Platform Overview | Voiceflow

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49 48.5 49H51C51.5523 49 52 48.5523 52 48V15C52 14.4477 51.5523 14 51 14H48.5C48.2239 14 48 14.2239 48 14.5C48 14.7761 47.7761 15 47.5 15H44.5C44.2239 15 44 15.2239 44 15.5C44 15.7761 43.7761 16 43.5 16H40.5C40.2239 16 40 16.2239 40 16.5C40 16.7761 39.7761 17 39.5 17H35C34.4477 17 34 17.4477 34 18V51Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div><div><div class="margin-bottom margin-xxsmall"><div>Templates</div></div><div class="text-color-cool-grey">Discover our library of agent building templates.鈥⊿earch by use case, product, creator &amp; more.</div></div></a><a href="/functions" class="nav_link is-dd-link-block w-inline-block"><div class="icon-dd-big w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M32 20H35C35.5523 20 36 20.4477 36 21V24H32H28V21C28 20.4477 28.4477 20 29 20H32ZM28 27V24H25C24.4477 24 24 24.4477 24 25V27V28V30C24 30.5523 24.4477 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Voiceflow to collaboratively design, develop, and launch impactful AI agents using any models and integrations.</p></div><div class="button-group"><a href="" target="_blank" class="hire-button is-blue w-inline-block"><div class="button_text">Get Started</div><div class="button_overlay is-blue"></div></a><a href="/demo" class="hire-button is-white w-inline-block"><div class="button_text">Book a demo</div><div class="button_overlay is-white-button"></div></a></div></div><div class="features_hero-right"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="features_hero-ascii-img"/></div></div><div class="screen-holder"><div class="home_hero-video is-normal is-full-portrait-mobile"><div class="home_hero-video-embed hide-tablet w-embed"><video width="100%" height="100%" class="home_hero-video-code" muted autoplay loop> <source src=""> </video></div><div class="for-tablet-mobile"><div class="screen-holder is-full-portrait-mobile"><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3456w" alt="" class="image-100"/></div></div><div class="home_hero-video-code hide"></div></div></div><div class="features_hero-logos-wrapper"><div class="features_hero-logos-text">Teams of every size trust Voiceflow for AI automation across their business.</div><div class="features_hero-logos"><div class="features_hero-logos-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Sage logo" class="features_hero-logos-img"/></div><div class="features_hero-logos-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Clickup logo" class="features_hero-logos-img"/></div><div class="features_hero-logos-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="vodafone-logo" class="features_hero-logos-img"/></div><div class="features_hero-logos-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="instacart" class="insta-logo"/></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></header><div class="mob-overflow-hidden"><section class="section_dashline-bottom overflow-hidden"><div class="padding-horizontal-section"><div 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w--current"><div class="how_tabs-link-title">1. Build a Knowledge Base</div><div class="hide-tablet"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Import data and documents to the Knowledge Base to allow Agents to respond using curated data.</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 2: Workflows" class="how_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="how_tabs-link-title">2. Add Workflows</div><div class="hide-tablet"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Build multi-step tasks for Agents to complete using Voiceflow&#x27;s Workflow Builder.</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab 3: Integrate" class="how_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="how_tabs-link-title">3. Integrate</div><div class="hide-tablet"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Integrate Agents with 3rd party services and APIs using Voiceflow Functions and API blocks.</div></div></a><a data-w-tab="Tab: 4 Launch" class="how_tabs-link w-inline-block w-tab-link"><div class="how_tabs-link-title">4. Launch via web chat or API</div><div class="hide-tablet"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Launch Agents with Voiceflow&#x27;s web chat UI or any custom interface using the Dialog API.