Flor Acevedo | The Huck Institutes (en-US)

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Pinto, Brian C. Eshenaur, Flor E. Acevedo, Alejandro A. Calixto, Michela Centinari, Miguel I. G贸mez, 2025, Journal of Integrated Pest Management </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Fulgoridae, Hemiptera, Growers, Grape, Economic Impact, Grape Production, Spotted Lanternfly, New York State, Infestation, Pennsylvania, New York, Grape Growers, Cost Benefit Analysis, Red Maple, Plant Species, Lake Erie, Management Effort, Active Management, Vineyard, Tree Of Heaven, Black Walnut, Vine, Finger Lakes, Lake Area, Agricultural Economy, Economic Threshold, Management Measures, Regulatory Efforts, Lycorma Delicatula, Red Grape, Silver Maple, Host Plant, Biological Sciences, Acer Rubrum, Pest Control, Juglans Nigra, Acer Saccharinum, Management Strategy, United States, Control Measures, Politicians, Economic Loss, Asia, Early Years, Significant Loss, Life Stages, Pest Management, Risk Averse, </p> --> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="recentPubs" id="recentPubs"> <!-- pubId: 597116 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">The Spotted Lanternfly Contains High Concentrations of Plant Hormones in its Salivary Glands: Implications in Host Plant Interactions</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Flor E. Acevedo, 2024, Journal of Chemical Ecology on p. 799-806 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Salivary Gland, High Concentration, Spotted Lanternfly, Host Plant, Plant Hormone, Plant Hormones, Host Plant Association, Jasmonic Acid, Abscisic Acid, Jasmonate, Grapevine, Isoleucine, Zeatin, Tree Of Heaven, Insect Feeding, Invasive Species, Mouthparts, Plant Tissue, Plant Defense, Indole 3 Acetic Acid, Saliva, Sap, Grape, Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Riboside, Cytokinin, Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Lc Ms/Ms), Abdomen, United States, Salicylic Acid, Piercing, 12 Oxo Phytodienoic Acid, Vineyard, Significant Damage, Plant Sap, Lycorma Delicatula, Impact Research, Sucking, Plant Immunity, Polyphagous Insect, Trans Zeatin, Cis Zeatin, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 587251 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Bio-inspired design of hard-bodied mobile robots based on arthropod morphologies: a 10 year systematic review and bibliometric analysis</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Jos茅 Cornejo, J. Enrique Sierra-Garcia, Francisco Javier Gomez-Gil, Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Flor E. Acevedo, Ignacio Escalante, Ernesto Recuero, Ingo S. Wehrtmann, 2024, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Mobile Robot, Bibliometric Analysis, Robotics, Arthropod, Biomimetics, Arthropods, Systematic Meta Analysis, Robot Base, Bio Inspired Design, Systematic Review, Japan, Mechatronic System, Degree Of Freedom, Actuation, Biomechanics, Cockroach, Leg, Spider Crab, Mechanical Actuation, Journal Type, System Adaptation, Spider Web, Spider, Degrees Of Freedom, Singapore, China, Caterpillar, Locomotion, Diverse Groups, Publication Year, Body Segment, Conference Proceedings, Web Of Science, Mechatronic Systems, Aerospace, International Database, Scopus, Modular System, Arm Number, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 583526 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Biology and life table parameters of Paralobesia viteana (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae), grown on different grape cultivars</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Laura Laiton-Jimenez, Fnu Samiksha, Flor Edith Acevedo, 2024, Journal of Economic Entomology on p. 1152-1163 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Paralobesia Viteana, Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Biological Sciences, Grape, Cultivar, Life Table, Lepidoptera Tortricidae, Grape Berry Moth, Life Table Parameters, Reproductive Value, Demographic Parameters, Population Dynamics, Neonate, Fecundity, Vineyard, Population Development, Population Demographics, Larval Feeding, Lack Of Understanding, Expectancy Value Theory, Pupal Weight, Niagara, Intrinsic Rate Of Increase, Wandering, Sex Life, Adult Longevity, Population Survival, Concord, Diet Type, Finite Rate Of Increase, Oviposition Period, Developmental Parameters, Pre Oviposition Period, Net Reproductive Rate, Female Longevity, Grape Cluster, Riesling, Survival Parameters, Development Dynamics, Management Strategy, Control