Inspectlet Docs
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <title>Inspectlet Docs</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript">try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> </head> <body> <div class="tableofcontents"> </div> <div class="docs"> <article> <section> <h1 id="gettingstarted">Getting Started</h1> </section> <section> <h2 id="installinginspectlet">Installing Inspectlet</h2> <p>Installing Inspectlet requires placing a simple Javascript code into your website. This requires little to no technical skill and can be done within a few minutes.</p> <h3>The Install Code</h3> <p>Inspectlet's Javascript code is asynchronous, which means it does not block your site while it does its own work. The embed code is <a href="#siteperformance">designed not to slow down your site</a>. After adding a site in your Dashboard, click the blue wrench icon in the Actions column that says "Edit this site's settings". In the Edit Site page, click on the link that says "Get Install Code" on the top right. <br> <br> Your code should look something like this: </p> <pre class="prettyprint"> <!-- Begin Inspectlet Asynchronous Code --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { window.__insp = window.__insp || []; __insp.push(['wid', 12345678]); var ldinsp = function(){ if(typeof window.__inspld != "undefined") return; window.__inspld = 1; var insp = document.createElement('script'); insp.type = 'text/javascript'; insp.async = true; = "inspsync"; insp.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + '://' + Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/3600000); var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(insp, x); }; setTimeout(ldinsp, 0); })(); </script> <!-- End Inspectlet Asynchronous Code --></pre> <p>There are a few options for installing the code:</p> <h3>Option 1: Copy code into your HTML</h3> <p>The script provided by Inspectlet (look above for an example) should be placed anywhere in your site's HTML (preferrably in the <HEAD> section). Inspectlet is loaded asynchronously in a non-blocking way so it doesn't slow down your site. If you're having trouble installing Inspectlet on your site, send us an email and we'd be happy to help! </p> <h3>Option 2: Installing on WordPress with the WordPress Plugin</h3> <p> We have a WordPress plugin that'll take care of placing the code in your site, please get it from here: <a href="" target="_blank">Inspectlet WordPress Plugin</a>. </p> <h3>Check if it's installed correctly</h3> <p>To debug whether Inspectlet is installed and functioning correctly, <a href="" target="_blank">append ?inspectlet_diagnostics=true to your site URL</a> to bring up the diagnostics console.</p> <h3>Suggested Next Steps</h3> <p>Hooray! Inspectlet is up and running! Now here are a few cool things to check out:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/docs#excluding_sensitive_data" target="_blank">Mark certain fields and information on your site as sensitive</a></li> <li><a href="/docs#identifying_users" target="_blank">Identify your users with a nickname like an email address </a></li> <li><a href="/docs#tagging" target="_blank">Send in metadata to associate with a session recording </a></li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 id="excluding_sensitive_data">Excluding Sensitive Data</h2> <p> We take personal information and data privacy very seriously. Any data marked as sensitive is excluded from recording, therefore data entered by the user or certain HTML content present on the page is blocked from being transmitted to our servers. You can mark both input fields (like the credit card inputs on a checkout form) and HTML content (like a tax report in a DIV or TABLE) on your page as sensitive either by adding the id/class name of an element to your excluded data site setting (see below), or by adding the <span class="inlinecode">inspectletIgnore</span> or <span class="inlinecode">inspectlet-sensitive</span>, or other self-defined class on an HTML element in your code. </p> <h3>Excluded Data Setting</h3> <p>This site setting lets you to add a comma seperated list of HTML IDs/classes that Inspectlet should exclude from data collection. By default, <span class="inlinecode">.inspectletIgnore</span> and <span class="inlinecode">.inspectlet-sensitive</span> are included, but you can add more rules to identify existing elements on your pages.</p> <p>Matching input fields and HTML containers will have their text/content excluded from data collection and not be transmitted to Inspectlet servers.</p> <img src="" alt="Add a list of IDs/classes which Inspectlet should exclude from data collection." style="box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border: 1px solid #CCC; max-width: 100%;"> <h3>Excluding Input Fields</h3> <p>Excluded input fields will have their text content, keypresses, and values blocked from recording.