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3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Costa Rica</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition 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8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$152k – $190k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • North America<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none 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sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3110874-principal-site-reliability-engineer-platform">Principal Site Reliability Engineer, Platform</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$198k – $247k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • North America<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center 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class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3066288-application-support-engineer">Application Support Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Singapore</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 months 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Trading </span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">51-200<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6H4.5C3.70435 6 2.94129 5.68393 2.37868 5.12132C1.81607 4.55871 1.5 3.79565 1.5 3V2H3C3.79565 2 4.55871 2.31607 5.12132 2.87868C5.68393 3.44129 6 4.20435 6 5V10M6 7C6 6.20435 6.31607 5.44129 6.87868 4.87868C7.44129 4.31607 8.20435 4 9 4H10.5V4.5C10.5 5.29565 10.1839 6.05871 9.62132 6.62132C9.05871 7.18393 8.29565 7.5 7.5 7.5H6" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growth Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Expanding market presence</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/1577949-application-support-engineer">Application Support Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Gurgaon</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 years ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 years ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/ferovinum"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Ferovinum company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/ferovinum"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Ferovinum</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Growth platform for wine and spirits businesses</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">11-50<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 10% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Ferovinum is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within two weeks</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Ferovinum usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3080752-application-support-engineer">Application Support Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">£60k – £90k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">London</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">3<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" 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15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$200k – $250k</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month 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disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/2964096-application-support-specialist">Application Support Specialist</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Montreal</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">8 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">8 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/egroup-1"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="eGroup company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/egroup-1"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">eGroup</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Europe's leading provider of smart office services for freelancers and small businesses</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M4.5 10.5H7.5M4.5 9H7.5M4.49992 5.99999H2.70692C2.60805 5.99996 2.5114 5.97063 2.4292 5.91569C2.34699 5.86074 2.28292 5.78266 2.24509 5.69131C2.20725 5.59996 2.19735 5.49945 2.21663 5.40247C2.23592 5.30549 2.28352 5.21641 2.35342 5.14649L5.64642 1.85349C5.74019 1.75975 5.86734 1.70709 5.99992 1.70709C6.13251 1.70709 6.25966 1.75975 6.35342 1.85349L9.64642 5.14649C9.71633 5.21641 9.76393 5.30549 9.78322 5.40247C9.8025 5.49945 9.7926 5.59996 9.75476 5.69131C9.71693 5.78266 9.65286 5.86074 9.57065 5.91569C9.48845 5.97063 9.3918 5.99996 9.29292 5.99999H7.49992V7.49999H4.49992V5.99999Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top 5% of responders</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">eGroup is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within a week</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, eGroup usually responds to incoming applications within a