Meet-Ups 2025 | Asia Fruit Logistica

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1109 605.1 1112.6 610.3 1116.2 614.3 1105.8 616.9 1092.3 616 1088.5 613 1065.8 613.2 1065 613.7 1061.7 610.8 1058.1 610.6 1054.7 611.7 1052 612.9 1051.5 608.9 1052.4 603.2 1054.4 597.3 1054.7 594.6 1056.6 588.8 1058 586.2 1061.3 582 1063.2 579.1 1063.8 574.4 1063.5 570.7 1061.9 568.4 1060.4 564.5 1059.1 560.7 1059.4 559.3 1061.1 556.8 1059.5 550.6 1058.3 546.3 1055.5 542.2 1056.1 541 1058.4 540.1 1060.1 540.2 1062.1 539.5 1078.8 539.6 1080.1 544.3 1081.7 548.2 1083 550.3 1085.1 553.6 1088.9 553.1 1090.7 552.2 1093.8 553.1 1094.7 551.5 1096.2 547.8 1099.7 547.5 1100 546.4 1102.9 546.4 1102.4 548.7 1109.2 548.6 1109.3 552.7 1110.4 555.1 1109.5 559 1109.9 563 1111.7 565.4 1111.3 573 1112.7 572.4 1115.1 572.6 1118.6 571.6 1121.2 572 Z"> </path> <path class="Angola" d="M 1055.3 539 1053.8 534.2 1056.1 531.4 1057.8 530.3 1059.9 532.5 1057.9 533.9 1056.9 535.5 1056.7 538.3 1055.3 539 Z"> </path> <path d="M1088 228l0.4 1.2 1.4-0.6 1.2 1.7 1.3 0.7 0.6 2.3-0.5 2.2 1 2.7 2.3 1.5 0.1 1.7-1.7 0.9-0.1 2.1-2.2 3.1-0.9-0.4-0.2-1.4-3.1-2.2-0.7-3 0.1-4.4 0.5-1.9-0.9-1-0.5-2.1 1.9-3.1z" id="AL" name="Albania"> </path> <path d="M1296.2 336.7l1.3 5.1-2.8 0 0 4.2 1.1 0.9-2.4 1.3 0.2 2.6-1.3 2.6 0 2.6-1 1.4-16.9-3.2-2.7-6.6-0.3-1.4 0.9-0.4 0.4 1.8 4.2-1 4.6 0.2 3.4 0.2 3.3-4.4 3.7-4.1 3-4 1.3 2.2z" id="AE" name="United Arab Emirates"> </path> <path class="Argentina" d="M 669.1 851.7 666.1 851.5 661.1 851.5 655.1 837.9 658.2 840.7 662.5 845.3 670.3 849 677.6 850.5 676.8 853.5 672.4 853.8 669.1 851.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Argentina" d="M 638.6 644.7 649.9 655.1 654.5 656.1 661.8 660.9 667.7 663.4 668.8 666.2 664.6 676 670.4 677.7 676.7 678.7 680.9 677.7 685.2 672.7 685.5 667.1 688.1 665.8 691.3 669.6 691.7 674.7 687.5 678.2 684.2 680.8 678.9 687.1 672.9 695.8 672.4 701 672 707.6 673.2 714 672.3 715.4 672.7 719.5 673 722.9 680.8 728.4 681 732.8 684.9 735.6 685.2 738.7 681.9 746.9 674.9 750.4 664.7 751.7 658.7 751 660.8 754.9 660.9 759.6 662.7 762.8 660.2 765.1 655.1 766 649.5 763.6 648 765.3 650.5 771.6 654.5 773.5 656.8 771.5 659.3 774.8 655.1 776.8 652.2 780.8 653.4 787.1 653.3 790.5 648.5 790.5 645.5 793.7 645.6 798.5 652.1 803.1 657.3 804.3 657.5 810 652.9 813.5 652.3 820.8 648.8 823.2 647.9 826.1 652.1 832.6 656.7 836.1 654.6 835.8 649.7 834.8 637.6 834 634.1 830.4 632.2 825.8 629.1 826.2 626.5 823.9 623.4 817.4 626.1 814.6 626.2 810.7 624.4 807.5 625.1 802.1 624 793.8 622.2 790.1 624 788.9 622.6 786.5 619.8 785.3 620.6 782.6 617.5 780.2 613.8 772.9 615.5 771.6 612.2 763.8 611.4 757.3 611.2 751.6 613.7 749.3 610.4 743 608.8 737.2 611.8 733 610.4 727.6 612 721.4 610.6 715.5 609 714.3 604.1 703.2 606.2 696.6 604.5 690.4 605.4 684.5 608 678.5 611.3 674.5 609.3 672 610.1 669.9 608.5 659.2 614.1 656.1 615.3 649.4 614.4 647.8 618.4 642 625.9 643.6 629.6 648.2 631.2 643 637.6 643.3 638.6 644.7 Z"> </path> <path d="M1230.8 253l-1.8 0.2-2.8-3.7-0.2-1-2.3 0-1.9-1.7-1 0.1-2.4-1.8-4.2-1.6-0.1-3.1-1.3-2.2 7-1 1.4 1.6 2.2 1.1-0.7 1.6 3.2 2.2-1.1 2.1 2.6 1.7 2.5 1 0.9 4.5z" id="AM" name="Armenia"> </path> <path class="Australia" d="M 1743 763.6 1746.7 765.8 1750 764.9 1754.9 763.7 1757.7 764.1 1753.2 771.7 1749.9 773.8 1745.9 779 1745.3 777.2 1738.7 781.6 1737.9 781.3 1734.9 781.1 1735.4 775.7 1737.4 771.5 1738 765.9 1740 763 1743 763.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Australia" d="M 1793.5 590.2 1794.7 595.2 1798.7 592.8 1800.1 595.5 1802.4 598 1801.3 600.9 1801.5 606.4 1801.7 609.6 1803 610.4 1803.4 615.9 1802.2 619.2 1803 623.5 1808.4 626.9 1811.6 629.9 1814.8 632.7 1813.7 634.3 1816 638.3 1816.5 645.3 1819.1 643.9 1820.6 646.6 1822.2 645.7 1821.5 652.5 1824.4 656.4 1826.3 658.8 1829.1 664 1829.1 669.2 1828.1 672.9 1826.3 676.8 1827 682.3 1824.5 688 1822.4 691 1818.6 696.7 1817.1 700.4 1814 705 1809 710.8 1803.5 714 1799.1 718.9 1795.8 722.1 1791.4 727.6 1787.7 730.8 1783.8 735.6 1780.7 740 1779.9 742.1 1775.6 744.3 1769.5 744.5 1763.2 747.2 1759.4 749.6 1754.6 752.4 1751.9 749.5 1749.3 748.4 1751.9 745.1 1748.4 746.3 1741.2 750.9 1737.6 749.2 1735.2 748.2 1732.4 747.7 1728.3 745.9 1727 741.9 1728.5 737.1 1728.9 733.8 1727.5 731.2 1722.8 730.5 1726 727.3 1726.9 722.6 1722.2 727 1716.9 728.2 1721.4 724.7 1723.9 721 1727.4 717.8 1729 713.1 1722.2 718.5 1717.9 720.7 1713.6 725.8 1710.6 723.2 1712.3 719.8 1710.9 715.1 1709.1 712.7 1710.7 711.2 1705.4 707.3 1701.6 707.2 1697.6 704 1687.7 704.6 1679.8 706.9 1672.9 709.1 1667.9 708.7 1660.9 712 1655.6 713.4 1653.3 716.8 1650.3 719.4 1645.6 719.6 1642 720.1 1637.8 719 1633.6 719.7 1629.8 720 1625.3 723.4 1623.8 723.1 1620.4 724.9 1617 726.9 1613.2 726.7 1609.7 726.7 1605.6 722.6 1603.2 721.4 1604.7 717.7 1607.6 716.8 1609.1 715.4 1609.7 713.1 1612 708.6 1612.7 704.8 1612 698.3 1612.2 694.6 1613.6 691 1612.7 686.8 1613 684.9 1611.3 682.3 1612 677.3 1610.1 672.2 1610 669.5 1611.8 672.3 1611.3 666.3 1613.6 668.2 1614.7 670.7 1615.3 667.4 1613.7 662.3 1613.6 660.3 1612.8 658.4 1614.1 654.7 1615.6 653.1 1616.9 649.9 1617 646.1 1620.1 641.5 1619.7 646.4 1622.8 642 1627.7 639.8 1630.9 637.1 1635.6 634.7 1638.2 634.2 1639.6 635 1644.4 632.6 1647.9 631.9 1649 630.5 1650.5 629.9 1653.6 630.1 1659.8 628.2 1663.3 625.3 1665.3 621.9 1669.2 618.7 1669.9 616.1 1670.6 612.6 1675.5 607.1 1676.9 612.7 1679.5 611.4 1678 608.4 1680.3 605.3 1682.5 606.7 1684 601.8 1687.5 598.6 1689.3 596.1 1692.2 595 1692.6 593.2 1694.9 593.9 1695.3 592.3 1697.9 591.4 1700.7 590.5 1704.4 593.5 1707 597.3 1710.5 597.3 1714 597.9 1713.3 594.4 1716.8 589.3 1719.5 587.6 1718.9 586 1721.8 582.3 1725.5 580 1728.2 580.8 1733.1 579.6 1733.4 576.3 1729.5 574.2 1732.6 573.3 1736.2 574.9 1738.9 577.5 1743.4 579.1 1745.1 578.5 1748.4 580.5 1751.9 578.6 1753.9 579.2 1755.4 577.9 1757.6 581.1 1755.6 584.6 1753.1 587.2 1751.2 587.4 1751.5 589.9 1749.3 593.1 1746.8 596.3 1747 598.1 1750.8 601.7 1754.8 603.7 1757.3 605.9 1760.6 609.7 1762.2 609.7 1764.8 611.4 1765.3 613.4 1770.2 615.5 1774.3 613.3 1776.1 609.9 1777.8 607 1779.1 603.5 1781.7 598.4 1781.5 595.3 1782.2 593.4 1782.1 589.8 1783.5 584.9 1784.8 583.6 1784.2 581.5 1786 578.1 1787.5 574.6 1787.9 572.7 1790.2 570.3 1791.5 573.5 1791.4 577.5 1792.7 578.3 1792.6 581 1794.2 584.2 1794.1 587.9 1793.5 590.2 Z"> </path> <path d="M1070.6 190.8l-0.3 0.8 0.7 2.1-0.2 2.6-2.8 0 1.1 1.4-1.3 4-0.9 1.1-4.4 0.1-2.4 1.5-4.2-0.5-7.3-1.7-1.3-2.1-4.9 1.1-0.5 1.2-3.1-0.9-2.6-0.2-2.3-1.2 0.7-1.5-0.2-1.1 1.4-0.3 2.7 1.7 0.6-1.7 4.4 0.3 3.5-1.1 2.4 0.2 1.7 1.3 0.4-1.1-1-4.1 1.7-0.8 1.6-2.9 3.8 2.1 2.6-2.6 1.7-0.5 4 1.9 2.3-0.3 2.4 1.2z" id="AT" name="Austria"> </path> <path class="Azerbaijan" d="M 1229 253.2 1225.2 252.3 1222 249.4 1220.8 246.9 1221.8 246.8 1223.7 248.5 1226 248.5 1226.2 249.5 1229 253.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Azerbaijan" d="M 1235.3 236.2 1237.8 233.6 1241.3 236.9 1244.9 241.5 1247.4 241.8 1249.3 243.5 1245.1 244 1245.2 249 1244.8 251.2 1243.1 252.7 1243.9 255.8 1242.6 256.2 1238.7 252.8 1239.9 249.7 1238 247.8 1236.1 248.3 1230.8 253 1229.9 248.5 1227.4 247.5 1224.8 245.8 1225.9 243.7 1222.7 241.5 1223.4 239.9 1221.2 238.8 1219.8 237.2 1220.9 236.1 1225.1 238 1228 238.3 1228.6 237.6 1225.3 234.1 1226.5 233.3 1228 233.5 1232.3 237.3 1234.7 237.8 1235.3 236.2 Z"> </path> <path d="M1154.9 530.4l-0.6 0.1 0-0.3-2-6.1-0.01-0.06-0.09-1.04-1.4-2.9 3.5 0.5 1.7-3.7 3.1 0.4 0.3 2.5 1.2 1.5 0 2.1-1.4 1.3-2.3 3.4-2 2.3z" id="BI" name="Burundi"> </path> <path d="M1016.5 177.1l-0.4 4.2-1.3 0.2-0.4 3.5-4.4-2.9-2.5 0.5-3.5-2.9-2.4-2.5-2.2-0.1-0.8-2.2 3.9-1.2 3.6 0.5 4.5-1.3 3.1 2.7 2.8 1.5z" id="BE" name="Belgium"> </path> <path d="M1006.7 427l-0.2 2.1 1.3 3.8-1.1 2.6 0.6 1.7-2.8 4-1.7 2-1.1 4 0.2 4.1-0.3 10.3-4.7 0.8-1.4-4.4 0.3-14.8-1.2-1.3-0.2-3.2-2-2.2-1.7-1.9 0.7-3.4 2-0.7 1.1-2.8 2.8-0.6 1.2-1.9 1.9-1.9 2 0 4.3 3.7z" id="BJ" name="Benin"> </path> <path d="M988.5 406l-0.5 3.1 0.8 2.9 3.1 4.2 0.2 3.1 6.5 1.5-0.1 4.4-1.2 1.9-2.8 0.6-1.1 2.8-2 0.7-4.9-0.1-2.6-0.5-1.8 1-2.5-0.5-9.8 0.3-0.2 3.7 0.8 4.8-3.9-1.6-2.6 0.2-2 1.6-2.5-1.3-1-2.2-2.5-1.4-0.4-3.7 1.6-2.7-0.2-2.2 4.5-5.3 0.9-4.4 1.5-1.6 2.7 0.9 2.4-1.3 0.8-1.7 4.3-2.8 1.1-2 5.3-2.7 3.1-0.9 1.4 1.2 3.6 0z" id="BF" name="Burkina Faso"> </path> <path d="M1500.6 360.3l0.6 4.6-2.1-1 1.1 5.2-2.1-3.3-0.8-3.3-1.5-3.1-2.8-3.7-5.2-0.3 0.9 2.7-1.2 3.5-2.6-1.3-0.6 1.2-1.7-0.7-2.2-0.6-1.6-5.3-2.6-4.8 0.3-3.9-3.7-1.7 0.9-2.3 3-2.4-4.6-3.4 1.2-4.4 4.9 2.8 2.7 0.3 1.2 4.5 5.4 0.9 5.1-0.1 3.4 1.1-1.6 5.4-2.4 0.4-1.2 3.6 3.6 3.4 0.3-4.2 1.5 0 4.4 10.2z" id="BD" name="Bangladesh"> </path> <path d="M1132.6 221.6l-2.3 2.6-1.3 4.5 2.1 3.6-4.6-0.8-5 2 0.3 3.2-4.6 0.6-3.9-2.3-4 1.8-3.8-0.2-0.8-4.2-2.8-2.1 0.7-0.8-0.6-0.8 0.6-2 1.8-2-2.8-2.7-0.7-2.4 1.1-1.4 1.8 2.6 1.9-0.4 4 0.9 7.6 0.4 2.3-1.6 5.9-1.5 4 2.3 3.1 0.7z" id="BG" name="Bulgaria"> </path> <path d="M1083 214.3l1.9-0.1-1.1 2.8 2.7 2.5-0.5 2.9-1.1 0.3-0.9 0.6-1.6 1.5-0.4 3.5-4.8-2.4-2.1-2.7-2.1-1.4-2.5-2.4-1.3-1.9-2.7-3 0.8-2.6 2 1.5 1-1.4 2.3-0.1 4.5 1.1 3.5-0.1 2.4 1.4z" id="BA" name="Bosnia and Herzegovina"> </path> <path d="M1141.6 162.7l-3.9-0.2-0.8 0.6 1.5 2 2 4-4.1 0.3-1.3 1.4 0.3 3.1-2.1-0.6-4.3 0.3-1.5-1.5-1.7 1.1-1.9-0.9-3.9-0.1-5.7-1.5-4.9-0.5-3.8 0.2-2.4 1.6-2.3 0.3-0.5-2.8-1.9-2.8 2.8-1.3-0.4-2.4-1.7-2.3-0.6-2.7 4.7 0 4.8-2.3 0.5-3.4 3.6-2-1-2.7 2.7-1 4.6-2.3 5.3 1.5 0.9 1.5 2.4-0.7 4.8 1.4 1.1 2.9-0.7 1.6 3.8 4 2.1 1.1 0 1.1 3.4 1.1 1.7 1.6-1.6 1.3z" id="BY" name="Belarus"> </path> <path d="M487.8 399.8l-1.7 0 1.3-7.2 0.7-5.1 0.1-1 0.7-0.3 0.9 0.8 2.5-3.9 1.1-0.1-0.1 1 1 0-0.3 1.8-1.3 2.7 0.4 1-0.9 2.3 0.3 0.6-1 3.3-1.3 1.7-1.1 0.2-1.3 2.2z" id="BZ" name="Belize"> </path> <path d="M662.5 631.4l-0.3-2-5.4-3.3-5.2-0.1-9.6 1.9-2.1 5.6 0.2 3.5-1.5 7.7-1-1.4-6.4-0.3-1.6 5.2-3.7-4.6-7.5-1.6-4 5.8-3.9 0.9-3.1-8.9-3.7-7.2 1.1-6.2-3.2-2.7-1.2-4.6-3.2-4.4 2.9-6.9-2.9-5.4 1.1-2.2-1.2-2.4 1.9-3.2-0.3-5.4 0-4.6 1.1-2.1-5.5-10.4 4.2 0.6 2.9-0.2 1.1-1.9 4.8-2.6 2.9-2.4 7.3-1.1-0.4 4.8 0.9 2.5-0.3 4.3 6.5 5.7 6.4 1.1 2.3 2.4 3.9 1.3 2.5 1.8 3.5 0 3.4 1.9 0.5 3.7 1.2 1.9 0.3 2.7-1.7 0.1 2.8 7.5 10.7 0.3-0.5 3.7 0.8 2.5 3.2 1.8 1.7 4-0.6 5.1-1.3 2.8 0.8 3.6-1.6 1.4z" id="BO" name="Bolivia"> </path> <path d="M665.8 489.6l3.1 0.6 0.6-1.4-1-1.2 0.6-1.9 2.3 0.6 2.7-0.7 3.2 1.4 2.5 1.3 1.7-1.7 1.3 0.2 0.8 1.8 2.7-0.4 2.2-2.5 1.8-4.7 3.4-5.9 2-0.3 1.3 3.6 3 11.2 3.1 1.1 0.1 4.4-4.3 5.3 1.7 1.9 10.1 1 0.2 6.5 4.3-4.2 7.1 2.3 9.5 3.9 2.8 3.7-0.9 3.6 6.6-2 11 3.4 8.5-0.2 8.4 5.3 7.4 7.2 4.4 1.8 4.8 0.3 2.1 2 2 8.2 1.1 3.9-2.1 10.6-2.7 4.2-7.7 8.9-3.4 7.3-4 5.5-1.4 0.2-1.3 4.7 0.9 12-1.1 9.9-0.3 4.2-1.6 2.6-0.5 8.6-5.2 8.3-0.5 6.7-4.3 2.7-1.1 3.9-6 0-8.5 2.4-3.7 2.9-6 1.9-6.1 5.1-4.1 6.4-0.3 4.8 1.3 3.5-0.3 6.5-0.8 3.1-3.4 3.6-4.5 11.3-4 5-3.2 3.1-1.5 6.1-2.9 3.6-2.1-3.6 1.8-3.1-3.8-4.3-4.8-3.6-6.3-4.1-1.9 0.2-6.3-5-3.4 0.7 6-8.7 5.3-6.3 3.3-2.6 4.2-3.5-0.4-5.1-3.2-3.8-2.6 1.3 0.7-3.7 0.3-3.8-0.3-3.6-2.1-1.1-2 1-2.1-0.3-0.8-2.4-1.1-5.9-1.2-1.9-3.9-1.8-2.2 1.3-5.9-1.3-0.4-8.7-2-3.5 1.6-1.4-0.8-3.6 1.3-2.8 0.6-5.1-1.7-4-3.2-1.8-0.8-2.5 0.5-3.7-10.7-0.3-2.8-7.5 1.7-0.1-0.3-2.7-1.2-1.9-0.5-3.7-3.4-1.9-3.5 0-2.5-1.8-3.9-1.3-2.3-2.4-6.4-1.1-6.5-5.7 0.3-4.3-0.9-2.5 0.4-4.8-7.3 1.1-2.9 2.4-4.8 2.6-1.1 1.9-2.9 0.2-4.2-0.6-3.2 1.1-2.6-0.7-0.1-9.7-4.4 3.7-5-0.1-2.3-3.5-3.8-0.3 1-2.8-3.3-3.9-2.6-5.8 1.5-1.1-0.2-2.8 3.4-1.8-0.7-3.5 1.4-2.2 0.3-3 6.3-4.4 4.6-1.2 0.8-1 5.1 0.3 2.2-17.6 0.1-2.8-0.9-3.6-2.6-2.4 0.1-4.7 3.2-1 1.1 0.7 0.2-2.5-3.3-0.7 0-4 11 0.2 1.9-2.3 1.6 2.1 1 3.8 1.1-0.8 3.1 3.4 4.4-0.4 1.1-2 4.2-1.5 2.4-1.1 0.7-2.7 4.1-1.8-0.3-1.4-4.8-0.5-0.7-4.1 0.3-4.3-2.5-1.6 1.1-0.6 4.1 0.8 4.5 1.6 1.7-1.5 4.1-1 6.4-2.4 2.1-2.5-0.7-1.8 3-0.2 1.2 1.4-0.8 2.9 2 0.9 1.2 3-1.6 2.3-1 5.4 1.4 3.3 0.3 3 3.5 3 2.8 0.3 0.6-1.3 1.8-0.3 2.6-1.1 1.8-1.7 3.2 0.6 1.3-0.3z" id="BR" name="Brazil"> </path> <path d="M1633.1 472.8l2.2-2.4 4.6-3.6-0.1 3.2-0.1 4.1-2.7-0.2-1.1 2.2-2.8-3.3z" id="BN" name="Brunei Darussalam"> </path> <path d="M1488.8 323.5l2.6 2.1 0.5 3.9-4.5 0.2-4.7-0.4-3.2 1-5.5-2.5-0.4-1.2 2.6-4.8 2.6-1.6 4.3 1.4 2.9 0.2 2.8 1.7z" id="BT" name="Bhutan"> </path> <path d="M1127.6 615.7l1.9 5.1 1.1 1.2 1.6 3.7 6.1 7 2.3 0.7-0.1 2.3 1.5 4.1 4.3 1 3.4 2.9-8.1 4.7-5.2 4.8-2 4.3-1.8 2.4-3 0.5-1.2 3.1-0.6 2-3.6 1.4-4.5-0.3-2.5-1.8-2.3-0.7-2.8 1.4-1.5 3.1-2.7 1.9-2.8 2.9-4 0.7-1.1-2.3 0.6-3.9-3-6.1-1.4-1 0.6-18.7 5.5-0.2 0.8-22.9 4.2-0.2 8.7-2.3 2 2.7 3.7-2.5 1.7 0 3.2-1.5 1 0.5z" id="BW" name="Botswana"> </path> <path d="M1121.3 446.5l3.9 2.5 3.1 2.6 0.1 2.1 3.9 3.3 2.4 2.8 1.4 3.8 4.3 2.6 0.9 2-1.8 0.7-3.7-0.1-4.2-0.7-2.1 0.5-0.9 1.6-1.8 0.2-2.2-1.4-6.3 3.2-2.6-0.6-0.8 0.5-1.6 3.9-4.3-1.3-4.1-0.6-3.6-2.4-4.7-2.2-3 2.1-2.2 3.2-0.5 4.5-3.6-0.3-3.9-1.1-3.3 3.4-3 6-0.6-1.9-0.3-2.9-2.6-2.1-2.1-3.3-0.5-2.3-2.7-3.4 0.5-1.9-0.6-2.7 0.4-5 1.4-1.1 2.8-6.5 4.6-0.5 1-1.7 1 0.2 1.4 1.4 7.1-2.4 2.4-2.5 2.9-2.3-0.6-2.2 1.6-0.6 5.5 0.4 5.2-3 4-7 2.8-2.6 3.6-1.1 0.7 2.7 3.3 4 0 2.7-0.8 2.6 0.4 2 1.9 1.9 0.5 0.3z" id="CF" name="Central African Republic"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 665.9 203.6 669.3 204.5 674 204.3 670.7 206.9 668.7 207.3 663.2 204.6 662.6 202.5 665.1 200.6 665.9 203.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 680.3 187.6 677.9 187.7 672.1 185.8 668.6 182.8 670.5 182.3 676.4 183.9 680.6 186.5 680.3 187.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 372.4 191.3 369.3 192.2 363 189.4 363 187.2 360.1 185 360.4 183.2 356.1 182.1 356.7 178.7 358.2 177.3 362.3 178.6 364.7 179.6 368.8 180.2 369 182.4 369.4 185.3 372.6 187.9 372.4 191.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 711.5 177.8 706.5 183.2 710.4 181.1 713.3 182.5 710.9 184.6 714.7 186.3 717.5 184.8 721.8 186.7 719 191.3 722.8 190.2 722.5 193.5 723 197.4 719.4 203 717 203.2 714.1 202 716.6 196.9 715.4 196.1 708.1 201.5 705.1 201.3 709.5 198.3 705.1 196.8 699.6 197.2 690 197 689.8 195.2 693.6 192.9 691.9 191.3 697.3 187.5 705.5 177.6 709.7 174.1 714.7 172 716.8 172.2 715.3 173.9 711.5 177.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 351.5 156.4 353 157.2 358 156.7 350.8 163.6 351.1 168.6 349.2 168.6 348.5 165.8 349 162.9 348.2 161 349.5 158.3 351.5 156.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 634.9 108.9 631.3 111.9 629.6 111.4 629.5 109.7 629.9 109.3 632.7 107.6 634.4 107.7 634.9 108.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 625.2 105.7 618 108.9 615 108.7 615 107.2 620 104.5 626 104.6 625.2 105.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 622.1 88.9 621.2 91.4 623.9 90.5 625.4 92 628.9 94 632.7 95.7 631.3 98.4 634.8 98 636.7 99.9 631.7 101.7 625.8 100.3 625 97.7 618.7 100.8 610.5 103.7 611.2 100.4 604.9 100.9 610.6 98.1 614.2 93.6 619.3 88.5 622.1 88.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 667 80.6 662.1 80.9 662.8 78.2 666.6 75.1 670.9 74.4 673.2 75.9 671.7 78.2 670.8 79 667 80.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 592.5 69.9 588.4 71.8 584.2 70.2 580.3 70.7 576.9 68.3 581.9 66.6 586.8 64.3 589.8 65.8 591.4 66.8 591.8 67.8 592.5 69.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 645.5 212.5 643.3 208.9 646.2 200.4 644.6 198.6 640.9 199.6 639.8 198 634.3 202.7 631.1 207.6 628.3 210.5 625.8 211.5 624.1 211.8 623 213.3 613.7 213.3 605.9 213.4 603.2 214.5 596.4 218.9 596.4 218.8 595.5 218.4 593.5 219.3 591.6 220.6 589.8 219.5 585.1 220.3 581.2 221.2 579.3 222 577 224.1 578.8 224.8 580.5 224.4 580.8 224.4 580.5 226.3 575.7 227 572.9 227.8 571.2 228.8 568.6 228.2 567 228.5 564.1 230.3 559.5 232.3 556.8 231.9 558.8 229.7 562.5 226.2 566.6 224.1 567.7 222.3 568.6 219.3 572.4 215.8 573.3 211.8 574.4 215.7 578.2 216.6 580.6 214.5 579.2 209.7 578.3 207.7 574.3 206.5 570.5 205.8 566.6 205.8 563.2 205 562.8 203.6 561.4 204.5 560.2 204.3 562.1 202.2 560.3 201.4 562.2 199 561 197.2 562.7 195.4 557.5 194.5 557.4 190.9 556.6 190.1 553.3 189.9 549.2 188.7 547.7 189.5 545.9 191 542.6 192 539.5 194.5 534.1 192.8 529.7 193.6 525.8 191.7 521.2 190.7 517.9 190.3 516.9 189.3 517.8 185.9 516.1 185.9 514.8 188.3 504.6 188.3 487.6 188.3 470.8 188.3 455.9 188.3 441.1 188.3 426.4 188.3 411.3 188.3 406.5 188.3 391.8 188.3 377.7 188.3 377 188.3 371.6 182.2 370 179.5 363 176.9 364.3 171.4 367.9 167.7 363.8 165 366.9 160.1 364.8 155.7 367.3 152.5 372.4 149.6 375.6 145.8 371 142 372.4 135.1 373.5 130.9 371.9 128.2 371.1 125.8 371.7 122.7 365.2 124.6 357.6 127.9 357.3 124.1 356.8 121.5 354 119.9 349.8 119.7 385.4 87 410 66.6 416 67.9 419.3 70.5 423 71 429.3 68.8 436.3 67.1 441.6 67.7 450.5 65.4 458.7 64.1 458.9 66.3 463.4 65 467.3 62.5 469.4 63.1 470.8 67.9 480.3 64.2 476.4 68.3 482.4 67.4 485.6 65.9 490.2 66.2 494.1 68.4 501.6 70.4 506.3 71.3 510.7 71 513.6 73.8 505.1 76.5 511.5 77.6 523.4 77 527.8 76 529.2 79.3 536.3 76.6 534.2 74.2 538.7 72.4 543.9 72.1 547.8 71.6 549.9 72.9 551.4 75.8 556.4 75.4 561.7 77.9 568.9 77 574.9 77.1 577.3 73.7 581.8 72.8 586.7 74.6 582.4 79.8 588.6 75.4 591.8 75.6 598.2 70.1 596.6 66.8 593.7 64.6 599.2 58.7 607.4 54.9 611.9 55.8 613.9 58.1 614.3 64.1 608.5 66.7 615.2 67.8 610.8 73.3 619.7 69.1 621.9 72.6 617.6 76.6 618.9 80.3 626.2 76.4 632.7 71.6 637.4 65.7 642.9 66.1 648.3 66.9 651.9 69.6 650.2 72.3 645.1 75.2 646 78.1 643.6 80.8 632.7 84.7 626.2 85.6 623 83.9 619.7 86.7 612.3 91.4 609.3 93.9 601.6 97.7 595.1 98.1 590 100.5 587.1 104.3 581.4 105 572.7 109.7 563.3 116.2 558.3 120.8 553.4 127.7 559.4 128.7 557.9 134.2 557.1 138.8 564.4 137.6 571.4 140.2 574.7 142.5 576.4 145.3 581.3 147 584.9 149.5 592.5 149.9 597.3 150.5 593.7 155.7 592 161.8 592.1 168.7 596.5 174.6 601.2 172.6 606.8 166.2 609.1 156.6 607.4 153.4 616.4 150.5 623.9 146.3 628.7 142.1 630.4 138.1 630 133 626.8 128.5 635.7 122.3 636.7 117 640.6 108 644.4 106.6 651.1 108.2 655.3 108.8 659.8 107.2 662.9 109.2 666.5 112.6 666.7 114.8 674.4 115.3 671.8 120.2 669.5 127.6 673.3 128.6 674.9 132.1 683.1 128.8 690.6 122.2 694.8 119.5 695.9 124.8 698.5 132.3 700.5 139.5 697.1 143.3 701.9 146.7 704.8 150.1 711.7 151.7 714.1 153.6 714.1 158.8 717.5 159.6 718.6 161.9 716.6 168.8 712.3 171.1 708.1 173.3 699.3 175.5 691.4 180.5 682.8 181.6 672.7 180.2 665.4 180.2 660.1 180.6 654.4 185.1 647 187.9 636.9 196.1 629 201.9 633.7 200.9 644.6 192.6 656.9 187.4 664.5 186.8 667.8 189.9 661.7 194.1 661.1 200.8 661.2 205.6 666.8 208.7 675.4 207.8 682.6 200.7 681.6 205.3 684.1 207.6 676.7 211.7 664.3 215.5 658.5 218 651.3 222.6 647.6 222.1 649.1 216.8 659.5 211.5 651.4 211.7 645.5 212.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 539 48.7 534.3 51.1 544.8 49.6 547.4 52.2 554.7 49.5 556.5 51.2 554.3 56.3 558.6 54.2 561.4 48.9 565.7 48.1 568.7 48.9 570.9 51 568.2 56.1 565.8 59.8 570 62.4 575 65 572.4 67.3 565.3 67.8 566.1 69.8 562.9 71.8 556.2 71 550.5 69.5 545.4 69.8 535.9 71.7 524.6 72.5 516.7 73 517 70.4 512.9 69 508.6 69.6 508 65.3 511.3 64.7 518.6 63.8 524.1 64.1 530.3 63.1 523.8 61.9 514.7 62.3 509 62.2 509 60.3 520.7 58.1 514.4 58.2 509 56.8 516.8 52.9 522 50.8 536.2 47.7 539 48.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 578.5 47.2 571.5 50.6 569.2 47 571.3 46.2 576.8 46 578.5 47.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 687.1 48.8 686.4 50.2 682.3 50.1 678.2 50 673.3 50.7 672.4 50.3 670.3 47.6 672 45.8 674.2 45.4 682.6 46 687.1 48.