Campaigns | MITRE ATT&CK®
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Some intrusion activity may be referenced by a variety of names due to different organizations tracking similar activity, often from different vantage points; conversely other times reported activity is not given a designated name. </p> <p> Malicious cyber activity may be attributed to a threat group, or referenced as unattributed activity. Alternatively, complex cyber operations may involve multiple affiliated or unaffiliated groups, with each playing a unique role (ie. initial access, data exfiltration, etc). </p> <p> For the purposes of the Campaigns page, the MITRE ATT&CK team uses the term Campaign to describe any grouping of intrusion activity conducted over a specific period of time with common targets and objectives. Unnamed intrusion activity is cited using a unique ATT&CK identifier, otherwise the team will use the activity name as noted in public reporting. For named Campaigns, the team makes a best effort to track overlapping names, which are designated as “Associated Campaigns” on each page, as we believe these overlaps are useful for analysts. Campaign entries will also be attributed to ATT&CK Group and Software pages, when possible, based on public reporting; unattributed activity will simply reference “threat actors” in the procedure example. </p> <p> Campaigns are mapped to publicly reporting techniques and original references are included. The information provided does not represent all possible techniques used in a Campaign but rather a subset that is available through open source reporting. </p> <h6 class="table-object-count">Campaigns: 36</h6> <div class="tables-mobile"> <table class="table table-bordered table-alternate mt-2"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col">Name</th> <!-- <th scope="col">First Seen</th> --> <!-- <th scope="col">Last Seen</th> --> <!-- <th scope="col">Associated Campaigns</th> --> <th scope="col">Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0028"> C0028 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0028"> 2015 Ukraine Electric Power Attack </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2015</td> --> <!-- <td>January 2016</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">2015 Ukraine Electric Power Attack</a> was a <a href="/groups/G0034">Sandworm Team</a> campaign during which they used <a href="/software/S0089">BlackEnergy</a> (specifically BlackEnergy3) and <a href="/software/S0607">KillDisk</a> to target and disrupt transmission and distribution substations within the Ukrainian power grid. This campaign was the first major public attack conducted against the Ukrainian power grid by Sandworm Team.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0025"> C0025 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0025"> 2016 Ukraine Electric Power Attack </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2016</td> --> <!-- <td>December 2016</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">2016 Ukraine Electric Power Attack</a> was a <a href="/groups/G0034">Sandworm Team</a> campaign during which they used <a href="/software/S0604">Industroyer</a> malware to target and disrupt distribution substations within the Ukrainian power grid. This campaign was the second major public attack conducted against Ukraine by <a href="/groups/G0034">Sandworm Team</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0034"> C0034 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0034"> 2022 Ukraine Electric Power Attack </a> </td> <!-- <td>June 2022</td> --> <!-- <td>October 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p>The <a href="">2022 Ukraine Electric Power Attack</a> was a <a href="/groups/G0034">Sandworm Team</a> campaign that used a combination of GOGETTER, Neo-REGEORG, <a href="/software/S0693">CaddyWiper</a>, and living of the land (LotL) techniques to gain access to a Ukrainian electric utility to send unauthorized commands from their SCADA system. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0040"> C0040 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0040"> APT41 DUST </a> </td> <!-- <td>January 2023</td> --> <!-- <td>June 2024</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">APT41 DUST</a> was conducted by <a href="/groups/G0096">APT41</a> from 2023 to July 2024 against entities in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. <a href="">APT41 DUST</a> targeted sectors such as shipping, logistics, and media for information gathering purposes. <a href="/groups/G0096">APT41</a> used previously-observed malware such as <a href="/software/S1158">DUSTPAN</a> as well as newly observed tools such as <a href="/software/S1159">DUSTTRAP</a> in <a href="">APT41 DUST</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0010"> C0010 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0010"> C0010 </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2020</td> --> <!-- <td>August 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0010</a> was a cyber espionage campaign conducted by UNC3890 that targeted Israeli shipping, government, aviation, energy, and healthcare organizations. Security researcher assess UNC3890 conducts operations in support of Iranian interests, and noted several limited technical connections to Iran, including PDB strings and Farsi language artifacts. <a href="">C0010</a> began by at least late 2020, and was still ongoing as of mid-2022.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0011"> C0011 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0011"> C0011 </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2021</td> --> <!