</p> <p>You can mark an input field as sensitive by adding its ID/class to the excluded data list (above), or by adding a sensitive class to the element in your code.</p> <p>To mark an input field to be excluded in the code, for example, the following credit card input field is tagged as sensitive and any text entered in it will not be recorded:</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> <input type="text" class="inspectletIgnore" name="ccnumber" /> </pre> <p>Please note that <strong>nothing is needed for password fields</strong>, Inspectlet ignores those automatically.</p> <h3>Excluding HTML Content on the Page</h3> <p>You may want to sometimes block recording of certain information on the page, you can mark that HTML content as sensitive by adding its ID/class to the excluded data list (above), or by adding a sensitive class to the element in your code whose content and children you want excluded from recording. Inspectlet will not transmit any text inside these containers or any of their children.</p> <p>To mark a div with the class of "tax-data" as sensitive in your code:</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> <div class="tax-data inspectlet-sensitive"> ... </div> </pre> <h3>Censoring All Input Fields on All Pages</h3> <p>If you'd just like to get up and running quickly, you can instead enable the site-wide setting that censors all input fields on all pages:</p> <img src="" alt="Censoring all input fields in site settings" style="box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border: 1px solid #CCC;"> <p>Please note that this is probably far more restrictive than necessary and will make your data less useful, it's worth disabling this option and tagging only specific input fields that need to be censored as described above.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="identifying_users">Identifying Users</h2> <p> By identifying users, you can associate a session recording with a meaningful nickname (name, email address, database ID, etc). Although optional, we highly recommend identifying users to have more context around your data throughout the dashboard. </p> <p>Here's an example showing how to identify a user:</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> __insp.push(['identify', ""]); </pre> <p>The above code will associate the current session with <em></em> in the dashboard.</p> <p>The <em>identify</em> method only needs to be called once per session and can be called at anytime during the session. You can also call <em>identify</em> again with a different identity in case the user's identity needs to be updated.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="tagging">Tagging User Sessions</h2> <p>With the JavaScript tagging API, you can optionally send any metadata to Inspectlet about a user or a session. For example, you can send in the email address of the user, so that you can search against it from the Dashboard to find all recordings of that user.</p> <p>You can send tags both as key/value pairs, or as simple strings.</p> <p>Here's an example of tagging a session with the user's email address (key/value pair):</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> __insp.push(['tagSession', {email: ""}]); </pre> <p>The above code creates a tag with the key "email" having the value "". </p> <p>You can also send in multiple tags in an object, for example if you wanted to send the entire identity of the user:</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums" style="word-wrap: break-word"> __insp.push(['tagSession', {email: "", userid: "12345678", pointsEarned: "42"}]); </pre> <br> <p>Tags are also useful for marking sessions where users exhibited interesting behavior, made it to the checkout page, encountered an error, etc. These tags will make sorting through numerous screen captures easier.</p> <p>For example, the following Javascript code tags a session as "viewed checkout" (simple string tag):</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> __insp.push(['tagSession', "viewed checkout"]); </pre> <p>In the above case we didn't need a whole key/value, so we just supplied a simple string as a key. A tag must be a string or an object with as many key/value pairs as you want. Tags can be applied at any time and only needs to be set once to tag the entire session, but calling it multiple times (each time a page loads for example) is okay too, duplicate tags will simply be ignored.</p> <h3>Marking sessions where a sale is made</h3> <p>If you're interested in watching all screen captures where a visitor purchased something or made it to the shopping cart page, you can tag those screen captures with a marker like "purchase" like this:</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> __insp.push(['tagSession', "purchase"]); </pre> <p>This javascript snippet should be called when a visitor visits a specific page, or makes a successful purchase.