My Postage Stamps Collection: Covers - Malaysia
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I am an avid collector of postage stamps, miniature sheets, FDCs and covers addressed to me from across the world, an accumulator and hoarder of stamps. It is my attempt here to show you all of my collection in the posts that I'll add and update regularly. I hope to add more to the collection in the process, interact with you other collectors out there and share thoughts and information about anything and everything related.' property='og:description'/> <title>My Postage Stamps Collection: Covers - Malaysia</title> <style type='text/css'>@font-face{font-family:'Merriweather';font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-display:swap;src:url(//;}</style> <style id='page-skin-1' type='text/css'><!-- /* ----------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Name: Awesome Inc. 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I am an avid collector of postage stamps, miniature sheets, FDCs and covers addressed to me from across the world, an accumulator and hoarder of stamps. It is my attempt here to show you all of my collection in the posts that I'll add and update regularly. I hope to add more to the collection in the process, interact with you other collectors out there and share thoughts and information about anything and everything related.</span></p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class='header-cap-bottom cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> </header> <div class='tabs-outer'> <div class='tabs-cap-top cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left tabs-fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right tabs-fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='region-inner tabs-inner'> <div class='tabs section' id='crosscol' name='Cross-Column'><div class='widget Image' data-version='1' id='Image1'> <div class='widget-content'> <img alt='' height='150' id='Image1_img' src='' width='1300'/> <br/> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div></div> <div class='tabs no-items section' id='crosscol-overflow' name='Cross-Column 2'></div> </div> </div> <div class='tabs-cap-bottom cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <div class='main-outer'> <div class='main-cap-top cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left main-fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right main-fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='region-inner main-inner'> <div class='columns fauxcolumns'> <div class='fauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-center-outer'> <div class='cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='fauxcolumn-inner'> </div> </div> <div class='cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <div class='fauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-left-outer'> <div class='cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='fauxcolumn-inner'> </div> </div> <div class='cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <div class='fauxcolumn-outer fauxcolumn-right-outer'> <div class='cap-top'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> <div class='fauxborder-left'> <div class='fauxborder-right'></div> <div class='fauxcolumn-inner'> </div> </div> <div class='cap-bottom'> <div class='cap-left'></div> <div class='cap-right'></div> </div> </div> <!-- corrects IE6 width calculation --> <div class='columns-inner'> <div class='column-center-outer'> <div class='column-center-inner'> <div class='main section' id='main' name='Main'><div class='widget Blog' data-version='1' id='Blog1'> <div class='blog-posts hfeed'> <div class='status-msg-wrap'> <div class='status-msg-body'> Showing posts with label <b>Covers - Malaysia</b>. <a href="">Show all posts</a> </div> <div class='status-msg-border'> <div class='status-msg-bg'> <div class='status-msg-hidden'>Showing posts with label <b>Covers - Malaysia</b>. <a href="">Show all posts</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, December 13, 2014</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8912824856771976867' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8912824856771976867'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8912824856771976867' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="273" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2014-12-13T00:09:00+05:30'>12:09 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 1 comment: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="287" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2014-05-11T09:20:00+05:30'>9:20 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, April 16, 2014</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='5476547839421495387' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='5476547839421495387'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Covers - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-5476547839421495387' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Pos Malaysia released this new collection of special stamps and philatelic items on the theme of Museums and Artifacts on March 13, 2014. Collection features 10 stamps on museums in Malaysia together with artifacts that can be found in the museums, which are the National Museum, the Silver Museum, Museum of Customs (Thomson) and Chimney Museum (Labuan).<div> <br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="271" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <div> <br /> The 10 stamps measure 45 mm x 28 mm and are denominated 60 cents each. <span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;"><br /></span> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="272" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2014-04-16T07:26:00+05:30'>7:26 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 2 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='6706326622900898498' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='6706326622900898498'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-6706326622900898498' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Another complete set on cover. This set is from the horse stamp collection that Pos Malaysia released on the occasion of the Chinese New year, the year of the horse, this year.<br /> <br /> This set consists of two se-tenant designs with different denominations each featuring Polo Sport and DBKL Mounted Unit at RM 0.50 each, while Mounted Ceremonial Squadron and PDRM Mounted Unit at RM 0.80 each.<div> <br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="277" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2014-04-16T07:24:00+05:30'>7:24 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='3197831371095545677' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='3197831371095545677'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-3197831371095545677' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Great cover from Malaysia. Big Cats of Malaysia stamp set on it. This set of Endangered Big Cats of Malaysia Stamps features 4 stamp designs measuring 50mm x 30mm in size. <div> <br /></div> <div> The setenant design in 60sen denomination features the Leopard (Panthera Pardus) and the 80sen denomination stamp design per piece features the Sunda Clouded Leopoard (Neofelis Diardi) and Clauded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa).<div> <br /><div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="281" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2014-04-16T07:23:00+05:30'>7:23 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="275" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-10-06T21:27:00+05:30'>9:27 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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The stamps were issued on 13th September 2012 in conjunction of the visit of His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Malaysia.</div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both;"> <br /></div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="287" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> The stamps in two designs are bordered with silver ink. One is a “stamp on stamp” design, featuring an older stamp released on June 2, 1953 which was issued in conjunction of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. The other features a photograph of Prince William and Catherine Middleton to commemorate their visit. The stamps are denominated RM 1.50 each.