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We do, too! That's why we're proud to say that <strong>we're the only T-shirt marketplace that offers free shipping for USA orders</strong>*. When comparing places to get your tees, be sure to calculate the final cost: our regular prices are often cheaper than our competitors' sale prices! </p> <p>Shipping and handling cost is automatically calculated during checkout. Please put the items you'd like into the shopping cart and select the appropriate zip code (for USA orders) to find out the various shipping options and costs.</p> <p>For faster delivery, we recommend that you take advantage of Priority Mail and other expedited shipping methods.</p> <p>*The Free Shipping offer may vary from time to time, and may not be available during category or sitewide T-shirt sales. Minimum purchase amount may also apply.</p> </div> <nav class="sidebar"> <!--[if IE]><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="250"></table><![endif]--> <br /> <div class="panel"> <a href="">New T-Shirts</a><br /> <a href="">New Novelty Items</a><br /> <br /> <!-- Sci-Fi and Fantasy Special --> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Sci-Fi Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Fantasy Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Horror Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Anime Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Funny Tees</a><br /> <br /> <!-- Video Games Special --> <!-- <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Valentine Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Video Games Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Horror Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Sci-Fi Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Fantasy Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Funny Tees</a><br /> <br /> --> <!-- Cartoons Movies TV Shows Special --> <!-- <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Valentine Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Cartoons Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Movies Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - TV Shows Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Funny Tees</a><br /> <br /> --> <!-- Funny and Cute Special --> <!-- <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Funny Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Funny Sayings Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Cute &amp; Kawaii Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Anime Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Ugly Xmas Sweater Tees</a><br /> <a href=""><strong style="color:#AD0000">ON SALE</strong> - Xmas Tees</a><br /> <br /> --> <!-- <strong style="color: red">PRESIDENT'S DAY SALE</strong><br /> Buy 4 Get 1 Free! <br /> No coupons required. <br /> Lowest priced item free. <br /><br /> --> <!--<strong style="color:#AD0000">VETERAN'S DAY SALE</strong><br /> Get up to 20% off all tees<br /> No coupons required <br /><br /> --> <!--<strong style="color:#AD0000">LABOR DAY SALE</strong><br /> Get up to 20% off all tees<br /> No coupons required <br /><br /> --> <!-- <strong style="color:#AD0000">4TH OF JULY SALE</strong><br /> Get up to 20% off all tees<br /> No coupons required <br /><br /> --> <!--<strong style="color:#AD0000">CYBERMONDAY SALE</strong><br /> Up to 20% off ALL tees<br /> No coupons required<br /><br />--> <!--<strong style="color:#AD0000">BLACK FRIDAY<br />SITEWIDE SALE</strong><br /> Get up to 20% off all tees<br /> No coupons required <br /><br /> --> <!--<strong style="color:#AD0000">SITEWIDE SALE</strong><br /> Get up to 20% off all tees<br /> No coupons required <br /><br />--> <a href="">Compare Our Quality</a><br /> <a href="">Artist Reviews</a><br /> <a href="">Customer Reviews</a><br /> <a href="">T-Shirt Photo Gallery</a><br /><br /> NeatoShop is a marketplace for artists to sell their art. 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