-- <td>July 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0011</a> was a suspected cyber espionage campaign conducted by <a href="/groups/G0134">Transparent Tribe</a> that targeted students at universities and colleges in India. Security researchers noted this campaign against students was a significant shift from <a href="/groups/G0134">Transparent Tribe</a>'s historic targeting Indian government, military, and think tank personnel, and assessed it was still ongoing as of July 2022. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0015"> C0015 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0015"> C0015 </a> </td> <!-- <td>August 2021</td> --> <!-- <td>August 2021</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0015</a> was a ransomware intrusion during which the unidentified attackers used <a href="/software/S0534">Bazar</a>, <a href="/software/S0154">Cobalt Strike</a>, and <a href="/software/S0575">Conti</a>, along with other tools, over a 5 day period. Security researchers assessed the actors likely used the widely-circulated <a href="/software/S0575">Conti</a> ransomware playbook based on the observed pattern of activity and operator errors.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0017"> C0017 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0017"> C0017 </a> </td> <!-- <td>May 2021</td> --> <!-- <td>February 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0017</a> was an <a href="/groups/G0096">APT41</a> campaign conducted between May 2021 and February 2022 that successfully compromised at least six U.S. state government networks through the exploitation of vulnerable Internet facing web applications. During <a href="">C0017</a>, <a href="/groups/G0096">APT41</a> was quick to adapt and use publicly-disclosed as well as zero-day vulnerabilities for initial access, and in at least two cases re-compromised victims following remediation efforts. The goals of <a href="">C0017</a> are unknown, however <a href="/groups/G0096">APT41</a> was observed exfiltrating Personal Identifiable Information (PII).</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0018"> C0018 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0018"> C0018 </a> </td> <!-- <td>February 2022</td> --> <!-- <td>March 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0018</a> was a month-long ransomware intrusion that successfully deployed <a href="/software/S1053">AvosLocker</a> onto a compromised network. The unidentified actors gained initial access to the victim network through an exposed server and used a variety of open-source tools prior to executing <a href="/software/S1053">AvosLocker</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0021"> C0021 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0021"> C0021 </a> </td> <!-- <td>November 2018</td> --> <!-- <td>November 2018</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0021</a> was a spearphishing campaign conducted in November 2018 that targeted public sector institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), educational institutions, and private-sector corporations in the oil and gas, chemical, and hospitality industries. The majority of targets were located in the US, particularly in and around Washington D.C., with other targets located in Europe, Hong Kong, India, and Canada. <a href="">C0021</a>'s technical artifacts, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and targeting overlap with previous suspected <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a> activity.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0026"> C0026 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0026"> C0026 </a> </td> <!-- <td>August 2022</td> --> <!-- <td>September 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0026</a> was a campaign identified in September 2022 that included the selective distribution of <a href="/software/S1075">KOPILUWAK</a> and <a href="/software/S1076">QUIETCANARY</a> malware to previous <a href="/software/S1074">ANDROMEDA</a> malware victims in Ukraine through re-registered <a href="/software/S1074">ANDROMEDA</a> C2 domains. Several tools and tactics used during <a href="">C0026</a> were consistent with historic <a href="/groups/G0010">Turla</a> operations.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0027"> C0027 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0027"> C0027 </a> </td> <!-- <td>June 2022</td> --> <!-- <td>December 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0027</a> was a financially-motivated campaign linked to <a href="/groups/G1015">Scattered Spider</a> that targeted telecommunications and business process outsourcing (BPO) companies from at least June through December of 2022. During <a href="">C0027</a> <a href="/groups/G1015">Scattered Spider</a> used various forms of social engineering, performed SIM swapping, and attempted to leverage access from victim environments to mobile carrier networks.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0032"> C0032 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0032"> C0032 </a> </td> <!-- <td>October 2014</td> --> <!-- <td>January 2017</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0032</a> was an extended campaign suspected to involve the <a href="/software/S1009">Triton</a> adversaries with related capabilities and techniques focused on gaining a foothold within IT environments. This campaign occurred in 2019 and was distinctly different from the <a href="">Triton Safety Instrumented System Attack</a>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0033"> C0033 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0033"> C0033 </a> </td> <!