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The Access Charge includes the Regional Access Charge and the Local Access Charge. The Access Charge will recover the Participating TO's Transmission Revenue Requirement in accordance with Appendix F, Schedule 3.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Access Identity Management","acronym":"AIM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Accounts Payable","acronym":"AP","description":"Money the CAISO owes to a Business Associate.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Accounts Receivable","acronym":"AR","description":"Money a Business Associate owes to the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Acquired Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A resource providing Resource Adequacy Capacity under a resource-specific power supply contract that was exempt from the provisions of the standard capacity product at the time RAAIM became effective","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Actual Settlement Quality Meter Data","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Settlement Quality Meter Data gathered, edited, validated, and submitted by the Scheduling Coordinators on behalf of Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Additional Achievable Energy Efficiency","acronym":"AAEE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Adjusted Load Metric","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Load Serving Entity's Load Metric minus the megawatts of Load served using Existing Transmission Contracts, Converted Rights, and Transmission Ownership Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Adjusted RMR Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly invoice issued by the RMR Owner to the CAISO for adjustments made to the Revised Estimated RMR Invoice pursuant to the RMR Contract reflecting actual data for the billing month.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Adjusted Verified CRR Source Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The MW amount eligible for nomination by an LSE or Qualified OBAALSE in a verified tier of the CRR Allocation process, determined by reducing a Verified CRR Source Quantity to account for circumstances 25 California Independent System Operator Corporation Fifth Replacement Electronic Tariff March 16, 2018 Appendix A where the ownership or contract right to a generating resource is effective only for a portion of a particular season or month for which CRRs are being nominated.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Administrative Price","acronym":null,"description":"The market results determined according to Section 7.7.9.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Adverse System Impact","acronym":null,"description":"The negative effects due to technical or operational limits on conductors or equipment being exceeded that may compromise the safety and reliability of the electric system.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Affected System","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An electric system other than the CAISO Controlled Grid that may be affected by the proposed interconnection, including the Participating TOs' electric systems that are not part of the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Affected System Operator","acronym":null,"description":"The entity that operates an Affected System","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Affiliate","acronym":null,"description":"<p>With respect to a corporation, partnership or other entity, each such other corporation, partnership or other entity that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such corporation, partnership or other entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Aggregate Capability Constraint","acronym":"ACC","description":"<p>A constraint that reflects the combined maximum and the combined minimum capability of Generating Units that comprise a single Generating Facility so that the capability does not exceed the Generating Facility's Interconnection Service Capacity or charging capacity specified in its Generator Interconnection Agreement. In the case of EIM Participating Resources, a constraint that reflects the combined maximum and the combined minimum capability of individual EIM Participating Resources or non-participating resources that comprise a single resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Aggregate Credit Limit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The sum of a Market Participant's or CRR Holder's Unsecured Credit Limit and its Financial Security Amount, as provided for in Section 12.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Aggregate Distribution Factor","acronym":"ADF","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Aggregated Participating Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An aggregation at one or more Participating Load Locations, created by the CAISO in consultation with the relevant Participating Load, for the purposes of enabling participation of the Participating Load in the CAISO Markets like Generation by submitting Supply Bids when offering Curtailable Demand and as non-Participating Load by submitting Demand Bids to consume in the Day-Ahead Market only.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Aggregated Pricing Location","acronym":"APL","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Aggregated Pricing Node (Aggregated Pnode)","acronym":"APNode/APN","description":"<p>A Load Aggregation Point, Trading Hub or any group of Pricing Nodes as defined by the CAISO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Aggregated Unit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A group of two or more Generating Units, each individually capable of producing Energy and operating in parallel with the electric grid in the ISO Balancing Authority Area, which are aggregated for scheduling and Settlement purposes and operated as if they were a single Generating Unit. An Aggregated Unit must first be approved by the ISO and may represent a Physical Scheduling Plant or collection of other Generating Units, which need to be combined for operational purposes due to common metering, electrical connection arrangement, interrelated operating characteristics, or other physical factors or constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Aggregate Generating Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Physical Scheduling Plant or System Unit.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"All Constraints Run","acronym":"ACR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Allocation Eligible Entities","acronym":"AAE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Alternating Current","acronym":"AC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Alternative Dispute Resolution","acronym":"ADR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Amended QF Contract","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Legacy PPA, as defined in the settlement approved by the CPUC in Decision D. 10-12-035 (December 16, 2010), as modified in Decision D.11-07-010 (July 15, 2011), that became effective on or prior to December 20, 1995 or, in the case of a Participating Generator employing landfill gas technology, on or prior to December 31, 1996, that has been amended to include terms that conform with a Legacy PPA Amendment or a Legacy PPA C1 Amendment, as defined by said settlement, but also in a manner that (a) requires compliance with the CAISO Tariff; (b) does not extend the term of the agreement or provide for an increase in the generating capacity of the resource; and (c) does not change the electrical characteristics of the resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Award","acronym":"AS Award","description":"The notification by the CAISO indicating that a Bid to supply an Ancillary Service has been selected to provide such service in the DAM or RTM.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Bid","acronym":"AS Bid","description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates the quantity in MW and a price in dollars per MW for a specific Ancillary Service, including Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve, that a Scheduling Coordinator is offering to supply in a CAISO Market from a Generating Unit or System Resource, and only for Non-Spinning Reserve from the Load of a Participating Load or Proxy Demand Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Bid Cost","acronym":"AS Bid Cost","description":"<p>An amount equal to the product of the AS Award from each accepted AS Bid, reduced by any applicable No Pay capacity, and the relevant AS Bid price.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Marginal Price","acronym":"ASMP","description":"The marginal cost of providing an Ancillary Service as further provided in Section 27.1.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Obligation","acronym":"AS Obligation","description":"<p>A Scheduling Coordinator's hourly obligation for Regulation Down, Regulation Up, Spinning Reserves, and Non-Spinning Reserves calculated pursuant to Section,,, and, respectively.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Provider","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating Generator, System Resource operator, Participating Load, or Proxy Demand Resource that is certified to provide an Ancillary Service.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Region","acronym":"AS Regiona","description":"<p>The System Region, the Expanded System Region, or any Sub-Region identified by the CAISO for procurement of Ancillary Services.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Regional Limit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A maximum or a minimum, or both a maximum and a minimum, amount of (or boundary of) Ancillary Services to be obtained within an AS Region. Limits can be expressed as either megawatt amounts or percentages.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Services","acronym":"AS or A/S","description":"<p>Regulation, Spinning Reserve, Non-Spinning Reserve, and Voltage Support with such other interconnected operation services as the CAISO may develop in cooperation with Market Participants to support the transmission of Energy from Generation resources to Loads while maintaining reliable operation of the CAISO Controlled Grid in accordance with WECC standards and Good Utility Practice.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ancillary Service Schedule","acronym":"AS Schedule","description":"The notification by the CAISO indicating that a Submission to Self-Provide an Ancillary Service has been selected to provide such service in the DAM or RTM.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Annual Interregional Coordination Meeting","acronym":null,"description":"Shall have the meaning set forth in Section 24.18.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Annual Interregional Information","acronym":null,"description":"Shall have the meaning set forth in Section 24.18.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Annual Peak Demand Forecast","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Demand Forecast of the highest Hourly Demand in a calendar year, in MW.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Applicable Reliability Criteria","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Reliability Standards and reliability criteria established by NERC and WECC and Local Reliability Criteria, as amended from time to time, including any requirements of the NRC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Applicant Participating Transmission Owner","acronym":"APTOA","description":"<p>An agreement between an applicant to be a Subscriber Participating TO and the CAISO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Application Access Request Form","acronym":"AARF","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Application Programming Interface","acronym":"API","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Approved Load Profile","acronym":null,"description":"Local Regulatory Authority approved Load profiles applied to cumulative End-Use Meter Data in order to allocate consumption of Energy to Settlement Periods.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Approved Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"A Maintenance Outage that has been approved by the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Approved Project Sponsor","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The person or entity designated under the CAISO Tariff to construct, finance and own transmission additions or upgrades.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Approved Project Sponsor Agreement","acronym":"APSA","description":"<p>An agreement between an Approved Project Sponsor and the CAISO establishing the terms and conditions under which the Approved Project Sponsor will complete the siting and construction of the transmission facilities that the Approved Project Sponsor was selected to construct and own under Section 24. Among other terms, the Agreement shall include any binding cost control measures, including cost caps, that the Approved Project Sponsor specified in its proposal.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Approved Project Sponsor Tariff","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A tariff specifying the rates and charges of an Approved Project Sponsor that is not a Participating TO recover the costs of transmission facilities that are not yet in operation but have been approved under Section 24 and assigned to the Approved Project Sponsor, and associated terms and conditions.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Area Control Error","acronym":"ACE","description":"<p>The sum of the instantaneous difference between the actual net Interchange and the scheduled net Interchange between the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and all interconnected Balancing Authority Areas, taking into account the effects of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area's frequency bias, correction of meter error, and time error correction obligations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Area Deliverability Constraint","acronym":"ADC","description":"<p>A transmission system operating limit, that would constrain the deliverability of a substantial number of generators if the CAISO were to assign full capacity or partial capacity deliverability status to additional generating facilities in one or more specified geographic or electrical areas of the CAISO Controlled Grid in a total amount that is greater than the TP Deliverability for those areas. May also be a transmission system operating limit that constrains a quantity of generation in a local area of the grid that is larger than the generation amount identified in the applicable Transmission Planning Process portfolio for the entire portfolio area. May also be a transmission system operating limit that constrains all or most of the same generation already constrained by a previously identified Area Deliverability Constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Area Delivery Network Upgrade","acronym":"ADNU","description":"A transmission upgrade or addition identified by the CAISO to relieve an Area Deliverability Constraint","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Area Off-Peak Constraint","acronym":"AOPC","description":"<p>A transmission system operating limit that would cause excessive curtailment to a substantial number of Generating Facilities during Off-Peak Load conditions, as described in Section of Appendix DD and the CAISO Off-Peak Deliverability Assessment posted on the CAISO Website.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Area Off-Peak Network Upgrade","acronym":"AOPNU","description":"A transmission upgrade or addition the CAISO identifies in the Transmission Planning Process to relieve an Area Off-Peak Constraint.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Assembly Bill","acronym":"AB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Assigned Network Upgrade","acronym":"ANU","description":"<p>Reliability Network Upgrades, Local Off-Peak Network Upgrades, and Local Delivery Network Upgrades currently assigned to the Interconnection Customer. Assigned Network Upgrades exclude (1) Conditionally Assigned Network Upgrades unless they become Assigned Network Upgrades, and (2) Precursor Network Upgrades.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Assistance Energy Transfer","acronym":"AET","description":"<p>Assistance Energy Transfers allow WEIM entities to provide reliability benefits to balancing authority areas (BAAs) deficient in capacity or flexibility. BAAs that have voluntarily opted into receiving assistance energy transfers will also be subject to an ex-post surcharge (the “EIM Assistance Energy Transfer Surcharge”) when they fail the RSE.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Asynchronous Generating Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An induction, doubly-fed, or electronic power generating unit(s) that produces 60 Hz (nominal) alternating current.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Attaining Balancing Authority Area","acronym":null,"description":"The Balancing Authority Area where the output of a Pseudo-Tie generating unit is fully included for purposes of calculation of Area Control Error and meeting Balancing Authority Area load responsibilities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Automated Clearing House","acronym":"ACH","description":"An electronic network for financial transactions in the United States.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Automated Dispatch System","acronym":"ADS","description":"The CAISO systems application to communicate Dispatch Instructions to Scheduling Coordinators","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Automated Load Forecast System","acronym":"ALFS","description":"A system used to calculate short-term Demand Forecasts for California ISO Balancing Authority Area operations. ALFS utilizes a neural-network methodology that uses forecasted weather and conditions such as type of day to determine the California ISO Forecast of California ISO Demand.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Automatic Generation Control","acronym":"AGC","description":"<p>Generation equipment that automatically responds to signals from the CAISO's EMS control in Real-Time to control the Power output of Generating Units within a prescribed area in response to a change in system frequency, tie-line loading, or the relation of these to each other, so as to maintain the target system frequency and the established Interchange with other Balancing Authority Areas within the predetermined limits.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Automatic Voltage Regulator","acronym":"AVR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Availability Assessment Hours","acronym":null,"description":"The hours of the month specified in accordance with Section 40.9.3 which the CAISO will utilize for applying the Availability Standards program of Section 40.9.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Availability Incentive Payment","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly payment that the CAISO may make to a Resource Adequacy Resource under the Availability Standards program in accordance with Section 40.9.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Availability Incentive Rate","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly dollars per MW rate calculated by dividing the total Non-Availability Charges assessed for a given month by the total Resource Adequacy Capacity that is eligible to receive the Availability Incentive Payment for that month.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Availability Standards","acronym":null,"description":"The standard used to determine if a Resource Adequacy Resource is subject to Non-Availability Charges or Availability Incentive Payments.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Available Balancing Capacity","acronym":"ABC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Available Import Capability","acronym":null,"description":"The Maximum Import Capability of an Intertie into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area in MW deliverable to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area based on CAISO study criteria minus the sum in MW of all Existing Contracts and Transmission Ownership Rights over that Intertie held by load serving entities that do not serve Load within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Available Transfer Capability","acronym":"ATC","description":"<p>The available capacity of a given transmission path, in MW, after subtraction from that path's Total Transfer Capability of capacity associated with Existing Contracts and Transmission Ownership Rights and any Transmission Reliability Margin, as established consistent with CAISO and WECC transmission capacity rating guidelines, as further described in Appendix L.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Average Heat Rate","acronym":null,"description":"The ratio of heat conversion into Energy for a generating resource at a given operating level.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Backup CAISO Control Center","acronym":null,"description":"The alternate CAISO Control Center.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Backup Meter","acronym":null,"description":"A redundant revenue quality meter which is identical to and of equal accuracy to the primary revenue quality meter connected at the same metering point which must be certified in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Balance of Business System","acronym":"BBS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Balancing Account","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An account set up to allow periodic balancing of financial transactions that, in the normal course of business, do not result in a zero balance of cash inflows and outflows.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Balancing Authority","acronym":"BA","description":"<p>The responsible entity that integrates resource plans ahead of time, maintains load-interchange generation balance within a Balancing Authority Area, and supports Interconnection frequency in real time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Balancing Authority Area","acronym":"BAA","description":"<p>The collection of generation, transmission, and loads within the metered boundaries of the Balancing Authority. The Balancing Authority maintains load-resource balance within this area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Balancing Authority Area Gross Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For the purpose of calculating and billing Minimum Load Costs, Emission Costs, and Start-Up Costs, Balancing Authority Area Gross Load is all Demand for Energy within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. Balancing Authority Area Gross Load shall not include Energy consumed by: (a) Station Power that is netted pursuant to Section 10.1.3; and (b) Load that is isolated electrically from the CAISO Balancing Authority Area (i.e., Load that is not synchronized with the CAISO Balancing Authority Area).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Balancing Authority Area Operations Portal","acronym":"BAAOP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Base Case","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The base case power flow, short circuit, and stability data bases used for the Interconnection Studies.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Base Model Market","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A computer based model of the CAISO Controlled Grid, and for purposes of the Energy Imbalance Market, including the prospective EIM Entity and EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area(s), that is derived from the Full Network Model as described in Section 27.5.1 and that, as described further in Section 27.5.6, is used as the basis for formulating the market models used in the operation of each of the CAISO Markets.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Base Schedule","acronym":"BASE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Base Schedule Aggregation Portal","acronym":"BSAP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Either (1) an offer for the Supply or Demand of Energy or Ancillary Services, including Self-Schedules, submitted by Scheduling Coordinators for specific resources, conveyed through several components that apply differently to the different types of service offered to or demanded from any of the CAISO Markets; or (2) a Virtual Bid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Bid Adder","acronym":null,"description":"A dollar amount added to the Bid of a Frequently Mitigated Unit.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Bid Cost Recovery","acronym":"BCR","description":"The CAISO settlements process through which Eligible Resources recover their Bid Costs.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Those resources eligible to participate in the Bid Cost Recovery as specified in Section 11.8\",\"which include Generating Units, System Units, System Resources, Participating Loads, Reliability Demand Response Resources, and Proxy Demand Resources. A System Resource that has a Schedule that results from Bids submitted in violation of Section 30.5.5 shall not be a Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resource for any Settlement Interval that occurs during the time period covered by the Schedule that results from Bids submitted in violation of Section 30.5.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Bid Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The costs for resources manifested in the Bid components submitted, which include the Start-Up Bid Cost, Minimum Load Bid Cost, Energy Bid Cost, Transition Bid Cost, Pump Shut-Down Cost, Pumping Cost, Ancillary Services Bid Cost and RUC Availability Payment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Bid Segment Fee","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge fee described at Section 11.22.5.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Billable Price","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A price, rate, or other factor used for the basis of calculating the Settlement Amount due to or from a Business Associate in a CAISO Charge Code.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Billable Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity used for the basis of calculating the Settlement Amount due to or from a Business Associate in a CAISO Charge Code.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Bill Determinant","acronym":null,"description":"The specific inputs or outputs of a Settlement calculation that have specific Settlement subscripts (or attributes) that differentiate the values used in equations.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Billing Determinant","acronym":"BD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Billing Run","acronym":null,"description":"The periodic execution of specified summations of one or multiple Settlement Run Types for only one Bill Period in order to generate either current or revised result sets as needed for the Invoicing Cycle.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Billing Run Type","acronym":null,"description":"A unique Billing Run that is defined for each billing calculation result set for output.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Bill Period","acronym":null,"description":"A consecutive range of Trading Days defined by a Bill Period Start date and a Bill Period End date.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Bill Period End","acronym":null,"description":"The last Trading Day in the Bill Period range.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Bill Period Start","acronym":null,"description":"The first Trading Day in the Bill Period range.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Black Start","acronym":null,"description":"The procedure by which a Generating Unit self-starts without an external source of electricity thereby restoring a source of power to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area following system or local area blackouts.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Black Start Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement entered into between the CAISO, a Participating Transmission Owner, and a Participating Generator (other than a Reliability Must-Run Contract) for the provision by the Participating Generator of Black Start capability and Black Start Energy.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Black Start Generating Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Unit under a system restoration plan for the PTO or CAISO and providing Black Start service under a Black Start Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Black Start Generator","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating Generator in its capacity as party to a Black Start Agreement with the CAISO for the provision of Black Start services, but shall exclude Participating Generators in their capacity as providers of Black Start services under their Reliability Must-Run Contracts.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Board of Governors","acronym":"BOG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Bulk Electric System","acronym":"BES","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Bulk Supply Point","acronym":null,"description":"A Utility Distribution Company or Small Utility Distribution Company metering point.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Bureau of Land Management","acronym":"BLM","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Bureau of Ocean Energy Management","acronym":"BOEM","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Business Associate","acronym":"BA","description":"Any entity with whom the CAISO interacts related to the CAISO Markets.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Business Associate Identification","acronym":"BAID","description":"Identification characters assigned to each Business Associate by the CAISO","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Business Associate Portal Interface","acronym":"BAPI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Business Day","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays and the day after Thanksgiving Day. The undefined term ‘business day' as used in some subsections of Section 11.29 refers to all days on which the CAISO is open for business, including certain days that are recognized as federal holidays but remain regular operation days for the CAISO. Please see the Business Practice Manual for the most current list of affected holidays.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Business Practice Manual Proposed Revision Request","acronym":"BPM PRR","description":"<p>A request to make any change to a BPM, including any attachments thereto, as described in Section 22.11.1.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Business Practice Manuals","acronym":"BPM","description":"<p>A collection of documents made available by the CAISO on the CAISO Website that contain the rules, polices, procedures and guidelines established by the CAISO for operational, planning, accounting and settlement requirements of CAISO Market activities, consistent with the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Business Requirements Specification","acronym":"BRS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Account","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO Clearing Account, the CAISO Reserve Account or such other accounts as the CAISO deems necessary or convenient for the purpose of efficiently implementing the funds transfer system under the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO ADR Procedures","acronym":null,"description":"The procedures for resolution of disputes or differences set out in Section 13.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator","acronym":null,"description":"The individual designated by the CAISO CEO to perform functions assigned to the CAISO ADR Coordinator in the CAISO ADR Procedures in Section 13.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Audit Committee","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A committee of the CAISO Governing Board appointed pursuant to the CAISO bylaws to (1) review the CAISO's annual independent audit\",\"(2) report to the CAISO Governing Board on such audit, and (3) monitor compliance with the CAISO Code of Conduct.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Authorized Inspector","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A person authorized by the CAISO to certify, test, inspect and audit meters and Metering Facilities in accordance with the procedures established by the CAISO pursuant to Section 10.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Bank","acronym":null,"description":"The bank appointed by the CAISO from time to time for the purposes of operating the Settlement process.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Cash-Funded Capital and Project Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Costs for projects or studies undertaken during the year or over several years, determination of requirements for capital, projects or assets with a useful life of more than one (1) year and project office labor devoted to capital that are funded from the Grid Management Charge instead of being financed.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Clearing Account","acronym":null,"description":"The account in the name of the CAISO with the CAISO Bank and owned by the CAISO to which payments are transferred.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Code of Conduct","acronym":null,"description":"The codes of conduct for governors and employees approved by the CAISO Governing Board.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"The portion of a Commitment Period that is not a Self-Commitment Period.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Control Center","acronym":null,"description":"The control center established by the CAISO pursuant to Section 7.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Controlled Grid","acronym":null,"description":"The system of transmission lines and associated facilities of the Participating TOs that have been placed under the CAISO's Operational Control.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Creditor","acronym":null,"description":"A Business Associate to which amounts are payable under the terms of the CAISO Tariff and agreements with the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Debtor","acronym":null,"description":"A Business Associate that is required to make a payment to the CAISO under the CAISO Tariff and agreements with the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Demand","acronym":null,"description":"Power delivered to Load internal to CAISO Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Documents","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO Tariff, CAISO bylaws, and any agreement entered into between the CAISO and a Scheduling Coordinator, a Participating TO or any other Market Participant pursuant to the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Emissions Cost Trust Account","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO Account established pursuant to Section 11.18.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Estimated Settlement Quality Meter Data","acronym":null,"description":"Settlement Quality Meter Data estimated by the CAISO in accordance with Sections and 11.1.5","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Financing Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO's financing costs that are approved by the CAISO Governing Board, including capital expenditures that may be financed over such period as the CAISO Governing Board shall decide. These costs include the requirement to collect an amount in excess of the annual debt service obligations as specified in the rate covenants of the official statements for each CAISO bond offering.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand","acronym":"CFCD","description":"The forecast of CAISO Demand made by the CAISO for use in the CAISO Markets.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Governing Board","acronym":null,"description":"The Board of Governors established to govern the affairs of the CAISO","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO IFM Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"The portion of a Commitment Period in the IFM that is not a Self-Commitment Period.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO IFM Curtailed Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>In each Trading Hour for each Scheduling Coordinator (a) the maximum of zero or the submitted Day-Ahead Self-Schedule for Demand minus the Day-Ahead Schedule for Demand in each applicable LAP, or (b) in the event a LAP price equals the Hard Energy Bid Cap, the maximum of zero or the submitted Day-Ahead Self-Schedule for Demand plus the quantity of Demand bid at the maximum price for Energy Bids specified in Section of the CAISO Tariff minus the Day-Ahead Schedule for Demand in the relevant LAP.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Information Availability Policy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO's information availability policy as adopted by the CAISO Governing Board on October 22, 1998 or as may be modified from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Interface for Resource Adequacy","acronym":"CIRA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The invoices issued by the CAISO to the Responsible Utilities or RMR Owners based on the Revised Estimated RMR Invoice and the Revised Adjusted RMR Invoice.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Markets","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any of the markets administered by the CAISO under the CAISO Tariff, including, without limitation, the DAM, RTM, transmission, and Congestion Revenue Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Markets Processes","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The MPM, IFM, RUC, HASP, STUC, FMM, RTUC, and RTD</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Metered Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Pursuant to Section 10.1, an eligible entity that has elected that the CAISO will collect and process its Revenue Quality Meter Data directly from CAISO certified revenue quality meters. Eligible entities include: (a) any one of the following entities that is directly connected to the CAISO Controlled Grid: i. a Generator other than a Generator that sells all of its Energy (excluding any Station Power that is netted pursuant to Section 10.1.3) and Ancillary Services to the Utility Distribution Company or Small Utility Distribution Company in whose Service Area it is located; ii. an MSS Operator; or iii. a Utility Distribution Company or Small Utility Distribution Company; and (b) any one of the following entities: i. a Participating Generator; ii. a Participating TO in relation to its Tie Point Meters with other TOs or Balancing Authority Areas; iii. a Participating Load; iv. a Participating Intermittent Resource; v. an EIM Participating Resource; or vi. a utility that requests that Unaccounted For Energy for its Service Area be calculated separately, in relation to its meters at points of connection of its Service Area with the systems of other utilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Operating Cost Reserve","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO Operating Cost Reserve requirement is fifteen (15) percent of annual CAISO Operating Costs, unless otherwise specified by (1) the rate covenants of the official statements for each CAISO bond offering, (2) the CAISO Governing Board or (3) the FERC. The CAISO Operating Cost Reserve consists of the projected CAISO Operating Cost Reserve balance for December 31 of the prior year less the reserve requirement, as calculated according to the formula set forth in Appendix F, Schedule 1, Part C. If such amount is negative, the amount may be divided by two, so that the reserve is replenished within a two-year period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Operating Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO's budgeted annual operating costs, which shall include all staffing costs including remuneration of contractors and consultants, salaries, benefits and any incentive programs for employees, costs of operating, replacing and maintaining CAISO systems, lease payments on facilities and equipment necessary for the CAISO to carry out its business, and annual costs of financing the CAISO's working capital and other operating costs.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Operations Date","acronym":null,"description":"<p>March 31, 1998.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Other Costs And Revenues","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Other costs and revenues that are recovered through, or are offsets to, the CAISO revenue requirement, including special charges, fines, penalties, other interest expenses, reimbursements, and interest earnings.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Payments Calendar","acronym":null,"description":"A calendar published by the CAISO showing the dates on which Settlement Statements will be published by the CAISO and the Payment Dates by which Invoices issued under the CAISO Tariff must be paid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Penalty Reserve Account","acronym":null,"description":"The account established by the CAISO pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Planning Standards","acronym":null,"description":"Reliability Criteria that: (1) address specifics not covered in the NERC and WECC planning standards; (2) provide interpretations of the NERC and WECC planning standards specific to the CAISO Controlled Grid; and (3) identify whether specific criteria should be adopted that are more stringent than the NERC and WECC planning standards.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Protocols","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The rules, protocols, procedures and standards promulgated by the CAISO (as amended from time to time) to be complied with by the CAISO, Scheduling Coordinators, Participating TOs and all other Market Participants in relation to the operation of the CAISO Controlled Grid and the participation in the markets for Energy and Ancillary Services in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Register","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The register of all the transmission lines, associated facilities and other necessary components that are at the relevant time being subject to the CAISO's Operational Control.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Reserve Account","acronym":null,"description":"The account established for the purpose of holding cash which may be used in or towards clearing the CAISO Clearing Account.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Surplus Account","acronym":null,"description":"The account established by the CAISO pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Tariff","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The California Independent System Operator Corporation Operating Agreement and Tariff, dated March 31, 1997, as it may be modified from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO Website","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO internet home page at or such other internet address as the CAISO shall publish from time to time.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CAISO-WECC Billing Services Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The agreement between the CAISO and the WECC entered into by those parties in August 2007, as it may be amended from time to time, regarding the CAISO's performance of certain billing services to facilitate the WECC's collection of NERC/WECC Charges.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Calculated Energy Bid","acronym":null,"description":"The Energy Bid utilized in the IFM and RTM on behalf of a COG calculated by dividing its Minimum Load Cost by the MW quantity of its PMax.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Calendar Date","acronym":"CD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"California Air Resources Board","acronym":"CARB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"California Department of Water Resources","acronym":"CDWR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"California Department of Water Resources, State Water Project","acronym":"CDWR-SWP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"California Energy Commission","acronym":"CEC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"California Environmental Quality Act","acronym":"CEQA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"California Independent System Operator","acronym":"CAISO","description":"<p>The California Independent System Operator Corporation, a state chartered, California non-profit public benefit corporation that operates the transmission facilities of all Participating TOs and dispatches certain Generating Units and Loads.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"California Independent System Operator Chief Executive Officer","acronym":"CAISO CEO","description":"The Chief Executive Officer of the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"California-Oregon Intertie","acronym":"COI","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"California-Oregon Transmission Project","acronym":"COTP","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"California Public Utilities Commission","acronym":"CPUC","description":"<p>The California Public Utilities Commission, or its successor.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Cancelled Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid that has been canceled by the Scheduling Coordinator that originally submitted the Bid.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Candidate CRR Holder","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An entity that is registered and qualified by the CAISO to participate in the CRR Allocation, the CRR Auction, or the Secondary Registration System to become a CRR Holder and is a party to a fully executed CRR Entity Agreement, and therefore must comply with the requirements for Candidate CRR Holders under the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Capacity Benefit Margin","acronym":"CBM","description":"The factor defined in Appendix L.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Capacity CRR","acronym":null,"description":"A temporary CRR used in the Merchant Transmission allocation process to take up capacity on the network prior to the in-service date of the transmission upgrade.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Capacity Procurement Mechanism","acronym":"CPM","description":"<p>The Capacity Procurement Mechanism, as set forth in tariff section 43.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CDWR-SWP Participating Generating Units","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Generating Units operated by the California Department of Water Resources, State Water Project, that are subject to a Participating Generator Agreement with the CAISO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Central Procurement Entity","acronym":"CPE","description":"<p>An entity that has been designated by a Local Regulatory Authority to: (a) procure Local Capacity Area Resources on behalf of at least one Load Serving Entity under that LRA's jurisdiction; and (b) through its Scheduling Coordinator, demonstrate such procurement to the CAISO pursuant to the RA showings process in Section 40.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Certificate of Compliance","acronym":null,"description":"A certificate issued by the CAISO which states that the Metering Facilities referred to in the certificate satisfy the certification criteria for Metering Facilities contained in the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Charge Code","acronym":"CC","description":"A numeric identifier used to specify Settlement calculations in the Business Practice Manual.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Charge Group","acronym":null,"description":"A set of Charge Codes or Pre-calculations with the same Payment Date that meet a specified set of business rules.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Charging Constraint","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A constraint that reflects a storage resource's election not to charge beyond the output of its co-located Variable Energy Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Clean Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A valid Bid submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator that requires no modification, a Default Modified Bid, or a Generated Bid deemed to be acceptable for submission to the CAISO Market applications.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Cluster Application Window","acronym":null,"description":"The time period for submitting Interconnection Requests as set forth in Section 3.3 of Appendix Y.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Clustering","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The process whereby a group of Interconnection Requests is studied together, instead of serially, for the purpose of conducting the Interconnection System Impact Study.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Cluster Study Process","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A process whereby a group of Interconnection Requests are studied together, instead of serially, for the purpose of conducting Phase l and Phase ll Studies.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Code of Federal Regulations","acronym":"C.F.R.","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Co-located Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Unit with a unique Resource ID that is part of a Generating Facility with other Generating Units. An EIM Participating Resource with a unique Resource ID that is part of a single resource with other EIM Participating Resources.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Combined Heat and Power","acronym":"CHP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Combined Heat and Power Resource","acronym":"CHP Resource","description":"<p>A Generating Unit that produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy used by an industrial or commercial host for industrial, commercial, heating or cooling purposes or a Generating Unit that produces electricity from waste heat from an industrial or commercial host.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Combustion Turbine","acronym":"CT","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Comma separated value","acronym":"CSV","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Commercial Operation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The status of a Generating Unit or project phase at a Generating Facility that has commenced generating electricity for sale, excluding electricity generated during Trial Operation.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Commercial Operation Date","acronym":"COD","description":"<p>The date on which a Generating Unit or project phase at a Generating Facility commences Commercial Operation as agreed to by the applicable Participating TO, the CAISO, and the Interconnection Customer pursuant to Appendix E to the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, and in accordance with the implementation plan agreed to by the Participating TO and the CAISO for multiple individual Generating Units or project phases at a Generating Facility where an Interconnection Customer intends to establish separate Commercial Operation Dates for those Generating Units or project phases.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Commercial Operation for Markets","acronym":"COM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Commitment Cost Enhancements","acronym":"CCE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Commitment Cost Multiplier","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The percentage amount by which the Proxy Costs are multiplied in calculating the Default Commitment Cost Bids, which is equal to one hundred twenty give percent (125%).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Commitment Costs Default Energy Bid Enhancement","acronym":"CC-DEBE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Commitment Interval","acronym":null,"description":"The fifteen minute period of time for which the CAISO commits resources or procures Ancillary Services","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"The consecutive Time Periods within a Trading Day with an \"On\" Commitment Status.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Commitment Status","acronym":null,"description":"The “On” or “Off” state for each unit in each Time Period.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Committed RA Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Capacity that is either RA Capacity, Flexible RA Capacity, RA Substitute Capacity, CPM Capacity, or Flexible Capacity CPM.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Common Information Model","acronym":"CIM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Common Multiple Application","acronym":"CMA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Community Choice Aggregator","acronym":"CCA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Competition Transition Charge","acronym":"CTC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Competitive LMP","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An LMP calculated in the MPM process minus the Congestion component relating to non-competitive Transmission Constraints, as calculated in accordance with Section 31.2.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Competitive Path","acronym":null,"description":"A transmission Constraint that qualifies as competitive pursuant to tariff section 39.7.2 and is applied in both the Competitive Constraints Run and the All Constraints Run of the Market Power Mitigation-Reliability Requirement Determination (MPM-RRD) process pursuant to tariff section 31.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Competitive Path Assessment","acronym":"CPA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Competitive Path Designation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Transmission Constraint that is assessed in the DAM and RTM to either be competitive or non-competitive as part of the MPM runs associated with the DAM and RTM, respectively, pursuant to Section 39.7.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Competitive Solicitation Process","acronym":"CSP","description":"<p>One of the Competitive Solicitation Processes, as set forth in Section 43A.4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program","acronym":"CMEP","description":"<p>The program used by NERC and the Regional Entities to monitor, assess and enforce compliance with the NERC Reliability Standards. As part of this program, NERC and the Regional Entities may, among other functions, conduct investigations, determine fault and assess monetary penalties.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Computer Based Training","acronym":"CBT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Condition 1 RMR Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A resource operating pursuant to Condition 1 of its RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Condition 2 RMR Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A resource operating pursuant to Condition 2 of its RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Conditionally Assigned Network Upgrade","acronym":"CANU","description":"<p>Reliability Network Upgrades, Local Off-Peak Network Upgrades, and Local Delivery Network Upgrades currently assigned to an earlier Interconnection Customer, but which may be assigned to the Interconnection Customer.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Conditionally Available Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A resource that has demonstrated to the CAISO's reasonable satisfaction that it has one or more regulatory or operational limits that are not eligible use limits pursuant to Section to the CAISO Tariff and that faces frequent and recurring periods of unavailability because of those limitations. A resource can be both a Conditionally Available Resource and a Use-Limited Resource if it has eligible use limits and also meets the definition of a Conditionally Available Resource.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Conditionally Modified Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid modified by SIBR in Bid processing as described in Section of the BPM for Market Instruments.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Conditionally Qualified Self-Provided AS","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Self-Provided Ancillary Services subject to reduction in the event an Ancillary Services Region has more Self-Provided Ancillary Services than is required, in which case a pro rata curtailment will occur.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Conditionally Valid Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid that has passed Bid processing as described in Section of the BPM for Market Instruments.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Confidential Information","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any confidential, proprietary or trade secret information or a plan, specification, pattern, procedure, design, device, list, concept, policy or compilation relating to the present or planned business of a party, which is designated as confidential by the Party supplying the information, whether conveyed orally, electronically, in writing, through inspection, or otherwise, subject to GIDAP Section 15.1 and GIDAP BPM Section 13.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Configuration Guide","acronym":null,"description":"A requirements document that contains the calculation rules for both Charge Codes and Pre-calculations.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Congestion","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A characteristic of the transmission system produced by a binding Transmission Constraint to the optimum economic dispatch to meet Demand such that the LMP, exclusive of Marginal Cost of Losses, at different Locations of the transmission system is not equal.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Congestion Charge","acronym":null,"description":"A charge attributable to the Marginal Cost of Congestion at a given pricing PNode","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Congestion Data Summary","acronym":null,"description":"A report issued by the CAISO on the schedule set forth in the Business Practice Manual that sets forth historic Congestion on the CAISO Controlled Grid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Congestion Management","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The alleviation of Congestion in accordance with applicable CAISO procedures, the CAISO Tariff, and Good Utility Practice.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Congestion Revenue Right","acronym":"CRR","description":"A CRR Obligation or CRR Option.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Congestion Revenue Rights Entity Agreement","acronym":"CRREA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Congestion Revenue Rights Market User Interface","acronym":"CRR MUI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Congestion-Supported Value","acronym":null,"description":"<p>As provided in Section of the CAISO Tariff, a value, specific to a given Transmission-Constraint and Settlement period, that a CRR Holder is paid or charged for its CRRs based on Net Modeled CRR Flow.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Connected Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating TO or any party that owns or operates facilities that are electrically interconnected with the CAISO Controlled Grid or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, electrically connected with the transmission system of an EIM Transmission Service Provider.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Connectivity Node","acronym":"CNode","description":"Alternative expression for “Node” as defined in the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Constrained Output Generator","acronym":"COG","description":"<p>A Generating Unit with an operating range (PMax - PMin) that is no greater than the higher of three (3) MW or five percent (5%) of its PMax that elects, on an annual basis, to utilize a Calculated Energy Bid in the IFM and RTM as described in Section 27.7.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Constraint Relaxation Threshold","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A MW threshold value used to determine when the parameters specified in Section will trigger in each Balancing Authority Area participating in the CAISO Markets to account for small supply shortfalls configured based on the Balancing Authority Area's BAL-001-2 Requirement R2, calculated by the CAISO annually. The CAISO will post the annual values for each Balancing Authority Area on the CAISO Website or its OASIS.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Construction Activities","acronym":null,"description":"Actions by a Participating TO that result in irrevocable financial commitments for the purchase of major electrical equipment or land for Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities or Network Upgrades assigned to the Interconnection Customer that occur after receipt of all appropriate governmental approvals needed for the Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities or Network Upgrades.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Contingency","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A potential Outage that is unplanned, viewed as possible or eventually probable, which is taken into account when considering approval of other requested Outages or while operating the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Contingency Flag","acronym":null,"description":"The daily Bid component that indicates that the Spinning Reserves and Non-Spinning Reserves being offered in the CAISO Market are Contingency Only reserves.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Contingency Only","acronym":null,"description":"A resource providing Operating Reserve capacity that may be dispatched by the CAISO only in the event of a Contingency or an imminent or actual System Emergency.