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 647.3 48.5 647.6 51.7 654.8 47.6 666.5 45.5 668.8 50.8 665.6 54.2 674.6 52.7 679.9 50.6 686.7 53.2 690.4 55.7 689.3 58 697.5 56.8 699.4 60.2 707.8 62.3 710 64.4 710.9 69.5 701.8 72 709.5 75.6 715.4 76.8 718.7 81.8 725.2 82.2 721.9 86.1 711 92.6 707 90.2 703.2 84.8 697.3 85.5 695 88.8 697.7 92 702.2 94.6 703.2 96.1 703.1 101.8 699.5 105.9 694.8 104.3 686.2 99.8 689.8 104.7 692.6 108.2 692.3 110.2 681.4 107.9 673.8 104.5 670 101.8 672.4 100.1 667.6 97.2 662.9 94.5 662 96.1 648.9 97 646.5 95.1 651.9 90.9 660 90.8 669.3 90.1 669.1 88.1 672.2 85.3 681 79.9 681.4 77.4 680.9 75.6 676.2 72.9 669.1 71.1 672.6 69.7 670.6 66.3 667.2 66 665.3 64.2 662 65.8 654.1 66.5 640.1 65.3 632.7 63.7 626.8 62.9 624.9 61 631.2 58.6 625.5 58.6 628.8 53.3 635.9 48.7 641.9 46.6 653.1 45.2 647.3 48.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 596.9 45 600.5 46.1 608.1 45.4 607.6 46.9 601.5 49.4 605.3 51.6 600.1 56.3 591.7 58.3 588.3 57.9 587.4 55.9 581.5 51.9 583.2 50.2 590.6 50.8 589.7 47.5 596.9 45 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 619.5 50.5 611.7 54.4 607.3 54.2 609.1 49.6 611.7 47.1 615.9 44.9 621.1 43.5 629 43.7 635.2 44.9 625.1 49.5 619.5 50.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 503.7 57.7 490.2 60.3 490.8 58 484.8 55.2 489.2 53 496.7 49.2 504.3 45.8 504.7 42.7 518.7 41.9 522.9 43 532.4 43.3 534.3 44.7 535.9 46.9 529.4 48.2 515.5 51.8 506.3 55.5 503.7 57.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 628.9 39.3 624.8 41.2 619.6 40.8 616.4 39.5 620.9 37.3 627.8 35.9 629.2 37.7 628.9 39.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 620.1 30.6 620.3 32.9 617.5 35.4 611.7 39.2 604.8 39.7 601.6 38.9 605 36 598.4 36.3 602.7 32.5 606.5 32.7 614.2 31 619.1 31.3 620.1 30.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 580.7 33.2 580 34.9 584.4 34.1 588 34.3 585.7 36.8 580.6 39.1 566.7 39.9 554.4 42.1 548.4 42.2 549.9 40.6 560.6 38.3 542.7 38.9 538.5 38 550.2 33.2 555.6 31.8 563.9 33.5 566.8 36.4 572.9 36.8 573.6 32.1 579.4 30.3 582.5 30.8 580.7 33.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 636.4 28.8 638.7 30.4 646.1 30.4 647.5 32 644.7 33.8 647.8 34.9 649 36.1 653.9 36.3 659 36.7 666.1 35.7 674.2 35.2 680 35.6 682.3 37.5 681.3 39.5 677.7 40.9 671 42 666.7 41.3 654.9 42.1 646.9 42.2 641.3 41.6 632.7 40 634.3 37.2 636.4 34.8 635 32.6 628 32 625.4 30.5 629.2 28.5 636.4 28.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 560.7 26.2 554.9 29.9 549.6 31.6 545.8 31.8 535.9 33.9 528.8 34.7 525.2 33.6 536.9 29.9 549.1 26.8 554.6 26.9 560.7 26.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 641.9 26.8 640.1 26.9 633.5 26.6 634.2 25.3 641.4 25.4 643 26.2 641.9 26.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 583.1 25.9 574.3 27.3 571 25.8 576.1 24.3 582.1 23.8 586.2 24.5 583.1 25.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 590.9 21.7 585.2 22.6 579.2 22.6 580.2 21.9 585.9 20.6 587.6 20.8 590.9 21.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 637.7 24.2 631.1 25.2 629.5 24.1 630.1 22.4 632.3 20.5 636.7 20.7 638.4 21 640.7 22.6 637.7 24.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 623.9 23 622.8 24.9 617.5 24.4 613.5 22.9 605.7 22.7 611 21.4 608.2 20.3 610.4 18.5 616.5 19.1 624 20.8 623.9 23 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 678 16.9 680.7 18.4 674.2 19.7 663.6 23.2 656.8 23.5 650 22.9 648.4 21 650.5 19.4 654.8 18.2 648.2 18.2 646.2 16.7 646.6 14.8 651.5 12.9 655.6 11.6 659.6 11.3 659.3 10.3 667.6 10.1 669.2 12.3 673.9 13.2 678.7 14.1 678 16.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Canada" d="M 757.2 2.9 765.9 3.2 772.6 3.7 777.8 4.7 776.7 5.7 766.9 7.4 757.9 8.2 753.9 9.1 761.4 9.1 750.9 11.6 744.1 12.8 734.8 16.3 726.7 17 723.6 18 712.3 18.4 716.7 19 713.4 19.8 714.1 22.1 709.1 23.7 702.2 25 698.7 26.8 692.1 28.3 691.6 29.4 698.1 29.2 697 30.4 684.3 33.3 675.8 31.9 664.1 32.7 659.1 32.1 652.3 31.8 654.4 29.5 662.4 28.4 664.4 25 667 24.7 674.5 26.7 672.8 23.7 667.9 22.8 672.9 21 680.5 19.9 683.3 18.3 680.3 16.6 681.4 14.4 690.8 14.5 693 15 700.3 13.4 693 12.9 680.4 13.2 676 11.8 675.2 10.1 672.7 8.9 673.8 7.6 679.8 6.8 684 6.7 691.4 6.1 698.2 4.6 702.1 4.8 704.5 5.9 709.5 3.9 714.7 3.3 721.2 2.9 731.6 2.7 732.9 3.1 743.2 2.5 750.2 2.7 757.2 2.9 Z"> </path> <path d="M1034.4 197.5l0.2 1.1-0.7 1.5 2.3 1.2 2.6 0.2-0.3 2.5-2.1 1.1-3.8-0.8-1 2.5-2.4 0.2-0.9-1-2.7 2.2-2.5 0.3-2.2-1.4-1.8-2.7-2.4 1 0-2.9 3.6-3.5-0.2-1.6 2.3 0.6 1.3-1.1 4.2 0 1-1.3 5.5 1.9z" id="CH" name="Switzerland"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('China')" onmouseout="changeGreen('China')"> <path fill="#00a77e" class="China" d="M 1602.2 381.9 1597.9 385 1593 383 1592 377.5 1594.2 374.6 1600 372.8 1603.3 372.9 1604.9 375.4 1602.9 378.2 1602.2 381.9 Z"> </path> </a> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('China');changeRed('Taiwan')" onmouseout="changeGreen('China');changeGreen('Taiwan')"> <path fill="#00a77e" class="China" d="M 1625.6 185.5 1634.6 190 1640.6 195.8 1648.2 195.8 1650.8 193.4 1657.7 191.5 1659 197.2 1658.7 199.5 1661.5 206.3 1662.1 212.5 1655.2 211.4 1652.3 213.6 1657 219 1660.9 226.5 1658.4 226.6 1660.3 229.9 1654.8 226.1 1654.8 229.7 1648.4 232.4 1651.2 235.8 1646.6 235.5 1643 233.5 1641.9 238.1 1638 241.5 1635.9 245.6 1629.6 247.4 1627.2 250.4 1622.4 252.2 1623.7 249.2 1621.4 246.7 1623.4 242.4 1618.9 239.1 1615.5 241.3 1611.9 245.8 1610.6 249.9 1605.6 250.2 1604.3 253.2 1609.1 257.5 1613.9 258.6 1615.3 261.4 1620.4 263.3 1624.2 258.7 1630.1 261.2 1633.6 261.4 1635.9 264.7 1629.2 266.5 1628.2 270 1624.4 273.2 1623.5 277.7 1630.6 281.2 1635.2 287.5 1640.7 293.4 1646.2 298.3 1647.8 303.1 1645 304.9 1647.4 308.3 1651.3 310.3 1652.1 315.5 1652.2 320.6 1649.4 321.2 1647.3 328.1 1645 336.6 1641.6 344.2 1635.2 350.1 1628.6 355.6 1622.5 356.3 1619.6 359.1 1617.3 357.1 1614.8 360.2 1607.6 363.5 1601.8 364.4 1601.1 371.2 1598 371.6 1595.8 366.9 1596.7 364.5 1588.9 362.4 1586.5 363.5 1580.6 361.8 1577.5 359.2 1577.8 355.5 1572.5 354.3 1569.4 351.9 1565.3 355.3 1560 356.1 1555.6 356 1552.9 357.6 1550.2 358.5 1552.2 365.9 1549.2 365.7 1548.4 364.2 1547.9 361.5 1544.1 363.4 1541.5 362.2 1537 359.8 1537.8 354.5 1534.1 353.2 1531.7 347.3 1526.1 348.4 1525.4 340.8 1529.6 335.4 1528.7 330.1 1527.4 325.2 1524.7 323.7 1522 319.9 1518.9 320.4 1512.8 319.4 1514 316.7 1510.4 312.7 1507.2 315.4 1502.3 313.9 1496.9 317.9 1493 322.7 1488.8 323.5 1486 321.8 1483.1 321.6 1478.8 320.2 1476.2 321.8 1473.6 326.6 1472.1 321.5 1469 322.9 1462.5 322.2 1456 320.8 1451 317.9 1446.5 316.7 1444 313.6 1440.7 312.7 1434.3 308.5 1429.5 306.5 1427.6 308 1419 303.5 1412.8 299.5 1409.6 292.4 1413.7 293.3 1413.1 290 1410.1 286.7 1409.3 281.5 1401.6 273.9 1392.1 271.4 1389.2 266.4 1384.5 263.4 1383 261.6 1381.2 258 1380.7 255.5 1377 254 1375.5 254.7 1372.4 248.7 1373.5 247.3 1372.3 245.8 1376.4 242.8 1379.6 241.5 1385.4 242.4 1386 238.3 1392.4 237.6 1393.4 235 1400.3 231.6 1400.5 230.2 1398.8 226.5 1401.7 224.9 1392.9 213.9 1402 211.4 1404 210 1403 198.7 1413.8 200.8 1415.4 197.9 1412.9 191.7 1416.7 191.1 1418.6 186.9 1420.3 186.4 1423.6 190.8 1429.3 194.1 1437.5 196.4 1443.3 201.5 1444.7 208.8 1447.7 211.6 1454.2 212.7 1461.4 213.5 1469.4 217.5 1472.8 218.2 1477.8 224 1482.5 227.8 1488.1 227.6 1499.4 229.1 1505.8 228.2 1511.4 229.1 1520.8 233 1527 233 1530.3 234.9 1534.7 231.5 1541.9 229.3 1549.5 229.1 1554.4 226.9 1556.4 223.5 1558.8 221.3 1556.9 219.2 1554 216.8 1554.5 212.7 1557.7 213.3 1563.6 214.6 1566.8 211.2 1573.2 208.8 1574.5 204.6 1577 202.8 1583.8 202 1588.2 202.7 1587.4 200.5 1580.2 196.1 1575 194.1 1572.5 196.4 1567 195.4 1564.7 196.2 1561.9 193.7 1561.6 187.4 1561 182.7 1568.4 185.1 1572.8 181.2 1570.9 178.4 1570.7 171.9 1572 169.9 1569.5 166.5 1565.8 165.1 1567.5 162 1572.6 160.9 1578.8 160.7 1587.4 162.6 1593.4 164.8 1601.1 171 1604.9 173.7 1609.4 177.5 1615.6 183.5 1625.6 185.5 Z"> </path> </a> <path d="M955.9 435.2l2.5 1.4 1 2.2 2.5 1.3 2-1.6 2.6-0.2 3.9 1.6 1.5 9.2-2.4 5.3-1.5 7.3 2.4 5.5-0.2 2.6-2.6 0-3.9-1.2-3.7 0-6.7 1.2-3.9 1.8-5.6 2.4-1.1-0.2 0.4-5.3 0.6-0.8-0.2-2.5-2.4-2.7-1.8-0.4-1.6-1.8 1.2-2.9-0.5-3.1 0.2-1.8 0.9 0 0.4-2.8-0.4-1.3 0.5-0.9 2.1-0.7-1.4-5.2-1.3-2.6 0.5-2.2 1.1-0.5 0.8-0.6 1.5 1 4.4 0 1-1.8 1 0.1 1.6-0.7 0.9 2.7 1.3-0.8 2.4-1z" id="CI" name="Côte d'Ivoire"> </path> <path d="M1072.8 454.2l-2.8 6.5-1.4 1.1-0.4 5 0.6 2.7-0.5 1.9 2.7 3.4 0.5 2.3 2.1 3.3 2.6 2.1 0.3 2.9 0.6 1.9-0.4 3.4-4.5-1.5-4.6-1.7-7.1-0.2-0.7-0.4-3.4 0.8-3.4-0.8-2.7 0.4-9.3-0.1 0.9-5.1-2.3-4.3-2.6-1-1.1-2.9-1.5-0.9 0.1-1.8 1.4-4.6 2.7-6.2 1.6 0 3.4-3.8 2.1-0.1 3.2 2.7 3.9-2.2 0.5-2.7 1.3-2.6 0.8-3.2 3-2.6 1.1-4.5 1.2-1.5 0.8-3.3 1.4-4.1 4.7-5 0.3-2.1 0.6-1.2-2.3-2.5 0.2-2.1 1.5-0.3 2.3 4.1 0.5 4.2-0.2 4.3 3.2 5.8-3.2 0-1.6 0.4-2.6-0.6-1.2 3 3.4 3.8 2.5 1.1 0.8 2.6 1.8 4.4-0.8 1.8z" id="CM" name="Cameroon"> </path> <path d="M1141.3 468.2l3.5 5.3 2.6 0.8 1.5-1.1 2.6 0.4 3.1-1.3 1.4 2.7 5.1 4.3-0.3 7.5 2.3 0.9-1.9 2.2-2.1 1.8-2.2 3.3-1.2 3-0.3 5.1-1.3 2.5-0.1 4.8-1.6 1.8-0.2 3.8-0.8 0.5-0.6 3.6 1.4 2.9 0.1 1-1.2 10.3 1.5 3.6-1 2.7 1.8 4.6 3.4 3.5 0.7 3.5 1.6 1.7-0.3 1.1-0.9-0.3-7.7 1.1-1.5 0.8-1.7 4.1 1.2 2.8-1.1 7.6-0.9 6.4 1.5 1.2 3.9 2.5 1.6-1.2 0.2 6.9-4.3 0-2.2-3.5-2-2.8-4.3-0.9-1.2-3.3-3.5 2-4.4-0.9-1.9-2.9-3.5-0.6-2.7 0.1-0.3-2-1.9-0.1-2.6-0.4-3.5 1-2.4-0.2-1.4 0.6 0.4-7.6-1.8-2.4-0.4-4 0.9-3.9-1.1-2.4-0.1-4.1-6.8 0.1 0.5-2.3-2.9 0-0.3 1.1-3.5 0.3-1.5 3.7-0.9 1.6-3.1-0.9-1.8 0.9-3.8 0.5-2.1-3.3-1.3-2.1-1.6-3.9-1.3-4.7-16.7-0.1-2 0.7-1.7-0.1-2.3 0.9-0.8-2 1.4-0.7 0.2-2.8 1-1.6 2-1.4 1.5 0.7 2-2.5 3.1 0.1 0.3 1.8 2.1 1.1 3.4-4 3.3-3.1 1.4-2.1-0.1-5.3 2.5-6.2 2.6-3.3 3.7-3.1 0.7-2 0.1-2.4 0.9-2.2-0.3-3.7 0.7-5.7 1.1-4 1.7-3.4 0.3-3.9 0.5-4.5 2.2-3.2 3-2.1 4.7 2.2 3.6 2.4 4.1 0.6 4.3 1.3 1.6-3.9 0.8-0.5 2.6 0.6 6.3-3.2 2.2 1.4 1.8-0.2 0.9-1.6 2.1-0.5 4.2 0.7 3.7 0.1 1.8-0.7z" id="CD" name="Democratic Republic of the Congo"> </path> <path d="M1090.9 479.3l-0.3 3.9-1.7 3.4-1.1 4-0.7 5.7 0.3 3.7-0.9 2.2-0.1 2.4-0.7 2-3.7 3.1-2.6 3.3-2.5 6.2 0.1 5.3-1.4 2.1-3.3 3.1-3.4 4-2.1-1.1-0.3-1.8-3.1-0.1-2 2.5-1.5-0.7-2.1-2.2-1.7 1.1-2.3 2.8-4.6-6.8 4.3-3.6-2.1-4.2 2-1.6 3.8-0.8 0.4-2.9 3.1 3.1 5 0.3 1.7-3 0.7-4.3-0.6-5-2.7-3.8 2.5-7.5-1.4-1.2-4.2 0.5-1.6-3.3 0.4-2.8 7.1 0.2 4.6 1.7 4.5 1.5 0.4-3.4 3-6 3.3-3.4 3.9 1.1 3.6 0.3z" id="CG" name="Republic of Congo"> </path> <path d="M584.4 426.2l-3.7 1.1-1.6 3.2-2.3 1.8-1.8 2.4-0.9 4.6-1.8 3.8 2.9 0.4 0.6 2.9 1.2 1.5 0.3 2.5-0.7 2.4 0.1 1.4 1.4 0.5 1.2 2.2 7.3-0.6 3.3 0.8 3.8 5.6 2.3-0.7 4.1 0.3 3.2-0.7 2 1.1-1.2 3.4-1.3 2.2-0.6 4.6 1.1 4.3 1.5 1.9 0.2 1.4-2.9 3.2 2 1.4 1.5 2.3 1.6 6.4-1.1 0.8-1-3.8-1.6-2.1-1.9 2.3-11-0.2 0 4 3.3 0.7-0.2 2.5-1.1-0.7-3.2 1-0.1 4.7 2.6 2.4 0.9 3.6-0.1 2.8-2.2 17.6-2.9-3.4-1.7-0.1 3.5-6.6-4.4-3-3.4 0.6-2.1-1.1-3.1 1.7-4.2-0.9-3.5-6.7-2.6-1.6-1.8-3.1-3.8-3-1.5 0.6-2.4-1.5-2.8-2.1-1.6 1-4.8-0.9-1.4-2.8-1.1 0.1-5.6-3.6-0.7-2 2.1-0.5-0.2-3.2 1.4-2.4 2.8-0.4 2.5-4 2.2-3.4-2-1.5 1.2-3.7-1.1-5.9 1.3-1.7-0.7-5.4-2.2-3.5 0.9-3.1 1.8 0.5 1.1-1.9-1.1-3.8 0.7-0.9 2.9 0.2 4.5-4.5 2.4-0.7 0.1-2.1 1.4-5.5 3.4-2.9 3.5-0.2 0.6-1.3 4.4 0.5 4.6-3.2 2.3-1.4 2.9-3.1 2 0.4 1.3 1.7-1.2 2.1z" id="CO" name="Colombia"> </path> <path d="M514.6 431.6l1.2 3.5 2 2.6 2.5 2.7-2.2 0.6-0.1 2.6 1.1 0.9-0.9 0.8 0.2 1.1-0.6 1.3-0.3 1.3-3-1.4-1.1-1.4 0.7-1.1-0.1-1.4-1.5-1.5-2.2-1.3-1.8-0.8-0.3-1.9-1.4-1.1 0.2 1.8-1.2 1.6-1.2-1.8-1.7-0.7-0.7-1.2 0.1-2 0.9-2-1.5-0.9 1.4-1.3 0.9-0.8 3.6 1.7 1.3-0.8 1.8 0.5 0.8 1.3 1.7 0.5 1.4-1.4z" id="CR" name="Costa Rica"> </path> <path d="M544.8 355.7l1.9 2.3 5.2-0.7 1.8 1.5 4.2 4 3.2 2.9 1.8-0.1 3.2 1.3-0.6 1.8 4 0.3 3.9 2.6-0.8 1.5-3.8 0.8-3.8 0.3-3.7-0.5-8.1 0.6 4.2-3.5-2.1-1.7-3.6-0.4-1.7-1.9-0.8-3.6-3.2 0.2-5-1.7-1.5-1.4-7.1-1-1.8-1.2 2.3-1.6-5.4-0.3-4.4 3.3-2.3 0.1-1 1.6-2.8 0.7-2.3-0.7 3.2-1.9 1.5-2.4 2.7-1.4 3-1.2 4.3-0.6 1.4-0.8 4.7 0.5 4.4 0.1 4.9 2.2z" id="CU" name="Cuba"> </path> <path d="M1059.7 175.2l2.5 2 3.7 0.5-0.2 1.7 2.8 1.3 0.6-1.6 3.4 0.7 0.7 2 3.7 0.3 2.6 3.1-1.5 0-0.7 1.1-1.1 0.3-0.2 1.4-0.9 0.3-0.1 0.6-1.6 0.6-2.2-0.1-0.6 1.4-2.4-1.2-2.3 0.3-4-1.9-1.7 0.5-2.6 2.6-3.8-2.1-3-2.6-2.6-1.5-0.7-2.7-1-1.8 3.4-1.3 1.7-1.6 3.5-1.2 1.1-1.2 1.3 0.7 2.2-0.6z" id="CZ" name="Czech Republic"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="#" onmouseover="changeRed('Germany')" onmouseout="changeGreen('Germany')"> <path class="Germany" fill="#00a77e" d="M1053.9 158.9l1.4 3.1-1.2 1.7 1.9 2.1 1.5 3.3-0.2 2.2 2.4 3.9-2.2 0.6-1.3-0.7-1.1 1.2-3.5 1.2-1.7 1.6-3.4 1.3 1 1.8 0.7 2.7 2.6 1.5 3 2.6-1.6 2.9-1.7 0.8 1 4.1-0.4 1.1-1.7-1.3-2.4-0.2-3.5 1.1-4.4-0.3-0.6 1.7-2.7-1.7-1.4 0.3-5.5-1.9-1 1.3-4.2 0 0.4-4.5 2.4-4.2-7.2-1.2-2.4-1.6 0.2-2.7-1-1.4 0.4-4.2-1.1-6.5 2.9 0 1.2-2.3 0.9-5.6-0.9-2.1 0.8-1.3 4-0.3 1 1.3 3.1-3-1.3-2.3-0.4-3.4 3.7 0.8 2.9-0.9 0.3 2.3 4.9 1.4 0.1 2.2 4.7-1.2 2.6-1.6 5.6 2.4 2.4 1.9z" id="DE" name="Germany"> </a> </path> <path d="M1229.5 428.2l-1.9 3.5-1.3-1.2-1.3 0.5-3.2-0.1-0.2-2-0.5-1.8 1.8-3 1.9-2.8 2.4 0.6 1.7-1.6 1.4 2-0.1 2.6-3.1 1.6 2.4 1.7z" id="DJ" name="Djibouti"> </path> <path class="Denmark" d="M 1046.1 147.7 1043.7 152.6 1038.5 149.1 1037.6 146.6 1044.4 144.6 1046.1 147.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Denmark" d="M 1033.3 151.5 1030.4 152.4 1026.7 151.6 1024.6 148.2 1024.2 142.1 1024.8 140.4 1026.1 138.6 1030.1 138.3 1031.7 136.6 1035.3 134.9 1035.3 138 1034.1 140 1034.8 141.6 1037.4 142.5 1036.4 144.8 1035 144.2 1031.9 148.5 1033.3 151.5 Z"> </path> <path d="M585.7 386l0.3-1.8-1.3-1.9 1.5-1.1 0.7-2.5-0.1-3.4 0.8-1.1 4.3 0 3.2 1.6 1.5-0.1 0.7 2.3 3.1-0.2-0.4 1.9 2.5 0.3 2.5 2.3-2.3 2.6-2.6-1.4-2.6 0.3-1.8-0.3-1.1 1.2-2.2 0.4-0.7-1.6-1.9 0.9-2.7 4.4-1.3-1-0.1-1.8z" id="DO" name="Dominican Republic"> </path> <path d="M1031 264.6l-1 3.3 1 6.1-1.1 5.3-3.2 3.6 0.6 4.8 4.5 3.9 0.1 1.5 3.4 2.6 2.6 11.5 1.9 5.7 0.4 3-0.8 5.2 0.4 3-0.6 3.5 0.6 4-2.2 2.7 3.4 4.7 0.2 2.7 2.1 3.6 2.5-1.2 4.5 3 2.5 4-18.8 12.3-16 12.6-7.8 2.8-6.2 0.7-0.1-4.1-2.6-1.1-3.5-1.8-1.3-3-18.7-14-18.6-14-20.5-15.6 0.1-1.2 0.1-0.4 0.1-7.6 8.9-4.8 5.4-1 4.5-1.7 2.1-3.2 6.4-2.5 0.3-4.8 3.1-0.6 2.5-2.3 7.1-1.1 1-2.5-1.4-1.4-1.9-6.8-0.3-3.9-1.9-4.1 5.1-3.5 5.8-1.1 3.3-2.6 5.1-2 9-1.1 8.8-0.5 2.7 0.9 4.9-2.5 5.7-0.1 2.2 1.5 3.6-0.4z" id="DZ" name="Algeria"> </path> <path d="M559 502.8l0.8 4.9-1.7 4.1-6.1 6.8-6.7 2.5-3.4 5.6-0.9 4.3-3.1 2.7-2.5-3.3-2.3-0.7-2.3 0.5-0.3-2.3 1.6-1.5-0.7-2.7 2.9-4.8-1.3-2.8-2.1 3-3.5-2.9 1.1-1.8-1-5.8 2-1 1-4 2.1-4.1-0.3-2.6 3.1-1.4 3.9-2.5 5.6 3.6 1.1-0.1 1.4 2.8 4.8 0.9 1.6-1 2.8 2.1 2.4 1.5z" id="EC" name="Ecuador"> </path> <path d="M1172.1 301.4l3.9 9.4 0.7 1.6-1.3 2.6-0.7 4.8-1.2 3.4-1.2 1.1-2-2.1-2.7-2.8-4.7-9.2-0.5 0.6 2.8 6.7 3.9 6.5 4.9 10 2.3 3.5 2 3.6 5.4 7.1-1 1.1 0.4 4.2 6.8 5.8 1.1 1.3-22.1 0-21.5 0-22.3 0-1-23.7-1.3-22.8-2-5.2 1.1-3.9-1-2.8 1.7-3.1 7.2-0.1 5.4 1.7 5.5 1.9 2.6 1 4-2 2.1-1.8 4.7-0.6 3.9 0.8 1.8 3.2 1.1-2.1 4.4 1.5 4.3 0.4 2.5-1.6z" id="EG" name="Egypt"> </path> <path d="M1228.9 420.3l-1.7 1.6-2.4-0.6-2-2.1-2.5-3.7-2.6-2.1-1.5-2.2-5-2.6-3.9-0.1-1.4-1.3-3.2 1.5-3.6-2.9-1.5 4.8-6.6-1.4-0.7-2.5 2-9.5 0.3-4.2 1.7-2 4-1.1 2.7-3.6 3.6 7.4 1.9 5.9 3.2 3.1 8 6.1 3.3 3.6 3.2 3.8 1.8 2.2 2.9 1.9z" id="ER" name="Eritrea"> </path> <path d="M1113.7 124.6l0.9 1-2.6 3.4 2.4 5.6-1.6 1.9-3.8-0.1-4.4-2.2-2.1-0.7-3.8 1-0.1-3.5-1.5 0.8-3.3-2.1-1-3.4 5.5-1.7 5.6-0.8 5.1 0.9 4.7-0.1z" id="EE" name="Estonia"> </path> <path d="M1207.3 408.5l3.9 0.1 5 2.6 1.5 2.2 2.6 2.1 2.5 3.7 2 2.1-1.9 2.8-1.8 3 0.5 1.8 0.2 2 3.2 0.1 1.3-0.5 1.3 1.2-1.2 2.2 2.2 3.6 2.2 3.1 2.2 2.3 18.7 7.6 4.8-0.1-15.6 19.3-7.3 0.3-5 4.5-3.6 0.1-1.5 2.1-3.9 0-2.3-2.2-5.2 2.7-1.6 2.7-3.8-0.6-1.3-0.7-1.3 0.2-1.8-0.1-7.2-5.4-4 0-1.9-2.1-0.1-3.6-2.9-1.1-3.5-7-2.6-1.5-1-2.6-3-3.1-3.5-0.5 1.9-3.6 3-0.2 0.8-1.9-0.2-5 0-0.8 1.5-6.7 2.6-1.8 0.5-2.6 2.3-5 3.3-3.1 2-6.4 0.7-5.5 6.6 1.4 1.5-4.8 3.6 2.9 3.2-1.5 1.4 1.3z" id="ET" name="Ethiopia"> </path> <path d="M1104.1 70.1l0.4 3.8 7.3 3.7-2.9 4.2 6.5 6.3-1.7 4.8 4.9 4.2-0.9 3.8 7.4 3.9-0.9 2.9-3.4 3.4-8 7.4-8 0.5-7.6 2.1-7.1 1.3-3.2-3.2-4.7-1.9 0.1-5.8-3-5.2 1.6-3.4 3.3-3.5 8.8-6.2 2.6-1.2-0.9-2.4-6.5-2.6-1.8-2.2-1.8-8.5-7.2-3.7-6-2.7 2.2-1.4 5.1 2.8 5.3-0.2 4.7 1.3 3.4-2.4 1.1-4 5.9-1.8 5.8 2.1-0.8 3.8z" id="FI" name="Finland"> </path> <path d="M1060.5 487.3l-0.4 2.8 1.6 3.3 4.2-0.5 1.4 1.2-2.5 7.5 2.7 3.8 0.6 5-0.7 4.3-1.7 3-5-0.3-3.1-3.1-0.4 2.9-3.8 0.8-2 1.6 2.1 4.2-4.3 3.6-5.8-6.5-3.7-5.3-3.5-6.6 0.2-2.2 1.3-2 1.3-4.7 1.2-4.8 1.9-0.3 8.2 0 0-7.7 2.7-0.4 3.4 0.8 3.4-0.8 0.7 0.4z" id="GA" name="Gabon"> </path> <path class="United Kingdom" d="M 956.7 158.2 953.2 157 950.2 157.1 951.4 153.8 950.5 150.6 954.5 150.3 959.4 154.1 956.7 158.2 Z"> </path> <path class="United Kingdom" d="M 972.6 129.5 967.5 136 972.2 135.2 977.3 135.2 976 140.1 971.7 145.5 976.6 145.8 976.9 146.5 981.1 153.6 984.3 154.6 987.2 161.6 988.6 164 994.5 165.1 993.9 169.1 991.5 170.9 993.4 174.1 989 177.3 982.5 177.2 974.1 179 971.9 177.7 968.6 180.6 964.1 179.9 960.5 182.3 958 181.1 965.3 174.6 969.7 173.2 962.1 172.2 960.8 169.7 965.9 167.8 963.4 164.5 964.4 160.5 971.5 161.1 972.3 157.5 969.2 153.8 969.1 153.7 963.4 152.6 962.3 151 964.1 148.3 962.6 146.6 960 149.5 959.9 143.6 957.7 140.6 959.6 134.4 963.4 129.6 967 130 972.6 129.5 Z"> </path> <path d="M1215.7 227.9l5.1 1.3 2.1 2.6 3.6 1.5-1.2 0.8 3.3 3.5-0.6 0.7-2.9-0.3-4.2-1.9-1.1 1.1-7 1-5.6-3.2-5.5 0.3 0.3-2.7-2.1-4.3-3.4-2.4-3-0.7-2.2-1.9 0.4-0.8 4.6 1.1 7.7 1 7.6 3.1 1.2 1.2 2.9-1z" id="GE" name="Georgia"> </path> <path d="M986.5 431.1l-0.4 2 2.3 3.3 0 4.7 0.6 5 1.4 2.4-1.3 5.7 0.5 3.2 1.5 4.1 1.3 2.3-8.9 3.7-3.2 2.2-5.1 1.9-5-1.8 0.2-2.6-2.4-5.5 1.5-7.3 2.4-5.3-1.5-9.2-0.8-4.8 0.2-3.7 9.8-0.3 2.5 0.5 1.8-1 2.6 0.5z" id="GH" name="Ghana"> </path> <path d="M921.5 421.9l0.3 2.4 0.9 0 1.5-0.9 0.9 0.2 1.6 1.7 2.4 0.5 1.5-1.4 1.9-0.9 1.3-0.9 1.1 0.2 1.3 1.4 0.6 1.8 2.3 2.7-1.1 1.6-0.3 2.1 1.2-0.6 0.7 0.7-0.3 1.9 1.7 1.9-1.1 0.5-0.5 2.2 1.3 2.6 1.4 5.2-2.1 0.7-0.5 0.9 0.4 1.3-0.4 2.8-0.9 0-1.6-0.2-1.1 2.6-1.6 0-1.1-1.4 0.4-2.6-2.4-3.9-1.4 0.7-1.3 0.2-1.5 0.3 0.1-2.3-0.9-1.7 0.2-1.9-1.2-2.7-1.6-2.3-4.5 0-1.3 1.2-1.6 0.2-1 1.4-0.6 1.7-3.1 2.9-2.4-3.8-2.2-2.5-1.4-0.9-1.4-1.3-0.6-2.8-0.8-1.4-1.7-1.1 2.6-3.1 1.7 0.1 1.5-1 1.2-0.1 0.9-0.8-0.4-2.1 0.6-0.7 0.1-2.2 2.7 0.1 4.1 1.5 1.2-0.1 0.4-0.7 3.1 0.5 0.8-0.4z" id="GN" name="Guinea"> </path> <path d="M891.6 417.4l0.8-2.9 6.1-0.1 1.3-1.6 1.8-0.1 2.2 1.6 1.7 0 1.9-1 1.1 1.8-2.5 1.5-2.4-0.2-2.4-1.3-2.1 1.5-1 0-1.4 0.9-5.1-0.1z" id="GM" name="The Gambia"> </path> <path d="M909.2 421l-0.1 2.2-0.6 0.7 0.4 2.1-0.9 0.8-1.2 0.1-1.5 1-1.7-0.1-2.6 3.1-2.9-2.6-2.4-0.5-1.3-1.8 0.1-1-1.7-1.3-0.4-1.4 3-1 1.9 0.2 1.5-0.8 10.4 0.3z" id="GW" name="Guinea-Bissau"> </path> <path d="M1050.3 487.3l0 7.7-8.2 0-1.9 0.3-1.1-0.9 1.9-7.2 9.3 0.1z" id="GQ" name="Equatorial Guinea"> </path> <path class="Greece" d="M 1112.7 272.6 1115.8 274.8 1119.9 274.4 1123.9 274.8 1123.9 276 1126.7 275.2 1126.2 277.1 1118.6 277.6 1118.5 276.6 1111.9 275.3 1112.7 272.