Terms and Code of Conduct - MS Nurse PRO

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data-cfemail="335a5d555c735e405d4641405643415c1d5c4154">[email&#160;protected]</a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 2 - Definitions</strong></p><p>The concepts, hereafter marked with a capital letter, in these terms and conditions have the following meaning:</p><ul><li>Course: may concern a learning module, teaching and learning materials or training offered via the MS Nurse PRO Platform;</li><li>EMSP: European Multiple Sclerosis Platform aisbl</li><li>General Terms and Conditions: the general terms and conditions articles 1 up to 10 that relate to the use of the MS Nurse PRO Platform;</li><li>Visitor: each natural person who visits the Website without registering as User</li><li>MS Nurse PRO Platform: the platform hosted and provided for by EMSP to offer an e-learning training curriculum and social learning capabilities for nurses;</li><li>Website: the website of the MS Nurse PRO Platform</li><li>Privacy Policy: Privacy & Cookie Policy of the MS Nurse PRO Platform and the Website;</li><li>User: each natural person who registers on the MS Nurse PRO Platform, looking for a Course AND having reached the correct age thereto, meaning being at least 16 years old.</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 3 - MS Nurse PRO Platform</strong></p><p>EMSP offers Courses and training on different aspects of multiple sclerosis via the MS Nurse PRO Platform and finding such a Course via this MS Nurse PRO Platform is easy.</p><p>A Visitor can visit the Website of the MS Nurse PRO but will not be able to participate in or follow any Course without prior registration as User.</p><p>With the help of the data and preferences given by the User, the appropriate Courses are offered to and can be selected by him/her.</p><p>In addition, the MS Nurse PRO Platform provides a forum on which Users can post messages or documents (e.g. questions, links to relevant third-party information or comments in discussion).</p><p>Posting of any message needs to be in line with the rules of conduct of the MS Nurse PRO Platform as explained in detail in Annex 1, which constitutes an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions.</p><p>By registering as User and / or using the MS Nurse PRO Platform, the User acknowledges explicitly to have read and accepted these General Terms and Conditions.</p><p>These General Terms and Conditions may not contain any deletion and have priority over all others. They can always be consulted on the MS Nurse PRO Platform. Each derogation on the General Terms and Conditions must be agreed upon in writing.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 4 - Object</strong></p><p>Each User who wishes to use the MS Nurse PRO Platform, will have to submit certain personal data while registering / using the MS Nurse PRO Platform, so the MS Nurse PRO Platform can pursue its objective for the legitimate interest of EMSP in the framework of the execution of its activities.</p><p>All Courses and their teaching and learning materials provided to Users via the EMSP MS Nurse PRO Platform are exclusively for educational purposes. All Courses have been created with the usual care of an educational establishment.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 5 - Account</strong></p><p>The Account is a user account made available to you via a username and password.</p><p>The Account remains the property of EMSP. You only hold a right of access to the MS Nurse PRO Platform, through an Account provided to you.</p><p>To create an Account, you must enter the following information:</p><ul><li>first name and surname;</li><li>password;</li><li>e-mail address.</li></ul><p>The Account and your personal details are managed solely via the MS Nurse PRO Platform.</p><p>The Account name (or login) and password allow you to access the MS Nurse PRO Platform. The email address allows us to communicate with you to manage and monitor your Account, and to send you information relating to the MS Nurse PRO Platform.</p><p>The Account must respect the following rules as a minimum:</p><ul><li>Personal details must be accurate, verifiable, complete and up-to-date. A valid personal  or professional email address must be provided.</li><li>You agree not to use intermediary servers (also called proxies), whether for Account registration or connecting to the Account.</li><li>Automatic Account creation and/or Account creation using a false or fraudulent identity is strictly prohibited.</li></ul><p>After registration of your Account, you are invited to complete your profile and to enhance the user experience of the MS Nurse PRO Platform by providing additional information, such as but not limited to:</p><ul><li>picture</li><li>birthdate</li><li>sex</li><li>city</li><li>country</li><li>language</li><li>education</li><li>profession</li><li>years in profession</li><li>bio</li><li>points of interest</li></ul><p>If any of your information changes, such as your mailing address or e-mail address, you must update your information in your profile.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 6 - Intellectual property rights - Right of use</strong></p><p>All intellectual property rights that belong to MS Nurse PRO and the MS Nurse PRO platform (as well as possible adjustments and / or extensions) are held by and remain with EMSP and/or its contracted service providers.</p><p>Trademarks, logos, images, pictures, animations, videos and texts on the MS Nurse PRO Platform are the intellectual property of EMSP and cannot be reproduced, used, published, distributed, sold or shown without the explicit, previous and written authorization of EMSP.