-- <td>May 2016</td> --> <!-- <td>January 2023</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">C0033</a> was a <a href="/groups/G0056">PROMETHIUM</a> campaign during which they used <a href="/software/S0491">StrongPity</a> to target Android users. <a href="">C0033</a> was the first publicly documented mobile campaign for <a href="/groups/G0056">PROMETHIUM</a>, who previously used Windows-based techniques.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0004"> C0004 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0004"> CostaRicto </a> </td> <!-- <td>October 2019</td> --> <!-- <td>November 2020</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">CostaRicto</a> was a suspected hacker-for-hire cyber espionage campaign that targeted multiple industries worldwide, with a large number being financial institutions. <a href="">CostaRicto</a> actors targeted organizations in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Africa, with a large concentration in South Asia (especially India, Bangladesh, and Singapore), using custom malware, open source tools, and a complex network of proxies and SSH tunnels.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0029"> C0029 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0029"> Cutting Edge </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2023</td> --> <!-- <td>February 2024</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Cutting Edge</a> was a campaign conducted by suspected China-nexus espionage actors, variously identified as UNC5221/UTA0178 and UNC5325, that began as early as December 2023 with the exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Secure (previously Pulse Secure) VPN appliances. <a href="">Cutting Edge</a> targeted the U.S. defense industrial base and multiple sectors globally including telecommunications, financial, aerospace, and technology. <a href="">Cutting Edge</a> featured the use of defense evasion and living-off-the-land (LoTL) techniques along with the deployment of web shells and other custom malware.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0001"> C0001 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0001"> Frankenstein </a> </td> <!-- <td>January 2019</td> --> <!-- <td>April 2019</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Frankenstein</a> was described by security researchers as a highly-targeted campaign conducted by moderately sophisticated and highly resourceful threat actors in early 2019. The unidentified actors primarily relied on open source tools, including <a href="/software/S0363">Empire</a>. The campaign name refers to the actors' ability to piece together several unrelated open-source tool components.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0007"> C0007 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0007"> FunnyDream </a> </td> <!-- <td>July 2018</td> --> <!-- <td>November 2020</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">FunnyDream</a> was a suspected Chinese cyber espionage campaign that targeted government and foreign organizations in Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, and other parts of Southeast Asia. Security researchers linked the <a href="">FunnyDream</a> campaign to possible Chinese-speaking threat actors through the use of the <a href="/software/S1041">Chinoxy</a> backdoor and noted infrastructure overlap with the TAG-16 threat group.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0038"> C0038 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0038"> HomeLand Justice </a> </td> <!-- <td>May 2021</td> --> <!-- <td>September 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">HomeLand Justice</a> was a disruptive campaign involving the use of ransomware, wiper malware, and sensitive information leaks conducted by Iranian state cyber actors against Albanian government networks in July and September 2022. Initial access for <a href="">HomeLand Justice</a> was established in May 2021 as threat actors subsequently moved laterally, exfiltrated sensitive information, and maintained persistence for approximately 14 months prior to the attacks. Responsibility was claimed by the "HomeLand Justice" front whose messaging indicated targeting of the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian opposition group who maintain a refugee camp in Albania, and were formerly designated a terrorist organization by the US State Department. A second wave of attacks was launched in September 2022 using similar tactics after public attribution of the previous activity to Iran and the severing of diplomatic ties between Iran and Albania.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0035"> C0035 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0035"> KV Botnet Activity </a> </td> <!-- <td>October 2022</td> --> <!-- <td>January 2024</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">KV Botnet Activity</a> consisted of exploitation of primarily "end-of-life" small office-home office (SOHO) equipment from manufacturers such as Cisco, NETGEAR, and DrayTek. <a href="">KV Botnet Activity</a> was used by <a href="/groups/G1017">Volt Typhoon</a> to obfuscate connectivity to victims in multiple critical infrastructure segments, including energy and telecommunication companies and entities based on the US territory of Guam. While the KV Botnet is the most prominent element of this campaign, it overlaps with another botnet cluster referred to as the JDY cluster. This botnet was disrupted by US law enforcement entities in early 2024 after periods of activity from October 2022 through January 2024.