1.1. FAQ
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>1.1. 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FAQ</div><div class="subcontent"><p>This article contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).</p> <h2>User Accounts</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa"><a name="accounts">Q</a></span> I have an EasyChair account but cannot access my data for a conference (or cannot access my paper submitted to a conference)</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> What happens is the following. You account is associated with one or more email addresses. When another person (e.g., a programme <a class="std" href="chair?a=">chair</a> or your co-<a onclick="return Help.definition(36)" class="def" href="">author</a>) enters your data in EasyChair she or he may specify as your email address an address <em>A</em> not associated with your account. If this happens, EasyChair does not understand that <em>A</em> is also one of your email addresses and creates a new user for that address. Please read the article on <a class="std" href="email_addresses?a=">email addresses</a> for more details.</p> <p>To solve the problem you can do any of the following:</p> <ol> <li>Add <em>A</em> as your alternative email address (recommended);</li> <li>Ask the <a onclick="return Help.definition(1)" class="def" href="">chair</a> or the co-<a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(36)">author</a> to update your email address.</li> </ol> <p>The second solution is not recommended since the same problem may happen again.</p> <p>A similar problem happens when you have several accounts. In this case if you log in using one of the accounts, you will not see data from another account. You can merge the two accounts into a single one, for details see the <a class="std" href="account_management?a=">article on account management</a>.</p> <hr /> <h2>Submissions</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> How can I submit a new paper?</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> There are several common submission problems described below. </p> <ol> <li>First of all, you should <em>log in to the right conference</em>. The conference acronym is always displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, followed by your current <a onclick="return Help.definition(18)" href="" class="def">role</a> for this conference. For example, if the acronym of the conference is LPAR 30, and you are logged in as an <a onclick="return Help.definition(36)" href="" class="def">author</a>, then you will see LPAR 30 (<a onclick="return Help.definition(36)" class="def" href="">author</a>) in that corner. It is not unusual that conference organizers put a wrong link to the conference EasyChair page on their conference Web page. If you follow such a link and the conference acronym is not there, you should inform the organizers.</li> <li>If you follow a submission link from the conference Web site and see "Submission for this conference is closed", the conference does not accept new submissions. If this happens and you believe this is a mistake, you should contact the conference organizers.</li> <li>If you successfully logged in to your conference but the <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(18)">role</a> displayed is different from <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(36)">author</a>, you should follow the menu tabs <conference acronym> -> Change <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(18)">role</a>. It will show you all the roles you have for this conference. If <a onclick="return Help.definition(36)" class="def" href="">author</a> is not among these roles, then the conference does not accept new submissions. Again, if this happens you should contact the conference organizers.</li> <li>Suppose you are logged in as an <a onclick="return Help.definition(36)" class="def" href="">author</a> of the right conference. To submit a new paper you should click on the menu tab "New Submission". If there is no such menu tab, then the conference does not accept new submissions.</li> <li>If you see the "New Submission" tab, click on it and follow the instructions. You will have to fill out information about your submission and possibly upload some files. The <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(38)">submission form</a> and file uploads are configured by the conference <a onclick="return Help.definition(1)" href="" class="def">chairs</a>. </li> <li>If you fill out the form correctly (so that EasyChair displays no error messages), pressed the "Submit" button and nothing is happening for a long time, the problem is most likely a broken or a very slow Internet connection. In this case all you can do is to try again.</li> </ol> <p>If the paper is submitted successfully, it will appear on your menu when you are logged in as an <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(36)">author</a>. If you have a single submission for this conference (say with number 27), you will see a menu tab "Submission 27". If you have more than one submission, you will see the menu tab "My Submissions".</p> <p>If nothing else works, you can contact conference <a onclick="return Help.definition(1)" href="" class="def">chairs</a>, they can always submit on your behalf. <em>Please do not ask us to submit a paper for you:</em> we never interfere in conference management and never change data for a conference. <a onclick="return Help.definition(1)" class="def" href="">Chairs</a> are the only people who can help you with paper submission.</p> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> Has my paper been accepted?</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> Ask <a onclick="return Help.definition(1)" class="def" href="">chair</a> of your conference.</p> <hr /> <h2>Review Requests</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> I received a request to review a paper for a conference but cannot find this paper when I log in to this conference.</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span>There are two possible causes for this problem. First, you should check if the email address to which the invitation was sent is an email address registered with your account (<a href="#accounts">see the "User Accounts" section</a>)</p> <p>Second, each <a onclick="return Help.definition(7)" href="" class="def">review request</a> expires after some time. It can also be deleted by the <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(3)">program committee member</a> who sent you this request.