Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson 1915 - Plazi TreatmentBank

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Prasanth, Paliwal, R., Ahmed, Shakoor, Thomas, A. P. &amp; Julka, J. M., 2023, Redescription of the earthworm Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (Clitellata Moniligastridae) based on recent collections from Kerala state, India, Zootaxa 5383 (3), pp. 365-374</a> : 366-371 </p> </section> <section class="detail-section row" ondragenter="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondragover="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondrop="cancelDragDefault(event);"> <table class="table species-information"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p> publication ID</p> </td> <td> <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"> <a href=" 10.11646/zootaxa.5383.3.5 " target="_blank"> 10.11646/zootaxa.5383.3.5 </a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> publication LSID</p> </td> <td> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> DOI</p> </td> <td> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> persistent identifier</p> </td> <td> <p> <u></u> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> treatment provided by</p> </td> <td> <p> Plazi <span id="provenanceInfo" style="font-size: 83%;"></span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> scientific name</p> </td> <td> <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"> Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> status</td> <td> <p> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="species-accordion row"> <button class="btn btn-primary" id="collapse-init"> Show all</button> <div class="panel-group accordion-panel" id="accordion-paneled"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse1" onclick="return false;"> Treatment </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapse1" style="height-gone: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" ondragenter="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondragover="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondrop="cancelDragDefault(event);" onmouseup="endSelection(event, null, null, null, null);"> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C83DB4614F948');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C83DB4614F948');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915</a> </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C839E469EF90B');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C839E469EF90B');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+deshayesi+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi'"> Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi Stephenson, 1915: 59</a> . </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C827F4716F8EA');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C827F4716F8EA');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+deshayesi+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi'"> Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi Stephenson</a> : Stephenson 1923: 123. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C825D41E3F8C9');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C825D41E3F8C9');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson</a> : Gates 1940: 504 (part, excluding Kavalai specimen = <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli Narayanan &amp; Julka, 2021</a> ). </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C8212406CF871');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF6C8212406CF871');"> <span id="5D9E3CDD056B6162FF6C82124790F871" style="display: inline;"> Type locality. Trichur (Thrissur) (10.5276°N, 76.2144°E), Kerala state, India</span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(76.2144, 10.5276, 'Kerala state', 'holotype', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> . </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF3C82F64736F85D');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6162FF3C82F64736F85D');"> Type material. Holotype ZSI ZEV6913/7, Typus perditus.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6161FF3C82CB4515FDC9');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056B6161FF3C82CB4515FDC9');"> Material examined. Altogether 40 specimens (11 clitellates, 29 aclitellates). 11 clitellates (2 lightly demarcated), 4 aclitellates (ACESSD/EW/565), evergreen forest patch within deciduous forest, Karineelipacha in Peechi-Vazhani <span id="5D9E3CDD05686161FF6C85EE4663FF21" style="display: inline;"> Wildlife Sanctuary (10°39'1.1"N, 76°18'48.4"E), <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Thrissur District </a> , Kerala State, India, 10 September 2015, 237 m a.s.l., S. Sathrumithra, J. Joseph </span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(76.48256, 10.470833, 'Thrissur District', '', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> <span id="5D9E3CDD05686161FDF685C247D5FEE9" style="display: inline;"> ; 8 aclitellates (ACESSD/EW/566), deciduous forest, <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Methanampara in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary </a> (10°30'0.9"N, 76°30'16"E), <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Thrissur District </a> , Kerala State, India, 12 October 2013, 399 m a.s.l., D. Kuriakose, S.P. Narayanan, S. Sathrumithra, S.A. Sasi </span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(76.48256, 10.470833, 'Thrissur District', '', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> <span