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0020"> C0020 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0020"> Maroochy Water Breach </a> </td> <!-- <td>February 2000</td> --> <!-- <td>April 2000</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Maroochy Water Breach</a> was an incident in 2000 where an adversary leveraged the local government’s wastewater control system and stolen engineering equipment to disrupt and eventually release 800,000 liters of raw sewage into the local community.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0002"> C0002 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0002"> Night Dragon </a> </td> <!-- <td>November 2009</td> --> <!-- <td>February 2011</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Night Dragon</a> was a cyber espionage campaign that targeted oil, energy, and petrochemical companies, along with individuals and executives in Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Greece, and the United States. The unidentified threat actors searched for information related to oil and gas field production systems, financials, and collected data from SCADA systems. Based on the observed techniques, tools, and network activities, security researchers assessed the campaign involved a threat group based in China.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0012"> C0012 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0012"> Operation CuckooBees </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2019</td> --> <!-- <td>May 2022</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation CuckooBees</a> was a cyber espionage campaign targeting technology and manufacturing companies in East Asia, Western Europe, and North America since at least 2019. Security researchers noted the goal of <a href="">Operation CuckooBees</a>, which was still ongoing as of May 2022, was likely the theft of proprietary information, research and development documents, source code, and blueprints for various technologies. Researchers assessed <a href="">Operation CuckooBees</a> was conducted by actors affiliated with <a href="/groups/G0044">Winnti Group</a>, <a href="/groups/G0096">APT41</a>, and BARIUM.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0022"> C0022 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0022"> Operation Dream Job </a> </td> <!-- <td>September 2019</td> --> <!-- <td>August 2020</td> --> <!-- <td>Operation North Star, Operation Interception</td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Dream Job</a> was a cyber espionage operation likely conducted by <a href="/groups/G0032">Lazarus Group</a> that targeted the defense, aerospace, government, and other sectors in the United States, Israel, Australia, Russia, and India. In at least one case, the cyber actors tried to monetize their network access to conduct a business email compromise (BEC) operation. In 2020, security researchers noted overlapping TTPs, to include fake job lures and code similarities, between <a href="">Operation Dream Job</a>, Operation North Star, and Operation Interception; by 2022 security researchers described <a href="">Operation Dream Job</a> as an umbrella term covering both Operation Interception and Operation North Star.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0016"> C0016 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0016"> Operation Dust Storm </a> </td> <!-- <td>January 2010</td> --> <!-- <td>February 2016</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Dust Storm</a> was a long-standing persistent cyber espionage campaign that targeted multiple industries in Japan, South Korea, the United States, Europe, and several Southeast Asian countries. By 2015, the <a href="">Operation Dust Storm</a> threat actors shifted from government and defense-related intelligence targets to Japanese companies or Japanese subdivisions of larger foreign organizations supporting Japan's critical infrastructure, including electricity generation, oil and natural gas, finance, transportation, and construction.</p><p><a href="">Operation Dust Storm</a> threat actors also began to use Android backdoors in their operations by 2015, with all identified victims at the time residing in Japan or South Korea.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0023"> C0023 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0023"> Operation Ghost </a> </td> <!-- <td>September 2013</td> --> <!-- <td>October 2019</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Ghost</a> was an <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a> campaign starting in 2013 that included operations against ministries of foreign affairs in Europe and the Washington, D.C. embassy of a European Union country. During <a href="">Operation Ghost</a>, <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a> used new families of malware and leveraged web services, steganography, and unique C2 infrastructure for each victim.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0006"> C0006 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0006"> Operation Honeybee </a> </td> <!-- <td>August 2017</td> --> <!