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Contract Reference Number","acronym":"CRN","description":"The Bid component that indicates the specific contract identification number issued by the CAISO to Scheduling Coordinators transactions under Existing Contracts or TORs.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Control Area","acronym":null,"description":"Balancing Authority Area","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Control Area Gross Load","acronym":null,"description":"Balancing Authority Area Gross Load","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Control Area Operator","acronym":null,"description":"Balancing Authority","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Control Area Scheduler","acronym":"CAS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Control Performance Standards","acronym":"CPS","description":"NERC standards for grid operations. These standards assess characteristics of an area's Area Control Error. Their purpose is to indicate whether an area's generation is adequately controlled to make interchange meet its schedule and interconnection frequency support obligation.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Convergence Bidding Entity","acronym":"CBE","description":"An entity which has undertaken in writing by execution of a Convergence Bidding Entity Agreement to comply with all applicable provisions of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Convergence Bidding Entity Agreement","acronym":"CBEA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Convergence Bidding Entity, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Converted Physical Trade","acronym":"CPT","description":"A converted Physical Trade has all the attributes and relation is inherited from the Physical Trade but the quantity is the pro-rate reduced quantity of the Physical Trade.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Converted Rights","acronym":"CVR","description":"Those transmission service rights as defined in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Cooling Time","acronym":null,"description":"The time that elapses between a Shut-Down Instruction and the next Start-Up Instruction issued to a resource.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Core Reliability Services","acronym":"CRS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Coupling Capacitative Voltage Transformer","acronym":"CCVT","description":"A type of reliable high-accuracy voltage transformer to be used for revenue quality metering on the California ISO Controlled Grid.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"CPM Availability Factor","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A factor as set forth in Appendix F, Schedule 6 that is used in calculating a resource's monthly CPM Capacity Payment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CPM Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Capacity of Generating Units, System Units, System Resources, PDR or Participating Load that is designated under the CPM in accordance with Section 43 during the term of the designation. Flexible Capacity CPM is one form of CPM Capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CPM Capacity Payment","acronym":null,"description":"The payment provided pursuant to Section 43A.6 or 43A.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CPM Significant Event","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A substantial event, or a combination of events, that is determined by the CAISO to either result in a material difference from what was assumed in the resource adequacy program for purposes of determining the Resource Adequacy Capacity requirements, or produce a material change in system conditions or in CAISO Controlled Grid operations, that causes, or threatens to cause, a failure to meet Reliability Criteria absent the recurring use of a non-Resource Adequacy Resource(s) on a prospective basis.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CPM Soft Offer Cap","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A capacity price of $7.34/kW-month ($88.09/kW-year), as described in Section 43A.4.1.1.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CPUC Load Serving Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any entity serving retail Load in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area under the jurisdiction of the CPUC, including an electrical corporation under section 218 of the California Public Utilities Code, an electric service provider under section 218.3 of the California Public Utilities Code, and a community choice aggregator under section 331.1 of the California Public Utilities Code.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Credit Margin","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity equal to Expected Congestion Revenue minus Fifth Percentile Congestion Revenue","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Credit Tracking System","acronym":"CTS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Critical Energy Infrastructure Information","acronym":"CEII","description":"<p>Critical Energy Infrastructure Information shall have the meaning given the term in the regulations of FERC at 18 C.F.R. § 388.113, et seq.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Critical Infrastructure Protection","acronym":"CIP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Critical Protective System","acronym":null,"description":"Facilities and sites with protective relay systems and Remedial Action Schemes that the CAISO determines may have a direct impact on the ability of the CAISO to maintain system security and over which the CAISO exercises Operational Control.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Crossing Time","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of time for a Generating Unit to ramp through its Forbidden Region.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"CRR Allocation","acronym":null,"description":"The process of nominations and awards held monthly and annually through which the CAISO will distribute CRRs to Candidate CRR Holders.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Annual Cycle","acronym":null,"description":"Time period covered by all the CRRs released in an annual CRR Allocation and CRR Auction processes.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Auction","acronym":null,"description":"The annual and monthly market process that will follow CRR Allocation through which the CAISO makes CRRs available to Candidate CRR Holders that submit offers to purchase CRRs.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Auction Price","acronym":null,"description":"The positive or negative price to pay or be paid for a CRR at auction.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Balancing Account","acronym":"CRRBA","description":"The financial account held by the CAISO for CRRs that is administered in accordance with Section 11.2.4.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"CRR Eligible Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"The Seasonal CRR Eligible Quantity or the Monthly CRR Eligible Quantity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Entity Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Candidate CRR Holder or CRR Holder that must be fully executed in order for such an entity to participate in the CRR Allocation, CRR Auction, or Secondary Registration System, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.11.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Holder","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Candidate CRR Holder that has acquired CRR(s) either through the CRR Allocation, the CRR Auction, or through a transaction registered in the Secondary Registration System.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Load Metric","acronym":null,"description":"The Seasonal CRR Load Metric or Monthly CRR Load Metric.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Obligation","acronym":null,"description":"A financial instrument that entitles the holder to a CRR Payment when Congestion is in the direction of the CRR Source to CRR Sink specification and imposes on its holder a CRR Charge when Congestion is in the opposite direction of the CRR Source to CRR Sink specification as described in Section 11.2.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Option","acronym":null,"description":"A financial instrument that entitles its holder to a CRR Payment when Congestion is in the direction of the CRR Source to CRR Sink specification.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Payment","acronym":null,"description":"A payment from the CAISO to a CRR Holder as specified in Section 11.2.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Services Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge component described in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Sink","acronym":null,"description":"A PNode or a Trading Hub specified as the point of withdrawal for a Congestion Revenue Right.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Source","acronym":null,"description":"A PNode or a Trading Hub specified as the point of receipt for a Congestion Revenue Right.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR System","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A secure web-based software system operated by CAISO that is accessed via a secure web-browser that allows registered CRR Holders and Candidate CRR Holders to participate in the CRR Allocation and/or CRR Auction processes. The CRR System also has a sub-system, the Secondary Registration System, that provides a mechanism for buying and selling CRRs previously acquired through the allocation and auction processes.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"CRR Term","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Set of hours for which a given CRR is effective, based on the CRR specifications in Section 36.3, which is either the season multiplied by the time of use specifications or the month multiplied by the time of use specifications</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Transaction Fee","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge fee described in Section 11.22.6.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Transmission Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"An Outage that may have a significant effect upon CRR revenue adequacy as defined in Section 36.4.3.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Year Four","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Second, third and fourth quarters of calendar year 2011 and first quarter of calendar year 2012.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Year One","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Second, third and fourth quarters of calendar year 2008 and first quarter of calendar year 2009.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Year Three","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Second, third and fourth quarters of calendar year 2010 and first quarter of calendar year 2011.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"CRR Year Two","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Second, third and fourth quarters of calendar year 2009 and first quarter of calendar year 2010.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Current Cost Responsibility","acronym":"CCR","description":"<p>The Interconnection Customer's current allocated costs for Assigned Network Upgrades, not to exceed the Maximum Cost Responsibility. This cost is used to calculate the Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Financial Security requirement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Current Interval","acronym":"i","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Current Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Settlement Amount that is the most up-to-date result as calculated in a Settlement, Billing, or Invoicing Run.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Curtailable Demand","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Demand from a Participating Load or Aggregated Participating Load that can be curtailed at the direction of the CAISO in the Real-Time Dispatch of the CAISO Controlled Grid or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, in the EIM Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Customer","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The name of the customer that the user assigned during the registration process.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Customer Inquiry, Dispute and Information","acronym":"CIDI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Customer Interface for Resource Adequacy","acronym":"CIRA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Customer Load Baseline","acronym":"CLB","description":"A value or values based on historical or statistically relevant Load meter data to derive a measured delivery of Demand Response Services.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Customer Market Results Interface","acronym":"CMRI","description":"<p>A reporting interface that contains private market information resulting from the CAISO Market processes: MPM, IFM, RUC, and HASP. This includes Schedules and awards, resource specific prices, default and mitigated Bids, unit commitments and instructions.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Custom Load Aggregation","acronym":null,"description":"An aggregation of Load at a Load Zone defined by a set of custom LDFs submitted by the SC as frequently as hourly at which the SC may submit a single Bid for the entire Load Zone.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Custom Load Aggregation Point","acronym":"Custom LAP/CLAP","description":"<p>An aggregation of Load PNodes created by the CAISO based on a set of custom LDFs submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator, at which such Scheduling Coordinator may submit a single Bid and settle Demand consistent with the CAISO Tariff rules, and for which the Scheduling Coordinator is required to submit to the CAISO Meter Data for the nodal Load represented in such aggregation.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Custom Load Distribution Factor","acronym":"CLDF","description":"A Load Distribution Factor developed and used in association with a Custom Load Aggregation.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Custom Resource ID","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A unique Resource ID requested by the DRP, modeled with their specified nodal location and associated generation distribution factors (GDF).</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Cyber Exigency","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A suspicious electronic act or event that has the potential to compromise the ongoing operation of the CAISO, the CAISO Markets, or reliability within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or other electrical facilities directly or indirectly connected to the CAISO Controlled Grid and whose severity reasonably requires that the CAISO obtain expert assistance from federal agencies not normally called upon to counter such an electronic act or to resolve such an event.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Daily CRR Congestion Fund","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The pool of funds, corresponding to a specific Transmission Constraint, held by the CAISO, that the CAISO uses to make Daily CRR Surplus Distribution Payments corresponding to that Transmission Constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Daily CRR Surplus Distribution Payment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A payment, corresponding to a specific Transmission Constraint, the CAISO makes available to a CRR Holder as described in Section of the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Data Processing Gateway","acronym":"DPG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Day 0","acronym":null,"description":"The Trading Day to which the Settlement Statement or Settlement calculation refers. For example “Day 41” shall mean the 41st day after that Trading Day and similar expressions shall be construed accordingly.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-ahead","acronym":"DA","description":"The twenty-four hour time period prior to the Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Bid Awarded Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy above the Day-Ahead Total Self-Schedule and below the Day-Ahead Schedule. The Day-Ahead Bid Awarded Energy is also indexed against the relevant Day-Ahead Energy Bid and sliced by the Energy Bid price. The Day-Ahead Energy Bid Awarded Energy slices are settled as described in Section, and they are included in BCR as described in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-ahead Bid Energy","acronym":"DABE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Inter-SC Trade Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The period commencing seven (7) days prior to the applicable Trading Day and ending at 11:00 Hours Pacific Time on the day prior to that Trading Day, during which time the CAISO will accept Inter-SC Trades of Energy for the DAM from Scheduling Coordinators.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Market","acronym":"DAM","description":"<p>A series of processes conducted in the Day-Ahead that includes the Market Power Mitigation, the Integrated Forward Market and the Residual Unit Commitment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Metered Energy Adjustment Factor","acronym":null,"description":"A factor calculated for the purposes of determining the portions of a Scheduling Coordinator's resource's relevant Day-Ahead Schedule to be included in the Bid Cost Recovery calculations as further specified in the CAISO Tariff based on the resource's actual performance reflected in the Metered Energy which is calculated as set forth in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Minimum Load Energy","acronym":"DMLE","description":"<p>Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy below the registered Minimum Load, which applies to Generating Units with non-zero Minimum Load. Day-Ahead Minimum Load Energy is settled as provided in Section, and it is included in Bid Cost Recovery (BCR) at the relevant IFM Minimum Load Cost as described in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Pumping Energy","acronym":"DAPE","description":"<p>Negative Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy consumed by Participating Load Pumped-Storage Hydro Units and Pumping Load scheduled in pumping mode in the IFM. When Day-Ahead Pumping Energy is present, there are no other Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy subtypes present. Day-Ahead Pumping Energy is settled as provided in Section and it is included in BCR as described in Sections and</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Schedule issued by the CAISO one day prior to the target Trading Day indicating the levels of Supply and Demand for Energy cleared through the IFM and scheduled for each Settlement Period, for each PNode or Aggregated Pricing Node, including Scheduling Points of that Trading Day.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy","acronym":"DASE","description":"<p>Hourly Energy that corresponds to the flat portions of the hourly Day-Ahead Schedule. It is composed of Day-Ahead Minimum Load Energy, Day-Ahead Self-Scheduled Energy, and Day-Ahead Bid Awarded Energy. It does not include the Day-Ahead Energy that corresponds to the flat schedule when a resource is committed in the Day-Ahead in pumping mode. Expected Energy committed in Day-Ahead pumping mode is accounted for as Day-Ahead Pumping Energy. Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy is settled as specified in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Self-Scheduled Energy","acronym":"DASSE or DSSE","description":"<p>Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy above the Minimum Load as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3, and below the lower of the Day-Ahead Total Self-Schedule or the Day-Ahead Schedule. Day-Ahead Self-Scheduled Energy is settled as described in Section, and, as indicated in Section, it is not included in BCR.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Spinning Reserve Award","acronym":null,"description":"An AS Award issued by CAISO through the IFM for Spinning Reserves.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Day-Ahead Total Self-Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"The sum of all Day-Ahead Self-Schedules (except Pumping Load Self-Schedules) in the relevant Clean Bid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Commitment Cost Bids","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Default Commitment Bids are Default Start-Up Bids, Default Minimum Load Bids, and Default Transition Bids.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Election","acronym":null,"description":"An election made pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Energy Bid","acronym":"DEB","description":"<p>The cost-based Energy Bid Curve calculated by the CAISO pursuant to Section 39, and used, among other things, in Local Market Power Mitigation</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Energy Bid Multiplier","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The percentage amount by which the variable costs used to calculate the Default Energy Bid under Variable Cost Option are multiplied, which is equal to one hundred ten percent (110%).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default-Invoiced SCID(s)","acronym":null,"description":"The SCID(s) selected by an entity pursuant to the Default Election procedures set forth in Section that are to be allocated a portion of any payment default amount pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default LAP","acronym":"Default LAP or Default Load Aggregation Point","description":"<p>The LAP defined for the TAC Area at which all Bids for Demand shall be submitted and settled, except as provided in Sections 27.2.1 and</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Look-Back Period","acronym":null,"description":"The retrospective time period determined pursuant to Section for the purpose of allocating payment default amounts.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Minimum Load Bid","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO's calculation of a resource's Minimum Load Cost pursuant to Section 30.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Modified Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid that is submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator and is deemed valid and qualifies for modification under the provisions of Section 40.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Start-Up Bid","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO's calculation of a resource's Start-Up Cost Curve pursuant to Section 30.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Default Transition Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A resource's Transition Costs calculated by the CAISO pursuant to Section 30.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Deliverability","acronym":null,"description":"<p>(1) The annual Net Qualifying Capacity of a Generating Facility, as verified through a Deliverability Assessment and measured in MW, which specifies the amount of resource adequacy capacity the Generating Facility is eligible to provide. (2) The annual Maximum Import Capability of an Intertie, which specifies the amount of resource adequacy capacity, measured in MW, that Load-Serving Entities collectively can procure from imports at that Intertie to meet their resource adequacy requirements.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Deliverability Assessment","acronym":null,"description":"The On-Peak Deliverability Assessment and the Off-Peak Deliverability Assessment.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Deliverability Status","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Attributes of a Generating Facility requested by an Interconnection Customer, assigned by the CAISO to the Generating Facility through the GIP, GIDAP, or other process specified in the CAISO tariff, indicating its studied ability to deliver its Energy to Load during different modeled conditions, which affects its maximum Net Qualifying Capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Delivery Network Upgrades","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Transmission facilities at or beyond the Point of Interconnection, other than Reliability Network Upgrades, identified in the Interconnection Studies to relieve Transmission Constraints on the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Delivery Point","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The point where a transaction between Scheduling Coordinators is deemed to take place. It can be either the Generation input point, a Demand Take-Out Point, or a transmission bus at some intermediate Location.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The instantaneous amount of Energy that is delivered to Loads and Scheduling Points by Generation, transmission or distribution facilities. It is the product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units of watts or standard multiples thereof, e.g., 1, 000W=1kW, 1, 000kW=1MW, etc.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component in a Bid submitted in the DAM that indicates the MWh of Energy the Scheduling Coordinator is willing to purchase, the price at which it is willing to purchase the specified Energy and the applicable Trading Hours for the next day.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Forecast","acronym":null,"description":"An estimate of Demand over a designated period of time.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response","acronym":"DR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Energy Measurement","acronym":null,"description":"The resulting Energy quantity calculated by comparing the applicable performance evaluation methodology of a Proxy Demand Resource or Reliability Demand Response Resource against its actual underlying performance for a Demand Response Event.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Event","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A time period, deadline, and transition during which a Proxy Demand Resource or Reliability Demand Response Resource provides Demand Response Services.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Program","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A program to provide a reduction in Demand in response to specified conditions or circumstances, typically implemented by an LSE.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Provider","acronym":"DRP","description":"<p>An entity that is responsible for delivering Demand Response Services from a Proxy Demand Resource or Reliability Demand Response Resource providing Demand Response Services, which has undertaken in writing by execution of the applicable agreement to comply with all applicable provisions of the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Provider Agreement","acronym":"DRPA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Demand Response Provider, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.14.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Provider Scheduling Coordinator","acronym":"DRP SC","description":"Demand Response Provider Scheduling Coordinator who are responsible for submitting bids into the market and meter data to the MRI-S.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Demand Response Registration System","acronym":"DRRS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A resource, including but not limited to a Proxy Demand Resource, providing Demand Response Services. Participating Load is not a Demand Response Resource within the meaning of this definition.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response Services","acronym":null,"description":"Demand from a Proxy Demand Resource or Reliability Demand Response Resource that can be bid into the Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Market and dispatched at the direction of the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Demand Response System","acronym":"DRS","description":"<p>A collective name for a set of functions of a CAISO application used to collect, approve, and report on information and measurement data for Proxy Demand Resources and Reliability Demand Response Resources</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Department of Market Monitoring","acronym":"DMM","description":"The department of the CAISO established under Section 1 of Appendix P.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Derate Energy","acronym":"DRE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Designated Congestion Area","acronym":"DCA","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Deviation Penalty","acronym":"DP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"DG Deliverability Assessment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The annual Deliverability Assessment the CAISO will perform to determine nodal MW amounts of Potential DGD that will be available to Utility Distribution Companies and Metered Subsystems for assigning Deliverability Status to Distributed Generation Facilities, as set forth in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Direct Access End-User","acronym":null,"description":"An Eligible Customer located within the Service Area of a Utility Distribution Company who purchases Energy and Ancillary Services through a Scheduling Coordinator","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Direct Access Service Request","acronym":"DASR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Direct Current","acronym":"DC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Discrete Real-Time Dispatch Option","acronym":null,"description":"The option selected by a Reliability Demand Response Resource pursuant to Section to be dispatched as a discrete resource in the Real-Time Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispatch","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The activity of controlling an integrated electric system to: i) assign specific Generating Units and other sources of supply to effect the supply to meet the relevant area Demand taken as Load rises or falls; ii) control operations and maintenance of high voltage lines, substations, and equipment, including administration of safety procedures; iii) operate interconnections; iv) manage Energy transactions with other interconnected Balancing Authority Areas; and v) curtail Demand.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispatch Instruction","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An instruction by the CAISO for an action with respect to specific equipment, or to a resource for increasing or decreasing its Energy Supply or Demand from the Day-Ahead Schedule, RUC Schedule, and Day-Ahead AS Award to a specified Dispatch Operating Point pertaining to Real-Time operations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispatch Interval","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Time Period, which may range between five (5) and thirty (30) minutes, or as described in Section 34.3.2, a ten (10) minute interval for the Real-Time Contingency Dispatch, over which the Real-Time Dispatch measures deviations in Generation and Demand, and selects Ancillary Service and supplemental Energy resources to provide balancing Energy in response to such deviations. The Dispatch Interval shall be five (5) minutes. Following a decision by the CAISO Governing Board, the CAISO may, by seven (7) days' notice published on the CAISO Website, increase or decrease the Dispatch Interval within the range of five (5) to thirty (30) minutes.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispatch Interval LMP","acronym":null,"description":"The price of Imbalance Energy determined at each Dispatch Interval in accordance with Section 11.5.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispatch Operating Point","acronym":"DOP","description":"<p>The expected operating point of a resource that has received a Dispatch Instruction. The resource is expected to operate at the Dispatch Operating Point after completing the Dispatch Instruction, taking into account any relevant Ramp Rate and time delays. Energy expected to be produced or consumed above or below the Day-Ahead Schedule in response to a Dispatch Instruction constitutes Instructed Imbalance Energy. For resources that have not received a Dispatch Instruction, the Dispatch Operating Point defaults to the corresponding Day-Ahead Schedule.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispatch Operating Target","acronym":"DOT","description":"The optimal Dispatch of a resource as calculated by CAISO based on telemetry and representing a single point on the Dispatch Operating Point trajectory in the middle of the Dispatch Interval.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dispute Resolution","acronym":null,"description":"The procedure set for the in GIDAP Section 15.5 and in GIDAP BPM Section 15 for resolution of a dispute between the Parties","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Distributed Curtailment Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Distributed Energy Resource providing Demand curtailment as part of a heterogeneous Distributed Energy Resource Aggregation.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Energy Resource","acronym":"DER","description":"<p>Any resource located on the distribution system, any subsystem thereof, or behind a customer meter in a Utility Distribution Company or a Metered Subsystem.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Energy Resource Aggregation","acronym":null,"description":"A resource comprised of one or more Distributed Energy Resources.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Energy Resource Agreement","acronym":"DERA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Energy Resource Provider","acronym":"DERP","description":"The owner/operator of one or more Distributed Energy Resource Aggregations that participates in the CAISO markets as such.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Energy Resource Provider Agreement","acronym":"DERPA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Distributed Energy Resource Provider, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.21.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Generation Deliverability","acronym":"DGD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Generation Facility","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Facility connected to the Distribution System of a Utility Distribution Company.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distributed Network Protocol, Version 3","acronym":"DNP 3","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Distribution Compensation Factor","acronym":"DCF","description":"<p>A multiplier programmed into the revenue meter used to increase, decrease, or leave unaffected the metered quantity for a resource of a CAISO Metered Entity that is electrically connected to a Distribution System to quantify the effect the resource has in relation to the Distribution System through which it must pass its measured energy to reflect the Point of Receipt at the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Distribution Factor","acronym":"DFAX","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Distribution System","acronym":null,"description":"The distribution assets of an IOU or Local Publicly Owned Electric Utility","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Distribution Upgrades","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The additions, modifications, and upgrades to the Participating TO's electric systems that are not part of the CAISO Controlled Grid. Distribution Upgrades do not include Interconnection Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Documentation of Contemporaneously Available Information","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Documents that exist when a Reference Level Change Request is submitted that show the price of fuel or fuel-equivalent is based on next-day procurement for the Day-Ahead Market, and is based on same-day or next-day procurement for the Real-Time Market, except for non-standard gas trading days, in which case the documents must show the price of procurement for fuel or fuel-equivalent no sooner than the most recent standard gas trading day. Such documentation may include: quotes from natural gas suppliers; gas purchase invoices; evidence of a bid price that was part of an unsuccessful good faith effort to purchase fuel or fuel-equivalent; or other appropriate documentation demonstrating fuel costs or fuel-equivalent costs.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Down Time","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of time a resource is offline after a Shut-Down.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Competitive Path Assessment","acronym":"DCPA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Competitive Path Assessment","acronym":"Dynamic CPA","description":"A study to determine whether a transmission Constraint is a Competitive Path for purposes of application in the Market Power Mitigation-Reliability Requirement Determination (MPM-RRD) process. The CPA is described in Section 39.7.2 and the applicable Business Practice Manual.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Dynamic System Resource that is a specific generation resource outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"A telemetered reading or value which is updated in Real-Time and which is used as an Interchange Schedule in the CAISO Energy Management System calculation of Area Control Error and the integrated value of which is treated as an Interchange Schedule for Interchange accounting purposes.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Scheduling Agreement","acronym":"DSA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Scheduling Agreement for Scheduling Coordinators","acronym":"DSA SC","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Scheduling Coordinator regarding the terms by which a Scheduling Coordinator may submit Dynamic Schedules, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Scheduling Host Balancing Authority Operating Agreement","acronym":"DSHBAOA","description":"<p>An agreement entered into between the CAISO and a Host Balancing Authority governing the terms of dynamic scheduling between the Host Balancing Authority and the CAISO in accordance with the Dynamic Scheduling Protocol set forth in Appendix M, a pro forma version of which agreement is set forth in Appendix B.9.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A System Resource that has satisfied the CAISO's contractual and operational requirements for submitting a Dynamic Schedule, and for which a Dynamic Schedule has been submitted, including a Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Dynamic Transfer Capability","acronym":"DTC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Economic Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid that includes quantity (MWh or MW) and price ($) for specified Trading Hours.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Economic Planning Study","acronym":null,"description":"A study performed to provide a preliminary assessment of the potential cost effectiveness of mitigating specifically identified Congestion.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EDAM Access Charge","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Access Charge that balances historical transmission revenue cost allocation through the Extended Day-Ahead Market pursuant to Section 33.26.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Effective Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy","acronym":null,"description":"The minimum of the Expected Energy and the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Effective Economic Bid","acronym":null,"description":"An Economic Bid that is not an Ineffective Economic Bid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Effective Flexible Capacity","acronym":"EFC","description":"The maximum MWs of Flexible Capacity a resource has the capability to provide based on the counting criteria set forth in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Administrative Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The fee imposed on transactions in the energy imbalance market as described in Section 29.11(i)(1).","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Area","acronym":null,"description":"The combined CAISO Balancing Authority Area and all EIM Entity Balancing Authority Areas.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Assistance Energy Transfer Surcharge","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An after-the-fact charge of $1,000/MWh when the Soft Energy Bid Cap is in effect that will increase to $2,000/MWh when the Hard Energy Bid Cap is in effect and is paid by a participating Balancing Authority Area in the EIM Area pursuant to Section 29.11(t)(1)(A).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Auto-Match","acronym":null,"description":"The automatic matching of an EIM Entity's intertie schedule change outside the Market Clearing of the Real-Time Market because of changes to Interchange E-Tags at a designated EIM Intertie or Scheduling Point with matching changes to an associated EIM non-participating resource EIM Base Schedule.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Available Balancing Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Any EIM Upward Available Balancing Capacity or EIM Downward Available Balancing Capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Base Load Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A forward Energy Schedule prepared by the CAISO that provides hourly Demand Forecasts for EIM Demand, as adjusted for transmission losses and any unbalanced EIM Base Schedule.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Base Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An hourly forward Energy Schedule that does not take into account Dispatches from the Real-Time Market and is submitted by an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator, EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator, or EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator for use in the Real-Time Market.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Base Schedule of Supply","acronym":null,"description":"That portion of an EIM Base Schedule that represents Energy from resources and interchange.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Bid Adder","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid component composed of a MW quantity and price that provides EIM Participating Resources an opportunity to recover costs of compliance with California Air Resources Board greenhouse gas regulations","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Demand","acronym":null,"description":"Energy delivered to Load internal to an EIM Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Downward Available Balancing Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Any downward capacity from an EIM Participating Resources or a non-participating resource that an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator or EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator has identified in the EIM Resource Plan as available to address power balance and transmission constraint violations in the EIM Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Entity","acronym":null,"description":"A Balancing Authority that represents one or more EIM Transmission Service Providers and that enters into an EIM Entity Agreement with the CAISO to enable the operation of the Real-Time Market in its Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Entity Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between an EIM Entity and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Entity Implementation Date","acronym":null,"description":"The first Trading Day for an EIM Entity in the Real-Time Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The EIM Entity, or a third party designated by the EIM Entity, that is certified by the CAISO and that enters into an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator Agreement under which it is a Scheduling Coordinator and a Market Participant and is responsible for meeting the requirements specified in Section 29 on behalf of the EIM Entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM External Intertie","acronym":null,"description":"A point of interconnection between an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area and an interconnected Balancing Authority Area other than a Balancing Authority Area in the EIM Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Implementation Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between a Balancing Authority seeking to become an EIM Entity and the CAISO, the primary terms of which are set forth in Section 29.2(b).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Internal Intertie","acronym":null,"description":"A point of interconnection between an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area and another Balancing Authority Area in the EIM Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Intertie","acronym":null,"description":"An EIM External Intertie or EIM Internal Intertie.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Manual Dispatch","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Dispatch by an EIM Entity or EIM Sub-Entity to an EIM Participating Resource or a non-participating resource for which it is responsible, outside of Market Clearing of the Real-Time Market.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Market Participant","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An EIM Entity, EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator, EIM Sub-Entity, EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator, EIM Participating Resource, or EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Measured Demand","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The metered CAISO Demand and metered EIM Demand plus Real-Time Interchange Export Schedules, excluding that portion of Demand of Non-Generator Resources dispatched as Regulation through Regulation Energy Management and EIM Transfers out of an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Mirror","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The process by which an EIM Entity balances a CAISO intertie schedule associated with Energy that originates, is consumed in, or wheels through the EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area with an intertie schedule for the EIM Mirror System Resource. CAISO imports are mirrored as EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area exports and CAISO exports are mirrored as EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area imports.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Mirror System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A System Resource at a Scheduling Point registered to an EIM Entity for mirroring CAISO intertie schedules at that Scheduling Point, when the associated Energy is generated at, wheeled through, or consumed at the corresponding EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Participating Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An owner of, operator of, or seller of Energy from an EIM Resource that elects to participate in the Real-time Market and enters into the EIM Participating Resource Agreement under which it is responsible for meeting the requirements specified in Section 29.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Participating Resource Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between an EIM Participating Resource and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The EIM Participating Resource, or a third party designated by the EIM Participating Resource, that is certified by the CAISO and enters into an EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator Agreement under which it is a Scheduling Coordinator and Market Participant and is responsible for meeting the requirements specified in Section 29 on behalf of the resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"[\"?An agreement between the EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator and the CAISO\",\"a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.\"]","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Reserves to Meet NERC/WECC Contingency Reserves Requirements","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any capacity that an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator has designated, in the EIM Resource Plan, as necessary to meet its NERC\\/WECC contingency reserves requirements in the applicable Trading Hour and which does not overlap with capacity designated in other parts of the EIM Resource Plan specified in Section 29.34(e)(3).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A resource that (1) can deliver Energy, Curtailable Demand, Demand Response Services, or similar services; (2) is a Generating Unit, a Load of a Participating Load, or a Demand Response Resource or other CAISO qualified resource; and (3) is located within an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area, and that is listed in and subject to an EIM Participating Resource Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Resource Plan","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The combination of EIM Base Schedules for Demand, Generation, and Interchange, the ancillary services plans of the EIM Entity, and the Bid ranges of EIM Participating Resources, as specified in more detail in Section 29.34(e)(4)</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Sub-Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An electric utility that meets the criteria in Section 29.2(c)(1) and that enters into an EIM Sub-Entity Agreement with the CAISO to enable the operation of the Real-Time Market in its service territory.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Sub-Entity Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between an EIM Sub-Entity and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Sub-Entity Implementation Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between an electric utility seeking to become an EIM Sub-Entity and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Sub-Entity Implementation Date","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The first Trading Day when an electric utility becomes an EIM Sub-Entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The EIM Sub-Entity, or a third party designated by the EIM Sub-Entity, that is certified by the CAISO and that enters into an EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator Agreement under which it is a Scheduling Coordinator and a Market Participant and is responsible for meeting the requirements in Section 29 on behalf of the EIM Sub-Entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between an EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Transfer","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The transfer of Energy in Real-Time between an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area and the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, or between EIM Entity Balancing Authority Areas, using transmission capacity made available to the Real-Time Market through the Energy Imbalance Market. The EIM Transfer is not a Real-Time Interchange Export Schedule or a Real-Time Interchange Import Schedule.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Transmission Service Information","acronym":null,"description":"Information provided by an EIM Entity or EIM Sub-Entity to the CAISO about transmission capacity available for use in the Real-Time Market through the Energy Imbalance Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Transmission Service Provider","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An EIM Entity, or EIM Sub-Entity or third party that owns transmission or has transmission service rights on an EIM Intertie that makes transmission service available for use in the Real-Time Market through an EIM Entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"EIM Upward Available Balancing Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Any upward capacity from an EIM Participating Resources or a non-participating resource that an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator or EIM Sub-Entity Scheduling Coordinator has identified in the EIM Resource Plan as available to address power balance and transmission violations in the EIM Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Electrical Emergency Plan","acronym":"EEP","description":"A plan to be developed by the CAISO in consultation with Utility Distribution Companies to address situations when Energy reserve margins are forecast to be below established levels.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Electric Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An electric resource, including a Generating Unit, System Unit, Participating Load, Reliability Demand Response Resource, or Proxy Demand Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Electric Industry Data Exchange","acronym":"EIDE","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Electric Quarterly Report","acronym":"EQR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Electric Region","acronym":"ERA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment","acronym":"EVSE","description":"<p>Load, Energy, and storage resources consisting of charging stations, charging docks, or other facilities used to interconnect and supply Energy to electric vehicles.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Electromagnetic Transient","acronym":"EMT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Electronic Funds Transfer","acronym":"EFT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Eligible Aggregated PNode","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An Aggregated PNode where either aggregated physical supply, a Default LAP, or a Trading Hub are located and where virtual bidding is permitted.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Eligible Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Capacity of Generating Units, System Units, System Resources, PDRs, or Participating Loads that, on any day for which it potentially would hold a CPM designation, is not Committed RA Capacity and not under an RMR Contract. Capacity offered to a CSP will have its status as Eligible Capacity validated by the CAISO after close of the Annual CSP offer adjustment period, Monthly CSP offer adjustment period, and Intra-monthly CSP offer period for the Annual CSP, Monthly CSP, and Intra-monthly CSP, respectively. Capacity on, or scheduled to be on, a Forced Outage, Approved Maintenance Outage, or de-rate, is not operationally available and, for the duration of that unavailability, shall not be Eligible Capacity for purposes of potentially receiving a CPM Capacity designation.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Eligible Customer","acronym":null,"description":"<p>(i) any utility (including Participating TOs, Market Participants and any power marketer), federal power marketing agency, or any person generating Energy for sale or resale; Energy sold or produced by such entity may be Energy produced in the United States, Canada or Mexico; however, such entity is not eligible for transmission service that would be prohibited by Section 212(h)(2) of the Federal Power Act; and (ii) any retail customer taking unbundled transmission service pursuant to a state retail access program or pursuant to a voluntary offer of unbundled retail transmission service by the Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Eligible Intermittent Resource","acronym":"EIR","description":"<p>A Variable Energy Resource that is a Generating Unit or Dynamic System Resource subject to a Participating Generator Agreement, Net Scheduled PGA, Dynamic Scheduling Agreement for Scheduling Coordinators, or Pseudo-Tie Participating Generator Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Eligible PNode","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A PNode, not including scheduling points, where either physical supply or demand is located and where virtual bidding is permitted.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Emergency Notice","acronym":null,"description":"An electronic notice issued by the CAISO regarding a System Emergency as set forth in the Business Practice Manual.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Emissions Cost Demand","acronym":null,"description":"The level of Demand specified in Section 11.18.3.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Emissions Cost Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The invoice submitted to the CAISO in accordance with Section 11.18.6","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Emissions Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The mitigation fees, excluding capital costs, assessed against a Generating Unit by a state or federal agency, including air quality districts, for exceeding applicable NOx emission limitations.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Emissions Eligible Generator","acronym":null,"description":"A Generator with a Generating Unit that is a BCR Eligible Resource.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Encumbrance","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A legal restriction or covenant binding on a Participating TO that affects the operation of any transmission lines or associated facilities and which the CAISO needs to take into account in exercising Operational Control over such transmission lines or associated facilities if the Participating TO is not to risk incurring significant liability. Encumbrances shall include Existing Contracts and may include: (1) other legal restrictions or covenants meeting the definition of Encumbrance and arising under other arrangements entered into before the CAISO Operations Date, if any; and (2) legal restrictions or covenants meeting the definition of Encumbrance and arising under a contract or other arrangement entered into after the CAISO Operations Date</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"End-Use Customer or End-User","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A consumer of electric power who consumes such power to satisfy a Load directly connected to the CAISO Controlled Grid, a Distribution System, or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, the transmission system of an EIM Transmission Service Provider and who does not resell the power.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"End-Use Meter","acronym":null,"description":"A metering device collecting Meter Data with respect to the Energy consumption of an End-User.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"End-Use Meter Data","acronym":null,"description":"A metering device collecting Meter Data with respect to the Energy consumption of an End-User.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The electrical energy produced, flowing or supplied by generation, transmission or distribution facilities, being the integral with respect to time of the instantaneous power, measured in units of watt-hours or standard multiples thereof, e.g., 1,000 Wh=1kWh, 1,000 kWh=1MWh, etc.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy and Transmission Service","acronym":"ETS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Energy Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Demand Bid, an Energy Supply Bid, or a Virtual Bid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"An amount equal to the integral of the Energy Bid for resources operating above PMin.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Bid Curve","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates the prices and related quantity at which a resource offers Energy in a monotonically increasing (decreasing for Participating Load) staircase function, consisting of no more than 10 segments defined by 11 pairs of MW operating points and $/MWh, which may be different for each Trading Hour of the applicable Bid time period. If the resource has Forbidden Operating Regions, each Forbidden Operating Region must be reflected as a single, separate Energy Bid Curve segment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Communication Network","acronym":"ECN","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Energy Communications Network","acronym":"ECN","description":"<p>The overall CAISO digital network architecture comprised of multiple sub-net, wide area and local network segments.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Energy Export","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For purposes of calculating the Grid Management Charge, Energy included in an Interchange Schedule submitted to the CAISO, or dispatched by the CAISO, to serve a load located outside the CAISO's Balancing Authority Area, whether the Energy is produced by a Generator in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or a resource located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Imbalance Market","acronym":"EIM","description":"The rules and procedures in Section 29 governing the CAISO's operation of the Real-Time Market in Balancing Authority Areas outside of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and the participation of EIM Market Participants in the Real-Time Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Limit","acronym":null,"description":"The Bid component that indicates the maximum and minimum daily Energy limits for the Generating Unit. Energy Limit applies to net pumping Demand and Generation over the Operating Day for a Pumped Storage Hydro Unit.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Management System","acronym":"EMS","description":"A computer control system used by electric utility dispatchers to monitor the real-time performance of the various elements of an electric system and to control Generation and transmission facilities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Only","acronym":"EO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Energy-Only Deliverability Status","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A condition elected by an Interconnection Customer for a Large Generating Facility interconnected with the CAISO Controlled Grid the result of which is that the Interconnection Customer is responsible only for the costs of Reliability Network Upgrades and is not responsible for the costs of Delivery Network Upgrades, but the Large Generating Facility will be deemed to have a Net Qualifying Capacity of zero, and, therefore, cannot be considered to be a Resource Adequacy Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Price Index","acronym":null,"description":"The historical average LMP for a specific resource over a time period.