Current time from world time zone - Current local time around the world
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<a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42258&forma=12h"> Admundsen-Scott Station (US) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 09:04 AM<sup>dst</sup></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42252&forma=12h"> Bellingshausen (RU) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 05:04 PM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42261&forma=12h"> Casey Station (AU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 07:04 AM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42257&forma=12h"> Davis Station (AU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 03:04 AM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42262&forma=12h"> Dumont d'Urville (FR) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 06:04 AM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42251&forma=12h"> Halley Station (UK) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 08:04 PM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42263&forma=12h"> Macquarie Island Station (AU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 06:04 AM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42256&forma=12h"> Mawson Station (AU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 01:04 AM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=14699&forma=12h"> McMurdo Station (US) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 09:04 AM<sup>dst</sup></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42259&forma=12h"> Mirny Station (RU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 03:04 AM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=12976&forma=12h"> Molodezhnaya Station (RU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 02:04 AM</td></tr></table></td><td valign="TOP"> <table border="1" bgcolor="#ffffff" bordercolor="bebebe"><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42254&forma=12h"> Neumayer Station (DE) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 08:04 PM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42480&forma=12h"> Novolazarevskaya Station (RU) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 08:04 PM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42250&forma=12h"> O'Higgins Station (CL) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 04:04 PM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42249&forma=12h"> Palmer Station (US) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 04:04 PM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42479&forma=12h"> Progress Station (RU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 01:04 AM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42265&forma=12h"> Rothera Station (UK) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 05:04 PM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42253&forma=12h"> SANAE IV (ZA) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 10:04 PM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42264&forma=12h"> Scott Base (NZ) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 09:04 AM<sup>dst</sup></td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42255&forma=12h"> Syowa Station (JP) </a> </td><td width="100">Mon, 11:04 PM</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42260&forma=12h"> Vostok Station (RU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 01:04 AM</td></tr><tr> <td><b>Antarctica</b> - <a href="wtzresult.php?CiID=42474&forma=12h"> Wilkins Aerodrome (AU) </a> </td><td width="100">Tue, 07:04 AM</td></tr></table></td></table><br> <!-- MAIN end --> <!-- footer start for --> <FORM ACTION="" METHOD=POST> <br> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=640> <tr><td bgcolor=669999 height=15 rowspan=2 nowrap align="left"> <font face=arial size=-2 color="EDF5F5">Guestbook Entries of the Week</font> </td> <td valign=top></td> <td align=right width=90%><A CLASS=NAV href="/guestbook-wtz.html">VIEW OLD GUESTBOOK</a></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=669999 colspan=2> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr> <td height=3></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <table width=640 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=ececf1> <tr><td valign=top class=kvadrat> <p class="c336699"> Hickam AFB passenger terminal has two overhead flat screen monitors, your sun clock and their arrival/departure. I was stranded there for two days and was in awe at the accuaracy of your site. I retrived your site now to plan communications with contacts in Japan. I Thank You! <br> <B>Gary C.</b><br> <a class="wtz" href="/time/wtzresult.php?CiID=7718&forma=24h" target="_top"> Fort Myers</a>, Florida </td> </tr> <tr><td valign=top class=kvadrat> <p class="c336699"> I am a travel specialist of Expedia and I always pull this site up for time references. The site for sure is really helpful to all sorts. I often let my mates use this site when working. Gotta use this site again. <br> <B>Bobby E.</b><br> <a class="wtz" href="/time/wtzresult.php?CiID=4637&forma=24h" target="_top"> Davao City</a>, Philippines </td> </tr> <tr><td valign=top class=kvadrat> <p class="c336699"> At one glance I had my answer. I'm receiving webinar times (time to attend the class). I couldn't understand and workout the time. Thank you. At a quick glance I have my answer and need not be absent at any webinar. Hooray! <br> <b>Roy</b><br> <a class="wtz" href="/time/wtzresult.php?CiID=6628&forma=24h" target="_top"> Cape Town</a>, South Africa </td> </tr> <tr><td valign=top class=kvadrat> <p class="c336699"> This site is amazing and really helps me to communicate with all my customers and people all across the globe for all my personal as well as official matters. Thank You World Time Zone. You Have Helped People To Be In Contact Everytime & Everywhere...!!! <br> <b>Ashish S.</b><br> <a class="wtz" href="/time/wtzresult.php?CiID=6452&forma=24h" target="_top"> Kolkata</a>, India </td> </tr> <tr><td valign=top class=kvadrat> <p class="c336699"> This is a great website to show to my clients who travel to Europe and beyond. Thank you ! <br> <b>Prakash K.</b><br> <a class="wtz" href="/time/wtzresult.php?CiID=42108&forma=24h" target="_top"> Thimphu</a>, Bhutan </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=640> <tr><td width=500 nowrap align=left> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=500> <tr><td bgcolor=D4B4F3 height=15 rowspan=2 nowrap> <a CLASS=nnav href="/4g.html">4G LTE WORLD COVERAGE MAP</a> </td> <td valign=top></td> <td align=right width=80%><FONT CLASS="wtz"><A CLASS=NAV HREF="/4g.html"> LTE, WiMAX, HSPA+, 3G COUNTRY LIST</a></font></td> </tr> <tr><td bgcolor=D4B4F3 colspan=2> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr> <td height=3></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <table width=500 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=ffffff> <tr><td valign=bottom class=kvadrat8> <p class="c336699"> Major <a class="wtz" href="/4g.html">4G standards: LTE</A> (Long Term Evolution)- fastest of all 4G networks; HSPA+ is faster than 3G, however slower than LTE; WiMAX - approximately the same speed as HSPA+ </p> </span> </td> </tr></table> </td> <td width=120 align=right valign=bottom><a href="/4g.html"> <img src="/images/4g-mobile.gif" width=120 height=60 border=0 alt="4G LTE World Coverage Map - LTE WiMAX HSPA 3G GSM Country List" class=kvadrat8> </a><td> </tr></table> <br><br> <table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5 width=640> <TR> <TD align=left valign=top border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0> <!-- ads meridian start --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <!-- ads meridian end --> </TD> <TD> <TD> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6054677678503650"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "CCCCCC"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "666666"; google_color_text = "333333"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"> </script> 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