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'0' : '') + n; } } startCountdown('October 10, 2025', 'myCountdown');</script> <input type="hidden" data-id="131" cnf_id="131" value="131"> <section class="test-gallery-container"> <div class="col-xs-6 padding-0"> <h2><span class="id-color">Highlights</span> of Our Past Conferences</h2> <div class="cnf-gal"> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers" title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Health Frontiers " title="Health Frontiers"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-6"> <h2><span class="id-color">Testimonials</span> from Our Past Conferences</h2> <div class="cnf-testmonials"> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Dr. Osama Ouda" title="Dr. Osama Ouda"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Dr. Osama Ouda</h3> <span>Seha Kidney Care, UAE</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>Overall the conference has a huge impact on our lives as a specialist in health professionals. It's my First time I am participating to the conference that the information which they brought is just amazing from all the fields, up to date and with a great impact regarding the treatments and possibilities from all the places of the world.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Dr. Gerald C.Hsu" title="Dr. Gerald C.Hsu"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Dr. Gerald C.Hsu</h3> <span>Eclaire MD Foundation, USA</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>The Health Frontiers was a great success! I had the opportunity to connect with so many brilliant minds in the field. The networking events were invaluable, and I made some truly valuable connections. Looking forward to future conferences.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Annunziata Mauro" title="Annunziata Mauro"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Annunziata Mauro</h3> <span>University of Teramo, Italy</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>Speaking at the Conference has been an incredible experience. The platform not only allowed me to share my research but also to connect with other leading scientists. The quality of discussions and the diversity of perspectives were outstanding.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Kunal Joon" title="Kunal Joon"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Kunal Joon</h3> <span>Nodia International neutrally of medical sciences, Nodia</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>My experience with sciconx conference. I really love the conference .The conference manager was cooperative and presented my presentation successfully and also listened others presentation carefully and gained knowledge for my future research. It was the very knowledgeable experience.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Barbara Barboni" title="Barbara Barboni"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Barbara Barboni</h3> <span>University of Teramo, Italy</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>This conference brought together a unique blend of academics, clinicians, and industry experts. Presenting my work here led to invaluable feedback and collaborations that have significantly advanced my research.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Afifa YEDJOUR" title="Afifa YEDJOUR"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Afifa YEDJOUR</h3> <span>University of Science and Technology of Oran, Algeria</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>This conference was a fantastic platform to discuss the impact of nano science on real-world applications. Presenting my research on nano sensors and receiving constructive feedback from experts was an enriching experience. The diversity of topics covered ensured there was something for everyone.</p> </div> </div> <div> <div class="col-xs-4"> <img src="" alt="Valentina Russo" title="Valentina Russo"> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="talk"> <h3>Valentina Russo</h3> <span>University of Teramo, Italy</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 hfx"> <p>As a speaker, I appreciated the high level of organization and the engaged audience. The conference provided a perfect platform to discuss cutting-edge developments and foster partnerships. I left inspired and full of new ideas.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- About Event Area Start Here --> <section id="section-intro-text"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 wow fadeInLeft mn-bt-20"> <h2><span class="id-color">Welcome </span>Message <?//php echo $conf['short_name'] ?></h2> <div class="de_tab tab_style_2"> <div class="de_tab_content text-left"> <div id="tab_a1" class="tab_single_content"> <div class="col-md-12 padding-0"> <div class="about-event-content scroll-fix_intr welcome-note no-height"> <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to attend the <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on&nbsp;Mental Health and Psychiatry</span></a>, which will be held from <span style="color:#e67e22"><strong>October 9&ndash;10, 2025</strong></span>, in the energetic metropolis of <span style="color:#e67e22"><strong>Tokyo, Japan</strong></span>. Leading authorities, researchers, clinicians, legislators, and advocates from all over the world will come together for this much anticipated event with the goal of advancing <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">psychiatry and mental health</span></a>. The conference will be a dynamic platform for discussing state-of-the-art research, exchanging creative approaches, and developing deep connections in a range of disciplines.