views. Also, an empty monthly note showed up when the yearly note was part of the results.\\n- Sync: Fixed creation date was reset after receiving a synced file \\n\\nPlugin API:\\n- Logging: We've cut down on excessive logging from plugins and enhanced logs for HTML views.\\n- CommandBar: Added a third \\\"searchText\\\" parameter to showOptions and showInputs, so you can supply a default value.\\n\\nIf you are happy with the app, please rate it, or even leave a review. This is a great way to support us, indie developers. Thanks a lot!\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-25\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-25T15:35:52Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We’ve got a new update to NotePlan for you today with filter views in the sidebar! You can now switch between your daily timeline and filters in the sidebar, on macOS, iPadOS and iOS.\\n\\nCombined with the new “Rolling 30 Days” timeline option inside filters, your sidebar now has always up-to-date views on yesterday and the next 30 days from today.\\n\\nAdding in filters makes your daily note even more dynamic and productive by showing a custom list of tasks alongside your daily to-do items.\\n\\nPLAN SMARTER AND KEEP YOUR EYE ON WHAT’S NEXT — Filter Views in the Sidebar\\n\\nIn NotePlan 3.11, your daily note sidebar now has a huge upgrade with filter views. You can switch the daily timeline for a filter view of your choice. Just click the dropdown button \\\"Timeline\\\" in the right sidebar above the timeline on macOS and select a specific Filter View (CTRL+4). On iOS and iPadOS, pull up the timeline (blue icon in the bottom-right corner) and also tap on \\\"Timeline\\\" top left of the timeline to select a specific Filter View.\\n\\nFilter views also have a new timeline option that makes the filter view next to your daily note incredibly useful: “Rolling 30 Days”. This timeframe shows you tasks from yesterday and the next 30 days *based on your current day*. Having a filter view with “Rolling 30 Days” helps you stay current: you’re always looking 30 days into the future, from today.\\n\\nOne more thing: all tasks inside the Filter View can be completed and edited, too. You can even add new tasks to the filter right inside the sidebar view! \\n\\nSo how can you use the new integrated filter view to boost your workflow? Here are some ideas:\\n\\n- See upcoming tasks with a tag or mention from a filter. E.g. all tasks from your list “Personal Projects” tagged with #priority1.\\n- See you overdue tasks filter to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.\\n- Create a filter view with an important project and show it in the sidebar to keep the project front and center.\\n- Want a productivity boost? Why not show the filter with all tasks you’ve completed this week?\\n\\nThe new filter view inside the sidebar lets you stay on top of things even better by combining multiple views inside a single window.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Improvements and bug fixes to filters\\n- Performance improvements (potentially fix for freezing and memory issues)\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-09T17:26:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"This is a smaller release to fix a couple of new and old bugs before working on the bigger features.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Improved grouping of calendars in the calendar settings (and fixed a bug when a reminder list and a calendar had the same name).\\n- Improved auto-scrolling when selecting a text range.\\n- Improved indent-by-drag behavior, so it's more accurate.\\n- Removed empty days which are in the past in filters\\n- Improved sorting in the command bar, so that archived notes and folders get de-prioritized over regular notes\\n- Detect frontmatter when dragging a task into a daily note\\n- Create notes while browsing folders in the command bar (type `//` to start browsing through folders).\\n\\nFIXED\\n\\n- Fixed opening plugins from links.\\n- Fixed case insensitive folder search in command bar.\\n- Fixed mention and hashtag search in filters.\\n- Fixed creating meeting notes from the \\\"Link Note\\\" button in the event editor (the note wasn't opened).\\n- Updated internal OpenAI key (the current one got disabled).\\n\\n--- previous major release ---\\n\\nThe latest NotePlan update lets you edit and move tasks in filter and search views directly to plan even better. And with Quick Capture on iOS, you can instantly add a new task to your daily note from the app icon and from the sidebar. Finally, NotePlan 3.10 allows you to resize all images globally.\\n\\nBETTER PLANNING WITH FILTER VIEW EDITING — Edit tasks and move them around in filters\\n\\n- Simply tap on a task inside a filter view to edit it (including formatting and tags/mentions).\\n- Tapping an item in a filter now also shows the entire text and any sub-tasks, comments, or bullets to give you the full context.\\n- You can also add new tasks in any filter views by tapping `+ Add task` at the top of an item.\\n- Empty days are now listed, too, allowing you to easily plan tasks on upcoming days.\\n- Finally, drag \u0026 drop now works across days and notes inside filter views. Simply grab an item and move it around.\\n\\nLIGHTNING-QUICK CAPTURE ON iOS — Add tasks from the app icon or the sidebar\\n\\nNotePlan on iOS now lets you capture tasks super-quickly. Long press the app icon to reveal quick capture. Inside the app, there’s a new blue plus icon in the sidebar to capture tasks even faster. The new task will be added to your daily note.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- You can now resize all images, so they don't take up too much space. Go to Preferences → Editor and look for the setting at the bottom of the list.\\n- Bracket auto-pairing with \\\"type-over\\\" functionality is improved to eliminate accidental double brackets and make it easier to delete.\\n- You can now disable bracket auto-pairing under Preferences → Markdown (final item).\\n- Various bug fixes.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-03-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-03-13T14:46:40Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"The latest NotePlan update lets you edit and move tasks in filter and search views directly to plan even better. And with Quick Capture on iOS, you can instantly add a new task to your daily note from the app icon and from the sidebar. Finally, NotePlan 3.10 allows you to resize all images globally.\\n\\nBETTER PLANNING WITH FILTER VIEW EDITING — Edit tasks and move them around in filters\\n\\n- Simply tap on a task inside a filter view to edit it (including formatting and tags/mentions).\\n- Tapping an item in a filter now also shows the entire text and any sub-tasks, comments, or bullets to give you the full context.\\n- You can also add new tasks in any filter views by tapping `+ Add task` at the top of an item.