id="5D9E3CDD05686161FC40847A458BFE7D" style="display: inline;"> ; 11 aclitellates (ACESSD/EW/567), moist deciduous forest, <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Karineelipacha in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary </a> (10°39'14.1"N, 76°18'48.4"E), <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Thrissur District </a> , Kerala State, India, 13 October 2013, 237 m a.s.l., S.P. Narayanan, D. Kuriakose, S. Sathrumithra, M.A. Shukkur and S.A. Sasi </span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(76.48256, 10.470833, 'Thrissur District', '', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> <span id="5D9E3CDD05686161FE1E841647C0FE25" style="display: inline;"> ; 5 aclitellates (ACESSD/EW/568), evergreen forest patch within deciduous forest, <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Karineelipacha in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary </a> (10°39'1.1"N, 76°18'48.4"E), <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=76.48256&materialsCitation.latitude=10.470833" title="Search for locations around (long 76.48256 / lat 10.470833)"> Thrissur District </a> , Kerala State, India, 30 October 2014, 237 m a.s.l., S.P. Narayanan, S. Sathrumithra </span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(76.48256, 10.470833, 'Thrissur District', '', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> <span id="5D9E3CDD05686161FC5584CE4519FDC9" style="display: inline;">; 1 aclitellate (ACESSD/EW/570), decaying wood from moist deciduous forest, Nellippara in Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary (10°28'15"N, 76°28'57.2"E), Thrissur District, Kerala State, India, 13 October 2013, 237 m a.s.l., S.P. Narayanan, D. Kuriakose, S. Sathrumithra, S.A. Sasi, M.A. Shukkur</span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(76.48256, 10.470833, 'Thrissur District', '', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> . </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005686161FF3C873F45F9FC51');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005686161FF3C873F45F9FC51');"> Diagnosis. Colour: dorsum bluish grey, ventrum pale. Length 130–174 mm, diameter 5–7 mm, segments 139– 189. Male pores paired, in transverse slits, between bc setal lines, nearer to b setal line. Spermathecal pores paired, in transverse invaginations, between bc setal lines, median to setae c. Genital markings absent. Gizzards 4–5 in segments 12–18. Vas deferens a mass of hairpin loops, mass is equal in size or smaller than testis sac, entering prostate directly without penetrating longitudinal musculature, a little below the ental end in glandular portion. Prostates glandular, flattened, strap-shaped, twisted ectally, widened gradually, surface with shallow depressions and nodulations; prostatic capsule tubular, smooth, highly nodulated surface, margins incised; prostatic duct, short, slightly slender entally, bulbous ectally. Spermathecal atria paired in segment 7, with a single gland of moderate size at each side, long flattened ovoid or with a slight bend at the centre, with bifid duct, about one seventh the length of common atrial duct.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005686161FF3C86D74700FAA1');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005686161FF3C86D74700FAA1');"> Redescription based on recently collected specimens. External: Colour—dorsum bluish gray, ventrum pale, lateral area marked off by intermediate colour. Body circular in cross section, laterally thickened. Dimensions: 144– 174 mm, width 5–7 mm at segment 9, segments 179–189. Setae lumbricine, minute, visible from segment 3, closely paired; setal formula aa = 9.5–12.67 ab = 0.79–0.90 bc = 12.67–19 cd = 0.26–0.33 dd at segment 8 and aa = 13.33– 16.67 ab = 0.67–1 bc = 20–25 cd = 0.27–0.32 dd at segment 20 (n = 2). Clitellum annular, dark brick red colour on segments ¼9–½14 (= ¾4), lightly demarcated on segment 14 ( Fig. 1A <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.&mdash;Clitellum; C.A.D.&mdash;Common atrial duct; F.P.&mdash;Female pore; M.H.L.&mdash;Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.&mdash;Prostatic capsule; P.&mdash;Prostate; P.D.&mdash;Prostatic duct; S.A.&mdash;Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.&mdash;Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.&mdash;Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.&mdash;Spermathecal pore; T.S.&mdash;Testis sac; Vd.&mdash;Vas deferens.">View FIGURE 1</a> </span> ), setae not visible (indication present). Spermathecal pores paired, in transverse invaginations, hidden in intersegmental furrow 7/8, aligned between bc setal lines, median to c. Secondary male apertures paired, on intersegmental furrow 10/11, aligned between bc, nearer to b setal line, apertures whitish, puckered orifices with tumid lips, pale white patch present on anterior and posterior portions of male apertures in segment 10 and 11. Female pores paired, on intersegmental furrow 11/12, at b setal line, bordered by whitish patch in front and behind ( Fig. 1A <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.&mdash;Clitellum; C.A.D.&mdash;Common atrial duct; F.P.&mdash;Female pore; M.H.L.&mdash;Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.&mdash;Prostatic capsule; P.&mdash;Prostate; P.D.&mdash;Prostatic duct; S.A.&mdash;Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.&mdash;Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.