&nbsp;<a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">Mental health and psychiatry</span></a> have made remarkable progress in recent years, especially in enhancing our understanding and treatment of&nbsp;psychological conditions and developmental processes. The event, which has as its topic &quot;Transformative Innovations in Mental Health and Brain Research,&quot; will highlight important developments in our knowledge of, ability to diagnose, and ability to treat <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">mental health conditions</span></a>. It will also discuss strategies to increase access to care and lessen stigma around the world. </span></span></p> </div> <!-- <a href="<?//php echo CNF_URL."/about"; ?>" title="Read More" class="about-link">Read More</a> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 wow fadeInRight mn-bt-20"> <div class="no-speakar-avail"></div> </div> <!-- About Event Area Start Here --> <div class="col-md-6 wow fadeInLeft"> <h2><span class="id-color">About</span> Mental Health and Psychiatry</h2> <div class="de_tab tab_style_2"> <div class="de_tab_content text-left"> <div id="tab_a1" class="tab_single_content"> <div class="col-md-12 padding-0"> <div class="about-event-content scroll-fix_intr welcome-note"> <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">Psychiatry and <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">mental health</span></a> cover a broad range of problems that affect social, psychological, and emotional well-being. Both personal development and the general well-being of society depend on addressing these issues. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by our mental health, which is crucial for <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">stress management</span></a>, interpersonal interactions, and critical decision-making.&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">When it comes to identifying, treating, and helping people with mental health issues, psychiatry is at the forefront. These ailments might be as simple as anxiety and sadness or as complicated as bipolar disorder and <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">schizophrenia</span></a>. Psychiatrists use an all-encompassing strategy that is tailored to each patient&#39;s particular requirements, combining therapy, medicine, and evidence-based holistic techniques.&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">Psychiatry is still developing, adopting new technologies and multidisciplinary methods to improve patient outcomes. The way therapy is provided is being completely transformed by innovations like <a href=""><span style="color:#e67e22">telepsychiatry</span></a>, artificial intelligence, and digital mental health tools, which make treatment more individualized and accessible. Furthermore, integrative care models&mdash;which address the intricate relationship between physical and mental well-being&mdash;are becoming more popular. These models integrate mental health services with general healthcare.</span></span></p> </div> </div> <a href="" title="Read More" class="about-link">Read More</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 wow fadeInRight"> <h2><span class="id-color">Scientific</span> Sessions</h2> <div class="home-sessions"> <div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Neurodevelopmental Disorders</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Epilepsy</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Central Nervous System</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Geriatric Neurological Disorders</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Brain Stimulation and Computational Neuroscience</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Autism Spectrum</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Neuroscience and Neurology</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Mood Disorders</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-12 padding-0 custom-column"><div class="box-type color-1 box_type_new_sty"><div class="box-inner flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front"><ul><li><a href=>Sleep disorders </a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div> </div> <a href="" title="Click here to view more sessions" 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<ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Decision-makers exploring strategic insights or partnerships.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Leaders wanting to stay competitive by understanding emerging opportunities and challenges.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Academics and Researchers</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Professors, scholars, and students presenting findings or exploring the latest research in their field.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Individuals looking for collaboration opportunities or funding.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Entrepreneurs and Start-ups</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Founders seeking inspiration, networking, or investment opportunities.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Innovators looking to showcase their ideas, products, or services.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Vendors and Sponsors</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Organizations showcasing products, services, or solutions to a targeted audience.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Companies looking to establish brand presence and generate leads.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Policy Makers and Government Officials</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Those shaping or understanding policies in sectors like healthcare, technology, or education.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Officials collaborating with industry experts to address current issues.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Students and Early Career Professionals</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Individuals looking for mentorship, job opportunities, or industry insights.