week</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3147855-application-support-engineer-m-f-d">Application Support Engineer (m/f/d)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Nuremberg<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3147854-system-engineer-microsoft-365-m-f-d">System Engineer Microsoft 365 (m/f/d)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Nuremberg<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/veeva-systems"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Veeva Systems company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/veeva-systems"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Veeva Systems</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Enterprise cloud software for life sciences</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 6.15522C3.35933 6.00427 3.21622 5.81269 3.12289 5.59606C3.02956 5.37942 2.98864 5.14382 3.00345 4.9084C3.01826 4.67298 3.08838 4.44437 3.20812 4.24113C3.32786 4.0379 3.49385 3.86577 3.6926 3.73872C3.51828 3.42905 3.45957 3.06754 3.52693 2.71862C3.59428 2.3697 3.78333 2.05603 4.06038 1.83348C4.33743 1.61094 4.68449 1.49399 5.03973 1.50346C5.39497 1.51294 5.7353 1.64822 6.0001 1.88522C6.26495 1.6486 6.60517 1.51363 6.96021 1.50434C7.31525 1.49505 7.66206 1.61204 7.93893 1.83448C8.2158 2.05693 8.40476 2.37039 8.47218 2.71909C8.53959 3.06779 8.4811 3.4291 8.3071 3.73872C8.50588 3.86572 8.67191 4.03782 8.79169 4.24103C8.91148 4.44425 8.98165 4.67285 8.99651 4.90827C9.01137 5.1437 8.97049 5.3793 8.8772 5.59596C8.78391 5.81263 8.64084 6.00423 8.4596 6.15522C8.51208 6.37561 8.51396 6.60504 8.46509 6.82627C8.41622 7.04749 8.31788 7.25478 8.17743 7.43256C8.03699 7.61033 7.8581 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8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3151660-consultant-technical-services-devops">Consultant - Technical Services (DevOps)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">China • Dalian</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 week ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Hungary • Budapest</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">7 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">7 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/2876252-product-support-engineer">Product Support Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">India • Hyderabad</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">11 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">11 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black text-white disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-500 hover:border-gtmblue-500" data-test="JobApplicationApplyButton" type="button">Apply</button></div></div></div></div></div><div class="mb-6 w-full rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white"><div class="w-full space-y-2 px-4 pb-2 pt-4"><div class="flex-col"><div class="flex w-full"><a class="content-center" href="/company/pinguin-2"><div class="flex h-14 w-14 justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-2xl border border-gray-400 bg-gray-100"><img alt="Pinguin company logo" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=112,height=112,fit=scale-down,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="56" width="56" class="rounded-2xl object-contain"/></div></a><div class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/pinguin-2"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">Pinguin</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">virtual assistant as a service</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1-10<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial stages</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="" class="haloIcon" height="12" width="12"><path d="M3.613 17.79l.094-.083L10 11.415l3.293 3.292a1 1 0 001.32.083l.094-.083L19 10.415l1.293 1.292c.602.603 1.614.22 1.701-.593L22 11l-.002-4.06-.009-.087-.025-.119-.024-.076-.034-.081-.052-.098-.067-.096-.08-.09a1.014 1.014 0 00-.112-.097l-.11-.071-.114-.054-.105-.035-.117-.025-.06-.007L21 6h-4c-.852 0-1.297.986-.783 1.623l.076.084L17.585 9 14 12.585l-3.293-3.292a1 1 0 00-1.32-.083l-.094.083-7 7a1 1 0 001.32 1.497z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Growing fast</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Showed strong hiring growth in the past month</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3147836-application-support-engineer-m-f-d">Application Support Engineer (m/f/d)</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Berlin<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-black border-black 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7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • Berlin<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->1</span></span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">2 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">2 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$50k – $60k • No equity</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • United States<span class="ml-1 inline-flex h-4 items-center rounded border border-neutral-200 bg-neutral-50 px-1 text-xs text-neutral-500">+<!