</div></div></a></div><div class="how_tabs-content w-tab-content"><div data-w-tab="Tab 1: KB" class="w-tab-pane w--tab-active"><div class="how_tabs-content-subtext"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Train your AI agent on your data, giving it the ability to respond more accurately and perform tasks.</div></div><div class="screen-holder"><img sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 88vw, (max-width: 1439px) 90vw, 1214px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2970w" alt="overview-image" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 2: Workflows" class="w-tab-pane"><div class="how_tabs-content-subtext"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Train your AI agent on your data, giving it the ability to respond more accurately and perform tasks.</div></div><div class="screen-holder"><img sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 88vw, (max-width: 1439px) 90vw, 1214px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3456w" alt="" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab 3: Integrate" class="w-tab-pane"><div class="how_tabs-content-subtext"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Train your AI agent on your data, giving it the ability to respond more accurately and perform tasks.</div></div><div class="screen-holder"><img sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 88vw, (max-width: 1439px) 90vw, 1214px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 3453w" alt="functions-voiceflow" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></div><div data-w-tab="Tab: 4 Launch" class="w-tab-pane"><div class="how_tabs-content-subtext"><div class="text-color-onyx-black">Train your AI agent on your data, giving it the ability to respond more accurately and perform tasks.</div></div><div class="screen-holder"><img sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 88vw, (max-width: 1439px) 90vw, 1214px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 3454w" alt="web-chat-voiceflow" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div><section class="section_dashline-bottom"><div class="padding-horizontal-section"><div class="container_wrapper is-gray-dash"><div class="container-large"><div class="padding-top padding-144"><div class="gray-box"><div class="features_box-top"><div class="section_title-block padding-0"><div class="section_title-tag"><div class="text-weight-semibold text-color-orange">Voiceflow Platform</div></div><h2 class="heading-style-h2 text-color-onyx-black">The platform that meets your<br/>agent-building ambition.</h2><div class="max-width-26"><p class="text-size-medium max-width-medium">Build, customize, ship and improve agents - at scale.</p></div></div></div><div class="features_box-list"><div id="w-node-_3b1a685d-f4d7-a8e1-5a72-75b85e4d48cf-21dcefd4" class="features_box-item"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M42 9C42 8.44772 42.4477 8 43 8H49C49.5523 8 50 8.44772 50 9V10C50 10.5523 50.4477 11 51 11H52C52.5523 11 53 11.4477 53 12V13C53 13.5523 53.4477 14 54 14H55C55.5523 14 56 14.4477 56 15V18V21C56 21.5523 55.5523 22 55 22H53C52.4477 22 52 21.5523 52 21V18V16C52 15.4477 51.5523 15 51 15H50C49.4477 15 49 14.5523 49 14V13C49 12.4477 48.5523 12 48 12H43C42.4477 12 42 11.5523 42 11V9Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M22 9C22 8.44772 21.5523 8 21 8H15C14.4477 8 14 8.44772 14 9V10C14 10.5523 13.5523 11 13 11H12C11.4477 11 11 11.4477 11 12V13C11 13.5523 10.5523 14 10 14H9C8.44771 14 8 14.4477 8 15V18V21C8 21.5523 8.44771 22 9 22H11C11.5523 22 12 21.5523 12 21V18V16C12 15.4477 12.4477 15 13 15H14C14.5523 15 15 14.5523 15 14V13C15 12.4477 15.4477 12 16 12H21C21.5523 12 22 11.5523 22 11V9Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M42 55C42 55.5523 42.4477 56 43 56H49C49.5523 56 50 55.5523 50 55V54C50 53.4477 50.4477 53 51 53H52C52.5523 53 53 52.5523 53 52V51C53 50.4477 53.4477 50 54 50H55C55.5523 50 56 49.5523 56 49V46V43C56 42.4477 55.5523 42 55 42H53C52.4477 42 52 42.4477 52 43V46V48C52 48.5523 51.5523 49 51 49H50C49.4477 49 49 49.4477 49 50V51C49 51.5523 48.5523 52 48 52H43C42.4477 52 42 52.4477 42 53V55Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M22 55C22 55.5523 21.5523 56 21 56H15C14.4477 56 14 55.5523 14 55V54C14 53.4477 13.5523 53 13 53H12C11.4477 53 11 52.5523 11 52V51C11 50.4477 10.5523 50 10 50H9C8.44771 50 8 49.5523 