</p><p>The User acknowledges this fact.</p><p>EMSP delivers a non-exclusive right to the User to use the MS Nurse PRO Platform in agreement with the General Terms and Conditions.</p><p>For the User, this right of use begins at the moment that the User registers and / or commissions the MS Nurse PRO Platform.</p><p>If the User violates these General Terms and Conditions or its annexes and / or erroneously uses and / or misuses the MS Nurse PRO Platform, EMSP reserves the right to immediately deny the access or the use of the MS Nurse PRO Platform by the User and / or to block him / her or to delete him / her, without a prior notice being necessary. EMSP reserves the right to take any legal action it feels appropriate to protect its interest in respect to the protection of its intellectual property rights.</p><p>EMSP may, at its own discretion, introduce innovations to the MS Nurse PRO Platform. EMSP will inform the User in a timely manner of the processing of the updates and/ or upgrades insofar as these are important for the use of the MS Nurse PRO Platform. This is always at the discretion of EMSP.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 7 - Availability MS Nurse PRO Platform.</strong></p><p>EMSP can, without prior notice, disable access to the MS Nurse PRO Platform or limit its use, insofar as this is necessary for maintenance or adjustments or improvements to the MS Nurse PRO Platform or for any other reason, without this causing any right on compensation for the User towards EMSP.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 8 - Liability</strong></p><p>EMSP commits itself to a best-efforts obligation and does not guarantee any result with regard to effectively finding a Course.</p><p>The information on the MS Nurse PRO Platform and its Website is of general nature. The information is not customized to personal or specific circumstances, and can therefore not be considered as a personal, professional or juridical advice to the User. The Courses are provided for educational purposes only.</p><p>EMSP makes great efforts to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct, accurate and updated. EMSP does everything necessary to protect as good as reasonably possible the User’s data they have introduced in the MS Nurse PRO Platform against loss, theft or unauthorized access.</p><p>Despite these efforts, irregularities may occur in the information provided.</p><p>If the provided information contains inaccuracies or if any information on or via the MS Nurse PRO Platform is unavailable, EMSP will make the greatest possible effort to rectify this as soon as possible.</p><p>However, EMSP cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information on the MS Nurse PRO Platform or for direct or indirect damage resulting from inaccuracies in the information provided.</p><p>If you find inaccuracies and / or unlawful use in the information made available through the MS Nurse PRO Platform, you can contact the administrator of the MS Nurse PRO Platform. This is possible via the contact information mentioned in article 1.</p><p>The contents of the MS Nurse PRO Platform or Website (including possible links) can always, without notification or communication, be adapted, modified or complemented. EMSP does not give guarantees for the good functioning of the MS Nurse PRO Platform or Website, and can in no way be held liable for its wrong functioning or temporary (un)availability or for any form of direct or indirect damage that would result from the access or the use of the MS Nurse PRO Platform or Website.</p><p>Under no circumstances, directly or indirectly, in a particular or any other way, can EMSP be held liable for damage due to the use of this MS Nurse PRO Platform or Website, or any other, particularly as a consequence of links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other data on the computer system, damage of devices, software or other.</p><p>The MS Nurse PRO Platform or Website can contain hyperlinks to websites or pages of third parties (such as a payment module) or refer to these indirectly. The placement of links to these websites or pages does not implicate in any way an implicit acceptance of their contents. EMSP declares expressly that it has no control over the contents or over other characteristics of these links / websites and can in no case be held liable for the contents or the characteristics thereof or for any other form of damage through their use.</p><p>The User acknowledges and accepts that the MS Nurse PRO Platform can never be perfect or 100% free from imperfections and that not all imperfections will be (can be) repaired, although EMSP will do everything in its power to do so.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 9 - Applicable law and competent court</strong></p><p>This agreement between the parties is governed by the Belgian law. In the event of dispute and / or non-payment, only the courts of the juridical district of Brussels have jurisdiction.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Article 10 -  Privacy Policy.</strong></p><p>The Privacy Policy & Cookie Policy of EMSP is part of these General Terms and Conditions.</p><p>By using the Website, using the MS Nurse PRO Platform and/or providing personal data to EMSP, the User or Visitor agrees unconditionally and irrevocably with the stipulations of this Privacy & Cookie Policy. These are available for consulting on the Website and the MS Nurse PRO Platform. Read this Policy carefully as it contains your rights and obligations as Visitor or User with regard to the use of the Website, the MS Nurse PRO Platform and EMSP.