-- -->2</span></span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">2<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">10 months ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">10 months ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 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text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 1 5.82608 1 4.5C1.65661 4.5 2.30679 4.62933 2.91342 4.8806C3.52005 5.13188 4.07124 5.50017 4.53553 5.96447C4.99983 6.42876 5.36812 6.97995 5.6194 7.58658C5.87067 8.19321 6 8.84339 6 9.5ZM6 9.5C7.32608 9.5 8.59785 8.97322 9.53553 8.03553C10.4732 7.09785 11 5.82608 11 4.5C9.67392 4.5 8.40215 5.02678 7.46447 5.96447C6.52678 6.90215 6 8.17392 6 9.5ZM7.495 5.75C7.52974 5.05424 7.41419 4.35916 7.15622 3.71206C6.89824 3.06496 6.50389 2.48103 6 2C5.49611 2.48103 5.10182 3.06496 4.84384 3.71206C4.58587 4.35916 4.47032 5.05424 4.50506 5.75" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Scale Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Rapidly increasing operations</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg height="12" viewBox="0 0 16 15" width="12" class="haloIcon"><g fill="currentColor"><path d="M3.44 1.433l1.854.737c. 8.994 0 012.527.351c. 0a9.117 9.117 0 013.207-.323.333.333 0 00.149-.022l1.988-.792a.504.504 0 00.053-.913 3.551 3.551 0 00-3.6.06 3.4 3.4 0 00-1.356 0 01-.302 0A3.4 3.4 0 006.953.574a3.56 3.56 0 00-3.56-.12.539.539 0 00.047.98zM7.68 6.967h.56c.18 0 .326-.14.334-.319l.024-.557a.333.333 0 00-.168-.304 2.555 2.555 0 01-.2-.126.333.333 0 00-.373 0c-.245.163-.506.3-.779.409a.333.333 0 00-.166.148L4.898 9.874a.333.333 0 00.323.493 14.856 14.856 0 012.83 0 .333.333 0 00.364-.318l.017-.4a.333.333 0 00-.333-.348h-.752a.333.333 0 010-.667h.815c.178 0 .325-.14.333-.317l.016-.334a.333.333 0 00-.334-.349H7.68a.333.333 0 110-.667zM6.647 10.967c-2.771 0-5.871.756-6.263 2.879a.667.667 0 00.656.787h11.404a.5.5 0 00.498-.54c-.184-2.304-3.373-3.126-6.295-3.126z"></path><path d="M15.565 5.385c-1.506-2.908-5.496-2.828-7.467-2.124a.162.162 0 01-.112 0C6.011 2.556 2.021 2.476.515 5.386a.537.537 0 00.451.785c. 1.666 0 4.907-.218 6.024-1.448a.168.168 0 01.246 0c1.116 1.229 4.354 1.448 6.024 1.448.334 0 .649-.008.926-.022a.537.537 0 00.452-.786z"></path></g></svg><div>4.1</div><div class="line-clamp-1">Work / Life Balance</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Employees rate 3Pillar Global 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance</div></div></li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end 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7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Shanghai</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default 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Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M2.5 10.5C2.75 8.25 3.75 6.5 6 5.5M4.50016 9C7.60916 9 9.75016 7.356 10.0002 3V2H7.99316C3.49316 2 2.00016 4 1.99316 6.5C1.99316 7 1.99316 8 2.99316 9H4.50016Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Early Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Startup in initial 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4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">₹5L – ₹8L</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • India</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">2<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button 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class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">Self-service access to data assets for cross-functional collaborations & new opportunities</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 9.5C4.67392 9.5 3.40215 8.97322 2.46447 8.03553C1.52678 7.09785 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3.71762 8.06872 3.47148 7.82814 3.29327C7.58755 3.11505 7.29913 3.01292 7 3H5C4.60218 3 4.22064 3.15804 3.93934 3.43934C3.65804 3.72064 3.5 4.10218 3.5 4.5C3.5 4.89782 3.65804 5.27936 3.93934 5.56066C4.22064 5.84196 4.60218 6 5 6H7C7.39782 6 7.77936 6.15804 8.06066 6.43934C8.34196 6.72064 8.5 7.10218 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.89782 8.34196 8.27936 8.06066 8.56066C7.77936 8.84196 7.39782 9 7 9H5C4.70087 8.98708 4.41245 8.88495 4.17186 8.70673C3.93128 8.52852 3.74952 8.28238 3.65 8M6 1.5V3M6 9V10.5" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Top Investors</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3160313-senior-database-engineer-product-reliability">Senior Database Engineer, Product Reliability</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Prague</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">today</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">today</span><button 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8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased 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9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Brussels</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">3 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">3 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button 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Own your consumer data an</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg class="haloIcon" fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 51 46" width="12" xmlns=""><path d="M5.16732 23.0826C5.16732 24.1872 6.06275 25.0826 7.16732 25.0826C8.27189 25.0826 9.16732 24.1872 9.16732 23.0826H5.16732ZM27.7923 41.7076C26.6877 41.7076 25.7923 42.6031 25.7923 43.7076C25.7923 44.8122 26.6877 45.7076 27.7923 45.7076V41.7076ZM48.4173 23.0826H46.4173H48.4173ZM27.7923 2.45764V0.457642V2.45764ZM27.7923 23.0826H25.7923C25.7923 23.7513 26.1265 24.3758 26.6829 24.7467L27.7923 23.0826ZM33.5579 29.3301C34.477 29.9428 35.7187 29.6944 36.3314 28.7754C36.9441 27.8563 36.6958 26.6146 35.7767 26.0019L33.5579 29.3301ZM29.7923 11.6243C29.7923 10.5197 28.8969 9.62431 27.7923 9.62431C26.6877 9.62431 25.7923 10.5197 25.7923 11.6243H29.7923ZM2.58398 27.9576C1.47942 27.9576 0.583985 28.8531 0.583984 29.9576C0.583984 31.0622 1.47941 31.9576 2.58398 31.9576L2.58398 27.9576ZM20.9173 31.9576C22.0219 31.9576 22.9173 31.0622 22.9173 29.9576C22.9173 28.8531 22.0219 27.9576 20.9173 27.9576V31.9576ZM7.16732 34.8326C6.06275 34.8326 5.16732 35.7281 5.16732 36.8326C5.16732 37.9372 6.06275 38.8326 7.16732 38.8326V34.8326ZM20.9173 38.8326C22.0219 38.8326 22.9173 37.9372 22.9173 36.8326C22.9173 35.7281 22.0219 34.8326 20.9173 34.8326V38.8326ZM14.0423 41.7076C12.9377 41.7076 12.0423 42.6031 12.0423 43.7076C12.0423 44.8122 12.9377 45.7076 14.0423 45.7076V41.7076ZM20.9173 45.7076C22.0219 45.7076 22.9173 44.8122 22.9173 43.7076C22.9173 42.6031 22.0219 41.7076 20.9173 41.7076V45.7076ZM27.7923 45.7076C30.7635 45.7076 33.7055 45.1224 36.4505 43.9854L34.9198 40.2899C32.6601 41.2259 30.2382 41.7076 27.7923 41.7076V45.7076ZM36.4505 43.9854C39.1955 42.8484 41.6897 41.1819 43.7906 39.0809L40.9622 36.2525C39.2327 37.982 37.1795 39.3539 34.9198 40.2899L36.4505 43.9854ZM43.7906 39.0809C45.8915 36.98 47.5581 34.4858 48.6951 31.7409L44.9996 30.2101C44.0636 32.4698 42.6917 34.523 40.9622 36.2525L43.7906 39.0809ZM48.6951 31.7409C49.8321 28.9959 50.4173 26.0538 50.4173 23.0826H46.4173C46.4173 25.5285 45.9356 27.9504 44.9996 30.2101L48.6951 31.7409ZM50.4173 23.0826C50.4173 20.1115 49.8321 17.1694 48.6951 14.4244L44.9996 15.9552C45.9356 18.2149 46.4173 20.6368 46.4173 23.0826H50.4173ZM48.6951 14.4244C47.5581 11.6794 45.8915 9.18528 43.7906 7.08435L40.9622 9.91278C42.6917 11.6423 44.0636 13.6955 44.9996 15.9552L48.6951 14.4244ZM43.7906 7.08435C41.6897 4.98342 39.1955 3.31688 36.4505 2.17987L34.9198 5.87539C37.1795 6.81138 39.2327 8.18329 40.9622 9.91278L43.7906 7.08435ZM36.4505 2.17987C33.7055 1.04286 30.7635 0.457642 27.7923 0.457642V4.45764C30.2382 4.45764 32.6601 4.93939 34.9198 5.87539L36.4505 2.17987ZM27.7923 0.457642C24.8212 0.457642 21.8791 1.04286 19.1341 2.17987L20.6648 5.87539C22.9245 4.93939 25.3464 4.45764 27.7923 4.45764V0.457642ZM19.1341 2.17987C16.3891 3.31688 13.895 4.98342 11.794 7.08435L14.6225 9.91278C16.3519 8.18329 18.4051 6.81138 20.6648 5.87539L19.1341 2.17987ZM11.794 7.08435C9.6931 9.18528 8.02656 11.6794 6.88954 14.4244L10.5851 15.9552C11.5211 13.6955 12.893 11.6423 14.6225 9.91278L11.794 7.08435ZM6.88954 14.4244C5.75253 17.1694 5.16732 20.1115 5.16732 23.0826H9.16732C9.16732 20.6368 9.64907 18.2149 10.5851 15.9552L6.88954 14.4244ZM26.6829 24.7467L33.5579 29.3301L35.7767 26.0019L28.9017 21.4185L26.6829 24.7467ZM25.7923 11.6243V23.0826H29.7923V11.6243H25.7923ZM2.58398 31.9576L20.9173 31.9576V27.9576L2.58398 27.9576L2.58398 31.9576ZM7.16732 38.8326H20.9173V34.8326H7.16732V38.8326ZM14.0423 45.7076H20.9173V41.7076H14.0423V45.7076Z" fill="black"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Responds within three weeks</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Based on past data, Klaviyo usually responds to incoming applications within three weeks</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 6.15522C3.35933 6.00427 3.21622 5.81269 3.12289 5.59606C3.02956 5.37942 2.98864 5.14382 3.00345 4.9084C3.01826 4.67298 3.08838 4.44437 3.20812 4.24113C3.32786 4.0379 3.49385 3.86577 3.6926 3.73872C3.51828 3.42905 3.45957 3.06754 3.52693 2.71862C3.59428 2.3697 3.78333 2.05603 4.06038 1.83348C4.33743 1.61094 4.68449 1.49399 5.03973 1.50346C5.39497 1.51294 5.7353 1.64822 6.0001 1.88522C6.26495 1.6486 6.60517 1.51363 6.96021 1.50434C7.31525 1.49505 7.66206 1.61204 7.93893 1.83448C8.2158 2.05693 8.40476 2.37039 8.47218 2.71909C8.53959 3.06779 8.4811 3.4291 8.3071 3.73872C8.50588 3.86572 8.67191 4.03782 8.79169 4.24103C8.91148 4.44425 8.98165 4.67285 8.99651 4.90827C9.01137 5.1437 8.97049 5.3793 8.8772 5.59596C8.78391 5.81263 8.64084 6.00423 8.4596 6.15522C8.51208 6.37561 8.51396 6.60504 8.46509 6.82627C8.41622 7.04749 8.31788 7.25478 8.17743 7.43256C8.03699 7.61033 7.8581 7.75399 7.65419 7.85274C7.45029 7.95149 7.22666 8.00276 7.0001 8.00272H5.0001L4.9121 8.00022Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg><div class="line-clamp-1">Public Stage</div><div class="styles_tooltip-text__bYBqF">Publicly traded company</div></div></li><li class="inline-flex h-[20px] w-auto max-w-max place-items-center rounded bg-neutral-200 px-1 text-[10px] font-medium text-neutral-800">+<!