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Attendees eager to network with leaders and gain exposure to real-world challenges.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>General Enthusiasts</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Passionate individuals curious about the conference theme or industry.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Hobbyists or learners exploring new interests or career pathways.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Essentially, anyone seeking to grow their knowledge, network, or influence within the event's field of focus would benefit from attending.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 padding-0 wow fadeInRight"> <div class="col-xs-4 padding-0 pull-right"> <i> <img src="" alt="Why to Attend?" title="Why to Attend?"> </i> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="benif-list right-arrow"> <h4>Why to Attend?</h4> <p>Attending a conference is an investment in yourself and your career, offering a mix of education, networking, and inspiration.</p> <p><strong>Attending a conference offers a wide range of benefits, including:</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Best platform for Global business and Networking opportunities.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">B2B Meetings.</span></li> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Poster Sessions on every career stage.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Meet industry peers, thought leaders and potential collaborators.</span></li> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Build valuable relationships that can lead to partnerships, mentorship or career opportunities.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Learning and Professional Development.</span></li> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Gain insights into the latest trends, research, and technologies in your field.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Attend workshops, panel discussions and keynote sessions led by experts.</span></li> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Idea Generation and Innovation.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Expose yourself to new perspectives that can inspire creative solutions to challenges.</span></li> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Discover fresh ideas that can drive personal and organizational growth.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Career Advancement.</span></li> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Showcase your expertise through participation or presentations. Enhance your credentials and visibility within your professional community.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Access to Resources</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Explore new tools, services and products showcased by vendors and sponsors.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Stay ahead of the curve with exclusive materials or publications.</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Motivation and Inspiration</strong></p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li> <i class="icon_check"></i> <span class="inner-spon">Reignite your passion for your work by connecting with like-minded professionals.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Return to work energized with actionable insights and a renewed sense of purpose.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">The Career Guidance Workshops to the Graduates, Doctorates and Post-Doctoral Fellows.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 padding-0 wow fadeInLeft"> <div class="col-xs-4 padding-0"> <i> <img src="" alt="Why to Register?" title="Why to Register?"> </i> </i> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 padding-0"> <div class="benif-list"> <h4>Why to Register?</h4> <p>Registering for a conference is essential to gain access to the unique opportunities and secure a chance to grow, connect and gain insights that can drive your personal and professional success.</p> <ul class="sponsors"> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Access to networking sessions and coffee breaks.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Complimentary lunch and refreshments during the event.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Entry to pre-conference workshops or tutorials.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Access to exhibitor booths and product demonstrations.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Digital access to recorded sessions after the event.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Opportunity to participate in Q&A sessions with speakers.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Discounts on accommodations for attendees.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Recognition as a participant on the official attendee list.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Chance to win giveaways, prizes, or promotional items from exhibitors or sponsors.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Priority registration for next year's conference at discounted rates.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Invitation to exclusive breakout or roundtable discussions.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Participation certificate.</span></li> <li><i class="icon_check"></i><span class="inner-spon">Accepted abstracts has been published as proceedings with DOI.