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Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-01-17-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 17:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1239-jure-n-2?date=2024-12-01-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_jure.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> JURE N掳2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 54min | Drame, Thriller De Clint Eastwood | Par Jonathan Abrams (II) Avec Nicholas Hoult, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland Titre original Juror #2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> dimanche&nbsp;1&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><tr><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#ffa3a3 !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-bright" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-02"> 2 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/820-avant-premiere-surprise?date=2024-12-02-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #ffa3a3;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_avp-surprise-insta.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> AVANT PREMIERE SURPRISE </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> ??? </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1240-challenger?date=2024-12-02-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_challenger.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> CHALLENGER </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 35min | Com茅die De Varante Soudjian | Par Varante Soudjian, Thomas Pone Avec Alban Ivanov, Audrey Pirault, Soso Maness </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> lundi&nbsp;2&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-03"> 3 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1239-jure-n-2?date=2024-12-03-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_jure.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> JURE N掳2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 54min | Drame, Thriller De Clint Eastwood | Par Jonathan Abrams (II) Avec Nicholas Hoult, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland Titre original Juror #2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1218-gladiator-2?date=2024-12-03-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_2008711755-gladiator-ii.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> GLADIATOR 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 30min | Action, Drame, P茅plum De Ridley Scott | Par David Scarpa Avec Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Joseph Quinn </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> mardi&nbsp;3&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Today ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-04"> 4 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-04-16-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 16:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1215-louise-violet?date=2024-12-04-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_louise.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LOUISE VIOLET </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 48min | Drame, Historique De Eric Besnard | Par Eric Besnard Avec Alexandra Lamy, Gr茅gory Gadebois, J茅r么me Kircher </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1218-gladiator-2?date=2024-12-04-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_2008711755-gladiator-ii.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> GLADIATOR 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 30min | Action, Drame, P茅plum De Ridley Scott | Par David Scarpa Avec Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Joseph Quinn </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> mercredi&nbsp;4&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#88b332 !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-bright" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-05"> 5 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1238-jure-n-2?date=2024-12-05-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #88b332;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_jure.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> JURE N掳2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 54min | Drame, Thriller De Clint Eastwood | Par Jonathan Abrams (II) Avec Nicholas Hoult, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland Titre original Juror #2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1243-anora?date=2024-12-05-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #e6b1e6;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_anora-tmdb-xxz6scxpllrzl3mtzceny52neuq.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> ANORA </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 19min | Com茅die dramatique De Sean Baker | Par Sean Baker Avec Mikey Madison, Mark Eydelshteyn, Yura Borisov </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> jeudi&nbsp;5&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-06"> 6 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-06-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1244-guadalupe-mere-de-l-humanite?date=2024-12-06-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #c8fafa;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_060553a51520a50e2a5943964b25efcf.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> GUADALUPE M猫re de l'Humanit茅 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 43min | Documentaire, Drame De Andr茅s Garrig贸, Pablo Moreno | Par Andr茅s Garrig贸, Pablo Moreno Avec Pepe Alonso Titre original Guadalupe: Madre de la humanidad </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> vendredi&nbsp;6&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-07"> 7 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-07-14-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 14:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1215-louise-violet?date=2024-12-07-16-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_louise.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LOUISE VIOLET </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 16:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 48min | Drame, Historique De Eric Besnard | Par Eric Besnard Avec Alexandra Lamy, Gr茅gory Gadebois, J茅r么me Kircher </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-07-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1218-gladiator-2?date=2024-12-07-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_2008711755-gladiator-ii.