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="change_page_url">Change Page URL</h2> <p> This method lets you modify the URL that Inspectlet saves for the current page. </p> <p> For example, you may want to change the URL <em></em> to <em></em> in Inspectlet's perspective, so that you can easily identify and aggregate profile pages for heatmaps. This can be done like so: </p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> __insp.push(["pageUrl", ""]); </pre> <p> The above line of code needs to be in place before Inspectlet fully initializes, so please place this line in the same block as the main Inspectlet JS code. For example, the changeUrl line can be placed above your website identifier from the main Inspectlet JS(<span class="inlinecode">__insp.push(["wid", ...])</span>). </p> <p> Please note: changing the Page URL should not be confused with Virtual Pageviews. For example, if you're on <em>/foo</em> and change the page URL to <em>/bar</em>, the end result will be that Inspectlet will have a session with one pageview: <em>/bar</em>. If you're on <em>/foo</em> and perform a virtual pageview, Inspectlet will have a session with two pageviews: <em>/foo</em>, <em>/bar</em>. Changing the page URL lets you modify what Inspectlet is seeing for the current pageview, while the Virtual Pageview API triggers an entirely new pageview within Inspectlet. </p> </section> <section> <h2 id="virtual_pageviews">Virtual Pageviews</h2> <p><strong>This function is only needed for legacy deployments!</strong> <em>Changes to the URL via History.pushState() are now automatically picked up by Inspectlet so the below is unnecessary.</em></p> <p> If your site is a single page application or otherwise uses HTML5's History API (e.g. pushState) or uses hash-bangs to change application state, you can trigger a virtual pageview, which tells Inspectlet to create a new page record. </p> <p> Please note: Virtual Pageviews should not be confused with changing the Page URL. For example, if you're on <em>/foo</em> and change the page URL to <em>/bar</em>, the end result will be that Inspectlet will have a session with one pageview: <em>/bar</em>. If you're on <em>/foo</em> and perform a virtual pageview, Inspectlet will have a session with two pageviews: <em>/foo</em>, <em>/bar</em>. Changing the page URL lets you modify what Inspectlet is seeing for the current page, while the Virtual Pageview API triggers an entirely new pageview within Inspectlet. </p> <p>Trigger a virtualPage like this:</p> <pre class="prettyprint linenums"> __insp.push(["virtualPage"]); </pre> <p>In single page apps made with frameworks like AngularJS, Ember, Backbone, etc, you only need to add the <em>virtualPage</em> call once in your routing function that faciliates page changes.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="faq">FAQ</h2> <h3>How does Inspectlet work?</h3> <p>Inspectlet gives you a tiny piece of Javascript code to copy paste in your site. After installing it, Inspectlet monitors your site's visitors in real-time and relays this information back to the servers, where it's compiled and presented to you.</p> <p>Inspectlet's screen capture is a component of the code that works by recording all the events that take place in the browser such as keystrokes, mouse movements, scrolling, clicking, and then sends this data (which is only bytes in size) to our servers. Once we receive this data, we compile a screen capture by overlaying the events onto the visitor's page. Inspectlet has two different techniques for screen capture, which allow it to be versatile enough to capture even the most complicated websites.</p> <h3>My site uses advanced technologies, will Inspectlet still work?</h3> <p>Absolutely! Inspectlet is designed with this century's web apps in mind. Inspectlet plays nice with all the latest technologies, even if your site is a single page app (AngularJS, Ember, Backbone) or you use lots of dynamic javascript, AJAX, HTML5, cookies, login/authentication, HTTPS/SSL, and anything else. Inspectlet is compatible with all of these technologies straight out of the box with no integration required. If you have any questions about integration, we'd be <a href="">happy to help</a>.</p> <h3 id="siteperformance">Will Inspectlet slow down my website?</h3> <p>Short answer: No, not at all.</p> <p>One of the most important priorities to us while designing Inspectlet is to ensure that Inspectlet is as unobtrusive as possible. Inspectlet's Javascript code is asynchronous, which means it does not block your site while it does its own work. Inspectlet isn't even loaded until the rest of your site has finished loading and is ready. Even after it loads, it stays out of the way and momentarily sends bytes of data to our servers. Try it on your site or <a href="/hello/capturedemo">check out the demo</a>. </p> <h3 id="faq_subdomains">How does Inspectlet handle subdomains?