\\n- Empty days are now listed, too, allowing you to easily plan tasks on upcoming days.\\n- Finally, drag \u0026 drop now works across days and notes inside filter views. Simply grab an item and move it around.\\n\\nLIGHTNING-QUICK CAPTURE ON iOS — Add tasks from the app icon or the sidebar\\n\\nNotePlan on iOS now lets you capture tasks super-quickly. Long press the app icon to reveal quick capture. Inside the app, there’s a new blue plus icon in the sidebar to capture tasks even faster. The new task will be added to your daily note.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- You can now resize all images, so they don't take up too much space. Go to Preferences → Editor and look for the setting at the bottom of the list.\\n- Bracket auto-pairing with \\\"type-over\\\" functionality is improved to eliminate accidental double brackets and make it easier to delete.\\n- You can now disable bracket auto-pairing under Preferences → Markdown (final item).\\n- Various bug fixes.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-15\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-15T15:06:53Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"The latest NotePlan update lets you edit and move tasks in filter and search views directly to plan even better. And with Quick Capture on iOS, you can instantly add a new task to your daily note from the app icon and from the sidebar. Finally, NotePlan 3.10 allows you to resize all images globally.\\n\\nBETTER PLANNING WITH FILTER VIEW EDITING — Edit tasks and move them around in filters\\n\\n- Simply tap on a task inside a filter view to edit it (including formatting and tags/mentions).\\n- Tapping an item in a filter now also shows the entire text and any sub-tasks, comments, or bullets to give you the full context.\\n- You can also add new tasks in any filter views by tapping `+ Add task` at the top of an item.\\n- Empty days are now listed, too, allowing you to easily plan tasks on upcoming days.\\n- Finally, drag \u0026 drop now works across days and notes inside filter views. Simply grab an item and move it around.\\n\\nLIGHTNING-QUICK CAPTURE ON iOS — Add tasks from the app icon or the sidebar\\n\\nNotePlan on iOS now lets you capture tasks super-quickly. Long press the app icon to reveal quick capture. Inside the app, there’s a new blue plus icon in the sidebar to capture tasks even faster. The new task will be added to your daily note.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- You can now resize all images, so they don't take up too much space. Go to Preferences → Editor and look for the setting at the bottom of the list.\\n- Bracket auto-pairing with \\\"type-over\\\" functionality is improved to eliminate accidental double brackets and make it easier to delete.\\n- You can now disable bracket auto-pairing under Preferences → Markdown (final item).\\n- Various bug fixes.\\n\\nIf you like the improvements, please consider supporting us with a rating or review. Your feedback helps us continue to improve and grow.\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-02-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-02-13T15:32:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Bug Fixes:\\n\\n- Markdown links on the same line as wiki-links broke the latter.\\n- Added command bar setting to turn off hidden wiki-link brackets (search for \\\"wiki-link\\\" in the command bar = CMD+J)\\n- Creating / Updating Reminders from other sources than the Reminders app caused \\\"location not supported\\\" errors.\\n- Could not rename filters to names containing points \\\".\\\".\\n\\nFull Release:\\n\\nFor NotePlan’s last release in 2023, we’re bringing you improved Filters! Plus, wiki links now automatically hide the brackets when you’re not editing the link. And as soon as you type opening brackets [[ the closing brackets are added by default. Lastly, we’ve also improved image resizing and tweaked inline code (highlighting and tags).\\n\\n## Better Filters\\n\\nWhen you check off a task in a Filter or Search, the view will update now smoothly in the background while you keep going through the list. Additionally, the display of events and reminders has been improved so they are easier to differentiate visually. The filter logic has been tweaked as well, so that you can limit the results to a project folder and activate \\\"Calendar\\\" to see the scheduled tasks in that folder for example.\\n\\n## User-friendly [[Wiki Links]]\\n\\nLinking between notes in NotePlan using [[wiki links]] is now even easier to work with. NotePlan will automatically add the closing brackets as soon as you type the opening brackets `[[`. The brackets will also be hidden when you’re not editing a link for a cleaner look.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Tags inside `inline code` are now ignored (you may need to update the note once)\\n- Improved code highlighting\\n- Improved image resizing so small images don't scale up\\n\\n FIXED\\n\\n- Fixed .children() function in plugin API not returning valid line indices\\n- Fixed filter issues where to-do items scheduled to monthly or weekly notes didn't show up correctly\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-01-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-01-07T16:17:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"For NotePlan’s last release in 2023, we’re bringing you improved Filters! Plus, wiki links now automatically hide the brackets when you’re not editing the link. And as soon as you type opening brackets [[ the closing brackets are added by default. Lastly, we’ve also improved image resizing and tweaked inline code (highlighting and tags).\\n\\n## Better Filters\\n\\nWhen you check off a task in a Filter or Search, the view will update now smoothly in the background while you keep going through the list. Additionally, the display of events and reminders has been improved so they are easier to differentiate visually. The filter logic has been tweaked as well, so that you can limit the results to a project folder and activate \\\"Calendar\\\" to see the scheduled tasks in that folder for example.\\n\\n## User-friendly [[Wiki Links]]\\n\\nLinking between notes in NotePlan using [[wiki links]] is now even easier to work with. NotePlan will automatically add the closing brackets as soon as you type the opening brackets `[[`. The brackets will also be hidden when you’re not editing a link for a cleaner look.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Tags inside `inline code` are now ignored (you may need to update the note once)\\n- Improved code highlighting\\n- Improved image resizing so small images don't scale up\\n\\n FIXED\\n\\n- Fixed .children() function in plugin API not returning valid line indices\\n- Fixed filter issues where to-do items scheduled to monthly or weekly notes didn't show up correctly\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-29T21:04:30Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Introducing: **time block calendar sync**! You can now sync your NotePlan time blocks to your calendar as events in NotePlan 3.9.10.