<span style="background-color: white; color: #333333; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 23px;"><br /></span> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span><br /> <div> <br /></div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-10-06T21:25:00+05:30'>9:25 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Royalty</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Sunday, September 1, 2013</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='2284527243191688388' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='2284527243191688388'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-2284527243191688388' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <div class="separator" style="clear: both;"> I got this other nice cover from Malaysia lately. The two stamps on the top were issued by Pos Malaysia on 7th October 2012 to commemorate the 750th anniversary of the founding of Malacca. Two of Malacca's oldest historical buildings the Cheng Hoon Teng temple and the Masjid Kampung Hulu are featured in the 50 sen and 90 sen denominations respectively.</div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;"> <br /></div> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="285" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-09-01T09:43:00+05:30'>9:43 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Wednesday, August 21, 2013</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='2066864207342053240' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='2066864207342053240'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-2066864207342053240' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Received this lovely cover with a complete set of train stamps from Malaysia. Thanks Mudarrisun Helmi.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="270" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Pos Malaysia issued this special collection of stamps to mark the 125th anniversary of the Malaysian Railway (KTM) on 22 June 2010.<br /><br />There is a design each for the 50 sen denomination and RM1 denomination whereas there are 2 designs for 30 sen denomination. Beautiful stamps.<div> <br />Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-08-21T07:00:00+05:30'>7:00 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Tuesday, July 23, 2013</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='8290661384401150275' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='8290661384401150275'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-8290661384401150275' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> A beautiful cover from Malaysia. Clean clear cancellation indicating it was sent on 11.7.13. Reached me on 22.7.13. The cover's got a miniature sheet featuring underwater life priced at RM5. The miniature sheet is part of the recent release of "Living Corals in Malaysia" issued on 28 June 2013. It has the table coral design in the background with other corals in the foreground.<br /> <br /> <span style="border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><div class="separator" style="clear: both; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="287" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <div style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px;"> <span style="border: 0px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><br /></span></div> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /><span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></span><span style="border: 0px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><br /></span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-07-23T07:18:00+05:30'>7:18 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 1 comment: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, April 20, 2013</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='3922068535082903706' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='3922068535082903706'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-3922068535082903706' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Raz sent me this cover from Malaysia last week. Nice cover with the two fish stamps from the set of 4 of 2006 on it.<br /> Sad part of the story was, though the cover got intact to me, a miniature sheet from inside was taken out and I received the cover only with the letter inside mentioning that the sheet was sent along. I believe Raz for sure put the miniature sheet inside but when I received the cover I could not find any signs of damage. The cover was surely opened, the miniature sheet was removed and then the cover was sealed back. Wonder who could have done this? Or was this only a one off instance. I at least hope so, cause I send and receive scores of stuff across all over. And I do not want to be sending all of 'em by registered post.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="178" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Please share similar experiences if any.<br /> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-04-20T06:38:00+05:30'>6:38 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, January 19, 2013</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='2524199026419711650' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='2524199026419711650'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-2524199026419711650' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Bree as usual sent me another nice cover from Malaysia. Thanks Bree. Now Ive got four of the set of six stamps on Underground Engineering excellence. Had received <a href="" target="_blank">two from the set</a> earlier last year.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="270" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">Note: Click on the image for a larger view / closer look</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-01-19T08:43:00+05:30'>8:43 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, January 5, 2013</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='1440919144395301383' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='1440919144395301383'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-1440919144395301383' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> A nice FDC from Malaysia. Courtesy, good friend Maryam. Thank you.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="232" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2013-01-05T08:14:00+05:30'>8:14 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 3 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>FDC</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Friday, December 21, 2012</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='481956986964978125' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='481956986964978125'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-481956986964978125' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="180" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2012-12-21T07:58:00+05:30'>7:58 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Friday, October 5, 2012</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='5641432788272380702' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='5641432788272380702'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-5641432788272380702' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Another lovely cover from Melaka, Malaysia. Courtesy, my good friend Bree. Thanks a lot Bree.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="180" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> The stamps are from the Malaysia Unity Series 2 issued by Pos Malaysia in conjunction with the 55th Merdeka celebration.<br /> <br /> The collection features unity through language, sports, dances and gotong-royong. Four stamps out of which two are on the cover here.<br /> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2012-10-05T10:17:00+05:30'>10:17 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Friday, July 27, 2012</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='7552502991471036630' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='7552502991471036630'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Covers - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-7552502991471036630' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> This has been a really wonderful week, covers wise for me. I received them from all over and these four from Malaysia with the same set of odd shaped (hexagonal) stamps are really awesome. <br /> <br /> Covers from Maryam. Thanks Maryam.<br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="188" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="190" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Covers from Bree. Thanks Bree.