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Benifits End --> <section id="section-speakers"> <div class="container relative"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="text-center wow fadeInUp animated" style="visibility: visible; animation-name: fadeInUp;"> <h2> <span class="id-color">Our Brilliant</span> Speakers </h2> <p class="sub-title-default-color spk2_sub_tit_dc_new">Sciconx is a leading conference organizer that helps you explore the future challenges of your industry and find innovative solutions. We connect you with the best speakers from around the world who have the expertise and experience to inspire and guide you. We also facilitate ideation sessions where you can design and validate new ideas with your end users. Whether you need a keynote, a workshop, or a panel discussion, we can help you find the right speaker for the right audience at the right time.</p> <div class="align-middle"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 speaker-img-box"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="speakers-box2" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speaker_123"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Joan Neehall" title="Joan Neehall"> </a> <div class="speakers-box-content"> <h3>Joan Neehall</h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="align-middle"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 speaker-img-box"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="speakers-box2" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speaker_119"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Nozila Majidova " title="Nozila Majidova "> </a> <div class="speakers-box-content"> <h3>Nozila Majidova </h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="align-middle"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 speaker-img-box"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="speakers-box2" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speaker_101"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Kasey Pendexter" title="Kasey Pendexter"> </a> <div class="speakers-box-content"> <h3>Kasey Pendexter</h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="align-middle"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 speaker-img-box"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="speakers-box2" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#speaker_98"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Kerryn Burgoyne" title="Kerryn Burgoyne"> </a> <div class="speakers-box-content"> <h3>Kerryn Burgoyne</h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Popup Starts --> <div class="modal fade modal-custom home-ocm" id="speaker_123" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Speaker Details</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="col-xs-4 padding-0"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Joan Neehall" title="Joan Neehall"> <div class="pop-speaker-block"> <h5>Joan Neehall</h5> <span></span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-8"> <p><p>Joan Neehall, Ph.D., clinical psychologist with diplomate status in forensic psychology is pioneering change in organizations and individuals. She is the founder of the Happiness Control Panel, a viral Ted X speaker, and the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Happy Is The New Healthy. A trauma survivor, she teaches how to access post traumatic growth and resilience.She presents a unique blend of expertise (over 35 years), relatability, and actionable insights tailored specifically for the corporate world through keynote speaking and training seminars. She offers a deep understanding of the science of happiness, grounded in the latest research and practical applications, coupled with years of real-world experience.</p> <p>Her presentations are customized to address the specific challenges and opportunities faced by businesses, providing concrete strategies and customizable solutions for immediate implementation. Her dynamic speaking style captivates audiences, blending storytelling, humor, and interactive exercises to create a memorable and impactful experience.</p> </p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 padding-0"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade modal-custom home-ocm" id="speaker_119" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Speaker Details</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="col-xs-4 padding-0"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Nozila Majidova " title="Nozila Majidova "> <div class="pop-speaker-block"> <h5>Nozila Majidova </h5> <span></span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-8"> <p><p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:12pt"><span style="color:black">Dr. Nozila earned her medical degree from Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University where &nbsp;completed her residency in neurology. She further specialized in botulinum toxin therapy through a fellowship at the First&nbsp; Pavlov State Medical University . Dr. Nozila is currently a PhD researcher at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute , where her research focuses &nbsp;on study of the effectiveness of botulinum toxin therapy in comparison with traditional methods of treating movement disorders in children with cerebral palsy. Throughout her career, Dr. Nozila has made significant contributions to the field of neurology , particularly in the areas of botulinum toxin therapy . She has authored abstracts and articles on various neurologic topics. Her presentation at the 10<sup>th</sup> congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies about diagnostic aspects of Sturge-Weber angiomatosis &nbsp;&nbsp;has been widely recognized. </span></span></p> </p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 padding-0"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade modal-custom home-ocm" id="speaker_101" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Speaker Details</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="col-xs-4 padding-0"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Kasey Pendexter" title="Kasey Pendexter"> <div class="pop-speaker-block"> <h5>Kasey Pendexter</h5> <span></span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-8"> <p><p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif">Kasey Pendexter, LMFT, LMHC has served trauma-impacted youth in non-profit mental health organizations for the past 12 years, utilizing a variety of interventions but focusing on use of Animal Assisted Psychotherapy with her two Boxers, Leo and Dougie, to build foundations of healing.