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Energy Resource Area","acronym":"ERA","description":"<p>A geographic region certified by the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Energy Commission as an area in which multiple LCRIGs could be located, provided that, for the interim period before those agencies certify such areas and for LCRIFs that are proposed to connect LCRIGs located outside the State of California, an Energy Resource Area shall mean a geographic region that would be connected to the CAISO Controlled Grid by an LCRIF with respect to which the CAISO Governing Board determines that all of the requirements of Section 24.1.3 are satisfied, except for the requirement that the LCRIGs to which the LCRIF would connect are located in an area certified as an ERA by those agencies.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Service Provider","acronym":"ESP","description":"An entity that offers electrical service to customers as permitted by applicable laws and regulations.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Energy Storage","acronym":"ES","description":"The term Energy Storage (ES) and Behind-The-Meter (BTM) is used interchangeably.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Storage Distributed Energy Resources","acronym":"ESDER","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Energy Supply Bid","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity (MWh) and a price ($) at or above which a resource has agreed to sell the next increment of Energy for a specified interval of time","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Energy Transfer System Resources","acronym":"ETSR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Engineering & Procurement Agreement","acronym":"E&P Agreement","description":"An agreement that authorizes the Participating TO begin engineering and procurement of long leadtime items necessary for the establishment of the interconnection in order to advance the implementation of the Interconnection Request.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Enhanced Curtailment Calculator","acronym":"ECC","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Enterprise Model Management System","acronym":"EMMS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Entitlements","acronym":null,"description":"The right of a Participating TO obtained through contract or other means to use another entity's transmission facilities for the transmission of Energy.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Environmental Dispatch","acronym":null,"description":"Dispatch designed to meet the requirements of air quality and other environmental legislation and environmental agencies having authority or jurisdiction over the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Environmental Impact Statement","acronym":"EIS","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Estimated Aggregate Liability","acronym":"EAL","description":"<p>The sum of a Market Participant's known and reasonably estimated potential liabilities for a specified time period arising from charges described in the CAISO Tariff, as provided for in Section 12.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Estimated RMR Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly invoice issued by the RMR Owner to the CAISO for estimated RMR Payments or RMR Refunds pursuant to the RMR Contract","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Estimated Settlement Quality Meter Data","acronym":"ESQMD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"E-Tag","acronym":null,"description":"An electronic tag associated with an Interchange Schedule in accordance with the requirements of WECC.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"ETC Self-Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"A Self-Schedule submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator pursuant to Existing Rights as reflected in the TRTC Instructions.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Event","acronym":null,"description":"Total Expected Energy (TEE) > 0","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Exceptional Dispatch","acronym":"ED","description":"A Dispatch Instruction issued for the purposes specified in Section 34.11. Energy from Exceptional Dispatches shall not set any FMM or RTD LMP.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Exceptional Dispatch CPM","acronym":null,"description":"An Exceptional Dispatch CPM under Section 43.1.5 with a term of 30 days.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Exceptional Dispatch CPM Non-System Reliability Need","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The existence of a reliability issue where resolution depends on a resource in a specific geographic area within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, which may include, but is not limited to, a local reliability area, zone, or region.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Exceptional Dispatch CPM System Reliability Need","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The existence of a reliability issue where resolution does not require a resource to be in a specific geographic area within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, which may include, but is not limited to, a forced outage of a major transmission line or a forced outage at a large generating unit.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Exceptional Dispatch Instruction","acronym":null,"description":"A Dispatch Instruction issued pursuant to Exceptional Dispatch.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Exceptional Dispatch Term","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The term of each Exceptional Dispatch CPM designation, as determined pursuant to Section 43.3.6.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Excess Behind the Meter Production","acronym":"EBTMP","description":"Energy from an End-Use Customer in excess of its onsite Demand.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Excess Cost Payments","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The payments made by the CAISO for costs associated with Exceptional Dispatches for 1) emergency conditions, to avoid Market Disruption and avoid an imminent System Emergency as provided in Section; 2) transmission-related modeling limitations as provided in Section; 3) Condition 2 RMR Units as provided in Section; and 4) emergency Energy as provided in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Existing Contract Import Capability","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity of Available Import Capability reserved for Existing Contracts and Transmission Ownership Rights held by Load Serving Entities that serve Load within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area under Step 3 of Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Existing QF Contract","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Legacy PPA, as defined in the settlement approved by the CPUC in Decision D. 10-12-035 (December 16, 2010), as modified in Decision D.11-07-010 (July 15, 2011), that became effective on or prior to December 20, 1995 or, in the case of a Generator employing landfill gas technology, on or prior to December 31, 1996, and (1) has not been amended subsequent to November 23. 2011 or (2) has been amended in a manner that (a) does not extend the term of the Legacy Contract, (b) does not increase the capacity subject to the PPA, and (c) does not require compliance with the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Existing Rights","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The transmission service rights and obligations of non-Participating TOs or Subscriber Participating TOs under Existing Contracts or Subscriber Encumbrances, including all terms, conditions, and rates of the Existing Contracts or Subscriber Encumbrances, as they may change from time to time under the terms of the Existing Contracts or Subscriber Encumbrances. Subscriber Rights will be treated as Existing Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Existing Transmission Contacts or Existing Contracts","acronym":"ETC","description":"<p>The contracts which grant transmission service rights in existence on the CAISO Operations Date (including any contracts entered into pursuant to such contracts) as may be amended in accordance with their terms or by agreement between the parties thereto from time to time. Subscriber Encumbrances will be treated as Existing Contracts even though they include legal restrictions or covenants meeting the definition of an Encumbrance arising under a contract or agreement entered into after the CAISO Operations Date.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Existing Transmission Contract Calculator","acronym":"ETCC","description":"<p>A CAISO system for accounting for ETC rights, Converted Rights, and TORs, using information from TRTC Instructions.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Existing Zone","acronym":"EZ","description":"<p>A region formerly referred to as NP15, SP15, or ZP26 prior to implementation of the CAISO LMP market design.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Existing Zone Generation Trading Hub","acronym":"EZ-Gen Trading Hub","description":"Trading Hubs specifically developed to represent the average price paid to generation resources within Existing Zones.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Expanded System Region","acronym":null,"description":"The System Region and Intertie Scheduling Points with interconnected Balancing Authority Areas.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Expected Congestion Revenue","acronym":null,"description":"The mean value based on the probability distribution of the historic Congestion revenue of a CRR.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Expected Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The total Energy that is expected to be generated or consumed by a resource, based on the Dispatch of that resource, as calculated by the Real-Time Market (RTM), and as finally modified by any applicable Dispatch Operating Point corrections. Expected Energy includes the Energy scheduled in the IFM, and it is calculated for the applicable Trading Day. Expected Energy is calculated for Generating Units, System Resources, Resource-Specific System Resources, Participating Loads, and Proxy Demand Resources. The calculation is based on the Day-Ahead Schedule and the Dispatch Operating Point trajectory for the three-hour period around the target Trading Hour (including the previous and following hours), the applicable Real-Time LMP for each Dispatch Interval of the target Trading Hour, and any Exceptional Dispatch Instructions. Energy from Non-Dynamic System Resources is converted into HASP Intertie Schedules. Expected Energy is used as the basis for Settlements.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Export","acronym":"E","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Export Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Demand Bid submitted to a CAISO Market at a Scheduling Point.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Exporting Participating Intermittent Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Participating Intermittent Resource with a PIR Export Percentage greater than zero (0).","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Export Resource","acronym":null,"description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"External Load Aggregation Point","acronym":"ELAP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Extremely Long-Start","acronym":"ELS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Extremely Long-Start Commitment","acronym":"ELC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Extremely Long-Start Commitment Process","acronym":"ELC Process","description":"<p>The CAISO process for Unit Commitment for Extremely Long-Start Resources, as set forth in Section 31.7.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Extremely Long-Start Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Generating Unit that has a Start-Up Time greater than 18 hours or a System Resource that is either: 1) a non-Resource-Specific System Resource with contractual limitations that require the Energy be transacted (i.e., committed) prior to the publishing time of the Day-Ahead Market results (1300 hours on the day before the Trading Day) or 2) a Resource-Specific System Resource that has a Start-Up Time greater than 18 hours.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Facility Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An engineering study conducted by a Participating TO determine required modifications to the Participating TO's transmission system, including the cost and scheduled completion date for such modifications that will be required to provide needed services.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Facility Study Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between a Participating TO and either a Market Participant, Project Sponsor, or identified principal beneficiaries pursuant to which the Market Participants, Project Sponsor, and identified principal beneficiaries agree to reimburse the Participating TO for the cost of a Facility Study.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Facility Trust Account","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each RMR Contract, the account established and operated by the CAISO to and from which all payments under Section 11.13 shall be made. Each Facility Trust Account will have two segregated commercial bank accounts, an RMR Owner Facility Trust Account and a Responsible Utility Facility Trust Account.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Fast Track Process","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The GIP or GIDAP procedure for evaluating an Interconnection Request for a certified Small Generating Facility no larger than 5 MW that includes application of screens, customer options meetings, and optional supplemental review.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Feasibility Index","acronym":null,"description":"A test used to evaluate whether a supplier or set of suppliers is pivotal in relieving congestion on a transmission path for the purposes of determining if a path is deemed to be competitive.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Federal Energy Regulatory Commission","acronym":"FERC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Federal Power Act","acronym":"FPA","description":"<p>Parts II and III of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 824 et seq., as they may be amended from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Fedwire","acronym":null,"description":"The Federal Reserve Transfer System for electronic funds transfer.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FERC Annual Charge Recovery Rate","acronym":null,"description":"The rate to be paid by Scheduling Coordinators for recovery of FERC Annual Charges assessed against the CAISO for transactions on the CAISO Controlled Grid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FERC Annual Charges","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Those charges assessed against a public utility by the FERC pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 382.201 and any related statutes or regulations, as they may be amended from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FERC Annual Charge Trust Account","acronym":null,"description":"An account to be established by the CAISO for the purpose of maintaining funds collected from Scheduling Coordinators for FERC Annual Charges and disbursing such funds to the FERC.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Fifteen Minute Market","acronym":"FMM","description":"<p>A Real-Time market procedure conducted throughout the Operating Day in fifteen-minute increments prior to the RTD, to clear Bids for Energy and Ancillary Services from imports and exports, internal Supply and CAISO Forecast Of CAISO Demand, as further specified in Section 34.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Fifth Percentile Congestion Revenue","acronym":null,"description":"The fifth percentile value based on the probability distribution of the historic Congestion revenue of a CRR.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"File Transfer Capability","acronym":"FTP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"File Transfer Protocal","acronym":"FTP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Final Approval","acronym":null,"description":"A statement of consent by the CAISO Control Center to initiate a scheduled Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Final Bill Determinant","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Bill Determinant that represents the Billable Quantity, Settlement Amount, and Billable Price for a Charge Code.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Final Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The invoice due from a RMR Owner to the CAISO at termination of the RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Final NERC/WECC Charge Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"A final invoice issued by the CAISO that reflects an allocation of NERC/WECC Charges to a Scheduling Coordinator based on the Final NERC/WECC Charge Rate for the NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Final NERC/WECC Charge Rate","acronym":null,"description":"The rate to be paid by Scheduling Coordinators for NERC/WECC Charges based on the WECC invoice to the CAISO for NERC/WECC Charges for a given year and on the NERC/WECC Metered Demand for the NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Financial Clearing","acronym":null,"description":"The business functions and processes used to transfer amounts payable from/to Business Associates through bank accounts authorized by the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Financial Security","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any of the types of financial instruments listed in Section 12 that are posted by a Market Participant, CRR Holder or Candidate CRR Holder.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Financial Security Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The level of Financial Security posted in accordance with Section 12 by a Market Participant, Candidate CRR Holder or CRR Holder</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Firm Liquidated Damages Contract","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A contract utilizing or consistent with Service Schedule C of the Western Systems Power Pool Agreement or the Firm Liquidated Damages product of the Edison Electric Institute pro forma agreement, or any other similar firm Energy contract that does not require the seller to source the Energy from a particular unit, and specifies a delivery point internal to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Fixed CRRs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Congestion Revenue Rights that are used in the running of an SFT to represent known encumbrances on the transmission system and which may include some or all of the following: previously allocated or awarded Monthly CRRs, Seasonal CRRs, Long Term CRRs, and Merchant Transmission CRRs, Existing Transmission Contracts, and Converted Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"The capacity of a resource that is operationally able to respond to Dispatch Instructions to manage variations in load and variable energy resource output.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Capacity Category","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The classification of Flexible Capacity as base ramping, peak ramping, or super-peak ramping based on the resource's operational characteristics and ability to meet minimum availability requirements.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Capacity CPM","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Flexible Capacity designated under the Capacity Procurement Mechanism, for the term of the designation. Flexible Capacity CPM is a subset of CPM Capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Capacity Need","acronym":null,"description":"The MW of Flexible Capacity that the CAISO forecasts will be needed in the next Resource Adequacy Compliance Year to reliably operate the CAISO Controlled Grid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Capacity Needs Assessment","acronym":null,"description":"The study performed by the CAISO to forecast the Flexible Capacity Need.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible RA Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"The Flexible Capacity of a resource listed on an LSE Flexible RA Capacity Plan and a Resource Flexible RA Capacity Plan.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Ramp Down Price","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Shadow Price of the downward Uncertainty Requirement constraint, which is the cost sensitivity of relaxing the downward Uncertainty Requirement constraint ($/MWh), by Location.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Ramping Down","acronym":"FRD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Ramping Product","acronym":"FRP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Ramping Up","acronym":"FRU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Ramp Up","acronym":"FRU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Ramp Up Price","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Shadow Price of the upward Uncertainty Requirement constraint, which is the cost sensitivity of relaxing the upward Uncertainty Requirement constraint ($/MWh), by Location.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible RA Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A resource designated to provide Flexible RA Capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Flexible Resource Adequacy Criteria and Must Offer Obligations","acronym":"FRACMOO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Flex Ramp Down","acronym":"FRD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Flex Ramp Down Price","acronym":"FRDP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Flex Ramp Up","acronym":"FRU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Flex Ramp Up Price","acronym":"FRUP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Flow Impact","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The combined impact of the CRR Holder's portfolio of Virtual Awards from the IFM on the power flows of a Constraint. The Flow Impact is calculated by multiplying the CRR Holder's Virtual Awards at a Node by the shift factor of that Node relative to the Constraint. This product is computed for each Node for which the Convergence Bidding Entity had Virtual Awards, and the Flow Impact is the sum of those products. In this definition, shift factor means the factor to be applied to a resource's expected change in output to determine the amount of flow contribution that change in output will impose on an identified transmission facility or flowgate. The shift factor used in calculating a Flow Impact will be subject to the effectiveness threshold set forth in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM AS Award","acronym":null,"description":"An award of Ancillary Services established through the Fifteen Minute Market","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Derate Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Extra-marginal FMM IIE, exclusive of FMM Minimum Load Energy, consumed due to PMax derates, that is consumed below the Day-Ahead Schedule and above the higher of the derated PMax or the FMM Schedule. FMM Derate Energy does not overlap with FMM Minimum Load Energy, FMM Exceptional Dispatch Energy, or FMM Optimal Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy and MSS Load Following Energy. FMM Derate Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.1, and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.8.4. FMM Derate Energy also includes Residual Imbalance Energy incurred due to the Ramping up towards or Ramping down from a Minimum Load rerated pursuant to Section 9.3.3 as specified in Section 11.5.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Exceptional Dispatch Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Extra-marginal FMM IIE, exclusive of FMM Minimum Load Energy, and FMM Derate Energy, produced or consumed due to FMM Exceptional Dispatch Instructions that are binding in the relevant Dispatch Interval. Without MSS Load following, FMM Exceptional Dispatch Energy is produced above the LMP index and below the lower of the FMM Schedule or the FMM Exceptional Dispatch Instruction, or consumed below the LMP index and above the higher of the FMM Schedule or the FMM Exceptional Dispatch Instruction. The LMP index is the capacity in the relevant Energy Bid that corresponds to a Bid price equal to the relevant LMP. FMM Exceptional Dispatch Energy does not overlap with FMM Minimum Load Energy, FMM Derate Energy, or FMM Optimal Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, RTD Optimal Energy, and MSS Load Following Energy. FMM Exceptional Dispatch Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.6, and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.8.4.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM IIE Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The payment due a Scheduling Coordinator for positive FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy or the charge assessed on a Scheduling Coordinator for negative FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy, as calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy","acronym":"FMM IIE","description":"The portion of Imbalance Energy resulting from Day-Ahead Schedules or EIM Base Schedules and FMM Schedules determined pursuant to Section 11.5.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM LAP Price","acronym":null,"description":"The marginal price for a particular LAP calculated pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Minimum Load Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>FMM IIE produced due to the Minimum Load of a Generating Unit that is committed in the RUC or the FMM and does not have a Day-Ahead Schedule or of a Constrained Output Generator (COG) that is committed in the IFM with a Day-Ahead Schedule below the Minimum Load, as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3. If the resource is committed in the FMM for Load following by an MSS Operator, the FMM Minimum Load Energy is accounted as MSS Load Following Energy instead. FMM Minimum Load Energy is FMM IIE above the Day-Ahead Schedule (or zero if there is no Day-Ahead Schedule of Energy) and equal to or below the Minimum Load, as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3. FMM Minimum Load Energy does not overlap with any other Expected Energy type. FMM Minimum Load Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.1 ,and it is included in BCR as described in Section FMM IIE that is consumed when a resource that is scheduled in the DAM is shut down in the FMM is accounted as FMM Optimal Energy and not as FMM Minimum Load Energy.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM MSS Price","acronym":null,"description":"1) The Hourly LAP price for the MSS when the MSS internal metered Demand exceeds the MSS internal measured Generation; or 2) the weighted average of the FMM LMPs for all applicable PNodes within the relevant MSS when MSS internal measured Generation exceeds MSS internal Measured Demand where weighting factors for computing the weighted average are based on the measured Energy of all Generation at the corresponding PNodes.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Non-Overlapping Optimal Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The portions of FMM Optimal Energy that are not FMM Overlapping Optimal Energy, which are indexed against the relevant Energy Bid and sliced by Energy Bid price.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Optimal Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any remaining FMM IIE after accounting for all other FMM IIE subtypes. FMM Optimal Energy does not overlap with FMM Minimum Load Energy, FMM Derate Energy, and FMM Exceptional Dispatch Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, and MSS Load Following Energy. FMM Optimal Energy is indexed against the relevant Energy Bid and sliced by service type, depending on the AS capacity allocation on the Energy Bid. FMM Optimal Energy is also divided into FMM Overlapping Optimal Energy and FMM Non-Overlapping Optimal Energy. Any FMM Optimal Energy slice below or above the Energy Bid has no associated Energy Bid price, \"and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Overlapping Optimal Energy","acronym":null,"description":"The portion of FMM Optimal Energy that overlaps with MSS Load Following Energy.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"FMM Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"The binding output of the FMM resulting from Bids submitted to the RTM. The portion of a HASP Block Intertie Schedule for either Energy or Ancillary Services that becomes financially binding shall constitute a FMM Schedule.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Forbidden Operating Region","acronym":"FOR","description":"A pair of lower and higher operating levels between which a resource cannot operate stably. The Forbidden Operating Regions lie between a resource's Minimum Operating Limit and Maximum Operating Limit and cannot overlap.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Forced Outage","acronym":null,"description":"An Outage for which sufficient notice cannot be given to allow the Outage to be factored into the Day Ahead Market or RTM bidding processes.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Forecast (Capacity above the forecast)","acronym":"FCS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Forecasted Movement","acronym":null,"description":"A resource's change in forecasted output between market intervals as described in Section 44.3.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Forecast Fee","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The charge imposed on an Eligible Intermittent Resource pursuant to the terms of Appendix F, Schedule 4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Frequently Mitigated Unit","acronym":"FMU","description":"A Generating Unit that is eligible for a Bid Adder pursuant to Section 39.8.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Fuel Region","acronym":"FR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Full Capacity","acronym":"FC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Full Capacity Deliverability Status","acronym":"FCDS","description":"Full Capacity Deliverability Status entitles a Generating Facility to a Net Qualifying Capacity amount that could be as large as its Qualifying Capacity and may be less pursuant to the assessment of its Net Qualifying Capacity by the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Full Network Model","acronym":"FNM","description":"<p>A computer-based model that includes all CAISO Balancing Authority Area transmission network (Load and Generating Unit) busses, Transmission Constraints, and Intertie busses between the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and interconnected Balancing Authority Areas. The FNM models the transmission facilities internal to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area as elements of a looped network and models the CAISO Balancing Authority Area Interties with interconnected Balancing Authority Areas in a radial fashion as specified in Section 27.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Gas Flow Day","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The day on which the gas flow occurred, as opposed to the California ISO Trading Day.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"General Electric","acronym":"GE","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"General Ledger","acronym":"GL","description":"The accounting records for CAISO that contains all financial accounts and statements of the business.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"General Reliability Network Upgrades","acronym":"GRNU","description":"RNUs that are not IRNUs.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generated Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A post-market Clean Bid generated by the CAISO, using the applicable Default Energy Bid and Default Commitment Cost Bids, in accordance with the provisions of Section 40 or other applicable provisions of the CAISO Tariff when a Bid is not submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator and is required for a Resource Adequacy requirement, an Ancillary Services Award, a RUC Award, a Day-Ahead Schedule, or as required by Section of the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generating Availability Data System","acronym":"GADS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generating Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An Interconnection Customer's Generating Unit(s) used for the production and\\/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generating Facility Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"The net capacity of the Generating Facility and the aggregate net capacity of the Generating Facility where it includes multiple energy production devices.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generating Unit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An individual electric generator and its associated plant and apparatus whose electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered or a Physical Scheduling Plant that, in either case, is: (a) located within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area (which includes a Pseudo-Tie of a generating unit to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area) or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area; (b) connected to the CAISO Controlled Grid, either directly or via interconnected transmission, or distribution facilities or via a Pseudo-Tie; and (c) capable of producing and delivering net Energy (Energy in excess of a generating station's internal power requirements).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generation","acronym":null,"description":"Energy delivered from a Generating Unit.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generation Aggregation","acronym":"GA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Generation Distribution Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Bid component for distributing the Bid, Schedule, or Dispatch of an Aggregate Generating Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generation Distribution Factor","acronym":"GDF","description":"<p>The Bid template component that indicates the proportions of how the Bid is distributed for the resources participating in Physical Scheduling Plants, System Units, or Distributed Energy Resource Aggregations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator","acronym":null,"description":"The seller of Energy or Ancillary Services produced by a Generating Unit.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator Control Area","acronym":"GCA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Generator Interconnection Agreement","acronym":"GIA","description":"<p>The form of Interconnection Agreement applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Generating Facility processed under the interconnection procedures set forth in Appendix Y. For a Large Generating Facility, a pro forma version of the Interconnection Agreement is set forth in Appendix CC. For a Small Generating Facility, a pro forma version of the Interconnection Agreement is set forth in Appendix T.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures","acronym":"GIDAP","description":"The Interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Generating Facility processed under Appendix DD.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator Interconnection Procedures","acronym":"GIP","description":"The interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Generating Facility processed under Appendix Y.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator Interconnection Study Process Agreement","acronym":"GISPA","description":"<p>The agreement between the CAISO and the Interconnection Customer for conducting the Interconnection Studies for a proposed Generating Facility processed under Appendix Y, a pro forma version of which is accepted by FERC, posted on the CAISO Website, and set forth in Appendix Y.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator Operator","acronym":"GOP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Generator Output Baseline","acronym":null,"description":"A value or values based on historically relevant Energy output meter data from behind-the-meter generation to derive a measured delivery of Demand Response Services.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Generator Owner","acronym":"GO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Generator Resource Data Template","acronym":"GRDT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Geospatial Database","acronym":"GDB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Good Faith Negotiations","acronym":"GFN","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Good Utility Practice","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any of the practices, methods, and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods, and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety, and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to any one of a number of the optimum practices, methods, or acts to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region, including those practices required by Federal Power Act section 215(a)(4).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Governmental Authority","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any federal, state, local or other governmental, regulatory or administrative agency, court, commission, department, board, or other governmental subdivision, legislature, rulemaking board, tribunal, or other governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Parties, their respective facilities, or the respective services they provide, and exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, police, or taxing authority or power; provided, however, that such term does not include the Interconnection Customer, CAISO, or Participating TO, or any Affiliate thereof.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Governor Blocking Status","acronym":null,"description":"Blocking the governor or governor-like control device of a resource essentially bypasses the governing feedback mechanisms and maintains the generator at a fixed output level. If the flag is set to ON then the resource is not expected to respond to frequency deviations.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Governor Dead Band","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The range of deviations of system frequency (+\\/-) that produces no turbine Governor response, and therefore, no frequency (speed) regulation. Dead band settings should not be exceed +\\/- 0.036 Hz ( 59.964 Hz to 60.036 Hz).</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Governor Droop Setting","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Droop is the amount of speed (or frequency) change that is necessary to cause the main prime mover control mechanism to move from fully closed to fully open. A governor tuned with speed droop will open its control valve proportional to frequency deviations. It is the change in steady state rotor speed, expressed in percent of rated speed, when power output is gradually reduced from rated power to zero power. Applicable droop settings are set forth in CAISO tariff section and in resources' interconnection agreements.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Greenhouse Gas","acronym":"GHG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Greenhouse Gas Allowance Price","acronym":null,"description":"A price calculated by the CAISO pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Greenhouse Gas Emission Cost Revenue","acronym":null,"description":"The revenues associated with the MWh compensation paid to an EIM Participating Resource that has Energy deemed delivered to a GHG compliance area priced at the Marginal Greenhouse Gas Cost multiplied by -1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Grid Management Charge","acronym":"GMC","description":"<p>The CAISO monthly charge on all Scheduling Coordinators that provides for the recovery of the CAISO's costs listed in Section 11.22.2 through the service charges described in Section calculated in accordance with the formula rate set forth in Appendix F, Schedule 1, Part A. The charges that comprise the Grid Management Charge consist of: 1) the Market Services Charge, 2) the System Operations Charge, 3) the CRR Services Charge, 4) the TOR Charge, 5) the Bid Segment Fee, 6) the CRR Transaction Fee, 7) the Inter-Scheduling Coordinator Trade Transaction Fee and 8) the Scheduling Coordinator ID Charge.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Grid Messaging System","acronym":"GMS","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Gross Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Demand (adjusted for distribution losses) of End-Use Customer Loads directly connected to the transmission facilities or directly connected to the Distribution System of a Utility Distribution Company or MSS Operator located in a PTO Service Territory. Gross Load includes Load served by Excess Behind the Meter Production. Excess Behind the Meter Production shall not be netted against End-Use Customer Load in determining Gross Load. Gross Load excludes:</p><p>(1) Load with respect to which the Wheeling Access Charge is payable;</p><p>(2) Load that is exempt from the Access Charge pursuant to Section 4.1 of Appendix I;</p><p>(3) Load of an individual retail customer served by its own onsite Generating Unit or energy storage device, or as authorized by Section 218 of the California Public Utilities Code;</p><p>(4) Onsite Load served by a qualifying small power production facility or qualifying cogeneration facility, as those terms are defined in the FERC's regulations implementing Section 201 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978; and</p><p>(5) Load secured by Standby Service from a Participating TO under terms approved by a Local Regulatory Authority or FERC, as applicable, or can be curtailed concurrently with an Outage of the Generating Unit serving the Load. </p><p>Gross Load forecasts consistent with filed Transmission Revenue Requirements will be provided by each Participating TO to the CAISO. For purposes of this definition, Generating Units, storage devices, and Loads will be considered onsite where they share, or are sub-metered behind, the same meter.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Group Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The process whereby more than one Interconnection Request is studied together, instead of individually, for the purpose of conducting one or more of the Interconnection Studies or analyses therein.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hard Energy Bid Cap","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The maximum Energy Bid price the CAISO will use for purposes of clearing the CAISO Market Processes. The Hard Energy Bid Cap is $2,000 per MWh.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"HASP Advisory Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"The output of the HASP that is not a HASP Block Intertie Schedule.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"HASP Block Intertie Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The output of the HASP resulting from accepted Self-Schedule Hourly Blocks and awarded Economic Hourly Block Bids (but excluding an Economic Hourly Block Bid with Intra-Hour option). A HASP Block Intertie Schedule can include Energy and AS. HASP Block Intertie Schedules, as modified after accepted, are settled at the applicable FMM LMP and FMM ASMPs. HASP Block Intertie Schedules are advisory only in that they may be curtailed by the CAISO for Reliability reasons. Otherwise, the MWH quantity of a HASP Block Intertie Schedule is financially binding.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Henry Hub","acronym":null,"description":"The pricing point for natural gas futures contracts.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hertz","acronym":"Hz","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"High Priority Economic Planning Study","acronym":null,"description":"An Economic Planning Study performed by the CAISO for inclusion in the Transmission Plan and for which the CAISO assumes cost responsibility.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"High Sustainable Limit","acronym":"HSL","description":"<p>The instantaneous generating capability of a variable or intermittent Generating Unit (or component thereof), provided to the CAISO through telemetry at the Generating Unit.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"High Voltage Access Charge","acronym":"HVAC","description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, HVAC means Regional Access Charge.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"High Voltage Transmission Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, High Voltage Transmission Facility means Regional Transmission Facility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"High Voltage Transmission Revenue Requirement","acronym":"HVTRR","description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, HVTRR means Regional Transmission Revenue Requirement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"High Voltage Wheeling Access Charge","acronym":"HVWAC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Historical Expected Value","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The expected value of a CRR, as calculated by the CAISO, based on monthly historical market operation data for the applicable month. Such values will be established based on at least one (1) year and up to three (3) years of historical market operations data.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Historic Regulation Performance Accuracy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The monthly calculation to determine the accuracy of a resource's response to CAISO EMS signals. The CAISO will base this calculation on a thirty (30) day simple average of fifteen (15) minute accuracy measurements. In the event that the resource does not provide Mileage in a fifteen (15) minute interval, the CAISO will not include the fifteen (15) minute interval in calculating the resource's Historic Regulation Performance Accuracy. In the event that a resource has not provided Regulation over the prior thirty (30) days, the CAISO will use the resource's last Historic Regulation Performance Accuracy as an adjustment factor. For newly certified or recertified resources, the CAISO will use the simple average Historic Regulation Performance Accuracy for all resources from the prior thirty (30) days as an initial adjustment factor.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Historic Rerun PTB","acronym":null,"description":"A PTB that represents summary line items from Trading Days calculated in the legacy Settlement system.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Host Balancing Authority","acronym":null,"description":"The Balancing Authority for a Host Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Host Balancing Authority Area","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Balancing Authority Area in which a System Resource is connected to the electric grid. The Host Balancing Authority Area may, or may not, be directly interconnected with the CAISO Balancing Authority Are.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hosted Advanced Network Applications","acronym":"HANA","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Hour Ahead Process","acronym":"HAP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Hour-Ahead Scheduling Process","acronym":"HASP","description":"The process conducted by the CAISO beginning at seventy-five minutes prior to the Trading Hour through which the CAISO conducts the activities specified in Section 34.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hour Ending","acronym":"HE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Hourly Block","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid or Schedule in the Real-Time Market from eligible resources for the same MWh quantity over an entire Trading Hour. Binding Hourly Block Schedules result in contiguous FMM Schedules.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hourly CRR Congestion Fun","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The pool of fund the CAISO collects and holds pursuant to Section of the CAISO Tariff, corresponding to a specific Transmission Constraint and Settlement Period, that the CAISO has available to pay CRR Holders for the portion of their CRRs modeled as having a PTDF on that Transmission Constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hourly Demand","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The average of the instantaneous Demand integrated over a single clock hour, in MWh.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hourly Energy Price Shaping Factor","acronym":null,"description":"Posts the calculated Hourly Energy Price Shaping Factor at an hourly granularity for both the Day-Ahead and Real-Time markets. The Hourly Energy Price Shaping Factor is used in the calculation of the Maximum Import Bid Price.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Hourly Real-Time LAP Price","acronym":null,"description":"The load deviation weighted average of the hourly average of the Dispatch Interval LMPs for the LAP in the relevant Trading Hour used for the Settlement of UIE.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hybrid Dynamic Limit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Real-Time Market Bid parameter representing the real-time capabilities of Hybrid Resources, used to ensure feasible Schedules.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hybrid Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Mixed-fuel Resource with a single Resource ID at a single Point of Interconnection.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Hydro Spill Generation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Hydroelectric Generation in existence prior to the CAISO Operations Date that: i) has no storage capacity and that, if backed down, would spill; ii) has exceeded its storage capacity and is spilling even though the generators are at full output; iii) has inadequate storage capacity to prevent loss of hydroelectric Energy either immediately or during the forecast period, if hydroelectric Generation is reduced; or iv) has increased regulated water output to avoid an impending spill.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Identification Code","acronym":"ID","description":"An identification number or set of letters assigned to each Scheduling Coordinator by the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Identified Affected System","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An Affected System Operator that responds affirmatively to CAISO notification, as described in Section 3.7 of Appendix DD.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM AS Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid Cost for Ancillary Service capacity a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The sum of a BCR Eligible Resource's IFM Start-Up Cost, IFM Minimum Load Cost, IFM Pump Shutdown Cost, IFM Transition Cost, IFM Pumping Cost, IFM Energy Bid Cost, and IFM AS Bid Cost.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Bid Cost Shortfall","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Interval, for any BCR Eligible Resource, the positive amount resulting from the difference between the IFM Bid Cost and the IFM Market Revenue.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Bid Cost Surplus","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Interval, for any BCR Eligible Resource, the positive amount resulting from the difference between the IFM Bid Cost and the IFM Market Revenue.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Bid Cost Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"The net of the IFM Bid Cost Shortfalls and IFM Bid Cost Surpluses system-wide for a Settlement Interval of all Bid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources with Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments as specified in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"A Commitment Period determined by the IFM.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Congestion Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Congestion Charge calculated by the CAISO for each Settlement Period of the IFM as the IFM MCC for Demand minus the IFM MCC for Supply.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Congestion Credit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A credit provided to Scheduling Coordinators to offset any IFM Congestion Charges that would otherwise be applied to the valid and balanced portions of any ETC, TOR or Converted Rights Self-Schedule in the IFM as provided in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Energy Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Energy Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM LAP Price","acronym":null,"description":"The marginal price for a particular LAP calculated pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Load Uplift Obligation","acronym":null,"description":"The obligation of a Scheduling Coordinator to pay its share of unrecovered IFM Bid Costs paid to resources through Bid Cost Recovery.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Marginal Losses Surplus","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Period of the IFM, the IFM Marginal Losses Surplus is the difference between: (1) the Net Hourly Energy Charge; and (2) the total IFM Congestion Charges which do not include IFM Congestion Credits collected by the CAISO as specified in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Marginal Losses Surplus Credit","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of money distributed to a Scheduling Coordinator in the allocation of IFM Marginal Losses Surplus in proportion to the Scheduling Coordinator's Measured Demand in accordance with Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Market Revenue","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The amount received by BCR Eligible Resource from Energy scheduled and Ancillary Services awarded in the IFM for the purposes of Bid Cost Recovery, as calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM MCL Credit for Eligible TOR Self-Schedules","acronym":null,"description":"A credit provided to Scheduling Coordinators pursuant to Section 17.3.3 to offset any IFM Marginal Cost of Losses that would otherwise be applied to the valid and balanced portions of any TOR Self-Schedule in the IFM as provided in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Minimum Load Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Minimum Load Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM MSS Price","acronym":null,"description":"Either (1) the IFM LAP price for the MSS when the MSS scheduled internal Demand exceeds the MSS scheduled internal Supply; or (2) the weighted average of the IFM LMPs for all applicable PNodes within the relevant MSS when MSS scheduled internal Supply exceeds MSS scheduled internal Demand where weighting factors for computing the weighted average are based on the scheduled Supply at the corresponding PNodes.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Pumping Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For the applicable Settlement Interval, the Pumping Cost submitted to the CAISO in the IFM divided by the number of Settlement Intervals in a Trading Hour as further provided in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Pumping Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Pumping Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Pump Shut-Down Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Pump Shut-Down Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM/RTM System","acronym":null,"description":"The market operations system presently being developed and used for IFM and RTM application processing.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"IFM Self-Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Time Period determined by the CAISO pursuant to the rules in Section for the purposes of deriving any Bid Cost Recovery amounts, related to the IFM.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Start-Up Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Start-Up Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"IFM Transition Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Transition Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Imbalance Conformance Enhancements","acronym":"ICE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Import","acronym":"I","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Import Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Supply Bid submitted to a CAISO Market at a Scheduling Point.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Import Capability Load Share","acronym":null,"description":"A Load Serving Entity's proportionate share of the forecasted Resource Adequacy Compliance Year coincident peak Demand for the CAISO Balancing Authority Area relative to the total coincident peak Demand for the CAISO Balancing Authority Area as determined by the California Energy Commission.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Import Capability Load Share Ratio","acronym":null,"description":"A Load Serving Entity's Import Capability Load Share divided by the sum of the Import Capability Load Shares of all Load Serving Entities with unfulfilled requests for Available Import Capability on a particular Intertie.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Import Capability Transfer Registration Process","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The electronic means by which Load Serving Entities and Market Participants must register with the CAISO any bilateral transfers of Existing Contract Import Capability, Pre-RA Import Commitment Capability, or Remaining Import Capability.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Incremental Fuel Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The cost of the fuel consumed by a generating resource at a given operating level to produce the next increment of Energy.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Independently Owned Utility","acronym":"IOU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Independent Study Process","acronym":"ISP","description":"The GIP or GIDAP procedure for evaluating an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility independently of the process applicable to a Generating Facility assigned to a Queue Cluster or the Fast Track Process.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Independent System Operator","acronym":"ISO","description":"See California Independent System Operator Corporation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ineffective Economic Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An Economic Bid that is not accepted in a CAISO market because its impact on the value of the CAISO Markets objectives, as specified in Section 31.3 and 34.5, would exceed the impact of adjusting a Non-priced Quantity. The CAISO maintains in the Business Practice Manuals the current values of the scheduling parameters that specify the thresholds, including the provisions of Section, whereby the market software determines whether to adjust a Non-priced Quantity rather than accept Economic Bids.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Initial Billing Run","acronym":null,"description":"A type of Billing Run that generates preliminary billing results for output to the invoicing process prior to the publication of the Initial Invoice.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Initial Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The first publication of a CAISO Invoice or Payment Advice issued for a Bill Period as scheduled in accordance with the CAISO Payments Calendar.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Initial Settlement Run","acronym":null,"description":"A type of Settlement Run that generates preliminary Settlement results for output prior to publication of the Initial Invoice.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Initial Settlement Statement","acronym":null,"description":"The first statement published by CAISO for the calculation of Settlements for a given Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Initial Settlement Statement T+3B","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Settlement Statement generated by the CAISO for the calculation of Settlements for a given Trading Day, which is published on the third Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+3B) and is prior to the Invoice or Payment Advice published for the relevant bill period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Initial Settlement Statement T+9B","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Settlement Statement generated by the CAISO for the calculation of Settlements for a given Trading Day, which is scheduled to publish on the ninth Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+9B) and is prior to the Invoice or Payment Advice published for the relevant bill period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"In-Service Date","acronym":null,"description":"The date upon which the Interconnection Customer reasonably expects it will be ready to begin use of the Participating TO Interconnection Facilities to obtain back feed power.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Instructed Imbalance Energy","acronym":"IIE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Instructed Mileage","acronym":null,"description":"Instructed Mileage is the absolute change in Automatic Generation Control set points between each four (4) second interval.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Integrated Balancing Authority Area","acronym":"IBAA","description":"<p>A Balancing Authority Area as provided in Section 27.5.3 that has been determined to have one or more direct interconnections with the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, such that power flows within the IBAA significantly affect power flows within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, and whose network topology is therefore modeled in further detail in the CAISO's Full Network Model beyond the simple radial modeling of interconnections between the IBAA and the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Integrated Forward Market","acronym":"IFM","description":"<p>The pricing run conducted by the CAISO using SCUC in the Day-Ahead Market, after the MPM process, which includes Unit Commitment, Ancillary Service procurement, Congestion Management and Energy procurement based on Supply and Demand Bids.