<br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="202" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="202" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> In conjunction with the release of new coins, Malaysian post issued this series of stamps that features the new coins. The 5 sen and 10 sen coins are in silver and the 20 and 50 sen coins in gold. The sizes vary with the denominations and the 50 sen coin in particular is slightly different and not entirely round and smooth at the edges.<br /> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2012-07-27T22:47:00+05:30'>10:47 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 3 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Odd Shaped</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Saturday, June 30, 2012</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='3945730765103608505' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='3945730765103608505'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-3945730765103608505' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Maryam sent me this nice FDC from Malaysia. The stamps on the cover were issued on 21-06-12 in denominations of 80 sen and 1 RM depicting traditional livelihoods in Malaysia.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> This one seems to have gotten wet in transit. Thanks Maryam for the lovely cover.<br /> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2012-06-30T08:54:00+05:30'>8:54 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 2 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>FDC</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Sunday, May 20, 2012</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='4300599900026132601' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='4300599900026132601'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-4300599900026132601' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Yesterday was a big cover day for me. Rare in recent times. I had begun to think that such days will never happen again. Four covers in my mailbox, and one of them......this lovely cover from Bree.<br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="260" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> <br /> Lovely stamps and great cancellations. I like that 30 sen 1 stamp especially. Thanks so much Bree.<br /> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2012-05-20T09:06:00+05:30'>9:06 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 1 comment: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Monday, January 9, 2012</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='1826615005655348411' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='1826615005655348411'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-1826615005655348411' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Bree sent me this nice cover from Melaka, Malaysia. Thanks Bree. The stamps on the cover are a set of two commemorating a century of progress. Years 1911-2011. These depict underground engineering excellence. <br /> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="271" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2012-01-09T19:53:00+05:30'>7:53 PM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 2 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); return false;' target='_blank' title='BlogThis!'><span class='share-button-link-text'>BlogThis!</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to X'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to X</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-facebook' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=430,width=640"); return false;' target='_blank' title='Share to Facebook'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Facebook</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-pinterest' href='' target='_blank' title='Share to Pinterest'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Share to Pinterest</span></a> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> Labels: <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers</a>, <a href='' rel='tag'>Covers - Malaysia</a> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="date-outer"> <h2 class='date-header'><span>Sunday, August 21, 2011</span></h2> <div class="date-posts"> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='image_url'/> <meta content='7970437594028005057' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='5896796524308307174' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='5896796524308307174'></a> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <a href=''>Cover - Malaysia, Country #31</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-5896796524308307174' itemprop='description articleBody'> <div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <br /> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="183" src="" width="400" /></a></div> <br /> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions<br /> <span style="font-size: x-small;">NOTE: Please click on the image for a larger view / closer look.</span></div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Vivin Fernandes</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2011-08-21T10:51:00+05:30'>10:51 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> 2 comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-762837123'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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I will try to post here my entire collection that comprises India commemoratives 1947 till date, definitives & miniature sheets, all of GB 1937 through 2000, christmas and odd shapes thematic and a general world wide countries collection. As I build my collection my immediate interests are all of Australia, the rest of GB till date, all of Canada and USA. I have also recently started collecting covers, postcards and Maxim cards addressed to me. If you would like an exchange, please send me a cover / postcard with multiple commemorative stamps on it from your country and I will send back a similar cover / postcard from India.</dd> </dl> <a class='profile-link' href='' rel='author'>View my complete profile</a> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget Label' data-version='1' id='Label1'> <h2>Stamps and Related Topics</h2> <div class='widget-content cloud-label-widget-content'> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Afghanistan</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Airmail Labels</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ajman</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Alderney</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size 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dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bahrain</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bangladesh</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Barbados</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Belgium</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Benin</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bhutan</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Botswana</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Brazil</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Bulgaria</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Burkina Faso</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Burundi</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Canada</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cartoons/Comics/Animations</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(21)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Catalogues</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ceylon</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Chad</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Chile</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>China</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-4'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Christmas</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(137)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Christmas Island</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Congo (Brazzaville)</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Congo (Kinshasa)</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cook Islands</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-5'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(519)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Cyprus</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Czech