Arte Museum's new media art exhibition reimagines Korea's national treasures

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Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]" src=""/> <span class="mask"></span> </div> <p class="caption">“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]</p> </div> &nbsp; <br/> Gangneung, GANGWON — The sound of traditional Korean string instruments softly pierces through the darkness as sunlight strikes wood-and-paper doors decorated in graceful check patterns, leading to “The Heritage Garden — Threads of Connection,” an immersive media art exhibition fusing Korea’s traditional culture and artwork with technology. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> Now open at one of Korea’s largest media art franchises Arte Museum, which runs branches in Gangwon Province’s Gangneung and Las Vegas in the United States, “The Heritage Garden” is the latest collaboration between the Korea Heritage Agency and media art studio d’strict. The exhibition is being hosted in both Arte Museum spaces and connects Korea’s artifacts and intangible heritage with younger audiences through media art exhibitions, both domestically and overseas. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> <div class="ab_related_article"><div class="hd"><h2><strong>Related Article</strong></h2></div><div class="bd"><ul class="text_type"><li><h2 class="headline"><a href="">Immersive art exhibition invites visitors to 'The Heritage Garden' in Gangneung and Las Vegas</a></h2></li><li><h2 class="headline"><a href="">Heritage agency publishes book on Korea's fermented sauce culture</a></h2></li><li><h2 class="headline"><a href="">Buddhist stupa returned to original temple location after 113 years</a></h2></li></ul></div></div> &nbsp; <br/> The 8-minute-long video art piece brings the national treasures of Korea to life through 3-D rendered images that have been archived by the government for research and promotional purposes under the theme, “Threads of Connection.” <br/> &nbsp; <br/> The threads work in both image and idea. The fluorescent thread of light guides the audience through the five sections of the exhibition, which moves from the morning garden to a craft archive and then the Geunjeong Halls of Gyeongbok Palace and Gwanghwamun. It connects the viewer with the past and present as well as the East and the West. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> The connection between the East and the West works in two ways. First, “The Heritage Garden” showcases Korean works and classical artworks owned by a French museum in the “Arte Museum X Musée d'Orsay” video, displayed at Gangneung. There is an additional video titled the “Light of Vegas” at the Las Vegas branch. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> <div class="ab_photo photo_center ab_zoom" style="width: 580px;"> <div class="image"> <img alt="“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]" src=""/> <span class="mask"></span> </div> <p class="caption">“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]</p> </div> &nbsp; <br/> The second connection takes place with the very fact that the Korean traditional artworks are traveling to the United States to greet the local audience, according to Kim Soon-ho, the head of the cultural heritage project department at the heritage agency. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> “People abroad don’t get to experience Korean art so up close as well as moving, and the immersive art experience is a chance for them to get up and close in a way that the younger generation is well acquainted with,” he said. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> “Arte Museum is also getting ready to open up another branch in Los Angeles, and the same exhibition will be displayed there too.” <br/> &nbsp; <br/> One aspect that Arte Museum and the heritage agency paid attention to was the details of the artifacts displayed through the video. The 3-D images are part of the government’s state-owned digital assets owned by the Korea Heritage Service, which can be used by creators for various genres, including films and games. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> <div class="ab_photo photo_center ab_zoom" style="width: 580px;"> <div class="image"> <img alt="“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]" src=""/> <span class="mask"></span> </div> <p class="caption">“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]</p> </div> &nbsp; <br/> The images of the Seokguram Grotto in Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang, and the Celadon Incense Burner with Openwork Auspicious-character Design Lid are such examples, as well as the numerous craft and porcelain artworks, including the Earthenware Horn Cup in the Shape of a Warrior on Horseback featured in the second section of the exhibition. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> “The 3-D assets have allowed for more depth than just using a picture of the Seokguram Grotto, which allow viewers to feel as if they’re actually standing inside the Seokgul Cave thanks to the natural movement of light,” a d’strict official said. “Civilians and private companies are not granted access to national treasures, but the digital assets will allow for more works to be created.” <br/> &nbsp; <br/> Immersive art is being actively used to promote Korea’s heritage and history to a wider audience. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> The heritage agency collaborated with the National Palace Museum of Korea to create a media artwork wall at Incheon International Airport in May by using four main images of Korea to welcome all inbound travelers. d’strict exhibited its “Joseon Painting” in collaboration with the National Museum of Korea, using the museum’s artworks to introduce Korea’s traditional art by bringing portraits to life. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> <div class="ab_photo photo_center ab_zoom" style="width: 580px;"> <div class="image"> <img alt="“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]" src=""/> <span class="mask"></span> </div> <p class="caption">“The Heritage Garden &mdash; Threads of Connection&Prime; immersive art exhibition co-organized by the Korea Heritage Agency and Arte Museum [KOREA HERITAGE AGENCY]</p> </div> &nbsp; <br/> “Our focus is more on the creative side of the exhibition rather than getting the exact historical measurements right because this is ‘media art,’ which is aimed at getting people closer to national treasures and traditions, not educating them on the facts,” the Korea Heritage Agency’s Kim said. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> “We are also actively working with the local government and agencies to make sure that the event is helpful for the regional market as well.” <br/> &nbsp; <br/> Visitors to Gangneung can collect stamps at the Seongyo House, Ojukheon and Gyeongpodae Pavilion. Two stamps at the spots will grant free entrance to Arte Museum. The first 200 people traveling from Incheon to Las Vegas via Korean Air between Nov. 19 to Dec. 20 will get VIP tickets to the Las Vegas exhibition. The Las Vegas Korean American Association and the local Korean Culture Center will also give out free tickets to the exhibition. <br/> &nbsp; <br/> Exhibitions in both the Gangneung and Las Vegas locations will run until Dec. 20. Arte Museum Gangneung opens every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and the Las Vegas branch opens from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets cost 17,000 won ($12) for adults and 10,000 won for children at the Gangneung branch and $50 for adults and $40 for children and seniors at the Las Vegas branch. <br/> <br>BY YOON SO-YEON []<!-- promoted 시작 --> <!-- promoted 끝--> <!-- 애드마루 광고 시작 --> <!-- 애드마루 광고 끝 --> </div> </div> <div class="ad_align_center"> <div class="artBanner-pc"style="padding-top:25px;"><script data-id="ACG3jI9ESgmRQvhRldp-nA" name="korea_joogang_p/article/article@article_pc_house_640x110?mlink=518" src="//" async></script></div><div class="artBanner-mo"><script data-id="Wij_KKtJTtKLd-PURQwoDA" name="korea_joogang_p/article/article@article_mo_house_320x70?mlink=519" src="//" async></script></div></div> <!-- 소셜공유 영역 --> <div class="social-area text-right"> <a href="#none" onclick="snsSubmit('facebook','', '', ''); return false;" title="Share to Facebook New Window"><img src="/resources/images/common/facebook.png" alt="facebook" /></a> <a href="#none" onclick="snsSubmit('twitter','', '', ''); 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