Types of Aid | Financial Aid & Scholarships

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Visit "<a href="">View All Documents</a>" on myUCLA "Finances and Jobs" tab. <a href="/how-aid-works/verification">More on verification</a></li> <li>Be in the habit of checking your myUCLA “Awards and Notices” tab regularly for updates.</li> </ul> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task4"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task4" name="task4" type="checkbox" value="Task 4 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)</label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task5"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task5" name="task5" type="checkbox" value="Task 5 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Sign up for <a href="">3rd Party access</a></label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task6"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task6" name="task6" type="checkbox" value="Task 6 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Get educated about <a href="/media/634">student loans and borrowing</a></label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task7"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task7" name="task7" type="checkbox" value="Task 7 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Apply for scholarships</label> <ul class="bullet"> <li><a href="">UCLA Prospective student scholarship</a></li> <li><a href="">Continuing student scholarship</a> (available after you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR))</li> <li><a href="">Scholarships for Hispanic and Latino/a Students</a></li> <li>Additional scholarships may be available in your community!</li> </ul> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task8"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task8" name="task8" type="checkbox" value="Task 8 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Need to contact us? 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Your future is BRUIN!</label></li> </ul> ` : ` <ul class="sa-checklist"> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task1"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task1" name="task1" type="checkbox" value="Task 1 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles"></span> Revisa tu carta provisional de ayuda en <a href="">MyUCLA</a></label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task2"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task2" name="task2" type="checkbox" value="Task 2 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Evalúa tu costo neto </label> <ul class="bullet"> <li>Calcula tu ayuda financiera y determina tus gastos directos para la universidad</li> <li> Puedes usar <a href=""></a> para calcular tu presupuesto</li> </ul> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task3"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task3" name="task3" type="checkbox" value="Task 3 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> ¿No puedes encontrar tu carta provisional?</label> <ul class="bullet"> <li>Tal vez necesitemos información adicional para determinar tu ayuda financiera. Visita "<a href="">View All Documents</a>" en myUCLA en la sección "Finances and Jobs" tab. <a href="/how-aid-works/verification">Mas en verification</a></li> <li>Crea el hábito de revisar regularmente la sección “Awards and Notices” en myUCLA por actualizaciones.</li> </ul> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task4"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task4" name="task4" type="checkbox" value="Task 4 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Entrega tu “Declaración de intención para registrarse”</label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task5"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task5" name="task5" type="checkbox" value="Task 5 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Regístrate para dar <a href="">acceso a terceros</a></label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task6"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task6" name="task6" type="checkbox" value="Task 6 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Aprende más acerca de <a href="/media/634">préstamos para estudiantes</a></label></li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task7"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task7" name="task7" type="checkbox" value="Task 7 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Aplica a becas</label> <ul class="bullet"> <li><a href="">UCLA beca para futuros estudiantes</a></li> <li><a href="">Beca para estudiantes actuales</a> (Disponible después que hayas entregado la Declaración de intención para registrarse)</li> <li><a href="">Beca para estudiantes Hispanos y/o Latinos</a></li> <li>¡Puedes buscar becas adicionales en tu comunidad!