\\n\\n## Promote Time Blocks to Calendar Events\\n\\nYou can now sync NotePlan time blocks as events to a calendar of your choice. On macOS, click the gear icon in the top-right corner and choose the option at the bottom of the list: \\\"Create Events\\\". This will turn your NotePlan time blocks for the selected day into calendar events. On iOS, open the daily timeline by tapping the calendar icon in the bottom-right corner, tap the gear icon, and select “Create Events”.\\n\\nThis deeper integration with the calendar allows you to “send” your timeline into other calendar and scheduling apps. For example, send your timeblocks to your Google or Outlook calendar to mark yourself as unavailable in these blocks of time. Or simply use it to see your timeblocks appear in your external calendar apps and widgets, so it’s easier to protect your focus time.\\n\\n## Improved\\n\\n- Better copy/paste of tasks. When you paste a task onto an empty task line, only the task contents is pasted and not the task icon markdown(`- []`).\\n- Pasting links in a code block no longer resolves the link to a title.\\n- The weekly references on top of a daily note now only show the top tasks, with collapsible/expandable sub tasks.\\n\\n ## Fixed\\n\\n- Fixed various minor crashes\\n- Dragging a task with sub-tasks not the timeline of a different day assigned the date to the last task in the list.\\n- Titles of links can be edited normally now, before the keyboard shifted to upper scale randomly.\\n- When stopping the transcription, the cursor jumped to a random position.\\n- The Command Bar kept closing during plugin execution.\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-28\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-28T14:57:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"We have made a couple of improvements in this release by fixing a list of annoying bugs and crashes, enjoy!\\n\\nFIXED\\n\\n- Fixed Reminders permission not appearing (and therefore Reminders not appearing).\\n- Fix occasional crash with loading search results.\\n- Fixed crash when closing a note that has embedded events or files.\\n- Fixed accidental task completion by tapping during swipe gestures.\\n- Fixed all-day events not appearing in the timeline on iPad if there isn't a timed event.\\n- Fixed tapping on a search/filter/overdue result didn't scroll and highlight the task in the note.\\n- Fixed permission request was blocking startup of the app.\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Added another alternative icon (see Icons and Themes).\\n\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-11-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-11-05T17:43:10Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Say hello to NotePlan widgets on iOS and macOS Sanoma! You can now see your daily tasks at a glance. This update to NotePlan also comes with brand-new app icon options!\\n\\niOS \u0026 macOS WIDGETS — See your daily tasks on your iPhone home screen and macOS desktop\\n\\nWe’re incredibly happy to introduce a much-requested feature: widgets! You can now see your daily open tasks right on your home screen. Tasks marked as important (`!`, `!!`, `!!!`) will automatically appear at the top. You can choose from 3 widget sizes (small to large) to display as much or as little as you want to. And there’s more! If you’re running macOS Sanoma, you can display your iOS widgets on your macOS desktop, too.\\n\\nPlease note that the widget only updates/syncs each time you open up the app, which is an iOS limitation for every app.\\n\\nSHINY NEW APP ICONS — It’s a calendar! It’s a note-taking app! It’s a task manager!\\n\\nWe love the big bold NotePlan asterisk (that’s the `*`!) but for some users, it may not be obvious what NotePlan does. So we’ve designed a new icon that better reflects the idea of a calendar, notes app, and to-do app in one. There’s even a white and an orange version! Check them out under Preferences → Themes! P.S. The old icons are always available too: the choice is yours!\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Voice transcription now works with the iPhone or iPad screen turned off (and in your pocket if you want so)\\n\\n FIXED\\n\\n- Fixed unresponsiveness when a note contained a lot of events\\n- Fixed crashes on Intel Macs\\n- Fixed adding code blocks with other content below stripped links from their URLs (typing the three backticks will add a full code block now)\\n- Fixed resetting AI requests automatically (they reset when you sent a request after the month changed)\\n- Fixed calendar permissions on macOS Sonoma (permissions are now split between *Write Only* and *Full Access* on Sonoma)\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\\n\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-10-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-10-17T23:03:27Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.9.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"- Fixed: Moving lines with the keyboard shortcut on iPad dislocated the references panel.\\n\\n--- Main Update ---\\n\\nThis update to NotePlan makes working with **indented tasks** much easier! \\n\\nYou can now drag a task underneath another one to indent it. You can also move a task with all tasks underneath as a single group. Inside the editor and to and from references! Speaking of indented tasks: they now all show up in the reference area, too! \\n\\nNotePlan 3.9.6 also brings **OpenAI voice transcription** to macOS! You can dictate anything you want and have it transcribed with ease.\\n\\nFinally, the **Overdue View on iOS** got a makeover! Instead of a badge, there’s a new icon with a dedicated filter view to show you a tidy list of all overdue tasks.\\n\\n\\nINDENT AND MOVE TASKS QUICKLY — Drag tasks to create hierarchies, move groups\\n\\nNotePlan now lets you use drag and drop to put a task underneath another task. Simply drag a task under another and move it slightly to the right to make it an indented one. Moving a task back up is easy, too: drag it to where you want and move it to the left.\\n\\nThis update also makes it easy to move a task with all subtasks in one go: simply drag the top task and everything below it will move around as well. So there’s no need to copy and paste anymore! Dragging and dropping works inside your notes and from the references area, too! So you can drag a list with indented tasks from your weekly note to your daily note just like that.\\n\\nOne more thing: you can now see all indented tasks in your reference area. In previous versions, only the top-level to-do items were available, not the items below.\\n\\n\\nTEXT TO SPEECH ON macOS — Dictate notes on your Mac\\n\\nText transcription was already available on iOS and now it’s here for macOS. Simply open the Command Bar (Cmd+J), select “Transcribe Voice” (or hit Cmd+T) and start talking. Hit stop recording and you can even choose to paste your words as text, a to-do list, summarize it, or even create OKRs!