-- <td>February 2018</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Honeybee</a> was a campaign that targeted humanitarian aid and inter-Korean affairs organizations from at least late 2017 through early 2018. <a href="">Operation Honeybee</a> initially targeted South Korea, but expanded to include Vietnam, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Argentina, and Canada. Security researchers assessed the threat actors were likely Korean speakers based on metadata used in both lure documents and executables, and named the campaign "Honeybee" after the author name discovered in malicious Word documents. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0013"> C0013 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0013"> Operation Sharpshooter </a> </td> <!-- <td>September 2017</td> --> <!-- <td>March 2019</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Sharpshooter</a> was a global cyber espionage campaign that targeted nuclear, defense, government, energy, and financial companies, with many located in Germany, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Security researchers noted the campaign shared many similarities with previous <a href="/groups/G0032">Lazarus Group</a> operations, including fake job recruitment lures and shared malware code. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0005"> C0005 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0005"> Operation Spalax </a> </td> <!-- <td>November 2019</td> --> <!-- <td>January 2021</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Spalax</a> was a campaign that primarily targeted Colombian government organizations and private companies, particularly those associated with the energy and metallurgical industries. The <a href="">Operation Spalax</a> threat actors distributed commodity malware and tools using generic phishing topics related to COVID-19, banking, and law enforcement action. Security researchers noted indicators of compromise and some infrastructure overlaps with other campaigns dating back to April 2018, including at least one separately attributed to <a href="/groups/G0099">APT-C-36</a>, however identified enough differences to report this as separate, unattributed activity. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0014"> C0014 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0014"> Operation Wocao </a> </td> <!-- <td>December 2017</td> --> <!-- <td>December 2019</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Operation Wocao</a> was a cyber espionage campaign that targeted organizations around the world, including in Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The suspected China-based actors compromised government organizations and managed service providers, as well as aviation, construction, energy, finance, health care, insurance, offshore engineering, software development, and transportation companies.</p><p>Security researchers assessed the <a href="">Operation Wocao</a> actors used similar TTPs and tools as APT20, suggesting a possible overlap. <a href="">Operation Wocao</a> was named after an observed command line entry by one of the threat actors, possibly out of frustration from losing webshell access.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0036"> C0036 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0036"> Pikabot Distribution February 2024 </a> </td> <!-- <td>February 2024</td> --> <!-- <td>February 2024</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="/software/S1145">Pikabot</a> was distributed in <a href="">Pikabot Distribution February 2024</a> using malicious emails with embedded links leading to malicious ZIP archives requiring user interaction for follow-on infection. The version of <a href="/software/S1145">Pikabot</a> distributed featured significant changes over the 2023 variant, including reduced code complexity and simplified obfuscation mechanisms.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0024"> C0024 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0024"> SolarWinds Compromise </a> </td> <!-- <td>August 2019</td> --> <!-- <td>January 2021</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p>The <a href="">SolarWinds Compromise</a> was a sophisticated supply chain cyber operation conducted by <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a> that was discovered in mid-December 2020. <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a> used customized malware to inject malicious code into the SolarWinds Orion software build process that was later distributed through a normal software update; they also used password spraying, token theft, API abuse, spear phishing, and other supply chain attacks to compromise user accounts and leverage their associated access. Victims of this campaign included government, consulting, technology, telecom, and other organizations in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This activity has been labled the StellarParticle campaign in industry reporting. Industry reporting also initially referred to the actors involved in this campaign as UNC2452, NOBELIUM, Dark Halo, and SolarStorm. </p><p>In April 2021, the US and UK governments attributed the <a href="">SolarWinds Compromise</a> to Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR); public statements included citations to <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a>, Cozy Bear, and The Dukes. The US government assessed that of the approximately 18,000 affected public and private sector customers of Solar Winds’ Orion product, a much smaller number were compromised by follow-on <a href="/groups/G0016">APT29</a> activity on their systems. </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0030"> C0030 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0030"> Triton Safety Instrumented System Attack </a> </td> <!