Method, Fungal Pathogens, Economic Loss, Female Reproductive, Insect Population, Bacterial Pathogens, Pest Management, Life Expectancy, Eastern North America, Diet Effect, Demography, Population Increase, Oviposition, Pest Control, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 585197 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Recent history and future trends in host-plant resistance</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Michael J. Stout, Lina Bernaola, Flor Acevedo, 2024, Annals of the Entomological Society of America on p. 139-149 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Host Plant Resistance, Recent History, Host Plant, Integrated Pest Management, Plant Genetics, Plant Resistance, Painters, Resistant Varieties, Crop Varieties, Cultivar, Arthropod, Insect Resistance, Plant Use, Analytical Chemistry, Resistant Crops, Resistance Studies, Arthropod Herbivore, Crop Plants, Recent Advances, Herbivore, Scientific Disciplines, Pest Management, Agricultural Management, Arthropods, Plant Breeding, Multidisciplinary Approach, Plant Insect Interactions, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 565214 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Grapevine plant defense responses associated with arthropod herbivory: A review</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Sukhman Singh, Flor E. Acevedo, 2024, Crop Protection </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Plant Defense Response, Plant Defense, Arthropod, Herbivory, Arthropods, Grapevine, Volatile Organic Compound, Insect Pests, Fruit Crops, Mealybug, Mite, Grape, Secondary Metabolite, Inducible Defences, Farm Gate Value, Elicitor, Pest Management, Defense Mechanisms, Inducible Defense, Structural Defence, Economic Loss, Crop Loss, Indirect Defense, Insect Attack, Volatile Organic Compounds, Over 80, Insect Interactions, Vineyard, Mites, Direct Defense, Secondary Metabolites, Farm Gate, Insect Infestation, Interaction Studies, New Pest, Spotted Lanternfly, Phylloxera, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 586944 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Diversity of bacterial symbionts associated with the tropical plant bug Monalonion velezangeli (Hemiptera: Miridae) revealed by high-throughput 16S-rRNA sequencing</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Lucio Navarro-Escalante, Pablo Benavides, Flor E. Acevedo, 2024, Peer Community Journal </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Hemiptera, Wolbachia, Symbiont, Miridae, 16s Rrna High Throughput Sequencing, Plant Bugs, Monalonion, Tropical Plants, Life Stages, Bacterial Symbionts, Insect Pests, Bacterial Microbiota, Clostridium, Nymph, Adaptive Radiation, Amplicon, Symbiotic Relationship, Symbiotic Bacteria, Sphingomonas, Methylobacterium, Bacterial Flora, Microflora, Community Structure, Bacterial Genera, Diverse Structure, Bacterial Community, Paracoccus, Supergroups, 16s Ribosomal Rna (16s Rrna), Bacterial Diversity, Illumina High Throughput Sequencing, Core Microbiome, Nutritional Role, Metabarcoding, Control Method, Dna Sequencing, Microbial Composition, Defensive Response, Microbes, Microbiota, Ignavibacteria, Beneficial Role, Biological Performance, Intracellular Symbionts, Hemipteran, Insect Control, Adult Life, Tropical Crops, Wolbachia Infection, Wsp Gene, Phytophagous, Pcr Screening, Microorganism, Ignavibacterium, High Throughput Sequencing, Dna Sequence, Rna Gene, Microbiome, Lineages, Collinsella, Rothia, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 554939 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Be Prepared: The Spotted Lanternfly is Moving West. We鈥檝e learned a lot, but there鈥檚 still much to learn</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Cain Hickey, Flor Acevedo, Michela Centinari, Claudia Schmidt, 2023, Wine Business Monthly on p. 5 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> </p> --> </div> </div> <a class="collapsed view-more btn btn-info mt-3" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#recentPubs" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="recentPubs">View More</a> <h2>Most-Cited Papers</h2> <!