8 49V46V43C8 42.4477 8.44771 42 9 42H11C11.5523 42 12 42.4477 12 43V46V48C12 48.5523 12.4477 49 13 49H14C14.5523 49 15 49.4477 15 50V51C15 51.5523 15.4477 52 16 52H21C21.5523 52 22 52.4477 22 53V55Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M36 20H39C39.5523 20 40 20.4477 40 21C40 21.5523 40.4477 22 41 22C41.5523 22 42 22.4477 42 23C42 23.5523 42.4477 24 43 24C43.5523 24 44 24.4477 44 25V28V32V35C44 35.5523 43.5523 36 43 36H41C40.4477 36 40 35.5523 40 35V32V28V26.5C40 26.2239 39.7761 26 39.5 26C39.2239 26 39 26.2239 39 26.5V28C39 28.5523 38.5523 29 38 29H37C36.4477 29 36 29.4477 36 30V31C36 31.5523 35.5523 32 35 32H34C33.4477 32 33 32.4477 33 33V34C33 34.5523 32.5523 35 32 35H31C30.4477 35 30 35.4477 30 36V37C30 37.5523 29.5523 38 29 38H28C27.4477 38 27 38.4477 27 39V40C27 40.5523 26.5523 41 26 41H25C24.4477 41 24 41.4477 24 42V43C24 43.5523 23.5523 44 23 44H21C20.4477 44 20 43.5523 20 43V41C20 40.4477 20.4477 40 21 40H22C22.5523 40 23 39.5523 23 39V38C23 37.4477 23.4477 37 24 37H25C25.5523 37 26 36.5523 26 36V35C26 34.4477 26.4477 34 27 34H28C28.5523 34 29 33.5523 29 33V32C29 31.4477 29.4477 31 30 31H31C31.5523 31 32 30.5523 32 30V29C32 28.4477 32.4477 28 33 28H34C34.5523 28 35 27.5523 35 27V26C35 25.4477 35.4477 25 36 25H37.5C37.7761 25 38 24.7761 38 24.5C38 24.2239 37.7761 24 37.5 24H36H32H29C28.4477 24 28 23.5523 28 23V21C28 20.4477 28.4477 20 29 20H32H36Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">Scalable knowledge base</h4><p class="line-height-171">Build and segment a vector database with thousands of data sources.<br/></p></div><div id="w-node-_154250a1-84b7-ff29-22c9-19557bb4b9b0-21dcefd4" class="features_box-item"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21 9C21 8.44772 21.4477 8 22 8H42C42.5523 8 43 8.44772 43 9V12H21V9ZM17 16V13C17 12.4477 17.4477 12 18 12H21V15C21 15.5523 20.5523 16 20 16H17ZM13 20V17C13 16.4477 13.4477 16 14 16H17V19C17 19.5523 16.5523 20 16 20H13ZM13 40H10C9.44772 40 9 39.5523 9 39V36V32V28V24V21C9 20.4477 9.44772 20 10 20H13V24V28V32V36V40ZM17 44H14C13.4477 44 13 43.5523 13 43V40H16C16.5523 40 17 40.4477 17 41V44ZM25 52V55C25 55.5523 24.5523 56 24 56H21H18C17.4477 56 17 55.5523 17 55V44H20C20.5523 44 21 44.4477 21 45V51C21 51.5523 21.4477 52 22 52H25ZM29 48V51C29 51.5523 28.5523 52 28 52H25V49C25 48.4477 25.4477 48 26 48H29ZM47 44V47C47 47.5523 46.5523 48 46 48H29V45C29 44.4477 29.4477 44 30 44H47ZM51 40V43C51 43.5523 50.5523 44 50 44H47V41C47 40.4477 47.4477 40 48 40H51ZM51 24V28V32V36V40H54C54.5523 40 55 39.5523 55 39V36V32V28V24V21C55 20.4477 54.5523 20 54 20H51V17C51 16.4477 50.5523 16 50 16H47V13C47 12.4477 46.5523 12 46 12H43V15C43 15.5523 43.4477 16 44 16H47V19C47 19.5523 47.4477 20 48 20H51V24Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path d="M22 29C22 28.4477 22.4477 28 23 28H41C41.5523 28 42 28.4477 42 29V31C42 31.5523 41.5523 32 41 32H23C22.4477 32 22 31.5523 22 31V29Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">Multi-LLM support</h4><p class="line-height-171">Use any AI聽vendor, including OpenAI and Anthropic, to power agent responses, logic, and actions.</p></div><div id="w-node-_79e46935-d770-f000-7d8a-487cd4c6bdeb-21dcefd4" class="features_box-item"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M31 21C31 20.4477 31.4477 20 32 20H34C34.5523 20 35 20.4477 35 21V22C35 22.5523 35.4477 23 36 23H37C37.5523 23 38 23.4477 38 24V25C38 25.5523 38.4477 26 39 26H40C40.5523 26 41 26.4477 41 27V28C41 28.5523 41.4477 29 42 29H43C43.5523 29 44 29.4477 44 30V31C44 31.5523 44.4477 32 45 32H46C46.5523 32 47 32.4477 47 33V34C47 34.5523 47.4477 35 48 35H49C49.5523 35 50 35.4477 50 36V37C50 37.5523 50.4477 38 51 38H52C52.5523 38 53 38.4477 53 39V40C53 40.5523 53.4477 41 54 41H55C55.5523 41 56 41.4477 56 42V44C56 44.5523 55.5523 45 55 45H54C53.4477 45 53 45.4477 53 46V47C53 47.5523 52.5523 48 52 48H49H46H45H42V45C42 44.4477 42.4477 44 43 44H45H46H49H51C51.5523 44 52 43.5523 52 43C52 42.4477 51.5523 42 51 42H50C49.4477 42 49 41.5523 49 41V40C49 39.4477 48.5523 39 48 39H47C46.4477 39 46 38.5523 46 38V37C46 36.4477 45.5523 36 45 36H44C43.4477 36 43 35.5523 43 35V34C43 33.4477 42.5523 33 42 33H41C40.4477 33 40 32.5523 40 32V31C40 30.4477 39.5523 30 39 30H38C37.4477 30 37 29.5523 37 29V28C37 27.4477 36.5523 27 36 27H35C34.4477 27 34 26.5523 34 26V25C34 24.4477 33.5523 24 33 24H32C31.4477 24 31 24.4477 31 25V51C31 