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Greece" d="M 1121.9 239.9 1118.7 239.7 1116 239.1 1109.8 240.7 1113.8 244.3 1111.3 245.4 1108.4 245.4 1105.3 242.1 1104.4 243.5 1106 247.3 1108.9 250.3 1107 251.7 1110.2 254.6 1113 256.5 1113.4 260.1 1108.4 258.4 1110.2 261.7 1106.9 262.3 1109.4 268 1105.9 268.1 1101.3 265.3 1098.9 260.2 1097.6 255.9 1095.3 253 1092.3 249.3 1091.8 247.5 1094 244.4 1094.1 242.3 1095.8 241.4 1095.7 239.7 1099.1 239.2 1100.9 237.8 1103.7 237.9 1104.5 236.8 1105.5 236.6 1109.3 236.8 1113.3 235 1117.2 237.3 1121.8 236.7 1121.5 233.5 1124.2 235.2 1123.1 239.2 1121.9 239.9 Z"> </path> <path d="M896.3 1.4l19.9 3-6.7 1.4-13 0.2-18.5 0.4 1.4 0.7 12.3-0.5 9.7 1.4 7-1.2 2.4 1.4-4.5 2.4 9.2-1.6 17.1-1.5 10 0.8 1.7 1.7-14.8 2.9-2.2 1-11.4 0.8 8.1 0.2-4.9 3.2-3.6 2.9-1.2 5.2 3.7 3.2-5.9 0.1-6.5 1.6 6.3 2.6-0.1 4.2-4.2 0.5 4.1 4.3-8.7 0.4 4 2-1.6 1.8-5.7 0.8-5.5 0.1 4.2 3.4-0.5 2.4-7.3-2.2-2.4 1.4 5 1.3 4.6 3.2 0.6 4.3-7.4 1-2.7-2.1-4.2-3 0.5 3.6-5.4 2.8 10.7 0.2 5.5 0.3-11.9 4.7-12.2 4.3-12.7 1.8-4.6 0.1-4.9 2.1-7.5 5.8-10.2 3.9-3 0.3-6.1 1.3-6.6 1.4-4.8 3.4-1.4 4-3.4 3.8-8.6 4.6 0.3 4.5-3.6 4.8-4.1 5.7-6.5 0.4-5-4.8-9-0.1-3.2-3.2-0.8-5.6-4.8-7.2-0.7-3.7 1.5-5.1-3.7-5.1 3.3-4.1-1.9-2 7-6.4 7.2-2.1 2.6-2.2 2.8-4.2-5.5 1.9-2.6 0.8-4.1 0.7-4.2-1.7 1.5-3.7 3-2.8 3.8-0.1 7.6 1.5-5.3-3.4-2.7-1.8-4.4 0.7-2.6-1.3 7-4.8-1.3-2-1.1-3.5-1.4-5.4-3.6-1.9 1.4-2.1-8.1-2.9-7.7-0.4-10.1 0.2-9.5 0.4-3.1-1.6-3.8-3.1 11-1.5 7.6-0.2-14.6-1.3-6.5-1.9 2.2-1.8 15.7-2.2 15-2.2 2.8-1.6-8.1-1.6 4.6-1.7 14.7-2.9 5.4-0.4 0.2-1.8 9-1.1 11-0.6 10.4 0 2.8 1.2 10.6-2.2 7.1 1.5 4.6 0.3 6.2 1.3-6.7-2.1 1.6-1.7 12.7-2.2 11.6 0.2 5.1-1.4 11.9-0.3 26.3 0.4z" id="GL" name="Greenland"> </path> <path d="M488.1 387.5l-0.7 5.1-1.3 7.2 1.7 0 1.7 1.2 0.6-1 1.5 0.8-2.8 2.5-2.9 1.8-0.5 1.2 0.3 1.3-1.3 1.6-1.4 0.4 0.3 0.8-1.2 0.7-2 1.6-0.3 0.9-2.8-1.1-3.5-0.1-2.4-1.3-2.8-2.6 0.4-1.9 0.8-1.5-0.7-1.2 3.3-5.2 7.2 0 0.4-2.2-0.8-0.4-0.5-1.4-1.9-1.5-1.8-2.1 2.5-0.1 0.5-3.6 5.2 0 5.2 0.1z" id="GT" name="Guatemala"> </path> <path d="M662.9 463.5l-1 5.8-3.5 1.6 0.3 1.5-1.1 3.4 2.4 4.6 1.8 0 0.7 3.6 3.3 5.6-1.3 0.3-3.2-0.6-1.8 1.7-2.6 1.1-1.8 0.3-0.6 1.3-2.8-0.3-3.5-3-0.3-3-1.4-3.3 1-5.4 1.6-2.3-1.2-3-2-0.9 0.8-2.9-1.2-1.4-3 0.2-3.7-4.8 1.6-1.8 0-3 3.5-1 1.4-1.2-1.8-2.4 0.5-2.3 4.7-3.8 3.6 2.4 3.3 4.1 0.1 3.4 2.1 0.1 3 3.1 2.1 2.3z" id="GY" name="Guyana"> </path> <path d="M519.6 405.5l-1.9-0.1-0.9 0.9-2 0.8-1.4 0-1.3 0.8-1.1-0.2-0.9-1-0.6 0.2-0.9 1.5-0.5-0.1-0.2 1.4-2.1 1.7-1.2 0.8-0.6 0.8-1.5-1.3-1.4 1.7-1.2 0-1.3 0.1-0.2 3.2-0.8 0-0.8 1.5-1.8 0.3-0.8-2-1.7-0.6 0.7-2.6-0.7-0.7-1.2-0.4-2.5 0.7-0.1-0.8-1.6-1.1-1.1-1.2-1.6-0.6 1.3-1.6-0.3-1.3 0.5-1.2 2.9-1.8 2.8-2.5 0.6 0.3 1.3-1.1 1.6-0.1 0.5 0.5 0.9-0.3 2.6 0.6 2.6-0.2 1.8-0.7 0.8-0.7 1.7 0.3 1.3 0.4 1.5-0.1 1.2-0.6 2.5 0.9 0.8 0.2 1.6 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.9 1 1.3 1.7z" id="HN" name="Honduras"> </path> <path d="M1081.5 207.6l1.5 2.5 1.7 1.8-1.7 2.4-2.4-1.4-3.5 0.1-4.5-1.1-2.3 0.1-1 1.4-2-1.5-0.8 2.6 2.7 3 1.3 1.9 2.5 2.4 2.1 1.4 2.1 2.7 4.8 2.4-0.5 1-5-2.3-3.2-2.3-4.8-1.9-4.7-4.6 1-0.5-2.5-2.7-0.3-2.1-3.3-1-1.4 2.7-1.6-2.1 0-2.2 0.1-0.1 3.6 0.2 0.8-1 1.8 1 2 0.1-0.1-1.7 1.7-0.7 0.3-2.5 3.9-1.7 1.6 0.8 4 2.7 4.3 1.2 1.8-1z" id="HR" name="Croatia"> </path> <path d="M586.8 375.3l0.1 3.4-0.7 2.5-1.5 1.1 1.3 1.9-0.3 1.8-3.6-1.1-2.7 0.4-3.4-0.4-2.7 1.2-2.8-2 0.7-2.1 5.1 0.9 4.1 0.5 2.2-1.4-2.3-2.8 0.4-2.5-3.5-1 1.5-1.7 3.4 0.2 4.7 1.1z" id="HT" name="Haiti"> </path> <path d="M1096.2 191.9l3 1.7 0.5 1.7-2.9 1.3-1.9 4.2-2.6 4.3-3.9 1.2-3.2-0.3-3.7 1.6-1.8 1-4.3-1.2-4-2.7-1.6-0.8-1.2-2.1-0.8-0.1 1.3-4-1.1-1.4 2.8 0 0.2-2.6 2.7 1.7 1.9 0.6 4.1-0.7 0.3-1.3 1.9-0.2 2.3-0.9 0.6 0.4 2.3-0.8 1-1.5 1.6-0.4 5.5 1.9 1-0.6z" id="HU" name="Hungary"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1667.5 567.6 1665.1 567.7 1658 563.2 1663.4 561.9 1666.2 563.9 1668 565.8 1667.5 567.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1692.3 558.9 1692.8 560.2 1692.7 562.1 1688.6 566.9 1683.6 568.3 1683 567.6 1683.7 565.4 1686.5 561.5 1692.3 558.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1652.7 553.8 1654.6 555.5 1658.2 555 1659.4 557.7 1652.7 559 1648.8 559.9 1645.7 559.8 1647.9 556.1 1651.1 556.1 1652.7 553.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1681 553.8 1679.9 557.4 1671.3 559.2 1663.8 558.4 1664 556 1668.6 554.7 1672 556.6 1675.8 556.1 1681 553.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1600.8 545.3 1611.6 546 1613 543.3 1623.3 546.4 1625.1 550.6 1633.5 551.8 1640.2 555.6 1633.6 558 1627.5 555.4 1622.4 555.6 1616.6 555.1 1611.4 554 1605 551.5 1600.9 550.9 1598.5 551.7 1588.3 549 1587.5 546.3 1582.4 545.8 1586.6 539.7 1593.4 540.1 1597.8 542.6 1600.2 543.1 1600.8 545.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1748.7 541.7 1745.5 546.1 1745.3 541.3 1746.4 539 1747.7 536.8 1748.9 538.7 1748.7 541.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1707.3 524 1705.1 526.2 1701.3 525 1700.3 522.2 1706 521.9 1707.3 524 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1725.7 521.7 1727.5 526.6 1722.9 523.9 1718.2 523.4 1714.9 523.8 1711 523.6 1712.5 520.1 1719.5 519.8 1725.7 521.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1785.5 518.5 1784.5 539.4 1782.9 560.4 1778.3 555.1 1772.7 553.8 1771.2 555.6 1764 555.8 1766.8 550.6 1770.5 548.8 1769.5 541.8 1767.2 536.5 1756.5 531 1751.9 530.5 1743.6 524.5 1741.8 527.7 1739.6 528.2 1738.5 525.9 1738.6 523.1 1734.4 519.9 1740.6 517.6 1744.6 517.7 1744.2 516 1735.9 516 1733.7 512.2 1728.7 511 1726.4 507.8 1734 506.3 1736.9 504.2 1746 506.8 1746.9 509.2 1748.2 519.6 1753.9 523.4 1758.9 516.6 1765.5 512.8 1770.5 512.8 1775.3 515 1779.4 517.3 1785.5 518.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1696.4 492.7 1691.9 499.1 1687.6 500.3 1682.2 499.1 1672.7 499.4 1667.8 500.3 1667 505.2 1672 510.9 1675.1 508 1685.7 505.8 1685.2 508.7 1682.7 507.8 1680.2 511.6 1675.1 514.1 1680.2 522.3 1679.1 524.5 1683.9 531.9 1683.6 536.1 1680.5 538 1678.4 535.7 1681.4 530.5 1675.7 533 1674.4 531.2 1675.2 528.7 1671.3 524.9 1672 518.7 1668.1 520.6 1668.3 528.1 1668.1 537.3 1664.4 538.2 1662.1 536.4 1664 530.5 1663.4 524.3 1661 524.2 1659.4 519.8 1661.9 515.6 1662.8 510.5 1665.8 500.8 1666.9 498.2 1671.7 493.4 1676.2 495.3 1683.3 496.2 1689.8 495.9 1695.4 491.3 1696.4 492.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1716 494.6 1715.7 500.2 1712.8 499.5 1711.9 503.4 1714.2 506.8 1712.6 507.6 1710.4 503.5 1708.7 495.3 1709.7 490.2 1711.5 487.9 1712 491.4 1715.4 491.9 1716 494.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1608 488.9 1609 493.2 1612.9 496.9 1616.6 495.6 1620.2 496 1623.5 492.8 1626.2 492.2 1631.6 494 1636.2 492.6 1638.8 483.7 1640.9 481.5 1642.6 474.2 1649.1 474.2 1654.1 475.3 1651.1 481.1 1655.5 487.1 1654.6 490.1 1661 496 1654.3 496.8 1652.5 501.2 1652.7 507 1647.2 511.4 1646.8 517.8 1644.3 527.6 1643.6 525.3 1637 528.2 1634.9 524.3 1630.9 523.9 1628.1 521.8 1621.3 524.2 1619.4 521 1615.6 521.4 1611 520.7 1610.4 512.1 1607.6 510.3 1604.9 504.8 1604.1 499.2 1604.7 493.2 1608 488.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Indonesia" d="M 1585.2 539.4 1579 539.5 1574.5 534.2 1567.4 528.9 1565.1 525 1561 519.8 1558.3 515 1554.1 506 1549.2 500.6 1547.5 495.1 1545.3 490.1 1540.1 486.1 1537 480.6 1532.6 477 1526.4 469.9 1525.8 466.6 1529.4 466.9 1538.3 468.1 1543.5 474.4 1548.1 478.8 1551.3 481.4 1556.8 488.3 1562.6 488.4 1567.4 492.8 1570.8 498.2 1575.1 501.2 1572.8 506.4 1576.1 508.6 1578.1 508.8 1579 513.3 1580.9 516.8 1585 517.4 1587.6 521.5 1585.9 529.5 1585.2 539.4 Z"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('India')" onmouseout="changeGreen('India')"> <path class="India" fill="#00a77e" d="M1427.6 308l-2.8 3-0.9 6 5.8 2.4 5.8 3.1 7.8 3.6 7.7 0.9 3.8 3.2 4.3 0.6 6.9 1.5 4.6-0.1 0.1-2.5-1.5-4.1-0.2-2.7 3.1-1.4 1.5 5.1 0.4 1.2 5.5 2.5 3.2-1 4.7 0.4 4.5-0.2-0.5-3.9-2.6-2.1 4.2-0.8 3.9-4.8 5.4-4 4.9 1.5 3.2-2.7 3.6 4-1.2 2.7 6.1 1 1 2.4-1.7 1.2 1.4 3.9-4.2-1.1-6.2 4.4 0.9 3.7-2 5.4 0.3 3.1-1.6 5.3-4.6-1.5 0.9 6.7-1 2.2 1 2.7-2.5 1.5-4.4-10.2-1.5 0-0.3 4.2-3.6-3.4 1.2-3.6 2.4-0.4 1.6-5.4-3.4-1.1-5.1 0.1-5.4-0.9-1.2-4.5-2.7-0.3-4.9-2.8-1.2 4.4 4.6 3.4-3 2.4-0.9 2.3 3.7 1.7-0.3 3.9 2.6 4.8 1.6 5.3-0.5 2.4-3.8-0.1-6.6 1.3 0.9 4.8-2.4 3.8-7.5 4.4-5.3 7.5-3.8 4.1-5 4.2 0.3 2.9-2.6 1.6-4.8 2.3-2.6 0.3-1.2 4.9 1.9 8.4 0.7 5.3-1.9 6.1 0.7 10.9-2.9 0.3-2.3 4.9 1.9 2.2-5.1 1.8-1.7 4.3-2.2 1.9-5.6-6-3.1-9-2.5-6.5-2.2-3-3.4-6.2-2-8-1.4-4-5.9-8.8-3.5-12.5-2.6-8.2-0.8-7.8-1.7-6-7.7 3.9-4-0.8-8.1-7.8 2.4-2.3-1.9-2.5-7.1-5.5 3.2-4.3 12.1 0-1.8-5.5-3.5-3.2-1.4-5-4-2.8 4.9-6.8 6.5 0.5 4.5-6.7 2.2-6.5 3.9-6.5-1-4.6 3.8-3.7-5.1-3.1-2.9-4.4-3.3-5.6 2-2.8 8.5 1.6 5.7-1 3.8-5.4 7.7 7.6 0.8 5.2 3 3.3 0.6 3.3-4.1-0.9 3.2 7.1 6.2 4 8.6 4.5z" id="IN" name="India"> </a> </path> <path d="M956.7 158.2l0.7 4.4-3.9 5.5-8.8 3.6-6.8-0.9 4.3-6.4-2.1-6.2 6.7-4.8 3.7-2.8 0.9 3.2-1.2 3.3 3-0.1 3.5 1.2z" id="IE" name="Ireland"> </path> <path d="M1229 253.2l1.8-0.2 5.3-4.7 1.9-0.5 1.9 1.9-1.2 3.1 3.9 3.4 1.3-0.4 2.5 4.8 5.3 1.3 4.3 3.2 7.7 1.1 8-1.7 0.2-1.5 4.4-1.2 3-3.7 3.6 0.2 2-1.2 3.9 0.6 6.6 3.3 4.3 0.7 7.3 5.6 4 0.3 1.7 5.3-0.6 8-0.5 4.7 2.5 1-1.6 3.5 2.7 5.1 1.2 4.1 4.3 1.1 1.1 4.1-3.9 5.8 3.2 3.4 2.8 3.9 5.7 2.8 1 5.6 2.7 1.1 0.9 2.9-7.5 3.4-1.1 7.4-10.6-1.9-6.2-1.5-6.3-0.8-3.3-7.9-2.8-1.1-4.1 1.1-5.1 3.1-7-2.1-6.1-5-5.5-1.8-4.4-6.1-5.2-8.5-2.8 1-3.7-2.1-1.7 2.5-3.5-3.4-0.5-3.4-1.7 0 0.2-4.7-3.5-4.8-7.1-3.6-4.6-6.1 0.5-5 2.3-2.2-0.9-3.7-3.8-2-4.7-7.6-3.8-5.1 0.7-2-2.9-7.3 3.3-1.9 1.2 2.5 3.2 2.9 3.8 0.9z" id="IR" name="Iran"> </path> <path d="M1223.5 263.2l4.7 7.6 3.8 2 0.9 3.7-2.3 2.2-0.5 5 4.6 6.1 7.1 3.6 3.5 4.8-0.2 4.7 1.7 0 0.5 3.4 3.5 3.4-3.3-0.3-3.7-0.6-3.3 6.2-10.2-0.5-16.8-12.9-8.6-4.5-6.8-1.8-3.1-7.8 11-6.7 1-7.7-1.2-4.7 2.7-1.6 2.1-4 2.1-1 6.3 0.9 2.1 1.6 2.4-1.1z" id="IQ" name="Iraq"> </path> <path d="M924.8 84.5l-1.4 3.6 4.4 3.8-6.1 4.3-13.1 3.9-3.9 1.1-5.6-0.9-11.9-1.8 4.8-2.5-9-2.7 7.9-1.1 0.1-1.7-8.8-1.3 3.6-3.7 6.6-0.8 6 3.8 7-3 5.1 1.5 7.3-2.9 7 0.4z" id="IS" name="Iceland"> </path> <path d="M1179.1 288.2l0.4 2.6-0.6 1 0.1 0-0.7 2-2.1-0.8-0.7 4.2 1.5 0.7-1.3 0.9-0.1 1.7 2.5-0.8 0.4 2.5-1.8 10.2-0.7-1.6-3.9-9.4 1.4-2.1-0.4-0.4 1.1-3 0.6-4.8 0.6-1.7 0.1 0 1.8 0 0.4-1.1 1.4-0.1z" id="IL" name="Israel"> </path> <path class="Italy" d="M 1068.2 256.4 1066.5 261.5 1067.4 263.4 1066.5 266.7 1062.3 264.3 1059.6 263.6 1052.1 260.4 1052.6 257.1 1058.8 257.7 1064.2 257 1068.2 256.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Italy" d="M 1034.2 237.4 1037.5 241.9 1037.1 250.4 1034.7 250 1032.6 252.1 1030.6 250.4 1030.1 242.7 1028.8 239.1 1031.7 239.4 1034.2 237.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Italy" d="M 1055.9 203.9 1055.5 207 1056.9 209.7 1052.8 208.7 1048.9 211 1049.3 214.1 1048.8 215.9 1050.7 219.1 1055.7 222.3 1058.6 227.6 1064.7 232.7 1068.7 232.6 1070.1 234 1068.7 235.3 1073.5 237.6 1077.5 239.5 1082.2 242.9 1082.8 244 1082 246.3 1078.9 243.3 1074.3 242.3 1072.4 246.4 1076.3 248.8 1075.9 252.1 1073.8 252.5 1071.3 258 1069.1 258.5 1069 256.5 1069.9 253.1 1071 251.7 1068.7 248 1066.9 244.8 1064.7 244 1062.9 241.3 1059.5 240.1 1057.1 237.5 1053.3 237.1 1049 234.3 1044.1 230.1 1040.4 226.5 1038.5 220.2 1035.9 219.5 1031.7 217.4 1029.4 218.2 1026.5 221.2 1024.4 221.6 1024.9 218.9 1022.1 218.1 1020.6 213.2 1022.3 211.3 1020.8 208.9 1020.9 207.1 1023.1 208.5 1025.6 208.2 1028.3 206 1029.2 207 1031.6 206.8 1032.6 204.3 1036.4 205.1 1038.5 204 1038.8 201.5 1041.9 202.4 1042.4 201.2 1047.3 200.1 1048.6 202.2 1055.9 203.9 Z"> </path> <path d="M556.5 387.1l-1.8 1.1-3-1.1-2.9-2.3 0.8-1.5 2.4-0.4 1.3 0.2 3.7 0.6 2.7 1.5 0.8 1.8-4 0.1z" id="JM" name="Jamaica"> </path> <path d="M1198.1 295.3l-0.9 1-10.4 3.2 6 6.5-1.6 1-0.7 2.2-4.1 0.9-1.1 2.3-2.1 2-6.2-1.1-0.3-0.9 1.8-10.2-0.4-2.5 0.6-1.9-0.4-4 0.7-2 6.3 2.6 9.7-6.9 3.1 7.8z" id="JO" name="Jordan"> </path> <path class="Japan" d="M 1708.5 282.6 1710.1 284.8 1708.8 288.7 1705.7 286.6 1703.6 288.1 1703.7 291.8 1699.4 290 1698.2 287 1699.5 283.1 1702.9 283.9 1703.9 281.2 1708.5 282.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Japan" d="M 1733.1 263.4 1733.7 268.5 1736.2 271.7 1735.6 276.2 1730.2 279.2 1721 279.6 1716.6 287 1711.9 284.5 1709.5 279.7 1700.9 281.1 1695.8 284.1 1689.6 284.3 1697 289 1697.8 299.9 1695.3 302.6 1691.7 300.1 1690.8 294.3 1686.7 292.5 1682.7 288.1 1687 286.1 1688.1 282 1692 278.7 1694 274.3 1703.7 272.4 1710 273.7 1710 262.3 1715.1 265.4 1719.6 259 1721.3 256.5 1720.3 248.7 1715.2 241.5 1715 237.5 1719.8 236.3 1728 245.2 1730.8 250.3 1729.5 256.8 1733.1 263.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Japan" d="M 1721.2 218.6 1725.7 219.9 1727.5 217.3 1733.5 224.4 1727.1 226.1 1726.7 232.4 1715.8 228.1 1717.4 235 1711.7 235.1 1707 228.8 1706.4 223.9 1711.6 223.6 1707.2 214.8 1705.4 209.9 1715.9 216.5 1721.2 218.6 Z"> </path> <path d="M1338.3 160.5l4.4-0.3 9.2-5.8-0.8 2 8.4 4.7 18.3 15.6 1.1-3.2 8.4 3.5 6.2-1.6 3.3 1.1 4.1 3.6 4 1.2 3.3 2.7 6-0.9 4.4 3.8-1.9 4.2-3.8 0.6 2.5 6.2-1.6 2.9-10.8-2.1 1 11.3-2 1.4-9.1 2.5 8.8 11-2.9 1.6 1.7 3.7-3.5-1-3.4-2.3-7.9-0.6-8.6-0.2-1.6 0.7-8.2-2.7-2.5 1.4 0.5 3.7-9.2-2.2-3.1 0.9-0.3 2.8-2.6 1.2-5.4 4.4-0.9 4.6-2 0-2.3-3-6.7-0.2-2.5-5.2-2.6-0.1-1.5-6.4-7.6-4.6-8.6 0.5-5.7 0.9-6.6-5.7-4.8-2.4-9.2-4.5-1.1-0.5-12 3.7 6.2 23.4-2.6 0.3-4.8-5-3.9-1.8-5.6 1.3-1.8 2.2-0.6-1.6 0.6-2.6-1.5-2.2-6.5-2.2-3.7-5.7-3.2-1.6-0.6-2.1 5.1 0.6-1-4.6 4.1-1 4.7 0.9-0.7-6.1-1.9-3.9-5 0.3-4.7-1.5-5.1 2.7-4.4 1.4-2.8-1.1-0.2-3.2-4.3-4.2-3.6 0.2-5.3-4.2 1.7-4.8-1.8-1.2 2.2-6.9 6 3.6-0.6-4.5 8.1-6.7 7.6-0.2 12 4.3 6.6 2.5 4.4-2.6 7.7-0.1 7.3 3.2 0.8-1.9 7 0.3 0.2-2.9-9.4-4.3 3.5-3-1.5-1.6 4-1.6-5.1-4.2 1.4-2.1 17-2.1 1.7-1.5 10.9-2.3 3.1-2.5 9.1 1.3 4.4 6.3 4.3-1.5 7.1 2.1 1.1 3.3z" id="KZ" name="Kazakhstan"> </path> <path d="M1223.5 476.7l-4.9 7.2 0.2 23.4 3.3 5.3-4 2.6-1.4 2.7-2.2 0.4-0.8 4.6-1.9 2.6-1.1 4.2-2.3 2.1-8.1-6.4-0.3-3.7-20.5-13.1 0.4-4.7-1.4-2.5 0-0.3 1.6-2.6 2.8-4.2 2.1-4.7-2.6-7.4-0.7-3.2-2.7-4.5 3.4-3.8 3.8-4.2 2.9 1.1 0.1 3.6 1.9 2.1 4 0 7.2 5.4 1.8 0.1 1.3-0.2 1.3 0.7 3.8 0.6 1.6-2.7 5.2-2.7 2.3 2.2 3.9 0z" id="KE" name="Kenya"> </path> <path d="M1400.5 230.2l-0.2 1.4-6.9 3.4-1 2.6-6.4 0.7-0.6 4.1-5.8-0.9-3.2 1.3-4.1 3 1.2 1.5-1.1 1.4-9.6 1-7.1-2.1-5.5 0.5-0.6-3.6 6 1 1.4-1.9 4.1 0.6 5.3-4.6-7.2-3.4-3.2 1.6-4.6-2.4 3-4.1-1.7-0.6 0.3-2.8 3.1-0.9 9.2 2.2-0.5-3.7 2.5-1.4 8.2 2.7 1.6-0.7 8.6 0.2 7.9 0.6 3.4 2.3 3.5 1z" id="KG" name="Kyrgyzstan"> </path> <path d="M1589.8 410.6l1.8 4.3 0.1 7.7-9 5 2.8 3.8-5.9 0.5-4.6 2.6-4.8-0.9-2.6-3.4-3.5-6.6-2.1-7.8 3.1-5.3 7.1-1.2 5.3 0.9 5 2.5 2-4.4 5.3 2.3z" id="KH" name="Cambodia"> </path> <path d="M1652.9 259.5l0-0.6 2.5 0.2 0.6-2.8 3.6-0.4 2-0.4 0-1.5 8.3 7.5 3.3 4.2 3.4 7.4-0.5 3.5-4.3 1.2-3.1 2.7-4.6 0.5-2.1-3.5-1.1-4.8-5.3-6.6 3.4-1.1-6.1-5.5z" id="KR" name="Republic of Korea"> </path> <path d="M1247.5 309.4l1.5 2.8-0.3 1.5 2.4 4.8-3.9 0.2-1.7-3.1-5-0.6 3.3-6.2 3.7 0.6z" id="KW" name="Kuwait"> </path> <path d="M1589.8 410.6l-5.3-2.3-2 4.4-5-2.5 1.5-2.9-0.4-5.4-5.3-5.6-1.3-6.4-5-5.2-4.3-0.4-0.8 2.2-3.2 0.2-1.9-1.1-5.3 3.8-1-5.8 0.4-6.7-3.8-0.3-0.9-3.9-2.7-2 0.8-2.3 4.1-4.2 0.8 1.5 3 0.2-2-7.4 2.7-0.9 4 5.1 3.5 5.8 6.8 0 3 5.6-3.3 1.7-1.2 2.3 7.3 3.9 5.7 7.6 4.4 5.6 4.9 4.5 2 4.5-0.2 6.4z" id="LA" name="Lao PDR"> </path> <path d="M1179.1 288.2l-1.4 0.1-0.4 1.1-1.8 0 1.3-5.3 2.2-4.5 0-0.2 2.5 0.3 1.2 2.5-2.7 2.5-0.9 3.5z" id="LB" name="Lebanon"> </path> <path d="M938.6 452.5l-0.2 1.8 0.5 3.1-1.2 2.9 1.6 1.8 1.8 0.4 2.4 2.7 0.2 2.5-0.6 0.8-0.4 5.3-1.5 0.1-5.8-3.1-5.2-4.9-4.8-3.5-3.8-4.1 1.4-2.1 0.3-1.9 2.6-3.4 2.6-3 1.3-0.2 1.4-0.7 2.4 3.9-0.4 2.6 1.1 1.4 1.6 0 1.1-2.6 1.6 0.2z" id="LR" name="Liberia"> </path> <path d="M1122.6 299.1l-1.7 3.1 1 2.8-1.1 3.9 2 5.2 1.3 22.8 1 23.7 0.5 12.8-6.4 0 0 2.7-22.6-12.3-22.5-12.3-5.5 3.5-3.8 2.4-3.2-3.5-8.8-2.8-2.5-4-4.5-3-2.5 1.2-2.1-3.6-0.2-2.7-3.4-4.7 2.2-2.7-0.6-4 0.6-3.5-0.4-3 0.8-5.2-0.4-3-1.9-5.7 2.6-1.4 0.4-2.8-0.6-2.6 3.6-2.5 1.6-2.1 2.6-1.8 0.1-4.9 6.4 2.2 2.3-0.6 4.5 1.1 7.3 2.9 2.8 5.7 4.9 1.2 7.8 2.7 6 3.2 2.5-1.7 2.5-2.9-1.6-4.9 1.5-3.2 3.7-3 3.7-0.8 7.4 1.3 2 2.8 2 0.1 1.8 1.1 5.4 0.7 1.5 2.1z" id="LY" name="Libya"> </path> <path d="M1445.9 462l-4.8 1.5-2.9-5.1-1.4-9.2 2-10.4 4.1 3.5 2.8 4.5 3.1 6.7-0.6 6.7-2.3 1.8z" id="LK" name="Sri Lanka"> </path> <path d="M1139.1 697.9l-2 0.7-3.7-5 3.2-4 3.1-2.5 2.7-1.4 2.2 2 1.7 2-1.9 3.1-1.1 2.1-3.1 1-1.1 2z" id="LS" name="Lesotho"> </path> <path d="M1111.1 147.6l1 2.7-3.6 2-0.5 3.4-4.8 2.3-4.7 0-1.4-1.9-2.5-0.7-0.6-1.5 0.2-1.7-2.2-0.9-5.1-1.1-1.7-5.1 5.1-1.8 7.9 0.4 4.5-0.6 0.9 1.2 2.5 0.4 5 2.9z" id="LT" name="Lithuania"> </path> <path d="M1016.9 185.4l-1.4 0.1-1.1-0.5 0.4-3.5 1.3-0.2 1 1.4-0.2 2.7z" id="LU" name="Luxembourg"> </path> <path d="M1112.8 136.5l2.5 1.3 1 2.9 2.1 3.6-4.6 2.3-2.7 1-5-2.9-2.5-0.4-0.9-1.2-4.5 0.6-7.9-0.4-5.1 1.8-0.5-4.5 1.7-3.8 4.1-2 4.4 4.5 3.7-0.2 0.1-4.6 3.8-1 2.1 0.7 4.4 2.2 3.8 0.1z" id="LV" name="Latvia"> </path> <path d="M974.8 276l1.9 4.1 0.3 3.9 1.9 6.8 1.4 1.4-1 2.5-7.1 1.1-2.5 2.3-3.1 0.6-0.3 4.8-6.4 2.5-2.1 3.2-4.5 1.7-5.4 1-8.9 4.8-0.1 7.6-0.9 0 0.1 3.4-3.4 0.2-1.8 1.5-2.5 0-2-0.9-4.6 0.7-1.9 5-1.8 0.5-2.7 8.1-7.9 6.9-2 8.9-2.4 2.9-0.7 2.3-12.5 0.5-0.1 0 0.3-3 2.2-1.7 1.9-3.4-0.3-2.2 2-4.5 3.2-4.1 1.9-1 1.6-3.7 0.2-3.5 2.1-3.9 3.8-2.4 3.6-6.5 0.1-0.1 2.9-2.5 5.1-0.7 4.4-4.4 2.8-1.7 4.7-5.4-1.2-7.9 2.2-5.6 0.9-3.4 3.6-4.3 5.4-2.9 4.1-2.7 3.7-6.6 1.8-4 3.9 0.1 3.1 2.7 5.1-0.4 5.5 1.4 2.4 0z" id="MA" name="Morocco"> </path> <path d="M1129.4 210.3l-1.3-2.9 0.2-2.7-0.6-2.7-3.4-3.8-2-2.6-1.8-1.8-1.6-0.7 1.1-0.9 3.2-0.6 4 1.9 2 0.3 2.6 1.7-0.1 2.1 2 1 1.1 2.6 2 1.6-0.2 1 1 0.6-1.3 0.5-3-0.2-0.6-0.9-1 0.5 0.6 1.1-1.1 2.1-0.6 2.1-1.2 0.7z" id="MD" name="Moldova"> </path> <path d="M1267.9 588.9l0.4 7.7 1.3 3-0.7 3.1-1.2 1.8-1.6-3.7-1.2 1.9 0.8 4.7-0.7 2.8-1.7 1.4-0.7 5.5-2.7 7.5-3.4 8.8-4.3 12.2-2.9 8.9-3.1 7.5-4.6 1.5-5.1 2.7-3-1.6-4.2-2.3-1.2-3.4 0-5.7-1.5-5.1-0.2-4.7 1.3-4.6 2.6-1.1 0.2-2.1 2.9-4.9 0.8-4.1-1.1-3-0.8-4.1-0.1-5.9 2.2-3.6 1-4.1 2.8-0.2 3.2-1.3 2.2-1.2 2.4-0.1 3.4-3.6 4.9-4 1.8-3.2-0.6-2.8 2.4 0.8 3.3-4.4 0.3-3.9 2-2.9 1.8 2.8 1.4 2.7 1.2 4.3z" id="MG" name="Madagascar"> </path> <path d="M449.3 335.9l2.2-0.2-3.2 5.7-1.8 4.6-1.8 8.6-1.1 3.1 0.4 3.5 1.3 3.2 0.4 4.9 3 4.8 0.8 3.7 1.7 3.1 5.7 1.7 1.9 2.7 5.2-1.8 4.3-0.6 4.4-1.2 3.6-1.1 3.9-2.6 1.8-3.7 1.2-5.4 1.2-1.9 4-1.7 6.1-1.5 4.9 0.3 3.4-0.6 1.2 1.4-0.6 3.1-3.5 3.8-1.8 3.9 0.9 1.1-1.2 2.8-2.1 5-1.2-1.7-1.1 0.1-1.1 0.1-2.5 3.9-0.9-0.8-0.7 0.3-0.1 1-5.2-0.1-5.2 0-0.5 3.6-2.5 0.1 1.8 2.1 1.9 1.5 0.5 1.4 0.8 0.4-0.4 2.2-7.2 0-3.3 5.2 0.7 1.2-0.8 1.5-0.4 1.9-5.6-6.9-2.6-2.1-4.4-1.7-3.2 0.5-4.8 2.4-2.9 0.6-3.7-1.7-4.1-1.2-4.8-2.9-4.1-0.9-5.9-3-4.3-3.1-1.1-1.7-3.1-0.4-5.4-2-1.9-2.9-5.4-3.7-2.2-4-0.8-3.2 1.9-0.6-0.3-1.8 1.6-1.7 0.4-2.2-1.5-2.9 0-2.5-1.3-3.3-3.8-6.4-4.6-5-1.9-4-4.1-2.6-0.7-1.6 1.7-3.9-2.4-1.5-2.5-3.2-0.2-4.4-2.8-0.6-2.3-3.3-1.7-3.2 0.3-2-1.5-4.8-0.3-4.9 0.8-2.5-3.1-2.6-1.9 0.3-2.4-1.7-1.8 2.6-0.1 3-1 4.9 1 2.6 2.8 4.4 0.4 1.6 0.7 0.4 0.1 2.2 1-0.1 0 4.2 1.3 1.6 0.5 2.3 2.7 3.2 0.4 6 1 2.8 0.9 3-0.3 3.4 2.6 0.2 1.6 2.9 1.5 2.9-0.3 1.2-2.8 2.3-1 0-0.7-3.9-2.9-3.7-3.4-3.1-2.5-1.6 1.2-4.7-0.1-3.5-2.1-2-3.1-2.8-0.9 0.8-1-1.7-3-1.5-2.2-3.8 0.5-0.4 2.1 0.3 2.7-2.4 1-2.9-2.9-4.6-2.6-1.7-0.8-4-0.6-4.3-0.8-5.1-0.2-5.8 6.3-0.5 7.1-0.7-0.9 1.3 7 3.1 10.9 4.5 10.8 0 4.3 0 0.8-2.7 9.4 0 1.3 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.4 2.8 0.8 3.3 0.4 3.6 2.3 1.9 4 1.9 4.8-5 4.5-0.2 3.2 2.6 1.6 4.4 0.9 3.8 2.4 3.6 0.2 4.5 0.9 3 3.9 2 3.6 1.4z" id="MX" name="Mexico"> </path> <path d="M1105.5 236.6l-1 0.2-0.8 1.1-2.8-0.1-1.8 1.4-3.4 0.5-2.3-1.5-1-2.7 0.5-2.2 0.7 0.1 0.1-1.3 2.9-1 1.2-0.3 1.7-0.3 2.4-0.2 2.8 2.1 0.8 4.2z" id="MK" name="Macedonia"> </path> <path d="M1010.2 378.8l0.1 14.8-3.1 4.3-0.4 4-5 1-7.7 0.5-2 2.3-3.6 0.3-3.6 0-1.4-1.2-3.1 0.9-5.3 2.7-1.1 2-4.3 2.8-0.8 1.7-2.4 1.3-2.7-0.9-1.5 1.6-0.9 4.4-4.5 5.3 0.2 2.2-1.6 2.7 0.4 3.7-2.4 1-1.3 0.8-0.9-2.7-1.6 0.7-1-0.1-1 1.8-4.4 0-1.5-1-0.8 0.6-1.7-1.9 0.3-1.9-0.7-0.7-1.2 0.6 0.3-2.1 1.1-1.6-2.3-2.7-0.6-1.8-1.3-1.4-1.1-0.2-1.3 0.9-1.9 0.9-1.5 1.4-2.4-0.5-1.6-1.7-0.9-0.2-1.5 0.9-0.9 0-0.3-2.4 0.3-2-0.5-2.4-2-1.8-1.1-3.7-0.2-4 1.9-1.2 1-3.8 1.8-0.1 3.9 1.8 3.2-1.3 2.1 0.4 0.9-1.4 22.5-0.1 1.3-4.5-1-0.8-2.5-27.7-2.4-27.7 8.5-0.1 18.6 14 18.7 14 1.3 3 3.5 1.8 2.6 1.1 0.1 4.1 6.2-0.7z" id="ML" name="Mali"> </path> <path