&nbsp; For the last 7 years, she has worked as the Director of Clinical Services at a deaf residential treatment program, adapting several trauma-based treatment modalities to deaf culture. She is currently owner of a private mental health practice, Cory Cove Wellness, in Worcester, MA and is also the Track Director for Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment (SMART) for a 5-year SAMHSA grant that has built the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child Resilience Center at Gallaudet University. Kasey enjoys providing international presentations on a variety of topics, including developmental trauma disorder, adaptations to trauma-informed care to Deaf culture, and the neuroscience behind the impact of trauma on the brain.&nbsp; In her free time, Kasey enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, going for runs, and exploring the outdoors.</span></span></p> </p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 padding-0"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade modal-custom home-ocm" id="speaker_98" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Speaker Details</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="col-xs-4 padding-0"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" alt="Kerryn Burgoyne" title="Kerryn Burgoyne"> <div class="pop-speaker-block"> <h5>Kerryn Burgoyne</h5> <span></span> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-8"> <p><p style="text-align:justify">Kerryn Burgoyne is a woman diagnosed with Asperger&rsquo;s Syndrome at the age of 30. She had no support when either in school or trying to gain successful employment for herself. She now runs her own business KTalk &nbsp;which started back in 2007. She is now a renowned international autism speaker at major conferences globally, as well as domestically in Australia. She is also the author of 6 self-help course books which have also been run successfully in the wider community. She is also proud to be part of this conference, as one of the Keynote Speakers, that brings people together from all over the world</p> </p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 padding-0"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Popup Ends --> <style> *{ outline:none; } /* spacer */ .spacer{ height:150px; width:100%; } .spacer2{ height:20px; width:100%; } /* spacer ends */ /* slider styles */ .sd_master_wrapper{ position: relative; max-width:900px; margin:0 auto; padding:0; border-radius:10px; z-index:9999; } .sdtestBg3{ height: 100%; width: 80%; background: #fff; position: absolute; bottom: -40px; left: 10%; border-radius: 20px; box-shadow: 0px 18px 52.8537px rgb(215 228 249 / 50%); z-index:1; } .sdtestBg2{ height: 100%; width: 90%; background: #fff; position: absolute; bottom: -22px; left: 5%; border-radius: 20px; box-shadow: 0px 18px 52.8537px rgb(215 228 249 / 50%); z-index:2; } .sd_scroll { height: auto; max-height: 180px; overflow: auto; } .slideshow { position: relative; min-height: 300px; 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visibility: hidden; animation-delay: 0.25s; animation-name: none;"> <div class="de_count"> <i class="icon_easel id-color" data-animation="fadeInDown" data-delay="200"></i> <h3 class="timer" data-to="45" data-speed="2500">0</h3> <span class="add-plus">+</span> <span>Topics</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeIn" data-wow-delay=".5s" style="cover; visibility: hidden; animation-delay: 0.5s; animation-name: none;"> <div class="de_count"> <i class="icon_headphones id-color" data-animation="fadeInDown" data-delay="400"></i> <h3 class="timer" data-to="30" data-speed="2500">0</h3> <span class="add-plus">+</span> <span>Speakers</span> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 wow fadeIn" data-wow-delay=".75s" style="cover; visibility: hidden; animation-delay: 0.75s; animation-name: none;"> <div class="de_count"> <i class="icon_globe id-color" data-animation="fadeInDown" data-delay="600"></i> <h3 class="timer" data-to="50" data-speed="2500">0</h3> <span class="add-plus">+</span> <span>Awards</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="section-speakers"> <div class="container relative"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center wow fadeInUp animated padding-0" style="visibility: visible; animation-name: fadeInUp;"> <h2> <span class="id-color">Media</span> Partners </h2> <div class="client-area supporters-container" id="our_supporters"> <div> <div class="media-partner"> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="*1ldlvlp*_gcl_au*MTU3OTExMzMyNC4xNzMwNTM4NzM2*_ga*MTk1NTQxNzEwNy4xNzMwNTM4NzM2*_ga_HB62122SSQ*MTczNDY3MTA0OC4x" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="*1ldlvlp*_gcl_au*MTU3OTExMzMyNC4xNzMwNTM4NzM2*_ga*MTk1NTQxNzEwNy4xNzMwNTM4NzM2*_ga_HB62122SSQ*MTczNDY3MTA0OC4x" title="*1ldlvlp*_gcl_au*MTU3OTExMzMyNC4xNzMwNTM4NzM2*_ga*MTk1NTQxNzEwNy4xNzMwNTM4NzM2*_ga_HB62122SSQ*MTczNDY3MTA0OC4x"> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <div class="inner-media-partners"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="col-md-4 text-center"> <h2> <span class="id-color">Social</span> Media </h2> <div class="conf-social-container"> <a class="twitter-timeline" data-width="300" data-height="400" href="">Tweets by sciconx</a> </div> </div> --> </div> </div> </section> <!-- ************************ Static end ****************************** --></div> <section id="section-speakers"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 wow fadeInDown mn-bt-20"> <div id="section-speakers"> <h2> <span class="id-color">Market</span> Analysis </h2> <!