-- -->4</li></ul></div></div><div class="mb-4 w-full px-4"><div class="min-h-[50px] items-end justify-between rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 sm:flex"><div class="w-full pb-1 sm:pb-0"><div class="mb-1 flex items-start"><a class="mr-2 text-sm font-semibold text-brand-burgandy hover:underline" href="/jobs/3155319-lead-security-risk-engineer">Lead Security Risk Engineer</a><span class="whitespace-nowrap rounded-lg bg-accent-yellow-100 px-2 py-1 text-[10px] font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$160k – $240k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Denver</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">6 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">6 days ago</span><button 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7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$160k – $240k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Boston</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">6 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">6 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded 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A complete CI/CD toolchain, out-of-the-box</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">1001-5000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="" class="haloIcon"><path d="M6 6.5L5 5.5M6 6L7 5M6 10.5V4M4.9121 8.00022C4.69333 7.98741 4.48003 7.92682 4.2872 7.82272C4.09437 7.71862 3.92668 7.57353 3.79595 7.39766C3.66521 7.22179 3.5746 7.01941 3.53048 6.80476C3.48637 6.5901 3.48982 6.36839 3.5406 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font-semibold text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Chicago</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 month ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">1 month ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black 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12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$75k – $120k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Remote • St. Louis</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M5.33335 4.83333V3.16667C5.33335 2.72464 5.50895 2.30072 5.82151 1.98816C6.13407 1.67559 6.55799 1.5 7.00002 1.5H10.3334C10.7754 1.5 11.1993 1.67559 11.5119 1.98816C11.8244 2.30072 12 2.72464 12 3.16667V4.83333M8.66669 9V9.00833M1.16669 9.83333C3.493 11.0056 6.06171 11.6162 8.66669 11.6162C11.2717 11.6162 13.8404 11.0056 16.1667 9.83333M1.16669 6.5C1.16669 6.05797 1.34228 5.63405 1.65484 5.32149C1.9674 5.00893 2.39133 4.83333 2.83335 4.83333H14.5C14.942 4.83333 15.366 5.00893 15.6785 5.32149C15.9911 5.63405 16.1667 6.05797 16.1667 6.5V14C16.1667 14.442 15.9911 14.866 15.6785 15.1785C15.366 15.4911 14.942 15.6667 14.5 15.6667H2.83335C2.39133 15.6667 1.9674 15.4911 1.65484 15.1785C1.34228 14.866 1.16669 14.442 1.16669 14V6.5Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">3<!-- --> <!-- -->years<!-- --> of exp</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">1 week ago</span></div><div class="flex 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13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$95k – $132k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">New York City</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">yesterday</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">yesterday</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full 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text-neutral-800">Full-time</span></div><div class="sm:flex sm:space-x-2"><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$95k – $132k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Denver</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 days ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 days ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min 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class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="14" xmlns="" class="sm:h-5 sm:w-5"><path d="M12.3333 7.49998C12.1824 7.23811 11.963 7.02223 11.6988 6.87544C11.4346 6.72865 11.1354 6.65647 10.8333 6.66664H9.16667C8.72464 6.66664 8.30072 6.84224 7.98816 7.1548C7.67559 7.46736 7.5 7.89128 7.5 8.33331C7.5 8.77534 7.67559 9.19926 7.98816 9.51182C8.30072 9.82438 8.72464 9.99998 9.16667 9.99998H10.8333C11.2754 9.99998 11.6993 10.1756 12.0118 10.4881C12.3244 10.8007 12.5 11.2246 12.5 11.6666C12.5 12.1087 12.3244 12.5326 12.0118 12.8452C11.6993 13.1577 