51.5523 31.4477 52 32 52H35H37C37.5523 52 38 51.5523 38 51V49C38 48.4477 38.4477 48 39 48H42V51C42 51.5523 41.5523 52 41 52H40C39.4477 52 39 52.4477 39 53V55C39 55.5523 38.5523 56 38 56H35H31C30.4477 56 30 55.5523 30 55V54C30 53.4477 29.5523 53 29 53H28C27.4477 53 27 52.5523 27 52V23C27 22.4477 27.4477 22 28 22H30C30.5523 22 31 21.5523 31 21Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <rect x="30" y="8" width="4" height="6" rx="1" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M43 11C42.4477 11 42 11.4477 42 12C42 12.5523 41.5523 13 41 13C40.4477 13 40 13.4477 40 14V16C40 16.5523 40.4477 17 41 17H43C43.5523 17 44 16.5523 44 16C44 15.4477 44.4477 15 45 15C45.5523 15 46 14.5523 46 14V12C46 11.4477 45.5523 11 45 11H43Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21 11C21.5523 11 22 11.4477 22 12C22 12.5523 22.4477 13 23 13C23.5523 13 24 13.4477 24 14V16C24 16.5523 23.5523 17 23 17H21C20.4477 17 20 16.5523 20 16C20 15.4477 19.5523 15 19 15C18.4477 15 18 14.5523 18 14V12C18 11.4477 18.4477 11 19 11H21Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M51 19C50.4477 19 50 19.4477 50 20C50 20.5523 49.5523 21 49 21H48C47.4477 21 47 21.4477 47 22V24C47 24.5523 47.4477 25 48 25H50C50.5523 25 51 24.5523 51 24C51 23.4477 51.4477 23 52 23H53C53.5523 23 54 22.5523 54 22V20C54 19.4477 53.5523 19 53 19H51Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13 19C13.5523 19 14 19.4477 14 20C14 20.5523 14.4477 21 15 21H16C16.5523 21 17 21.4477 17 22V24C17 24.5523 16.5523 25 16 25H14C13.4477 25 13 24.5523 13 24C13 23.4477 12.5523 23 12 23H11C10.4477 23 10 22.5523 10 22V20C10 19.4477 10.4477 19 11 19H13Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13 45C13.5523 45 14 44.5523 14 44C14 43.4477 14.4477 43 15 43H16C16.5523 43 17 42.5523 17 42V40C17 39.4477 16.5523 39 16 39H14C13.4477 39 13 39.4477 13 40C13 40.5523 12.5523 41 12 41H11C10.4477 41 10 41.4477 10 42V44C10 44.5523 10.4477 45 11 45H13Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <rect x="14" y="30" width="4" height="6" rx="1" transform="rotate(90 14 30)" fill="#FF5A39"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">User control and collaboration</h4><p class="line-height-171">Secure and manage work across you organization with SSO and advanced user permissions.</p></div><div id="w-node-baf30ae6-ebd0-2b87-7f21-ba48df32e55b-21dcefd4" class="features_box-item"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 19C8 19.5523 8.44772 20 9 20H15C15.5523 20 16 19.5523 16 19V17C16 16.4477 15.5523 16 15 16H9C8.44772 16 8 16.4477 8 17V19ZM8 26C8 26.5523 8.44772 27 9 27H12C12.5523 27 13 26.5523 13 26V24C13 23.4477 12.5523 23 12 23H9C8.44772 23 8 23.4477 8 24V26ZM36 26C36 26.5523 35.5523 27 35 27H26C25.4477 27 25 26.5523 25 26V24C25 23.4477 25.4477 23 26 23H35C35.5523 23 36 23.4477 36 24V26ZM8 33C8 33.5523 8.44772 34 9 34H12C12.5523 34 13 33.5523 13 33V31C13 30.4477 12.5523 30 12 30H9C8.44772 30 8 30.4477 8 31V33ZM36 33C36 33.5523 35.5523 34 35 34H24C23.4477 34 23 33.5523 23 33V31C23 30.4477 23.4477 30 24 30H35C35.5523 30 36 30.4477 36 31V33Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M39 17C39 16.4477 38.5523 16 38 16H24C23.4477 16 23 16.4477 23 17V18C23 18.5523 22.5523 19 22 19H20C19.4477 19 19 19.4477 19 20V22C19 22.5523 18.5523 23 18 23H17C16.4477 23 16 23.4477 16 24V38C16 38.5523 16.4477 39 17 39H18C18.5523 39 19 39.4477 19 40V42C19 42.5523 19.4477 43 20 43H22C22.5523 43 23 43.4477 23 44V45C23 45.5523 23.4477 46 24 46H38C38.5523 46 39 45.5523 39 45V44C39 43.4477 39.4477 43 40 43H41C41.5523 43 42 43.4477 42 44V45C42 45.5523 42.4477 46 43 46H44C44.5523 46 45 46.4477 45 47V48C45 48.5523 45.4477 49 46 49H47C47.5523 49 48 49.4477 48 50V51C48 51.5523 48.4477 52 49 52H52V55C52 55.5523 52.4477 56 53 56H55C55.5523 56 56 55.5523 56 55V53C56 52.4477 55.5523 52 55 52H52V49C52 48.4477 51.5523 48 51 48H50C49.4477 48 49 47.5523 49 47V46C49 45.4477 48.5523 45 48 45H47C46.4477 45 46 44.5523 46 44V43C46 42.4477 45.5523 42 45 42H44C43.4477 42 43 41.5523 43 41V40C43 39.4477 43.4477 39 44 39H45C45.5523 39 46 38.5523 46 38V24C46 23.4477 45.5523 23 45 23H44C43.4477 23 43 22.5523 43 22V20C43 19.4477 42.5523 19 42 19H40C39.4477 19 39 18.5523 39 18V17ZM41 39C41.5523 39 42 38.5523 42 38V24C42 23.4477 41.5523 23 41 23H40C39.4477 23 39 22.5523 39 22V21C39 20.4477 38.5523 20 38 20H24C23.4477 20 23 20.4477 23 21V22C23 22.5523 22.5523 23 22 