d="M1548.4 364.2l-4.1 4.2-0.8 2.3-3 1.5-2.8 2.8-3.9 0.3-1.5 6.9-2.2 1.2 3.5 5.6 4.1 4.7 2.9 4.3-1.4 5.5-1.8 1.2 1.8 3.2 4.3 5.1 1 3.6 0.2 3 2.7 5.9-2.6 6-2.2 6.6-0.9-4.8 1.3-4.9-2.2-3.8-0.2-7-2.6-3.4-2.7-7.6-2-8.1-3.1-5.4-3.2 3.3-5.8 4.5-3.3-0.5-3.6-1.5 0.9-8-2-6-5.3-7.4 0.3-2.3-3.4-0.9-4.6-5.2-1.1-5.2 2.1 1-0.6-4.6 2.5-1.5-1-2.7 1-2.2-0.9-6.7 4.6 1.5 1.6-5.3-0.3-3.1 2-5.4-0.9-3.7 6.2-4.4 4.2 1.1-1.4-3.9 1.7-1.2-1-2.4 3.1-0.5 2.7 3.8 2.7 1.5 1.3 4.9 0.9 5.3-4.2 5.4 0.7 7.6 5.6-1.1 2.4 5.9 3.7 1.3-0.8 5.3 4.5 2.4 2.6 1.2 3.8-1.9 0.5 2.7z" id="MM" name="Myanmar"> </path> <path d="M1090.6 227.2l-0.8 1.4-1.4 0.6-0.4-1.2-1.9 3.1 0.5 2.1-1.1-0.5-1.7-2.1-2.3-1.3 0.5-1 0.4-3.5 1.6-1.5 0.9-0.6 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.7 0.7 2.1 1.3-0.4 0.5z" id="ME" name="Montenegro"> </path> <path d="M1496.2 181.5l4-1.2 5.7-0.8 5.4 0.9 6.6 2.9 4.9 3.2 4.6 0 6.8 1 3.6-1.6 5.9-1 4.4-4.4 3.4 0.7 3.9 2.1 5.6-0.6 0.6 4.7 0.3 6.3 2.8 2.5 2.3-0.8 5.5 1 2.5-2.3 5.2 2 7.2 4.4 0.8 2.2-4.4-0.7-6.8 0.8-2.5 1.8-1.3 4.2-6.4 2.4-3.2 3.4-5.9-1.3-3.2-0.6-0.5 4.1 2.9 2.4 1.9 2.1-2.4 2.2-2 3.4-4.9 2.2-7.6 0.2-7.2 2.2-4.4 3.4-3.3-1.9-6.2 0-9.4-3.9-5.6-0.9-6.4 0.9-11.3-1.5-5.6 0.2-4.7-3.8-5-5.8-3.4-0.7-8-4-7.2-0.8-6.5-1.1-3-2.8-1.4-7.3-5.8-5.1-8.2-2.3-5.7-3.3-3.3-4.4 4.7-1.1 6.7-5.3 5.9-2.9 5.3 1.9 5.2 0.1 4.8 2.9 5 0.2 8 1.6 2.4-4.4-4-3.6 1.3-6.4 7 2.5 4.8 0.8 6.7 1.6 3.6 4.6 8.5 2.6z" id="MN" name="Mongolia"> </path> <path d="M1166.7 673.5l-4.1 0-0.3-2.9-0.6-2.9-0.4-2.3 1.4-7.1-1.1-4.6-2.2-9 6.2-7.3 1.7-4.6 0.8-0.6 0.9-3.8-0.8-1.9 0.4-4.8 1.3-4.4 0.4-8.2-2.8-2-2.7-0.5-1.1-1.6-2.6-1.3-4.7 0.1-0.2-2.4-0.4-4.6 17.2-5.3 3.2 3.1 1.5-0.6 2.2 1.6 0.2 2.6-1.3 3 0.2 4.5 3.5 4 1.9-4.5 2.5-1.3-0.1-8.3-2.2-4.6-1.9-2.1-0.4 0-0.6-7.3 1.5-6.1 2.2-0.2 6.7 1.8 1.5-0.8 3.9-0.2 2.1-1.9 3.4 0.1 6.2-2.5 4.6-3.7 0.9 2.8-0.5 6.4 0.5 5.7-0.2 10 0.8 3.1-1.9 4.6-2.4 4.5-3.7 4-5.3 2.4-6.5 3.1-6.6 6.9-2.2 1.2-4.2 4.6-2.3 1.4-0.8 4.6 2.4 4.9 0.9 3.7 0 2 1-0.4-0.5 6.3-1.1 3 1.2 1.1-1 2.7-2.4 2.3-4.7 2.1-6.9 3.5-2.5 2.4 0.3 2.7 1.3 0.4-0.7 3.4z" id="MZ" name="Mozambique"> </path> <path d="M959.2 341.5l-8.5 0.1 2.4 27.7 2.5 27.7 1 0.8-1.3 4.5-22.5 0.1-0.9 1.4-2.1-0.4-3.2 1.3-3.9-1.8-1.8 0.1-1 3.8-1.9 1.2-3.6-4.4-3.4-4.8-3.6-1.7-2.7-1.8-3.1 0-2.8 1.4-2.7-0.5-2 2-0.4-3.4 1.6-3.2 0.8-6-0.4-6.4-0.6-3.2 0.6-3.2-1.4-3-2.8-2.8 1.3-2.1 21.7 0-0.9-9.3 1.5-3.3 5.2-0.5 0.2-16.5 18 0.4 0.2-9.8 20.5 15.6z" id="MR" name="Mauritania"> </path> <path d="M1182.3 588.9l0.4 0 1.9 2.1 2.2 4.6 0.1 8.3-2.5 1.3-1.9 4.5-3.5-4-0.2-4.5 1.3-3-0.2-2.6-2.2-1.6-1.5 0.6-3.2-3.1-2.9-1.6 2-6 1.8-2.2-0.9-5.4 1.3-5.2 1-1.7-1.3-5.4-2.6-2.9 5.5 1.2 1 1.7-0.1 0.8 1.8 4.1 0.2 7.7-1.8 3.6 1.6 4.7-0.2 2.8 1.2 1.9-0.1 2.4 0.9 1.4 1-1.6 1.9 2.5 0.2-0.8-1-3.4-1.1-0.3-0.1-0.9z" id="MW" name="Malawi"> </path> <path class="Malaysia" d="M 1564.3 461.9 1565.7 462.5 1569.2 466.4 1571.7 470.7 1572.3 475 1571.8 477.9 1572.4 480.1 1572.9 483.9 1575 485.7 1577.3 491.4 1577.3 493.5 1573.3 494 1567.8 489.2 1561 484.1 1560.2 480.8 1556.8 476.5 1555.8 471.2 1553.6 467.7 1554 463 1552.6 460.3 1553.5 459.2 1558.3 462 1558.9 465.3 1562.6 464.5 1564.3 461.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Malaysia" d="M 1654.1 475.3 1649.1 474.2 1642.6 474.2 1640.9 481.5 1638.8 483.7 1636.2 492.6 1631.6 494 1626.2 492.2 1623.5 492.8 1620.2 496 1616.6 495.6 1612.9 496.9 1609 493.2 1608 488.9 1612.2 491.1 1616.5 489.9 1617.5 484.5 1619.9 483.3 1626.7 481.9 1630.5 476.8 1633.1 472.8 1635.9 476.1 1637 473.9 1639.7 474.1 1639.8 470 1639.9 466.8 1644 462.4 1646.6 457.4 1648.9 457.3 1652 460.6 1652.4 463.4 1656.2 465.2 1661 467.1 1660.8 469.6 1657 469.9 1658.1 473.1 1654.1 475.3 Z"> </path> <path d="M1116.2 614.3l4.6-1.4 3.6 0.3 2.2 1.5 0 0.5-3.2 1.5-1.7 0-3.7 2.5-2-2.7-8.7 2.3-4.2 0.2-0.8 22.9-5.5 0.2-0.6 18.7-1.1 23.7-5 3.3-2.9 0.5-3.4-1.2-2.5-0.5-0.8-2.7-2-1.8-2.8 3.2-3.9-4.9-2-4.6-1-6.3-1.2-4.6-1.6-9.9 0.1-7.7-0.6-3.5-2.1-2.7-2.8-5.3-2.8-7.7-1.1-4-4.4-6.3-0.3-4.9 2.7-1.2 3.4-1.1 3.6 0.2 3.3 2.9 0.8-0.5 22.7-0.2 3.8 3 13.5 0.9 10.4-2.6z" id="NA" name="Namibia"> </path> <path d="M1068.6 355l1.6 10 2.2 1.7 0.1 2 2.4 2.2-1.2 2.8-1.8 13-0.2 8.4-7 6-2.3 8.5 2.4 2.4 0 4.1 3.7 0.1-0.6 3.1-1.5 0.3-0.2 2.1-1 0.1-3.9-7-1.4-0.3-4.3 3.6-4.4-1.9-3-0.3-1.6 0.9-3.3-0.2-3.3 2.7-2.9 0.2-6.8-3.3-2.7 1.5-2.9-0.1-2.1-2.4-5.6-2.4-6.1 0.8-1.4 1.3-0.8 3.7-1.6 2.6-0.4 5.8-4.3-3.7-2 0-1.9 1.9 0.1-4.4-6.5-1.5-0.2-3.1-3.1-4.2-0.8-2.9 0.5-3.1 3.6-0.3 2-2.3 7.7-0.5 5-1 0.4-4 3.1-4.3-0.1-14.8 7.8-2.8 16-12.6 18.8-12.3 8.8 2.8 3.2 3.5 3.8-2.4z" id="NE" name="Niger"> </path> <path d="M1066.2 421.7l2.3 2.5-0.6 1.2-0.3 2.1-4.7 5-1.4 4.1-0.8 3.3-1.2 1.5-1.1 4.5-3 2.6-0.8 3.2-1.3 2.6-0.5 2.7-3.9 2.2-3.2-2.7-2.1 0.1-3.4 3.8-1.6 0-2.7 6.2-1.4 4.6-5.9 2.3-2.1-0.3-2.2 1.4-4.5-0.1-3.1-4.1-1.9-4.6-4-4.2-4.2 0-5 0 0.3-10.3-0.2-4.1 1.1-4 1.7-2 2.8-4-0.6-1.7 1.1-2.6-1.3-3.8 0.2-2.1 0.4-5.8 1.6-2.6 0.8-3.7 1.4-1.3 6.1-0.8 5.6 2.4 2.1 2.4 2.9 0.1 2.7-1.5 6.8 3.3 2.9-0.2 3.3-2.7 3.3 0.2 1.6-0.9 3 0.3 4.4 1.9 4.3-3.6 1.4 0.3 3.9 7 1-0.1z" id="NG" name="Nigeria"> </path> <path d="M519.6 405.5l-0.5 0.7-0.5 1.4 0.4 2.3-1.5 2.2-0.8 2.6-0.5 2.8 0.2 1.7-0.1 2.9-0.9 0.6-0.7 2.8 0.2 1.7-1.2 1.6 0.1 1.7 0.8 1.1-1.4 1.4-1.7-0.5-0.8-1.3-1.8-0.5-1.3 0.8-3.6-1.7-0.9 0.8-1.8-2-2.5-2.6-1.1-2.1-2.2-2.1-2.5-2.9 0.7-1 0.8 1 0.5-0.4 1.8-0.3 0.8-1.5 0.8 0 0.2-3.2 1.3-0.1 1.2 0 1.4-1.7 1.5 1.3 0.6-0.8 1.2-0.8 2.1-1.7 0.2-1.4 0.5 0.1 0.9-1.5 0.6-0.2 0.9 1 1.1 0.2 1.3-0.8 1.4 0 2-0.8 0.9-0.9 1.9 0.1z" id="NI" name="Nicaragua"> </path> <path class="Norway" d="M 1113.7 67.5 1107.3 69.6 1104.1 70.1 1104.9 66.3 1099.1 64.2 1093.2 66 1092.1 70 1088.7 72.4 1084 71.1 1078.7 71.3 1073.6 68.5 1071.4 69.9 1068.8 70.1 1068.9 73.7 1060.9 72.8 1060.3 75.9 1056.3 75.9 1054 79.8 1050.6 85.9 1044.9 93.8 1046.7 95.8 1045.4 98 1041.1 97.9 1038.7 103.3 1039.7 111 1042.8 113.9 1042 120.8 1038.6 124.8 1036.8 128.2 1033.5 124.6 1024.9 131.4 1018.8 132.8 1012.3 129.8 1010.5 123.5 1008.5 110 1012.5 106.3 1023.8 101.4 1031.9 95.5 1039.1 87.7 1048 77 1054.4 72.9 1064.7 66.1 1073.2 63.7 1079.9 64 1085.1 59.6 1092.5 59.8 1099.5 58.8 1113.2 62.7 1108.3 64.1 1113.7 67.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Norway" d="M 1076.6 25.2 1069 27.1 1062.2 26 1064.4 24.8 1061.8 23.3 1069.1 22.4 1071 24.1 1076.6 25.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Norway" d="M 1051 16.7 1063.6 20.1 1055 21.9 1053.8 25.3 1050.8 26.2 1049.9 30.2 1045.5 30.4 1037 27.5 1040 25.8 1034.3 24.4 1026.6 20.5 1023.4 17 1032.7 15.4 1035 16.9 1040 16.9 1041 15.4 1046.2 15.2 1051 16.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Norway" d="M 1075.4 13.7 1082.8 15.2 1078.4 17.6 1068.3 18.1 1057.6 17.3 1056.6 16.1 1051.5 16.1 1047.2 14.1 1057.7 12.9 1063.1 13.9 1066.2 12.6 1075.4 13.7 Z"> </path> <path d="M1469 322.9l0.2 2.7 1.5 4.1-0.1 2.5-4.6 0.1-6.9-1.5-4.3-0.6-3.8-3.2-7.7-0.9-7.8-3.6-5.8-3.1-5.8-2.4 0.9-6 2.8-3 1.9-1.5 4.8 2 6.4 4.2 3.3 0.9 2.5 3.1 4.5 1.2 5 2.9 6.5 1.4 6.5 0.7z" id="NP" name="Nepal"> </path> <path class="Oman" d="M 1283.8 394.9 1281.6 390.4 1276.4 379.8 1292.7 373.4 1295.3 360.6 1292.3 356 1292.3 353.4 1293.6 350.8 1293.4 348.2 1295.8 346.9 1294.7 346 1294.7 341.8 1297.5 341.8 1300.5 346.2 1303.8 348.5 1307.9 349.4 1311.3 350.5 1314.2 354.2 1315.9 356.3 1317.9 357.2 1318.1 358.6 1316.4 362.4 1315.7 364.2 1313.5 366.3 1311.8 370.7 1309.3 370.3 1308.3 371.9 1307.6 375.1 1308.7 379.4 1308.2 380.2 1305.7 380.2 1302.4 382.6 1302.1 385.7 1300.9 387.1 1297.4 387 1295.4 388.6 1295.6 391.2 1293 393 1289.9 392.4 1286.3 394.6 1283.8 394.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Oman" d="M 1296.2 336.7 1294.9 334.5 1296.3 332.4 1297 332.9 1296.8 335.6 1296.2 336.7 Z"> </path> <path d="M1401.6 273.9l-3.8 5.4-5.7 1-8.5-1.6-2 2.8 3.3 5.6 2.9 4.4 5.1 3.1-3.8 3.7 1 4.6-3.9 6.5-2.2 6.5-4.5 6.7-6.5-0.5-4.9 6.8 4 2.8 1.4 5 3.5 3.2 1.8 5.5-12.1 0-3.2 4.3-4.2-1.6-2.2-4.6-4.9-4.9-10 1.2-9 0.1-7.6 0.9 1.1-7.4 7.5-3.4-0.9-2.9-2.7-1.1-1-5.6-5.7-2.8-2.8-3.9-3.2-3.4 9.6 3.3 5.3-1 3.4 0.8 0.9-1.4 3.9 0.6 6.6-2.7-0.8-5.4 2.3-3.7 4.1 0 0.2-1.7 4-0.9 2.1 0.6 1.8-1.8-1.1-3.9 1.4-3.8 3.1-1.7-3.1-4.2 5.2 0.2 0.9-2.3-0.8-2.5 2-2.7-1.4-3.2-1.9-2.7 2.4-2.8 5.3-1.3 5.9-0.8 2.4-1.1 2.9-0.8 4.7 3 2.9 5 9.5 2.5z" id="PK" name="Pakistan"> </path> <path d="M549.3 446.2l-0.7 0.9 1.1 3.8-1.1 1.9-1.8-0.5-0.9 3.1-1.8-1.8-1-3.5 1.4-1.7-1.4-0.4-0.9-2.1-2.8-1.8-2.4 0.4-1.3 2.2-2.4 1.6-1.2 0.2-0.6 1.4 2.5 3.5-1.6 0.8-0.8 0.9-2.7 0.4-0.8-3.9-0.8 1.1-1.8-0.4-1-2.5-2.3-0.5-1.5-0.7-2.4 0-0.2 1.4-0.6-1 0.3-1.3 0.6-1.3-0.2-1.1 0.9-0.8-1.1-0.9 0.1-2.6 2.2-0.6 1.9 2.3-0.2 1.4 2.2 0.3 0.6-0.6 1.5 1.6 2.8-0.5 2.5-1.6 3.5-1.3 2-1.9 3.1 0.4-0.2 0.6 3.1 0.2 2.4 1.2 1.8 1.9 2 1.8z" id="PA" name="Panama"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('Peru')" onmouseout="changeGreen('Peru')"> <path class="Peru" fill="#00a77e" d="M590.5 529.4l-5.1-0.3-0.8 1-4.6 1.2-6.3 4.4-0.3 3-1.4 2.2 0.7 3.5-3.4 1.8 0.2 2.8-1.5 1.1 2.6 5.8 3.3 3.9-1 2.8 3.8 0.3 2.3 3.5 5 0.1 4.4-3.7 0.1 9.7 2.6 0.7 3.2-1.1 5.5 10.4-1.1 2.1 0 4.6 0.3 5.4-1.9 3.2 1.2 2.4-1.1 2.2 2.9 5.4-2.9 6.9-1.1 3.3-2.8 1.6-5.9-3.7-0.8-2.6-11.7-6.4-10.7-7.1-4.7-3.9-2.8-5.3 0.8-1.9-5.4-8.4-6.4-11.8-6-12.8-2.4-3-2-4.7-4.6-4.2-4.1-2.6 1.7-2.8-3-6.2 1.7-4.5 4.4-4 0.7 2.7-1.6 1.5 0.3 2.3 2.3-0.5 2.3 0.7 2.5 3.3 3.1-2.7 0.9-4.3 3.4-5.6 6.7-2.5 6.1-6.8 1.7-4.1-0.8-4.9 1.5-0.6 3.8 3 1.8 3.1 2.6 1.6 3.5 6.7 4.2 0.9 3.1-1.7 2.1 1.1 3.4-0.6 4.4 3-3.5 6.6 1.7 0.1 2.9 3.4z" id="PE" name="Peru"> </path> </a> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1700.5 447.8 1701.4 452.1 1702 455.7 1700.4 461.5 1697.9 455 1695.5 458.3 1697.6 463 1696.2 466 1689.3 462.3 1687.4 457.6 1688.9 454.6 1685.1 451.5 1683.5 454.2 1680.9 453.9 1676.9 457.5 1675.9 455.6 1677.7 450.2 1681.1 448.4 1684 446 1686.2 448.9 1690.4 447.2 1691.1 444.3 1695.1 444.1 1694.3 439.2 1699.2 442.2 1699.9 445.4 1700.5 447.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1685.9 435.8 1684.1 437.9 1682.7 442 1681.1 443.9 1677.2 439.5 1678.2 437.7 1679.5 435.9 1679.7 432 1682.8 431.6 1682.3 435.9 1685.9 429.7 1685.9 435.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1655.6 442 1648.5 448.1 1650.9 443.6 1654.7 439.6 1657.7 435.2 1660 428.8 1661.6 434.1 1658.1 437.6 1655.6 442 Z"> </path> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1673.1 425.5 1676.7 427.5 1680.2 427.5 1680.4 430.1 1678.1 432.9 1674.7 434.8 1674.2 431.8 1674.3 428.5 1673.1 425.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1693.2 423.7 1695.6 430.9 1691.1 429.2 1691.4 431.4 1693.2 435.3 1690.6 436.8 1690 432.2 1688.2 431.9 1687 428 1690.3 428.5 1690 426.1 1686 421.2 1691.4 421.3 1693.2 423.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1670.2 417.9 1669.3 423.5 1666.6 420.3 1663.1 415.4 1667.9 415.6 1670.2 417.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Philippines" d="M 1663.7 383 1667.5 384.9 1668.9 383.2 1669.7 384.8 1669.3 387.5 1671.9 392.1 1671.3 397.4 1668.4 399.5 1668.3 404.7 1670.3 409.8 1673.3 410.5 1675.7 409.8 1683.2 413.3 1683.1 416.8 1685.2 418.4 1684.9 421.3 1680.2 418.2 1677.7 414.8 1676.5 417.2 1672.5 413.3 1667.5 414.3 1664.5 412.9 1664.4 410.2 1666 408.6 1664.1 407.1 1663.7 409.4 1660.4 405.7 1659.1 402.9 1658 396.8 1660.6 398.9 1659.5 388.8 1660.3 383 1663.7 383 Z"> </path> <path class="Papua New Guinea" d="M 1868.1 545.6 1866.5 546.3 1864.2 543.8 1862 539.7 1861.2 534.8 1862 534.2 1862.5 536.1 1864.1 537.6 1866.5 541.6 1869 543.8 1868.1 545.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Papua New Guinea" d="M 1846.7 537 1843.7 537.5 1842.7 539.3 1839.5 540.9 1836.5 542.4 1833.4 542.4 1828.9 540.5 1825.8 538.7 1826.4 536.7 1831.4 537.7 1834.6 537.2 1835.6 534.1 1836.5 533.9 1836.8 537.3 1840 536.9 1841.8 534.7 1845.1 532.4 1844.7 528.6 1848.1 528.5 1849.2 529.5 1848.8 533.1 1846.7 537 Z"> </path> <path class="Papua New Guinea" d="M 1782.9 560.4 1784.5 539.4 1785.5 518.5 1795.1 522.9 1805.4 526.6 1809.1 529.9 1812.1 533.1 1812.7 536.9 1821.9 540.9 1823 544.3 1817.8 545 1818.7 549.3 1823.4 553.5 1826.4 560.3 1829.7 560.1 1829.1 562.9 1833.4 564 1831.6 565.2 1837.3 567.9 1836.4 569.8 1832.6 570.2 1831.4 568.6 1826.7 567.8 1821.1 566.9 1817.1 562.8 1814.3 559.2 1811.8 553.6 1804.7 550.8 1799.8 552.6 1796.1 554.8 1796.4 559.5 1791.8 561.7 1788.7 560.6 1782.9 560.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Papua New Guinea" d="M 1853.6 530.7 1851.8 532.4 1850.9 528.6 1849.8 526.2 1847.3 524.1 1844.2 521.3 1840.2 519.4 1841.8 517.9 1844.8 519.7 1846.7 521.1 1849 522.6 1851.1 525.3 1853.2 527.4 1853.6 530.7 Z"> </path> <path d="M1079.9 154.8l5.9 0.7 8.8-0.1 2.5 0.7 1.4 1.9 0.6 2.7 1.7 2.3 0.4 2.4-2.8 1.3 1.9 2.8 0.5 2.8 3.2 5.4-0.3 1.7-2.3 0.7-3.8 5.2 1.6 2.8-1.1-0.4-5-2.4-3.5 0.9-2.4-0.6-2.8 1.3-2.7-2.2-1.9 0.9-0.3-0.4-2.6-3.1-3.7-0.3-0.7-2-3.4-0.7-0.6 1.6-2.8-1.3 0.2-1.7-3.7-0.5-2.5-2-2.4-3.9 0.2-2.2-1.5-3.3-1.9-2.1 1.2-1.7-1.4-3.1 3.1-1.8 7.1-2.8 5.8-2 4.8 1 0.6 1.5 4.6 0z" id="PL" name="Poland"> </path> <path d="M1660.3 229.9l1.4 1.1-2.2-0.4-1 2.2-0.3 2.1 2.8 4.6-1.9 1.4-0.3 1.1-0.9 1.9-2.9 1.1-1.4 1.7 1.3 2.7-0.3 0.7 2.6 1.1 4.4 2.8 0 1.5-2 0.4-3.6 0.4-0.6 2.8-2.5-0.2 0 0.6-3.2-1.2-0.1 1.2-1.3 0.5-0.7-1.2-1.7-0.6-1.9-1 0.1-2.8 0.9-0.8-1-1.1-0.4-3.5-0.9-1-3.4-0.7-3.4-1.7 2.1-4.1 3.9-3.4 1.1-4.6 3.6 2 4.6 0.3-2.8-3.4 6.4-2.7 0-3.6 5.5 3.8z" id="KP" name="Dem. Rep. Korea"> </path> <path d="M662.5 631.4l2 3.5 0.4 8.7 5.9 1.3 2.2-1.3 3.9 1.8 1.2 1.9 1.1 5.9 0.8 2.4 2.1 0.3 2-1 2.1 1.1 0.3 3.6-0.3 3.8-0.7 3.7-0.3 5.6-4.3 5-4.2 1-6.3-1-5.8-1.7 4.2-9.8-1.1-2.8-5.9-2.5-7.3-4.8-4.6-1-11.3-10.4 1.5-7.7-0.2-3.5 2.1-5.6 9.6-1.9 5.2 0.1 5.4 3.3 0.3 2z" id="PY" name="Paraguay"> </path> <path d="M1178.3 293.8l0.4 4-0.6 1.9-2.5 0.8 0.1-1.7 1.3-0.9-1.5-0.7 0.7-4.2 2.1 0.8z" id="PS" name="Palestine"> </path> <path d="M1270.1 343.7l-1.5 0.5-1.8-1.3-0.8-4.7 1.1-3.3 1.5-0.7 1.8 2 0.5 3.7-0.8 3.8z" id="QA" name="Qatar"> </path> <path d="M1118.9 193.1l1.6 0.7 1.8 1.8 2 2.6 3.4 3.8 0.6 2.7-0.2 2.7 1.3 2.9 2.4 1.2 2.3-1.1 2.4 1.1 0.4 1.7-2.3 1.3-1.6-0.6-0.4 7.7-3.1-0.7-4-2.3-5.9 1.5-2.3 1.6-7.6-0.4-4-0.9-1.9 0.4-1.8-2.6-1-1.1 1-1.1-1.3-0.7-1.5 1.4-3.1-1.9-0.7-2.6-3.2-1.4-0.8-2.1-3-2.4 3.9-1.2 2.6-4.3 1.9-4.2 2.9-1.3 2-1.4 3.2 0.7 3.2 0 2.5 1.6 1.6-1 3.6-0.6 1-1.5 2.1 0z" id="RO" name="Romania"> </path> <path d="M1158.8 509.1l2.2 3.6-0.3 3.8-1.6 0.8-3.1-0.4-1.7 3.7-3.5-0.5 0.6-3.6 0.8-0.5 0.2-3.8 1.6-1.8 1.4 0.7 3.4-2z" id="RW" name="Rwanda"> </path> <path d="M938.9 324.3l-0.1 0.4-0.1 1.2-0.2 9.8-18-0.4-0.2 16.5-5.2 0.5-1.5 3.3 0.9 9.3-21.7 0-1.3 2.1 0.3-2.7 0.1 0 12.5-0.5 0.7-2.3 2.4-2.9 2-8.9 7.9-6.9 2.7-8.1 1.8-0.5 1.9-5 4.6-0.7 2 0.9 2.5 0 1.8-1.5 3.4-0.2-0.1-3.4 0.9 0z" id="EH" name="Western Sahara"> </path> <path d="M1240.5 315l5 0.6 1.7 3.1 3.9-0.2 2.7 5.6 2.9 1.4 1.2 2.3 4 2.7 0.7 2.6-0.4 2.2 0.9 2.1 1.8 1.8 0.9 2.1 1 1.6 1.8 1.3 1.5-0.5 1.3 2.5 0.3 1.4 2.7 6.6 16.9 3.2 1-1.4 3 4.6-2.6 12.8-16.3 6.4-15.9 2.5-5 2.9-3.5 6.7-2.6 1.1-1.5-2.1-2.1 0.3-5.5-0.7-1.1-0.6-6.4 0.1-1.5 0.6-2.4-1.6-1.3 3.1 0.8 2.7-2.4 2.1-0.9-2.8-1.8-1.9-0.5-2.6-3.1-2.3-3.3-5.4-1.9-5.2-4.1-4.4-2.5-1.1-4.1-6.1-0.9-4.4 0-3.8-3.6-7.2-2.8-2.5-3-1.3-2.1-3.7 0.2-1.4-1.8-3.4-1.7-1.4-2.5-4.8-3.8-5.1-3.1-4.4-2.7 0 0.5-3.5 0.1-2.3 0.4-2.6 6.2 1.1 2.1-2 1.1-2.3 4.1-0.9 0.7-2.2 1.6-1-6-6.5 10.4-3.2 0.9-1 6.8 1.8 8.6 4.5 16.8 12.9 10.2 0.5z" id="SA" name="Saudi Arabia"> </path> <path d="M1191 409.2l-0.7 5.5-2 6.4-3.3 3.1-2.3 5-0.5 2.6-2.6 1.8-1.5 6.7 0 0.8-0.8-0.2 0.1-3.2-0.8-2.2-2.9-2.5-0.9-4.6 0.6-4.8-2.6-0.4-0.4 1.4-3.4 0.4 1.5 1.8 0.5 3.9-3 3.5-2.7 4.6-2.9 0.7-4.8-3.7-2.1 1.3-0.5 1.8-2.9 1.3-0.2 1.3-5.6 0-0.8-1.3-4.1-0.3-2 1.1-1.6-0.5-2.9-3.8-1-1.7-4.1 0.9-1.5 2.9-1.3 5.8-2 1.2-1.7 0.7-0.5-0.3-1.9-1.9-0.4-2 0.8-2.6 0-2.7-3.3-4-0.7-2.7 0-1.6-2.1-1.9-0.1-3.7-1.3-2.5-1.9 0.4 0.5-2.4 1.4-2.6-0.7-2.7 1.8-2-1.2-1.5 1.3-3.9 2.5-4.8 4.8 0.5-1.1-25.5 0-2.7 6.4 0-0.5-12.8 22.3 0 21.5 0 22.1 0 2.1 6.3-1.2 1.1 1.2 6.7 2.5 7.6 2.2 1.6 3.2 2.4-2.7 3.6-4 1.1-1.7 2-0.3 4.2-2 9.5 0.7 2.5z" id="SD" name="Sudan"> </path> <path d="M1178.1 441.1l0.2 5-0.8 1.9-3 0.2-1.9 3.6 3.5 0.5 3 3.1 1 2.6 2.6 1.5 3.5 7-3.8 4.2-3.4 3.8-3.5 3-4 0-4.5 1.5-3.6-1.5-2.3 1.8-5.1-4.3-1.4-2.7-3.1 1.3-2.6-0.4-1.5 1.1-2.6-0.8-3.5-5.3-0.9-2-4.3-2.6-1.4-3.8-2.4-2.8-3.9-3.3-0.1-2.1-3.1-2.6-3.9-2.5 1.7-0.7 2-1.2 1.3-5.8 1.5-2.9 4.1-0.9 1 1.7 2.9 3.8 1.6 0.5 2-1.1 4.1 0.3 0.8 1.3 5.6 0 0.2-1.3 2.9-1.3 0.5-1.8 2.1-1.3 4.8 3.7 2.9-0.7 2.7-4.6 3-3.5-0.5-3.9-1.5-1.8 3.4-0.4 0.4-1.4 2.6 0.4-0.6 4.8 0.9 4.6 2.9 2.5 0.8 2.2-0.1 3.2 0.8 0.2z" id="SS" name="South Sudan"> </path> <path d="M918 408l0.2 4 1.1 3.7 2 1.8 0.5 2.4-0.3 2-0.8 0.4-3.1-0.5-0.4 0.7-1.2 0.1-4.1-1.5-2.7-0.1-10.4-0.3-1.5 0.8-1.9-0.2-3 1-0.8-4.9 5.1 0.1 1.4-0.9 1 0 2.1-1.5 2.4 1.3 2.4 0.2 2.5-1.5-1.1-1.8-1.9 1-1.7 0-2.2-1.6-1.8 0.1-1.3 1.6-6.1 0.1-2.3-5-2.7-2.2 2.5-1.3 2.8-4.5 1.4-3.3 2-2 2.7 0.5 2.8-1.4 3.1 0 2.7 1.8 3.6 1.7 3.4 4.8 3.6 4.4z" id="SN" name="Senegal"> </path> <path d="M928.5 447.9l-2.6 3-2.6 3.4-0.3 1.9-1.4 2.1-1.5-0.5-4-2.6-3-3.4-0.9-2.4-0.7-4.7 3.1-2.9 0.6-1.7 1-1.4 1.6-0.2 1.3-1.2 4.5 0 1.6 2.3 1.2 2.7-0.2 1.9 0.9 1.7-0.1 2.3 1.5-0.3z" id="SL" name="Sierra Leone"> </path> <path d="M492.5 415.9l-0.7 1.5-3.3-0.1-2-0.6-2.2-1.3-3-0.4-1.5-1.4 0.3-0.9 2-1.6 1.2-0.7-0.3-0.8 1.4-0.4 1.6 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.1 0.1 0.8 2.5-0.7 1.2 0.4 0.7 0.7-0.7 2.6z" id="SV" name="El Salvador"> </path> <path d="M1102 218.2l-1.1 1.4 0.7 2.4 2.8 2.7-1.8 2-0.6 2 0.6 0.8-0.7 0.8-2.4 0.2-1.7 0.3-0.3-0.5 0.6-0.7 0.4-1.6-0.7 0.1-1.1-1.2-0.9-0.3-0.8-1-1-0.4-0.8-0.9-0.9 0.4-0.5 2.1-1.2 0.4 0.4-0.5-2.1-1.3-1.7-0.7-0.9-0.9-1.4-1.1 1.1-0.3 0.5-2.9-2.7-2.5 1.1-2.8-1.9 0.1 1.7-2.4-1.7-1.8-1.5-2.5 3.7-1.6 3.2 0.3 3 2.4 0.8 2.1 3.2 1.4 0.7 2.6 3.1 1.9 1.5-1.4 1.3 0.7-1 1.1 1 1.1z" id="RS" name="Serbia"> </path> <path d="M681 464.9l-3.1 5.5 0.3 4.4 2.2 3.8-1.1 2.7-0.5 3-1.5 2.7-3.2-1.4-2.7 0.7-2.3-0.6-0.6 1.9 1 1.2-0.6 1.4-3.1-0.6-3.3-5.6-0.7-3.6-1.8 0-2.4-4.6 1.1-3.4-0.3-1.5 3.5-1.6 1-5.8 6.8 1.3 0.6-1.2 4.6-0.5 6.1 1.8z" id="SR" name="Suriname"> </path> <path d="M1098.1 187.7l-1.2 1.7-0.7 2.5-1 0.6-5.5-1.9-1.6 0.4-1 1.5-2.3 0.8-0.6-0.4-2.3 0.9-1.9 0.2-0.3 1.3-4.1 0.7-1.9-0.6-2.7-1.7-0.7-2.1 0.3-0.8 0.6-1.4 2.2 0.1 1.6-0.6 0.1-0.6 0.9-0.3 0.2-1.4 1.1-0.3 0.7-1.1 1.5 0 0.3 0.4 1.9-0.9 2.7 2.2 2.8-1.3 2.4 0.6 3.5-0.9 5 2.4z" id="SK" name="Slovakia"> </path> <path d="M1069.8 203.9l-3.9 1.7-0.3 2.5-1.7 0.7 0.1 1.7-2-0.1-1.8-1-0.8 1-3.6-0.2 1.1-0.5-1.4-2.7 0.4-3.1 4.2 0.5 2.4-1.5 4.4-0.1 0.9-1.1 0.8 0.1 1.2 2.1z" id="SI" name="Slovenia"> </path> <path d="M1088.2 87l-7 1.6-3.5 3.9 1.3 3.5-6.2 4.5-7.8 5-2.1 8.1 3.7 4.1 4.8 3.3-3.3 6.6-4.6 1.4-0.6 10-2.1 5.7-5.7-0.6-2.2 4.8-5.5 0.3-1.9-5.7-4.5-6.9-4.2-8.4 1.8-3.4 3.4-4 0.8-6.9-3.1-2.9-1-7.7 2.4-5.4 4.3 0.1 1.3-2.2-1.8-2 5.7-7.9 3.4-6.1 2.3-3.9 4 0 0.6-3.1 8 0.9-0.1-3.6 2.6-0.2 6 2.7 7.2 3.7 1.8 8.5 1.8 2.2z" id="SE" name="Sweden"> </path> <path d="M1161.7 667.7l0.6 2.9 0.3 2.9-1.4 2.8-3.2 0.7-3.1-3.5 0.1-2.2 1.7-2.4 0.6-1.9 1.7-0.4 2.7 1.1z" id="SZ" name="Swaziland"> </path> <path d="M1195 287.5l-9.7 6.9-6.3-2.6-0.1 0 0.6-1-0.4-2.6 0.9-3.5 2.7-2.5-1.2-2.5-2.5-0.3-1.1-4.9 1-2.7 1.3-1.4 1.2-1.4-0.2-3.5 1.9 1.2 5.6-1.8 3 1.2 4.4 0 5.7-2.4 2.9 0.1 5.9-1-2.1 4-2.7 1.6 1.2 4.7-1 7.7-11 6.7z" id="SY" name="Syria"> </path> <path d="M1119.2 376.1l1.1 25.5-4.8-0.5-2.5 4.8-1.3 3.9 1.2 1.5-1.8 2 0.7 2.7-1.4 2.6-0.5 2.4 1.9-0.4 1.3 2.5 0.1 3.7 2.1 1.9 0 1.6-3.6 1.1-2.8 2.6-4 7-5.2 3-5.5-0.4-1.6 0.6 0.6 2.2-2.9 2.3-2.4 2.5-7.1 2.4-1.4-1.4-1-0.2-1 1.7-4.6 0.5 0.8-1.8-1.8-4.4-0.8-2.6-2.5-1.1-3.4-3.8 