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Integrated Resource Plan","acronym":"IRP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Interchange","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Imports and exports between the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and other Balancing Authority Areas and, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, between an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area and another Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interchange Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A final agreed-upon schedule of Energy to be transferred between the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and another Balancing Authority Area and, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, between an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area and another Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interchange Transaction Scheduling System","acronym":"ITSS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Interconnected Balancing Authority Area Operating Agreement","acronym":"IBAAOA","description":"An agreement entered into between the CAISO and a Balancing Authority of a Balancing Authority Area interconnected to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area to govern operation of their interconnected electric systems.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnected Control Area Operating Agreement","acronym":"ICAOA","description":"<p>An agreement entered into between the CAISO and a Balancing Authority of a Balancing Authority Area interconnected to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area to govern operation of their interconnected electric systems, a pro forma version of which has been accepted by FERC as a CAISO rate schedule in 87 FERC ¶ 61, 231 (1999).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Transmission facilities, other than additions or replacements to existing facilities that: i) connect one system to another system where the facilities emerge from one and only one substation of the two systems and are functionally separate from the CAISO Controlled Grid facilities such that the facilities are, or can be, operated and planned as a single facility; or ii) are identified as radial transmission lines pursuant to contract; or iii) produce Generation at a single point on the CAISO Controlled Grid; provided that such interconnection does not include facilities that, if not owned by the Participating TO, would result in a reduction in the CAISO's Operational Control of the Participating TO's portion of the CAISO</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"A contract between a party requesting interconnection and the Participating TO that owns the transmission facility with which the requesting party wishes to interconnect.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Base Case Data","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Data including, but not limited to, base power flow, short circuit and stability databases, underlying Load, Generation, and transmission facility assumptions, Contingency lists and automated contingency files, including relevant Remedial Action Schemes, Operating Procedures, per unit costs, and transmission diagrams used to perform Phase I Interconnection Studies and Phase II Interconnection Studies. Interconnection Base Case Data may include Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (as that term is defined by FERC). The Interconnection Base Case Data shall include transmission facilities approved by the CAISO under Section 24 and Network Upgrades associated with Generation Facilities in (iv) below and Generating Facilities that (i) are directly interconnected to the CAISO Controlled Grid; (ii) are interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending request to interconnect to an Affected System; or (iv) are not interconnected to the CAISO Controlled Grid, but are subject to a fully executed LGIA (or its equivalent predecessor agreement) or for which an unexecuted LGIA (or its equivalent predecessor agreement) has been requested to be filed with FERC. To the maximum extent practicable, the Interconnection Base Case Data shall utilize the Unified Planning Assumptions developed pursuant to Section 24.2.4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Customer","acronym":"IC","description":"<p>Any entity, including a Participating TO or any of its Affiliates or subsidiaries, that proposes to interconnect its Generating Facility, or modify its existing interconnection, with the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities","acronym":null,"description":"<p>All facilities and equipment, as identified in Appendix A of the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, that are located between the Generating Facility and the Point of Change of Ownership, including any modification, addition, or upgrades to such facilities and equipment necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the Generating Facility to the CAISO Controlled Grid. Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities are sole use facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Facilities","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities and the Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities. Collectively. Interconnection Facilities include all facilities and equipment between the Generating Facility and the Point of Interconnection, including any modification, additions or upgrades that are necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the Generating Facility to the CAISO Controlled Grid. Interconnection Facilities are sole use facilities and shall not include Distribution Upgrades, Stand Alone Network Upgrades or Network Upgrades.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Facilities Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A study conducted by the Participating TO(s), CAISO, or a third party consultant for the Interconnection Customer to determine a list of facilities (including the Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities, Network Upgrades, and Distribution Upgrades), the cost of those facilities, and the time required to interconnect the Generating Facility with the CAISO Controlled Grid. The scope of the study is defined in Section 8 of the Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (Appendix U), Section 6 and 7 of the Generator Interconnection Procedures (Appendix Y) and Section 4.4 of the Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Allocation Procedures (Appendix DD).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Facilities Study Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"The form of agreement accepted by FERC and posted on the CAISO Website for conducting the Interconnection Facilities Study.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Feasibility Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A preliminary evaluation conducted by the Participating TO(s), CAISO, or a third party consultant for the Interconnection Customer of the system impact and cost of interconnecting the Generating Facility to the CAISO Controlled Grid, the scope of which is described in Section 6 of the Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Feasibility Study Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"The form of agreement accepted by FERC and posted on the CAISO Website for conducting the Interconnection Feasibility Study","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Financial Security","acronym":null,"description":"Any of the financial instruments listed in GIP Section 9.1 set forth in Appendix Y that are posted by an Interconnection Customer.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Handbook","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A handbook, developed by the Participating TO and posted on the Participating TO's website or otherwise made available by the Participating TO, describing technical and operational requirements for wholesale generators and loads connected to the Participating TO's portion of the CAISO Controlled Grid, as such handbook may be modified or superseded from time to time. Participating TO's standards contained in the Interconnection Handbook shall be deemed consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Criteria. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the LGIP or SGIP and the terms of the Participating TO's Interconnection Handbook. the terms in the LGIP or SGIP shall apply.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Reliability Network Upgrades","acronym":"IRNU","description":"Reliability Network Upgrades at the Point of Interconnection to accomplish the physical interconnection of the Generating Facility to the CAISO Controlled Grid. IRNUs are treated as Reliability Network Upgrades unless otherwise noted.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit","acronym":"IROL","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Interconnection Request","acronym":"IR","description":"<p>An Interconnection Customer's request, in the form of Appendix 1 to the Generator Interconnection Deliverability Allocation Procedure (Appendix DD), in accordance with Section 25.1 of the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Service","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The service provided by the Participating TO and CAISO associated with interconnecting the Interconnection Customer's Generating Facility to the CAISO Controlled Grid and enabling it to receive electric Energy and capacity from the Generating Facility at the Point of Interconnection, pursuant to the terms of the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, the Participating TO's TO Tariff, and the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Service Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The approved maximum instantaneous Power output at the Point of Interconnection for the Interconnection Customer, as set forth in its Interconnection Studies.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any of the following studies: the Interconnection Feasibility Study, the Interconnection System Impact Study, and the Interconnection Facilities Study described in the Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures set forth in Appendix U and the Phase I Interconnection Study and the Phase II Interconnection Study described in the LGIP set forth in Appendix Y and Appendix DD to the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Study Cycle","acronym":null,"description":"<p>All requirements, actions, and respective obligations of the CAISO, Participating TO, and Interconnection Customer under the GIP set forth in Appendix Y or the GIDAP set forth in Appendix DD applicable to an Interconnection Request submitted in the applicable annual Cluster Application Window and including execution by the parties or submission to FERC by one or more parties of a GIA.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection Study Deposit","acronym":null,"description":"The cash deposit provided to the CAISO by Interconnection Customers under GIP Section 3.5.1 set forth in Appendix Y as a requirement of a valid Interconnection Request to be used to offset the cost of the Interconnection Studies as set forth in GIP Sections and set forth in Appendix Y.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection System Impact Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An engineering study conducted by the Participating TO(s), CAISO, or a third party consultant for the Interconnection Customer that evaluates the impact of the proposed interconnection on the safety and reliability of the CAISO Controlled Grid and, if applicable, an Affected System. The study shall identify and detail the system impacts that would result if the Generating Facility were interconnected without project modifications or system modifications, focusing on the Adverse System Impacts identified in the Interconnection Feasibility Study, or to study potential impacts, including but not limited to those identified in the Scoping Meeting as described in the Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interconnection System Impact Study Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"The form of agreement accepted by FERC and posted on the CAISO Website for conducting the Interconnection System Impact Study.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intercontinental Exchange","acronym":"ICE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Inter-Control Center Communication Protocol","acronym":"ICCP","description":"<p>An application layer 7 protocol for data exchange between utility companies over wide area networks (WANs), typically IP networks. Also known as the international IEC Tele-control Application Service Element 2 (TASE2) standard, ICCP provides transactions for queries, monitoring, data transfer, scheduling and remote control between clients and servers.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Interest","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Interest shall be calculated in accordance with the methodology specified for interest on refunds in the regulations of FERC at 18 C.F.R. §35.19a(a)(2)(iii) (1996). Interest on delinquent amounts shall be calculated from the due date of the bill to the date of payment, except as provided in Section When payments are made by mail, bills shall be considered as having been paid on the date of receipt.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interim Capacity Procurement Methodology","acronym":"ICPM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Interim Deliverability Status","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An interim designation that allows an Interconnection Customer that has requested Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status to obtain non-zero Net Qualifying Capacity, as determined annually by the CAISO pursuant to the provisions of the CAISO Tariff and the applicable Business Practice Manual, pending the in-service date of all the required Network Upgrades required for its requested Deliverability Status.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intermediary Balancing Authority","acronym":null,"description":"The Balancing Authority that operates an Intermediary Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intermediary Balancing Authority Area","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any Balancing Authority Area between a Host Balancing Authority Area and the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. An Intermediary Balancing Authority Area may, or may not, be directly interconnected with the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intermediate Bill Determinant","acronym":null,"description":"A Bill Determinant that is any result of a Settlement calculation.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Interregional Cost Allocation","acronym":null,"description":"Means the assignment of Interregional Transmission Project costs between or among Planning Regions as described in Section 24.18.5.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interregional Transmission Project","acronym":"ITP","description":"Means a proposed new transmission project that would directly interconnect electrically to existing or planned transmission facilities in two or more Planning Regions and that is submitted into the regional transmission planning processes of all such Planning Regions in accordance with Section 24.18.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Interruptible Imports","acronym":null,"description":"Non-firm Energy sold into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area from a resource located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area which by contract can be interrupted or reduced at the discretion of the seller. Interruptible Imports must be submitted through Self-Schedules in the Day-Ahead Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Inter-SC Trade","acronym":"IST","description":"<p>A trade between Scheduling Coordinators of Energy, Ancillary Services, or IFM Load Uplift Obligation in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Inter-SC Trade market close time","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For the Day-Ahead Market, 1200 hours the day prior to the Trading Day. For the RTM, at T-45, at which time the CAISO rejects any Inter-SC Trades that do not have a matching counterparty.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Inter-SC Trade Period","acronym":null,"description":"Either the Day-Ahead Inter-SC Trade Period or the RTM Inter-SC Trade Period.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Inter-SC Trade Transaction Fee","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge fee described in Section 11.22.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intertie","acronym":null,"description":"A transmission corridor that interconnects the CAISO Balancing Authority Area with another Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intertie Block Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Bid from a System Resource in the DAM that offers the same quantity of Energy across multiple, contiguous hours of the Trading Day.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Intertie Constraints","acronym":"ITC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Intertie Multi-Stage Generator","acronym":"TMSG","description":"A resource-specific dynamic import from a physical resource in the non-EIM BAA with a dynamic scheduling agreement with the EIM Entity BAA.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Intertie Resource Data Template","acronym":"IRDT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Invalid Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid that has failed the Bid validation process as described in Section of the BPM for Market Instruments.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Investor Owned Utility","acronym":"IOU","description":"An investor owned electric utility.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"A document published as a result of an invoicing run pursuant to the CAISO Payments Calendar in which a Business Associate's current net financial obligation is a positive Settlement amount.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Invoice Type (or Payment Advice Type)","acronym":null,"description":"See Invoicing Run Type","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Joint Powers Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement governing a Joint Powers Authority that is subject to the California Joint Exercise of Powers Act (California Government Code, Section 6500, et seq.).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Joint Powers Authority","acronym":null,"description":"An authority authorized by law through which two or more public entities jointly exercise their powers.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Kilo Volt","acronym":"kV","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Kilo Volt Ampere Reactive","acronym":"KVAR","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Kilo Watt","acronym":"KW","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Kilo Watt Hours","acronym":"KWh","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Kilowatt/Kilowatt hour","acronym":"kW/kWh","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"LAP Price","acronym":null,"description":"The marginal price for a particular LAP calculated as specified in Section 27.2.2 of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Large Generating Facility","acronym":"LGF","description":"A Generating Facility having a Generating Facility Capacity of more than 20 MW.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Large Generator Interconnection Agreement","acronym":"LGIA","description":"<p>The form of interconnection agreement applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility processed under the interconnection procedures set forth in Appendix U, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix V.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Large Generator Interconnection Procedures","acronym":"LGIP","description":"The interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility processed under Appendix U.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Large Generator Interconnection Study Process Agreement","acronym":"LGISPA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Large Project","acronym":null,"description":"[\"A transmission upgrade or addition that exceeds $200 million in capital costs and consists of a proposed transmission line or substation facilities capable of operating at voltage levels greater than 200 kV. Location Constrained Resource Interconnection Facilities are not included in this definition\",\"regardless of the capital cost or voltage level of the transmission upgrade or addition. A Large Project may also be a project that does not meet the dollar or voltage level requirement\",\"but that the CAISO determines raises significant policy issues warranting a separate planning process.\"]","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Limited Energy Storage Resource","acronym":"LESR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Limited Operation Study","acronym":"LOS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Line Loss Correction Factor","acronym":null,"description":"The line loss correction factor as set forth in the technical specifications contained in the applicable Business Practice Manual.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Listed Local RA Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The capacity of Local Capacity Area Resources that, subject to resolution of a potential discrepancy as provided in Section 40.7(b), is identified on a Load Serving Entity's Resource Adequacy Plan and a supplier's corresponding Supply Plan as being obligated (for the purposes of sections and to provide RA Substitute Capacity from the same Local Capacity Area as the Listed Local RA Capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"LMP Option","acronym":null,"description":"A method of calculating Default Energy Bids based on Locational Marginal Prices.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An end-use device of an End-Use Customer that consumes Power. Load should not be confused with Demand, which is the measure of Power that a Load receives or requires.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Aggregation Point","acronym":"LAP","description":"A set of Pricing Nodes as specified in Section 27.2 that are used for the submission of Bids and Settlement of Demand","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Capacity Technical Study Manual","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The manual describing the requirements for the annual Local Capacity Technical Study, which is posted on the CAISO Website each year as specified in the BPM for the Transmission Planning Process.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Load Consumption","acronym":"CON","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Load Curtailment","acronym":"CUR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Load Distribution Factor","acronym":"LDF","description":"A number that reflects the relative amount of Load at each PNode within a Load Aggregation Point. Load Distribution Factors determine how the aggregated Load at a given LAP is distributed to the associated power system Nodes. The sum of all Load Distribution Factors for a single Load Aggregation Point equals one.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Following Deviation Penalty","acronym":"LFDP","description":"The penalty assignable to an MSS Operator for deviations from Expected Energy outside the MSS Deviation Band.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Following MSS","acronym":null,"description":"An MSS entity that has elected to follow its Load pursuant to Section 4.9.9 of the CAISO Tariff and its MSSA.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Load Forecast","acronym":"LF","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Load Metric","acronym":null,"description":"A Load Serving Entity's level of Load in megawatts for a defined time period that is exceeded in only 0.5% of the hours of that time period based on historical or forecast Load data.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Migration","acronym":null,"description":"The transfer of the responsibility to serve Load from one Load Serving Entity to another.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Reduction","acronym":null,"description":"The total Load Reduction capacity per location","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Load Serving Entity","acronym":"LSE","description":"<p>Any entity (or the duly designated agent of such an entity, including, e.g., a Scheduling Coordinator), including a load aggregator or power marketer, that (a) (i) serves End Users within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and (ii) has been granted authority or has an obligation pursuant to state or local law, regulation, or franchise to sell electric energy to End Users located within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area; (b) (i) is an End User, (ii) has been granted authority pursuant to state or local law or regulation to serve its own Load through the purchase of electric energy from an entity that does not qualify as a Load Serving Entity, and (iii) serves its own Load through purchases of electric energy from an entity that does not qualify as a Load Serving Entity with respect to such purchases of electric energy, or (c) is a federal power marketing authority that serves End Users. Notwithstanding the above, an entity is not a Load Serving Entity under this definition solely because it provides electric energy at no cost to its tenants or because it purchases or sells electric energy from a generating resource pursuant to a state or local law or regulation that permits the generating resource to make direct sales of electric energy to an End User, the rates, terms, and conditions of which sale are not subject to regulation by a Local Regulatory Authority.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Serving Generator","acronym":"LSG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Load Share Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"The product of Total Import Capability and Import Capability Load Share.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Shedding","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The systematic reduction of system Demand by temporarily decreasing the Supply of Energy to Loads in response to transmission system or area capacity shortages, system instability, or voltage control considerations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Load Uplift Obligation","acronym":"LUO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Local Access Charge","acronym":"LAC","description":"The Access Charge applicable under Section 26.1 to recover the Local Transmission Revenue Requirement of a Participating TO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Area","acronym":null,"description":"Transmission constrained area as defined in the study referenced in Section 40.3.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Area Resource Deficiency","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly difference in MW between any applicable Local Capacity Area requirements for an LSE as established pursuant to Section 40.3.2 and the quantity of monthly MW shown in the LSE's Resource Adequacy Plan.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Area Resources","acronym":null,"description":"Resource Adequacy Capacity from a Generating Unit listed in the technical study or Participating Load or Proxy Demand Resource or Reliability Demand Response Resource that is located within a Local Capacity Area capable of contributing toward the amount of capacity required in a particular Local Capacity Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Requirement","acronym":"LCR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Technical","acronym":"LCT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Technical Study","acronym":null,"description":"The study performed by the CAISO pursuant to Section 40.3.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Capacity Technical Study Manual","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The manual describing the requirements for the annual Local Capacity Technical Study, which is posted on the CAISO Website each year as specified in the BPM for the Transmission Planning Process.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Local Control Area","acronym":"LCA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Local Deliverability Constraint","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A transmission system operating limit modeled in the GIDAP study process that would be exceeded if the CAISO were to assign Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status to one or more additional Generating Facilities interconnecting to the CAISO Controlled Grid in a specific local area, and that is not an Area Deliverability Constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Delivery Network Upgrade","acronym":"LDNU","description":"A transmission upgrade or addition identified by the CAISO in the GIDAP interconnection study process to relieve a Local Deliverability Constraint.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Furnishing Bond","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Tax-exempt bonds utilized to finance facilities for the local furnishing of electric energy, as described in section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 142(f).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Furnishing Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Tax-exempt bonds utilized to finance facilities for the local furnishing of electric energy, as described in section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 142(f).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Market Power Mitigation","acronym":"LMPM","description":"The mitigation of market power that could be exercised by an entity when it is needed for local reliability services due to its location on the grid and a lack of competitive supply at that location pursuant to Section 39.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Off-Peak Constraints","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A transmission system operating limit modeled in the generator interconnection study process that would be exceeded or lead to excessive curtailment, as described in the Off-Peak Deliverability Assessment methodology, if the CAISO were to assign Off-Peak Deliverability Status to one or more Generating Facilities interconnecting to the CAISO Controlled Grid in a specific local area, and that is not an Area Off-Peak Constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Off-Peak Network Upgrades","acronym":"LOPNU","description":"A transmission upgrade or addition the CAISO identifies in the generator interconnection study process to relieve a Local Off-Peak Constraint.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Publicly Owned Electric Utility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A municipality or municipal corporation operating as a public utility furnishing electric services, a municipal utility district furnishing electric services, a public utility district furnishing electric services, an irrigation district furnishing electric services, a state agency or subdivision furnishing electric services, a rural cooperative furnishing electric services, or a Joint Powers Authority that includes one or more of these agencies and that owns Generation or transmission facilities, or furnishes electric services over its own or its members' electric Distribution System.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Regulatory Authority","acronym":"LRA","description":"<p>The state or local governmental authority, or the board of directors of an electric cooperative, responsible for the regulation or oversight of a utility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Reliability Criteria","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Reliability Criteria unique to the transmission systems of each of the Participating TOs established at the later of: (1) CAISO Operations Date, or (2) the date upon which a New Participating TO places its facilities under the control of the CAISO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Transmission Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A transmission facility that is (1) under the CAISO Operational Control, (2) is owned by a Participating TO or to which a Participating TO has an Entitlement that is represented by a Converted Right, (3) operates at a voltage below 200 kilovolts, and (4) only in the case of a transmission facility approved in the final 2013\\/2014 comprehensive Transmission Plan and thereafter, is located entirely within a Participating Transmission Owner's footprint or PTO Service Territory.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Transmission Revenue Requirement","acronym":"LTRR","description":"<p>The portion of a Participating TO's TRR associated with and allocable to the Participating TO's Local Transmission Facilities and Converted Rights associated with Local Transmission Facilities that are under the CAISO Operational Control or, in the case of an Approved Project Sponsor that is a Participating Transmission Owner, Transmission Facilities not yet in operation, but approved under Section 24 and assigned to the Approved Project Sponsor, that will be Local Transmission Facilities when placed under the CAISO's Operational Control.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Local Wheeling Access Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Wheeling Access Charge associated with the recovery of a Participating TO's Local Transmission Revenue Requirement in accordance with Section 26.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Location","acronym":null,"description":"A reference to either a Pricing Node or an Aggregated Pricing Node.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Locational Marginal Capacity Price","acronym":"LMCP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Locational Marginal Price","acronym":"LMP","description":"The marginal cost ($/MWh) of serving the next increment of Demand at that PNode consistent with existing Transmission Constraints and the performance characteristics of resources.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Location Code","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The code assigned by the CAISO to Generation input points, and Demand Take-Out Points from the CAISO Controlled Grid, and transaction points from trades between Scheduling Coordinators. This will be the information used by the CAISO Controlled Grid, and transaction points for trades between Scheduling Coordinators. This will be the information used by the CAISO to determine the location of the input, output, and trade points of Energy Schedules. Each Generation input and Demand Take-Out Point will have a designated Location Code identification.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Location Constrained Resource Interconnection Facility","acronym":"LCRIF","description":"A Transmission Facility that has been determined by the CAISO to satisfy all of the requirements of Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Location Constrained Resource Interconnection Generator","acronym":"LCRIG","description":"<p>A Generating Unit that (a) uses a primary fuel source or source of energy that is in a fixed location and cannot practicably be transported from that location; and (b) is located in an Energy Resource Area. Generating Units meeting criterion (a) shall include, but not be limited to, wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, digester gas, landfill gas, ocean wave and ocean thermal tidal current Generating Units.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Location Name","acronym":null,"description":"Identifies the location/site for the user","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Long Start Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Unit that has a cycle time of more than 255 minutes (Start-Up Time plus Minimum Run Time is more than 255 minutes) and requires up to 18 hours to Start-Up and synchronize to the grid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Long Term Congestion Revenue Right","acronym":"LT CRR or Long Term CRR","description":"A Congestion Revenue Right differentiated by season and time-of-use period (on-peak and off-peak) with a term of ten years.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Long Term Procurement Plan","acronym":"LTPP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Loss of Load Expectation","acronym":"LOLE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Loss of Load Probability","acronym":"LOLP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Loss Penalty Factor","acronym":"LPF","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Lower Charge Limit","acronym":"LCL","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Lower Operating Limit","acronym":"LOL","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Lower Price Taker","acronym":"LPT","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Low Voltage Access Charge","acronym":"LVAC","description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, LVAC means Local Access Charge.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Low Voltage Transmission Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, Low Voltage Transmission Facility means Local Transmission Facility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Low Voltage Transmission Revenue Requirement","acronym":"LVTRR","description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, LVTRR means Local Transmission Revenue Requirement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Low Voltage Wheeling Access Charge","acronym":"LVWAC","description":"<p>When used in documents that adopt the definitions in this Appendix A of the ISO Tariff, Low Voltage Wheeling Access Charge means Local Wheeling Access Charge.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"LSE Flexible RA Capacity Plan","acronym":null,"description":"A submission by a Scheduling Coordinator for a Load Serving Entity in the form required by the Business Practice Manual to satisfy the requirements of Section 40.10.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A period of time during which an Operator (i) takes its transmission facilities out of service for the purposes of carrying out routine planned maintenance, or for the purposes of new construction work or for work on de-energized and live transmission facilities (e.g., relay maintenance or insulator washing) and associated equipment; or (ii) limits the capability of or takes its Generating Unit or System Unit out of service for the purposes of carrying out routine planned maintenance, or for the purposes of new construction work.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Manual Dispatch Energy","acronym":"MDE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Manual RMR Dispatch","acronym":null,"description":"An RMR Dispatch Notice issued by the CAISO other than as a result of the MPM process","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Cost of Congestion","acronym":"MCC","description":"<p>The component of LMP at a PNode that accounts for the cost of congestion, as measured between that Node and a Reference Bus.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Cost of Losses","acronym":"MCL","description":"<p>The component of LMP at a PNode that accounts for the marginal real power losses, as measured between that Node and a Reference Bus.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Greenhouse Gas Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The marginal cost of GHG compliance when serving load in a GHG compliance area by an EIM Participating Resource not located within the GHG compliance area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Losses","acronym":null,"description":"The transmission system marginal real power losses that arise from changes in demand at a Node which are served by changes in generation at a Reference Bus.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Losses Surplus","acronym":"MLS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Loss Factor","acronym":null,"description":"The incremental change in the quantity (MW) of Transmission Losses in the network resulting when serving an increment of Load at the PNode from the slack bus (or busses).","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Marginal Real-Time Dispatch Option","acronym":null,"description":"The option selected by a Reliability Demand Response Resource pursuant to Section to be dispatched as a marginal resource in the Real-Time Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Analysis Engine","acronym":null,"description":"The core functions used in the IFM/RTM system to support IFM and RTM scheduling and LMP calculation. The Market Analysis Engine includes the SCUC and the Network Applications (power flow and contingency analysis).","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Market Behavior Rules","acronym":null,"description":"Those rules established by FERC under Docket No. EL01-118.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Clearing","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The act of conducting any of the processes used by the CAISO to determine LMPs, Day-Ahead Schedules, RUC Awards or AS Awards, HASP Block Intertie Schedules, FMM Schedules and Dispatch Instructions based on Supply Bids and Demand Bids or CAISO Demand Forecast.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Clearing Price","acronym":"MCP","description":"The price in a market at which supply equals demand. All demand prepared to pay at least this price has been satisfied and all supply prepared to operate at or below this price has been purchased.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Close","acronym":null,"description":"The time after which the CAISO is no longer accepting Bids for its CAISO Markets which: 1) for the DAM is 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time of the Day-Ahead; and 2) for RTM is approximately seventy-five minutes prior to the Operating Hour.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Disruption","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An action or event that causes a failure of a CAISO Market, related to system operation issues or System Emergencies referred to in Sections 7.6, 7.7, and 34.10, including actions taken by the CAISO to prevent, manage, or minimize the extent of a Market Disruption.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Efficiency Enhancement Agreement","acronym":"MEEA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and the Balancing Authority of an IBAA, or any entity or group of entities that use the transmission system of an IBAA, which provides for an alternative modeling and pricing arrangement to the default IBAA modeling and pricing provisions provided in Section 27.5.3. The CAISO may enter into such an agreement subject to FERC review and acceptance. Creation and modification of such an agreement will be pursuant to the process set forth in Section 27.5.3 and will be posted on the CAISO Website.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Manipulation","acronym":null,"description":"Market Manipulation has the meaning set forth in Section 37.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Monitoring Unit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The component of the CAISO organization (currently the “Department of Market Monitoring”) that is assigned responsibility in the first instance for the functions of a Market Monitoring Unit, as that term is defined in 18 CFR § 35.28(b)(7).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Notice","acronym":null,"description":"An electronic notice issued by the CAISO that the CAISO posts on the CAISO Website and provides by e-mail to those registered with the CAISO to receive CAISO e-mail notices.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Operator","acronym":"MO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Market Participant","acronym":"MP","description":"<p>An entity, including a Scheduling Coordinator, who (1) participates in the CAISO Markets through the buying, selling, transmission, or distribution of Energy, capacity, or Ancillary Services into, out of, or through the CAISO Controlled Grid; (2) is a CRR Holder or Candidate CRR Holder; (3) is a Convergence Bidding Entity; or (4)\",\"for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, is an EIM Market Participant.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Participant Asset Implementation","acronym":"MPAI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Market Participant Portal","acronym":"MPP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Market Power Mitigation","acronym":"MPM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Market Power Mitigation – Reliability Requirement Determination","acronym":"MPM-RRD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Market Power Mitigation - RRD","acronym":"MPM","description":"The two-optimization run process conducted in both the Day-Ahead Market and the RTM that determines the need for the CAISO to employ market power mitigation measures or Dispatch RMR Units.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Redesign & Technology Upgrade","acronym":"MRTU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Market Results Interface - Settlements","acronym":"MRI-S","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Market Results Interface – Settlements (& Metering)","acronym":"MRI-S","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Market Scheduling Limits","acronym":"MSL","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Market Services Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge component described in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Surveillance Committee","acronym":"MSC","description":"The committee established under Appendix O.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Market Violation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A CAISO Tariff violation, violation of a FERC-approved order, rule or regulation, market manipulation, or inappropriate dispatch that creates substantial concerns regarding unnecessary market inefficiencies.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Master File","acronym":"MF","description":"<p>A file containing information regarding Generating Units, Loads and other resources, or its successor</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Material Change in Financial Condition","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A change in or potential threat to the financial condition of a Market Participant that increases the risk that the Market Participant will be unlikely to meet some or all of its financial obligations. The types of Material Change in Financial Condition include but are not limited to the following: (a) a credit agency downgrade; (b) being placed on a credit watch list by a major rating agency; (c) a bankruptcy filing; (d) insolvency; (e) the filing of a material lawsuit that could significantly and adversely affect past, current, or future financial results; or (f) any change in the financial condition of the Market Participant which exceeds a five (5) percent reduction in the Market Participant's Tangible Net Worth or Net Assets for the Market Participant's preceding fiscal year, calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Material Modification","acronym":null,"description":"A modification that has a material impact on the cost or timing of any Interconnection Request or any other valid interconnection request with a later queue priority date","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Material Modification Assessment","acronym":"MMA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Congestion Revenue Rights Mega Watts","acronym":"Max CRR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Cost Exposure","acronym":"MCE","description":"<p>Pursuant to Appendix DD, the sum of (1) the Interconnection Customer's Maximum Cost Responsibility and (2) the Conditionally Assigned Network Upgrades from its Phase I or Phase II Interconnection Study.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Cost Responsibility","acronym":"MCR","description":"<p>The lower sum of the Interconnection Customer's (1) full cost of assigned Interconnection Reliability Network Upgrades and (2) allocated costs for all other Assigned Network Upgrades, from its Phase I or Phase II Interconnection Studies, not to exceed the Maximum Cost Exposure.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Daily Start-Ups","acronym":"MDS","description":"<p>The maximum number of times a Generating Unit can be started up within one day, due to environmental or physical operating constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Import Bid Price","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An index-based price used to screen Bids by Non-Resource-Specific System resources that are Resource Adequacy Resources that exceed the Soft Energy Bid Cap.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Import Capability","acronym":"MIC","description":"A quantity in MW determined by the CAISO for each Intertie into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area to be deliverable to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area based on CAISO study criteria.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Net Dependable Capacity","acronym":"MNDC","description":"A term defined in and used in association with an RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Operating Limit","acronym":"MOLmax","description":"The lower of the maximum allowable output when the resource is operating or the upper bound of the Regulating Range if the resource is providing Regulation service.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Secondary Three-Hour Net-Load Ramp","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The second highest daily increase in CAISO system load, net of wind and solar output, measured over a consecutive three-hour time period that does not correspond with the time period for the Maximum Three-Hour Net-Load Ramp.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Maximum Three-Hour Net-Load Ramp","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The highest daily increase in CAISO system load within a month, net of wind and solar output, measured over a consecutive three-hour time period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Measured Demand","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The metered CAISO Demand plus Real-Time Interchange Export Schedules, excluding that portion of Demand of Non-Generator Resources dispatched as Regulation through Regulation Energy Management.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Mega Volt Ampere Reactive","acronym":"MVAR","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Mega Watt","acronym":"MW","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Mega Watt Hours","acronym":"MWh","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Megawatt / Megawatt Hour","acronym":"MW/MWh","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Merchant Transmission CRRs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Incremental CRRs that are created by the addition of a Merchant Transmission Facility. Merchant Transmission CRRs are effective for thirty (30) years or for the pre-specified intended life of the facility, whichever is less.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Merchant Transmission Facility","acronym":null,"description":"A transmission facility or upgrade that is part of the CAISO Controlled Grid and whose costs are paid by a Project Sponsor that does not recover the cost of the transmission investment through the CAISO's Access Charge or WAC or other regulatory cost recovery mechanism.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Meter Data","acronym":null,"description":"Either (1) Energy usage or generation data collected by a metering device or as may be otherwise derived by the use of Approved Load Profiles or (2) a statistical sampling of Energy usage data that is derived pursuant to a methodology approved by the CAISO pursuant to Section 10.1.7 in cases where interval metering is not available for the entire population of underlying service accounts for a Reliability Demand Response Resource or a Proxy Demand Resource.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Meter Data Exchange Format","acronym":"MDEF","description":"A format for submitting Meter Data to the CAISO which will be published by the CAISO on the CAISO Website or available on request.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Meter Data Management Agent","acronym":"MDMA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Metered Balancing Authority Area Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For purposes of calculating and billing the Grid Management Charge, Metered Balancing Authority Area Load is: (a) all metered Demand for Energy of Scheduling Coordinators for the supply of Loads in the CAISO's Balancing Authority Area, plus (b) all Energy for exports by Scheduling Coordinators from the CAISO Balancing Authority Area; less (c) Energy associated with the Load of a retail customer of a Scheduling Coordinator, Utility Distribution Company, Small Utility Distribution Company or Metered Subsystem that is served by a Generating Unit that: (i) is located on the same site as the customer's Load or provides service to the customer's Load through arrangements as authorized by Section 218 of the California Public Utilities Code; (ii) is a qualifying small power production facility or qualifying cogeneration facility, as those terms are defined in FERC's regulations implementing Section 201 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978; and (iii) the customer secures Standby Service from a Participating TO under terms approved by a Local Regulatory Authority or FERC, as applicable, or the customer's Load can be curtailed concurrently with an Outage of the Generating Unit.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Metered Control Area Load","acronym":null,"description":"Metered Balancing Authority Area Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Metered Energy Adjustment Factor","acronym":"MEAF","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Metered Quantities","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Direct Access End-User, the actual metered amount of MWh and MW; for each Participating Generator the actual metered amounts of MWh, MW, MVar and MVarh.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Metered Subsystem","acronym":"MSS","description":"<p>A geographically contiguous system located within a single zone which has been operating as an electric utility for a number of years prior to the CAISO Operations Date as a municipal utility, water district, irrigation district, state agency or federal power marketing authority subsumed within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and encompassed by CAISO certified revenue quality meters at each interface point with the CAISO Controlled Grid and CAISO certified revenue quality meters on all Generating Units or, if aggregated, each individual resource, Participating Load, Reliability Demand Response Resource, and Proxy Demand Resource internal to the system, which is operated in accordance with a MSS Agreement described in Section 4.9.1.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Metered Subsystem Agreement","acronym":"MSS Agreement","description":"<p>A negotiated agreement between the CAISO and an MSS Operator regarding the operation of an MSS in relation to the CAISO entered into pursuant to Section 4.9, which MSS Agreement will incorporate the provisions of Section 4.9, unless otherwise agreed.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Metered Subsystem Load Aggregation Point","acronym":"MSS LAP","description":"The Load Aggregation Point for a Metered Subsystem for an MSS Operator that elects net settlement per Section","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Meter Generator Output","acronym":"MGO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Metering Facilities","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Revenue quality meters, instrument transformers, secondary circuitry, secondary devices, meter data servers, related communication facilities and other related local equipment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Metering Site Verification Sheet","acronym":"MSVS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Meter Points","acronym":null,"description":"Locations on the CAISO Controlled Grid at which the CAISO requires the collection of Meter Data by a metering device.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Meter Service Agreement","acronym":"MSA","description":"<p>A Meter Service Agreement for CAISO Metered Entities or a Meter Service Agreement for Scheduling Coordinators entered into between CAISO and a CAISO Metered Entity or a Scheduling Coordinator consistent with the provisions of Section 10 of the CAISO Tariff, pro forma versions of which are set forth in Appendices B.6 and B.7.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Meter Service Agreement for a CAISO Metered Entity","acronym":"MSACAISOME","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Meter Service Agreement for a CAISO Metered Entity","acronym":"MSASC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Meter Service Agreement for CAISO Metered Entities","acronym":"MSA CAISOME","description":"<p>An agreement entered into between the CAISO and a CAISO Metered Entity consistent with the provisions of Section 10, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.6.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Meter Service Agreement for Scheduling Coordinators","acronym":"MSA SC","description":"<p>An agreement entered into between the CAISO and a Scheduling Coordinator consistent with the provisions of Section 10, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.7.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Mileage","acronym":null,"description":"The service provided by a resource with a Regulation Up and Regulation Down capacity award in response to the CAISO's EMS signal.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Curtailable Demand Payment Uplift","acronym":"MCDPU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Dispatchable Level","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Either (1) for resources that are not Multi-Stage Generating Resources, the lower limit of the fastest segment of a Generating Unit's Operational Ramp Rate, as adjusted for the Generating Unit's Forbidden Operating Regions, if any, or (2) for Multi-Stage Generating Resources, the minimum MW level of the fastest operational ramp rate across all configurations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Down Time","acronym":"MDT","description":"<p>The minimum amount of time that a Generating Unit must stay off-line after being Shut-Down, due to physical operating constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load","acronym":"ML","description":"<p>For a Generating Unit, the minimum sustained operating level at which it can operate at a continuous sustained level, as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3. For a Participating Load, the operating level at reduced consumption pursuant to a Dispatch Instruction. For a Proxy Demand Resource, the smallest discrete load reduction possible for the Proxy Demand Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates the Minimum Load Cost for the Generating Unit, Participating Load, Reliability Demand Response Resource, or Proxy Demand Resource specified by a non-negative number in dollars per hour ($/hr), which applies for the entire Trading Day for which it is submitted. Minimum Load Bids are subject to modification pursuant to the rules specified in Sections 30.7.10 and 30.11.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The Minimum Load Costs submitted in a Minimum Load Bid as modified pursuant to Sections 30.7.10 and 30.11 used for purposes of clearing the applicable CAISO Market Process and for Bid Cost Recovery.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load Cost","acronym":"MLC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load Cost Hard Cap","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The maximum Minimum Load Cost used in the CAISO Markets. The Minimum Load Cost Hard Cap is $2,000 per MWh. The CAISO will calculate this limit by dividing a resource's Minimum Load Cost by its Minimum Load. Where a resource's Minimum Load is less than 1 MW, the CAISO will set its Minimum Load to 1 MW for the purpose of this calculation.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load Energy","acronym":"MLE","description":"<p>The product of the relevant Minimum Load, as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3, and the duration of the Settlement Interval. The CAISO will determine the Minimum Load Energy for Multi-Stage Generating Resources based on the applicable MSG Configuration.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Load Opportunity Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An adder consisting of the estimated profits foregone by a Use-Limited Resource with a limitation on its number of run-hours that satisfies the definition of a Use-Limited Resource and applies for a time period that satisfies the requirements of Section of the CAISO Tariff, if the Use-Limited Resource had one less run-hour in the time period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Online Commitment","acronym":"MOC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Online Generation Commitment","acronym":"MOC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Operating Limit","acronym":"MOLmin","description":"The greater of the Minimum Load or the lower bound of the Regulating Range if the resource offers Regulation service.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Operating Reliability Criteria","acronym":"MORC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Run Time","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The minimum amount of time that a Generating Unit must stay on-line after being started-up prior to being Shut-Down, due to physical operating constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum State of Charge","acronym":"MSOC","description":"<p>A functionality in the RTM that limits awards for a Non-Generator Resource that has selected a primary fuel type in Master File of “Limited Energy Storage Resource” and is an RA Resource such that they will have sufficient charge to meet the discharge elements of their Day-Ahead Schedule.