23H21C20.4477 23 20 23.4477 20 24V38C20 38.5523 20.4477 39 21 39H22C22.5523 39 23 39.4477 23 40V41C23 41.5523 23.4477 42 24 42H38C38.5523 42 39 41.5523 39 41V40C39 39.4477 39.4477 39 40 39H41Z" fill="#1F2428"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">Content management</h4><p class="line-height-171">Curate agent content, components, and logic that scale across teams and agent use cases. </p></div><div id="w-node-_95de9d14-bd0b-8731-bc46-6231dee3f672-21dcefd4" class="features_box-item"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M50 9C50 8.44772 49.5523 8 49 8H15C14.4477 8 14 8.44772 14 9V10C14 10.5523 13.5523 11 13 11H12C11.4477 11 11 11.4477 11 12V13C11 13.5523 10.5523 14 10 14H9C8.44772 14 8 14.4477 8 15V49C8 49.5523 8.44772 50 9 50H10C10.5523 50 11 50.4477 11 51V52C11 52.5523 11.4477 53 12 53H13C13.5523 53 14 53.4477 14 54V55C14 55.5523 14.4477 56 15 56H49C49.5523 56 50 55.5523 50 55V54C50 53.4477 50.4477 53 51 53H52C52.5523 53 53 52.5523 53 52V51C53 50.4477 53.4477 50 54 50H55C55.5523 50 56 49.5523 56 49V15C56 14.4477 55.5523 14 55 14H54C53.4477 14 53 13.5523 53 13V12C53 11.4477 52.5523 11 52 11H51C50.4477 11 50 10.5523 50 10V9ZM15 51C15 51.5523 15.4477 52 16 52H48C48.5523 52 49 51.5523 49 51V50C49 49.4477 49.4477 49 50 49H51C51.5523 49 52 48.5523 52 48V16C52 15.4477 51.5523 15 51 15H50C49.4477 15 49 14.5523 49 14V13C49 12.4477 48.5523 12 48 12H16C15.4477 12 15 12.4477 15 13V14C15 14.5523 14.5523 15 14 15H13C12.4477 15 12 15.4477 12 16V48C12 48.5523 12.4477 49 13 49H14C14.5523 49 15 49.4477 15 50V51Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M43 24C43 23.4477 43.4477 23 44 23H46C46.5523 23 47 23.4477 47 24V26C47 26.5523 46.5523 27 46 27H45C44.4477 27 44 27.4477 44 28V29C44 29.5523 43.5523 30 43 30H42C41.4477 30 41 30.4477 41 31V32C41 32.5523 40.5523 33 40 33H39C38.4477 33 38 33.4477 38 34V35C38 35.5523 37.5523 36 37 36H36C35.4477 36 35 36.4477 35 37V38C35 38.5523 34.5523 39 34 39H32C31.4477 39 31 38.5523 31 38V37C31 36.4477 30.5523 36 30 36H29C28.4477 36 28 36.4477 28 37V38C28 38.5523 27.5523 39 27 39H26C25.4477 39 25 39.4477 25 40V41C25 41.5523 24.5523 42 24 42H23C22.4477 42 22 42.4477 22 43V44C22 44.5523 21.5523 45 21 45H19C18.4477 45 18 44.5523 18 44V42C18 41.4477 18.4477 41 19 41H20C20.5523 41 21 40.5523 21 40V39C21 38.4477 21.4477 38 22 38H23C23.5523 38 24 37.5523 24 37V36C24 35.4477 24.4477 35 25 35H26C26.5523 35 27 34.5523 27 34V33C27 32.4477 27.4477 32 28 32H30C30.5523 32 31 32.4477 31 33V34C31 34.5523 31.4477 35 32 35H33C33.5523 35 34 34.5523 34 34V33C34 32.4477 34.4477 32 35 32H36C36.5523 32 37 31.5523 37 31V30C37 29.4477 37.4477 29 38 29H39C39.5523 29 40 28.5523 40 28V27C40 26.4477 40.4477 26 41 26H42C42.5523 26 43 25.5523 43 25V24Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">Build in code</h4><p class="line-height-171">Build custom logic, actions, and integrations with the full power of code, including API and JSON steps.</p></div><div id="w-node-f7af50a2-0e0f-5737-fc60-b4ddc53f3543-21dcefd4" class="features_box-item"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26 13C26 12.4477 26.4477 12 27 12H37C37.5523 12 38 12.4477 38 13C38 13.5523 38.4477 14 39 14H40C40.5523 14 41 14.4477 41 15C41 15.5523 41.4477 16 42 16H44C44.5523 16 45 16.4477 45 17C45 17.5523 45.4477 18 46 18H48C48.5523 18 49 18.4477 49 19C49 19.5523 49.4477 20 50 20H52C52.5523 20 53 20.4477 53 21V22C53 22.5523 53.4477 23 54 23H55C55.5523 23 56 23.4477 56 24V40C56 40.5523 55.5523 41 55 41H54C53.4477 41 53 41.4477 53 42V43C53 43.5523 52.5523 44 52 44H50C49.4477 44 49 44.4477 49 45C49 45.5523 48.5523 46 48 46H46C45.4477 46 45 46.4477 45 47C45 47.5523 44.5523 48 44 48H42C41.4477 48 41 48.4477 41 49C41 49.5523 40.5523 50 40 50H39C38.4477 50 38 50.4477 38 51C38 51.5523 37.5523 52 37 52H27C26.4477 52 26 51.5523 26 51C26 50.4477 25.5523 50 25 50H24C23.4477 50 23 49.5523 23 49C23 48.4477 22.5523 48 22 48H20C19.4477 48 19 47.5523 19 47C19 46.4477 18.5523 46 18 46H16C15.4477 46 15 45.5523 15 45C15 44.4477 14.5523 44 14 44H12C11.4477 44 11 43.5523 11 43V42C11 41.4477 10.5523 41 10 41H9C8.44772 41 8 40.5523 8 40V24C8 23.4477 8.44772 23 9 23H10C10.5523 23 11 22.5523 11 22V21C11 20.4477 11.4477 20 12 20H14C14.5523 20 15 19.5523 15 19C15 18.4477 15.4477 18 16 18H18C18.5523 18 19 17.5523 19 17C19 16.4477 19.4477 16 20 16H22C22.5523 16 23 15.5523 23 15C23 14.4477 23.4477 14 24 14H25C25.5523 