\\n\\n\\nA BETTER OVERDUE VIEW ON IOS — Get a clearer view of open tasks\\n\\nThe overdue badge on iOS has a new look: the number is gone and a new icon shows you a nice overview of all overdue tasks on all days. So there’s no more anxiety when you see the number of incomplete tasks! And you get a better sense of what needs to be done in the new filter view.\\n\\n\\nIMPROVED\\n\\n- Indent plain text. You can now indent plain text blocks, too. Just like tasks and bullets.\\n- Theme styles inheritance. Custom themes now inherit theme styles.\\n- Haptic feedback on iOS. Dragging tasks gives you haptic feedback on your iPhone.\\n- Split views are sized equally now on Mac.\\n\\n\\n FIXED\\n\\n- Icon alignment in the search fields\\n- Icon alignment for tasks/checklists/bullets, especially in combination with flagged backgrounds\\n- An issue with opening and scrolling through some notes\\n- Better detection of emoji at the end of tags\\n- An issue with background position (e.g. in highlighted words) in search results\\n- An issue where dragging a synced line from the bottom duplicated it\\n- If you had a lot of references and typed something, the editor jumped up and down sometimes.\\n- Crashes when you have used some special characters.\\n\\nIf you like this update, you can support us independent developers by leaving a rating or even a review. Thanks!\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-09-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-09-18T11:07:26Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":true,\"minimumXROSVersion\":\"1.0\",\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"Your day in one 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Cancellation of the current active subscription period is not allowed. \\n\\nTerms of Use:\\n\\nPrivacy Policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Adding to Logbook from Smart list wasn't properly removing the item from the parent list\\n• FIXED: Issues adding items with Multi-Add during search\\n• FIXED: Issue where manual backups couldn’t be made if you had iCloud syncing turned off\\n• FIXED: Success toast message was showing incorrectly when dismissing the search screen\\n• FIXED: Crash when adding things to The Pile\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening a deep link for The Shelf\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. 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I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-03T19:56:17Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang,a have a few small bug fixes for you this time.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\n• Added ability to choose photo from file system for custom images\\n\\n============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Sticky notes weren't opening on the Mac\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening an item from Pinned Items widget\\n• FIXED: Keyboard shortcuts conflicting with text fields\\n• FIXED: Window positions and sizes weren't being saved when closing the Mac app\\n• FIXED: Ingredient buttons on details views needed to be tweaked for visionOS\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. 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\\\"The Pile\\\" has got you covered.\\n• Never forget with sticky notes for every list item.\\n• Track your activity history with insights and stats.\\n• Prioritize like a pro with \\\"Pinned Items\\\".\\n• Just the right amount of info.\\n• Embrace your inner nerd with Shortcuts.\\n• Your data is always secure and private.\\n• Leave anytime and take your data with you.\\n\\n---\\n\\nTAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL WITH SUPER SOFA\\nSuper Sofa is an optional subscription for a “pro” version of Sofa. The core experience will remain completely free.\\n\\nLIST CUSTOMIZATION\\nAdd a cover image, large title and description, along with more layout options.\\n\\nSTICKY NOTES\\nSimple notes for items in your lists.\\n\\nLOGBOOK STATS \u0026 FILTERS\\nMore refined controls for filtering and understanding the things you’ve logged to Activity.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED ITEMS\\nPrioritize items in your lists and see them aggregated together.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nENHANCED DETAILS\\nLinks to streaming services, music services, podcast players, and more.\\n\\nALL THEMES\\nAccess to all current (100+) and future themes.\\n\\n---\\n\\nPayment will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase. The subscription automatically renews unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period. You can manage and cancel your subscriptions by going to your App Store account settings after purchase. Cancellation of the current active subscription period is not allowed. \\n\\nTerms of Use:\\n\\nPrivacy Policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Adding to Logbook from Smart list wasn't properly removing the item from the parent list\\n• FIXED: Issues adding items with Multi-Add during search\\n• FIXED: Issue where manual backups couldn’t be made if you had iCloud syncing turned off\\n• FIXED: Success toast message was showing incorrectly when dismissing the search screen\\n• FIXED: Crash when adding things to The Pile\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening a deep link for The Shelf\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. 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\\\"The Pile\\\" has got you covered.\\n• Never forget with sticky notes for every list item.\\n• Track your activity history with insights and stats.\\n• Prioritize like a pro with \\\"Pinned Items\\\".\\n• Just the right amount of info.\\n• Embrace your inner nerd with Shortcuts.\\n• Your data is always secure and private.\\n• Leave anytime and take your data with you.\\n\\n---\\n\\nTAKE THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL WITH SUPER SOFA\\nSuper Sofa is an optional subscription for a “pro” version of Sofa. The core experience will remain completely free.\\n\\nLIST CUSTOMIZATION\\nAdd a cover image, large title and description, along with more layout options.\\n\\nSTICKY NOTES\\nSimple notes for items in your lists.\\n\\nLOGBOOK STATS \u0026 FILTERS\\nMore refined controls for filtering and understanding the things you’ve logged to Activity.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED ITEMS\\nPrioritize items in your lists and see them aggregated together.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nENHANCED DETAILS\\nLinks to streaming services, music services, podcast players, and more.\\n\\nALL THEMES\\nAccess to all current (100+) and future themes.