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> GLADIATOR 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 30min | Action, Drame, P茅plum De Ridley Scott | Par David Scarpa Avec Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Joseph Quinn </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> samedi&nbsp;7&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-08"> 8 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1241-les-ours-gloutons-au-pole-nord?date=2024-12-08-10-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_affiche-les-ours-gloutons.jpeg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LES OURS GLOUTONS AU POLE NORD </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 10:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 0h 43min | Animation, Famille De Kate艡ina Karh谩nkov谩, Alexandra M谩jov谩 Titre original Hungry Bear Tales to the Pole! </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-08-15-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 15:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1239-jure-n-2?date=2024-12-08-17-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_jure.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> JURE N掳2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 17:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 54min | Drame, Thriller De Clint Eastwood | Par Jonathan Abrams (II) Avec Nicholas Hoult, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland Titre original Juror #2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1242-la-reine-des-neiges-l-histoire-oubliee?date=2024-12-08-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #db0360;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_illustration-la-reine-des-neiges-l-histoire-oubliee-1-1730103773.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LA REINE DES NEIGES L'Histoire Oubli茅e </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 42min | Divers De Johanna Boy茅 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> dimanche&nbsp;8&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><tr><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-09"> 9 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1243-anora?date=2024-12-09-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #e6b1e6;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_anora-tmdb-xxz6scxpllrzl3mtzceny52neuq.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> ANORA </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 19min | Com茅die dramatique De Sean Baker | Par Sean Baker Avec Mikey Madison, Mark Eydelshteyn, Yura Borisov </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1169-l-amour-ouf?date=2024-12-09-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_amour-ouf-38dcaf5188.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> L'AMOUR OUF </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 46min | Com茅die, Musical, Romance, Thriller De Gilles Lellouche | Par Gilles Lellouche, Ahmed Hamidi Avec Fran莽ois Civil, Mallory Wanecque, Ad猫le Exarchopoulos </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> lundi&nbsp;9&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-10"> 10 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1228-monsieur-aznavour?date=2024-12-10-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_fc8a1c4a90917d8b77e81bc20157.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> MONSIEUR AZNAVOUR </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 13min | Biopic, Drame De Mehdi Idir, Grand Corps Malade | Par Grand Corps Malade, Mehdi Idir Avec Tahar Rahim, Bastien Bouillon, Marie-Julie Baup </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1215-louise-violet?date=2024-12-10-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_louise.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LOUISE VIOLET </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 48min | Drame, Historique De Eric Besnard | Par Eric Besnard Avec Alexandra Lamy, Gr茅gory Gadebois, J茅r么me Kircher </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> mardi&nbsp;10&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#77b32d !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-bright" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-11"> 11 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-11-14-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 14:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1245-il-faut-sauver-noel?date=2024-12-11-16-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_1010-affiche-il-faut-sauver-noel-scaled.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> IL FAUT SAUVER NOEL </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 16:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 0h 42min | Animation, Famille De Ignas Meil奴nas, Piotr Ficner 脿 partir de 3 ans </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1220-tove?date=2024-12-11-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #77b32d;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_tove-zm.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> TOVE </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 43min | Biopic De Zaida Bergroth | Par Eeva Putro Avec Alma P枚ysti, Krista Kosonen, Shanti Roney </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1249-emmanuelle?date=2024-12-11-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_mv5bytbinmm2ztctn2uyzc00zmm4lwfjmgytnmzknzy4zmzlzgm1xkeyxkfqcgc-v1-fmjpg-ux1000.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> EMMANUELLE </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 47min | Drame, Erotique De Audrey Diwan | Par Audrey Diwan, Rebecca Zlotowski Avec No茅mie Merlant, Will Sharpe, Naomi Watts </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> mercredi&nbsp;11&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-12"> 12 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1215-louise-violet?date=2024-12-12-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_louise.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LOUISE VIOLET </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 48min | Drame, Historique De Eric Besnard | Par Eric Besnard Avec Alexandra Lamy, Gr茅gory Gadebois, J茅r么me Kircher </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1248-the-substance?date=2024-12-12-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #e6b1e6;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_image-1199205-20241107-ob-695d3e-hzij3axr51ld1.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> THE SUBSTANCE </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 20min | Drame, Epouvante-horreur De Coralie Fargeat | Par Coralie Fargeat Avec Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, Dennis Quaid </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> jeudi&nbsp;12&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-13"> 13 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1228-monsieur-aznavour?date=2024-12-13-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_fc8a1c4a90917d8b77e81bc20157.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> MONSIEUR AZNAVOUR </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 13min | Biopic, Drame De Mehdi Idir, Grand Corps Malade | Par Grand Corps Malade, Mehdi Idir Avec Tahar Rahim, Bastien Bouillon, Marie-Julie Baup </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1218-gladiator-2?date=2024-12-13-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_2008711755-gladiator-ii.