14 26 13.5523 26 13ZM27 47C27 47.5523 27.4477 48 28 48H36C36.5523 48 37 47.5523 37 47C37 46.4477 37.4477 46 38 46H40C40.5523 46 41 45.5523 41 45C41 44.4477 41.4477 44 42 44H44C44.5523 44 45 43.5523 45 43C45 42.4477 45.4477 42 46 42H48C48.5523 42 49 41.5523 49 41C49 40.4477 49.4477 40 50 40H51C51.5523 40 52 39.5523 52 39V25C52 24.4477 51.5523 24 51 24H50C49.4477 24 49 23.5523 49 23C49 22.4477 48.5523 22 48 22H46C45.4477 22 45 21.5523 45 21C45 20.4477 44.5523 20 44 20H42C41.4477 20 41 19.5523 41 19C41 18.4477 40.5523 18 40 18H38C37.4477 18 37 17.5523 37 17C37 16.4477 36.5523 16 36 16H28C27.4477 16 27 16.4477 27 17C27 17.5523 26.5523 18 26 18H24C23.4477 18 23 18.4477 23 19C23 19.5523 22.5523 20 22 20H20C19.4477 20 19 20.4477 19 21C19 21.5523 18.5523 22 18 22H16C15.4477 22 15 22.4477 15 23C15 23.5523 14.5523 24 14 24H13C12.4477 24 12 24.4477 12 25V39C12 39.5523 12.4477 40 13 40H14C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41C15 41.5523 15.4477 42 16 42H18C18.5523 42 19 42.4477 19 43C19 43.5523 19.4477 44 20 44H22C22.5523 44 23 44.4477 23 45C23 45.5523 23.4477 46 24 46H26C26.5523 46 27 46.4477 27 47Z" fill="#1F2428"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M34 23C34 22.4477 33.5523 22 33 22H31C30.4477 22 30 22.4477 30 23C30 23.5523 29.5523 24 29 24H26C25.4477 24 25 24.4477 25 25V27C25 27.5523 24.5523 28 24 28H23C22.4477 28 22 28.4477 22 29V32V35C22 35.5523 22.4477 36 23 36H24C24.5523 36 25 36.4477 25 37V39C25 39.5523 25.4477 40 26 40H29C29.5523 40 30 40.4477 30 41C30 41.5523 30.4477 42 31 42H33C33.5523 42 34 41.5523 34 41C34 40.4477 34.4477 40 35 40H38C38.5523 40 39 39.5523 39 39V37C39 36.4477 39.4477 36 40 36H41C41.5523 36 42 35.5523 42 35V32V29C42 28.4477 41.5523 28 41 28H40C39.4477 28 39 27.5523 39 27V25C39 24.4477 38.5523 24 38 24H35C34.4477 24 34 23.5523 34 23ZM37 36C37.5523 36 38 35.5523 38 35V32V29C38 28.4477 37.5523 28 37 28H27C26.4477 28 26 28.4477 26 29V32V35C26 35.5523 26.4477 36 27 36H37Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">High-fidelity prototyping</h4><p class="line-height-171">Test agent builds 1:1 in real-time and share with stakeholders for feedback &amp; approval.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="section_dashline-bottom overflow-hidden"><div class="padding-horizontal-section"><div class="container_wrapper is-gray-dash"><div class="container-large"><div 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30V29C30 28.4477 29.5523 28 29 28H22ZM29 33C29 32.4477 28.5523 32 28 32H22H18H16C15.4477 32 15 32.4477 15 33V34C15 34.5523 14.5523 35 14 35H13C12.4477 35 12 35.4477 12 36V46V47V48C12 48.5523 12.4477 49 13 49H14C14.5523 49 15 49.4477 15 50V51C15 51.5523 15.4477 52 16 52H18H22H28C28.5523 52 29 51.5523 29 51V50C29 49.4477 29.4477 49 30 49H31C31.5523 49 32 48.5523 32 48V47V46V36C32 35.4477 31.5523 35 31 35H30C29.4477 35 29 34.5523 29 34V33Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M38 8H35C34.4477 8 34 8.44772 34 9V10C34 10.5523 33.5523 11 33 11H32C31.4477 11 31 11.4477 31 12V13C31 13.5523 30.5523 14 30 14H29C28.4477 14 28 14.4477 28 15V23C28 23.5523 28.4477 24 29 24H31C31.5523 24 32 23.5523 32 23V16C32 15.4477 32.4477 15 33 15H34C34.5523 15 35 14.5523 35 14V13C35 12.4477 35.4477 12 36 12H38H42H48C48.5523 12 49 12.4477 49 13V14C49 14.5523 49.4477 15 50 15H51C51.5523 15 52 15.4477 52 16V26V27V28C52 28.5523 51.5523 29 51 29H50C49.4477 29 49 29.4477 49 30V31C49 31.5523 48.5523 32 48 32H40C39.4477 32 39 32.4477 39 33V35C39 35.5523 39.4477 36 40 36H49C49.5523 36 50 35.5523 50 35V34C50 33.4477 50.4477 33 51 33H52C52.5523 33 53 32.5523 53 32V31C53 30.4477 53.4477 30 54 30H55C55.5523 30 56 29.5523 56 29V27V26V14C56 13.4477 55.5523 13 55 13H54C53.4477 13 53 12.5523 53 12C53 11.4477 52.5523 11 52 11H51C50.4477 11 50 10.5523 50 10V9C50 8.44772 49.5523 8 49 8H42H38Z" fill="white"/> </svg></div></div><div class="home_enterprise-item-name">Your AI platform of record</div><div class="text-color-ivory opacity-80">Build, scale, and collaborate on AI products in a centralized, secure platform across every team.