-- <td>June 2017</td> --> <!-- <td>August 2017</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Triton Safety Instrumented System Attack</a> was a campaign employed by <a href="/groups/G0088">TEMP.Veles</a> which leveraged the <a href="/software/S1009">Triton</a> malware framework against a petrochemical organization. The malware and techniques used within this campaign targeted specific Triconex <a href="">Safety Controller</a>s within the environment. The incident was eventually discovered due to a safety trip that occurred as a result of an issue in the malware.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0031"> C0031 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0031"> Unitronics Defacement Campaign </a> </td> <!-- <td>November 2023</td> --> <!-- <td>November 2023</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p>The <a href="">Unitronics Defacement Campaign</a> was a collection of intrusions across multiple sectors by the <a href="/groups/G1027">CyberAv3ngers</a>, where threat actors engaged in a seemingly opportunistic and global targeting and defacement of Unitronics Vision Series <a href="">Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)</a> with <a href="">Human-Machine Interface (HMI)</a>. The sectors that these PLCs can be commonly found in are water and wastewater, energy, food and beverage manufacturing, and healthcare. The most notable feature of this attack was the defacement of the PLCs' HMIs.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0039"> C0039 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0039"> Versa Director Zero Day Exploitation </a> </td> <!-- <td>June 2024</td> --> <!-- <td>August 2024</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="">Versa Director Zero Day Exploitation</a> was conducted by <a href="/groups/G1017">Volt Typhoon</a> from early June through August 2024 as zero-day exploitation of Versa Director servers controlling software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) applications. Since tracked as CVE-2024-39717, exploitation focused on credential capture from compromised Versa Director servers at managed service providers (MSPs) and internet service providers (ISPs) to enable follow-on access to service provider clients. <a href="">Versa Director Zero Day Exploitation</a> was followed by the delivery of the <a href="/software/S1154">VersaMem</a> web shell for both credential theft and follow-on code execution.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0037"> C0037 </a> </td> <td> <a href="/campaigns/C0037"> Water Curupira Pikabot Distribution </a> </td> <!-- <td>January 2023</td> --> <!-- <td>December 2023</td> --> <!-- <td></td> --> <td> <p><a href="/software/S1145">Pikabot</a> was distributed in <a href="">Water Curupira Pikabot Distribution</a> throughout 2023 by an entity linked to BlackBasta ransomware deployment via email attachments. This activity followed the take-down of <a href="/software/S0650">QakBot</a>, with several technical overlaps and similarities with <a href="/software/S0650">QakBot</a>, indicating a possible connection. The identified activity led to the deployment of tools such as <a href="/software/S0154">Cobalt Strike</a>, while coinciding with campaigns delivering <a href="/software/S1111">DarkGate</a> and <a href="/software/S0483">IcedID</a> en route to ransomware deployment.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--stop-indexing-for-search--> <!-- search overlay for entire page -- not displayed inline --> <div class="overlay search" id="search-overlay" style="display: none;"> <div class="overlay-inner"> <!-- text input for searching --> <div class="search-header"> <div class="search-input"> <input type="text" id="search-input" placeholder="search"> </div> <div class="search-icons"> <div class="search-parsing-icon spinner-border" style="display: none" id="search-parsing-icon"></div> <div class="close-search-icon" id="close-search-icon">×</div> </div> </div> <!-- results and controls for loading more results --> <div id="search-body" class="search-body"> <div class="results" id="search-results"> <!-- content will be appended here on search --> </div> <div id="load-more-results" class="load-more-results"> <button class="btn btn-default" id="load-more-results-button">load more results</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-1"> <!-- footer elements --> <footer class="col footer"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row row-footer"> <div class="col-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2"> <div class="footer-center-responsive my-auto"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="MITRE"> <img src="/theme/images/mitrelogowhiteontrans.gif" class="mitre-logo-wtrans"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-2 col-sm-2 footer-responsive-break"></div> <div class="footer-link-group"> <div class="row row-footer"> <div class="px-3 col-footer"> <u class="footer-link"><a href="/resources/engage-with-attack/contact" class="footer-link">Contact Us</a></u> </div> <div class="px-3 col-footer"> <u class="footer-link"><a href="/resources/legal-and-branding/terms-of-use" class="footer-link">Terms of Use</a></u> </div> <div class="px-3 col-footer"> <u class="footer-link"><a href="/resources/legal-and-branding/privacy" class="footer-link">Privacy Policy</a></u> </div> <div class="px-3"> <u class="footer-link"><a href="/resources/changelog.html" class="footer-link" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-html="true" title="ATT&CK content v16.1
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