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The executive asked not to be identified because the talks were still in initial stages.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">The most likely landing place for a show hosted by Mr. Baldwin would be in the latest of NBC’s entries, the show now called “Last Call.” That half-hour interview program currently stars Carson Daly.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">Mr. Daly is also the host of NBC’s biggest show, “The Voice.”</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">NBC is in the midst of what looks like a complete overhaul of its late-night lineup. Last week, the network confirmed that <a href="" class="tickerized" title="More articles about Jimmy Fallon.">Jimmy Fallon</a>, now host of NBC’s “Late Night,” would be taking over the “Tonight” from <a href="" class="tickerized" title="More articles about Jay Leno.">Jay Leno</a> when he steps down next February. The show will move from Los Angeles to New York with Mr. Fallon as star.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">After that move was announced, speculation immediately began about who might succeed Mr. Fallon at the “Late Night’ show. Now the mutual interest between Mr. Baldwin and NBC about opening a late-night spot for the actor could result in three new late-night hosts for NBC.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">Mr. Baldwin ended his much-praised run as a star on this NBC comedy “30 Rock” this season. He twice won the Emmy Award for Best Actor in a Comedy for his work as Jack Donaghy.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">Mr. Baldwin has also been long regarded one of the best guests on late-night television shows. And he has won critical praise for a podcast series he created with WNYC radio in New York, called “Here’s The Thing.”</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">In the series, Mr. Baldwin has interviewed a wide range of guests, including <a href="" class="tickerized" title="More articles about David Letterman.">David Letterman</a>, <a href="" class="tickerized" title="More articles about Billy Joel.">Billy Joel</a>, Kristen Wiig, <a href="" class="tickerized" title="More articles about Chris Rock.">Chris Rock</a>, Lena Dunham, and the Indianapolis Colts quarterback, Andrew Luck.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">The format of the half-hour podcasts takes Mr. Baldwin out of the studio and into some remote locations — like a star’s apartment – to conduct the interviews. The advantage of hosting a similar show for television would be that Mr. Baldwin could record several interviews in a single day and leave his schedule open to perform as an actor, either in movies or potentially another television comedy.</p> <p class="story-body-text" itemprop="articleBody">He is also a Broadway star, currently heading the cast of the play “Orphans.”</p> </div> <footer class="entry-footer"> <div id="sharetools-post-footer" class="sharetools theme-classic" data-shares="show-all|Share" data-url="//" data-title="Alec Baldwin Said to Be in Talks to Join NBC’s Late-Night Lineup" data-description="The Emmy-winning actor may replace Carson Daly in a late-night half hour interview program, according to one executive involved in the network’s program planning."> </div> <div class="footer-tags"> </div> </footer> </article> <section id="whats-next" class="whats-next nocontent robots-nocontent"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">What's Next</h2> <div class="nocontent robots-nocontent"> <div class="loader-container"> <div class="loader loader-t-logo-32x32-ecedeb-ffffff"><span class="visually-hidden">Loading...</span></div> </div> </div> <!-- close nocontent --> </section> </div> <!-- end content --> </div> <!-- end .a-column --> <div class="cColumn nocontent robots-nocontent"> <aside> <div class="postNavigation"> <ul class="opposingFloatControl wrap"> <li class="element1"> <span class="previous">Previous Post</span> <div class="arrow arrow-left"> <div class="arrow-conceal"></div> </div> <a class="postTitle" href="" title="G.M. 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