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>ANNEX 1</strong></p><p>RULES OF CONDUCT OF THE FORUMS</p><p>These forums on the Platform have been created to be a friendly environment for the MS Nurse PRO community to share their experiences, ask questions, get help, share feedback and socialize.</p><p>Therefore, it is important to adhere to guidelines and Rules of Conduct for the overall wellness of the forums.</p><p>We have first compiled a few basic guidelines to follow, to help you on your posting journey in our forums, which are then followed by the Forums Rules of Conduct.</p><p>To promote an enjoyable and healthy atmosphere, you must understand what sort of behavior is expected from all of our Users. Therefore, we ask that you familiarize yourself with our Forums Rules of Conduct.</p><p><strong>Before posting:</strong> </p><ul><li>Always use the search function in order to make sure that a similar thread was not created previously, or that the information you are looking for wasn't already provided somewhere else.</li><li>Make sure to stay informed about any specific posting rules which are applied to sub-forums.</li><li>Make sure to use the right section of the forums.</li><li>If you have lost posting privileges or have been sanctioned, do not use another account to post, as using a secondary account is subject to permanent ban from the forums.</li></ul><p><strong>When posting, you should always:</strong> </p><ul><li>Take good care of your spelling.</li><li>Develop your answers, and do not behave as in a chat or text messaging and using too many abbreviations.</li><li>Be respectful and polite.</li></ul><p><strong><em>Forums Rules of Conduct</em></strong></p><p><strong>Offensive Language & Content</strong></p><p>You may not use, or link to content that uses, profanity or any language that a reasonable person would find offensive, obscene or otherwise improper. You agree to behave accordingly. The following are some specific examples of offensive language and content situations:</p><ol><li><strong>Flaming</strong>: You may not engage in “Flaming,” which includes messages designed to personally berate or insult another.</li><li><strong>Attacks</strong>: You may not engage in verbal or written attacks against anyone, including other Users or EMSP or MS Nurse PRO staff. If you want to report another User or EMSP or MS Nurse PRO staff please do so via using the following email: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="4e272028210e233d203b3c3d2b3e3c2160213c29">[email&#160;protected]</a> but do not use the forums to do so.</li><li><strong>Hate Groups, Hate Speech, and Political & Religious Discussions</strong>: You may not use hate speech or use the forums to participate in or form organizations, whether or not officially organized, whose ideology is based on or resembles anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-sexual orientation, racist, or sexist philosophies. 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Website Polls are a website function reserved to EMSP and MS Nurse PRO staff members and are displayed on the main website page, Website Polls can be suggested or requested to an EMSP or MS Nurse PRO staff member via <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="167f787079567b65786364657366647938796471">[email&#160;protected]</a>.</li></ol><p><br></p><p><strong>Disruption</strong></p><p>You may not in any way disrupt or interfere, or attempt to disrupt or interfere, with the forums environment and experience of other Users or EMSP or MS Nurse PRO staff. The following are some specific examples of disruption:</p><ol><li><strong>Trolling</strong>: You may not engage in “Trolling,” which is deliberately posting negative comments in order to “Bait” others into responding a certain way. Please note that publicly accusing someone else of being a troll may constitute a form of trolling itself. In addition, do not re-post or take upon any action to publicly bring up a previously locked, closed, deleted or otherwise rule breaking moderated discussion.</li><li><strong>Rant</strong>: While we welcome feedback, we prohibit excessively negative comments, comments which are not done in a constructive, civil manner, and comments which are designed to demoralize the spirit of the Platform.</li><li><strong>Abuse</strong>: You may not engage in the following forms of abuse: Belittling, harassing, intentionally misleading others, etc.</li><li><strong>Off-topic/Multiple Topics/Cross-Posting</strong>: You may not post messages unrelated to the topic at hand, known as “de-railing.” In addition, you may not post threads directed to only a single recipient.</li><li><strong>Bumping/reviving/necro posting</strong>: You may not post messages in an old topic merely for the sake of re-positioning it to the top of the forum index or other feed, sometimes known as “bumping” or “reviving/necro posting,” in order to gain normally unwarranted attention.</li><li><strong>Spamming</strong>: You may not use (or abuse) the forums to harass other Users by engaging in spamming or “flooding.” This includes multiple posting of the same word, message, character, or other, in attempts to bring unwarranted visibility to your cause or for general annoyance of others. This may also take the form of gibberish or unrelated messaging. In addition, you may not engage in unnecessary pyramid quoting. Messages containing a quote within a quote within a quote can quickly fill pages with unnecessary redundancy as with spam. Usually one-to-two quotes are enough and any further should require trimming before being sent as final.