</h3> <p>It's completely up to you how you want to handle subdomains. Got a subdomain that needs to be tracked with another subdomain? With the main site? With a few other subdomains? Completely separately? Inspectlet doesn't care. Track your site any way you want by either making a new site from your Dashboard, or using the same embed code to track them together.</p> <h3 id="faq_planlimit"><h3>What happens if I go over my plan's quota?</h3> <p>By default, Inspectlet automatically staggers your monthly recorded sessions quota throughout the month. This means that Inspectlet may stop recording data after some time in the day to prevent your sites from exhausting your monthly quota before the end of the month and being left with a portion of the month without any data at all. For this reason it is recommended to keep staggering enabled. If you'd rather manage your quota yourself, you can disable this functionality.</p> <p>If your usage exceeds the plan's limit then Inspectlet stops recording for that day if you have staggering enabled, otherwise for the month. Upgrading your plan will re-enable your account since since your quota is increased. We will never automatically bump you up to the next larger plan without your permission.</p> <h3 id="customsolution">My site is larger than the largest plan available. What can I do?</h3> <p>If your needs exceed the highest plan we have available, <a href="">get in touch with us</a> and we can tailor something that fits.</p> </section> </article> <article> <section> <h1 id="formanalytics">Form Analytics</h1> <p>Inspectlet's Form Analytics reports provides you with conversion-critical information on the performance of your site's forms. With Form Analytics you can track a variety of metrics on your form as a whole, and also measure granular performance information for each input field in your form. </p> </section> <section> <h2 id="addingforms">Adding Forms</h2> <p>Most of the time you won't have to do anything to enable form analytics. Inspectlet will automatically detect forms and track their performance if the form element has an ID or a name attribute, which tends to cover 99% of forms.</p> <p>If you don't see a form in your reports, please make sure the form has an ID or a name attribute, and the attribute is not <em>aspnetForm</em>, since this is not a unique identifier. In rare cases if your form can't have an ID or a name attribute on it for legacy reasons, you can also use the attribute <span class="inlinecode">inspectlet-form-analytics="formnamehere"</span>.</p> <p>Input fields in your form also need an ID or name attribute, but since having a name is also a browser requirement to be able to send data to your website, this shouldn't be an issue. In case you'd like to give the input a name just for Inspectlet, you can also use the <span class="inlinecode">insp-form-input-id="inputname"</span> attribute.</p> <p>If for any reason you'd like to disable form analytics on a specific form on your site, please add the class <span class="inlinecode">inspnoformanalytics</span> to the form element and Inspectlet will ignore that form for form analytics.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="conversion_report">Form Conversion Report</h2> <p>The Conversion Report lets you gauge how effective your form is at converting inbound visitors. The funnel in the Conversion Report represents how many visitors make it to the next stage of conversion.</p> <h3>Visitors Landed on Form</h3> <p>The first step in the funnel is the number of visitors that landed on the form. This number represents the total amount of people that saw the form and serves as a baseline for the rest of the funnel steps.</p> <h3>Visitors Interacted with Form</h3> <p>The next step in the funnel shows you how many visitors interacted with the form out of the visitors that saw your page.</p> <p>An interaction with the form would be constituted by engaging with any of the input fields in the form (attempting to fill them out, focusing them, or any other action). This funnel step tells you how many people made some effort to fill out this form, but weren't able to make it through to the next step (a successful conversion).</p> <p>We recommend looking at this segment of your visitors very closely, because the people that made it to this step but not to the next have displayed interest in the form but due to confusion, form validation errors, or other reasons, they decided not to go any futher.</p> <h3>Visitors Converted Successfully</h3> <p>This number represents the visitors that successfully converted through the form by completing every stage of the funnel.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="timereport">Time Report</h2> <p>The Time Report shows you how much time on average visitors are spending filling out each input field in your form. The time spent metric includes time spent <a href="#hesitationreport">hesitating</a> on that input field (hesitation report).