--===== Analysis Starts =====--> <div class="mark-anal"> <div class="col-xs-6 no-padding"> <i data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal"> <img src="" alt="marketanalysis" title="marketanalysis"> </i> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 no-padding"> <div id="tab_a1" class="note"> <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; text-align:justify">The global market for <span style="color:#d35400"><strong>Mental Health and Psychiatry</strong></span> has experienced significant growth from 2023 to 2033, driven by increased awareness, advancements in digital therapeutics, and the integration of technology in mental health care. The mental health market is projected to reach USD <strong>537.97 billion by 2030</strong>, growing at a <strong>CAGR of 6.7%</strong>, with major drivers including <span style="color:#d35400"><strong>telepsychiatry</strong></span> <span style="color:#d35400"><strong>services, mental health apps, and workplace wellness programs</strong></span>. Similarly, the psychiatry market is expected to grow significantly, fueled by rising investments in research, novel therapies, and personalized treatment plans. Challenges such as stigma, limited access to care, and workforce shortages persist, but innovation in mental health technologies and policy reforms are paving the way for transformative changes. <strong>North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific</strong> are leading regions in terms of investment, adoption, and mental health initiatives.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!--===== Analysis End =====--> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog markan" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> <div class="modal-body"> <i> <img src="" alt="marketanalysis" title="marketanalysis"> </i> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- section begin --> <section id="section-quick-contact" class="bordertop"> <div class="container"> <div class="location-details col-xs-5"> <h3>Latest News</h3> <div class="newstape"> <div class="newstape-content"> <div class="news-block"> <h4>In Memoriam: Psychiatrists Devoted to Child Mental Health</h4> <small>2024-12-20 - 2024-12</small> <p class="text-justify"> As the mental well-being of our youth has seemingly deteriorated slowly but surely over at least the last decade, and questions about their use of social media increase, competent psychiatrists are needed more than ever. The loss of child psychiatrists in these eulogies will emphasize the increased need, but fortunately they all dedicated themselves to training their successors. As usual, information about their lives was obtained from public obituaries and my personal knowledge of them. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Increase in Mental Health-Related Sick Days</h4> <small>2024-12-31 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> The UK's Office for National Statistics reports a significant rise in sick days due to mental health issues, especially in the public sector. In 2022, 18.5 million sick days were attributed to mental health concerns, with 13% of public sector workers and 7% of private sector workers citing mental health as the reason for their absence. This trend has prompted calls for improved mental health support in workplaces. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>China's Plan to Enhance Mental Health Services</h4> <small>2025-01-07 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> China's National Health Commission has announced plans to improve mental health services between 2025 and 2027. The initiative includes establishing a mental health hotline, creating regional mental health centers, and developing key clinical specialties. This response addresses the rise in mental health issues, particularly among children and adolescents, and aims to provide outpatient services for mental and sleep disorders in at least one hospital per prefecture and city by 2025. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>New York State's 'SUPPORT Act' for Mentally Ill Defendants</h4> <small>2025-01-20 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> Inspired by incidents involving individuals like Taylor Swift's stalker, New York State is proposing the &quot;SUPPORT Act.&quot; This legislation aims to provide better care for mentally ill defendants found &quot;unfit for trial.&quot; The bill proposes assigning case workers and ensuring ongoing mental health services to reduce recidivism and protect the community. The legislation gained attention after David Crowe, a stalker of Swift, was released and immediately reoffended. The bill's supporters emphasize the need for comprehensive mental health treatment for individuals to attain lasting stability. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Genetic Links Between Occupations and Mental Health Disorders</h4> <small>2025-01-20 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> A study by researchers at the JJ Peters VA Medical Center and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai analyzed data from over 400,000 individuals aged 30 or older. They discovered correlations between certain professions and genetic predispositions to mental health conditions. For example, individuals with higher genetic risks for ADHD were more commonly found in roles such as cleaners, chefs, and police officers, while computer technicians were more often linked to autism. Teachers and lawyers showed genetic traits associated with anorexia. The study suggests that genetic predispositions might influence career paths, although demographic and social factors have a significantly larger impact on occupational outcomes. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Addressing Avoidance to Manage Anxiety</h4> <small>2025-01-31 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> Dr. Eddie Murphy, a clinical psychologist, emphasizes the importance of confronting avoidance behaviors to effectively manage anxiety. He suggests that avoidance perpetuates anxiety and limits life experiences. By identifying and addressing avoidant behaviors, individuals can reduce anxiety and improve their quality of life. <br /> </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>‘Micro-Retiring’ for Mental Health Is a Gen Z Trend — but Experts Say It Could 'Put You in a Backseat' in Your Career</h4> <small>2025-02-01 - 2025-02</small> <p class="text-justify"> Gen Z is “micro-retiring” — taking lengthy breaks from work that extend beyond a simple vacation — claiming that it benefits their mental health. <br /> “When you are away from that work…this time, this retirement frees up your mind,” says one creator, Adama Lorna, who describes herself as having &quot;a renaissance approach to personal development.&quot; Lorna, who says she is &quot;in her 20s&quot; — and has 140,000 followers on YouTube and 36,000 on TikTok — advocates for &quot;micro-retirement.&quot; As she explains, “Instead of waiting until you were 60 or 70 to travel the world … you do them [while] you have your youth, your energy, your health.”<br /> </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Advances in AI Applications in Mental Health</h4> <small>2025-01-20 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being integrated into mental health care. Recent developments include AI-driven chatbots like Wysa, which secured $20 million in funding, and virtual therapists such as &quot;Woebot&quot; and &quot;Heartfelt Services&quot; that provide accessible mental health support. These technologies aim to offer support and early intervention, though their effectiveness and ethical implications continue to be studied. <br /> </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Reevaluating the Perceived Depression Epidemic</h4> <small>2025-01-27 - 2025-01</small> <p class="text-justify"> In Britain, there's an ongoing debate about the rise in mental health issues, particularly depression and anxiety. Some experts suggest that increased mental health awareness and self-diagnosis may contribute to the perception of a depression epidemic. They caution against the medicalization of routine emotional distress and advocate for addressing underlying social issues rather than over-relying on medical interventions. <br /> </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Youth Mental Health Services Under Strain</h4> <small>2025-02-07 - 2025-02</small> <p class="text-justify"> Headspace Challenges: Australia's leading youth mental health service, Headspace, is struggling to manage increasing demand. A study by the University of Sydney found that only one-third of patients show improvement after receiving care, with the rest seeing no change or deterioration. The study highlights systemic issues and calls for a new funding model to enhance service delivery. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Debates on Antidepressant Efficacy</h4> <small>2025-02-07 - 2025-02</small> <p class="text-justify"> Questioning the Serotonin Theory: Professor Joanna Moncrieff of University College London challenges the established serotonin theory of depression. Her research indicates no conclusive evidence linking low serotonin levels to depression and questions the efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). She advocates for non-pharmacological treatments, such as therapy and lifestyle changes, over the prevalent use of antidepressants. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Youth Mental Health Concerns</h4> <small>2025-02-19 - 2025-02</small> <p class="text-justify"> Research from the Sapien Labs Centre for Human Brain and Mind indicates a decline in mental health among Indians aged 18-24 since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Factors such as reduced social interactions, increased unemployment, and heightened internet usage have contributed to this trend </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Study finds new link between food choices, depression and Alzheimer's Disease</h4> <small>2025-02-19 - 2025-02</small> <p class="text-justify"> New research has shown that diet could influence the risk of both depression and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Evidence suggests that depressive symptoms are both a risk factor for AD and a reaction to early memory problems. </p> <hr /> </div> <div class="news-block"> <h4>Carbohydrate cravings in depression</h4> <small>2025-02-05 - 2025-02</small> <p class="text-justify"> Depression affects 280 million people worldwide. The mental illness has been proven to lead to changes in eating behavior. Researchers have discovered that although patients with depression generally have less appetite, they prefer carbohydrate-rich foods. </p> <hr /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="location-details col-xs-3"> <h3>Useful Links</h3> <ul class="cont-common-footer-links"> <li><a href="" title="Home">Home</a></li> <li><a href="" title="About">About</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Scientfic Program">Scientfic Program</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Abstract">Abstract</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Brochure">Brochure</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Terms and Conditions">Terms and Conditions</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Registration">Registration</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Contact">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="location-details col-xs-4"> <h3>Subscribe Now</h3> <div class="newsletter-area"> <div class="input-group stylish-input-group"> <input type="text" placeholder="E-mail address" id="email" class="form-control"> <span class="input-group-addon"> <button type="submit" 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