</li><li><strong>Sharing Account Information & Personal Identifiable Information: </strong>For your protection, do not share your account or login information on these forums. You may not share any personnel information of other Users or EMSP staff or discuss any moderation, private communications with EMSP staff or account sanctions publicly on the forums, the mail address <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="7d14131b123d100e13080f0e180d0f1253120f1a">[email&#160;protected]</a> shall be the communication tool for that purpose with the appropriate EMSP or MS Nurse PRO staff member.</li><li><strong>Impersonation </strong><br>You may not impersonate any person or entity or fraudulently hold yourself out as an employee, representative, or any other person or connected or affiliated with EMSP or MS Nurse PRO. This also include accusation of impersonation.</li><li><strong>Advertising</strong>: You may not promote nor advertise any third-party services or products, whether or not for commercial purposes or gains, without explicit permission from EMSP or MS Nurse PRO.</li></ol><p><br></p><p><strong>Notifying MS Nurse PRO </strong></p><p>You can report a post or a thread that you may have found breaking these Forum Rules of Conduct by sending a notification to MS Nurse PRO. This feature is there to simplify the work of the moderators and should not be abused especially if the thread or post actually does complies with the rules. Reporting abuse can be punished with a warning.</p><p>Please do not reply to people who do not respect the rules of the forum so that you do not contribute to a rule breaking thread or post. Similarly, you are asked to not do pseudo-moderation. In case of rule breaking, you are asked to report the thread or post, and if necessary, to contact a moderator to alert them of the issue. Trying to reason with the offender could indeed only encourage further rule breaking.</p><p>Here are some rules and guidance to help you properly report posts or threads:</p><p><strong>You can:</strong> </p><ul><li>Report a thread or post by adding the link of the original duplicated thread.</li><li>Report a multiple offence by adding the links of the same offense made by a fellow Users.</li><li>Report a thread and ask for it to be closed.</li><li>Report to warn us of one or more dead links in single threads.</li></ul><p><strong>Please do not:</strong> </p><ul><li>Report to an EMSP or MS Nurse PRO employee, please use the following email: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e28b8c848da28f918c9790918792908dcc8d9085">[email&#160;protected]</a> instead.</li><li>Report all topics or posts made by a spammer. Indeed, it will only be necessary to say that this person is spamming by giving us a few links in the report so that we can look at all the posts or threads created by that person.</li><li>Report a thread or post just because it contradicts you on a subject.</li><li>Report to ask us our opinion on a subject.</li><li>Report to alert us of a misspell that we may have done when working on the forums.</li><li>Report in the sole purpose of wanting to get noticed by the moderation team.</li><li>Report and notify the reported that he has been reported.</li></ul><p>Anyone who does not respect or follow the Forums Rules of Conduct may be subject to sanctions up to permanent ban from the forums.</p><p><br></p></div> </div> </section> <footer class="mt-5"> <div class="footer-grad gradient-bg"></div> <div class="footer-inner innerpage row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div class="gs-logo"> <a href=""><img alt="ms nurse pro logo" src=""/></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div class="h5 text-capitalize">Resources</div> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <a alt="Blog" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Blog </a> <a alt="Learn" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Learn </a> <a alt="FAQ" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > FAQ </a> <a alt="MSPEDIA" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > MSPEDIA </a> <a alt="Endorsements" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Endorsements </a> <a alt="Accreditations" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Accreditations </a> <a alt="Supporters" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Supporters </a> <a alt="Promotional Materials" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Promotional Materials </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div class="h5 text-capitalize">Legal</div> <div class="d-flex flex-column"> <a alt="Log-in" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Log-in </a> <a alt="Register" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Register </a> <a alt="Privacy" rel="noopener" class="-item " href="" > Privacy </a> <a alt="Terms" rel="noopener" class="-item active" href="" > Terms </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mt-3"> <div id="subscribe" class="h5">Subscribe to newsletter</div> <div class="text-center mb-4"> <div class="mt-2 mb-2"> <a href="" class="google-login-btn"> <img src="/images/google-icon.svg" width="20" height="20">Subscribe with Google</a> </div> <div class="mt-2 mb-2"> <a rel="noopener" href="" class="microsoft-btn"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512" preserveAspectRatio="" fill="currentColor"><path d="M0 32h214.6v214.6H0V32zm233.4 0H448v214.6H233.4V32zM0 265.4h214.6V480H0V265.4zm233.4 0H448V480H233.4V265.4z"></path></svg> <div>Subscribe with Microsoft</div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <section class="mt-3 mb-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 d-flex d-md-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-start"> <div style="color: #cdcdcd; 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