Kathryn Thompson - AWIS
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bringing scientific insight to how machines need to work. I've done that in a variety of places, starting in further education and a university pharmacy department, then getting a PhD in building robots for nanochemistry, moving to the Netherlands to make improvements to fully-automated cow-milking machines, and then for the last few years, working in R&D for fruit sorting here in New Zealand. Looking back to when I left school, though, I would have had no idea that any of this existed or was possible. Even though I went to a former mining college in the industrial north of England, no-one ever suggested there was a use for all this stuff - engineering meant fixing cars, and the only scientists we knew were science teachers. That's maybe what I enjoy most about working in science and research, though - we don't know what's going to happen, so we get to try it and find out! </p> <strong>Extra Curricular</strong> <p>Playing the drums, cycling, making clothes</p> <strong>Favourite Book</strong> <p>This week it's The Mars House by Natasha Pulley</p> <strong>Favourite Movie</strong> <p>Groundhog Day</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="callout"> <ul class="side-nav"> <li class="active section"><a href="/about-us/">About AWIS</a> </li> <li class="divider"></li> <li class=""><a href="/about-us/how-awis-started/">How AWIS started</a> </li> <li class="active"><a href="/about-us/national-executive/">Our Executive</a> <ul class="level-2"> <li class=""><a href="/about-us/national-executive/angela-brandt/">Angela Brandt</a> <li class="active"><a href="/about-us/national-executive/kathryn-thompson/">Kathryn Thompson</a> </ul> </li> <li class=""><a href="/about-us/our-clothing-range/">Our clothing range</a> </li> <li class=""><a href="/about-us/our-code-of-conduct/">Our Code of Conduct</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <footer class="footer"> <div class="grid-container"> <div class="grid-x grid-padding-x align-middle"> <div class="cell medium-4"> <a href="/">COPYRIGHT 2024 AWIS. 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