</div></div><div id="w-node-_2077b089-bee5-dcc0-1cd6-f0ff19471e70-19471e4e" class="home_enterprise-item"><div class="home_enterprise-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M36 21C36 20.4477 35.5523 20 35 20H32H29C28.4477 20 28 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16H17V19C17 19.5523 16.5523 20 16 20H13ZM13 40H10C9.44772 40 9 39.5523 9 39V36V32V28V24V21C9 20.4477 9.44772 20 10 20H13V24V28V32V36V40ZM13 40H16C16.5523 40 17 40.4477 17 41V43C17 43.5523 16.5523 44 16 44H14C13.4477 44 13 43.5523 13 43V40ZM47 16H44C43.4477 16 43 15.5523 43 15V12H46C46.5523 12 47 12.4477 47 13V16ZM51 20V17C51 16.4477 50.5523 16 50 16H47V19C47 19.5523 47.4477 20 48 20H51ZM55 24V21C55 20.4477 54.5523 20 54 20H51V24V28V32V36V40H48C47.4477 40 47 40.4477 47 41V43C47 43.5523 47.4477 44 48 44H50C50.5523 44 51 43.5523 51 43V40H54C54.5523 40 55 39.5523 55 39V36V32V28V24Z" fill="white"/> </svg></div></div><div class="home_enterprise-item-name">Get ideas to market fast</div><div class="text-color-ivory opacity-80">Accelerate AI product team sprints to ship with speed and quality, while efficiently scaling to new use cases.</div></div><div id="w-node-_2077b089-bee5-dcc0-1cd6-f0ff19471e77-19471e4e" class="home_enterprise-item"><div class="home_enterprise-item-icon"><div 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53.5523 21.4477 54 22 54H25H29H35H37H39H42C42.5523 54 43 53.5523 43 53V52C43 51.4477 43.4477 51 44 51H45C45.5523 51 46 50.5523 46 50V48C46 47.4477 46.4477 47 47 47H48C48.5523 47 49 46.5523 49 46V43V33C49 32.4477 48.5523 32 48 32H47C46.4477 32 46 31.5523 46 31V30C46 29.4477 45.5523 29 45 29H43H42H22H21Z" fill="#FF5A39"/> </svg></div></div><div class="home_enterprise-item-name">Avoid vendor lock-in</div><div class="text-color-ivory opacity-80">Bet on AI, not single vendors. 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31 44 30.5523 44 30V28C44 27.4477 43.5523 27 43 27H41C40.4477 27 40 27.4477 40 28V29C40 29.5523 39.5523 30 39 30H38C37.4477 30 37 30.4477 37 31V32C37 32.5523 36.5523 33 36 33H35C34.4477 33 34 32.5523 34 32V11Z" fill="white"/> </svg></div></div><div class="home_enterprise-item-name">Controlled customization</div><div class="text-color-ivory opacity-80">Build endless API-first data and interface integrations alongside any LLM models with secure guardrails.</div></div></div><div class="home_entrerprise-brands"><div class="home_entrerprise-brands-label">Trusted by the best in the business</div><div class="home_entrerprise-brands-wrapper"><div id="logo-brand" class="home_entrerprise-brands-holder splide"><div class="splide__track w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="home_entrerprise-brands-list splide__list w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="home_entrerprise-brands-item splide__slide w-dyn-item"><img alt="" loading="eager" src="" class="home_entrerprise-brands-item-img 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17V16C43 15.4477 42.5523 15 42 15H41C40.4477 15 40 14.5523 40 14V13C40 12.4477 39.5523 12 39 12H26C25.4477 12 25 12.4477 25 13V14C25 14.5523 25.4477 15 26 15H27C27.5523 15 28 15.4477 28 16V17C28 17.5523 28.4477 18 29 18H30C30.5523 18 31 18.4477 31 19V20C31 20.5523 31.4477 21 32 21H33C33.5523 21 34 21.4477 34 22V25V28C34 28.5523 33.5523 29 33 29C32.4477 29 32 29.4477 32 30V31C32 31.5523 31.5523 32 31 32H30C29.4477 32 29 32.4477 29 33C29 33.5523 28.5523 34 28 34H25H22C21.4477 34 21 33.5523 21 33V32C21 31.4477 20.5523 31 20 31H19C18.4477 31 18 30.5523 18 30V29C18 28.4477 17.5523 28 17 28H16C15.4477 28 15 27.5523 15 27V26C15 25.4477 14.5523 25 14 25H13C12.4477 25 12 25.4477 12 26L12 39C12 39.5523 12.4477 40 13 40H14C14.5523 40 15 40.4477 15 41V42C15 42.5523 15.4477 43 16 43H18C18.5523 43 19 43.4477 19 44C19 44.5523 19.4477 45 20 45H23H34H37C37.5523 45 38 45.4477 38 46V47C38 47.5523 38.4477 48 39 48H41C41.5523 48 42 48.4477 42 49V50C42 50.5523 42.4477 51 43 51H45C45.5523 51 46 51.4477 46 52V54C46 54.5523 45.5523 55 45 55H43C42.4477 55 42 54.5523 42 54V53C42 52.4477 41.5523 52 41 52H39C38.4477 52 38 51.5523 38 51V50C38 49.4477 37.5523 49 37 49H34H23H20C19.4477 49 19 48.5523 19 48C19 47.4477 18.5523 47 18 47H16C15.4477 47 15 46.5523 15 46V45C15 44.4477 14.5523 44 14 44H12C11.4477 44 11 43.5523 11 43V42C11 41.4477 10.5523 41 10 41H9C8.44772 41 8 40.5523 8 40V25V22C8 21.4477 8.44772 21 9 21H12H15C15.5523 21 16 21.4477 16 22V23C16 23.5523 16.4477 24 17 24H18C18.5523 24 19 24.4477 19 25V26C19 26.5523 19.4477 27 20 27H21C21.5523 27 22 27.4477 22 28V29C22 29.5523 22.4477 30 23 30H25H27C27.5523 30 28 29.5523 28 29C28 28.4477 28.4477 28 29 28C29.5523 28 30 27.5523 30 27V25V23C30 22.4477 29.5523 22 29 22H28C27.4477 22 27 21.5523 27 21V20C27 