&mdash;Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.&mdash;Spermathecal pore; T.S.&mdash;Testis sac; Vd.&mdash;Vas deferens.">View FIGURE 1</a> </span> ). Nephridiopores minute, recognizable from segment 3, at cd setal lines in one rank. Genital markings absent. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005686161FF198026464AF84D');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005686161FF198026464AF84D');"> Internal: Septa 5/6–8/9 muscular, septum 9/10 delicate. Gizzards 4–5 in segments 12–18; intestinal origin in segment 25±1. Last hearts in segment 9. Commissures of extra-esophageal vessel present on posterior face of septum 8/9 and 9/10. Testis sacs paired, irregularly ovoid, in segments 10–11, 12; vas deferens long, mass of hairpin loops in segments 9–10, 11, mass is equal in size or smaller than testis sac, touches prostate at sub-ectally, pass along inner face of prostate, entering the prostate directly, at median side, a little below ental end in glandular portion, without penetrating longitudinal musculature. Prostates paired, flattened, strap-shaped, extending from segment 11 to segments 13–14, bulging into segment 15 through septum 14/15, twisted ectally, widened entally, glandular (light pinkish colour) with low, slender networks of blood vessels, surface with shallow depressions and nodulations ( Fig. 1B <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.&mdash;Clitellum; C.A.D.&mdash;Common atrial duct; F.P.&mdash;Female pore; M.H.L.&mdash;Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.&mdash;Prostatic capsule; P.&mdash;Prostate; P.D.&mdash;Prostatic duct; S.A.&mdash;Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.&mdash;Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.&mdash;Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.&mdash;Spermathecal pore; T.S.&mdash;Testis sac; Vd.&mdash;Vas deferens.">View FIGURE 1</a> </span> ); prostatic capsule tubular, smooth, highly nodulated surface, margins incised ( Fig. 1C <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.&mdash;Clitellum; C.A.D.&mdash;Common atrial duct; F.P.&mdash;Female pore; M.H.L.&mdash;Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.&mdash;Prostatic capsule; P.&mdash;Prostate; P.D.&mdash;Prostatic duct; S.A.&mdash;Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.&mdash;Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.&mdash;Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.&mdash;Spermathecal pore; T.S.&mdash;Testis sac; Vd.&mdash;Vas deferens.">View FIGURE 1</a> </span> ); prostatic duct, short, slightly slender entally and bulging before entering parietes, duct with light muscular shimmer, just over one fourth of the combined length of gland and duct. Spermathecae paired in segment 8, ampulla ovoid, each with coiled whitish duct penetrating septum 7/8 and entering upper central portion of the single atrial gland in segment 7 to join at junction of short bifid ducts of atrial gland, atrial gland single on each side, moderate size, long flattened ovoid or with a slight bent at the centre ( Fig. 1D <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.&mdash;Clitellum; C.A.D.&mdash;Common atrial duct; F.P.&mdash;Female pore; M.H.L.&mdash;Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.&mdash;Prostatic capsule; P.&mdash;Prostate; P.D.&mdash;Prostatic duct; S.A.&mdash;Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.&mdash;Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.&mdash;Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.&mdash;Spermathecal pore; T.S.&mdash;Testis sac; Vd.&mdash;Vas deferens.">View FIGURE 1</a> </span> ), directed antero-posteriorly or tilted dorso-ventrally, bifid duct of atrial gland ( Fig. 1E <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.&mdash;Clitellum; C.A.D.&mdash;Common atrial duct; F.P.&mdash;Female pore; M.H.L.&mdash;Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.&mdash;Prostatic capsule; P.&mdash;Prostate; P.D.&mdash;Prostatic duct; S.A.&mdash;Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.&mdash;Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.&mdash;Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.&mdash;Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.&mdash;Spermathecal pore; T.S.&mdash;Testis sac; Vd.&mdash;Vas deferens.">View FIGURE 1</a> </span> ), about one seventh the length of common atrial duct. Ovarian chamber complete, horseshoeshaped. Ovisacs paired in segment 12, extending to segments 13–14, narrower entally or slightly bent. Nephridia avesiculate, present on segment 10. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C85EF4029FE58');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C85EF4029FE58');"> Variation. Intestinal origin seems to be in segment 29 in a specimen from Nellippara in Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary (ACESSD/EW/570). Specimens from the Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary had 4 gizzards in segments 12–15 or 14–17 while the sole specimen from the Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary (ACESSD/EW/570) had 5 gizzards in segments 14–18. In the original description by Stephenson (1915), mentioned that the mass of hairpin loops of vas deferens is larger than testis sac, but in the present study only one specimen from Karineelipacha had this feature. In certain individuals, one of the prostate may not directed posteriorly, instead it is erect, twisted and confined to segment 11. In one specimen from the Methanampara in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary (ACESSD/EW/566), prostate of RHS turned towards the midventral line and placed beneath the gizzards.