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Minimum Up Time","acronym":"MUT","description":"Minimum Up Time (MUT) represents the total time that the Multi-Stage Generating Resource must stay within the group.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Mitigation Frequency","acronym":null,"description":"The percent of the Generating Unit's run hours where the unit had one or more Bid segments mitigated under the CAISO Local Market Power Mitigation","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Mitigation Measures","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO market power mitigation measures under the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Mixed-Fuel Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Generating Facility with components that use difference fuel sources or technologies, participating as a Hybrid Resource of Co-located Resources.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Mixed Integer Programming","acronym":"MIP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Modified Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid modified by SIBR in Bid processing after the Master File update for the relevant Trading Day as described in Section of the BPM for Market Instruments.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Modified Reserve Sharing LSE","acronym":null,"description":"A Load Serving Entity whose Scheduling Coordinator has informed the CAISO in accordance with Section 40.1 of its election to be a Modified Reserve Sharing LSE.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Monthly Available CRR Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The upper limit of network capacity that will be used in the monthly CRR Allocation and monthly CRR Auctions calculated by using TTC adjusted for Outages, derates, and Transmission Ownership Rights for the relevant month in accordance with Section 36.4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Monthly CRR","acronym":null,"description":"A Congestion Revenue Right whose term is one calendar month in length and distributed in the monthly CRR Allocation and monthly CRR Auction.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Monthly CRR Congestion Fund","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The pool of funds the CAISO collects and holds, corresponding to a specific Transmission Constraint, to make Monthly CRR Surplus Distribution Payments corresponding to that Transmission Constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Monthly CRR Eligible Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"The MW quantity of CRRs a CRR Holder or Candidate CRR Holder is eligible to nominate for the relevant month in a monthly CRR Allocation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Monthly CRR Load Metric","acronym":null,"description":"The load metric used for determining eligibility for CRR Allocation as provided in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Monthly CRR Surplus Distribution Payment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A payment, corresponding to a specific Transmission Constraint, the CAISO makes to a CRR Holder as described in Section of the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Moody's Analytics Equivalent Rating","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The rating derived by Moody's Analytics from the Moody's Analytics Estimated Default Frequency that effectively translates the Moody's Estimated Default Frequency into a comparable credit agency rating. The Moody's Analytics Equivalent Rating may correspond to the Moody's Analytics Spot Credit Rating (CreditEdge Plus), Bond Default Rate Mapping or Dynamic Rating (RiskCalc), or other rating established by Moody's Analytics or an alternative rating agency for this purpose.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Most Offer Obligation","acronym":"MOO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"MRTU Initial Operation Date","acronym":"MRTU IOD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"MSG Configuration","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A qualified and registered operating mode of a Multi-Stage Generating Resource, with a distinct set of operating characteristics. All MSG Configurations for Multi-Stage Generating Resources are operable online modes.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSG Transition","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A feasible operation from one MSG Configuration to another as registered in the Transition Matrix associated with a specific Transition Time and a specific Transition Cost, if applicable.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Aggregation","acronym":null,"description":"Either (1) a Metered Subsystem or (2) a collection of Metered Subsystems represented by a single MSS","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Aggregation Net Measured Demand","acronym":null,"description":"The sum of the net metered CAISO Demand from all the Net-Load MSSs in the MSS Aggregation plus any exports out of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area from the MSS Aggregation. Net metered CAISO Demand of a MSS is defined as the algebraic difference between the gross CAISO Demand and Generation internal to the MSS.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Aggregation Net Non-ETC/TOR Measured Demand","acronym":null,"description":"The sum of the net metered non-ETC/TOR CAISO Demand from all of the non-ETC/TOR Net-Load MSSs in the MSS Aggregation plus any non-ETC/TOR exports out of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area from the MSS Aggregation. Net metered non-ETC/TOR CAISO Demand of an MSS is defined as the algebraic difference between the non-ETC/TOR CAISO Demand and the non-ETC/TOR Generation within the MSS.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Aggregator","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An entity that has executed an agreement with the CAISO that enables it to represent individual MSS Operators in the CAISO Markets on an aggregated basis, which agreement has been accepted by FERC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Aggregator CRR Entity Agent Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and an MSS Aggregator by which the MSS Aggregator commits to act as agent for aggregation of MSS Operators in the CRR Allocation, CRR Auction, and Secondary Registration System process, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.12.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Demand","acronym":null,"description":"CAISO Demand specified in an MSS Agreement as being within the MSS.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Deviation Band","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The amount by which a Load following MSS Operator can deviate from Expected Energy without incurring a Load Following Deviation Penalty, equal to three percent (3%) of an MSS Operator's gross metered Demand in the MSS and exports from the MSS, adjusted for Forced Outages and any CAISO directed firm Load Shedding for the MSS's portfolio as a whole.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS-LAP","acronym":null,"description":"The Load Aggregation Point for a Metered Subsystem for an MSS Operator that elects net settlement per Section of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"MSS Load Following Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>RTD IIE, exclusive of Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, and Residual Imbalance Energy, produced or consumed due to Load following by an MSS. MSS Load Following Energy is the RTD IIE that corresponds to the algebraic Qualified Load Following Instruction, relative to the Day-Ahead Schedule. MSS Load Following Energy does not coexist with FMM Optimal Energy, and it does not overlap with Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, or Residual Imbalance Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, RTD Derate Energy, RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy, and RTD Optimal Energy. MSS Load Following Energy is settled as provided in Section 11.5.1, and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.8.4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation","acronym":null,"description":"[\"Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation for an MSS\",\"with MSS Load Following Energy included in the netting.\"]","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Operator","acronym":null,"description":"An entity that owns an MSS and has executed a MSS Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"MSS Supply","acronym":null,"description":"Supply specified in an MSS Agreement as supplying an MSS.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Multi-Point Congestion Revenue Right","acronym":"MPT CRR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Multi-Stage Generating Resources","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Generating Unit that for reasons related to its technical characteristics can be operated in various MSG Configurations such that only one such MSG Configuration can be operated in any given Dispatch Interval. In addition, subject to the requirements in Section 27.8, the following technical characteristics qualify a Generating Unit as a Multi-Stage Generating Resource if the resource: (1) is a combined cycle resource, excluding those that are one-by-one combined cycle resources without bypassing, duct firing capability or power augmentation capability; (2) has more than one Forbidden Operating Region; (3) has multiple operating modes, including Regulating Ranges associated with different Ancillary Services capability; or (4) has hold times before or after a Transition through a Forbidden Operating Region. A hold time is an operational restriction that requires the resource to stay in or out of a specific operating mode for a given period of time, derived from the physical characteristics registered in the Master File for the resource, which may be in the form of a requirement that the resource stay in a particular operating mode for a period of time once it is in, or that the resource must stay out of a particular operating mode for a period of time once it is out of that operating mode. Metered Subsystems, Pumped-Storage Hydro Units, and Pumping Loads, and System Resources do not qualify as Multi-Stage Generating Resources and therefore cannot register as such as provided in Section 27.8. Regulatory Must-Take Resources are not required to be registered as Multi-Stage Generating Resources. Dispatchable Qualifying Facilities that are not qualified as Regulatory Must-Take resources are required to register as Multi-Stage Generating Resources, provided they meet the qualifying technical characteristics described above.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Municipal Tax Exempt Debt","acronym":null,"description":"An obligation the interest on which is excluded from gross income for federal tax purposes pursuant to Section 103(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provisions of prior law without regard to the identity of the holder thereof. Municipal Tax Exempt Debt does not include Local Furnishing Bonds.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations","acronym":"NRSRO","description":"National credit rating agencies as designated by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory","acronym":"NRTL","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Native Balancing Authority Area","acronym":null,"description":"The Balancing Authority Area where a Pseudo-Tie generating unit is physically interconnected to the electric grid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Native Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Load required to be served by a utility within its Service Area pursuant to applicable law, franchise, or statute.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Negative Operating Reserve Obligation Adjustment Factor","acronym":"NOROCAF","description":"The adjustment factor specified in Section 11.10.5.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Negotiated Rate Option","acronym":null,"description":"A method of calculating Default Energy Bids based on a negotiation with the CAISO or the Independent Entity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC","acronym":null,"description":"The North American Electric Reliability Corporation or its successor.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC Functional Model","acronym":null,"description":"The model used by NERC to define and establish the set of functions that must be performed to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC Generating Availability Data System","acronym":"NERC GADS","description":"The NERC standard for determination of generation resource net dependable capacity","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC Reliability Standards","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The standards that have been developed by NERC and\\/or a Regional Entity, and have been approved by FERC, to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system. The NERC Reliability Standards set forth the specific requirements that responsible entities must perform with respect to the functions defined in NERC's Functional Model.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC Reliability Standards for Modeling, Data and Analysis","acronym":null,"description":"A set of NERC Reliability Standards applicable to the transmission planning process.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC Rules of Procedure","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A set of rules and procedures developed by NERC and approved by FERC that establish processes that NERC, NERC members, and Regional Entities must follow. The NERC Rules of Procedure include the process through which a responsible entity that is to perform a set of functions to ensure reliability of the bulk power system must register with NERC as a Registered Entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year","acronym":null,"description":"A given year for which NERC/WECC Charges will be assessed by the WECC based on data from the calendar year two years prior to the year of the NERC/WECC Charge assessment.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC/WECC Charges","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The charges approved by FERC, pursuant to Section 215 of the FPA and FERC issuances related thereto, that provide funding for the statutory-related functions performed by NERC, the WECC, and regional advisory bodies that serve the WECC, or their successors or assignees.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC/WECC Charge Trust Account","acronym":null,"description":"An account to be established by the CAISO for the purpose of maintaining funds collected from Scheduling Coordinators and disbursing such funds to the WECC.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NERC/WECC Metered Demand","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For purposes of calculating NERC\\/WECC Charges, a Scheduling Coordinator's net metered CAISO Demand plus Unaccounted for Energy for net metered CAISO Demand and Transmission Losses for metered CAISO Demand. A Scheduling Coordinator's net metered CAISO Demand equals the Scheduling Coordinator's metered CAISO Demand (which adds Energy associated with imports from and subtracts Energy associated with exports to other Balancing Authority Areas), less metered CAISO Demand for Station Power and for Energy required for storage at electric energy storage facilities, such as pumped storage. For purposes of calculating NERC\\/WECC Metered Demand, Unaccounted for Energy and Transmission Losses allocable to net metered CAISO Demand will be allocated pro rata to each Scheduling Coordinator based on the Scheduling Coordinator's net metered CAISO Demand.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Actual Interchange","acronym":"NAI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Net Assets","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For governmental and not-for-profit entities, as defined in Step 4(b) of Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Benefit","acronym":"NBT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Net Dependable Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Pmax","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Net Energy for Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Net Balancing Authority Area generation, plus energy received from other Balancing Authority Areas, less delivered to Balancing Authority Areas through interchange. It includes Balancing Authority Area losses but excludes energy required for storage at energy storage facilities. Net Energy for Load equals NERC\\/WECC Metered Demand for the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net-Energy Metered","acronym":"NEM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Net Generation","acronym":null,"description":"Net power available from a Generating Facility to be fed into the power system at the high side of the Generating Facility transformer(s). Net Generation is equal to gross generation minus the generator's internal power usage (station service).","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Hourly Energy Charge","acronym":null,"description":"Total charges to all Demand and Virtual Demand Awards minus total payments to all Supply and Virtual Supply Awards both based on the product of MWh amounts specified in all Day-Ahead Schedules and Virtual Awards and the relevant Day-Ahead LMPs at the applicable PNodes or Aggregated Pricing Node. This also includes any amounts associated with price corrections for Virtual Awards in accordance with Section 11.21.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net IFM Bid Cost Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of IFM-related Bid Costs resulting from the sequential netting in Section and allocated to Scheduling Coordinators in accordance with Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Imbalance Energy Export","acronym":null,"description":"The Net Imbalance Energy Export is the net Imbalance Energy imported into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area from EIM Entity Balancing Authority Areas.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net-Load MSS","acronym":null,"description":"An MSS with positive net metered CAISO Demand of the MSS within the MSS Aggregation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Modeled CRR Flow","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For CRR Obligations, the net MW quantity from CRR Obligations within a CRR Holder's portfolio that the CAISO models as flowing over a particular binding Transmission Constraint (accounting both for prevailing flow and counter-flow modeled over that Transmission Constraint). For CRR Options, the net MW quantity from a given CRR Option that the CAISO models as flowing over a particular binding Transmission Constraint. The CAISO does not net the MWs of modeled flow from a given CRR Obligation with MWs of modeled flow from CRR Obligations or other CRR Options in a CRR Holder's portfolio.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Negative CAISO Demand Deviation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The difference between metered CAISO Demand and the total CAISO Demand scheduled in the Day-Ahead Schedule, if positive.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Negative Uninstructed Deviation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The real-time change in Generation or Demand associated with under-scheduled Demand (i.e., Demand that appears unscheduled in Real-Time) and overscheduled Generation (i.e., Generation that is scheduled in the DAM and does not appear in Real-Time), which are netted for each Settlement Interval, apply to a Scheduling Coordinator's entire portfolio, and include Demand, Generation, imports and exports.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Output","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The gross Energy output from a Generating Unit less the Station Power requirements for such Generating Unit during the Netting Period, or the Energy available to provide Remote Self-Supply from a generating facility in another Balancing Authority Area during the Netting Period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Procurement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The awarded amount (MW) of a given Ancillary Service in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets, minus the amount of that Ancillary Service associated with payments rescinded pursuant to any of the provisions of Section 8.10.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Qualifying Capacity","acronym":"NQC","description":"<p>Qualifying Capacity reduced, as applicable, based on: (1) testing and verification; (2) application of performance criteria; and (3) deliverability restrictions. The Net Qualifying Capacity determination shall be made by the CAISO pursuant to the provisions of this CAISO Tariff and the applicable Business Practice Manual.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of RTM-related Bid Costs resulting from the sequential netting in Section and allocated to Scheduling Coordinators in accordance with Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net RUC Bid Cost Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of RUC-related Bid Costs resulting from the sequential netting in Section and allocated to Scheduling Coordinators in accordance with Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Scheduled Generating Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Unit identified in a Net Scheduled PGA operated as a single unit such that the Energy bid or self-scheduled with the CAISO is the net value of the aggregate electrical net output of the Generating Unit and the Self-provided Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Scheduled Interchange","acronym":"NSI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Net Scheduled Participating Generator Agreement","acronym":"NSPGA or Net Scheduled PGA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Generator eligible to execute such an agreement under Section, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.3.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Net Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"The Settlement Amount calculated as the difference between the Current Settlement Amount and the Previous Settlement Amount representing a Business Associate's net financial obligation to CAISO.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Netting Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A calendar month, representing the interval over which the Net Output of one or more generating resources in a Station Power Portfolio is available to be attributed to the self-supply of Station Power in that Station Power Portfolio.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Network Application","acronym":"NA","description":"A CAISO Market application that prepares and performs a power flow analysis utilizing the Full Network Model for purposes of calculating transmission line flows.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Network Upgrades","acronym":"NU","description":"<p>The additions, modifications, and upgrades to the CAISO Controlled Grid required at or beyond the Point of Interconnection to accommodate the interconnection of the Generating Facility to the CAISO Controlled Grid. Network Upgrades shall consist of Delivery Network Upgrades and Reliability Network Upgrades. Network Upgrades do not include Distribution Upgrades.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"New High Voltage Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A High Voltage Transmission Facility of a Participating TO that is placed in service after the beginning of the TAC Transition Period described in Section 4 of Schedule 3 of Appendix F, or a capital addition made and placed in service after the beginning of the TAC Transition Period described in Section 4.2 of Schedule 3 of Appendix F to an Existing High Voltage Facility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"New Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any Participating TO that is not an Original Participating TO. A Subscriber Participating TO is a type of New Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"New Resource Interconnection","acronym":"NRI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"New Responsible Utility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Responsible Utility that executes a TCA after April 1, 1998.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"New Use Import Commitment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any power purchase agreement, ownership interest, or other commercial arrangement, that meets all the Tariff and applicable Business Process Manual requirements to lock import capability received as Remaining Import Capability at the branch group level and does not already qualify as Pre-RA Import Commitment, entered into by a Load Serving Entity serving Load in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area for the procurement of capacity from a resource specific or aggregation, consisting of Pseudo-Tie Generating Units or Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resources, located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. The New Use Import Commitment shall be deemed to terminate upon the expiration of the initial term of the New Use Import Commitment, notwithstanding any \"evergreen\" or other renewal provision exercisable at the option of either party to the agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"New Use Import Commitment Capability","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The quantity in MW assigned to a particular Intertie into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area based on a New Use Import Commitment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Node","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A point in the Full Network Model representing a physical location within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, the CAISO Controlled Grid, or the EIM Area, which includes the Load and Generating Unit busses in the EIM Area (which includes a Pseudo-Tie of a Generating Unit to a Balancing Authority Area in the EIM Area), and at the Intertie busses between (i) the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area and (ii) an interconnected Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Nomogram","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A set of operating or scheduling rules which are used to ensure that simultaneous operating limits are respected, in order to meet NERC and WECC reliability standards and any requirements of the NRC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Availability Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly charge that the CAISO may assess to a Resource Adequacy Resource under the Availability Standards program in accordance with Section 40.9.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Coincident Off-Peak","acronym":"NCOP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Non-Coincident Peak","acronym":"NCP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Non-CPUC Load Serving Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any entity serving retail Demand in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area not within the jurisdiction of the CPUC, including (i) a local publicly owned electric utility under section 9604 of the California Public Utilities Code and (ii) any federal entities, including but not limited to federal power marketing authorities, that serve retail Load.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Dispatchable Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A resource that cannot be increased or curtailed at the direction of the CAISO in the Real-Time Dispatch to Supply or consume Energy, such as certain Qualifying Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Dispatchable Use Limited Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Use-Limited Resource that cannot be increased or curtailed at the direction of the CAISO in the Real-Time Dispatch of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area to Supply or consume Energy, such as certain Qualifying Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Non-Dynamic System Resource that is a specific generation resource outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Dynamic System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A System Resource that is not capable of submitting a Dynamic Schedule, or for which a Dynamic Schedule has not been submitted, which may be a Non-Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Generator Resource","acronym":"NGR","description":"<p>Resources that operate as either Generation or Load and that can be dispatched to any operating level within their entire capacity range but are also constrained by a MWh limit to (1) generate Energy, (2) curtail the consumption of Energy in the case of demand response, or (3) consume Energy.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Generator Resource Generic Modeling","acronym":null,"description":"Non-Generator Resource Generic Modeling is a functionality used by the CAISO to recognize that a resource or aggregation of resources may be dispatched to any operating level within a continuous generating operating range from a negative PMin to a positive PMax.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Generator Resources","acronym":"NGR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Non-Load-Serving Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating TO that (1) is not a UDC, MSS Operator or Scheduling Coordinator serving End-Use Customers and (2) does not have Gross Load in accordance with Section 9 of Schedule 3 of Appendix F.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-participating Resource","acronym":"NPR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Non-Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A TO that is not a party to the Transmission Control Agreement or, for the purposes of Section 16.1, the holder of transmission service rights under an Existing Contract that is not a Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Participating Transmission Owner","acronym":"NPTO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Non-priced Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>As set forth in Section 27.4.3, a quantitative value in a CAISO Market that may be adjusted by the SCUC or SCED in the CAISO market optimizations but that does not have an associated bid price submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator. The Non-priced Quantities that may be so adjusted are: Energy Self-Schedules, Transmission Constraints, market energy balance constraints, Ancillary Service requirements, conditionally qualified and conditionally unqualified Ancillary Service self-provision, limits in RUC on minimum load energy, quick start capacity and minimum generation, Day-Ahead Energy Schedules resulting from the IFM, and estimated FMM Self-Schedules used in RUC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Resource Specific Resource Adequacy Resource","acronym":"NRS-RA","description":"A non-Resource-Specific System Resource that provides Resource Adequacy Capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Resource-Specific System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A System Resource that is not a Resource-Specific System Resource.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-spin","acronym":"NSPN","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Non-Spinning Reserve","acronym":null,"description":"The portion of resource capacity that is capable of being synchronized and Ramping to a specified load in ten minutes (or that is capable of being interrupted in ten (10) minutes) and that is capable of running (or being interrupted) for at least thirty (30) minutes from the time it reaches its award capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Spinning Reserve Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The revenues paid to the suppliers of the total awarded Non-Spinning Reserve capacity in the Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Market, minus, the payments rescinded due to either the failure to conform to CAISO Dispatch Instructions or the unavailability of the Non-Spinning Reserves under Section 8.10.8.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Spinning Reserve Obligation","acronym":null,"description":"The obligation of a Scheduling Coordinator to pay its share of costs incurred by the CAISO in procuring Non-Spinning Reserve","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Subscriber","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An entity, or its designee, that schedules as a Market Participant on transmission assets or Entitlements of a Subscriber Participating TO not being used by a Subscriber exercising Subscriber Rights, including Subscribers that schedule beyond their Subscriber Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Subscriber Usage Payment Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An amount paid by a Non-Subscriber and provided by the CAISO to a Subscriber Participating TO for the Non-Subscriber’s use of the Subscriber Participating TO’s transmission assets and Entitlements and Subscriber Encumbrances used to provide Subscriber Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Non-Subscriber Usage Rate","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A component of the calculation of the Non-Subscriber Usage Payment Amount. The Non-Subscriber Usage Rate, and any updates thereto, is developed in accordance with the CAISO Tariff and the Subscriber Participating TO Tariff and is approved by FERC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"No Pay","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The rescission of a payment made for provision of Spinning Reserve and\\/or Non-Spinning Reserve when, subsequent to the AS Award for such Ancillary Service and payment, the Ancillary Service becomes Undispatchable Capacity, Unavailable Capacity, Undelivered Capacity, or, in certain circumstances, unsynchronized capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"North American Electric Reliability Corporation","acronym":"NERC","description":"The North American Electric Reliability Corporation or its successor.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"North American Energy Standards Board","acronym":"NAESB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Notional CRR Value","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a given CRR in a Settlement Period, the product of: (A) the MCC at the CRR Sink minus the MCC at the CRR Source; and (B) the MW quantity for that Settlement Period. The Notional CRR Value for a CRR Obligation can be a non-negative value for a Settlement Period to zero (0) if the product of the MQ quantity of the CRR Option and the difference between the MCC at the CRR Sink and MCC at the CRR Source is a negative amount.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"NRC Standards","acronym":null,"description":"The reliability standards published by the NRC from time to time","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Nuclear Regulatory Commission","acronym":"NRC","description":"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission or its successor.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Obsolete Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Bid made obsolete by a Submitted Bid for the same SC, resource, Resource Type, Market Type, and Bid Period, with a later Bid submission time.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Off","acronym":null,"description":"A unit is Off when it is offline or in the process of starting up or shutting down.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Deliverability Assessment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The technical study performed under Section of Appendix DD and the CAISO Off-Peak Deliverability Assessment posted on the CAISO Website, to study if Generating Facilities can provide expected Energy to the CAISO Controlled Grid during modeled off-peak Load conditions without excessive curtailment due to transmission constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Deliverability Constraints","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A transmission system operating limit that constrains Generating Facilities in an area, leading to the excessive curtailment of expected Energy.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Deliverability Status","acronym":null,"description":"Status for a Generating Facility indicating it can provide expected Energy to the CAISO Controlled Grid during modeled off-peak Load conditions without excessive curtailment due to transmission constraints.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Energy Only","acronym":null,"description":"Status for a Generating Facility indicating its expected Energy to the CAISO Controlled Grid during modeled off-peak Load conditions will be subject to curtailment due to transmission constraints.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Flexible Ramp Hours","acronym":null,"description":"Trading Hours from hour ending 1 through hour ending 6 and from hour ending 23 through hour ending 25.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Network Upgrades","acronym":null,"description":"Network Upgrades needed to relieve Off-Peak Deliverability Constraints. Area Off-Peak Network Upgrades address Area Off-Peak Constraints. Local Off-Peak Network Upgrades address Local Off-Peak Constraints.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Off-Peak Opportunity RA Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"A Maintenance Outage at a Resource Adequacy Resource that is approved by the CAISO to be initiated and completed during off-peak hours (as specified in the Business Practice Manual) without RA Substitute Capacity for the Resource Adequacy Capacity on Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Offsetting CRR","acronym":null,"description":"<p>One of the pair of new equal and opposite CRRs created and allocated by the CAISO to reflect Load Migration between two LSEs pursuant to the provisions in Section 36.8.5, which is allocated to the Load losing LSE and is opposite in direction to the corresponding CRR previously allocated to that LSE and is denominated in a MW quantity that reflects the net amount of Load Migration between the two LSEs.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"On","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A unit is On when it is online, synchronized with the grid, and available for Dispatch.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"On-Peak Deliverability Assessment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The technical study performed under Section of Appendix DD and the CAISO On-Peak Deliverability Assessment posted on the CAISO Website, to determine if a Generating Facility or a group of Generating Facilities requesting Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status can provide Energy to the CAISO Controlled Grid and be delivered to the aggregate of Load on the CAISO Controlled Grid at peak Load, under a variety of modeled stressed conditions.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"On-Site Self-Supply","acronym":null,"description":"Energy from a Generating Unit that self-supplies all or a portion of its contemporaneous Station Power Load that is netted pursuant to Section 10.1.3 or is deemed to have self-supplied all or a portion of its associated non-contemporaneous Station Power Load without use of the CAISO Controlled Grid during the Netting Period pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Station Power Protocol in Appendix I.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Open Access Same Time Information System","acronym":"OASIS","description":"The electronic posting system for transmission access data that the CAISO maintains on the CAISO Website that allows all Market Participants to view the data simultaneously.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating Day","acronym":null,"description":"The day when the Real-Time Market runs and Energy is supplied to Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating Hour","acronym":null,"description":"The hour during the day when the Real-Time Market runs and Energy is supplied to Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating Instruction","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A command by operating personnel responsible for the Real-time operation of the interconnected Bulk Electric System to change or preserve the state, status, output, or input of an Element of the Bulk Electric System or Facility of the Bulk Electric System or the facilities of a Participating Generator. An Operating Instruction will be communicated consistent with the practices described in NERC Reliability Standard COM-002-4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating & Maintenance","acronym":"O&M","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Operating Procedures","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Procedures governing the operation of the CAISO Controlled Grid as the CAISO may from time to time develop, and/or procedures that Participating TOs currently employ which the CAISO adopts for use.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating Ramp Rates","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The rate, expressed in megawatts per minute, that a generator changes its output. The maximum ramp rate of a resource should be reflected in the Master File.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Operating Reserve","acronym":null,"description":"The combination of Spinning and Non-Spinning Reserve required to meet NERC and WECC reliability standards and any requirements of the NRC for reliable operation of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating Reserve Obligation","acronym":null,"description":"The obligation of a Scheduling Coordinator to pay its share of costs incurred by the CAISO in procuring Operating Reserves.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operating Reserve Ramp Rate","acronym":null,"description":"A single number included in Ancillary Service Bids and Submissions to Self-Provide Ancillary Services for Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve that represents the Ramp Rate of a resource used in the procurement of Operating Reserve capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operational Adjustment","acronym":"OA","description":"The difference between the Energy scheduled in the Balancing Authority Area check-out process for Scheduling Points and the FMM Schedule for Non-Dynamic System Resources.","termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Operational Control","acronym":null,"description":"The rights of the CAISO under the Transmission Control Agreement and the CAISO Tariff to direct Participating TOs how to operate their transmission lines and facilities and other electric plant affecting the reliability of those lines and facilities for the purpose of affording comparable non-discriminatory transmission access and meeting Applicable Reliability Criteria.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operational Flexibility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The latitude allowed the CAISO necessary to provide reasonable assurance that the transmission network is designed in such a way that it will be secure considering the inherent uncertainty in system conditions or unforeseen circumstances, based on the current system configuration and available generation.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operational Meter Analysis and Reporting","acronym":"OMAR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Operational Planning Analysis","acronym":"OPA","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Operational Ramp Rates","acronym":null,"description":"A staircase function of up to 4 segments (in addition to Ramp Rate segments needed for modeling Forbidden Operating Regions). Operational Ramp Rates are submitted with Energy Bid data.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operational Transfer Capability","acronym":"OTC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Operation and Maintenance Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The portion of the operating cost of a generating resource that is not related to fuel cost.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Operation Flow Order","acronym":"OFO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Operator","acronym":null,"description":"The operator of facilities that comprise the CAISO Controlled Grid or a Participating Generator.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Opportunity Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Start-Up Opportunity Costs, Minimum Load Opportunity Costs, or Variable Energy Opportunity Costs.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Optimal Energy","acronym":"OE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Optimal Power Flow","acronym":"OPF","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Option (A) Generating Facility","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Facility for which the Interconnection Customer has selected Option (A) as the Deliverability option under GIDAP Section 7.2 set forth in Appendix DD.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Optional Interconnection Study","acronym":null,"description":"A sensitivity analysis based on assumptions specified by the Interconnection Customer in the Optional Interconnection Study Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Optional Interconnection Study Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"The form of agreement accepted by FERC and posted on the CAISO Website for conducting the Optional Interconnection Study","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Option (B) Generating Facility","acronym":null,"description":"Generating Facilities for which the Interconnection Customer has selected Option (B) as the Deliverability option under GIDAP Section 7.2 set forth in Appendix DD.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Order 1000 Common Interregional Coordination and Cost Allocation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Means Section 24.18, which relates to Order 1000 interregional provisions.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Order No. 888","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The final rule issued by FERC entitled “Promoting Wholesale Competition through Open Access Nondiscriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities; Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities,” 61 Fed. Reg. 21, 540 (May 10, 1996), FERC Stats. & Regs., Regulations Preambles [1991-1996] ¶ 31, 036 (1996), Order on Rehearing, Order No. 888-A, 78 FERC ¶ 61, 220 (1997), as it may be amended from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Order No. 889","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The final rule issued by FERC entitled “Open Access Same-Time Information System (formerly Real Time Information Networks) and Standards of Conduct,” 61 Fed. Reg. 21, 737 (May 10, 1996), FERC Stats. & Regs., Regulations Preambles [1991-1996] ¶ 31, 035 (1996), Order on Rehearing, Order No. 889-A, 78 FERC ¶ 61, 221 (1997), as it may be amended from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Original Equipment Manufacturers","acronym":"OEM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Original Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating TO that was a Participating TO as of January 1, 2000.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Outage","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Disconnection, separation or reduction in capacity, planned or forced, of one or more elements of an electric system.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Outage Coordination Office","acronym":"OCO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Outage Management System","acronym":"OMS","description":"<p>The CAISO business processes used to schedule and approve Maintenance Outages of Participating Generating Units, sections of the CAISO Controlled Grid, and Interconnections & Regulatory Must Take Generators, to process Forced Outages, and to prepare system adequacy forecasts and Outage related reports as described in Section 9 and the BPM for Outages.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Out-of-Balancing Authority Area Load Serving Entity","acronym":"OBAALSE","description":"<p>An entity serving end-users located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area and that has been granted authority or has an obligation pursuant to federal, state or local law, or under contracts to provide electric service to such end-users located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Out-of-Market","acronym":"OOM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Overgeneration","acronym":null,"description":"A condition that occurs when total Supply exceeds total Demand in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pacific Alternating Current Intertie","acronym":"PACI","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Pacific Gas and Electric Company","acronym":"PG&E","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Pacific Prevailing Time","acronym":"PPT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Parent Charge Group","acronym":null,"description":"A unique set of Charge Groups with the same Payment Date that meet a specified set of business rules.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Partial Capacity Deliverability Status","acronym":"PCDS","description":"<p>Partial Capacity Deliverability Status entitles a generating facility to a Net Qualifying Capacity amount that cannot be larger than a specified fraction of its Qualifying Capacity, and may be less pursuant to the assessment of its Net Qualifying Capacity by the CAISO. An Interconnection Customer requesting Partial Capacity Deliverability Status must specify the fraction of Full Capacity Deliverability Status it is seeking in its Interconnection Request.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Partial Deliverability Status","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The condition whereby a Large Generating Facility interconnected with the CAISO Controlled Grid can deliver an elected amount of output that is less than the full output of the Large Generating Facility to the aggregate of Load on the CAISO Controlled Grid, consistent with the CAISO's Reliability Criteria and procedures and the CAISO On-Peak Deliverability Assessment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Partial Resource Adequacy Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Resource Adequacy Resource that has capacity that is designated by its Scheduling Coordinator as Resource Adequacy Capacity in its monthly or annual Resource Adequacy Plan and has a related availability obligation to the CAISO, but also has capacity that is not committed to meet a resource adequacy obligation in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Generator","acronym":"PG","description":"<p>A Generator or other seller of Energy or Ancillary Services through a Scheduling Coordinator over the CAISO Controlled Grid (1) from a Generating Unit with a rated capacity of 1 MW or greater, (2) from a Generating Unit with a rated capacity of from 500 kW up to 1 MW for which the Generator elects to be a Participating Generator, or (3) from a Generating Unit providing Ancillary Services or submitting Energy Bids through an aggregation arrangement approved by the CAISO, which has undertaken to be bound by the terms of the CAISO Tariff, in the case of a Generator through a Participating Generator Agreement, Net Scheduled PGA, or Pseudo-Tie Participating Generator Agreement.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Generator Agreement","acronym":"PGA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Participating Generator, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Intermittent Resource","acronym":"PIR","description":"One or more Eligible Intermittent Resources that meets the requirements of the technical standards for Participating Intermittent Resources adopted by the CAISO and set forth in a Business Practice Manual.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Intermittent Resource Export Fee","acronym":null,"description":"Fee based on Schedule 4 of Appendix F and Section 5.3 of Appendix Q.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Intermittent Resource Fees","acronym":null,"description":"Fees set forth in Section 11.12.3.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Intermittent Resource Program","acronym":"PIRP","description":"<p>The CAISO's program for Participating Intermittent Resources as set forth in the Eligible Intermittent Resources Protocol.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Participating Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An entity, including an entity with Pumping Load or Aggregated Participating Load, providing Curtailable Demand, which has undertaken in writing by execution of a Participating Load Agreement to comply with all applicable provisions of the CAISO Tariff.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Load Agreement","acronym":"PLA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Participating Load, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.4</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating TO or Participating Transmission Owner","acronym":"PTO","description":"A party to the Transmission Control Agreement whose application under Section 2.2 of the Transmission Control Agreement has been accepted and who has placed its transmission assets and Entitlements under the CAISO's Operational Control in accordance with the Transmission Control Agreement. A Participating TO may be an Original Participating TO or a New Participating TO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating TO Service Territory","acronym":"PTO Service Territory","description":"<p>The area in which an IOU, a Local Public Owned Electric Utility, or federal power marketing authority that has turned over its transmission facilities and\\/or Entitlements to CAISO Operational Control is obligated to provide electric service to Load. A PTO Service Territory may be comprised of the Service Areas of more than one Local Publicly Owned Electric Utility, if they are operating under an agreement with the CAISO for aggregation of their MSS and their MSS Operator is designated as the Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities","acronym":null,"description":"<p>All facilities and equipment owned, controlled, or operated by the Participating TO from the Point of Change of Ownership to the Point of Interconnection as identified in Appendix A to the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, ncluding any modifications, additions or upgrades to such facilities and equipment. Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities are sole use facilities and shall not include Distribution Upgrades, Stand Alone Network Upgrades or Network Upgrades.\"]</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Participating Transmission Owner","acronym":"PTO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Party or Parties","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO, Participating TO(s), Interconnection Customer or the applicable combination of the above.</p>","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Pass Through Bill","acronym":"PTB","description":"A special type of Raw Bill Determinant.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Pass Through Billing","acronym":"PTB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Patent Charge Group","acronym":null,"description":"A unique set of Charge Groups with the same Payment Date that meet a specified set of business rules.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Path 15 Upgrade","acronym":null,"description":"The upgraded transmission facilities on Path 15 that have been turned over to CAISO Operational Control.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Path Limit Calculator","acronym":"PLC","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Path Operator's Agreement","acronym":"POA","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Payment Advice","acronym":null,"description":"A document published as a result of an invoicing run pursuant to the CAISO Payments Calendar in which a Business Associate's current net financial obligation is a negative Settlement Amount.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Payment Date","acronym":null,"description":"The date by which invoiced amounts are to be paid under the terms of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"PDR-LSR","acronym":null,"description":"Proxy Demand Resource – Load Shift Resource. A resource participation model facilitating participation of the curtailment and consumption of load.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Peak Flexible Ramp Hours","acronym":null,"description":"Trading Hours from hour ending 7 through hour ending 22.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Performance-Based Ratemaking","acronym":"PBR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Performance Evaluation Methodology","acronym":"PEM","description":"Performance Evaluation Methodology or also known as Baseline Methodology. A baseline is an estimate of the expected consumption had there not been a demand response event.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Performance Metric","acronym":"PM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Performance Metric Tolerance Band","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The tolerance band applied to the Day-Ahead Metered Energy Adjustment Factor and the Real-Time Performance Metric as specified in Section and, respectively. This tolerance band is the Tolerance Band as defined in this Appendix A plus an additional ramping tolerance. For each Settlement Interval, the ramping tolerance is the difference between (1) the Energy calculated based on the linear curve between two applicable Dispatch Operating Targets; and (2) Expected Energy over the two applicable Dispatch Intervals.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Permissible Technological Advancements","acronym":"PTA","description":"<p>Changes to Generating Facilities that do not require a Material Modification assessment, new Interconnection Request, re-study, or other substantial evaluation because they have little or no potential to substantially change Generating Unit electrical characteristics or affect other Interconnection Customers or Affected Systems.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Persistent Deviation Metric","acronym":"PDM","description":"<p>A threshold metric used to evaluate a resource's change in output between Settlement Intervals relative to the change in Dispatch by the CAISO between Settlement Intervals. The Persistent Deviation Metric is applied by Settlement Interval and is applied for the twelve ten-minute Settlement Intervals that comprise the previous two Trading Hours. Thus, the evaluation window is a rolling two hours, incrementing in hourly Settlement Intervals. The Persistent Deviation Metric for each Settlement Interval (t) is measured as the ratio of: (1) Metered Energy in the prior Settlement Interval (t-1), less the Metered Energy in the given Settlement Interval (t); and (2) Metered Energy in the prior Settlement Interval (t-1), less the Expected Energy in the given Settlement Interval (t), and less the Regulation Energy in the given Settlement Interval (t).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Persistent Deviation Metric Threshold","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO will calculate the Persistent Deviation Metric and will flag the interval based on the threshold described in Section 11.17.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Phased Generating Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Generating Facility that is structured to be completed and to achieve Commercial Operation in two or more successive phases that are specified in a GIA, such that each phase comprises a portion of the total megawatt generation capacity of the entire Generating Facility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Phase II Interconnection Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An engineering and operational study conducted or caused to be performed by the CAISO, in coordination with the applicable Participating TO(s), to determine the Point of Interconnection and a list of facilities (including the Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities, Network Upgrades, Distribution Upgrades, and Stand Alone Network Upgrades), the cost of those facilities, and the time required to interconnect the Generating Facility(ies) with the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Phase I Interconnection Study","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The engineering study conducted or caused to be performed by the CAISO, in coordination with the applicable Participating TO(s), that evaluates the impact of the proposed interconnection on the safety and reliability of the CAISO Controlled Grid and, if applicable, an Affected System. The study shall identify and detail the system impacts that would result if the Generating Facility (ies) were interconnected without identified project modifications or system modifications, as provided in the On-Peak Deliverability Assessment or Off-Peak Deliverability Assessment, and other potential impacts, including but not limited to those identified in the Scoping Meeting as described in the Generator Interconnection Procedures set forth in Appendix Y. The study will also identify the approximate total costs, based on per unit costs, of mitigating these impacts, along with an equitable allocation of those costs to Interconnection Customers for their individual Generating Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Phasor Data Concentrator","acronym":"PDC","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Photovoltaic","acronym":"PV","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Physical Maximum","acronym":"PMAX","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Physical Minimum","acronym":"PMIN","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Physical Scheduling Plant","acronym":"PSP","description":"<p>A group of two or more related Generating Units, each of which is individually capable of producing Energy, but which either by physical necessity or operational design must be operated as if they were a single Generating Unit and any Generating Unit or Units containing related multiple generating components which meet one or more of the following criteria: i) multiple generating components are related by a common flow of fuel which cannot be interrupted without a substantial loss of efficiency of the combined output of all components; ii) the Energy production from one component necessarily causes Energy production from other components; iii) the operational arrangement of related multiple generating components determines the overall physical efficiency of the combined output of all components; iv) the level of coordination required to schedule individual generating components would cause the CAISO to incur scheduling costs far in excess of the benefits of having scheduled such individual components separately; or v) metered output is available only for the combined output of related multiple generating components and separate generating component metering is either impractical or economically inefficient.