-- pubId: 376160 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Cues from chewing insects - the intersection of DAMPs, HAMPs, MAMPs and effectors</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Flor E. Acevedo, Loren J. Rivera-Vega, Seung Ho Chung, Swayamjit Ray, Gary W. Felton, 2015, Current Opinion in Plant Biology on p. 80-86 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Chewing Insects, Insecta, Cues, Herbivory, Mastication, Herbivores, Insects, Herbivore, Plant Defense, Plant Tissue, Receptor, Elicitor, Microorganism, Oral Microbes, Amount Of Work, Regurgitant, Chewing Herbivore, Specific Response, Plant Receptors, Plant Response, Plant Tissues, Saliva, Elicitors, Crushing, Aptitude, Mandible, Defense Mechanisms, Feces, Mouth, Receptors, Microorganisms, Tissues, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 39809 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Fall armyworm-associated gut bacteria modulate plant defense responses</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Flor E. Acevedo, Michelle Peiffer, Ching Wen Tan, Bruce A. Stanley, Anne Stanley, Jie Wang, Asher G. Jones, Kelli Hoover, Cristina Rosa, Dawn Luthe, Gary Felton, 2017, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions on p. 127-137 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Bacteria, Proteinase Inhibitor, Oral Secretions, Accidental Falls, Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera Frugiperda, Digestive System, Intestine Flora, Gut Bacteria, Plant Defense Response, Insects, Corn, Herbivores, Peroxidase, Enterobacteriaceae, Herbivore Induced, Tomato, Trypsin Inhibitor, Maize, Maize Plant, Bacterial Isolates, Caterpillar, Herbivore, Secretion, Proteinase Inhibitors, Mouth, Tomatoes, Herbivory, Zea Mays, Insecta, Peptide Hydrolases, Lycopersicon Esculentum, Pantoea Ananatis, Insect Larvae, Trypsin, Genes, Klebsiella, Jasmonic Acid, Saliva, Catechol Oxidase, Lactoperoxidase, Defense Response, Induced Defense, Polyphenol Oxidase, Insect Feeding, Microbes, Peroxidase Like Activity, Plant Species, Salivary Secretion, Plant Insect Interactions, Culture Independent Methods, Plant Feeding, Defensive Protein, Insect Saliva, Jasmonate, Microorganism, Acid Activation, Tomato Plant, Trypsin Inhibitors, Growth, Down Regulation, Plant Response, Proteins, Microorganisms, Host Plants, Mechanical Damage, Plant Insect Relations, Raoultella, Methodology, Spodoptera, Pantoea, Plant Proteins, Aptitude, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 444203 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Stomata-mediated interactions between plants, herbivores, and the environment</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Po-An Lin, Yintong Chen, Gabriela Ponce, Flor Acevedo, Jonathan P. Lynch, Charles Anderson, Jared G. Ali, Gary W. Felton, 2021, Trends in Plant Science on p. 287-300 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Stoma, Plant Herbivore, Mediated Interaction, Herbivores, Herbivory, Stomata, Plant Stomata, Physiological Stress, Herbivore, Plant Response, Abiotic Stress, Plant Herbivore Interactions, Plant Physiological Phenomena, Plant Stress, Biotic Stress, Response To Abiotic Stress, Knowledge Gaps, Physiological Processes, Community Impacts, Environmental Stimuli, Existing Knowledge, Leaf Stomata, Stress Interaction, Stomatal Dynamics, Plant Pathogen Interaction, Plant Stoma, </p> --> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="citedPubs" id="citedPubs"> <!-- pubId: 60906 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Symbiotic polydnavirus of a parasite manipulates caterpillar and plant immunity</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Ching Wen Tan, Michelle Peiffer, Kelli Hoover, Cristina Rosa, Flor E. Acevedo, Gary W. Felton, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 5199-5204 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Polydnavirus, Parasitoid, Immunity, Parasites, Caterpillar, Polydnaviridae, Plant Immunity, Insect Larvae, Wasps, Plant Defense, Larva, Zea Mays, Zea, Symbiotic Relationship, Obligate Symbiosis, Polydnaviruses, Salivary Proteins And Peptides, Lycopersicon Esculentum, Eggs, Ovum, Drive, Wasp, Virus, Larvae, Helicoverpa Zea, Herbivores, Herbivory, Elicitor, Parasitoid Wasp, Plant Defense Response, Microplitis Croceipes, Glucose Oxidase, Host Preferences, Saliva, Larval Development, Symbiosis, Immune System, Host Plants, Hatching, Tomatoes, Phenotype, Viruses, Organisms, Enzymes, Proteins, Parasitic Wasps, Elicitors, Herbivore, Tomato Plant, Fast Rates, Obligate, Salivary Enzymes, Parasitic Wasp, Host Suitability, Salivary Proteins, Egg Hatching, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 103770 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Turnabout is fair play: Herbivory-induced plant chitinases excreted in fall armyworm frass suppress