\\n\\n---\\n\\nPayment will be charged to your Apple ID account at the confirmation of purchase. The subscription automatically renews unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours before the end of the current period. You can manage and cancel your subscriptions by going to your App Store account settings after purchase. Cancellation of the current active subscription period is not allowed. \\n\\nTerms of Use:\\n\\nPrivacy Policy:\"},\"isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS\":false,\"isAppleWatchSupported\":false,\"versionHistory\":[{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I've got a bunch of fun updates for the new version of iOS.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\n• App icon adjusts to light, dark, and tint modes on the home screen\\n• Widgets adjust to light, dark, and tint modes on the home screen\\n• Control Center widgets\\n\\n============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Adding to Logbook from Smart list wasn't properly removing the item from the parent list\\n• FIXED: Issues adding items with Multi-Add during search\\n• FIXED: Issue where manual backups couldn’t be made if you had iCloud syncing turned off\\n• FIXED: Success toast message was showing incorrectly when dismissing the search screen\\n• FIXED: Crash when adding things to The Pile\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening a deep link for The Shelf\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-09-16T00:19:43Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I have a few small bug fixes for you this time.\\n\\n============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening a Smart List\\n• FIXED: Classic Black theme wasn't being applied for Super Sofa customers\\n• FIXED: Date Ingredient was setting a default value when adding via the Share Sheet\\n• FIXED: Ingredient values would get reset when changing the Category when adding via the Share Sheet\\n• FIXED: Keyboard navigation when editing text inputs\\n• FIXED: Crash when showing and hiding the keyboard\\n• FIXED: Crash when viewing the details of an item\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-08-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-08-03T19:55:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang,a have a few small bug fixes for you this time.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\n• Added ability to choose photo from file system for custom images\\n\\n============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Sticky notes weren't opening on the Mac\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening an item from Pinned Items widget\\n• FIXED: Keyboard shortcuts conflicting with text fields\\n• FIXED: Window positions and sizes weren't being saved when closing the Mac app\\n• FIXED: Ingredient buttons on details views needed to be tweaked for visionOS\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-20\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-20T00:20:41Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang,a have a few small bug fixes for you this time.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\n• Added ability to choose photo from file system for custom images\\n\\n============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening an item from Pinned Items widget\\n• FIXED: Keyboard shortcuts conflicting with text fields\\n• FIXED: Window positions and sizes weren't being saved when closing the Mac app\\n• FIXED: Ingredient buttons on details views needed to be tweaked for visionOS\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-18\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-18T03:28:02Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I'm excited to bring Sofa to visionOS and macOS!\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\n• Sofa on visionOS\\n• Sofa on macOS\\n\\n============================\\nIMPROVEMENTS\\n============================\\n• You can now search for items you've added to Sofa by their metadata or Ingredient values\\n• Improved keyboard shortcuts for Mac, Vision Pro, and iPad\\n• Text Ingredients now adapt to longer, multi-line text\\n• Redesigned how you change the search category and search mode to work better across all platforms and devices\\n\\n============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n============================\\n• FIXED: Pinned Items navigation wasn't working when using the non-quirky design for the home screen\\n• FIXED: \\\"Add to List\\\" Shortcuts actions weren't pulling in List data correctly\\n• FIXED: Issue where importing a Sofa backup file would remove duplicate items from Logbook\\n• FIXED: Crash when adding websites to Sofa via a Shortcut\\n• FIXED: Issue where you couldn't use the \\\"Board Game\\\" Category when adding custom items\\n• FIXED: Crash when displaying the keyboard on the home screen\\n• FIXED: Crash when viewing Pinned Items\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-07-09\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-07-09T02:57:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I’ve got a small update with a few bug fixes.\\n\\nIMPROVEMENTS\\n• Accessibility and Voice Over improvements\\n\\nBUG FIXES\\n• FIXED: Issue where Audiobooks weren't returning a title\\n• FIXED: Price calculation issue on Super Sofa upgrade screen\\n\\n============================\\nSOFA 4.0\\n============================\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\nBACKUP FILE CHANGES\\n============================\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 3.5.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\nSHARED LISTS ARE ENDING\\n============================\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-14\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-14T01:24:04Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I've got a tiny bug fix for you.\\n\\n• FIXED: Issue where Audiobook search results wouldn’t load\\n\\n============================\\nSOFA 4.0\\n============================\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\nBACKUP FILE CHANGES\\n============================\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 3.5.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\nSHARED LISTS ARE ENDING\\n============================\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-08T14:14:35Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.5\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I’ve got a few small improvements and bug fixes in this release.\\n\\n==============================\\nIMPROVEMENTS\\n==============================\\n• Refined the design of the Logbook and Pinned Items cards on the home screen.\\n• Added a time field when changing the date of items in the Logbook. This will give more control over the order of items logged.\\n\\n==============================\\nBUG FIXES\\n==============================\\n• FIXED: Logbook layout issue on iPad\\n• FIXED: Issues where Shortcuts weren't finding and opening list items correctly\\n\\n============================\\nSOFA 4.0\\n============================\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\nWHAT'S NEW\\n============================\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\nBACKUP FILE CHANGES\\n============================\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 3.5.