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Physical Trade","acronym":null,"description":"An Inter-SC Trade of Energy at an individual Generating Unit's PNode or at the unique Aggregated Pricing Node of a Physical Scheduling Plant that is submitted to the CAISO for Settlement through the CAISO Market and is subject to physical validation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"PIR Export Percentage","acronym":null,"description":"The PIR Export Percentage will be calculated for each Participating Intermittent Resource as the ratio of the Participating Intermittent Resource's PMax in the CAISO Master File minus the MW subject to an exemption under Section 5.3.2 of the EIRP in Appendix Q on a MW basis to the Participating Intermittent Resource's PMax in the CAISO Master File.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Placeholder Dispute","acronym":null,"description":"A recurring dispute or exception rose in accordance with CAISO Tariff Sections and","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Planned Outage Substitution Obligation","acronym":"POSO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Planned Transmission Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"A Maintenance Outage for transmission facilities that comprise the CAISO Controlled Grid that is requested by a Participating TO at least seven (7) days in advance of the start date for the Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Planning Coordinator","acronym":"PC","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Planning Region","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Means each of the following 1000 transmission planning regions insofar as they are within the Western Interconnection: CAISO, NorthernGrid, and WestConnect.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Planning Standards Committee","acronym":null,"description":"The committee appointed under Section 24.2.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Plan of Development","acronym":"POD","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"PMax","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The maximum normal capability of the Generating Unit, as measured at the Point of Interconnection or Point of Delivery, as applicable. PMax may not exceed the Interconnection Service Capacity, as documented in the Interconnection Study or Generator Interconnection Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"PMin","acronym":null,"description":"Equivalent to Minimum Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"PNP Eligible Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"The maximum MW quantity of CRRs an LSE is eligible to nominate in the Priority Nomination Process of the CRR Allocation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Point of Change of Ownership","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The point, as set forth in Appendix A to the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, where the Interconnection Customer's Interconnection Facilities connect to the Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Point of Contact","acronym":"POC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Point of Delivery","acronym":"POD","description":"<p>The point at which a Generating Unit (a Net Scheduled QF in the case of a Qualifying Facility that is governed by a QF Participating Generator Agreement) delivers its power output to the CAISO Controlled Grid for purposes of the CAISO's standards set forth in the BPM for Direct Telemetry. This should not be confused with the term Point of Delivery as defined in the CAISO Tariff, which is essentially the point at which power is delivered from the CAISO Controlled Grid to a receiving party.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Point of Demarcation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a Net Scheduled Generating Unit, the point (1) where the electrical conductors from the Net Scheduled Generating Unit contact an electric utility system or the CAISO Controlled Grid; or (2) if dedicated utility distribution facilities are employed, where the dedicated facilities contact the electric utility system or the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Point of Interconnection","acronym":"POI","description":"<p>The point, as set forth in Appendix A to the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement or Attachment 3 to the Small Generator Interconnection Agreement, where the Interconnection Facilities connect to the CAISO Controlled Grid. For Generating Facilities connected to the Distribution System, the Point of Interconnection is the point at which the Generating Facility connects to the CAISO Controlled Grid. For an EIM Participating Resource or non-participating resource, the Point of Interconnection is the point at which the EIM Participating Resource or non-participating resource connects to an EIM Entity's transmission facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Point(s) of Delivery Or Withdrawal","acronym":"POD","description":"<p>Point(s) within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, the EIM Area where Energy and Ancillary Services are made available to a receiving party under this CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Point(s) Of Receipt (POR) or Injection","acronym":"POR","description":"<p>Point(s) within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, the EIM Area where Energy and Ancillary Services are made available by a delivering party under this CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Point-to-Point CRR","acronym":"PTP CRR","description":"A CRR Option or CRR Obligation with a single CRR Source to a single CRR Sink.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Potential Distributed Generation Deliverability","acronym":"Potential DGD","description":"<p>The capability of the CAISO Controlled Grid, measured in MW and determined through a CAISO Deliverability Assessment, to support the interconnection with Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status of additional Distributed Generation Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Potentially Affected System","acronym":null,"description":"An electric system in electric proximity to the CAISO's controlled grid that may be an Affected System.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Power","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The electrical work produced by a Generating Unit that is absorbed by the resistive components of Load or other network components, measured in units of watts or standard multiples thereof, e.g., 1,000 Watt = 1 kW; 1,000 kW = 1 MW, etc.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Power Flow Model","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A network model used by the CAISO to model the voltages, power injections and power flows on the CAISO Controlled Grid and adjacent Balancing Authority Areas.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Power Management System","acronym":"PMS","description":"<p>The CAISO computer control system used to monitor the real-time performance of the various elements of the CAISO Controlled Grid, control Generation, and perform operational power flow studies.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Power Purchase Agreement","acronym":"PPA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Power System Load Flow","acronym":"PSLF","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Power System Stabilizer","acronym":"PSS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Power System Stabilizers","acronym":"PSS","description":"<p>An electronic control system applied on a Generating Unit that helps to damp out dynamic oscillations on a power system. The Power System Stabilizers senses Generator variables, such as voltage, current and shaft speed, processes this information and sends control signals to the Generator voltage regulator.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Power Transfer Distribution Factor","acronym":"PTDF","description":"The percentage of a power transfer that flows on a transmission facility as a result of the injection of power at a specific bus and the withdrawal of power at another bus or a Reference Bus.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pre-calculation","acronym":null,"description":"Calculations that produce a key Intermediate Bill Determinant(s) for use in subsequent Pre-calculations or Charge Code calculations.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Pre-calculation or Partial Capacity","acronym":"PC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Pre-Construction Activities","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Actions by a Participating TO, other than those required by an Engineering and Procurement Agreement under GIP Section 10 in Appendix Y, undertaken prior to Construction Activities in order to prepare for the construction of Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities or Network Upgrades assigned to the Interconnection Customer, including, but not limited to, preliminary engineering, permitting activities, environmental analysis, or other activities specifically needed to obtain governmental approvals for the Participating TO's Interconnection Facilities or Network Upgrades.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Precursor Network Upgrade","acronym":"PNU","description":"Network Upgrades required for an Interconnection Customer that consist of (1) Network Upgrades whose cost responsibility is assigned to an earlier Interconnection Customer that has executed its GIA; and (2) Network Upgrades in the approved CAISO Transmission Plan.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pre-Defined Resource ID","acronym":null,"description":"A pre-established resource ID pre-modeled in each SubLAP based on CAISO specifications and available in the MasterFile for DRP to request assignment to a registration.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Preferred Operating Point","acronym":"POP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Preliminary NERC/WECC Charge Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An initial invoice issued by the CAISO that reflects an allocation of NERC/WECC Charges to a Scheduling Coordinator for a NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year based on (i) the Scheduling Coordinator's NERC/WECC Metered Demand for the NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year as described in Section 11.20.4, multiplied by (ii) the Preliminary NERC/WECC Charge Rate for the NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Preliminary NERC/WECC Charge Rate","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The preliminary rate to be paid by Scheduling Coordinators for NERC/WECC Charges for a NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year based on (i) the portions of the proposed budgets of NERC, WECC, and regional advisory bodies that serve the WECC that the WECC notifies the CAISO in writing are allocable to the CAISO for the NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year or, alternatively, if the WECC does not provide such written notification to the CAISO in accordance with the CAISO-WECC Billing Services Agreement, the portions of the budgets of NERC, WECC, and regional advisory bodies that serve that WECC that the WECC informed the CAISO were allocable to the CAISO for the immediately preceding NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year divided by (ii) the total of all Scheduling Coordinators' NERC/WECC Metered Demand for the NERC/WECC Charge Assessment Year as described in Section 11.20.4, including any adjustments to the calculation of NERC/WECC Metered Demand, as reported to the WECC pursuant to Section 11.20.4(b), and including any additional adjustments to the calculation of NERC/WECC Metered Demand, based on decisions by the WECC to permit such adjustments, that the WECC provides to the CAISO in a written statement in accordance with the CAISO-WECC Billing Services Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pre-RA Import Commitment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any power purchase agreement, ownership interest, or other commercial arrangement entered into on or before March 10, 2006, by a Load Serving Entity serving Load in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area for the procurement of Energy or capacity from a resource or resources located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. The Pre-RA Import Commitment shall be deemed to terminate upon the expiration of the initial term of the Pre-RA Import Commitment, notwithstanding any \\\"evergreen\\\" or other renewal provision exercisable at the option of the Load Serving Entity. Notwithstanding the above, a contract for delivery entered under Schedule A or B of 43 USC § 619a is a Pre-RA Import Commitment, the term of which does not expire with the expiration of any contractual arrangements entered into to implement such entitlements.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pre-RA Import Commitment Capability","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity in MW assigned to a particular Intertie into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area based on a Pre-RA Import Commitment.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Previously-Released CRRs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>CRRs that were released based on a CRR FNM that did not include a particular IBAA change and that will continue to be in effect, either as active financial instruments or as allocated CRRs eligible for renewal nomination in the Priority Nomination Process, when the particular IBAA change is implemented in the CAISO Markets.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Previous Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Current Settlement Amount that was calculated and published in a Settlement, Billing, or Invoicing Run that immediately preceded the Settlement, billing, or invoicing result set that is under review.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Price Correction Derived LMP","acronym":null,"description":"The applicable resource specific settlement LMP calculated pursuant to Section 11.21 for resources impacted by price corrections in the upward direction consistent with Section 35.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Price Node","acronym":"PNODE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Price Taker","acronym":"PT","description":"A quantity only Energy Bid with no associated price.","termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Pricing Node","acronym":"Pnode","description":"A single network Node or subset of network Nodes where a physical injection or withdrawal is modeled and for which a Locational Marginal Price is calculated and used for financial settlements.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Primary CAISO Control Center","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO Control Center.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Priority Nomination Process","acronym":"PNP","description":"<p>The step in an annual CRR Allocation in years beyond CRR Year One through which CRR Holders re-nominate (1) Seasonal CRRs they were allocated in the prior year (less any Long Term CRRs awarded in the Allocation of the immediately preceding year), (2) Long Term CRRs that are expiring, and (3) Existing Transmission Contracts and Converted Rights that are expiring.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Priority Nomination Tier","acronym":"PNT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Priority Type","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates if applicable the scheduling priority for the Settlement Period for Reliability Must-Run Generation, if applicable.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Priority Wheeling Through","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Wheeling Through Self-Schedule that has obtained a priority under Section 23. </p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Prior Period Change","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any correction, surcharge, credit, refund or other adjustment pertaining to a billing month pursuant to an RMR Contract which is discovered after the Revised Adjusted RMR Invoice for such billing month has been issued.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Prior Period Change Worksheet","acronym":null,"description":"A worksheet prepared by the RMR Owner and submitted to the CAISO following discovery of a necessary change to an RMR Invoice after the Revised Adjusted RMR Invoice for the billing month has been issued.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Projected Proxy Cost","acronym":null,"description":"A calculation of a resource's Default Start-Up Bids and Default Minimum Load Bids for a prospective period used to determine the maximum Registered Cost for the resource as set forth in Section of the CAISO Tariff for a thirty (30) day period as set forth in Section 30.4 of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Project Management Office","acronym":"PMO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Project Sponsor","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Market Participant, group of Market Participants, a Participating TO or a project developer who is not a Market Participant or Participating TO that proposes the construction of a transmission addition or upgrade in accordance with Section 24.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proposal for Installation","acronym":null,"description":"A written proposal submitted by a CAISO Metered Entity to the CAISO describing a proposal for the installation of additional Metering Facilities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proposed Revision Request","acronym":"PRR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Proposed Revision Request Impact Analysis","acronym":"PRRIA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Protected Data","acronym":null,"description":"Information provided to parties that have executed a Non-Disclosure Agreement as further defined in Section 6.5.10.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proxy Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The cost basis of a generating resource for which the operating cost is calculated as an approximation of the actual operating cost pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proxy Demand Resource","acronym":"PDR","description":"<p>A Load or aggregation of Loads that has the characteristics of a Proxy Demand Resource set forth in Section 4.13.5, satisfies all other requirements applicable to a Proxy Demand Resource set forth in the CAISO Tariff, and is capable of measurably and verifiably providing Demand Response Services pursuant to the Demand Response Provider Agreement, including but not limited to Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the Demand Response Provider Agreement and excluding Section 4.3 of the Demand Response Provider Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proxy Demand Resource - Load Shift Resource","acronym":"PDR-LSR","description":"<p>A resource participation model facilitating participation of the curtailment and consumption of load.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Proxy Minimum Load Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A resource's Minimum Load Costs, calculated pursuant to the methodology specified in Section 30.4.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proxy Start-Up Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A resource's Start-Up Costs, calculated pursuant to the methodology specified in Section 30.4.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Proxy Transition Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A resource's Transition Costs, calculated pursuant to the methodology specified in Section 30.4.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pseudo-Tie","acronym":null,"description":"A functionality by which the output of a generating unit physically interconnected to the electric grid in a Native Balancing Authority Area is telemetered to and deemed to be produced in an Attaining Balancing Authority Area that provides Balancing Authority services for and exercises Balancing Authority jurisdiction over the Pseudo-Tie generating unit.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pseudo-Tie Participating Generator Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Participating Generator with a Pseudo-Tie Generating Unit, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.16.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"PTB Allocation Adjustment","acronym":null,"description":"A type of PTB Charge Code Adjustment calculation method that allows for the adjustment of Charge Codes which recover costs (or payments) pro rata or per-unit from all Business Associates to achieve neutrality.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"PTB Bill Determinant","acronym":null,"description":"A type of Raw Bill Determinant required for calculating specific Charge Codes or Pre-calculation that is not a Settlement Amount and cannot be stored as static data.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"PTB Charge Adjustment","acronym":null,"description":"A type of PTB Charge Code Adjustment calculation method that allows for the adjustment of Charge Codes which aim to pay (or charge) a Business Associate for a specific transaction.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"PTB Charge Code Adjustment","acronym":null,"description":"A method for processing a dollar adjustment to a system generated Charge Code Settlement Amount.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"PTB Direct Charge","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Settlement Amount entry associated with a Charge Code not calculated by the Settlements system that is directly assigned to a Settlement Statement, bill, and Invoice.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"PTB Financial Adjustment","acronym":null,"description":"A dollar amount entry provided by the Financial Clearing system that adjusts for specific financial scenarios outside of CAISO market transactions","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act","acronym":"PURPA","description":"<p>The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, incorporated in relevant part into the Federal Power Act.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pumped-Storage Hydro Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A hydroelectric dam with the capability to produce electricity and the ability to pump water between reservoirs at different elevations to store such water for the production of electricity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pumping Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The hourly cost of pumping, expressed in $/hour, submitted by a Participating Load.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pumping Energy","acronym":null,"description":"Energy consumed to operate a pump.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Pumping Level","acronym":null,"description":"Level of MW that the Pumping Load resources would consume as submitted in their Bid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pumping Load","acronym":null,"description":"A hydro pumping resource that is capable of responding to Dispatch Instructions by ceasing to pump.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pump Load","acronym":"PLOAD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Pump Ramping Conversion Factor","acronym":null,"description":"A Master File entry submitted by Scheduling Coordinators that allows the Scheduling Coordinator to indicate the ratio of Energy expended to pump water into storage that can be used to produce Energy. A zero percent Pump Ramping Conversion Factor implies that no amount of Energy production capability is produced as a result of pumping water and the CAISO shall not use such unavailable Energy in its CAISO Markets optimization. A hundred percent Pump Ramping Conversion Factor indicates all the Energy expended to pump water is available for Generation and the CAISO shall use only the available portions in its CAISO Markets optimization. The Pump Ramping Conversion Factor submitted in the Master File need not be based on physical characteristics of the resource and is adjustable by the Scheduling Coordinator.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Pump Shut-Down Costs","acronym":null,"description":"A Bid Component submitted by Scheduling Coordinators for resources that are registered as a Participating Load that indicates the $/MWh that the Scheduling Coordinator is willing to be paid to not pump.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Purchase Power & Tolling Agreement","acronym":"PPTA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Purchase-Selling Entity","acronym":"PSE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Purchasing Selling Entity","acronym":"PSE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Qualified Load Following Instruction","acronym":null,"description":"The MSS Load following instruction that is limited by the qualified Load following up or down capacity. The qualified Load following up and down capacity is the Load following capacity that is qualified and limited by whether the resource is derated or is limited by the Regulation Limits if the resource is providing Regulation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Qualified OBAALSE","acronym":null,"description":"An OBAALSE which the CAISO has certified has met all the requirements for eligibility for CRR Allocation in accordance with Section 39.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Qualifying Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"The maximum Resource Adequacy Capacity that a Resource Adequacy Resource may be eligible to provide. The criteria and methodology for calculating the Qualifying Capacity of resources may be established by the CPUC or other applicable Local Regulatory Authority and provided to the CAISO. A resource's eligibility to provide Resource Adequacy Capacity may be reduced below its Qualifying Capacity through the CAISO's assessment of Net Qualifying Capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Qualifying Facility","acronym":"QF","description":"<p>A qualifying cogeneration facility or qualifying small power production facility, as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18, Part 292 (18 C.F.R. § 292).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Qualifying Facility Participating Generator Agreement","acronym":"QF PGA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Queue Cluster","acronym":null,"description":"A set of Interconnection Requests processed in an Interconnection Study Cycle pursuant to Appendix Y or Appendix DD other than pursuant to the Fast Track Process or the Independent Study Process set forth in Appendix Y or Appendix DD.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Queue Position","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The order of a valid Interconnection Request, relative to all other pending valid Interconnection Requests, that is established based upon the date and time of receipt of the valid Interconnection Request by the CAISO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ramping","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Changing the loading level of a Generating Unit in a constant manner over a fixed time (e.g., Ramping up or Ramping down). Such changes may be directed by a computer or manual control.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ramping Energy Deviation","acronym":"RED","description":"<p>The portion of Imbalance Energy produced or consumed due to deviation from the Standard Ramp because of ramp constraints, Start-Up, or Shut-Down. Ramping Energy Deviation may overlap with Standard Ramping Energy, and both Standard Ramping Energy and Ramping Energy Deviation may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, but with no other IIE subtype. Ramping Energy Deviation may be composed of two parts: a) the part that overlaps with Standard Ramping Energy whenever the DOP crosses the Standard Ramping Energy region; and b) the part that does not overlap with Standard Ramping Energy. The latter part of Ramping Energy Deviation consists only of extra-marginal IIE contained within the hourly schedule change band and not attributed to Exceptional Dispatch or derates. Ramping Energy Deviation does not apply to Non-Dynamic System Resources (including Resource Specific System Resources). Ramping Energy Deviation is settled as described in Section 11.5.1, and it is included in BCR only for market revenue calculations as provided in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Ramp Rate","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates the Operational Ramp Rate, Regulation Ramp Rate, and Operating Reserve Ramp Rate for a Generating Unit, and the Load drop rate and Load pick-up rate for Participating Loads, Reliability Demand Response Resources, and Proxy Demand Resources, for which the Scheduling Coordinator is submitting Energy Bids or Ancillary Services Bids.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RA Reliability Margin","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The CAISO system forecast monthly peak Demand, plus a reserve margin of 15 percent of the forecast monthly peak Demand, based on the forecast prepared by the California Energy Commission.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RA Substitute Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Capacity that the CAISO permits under the CAISO Tariff to be substituted for a Resource Adequacy Resource that is on Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Rated Governmental Agency","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A municipal utility or state or federal agency that holds an issuer, counterparty, or underlying credit rating by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Rated Public/Private Corporation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An investor-owned or privately held entity that holds an issuer, counterparty, or underlying credit rating by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Raw Bill Determinant","acronym":null,"description":"A Bill Determinant provided as input data to the Settlements System.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"RC Customer","acronym":null,"description":"An entity for which the CAISO acts as the Reliability Coordinator pursuant to Section 19 of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RC Funding Requirement","acronym":null,"description":"The revenue required to offset the costs that the CAISO will incur to provide RC Services.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RC Operating Procedures","acronym":null,"description":"Operating Procedures adopted by the CAISO to facilitate compliance with NERC Reliability Standards applicable to the Reliability Coordinator function.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RC Services","acronym":null,"description":"The Reliability Coordinator services provided by the CAISO for an RC Customer pursuant to Section 19 of the CAISO Tariff and the Reliability Coordinator Services Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RC Services Date","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The date on which the CAISO assumes the role of Reliability Coordinator for an RC Customer, pursuant to Section 19.2 of the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RDRR Availability Limit","acronym":null,"description":"A limit applicable to a Reliability Demand Response Resource that is reached when the Reliability Demand Response Resource has been dispatched in Real-Time for at least a total of fifteen (15) Demand Response Events or a total of forty-eight (48) hours during a Reliability Demand Response Services Term.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reactive Distribution Factor","acronym":"RDF","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time","acronym":"RT","description":"The period of time during the Operating Hour. Any time period during the twenty-four Operating Hours of any given day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Base Schedule","acronym":"RTBS","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Real-Time Congestion Offset","acronym":null,"description":"The amount calculated pursuant to Section for purposes of determining the non-zero offset amount allocation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Contingency Analysis","acronym":"RTCA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Contingency Dispatch","acronym":"RTCD","description":"The mode of the Real-Time Dispatch that will be invoked when a transmission or generation Contingency occurs and will include all Contingency Only Operating Reserves in the optimization.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Dispatch","acronym":"RTD","description":"The SCED and SCUC software used by the CAISO to determine which Ancillary Service and Imbalance Energy resources to Dispatch and to calculate LMPs.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Disturbance Dispatch","acronym":"RTDD","description":"A mode of Real-Time Contingency Dispatch employed by the CAISO Operator pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Economic Dispatch","acronym":"RTED","description":"<p>The mode of the Real-Time Dispatch that will optimally dispatch resources based on their Energy Bids, excluding Contingency Only Operating Reserves except when needed to avoid an imminent System Emergency.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Imbalance Energy Offset","acronym":"RTIEO","description":"The amount calculated pursuant to Section for purposes of determining the non-zero offset amount allocation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Interchange Export Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A final agreed-upon schedule of Energy to be transferred from the CAISO Balancing Authority Area to another Balancing Authority Area based on agreed-upon size (megawatts), start and end time, beginning and ending ramp times and rate, and type required for delivery and receipt of power and Energy between the source and sink Balancing Authority Areas involved in the transaction.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Interchange Import Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A final agreed-upon schedule of Energy to be transferred to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area from another Balancing Authority Area based on agreed-upon size (megawatts), start and end time, beginning and ending ramp times and rate, and type required for delivery and receipt of power and Energy between the source and sink Balancing Authority Areas involved in the transaction.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Manual Dispatch","acronym":"RTMD","description":"The mode of the Real-Time Dispatch that will be invoked as a fall-back mechanism only when the RTED or RTCD fails to provide a feasible Dispatch.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Marginal Cost of Losses Offset","acronym":null,"description":"A component of the neutrality adjustments as provided in Section to account for the distribution of excess Real-Time Marginal Cost of Losses and the non-assessment of Marginal Cost of Losses charges to Measured Demand for TOR Self-Schedules eligible for the RTM Marginal Cost of Losses Credit for Eligible TOR Self-Schedules as provided in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Market","acronym":"RTM","description":"<p>The spot market conducted by the CAISO using SCUC and SCED in the Real-Time which includes the HASP, FMM, STUC and the RTD for the purpose of Unit Commitment, Ancillary Service procurement, Congestion Management and Energy procurement based on Supply Bids and CAISO Forecast Of CAISO Demand.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Market Pumping Bid Cost","acronym":"RTM Pumping Bid Cost","description":"<p>For the applicable Settlement Interval, the Pumping Cost submitted to the CAISO in the RTM divided by the number of Settlement Intervals in a Trading Hour, as further provided in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-time Minimum Load Energy","acronym":"RTMLE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Performance Metric","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A factor calculated for the purposes of scaling a resource's Real-Time Bid Cost Recovery amounts calculated as the minimum of: (1) the number one (1); or (2) the absolute value of the ratio of the resource's (a) Metered Energy, less the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, and less the Regulation Energy, and (b) the total Expected Energy less the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy. If the CAISO issues a Real-time Dispatch to the resource that is incremental to its Day-Ahead Schedule and the resource deviates downward from its Day-Ahead Schedule, the Real-Time Performance Metric will be set to zero (0). If the CAISO issues a Real-Time Dispatch to the resource that is decremental to its Day-Ahead Schedule and the resource deviates to a level above its Day-Ahead Schedule, the Real-Time Performance Metric will be set to zero (0). If the resource's total Expected Energy is equal to the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy and if the Metered Energy minus Regulation Energy is equal to the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, then the Real-Time Performance Metric is set to one (1). If the resource's total Expected Energy is equal to the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy and if the Metered Energy minus the Regulation Energy is not equal to the Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, then the Real-Time Performance Metric is set to zero (0). The Real-Time Performance Metric is applied as specified in the Section and is not applied during any Settlement Interval when a resource is Starting Up, Shutting Down, in an MSG Transition Period, crossing over a Forbidden Operating Region, or a Dispatch Operating Point correction is performed due to a verbal Dispatch Instruction issued by the CAISO Operator, as long as the resource is in fact in the operational mode instructed by the CAISO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Real-time Pre-Dispatch","acronym":"RTPD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Real-time Self Schedule","acronym":"RTSS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Real-Time Unit Commitment","acronym":"RTUC","description":"<p>An application of the RTM that runs every 15 minutes and commits Short Start Units using the SCUC to adjust from Day-Ahead Schedules, EIM Base Schedules, and HASP Advisory Schedules.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reasonable Efforts","acronym":null,"description":"<p>With respect to an action required to be attempted or taken by a party under the GIDAP, efforts that are timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a party would use to protect its own interests.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reasonableness Threshold","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The cost-based criteria the CAISO uses to evaluate Reference Level Change Requests through an automated process, which represents a reasonable cost-based Energy Bid, Start-Up Bid, and Minimum Load Bid, calibrated to a resource's costs as described in Section 30.11.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Billing Run","acronym":null,"description":"A type of Billing Run that generates revised billing results for output from the Initial Billing Run or a previous Recalculation Billing Run after the publication of the Initial Invoice.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The second publication of an Invoice or Payment Advice issued for a Bill Period as scheduled in accordance with the CAISO Payments Calendar.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Run","acronym":null,"description":"A type of Settlement Run that generates revised Settlement results for output from the Initial Settlement Run or a previous Recalculation Settlement Run after the publication of the Initial Invoice.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The recalculation of a Settlement Statement in accordance with the provisions of the CAISO Tariff, which includes the Recalculation Settlement Statement T+70B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+11M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+21M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+24M, any Recalculation Settlement Statement issued pursuant to Section, or any other Recalculation Settlement Statement authorized by the CAISO Governing Board.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+11M","acronym":null,"description":"The reissue of Recalculation Settlement Statement T+70B by the CAISO approximately eleven (11) calendar months after the Trading Day (T+11M) scheduled on the two hundred thirty-fourth (234th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+12B","acronym":null,"description":"The reissue of an Initial Settlement Statement T+3B by the CAISO on the twelfth (12th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+18M","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+9M, or an Unscheduled Reissue Recalculation Settlement Statement by the CAISO eighteen (18) calendar months after the Trading Day (T+18M) on the three hundred and eighty third (383rd) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+18M).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+21M","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The reissue of Recalculation Settlement Statement T+70B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+11M, or an Unscheduled Reissue Recalculation Settlement Statement by the CAISO approximately twenty-one (21) calendar months after the Trading Day (T+21M) scheduled on the four hundred forty-sixth (446th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+24M","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+70B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+11M, or Recalculation Settlement Statement T+21M by the CAISO approximately twenty-four (24) calendar months after the Trading Day (T+24M) scheduled on the five hundred-twelfth (512th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+24M).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+33M","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+9M, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+18M, or an Unscheduled Reissue Recalculation Settlement Statement by the CAISO thirty-three (33) calendar months after Trading Day (T+33M) on the six hundred and ninety-third (693) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+33M).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+35M","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+9M, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+18M, or an Unscheduled Reissue Recalculation Settlement Statement by the CAISO thirty-five (35) calendar months after Trading Day (T+35M) on the seven hundred and thirty seventh (737th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+35M).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+36M","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+9M, a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+18M or a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+35M by the CAISO thirty-six (36) calendar months after Trading Day (T+36M) on the seven hundred and fifty-ninth (759th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day (T+36M).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B","acronym":null,"description":"The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+12B by the CAISO on the fifty-fifth (55th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+70B","acronym":null,"description":"The reissue of an Initial Settlement Statement T+9B by the CAISO scheduled on the seventieth (70th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Recalculation Settlement Statement T+9M","acronym":null,"description":"The reissue of a Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B by the CAISO nine (9) calendar months after the Trading Day (T+9M) on the one hundred and ninety-fourth (194th) Business Day from the relevant Trading Day","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Redispatch","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The readjustment of scheduled Generation or Demand side management measures, to relieve Congestion or manage Energy imbalances.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reference Bus","acronym":null,"description":"The Location(s) in the EIM Area relative to which mathematical quantities relating to powerflow solution will be calculated.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reference Level Change Request","acronym":null,"description":"A change requested by a Scheduling Coordinator to a resource's Reference Levels pursuant to Section 30.11.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reference Levels","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Default Start-Up Bid, Default Minimum Load Bid, and Default Energy Bid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Access Charge","acronym":"RAC","description":"The Access Charge applicable under Section 26.1 to recover the Regional Transmission Revenue Requirements of each Participating TO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Ancillary Service Marginal Price","acronym":"RASMP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Regional Ancillary Service Shadow Price","acronym":"RASSP","description":"<p>The cost sensitivity of the relevant binding regional constraint at the optimal solution, i.e., the marginal reduction of the combined Energy and Ancillary Services procurement cost associated with a marginal relaxation of that constraint.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Regional Entity","acronym":null,"description":"An entity to whom NERC has delegated certain of its electric reliability organization functions for a particular geographic region. WECC is the applicable Regional Entity for the region encompassing the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Independent System Operator","acronym":"RISO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Regional Transmission Facility","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A transmission facility that is owned by a Participating TO or to which a Participating TO has an Entitlement that is represented by a Converted Right, that is under the CAISO Operational Control, and that is not (1) a Local Transmission Facility or a Location Constrained Resource Interconnection Facility, and supporting facilities, or (2) a Merchant Transmission Facility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Transmission Operator","acronym":"RTO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Regional Transmission Organization","acronym":"RTO","description":null,"termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Transmission Revenue Requirement","acronym":"RTRR","description":"<p>The portion of a Participating TO's Transmission Revenue Requirement associated with and allocable to: 1) the Participating TO's Regional Transmission Facilities and Converted Rights associated with Regional Transmission Facilities, 2) the CAISO's assigned share of Interregional Transmission Project costs, and 3) Location Constrained Resource Interconnection Facilities that are under the CAISO Operational Control.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Utility Specific Rate","acronym":null,"description":"A Participating TO's Regional Transmission Revenue Requirement divided by such Participating TO's forecasted Gross Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regional Wheeling Access Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Wheeling Access Charge associated with the recovery of a Participating TO's Regional Transmission Revenue Requirements in accordance with Section 26.1.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Registered Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The cost basis of a generating resource for which the operating cost is determined from registered values pursuant to Section 30.4.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Registered Data","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Those items of technical data and operating characteristics relating to Generation, transmission or distribution facilities which are identified to the owners of such facilities as being information, supplied in accordance with the CAISO Tariff, to assist the CAISO to maintain reliability of the CAISO Controlled Grid and to carry out its functions.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Registered Entity","acronym":null,"description":"An entity registered with NERC under the NERC Functional Model and the NERC Rules of Procedure as responsible for compliance with a designated set of requirements established by the NERC Reliability Standards.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulating Range","acronym":null,"description":"The operating level range within which a resource may provide Regulation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The service provided either by resources certified by the CAISO as equipped and capable of responding to the CAISO's direct digital control signals, or by System Resources that have been certified by the CAISO as capable of delivering such service to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, in an upward and downward direction to match, on a Real-Time basis, Demand and resources, consistent with established NERC and WECC reliability standards and any requirements of the NRC. Regulation is used to control the operating level of a resource within a prescribed area in response to a change in system frequency, tie line loading, or the relation of these to each other so as to maintain the target system frequency and\\/or the established Interchange with other Balancing Authority Areas within the predetermined Regulation Limits. Regulation includes both an increase in Energy production by a resource or decrease in Energy consumption by a resource (Regulation Up) and a decrease in Energy production by a resource or increase in Energy consumption by a resource (Regulation Down). Regulation Up and Regulation Down are distinct capacity products, with separately stated requirements and ASMPs in each Settlement Period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Down or Regulation Down Reserve","acronym":null,"description":"Regulation reserve provided by a resource under CAISO EMS control that can decrease its Energy production or increase its Energy consumption in response to a direct electronic signal from the CAISO to maintain standard frequency in accordance with established Reliability Criteria.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Down Reserve Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The revenues paid to the suppliers of the total awarded Regulation Down Reserve capacity in the DayAhead, HASP, and Real-Time Markets for the Settlement Period, minus the payments rescinded in the Settlement Period due to the unavailability of the Regulation Down under any of the provisions of Section 8.10.8.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Energy Management","acronym":"REM","description":"<p>A market feature for resources located within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area that require Energy from the Real-Time Market to offer their full capacity as Regulation, as described in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Limits","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The MW limits, up and down, set by a resource's operation under CAISO EMS control.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Ramp Rate","acronym":null,"description":"A single number included in Ancillary Service Bids and Submissions to Self-Provide Ancillary Services for Regulation that represents the Ramp Rate of a resource used in the procurement of Regulation capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Up or Regulation Up Reserve","acronym":null,"description":"Regulation provided by a resource under CAISO EMS control that can increase its Energy production or decrease its Energy consumption in response to a direct electronic signal from the CAISO to maintain standard frequency in accordance with established Reliability Criteria.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulation Up Reserve Obligation","acronym":null,"description":"The obligation of a Scheduling Coordinator to pay its share of costs incurred by the CAISO in procuring Regulation Up Reserves","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulatory Must-Run Generation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Hydro Spill Generation and Generation which is required to run by applicable federal or California laws, regulations, or other governing jurisdictional authority. Such requirements include but are not limited to hydrological flow requirements, environmental requirements, such as minimum fish releases, fish pulse releases and water quality requirements, irrigation and water supply requirements, or the requirements of solid waste Generation, or other Generation contracts specified or designated by the jurisdictional regulatory authority as it existed on December 20, 1995, or as revised by federal or California law or Local Regulatory Authority.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Regulatory Must Take","acronym":"RMT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Regulatory Must-Take Generation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Generation from the following resources that the relevant Scheduling Coordinator schedules directly with the CAISO as Regulatory Must-Take Generation: (1) Generation from Generating Units subject to (a) an Existing QF Contract or an Amended QF Contract, or (b) a QF power purchase agreement for a QF 20 MW or smaller pursuant to a mandatory purchase obligation as defined by federal law; (2) Generation delivered from a CHP Resource needed to serve its host thermal requirements up to RMTMax in any hour; and (3) Generation from nuclear units.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Rejected Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Submitted Bid that has failed the Bid content process as described in Section in the BPM for Market Instruments.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Release Users Group","acronym":"RUG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Relevant Planning Regions","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Means, with respect to an Interregional Transmission Project, the Planning Regions that would directly interconnect electrically with such Interregional Transmission Project, unless and until such time as a Relevant Planning Region determines that such Interregional Transmission Project will not meet any of its regional transmission needs in accordance with Section, at which time it shall no longer be considered a Relevant Planning Region.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Coordinator","acronym":"RC","description":"The entity designated by WECC as responsible for reliability coordination in Real-Time for the area defined by WECC.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Coordinator Charges","acronym":null,"description":"The charges for reliability coordination services that the Reliability Coordinator assesses to the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Coordinator Services Agreement","acronym":"RCSA","description":"<p>An agreement between an RC Customer and the CAISO, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Coordinator Services Charge","acronym":"RC Services Charge","description":"<p>The charges that the CAISO assesses to RC Customers for providing Reliability Coordinator Services pursuant to Sections 19.7 or 11.20.9 of the CAISO Tariff, as calculated in accordance with Appendix F, Schedule 7 to the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Criteria","acronym":null,"description":"Pre-established criteria that are to be followed in order to maintain desired performance of the CAISO Controlled Grid under Contingency or steady state conditions.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Demand Response Resource","acronym":"RDRR","description":"<p>A Load or aggregation of Loads that has the characteristics of a Reliability Demand Response Resource set forth in Section 4.13.5 of the CAISO Tariff, satisfies all other requirements applicable to a Reliability Demand Response Resource set forth in the CAISO Tariff, and is capable of measurably and verifiably providing Demand Response Services pursuant to the Demand Response Provider Agreement, including but not limited to Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of the Demand Response Provider Agreement and excluding Section 4.2 of the Demand Response Provider Agreement (Appendix B.14 to the CAISO Tariff).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Demand Response Services Term","acronym":null,"description":"A six (6) month time period during which or within which a Reliability Demand Response Resource is available to provide Demand Response Services as specified in the Business Practice Manual.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must Run","acronym":"RMR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must-Run Charge","acronym":"RMR Charge","description":"<p>The sum payable by a Responsible Utility to the CAISO pursuant to Section 41 for the costs, net of all applicable credits, incurred under the Reliability Must-Run Contract.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must-Run Contract","acronym":"RMR Contract","description":"A Must-Run Service Agreement between the owner of a Reliability Must-Run Unit and the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must Run Default Amount","acronym":null,"description":"Any amount due to be received into the relevant Facility Trust Account from the RMR Owner or the Responsible Utility in accordance with an RMR contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must-Run Generation","acronym":"RMR Generation","description":"Generation that the CAISO determines is required to be on line to meet Applicable Reliability Criteria requirements. This includes i) Generation constrained on line to meet NERC and WECC reliability criteria for interconnected systems operation; ii) Generation needed to meet Load demand in constrained areas; and iii) Generation needed to be operated to provide voltage or security support of the CAISO or a local area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must-Run Unit","acronym":"RMR Unit","description":"A Generating Unit of a Participating Generator which is the subject of a Reliability Must-Run Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Must-Take","acronym":"RMT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Network Upgrades","acronym":"RNU","description":"<p>The transmission facilities at or beyond the Point of Interconnection identified in the Interconnection Studies as necessary to interconnect one or more Generating Facility(ies) safely and reliably to the CAISO Controlled Grid, which would not have been necessary but for the interconnection of one or more Generating Facility(ies), including Network Upgrades necessary to remedy short circuit or stability problems, or thermal overloads. Reliability Network Upgrades shall only be deemed necessary for system operating limits, occurring under any system condition, where system operating limits cannot be adequately mitigated through Congestion Management, or Operating Procedures, based on characteristics of the Generating Facilities included in the Interconnection Studies, limitations on market models, systems, or information, or other factors specifically identified in the Interconnection Studies. Reliability Network Upgrades also include, consistent with WECC practice, the facilities necessary to mitigate any adverse impact the Generating Facility's interconnection may have on a path's WECC rating.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Requirement Determination","acronym":"RRD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Services Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The costs associated with services provided by the CAISO: 1) that are deemed by the CAISO as necessary to maintain reliable electric service in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area; and 2) whose costs are billed by the CAISO to the Participating TO pursuant to the CAISO Tariff. Reliability Services Costs include costs charged by the CAISO to a Participating TO associated with service provided under a Reliability Must-Run Contract, or a Black Start Agreement, as well as Exceptional Dispatches and Minimum Load Costs associated with units committed for local reliability requirements.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Services Initiative","acronym":"RSI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Reliability Standard","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A requirement approved by FERC under Section 215 of the Federal Power Act to provide for reliable operation of the bulk power system. The term includes requirements for the operation of existing bulk power system facilities, including cyber security protection, and the design of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the extent necessary for reliable operation of the bulk power system; but the term does not include any requirement to enlarge such facilities or to construct new transmission capacity or generation capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Remaining Import Capability","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity in MW of Total Import Capability assigned to a Load Serving Entity up to its Load Share Quantity after the assignment of Existing Contract Import Capability and Pre-RA Import Commitment. Capability.