</li> </ul> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task8"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task8" name="task8" type="checkbox" value="Task 8 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> ¿Necesitas contactarnos? Envíanos un mensaje a través de “Message Center” en myUCLA</label> <p class="left-margin"><a class="ucla-button ucla-button-secondary" href="">With MyUCLA Login</a> <a class="ucla-button ucla-button-secondary" href="">Without MyUCLA Login</a></p> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task9"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task9" name="task9" type="checkbox" value="Task 9 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> Conectate con nosotros a través de nuestras redes sociales</label> <p class="social-links-container left-margin"><a href=""><span class="social-link-label">Facebook @UCLAFinancialAid</span></a> <a href=""><span class="social-link-label">Twitter @UCLAFinAid</span></a> <a href=""><span class="social-link-label">Instagram @UCLAFinancialAid</span></a></p> </li> <li><label class="sa-checklist-label" for="task10"><input class="sa-checkbox" id="task10" name="task10" type="checkbox" value="Task 10 Done"> <span class="sa-checkbox-styles">-</span> ¡Felicidades eres Bruin!</label></li> </ul> `; var checkboxes = nodes[i].querySelectorAll('.sa-checkbox'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { var checkbox = checkboxes[i]; var key = window.location.href + '::[name=' + checkbox.getAttribute('name') + ']'; var initialValue = localStorage.getItem(key); if (initialValue == 'true') { checkbox.checked = true; } checkbox.addEventListener('click', function (evt) { var key = window.location.href + '::[name=' + this.getAttribute('name') + ']'; var value = this.checked; localStorage.setItem(key, value); }); } } } if ( document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive' ) { // Document is already ready to go. setTimeout(setupCheckboxes, 1); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (event) { setupCheckboxes(); }); } })(); // #endregion // #region Wait Time (function () { const findInnermostNodeWithText = (node, txt) => { if (node.innerText.includes(txt)) { for (var child of Array.from(node.children)) { let found = null; try { found = findInnermostNodeWithText(child, txt); } catch (err) { continue; } return found; } return node; } else { throw new Error(); } }; const embedFasWaitNode = (node) => { let txt = node.getAttribute('data-ucla-fas-wait-text'); let contentNode = document.querySelector('.page-content'); if (!contentNode.innerText.includes(txt)) { return; } let innermostNode = null; try { innermostNode = findInnermostNodeWithText(contentNode, txt); } catch (err) { // not found console.error(err); return; } innermostNode.innerHTML = innermostNode.innerHTML.replace( txt, `<span class="ucla-fas-wait-text-match">${txt} <span class="ucla-fas-wait-text-realtime"></span></span>`, ); var ENDPOINT = ''; var startHour = parseInt( node.getAttribute('data-ucla-fas-wait-start').split(':')[0], ); var startMinutes = parseInt( node.getAttribute('data-ucla-fas-wait-start').split(':')[1], ); var stopHour = parseInt( node.getAttribute('data-ucla-fas-wait-stop').split(':')[0], ); var stopMinutes = parseInt( node.getAttribute('data-ucla-fas-wait-stop').split(':')[1], ); // setting to a string with a message overrides checking hours var OPEN_HOURS = { UTC: UTCOffset(), // either -8 or -7 for PST/PDT (if DST is in effect) START: { HOUR: startHour, MINUTE: startMinutes, }, // 24hr time END: { HOUR: stopHour, MINUTE: stopMinutes, }, // 24hr time DAYS: [false, true, true, true, true, true, false], CLOSE_MESSAGE: null, }; function UTCOffset() { Date.prototype.stdTimezoneOffset = function () { var jan = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var jul = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 6, 1); return Math.max( jan.getTimezoneOffset(), jul.getTimezoneOffset(), ); }; Date.prototype.isDstObserved = function () { return this.getTimezoneOffset() < this.stdTimezoneOffset(); }; var today = new Date(); if (today.isDstObserved()) { return -7; } else { return -8; } } var MINUTES_BETWEEN_UPDATES = 1.0; update(); function setMessage(message) { innermostNode.querySelector( '.ucla-fas-wait-text-realtime', ).innerText = ''; if (message == null || message == '') { //innermostNode.querySelector('.ucla-fas-wait-text-realtime').innerText = ''; } else { let strong = document.createElement('strong'); strong.innerText = '(' + message + ')'; strong.setAttribute( 'style', 'background-color: var(--ucla-gold); color: #000000;', ); innermostNode .querySelector('.ucla-fas-wait-text-realtime') .appendChild(strong); } } function getWaitTime(callback) { request(ENDPOINT, handleSuccess, handleFailure); function handleSuccess(respText) { var waitTime = respText; waitTime = waitTime.replace(/>/g, '&gt;'); waitTime = waitTime.replace(/</g, '&lt;'); waitTime = waitTime.replace(/&/g, '&amp;'); callback(waitTime); } function handleFailure(evt) { console.error(evt); setMessage( 'Something went wrong loading the wait time. 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