1.2-3 2.6 0.6 1.6-0.4 3.2 0-3.2-5.8 0.2-4.3-0.5-4.2-2.3-4.1 0.6-3.1-3.7-0.1 0-4.1-2.4-2.4 2.3-8.5 7-6 0.2-8.4 1.8-13 1.2-2.8-2.4-2.2-0.1-2-2.2-1.7-1.6-10 5.5-3.5 22.5 12.3 22.6 12.3z" id="TD" name="Chad"> </path> <path d="M991.4 431.2l-0.7 3.4 1.7 1.9 2 2.2 0.2 3.2 1.2 1.3-0.3 14.8 1.4 4.4-4.5 1.4-1.3-2.3-1.5-4.1-0.5-3.2 1.3-5.7-1.4-2.4-0.6-5 0-4.7-2.3-3.3 0.4-2 4.9 0.1z" id="TG" name="Togo"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('Thailand')" onmouseout="changeGreen('Thailand')"> <path class="Thailand" fill="#00a77e" d="M1577.5 410.2l-5.3-0.9-7.1 1.2-3.1 5.3 2.1 7.8-5.3-3-4.8 0.2 0.3-5.1-4.9 0 0.2 7.1-2.2 9.4-1.4 5.7 0.7 4.6 3.7 0.2 2.7 5.9 1.3 5.5 3.4 3.7 3.4 0.7 3.1 3.4-1.7 2.6-3.7 0.8-0.6-3.3-4.8-2.8-0.9 1.1-2.3-2.4-1.2-3.2-3.2-3.6-2.9-3.1-0.7 3.8-1.3-3.6 0.4-4 1.2-6.1 2.2-6.6 2.6-6-2.7-5.9-0.2-3-1-3.6-4.3-5.1-1.8-3.2 1.8-1.2 1.4-5.5-2.9-4.3-4.1-4.7-3.5-5.6 2.2-1.2 1.5-6.9 3.9-0.3 2.8-2.8 3-1.5 2.7 2 0.9 3.9 3.8 0.3-0.4 6.7 1 5.8 5.3-3.8 1.9 1.1 3.2-0.2 0.8-2.2 4.3 0.4 5 5.2 1.3 6.4 5.3 5.6 0.4 5.4-1.5 2.9z" id="TH" name="Thailand"> </path> </a> <path d="M1357 243.6l-1.4 1.9-6-1 0.6 3.6 5.5-0.5 7.1 2.1 9.6-1 3.1 6 1.5-0.7 3.7 1.5 0.5 2.5 1.8 3.6-5.4 0-3.8-0.5-2.5 2.9-2.2 0.6-1.5 1.4-2.7-2.1-0.9-5.4-1.7-0.3 0.1-2-3.3-1.4-1.7 2.2 0.2 2.6-0.6 0.9-3.2-0.1-0.9 2.9-2.1-1.2-3.4 2-1.8-0.7 1.3-6.5-2.4-4.8-4.2-1.5 0.6-2.8 4.4 0.3 1.5-3.5 0.5-4.1 6.5-1.5-0.2 3 1.3 1.7 2.1-0.1z" id="TJ" name="Tajikistan"> </path> <path d="M1338.3 262l-1.6-0.2-2.9-1.7-0.3 2.2-4.2 1.3 0.2 5.1-2.6 2-4 0.9-0.4 2.9-3.9 0.9-5.9-2.5-1.7-5.3-4-0.3-7.3-5.6-4.3-0.7-6.6-3.3-3.9-0.6-2 1.2-3.6-0.2-3 3.7-4.4 1.2-1.9-4.5-0.6-6.7-4.6-2.2 0.4-4.3-3.5-0.4-0.1-5.4 5.3 1.6 4.1-2-4.7-3.9-2.4-3.6-3.8 1.6 0.6 4.7-2.6-4.1 1.8-2.2 5.6-1.3 3.9 1.8 4.8 5 2.6-0.3 5.9-0.1-1.7-3.2 3.8-2.2 3.4-3.7 7.9 3.4 1.9 5 2.3 1.3 5.5-0.3 2.1 1.2 4.3 6.6 7.1 4.4 4.2 3 6.3 3.1 7.7 2.8 0.8 3.9z" id="TM" name="Turkmenistan"> </path> <path d="M1692.7 562.1l0.1-1.9-0.5-1.3 0.8-1.5 4.9-1.4 4-0.3 1.8-0.8 2.1 0.8-2.2 1.8-6.1 2.8-4.9 1.8z" id="TL" name="Timor-Leste"> </path> <path d="M1048.2 289.1l-0.1 4.9-2.6 1.8-1.6 2.1-3.6 2.5 0.6 2.6-0.4 2.8-2.6 1.4-2.6-11.5-3.4-2.6-0.1-1.5-4.5-3.9-0.6-4.8 3.2-3.6 1.1-5.3-1-6.1 1-3.3 5.7-2.5 3.7 0.7 0 3.3 4.4-2.4 0.4 1.2-2.5 3.2 0.1 2.9 1.9 1.6-0.5 5.6-3.5 3.2 1.2 3.5 2.8 0.1 1.4 3.1 2.1 1z" id="TN" name="Tunisia"> </path> <path class="Turkey" d="M 1201.7 235.3 1207.2 235 1212.8 238.2 1214.1 240.4 1214.2 243.5 1218.4 245.1 1220.8 246.9 1217.5 248.8 1220.4 256.1 1219.7 258.1 1223.5 263.2 1221.1 264.3 1219 262.7 1212.7 261.8 1210.6 262.8 1204.7 263.8 1201.8 263.7 1196.1 266.1 1191.7 266.1 1188.7 264.9 1183.1 266.7 1181.2 265.5 1181.4 269 1180.2 270.4 1178.9 271.8 1176.6 268.9 1178.3 266.5 1175.1 267.1 1170.5 265.6 1167.3 269.3 1159.3 270 1154.6 266.6 1148.9 266.4 1147.9 269 1144.3 269.8 1138.9 266.4 1133.1 266.5 1129.3 260.1 1125.1 256.6 1127.1 251.6 1123.5 248.5 1128.6 242.4 1136.6 242.2 1138.2 237.3 1148.2 238.2 1153.8 234.1 1159.6 232.3 1168.1 232.1 1177.9 236.6 1185.8 239.1 1191.6 238.1 1196.2 238.7 1201.7 235.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Turkey" d="M 1121.9 239.9 1123.1 239.2 1124.2 235.2 1121.5 233.5 1126.5 231.5 1131.1 232.3 1132 234.8 1136.8 236.8 1136.1 238.4 1129.9 238.7 1127.9 240.7 1124 244.1 1122 241.2 1121.9 239.9 Z"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('China');changeRed('Taiwan')" onmouseout="changeGreen('China');changeGreen('Taiwan')"> <path class="Taiwan" fill="#00a77e" d="M1657.9 355.5l-1.4 5.3-4-5.5-1.5-4.7 1.9-6.3 3.3-4.9 3 1.9-0.1 3.9-1.2 10.3z" id="TW" name="Taiwan"> </path> </a> <path d="M1167 508.4l-0.2 3.9-1.1 4.5 1.6 2.5 2.5-1.5 3.3-0.4 0.7 0.8 3.3-1.6-2.3-2.2 1.9-2.9 2.8-2.9 20.5 13.1 0.3 3.7 8.1 6.4-2.8 8 0.3 3.6 3.5 2.3 0.2 1.7-1.7 3.9 0.3 1.9-0.4 3.1 1.8 4 2.2 6.4 2 1.4-4.6 3.7-6.2 2.5-3.4-0.1-2.1 1.9-3.9 0.2-1.5 0.8-6.7-1.8-2.2 0.2 0.1-0.1-1.8-2.4-0.3-6.8-2.9-3.4-0.4 1.2-1-1.7-5.5-1.2-3.2-1.9-3.6-1.1-2.2-1.1-0.3-0.2-2.7-6.6-0.4-3.9-4.5-4.4 1.4-2.4-1.1-2.6 0.2-2.7-1-0.9 0.3-2.8 0.6-0.1 2-2.3 2.3-3.4 1.4-1.3 0-2.1-1.2-1.5-0.3-2.5 1.6-0.8 0.3-3.8-2.2-3.6 2-0.8 6.2 0.1z" id="TZ" name="Tanzania"> </path> <path d="M1179 474.5l2.7 4.5 0.7 3.2 2.6 7.4-2.1 4.7-2.8 4.2-1.6 2.6 0 0.3-0.2-0.4-3-1.3-2.4 1.6-3.6 0.9-2.6 3.7 0.3 2.5-6.2-0.1-2 0.8-3.4 2-1.4-0.7 0.1-4.8 1.3-2.5 0.3-5.1 1.2-3 2.2-3.3 2.1-1.8 1.9-2.2-2.3-0.9 0.3-7.5 2.3-1.8 3.6 1.5 4.5-1.5 4 0 3.5-3z" id="UG" name="Uganda"> </path> <path d="M1157.2 174.6l2.3 2.7 0.1 1.2 6.7 2.2 3.6-1 3.6 2.9 2.9-0.1 7.7 2 0.4 1.9-1.3 3.2 1.8 3.5-0.3 2.1-4.8 0.4-2.2 1.8 0.4 2.7-3.9 0.5-3 2.1-4.6 0.3-4 2.4 1 3.9 2.8 1.5 5.1-0.4-0.6 2.3-5.4 1.1-6.3 3.6-3.1-1.3 0.7-2.9-5.9-1.9 0.7-1.2 4.6-2.1-1.7-1.4-8.1-1.6-0.8-2.4-4.5 0.8-1.3 3.5-3.3 4.6-2.4-1.1-2.3 1.1-2.4-1.2 1.2-0.7 0.6-2.1 1.1-2.1-0.6-1.1 1-0.5 0.6 0.9 3 0.2 1.3-0.5-1-0.6 0.2-1-2-1.6-1.1-2.6-2-1 0.1-2.1-2.6-1.7-2-0.3-4-1.9-3.2 0.6-1.1 0.9-2.1 0-1 1.5-3.6 0.6-1.6 1-2.5-1.6-3.2 0-3.2-0.7-2 1.4-0.5-1.7-3-1.7 0.7-2.5 1.2-1.7 1.1 0.4-1.6-2.8 3.8-5.2 2.3-0.7 0.3-1.7-3.2-5.4 2.3-0.3 2.4-1.6 3.8-0.2 4.9 0.5 5.7 1.5 3.9 0.1 1.9 0.9 1.7-1.1 1.5 1.5 4.3-0.3 2.1 0.6-0.3-3.1 1.3-1.4 4.1-0.3 1.8 0.2 1-1.4 1.5 0.3 4.9-0.6 3.8 3.5-0.9 1.3 0.8 1.9 3.9 0.3z" id="UA" name="Ukraine"> </path> <path d="M699.7 718.6l-1.6 4.1-5.4 3.5-4.2-1.3-2.8 0.7-5.5-2.7-3.6 0.2-3.9-3.6-0.4-4.1 0.9-1.4-1.2-6.4 0.4-6.6 0.5-5.2 3.4-0.7 6.3 5 1.9-0.2 6.3 4.1 4.8 3.6 3.8 4.3-1.8 3.1 2.1 3.6z" id="UY" name="Uruguay"> </path> <path d="M1352.7 230.7l1.7 0.6-3 4.1 4.6 2.4 3.2-1.6 7.2 3.4-5.3 4.6-4.1-0.6-2.1 0.1-1.3-1.7 0.2-3-6.5 1.5-0.5 4.1-1.5 3.5-4.4-0.3-0.6 2.8 4.2 1.5 2.4 4.8-1.3 6.5-4.3-1.4-3 0-0.8-3.9-7.7-2.8-6.3-3.1-4.2-3-7.1-4.4-4.3-6.6-2.1-1.2-5.5 0.3-2.3-1.3-1.9-5-7.9-3.4-3.4 3.7-3.8 2.2 1.7 3.2-5.9 0.1-6.2-23.4 12-3.7 1.1 0.5 9.2 4.5 4.8 2.4 6.6 5.7 5.7-0.9 8.6-0.5 7.6 4.6 1.5 6.4 2.6 0.1 2.5 5.2 6.7 0.2 2.3 3 2 0 0.9-4.6 5.4-4.4 2.6-1.2z" id="UZ" name="Uzbekistan"> </path> <path d="M648.7 448.1l-4.7 3.8-0.5 2.3 1.8 2.4-1.4 1.2-3.5 1 0 3-1.6 1.8 3.7 4.8 0.7 1.8-2.1 2.5-6.4 2.4-4.1 1-1.7 1.5-4.5-1.6-4.1-0.8-1.1 0.6 2.5 1.6-0.3 4.3 0.7 4.1 4.8 0.5 0.3 1.4-4.1 1.8-0.7 2.7-2.4 1.1-4.2 1.5-1.1 2-4.4 0.4-3.1-3.4-1.6-6.4-1.5-2.3-2-1.4 2.9-3.2-0.2-1.4-1.5-1.9-1.1-4.3 0.6-4.6 1.3-2.2 1.2-3.4-2-1.1-3.2 0.7-4.1-0.3-2.3 0.7-3.8-5.6-3.3-0.8-7.3 0.6-1.2-2.2-1.4-0.5-0.1-1.4 0.7-2.4-0.3-2.5-1.2-1.5-0.6-2.9-2.9-0.4 1.8-3.8 0.9-4.6 1.8-2.4 2.3-1.8 1.6-3.2 3.7-1.1-0.2 1.5-3.4 0.8 1.7 2.9-0.3 3.4-2.7 3.7 1.9 5.1 2.5-0.4 1.5-4.7-1.7-2.2 0-4.9 7.2-2.6-0.6-3 2.1-2.1 1.7 4.6 4 0.1 3.4 3.5 0.2 2.2 5 0 6.1-0.6 3.1 2.8 4.2 0.8 3.3-2 0.1-1.6 7.1-0.4 6.7-0.1-4.9 1.9 1.8 3.1 4.5 0.4 4.2 3.2 0.7 5.1 2.9-0.1 2.2 1.5z" id="VE" name="Venezuela"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" onmouseover="changeRed('Vietnam')" onmouseout="changeGreen('Vietnam')"> <path class="Vietnam" fill="#00a77e" d="M1586.5 363.5l-6.5 5.4-3.7 6.1-0.6 4.5 5.3 6.7 6.5 8.4 5.7 4 4.1 5.1 4 11.9 0.4 11.3-4.3 4.2-6.1 4.2-4.2 5.3-6.6 6-2.3-4.1 1.2-4.4-4.4-3.6 4.6-2.6 5.9-0.5-2.8-3.8 9-5-0.1-7.7-1.8-4.3 0.2-6.4-2-4.5-4.9-4.5-4.4-5.6-5.7-7.6-7.3-3.9 1.2-2.3 3.3-1.7-3-5.6-6.8 0-3.5-5.8-4-5.1 2.7-1.6 4.4 0.1 5.3-0.8 4.1-3.4 3.1 2.4 5.3 1.2-0.3 3.7 3.1 2.6 5.9 1.7z" id="VN" name="Vietnam"> </path> </a> <path d="M1283.8 394.9l-4 1.7-0.9 2.9 0 2.2-5.4 2.7-8.8 3-4.7 4.5-2.5 0.4-1.7-0.4-3.2 2.7-3.5 1.2-4.7 0.3-1.4 0.4-1.1 1.7-1.5 0.5-0.8 1.6-2.8-0.2-1.7 0.9-4-0.3-1.6-3.8 0-3.5-1-1.9-1.3-4.7-1.8-2.6 1.1-0.4-0.7-2.9 0.6-1.2-0.4-2.8 2.4-2.1-0.8-2.7 1.3-3.1 2.4 1.6 1.5-0.6 6.4-0.1 1.1 0.6 5.5 0.7 2.1-0.3 1.5 2.1 2.6-1.1 3.5-6.7 5-2.9 15.9-2.5 5.2 10.6 2.2 4.5z" id="YE" name="Yemen"> </path> <path d="M1162.1 556.8l0.3 0.2 2.2 1.1 3.6 1.1 3.2 1.9 2.6 2.9 1.3 5.4-1 1.7-1.3 5.2 0.9 5.4-1.8 2.2-2 6 2.9 1.6-17.2 5.3 0.4 4.6-4.3 0.9-3.3 2.5-0.8 2.2-2 0.6-5.1 5.2-3.2 4.2-1.9 0.1-1.8-0.7-6.2-0.7-1-0.5 0-0.5-2.2-1.5-3.6-0.3-4.6 1.4-3.6-4-3.6-5.2 0.8-20.5 11.7 0.1-0.4-2.2 0.9-2.4-0.9-3 0.7-3.1-0.6-2 1.9 0.1 0.3 2 2.7-0.1 3.5 0.6 1.9 2.9 4.4 0.9 3.5-2 1.2 3.3 4.3 0.9 2 2.8 2.2 3.5 4.3 0-0.2-6.9-1.6 1.2-3.9-2.5-1.5-1.2 0.9-6.4 1.1-7.6-1.2-2.8 1.7-4.1 1.5-0.8 7.7-1.1 0.9 0.3-0.3 1.4 1.9 0.5 1.2 1.3 1-0.3-0.5-1.1z" id="ZM" name="Zambia"> </path> <path d="M1159.4 644.7l-2.9-0.7-1.9 0.8-2.7-1.1-2.2 0-3.4-2.9-4.3-1-1.5-4.1 0.1-2.3-2.3-0.7-6.1-7-1.6-3.7-1.1-1.2-1.9-5.1 6.2 0.7 1.8 0.7 1.9-0.1 3.2-4.2 5.1-5.2 2-0.6 0.8-2.2 3.3-2.5 4.3-0.9 0.2 2.4 4.7-0.1 2.6 1.3 1.1 1.6 2.7 0.5 2.8 2-0.4 8.2-1.3 4.4-0.4 4.8 0.8 1.9-0.9 3.8-0.8 0.6-1.7 4.6-6.2 7.3z" id="ZW" name="Zimbabwe"> </path> <path d="M1222.1 512.6l-3.3-5.3-0.2-23.4 4.9-7.2 1.5-2.1 3.6-0.1 5-4.5 7.3-0.3 15.6-19.3-4.8 0.1-18.7-7.6-2.2-2.3-2.2-3.1-2.2-3.6 1.2-2.2 1.9-3.5 1.9 1.2 1.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 0 5.2-1.7 6.1-0.7 4.9-2 2.8-0.4 2-1.2 3.2-0.2 1.8-0.2 2.5-0.9 3-0.7 2.5-2.2 2.2 0 0.2 1.8-0.4 3.7 0.2 3.4-1.1 2.3-1.4 7-2.4 7.1-3.3 8.2-4.6 9.4-4.7 7.2-6.6 8.8-5.6 5.2-8.4 6.4-5.3 4.8-6.2 7.8-1.3 3.4-1.3 1.5z" id="SO" name="Somalia"> </path> <path d="M1097.8 230.8l-1.2 0.3-2.9 1-0.1 1.3-0.7-0.1-0.6-2.3-1.3-0.7-1.2-1.7 0.8-1.4 1.2-0.4 0.5-2.1 0.9-0.4 0.8 0.9 1 0.4 0.8 1 0.9 0.3 1.1 1.2 0.7-0.1-0.4 1.6-0.6 0.7 0.3 0.5z" id="XK" name="Kosovo"> </path> <path d="M1159.4 644.7l2.2 9 1.1 4.6-1.4 7.1 0.4 2.3-2.7-1.1-1.7 0.4-0.6 1.9-1.7 2.4-0.1 2.2 3.1 3.5 3.2-0.7 1.4-2.8 4.1 0-1.7 4.7-1 5.3-1.7 2.9-4 3.3-1.1 0.9-2.6 3.3-1.8 3.3-3.5 4.6-6.7 6.6-4.1 3.8-4.3 3-5.9 2.4-2.7 0.4-0.9 1.8-3.2-1-2.7 1.2-5.7-1.2-3.3 0.8-2.2-0.4-5.8 2.6-4.6 1-3.5 2.4-2.4 0.2-2.1-2.3-1.8-0.1-2.2-2.9-0.3 0.9-0.6-1.7 0.3-3.8-1.5-4.3 1.8-1.2 0.1-4.9-3.3-6-2.4-5.4 0-0.1-3.6-8.3 2.8-3.2 2 1.8 0.8 2.7 2.5 0.5 3.4 1.2 2.9-0.5 5-3.3 1.1-23.7 1.4 1 3 6.1-0.6 3.9 1.1 2.3 4-0.7 2.8-2.9 2.7-1.9 1.5-3.1 2.8-1.4 2.3 0.7 2.5 1.8 4.5 0.3 3.6-1.4 0.6-2 1.2-3.1 3-0.5 1.8-2.4 2-4.3 5.2-4.8 8.1-4.7 2.2 0 2.7 1.1 1.9-0.8 2.9 0.7z m-20.3 53.2l1.1-2 3.1-1 1.1-2.1 1.9-3.1-1.7-2-2.2-2-2.7 1.4-3.1 2.5-3.2 4 3.7 5 2-0.7z" id="ZA" name="South Africa"> </path> <path class="New Zealand" d="M 1886.2 764.4 1885.4 767 1891 764.4 1890.5 767.1 1888.4 769.8 1884.2 772.7 1877.1 777.4 1872.4 780 1871.8 783 1867.8 783.1 1861.5 785.5 1856.8 789.6 1848.6 796 1842.3 798.8 1838.3 800.6 1833.7 800.5 1832.2 798.4 1827.1 798 1828.1 795.6 1834.6 791 1846 784.7 1850.3 783.5 1855.9 781.1 1862.9 777.8 1868.6 774.5 1874.6 769.8 1877.7 768.2 1881.2 764.6 1887 761.7 1886.2 764.4 Z"> </path> <path class="New Zealand" d="M 1915.2 733.9 1914.8 740.7 1917.7 736.3 1919 738.1 1916.6 742.9 1919.5 745 1922.7 745.5 1927.4 743.1 1929.6 743.8 1924.4 749.5 1920.2 753.2 1916.3 753.1 1913.5 755 1912 757.8 1910.4 758.9 1905.8 762.4 1899.9 766.7 1893.9 769.3 1894.4 767.6 1892.9 766.7 1899.8 761.5 1900.7 757.9 1896.9 755.4 1898.7 753.1 1904 750.9 1908.2 745.9 1910.7 741.8 1911.3 737.5 1912.1 736.4 1911.2 733.7 1910.5 728.1 1910.9 723.5 1913.1 723 1914 726.6 1917.2 728.2 1915.2 733.9 Z"> </path> <a class="countrylink" href="" target="_blank" onmouseover="changeRed('Chile')" onmouseout="changeGreen('Chile')"> <path id="Chile1" fill="#00a77e" class="Chile" d="M 655.1 837.9 661.1 851.5 666.1 851.5 669.1 851.7 668.6 854.1 665.4 856 663 855.8 659.9 855.3 655.7 853.5 650.3 852.6 642.8 849.2 636.4 846 626.6 839.1 631.2 840.4 639.8 844.5 647.1 846.7 648.3 843.9 648 839.7 651.4 837.1 655.1 837.9 Z"> </path> </a> <a class="countrylink" href="" target="_blank" onmouseover="changeRed('Chile')" onmouseout="changeGreen('Chile')"> <path id="Chile2" fill="#00a77e" class="Chile" d="M 614.4 647.8 615.3 649.4 614.1 656.1 608.5 659.2 610.1 669.9 609.3 672 611.3 674.5 608 678.5 605.4 684.5 604.5 690.4 606.2 696.6 604.1 703.2 609 714.3 610.6 715.5 612 721.4 610.4 727.6 611.8 733 608.8 737.2 610.4 743 613.7 749.3 611.2 751.6 611.4 757.3 612.2 763.8 615.5 771.6 613.8 772.9 617.5 780.2 620.6 782.6 619.8 785.3 622.6 786.5 624 788.9 622.2 790.1 624 793.8 625.1 802.1 624.4 807.5 626.2 810.7 626.1 814.6 623.4 817.4 626.5 823.9 629.1 826.2 632.2 825.8 634.1 830.4 637.6 834 649.7 834.8 654.6 835.8 650.3 835.8 648.6 837.3 645.2 839.5 646.9 845.2 645 845.3 638.7 843.4 631.2 839.1 623.6 835.6 620.4 831.7 620.1 828.1 615.9 823.9 610.9 813.3 610.7 807.3 614.1 802.5 605.8 800.6 608.5 795.1 606.5 784.6 613 786.8 611.2 773.7 607.2 772 608.2 779.9 604.7 779 603.2 770 601.2 758.2 602.3 753.8 599 747.6 596.6 740.4 598.8 740.1 599.4 729.8 600.6 719.5 600.7 710 597.4 700.3 598 695 595.9 687.1 597.7 679.3 596.8 666.9 596.8 653.5 596.9 639.2 595.4 628.7 593.3 619.6 596.1 618 597.2 614.7 600.4 619.1 601.6 623.7 604.8 626.4 603.7 632.6 607.4 639.8 610.5 648.7 614.4 647.8 Z"> </path> </a> <path d="M1016.5 177.1l-2.8-1.5-3.1-2.7-4.5 1.3-3.6-0.5 2.5-1.7 4-9 6.5-2.6 4 0.2 0.9 2.1-0.9 5.6-1.2 2.3-2.9 0 1.1 6.5z" id="NL" name="Netherlands"> </path> <path d="M946.9 263.7l-2.2 1.6-2.8-0.9-2.7 0.7 0.9-5-0.3-3.9-2.4-0.6-1.1-2.4 0.5-4.2 2.2-2.3 0.5-2.6 1.2-3.8 0-2.7-0.9-2.3-0.2-2.2 1.9-1.6 2.2-0.9 1.2 3.1 3 0 0.9-0.8 3.1 0.2 1.3 3.2-2.4 1.7-0.3 5-0.8 0.9-0.3 3.1-2.3 0.5 2 3.8-1.6 4.2 1.8 1.9-0.8 1.7-2 2.4 0.4 2.2z" id="PT" name="Portugal"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1689.5 177.4 1703.2 188.4 1694.3 186.4 1698 195.4 1707.6 201.8 1710.6 206.2 1704.1 202.4 1704.2 207.3 1699.5 202 1695.7 195.9 1690.1 189.2 1687.7 184.4 1681.3 176.2 1673.3 170.1 1666.5 161.7 1668.4 158.9 1664 156.1 1665.3 155.2 1670.2 159.2 1677.1 165.1 1682.3 171.2 1689.5 177.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1094.6 155.4 1085.8 155.5 1079.9 154.8 1080.6 152.2 1086.9 150.2 1092 151.3 1094.2 152.2 1094 153.9 1094.6 155.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1548.4 48.2 1542.5 48.3 1533.6 47.7 1532.6 47.4 1533.3 45.4 1537.5 44.9 1545.9 46.9 1548.4 48.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1561 38.7 1559.9 40.7 1553 40.3 1542.7 38.3 1540.9 36.7 1549.2 37.4 1561 38.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1535.5 36.3 1538.6 40.1 1524.3 39.9 1519.7 41.1 1507.2 37.8 1503.8 34.4 1507.3 33.5 1517.5 33.7 1535.5 36.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1218.8 61.3 1216.6 61.7 1203.1 61 1200.8 58.7 1192.9 57.3 1190.9 54.4 1194.4 53.3 1192.8 50.5 1198.2 46.1 1194.2 45.5 1200.9 41 1198.4 38.7 1205.2 36.1 1215.5 32.9 1227.2 32 1232.2 30.2 1238.9 29.6 1243.1 31.5 1241.8 33 1230.4 35.5 1220.5 37.8 1211.8 42.6 1209 47.6 1205.7 52.6 1208.8 56.9 1218.8 61.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1661.7 231 1660.3 229.9 1658.4 226.6 1660.9 226.5 1657 219 1652.3 213.6 1655.2 211.4 1662.1 212.5 1661.5 206.3 1658.7 199.5 1659 197.2 1657.7 191.5 1650.8 193.4 1648.2 195.8 1640.6 195.8 1634.6 190 1625.6 185.5 1615.6 183.5 1609.4 177.5 1604.9 173.7 1601.1 171 1593.4 164.8 1587.4 162.6 1578.8 160.7 1572.6 160.9 1567.5 162 1565.8 165.1 1569.5 166.5 1572 169.9 1570.7 171.9 1570.9 178.4 1572.8 181.2 1568.4 185.1 1561 182.7 1555.4 183.3 1551.5 181.2 1548.1 180.5 1543.7 184.9 1537.8 185.9 1534.2 187.5 1527.4 186.5 1522.8 186.5 1517.9 183.3 1511.3 180.4 1505.9 179.5 1500.2 180.3 1496.2 181.5 1487.7 178.9 1484.1 174.3 1477.4 172.7 1472.6 171.9 1465.6 169.4 1464.3 175.8 1468.3 179.4 1465.9 183.8 1457.9 182.2 1452.9 182 1448.1 179.1 1442.9 179 1437.6 177.1 1431.7 180 1425 185.3 1420.3 186.4 1418.6 186.9 1414.2 183.1 1408.2 184 1404.9 181.3 1400.9 180.1 1396.8 176.5 1393.5 175.4 1387.3 177 1378.9 173.5 1377.8 176.7 1359.5 161.1 1351.1 156.4 1351.9 154.4 1342.7 160.2 1338.3 160.5 1337.2 157.2 1330.1 155.1 1325.8 156.6 1321.4 150.3 1312.3 149 1309.2 151.5 1298.3 153.8 1296.6 155.3 1279.6 157.4 1278.2 159.5 1283.3 163.7 1279.3 165.3 1280.8 166.9 1277.3 169.9 1286.7 174.2 1286.5 177.1 1279.5 176.8 1278.7 178.7 1271.4 175.5 1263.7 175.6 1259.3 178.2 1252.7 175.7 1240.7 171.4 1233.1 171.6 1225 178.3 1225.6 182.8 1219.6 179.2 1217.4 186.1 1219.2 187.3 1217.5 192.1 1222.8 196.3 1226.4 196.1 1230.7 200.3 1230.9 203.5 1233.7 204.6 1232.3 208.3 1227.7 209.3 1224.1 215.8 1230.1 221.9 1230.5 226.1 1237.8 233.6 1235.3 236.2 1234.7 237.8 1232.3 237.3 1228 233.5 1226.5 233.3 1222.9 231.8 1220.8 229.2 1215.7 227.9 1212.8 228.9 1211.6 227.7 1204 224.6 1196.3 223.6 1191.7 222.5 1191.3 223.3 1183.7 217.9 1177.5 215.5 1172.4 211.8 1176 210.8 1179.2 205.6 1175.9 203.1 1182.8 200.5 1182.4 199.1 1178.1 200.1 1177.7 197.4 1179.9 195.6 1184.7 195.2 1185 193.1 1183.2 189.6 1184.5 186.4 1184.1 184.5 1176.4 182.5 1173.5 182.6 1169.9 179.7 1166.3 180.7 1159.6 178.5 1159.5 177.3 1157.2 174.6 1153.3 174.3 1152.5 172.4 1153.4 171.1 1149.6 167.6 1144.7 168.2 1143.2 167.9 1142.2 169.3 1140.4 169.1 1138.4 165.1 1136.9 163.1 1137.7 162.5 1141.6 162.7 1143.2 161.4 1141.5 159.8 1138.1 158.7 1138.1 157.6 1136 156.5 1132.2 152.5 1132.9 150.9 1131.8 148 1127 146.6 1124.6 147.3 1123.7 145.8 1118.4 144.3 1116.3 140.7 1115.3 137.8 1112.8 136.5 1114.4 134.6 1112 129 1114.6 125.6 1113.7 124.6 1118.2 121.3 1112.8 118.5 1120.8 111.1 1124.2 107.7 1125.1 104.8 1117.7 100.9 1118.6 97.1 1113.7 92.9 1115.4 88.1 1108.9 81.8 1111.8 77.6 1104.5 73.9 1104.1 70.1 1107.3 69.6 1113.7 67.5 1117.4 65.6 1125.1 68.8 1136.8 70.1 1154.5 76.3 1158.6 78.9 1160.1 82.6 1156.4 85.5 1149.9 87 1129.7 82.8 1126.8 83.5 1134.9 87.6 1135.9 90.2 1137.8 96 1143.9 97.7 1147.7 99.2 1147.5 96.4 1144.1 94 1146.2 91.8 1157.8 95.4 1161 94 1156.7 89.8 1164.8 84.4 1168.9 84.7 1173.5 86.6 1174.6 82.8 1169.9 79.5 1170.7 76.2 1166.4 72.8 1178.7 74.6 1182.3 77.6 1177.2 78.3 1178.4 81.4 1182.5 83.3 1188.5 82.1 1188.1 78.6 1195.8 75.9 1208.2 71.3 1211.4 71.5 1208.9 74.8 1214.3 75.4 1216.4 73.5 1224.1 73.4 1229.1 71.1 1235.5 74.4 1238.3 70.8 1232.3 67.7 1233.5 65.9 1246.5 67.5 1253.1 69.2 1271.7 75.4 1272.8 72.6 1266.9 69.7 1266.1 68.6 1260.8 68 1260.6 65.5 1255.9 61.3 1254.8 59.6 1259.1 54.9 1258.5 50.1 1260.7 49.1 1272.1 50.5 1275 53.4 1274.1 57.6 1277.8 59.3 1281.6 63 1285.4 70.4 1292.1 73.7 1292.6 77.4 1289.1 85.2 1294.4 86 1294.9 84 1298.7 82.6 1298.2 79.9 1300.1 77.2 1295.7 74.1 1295.3 70.5 1290.5 70.1 1287.6 67.1 1287.2 61.7 1279 57.4 1283.7 53.9 1280 50.2 1281.9 50.1 1286.1 52.9 1288.2 58 1293.2 59 1288.6 55.2 1293.7 53.1 1301.8 52.8 1311.4 55.8 1304.5 51.5 1299.6 46 1305.5 45 1315 45.2 1322.8 44.5 1317.2 41.9 1318.5 38.6 1322.7 38.4 1327.6 36 1336.9 35.3 1336.7 33.9 1346 33.5 1350.3 34.6 1355.7 32 1362.7 32.1 1361.2 29.9 1362.1 27.9 1368.3 25.9 1376.6 27.5 1373.1 28.7 1382.5 29.4 1386.6 31.8 1388.5 30.6 1399.4 30.7 1411 33.1 1416.5 34.9 1419 37.5 1416.6 39 1410 41.8 1408.9 43.3 1414.5 44 1421.7 45.3 1424.1 44.3 1429.9 47.6 1430.1 46.3 1435.3 45.5 1448.9 46.3 1452.7 48.7 1470.1 49.5 1465.3 45.6 1474.8 46.5 1480.9 46.4 1490.8 49.1 1496.8 52.4 1497.2 54.6 1507.3 58.8 1516.3 60.9 1513.3 55.4 1522.7 57.7 1527.7 56.3 1537.5 57.9 1538.5 56.5 1546.1 57.2 1536.7 52.3 1538.8 50.1 1579.2 53.5 1587.1 56.6 1603.4 60.6 1618.2 59.6 1627.5 60.5 1634.1 62.7 1639.2 66.6 1646.5 68.1 1650.4 67 1657.4 66.9 1666.7 67.9 1673.6 67.3 1687.9 72.1 1690.4 70.4 1681.9 67 1680.1 64.6 1695.4 66.1 1703.4 65.8 1719.2 68.3 1728.7 70.7 1761.9 92.8 1759.9 95.3 1753.7 94.9 1761.9 97.9 1771 102.6 1775.2 104.1 1779 106.5 1780 108 1770 106.8 1763.4 111.1 1760.4 111.8 1758.8 115.9 1756.8 119.5 1758.5 122.2 1747 118.1 1740.9 122.7 1736.2 120.5 1734.8 123.1 1727.8 122.2 1730.9 126.1 1732 131.9 1734.9 134.3 1741.7 135.6 1750.8 144.3 1746.7 144.6 1750.1 149.6 1754.8 152.2 1749.8 155.3 1755.2 162.3 1749.5 163.8 1754 170 1752.3 175.8 1746.6 171.5 1736.1 162.6 1719.9 149 1713.4 140.7 1713.5 137.1 1710.7 134.3 1716.4 133 1716.2 125.5 1716.9 119.5 1719.4 114.8 1712.8 106.6 1708.1 107.1 1711.3 111.9 1707.7 118.3 1695.4 111.1 1686.3 113.1 1686.3 122.9 1694 126.5 1685.5 128.1 1679.1 128.7 1674.8 124.4 1666.8 123.5 1664.3 126.4 1649.2 125.4 1636 127.1 1632.5 138.8 1627.5 153 1635.7 153.8 1641.4 157.6 1647.2 158.9 1647.6 155.9 1653.2 156.3 1666 163 1670.7 168.2 1672.1 174.4 1677.6 181.8 1682.9 191.7 1681.9 200.8 1683.2 205.1 1681.2 212.5 1679.1 219.8 1678.2 223.5 1673.6 227.2 1670.5 227.3 1665.3 224.2 1661.2 228.9 1661.7 231 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1367.1 23.1 1349 24.9 1347.7 18.8 1349.9 18.3 1353 18.6 1365.6 21.2 1367.1 23.