Republic</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Czechoslovakia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Denmark</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Disney</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Djibouti</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Dominica</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Egypt</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Errors</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ethiopia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>FDC</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(44)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Finland</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>France</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Georgia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Germany 1871-1945</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Germany East</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Germany Federal Republic</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Germany West</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Germany West Berlin</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ghana</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Gibraltar</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Great Britain</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Greece</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Grenada</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Grenada Grenadines</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Grenadines of Grenada</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guatemala</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guernsey</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guinea</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Guyana</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Hong Kong</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Iceland</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-4'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(57)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India Definitives</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India Miniature Sheets</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India Odd shaped</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India Rarities</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>India Setenants</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Indira Gandhi</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Indonesia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Iran</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ireland</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Isle of Man</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Israel</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Italy</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Ivory Coast</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Japan</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Jawaharlal Nehru</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Jersey</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Keeping track of a stamp collection</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kenya</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Korea North</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Kuwait</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Laos</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Lesotho</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Liberia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Libya</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Macau</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mahatma Gandhi</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(17)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Malawi</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Malaysia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Maldives</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Malta</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mauritania</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mauritius</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Maxicards</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Micronesia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Montserrat</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Mozambique</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Namibia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Netherlands</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>New Zealand</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Nigeria</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Niuafo'ou</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Niue</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Norfolk Island</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Norway</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-4'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Odd Shaped</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(105)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Official Stamps</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Oman</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pakistan</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Palau</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Papua New Guinea</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Philippines</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Photo stamps</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Pitcairn Islands</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Portugal</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Qatar</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Rabindranath Tagore</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Romania</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Royalty</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Russia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Rwanda</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>San Marino</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Saudi Arabia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Semi-postals</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Setenants</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sierra Leone</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Singapore</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Slovakia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Solomon Islands</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>South Africa</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Spain</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Special Cancellations</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sri Lanka</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>St. Kitts-Nevis</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>St. Vincent</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>St. Vincent Grenadines</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Storing Covers</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Storing Stamps</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sudan</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Sweden</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Switzerland</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Syria</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Taiwan</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tanzania</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tete-beche</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Thailand</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Togo</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tracking Stamp Collection</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Trucial States</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Tunisia</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Turkish Cypriot Posts</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Turks and Caicos Islands</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>UAE</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>UAR</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Uganda</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Umm Al Qiwain</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-2'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Unusual stamps</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-3'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>USA</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Vanuatu</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Vatican City</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Vietnam</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <span class='label-size