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\nSHARED LISTS ARE ENDING\\n============================\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-06-01\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-06-01T09:23:36Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.4\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I’ve got a small update with a quick fix for iPad.\\n\\n• FIXED: Crash on iPad caused by changing themes\\n\\n============================\\n\\nSOFA 4.0\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**BACKUP FILE CHANGES**\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 3.5.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**SHARED LISTS ARE ENDING**\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-29\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-29T19:03:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.3\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I’ve got a small update with some handy bug fixes for you today.\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Layout issues for The Pile on iPad\\n• FIXED: Layout issues for Pinned Items on iPad\\n• FIXED: The Pile items weren't being removed from The Pile after adding to Logbook\\n• FIXED: Duplicate filters showing when creating a Smart List\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening an item from Pinned Items widget\\n• FIXED: \\\"Navigation\\\" shortcut actions weren't working correctly\\n\\n============================\\n\\nSOFA 4.0\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**BACKUP FILE CHANGES**\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 3.5.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**SHARED LISTS ARE ENDING**\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-28\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-28T19:14:22Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.2\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, thank you so much for the incredible response to Sofa 4.0! I have a few updates and bug fixes in this release.\\n\\n**IMPROVEMENTS**\\n• Improved keyboard shortcuts for adding new items\\n• Added release year for movie and tv show search results\\n• Added additional “Is Empty” and \\\"Is Not Empty\\\" menu options for single and multi-select filters for Smart Lists.\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Description text wasn't editable for non-Super Sofa users when creating custom items\\n• FIXED: Logbook layout issue on iPad\\n• FIXED: Pinned Items on the home screen was showing items that were no longer pinned\\n• FIXED: Crash when opening from widgets\\n• FIXED: Crash caused by bad image urls\\n• FIXED: Categories weren't filtering correctly for Smart Lists\\n• FIXED: Duplicate Easy Categories displaying for Smart List filters and shortcuts\\n• FIXED: Crash when pinning and unpinning items in a Smart List\\n• FIXED: Crash when deleting an Ingredient\\n\\n============================\\n\\nSOFA 4.0 UPDATES\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**BACKUP FILE CHANGES**\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 4.0.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**SHARED LISTS ARE ENDING**\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-17\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-17T02:03:38Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0.1\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, thank you so much for the incredible response to Sofa 4.0! I have a few updates and bug fixes in this release.\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\n• Ingredients support for adding new items into Sofa via Shortcuts\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: iCloud syncing issues\\n• FIXED: Some small typos\\n• FIXED: Error message when no search results for international users\\n• FIXED: UI issues for Logbook when using smaller font sizes\\n• FIXED: Crash when creating new Ingredients\\n• FIXED: UI issues with Pinned Items widgets\\n• FIXED: Pinned Items were showing items that were no longer pinned.\\n\\n============================\\n\\nSOFA 4.0 UPDATES\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**BACKUP FILE CHANGES**\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 4.0.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**SHARED LISTS ARE ENDING**\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-05-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-05-06T23:11:12Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"4.0\",\"releaseNotes\":\"SOFA 4.0 IS HERE!\\nSofa helps you be more intentional with your downtime by creating lists of things to watch, read, play, and more.\\n\\nWith 4.0, you can add basically anything, and expand Sofa to fit your exact needs with Custom Categories, Ingredients, Smart Lists, and more.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\nALL NEW HOME SCREEN DESIGN\\n• New design for The Pile\\n• New design, and name, for Logbook (formerly Activity)\\n• New design, and name, for Pinned Items (formerly The Shelf)\\n• Customize what is shown on the home screen and how \\\"quirky\\\" it is. Go to Settings → Fiddly Things\\n\\nCUSTOM CATEGORIES\\nCreate categories for anything: articles, events, places to eat, and more.\\n\\nADD YOUR OWN INGREDIENTS\\nCreate your own rating system, plan dates for future downtime activities, add robust tagging, and more.\\n\\nPINNED LISTS\\nAlways have certain lists within thumbs-reach.\\n\\nSMART LISTS\\nCreate lists that automatically populate based on a collection of filters.\\n\\nADD MANUAL ITEMS\\nYou can now add items manually into Sofa with full editing capabilities. That means you can edit the title, description, image, and add your own Ingredients.\\n\\nADD LINKS\\nPaste links into Sofa and automatically get a nice preview along with pre-filled information.\\n\\nADD VIA SHARE SHEET\\nAdd websites, videos, articles, and more into Sofa via the Share Sheet.\\n\\nUSE IMAGES FROM CAMERA ROLL\\nUse images from your camera roll or take a photo to use for cover images.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**BACKUP FILE CHANGES**\\nThere is a new file format for Sofa backup files to work better with saving images and the new Ingredients feature. The new extension is .sofa3bk and will be automatically created starting from version 3.5.\\n\\nThese new backup files will be a bit larger to account for the additional data that is now being saved.\\n\\nI've also added a setting for choosing the frequency of automatic backups: daily (default), weekly, every 2 weeks, and monthly.\\n\\n============================\\n\\n**SHARED LISTS ARE ENDING**\\nI’m going to be ending the beta and removing the ability to create new shared lists.\\n\\nShared Lists was launched as a beta feature in December of 2022. If you're not sure what \\\"beta\\\" means, it basically means that something is in an unproven or experimental state.