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Remedial Action Scheme","acronym":"RAS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Remedial Action Schemes","acronym":"RAS","description":"<p>Reliability Network Upgrades consisting of protective systems that typically utilize a combination of conventional protective relays, computer-based processors, and telecommunications to accomplish rapid, automated response (including Outages) to unplanned power system events. Also, details of RAS logic and any special requirements for arming of RAS schemes, or changes in RAS programming, that may be required. Remedial Action Schemes are also referred to as special protection systems.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Remote Intelligent Gateway","acronym":"RIG","description":"A device or software that is functionally defined by CAISO pursuant to the standards set forth in the BPM for Direct Telemetry and used to directly telemeter secure operational data from a resource to the CAISO EMS and to provide direct control of the Generating Unit by CAISO. Additional information can be found at the following link:","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Remote Self Supply","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Positive Net Output from generating resources in the Station Power Portfolio that is deemed to have self-supplied Station Power Load of other Generating Units in the Station Power Portfolio during the Netting Period, where such self-supply requires use of the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Renewable Energy Credit","acronym":"REC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Renewable Integration – Market & Product Review","acronym":"RI-MPR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Renewable Portfolio Standard","acronym":"RPS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Request Window","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The period of time as set forth in the Business Practice Manual during which transmission additions or upgrades, requests for Economic Planning Studies, and other transmission related information is submitted to the CAISO in accordance with Section 24.2.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reserve Margin","acronym":null,"description":"The amount of Resource Adequacy Capacity that a Scheduling Coordinator is required to maintain in accordance with Section 40.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Reserve Sharing LSE","acronym":null,"description":"A Load Serving Entity whose Scheduling Coordinator has informed the CAISO in accordance with Section 40.1 of its election to be a Reserve Sharing LSE.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Residual Imbalance Energy","acronym":null,"description":"Extra-marginal IIE produced or consumed at the start or end of a Trading Hour outside the hourly schedule-change band and not attributed to Exceptional Dispatch. Residual Imbalance Energy is due to a Dispatch Instruction in the previous Trading Hour or a Dispatch Instruction in the next Trading Hour. Residual Imbalance Energy may overlap only with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy. Residual Imbalance Energy does not apply to Non-Dynamic System Resources (including Resource-Specific System Resources). Residual Imbalance Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.5 and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.8.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Residual Unit Commitment","acronym":"RUC","description":"<p>The process conducted by the CAISO in the Day-Ahead Market after the IFM has been executed to ensure sufficient Generating Units, System Units, System Resources, Participating Loads, and Proxy Demand Resources are committed to meet the CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Residual Unit Commitment Requirement Setter","acronym":"RRS","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy","acronym":"RA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy Availability Incentive Mechanism","acronym":"RAAIM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy Capacity","acronym":"RA Capacity","description":"<p>The supply capacity of a Resource Adequacy Resource listed on a Resource Adequacy Plan and a Supply Plan. Upon receiving a designation as CPM Capacity, that designated capacity becomes RA Capacity for the duration of its designation as CPM Capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy Compliance Year","acronym":null,"description":"A calendar year from January 1 through December 31","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy Plan","acronym":null,"description":"A submission by a Scheduling Coordinator for a Load Serving Entity in the form required by the Business Practice Manual to satisfy the requirements of Section 40.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A resource that is designated in a Supply Plan to provide Resource Adequacy Capacity. The criteria for determining the types of resources that are eligible to provide Qualifying Capacity may be established by the CPUC or other applicable Local Regulatory Authority and provided to the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Adequacy Substitute Capacity","acronym":"RASC","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Resource Bid Range Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Reports hourly resource 15 minute bid range capacity Up/Down for SC from RSE Capacity Test Results.","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Resource Control Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An agreement that gives an entity bidding, scheduling, and/or operational control over a physical resource owned by or under contract to another entity, or otherwise directs the manner in which such a resource participates in the CAISO markets. A Resource Control Agreement includes but is not limited to any agreement under which an entity controls a resource that uses a Scheduling Coordinator ID Code assigned to a Scheduling Coordinator that is not an Affiliate of the controlling entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Data Template","acronym":"RDT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Resource Flexible RA Capacity Plan","acronym":null,"description":"A submission by a Scheduling Coordinator for a resource in the form required by the Business Practice Manual to satisfy the requirements of Section 40.10.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource ID","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Identification characters assigned by the CAISO to Generating Units, Loads, Participating Loads, Proxy Demand Resources, Reliability Demand Response Resources, System Units, System Resources, and Physical Scheduling Plants.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Interconnection Management System","acronym":"RIMS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Resource Interconnection Management System - Generation","acronym":"RIMSG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Resource Location","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Resource ID for a Generating Unit, Participating Load, Proxy Demand Resource, Reliability Demand Response Resource, or System Resource.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resources Adequacy Availability Management","acronym":"RAAM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Resource-Specific ASMP","acronym":null,"description":"The Ancillary Services Marginal Price as determined pursuant to Section 11.10.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Specific Settlement Interval LMP","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a specific Location, the Energy-weighted average of the Dispatch Interval Locational Marginal Prices of the relevant Pricing Node for the Settlement Interval taking into account the resource's IIE excluding Energy for Regulation.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Resource Specific System","acronym":"RSS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Resource-Specific System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A Dynamic or Non-Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource-Specific Tier 1 UIE Settlement Interval Price","acronym":null,"description":"The price used to settle Tier 1 UIE as calculated pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Resource Type","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The type of the resource specified in the Bid Identification of a Bid. It can be one of the following: a Generating Unit, a System Resource (Non-Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource, Dynamic Resource-Specific System Resource, Dynamic System Resource, Non-Dynamic System Resource) an Export Resource, a Participating Load, or a Non-Participating Load.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Responsible Participating Transmission Owner Agreement","acronym":"RPTOA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Responsible Participating Transmission Owner, a pro forma version of which has been accepted by FERC as a CAISO rate schedule in 88 FERC ¶ 61, 077.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Responsible Participating Transmission Owner (or Responsible Participating TO or Responsible PTO)","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The party providing transmission service under an Existing Contract listed in Appendix A of a Responsible Participating Transmission Owner Agreement and that is the Scheduling Coordinator for each Existing Right holder listed in Appendix A of that RPTOA, \"unless that Scheduling Coordinator responsibility is transferred pursuant to the provisions of the RPTOA.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Responsible Utility","acronym":null,"description":"The utility which is a party to the Transmission Control Agreement in whose PTO Service Territory the Reliability Must-Run Unit is located or whose PTO Service Territory is contiguous to the PTO Service Territory in which a Reliability Must-Run Unit owned by an entity outside of the CAISO Controlled Grid is located.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Responsible Utility Facility Trust Account","acronym":null,"description":"A segregated commercial bank account under the Facility Trust Account containing funds held in trust for the Responsible Utility under an RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Results Meeting","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The meeting among the CAISO, the applicable Participating TO(s), the Interconnection Customer, and, if applicable, other Affected System Operators to discuss the results of the Phase I Interconnection Study as set forth in GIP Section 6 set forth in Appendix Y.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revenue Meter Data Acquisition and Processing System","acronym":"RMDAPS","description":"<p>A collective name for the set of CAISO systems used to collect, validate, edit and report on Revenue Quality Meter Data.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revenue Quality Meter Data","acronym":"RQMD","description":"Meter data meeting the standards and requirements established and maintained by the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revenue Requirement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The revenue level required by a utility to cover expenses made on an investment, while earning a specified rate of return on the investment.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revised Adjusted RMR Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly invoice issued by the Reliability Must-Run Owner to the CAISO pursuant to the Reliability Must-Run Contract reflecting any appropriate revisions to the Adjusted Reliability Must-Run Invoice based on the CAISO's validation and actual data for the billing month.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revised Default Commitment Cost Bids","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Default Commitment Cost Bids produced as part of an accepted automated or manual Reference Level Change Request, which are calculated without including the Commitment Cost Multiplier.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revised Default Energy Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Default Energy Bid produced as part of an accepted automated or manual Reference Level Change Request, which are calculated without including the Default Energy Bid Multiplier.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Revised Estimated RMR Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"The monthly invoice issued by the Reliability Must-Run Owner to the CAISO pursuant to the Reliability Must-Run Contract reflecting appropriate revisions to the Estimated Reliability Must-Run Invoice based on the CAISO's validation of the Estimated Reliability Must-Run Invoice.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Right-of-Way","acronym":"ROW","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Risk of Retirement","acronym":"ROR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"RMR Default Amount","acronym":null,"description":"Any amount due to be received into the relevant Facility Trust Account from the RMR Owner or the Responsible Utility in accordance with an RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Dispatch","acronym":null,"description":"The quantity of Energy or Ancillary Services that is mandated by the CAISO to be delivered in a given market for a resource by an RMR Unit under an RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Dispatch Notice","acronym":null,"description":"Notice received by an RMR Unit from the CAISO containing an RMR Dispatch.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Energy","acronym":null,"description":"Total Expected Energy under RMR Dispatch. RMR Energy is calculated independent of other Expected Energy types and it may overlap with any other Expected Energy type. It is used for RMR Contract based settlement as provided in Section 11.13.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Invoice","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any Estimated RMR Invoice, Revised Estimated RMR Invoice, Adjusted RMR Invoice, or Revised Adjusted RMR Invoice under an RMR Contract.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Owner","acronym":null,"description":"The provider of services under a Reliability Must-Run Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Owner Facility Trust Account","acronym":null,"description":"The commercial bank account held in trust by the CAISO for the benefit of the owner of an RMR Unit subject to an RMR Contract as required and specified in Section 9.2 of the pro forma RMR Contract.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Payment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any amounts which the CAISO is obligated to pay to RMR Owners under the RMR Contracts, net of any applicable credits under the RMR Contracts.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Payments Calendar","acronym":null,"description":"The payment calendar issued by the CAISO pursuant to Section 11.13.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Proxy Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For Condition 1 RMR Units, for Energy, an amount calculated based on the hourly variable costs as defined in Schedule C of the applicable RMR Contract in the form of a monotonically increasing function consistent with the bidding rules in Section 30. For Condition 2 RMR Units, for Energy, the Energy Bid defined in Schedule M of the RMR Contract. For Condition 1 and 2 RMR Units, for Start-Up costs, the amount set forth in Schedule D of the applicable RMR Contract; and for Minimum Load costs, an amount calculated based on unit specific performance parameters as set for the applicable RMR Contract and the gas price calculated in accordance with Schedule C of the applicable RMR Contract.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Refund","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any amounts which RMR Owners are obligated to pay to the CAISO and the CAISO is obligated to pay to the Responsible Utilities under the RMR Contracts, or resulting from any order by the FERC, for deposit into the Responsible Utility Facility Trust Account.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMR Security","acronym":null,"description":"The form of security provided by a Responsible Utility to cover its liability under Section 11.13.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RMTMax","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a Generating Unit that provides Regulatory Must-Take Generation from a CHP Resource, the minimum operating level at which the Generating Unit can safely and reliably meet host requirements as established under section 4.6.10, including the production of electricity from heat produced as a consequence of the industrial host's operations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Roles and Responsibilities Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Agreement for the Allocation of Responsibilities with Regard to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Interconnection Study Agreements, a pro forma version of which is attached to GIP Appendix Y and GIDAP Appendix DD.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Derate Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Extra-marginal RTD IIE, exclusive of FMM IIE, Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, Residual Imbalance Energy, MSS Load Following Energy, and RTD Minimum Load Energy consumed due to PMax derates. RTD Derate Energy is consumed below the lower of the FMM Schedule or the Dispatch Operating Point and above the higher of the derated PMax or the Dispatch Operating Point. RTD Derate Energy does not overlap with FMM IIE, Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, Residual Imbalance Energy, RTD Minimum Load Energy, RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy, or RTD Optimal Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy and MSS Load Following Energy. RTD Derate Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.1, and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.8.4. RTD Derate Energy also includes the Residual Imbalance Energy incurred due to the ramping up towards or ramping down from a Minimum Load rerated pursuant to Section 9.3.3 as specified in Section 11.5.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Extra-marginal RTD IIE, exclusive of FMM IIE, Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, Residual Imbalance Energy, MSS Load Following Energy, RTD Minimum Load Energy, and RTD Derate Energy, produced or consumed due to RTD Exceptional Dispatch Instructions that are binding in the relevant Dispatch Interval. Without MSS Load following, RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy is produced above the LMP index and below the lower of the Dispatch Operating Point or the RTD Exceptional Dispatch Instruction, or consumed below the LMP index and above the higher of the Dispatch Operating Point or the RTD Exceptional Dispatch Instruction. The LMP index is the capacity in the relevant Energy Bid that corresponds to a Bid price equal to the relevant LMP. RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy does not overlap with FMM IIE, Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, Residual Imbalance Energy, RTD Minimum Load Energy, RTD Derate Energy, or RTD Optimal Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy and MSS Load Following Energy. RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.6, and it is not included in BCR as described in Section 11.8.4.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD IIE Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The payment due a Scheduling Coordinator for positive RTD Instructed Imbalance Energy or the charge assessed on a Scheduling Coordinator for negative RTD Instructed Imbalance Energy, as calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Imbalance Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The deviation of Supply or Demand from FMM Schedule, positive or negative, as measured by metered Generation, metered Load, or Real-Time Interchange Schedules. RTD Imbalance Energy is composed of RTD Instructed Imbalance Energy and Uninstructed Imbalance Energy.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Instructed Imbalance Energy","acronym":"RTD IIE","description":"The portion of Imbalance Energy resulting from Dispatch Instructions and FMM Schedules.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD LAP Price","acronym":null,"description":"The marginal price for a particular LAP calculated pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Minimum Load Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>RTD IIE, exclusive of Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, and Residual Imbalance Energy, produced due to the Minimum Load of a Generating Unit that is committed in the RUC or the RTM and does not have a Day-Ahead Schedule or a Constrained Output Generator (COG) that is committed in the IFM with a Day-Ahead Schedule below the Minimum Load, as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3. If the resource is committed in RTM for Load following by an MSS Operator, the RTD Minimum Load Energy is accounted as MSS Load Following Energy instead. RTD Minimum Load Energy is RTD IIE above the Day-Ahead Schedule (or zero if there is no Day-Ahead Schedule of Energy) and below the Minimum Load, as defined in the Master File, or if applicable, as modified pursuant to Section 9.3.3. RTD Minimum Load Energy does not overlap with any other Expected Energy type. RTD Minimum Load Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.1, and it is included in BCR as described in Section RTD IIE that is consumed when a resource that is scheduled in the DAM is shut down in the RTM is accounted as RTD Optimal Energy and not as RTD Minimum Load Energy.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD MSS Price","acronym":null,"description":"1) The RTD LAP price for the MSS when the MSS internal metered Demand exceeds the MSS internal measured Generation; or 2) the weighted average of the RTD LMPs for all applicable PNodes within the relevant MSS when MSS internal measured Generation exceeds MSS internal Measured Demand where weighting factors for computing the weighted average are based on the measured Energy of all Generation at the corresponding PNodes.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Non-Overlapping Optimal Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The portions of RTD Optimal Energy that are not RTD Overlapping Optimal Energy, which are indexed against the relevant Energy Bid and sliced by Energy Bid price.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Optimal Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any remaining RTD IIE after accounting for all other RTD IIE subtypes. RTD Optimal Energy does not overlap with FMM Optimal Energy Standard Ramping Energy, Ramping Energy Deviation, Residual Imbalance Energy, RTD Minimum Load Energy, RTD Derate Energy, and RTD Exceptional Dispatch Energy, but it may overlap with Day-Ahead Scheduled Energy, and MSS Load Following Energy. RTD Optimal Energy is indexed against the relevant Energy Bid and sliced by service type, depending on the AS capacity allocation on the Energy Bid. Optimal Energy is also divided into RTD Overlapping Optimal Energy and RTD Non-Overlapping Optimal Energy. Any RTD Optimal Energy slice below or above the Energy Bid has no associated Energy Bid price, and it is not included in BCR as described in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Overlapping Optimal Energy","acronym":null,"description":"The portion of RTD Optimal Energy that overlaps with MSS Load Following Energy.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTD Pumping Energy","acronym":null,"description":"<p>RTD IIE from a Participating Load Pumped-Storage Hydro Unit or Pumping Load, exclusive of Standard Ramping Energy and Ramping Energy Deviation, consumed below the Day-Ahead Schedule when dispatched in pumping mode, or produced from pumping operation due to pumping level reduction in Real-Time Dispatch, including pump shut-down. RTD Pumping Energy does not overlap with any other RTD Expected Energy type. RTD Pumping Energy is settled as described in Section 11.5.1, and it is included in BCR as described in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Applications","acronym":null,"description":"The Real-Time Market Dispatch software that determines California ISO's Imbalance Energy needs and optimizes the Dispatch of available resources based on specified Bids and operating constraints.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM AS Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"2BThe Bid Cost for Ancillary Service capacity a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The total of a resource's RTM Start–Up Cost, RTM Minimum Load Cost, RTM Pump Shut-Down Cost, RTM Transition Cost, RTM Pumping Cost, RTM Energy Bid Cost, and RTM AS Bid Cost.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Bid Cost Shortfall","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Interval, for any BCR Eligible Resource, the negative amount resulting from the difference between its RTM Bid Cost and its RTM Market Revenue.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Bid Cost Surplus","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Interval, for any BCR Eligible Resource, the positive amount, if any, resulting from the difference between its RTM Bid Cost and its RTM Market Revenue.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Bid Cost Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"The system-wide net of the RTM Bid Cost Shortfalls and RTM Bid Cost Surpluses for a Settlement Interval of all BCR Eligible Resources with Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments. This amount will be netted according to Section to calculate the Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift before allocation to Scheduling Coordinators.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Commitment Period determined by the RTM; provided that if the RTM changes the Commitment Status of units scheduled in the IFM or committed in the RUC, an RTM Commitment Period may or may not partially overlap with IFM Commitment Period and RUC Commitment Period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Congestion Credit","acronym":null,"description":"A credit provided to Scheduling Coordinators to offset any RTM Congestion Charges that would otherwise be applied to the valid and balanced portions of any ETC or TOR Self-Schedules in the RealTime Market as provided in Section 11.5.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Energy Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Energy Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Inter-SC Trade Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The period commencing at midnight (0000 hours) on the applicable Trading Day and ending at forty-five (45) minutes prior to the start of the applicable Operating Hour, during which time the CAISO will accept from Scheduling Coordinators Inter-SC Trades of Energy to the RTM, Inter-SC Trades of Ancillary Services, and Inter-SC Trades of IFM Load Uplift Obligations.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Market Revenue","acronym":null,"description":"The amount received by BCR Eligible Resource from Energy scheduled and Ancillary Services awarded in the RTM for the purposes of Bid Cost Recovery.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM MCL Credit for Eligible TOR Self-Schedules","acronym":null,"description":"A credit provided to Scheduling Coordinators pursuant to Section 17.3.3 to offset any RTM Marginal Cost of Losses that would otherwise be applied to the valid and balanced portions of any TOR Self-Schedule in the IFM as provided in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Minimum Load Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Minimum Load Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Pumping Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Pumping Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Pump Shut-Down Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Pump Shut-Down Cost a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Self-Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A time period determined by the CAISO for the purposes of deriving any Bid Cost Recovery amounts, related to the RTM.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Start-Up Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Start-Up Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RTM Transition Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Transition Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Availability Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The quantity (MW) and price ($/MW per hour) at or above which a Generating Unit, System Resource, System Unit, Participating Load, or Proxy Demand Resource has agreed to sell capacity for a specified interval of time to the CAISO to meet the Residual Unit Commitment requirement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Availability Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>As provided in Section, the product of the RUC Award and the relevant RUC Availability Bid price, divided by the number of Settlement Intervals in a Trading Hour.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Availability Payment","acronym":null,"description":"The payment made for the RUC Availability Quantity as specified in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Availability Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"A RUC Award (MW) excluding any RUC Capacity that is actually unavailable due to a unit derate or Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Award","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The portion of the RUC Capacity from resources eligible to receive RUC Availability Payments, exclusive of Minimum Load, capacity designated as RMR, and capacity under resource adequacy requirements as specified in Section 40.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The total Bid Costs associated with commitment by the CAISO through the RUC process used for determination of Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments and RUC Bid Cost Uplift allocation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Bid Cost Shortfall","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Interval, for any BCR Eligible Resource, the negative amount, if any, resulting from the difference between its RUC Bid Cost and its RUC Market Revenue.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Bid Cost Surplus","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For each Settlement Interval, for any BCR Eligible Resource, the positive amount, if any, resulting from the difference between its RUC Bid Cost and its RUC Market Revenue.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Bid Cost Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"The system-wide net of the RUC Bid Cost Shortfalls and RUC Bid Cost Surpluses for a Settlement Interval for all BCR Eligible Resources with Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payments. This amount will be netted according to Section to calculate the Net RUC Bid Cost Uplift before allocation to Scheduling Coordinators.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"The positive difference between the RUC Schedule and the greater of the Day-Ahead Schedule and the Minimum Load level of a resource.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Commitment Period determined by the RUC; provided that because the RUC may not decommit units scheduled in the IFM, if the unit is scheduled by the IFM within that Time Period an IFM Commitment Period is always within a RUC Commitment Period; and a RUC Commitment Period may start earlier and/or may end later than an IFM Commitment Period if RUC issues an earlier Start-Up Instruction and\\/or later Shut-Down Instruction than the IFM, respectively.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Compensation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The payment to Scheduling Coordinators with RUC Awards, calculated as the sum of RUC Availability Payment and RUC Unrecovered Bid Costs.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Compensation Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>As provided in Section, for each Trading Hour of the RUC, the sum of the RUC Availability Payment and the hourly Net RUC Bid Cost Uplift, which is allocated as provided in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Market Revenues","acronym":null,"description":"The sum of a resource's RUC Availability Payment for a Trading Hour divided by the number of Settlement Intervals in a Trading Hour or the purposes of calculating Bid Cost Recovery for RUC.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Minimum Load Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Minimum Load Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Price","acronym":null,"description":"The price calculated by the RUC optimization for each Trading Hour of the next Trading Day which reflects the price ($/MW per hour) for the next increment of RUC Capacity at a specified PNode for each Trading Hour.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"The total MW per hour amount of capacity committed by RUC including the MW per hour amounts committed in the Day-Ahead Schedule.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Start-Up Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Start-Up Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Transition Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Transition Bid Costs a Scheduling Coordinator may be eligible to recover through the Bid Cost Recovery process, calculated pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"RUC Zone","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A forecast region representing a UDC or MSS Service Area, Local Capacity Area, or other collection of Nodes for which the CAISO has developed sufficient historical CAISO Demand and relevant weather data to perform a Demand Forecast for such area, for which as further provided in Section the CAISO may adjust the CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand to ensure that the RUC process produces adequate local capacity procurement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Rules of Conduct","acronym":null,"description":"The rules set forth in Sections 37.2 through 37.7.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Run-of-River Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A hydroelectric Generating Unit that has demonstrated to the CAISO's reasonable satisfaction that it has no physical ability to control or store its fuel source for generation beyond whatever pondage is necessary to maintain sufficient head pressure to operate the Generating Unit consistent with Good Utility Practice.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Sanction","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A consequence specified in Section 37 for the violation of a Rule of Conduct, which may include a) a warning letter notifying the Market Participant of the violation and future consequences specified under Section 37 if the behavior is not corrected, or b) financial penalties. Neither referral to FERC nor rescission of payment for service not provided shall constitute a Sanction.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"San Diego Gas & Electric Company","acronym":"SDG&E","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Scan Rate","acronym":null,"description":"A predefined rate for receiving or sending data.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Scarcity Reserve Demand Curve","acronym":null,"description":"A demand curve used to clear the Ancillary Services markets when supply is insufficient in an Ancillary Service Region or Sub-Region to meet Ancillary Services minimum procurement requirements.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scarcity Reserve Demand Curve Values","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Fixed percentages of the Soft Energy Bid Cap or Hard Energy Bid Cap reflected in the Scarcity Reserve Demand Curve that the CAISO uses to calculate Ancillary Service Shadow Prices for Regulation Up, Spinning Reserve, Non-Spinning Reserve and Regulation Down from which the CAISO determines Ancillary Service Marginal Prices when there is insufficient supply in an Ancillary Service Region or Sub-Region to meet an Ancillary Services minimum procurement requirement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"SC Estimated Settlement Quality Meter Data","acronym":null,"description":"Settlement Quality Meter Data estimated and submitted by the Scheduling Coordinators on behalf of Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"A Day-Ahead Schedule or a FMM Schedule.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduled Demand","acronym":null,"description":"The MW of Energy of Demand cleared through the IFM and set in the Day-Ahead Schedule for the next Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduled Generation","acronym":null,"description":"The MW of Energy of Generation cleared through the IFM and set in the Day-Ahead Schedule for the next Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Agent","acronym":"SA","description":"<p>A Scheduling Coordinator with a legal relationship to another Scheduling Coordinator that requires it to perform certain Scheduling Coordinator functions as an agent, and which the principal has relied upon in order to be certified as a Scheduling Coordinator in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator","acronym":"SC","description":"<p>An entity certified by the CAISO for the purposes of undertaking the functions specified in Section 4.5.3, including any entity certified by the CAISO as an EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator or an EIM Participating Resource Scheduling Coordinator for the purposes of undertaking the functions specified in Section 29.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator Agreement","acronym":"SCA","description":"<p>An agreement between a Scheduling Coordinator and the CAISO whereby the Scheduling Coordinator agrees to comply with all CAISO rules, protocols and instructions, as those rules, protocols and instructions may be amended from time to time, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.1.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator Applicant","acronym":null,"description":"An applicant for certification by the CAISO as a Scheduling Coordinator.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator Application Form","acronym":null,"description":"The form specified by the CAISO from time to time in which a Scheduling Coordinator Applicant must apply to the CAISO for certification as a Scheduling Coordinator.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator Customer","acronym":null,"description":"A customer of the Scheduling Coordinator Applicant or a Scheduling Coordinator for whom the Scheduling Coordinator provides services relevant to the CAISO Controlled Grid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator Estimated Settlement Quality Meter Data","acronym":null,"description":"Settlement Quality Meter Data estimated and submitted by the Scheduling Coordinators on behalf of Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator ID","acronym":"SCID","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator ID Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge described in Section 11.22.8.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator ID Code","acronym":"SCID","description":"The individual Identification Code provided by the CAISO to the Scheduling Coordinator.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Pursuant to Section 10.1, an eligible entity that has elected that its Scheduling Coordinator will process and submit its Settlement Quality Meter Data to the CAISO. Eligible entities include: i. a Generator, including Participating Generators and QFs; ii. a Utility Distribution Company or Small Utility Distribution Company; iii. a Participating Intermittent Resource; iv. an EIM Entity or EIM Participating Resource; v. a Proxy Demand Resource or Reliability Demand Response Resource; vi. a Distributed Energy Resource; vii. an End User; viii. a utility that requests that Unaccounted For Energy for its Service Area be calculated separately, in relation to its meters at points of connection of its Service Area with the system of other utilities; and ix. Tie Point Meters with other Transmission Owners or Balancing Authority Areas.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Infrastructure and Business Rules system","acronym":"SIBR","description":"A system that validates and publishes Bids for consumption by other CAISO applications within a stipulated time period after Market Close.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Infrastructure Business Rules","acronym":"SIBR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Scheduling Point","acronym":null,"description":"A Location in the Base Market Model at which Scheduling Coordinators may submit Intertie Bids in the CAISO Markets.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Scoping Meeting","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The meeting among representatives of the Interconnection Customer, the applicable Participating TO, and the CAISO conducted for the purpose of discussing alternative interconnection options, to exchange information including any transmission data and earlier study evaluations that would be reasonably expected to impact such interconnection options, to analyze such information, and to determine the potential feasible Points of Interconnection.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Seasonal Available CRR Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"The upper limit of network capacity that will be used in the annual CRR Allocation and annual CRR Auction calculated by effectively reducing TTC for Transmission Ownership Rights as if all lines will be in service for the relevant year in accordance with Section 36.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Seasonal CRR","acronym":null,"description":"A Congestion Revenue Right that is valid for one season and one time-of-use period in a given year","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Seasonal CRR Eligible Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"The MW quantity of CRRs a CRR Holder or Candidate CRR Holder is eligible to nominate for a specific season and time of use period in the annual CRR Allocation","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Seasonal CRR Load Metric","acronym":null,"description":"The MW level of Load that is exceeded only in 0.5 percent of the hours for each season and time of use period based on the LSE's historical Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Seasonal Eligible Quantities","acronym":"SEQ","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Secondary Registration System","acronym":"SRS","description":"The system and process through which CRR Holders and Candidate CRR Holders register any bilateral CRR transactions with the CAISO.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Security Constrained Economic Dispatch","acronym":"SCED","description":"<p>An algorithm performed by a computer program that simultaneously clears Energy Supply Bids, including Self-Schedules, against Demand Forecast to determine Dispatch Instructions.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Security Constrained Unit Commitment","acronym":"SCUC","description":"<p>An algorithm performed by a computer program over multiple hours that determines the Commitment Status and Day-Ahead Schedules, AS Awards, RUC Awards, Hourly Intertie Block Schedules, FMM Schedules and Dispatch Instructions for selected resources and minimizes production costs (Start-Up, Minimum Load and Energy Bid Costs in IFM, and RTM; Start-Up, Minimum Load and RUC Availability Bid Costs) while respecting the physical operating characteristics of selected resources and Transmission Constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Security Monitoring","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The real-time assessment of the CAISO Controlled Grid that is conducted to ensure that the system is operating in a secure state, and in compliance with all Applicable Reliability Criteria.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Self-Commitment Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The portion of a Commitment Period of a unit with an Energy Self- Schedule or a Submission to Self Provide an Ancillary Service, except for Non-Spinning Reserve self-provision. The Self-Commitment Period may include Time Periods without Energy Self-Schedules or AS self-provision if it is determined by inference that the unit must be on due to Minimum Run Time, Minimum Down Time, or Maximum Daily Start-Up constraints.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Self-Provided Ancillary Services","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Submission to Self-Provide Ancillary Services in the Day-Ahead Market or Real-Time Market that has been accepted by the CAISO. Acceptance will occur prior to Ancillary Service Bid evaluation in the relevant market and indicates that the CAISO has determined the submission is feasible with regard to resource operating characteristics and regional constraints and is qualified to provide the Ancillary Service in the market for which it was submitted. Self-Provided Ancillary Services consist of self-provided Regulation Up reserves, self-provided Regulation Down reserves, self provided Spinning Reserves, and self-provided Non-Spinning Reserves.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Self-Provided Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The portion of Load that is served by a Net Scheduled Generating Unit listed in a Net Scheduled PGA, consistent with Section 218(b) of the California Public Utilities Code.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Self-Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates the quantities in MWhs with no specification of a price that the Scheduling Coordinator is submitting to the CAISO, which indicates that the Scheduling Coordinator is a Price Taker, Regulatory Must-Run Generation or Regulatory Must-Take Generation, which includes ETC and TOR Self-Schedules, Self-Schedules for Converted Rights, and Variable Energy Resource Self Schedules.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Self- Schedule Identifier","acronym":null,"description":"An indicator specifying the Self-Schedule type submitted as part of a Bid.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Self-Schedule Identifier","acronym":null,"description":"An indicator specifying the Self-Schedule type submitted as part of a Bid.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Senate Bill","acronym":"SB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Service Area","acronym":null,"description":"An area in which an IOU or a Local Publicly Owned Electric Utility is obligated to provide electric service to End-Use Customers.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Service Oriented Architecture","acronym":"SOA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Set Point","acronym":null,"description":"Scheduled operating level for each Generating Unit or other resource scheduled to run in the FMM Schedule and FMM Award.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement","acronym":null,"description":"Process of financial settlement for products and services purchased and sold undertaken by the CAISO under Section 11 as supplemented by Section 29. Each Settlement will involve a price and a quantity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Account","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An account held at a bank situated in California, designated by a Scheduling Coordinator, a CRR Holder or a Participating TO pursuant to the Scheduling Coordinator's Scheduling Coordinator Agreement, the CRR Holder's CRR Entity Agreement or in the case of a Participating TO, Section 2.2.1 of the Transmission Control Agreement, to which the CAISO shall pay amounts owing to the Scheduling Coordinator, the CRR Holder or the Participating TO under the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Adjustment","acronym":null,"description":"A correction to Settlements data processed through the receipt of revised or new input data or PTB Charge Code Adjustment.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"The amount in dollars that represents the billable value due to or from a Business Associate in a CAISO Charge Code.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Cycle","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The specific sequence of times and\\/or calendar days associated with various Settlement, Billing, and Invoicing Processes that covers the publication requirements for Settlement Statements, Invoices, and Payment Advices, as well as the timing for dispute submittal.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Interval","acronym":null,"description":"The five-minute time period over which the CAISO settles cost compensation amounts or deviations in Generation and Demand in the RTM.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Interval Penalty Location Real-Time LMP","acronym":null,"description":"The optimal Instructed Imbalance Energy weighted average of the individual Dispatch Interval Real-Time LMPs for the resources in a UDP Aggregation established pursuant to Appendix R.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For all CAISO transactions, the period beginning at the start of the hour and ending at the end of the hour. There are twenty-four Settlement Periods in each Trading Day, with the exception of a Trading Day in which there is a change to or from daylight savings time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Quality Meter Data","acronym":"SQMD","description":"<p>Meter Data gathered, edited, validated, and stored in a settlement-ready format, for Settlement and auditing purposes.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Quality Meter Data Systems","acronym":"SQMDS","description":"<p>A collective name for the set of CAISO systems used to accept, analyze and report on Settlement Quality Meter Data.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Rerun Adjustment","acronym":null,"description":"A Settlement Adjustment to a Trading Day that is processed during a Settlement Statement Rerun.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Run","acronym":null,"description":"The daily execution of specified Settlement calculations in order to generate either current or revised Settlement results for output.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Run Type","acronym":null,"description":"A unique Settlement Run that is defined for each Settlement calculation result set for output containing a specific set of Charge Codes and Pre-calculations.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlements and Market Clearing","acronym":"SaMC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Settlement Statement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any one of the following: Initial Settlement Statement T+3B, Initial Settlement Statement T+9B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+12B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+55B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+70B, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+9M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+11M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+18M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+21M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+24M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+33M, Recalculation Settlement Statement T+36M, Unscheduled Reissue Recalculation Settlement Statement, or any other Recalculation Settlement Statement authorized by the CAISO Governing Board.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Shadow Price","acronym":null,"description":"The marginal value of relieving a particular constraint","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Short Circuit Duty","acronym":"SCD","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Short-Notice Opportunity RA Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"A Forced Outage at a Resource Adequacy Resource accommodated by the CAISO on short notice without RA Substitute Capacity for the Resource Adequacy Capacity on Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Short Start Unit","acronym":null,"description":"A Generating Unit that has a cycle time less than or equal to 255 minutes (Start-Up Time plus Minimum Run Time is less than or equal to 255 minutes and can be fully optimized with respect to this cycle time.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Short-Term Unit Commitment","acronym":"STUC","description":"The Unit Commitment procedure run at approximately T-52.5 minutes prior to the applicable Trading Hour to determine whether certain Short Start Units need to be started early to meet the Demand within the STUC forward-looking time period as described in Section 34.4 of the CAISO Tariff using the CAISO Forecast of CAISO Demand. The STUC produces a Unit Commitment solution for every 15-minute interval within the STUC forward-looking time periods and issues binding Start-Up instructions only as necessary.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Shut-Down","acronym":null,"description":"A Commitment Status transition from On to Off.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Shut-Down Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The Bid Component submitted by the Scheduling Coordinator indicating a single price at which the resource is willing to Shut-Down.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Shut-Down Instruction","acronym":null,"description":"An instruction issued by the CAISO to a resource to Shut-Down.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Shut-Down State Variable","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A state variable to keep track of positive Uninstructed Imbalance Energy once an advisory Shut-Down Instruction is issued to a resource. The Shut-Down State Variable provides the MWh cumulative over the Real-Time Unit Commitment Intervals had the resource followed the Shut-Down Instruction. The Shut Down State Variable begins to accumulate the positive Uninstructed Imbalance Energy MWh as soon as the advisory schedule includes a zero (0) MW Dispatch Operating Target within the Real-Time Market dispatch horizon and continues to accumulate the positive Uninstructed Imbalance Energy as long as (1) the unit is On, and (2) the Metered Energy less Regulation Energy less the Expected Energy is greater than the Performance Metric Tolerance Band. The Shut-Down State Variable will be reset to zero when the most recent Real-Time Unit Commitment run no longer has a zero (0) MW Dispatch Operating Target within the Real-Time Dispatch horizon or the resource is Off.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Simultaneous Feasibility Test","acronym":"SFT","description":"The process that the CAISO will conduct to ensure that allocated and auction CRRs do not exceed relevant Transmission Constraints as described in Section 36.4.2 and further described in the Business Practice Manuals.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Site Control","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Documentation reasonably demonstrating: (1) ownership of, a leasehold interest in, or a right to develop a site for the purpose of constructing the Generating Facility; (2) an option to purchase or acquire a leasehold site for such purpose; or (3) an exclusivity or other business relationship between Interconnection Customer and the entity having the right to sell, lease or grant Interconnection Customer the right to possess or occupy a site for such purpose.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Site Exclusivity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Documentation reasonably demonstrating: (1) For private sites: (a) Ownership of, a leasehold interest in, or a right to develop property upon which the Generating Facility will be located consisting of a minimum of 50% of the acreage reasonably necessary to accommodate the Generating Facility; or (b) an option to purchase or acquire a leasehold interest in property upon which the Generating Facility will be located consisting of a minimum of 50% of the acreage reasonably necessary to accommodate the Generating Facility. (2) For public sites, including that controlled or managed by any federal, state, or local agency, a permit, license, other right, or pending application prescribed by the relevant authority, to use the property for the purpose of generating electric power and in acreage reasonably necessary to accommodate the Generating Facility.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Site Exclusivity Deposit","acronym":null,"description":"The cash deposit provided to the CAISO by Interconnection Customers under GIP and GIDAP Section 3.5.1 as an option in lieu of demonstrating Site Exclusivity for a valid Interconnection Request.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Small Generating FacilitIES","acronym":"SGF","description":"A Generating Facility that has a Generating Facility Capacity of no more than 20 MW.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Small Generator Interconnection Agreement","acronym":"SGIA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Small Generator Interconnection Procedure","acronym":"SGIP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Small Utility Distribution Company","acronym":"SUDC","description":"<p>An entity that owns a Distribution System that is capable of transmitting or delivery of Energy to and\\/or from the CAISO Controlled Grid that provides retail electric service to End-Use Customers, and has the following characteristics: Annual peak Demand is 25 MW or less; The Distribution System is not in a local reliability area defined by the CAISO; and Good Utility Practice was used in designing all substation facilities that are owned or operated by the entity and interconnected to the CAISO Controlled Grid, and none of those substations have transmission circuit breakers.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Small Utility Distribution Company Operating Agreement","acronym":"SUDC Operating Agreement","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and an SUDC, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.10.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Soft Energy Bid Cap","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The maximum Energy Bid price submitted by Scheduling Coordinators for resources the CAISO will use for purposes of clearing the CAISO Market Processes without cost verification pursuant to Section 30.11. The Soft Energy Bid Cap is $1,000 per MWh.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Southern California Edison Company","acronym":"SCE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Southern Transmission System","acronym":"STS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Spin","acronym":"SPIN","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Spinning Reserve","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The portion of unloaded synchronized resource capacity that is immediately responsive to system frequency and that is capable of being loaded in ten (10) minutes, and that is capable of running for at least thirty (30) minutes from the time it reaches its award capacity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Spinning Reserve Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The revenues paid to the suppliers of the total awarded Spinning Reserve capacity in the Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Market for the Settlement Period, minus the payments rescinded in the Settlement Period due to the unavailability of the Spinning Reserve under any of the provisions of Section 8.10.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Spinning Reserve Obligation","acronym":null,"description":"The obligation of a Scheduling Coordinator to pay its share of costs incurred by the CAISO in procuring Spinning Reserve.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"SQMD Plan","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A document submitted to the CAISO for Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entities that details how the Scheduling Coordinator will measure, collect, maintain, aggregate, process, and submit Settlement Quality Meter Data in accordance with applicable CAISO Tariff and, where applicable, Local Regulatory Authority metering and settlement standards.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Stand Alone Network Upgrades","acronym":"SANU","description":"<p>Network Upgrades or tasks (e.g., telecommunications, environmental, or property work) that are not part of an Affected System and that an Interconnection Customer may construct without affecting day-to-day operations of the CAISO Controlled Grid or Affected Systems during their construction. The Participating TO, the CAISO, and the Interconnection Customer must agree as to what constitutes Stand Alone Network Upgrades and identify them in Appendix A to the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement. If the CAISO, Participating TO, and the Interconnection Customer disagree about whether a particular Network Upgrade is a Stand Alone Network Upgrade, the CAISO or Participating TO must provide the Interconnection Customer a written technical explanation outlining why it does not consider the Network Upgrade to be a Stand Alone Network Upgrade within 15 days of its determination.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standard Capacity Product","acronym":"SCP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement","acronym":"LGIA","description":"<p>The form of interconnection agreement applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix V.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures","acronym":"LGIP","description":"The interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility that is set forth in Appendix U.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standard Ramp (-ing)","acronym":null,"description":"A ramp calculated from two consecutive Day-Ahead Schedules that results in a straight trajectory between 10 minutes before the start of a Trading Hour to 10 minutes after the start of the Trading Hour.