11.2754 13.3333 10.8333 13.3333H9.16667C8.86458 13.3435 8.56541 13.2713 8.30118 13.1245C8.03696 12.9777 7.81763 12.7618 7.66667 12.5M10 5.83333V14.1667M2.5 10C2.5 10.9849 2.69399 11.9602 3.0709 12.8701C3.44781 13.7801 4.00026 14.6069 4.6967 15.3033C5.39314 15.9997 6.21993 16.5522 7.12987 16.9291C8.03982 17.306 9.01509 17.5 10 17.5C10.9849 17.5 11.9602 17.306 12.8701 16.9291C13.7801 16.5522 14.6069 15.9997 15.3033 15.3033C15.9997 14.6069 16.5522 13.7801 16.9291 12.8701C17.306 11.9602 17.5 10.9849 17.5 10C17.5 9.01509 17.306 8.03982 16.9291 7.12987C16.5522 6.21993 15.9997 5.39314 15.3033 4.6967C14.6069 4.00026 13.7801 3.44781 12.8701 3.0709C11.9602 2.69399 10.9849 2.5 10 2.5C9.01509 2.5 8.03982 2.69399 7.12987 3.0709C6.21993 3.44781 5.39314 4.00026 4.6967 4.6967C4.00026 5.39314 3.44781 6.21993 3.0709 7.12987C2.69399 8.03982 2.5 9.01509 2.5 10Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">$103k – $128k</span></div><span class="mx-2 hidden border-r border-gray-400 text-gray-400 sm:inline-block"></span><div class="flex items-center text-neutral-500"><svg fill="none" height="14" viewBox="0 0 13 14" width="14" xmlns=""><path d="M4.33333 6.17139C4.33333 6.70182 4.54405 7.21053 4.91912 7.5856C5.29419 7.96067 5.8029 8.17139 6.33333 8.17139C6.86377 8.17139 7.37247 7.96067 7.74755 7.5856C8.12262 7.21053 8.33333 6.70182 8.33333 6.17139C8.33333 5.64095 8.12262 5.13225 7.74755 4.75717C7.37247 4.3821 6.86377 4.17139 6.33333 4.17139C5.8029 4.17139 5.29419 4.3821 4.91912 4.75717C4.54405 5.13225 4.33333 5.64095 4.33333 6.17139Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path><path d="M10.1047 9.94285L7.276 12.7715C7.02599 13.0213 6.68706 13.1616 6.33367 13.1616C5.98028 13.1616 5.64135 13.0213 5.39134 12.7715L2.562 9.94285C1.81615 9.19696 1.30823 8.24665 1.10246 7.21209C0.896695 6.17754 1.00233 5.10519 1.406 4.13067C1.80968 3.15615 2.49327 2.32321 3.37032 1.73719C4.24738 1.15117 5.27851 0.838379 6.33334 0.838379C7.38816 0.838379 8.41929 1.15117 9.29635 1.73719C10.1734 2.32321 10.857 3.15615 11.2607 4.13067C11.6643 5.10519 11.77 6.17754 11.5642 7.21209C11.3584 8.24665 10.8505 9.19696 10.1047 9.94285Z" stroke="#7A7179" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg><span class="pl-1 text-xs">Denver</span></div></div><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a md:hidden">4 weeks ago</span></div><div class="flex flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-4"><span class="text-xs lowercase text-dark-a mr-2 hidden flex-wrap content-center md:flex">4 weeks ago</span><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG mr-2 styles_component__sMuDw styles_secondary__iAX9L rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 whitespace-nowrap font-medium antialiased text-center text-sm no-underline cursor-pointer focus:outline-0 disabled:cursor-default disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 transition duration-200 px-3 py-1 bg-white border-black text-black disabled:bg-white disabled:border-gray-700 disabled:text-gray-700 hover:bg-gtmblue-100 hover:border-gtmblue-500 hover:text-gtmblue-500" data-test="Button" type="button">Save</button><div class="w-full sm:w-min"><button class="styles-module_component__88XzG styles_component__Ov6jE w-full sm:w-min styles_component__sMuDw rounded border-solid border gap-x-2 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class="pl-2 flex flex-col"><div class="flex space-x-2"><a class="text-neutral-1000 hover:underline focus:no-underline" href="/company/surveymonkey"><h2 class="inline text-md font-semibold">SurveyMonkey</h2></a><div class="flex items-center text-sm font-medium text-pop-green"><div class="mr-1 h-2 w-2 rounded-2xl bg-pop-green"></div>Actively Hiring</div></div><span class="text-xs text-neutral-1000">On a mission to help people turn their curiosity into action</span><span class="text-xs italic text-neutral-500">501-1000<!-- --> Employees</span></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full space-x-2 text-[10px] text-accent-persian-600"><ul class="grid w-full grid-cols-2 justify-start gap-2 sm:place-items-center xs:flex xs:flex-row xs:flex-wrap"><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 font-medium bg-neutral-100"><div class="flex h-[20px] items-center justify-center space-x-1"><div class="line-clamp-1">B2B</div></div></li><li class="styles_tooltip-container__1f8OY rounded px-2 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It’s an approach resulting from the shift to the Subscription Economy that puts customers first by building recurring relationships instead of one-time product sales and focuses on sustainable growth. Through our leading expertise and multi-product suite, we are transforming all industries and working with the world’s most innovative companies to monetize new business models, nurture subscriber relationships and optimize their digital experiences.