\\n\\nDuring this time, I've learned a lot about what sharing looks like in Sofa, and what it doesn't. Basically, I need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how sharing will work in Sofa long-term.\\n\\nI have a lot of new things coming to Sofa that the current implementation of Shared Lists just doesn’t work with. Things like Custom Categories, Ingredients, and more in the pipeline (i.e. Tracking Progress).\\n\\nPlease know, I made this decision with care, and I'm genuinely sad that it’s going away. That being said, it’s something I want to bring back in the future. \\n\\nGo to for more info\\n\\n============================\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2024-04-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2024-04-30T03:49:37Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.17\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, just a small bug fix today. I'm working on a lot of new things. Stay tuned!\\n\\n**BUG FIX**\\n• FIXED: Issues displaying prices for some countries\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-06T01:03:23Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.16\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, just a small bug fix today. I'm working on a lot of new things. Stay tuned!\\n\\n**BUG FIX**\\n• FIXED: Issues displaying prices for some countries\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-12-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-12-05T07:39:00Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.15\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, just a few bug fixes. More stuff coming soon!\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Issue displaying prices for some countries\\n• FIXED: Theme wasn't changing correctly from light to dark mode\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-10-06\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-10-06T20:17:13Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.14\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I've got a few handy improvements and bug fixes for you this time. I'm working on some bigger features so stay tuned!\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\n• New pricing page design for Super Sofa\\n• Implemented a way to send remote announcements to people in the app. This will only be used for rare occasions.\\n• Added a url scheme for performing searches. \\n• Added setting for choosing which side of the screen you want the big \\\"+\\\" button. Head to Fiddly Settings to play with this.\\n\\n******\\n\\n**IMPROVEMENTS**\\n• Improved iPad cursor support throughout the app\\n• Improved book search results\\n• Improved search results when searching with \\\"and\\\" or \\\"\u0026\\\"\\n\\n******\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Widget layout issues for iOS 17 users\\n• FIXED: Support links in Settings page\\n• FIXED: Category filter in Activity wasn't updating properly\\n• FIXED: Cover images not updating for lists\\n• FIXED: Haptic feedback when tapping buttons in detail views\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-10-03\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-10-03T01:06:25Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.13\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, as of Oct 1, 2023, the provider Sofa uses for board game data will be shutting down. This release will migrate all of your board game data and save it locally to your device. This is to ensure you have access to all board game information after Oct 1, 2023.\\n\\nGoing forward, Sofa will now save all item meta data locally to your device. This will improve the speed of the app, make your data more resilient, and save on your data usage.\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\n• Migration of board game data\\n• When adding new items or when viewing item details, Sofa will save all meta data locally to your device\\n\\n******\\n\\n**IMPROVEMENTS**\\n• Improvements to the Sofa backup files and importing of those files\\n\\n******\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: macOS support\\n• FIXED: Crash when adding a custom board game\\n• FIXED: Support links in data management screen were incorrect\\n• FIXED: Searching all your stuff wasn't displaying the correct group title\\n• FIXED: Crash when tapping on Activity after changing the default year filter\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-09-16\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-09-16T18:56:11Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.12\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, as of Oct 1, 2023, the provider Sofa uses for board game data will be shutting down. This release will migrate all of your board game data and save it locally to your device. This is to ensure you have access to all board game information after Oct 1, 2023.\\n\\nGoing forward, Sofa will now save all item meta data locally to your device. This will improve the speed of the app, make your data more resilient, and save on your data usage.\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\n• Migration of board game data\\n• When adding new items or when viewing item details, Sofa will save all meta data locally to your device\\n\\n******\\n\\n**IMPROVEMENTS**\\n• Improvements to the Sofa backup files and importing of those files\\n\\n******\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Crash when adding a custom board game\\n• FIXED: Support links in data management screen were incorrect\\n• FIXED: Searching all your stuff wasn't displaying the correct group title\\n• FIXED: Crash when tapping on Activity after changing the default year filter\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-09-13\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-09-13T23:57:59Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.11\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I have an important announcement about board game data in Sofa.\\n\\nBoard games have unfortunately been removed from Sofa. The provider I was using (Board Game Atlas) for board game information has sadly gone out of business.\\n\\nThis update fixes the issue of board game details not loading. This is a temporary fix and I'll be releasing another update very soon to do a proper migration.\\n\\nPlease know, I’m extremely sorry and upset that this has happened, and that it happened so abruptly. I’m working on a few features that will mitigate this problem in the future.\\n\\nIf you have any questions, feedback, or issues, don't hesitate to reach out.\\n\\\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-08-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-08-30T17:15:48Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.10\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, this is little update to fix a bug that was causing issues for Super Sofa customers.