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C84CF4134FE24');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C84CF4134FE24');"> Ingesta. Mainly colloids of fine soil, also rarely small pebbles, sand, barks and strands of plant material.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C84A341FDFE00');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C84A341FDFE00');"> Habitat. Forests (deciduous, moist deciduous and evergreen forest patch) in the midlands of Thrissur district.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C84874607FDC8');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C84874607FDC8');"> Biology. One specimen from the Methanampara in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary (ACESSD/EW/566) had 26 regenerated segments at posterior end.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C873F4166FD5C');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C873F4166FD5C');"> Distribution. Endemic to the midlands of Thrissur district, Kerala State, India. Karineelipacha in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary*, Methanampara in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary*, Nellippara in Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary* and Trichur (Thrissur) (*present records; Stephenson 1915; Gates 1940) ( Fig. 2 <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIGURE 2. Current known range of Moniligaster gravelyi.">View FIGURE 2</a> </span> ). </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C87CB47ABFC18');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C87CB47ABFC18');"> Remarks. Apart from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> , the group consists of five species, viz., <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+troyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster troyi'"> M. troyi Jamieson, 1977</a> , <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> Moniligaster bahli Narayanan &amp; Julka, 2021</a> , <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+blakemorei" title="Search 'Moniligaster blakemorei'"> M. blakemorei Narayanan &amp; Julka, 2021</a> , <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+keralensis" title="Search 'Moniligaster keralensis'"> M. keralensis Narayanan &amp; Julka, 2021</a> and <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+julkai" title="Search 'Moniligaster julkai'"> M. julkai Narayanan &amp; Paliwal, 2022</a> . Species belong to <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> group, can be characterized by (i) vas deferens opening directly into the prostate, i.e., without penetrating the longitudinal muscle layer, (ii) spermathecal atria confined to segment 7, and (iii) leaflet like glands absent on the vas deferens. Among these <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> is very similar to <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli</a> , from which it can easily be differentiated by the number of spermathecal atrial glands (single atrial gland in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> vs paired in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli</a> ) and character of the prostatic capsule (highly nodulated surface with deeply incised margins in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> vs smooth margins and a few nodulations at ental end in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli</a> ). Detailed comparison of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> ‘ gravelyi</a> ’ species group members are provided in table 1. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C868E4012FBAC');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C868E4012FBAC');"> Due to the existence of a bifid atrial gland duct beneath the single atrial gland, it is presumed that <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> originated from Moniligaster species having bifid atrial glands at each common atrial duct. Most likely, it evolved from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli</a> , which is found in the adjacent forested areas of the Parambikulam region. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C811B4602FA35');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C811B4602FA35');"> Gates (1940) examined Stephenson’s (1925) <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+deshayesi" title="Search 'Moniligaster deshayesi'"> M. deshayesi Perrier, 1872</a> specimen from Kavalai and he stated that ‘ The internal organs of the Kavalai worm were brittle, and what remained of the spermathecal atrium crumbled into fragments while attempting to discover if the usual two glands were bound together in a common investment of connective tissue, Discrete glands are unrecognizable in both specimens ’. Hence Gates (1940) was not be able to conclude the character of the atrial glands. However, he included it under <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> . Recently Narayanan et al. (2021) described a new species of the genus viz., <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli Narayanan &amp; Julka, 2021</a> from the three locations of Parambikulam Tiger Reserve of Palakkad district, Kerala. The location of the spermathecal pores, male pores, female pores, prostate, prostatic capsule, ovisacs, atrial gland structure etc. of Kavalai specimen ( Table 2 <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayTable('B98966080562616BFF6C85EE4598FF27');" title="TABLE 2. Comparison of characters of Moniligaster specimen from Kavalai and M. bahli Narayanan &amp; Julka, 2021 from the Parambikulam Tiger Reserve">View TABLE 2</a> </span> ) provided by Stephenson (1925) and Gates (1940) agree more closely with <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+bahli" title="Search 'Moniligaster bahli'"> M. bahli</a> than <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> . Moreover, Kavalai is close to the Parambikulam Tiger Reserve. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C80B34176F96C');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED49368005696160FF3C80B34176F96C');"> Thakur et al.’s (2021) report this species from Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary of Kollam District of Kerala state needs further corroboration. In <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> vas deferens enters the prostate entally ( Gates, 1940), but as per the figure provided by Thakur et al. (2021), it joins the prostate ectally. Thakur et al. mentioned that atrial glands are single or indistinctly bifid and demarcated by a transverse furrow. But the figure provided shows the opposite, where two distinct spermathecal atrial glands are shown. Owing to the above-discussed anomalies the specimen described under the name <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Moniligaster+gravelyi" title="Search 'Moniligaster gravelyi'"> M. gravelyi</a> by Thakur et al. seems to be of a different species ( Narayanan et al. 2023). </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056F6166F95C83F3438DF957');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056F6166F95C83F3438DF957');"> ......Continued on the next page</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056C6165FF6A80E94112FA5E');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', 'ED493680056C6165FF6A80E94112FA5E');"> Data from: 1 Stephenson (1915); 2 Present study; 3 Jamieson (1977); 4 Narayanan et al. (2021); 5 Narayanan et al. (2022).</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse2" onclick="return false;"> References </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse2" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" id="bibRefContainer"> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var bibRefCitations = [{id: "89674B71056B6162FE5A83DB4614F948", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[417,634,1698,1724]", pageId: "1", pageNumber: "366", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson, 1915"}, {id: "89674B71056B6162FDF5839E4682F90B", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[526,748,1767,1791]", pageId: "1", pageNumber: "366", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson, 1915: 59"}, {id: "89674B71056B6162FD6B827F471BF8EA", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[656,885,1798,1822]", pageId: "1", pageNumber: "366", refId: "ref6023", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1923) The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma - Oligochaeta. Taylor and Francis, London, 518 pp.", type: "book", year: "1923", str: "Stephenson 1923: 123"}, {id: "89674B71056B6162FE07825C46CCF8C8", author: "Gates, G. E.", box: "[508,674,1828,1853]", pageId: "1", pageNumber: "366", pagination: "487 - 518", refId: "ref5101", refString: "Gates, G. E. (1940) Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Records of the Indian Museum, 42 (3), 487 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 42 % 2 Fi 3 % 2 F 1940 % 2 F 162432", type: "journal article", year: "1940", str: "Gates 1940: 504"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FD43847B47E5FEE9", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[696,907,258,285]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson (1915)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FCAB87F7407DFD5D", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[848,1043,654,681]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson 1915"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FBE587F740F0FD5C", author: "Gates, G. E.", box: "[1054,1182,654,680]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "487 - 518", refId: "ref5101", refString: "Gates, G. E. (1940) Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Records of the Indian Museum, 42 (3), 487 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 42 % 2 Fi 3 % 2 F 1940 % 2 F 162432", type: "journal article", year: "1940", str: "Gates 1940"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FBA887CB416CFD38", author: "Jamieson, B. G. M.", box: "[1107,1282,690,716]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "95 - 114", refId: "ref5270", refString: "Jamieson, B. G. M. (1977) On the phylogeny of the Moniligastridae, with description of new species of Moniligaster (Oligocaheta, Annelida). Evolutionary Theory, 2, 95 - 114.", type: "journal article", year: "1977", str: "Jamieson, 1977"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FEC187824612FCE0", author: "Narayanan, S. P. & Anuja, R. & Thomas, A. P. & Paliwal, R.", box: "[314,636,762,789]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "31 - 50", refId: "ref5800", refString: "Narayanan, S. P., Anuja, R., Thomas, A. P. & Paliwal, R. (2022) A new species of Moniligaster Perrier, 1872 (Annelida, Moniligastridae) from India, with status revision of M. deshayesi minor Michaelsen, 1913. Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 53 (1), 31 - 50. https: // doi. org / 10.18348 / opzool. 