\n\nTHE TEAM\n\nThe Global Customer Support team fulfills a super important role for Zuora. It is often the main point of contact for a customer and a key advocate of the customer experience. Our team includes more than 100 ZEOs across nine different locations worldwide. It is strategically structured around our functional teams and customer support levels, which increase the complexity, skills, and experience needed to handle it.\n\nYOUR MISSION \n\nZuora seeks an Application Support Engineer to join our growing Global Support team. We are looking for someone with a solid technical background who can troubleshoot complex software applications and has excellent communication skills. Does that sound like you? If so, we look forward to hearing from you!\n\nTHE ROLE\n\nThe Application Support Engineer provides front-line support and solutions to issues customers report for Zuora products. Our ideal candidate possesses a solid technical background, is a detailed documenter, and is a masterful troubleshooter. In today's ever-changing social landscape, we need someone up-to-date on the latest and most excellent web tools and platforms, able to troubleshoot basic software applications, and a fantastic email or phone communicator. \n \n*We seek people willing to work in Pacific Times (9 AM - 5 PM PST). \n*The position is fully Remote.\n\nOur vision is simple: to provide all customers with just-in-time solutions, empowering them to operate and grow their subscription business.\n\n- You will be challenged daily to understand our customers' use cases and provide the best solutions - the learning will never stop!\n- We offer continuous career development and knowledge training.\n- Our management team grows and motivates individuals through coaching and mentoring, creating a rewarding and challenging work atmosphere.\n- Work closely with engineering and product management teams to advocate for the customer and drive improvements to product functionality.\n\nWHAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE\n\n- Provide support via tickets, phone, and video calls to Zuora customers.\n- Answer customer questions, file bugs, reproduce, troubleshoot, resolve, and escalate issues as necessary.\n- Own and drive customer issues from start to finish.\n- Become an expert on a given product domain from a business and technical standpoint.\n- Actively participate in our online Zuora Community, learning about customer pain points, answering customer questions, and posting solution articles in your domain of expertise.\n- Handle urgent escalation issues, ensuring we accurately prioritize based on severity and customer impact.\n- Ensure an optimal level of customer service.\n- Analyze, track, and promptly resolve customer issues to ensure the highest level of client satisfaction.\n- Prioritize based on severity and customer impact.\n- Handle sensitive escalation issues and conflicting/competing priorities.\n- Maintain product knowledge of new functionality and compliance changes.\n- Monitor and manage application and back-end batch processes to ensure compliance with application uptime requirements and SLA.\n- Document solutions into KCS articles, leveraging configuration, customization, and integration.\n- Participate in a 24/5 global coverage plan, including weekend on-call and holiday coverage.\n\nWHAT YOU'LL NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL\n\n- BA, BS, or MS in Computer Science, Engineering, or related. We will also consider other significant technical experience.\n- At least 2 - 5 years of proven success in enterprise application support and customer service (experience with SaaS would be excellent!)\n- Explicit knowledge and understanding of REST APIs and SQL.\n- Experience with several technologies that support SaaS applications: XML, SOAP API, MySQL, web services, HTML, Java, or JavaScript.\n- Experience with Kibana, Sumo Logic, or other large-scale log management and analytics services.\n- Experience with Zendesk or similar CRM.\n- Proven track record of working with Technical and Network operations groups and Engineering to troubleshoot and triage 2nd-3rd tier support issues and escalations.\n- Able to effectively develop appropriate learning materials for the audience, such as KCS.\n- Excellent spoken and written English.\n- A self-starter with the ability to work independently, yet able to account for their activity.\n- Strong communication skills, including adjusting to the audience's technical level and explaining complex ideas clearly and concisely.\n- Ability to work with a global team and build cross-functional solid relationships.\n- Positive attitude and the ability to overcome adversity and stay calm under pressure.\n- Strong desire and ability to continually learn new skills, processes, technologies, and product knowledge. You will learn something new every day!\n\n WHAT’S A PLUS TO BE SUCCESSFUL\n\n- Experience with billing or financial enterprise applications.\n- Experience as a developer or QA engineer in an agile development environment.\n- Experience with supporting complex Cloud systems SAAS architecture.