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1164.8 13.1 1160.5 13.6 1157.6 14 1157.6 14.7 1154 15.4 1149.5 14.4 1150.6 13 1142.8 12.9 1149.1 12.1 1154.3 12.1 1155.8 13.2 1157.1 12.2 1159.9 11.5 1165.7 12.4 1164.8 13.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Russian Federation" d="M 1345.1 20.4 1338 21 1326.3 19.7 1318.2 18 1311.6 14.8 1305.7 14 1311.1 11.1 1317.3 10.2 1326.9 12.2 1340.6 16.4 1345.1 20.4 Z"> </path> <path d="M976.6 223.4l2 2.4 9.5 2.9 1.9-1.4 5.8 2.9 5.9-0.8 0.4 3.7-4.9 4.2-6.6 1.4-0.5 2.1-3.2 3.5-2 5.2 2 3.7-3 2.8-1.2 4.2-4 1.3-3.7 4.9-6.8 0.1-5-0.1-3.4 2.2-2.1 2.4-2.6-0.5-1.9-2.2-1.4-3.6-4.9-1-0.4-2.2 2-2.4 0.8-1.7-1.8-1.9 1.6-4.2-2-3.8 2.3-0.5 0.3-3.1 0.8-0.9 0.3-5 2.4-1.7-1.3-3.2-3.1-0.2-0.9 0.8-3 0-1.2-3.1-2.2 0.9-1.9 1.6 0.5-4.5-2-2.7 7.4-4.6 6.2 1.1 6.9 0 5.4 1.1 4.3-0.4 8.3 0.3z" id="ES" name="Spain"> </path> <path class="France" d="M 1035.7 231.4 1034.2 236.3 1031.8 235 1030.5 230.8 1031.4 228.4 1034.6 226 1035.7 231.4 Z"> </path> <path class="France" d="M 1014.4 185 1015.5 185.5 1016.9 185.4 1019.3 187 1026.5 188.2 1024.1 192.4 1023.7 196.9 1022.4 198 1020.1 197.4 1020.3 199 1016.7 202.5 1016.7 205.4 1019.1 204.4 1020.9 207.1 1020.8 208.9 1022.3 211.3 1020.6 213.2 1022.1 218.1 1024.9 218.9 1024.4 221.6 1019.9 225.2 1009.7 223.5 1002.3 225.6 1001.7 229.4 995.8 230.2 990 227.3 988.1 228.7 978.6 225.8 976.6 223.4 979.3 219.6 980.3 207 975.2 200.4 971.5 197.2 963.9 194.8 963.5 190.2 970 188.9 978.3 190.5 976.8 183.4 981.5 186.1 992.9 181.3 994.4 176.2 998.6 174.9 999.4 177.1 1001.6 177.2 1004 179.7 1007.5 182.6 1010 182.1 1014.4 185 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 118.8 379.3 117.7 380.4 116.5 379.5 117.1 377.7 116.7 375.3 117.2 374.6 118.4 373.6 118.3 372.3 118.7 371.7 119.1 371.8 121 372.9 121.9 373.5 122.6 374.3 123.5 376.6 123.3 376.9 120.8 378.3 118.8 379.3 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 118.1 369.3 116.1 369.7 115.5 368.4 115 367.9 115 367.5 115.7 366.9 117.5 367.5 118.7 368.5 118.1 369.3 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 115.1 365.9 114.8 366.6 111.8 366.4 112.4 365.6 115.1 365.9 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 110.4 364.9 110 365.3 109.6 365.2 107.7 365 107.4 363.5 107.2 363.3 108.9 362.4 109.3 362.8 110.4 364.9 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 102 360.7 101.2 361.3 99.6 360.2 100 359.7 101 359.1 102.3 359.2 102 360.7 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 539.5 194.5 533.4 196.5 528.7 199 524.1 201.7 523.6 202.6 529.3 201.3 531.4 203.4 536 201.9 540.9 199.8 546.3 197.7 543.2 201 545.7 201.8 548.2 204.2 553.3 202.8 558.4 202.3 558.7 204.1 560.2 204.3 561.4 204.5 562.9 207 558.2 207.6 558.1 207.6 554.4 206.9 549.9 208.1 546.2 208.7 541.5 212.8 538.5 215.1 538.9 215.8 544.4 211.7 545.1 211.7 540.4 216.6 537.5 221 535 224.6 534.4 227.7 533.6 229.2 533 230.9 533.1 234.2 533.4 234.7 535.2 234.6 536.8 233.9 538.2 233.1 541.5 230 543.3 225.8 543.2 221.9 544.6 219.2 547.2 216.1 549.3 213.9 552 212.4 551.6 214.5 553.8 211.4 555.1 210.8 556.8 208.4 560.6 209.7 563.4 212.1 562.6 215 561 217.9 557.2 220.4 556.8 222 557.8 222 562.1 219.3 563.7 219.9 563.2 223.6 562.5 226.2 558.8 229.7 556.8 231.9 554.1 234.3 556.8 235.6 559.3 236 563.3 235.1 567 233.4 570 232.5 574.6 230.7 580.4 226.9 580.5 226.3 580.8 224.4 583.5 223.6 587.4 223.9 591.4 224.4 596 222.3 596.6 219.8 596.4 218.9 603.2 214.5 605.9 213.4 613.7 213.3 623 213.3 624.1 211.8 625.8 211.5 628.3 210.5 631.1 207.6 634.3 202.7 639.8 198 640.9 199.6 644.6 198.6 646.2 200.4 643.3 208.9 645.5 212.5 645.7 214.6 639.3 217.6 633.3 219.8 627.3 221.7 623.3 225.5 622 226.9 620.8 230.3 621.5 233.6 623.6 233.8 623.8 231.5 624.9 232.9 623.9 234.7 620.1 235.7 617.6 235.6 613.4 236.7 611.1 237 608 237.3 603 239.2 611.1 238 612.2 239.2 604.3 241.1 601 241.1 601.4 240.3 599.3 242.1 600.7 242.4 598.2 247 592.9 251.9 593 250.2 591.9 249.9 590.7 248.3 590.7 251.8 591.7 252.9 591.1 255.3 588.7 257.8 584.2 262.9 583.8 262.7 586.7 258.3 584.7 255.9 585.7 250.5 583.8 253.3 583.8 257.4 580.6 256.4 583.6 258.4 582.1 264.5 583.5 265 583.5 267.2 582.5 273.6 577.9 278.3 571.8 280.2 567.4 284 564.6 284.4 561.2 286.8 559.9 288.9 553 293.1 549.2 296.2 545.7 300 543.8 304.5 543.8 309 544.4 314.5 545.9 319 545.4 321.8 546.7 329.2 545.7 333.6 545.1 336.1 543.1 340 541.3 340.8 538.7 340 538.3 337.2 536.5 335.7 534.5 330.2 532.9 325.3 532.5 322.8 534.5 318.5 533.7 315 530.6 309.6 528.7 308.6 522.6 311.6 521.7 311.2 519.7 308.2 516.7 306.6 510.3 307.5 505.7 306.7 501.4 307.2 498.9 308.2 499.5 309.9 498.8 312.5 499.6 313.8 498.4 314.6 496.6 313.7 494.3 314.9 490.4 314.7 487.1 311.3 482.2 312.1 478.6 310.6 475.1 311.1 470.1 312.6 464 317.3 457.9 320.1 454.2 323.1 452.3 326 451.3 330.5 450.9 333.5 451.5 335.7 449.3 335.9 445.7 334.5 441.8 332.5 440.9 329.5 440.7 325 438.3 321.4 437.4 317.6 435.8 313.2 432.6 310.6 428.1 310.8 423.3 315.8 419.3 313.9 417 312 416.6 308.4 415.8 305.1 413.4 302.3 411.3 300.2 410 297.9 400.6 297.9 399.8 300.6 395.5 300.6 384.7 300.6 373.8 296.1 366.8 293 367.7 291.7 360.6 292.4 354.3 292.9 354.6 289.7 352.5 286 350.3 285.2 350.4 283.4 347.5 283 346.3 281.3 341.5 280.7 340.6 279.6 341.4 276.1 338.9 269.7 338.4 260.8 339.3 259.3 338 257.2 336.5 251.8 338.3 246.6 337.4 243.1 341.3 237.8 344.1 232.4 345.2 227.5 350.7 221.5 354.7 215.8 358.7 210.1 363 201.6 364.8 196.3 365.2 193.4 366.6 192.1 372.4 194.3 371.4 200.2 373.6 198.5 376.1 193.4 377.7 188.3 391.8 188.3 406.5 188.3 411.3 188.3 426.4 188.3 441.1 188.3 455.9 188.3 470.8 188.3 487.6 188.3 504.6 188.3 514.8 188.3 516.1 185.9 517.8 185.9 516.9 189.3 517.9 190.3 521.2 190.7 525.8 191.7 529.7 193.6 534.1 192.8 539.5 194.5 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 275 138.6 268 140.9 267.2 139.3 269.5 136.5 275.9 134.4 279.4 133.5 282 133.9 282 135.8 275 138.6 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 236 122 232.1 122.9 230.4 121.8 229.6 120.2 235.3 119.2 238.3 119.8 236 122 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 237.2 99.6 238.4 100.6 241.9 100.1 243.5 101.6 246.8 102.3 245.6 103 240.7 104.2 239 102.9 238.7 101.9 234.4 102.2 234.1 101.7 237.2 99.6 Z"> </path> <path class="United States" d="M 410 66.6 385.4 87 349.8 119.7 354 119.9 356.8 121.5 357.3 124.1 357.6 127.9 365.2 124.6 371.7 122.7 371.1 125.8 371.9 128.2 373.5 130.9 372.4 135.1 371 142 375.6 145.8 372.4 149.6 367.3 152.5 366.7 150.3 364.2 148.3 367.5 143.1 365.9 138.2 368.6 132.6 364.5 132.2 357.4 132.1 353.6 130.3 350.3 124.2 347 123.1 341.3 121 334.5 121.5 328.5 118.8 325.8 116.3 319.5 117.5 316 121.6 313.1 122 306.5 123.2 300.3 125.2 293.9 126.5 297.1 123 305.5 117.2 312.3 115.4 312.7 114 303.3 117.2 295.9 121.1 284.7 125.3 284.9 128.2 275.9 132.4 268.2 134.9 261.6 136.8 257.6 139.4 247 142.5 242.5 145.3 234.3 147.9 231.6 147.5 225.4 149.1 218.4 151.2 212.3 153.2 202.3 155 202.7 153.9 210.9 151.1 217.5 149.2 226.1 145.9 232.6 145.3 237.6 142.8 248 139.2 250.3 138 256 135.9 261.8 131.4 268 127.9 260.7 129.7 260.4 128.6 255.5 130.8 255.9 127.8 252.3 129.9 253.9 127 246.6 129.3 243.8 129.3 247.5 125.8 250.8 123.6 250.4 121.5 243.2 122.7 242.6 119.9 241.3 118.5 245.3 115.2 244.9 112.7 250.8 109.4 258.5 106.1 263.8 103.2 267.9 102.8 269.7 103.7 276.8 100.9 279.3 101.4 284.9 99.6 287.4 97 286.3 96 292.3 93.8 289.5 93.9 283.3 95.1 280.4 96.4 278.6 95.1 271.7 95.8 267.1 94.4 268.3 92.1 267.3 88.9 276.5 86.5 289.7 83.8 293.2 83.8 288.9 86.6 298.1 86.4 299.3 82.9 297 80.8 297.8 78 297.1 75.7 293.8 74 300.3 71.1 307.8 70.9 316.6 68.5 321.4 65.9 329.3 63.3 334.1 62.7 345.3 60.3 348.4 60.7 358.8 57.9 363.2 59 362.7 61.4 366 60.4 372.3 60.7 370.4 61.9 375.3 62.8 380.2 62.3 386.4 63.9 393.6 64.5 395.8 65.1 402.4 64.3 406.5 65.9 410 66.6 Z"> </path> <path d="M677.3 487l1.5-2.8 0.5-2.9 1-2.7-2.1-3.8-0.3-4.4 3.1-5.5 1.9 0.7 4.1 1.5 5.9 5.4 0.8 2.6-3.4 5.9-1.8 4.7-2.2 2.5-2.7 0.4-0.8-1.8-1.3-0.2-1.7 1.7-2.5-1.3z" id="GF" name="French Guiana"> </path> <path d="M592.9 422l-0.5-0.2-0.5-0.5 0.1-0.6 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 0 0.1z" id="AW" name="Aruba"> </path> <path d="M634.2 384.9l-0.2 0 0.3-0.4 0.3 0-0.2 0.3-0.2 0.1z" id="AI" name="Anguilla"> </path> <path class="American Samoa" d="M 27.7 593.3 27.4 593.7 27.2 594 27 594.1 26.6 593.8 26.8 593.6 27.1 593.6 27.2 593.4 27.7 593.3 Z"> </path> <path class="American Samoa" d="M 34.3 593.3 33.8 593.4 33.7 593.2 34.1 593.1 34.3 593.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Antigua and Barbuda" d="M 640.7 391.9 641.3 392.2 641.1 392.5 640.9 392.5 640.2 392.6 640 392.5 640 392 640.3 391.9 640.4 391.6 640.6 391.6 640.7 391.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Antigua and Barbuda" d="M 640.7 388.2 640.9 388.2 641.1 388.4 641.2 388.8 641.1 389.1 640.9 389.2 640.8 389 640.5 388.8 640.5 388.3 640.7 388.2 Z"> </path> <path d="M1264.1 333.3l0.3 0.1 0.2-0.1 0.4 0.7-0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 0 0.7-0.2 0.4-0.1-0.4-0.6-0.8 0.1-0.4-0.2-0.7 0-0.4 0.1-0.2z" id="BH" name="Bahrain"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 580.4 366 580 366.5 579.8 367 579.2 367.3 578.7 367.3 578.6 367.2 578.2 367.4 577.7 367.5 577.1 367.3 576.7 367.4 576.6 366.9 576.9 366.7 577.1 366.4 577.5 366.2 577.8 365.8 578.2 365.8 578.5 365.6 578.7 365.9 579.2 366.1 579.7 365.9 580.4 364.9 580.7 364.9 580.7 365.1 580.4 366 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 580.6 364.3 580.4 363.7 581 363.4 581.3 363.7 581.3 363.9 581 364 580.6 364.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 581 357.8 581.2 357.7 581.7 358 582.1 358 582.5 358.1 582.8 358.3 582.8 358.6 582.6 358.7 582.1 358.3 581.7 358.3 581.6 358.2 581.1 358.4 580.6 358.2 580.6 358.1 580.8 357.6 581 357.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 577.1 356 576.9 356.4 576.9 357.1 576.8 357.5 576.4 357.8 576.2 358.2 575.8 358.5 575.1 358.8 575 359 574.8 358.8 574.9 358.6 575.3 358.5 575.5 358.3 575.5 358.1 575.9 358 576.1 357.6 576.5 357.5 576.8 357.1 576.6 356.8 576.2 356.8 576 356.6 576.4 356.1 576.5 356 577.1 356 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 575.2 355.7 575.3 355.8 575.7 355.8 576.1 356 575.7 356.4 575.6 356.2 575.4 356.2 575 356.1 574.6 355.9 574.3 355.3 574.6 355.2 575 355.3 575.2 355.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 566 349.8 566.6 350.5 566.9 350.7 567.2 351.2 566.9 351.1 566.8 350.9 566.5 350.8 566.1 350.4 565.9 350.3 565.7 349.9 566 349.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 569.7 349.8 570 350.4 570.2 350.9 570.2 351.3 570.4 351.5 570.6 352.2 570.6 353.1 570.8 353.4 571.3 353.6 571.7 354.2 571.7 355 571.3 354.3 571.3 354.1 571 353.7 570.4 353.5 570.6 353.3 570.3 353 570.3 352.7 570.5 352.4 570.4 351.9 570.1 351.5 570.2 351.4 569.9 351 569.8 350.4 569.6 350.5 569.7 349.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 572.6 349.8 572.3 350 572 349.9 571.9 349.7 572.5 349.5 572.6 349.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 564.4 347.9 564.3 347.8 564 347.1 564.2 347.1 564.4 347.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 574.9 347.4 574.5 348 574.1 348 574.3 347.7 574.4 347.1 574.8 346.8 574.9 347.2 574.9 347.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 556.4 346.2 556.1 346.3 555.9 346.6 555.6 346.5 556.2 346.1 556.4 346.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 556.6 346.9 557 347.1 557.2 346.9 557.3 346.4 557.5 346.3 557.7 346.9 557.7 347.4 557.6 347.7 557.7 348.3 557.7 348.6 557.3 349.4 557.1 349.5 556.7 349.3 556.9 349 557.3 348.8 557.2 348.7 556.6 349.1 556.4 348.9 556.8 348.6 556.4 348.6 556.2 348.7 556 348.5 556 347.8 556.1 347.6 555.7 347.1 555.7 346.9 556.1 346.7 556.2 346.4 556.5 346.3 556.6 346.1 557.2 345.8 557.3 346.2 556.8 346.6 556.6 346.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 570.1 346.3 570.2 346.8 570 346.7 569.5 346.8 569.1 346.9 569 346.7 569.3 346.5 569.7 346.2 569.7 346 569.3 345.8 569.1 345.2 569 344.6 568.6 344.2 568.6 344 568.1 343.5 568.4 343.2 568.8 343.6 568.8 344.1 569 344.4 569.1 344.9 569.4 345.4 569.8 345.7 569.9 346 570.1 346.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 559.8 340.8 560.1 341 559.5 341.3 559.2 341.2 559 341.4 558.5 341.3 558.7 341 559.1 340.8 559.8 340.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 555.6 340.3 556 340.1 556.3 340.4 556.2 340.6 556.3 340.8 556.1 341.2 556.4 341.5 556.6 342.4 556.8 342.7 557.2 343.2 557 343.9 557.1 344.5 556.9 344.8 556.6 344.9 556.2 345.3 555.9 345.5 555.6 345.5 555.3 345.7 555 345.7 555 345.3 554.7 345.1 554.8 344.5 554.5 344.8 554.3 344.7 553.7 344.3 553.4 344 553.2 343.7 553.9 343.4 554.4 344.1 554.5 343.5 554.2 343.4 554.1 343.1 554.2 342.8 554.8 342.2 555 341.8 554.9 341.7 555.2 341.3 555.2 340.8 555 340.1 555.1 340 555.4 340 555.6 340.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 563.7 337.7 563.8 337.9 564.1 338.3 564.9 339 565.4 339.1 565.5 339.2 565.7 339.6 566 340 566.5 340.4 566.5 340.6 566.3 341.4 566.2 341.6 566.2 341.9 566.1 342.4 565.9 342.7 565.8 343.4 565.7 343.5 565.5 342.9 565.1 342.6 565.2 342.4 565.7 342.5 565.9 342.3 565.8 342.1 565.9 341.7 566.2 341.3 566.3 340.8 566.3 340.5 565.8 340.1 565.4 339.4 565.1 339.2 564.5 338.9 564.2 338.6 563.6 338.4 563.2 338.6 563.6 337.7 563.7 337.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 554.9 330.2 555.4 330.4 555.5 330.4 556.2 330.5 556.4 330.3 556.6 330.4 557.1 330.4 557.5 330.2 557.9 330.2 558.2 330 558.3 330.5 558.2 330.7 557.9 330.7 557.5 330.7 556.4 330.9 556.1 330.9 554.6 331.3 553.9 331.7 553.5 331.7 553.3 331.6 553 331.3 552.5 330.7 553.1 331 553.2 331.2 553.7 331.2 554.2 331 554.6 330.4 554.3 330.3 554.5 330 554.6 329.7 554.9 330.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Bahamas" d="M 559.2 328.9 560 329.1 560.2 329 560.6 329.3 561.5 330.3 561.7 330.9 562.1 331 562.8 331.5 562.8 331.7 562.6 332.2 562.8 332.9 562.4 332.9 561.9 333.3 561.8 333.5 561.5 334.5 561.4 335.4 561.2 335.6 560.9 335.4 560.8 335 560.4 334.9 560.7 334.4 560.9 334.4 561.4 334 561.3 333.6 561.5 333.2 561.5 332.9 561.7 332.6 561.7 332 561.9 331.9 562.1 331.6 562.2 331.3 561.9 331.2 561.4 331.1 561.3 330.8 561.3 330.6 560.9 330.4 560.9 330.1 560.6 329.4 560.4 329.3 560.1 329.4 559.6 329.3 559.3 329.3 558.7 328.9 559.2 328.9 Z"> </path> <path d="M635.2 387l-0.1-0.3 0.3 0.1-0.2 0.2z" id="BL" name="Saint-Barthélemy"> </path> <path d="M637.3 294l-0.3 0-0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.1-0.1 0.2-0.1 0.1 0 0.1-0.3 0.3-0.1 0.1 0.1z" id="BM" name="Bermuda"> </path> <path d="M651.5 418l-0.6-0.2-0.1-0.5 0-0.8 0.2-0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.4-0.5 0.4z" id="BB" name="Barbados"> </path> <path class="Comoros" d="M 1233.2 581.3 1232.3 581.2 1232.1 580.8 1232.1 580.5 1232.6 580.6 1233.3 581.1 1233.2 581.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Comoros" d="M 1236.9 579.4 1237.1 580.4 1237.1 581.1 1237 581.3 1236.8 581 1236.4 580.7 1236.3 580.5 1236 580.4 1235.4 580 1235.5 579.9 1236 580.1 1236.3 580 1236.5 579.6 1236.5 579.4 1236.8 579.3 1236.9 579.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Comoros" d="M 1231.2 578.4 1230.7 578 1230.4 577.9 1230.1 577.7 1229.9 577.1 1230 576.8 1230 576.6 1230.2 575.4 1230.1 575.3 1230.3 574.9 1230.8 574.8 1231 575.1 1230.8 576.3 1230.9 576.6 1231.1 577 1231.2 577.5 1231.4 578.1 1231.2 578.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 847.8 406.5 847.6 406.8 847.4 406.6 847.4 406.3 847.7 406.2 847.8 406.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 849.7 406.6 849.5 406.7 849.1 406.6 848.8 406.3 848.7 406 848.9 405.6 849.4 405.3 849.8 405.3 850 406 849.9 406.4 849.7 406.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 853.2 403.5 853.4 403.6 853.4 403.8 853.6 404 854 404.5 854.2 404.5 854.4 404.8 854.6 405.3 854.8 405.5 854.5 406 854.2 406.1 853.7 406 853.4 405.9 853.1 405.6 853.1 405.4 852.9 405.3 852.8 404.9 852.9 404.7 852.9 404.4 853.1 404 852.9 403.5 853.2 403.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 856.3 403.5 856.6 403.6 856.7 404.2 856.6 404.6 856.2 404.8 855.8 404.4 856 404 855.9 403.8 856.3 403.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 858.3 397.8 858.6 397.6 859.1 397.8 859.2 398 859.2 398.7 858.8 399 858.5 399.2 858.2 399.2 857.7 399 857.7 398.5 857.9 398.3 857.9 397.7 858 397.6 858.3 397.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 850.3 395 850.7 394.9 851 395.1 851.4 395.1 851.7 395.3 851.8 395.5 851.3 395.5 850.6 395.2 850.4 395.3 850.1 395.9 849.8 395.3 849.7 395.2 849.6 394.8 849.9 394.7 850.3 395 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 858.1 394.5 858.2 394.6 858.1 395.2 857.9 395.3 857.9 394.8 857.7 394.5 857.7 394.2 857.6 393.9 858 393.6 858.2 393.8 858.1 394.4 858.1 394.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 846.8 393.2 847 393.5 847.1 393.8 846.4 394.1 846.1 393.9 845.9 393.7 846.3 393.3 846.8 393.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Cape Verde" d="M 846 391.4 846.3 391.5 846.3 391.7 846.6 392 846.4 392.4 845.8 392.7 845.4 393.1 844.7 393.2 844.7 393.1 844.7 392.6 844.5 392.4 844.5 392.2 844.7 392 844.9 392 845.1 391.8 845.8 391.4 846 391.4 Z"> </path> <path d="M599 424.5l-0.3 0-0.4-0.3-0.3-0.1-0.3-0.3-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.1-0.2-0.4-0.3-0.3 0.1-0.5 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4-0.1 0.1z" id="CW" name="Curaçao"> </path> <path class="Cayman Islands" d="M 532.7 377.8 533 377.9 533.2 377.5 533.6 377.6 534.1 377.6 534.2 377.8 534 378 533.8 377.9 533.4 378 533.2 378.1 532.5 378.1 532.7 377.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Cayman Islands" d="M 540.8 375.3 540.1 375.6 540.3 375.3 540.8 375.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Cayman Islands" d="M 541.4 375.4 541.3 375.3 542.1 375 541.9 375.3 541.4 375.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Cyprus" d="M 1168.2 276.7 1168.3 276.9 1168.6 277.3 1168.2 277.2 1167.9 277.2 1167.5 277.4 1167.2 277.1 1167.2 276.8 1167.5 276.7 1167.7 276.8 1168.2 276.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Cyprus" d="M 1166.5 277.2 1166.5 277.3 1166.3 277.5 1166.2 278.1 1166.1 278.3 1165.8 278.3 1165.6 278.5 1165.1 278.7 1164.9 278.8 1164.3 279.1 1163.9 279 1163.4 279.1 1163.1 279.5 1162.9 279.2 1162.6 279.3 1162.4 279.3 1162.1 279 1161.7 279.3 1161.2 279.3 1160.7 279.1 1160.2 279 1159.8 278.7 1159.5 278.1 1159.2 277.8 1159 277.1 1158.8 276.8 1158.9 276.5 1159.4 276.8 1159.8 276.7 1160 276.4 1160.1 276.1 1160.4 276 1160.6 276.1 1160.8 275.9 1161 275.9 1161.1 276.3 1161.6 276.5 1161.7 276.7 1162.3 276.7 1162.9 276.2 1163.3 276.3 1163.6 276.1 1163.9 276.2 1164.3 276.4 1164.5 276.1 1164.8 276.1 1165.1 276.5 1165.1 277.1 1165.4 276.9 1165.7 277.1 1165.8 277 1166.5 277.2 Z"> </path> <path d="M642 401.7l0.5 0.1 0.2 0.5 0 0.6-0.1 0.8-0.1 0.2-0.2 0.1-0.4 0.2 0.1-0.4-0.1-0.2-0.1-0.7-0.3-0.5 0-0.3 0.1-0.3 0-0.3 0.2 0 0.2 0.2z" id="DM" name="Dominica"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 697.4 836.2 697.8 836.1 697.8 836.5 697 836.2 697.3 835.9 697.5 835.8 697.4 836.