2022.1.31", type: "journal article", year: "2022", str: "Narayanan & Paliwal, 2022"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FF3C811B4537FB88", author: "Gates, G. E.", box: "[199,345,1122,1148]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "487 - 518", refId: "ref5101", refString: "Gates, G. E. (1940) Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Records of the Indian Museum, 42 (3), 487 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 42 % 2 Fi 3 % 2 F 1940 % 2 F 162432", type: "journal article", year: "1940", str: "Gates (1940)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FE2D811B46D2FB89", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[470,700,1122,1149]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "43 - 73", refId: "ref6052", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1925) On some Oligochaeta mainly from Assam, South India, and the Andaman Islands. Records of the Indian Museum, 27 (2), 43 - 73. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 27 % 2 Fi 2 % 2 F 1925 % 2 F 163458", type: "journal article", year: "1925", str: "Stephenson’s (1925)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FCA4811B479FFB88", author: "Perrier, E.", box: "[863,1009,1122,1148]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "5 - 198", refId: "ref5944", refString: "Perrier, E. (1872) Recherches pour servir a l'histoire des lombriciens terrestres. Nouveaux Archives du Museum National d ' Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 8, 5 - 198. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 12201", type: "journal article", year: "1872", str: "Perrier, 1872"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FBAB81B7408DFB1C", author: "Gates, G. E.", box: "[1104,1251,1230,1256]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "487 - 518", refId: "ref5101", refString: "Gates, G. E. (1940) Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Records of the Indian Museum, 42 (3), 487 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 42 % 2 Fi 3 % 2 F 1940 % 2 F 162432", type: "journal article", year: "1940", str: "Gates (1940)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FF4080FB45E1FA69", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[187,399,1410,1437]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "43 - 73", refId: "ref6052", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1925) On some Oligochaeta mainly from Assam, South India, and the Andaman Islands. Records of the Indian Museum, 27 (2), 43 - 73. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 27 % 2 Fi 2 % 2 F 1925 % 2 F 163458", type: "journal article", year: "1925", str: "Stephenson (1925)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FE3380FB4635FA68", author: "Gates, G. E.", box: "[456,603,1410,1436]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "487 - 518", refId: "ref5101", refString: "Gates, G. E. (1940) Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Records of the Indian Museum, 42 (3), 487 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 42 % 2 Fi 3 % 2 F 1940 % 2 F 162432", type: "journal article", year: "1940", str: "Gates (1940)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FB9780974098F9FC", author: "Gates, G. E.", box: "[1132,1270,1518,1544]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "487 - 518", refId: "ref5101", refString: "Gates, G. E. (1940) Indian earthworms. XIII. The genus Moniligaster. Records of the Indian Museum, 42 (3), 487 - 518. https: // doi. org / 10.26515 / rzsi % 2 Fv 42 % 2 Fi 3 % 2 F 1940 % 2 F 162432", type: "journal article", year: "1940", str: "Gates, 1940"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FE8A836B4636F9D8", author: "Thakur, S. S. & Lone, A. R. & Tiwari, N. & Jain, S. K. & James, S. W. & Yadav, S.", box: "[369,600,1554,1580]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", pagination: "117 - 137", refId: "ref6115", refString: "Thakur, S. S., Lone, A. R., Tiwari, N., Jain, S. K., James, S. W. & Yadav, S. (2021) A contribution to the earthworm diversity (Clitellata, Moniligastridae) of Kerala, a component of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India, using integrated taxonomy. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 44 (1), 117 - 137. https: // doi. org / 10.32800 / abc. 2021.44.0117", type: "journal article", year: "2021", str: "Thakur et al. (2021)"}, {id: "89674B7105696160FBF583074162F96C", author: "Narayanan, S. P. & Paliwal, R. & Kurien, V. T. & Thomas, A. P. & Julka, J. M.", box: "[1038,1292,1662,1688]", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "368", refId: "ref5879", refString: "Narayanan, S. P., Paliwal, R., Kurien, V. T., Thomas, A. P. & Julka, J. M. (2023) Earthworms (Clitellata: Moniligastrida, Crassiclitellata) of India: distribution and status. Department of Printing and Publishing, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, 378 pp.", type: "book", year: "2023", str: "Narayanan et al. 2023"}, {id: "89674B71056E6167FD11825747CFF8B2", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[746,929,1838,1862]", pageId: "4", pageNumber: "369", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson, 1915"}, {id: "89674B71056F6166FD12848C47C8FDFB", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[745,934,501,527]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "370", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson, 1915"}, {id: "89674B71056C6165FEF680E945B7FA5E", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[269,473,1424,1450]", pageId: "6", pageNumber: "371", pagination: "35 - 108", refId: "ref5992", refString: "Stephenson, J. (1915) On some Indian Oligochaeta, mainly from Southern India and Ceylon. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 6, 35 - 108.", type: "journal article", year: "1915", str: "Stephenson (1915)"}, {id: "89674B71056C6165FD6B80E9472AFA5E", author: "Jamieson, B. G. M.", box: "[656,836,1424,1450]", pageId: "6", pageNumber: "371", pagination: "95 - 114", refId: "ref5270", refString: "Jamieson, B. G. M. (1977) On the phylogeny of the Moniligastridae, with description of new species of Moniligaster (Oligocaheta, Annelida). Evolutionary Theory, 2, 95 - 114.", type: "journal article", year: "1977", str: "Jamieson (1977)"}, {id: "89674B71056C6165FB8A80E94116FA5E", author: "Narayanan, S. P. & Anuja, R. & Thomas, A. P. & Paliwal, R.", box: "[1137,1400,1424,1450]", pageId: "6", pageNumber: "371", pagination: "31 - 50", refId: "ref5800", refString: "Narayanan, S. P., Anuja, R., Thomas, A. P. & Paliwal, R. (2022) A new species of Moniligaster Perrier, 1872 (Annelida, Moniligastridae) from India, with status revision of M. deshayesi minor Michaelsen, 1913. Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 53 (1), 31 - 50. https: // doi. org / 10.18348 / opzool. 2022.1.31", type: "journal article", year: "2022", str: "Narayanan et al. (2022)"}, {}]; for (var c = 0; c < bibRefCitations.length; c++) { if (bibRefCitations[c].author && bibRefCitations[c].year) { var author = bibRefCitations[c].author; if (author.indexOf(' ') != -1) author = author.substring(0, author.indexOf(' ')); bibRefCitations[c].sortKey = (author + ' ' + bibRefCitations[c].year); } else bibRefCitations[c].sortKey = ''; } bibRefCitations.sort(function(brc1, brc2) { return brc1.sortKey.localeCompare(brc2.sortKey); }); var bibRefCitationDoneIDs = new Object(); for (var c = 0; c < bibRefCitations.length; c++) { if (bibRefCitations[c].refString) { var refId = getRefStringId(bibRefCitations[c].refString); if (refId == null) continue; if (bibRefCitationDoneIDs[refId]) continue; showReferenceFor(bibRefCitations[c]); bibRefCitationDoneIDs[refId] = 'done'; } } function showReferenceFor(bibRefCitation) { // console.log('show preview for reference'); var brParent = getById('bibRefContainer'); var brDoi = null; if (bibRefCitation.DOI) brDoi = bibRefCitation.DOI; else if (bibRefCitation.doi) brDoi = bibRefCitation.doi; else if (bibRefCitation.ID_DOI) brDoi = bibRefCitation.ID_DOI; if (brDoi != null) { if (brDoi.indexOf('/10.') == -1) brDoi = ('https://dx.doi,org/' + brDoi); else if (brDoi.indexOf('://') == -1) brDoi = ('https://' + brDoi); } var brUrl = null; if (bibRefCitation.URL) brUrl = bibRefCitation.URL; else if (bibRefCitation.url) brUrl = bibRefCitation.url; else if (bibRefCitation.ID_URL) brUrl = bibRefCitation.ID_URL; else if (bibRefCitation.publicationUrl) brUrl = bibRefCitation.publicationUrl; if ((brUrl != null) && (brUrl.indexOf('://') == -1)) brUrl = ('https://' + brUrl); var brHttpUri = bibRefCitation.httpUri; var brLink = null; if (brDoi != null) brLink = brDoi; else if (brUrl != null) brLink = brUrl; else if (brHttpUri != null) brLink = brHttpUri; if (brLink != null) { var brAnchor = newElement('a', null, null, null); brAnchor.href = brLink; = '_blank'; brParent.appendChild(brAnchor); brParent = brAnchor; } var brPara = newElement('p', 'reference', null, bibRefCitation.refString); brParent.appendChild(brPara); } function getRefStringId(refString) { if (refString.length == 0) return null; var hash = 0; for (var c = 0; c < refString.length; c++) { var ch = refString.charCodeAt(c); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ch; hash = hash & hash; } return ('ref_' + hash); } </script> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse3" onclick="return false;"> Figures </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse3" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" id="citedFigureBox"> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="4.[151,250,1838,1862]" citationText="Fig. 1A"> FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="4.[151,250,1838,1862]" citationText="Fig. 1A"> FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="7.[151,250,1943,1967]" citationText="Fig. 2"> FIGURE 2. Current known range of Moniligaster gravelyi.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var figureCitations = [{id: "75CD2A0505686161FC73811A478CFB89", box: "[904,994,1123,1149]", captionStart: "FIGURE 1", captionStartId: "4.[151,250,1838,1862]", captionTargetBox: "[177,1410,179,1806]", captionTargetId: "figure-28@4.[177,1410,179,1812]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", str: "Fig. 1A"}, {id: "75CD2A0505686161FCB4806E47C6FAC5", box: "[847,936,1303,1329]", captionStart: "FIGURE 1", captionStartId: "4.[151,250,1838,1862]", captionTargetBox: "[177,1410,179,1806]", captionTargetId: "figure-28@4.[177,1410,179,1812]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", str: "Fig. 1A"}, {id: "75CD2A0505686161FF6483064497F96D", box: "[159,249,1663,1689]", captionStart: "FIGURE 1", captionStartId: "4.[151,250,1838,1862]", captionTargetBox: "[177,1410,179,1806]", captionTargetId: "figure-28@4.[177,1410,179,1812]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", str: "Fig. 1B"}, {id: "75CD2A0505686161FB728306408CF96D", box: "[1161,1250,1663,1689]", captionStart: "FIGURE 1", captionStartId: "4.[151,250,1838,1862]", captionTargetBox: "[177,1410,179,1806]", captionTargetId: "figure-28@4.