No pain, no gain for the streetwise ajumma squad

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It is the only Korean film that was included among the top five ranking, as of Monday. <br/> <br/>The film takes place in Bongcheon-3 dong, a deprived area in Seoul where this aggressive middle-aged squad lives. <br/> <br/>The squad members are I-man (Na Moon-hee), a woman in her 60s working at a supermarket to look after her unemployed son; Bong-soon (Lee Kyung-sil), a widow who lives with an ill child; Mi-kyung (Kim Sun-ah), a divorcee; and Eun-ji (Ko Jun-hee), a caddie. <br/> <br/> <div class="ab_photo photo_center photo_cover"> <div class="image"> <img alt="테스트" src="" /> <span class="mask"></span> </div> <p class="caption">Veteran actress Na Moon-hee (left) and Kim Sun-ah in “Girl Scouts.” [JoongAng Ilbo]</p> </div> The four women are determined to raise the money to open up a store in their neighborhood. <br/> <br/>It is their sole hope and dream. <br/> <br/>Though they try their best, they are hit by a piece of news that comes at them like a bolt from the blue. <br/> <br/>Hye-ran (Lim Ji-eun), who used to be one of the squad members and who is in charge of their collective savings, runs away. <br/> <br/>The four ajumma, ranging from their 20s to 60s, chase down Hye-ran. <br/> <br/>Mi-kyung, in her 20s, is the main character in the film. She aggressively drives a yellow van, and in one scene she makes a dramatic 360-degree turn in the road while giving chase. <br/> <br/>Her scenes, though, are more serious than comic. <br/> <br/>“I made an agreement with the director that the character shouldn’t be funny,” Kim said. “Mi-kyung is a divorcee with a child to look after. Her life is tense.” <br/> <br/>If Mi-kyung made people laugh, the story wouldn’t be realistic or deep, according to the actress. <br/> <br/>Instead, Mi-kyung responds to other comic plays. <br/> <br/>It was challenging for the unmarried Kim to be an ajumma. <br/> <br/>During the pre-production meetings, the crew and the director wondered if Mi-kyung should be married with or without kids or just remain single. <br/> <br/>“The life of a married mother with kids is more complicated,” the director told Kim after the meeting. And the actress agreed. <br/> <br/>“Mothers who look after children tend to be stronger,” Kim says. <br/> <br/>“Despite life’s up and downs, they [single mothers] have a reason to live ? their kids.” <br/> <br/>The actress explained that Mi-kyung becomes more resistant and mentally much tougher when Hye-ran kidnaps her daughter. <br/> <br/>Kim believes the film’s emotions are based on similar events that have taken place in real life. <br/> <br/>“In most films and dramas, ajumma appear with tight perms and loose pants,” Kim says. <br/> <br/>But she questions whether housewives really dress like this these days. <br/> <br/>“No matter how poor their living conditions, middle-aged women rarely wear loose pants,” Kim says, according to her observations. <br/> <br/>Instead of baggy pantaloons, Kim shot her scenes wearing three T-shirts, two pants and one pair of sneakers. <br/> <br/>That’s all she needed, though later on, one shoe wore through. <br/> <br/>“It’s probably because I had so many action scenes,” she said. <br/> <br/>In fact, Kim’s experience on the set proved to be a physical one. She showed her swollen anklebones and legs due to the shoot. <br/> <br/>And that’s not all. <br/> <br/>While shooting, “Yesterday” (2002), she hurt her pelvis ? there were many kicking scenes. <br/> <br/>“I can still feel the pain,” she says. <br/> <br/>While filming “She’s On Duty” (2005), Kim’s legs were always swollen, she said, because she had to run so much. <br/> <br/>“I always had to wear my ankle brace and a slip-on compression wristband,” Kim said. <br/> <br/>To Kim, however, the level of scars or aches are in proportion to how earnest or eager she was in the film. <br/> <br/>As they say, no pain, no gain. <br/> <br/>“I’m most happy when I’m asked if making the film was a painful experience,” she said. <br/> <br/>“The aches I receive reflect the amount of effort I put into the film.” <br/> <br/> <br/>By Ki Sun-min JoongAng Ilbo [] <br/> <br/><!-- promoted 시작 --> <!-- promoted 끝--> <!-- 애드마루 광고 시작 --> <!-- 애드마루 광고 끝 --> </div> </div> <div class="ad_align_center"> <div class="artBanner-pc"style="padding-top:25px;"><script data-id="ACG3jI9ESgmRQvhRldp-nA" name="korea_joogang_p/article/article@article_pc_house_640x110?mlink=518" src="//" async></script></div><div class="artBanner-mo"><script data-id="Wij_KKtJTtKLd-PURQwoDA" name="korea_joogang_p/article/article@article_mo_house_320x70?mlink=519" src="//" async></script></div></div> <!-- 소셜공유 영역 --> <div class="social-area text-right"> <a href="#none" onclick="snsSubmit('facebook','', '', ''); 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