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standard Ramping Energy","acronym":"SRE","description":"<p>Imbalance Energy produced or consumed in the first two and the last two Dispatch Intervals due to hourly schedule changes. Standard Ramping Energy is a schedule deviation along a linear symmetric twenty (20)-minute ramp (Standard Ramp) across hourly boundaries. Standard Ramping Energy is always present when there is an hourly schedule change, including resource Start-Ups and Shut-Downs. Standard Ramping Energy does not apply to Non-Dynamic System Resources (including Resource Specific System Resources) and is not subject to Settlement as described in Section 11.5.1.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standby Rate","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A rate assessed a Standby Service Customer by the Participating TO that also provides retail electric service, as approved by the Local Regulatory Authority, or FERC, as applicable, for Standby Service which compensates the Participating TO, among other things, for costs of Regional Transmission Facilities.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standby Service","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Service provided by a Participating TO that also provides retail electric service, which allows a Standby Service Customer, among other things, access to Regional Transmission Facilities for the delivery of backup power on an instantaneous basis to ensure that Energy may be reliably delivered to the Standby Service Customer in the event of an Outage of a Generating Unit serving the customer's Load.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standby Service Customer","acronym":null,"description":"A retail End-Use Customer of a Participating TO that also provides retail electric service that receives Standby Service and pays a Standby Rate.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Standby Transmission Revenue","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The transmission revenues, with respect to cost of both Regional Transmission Facilities and Local Transmission Facilities, collected directly from Standby Service Customers through charges for Standby Service.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start of the Trade Hour","acronym":null,"description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up","acronym":null,"description":"A Commitment Status transition from Off to On.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Bid component that indicates the Start-Up Time and Start-Up Cost curves for the Generating Unit, which applies for the entire Trading Day for which it is submitted. Start-Up Bids are subject to modification pursuant to the rules set forth in Sections 30.7.8 and 30.11.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Start-Up Costs submitted in a Start-Up Bid as modified pursuant to Sections 30.7.8 and 30.11, and used for purposes of the determination of Bid Cost Recovery.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Cost","acronym":"SUC","description":"<p>The cost incurred by a particular Generating Unit during Start-Up from the time of first fire, the time of receipt of a CAISO Dispatch Instruction, or the time the unit was last synchronized to the grid, whichever is later, until the time the Generating Unit reaches its Minimum Load.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Cost Curve","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The format of the Start-Up Bid or the Default Start-Up Bids that must be strictly monotonically increasing non-negative staircase curves, of up to three (3) segments, which represent a function of Start-Up Cost versus down time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Instruction","acronym":null,"description":"An instruction issued by the CAISO to a resource to Start-Up.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Opportunity Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An adder consisting of the estimated profits foregone by a Use-Limited Resource with a limitation on its number of starts that satisfies the definition of a Use-Limited Resource and applies for a timer period that satisfies the requirements of Section of the CAISO Tariff, if the Use-Limited Resource had one less start in the time period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Start-Up Time","acronym":null,"description":"The time period required for a resource to go from Off to its Minimum Load.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"State Commission","acronym":null,"description":"The regulatory body of a state having jurisdiction to regulate rates and charges for the sale of electric energy to consumers within the state.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"State Estimator","acronym":"SE","description":"<p>A computer software program that provides the CAISO with a near Real-Time assessment of system conditions within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, including portions of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area where Real-Time information is unavailable, and for purposes of the Energy Imbalance Market, including the prospective EIM Entity and EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area(s).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"State of Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Energy available to CAISO Markets from a Non-Generator Resource or storage device.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"State Water Resources Control Board","acronym":"SWRCB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Station Power","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Energy for operating electric equipment, or portions thereof, \"located on the Generating Unit site owned by the same entity that owns the Generating Unit, which electrical equipment is used exclusively for the production of Energy and any useful thermal energy associated with the production of Energy by the Generating Unit; and for the incidental heating, lighting, air conditioning and office equipment needs of buildings, or portions thereof, that are owned by the same entity that owns the Generating Unit; located on the Generating Unit site; and used exclusively in connection with the production of Energy and any useful thermal energy associated with the production of Energy by the Generating Unit. Station Power includes the Energy associated with motoring a hydroelectric Generating Unit to keep the unit synchronized at zero real power output to provide Regulation or Spinning Reserve. Station Power does not include any Energy used to power synchronous condensers; used for pumping at a pumped storage facility; or provided during a Black Start procedure. Station Power does not include Energy to serve loads outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Station Power Portfolio","acronym":null,"description":"<p>One or more generating resources eligible to self-supply Station Power, including Generating Units in the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, and generating facilities outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, all of which are owned by the same entity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Study Plan","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The plan to be developed pursuant to Section 24.2.1, which sets forth the technical studies to be performed during the annual Transmission Planning Process.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Subject Matter Expert","acronym":"SME","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Sub-LAP","acronym":null,"description":"A CAISO defined subset of PNodes within a Default LAP.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Sub-Load Aggregation Point","acronym":"Sub-LAP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Submission to Self-Provide an Ancillary Service","acronym":null,"description":"A submission to the CAISO containing all of the bidding requirements for an Ancillary Service with the exception of price information.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Sub-Region","acronym":null,"description":"A region identified by the CAISO for procurement of Ancillary Services within the System Region.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Subscriber","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An entity, or its designee, that has a Subscriber Encumbrance used to provide Subscriber Rights pursuant to a Subscription Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Subscriber Encumbrance","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A legal restriction or covenant binding on a Subscriber Participating TO that affects the operation of transmission assets or Entitlements of the Subscriber Participating TO used to provide Subscriber Rights and that the CAISO needs to take into account in exercising Operational Control over such transmission assets or Entitlements. Any reference to contracts granting Subscriber Rights shall be considered as a Subscription Agreement. Any reference in the CAISO Tariff to an Encumbrance shall be read as also a reference to a Subscriber Encumbrance.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Subscriber Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating TO whose transmission assets and Entitlements were constructed, and for which the associated transmission capacity is subject to long-term contractual obligations, to deliver energy, capacity, and associated attributes to satisfy state, municipal, county, or federal policy requirements or directives. Any reference in the CAISO Tariff to a Participating TO shall be read as also a reference to a Subscriber Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Subscriber Rights","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The transmission service rights and obligations of a Subscriber Participating TO to transmission customers with contracts entered into under the Subscriber Participating TO Tariff, as that tariff may change from time to time. Any reference in the CAISO Tariff to Existing Rights shall be read as also a reference to Subscriber Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Subscription Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A contract or other legal arrangement between one or more Subscribers and a Subscriber Participating TO that includes the provision of a Subscriber Encumbrance to the Subscriber.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Sub-synchronous resonance","acronym":"SSR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"SUDC Operating Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"Small Utility Distribution Company Operating Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition","acronym":"SCADA","description":"A computer system that allows an electric system operator to remotely monitor and control elements of an electric system.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Supplemental Market Data Management","acronym":"SMDM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Supply","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Energy delivered from a Generating Unit, System Unit, Physical Scheduling Plant, System Resource, the Curtailable Demand provided by a Participating Load, the Demand Response Services provided by a Proxy Demand Resource or a Reliability Demand Response Resource, or Non-Generator Resources.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Supply Plan","acronym":null,"description":"A submission by a Scheduling Coordinator for a Resource Adequacy Resource in order to satisfy the requirements of Section 40.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Surplus Interconnection Service","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any unneeded portion of Interconnection Service Capacity established in a Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, such that if Surplus Interconnection Service if utilized the total amount of Interconnection Service Capacity at the Point of Interconnection would remain the same.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Surplus Interconnection Service Capacity","acronym":"SISVC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"System Emergency","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Conditions beyond the normal control of the CAISO that affect the ability of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area to function normally, including any abnormal system condition which requires immediate manual or automatic action to prevent loss of Load, equipment damage, or tripping of system elements which might result in cascading Outages or to restore system operation to meet Applicable Reliability Criteria.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Impact Study","acronym":"SIS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"System Load","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Forecasted hourly Demand, in MW, for the CAISO Balancing Authority Area as posted two days prior to the Operating Day.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"System Marginal Energy Cost","acronym":"SMEC","description":"The component of the LMP that reflects the marginal cost of providing Energy from a designated reference Location.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Market Power Mitigation","acronym":"SMPM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"System Mileage Multiplier","acronym":null,"description":"A quantity reflecting expected Mileage from 1 MW of Regulation Up and Regulation Down capacity in a given hour.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Operating Limit","acronym":"SOL","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"System Operations Balancing Authority Area Services Charge","acronym":null,"description":"A component of the Grid Management Charge that represents the costs to support services within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area. [T]","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"System Operations Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The Grid Management Charge component described in Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Operations Real-Time Dispatch Charge","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A component of the Grid Management Charge that represents the costs to support real-time dispatch services to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area customers, EIM, and EDAM. [T]</p>","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"System Planning Studies","acronym":null,"description":"Reports summarizing studies performed to assess the adequacy of the CAISO Controlled Grid as regards conformance to Reliability Criteria.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Region","acronym":null,"description":"The CAISO Balancing Authority Area","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Reliability","acronym":null,"description":"A measure of an electric system's ability to deliver uninterrupted service at the proper voltage and frequency.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Resource","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A group of resources, single resource, \"or a portion of a resource located outside of the CAISO Balancing Authority Area, or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-Time Market only, outside of an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area, or an allocated portion of a Balancing Authority Area's portfolio of generating resources that are either a static Interchange Schedule or directly responsive to that Balancing Authority Area's Automatic Generation Control (AGC) capable of providing Energy and\\/or Ancillary Services to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area or, for purposes of scheduling and operating the Real-time Market only, to an EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area, provided that if the System Resource is providing Regulation to the CAISO it is directly responsive to AGC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"System Unit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>One or more individual Generating Units and/or Loads within a Metered Subsystem controlled so as to simulate a single resource with specified performance characteristics, as mutually determined and agreed to by the MSS Operator and the CAISO. The Generating Units and/or Loads making up a System Unit must be in close physical proximity to each other such that the operation of the resources comprising the System Unit does not result in significant differences in flows on the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"TAC Transition Date","acronym":null,"description":"<p>January 1, 2001, the date described in Section 4.2 of Appendix F, Schedule 3, when the first New Participating TO's execution of the Transmission Control Agreement took effect, which established the start of the TAC Transition Period for the calculation of the Access Charge.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"TAC Transition Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The 10-year transition period for the CAISO's Access Charge methodology commencing January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2010.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Take-Out Point","acronym":null,"description":"The metering points at which a Scheduling Coordinator Metered Entity or CAISO Metered Entity takes delivery of Energy.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Tangible Net Worth","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For Rated or Unrated Public/Private Corporations, as defined in Step 4(a) of Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Tax Exempt Debt","acronym":null,"description":"Municipal Tax Exempt Debt or Local Furnishing Bonds.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Tax Exempt Participating TO","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Participating TO that is the beneficiary of outstanding Tax Exempt Debt issued to finance any electric facilities, or rights associated therewith, which are part of an integrated system including transmission facilities the Operational Control of which is transferred to the CAISO pursuant to the Transmission Control Agreement.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Technical Users Group","acronym":"TUG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Temporarily Valid Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A transitory Bid state where a Bid has passed the Bid validation rules but has not been validated against Bid processing rules as described in Section of the BPM for Market Instruments.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Third-Party Supply","acronym":null,"description":"Energy that is deemed to have been purchased from third parties to supply Station Power Load during the Netting Period.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Tie Generator","acronym":"TG","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Tie Point Meter","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A revenue meter, which is capable of providing Settlement Quality Meter Data, at a Scheduling Point or at a boundary between Utility Distribution Companies within the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Tier LT","acronym":null,"description":"The tier of the annual CRR Allocation process through which the CAISO allocates Long Term CRRs","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Time of Use","acronym":"TOU","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Time Period","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The period of time for Scheduling or Dispatch activities, which is a Trading Hour in the DAM and a Dispatch Interval in the RTM.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Tolerance Band","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The permitted area of variation for performance requirements of resources used for various purposes as further provided in the CAISO Tariff. The Tolerance Band is expressed in terms of Energy (MWh) for Generating Units, System Units and imports from Dynamic System Resources for each Settlement Interval and equals the greater of the absolute value of: (1) five (5) MW divided by the number of Settlement Intervals per Settlement Period or (2) three (3) percent of the relevant Generating Unit's, Dynamic System Resource's or System Unit's maximum output (PMax), as registered in the Master File, divided by the number of Settlement Intervals per Settlement Period. The maximum output (PMax) of a Dynamic System Resource will be established by agreement between the CAISO and the Scheduling Coordinator representing the Dynamic System Resource on an individual case basis, taking into account the number and size of the generating resources, or allocated portions of generating resources, that comprise the Dynamic System Resource. The Tolerance Band is expressed in terms of Energy (MWh) for Participating Loads for each Settlement Interval and equals the greater of the absolute value of: (1) five (5) MW divided by the number of Settlement Intervals per Settlement Period or (2) three (3) percent of the applicable Intertie Schedule or CAISO Dispatch amount divided by the number of Settlement Intervals per Settlement Period. The Tolerance Band shall not be applied to Non-Dynamic System Resources.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"TOR Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The GMC component for TOR holders described in Section 11.22.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"TOR Self-Schedule","acronym":null,"description":"A Self-Schedule submitted by a Scheduling Coordinator pursuant to Transmission Ownership Rights as reflected in the TRTC Instructions.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Total CAISO Markets Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The sum of the Net IFM Bid Cost Uplift, the Net RUC Bid Cost Uplift, and the Net RTM Bid Cost Uplift, for all Settlement Intervals in the IFM, RUC and RTM.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Total Expected Energy","acronym":"TEE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Total Import Capability","acronym":null,"description":"The aggregate Maximum Import Capability of all Interties into the CAISO Balancing Authority Area in MW deliverable to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area based on CAISO study criteria minus the aggregate sum in MW of all Existing Contracts and Transmission Ownership Rights held by load serving entities that do not serve Load within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Total Positive CAISO Markets Uplift","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The sum of the positive IFM Bid Cost Uplift, positive RUC Bid Cost Uplift and positive RTM Bid Cost Uplift, for all Settlement Intervals in the IFM, RUC and RTM.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Total Target Expected Energy","acronym":"TTEE","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Total Transfer Capability","acronym":"TTC","description":"The amount of electric power that can be moved or transferred reliably from one area to another area of the interconnected transmission systems by way of all transmission lines or (paths) between those areas under specified system conditions.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"TP Deliverability","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The capability, measured in MW, of the CAISO Controlled Grid as modified by transmission upgrades and additions modeled or identified in the annual Transmission Plan to support the interconnection with Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status of additional Generating Facilities in a specified geographic or electrical area of the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Trade Date","acronym":"TD","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Trading Day","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The twenty-four hour period for which any given DAM or RTM is executed and settled, beginning at the start of the hour ending 0100 and ending at the end of the hour ending 2400 daily, except where there is a change to and from daylight savings time. For any given DAM, the Trading Day will be the next Operating Day following the Operating Day during which that DAM is executed. For any given RTM, the Trading Day will be the same Operating Day during which that RTM is executed.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Trading Hour","acronym":null,"description":"Any hour during which trades are conducted in a CAISO Market.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Trading Hub","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An aggregation of network Pricing Nodes, such as Existing Zone Generation Trading Hubs, maintained and calculated by the CAISO for settlement and trading purposes posted by the CAISO on its CAISO Website.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Trading Interval","acronym":null,"description":"A Settlement Period.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Trading Month","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The period beginning at the start of the hour ending 0100 and ending at the end of the hour ending 2400 for each calendar month, except where there is a change to and from daylight savings time on the first or last day of a month.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transaction ID","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Identification characters generated by the CAISO when Bids are submitted by Scheduling Coordinators at Interties for resources whose characteristics are not registered in the Master File such as Non-Dynamic System Resources. The Transaction IDs remain associated with specific transactions represented in the Bid from Bid validation through Settlement of the Bid if cleared through the CAISO Markets. Transaction IDs are not assigned to Bids associated with resources whose characteristics are registered in the Master File such as Resource Adequacy Capacity, Transmission Ownership Rights, Existing Transmission Contracts, resources certified for Ancillary Services or other contractual agreements that the CAISO is required to honor.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transferred Frequency Response","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A frequency response performance adjustment under Applicable Reliability Criteria expressed in MW/0.1 Hz that a receiving Balancing Authority may acquire under an arrangement whereby another Balancing Authority adjusts its frequency response performance downward by the same amount it has provided to the receiving Balancing Authority. Transferred Frequency Response is reported on applicable NERC/WECC forms, and applied consistently to each reported frequency disturbance event. On these forms, the delivering Balancing Authority decreases its performance and the receiving Balancing Authority increases its performance by the same amount. Transferred Frequency Response may reflect an aggregate amount from multiple contracts. Any reported Transferred Frequency Response will not exceed the frequency response performance that the delivering Balancing Authority has produced as reflected in its annual frequency response measure.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transformer and Line Loss Correction Factor","acronym":null,"description":"The transformer and line loss correction factor as set forth in the applicable Business Practice Manual or Technical Specifications to be applied to revenue quality meters of CAISO Metered Entities which are installed on the low voltage side of step-up transformers.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Bid","acronym":null,"description":"The Bid component that indicates the Transition Cost to transition a Multi-Stage Generating Resource from one MSG Configuration to another. Transition Bids are subject to modification pursuant to the rules specified in Section 30.7.11.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Bid Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Transition Cost submitted in a Transition Bid as modified pursuant to Sections 30.7.8 and 30.11, and used for purposes of Bid Cost Recovery.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Cost","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a Multi-Stage Generating Resource, the dollar cost per feasible transition from a given MSG Configuration to a higher MSG Configuration when the resource is already On. Transition Cost must be non-negative.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Instructions","acronym":null,"description":"A binding instruction issued by the CAISO to Multi-Stage Generating Resources in the Real-Time that directs the Multi-Stage Generating Resource to move from between MSG Configurations and indicates: (1) “from” and “to” MSG Configurations; and (2) the start time and end time of the MSG Transition.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Matrix","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A matrix that, for Multi-State Generating Resources defines the possible MSG Transitions between all online MSG Configurations including the Transition Times and Transition Costs.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Opportunity Cost","acronym":null,"description":"Costs derived from the number of Start-Ups required for the Multi-Stage Generating Resource to achieve a specific MSG Configuration.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transition Time","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a Multi-Stage Generating Resources, the time to complete a MSG Transition, as registered in the Transition Matrix.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Access Charge","acronym":"TAC","description":"Access Charge","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Access Charge Area","acronym":"TAC Area","description":"A portion of the CAISO Controlled Grid as identified in Section 3 of Schedule 3 of Appendix F.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Constraints","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Physical and operational limitations on the transfer of electric power through transmission facilities, which include Contingencies and Nomograms.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Constraints Enforcement Lists","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The post-Day-Ahead Market Transmission Constraints list and the pre-Day-Ahead Market Transmission Constraints list made available by the CAISO pursuant to Section 6.5.10. The post-Day-Ahead Market Transmission Constraints list consists of the Transmission Constraints enforced or not enforced in the Day-Ahead Market conducted on any given day. The pre-Day-Ahead Market Transmission Constraints list consists of the Transmission Constraints the CAISO plans to enforce or not enforce in the next day's Day-Ahead Market. These lists will identify and include definitions for all Transmission Constraints, including contingencies and nomograms. The definition of the Transmission Constraint includes the individual elements that constitute the Transmission Constraint. Both lists will each contain the same data elements and will provide: the flowgate constraints; transmission corridor constraints; the Nomogram constraints; and the list of Transmission Contingencies.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Control Agreement","acronym":"TCA","description":"<p>The agreement between the CAISO and Participating TOs establishing the terms and conditions under which TOs will become Participating TOs and how the CAISO and each Participating TO will discharge their respective duties and responsibilities, as may be modified from time to time.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol","acronym":"TCP/IP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Economic Analysis Methodology","acronym":"TEAM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Exchange Agreement","acronym":"TEA","description":"<p>The agreement among the CAISO, Western Area Power Administration and Pacific Gas and Electric Company establishing the terms and conditions of the treatment of Western Area Power Administration's interests in the Pacific AC Intertie, which agreement was originally accepted by FERC in Docket No. ER04-688.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Interface","acronym":null,"description":"A CAISO-defined set of transmission facilities that comprise an important transmission corridor for Energy or capacity.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Losses","acronym":null,"description":"Energy that is lost as a natural part of the process of transmitting Energy from Generation to a Point Of Delivery Or Withdrawal.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Losses Charge","acronym":null,"description":"The charge for Transmission Losses based on the Marginal Cost of Losses at the Pricing Node.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Maintenance Coordination Committee","acronym":null,"description":"The committee described in Section 7 of Appendix C to the Transmission Control Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Meter Multiplier","acronym":"TMM","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Network Analysis","acronym":"TNA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Operations Center","acronym":"TOC","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Operator","acronym":"TOP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Operator Area","acronym":"TOPA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Owner","acronym":"TO","description":"An entity owning transmission facilities or having firm contractual rights to use transmission facilities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Ownership Right","acronym":"TOR","description":"<p>The ownership or joint ownership right to transmission facilities within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area of a Non-Participating TO that has not executed the Transmission Control Agreement, which transmission facilities are not incorporated into the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Owner Tariff","acronym":"TO Tariff","description":"A tariff setting out a Participating TO's rates and charges for transmission access to the CAISO Controlled Grid and whose other terms and conditions are the same as those contained in the document referred to as the Transmission Owners Tariff approved by FERC as it may be amended from time to time.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Plan","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The report prepared by the CAISO on annual basis pursuant to Section 24, which documents the outcome of the Transmission Planning Process as defined in the Study Plan.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Plan Deliverability","acronym":"TPD","description":"<p>The capability, measured in MW, of the CAISO Controlled Grid as modified by transmission upgrades and additions modeled or identified in the annual Transmission Plan to support the interconnection with Full Capacity Deliverability Status or Partial Capacity Deliverability Status of additional Generating Facilities in a specified geographic or electrical area of the CAISO Controlled Grid.</p>","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Planner","acronym":null,"description":"A designation by NERC regarding responsibility to perform specified transmission planning functions in accordance with the NERC Reliability Standards.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Planning Process","acronym":null,"description":"The process by which the CAISO assesses the CAISO Controlled Grid as set forth in Section 24.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Reliability Margin","acronym":"TRM","description":"A factor described in Appendix L.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Revenue Balancing Account","acronym":"TRBA","description":"<p>A mechanism to be established by each Participating TO and Approved Project Sponsor that will ensure that all Transmission Revenue Credits and other credits specified in Sections 6, 8, and 13 of Appendix F, Schedule 3 and Section 11.4 of Appendix DD, flow through to transmission customers.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Revenue Credit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The proceeds a Participating TO received from the CAISO for Wheeling service, plus (a) the revenues received from any LCRIG with respect to an LCRIF, unless FERC has approved an alternative mechanism to credit such revenues against the Participating TO's TRR, and (b) the shortfall or surplus resulting from any cost differences between Transmission Losses and Ancillary Service requirements associated with Existing Rights and the CAISO's rules and protocols, minus any Local Access Charge amounts paid for the use of the Local Transmission Facilities of a Non-Load-Serving Participating TO pursuant to Section 26.1 and Appendix F, Schedule 3, Section 13.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Revenue Requirement","acronym":"TRR","description":"<p>The Transmission Revenue Requirement is the total annual authorized revenue requirements associated with (1) transmission facilities and Entitlements turned over to the Operational Control of the CAISO by a Participating TO or (2) transmission facilities that are not yet in operation, but have been approved under Section 24 and assigned to an Approved Project Sponsor. The costs of any transmission facility turned over to the Operational Control of the CAISO shall be fully included in the Participating TO's Transmission Revenue Requirement. The Transmission Revenue Requirement of a Participating TO includes the costs of transmission facilities and Entitlements and deducts Transmission Revenue Credits and credits for Standby Transmission Revenue and the transmission revenue expected to be actually received by the Participating TO for Existing Rights and Converted Rights.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Revenue Rights","acronym":"TRR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Rights","acronym":"TR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Rights and Curtailment Instructions","acronym":"TRTC Instructions","description":"<p>Operational directives developed (i) between Existing Rights holders and holders of Converted Rights and the Participating TO, submitted to the CAISO by the Participating TO, unless otherwise agreed to by the Participating TO and the Existing Rights or Converted Rights holder, and (ii) by TOR holders, to facilitate the accommodation of Existing Rights, Converted Rights, and TORs in the CAISO Markets.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Transmission Service Provider","acronym":"TSP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Trial Operation","acronym":null,"description":"The period during which Interconnection Customer is engaged in on-site test operations and commissioning of a Generating Unit prior to Commercial Operation.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Trustee","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The trustee of the California Independent System Operator trust established by order of the California Public Utilities Commission on August 2, 1996 Decision No. 96-08-038 relating to the Ex Parte Interim Approval of a Loan Guarantee and Trust Mechanism to Fund the Development of an Independent System Operator (ISO) and a Power Exchange (PX) pursuant to Decision 95-12-063 as modified.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"UDP Aggregation","acronym":null,"description":"Two or more units scheduled by the same Scheduling Coordinator with the same Resource ID that are to be considered interchangeable for calculating the Uninstructed Deviation Penalty.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"UIE Settlement Amount","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The payment due a Scheduling Coordinator for positive Uninstructed Imbalance Energy or the charge assessed on a Scheduling Coordinator for negative Uninstructed Imbalance Energy, calculated pursuant to Section 11.5.2.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unaccounted for Energy","acronym":"UFE","description":"<p>The difference in Energy, for each utility Service Area and Settlement Period, between the net Energy delivered into the utility Service Area, adjusted for utility Service Area Transmission Losses, and the total Measured Demand within the utility Service Area adjusted for distribution losses using Distribution System loss factors approved by the Local Regulatory Authority. This difference is attributable to meter measurement errors, power flow modeling errors, energy theft, statistical Load profile errors, and distribution loss deviations. For EIM Market Participants, the CAISO will calculate Unaccounted For Energy based on the EIM Entity Balancing Authority Area instead of the utility Service Area.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unavailable Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"Ancillary Services capacity that receives an AS Award and Self-Provided Ancillary Services capacity that was not dispatched by the CAISO but where all or a portion of the capacity was not available for Dispatch to provide Energy in Real-Time.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Uncertainty Award","acronym":null,"description":"A resource's awards for meeting Uncertainty Requirements as described in Section 44.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Uncertainty Requirement","acronym":null,"description":"Flexible ramping capability to meet the requirements as specified in Section 44.2.4.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Uncontrollable Force","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Any act of God, labor disturbance, act of the public enemy, war, insurrection, riot, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, any curtailment, order, regulation or restriction imposed by governmental, military or lawfully established civilian authorities or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the CAISO or Market Participant which could not be avoided through the exercise of Good Utility Practice.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Undeliverable Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Ancillary Services capacity that receives an AS Award and Self-Provided Ancillary Services capacity, or capacity committed in RUC that was dispatched by the CAISO to provide Energy but where a certain percentage or more of the Expected Energy was not provided in Real-Time, which percentage is determined as specified in the applicable Business Practice Manual.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Underfrequency Load Shedding","acronym":"UFLS","description":"<p>Automatic Load Shedding, accomplished by the use of such devices as underfrequency relays, intended to arrest frequency decline and assure continued operation within anticipated islands.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Under/Over Delivery Charge","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For a given Intertie transaction that has an Under\\/Over Delivery Quantity for a FMM interval, a charge equal to the product of the Under\\/Over Delivery Price and Under\\/Over Delivery Quantity.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Under/Over Delivery Price","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The price, as further specified in Section 11.31.2, a Scheduling Coordinator is charged for deviations between Energy awarded at an Intertie and Energy delivered at that Intertie.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Under/Over Delivery Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The quantity of Energy at an Intertie, as further specified in Section 11.31.1, the CAISO deems either under- or over-delivered relative to awarded Energy for purposes of charging a fee for such under- or over-deliveries.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Undispatchable Capacity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Ancillary Services capacity that receives an AS Award and Self-Provided Ancillary Services capacity, or capacity committed in RUC, that is not available for use due to a derate or Outage of the resource. Undispatchable Capacity includes AS Awards for Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve capacity that are not available for use due to Ramp Rate constraints (e.g., operational Ramping ability is lower than Operating Reserve Ramp Rate).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unified Planning Assumptions","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The assumptions to be developed pursuant to Section 24.2.1 and used, to the maximum extent possible, in performing technical studies identified in the Study Plan as part of the annual Transmission Planning Process.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Uninstructed Deviation","acronym":null,"description":"A deviation from the resources' Dispatch Operating Point.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Uninstructed Deviation Penalty","acronym":"UDP","description":"The penalty as set forth in Section 11.23.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Uninstructed Imbalance Energy","acronym":"UIE","description":"The portion of Imbalance Energy that is not RTD Instructed Imbalance Energy.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unit Commitment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The process of determining which Generating Units will be committed (started) to meet Demand and provide Ancillary Services in the near future (e.g., the next Trading Day).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unit Point of delivery Megawatts","acronym":"POD MW","description":"<p>This quantity is defined as the compensated, real-time value of the resource's real power output at the point the resource connects to the electric grid to the CAISO Controlled Grid. It should align with the Point-of-delivery (POD) MW calculated or measured by the CAISO revenue meters. This value is either the actual or calculated value of the unit's output at the point where the Generating Unit connects to the electric grid into the CAISO Controlled Grid. It must be a real time updated value and not averaged over time. This value is compensated for losses typically arising from the difference between the measured point and the delivery point (such as transformer losses, line losses, etc.). This value should include the Distribution compensation factor (DCF) if the resource has an executed WDAT agreement. For more information on DCF, refer to Metering BPM Attachment B, Section E.</p>","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Unplanned Transmission Maintenance Outage","acronym":null,"description":"A Maintenance Outage for transmission facilities that comprise the CAISO Controlled Grid that is requested by a Participating TO less than seven (7) days in advance of the start date for the Outage.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unrated Governmental Entity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A municipal utility or state or federal agency that does not hold an issuer, counterparty, or underlying credit rating by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unrated Public/Private Corporation","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An investor-owned or privately held entity that does not hold an issuer, counterparty, or underlying credit rating by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unrecovered Bid Cost Uplift Payment","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A payment made to Scheduling Coordinators for any Bid Costs in the IFM, RUC, and RTM not recovered by IFM, RUC, or RTM Market Revenues as provided in Section 11.8.5.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Unscheduled Flow","acronym":"USF","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan","acronym":"UFMP","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Unsecured Credit Limit","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The level of credit established for a Market Participant that is not secured by any form of Financial Security, as provided for in Section 12.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Upgrade","acronym":null,"description":"The required additions and modifications to the CAISO Controlled Grid and the Distribution System at or beyond the Point of Interconnection. Upgrades may be Network Upgrades or Distribution Upgrades. Upgrades do not include Interconnection Facilities.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Upper Bound","acronym":"UB","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Upper Charge Limit","acronym":"UCL","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Upper Economic Limit","acronym":"UEL","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Upper Operating Limit","acronym":"UOL","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Use-Limited Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A resource demonstrated to be a Use-Limited Resource pursuant to Section of the CAISO Tariff.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Use-Limit Plan Data Template","acronym":"ULPDT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"User Access Administrator","acronym":"UAA","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"User Interface","acronym":"UI","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Utility Distribution Company","acronym":"UDC","description":"<p>An entity that owns a Distribution System for the delivery of Energy to and from the CAISO Controlled Grid, and that provides regulated retail electric service to Eligible Customers, as well as regulated procurement service to those End-Use Customers who are not yet eligible for direct access, or who choose not to arrange services through another retailer.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Utility Distribution Company Operating Agreement","acronym":"UDCOA","description":"<p>An agreement between the CAISO and a Utility Distribution Company, a pro forma version of which is set forth in Appendix B.8 to the CAISO Tariff.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Validation, Estimation and Editing","acronym":"VEE","description":"The procedures set forth in Section 10 that the CAISO applies to Revenue Quality Meter Data in order to develop Settlement Quality Meter Data.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Valid Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A bid that has passed Bid processing (as described in Section of the BPM for Market Instruments) after the Master File update for the relevant Trading Day.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Value Added Network","acronym":"VAN","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Value at Risk","acronym":"VaR","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Variable Cost","acronym":null,"description":"The cost associated with fuel cost and Variable Energy Operations and Maintenance Adders.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Cost Option","acronym":null,"description":"A method of calculation Default Energy Bids based on fuel costs and Variable Energy Operations and Maintenance Adders.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Energy Operations and Maintenance Adder","acronym":null,"description":"?An adder to Minimum Load Costs and to Default Energy Bids calculated under the Variable Cost Option that is determined pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Energy Opportunity Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An adder consisting of the estimated profits foregone by a Use-Limited Resource and applies for a time period that satisfies the requirements of Section of the CAISO Tariff, if the Use-Limited Resource had one less megawatt-hour of Energy output in the time period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Energy Resource","acronym":null,"description":"A device for the production of electricity that is characterized by an Energy source that: (1) is renewable; (2) cannot be stored by the facility owner or operator; and (3) has variability that is beyond the control of the facility owner or operator.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Energy Resource Dispatch Operating Point","acronym":"VER DOT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"orientation\"]"},{"title":"Variable Maintenance Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The costs associated with the repair, overhaul, replacement, or inspection of a resource that meet the following conditions: (i) The costs must vary with the electrical production (i.e., Start-Up/Shut-Down, run-hours, or electricity output) of the resource. (ii) The costs should reflect future maintenance costs that are expected to be incurred within the service life of a major component of plant or equipment.</p>","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Variable Minimum Load Operations and Maintenance Adder","acronym":null,"description":"?An adder to Minimum Load Costs that is determined pursuant to Section","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Operations and Maintenance Adder","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Variable Start-Up Operations and Maintenance Adder, Variable Minimum Load Operations and Maintenance Adder, or Variable Energy Operations and Maintenance Adder.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Variable Operations Costs","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The costs of consumables and other costs that vary directly with electrical production (i.e., Start-Up/Shut-Down, run-hours, or electricity output) of a resource. Variable operations costs exclude maintenance costs, auxiliary power costs, Greenhouse Gas Allowance Prices, fuel costs, grid management charges, Opportunity Costs, and other excluded costs.</p>","termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Variable Start-Up Operations and Maintenance Adder","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An adder to Start-Up costs that is determined pursuant to Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Verified CRR Source Quantity","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The MW amount corresponding to a verified CRR Source and the LSE or OBAALSE that submitted that verified CRR Source to the CAISO, as described in Section</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"VER Unit Point of delivery Megawatts","acronym":"VER POD MW","description":"<p>This quantity is defined as the compensated, real-time value of the resource's real power VER output. It should be measured by the revenue meter. It must be a real time updated value and not averaged over time. This value is compensated for losses typically arising from the difference between the measured point and the delivery point (such as transformer losses, line losses, etc.).</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Very Short-Term Load Predictor","acronym":"VSLTP","description":"An RTM application that produces Demand Forecasts for as short a period as five-minute Dispatch Intervals in the RTM.","termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Award","acronym":null,"description":"A Virtual Supply Award or a Virtual Demand Award.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Bid","acronym":null,"description":"A Virtual Supply Bid or a Virtual Demand Bid.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Bid Curve","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Virtual Bid component that indicates the prices and related quantities at which a Virtual Supply Bid or a Virtual Demand Bid is submitted. For a Virtual Supply Bid, the Virtual Bid Curve is a monotonically increasing staircase function, consisting of no more than ten (10) segments defined by eleven (11) pairs of MW operating points and $/MWh, which may be different for each Trading Hour of the applicable Virtual Bid time period. For a Virtual Demand Bid, the Virtual Bid Curve is a monotonically decreasing staircase function, consisting of no more than ten (10) segments defined by eleven (11) pairs of MW operating points and $/MWh, which may be different for each Trading Hour of the applicable Virtual Bid time period.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Bid Reference Price","acronym":null,"description":"The price set forth in Section 12.8.2.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Bid Submission Charge","acronym":null,"description":"A charge assessed to a Scheduling Coordinator for each submitted Virtual Bid segment that is passed to the IFM.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Demand Award","acronym":null,"description":"The cleared Virtual Demand Bids in the IFM for a given hour.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Demand Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Bid submitted in the DAM that, if cleared in the IFM, represents a commitment to pay for Energy at the LMP in the DAM and to receive revenues as specified in Section 11.3.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Supply Award","acronym":null,"description":"The cleared Virtual Supply Bids in the IFM for a given hour.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Virtual Supply Bid","acronym":null,"description":"<p>A Bid submitted in the DAM that, if cleared in the IFM, represents a commitment to receive revenues for Energy at the LMP in the DAM and to make payments as specified in Section 11.3.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Voltage Limits","acronym":null,"description":"<p>For all substation busses, the normal and post-Contingency Voltage Limits (kV). The bandwidth for normal Voltage Limits must fall within the bandwidth of the post-Contingency Voltage Limits. Special voltage limitations for abnormal operating conditions such as heavy or light Demand may be specified.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Voltage Support","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Services provided by Generating Units or other equipment such as shunt capacitors, static var compensators, or synchronous condensers that are required to maintain established grid voltage criteria. This service is required under normal or System Emergency conditions.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Web Outage Management System","acronym":"WebOMS","description":null,"termSource":"[]"},{"title":"Weekly Peak Demand Forecast","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Demand Forecast of the highest Hourly Demand in a period beginning at the start of the hour ending 0100 on Sunday and ending at the end of the hour ending 2400 the following Saturday, in MW.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Weighted Least Squares","acronym":"WLS","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Western Electricity Coordinating Council","acronym":"WECC","description":"The Western Electricity Coordinating Council or its successor.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Western Interchange Tool","acronym":"WIT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Western Interconnection","acronym":null,"description":"The network of transmission lines embodied within the WECC region.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Western Path 15","acronym":null,"description":"<p>The Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada Region (or its successor) with respect solely to its rights and interests in the Path 15 Upgrade.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Western System Coordinating Council","acronym":"WSCC","description":"<p>The Western Systems Coordinating Council or its successor, the WECC.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Western Systems Power Pool","acronym":null,"description":"An organization of participants in the electricity markets that have developed and maintain the Western Systems Power Pool Agreement.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Western Systems Power Pool Agreement","acronym":null,"description":"A standardized power sales agreement developed and maintained as a FERC rate schedule by the Western Systems Power Pool.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wheeling","acronym":null,"description":"Wheeling Out or Wheeling Through.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wheeling Access Charge","acronym":"WAC","description":"<p>The charge assessed by the CAISO that is paid by a Scheduling Coordinator for Wheeling in accordance with Section 26.1. Wheeling Access Charges shall not apply for Wheeling under a bundled non-economy Energy coordination agreement of a Participating TO executed prior to July 9, 1996. The Wheeling Access Charge may consist of a Regional Wheeling Access Charge and a Local Wheeling Access Charge.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wheeling Out","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Except for Existing Rights exercised under an Existing Contract in accordance with Section 16.1, the use of the CAISO Controlled Grid for the transmission of Energy from the CAISO Controlled Grid (which includes a Pseudo-Tie of a Generating Unit to the CAISO Balancing Authority Area) for delivery to a point outside the transmission and Distribution System of a Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wheeling Through","acronym":null,"description":"<p>Except for Existing Rights exercised under an Existing Contract in accordance with Section 16.1, the use of the CAISO Controlled Grid for the transmission of Energy from outside the CAISO Controlled Grid for delivery to a point outside the transmission and Distribution System of a Participating TO.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wheeling Through Priority","acronym":null,"description":"A Wheeling Through Priority allows a Scheduling Coordinator to self-schedule Priority Wheeling Throughs during the term and hours of the priority up to the MW quantity of the priority and at the import and export Scheduling Points authorized under the priority.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wheeling Through Priority Reseller","acronym":null,"description":"<p>An entity that resells, assigns, or otherwise transfers a monthly or long-term Wheeling Through Priority. A Wheeling Through Priority Reseller can be the original priority rights holder or an assignee of a monthly Wheeling Through Priority.</p>","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wholesale Customer","acronym":null,"description":"A person wishing to purchase Energy and Ancillary Services at a Bulk Supply Point or a Scheduling Point for resale.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"},{"title":"Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff","acronym":"WDAT","description":null,"termSource":"[\"bpm\"]"},{"title":"Wholesale Sales","acronym":null,"description":"The sale of Energy and Ancillary Services at a Bulk Supply Point or a Scheduling Point for resale.","termSource":"[\"tariff\"]"}]; </script> <script defer src="/theme/js/glossary.js?v=1.1.4"></script> <!-- Site Improve --> <script async src=""></script> <!-- End Site Improve --> </body> </html>