</p> <ol> <li>If you successfully logged in to your conference but the <a onclick="return Help.definition(18)" href="" class="def">role</a> displayed is different from <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(8)">subreviewer</a>, you should follow the menu tabs <conference acronym> -> Change <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(18)">role</a>. It will show you all the roles you have for this conference. If <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(8)">subreviewer</a> is not among these roles, then the <a onclick="return Help.definition(7)" href="" class="def">review request</a> is either expired or deleted.</li> <li>If you could log in as a <a onclick="return Help.definition(8)" class="def" href="">subreviewer</a>, you will find all currently active review requests under the menu tab "Review requests". If the request is there, then you are done. If not, then the <a onclick="return Help.definition(7)" class="def" href="">review request</a> is either expired or deleted.</li> </ol> <p>If you find out that the request is expired or deleted but you are going to write a review, you should contact the <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(3)">program committee member</a> who sent you the <a onclick="return Help.definition(7)" href="" class="def">review request</a>. He or she can restore the request.</p> <hr /> <h2>Programme Committee Members</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> I received an email that I am on the <a onclick="return Help.definition(2)" class="def" href="">programme committee</a> of a conference but when I log in to this conference the system only recognises me as an <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(36)">author</a></p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> When programme <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(1)">chairs</a> add you to the <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(2)">programme committee</a>, they specify your email address. Since the system cannot recognise you as a <a onclick="return Help.definition(3)" href="" class="def">PC member</a>, the email address entered by the <a onclick="return Help.definition(1)" class="def" href="">chairs</a> does not belong to your account. Check the email address used by EasyChair to inform you that you were added to the <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(2)">programme committee</a> and add this email address to your account as your alternative address. For more details read the <a class="std" href="email_addresses?a=">article on email addresses</a>. After you add this email address as your alternative address EasyChair will also recognise you as a <a onclick="return Help.definition(3)" class="def" href="">PC member</a>. You can switch between the roles of a <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(3)">PC member</a> and an <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(36)">author</a> by <a class="std" href="roles?a=">changing role</a>.</p> <hr /> <h2>Conflict of Interest</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> How can a <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(3)">PC member</a> remove a conflict he declared by mistake?</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> An ordinary <a onclick="return Help.definition(3)" href="" class="def">PC member</a> cannot do this since otherwise he would easily get access to information on any paper. However, a <a class="std" href="chair?a=">chair</a> can remove a conflict for any <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(3)">PC member</a> on her committee by following links Administration->Conflicts->View or remove.</p> <hr /> <h2>Repeated Login Prompts</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> I click on links but EasyChair repeatedly brings me to the login page.</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> First of all, you should enable cookies on your browser. EasyChair identifies users using cookies.</p> <p>EasyChair will automatically terminate your session after two hours of inactivity, so it is normal that you are asked to log in again if you did not work with it for more than two hours.</p> <p>If your connection was not idle for more than two hours then the problem you described is not related to EasyChair. Please consider informing your system administrators or Internet provider.</p> <hr /> <h2>Multi-track and Single-track Versions</h2> <p class="quest"><span class="qa">Q</span> I am a <a class="def" href="" onclick="return Help.definition(1)">program chair</a> and my conference uses several tracks. Is it possible to change to the multi-track version of EasyChair?</p> <p><span class="qa">A</span> Since October 2011 the conversion between single-track and multi-track versions is automatic. If you use a single-track version, use Administration->Add Track to add a new track. As soon as you create a second track, your conference automatically becomes multi-track. Likewise, if you have more than one track and delete all tracks but one, your conference will automatically become single-track. You can read more in the <a class="std" href="single_and_multi_track?a=">article on single-track and multi-track models</a>. Note that since January 2015 the multi-track version is no more included in the free <a href="" class="def" onclick="return Help.definition(11)">license</a>.</p> <script>Help.defs[7] = "<p>A review request is a request to review a submission made by a program committee member to a subreviewer. After the request is made, the subreview can accept or decline the request. If a review request remains unanswered, it automatically expires</p><p class=\"itemtitle\">Help article: </p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/subreviewer\">Subreviewer</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[7] = "review request";Help.defs[8] = "<p>A subreviewer is a person requested to write a review by a program committee member. It is a special kind of reviewer.