19.4477 26.5523 19 26 19H25C24.4477 19 24 18.5523 24 18V17C24 16.4477 23.5523 16 23 16H22C21.4477 16 21 15.5523 21 15V12V9Z" fill="white"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">Workflow Builder</h4><p class="opacity-80">Visually create 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46V47C12 47.5523 12.4477 48 13 48H14C14.5523 48 15 48.4477 15 49C15 49.5523 15.4477 50 16 50H17C17.5523 50 18 50.4477 18 51C18 51.5523 18.4477 52 19 52H20C20.5523 52 21 52.4477 21 53C21 53.5523 21.4477 54 22 54H23C23.5523 54 24 54.4477 24 55C24 55.5523 24.4477 56 25 56H39C39.5523 56 40 55.5523 40 55C40 54.4477 40.4477 54 41 54H42C42.5523 54 43 53.5523 43 53C43 52.4477 43.4477 52 44 52H45C45.5523 52 46 51.5523 46 51C46 50.4477 46.4477 50 47 50H48C48.5523 50 49 49.5523 49 49C49 48.4477 49.4477 48 50 48H51C51.5523 48 52 47.5523 52 47V46C52 45.4477 52.4477 45 53 45C53.5523 45 54 44.5523 54 44V42C54 41.4477 54.4477 41 55 41C55.5523 41 56 40.5523 56 40V27V26V24C56 23.4477 55.5523 23 55 23C54.4477 23 54 22.5523 54 22V20C54 19.4477 53.5523 19 53 19C52.4477 19 52 18.5523 52 18V17C52 16.4477 51.5523 16 51 16H50C49.4477 16 49 15.5523 49 15C49 14.4477 48.5523 14 48 14H47C46.4477 14 46 13.5523 46 13C46 12.4477 45.5523 12 45 12H44C43.4477 12 43 11.5523 43 11C43 10.4477 42.5523 10 42 10H41C40.4477 10 40 9.55228 40 9ZM39 51C39 51.5523 38.5523 52 38 52H26C25.4477 52 25 51.5523 25 51C25 50.4477 24.5523 50 24 50H23C22.4477 50 22 49.5523 22 49C22 48.4477 21.5523 48 21 48H20C19.4477 48 19 47.5523 19 47C19 46.4477 18.5523 46 18 46H17C16.4477 46 16 45.5523 16 45C16 44.4477 15.5523 44 15 44C14.4477 44 14 43.5523 14 43V42C14 41.4477 13.5523 41 13 41C12.4477 41 12 40.5523 12 40V33C12 32.4477 12.4477 32 13 32H14C14.5523 32 15 32.4477 15 33C15 33.5523 15.4477 34 16 34H17C17.5523 34 18 34.4477 18 35C18 35.5523 18.4477 36 19 36H20C20.5523 36 21 36.4477 21 37C21 37.5523 21.4477 38 22 38H23.5C23.7761 38 24 38.2239 24 38.5C24 38.7761 24.2239 39 24.5 39H39.5C39.7761 39 40 38.7761 40 38.5C40 38.2239 40.2239 38 40.5 38H42C42.5523 38 43 37.5523 43 37C43 36.4477 43.4477 36 44 36H45C45.5523 36 46 35.5523 46 35C46 34.4477 46.4477 34 47 34H48C48.5523 34 49 33.5523 49 33C49 32.4477 49.4477 32 50 32H51C51.5523 32 52 32.4477 52 33V40C52 40.5523 51.5523 41 51 41C50.4477 41 50 41.4477 50 42V43C50 43.5523 49.5523 44 49 44C48.4477 44 48 44.4477 48 45C48 45.5523 47.5523 46 47 46H46C45.4477 46 45 46.4477 45 47C45 47.5523 44.5523 48 44 48H43C42.4477 48 42 48.4477 42 49C42 49.5523 41.5523 50 41 50H40C39.4477 50 39 50.4477 39 51ZM39 34.5C39 34.7761 38.7761 35 38.5 35H25.5C25.2239 35 25 34.7761 25 34.5C25 34.2239 24.7761 34 24.5 34H23C22.4477 34 22 33.5523 22 33C22 32.4477 21.5523 32 21 32H20C19.4477 32 19 31.5523 19 31C19 30.4477 18.5523 30 18 30H17C16.4477 30 16 29.5523 16 29C16 28.4477 15.5523 28 15 28C14.4477 28 14 27.5523 14 27V26C14 25.4477 13.5523 25 13 25C12.4477 25 12 24.5523 12 24C12 23.4477 12.4477 23 13 23C13.5523 23 14 22.5523 14 22V21C14 20.4477 14.4477 20 15 20C15.5523 20 16 19.5523 16 19C16 18.4477 16.4477 18 17 18H18C18.5523 18 19 17.5523 19 17C19 16.4477 19.4477 16 20 16H21C21.5523 16 22 15.5523 22 15C22 14.4477 22.4477 14 23 14H24C24.5523 14 25 13.5523 25 13C25 12.4477 25.4477 12 26 12H38C38.5523 12 39 12.4477 39 13C39 13.5523 39.4477 14 40 14H41C41.5523 14 42 14.4477 42 15C42 15.5523 42.4477 16 43 16H44C44.5523 16 45 16.4477 45 17C45 17.5523 45.4477 18 46 18H47C47.5523 18 48 18.4477 48 19C48 19.5523 48.4477 20 49 20C49.5523 20 50 20.4477 50 21V22C50 22.5523 50.4477 23 51 23C51.5523 23 52 23.4477 52 24C52 24.5523 51.5523 25 51 25C50.4477 25 50 25.4477 50 26V27C50 27.5523 49.5523 28 49 28C48.4477 28 48 28.4477 48 29C48 29.5523 47.5523 30 47 30H46C45.4477 30 45 30.4477 45 31C45 31.5523 44.5523 32 44 32H43C42.4477 32 42 32.4477 42 33C42 33.5523 41.5523 34 41 34H39.5C39.2239 34 39 34.2239 39 34.5Z" fill="white"/> </svg></div></div><h4 class="title-item-h4">Knowledge Base</h4><p class="opacity-80">Train AI agents on your data to power responses and perform tasks using any LLM model.</p></div></a><a id="w-node-_10d6b3e6-8dc7-49cc-2305-2e714f3158b7-dbb8eaaa" href="" target="_blank" class="text-no-underline w-inline-block"><div class="explore_list-iem box-shadows is-third"><div class="box-item-icon"><div class="embed-icon w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="64" 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