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 696.7 834.8 696.9 835 697.3 835.1 697.4 835.5 697.1 835.6 697 835.2 696.8 835 696.7 834.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 702.9 834 703.1 834.1 703 834.5 702.7 834.4 702.5 834.1 702.8 833.9 702.9 834 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 690.8 833.1 690.8 833.3 690.9 833.6 690.5 833.7 690.2 833.6 690 833.4 689.7 833.3 689.6 832.9 689.8 832.9 689.9 832.7 690.2 832.6 690.4 832.7 690.1 833 690.4 833.1 690.7 832.8 690.8 833.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 693.7 831.8 693.3 831.6 692.8 831.3 692 831 692.1 830.6 691.4 830.5 691.1 830.4 690.8 830 691 829.9 691.8 830.2 692.6 830.6 693.1 830.7 693.5 830.8 693.8 830.5 693.9 830.2 694.1 830.3 694.5 830.1 694.6 830.3 695.1 830.3 695.1 830.6 695.4 830.6 696.3 830.4 696.4 830.6 696.7 830.6 697.1 830.5 696.8 830.3 696.7 830 697.1 830 697.7 830.2 697.8 830.6 697.4 831.1 697.5 831.4 697.3 831.6 696.9 831.6 696.6 832.4 696.3 832.7 696 833.3 695.9 833.6 695.4 833.9 695.3 833.7 694.9 833.7 694.9 834 694.1 833.9 694 834 694.3 834.4 694.2 834.5 694 834.9 693.6 834.9 693.3 835.3 693 835.4 692.8 835.4 692.6 835.1 692.2 834.8 692.2 834.6 691.7 834.6 692.3 835 691.9 835 691.4 834.7 691.2 834.6 690.8 834.4 690.5 834.2 690.5 834 691.2 834.2 691.8 834 691.3 833.8 691.2 833.7 692.1 833.7 692.5 833.8 692.8 834 692.8 833.8 693.2 833.7 693.3 833.4 692.9 833.2 692.7 832.7 692.8 832.5 693.4 832.5 693.6 832.6 694 832.5 693.9 832.2 693.1 832.2 693.1 832.3 692.7 832.5 692.1 832.5 691.6 832.2 691.6 831.9 692.3 832.1 692.9 831.9 693.2 831.9 693.7 831.8 694.1 832 694.1 831.9 693.7 831.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 695.3 829.9 695.6 829.9 695.9 830.2 695.6 830.3 695.3 830.3 695.3 829.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 694.3 829.9 694 829.9 693.9 829.6 694.3 829.7 694.3 829.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 692.9 829.7 693.5 829.6 693.7 829.9 693.4 830.3 693.2 830.2 692.9 830.3 692.6 830.1 692.9 829.9 693.2 830.1 693.3 829.9 692.8 829.8 692.9 829.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 700.1 829.8 700.7 829.8 700.8 829.7 701.3 829.6 701.7 829.8 702.1 830.1 702.2 830.4 702.2 830.5 701.7 830.6 701.5 830.3 701.3 830.2 701.2 830.5 701.4 830.6 701.5 830.9 701.8 830.7 702 830.8 702.1 831.2 702.4 831.3 702.5 831.2 703 831.5 703.1 831.1 702.3 830.9 702.4 830.4 702.7 830.2 704.2 830.1 704.9 830.7 705.1 830.8 705.1 831.2 704.5 831.1 704 830.9 703.4 831.1 703.7 831.3 704.1 831.4 705 831.5 705.3 831.6 705.4 831.8 705.2 832.3 704.7 832.3 704.6 832.4 703.9 832.5 703.4 832.7 703.7 832.9 702.8 833.3 702.4 833.2 701.9 833.3 701.2 833.3 700.6 833.1 700 832.7 700 833 700.3 833.2 700.9 833.4 701.2 833.7 701.4 833.6 701.8 833.7 702.2 834 702 834.1 702.2 834.6 702 834.6 701.7 834.3 701.3 834.2 700.8 834.6 700.6 834.3 700.3 834.1 700 834.1 699.5 833.9 699.3 834 699.5 834.4 699.8 834.4 700 834.6 699.8 834.7 700.5 835.3 700.3 835.4 699.9 835.2 699.6 835.2 699.3 834.9 699 834.8 698.7 834.7 698.6 835.3 699.1 835.4 699.1 835.7 699 835.9 698.6 835.8 698.5 835.6 698 835.4 697.9 835.2 697.7 835.2 697.3 834.7 697.6 834.3 697.6 834.1 697.2 833.6 697.2 833.4 697.7 833.2 697.6 833 698.1 832.9 698 832.6 698.6 832.2 699.2 832 699.6 832.4 699.6 832.8 699.9 832.7 699.4 832.1 699.5 831.8 698.9 831.6 698.5 831.3 698.6 831.1 699 831.3 699.1 830.8 698.4 830.6 698.5 830.3 698.7 830.4 699 830.2 699.3 830.2 699.5 829.9 699.2 829.6 699.6 829.6 700.1 829.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 695.1 829.4 695.8 829.4 696 829.6 696.2 829.4 696.4 829.5 696.6 829.8 696.4 829.9 696 829.8 695.6 829.6 694.8 829.5 694.9 829.3 695.1 829.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Falkland Islands" d="M 688.3 828.3 687.8 828.2 687.9 828 688.3 828.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 955.6 112 956 112.2 956.3 112.2 956.4 112.4 956.4 112.8 956.6 113.1 956.5 113.3 955.9 112.9 955.7 112.5 955.5 112.3 955.3 112 955.6 112 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 955.9 110.4 956.7 110.6 956.9 110.8 956.8 111.2 956.7 111.3 956.3 110.8 955.8 110.7 955.6 110.3 955.9 110.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 954.62 109.03999999999999 954.7 109.2 955 109.2 955 109.5 954.6 109.5 954.4 109.7 953.8 109.5 953.6 109.4 953.4 109.1 953.9 109 954 108.9 954.5571428571428 108.99285714285715 954.3 108.8 954.5 108 955 108.1 955.3 108.6 955.3 108.7 955.9 108.9 956.2 109.4 956.5 109.6 956.4 110.2 955.9 109.8 955.7 109.6 955.5 109.5 955.4 109.3 955.2 109.1 954.7 109.1 954.62 109.03999999999999 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 958.3 108.4 958.1 108.2 958.4 108 958.3 108.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 955.9 108.9 955.5 108.7 955.2 108.4 955.1 108.1 955.2 108 955.6 107.9 955.9 107.9 956.5 108.3 956.4 108.5 956.5 108.7 957.1 108.9 957.1 109.1 956.7 109.4 955.9 108.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 958.1 108.3 957.8 108.7 957.5 108.5 957.2 108.5 957.4 108.2 957.3 107.8 957.4 107.7 957.6 108.1 958.1 108.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Faeroe Islands" d="M 957.2 108.3 957 108.3 956.8 107.9 956.9 107.6 957.1 108 957.2 108.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Federated States of Micronesia" d="M 1909.4 467.7 1909.2 468 1908.7 467.9 1908.7 467.7 1909.2 467.3 1909.4 467.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Federated States of Micronesia" d="M 1881.2 457.1 1881.6 457.1 1881.9 457.3 1882 457.7 1881.8 457.8 1881.9 458 1881.8 458.2 1881.2 458.2 1881 458 1881 457.8 1880.8 457.5 1880.8 457.2 1881.2 457.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Federated States of Micronesia" d="M 1766.5 440.5 1766.6 440.8 1766.3 440.8 1766 441.3 1765.9 441.2 1766.2 440.4 1766.6 440.3 1766.5 440.5 Z"> </path> <path d="M639.2 424.5l-0.4 0.3-0.2-0.1-0.1-0.5 0.2-0.5 0.3-0.4 0.3 0 0.1 0.3-0.1 0.7-0.1 0.2z" id="GD" name="Grenada"> </path> <path d="M1800.8 415.5l-0.1 0.4 0 0.6-0.1 0.3-0.3 0-0.2-0.3-0.1-0.5 0-0.5 0.6-0.5 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.5 0.2-0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.1-0.2 0.5-0.5 0.5z" id="GU" name="Guam"> </path> <path class="Saint Kitts and Nevis" d="M 636.3 392 636 392 635.9 391.8 636.1 391.4 636.3 391.4 636.4 391.6 636.3 392 Z"> </path> <path class="Saint Kitts and Nevis" d="M 635.6 390.5 635.5 390.8 635.3 390.8 634.9 390.6 634.7 390.4 635 390 635.5 390.4 635.6 390.5 Z"> </path> <path d="M643.7 413.8l-0.2-0.2-0.4-0.2-0.1-0.2 0-0.6 0.1-0.2 0.7-1.1 0.3 0.2 0 0.7-0.1 0.8-0.1 0.4-0.2 0.4z" id="LC" name="Saint Lucia"> </path> <path d="M634.2 386l-0.4-0.1 0.2-0.3 0.3-0.1-0.1 0.5z" id="MF" name="Saint-Martin"> </path> <path d="M1402.9 474.8l0 0.2-0.2-0.1 0.2-0.2 0 0.1z" id="MV" name="Maldives"> </path> <path d="M1953.8 456l1 0.4-0.2 0-0.8-0.4z" id="MH" name="Marshall Islands"> </path> <path class="Malta" d="M 1063.9 271.7 1063.7 272 1063.2 271.8 1062.7 271.5 1062.7 271 1062.6 270.9 1063.2 270.9 1063.6 271.2 1063.8 271.4 1063.9 271.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Malta" d="M 1062.3 270.6 1061.8 270.5 1061.8 270.3 1062.2 270.2 1062.6 270.5 1062.3 270.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Northern Mariana Islands" d="M 1802.5 411.1 1802.4 411.2 1802.2 411.1 1802.1 410.9 1802.6 410.7 1802.8 410.9 1802.5 411.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Northern Mariana Islands" d="M 1804 406 1803.8 406 1803.5 405.4 1803.6 405.1 1803.9 405.1 1803.9 405.4 1804.1 405.6 1804 406 Z"> </path> <path class="Northern Mariana Islands" d="M 1804.5 404.4 1804.3 404.6 1804.4 404.9 1804 404.9 1804 404.2 1804.1 404 1804.5 403.8 1804.4 404.3 1804.5 404.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Northern Mariana Islands" d="M 1802.6 396.9 1802.3 396.9 1802.2 396.7 1802.6 396.7 1802.6 396.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Northern Mariana Islands" d="M 1800.7 385.9 1800.6 385.7 1800.6 385.2 1800.9 385.1 1801.1 385.4 1800.7 385.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Northern Mariana Islands" d="M 1799.5 381.6 1799.1 381.5 1799.1 381.2 1799.3 381.1 1799.5 381.3 1799.5 381.6 Z"> </path> <path d="M638.2 393.9l0.2 0.4 0 0.3-0.2 0.2-0.2-0.1-0.1-0.3 0.3-0.5z" id="MS" name="Montserrat"> </path> <path class="Mauritius" d="M 1307.7 630.8 1308.1 631.7 1307.9 632.3 1307.5 632.7 1307.6 633 1307.3 633.3 1306.8 633.5 1306.3 633.5 1305.7 633.4 1305.6 633.5 1305.3 633.2 1305.5 633 1305.6 632.6 1305.7 631.9 1305.9 631.5 1306.4 631.1 1306.5 630.9 1306.7 630.4 1307.1 630.1 1307.5 630.2 1307.7 630.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Mauritius" d="M 1339.5 628.7 1339.2 628.4 1339.6 628.2 1339.9 628.1 1340.1 628.2 1340 628.4 1339.5 628.7 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1915.2 646.9 1915 647 1914.8 647.4 1914.4 647.2 1914.6 646.7 1914.7 646.5 1915 646.6 1915.2 646.9 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1919.6 639.1 1919.5 639.2 1919.7 639.6 1920 639.6 1920.4 639.4 1920.3 640 1920.1 640.2 1920 640.6 1919.5 640.9 1919.1 640.7 1919.1 640.6 1918.8 640.3 1918.9 640.1 1918.7 639.9 1918.8 639.5 1918.7 639.1 1918.8 639.1 1919.2 639.2 1919.6 639.1 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1916.9 634.8 1916.7 635.3 1916.7 635.7 1916.5 636 1916.8 636.2 1917 636.3 1917.1 636.5 1917 636.7 1917.3 637.1 1917.1 637.1 1916.9 637.6 1916.7 637.8 1916.4 637.7 1916.2 637.4 1916.1 637.2 1915.5 637.1 1915.2 636.6 1915.2 636.4 1915.1 636.1 1915.4 636.1 1915.7 635.9 1916.1 635.6 1916.2 635.3 1915.8 635.1 1915.4 635.2 1915.6 634.8 1915.9 634.7 1916.1 634.8 1916.5 634.5 1916.9 634.8 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1913.5 633.2 1913.2 633.8 1913.1 634.1 1913.4 634.1 1912.9 634.6 1912.7 634.8 1912.6 634.6 1912.9 634.2 1913.1 633.7 1913.5 633.2 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1913.5 633.2 1913.3 632.8 1913.7 632.8 1913.8 633.2 1913.5 633.2 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1899.6 630.8 1899.8 630.9 1900.3 631.8 1900.6 632.1 1900.9 632 1901.1 631.7 1902 632.2 1902.3 632.7 1903 633.3 1903.3 633.7 1903.4 634 1903.8 634.4 1903.9 634.6 1904.1 634.6 1904.4 634.9 1905.3 635.1 1905.4 635.4 1905.4 635.8 1905.7 636.2 1906.1 636.3 1905.8 636.8 1905.9 637 1906.3 637.5 1906.4 637.5 1906.8 638 1906.7 638.4 1907.4 638.6 1907.8 639.1 1908.1 639.1 1908.4 639.3 1908.9 639.7 1908.8 640 1909.1 640 1909.5 640.5 1910.1 640.9 1910.1 641.1 1910.4 641.2 1910.7 641.5 1910.7 641.7 1911 642.3 1911.4 642.7 1911.5 642.6 1911.9 643.2 1912.4 643.3 1912.7 643.6 1912.7 644 1912.8 644.4 1912.9 644.5 1912.7 645.1 1912 645.5 1911.9 645.2 1911.6 645.3 1911.3 645.6 1910.7 644.8 1910.3 644.8 1910.2 644.6 1910 644.6 1909.8 644.9 1908.9 644 1908.7 644 1908.3 643.5 1908.4 642.7 1908.1 642.7 1907.7 642.7 1907.4 642.5 1907.3 642.3 1907.1 642.2 1906.8 642.2 1906.8 641.9 1906.6 641.4 1906.2 641.5 1905.4 641 1905.3 640.8 1905.3 640.5 1905 640.7 1904.4 640.4 1904.3 640 1903.9 639.7 1903.7 639.2 1903.2 639.1 1903.4 638.9 1903.1 638.6 1902.8 638.5 1902.5 637.8 1902.5 637.4 1902.3 637.1 1902 637.1 1901.8 636.5 1901.9 636.3 1901.2 635.9 1900.9 635.7 1900.5 635.1 1900.8 634.9 1900.6 634.7 1900.4 634.4 1900.4 633.9 1899.9 633.6 1899.9 633 1899.7 632.7 1900 632.7 1900.1 632.4 1900 632.2 1899.4 632.2 1899.2 631.9 1899.7 631.2 1899.4 630.9 1899.6 630.8 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1900.7 631.1 1900.4 631 1900.5 630.6 1900.7 631.1 Z"> </path> <path class="New Caledonia" d="M 1898.4 628.7 1898.2 628.9 1898.1 628.5 1898.3 628.3 1898.4 628.7 Z"> </path> <path d="M1933 505.3l-0.2 0-0.1-0.3 0.3 0 0 0.3z" id="NR" name="Nauru"> </path> <path d="M1747.7 453.1l-0.2 0.4 0.1 0.1-0.2 0.6 0.1 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.2-0.7 0.3-0.2-0.2-0.2 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.1 0.2 0.3z" id="PW" name="Palau"> </path> <path class="Puerto Rico" d="M 607.1 385.9 606.8 385.7 606.9 385.5 607.2 385.5 607.3 385.6 607.1 385.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Puerto Rico" d="M 621.7 385.4 621.5 385.4 620.6 385.7 620 385.7 620.2 385.5 620.6 385.3 621 385.2 621.6 385.3 621.7 385.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Puerto Rico" d="M 612.2 383 612.8 383.1 613.4 383.1 613.7 383.2 614.3 383.1 614.6 383.2 615 383.1 615.2 383.2 615.7 383.1 616.1 383.2 616.4 383.2 617.2 383.4 617.2 383.2 617.8 383.4 617.9 383.3 618.7 383.4 618.9 383.6 619.1 383.6 619.7 383.9 619.9 383.8 619.8 384.5 620 384.8 619.1 385.1 618.8 385.5 618.5 386.1 618.2 386.3 617.9 386.4 617.5 386.4 616.9 386.5 616.6 386.7 615.9 386.6 615.7 386.4 615.2 386.6 614.9 386.3 614.2 386.5 613.3 386.4 613 386.5 612.4 386.6 612.2 386.7 612 386.5 611.6 386.4 611.3 386.6 610.7 386.5 611 385.8 611 385.4 611.2 385 611 384.4 610.8 384.3 610.7 383.9 611.1 383.7 611.3 383.6 611.3 383.1 611.7 382.9 612.2 383 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 195.3 679.3 195.2 679.2 195 678.9 195.1 678.7 195.4 678.9 195.3 679.3 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 205.6 641.2 205.5 641.3 205.2 641.1 205.4 640.9 205.6 641.2 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 199.4 616.5 199.2 616.4 199.4 615.8 199.9 615.4 200.2 615.4 200.2 615.6 200 616 199.4 616.5 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 151.7 615.5 152.4 615.7 152.7 616.1 152.7 616.4 152.5 616.5 152 616.4 151.6 615.8 151.5 615.6 150.9 615.8 150.7 615.8 150.1 615.7 149.9 615.3 149.6 614.8 149.6 614.5 149.7 614.3 150.2 614.2 150.7 614.2 151.2 614.4 151.4 614.8 151.5 615.4 151.7 615.5 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 148.7 614 148.5 614.6 148 614.4 148.1 614.1 148.6 613.9 148.7 614 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 141.1 609.7 140.9 609.8 140.7 609.5 141 609.4 141.1 609.7 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 139 610.1 138.7 610.3 138.4 610.3 138.2 609.5 138.4 609.3 139.1 610.1 139 610.1 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 138 608.3 138.2 608.4 138.2 608.9 137.8 608.7 137.7 608.4 138 608.3 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 166.3 605.4 166 605.5 166.1 605.2 166.3 605.4 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 204.3 569.5 204 569.5 204 569.1 203.8 568.8 204.2 568.9 204.3 569.3 204.3 569.5 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 201.2 566 201 566 201 565.6 201.2 565.3 201.5 565.5 201.3 565.7 201.2 566 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 202.4 564.4 202.4 564.7 202 564.8 201.4 564.8 201.4 565.1 201 565 200.8 564.8 200.7 564.5 201.4 564.1 201.7 564.1 201.9 564.3 202.4 564.4 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 195.5 561.8 195.5 562.2 195.5 562.4 195.2 562.4 194.9 562 195.2 561.7 195.5 561.8 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 197.9 558.8 198.2 558.9 198.3 559 197.7 559.2 197.6 558.9 197.9 558.8 Z"> </path> <path class="French Polynesia" d="M 194.2 558.2 195.1 558.3 195.4 558.6 195.4 558.8 195 559.1 194.2 559.1 194.1 558.6 194 558.2 194.2 558.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1926.8 576.2 1927.1 576.4 1927 576.8 1927.3 576.8 1927.3 577 1926.5 577 1926.2 576.5 1926.4 576.2 1926.8 576.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1888.5 575.6 1888.7 575.6 1889.7 576.4 1890.2 576.7 1891.1 577.4 1891 577.7 1890.8 577.7 1890.6 577.9 1890.4 577.6 1890.3 577.6 1890.1 577.4 1890 577 1889.6 576.9 1889.6 576.6 1889.3 576.5 1889.2 576.6 1889 576.6 1888.1 576.2 1887.9 575.8 1888.2 575.4 1888.5 575.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1925.4 574.1 1925.2 574.4 1924.9 574.2 1924.9 574 1925.2 573.8 1925.4 574.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1923.1 570.2 1923.2 570.3 1923.5 570.3 1923.4 570.7 1922.9 570.9 1922.6 570.9 1922.2 571 1921.8 571.6 1921.7 571.3 1921.4 571.4 1921.2 571.2 1921.2 570.9 1921.7 570.8 1921.7 570.6 1922 570.2 1922.7 570.3 1923.1 570.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1896.8 567.4 1897.1 567.3 1897.7 567.6 1898.2 568.1 1898.5 568.4 1898.7 568.4 1898.9 568.6 1899.1 568.6 1899.4 568.9 1899.7 568.8 1900.1 568.9 1900.3 569.1 1900.7 569.1 1901 569 1901.2 569.3 1901.4 570.1 1901.7 570.4 1901.7 570.9 1901.5 571.1 1901.6 571.4 1901.2 571.2 1900.9 571.4 1900.6 571.3 1900.1 571 1899.9 571 1899.3 570.8 1898.9 570.7 1898.7 570.4 1898.4 570.2 1898.1 570.1 1897.9 569.8 1897.5 569.6 1897.7 569.2 1897.6 568.8 1897.6 568.4 1897.4 568.3 1896.8 568.1 1896.5 568.2 1896.4 568 1896.5 567.7 1896.6 567.4 1896.8 567.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1900.8 564 1900.7 564.2 1900.7 564.9 1900.5 564.7 1900.5 564.2 1900.8 564 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1897.9 562.2 1898.2 563.1 1898.4 563.5 1898.4 563.9 1898.5 564.4 1898.3 564.7 1897.9 564 1897.8 564.3 1897.5 563.8 1897.6 562.8 1897.7 562.6 1897.7 562.3 1897.9 562.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1889.5 562.4 1889.8 562.4 1890.1 562.3 1890.5 562.4 1890.6 562.3 1891.1 562.3 1891.9 562.3 1892.1 562.6 1892.4 562.7 1892.6 563 1892.8 563 1893 563.1 1893.4 563.5 1893.4 564.1 1893.6 564.1 1894 564.3 1894.1 564.6 1894.1 565.2 1894 565.3 1893.3 565.5 1893.1 565.6 1892.7 565.5 1892.3 565.3 1891.9 565.3 1891.8 565.1 1891.3 564.8 1890.7 564.8 1890.2 564.9 1889.7 564.9 1889.2 564.8 1888.9 564.6 1888.6 564.7 1888.3 564.3 1888 564.1 1887.7 563.3 1887.5 562.9 1887.7 562.7 1887.6 562.5 1887.6 561.8 1887.7 561.5 1888.3 561.2 1888.7 561.4 1889.1 561.9 1889.2 562.2 1889.5 562.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1891.8 560 1892.3 560.5 1892 560.8 1891.7 560.6 1891.7 560.5 1891.8 560 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1891.8 560 1891.6 560.4 1891.5 560.4 1891.1 560.1 1890.8 560.2 1890.6 560.1 1890.5 559.9 1890.8 559.8 1891 559.6 1891.5 559.7 1891.8 560 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1885.2 559.5 1885.3 559.7 1885.5 559.8 1885.3 560.2 1884.9 560.4 1884.6 560 1885.2 559.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1876.7 557.7 1876.9 558 1876.8 558.3 1876 557.9 1876.5 557.6 1876.7 557.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1880.1 558.5 1879.8 558.3 1879.9 558 1880.2 557.7 1880.2 558.2 1880.3 558.4 1880.1 558.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1879.2 556.7 1879.4 556.6 1879.8 556.6 1879.8 556.8 1879.4 557.1 1879.6 557.3 1879.6 557.6 1879.2 558 1879 558.1 1878.7 558 1878.3 557.6 1878.4 557 1878.7 556.9 1878.9 556.5 1879.2 556.4 1879.2 556.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1875.6 556.8 1875.4 556.9 1875.2 557.4 1875.6 557.9 1875.1 557.7 1875.1 557.5 1875 557.2 1874.6 556.8 1874.6 556.6 1875 556.4 1875.1 556.1 1875.5 555.8 1875.8 556 1875.8 556.4 1875.6 556.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1888.5 556.3 1888.7 556.5 1888.6 556.7 1888.4 556.6 1887.8 556.1 1888 555.7 1888.3 555.6 1888.5 555.8 1888.4 556.1 1888.5 556.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1895 555.5 1895.4 556.3 1896 557.1 1896 557.4 1895.6 557.6 1895.6 558.1 1895.6 558.4 1895.7 558.6 1895.9 558.6 1896.1 558.9 1896.6 559.3 1896.7 559.8 1896.8 560.1 1897 560.3 1896.8 560.5 1897.1 560.8 1897 560.9 1897.1 561.4 1896.9 561.6 1897.2 561.9 1897.3 562.4 1897.5 562.9 1897.5 563.5 1897.4 563.6 1897.1 563.3 1896.8 562.8 1896.8 562.5 1896.5 562.1 1896.1 561.8 1895.8 561.5 1895.3 560.9 1894.9 560.6 1894.6 559.7 1894.4 558.7 1894.2 558 1894.2 557.5 1894.1 557.1 1894.5 556.7 1894.4 556.4 1893.9 555.7 1893.8 555.4 1893.9 555.3 1894.3 555.4 1894.5 555.5 1894.8 555.2 1895 555.