</p> <p>Some fields (like text boxes for address or feedback/suggestions) will naturally have longer time spent on them, but if visitors are spending longer than you expect on certain input fields, you might want to investigate the following causes:</p> <ul> <li>Visitors might be giving a more detailed answer than you expected, perhaps rephrase the prompt if you want them to spend less time.</li> <li>Visitors are typing something, then changing their answer. Check the <a href="#fillreport">fill report</a> to confirm.</li> <li>Visitors could be hesitating on that input field for a variety of reasons, check the <a href="#hesitationreport">hesitation report</a> to confirm.</li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 id="hesitationreport">Hesitation Report</h2> <p>The Hesitation Report shows how much time on average visitors are spending hesitating on that input field. This includes time spent thinking about what to write in the field, time spent trying to understand what the field is, and anything else that can cause the visitor to hesitate.</p> <p>Inspectlet's hesitation algorithm tracks a variety of signals that help decide whether a user is engaged or hesitating. To illustrate a simplified example of what hesitation tracks, if the visitor focuses an input field but doesn't type until 3 seconds later, and then spends 1 second typing their answer, the Hesitation Report will show 3 seconds of hesitation and the Time Report will show 4 second of time spent on that field by that user. In reality, the hesitation algorithm takes more variables into account and can understand the intent behind your visitor's actions.</p> <p>The information this report provides is difficult to find in other analytical sources making this report very valuable. For example, heatmaps can show you where people are engaging with your page, but the nature of their interaction is unclear. The Hesitation Report will tell you if users are experiencing confusion, or just spending a lot of time filling out that field with an answer. Use this report to find out how your form is being understood and perceived.</p> <p>The only input fields in your form that should have high hesitation times are the ones you want visitors to think long and hard about before answering. If the report indicates more hesitation on certain fields than you expected, you might want to investigate:</p> <ul> <li>Is it clear to visitors what needs to be entered in this field?</li> <li>Is the information visitors need to fill out the field readily available to them? For example, you might be asking for their invoice number but it's not present in the confirmation email you sent them.</li> <li>Do you have a placeholder value? Consider adding a placeholder value to confusing form fields to suggest an example answer and format of response.</li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 id="fillreport">Fill Report</h2> <p>The Fill Report tells you how often people are filling out that input field. An average fill rate of:</p> <ul> <li><strong>0x</strong>: no one filled out this input, this field tends to be left blank</li> <li><strong>0.5x</strong>: half of the visitors fill out this input, half of them leave it blank.</li> <li><strong>1x</strong>: most visitors filled out this input field once</li> <li><strong>3x</strong>: visitors on average filled out that input 3 times, once the first and time and then changed their answer twice.</li> </ul> <p>Please note that these numbers are calculated out of the people that engaged with the form, not out of the total number of people that saw the form. This is to make sure the fill report provides more data than simply the conversion rate of your form, since the conversion rate would drown out the signal for this report.</p> <p>A visitor might change their answer due to confusion, form validation errors, or many other reasons. This report can indicate issues with an input field such as: confusion about the meaning of an input, form validation errors occuring often, visitors not encouraged to fill out the whole form, or visitors not wanting to provide the information asked for.</p> </section> <section> <h2 id="ignoredfieldreport">Ignored Field Report</h2> <p>The Ignored Field Report tells you how often the fields in your form are not engaged with. This means that the visitor made no attempt to fill it out, and it was submitted to your form blank.</p> <p>Like the Fill Report, the numbers in this report are calculated out of the people that engaged with the form, not out of the total number of people that saw the form. This is to make sure the report provides more data than simply the conversion rate of your form, since the conversion rate would drown out the signal for this report.</p> </section> </article> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> </body> </html>