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> GLADIATOR 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 30min | Action, Drame, P茅plum De Ridley Scott | Par David Scarpa Avec Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Joseph Quinn </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> vendredi&nbsp;13&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-14"> 14 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1168-croquette-le-chat-merveilleux?date=2024-12-14-14-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_4839312.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> CROQUETTE LE CHAT MERVEILLEUX </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 14:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 27min | Animation, Com茅die, Famille De Christopher Jenkins | Par Christopher Jenkins, Ken Cinnamon Avec Artus, Mo Gilligan, Bill Nighy Titre original 10 Lives </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-14-16-15"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 16:15 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1239-jure-n-2?date=2024-12-14-18-15"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_jure.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> JURE N掳2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:15 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 54min | Drame, Thriller De Clint Eastwood | Par Jonathan Abrams (II) Avec Nicholas Hoult, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland Titre original Juror #2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1247-venom-the-last-dance?date=2024-12-14-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_venom-the-last-dance.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> VENOM THE LAST DANCE </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 50min | Action, Com茅die, Fantastique De Kelly Marcel | Par Kelly Marcel Avec Tom Hardy, Juno Temple, Alanna Ubach </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> samedi&nbsp;14&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-15"> 15 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1245-il-faut-sauver-noel?date=2024-12-15-10-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_1010-affiche-il-faut-sauver-noel-scaled.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> IL FAUT SAUVER NOEL </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 10:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 0h 42min | Animation, Famille De Ignas Meil奴nas, Piotr Ficner 脿 partir de 3 ans </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1236-vaiana-2?date=2024-12-15-14-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_665727aeb0d83a80e30baac9.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> Vaiana 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 14:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 40min | Aventure, Animation, Famille De David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller | Par Dana Ledoux Miller, Jared Bush Avec Cerise Calixte, Auli'i Cravalho, Anthony Kavanagh Titre original Moana 2 </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1215-louise-violet?date=2024-12-15-16-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_louise.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LOUISE VIOLET </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 16:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 48min | Drame, Historique De Eric Besnard | Par Eric Besnard Avec Alexandra Lamy, Gr茅gory Gadebois, J茅r么me Kircher </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1218-gladiator-2?date=2024-12-15-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_2008711755-gladiator-ii.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> GLADIATOR 2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 30min | Action, Drame, P茅plum De Ridley Scott | Par David Scarpa Avec Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Joseph Quinn </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1246-trois-amies?date=2024-12-15-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_65efd1f8a1e234471bcd16e8d02d18f0.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> TROIS AMIES </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 57min | Com茅die dramatique, Romance De Emmanuel Mouret | Par Emmanuel Mouret, Carmen Leroi Avec Camille Cottin, Sara Forestier, India Hair </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> dimanche&nbsp;15&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><tr><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-16"> 16 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1248-the-substance?date=2024-12-16-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #e6b1e6;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_image-1199205-20241107-ob-695d3e-hzij3axr51ld1.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> THE SUBSTANCE </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 2h 20min | Drame, Epouvante-horreur De Coralie Fargeat | Par Coralie Fargeat Avec Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, Dennis Quaid </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1215-louise-violet?date=2024-12-16-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_louise.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> LOUISE VIOLET </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 48min | Drame, Historique De Eric Besnard | Par Eric Besnard Avec Alexandra Lamy, Gr茅gory Gadebois, J茅r么me Kircher </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="date ictip-date"> <span class="ictip-date-lbl"> Date : </span> <span class="ictip-date-format"> lundi&nbsp;16&nbsp;d茅cembre </span> </div> </div> </td><td style="background: ;"> <!-- Module Calendar Day Pop-up --> <div class="icevent icmulti" style="background:#2d2b2b !important;"> <a href="#" rel="nofollow" tabindex="0"> <div class="style_Day ic-dark" style="color: #fff !important" data-cal-date="2024-12-17"> 17 </div> </a> <div class="spanEv"> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1246-trois-amies?date=2024-12-17-18-00"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_65efd1f8a1e234471bcd16e8d02d18f0.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> TROIS AMIES </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 18:00 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 57min | Com茅die dramatique, Romance De Emmanuel Mouret | Par Emmanuel Mouret, Carmen Leroi Avec Camille Cottin, Sara Forestier, India Hair </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="ictip-event"> <a href="/programme-test/1239-jure-n-2?date=2024-12-17-20-30"> <div class="linkTo"> <div class="ictip-img"> <span style="background: #2d2b2b;" class="img"><img src="/images/icagenda/thumbs/themes/ic_small_w100h135q100_jure.jpg" alt="" /></span> </div> <div class="ictip-event-title titletip"> JURE N掳2 </div> <div class="ictip-info ic-clearfix"> <div class="ictip-time"> 20:30 </div> <div class="ictip-desc"> 1h 54min | Drame, Thriller De Clint Eastwood | Par Jonathan Abrams (II) Avec Nicholas Hoult, J.K. 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