label-size-1'> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Zanzibar</a> <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </span> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget BlogList' data-version='1' id='BlogList1'> <h2 class='title'>My Favourite Blogs</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <div class='blog-list-container' id='BlogList1_container'> <ul id='BlogList1_blogs'> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Rainbow_stamps_and_coins</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Odd stamps : 02h Silver / golden stamps </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 12 hours ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> IRENE CHEN COVERS</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> THAILAND </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 22 hours ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Global Coins and Stamps | Worldwide Collection of Coins Stamps Covers FDCs</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> INDIA | DIWALI 2024 </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 3 weeks ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> African Banknotes</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> KENYA: Complete Banknotes Set ( 2018) UNC </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 1 month ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> MY POSTBOX</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> FRANCE - TAAF - Ad茅lie Land /Terre Ad茅lie </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 2 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Stamp Collecting Blog</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Reboot ramblings </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 2 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> STAMP RAIDER</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Nimrud </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 2 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Tickle My Senses</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Roasted Wild Garlic Pickle </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 3 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Ivana Cover Collection</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> GERMANY </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 5 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Se-tenant Stamps of India</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 7 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Coin n Currency Collection</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> Rupee 10 P C Bhattacharya </a> </span> <div class='item-time'> 11 years ago </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li style='display: block;'> <div class='blog-icon'> <img data-lateloadsrc='' height='16' width='16'/> </div> <div class='blog-content'> <div class='blog-title'> <a href='' target='_blank'> "Say It Like You Eat It"</a> </div> <div class='item-content'> <span class='item-title'> <!--Can't find substitution for tag [item.itemTitle]--> </span> <div class='item-time'> <!--Can't find substitution for tag [item.timePeriodSinceLastUpdate]--> </div> </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div> </div><div class='widget BlogSearch' data-version='1' id='BlogSearch1'> <h2 class='title'>Search This Blog</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <div id='BlogSearch1_form'> <form action='' class='gsc-search-box' target='_top'> <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' 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Post, Country #52</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> I got my first cover from Andorra (French Post) just yesterday. Its always a delight to receive covers from countries I've never receiv...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Some packages received this year, Countries #47 and #48</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> I got some packages from Thailand, Vanuatu and Namibia of philatelic stuff ofcourse. Thailand earlier this year and Vanuatu and Namibia jus...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>India - Water Birds 1994</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> No better feeling than having a gap filled in your stamp collection. This time, and yes it has been a long time, its the 1994 water birds i...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>UAR</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> I have been adding stamps and rearranging a lot many others in my African stamps collection. In my earlier post on, " How I store my s...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Cover - Switzerland</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look. </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Cover - Netherlands</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look. </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Christmas Mail 2015 6 - Italy</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look. </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Christmas Mail 2015 4 - Finland</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> My good friend, Kimmo Liljeroos, sent this beautiful card from Finland for Christmas. Thank you Kimmo. Do feel free to add your tho...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Cambodia Pt 2</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer loo...</div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> <li> <div class='item-content'> <div class='item-thumbnail'> <a href='' target='_blank'> <img alt='' border='0' src=''/> </a> </div> <div class='item-title'><a href=''>Cover - Japan</a></div> <div class='item-snippet'> Do feel free to add your thoughts, comments or suggestions NOTE: Please click on the images for a larger view / closer look. </div> </div> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div></div> </aside> </div> </div> <div class='column-right-outer'> <div class='column-right-inner'> <aside> <div class='sidebar section' id='sidebar-right-1'><div class='widget Text' data-version='1' id='Text1'> <h2 class='title'>Covers Wanted</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <span style="font-family:Arial, serif;"><span style="font-size:100%;">I would love to receive covers. My favourite topics are Christmas, Odd shaped / Unusual and Cartoons / Comics / Animations stamps. Covers from all over the world are welcome. I </span><span style="font-weight: normal;">don't</span><span style="font-size:100%;"> mind receiving covers from countries that I already have covers of. So please feel free to send 'em across. A prompt reply is assured.</span></span> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget Label' data-version='1' id='Label2'> <h2>Covers & Postcards</h2> <div class='widget-content list-label-widget-content'> <ul> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Aitutaki</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Aland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Albania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Algeria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Andorra (French Post)</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Argentina</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Armenia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Aruba</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Australia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - 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href=''>Covers - Canada</a> <span dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Cape Verde</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Chile</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - China</a> <span dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Christmas Island</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Cook Islands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Costa Rica</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Croatia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Cuba</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Curacao</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Cyprus</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Czech Republic</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Denmark</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Egypt</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - El Salvador</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Ethiopia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Finland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - France</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - French Polynesia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - French Southern and Antarctic Territories</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Georgia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Germany</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Gibraltar</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Great Britain</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Greece</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Guatemala</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Guernsey</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Guyana</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Honduras</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Hong Kong</a> <span dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Hungary</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - India</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Indonesia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Iraq</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Ireland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Isle of Man</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Israel</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Italy</a> <span dir='ltr'>(15)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Japan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(29)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Jordan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Kosovo</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Kyrgyzstan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Latvia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Lesotho</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Libya</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Liechtenstein</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Lithuania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Luxembourg</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Macau</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Madagascar</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <span dir='ltr'>Covers - Malaysia</span> <span dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Malta</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Mexico</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Micronesia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Moldova</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Mongolia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Montenegro</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Morocco</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Myanmar</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Nagorno Karabakh</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Nepal</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Netherlands</a> <span dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - New Zealand</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Nicaragua</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Niger</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Nigeria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Norway</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Oman</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Pakistan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Panama</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Phillipines</a> <span dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Poland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Portugal</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Qatar</a> <span 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</li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - St. Kitts</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Suriname</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Sweden</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Switzerland</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Taiwan</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Tanzania</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Thailand</a> <span dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Transnistria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Tunisia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Turkey</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - UAE</a> <span dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Uganda</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Ukraine</a> <span dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - United Nations - NY</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Uruguay</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - USA</a> <span dir='ltr'>(39)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Vanuatu</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Vatican City</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Vietnam</a> <span dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Covers - Wallis and Futuna</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards - Algeria</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards - Croatia</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards - Singapore</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards - Spain</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards - USA</a> <span dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> <li> <a dir='ltr' href=''>Postcards - Vietnam</a> <span dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> </ul> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget BlogArchive' data-version='1' id='BlogArchive1'> <h2>Blog Archive</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <div id='ArchiveList'> <div id='BlogArchive1_ArchiveList'> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate expanded'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy toggle-open'> ▼  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2016 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate expanded'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy toggle-open'> ▼  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> <ul class='posts'> <li><a href=''>India - Water Birds 1994</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2015 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(123)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(3)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(53)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2014 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(147)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(49)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(6)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(2)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(8)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(5)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2013 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(206)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(25)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(26)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(14)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(22)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(16)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(30)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> January </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(11)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> 2012 </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(191)</span> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> December </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> November </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(10)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> October </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(12)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> September </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> August </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(9)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(20)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(28)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(13)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> April </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(7)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> March </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(19)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> ►  </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> February </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(18)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' 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