</p>\r\n<p class=\"itemtitle\">Help article: </p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/subreviewer\">Subreviewer</a></li></ul><p class=\"itemtitle\">Other related articles</p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/pool_of_subreviewers\">Pool of subreviewers</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[8] = "subreviewer";Help.defs[36] = "<p>Author, or submission author, is an EasyChair role in the conference environment.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Each submission has one or more authors.</p>\r\n";Help.terms[36] = "author";Help.defs[3] = "<p>A member of the conference programme committee. Program committee members (or simply PC members) can review and discuss submitted papers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>EasyChair supports several models of program committee management, there are several kinds of PC members depending on the model, including superchairs, chairs, track chairs, senior PC members, leading reviewers and external reviewers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Reviews in EasyChair can be written by either PC members or subreviewers.</p>\r\n<p class=\"itemtitle\">Help article: </p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/pc_member\">PC member</a></li></ul><p class=\"itemtitle\">Other related articles</p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/access_models\">Access models</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/adding_a_new_pc_member_or_chair\">Adding a new program committee member</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/chair\">Chair</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/reviewer\">Reviewer</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/senior_pc_members_and_leading_reviewers\">Senior PC members and leading reviewers</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/superchair\">Superchair</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/track_chair\">Track chair</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[3] = "program committee member";Help.defs[11] = "<p>Each conferences hosted by EasyChair uses one of the currently available EasyChair licenses. A license defines which EasyChair features can be used by this conference.</p><p class=\"itemtitle\">Related articles:</p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/license\">EasyChair conference license</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[11] = "license";Help.defs[38] = "<p>This is form that submission authors have to fill out. It has</p>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li>The standard part including paper authors, title, abstract, keywords, and some other information</li>\r\n\t<li>Additional fields, including checkboxes, multiple choice fields, text or paragraph text fields</li>\r\n\t<li>File upload fields, or simply file fields</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n\r\n<p>This form is highly customizable. </p>\r\n\r\n<p>Multi-track conferences can have different submission forms for different tracks.</p>\r\n<p class=\"itemtitle\">Help article: </p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/submission_form_edit\">Submission form editing</a></li></ul><p class=\"itemtitle\">Other related articles</p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/submission_form\">Submission form configuration</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[38] = "submission form";Help.defs[2] = "<p>A program committee is the set of reviewers that is in charge of organizing reviewing, discussing submissions, and deciding which of them are selected.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In EasyChair each conference has a program committee. For multi-track conferences each track may have its own program committee.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>EasyChair supports several models of program committees, some of them are quite sophisticated.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Depending on the conference research area or community, a program committee can be called a <em>scientific committee, reviewing committee, or editors.</em></p>\r\n<p class=\"itemtitle\">Related articles:</p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/access_models\">Access models</a></li><li><a href=\"/help/pc_member\">PC member</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[2] = "program committee";Help.defs[18] = "<p>EasyChair is a role-based system. When you are logged in to EasyChair and are viewing a page, your current role is displayed in the upper left corner.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The following roles are currently used in EasyChair: <em>main role, </em><em>superchair</em>, c<em>hair</em>, <em>track chair</em>, <em>associate chair</em>, <em>senior PC member</em>, <em>PC member</em>, <em>subreviewer</em>, a<em>uthor</em>, <em>proceedings manager</em> <em>proceedings author, </em><em>program manager, p</em><em>rogram author, </em><em>registration manager, registrant, </em><em>CFP manager</em> and <em>CFP user</em></p>\r\n<p class=\"itemtitle\">Help article: </p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/roles\">Role</a></li></ul><p class=\"itemtitle\">Other related articles</p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/environments\">Environments</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[18] = "role";Help.defs[1] = "<p>Chairs are a special kind program committee members having more privileges than ordinary program committee members. Chairs can change the program committee, edit the conference configuration, and do almost anything conferences have access to.</p>\r\n<p>There are several kinds of chairs, depending on the reviewing model. Multi-track conferences have superchairs (who are in charge of the conference) and track chairs (in charge of specific tracks). Some rarely used models also have so-called associate chairs.</p><p class=\"itemtitle\">Help article: </p><ul><li><a href=\"/help/chair\">Chair</a></li></ul>";Help.terms[1] = "chair";</script><script>Effects.registerPopupCancel('close','popup_definitions')</script></div></div></td></table></td></tr><tr><td class="footer">Copyright © 2002 – 2024 EasyChair</td></tr></table><div class="popup" id="popup_definitions"><img class="cross" src="/images/cross_red.gif" title="Close" id="close"/><h3>Definition: <span id="term" class="definition"/></h3><hr/><div class="popup_content" id="termdef"> </div></div></body> </html>