[177,1410,179,1812]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", str: "Fig. 1C"}, {id: "75CD2A0505686161FDA6824A46DBF8B9", box: "[605,693,1843,1869]", captionStart: "FIGURE 1", captionStartId: "4.[151,250,1838,1862]", captionTargetBox: "[177,1410,179,1806]", captionTargetId: "figure-28@4.[177,1410,179,1812]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", str: "Fig. 1D"}, {id: "75CD2A0505686161FEDD822E4512F885", box: "[294,380,1879,1905]", captionStart: "FIGURE 1", captionStartId: "4.[151,250,1838,1862]", captionTargetBox: "[177,1410,179,1806]", captionTargetId: "figure-28@4.[177,1410,179,1812]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "FIGURE 1. Key characters of the Moniligaster gravelyi Stephenson, 1915 (based on the present study). A. Ventral view of anterior region. B. Prostate of right hand side, dorsal view. C. Prostatic capsule of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. D. Spermatheca of right hand side, slightly stretched, dorsal view. Cl.—Clitellum; C.A.D.—Common atrial duct; F.P.—Female pore; M.H.L.—Mass of hairpin loops; P.C.—Prostatic capsule; P.—Prostate; P.D.—Prostatic duct; S.A.—Spermathecal ampulla; S.A.G.—Spermathecal atrial gland; S.A.G.D.—Spermathecal atrial gland duct; S.D.—Spermathecal duct; S.M.A.—Secondary male aperture; Sp.P.—Spermathecal pore; T.S.—Testis sac; Vd.—Vas deferens.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", str: "Fig. 1E"}, {id: "75CD2A0505696160FB4D87F74095FD5C", box: "[1206,1275,654,680]", captionStart: "FIGURE 2", captionStartId: "7.[151,250,1943,1967]", captionTargetBox: "[193,1394,179,1918]", captionTargetId: "figure-19@7.[193,1394,179,1918]", captionTargetPageId: "7", captionText: "FIGURE 2. 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Prasanth, Paliwal, R., Ahmed, Shakoor, Thomas, A. P. &amp; Julka, J. M. 2023</td> </tr> </table> <span class="cd-date">2023</span> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-location"> <img alt="Loc" src="/GgServer/resources/srsWebPortalData/Layouts/XsltSearchPortalLayoutData/cd-icon-location.svg" /> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2> Moniligaster gravelyi</h2> <table> <tr> <td class="cd-timeline-citation"> Gates, G. E. 1940: 504</td> </tr> </table> <span class="cd-date">1940</span> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-location"> <img alt="Loc" src="/GgServer/resources/srsWebPortalData/Layouts/XsltSearchPortalLayoutData/cd-icon-location.svg" /> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2> Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi</h2> <table> <tr> <td class="cd-timeline-citation"> Stephenson, J. 1923: 123</td> </tr> </table> <span class="cd-date">1923</span> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-location"> <img alt="Loc" src="/GgServer/resources/srsWebPortalData/Layouts/XsltSearchPortalLayoutData/cd-icon-location.svg" /> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2> Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi</h2> <table> <tr> <td class="cd-timeline-citation"> Stephenson, J. 1915: 59</td> </tr> </table> <span class="cd-date">1915</span> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default specimen-map"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapseRight2" onclick="return false;"> Distribution Map </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseRight2" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showDocumentLocationsOnMap(); 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Shukkur", country: "India", county: "Thrissur District", latitude: "10.470833", location: "Thrissur District", longLatPrecision: "15", longitude: "76.48256", municipality: "Nellippara in Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", specimenCount: "1", stateProvince: "Kerala", str: "; 11 aclitellates (ACESSD/EW/567), moist deciduous forest, Karineelipacha in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary (10°39'14.1N, 76°18'48.4E), Thrissur District , Kerala State, India , 13 October 2013, 237 m a.s.l., S.P. Narayanan, D. Kuriakose, S. Sathrumithra, M.A. Shukkur and S.A. Sasi"}, {id: "5D9E3CDD05686161FE1E841647C0FE25", ID_GBIF_Occurrence: "4464684304", collectingDate: "2013-10-12", collectingDateMax: "2015-09-10", collectingDateMin: "2013-10-12", collectorName: "S. Sathrumithra & S. P. 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Shukkur", country: "India", county: "Thrissur District", latitude: "10.470833", location: "Thrissur District", longLatPrecision: "15", longitude: "76.48256", municipality: "Nellippara in Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "367", specimenCount: "1", stateProvince: "Kerala", str: "; 1 aclitellate (ACESSD/EW/570), decaying wood from moist deciduous forest, Nellippara in Chimmini Wildlife Sanctuary (10°28'15N, 76°28'57.2E), Thrissur District, Kerala State, India , 13 October 2013, 237 m a.s.l., S.P. Narayanan, D. Kuriakose, S. Sathrumithra, S.A. Sasi, M.A. Shukkur"}, {}]; docData.treatmentCitations = [{id: "6C571091056B6162FF6C839E4682F90B", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[151,748,1767,1791]", page: "59", pageId: "1", pageNumber: "366", year: "1915", str: "Moniligaster deshayesi var. gravelyi Stephenson, 1915: 59"}, {id: "6C571091056B6162FD6B827F471BF8EA", author: "Stephenson, J.", box: "[656,885,1798,1822]", page: "123", pageId: "1", pageNumber: "366", year: "1923", str: "Stephenson 1923: 123"}, {id: "6C571091056B6162FE07825C46CCF8C8", author: "Gates, G. 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