herbivore defenses in maize</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Swayamjit Ray, Patrick C.M.S. Alves, Imtiaz Ahmad, Iffa Gaffoor, Flor E. Acevedo, Michelle Peiffer, Shan Jin, Yang Han, Samina Shakee, Gary W. Felton, Dawn S. Luthe, 2016, Plant Physiology on p. 694-706 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Fall Armyworm, Insects, Zea Mays, Spodoptera Frugiperda, Chitinase, Herbivores, Corn, Frass, Accidental Falls, Chitinases, Herbivory, Anti Herbivore Defense, Maize, Infectious Agent, Insecta, Induced Defense, Pathogen Defense, Herbivore, Herbivore Induced, Feces, Pathogens, Secretion (Process), Plant Defense, Defense Pathways, Plant Derived, Plant Defense Enzymes, Salivary Secretion, Derived Material, Maize Leaves, Damaged Leaves, Maize Plant, Fungal Pathogens, Close Proximity, Chemical Cues, Oral Secretions, Extended Period, Pathogen Growth, Leaf Tissue, Leaves, Proteins, Saliva, Oviposition, Secretion, Mouth, Egg Laying, Zea, Feeds, Defense Protein, Tissues, Growth, Larva, Larvae, Spodoptera, Cues, Plant Proteins, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 290396 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Maize Plants Recognize Herbivore-Associated Cues from Caterpillar Frass</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Swayamjit Ray, Iffa Gaffor, Flo Acevedo, Anjel Helms, Wen Po Chuang, John Tooker, Gary W. Felton, Dawn S. Luthe, 2015, Journal of Chemical Ecology on p. 781-792 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Fall Armyworm, Protein, Zea Mays, Proteins, Herbivory, Defense, Cues, Herbivores, Corn, Herbivore, Frass, Time, Maize, Insect Larvae, Maize Plant, Caterpillar, Genes, Defense Response, Pathogens, Molecule, Infectious Agent, Oviposition, Defecation, Spodoptera Frugiperda, Pathogen, Excretion, Secretion, Microorganism, Plant Defense Response, Defense Genes, Plant Defense, Gene, Amount, Application, Tissues, Animal Injuries, Pathogenesis, Plant Response, Host Plants, Mouth, Microorganisms, Insects, Egg Laying, Performance Over Time, Anti Herbivore Defense, Herbivore Performance, Eater, Feeding Site, Pathogenesis Related, Secretion (Process), Zea, Protein Molecules, Fungal Pathogens, Oral Secretions, Crawling, Microbes, Tissue, Accidental Falls, Plant Species, Insect, Insecta, Host Plant, Wounds And Injuries, Spodoptera, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 59200 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Intraspecific differences in plant defense induction by fall armyworm strains</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Flor E. Acevedo, Michelle Peiffer, Swayamjit Ray, Robert Meagher, Dawn S. Luthe, Gary W. Felton, 2018, New Phytologist on p. 310-321 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Plant Defense, Fall Armyworm, Accidental Falls, Spodoptera Frugiperda, Caterpillar, Host Plant Association, Host Plant, Insects, Zea Mays, Corn, Herbivore Induced, Activity Level, Induced Defense, Maize, Insect Larvae, Corn Strain, Rice Strain, Bermudagrass, Plant Defense Response, Trypsin Inhibitor, Elicitor, Defense Response, Protease, Lecithinase, Host Plants, Herbivory, Herbivores, Elicitors, Oryza, Insecta, Rice, Adaptive Mechanism, Defense Genes, Insect Herbivory, Two Strain, Strain Induced, Proteinase Inhibitor, Salivary Enzymes, Fitness Effects, Defensive Protein, Cynodon Dactylon, Cynodon, Genes, Enzymes, Saliva, Growth, Trypsin Inhibitors, Enzyme, Secretion (Process), Spodoptera, Coloring Agents, Peptide Hydrolases, Proteinase Inhibitors, Type C Phospholipases, Botanical Composition, Phospholipase C, Proteins, Plant Secretions And Exudates, Plant Proteins, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 379913 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Genomics of Lepidoptera saliva reveals function in herbivory</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Loren J. Rivera-Vega, Flor E. Acevedo, Gary W. Felton, 2017, Current Opinion in Insect Science on p. 61-69 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Saliva, Genomics, Herbivory, Herbivores, Lepidoptera, Immunity, Temperature, Digestion, Water Stress, Host Plant, Herbivore, Host Plants, Genomic Tools, Feeds, Trend, Chemical, Dehydration, Lip, Chemoreception, Mandibular Glands, Caterpillar, Biotic Factor, Biotic Factors, Detoxification, Abiotic Factor, Lips, Defense, Insect Larvae, Health, Environmental Factors, Genomic Studies, High Throughput Genomics, Temperature Water, Ecological Study, Functional Studies, Larval Stages, Labial