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1874.3 555.2 1874.1 554.8 1873.8 554.5 1874.2 554.5 1874.3 555.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1874.2 554.2 1874.6 554.3 1874.7 554.4 1874.8 554.9 1874.6 554.9 1874.4 554.5 1874.2 554.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1877.3 554.4 1877.2 554.7 1877.4 554.7 1877.9 554.7 1878.3 555.4 1878.3 555.6 1878.5 555.9 1878.6 556.4 1878.4 556.6 1878.4 556.9 1877.8 556.7 1877.6 556.5 1877.3 556.5 1876.9 556.2 1876.8 556 1876.7 555.7 1877.1 555.8 1876.8 555 1876.7 554.8 1876.2 554.9 1876 555 1875.6 555 1875.3 555.4 1874.9 555.2 1874.9 554.6 1875.1 554.4 1875.5 554.4 1875.5 554 1875.9 553.4 1876.3 553.1 1876.6 552.9 1877 553.2 1877.2 553.6 1877.1 554.3 1877.3 554.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1871.4 554.4 1871.3 554.4 1871.1 553.6 1871.2 553.3 1871.2 552.9 1871.4 553 1871.5 553.4 1871.5 554.1 1871.4 554.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1874.8 553.9 1874.5 554.1 1874.4 554 1874 554 1873.7 553.7 1873.6 553.4 1873.5 553.1 1873.6 552.8 1873.9 552.4 1874.4 552.2 1874.6 552.4 1874.9 552.9 1874.9 553.5 1874.8 553.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1871.8 550.4 1872.2 550.9 1872.2 551 1872.9 551.4 1872.8 551.7 1872.2 552.4 1872.2 552.7 1871.9 552.8 1871.9 552.4 1871.7 552.4 1871.7 552 1871.5 551.6 1871.2 551.4 1871.1 551.1 1871.2 550.8 1871.4 550.6 1871.6 550.4 1871.8 550.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1882.1 550.5 1882.4 550.7 1882.2 550.8 1881.7 550.9 1881.6 550.6 1881.8 550.4 1882.1 550.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1883 550.5 1883.2 550.4 1883.7 550.7 1884 550.8 1884.2 551 1884.5 551.5 1884.8 551.6 1885.1 551.9 1885.1 552.2 1885.6 552.3 1885.6 552.6 1885.9 552.7 1886.2 552.6 1886.3 552.7 1886.7 552.9 1886.8 553.1 1887.1 553 1887.4 553.1 1887.5 553.4 1887.9 553.7 1888.2 554 1888.6 554.3 1889.6 555.3 1889.3 555.7 1889.6 556.2 1889.7 556.8 1889.4 556.7 1889.1 556.3 1888.4 555.5 1888 555.4 1887.5 555 1886.9 554.9 1886.8 554.6 1886.2 554.4 1885.7 553.9 1885.5 553.9 1884.7 553.3 1884.2 553 1884.2 552.8 1883.8 552.6 1883.6 552.4 1883.4 552 1883 551.7 1882.9 551.5 1882.9 551.1 1882.5 550.6 1882.3 550.5 1882.3 550.2 1883 550.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1881.5 549.9 1881.7 550.1 1881.9 550 1882.2 550.2 1882.1 550.4 1881.8 550.3 1881.5 549.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1877 549.3 1877.5 549.3 1877.3 549.5 1877 549.4 1877 549.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1881.3 549.3 1881.1 549.8 1881 549.6 1881.3 549.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1878.6 549.7 1878.1 549.8 1877.9 549.6 1878.2 549.2 1878.5 549.3 1878.6 549.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1866.1 548.8 1866.3 549.1 1866.1 549.3 1865.8 549.2 1865.7 549.1 1866.1 548.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1867.6 546.9 1867.9 547.1 1867.8 547.4 1867.1 547.6 1866.8 547.3 1867.1 546.7 1867.3 546.6 1867.6 546.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1869.3 546 1869.3 546.5 1869.1 546.3 1869.1 546.1 1869.3 546 Z"> </path> <path class="Solomon Islands" d="M 1872.2 544.5 1872.5 544.6 1872.9 545.1 1873.2 545.3 1873.5 545.4 1873.8 545.7 1874.6 546.1 1875 546.6 1875 547 1875.1 547.6 1875.3 547.8 1875.6 548.1 1875.8 548.1 1875.9 548.5 1876.6 548.8 1877 548.7 1877.1 548.8 1877.1 549.1 1876.8 549.2 1876.6 549.5 1876.1 549.3 1875.3 548.9 1874.8 548.9 1874.5 548.5 1873.8 548.1 1873.2 547.1 1872.6 546.1 1872.1 545.8 1871.4 545.1 1871.4 544.6 1871.4 544.4 1871.7 544.2 1872 544.3 1872.2 544.5 Z"> </path> <path class="São Tomé and Principe" d="M 1023.9 501.3 1023.7 501.3 1023.5 501.6 1023.3 501.6 1023.2 501.2 1023 500.4 1023 500.1 1023.4 499.6 1023.7 499.5 1024 499.2 1024.4 499.3 1024.6 499.7 1024.7 500 1024.6 500.4 1024.4 500.7 1024.1 501.1 1023.9 501.3 Z"> </path> <path class="São Tomé and Principe" d="M 1028.5 491.5 1028.4 491.8 1028.2 491.9 1027.9 491.8 1027.9 491.5 1028.1 491.4 1028.1 491.1 1028.3 490.9 1028.6 491 1028.5 491.5 Z"> </path> <path d="M634.2 386l0 0.1-0.4-0.1 0-0.1 0.4 0.1z" id="SX" name="Sint Maarten"> </path> <path class="Seychelles" d="M 1249 562.1 1248.7 562.3 1248.2 562.3 1247.8 562.5 1247.4 562.5 1247.4 562.3 1247.9 562.3 1248.3 562.2 1248.7 561.9 1248.9 561.9 1249 562.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Seychelles" d="M 1248.5 561.8 1248.3 561.9 1247.9 561.9 1247.9 561.7 1248.5 561.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Seychelles" d="M 1300.4 531.5 1300.8 531.9 1300.6 532.2 1300.4 531.9 1300.1 531.7 1300.3 531.2 1300.4 531.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Turks and Caicos Islands" d="M 587.7 361.6 588.4 361.6 588.7 362 588.4 362 588.1 361.9 587.6 362 587.5 361.7 587.7 361.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Turks and Caicos Islands" d="M 585 361.5 585.3 361.9 585.9 361.8 585.7 362 585.1 362 584.7 361.8 585 361.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Turks and Caicos Islands" d="M 587.2 360.9 587.2 361.4 586.7 361.2 586.6 360.9 586.7 360.8 587.2 360.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Tonga" d="M 14.7 639.5 14.2 639.2 14.2 639 14.5 638.8 14.7 639.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Tonga" d="M 11.9 637.4 12.2 637.4 12.6 637.7 12.9 637.8 13.1 637.4 13.4 637.7 13.1 638 13.2 638.2 13.1 638.4 12.9 638.3 12.6 638 11.9 637.8 11.9 637.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Tonga" d="M 11.1 628.8 10.9 628.9 10.8 628.4 11 628.5 11.1 628.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Tonga" d="M 15.5 621.3 15 621.6 14.8 621.6 14.7 621.5 15 621 15.3 621.1 15.5 621.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Tonga" d="M 1.4 602 1.3 602.1 1 602 1.1 601.8 1.4 601.8 1.4 602 Z"> </path> <path class="Trinidad and Tobago" d="M 642.8 432.2 642.6 432.7 642.3 433.1 642.1 433.2 642 433.6 642.2 434.2 642 434.3 642 435 642.2 435.3 642.4 435.5 642.2 435.7 642.1 436 642.1 436.7 641.9 436.8 641.5 437 641 437.1 640.7 437.1 640.2 437.2 639.7 437.1 639.3 437.2 639 437.1 638.5 437.3 638.1 437.1 637.5 437.1 637.2 437.3 636.9 437.2 637.4 437 637.7 436.7 638.1 436.6 638.5 436.3 638.7 436 639.3 436.1 639.6 435.7 639.4 434.9 639.6 434.5 639.6 434 639.6 433.8 639.3 433.4 639 433.3 638.6 433.2 638.5 433.1 638.9 432.8 640 432.7 640.2 432.5 641.3 432.5 641.4 432.4 642.6 432.2 642.8 432.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Trinidad and Tobago" d="M 645.2 429 645.1 429.5 644.8 429.6 644.4 429.9 644.2 429.9 643.5 430.3 643.3 430.1 643.6 429.8 644.3 429.3 645.2 429 Z"> </path> <path d="M1998.9 556.6l0-0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1-0.1 0.1z" id="TV" name="Tuvalu"> </path> <path d="M642.2 417.4l-0.1 0.1-0.5-0.3 0-0.4 0.2-0.3 0.2-0.5 0.4 0 0.1 0.4-0.1 0.8-0.2 0.2z" id="VC" name="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"> </path> <path d="M626.1 383.4l-0.4 0.2-0.1 0-0.3 0.2-0.1-0.1 0.1-0.3 0.6-0.1 0.2 0.1z" id="VG" name="British Virgin Islands"> </path> <path class="United States Virgin Islands" d="M 624.5 387.8 624.8 388.1 623.7 388.3 623.6 387.8 624.3 387.6 624.5 387.8 Z"> </path> <path class="United States Virgin Islands" d="M 625.2 384 625 384.2 624.5 384.2 624.5 384 624.8 383.9 625.2 384 Z"> </path> <path class="United States Virgin Islands" d="M 623.8 383.8 624.2 384.1 624 384.3 623.7 384.1 623.2 384.1 623.4 383.9 623.8 383.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1931.8 631.8 1931.3 631.6 1931.5 631.2 1932 631.1 1932.2 631.5 1932.1 631.7 1931.8 631.8 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1930.6 628 1930.4 628 1930.1 627.9 1929.7 627.4 1929.6 627 1929.6 626.6 1929.8 626.4 1929.9 626 1930.2 625.9 1930.6 625.9 1930.4 626.2 1930.4 626.7 1931.1 627.2 1930.8 627.5 1930.6 628 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1930.6 622.1 1930.9 622.1 1931 622.3 1930.5 622.4 1930.6 622.7 1931 622.9 1931.1 623.2 1931 623.6 1930.6 623.7 1930.2 623.4 1929.8 623.4 1929.6 623.2 1929.3 623 1929.4 622.6 1929.4 622.3 1929.6 621.8 1929.9 621.4 1930.4 621.4 1930.6 621.5 1930.5 621.9 1930.6 622.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1927.6 614.5 1928.2 614.4 1928.3 614.5 1928.5 615.1 1928.7 615.4 1928.8 615.5 1928.4 616.1 1927.6 616.3 1927.3 616 1927.2 615.5 1926.9 615.4 1926.5 615.7 1926.4 615.6 1926.6 615.2 1927 614.9 1927.4 614.4 1927.6 614.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1929.9 610.6 1929.8 610.3 1930.1 610.3 1929.9 610.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1928.3 608.2 1928.4 608.7 1928.4 608.9 1928.8 609 1929 609.5 1929.5 609.5 1929.5 609.9 1929.4 610 1929.1 609.7 1928.8 609.6 1928.2 609.8 1927.9 609.7 1927.8 609.5 1927.7 609.1 1927.9 608.6 1928.1 608.3 1928.3 608.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1929.2 608 1929.1 608 1929 607.7 1929.2 607.7 1929.2 608 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1929.4 606.6 1929.2 606.8 1928.6 606.8 1928.3 606.9 1928.1 606.7 1927.7 606.6 1927.2 606.2 1927.3 606 1927.8 605.8 1928.2 605.7 1928.6 605.4 1928.7 605.1 1928.9 605.1 1929 605.4 1929 606 1929.5 606.4 1929.4 606.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1924.7 605.3 1924.9 605.6 1925.5 606 1926.2 606.7 1926.3 606.8 1926.3 607.2 1926.5 607.5 1926.2 607.7 1925.8 608.1 1925.8 607.9 1925.5 607.8 1925.1 607.8 1924.9 607.9 1924.9 608.1 1924.5 608.3 1924.2 608.2 1924.2 607.5 1924.1 606.9 1924.2 606.3 1924.3 605.8 1924.1 605.3 1923.5 605.6 1923.3 605.4 1923.2 605.1 1923.2 604.8 1923.5 604.5 1923.5 604.1 1923.6 603.8 1923.9 603.7 1924.5 604 1924.4 604.2 1924.6 604.7 1924.5 604.9 1924.7 605.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1924.1 602.9 1923.8 602.9 1923.3 602.6 1923.3 602.5 1923.5 602.2 1923.7 602.1 1924.2 602.2 1924.1 602.6 1924.1 602.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1923.6 601.9 1924 601.6 1924.1 601.7 1924.2 602 1923.7 602 1923.6 601.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1929.3 604.5 1929.1 604.4 1929.2 603.2 1929.1 602.9 1929.2 602.4 1929.5 601.6 1929.6 601.1 1929.8 601.7 1929.7 602 1929.7 602.6 1929.7 603.6 1929.6 604.2 1929.3 604.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1928 601.2 1927.3 601.2 1927 601.1 1927 600.9 1927.9 600.2 1928.4 600 1928.9 599.9 1928.9 600.1 1928.6 600.5 1928.4 600.8 1928 601.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1929.9 600.5 1929.9 600.7 1929.6 600.7 1929.7 600.4 1929.9 599.1 1929.9 599 1930 597.8 1930.2 597.9 1930.1 599.2 1930.2 599.5 1930.1 600 1929.9 600.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1923.6 601.9 1922.7 601.8 1922.1 602.1 1922 602.3 1921.8 602.3 1921.7 601.7 1921.5 601.6 1921.1 600.6 1921.5 599.8 1921.5 599.4 1921.4 599.2 1921.4 597.8 1921.3 597.5 1921.3 597 1921.5 596.7 1921.5 596.4 1921.7 596.1 1921.7 595.9 1922 595.8 1922.1 596.3 1922.3 596.7 1922.5 597 1922.6 598.3 1922.5 599.1 1922.5 599.2 1923.1 599.1 1923.4 598.8 1923.6 598 1923.6 597.8 1923.9 597.6 1924.2 597.7 1924.1 598.1 1924.1 599 1924.4 599.1 1924.4 599.6 1924.2 599.7 1924.5 600.1 1924.3 600.3 1924.3 600.8 1924.5 601.3 1924.4 601.5 1924.1 601.5 1923.6 601.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1927.8 592.6 1928.2 592.9 1928.1 593.3 1927.8 593.6 1927.6 593.8 1927 593.8 1927 593.4 1927.1 593 1927.3 592.7 1927.8 592.6 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1928.4 590.7 1928.1 590.9 1927.9 591 1927.9 591.2 1927.7 591.3 1927.7 591 1927.5 590.8 1927.4 590.5 1927.5 590.1 1927.7 590 1928.1 589.8 1928.2 590 1928.3 590.4 1928.3 590.5 1928.4 590.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Vanuatu" d="M 1923.4 586.5 1923.3 586.4 1923.4 585.9 1923.6 586.1 1923.4 586.5 Z"> </path> <path class="Samoa" d="M 21.9 591.3 22.2 591.4 22.5 591.5 22.8 591.7 22.7 592 21.7 592 21.4 591.9 21.1 592 20.9 591.9 20.5 591.7 20.2 591.8 19.9 591.6 19.7 591.4 19.1 591.1 19.2 590.7 19.6 590.5 20 590.5 20.5 590.5 21.4 590.9 21.9 591 21.9 591.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Samoa" d="M 17.4 588.5 18 589.1 18.2 589.8 18.1 590.1 18.2 590.4 17.9 590.4 17.6 590.2 17.3 590.4 16.4 590.5 16.1 590.2 15.9 589.8 15.7 589.7 15.4 589.4 14.9 589 14.7 588.8 14.7 588.6 15.1 588.7 15.4 588.6 16 588.4 16.4 588.4 16.9 588.3 17.2 588.3 17.4 588.5 Z"> </path> <path d="M602 424.6l-0.2 0-0.1-0.5 0.1-0.3-0.1-0.3-0.4-0.1-0.3-0.3 0.1-0.3 1.2 0.6-0.1 0.2 0 0.4-0.2 0.2 0 0.4z" id="BQBO" name="Netherlands"> </path> <path d="M634.3 389.6l-0.2 0.1 0-0.2 0.1-0.1 0.1 0.2z" id="BQSE" name="St. Eustatius (Netherlands)"> </path> <path d="M632.8 388.7l-0.1 0 0.1-0.2 0.1 0.1-0.1 0.1z" id="BQSA" name="Saba (Netherlands)"> </path> <path d="M644 406.9l0 0.2 0.4-0.1-0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.9-0.3 0.3-0.1-0.4-0.1 0.1-0.6-0.1-0.4 0-0.2-0.3 0.6-0.5-0.4 0-0.4-0.4-0.1-0.5-0.2-0.5 0.3-0.4 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2z" id="MQ" name="Martinique"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 888.4 323.4 888.1 323.9 887.7 324.4 887.4 324 887 324 886.8 323.8 887 323.5 887.4 323.6 887.8 323.2 888.1 323 888.3 323.1 888.4 323.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 902 321.1 902 321.6 902.2 322 902 322.7 902.1 323 901.7 323.4 901.2 323.6 901 323.8 900.4 323.6 899.9 323.1 899.7 322.7 899.7 322.1 900.3 321.7 900.4 321.2 900.4 321 901 321.1 901.4 321.1 901.7 321.2 902 321.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 892.1 321.9 891.9 321.9 891.6 321.7 891.4 321.4 891.5 321 891.6 320.7 891.9 320.7 892.2 320.7 892.7 321.1 892.8 321.4 892.3 321.9 892.1 321.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 898.2 318.4 898.2 318.6 897.6 318.9 897.2 319.4 896.9 319.6 896.9 320 896.5 320.7 896.4 321.1 895.9 321.7 895.8 321.9 895.6 321.9 895 322.1 894.9 322 894.8 321.6 894.5 321.2 894.4 321 894.2 320.7 894.2 320.4 893.8 319.8 894.3 319.5 894.6 319.7 895.2 319.5 895.6 319.5 896.1 319.3 896.6 318.9 896.6 318.7 897.2 318.4 897.8 318.4 898.1 318.3 898.2 318.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 908.4 321.2 908.1 321.6 907.7 321.7 907.4 321.6 907 321.6 907 321.4 907.3 321.4 907.9 321.2 908.3 320.9 908.6 320.6 908.7 320.1 908.8 319.8 909 319.3 909.3 318.9 909.6 318.3 909.8 317.5 910 317.3 910.4 317.2 910.7 317.5 910.8 318 910.7 318.5 910.6 319 910.6 319.5 910.5 319.6 910.2 320.3 909.9 320.6 909.3 320.7 908.6 321 908.4 321.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 888.8 316.7 889.1 316.6 889.3 316.9 889.5 317.4 889.3 317.7 889.4 318.1 888.8 319.1 888.7 319 888.6 318.6 888.2 317.7 888.1 317.4 888 317.2 888.2 316.8 888.5 316.6 888.8 316.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Canary Islands (Spain)" d="M 912.9 314.7 912.9 315.1 912.7 315.6 912 316.1 911.5 316.2 911.1 316.7 910.6 316.5 910.6 316.4 910.8 316 910.8 315.6 911 315.3 911.3 315.1 911.6 315.1 911.9 314.8 912.4 314.8 912.5 314.7 912.7 314.2 912.9 314.1 913.1 314.3 912.9 314.7 Z"> </path> <path d="M1240.2 583.1l0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0 0.3-0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2-0.3 0.6 0.1 0.2-0.3 0.1-0.2-0.3 0-0.3 0.2-0.2-0.2-0.7-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.2 0.3-0.3z" id="YT" name="Mayotte"> </path> <path d="M1295 635.8l0.4 0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2-0.2 0.6-0.1 0.4-0.2 0.2-0.4 0.1-0.9 0-0.2-0.2-0.8-0.4-0.3-0.5 0-0.3-0.3-0.6 0.1-0.4 0.2-0.2 0.2-0.4 0.1 0 0.5-0.2 0.5 0z" id="RE" name="Reunion"> </path> <path class="Guadeloupe" d="M 643 399.9 642.7 399.9 642.5 399.5 642.6 399.3 642.9 399 643.2 399.2 643.3 399.5 643.3 399.7 643 399.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Guadeloupe" d="M 641.2 397.3 641.5 397.3 641.5 397.5 641.5 397.6 641.3 397.7 641.3 398.5 641.3 398.9 641.1 399.1 640.5 399.4 640.5 399.2 640.3 399 640.2 398.5 640.2 398 640.1 397.5 640.1 397.2 640.3 396.9 640.6 396.8 641.1 397.1 641.2 397.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Guadeloupe" d="M 642.6 396.9 643 397 643.5 397.4 642.2 397.7 641.9 397.8 641.5 397.5 641.6 396.9 641.8 396.8 641.7 396.2 641.8 396 642.1 395.8 642.4 396.2 642.4 396.6 642.6 396.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1989.1 624.9 1988.8 625 1988.9 624.6 1989.1 624.9 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1981.6 623.3 1981.8 623.5 1982.1 623.6 1982.1 623.9 1981.6 624.1 1981.1 623.8 1980.6 624.1 1980.3 624.1 1980.1 624.4 1980.2 624.7 1979.8 624.6 1979.7 624.8 1979.3 624.7 1979.2 624.8 1978.8 624.6 1979.1 624.5 1979.3 624.4 1979.5 624.2 1979.9 624.3 1980.2 624 1980.4 623.7 1980.9 623.6 1981.4 623.3 1981.6 623.3 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1982.5 623.2 1982.3 623.3 1982.1 623.2 1982.3 623 1982.5 623.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1988.4 617.1 1988.5 617.6 1988.3 618.2 1988.2 618 1988.1 617.6 1987.9 617.6 1988 617.1 1988.2 617 1988.4 617.1 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1985.8 615.7 1985.7 615.7 1985.6 615.3 1985.8 615.1 1986.2 615 1986.2 615.4 1986 615.6 1985.8 615.7 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1983.6 613.2 1983.5 613.6 1983.8 613.8 1983.9 614.1 1984.2 614.5 1984.5 614.6 1984.6 614.9 1984.8 614.9 1984.9 615.3 1984.6 615.8 1984.7 616 1984.8 616.5 1984.5 616.7 1984.5 617.2 1984.7 617.2 1984.8 617.7 1984.5 618 1983.9 618.2 1983.8 618 1983.5 618.1 1983.4 618.3 1983.1 618 1982.3 618.3 1981.5 619 1981.2 618.9 1980.8 619.1 1980.5 619 1979.9 619.1 1979.6 618.9 1978.7 618.6 1978.4 618.5 1977.8 618.4 1977.6 618.3 1977.1 618.1 1976.9 617.1 1977.2 616.4 1977.5 616.4 1977.8 616.3 1977.9 615.8 1978.2 615.7 1978.3 615.3 1978.1 615.1 1978.7 614.7 1979.1 614.2 1979.2 614.3 1979.8 613.8 1980 613.8 1980.9 613.4 1981.5 613.6 1981.8 613.5 1982.3 613.3 1982.9 613.2 1983.2 612.9 1983.6 613.2 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1989.9 613.4 1989.7 613.5 1989.9 612.6 1990.3 612.6 1990.2 613 1989.9 613.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1978.5 611.4 1978.3 611.7 1977.8 612 1977.8 611.7 1978.2 611.3 1978.5 611.4 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1993.4 611 1993.2 610.8 1993.3 610.6 1993.8 610.1 1994.1 609.6 1993.8 610.7 1993.4 611 Z"> </path> <path class="Fiji" d="M 1994.4 606 1994 606.4 1993.2 607.5 1992.9 607.6 1992.2 608 1992 608.6 1991.6 608.8 1991.4 609.1 1991.3 609.3 1991.6 609.4 1992.2 609.1 1992.3 609 1992.6 608.7 1992.8 608.4 1993.4 608.1 1993.7 607.8 1994.3 607.5 1994.3 607.8 1993.8 608.5 1993.6 608.6 1993.7 609.2 1993.4 609.5 1993.1 609.2 1992.7 609.2 1992.2 609.3 1991.8 609.6 1991.1 609.7 1990.1 609.7 1990.6 609.2 1990.2 609 1989.6 609.2 1989.2 609.4 1989.2 609.6 1988.9 609.7 1988.7 609.8 1988.6 610.2 1988.4 610.5 1988.1 610.4 1988.1 610.2 1987.7 610.1 1987.3 610.3 1987.1 610.8 1986.8 611 1986.5 611 1986.5 610.7 1986.5 610.3 1986.3 609.9 1986.4 609.7 1986.3 609.6 1985.7 609.8 1985.7 609.4 1986.1 609.1 1986.2 609.1 1986.1 608.6 1986.4 608.5 1986.9 608.8 1987.5 608.4 1987.7 608.4 1988 608.1 1988.2 608.1 1988.5 607.8 1988.5 607.6 1989.3 607.5 1990.2 607.2 1990.5 607.1 1990.9 607.2 1991.4 607 1991.6 606.6 1991.8 606.6 1992 606.2 1992.4 606.3 1992.5 606.1 1992.7 606.2 1993.7 605.7 1993.8 606 1994 605.9 1994.2 606 1994.5 605.7 1995 605.5 1995.1 605.6 1994.6 606 1994.4 606 Z"> </path> <circle cx="997.9" cy="189.1" id="0"> </circle> <circle cx="673.5" cy="724.1" id="1"> </circle> <circle cx="1798.2" 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