\\n\\n• FIXED: Issue where cover images and list titles weren't display properly\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-06-08\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-06-08T17:59:56Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.9\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I'm back with a small update to fix a little bug that snuck through.\\n\\n• FIXED: Crash when viewing themes\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-06-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-06-07T22:26:15Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.8\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, I'm back with a small update to fix a little bug that snuck through.\\n\\n• FIXED: Crash when viewing themes\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-06-07\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-06-07T17:30:28Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.7\",\"releaseNotes\":\"Hey gang, this is a simple update that brings a few new things and some bug fixes.\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\n• Creating new groups is now much simpler\\n• You can now add Pile items to The Shelf\\n\\n******\\n\\n**IMPROVEMENTS**\\n• A bunch of under-the-hood stuff to prepare for future features\\n\\n******\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Crash when logging Shelf items to Activity\\n• FIXED: Crash when searching all your data from the home screen\\n• FIXED: Searching movie \u0026 tv cover images wasn't working properly\\n• FIXED: Issue with lower resolution video game cover images\\n• FIXED: Large Shelf widget was not loading correctly. I had to remove the decor element, but the benefit is that you now get a third row of items for the large widget!\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-06-05\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-06-05T02:23:19Z\"},{\"versionDisplay\":\"3.4.6\",\"releaseNotes\":\"• FIXED: Alternate app icons weren't functioning properly for Super Sofa customers\\n\\n******\\n\\nOTHER RECENT UPDATES\\n\\n**WHAT'S NEW**\\n• New group picker when moving lists to a new group\\n• Search results are now tailored to your country, making it even easier to find what you're looking for!\\n• For people outside of the US, there is a new fiddly setting to control where your data comes from when searching. This should hopefully improve search results.\\n\\n**PRICING UPDATES**\\nI've simplified Sofa's plans, making it easier for you to enjoy all the features you love, and share them with your family. Personal Plan users can now access Apple Family Sharing at no extra cost, while Family Plan users get a price reduction!\\n\\nHead over to for the full details.\\n\\n******\\n\\n**IMPROVEMENTS**\\n• Sorting items now ignores common words like \\\"a\\\", \\\"an\\\", and \\\"the\\\". This applies to lists, The Pile, The Shelf, and Activity.\\n• You can now search books by title and author\\n• Sorting items in lists now applies to items on The Shelf too\\n\\n******\\n\\n**BUG FIXES**\\n• FIXED: Links in sticky notes and descriptions weren't tappable. You can now tap on links again!\\n• FIXED: List descriptions and title wouldn't update in the List view after saving\\n• FIXED: Global search wasn't properly updating when a search returned no results.\\n• FIXED: You were unable to add Activity items to a list via the list picker while performing a global search\\n• FIXED: Fixed issue where movies showed the wrong release date\\n• FIXED: Wrong theme color being used in search bars\\n• FIXED: List cover images wouldn't update correctly after choosing a new image\\n• FIXED: Weird resizing issue when opening the search screen\\n• FIXED: Wrong tint color being used for non-quirky sticky notes when displayed in a list view\\n• FIXED: Incorrect group titles when viewing item on The Shelf\\n• FIXED: Incorrect group title when viewing a list from a detail view\\n• FIXED: Logging to activity from a detail view didn't respect a list's \\\"Log to Activity\\\" setting\\n\\n******\\n\\nThe privacy policy has also been updated. You can review the changes at\\n\\n******\\n\\nAs always, don't hesitate to reach out with feedback, issues, and suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you:\\n\\n– Shawn\",\"releaseDate\":\"2023-03-30\",\"releaseTimestamp\":\"2023-03-30T15:41:04Z\"}],\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"isXROSCompatible\":false,\"hasSafariExtension\":false,\"editorialNotes\":{\"tagline\":\"Catalog your content\",\"standard\":\"Give your brain a break from remembering—or, in our case, forgetting—what you’re going to try next with Sofa. With support for books, movies, podcasts, videogames, music albums, and TV shows (phew!), the app leverages public metadata to help you create information-rich lists and track your progress. You can even save apps that catch your eye, a very convenient inclusion for certain app-focused 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2.1562-1.8926 1.248 0 2.1562.7969 2.1562 1.9043 0 .8672-.5215 1.5-1.8281 2.1855l2.1152 2.2734c.2637-.5273.3984-1.2188.3984-2.2734v-.1465h.9844v.1523c0 1.3125-.2344 2.2676-.6973 2.9824l1.4708 1.5764h-1.3242zm-4.541-1.4824c0 .9492.7676 1.5938 1.8984 1.5938.7676 0 1.5586-.3047 2.0215-.791l-2.3906-2.6133c-.0645.0234-.2168.0996-.2988.1406-.8145.4219-1.2305 1.0078-1.2305 1.6699zm3.2109-4.3886c0-.6562-.4746-1.1016-1.1602-1.1016-.6738 0-1.1543.457-1.1543 1.1133 0 .4688.2402.8789.9082 1.541 1.0313-.5274 1.4063-.9492 1.4063-1.5527zm13.5176 6.7148v-3.8496h-4.6406v3.8496h-1.0547v-8.4551h1.0547v3.6562h4.6406v-3.6562h1.0547v8.4551zm2.6455-3.1582c0-2.0332 1.1133-3.2695 2.9121-3.2695s2.9121 1.2363 2.9121 3.2695c0 2.0273-1.1133 3.2695-2.9121 3.2695s-2.9121-1.2422-2.9121-3.2695zm4.7812 0c0-1.5-.6738-2.3613-1.8691-2.3613s-1.8691.8613-1.8691 2.3613c0 1.4941.6738 2.3613 1.8691 2.3613s1.8691-.8672 1.8691-2.3613zm2.5054-3.1582h.9609v.9961h.0938c.2871-.7031.9199-1.1074 1.7637-1.1074.8555 0 1.4531.4512 1.7461 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0h1.0195v.9609h.0938c.2812-.6797.8789-1.0723 1.7051-1.0723.8555 0 1.4531.4512 1.7461 1.1074h.0938c.3398-.668 1.0605-1.1074 1.9336-1.1074 1.2891 0 2.0098.7383 2.0098 2.0625v4.3652h-1.0195v-4.1309c0-.9316-.4277-1.3945-1.3184-1.3945-.8789 0-1.459.6621-1.459 1.4648v4.0605h-1.0195v-4.2891c0-.75-.5156-1.2363-1.3125-1.2363-.8262 0-1.4531.7207-1.4531 1.6113v3.9141h-1.0195v-6.3162zm10.0049 3.1816v-.0059c0-1.9512 1.1133-3.2871 2.8301-3.2871s2.7598 1.2773 2.7598 3.1641v.3984h-4.5469c.0293 1.3066.75 2.0684 1.875 2.0684.8555 0 1.3828-.4043 1.5527-.7852l.0234-.0527h1.0195l-.0116.0469c-.2168.8555-1.1191 1.6992-2.6074 1.6992-1.8047 0-2.8946-1.2656-2.8946-3.2461zm1.0606-.5449h3.4922c-.1055-1.248-.7969-1.8398-1.7285-1.8398-.9376 0-1.6524.6386-1.7637 1.8398zm5.9912-2.6367h1.0195v.9492h.0938c.3164-.668.9082-1.0605 1.8398-1.0605 1.418 0 2.209.8379 2.209 2.3379v4.0898h-1.0195v-3.8438c0-1.1367-.4688-1.6816-1.4766-1.6816s-1.6465.6797-1.6465 1.7871v3.7383h-1.0195zm7.2802 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