Gland, Mandibular Gland, Secondary Chemicals, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 576279 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4>Phytohormones in Fall Armyworm Saliva Modulate Defense Responses in Plants</h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Flor Edith Acevedo, Philip Smith, Michelle Peiffer, Anjel Helms, John Tooker, Gary W. Felton, 2019, Journal of Chemical Ecology on p. 598-609 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Saliva, Defense Response, Fall Armyworm, Plant Hormones, Plant Response, Accidental Falls, Phytohormone, Plant Growth Regulators, Spodoptera Frugiperda, Phytohormones, Molecule, Defense, Protein, Non Protein, Insecta, Insect, Insects, Abscisic Acid, Mass Spectrometry, Salicylic Acid, Insect Saliva, Benzoic Acid, Jasmonic Acid, Secretion, Proteins, Secretion (Process), Liquid Chromatography, Rice, Plant Defense, Zea Mays, Elicitors, Maize, Corn, Herbivory, Effector, Peptide Hydrolase Inhibitor, Protein Molecules, Liquid, Protein Components, Small Molecule, Tomato, Small Molecules, Tomatoes, Herbivores, Lycopersicon Esculentum, Oviposition, Fluids, Mouth, Acid, Fluid, Herbivore, Oryza, Genes, Protease, Induced Defense, Oral Secretions, Insect Herbivory, Regurgitant, Proteinase Inhibitor, Herbivore Induced, Complex Fluids, Salivary Proteins, Plant Defense Response, Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled To Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Protein Plants, Egg Laying, Jasmonate, Protein Identification, Tomato Plant, Effect, Gene, Host Plants, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Peptide Hydrolases, Plant Species, Inhibitor, Proteinase Inhibitors, Protein Secretion, Host Plant, Frass, Spodoptera, </p> --> </div> <!-- pubId: 39979 --> <div class="paper-publications"> <h4 class="publication-link"><a href="" target="_blank">Quantitative proteomic analysis of the fall armyworm saliva</a></h4> <p class="paper-citation"> Flor E. Acevedo, Bruce A. Stanley, Anne Stanley, Michelle Peiffer, Dawn S. Luthe, Gary W. Felton, 2017, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on p. 81-92 </p> <!-- <p class="paper-citation"> Proteins, Proteomics, Fall Armyworm, Saliva, Protein, Spodoptera Frugiperda, Quantitative Proteomics, Quantitative Proteomic Analysis, Accidental Falls, Salivary Proteins And Peptides, Proteome, Insects, Strain, Diet, Digestion, Larva, Insecta, Salivary Proteins, Plant Defense, Liquid Chromatography, Larvae, Chemical Analysis, Nutrition, Complex Mixtures, Defense Response, Plant Tissue, Host Plant, Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Host Plants, Zea Mays, Plant Structures, Spodoptera, Detoxification, Herbivory, Labeling, Functional Groups, Cues, Mass Spectrometry, Labels, Immunity, Tissue, Food, Oryza, Lepidopteran Larvae, Ecological Constraints, Economic Importance, Protein Abundance, Isobaric Tags For Relative, Diet Type, Food Digestion, Plant Feeding Insects, Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Lc Ms/Ms), Protein Concentration, Absolute Quantification, Relative Quantification, Two Strain, Total Protein Content, Relative Abundance, Insect Immunity, Rice, Lepidoptera, Herbivores, Plant Tissues, Strain Differences, Host Strains, Food Aid, Corn, </p> --> </div> </div> <a class="collapsed view-more btn btn-info mt-3" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#citedPubs" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="citedPubs">View More</a> </div> <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="news"> <div class="col-sm-12 pl-0 bio-content"> <h2>News Articles Featuring Flor Acevedo</h2> <a href="" target="_blank" class="card mt-3"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="card-body pl-0 pt-0"> <p class="post-date">Sep 09, 2021</p> <h2 class="card-title h3">National society to recognize two Penn State entomologists</h2> <p class="card-text">Two entomologists in Penn State&#039;s College of Agricultural Sciences will receive prestigious awards from the Entomological Society of America during its 2021 annual meeting.</p> <p class="btn btn-link float-right">Full Article</p> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="container-fluid text-white py-3"> <div class="container px-0"> <!-- LeMASTER 7/7/2020, updated 8/17/2020 --> <button onclick="fnTopOfPage()" id="btnBackToTop" title="Back to Top"><font size="+3">^</font><br>TOP</button> <script> var mybutton = document.getElementById("btnBackToTop"); 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