\n\n#ZEOLife at Zuora\n\nAs an industry pioneer, our work is constantly evolving and challenging us in new ways that require us to think differently, iterate often and learn constantly—it’s exciting. Our people, whom we refer to as “ZEOs\" are empowered to take on a mindset of ownership and make a bigger impact here. Our teams collaborate deeply, exchange different ideas openly and together we’re making what’s next possible for our customers, community and the world.\n\nAs part of our commitment to building an inclusive, high-performance culture where ZEOs feel inspired, connected and valued, we support ZEOs with:\n\n- Competitive compensation, corporate bonus program and performance rewards, company equity and retirement programs\n- Medical, dental and vision insurance\n- Generous, flexible time off\n- Paid holidays, “wellness” days and company wide end of year break\n- 6 months fully paid parental leave\n- Learning \u0026 Development stipend\n- Opportunities to volunteer and give back, including charitable donation match\n- Free resources and support for your mental wellbeing\n\nSpecific benefits offerings may vary by country and can be viewed in more detail during your interview process.\n\nLocation \u0026 Work Arrangements\n\nOrganizations and teams at Zuora are empowered to design efficient and flexible ways of working, being intentional about scheduling, communication, and collaboration strategies that help us achieve our best results. In our dynamic, globally distributed company, this means balancing flexibility and responsibility — flexibility to live our lives to the fullest, and responsibility to each other, to our customers, and to our shareholders. For most roles, we offer the flexibility to work both remotely and at Zuora offices.\n\nOur Commitment to an Inclusive Workplace\n\nThink, be and do you! At Zuora, different perspectives, experiences and contributions matter. Everyone counts. Zuora is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to creating an inclusive environment for all.\n\nZuora does not discriminate on the basis of, and considers individuals seeking employment with Zuora without regards to, race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, reproductive health decisions, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, genetic information, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.\n\nWe encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply. Applicants in need of special assistance or accommodation during the interview process or in accessing our website may contact us by sending an email to\n\nThe base pay details represent the annualized salary range for the posted position. While we share a comprehensive range, a candidate’s final base salary will fall within these guidelines and will be determined based on multiple factors including but not limited to: qualifications of the candidate, job related knowledge, prior related experience, specific and unique skills, the location of the role, internal equity and internal budget. Base pay is only one element of Zuora’s Total Rewards Package. Additional elements may also include bonus/variable compensation, equity and comprehensive benefits, more details found [here](\n\nBase Pay Details$82,800—$134,000 USD","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731633759,"locationNames":["United States"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"application-support-engineer","title":"Application Support Engineer","compensation":"$83k – $134k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3152511","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3128409":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Company Overview**\n\nAt Zuora, we do [Modern Business]( We’re helping people subscribe to new ways of doing business that are better for people, companies and ultimately the planet. It’s an approach resulting from the shift to the Subscription Economy that puts customers first by building recurring relationships instead of one-time product sales and focuses on sustainable growth. Through our leading expertise and multi-product suite, we are transforming all industries and working with the world’s most innovative companies to monetize new business models, nurture subscriber relationships and optimize their digital experiences.\n\n**THE ROLE** \n \nThe Application Support Engineer is tasked with providing the front-line support and solutions to the issues reported by customers for the Zuora products, primarily Zuora CPQ. Our ideal candidate possesses a solid technical background, is a detailed documenter and is a masterful troubleshooter. In today’s ever-changing social landscape, we need someone who’s up-to-date on the latest and greatest web tools and platforms, able to troubleshoot basic software applications, and is an excellent communicator via email or over the phone. \n \n*We seek people willing to work in Pacific Times (9 AM - 5 PM PST). \n*The position is fully Remote.\n\nOur vision is simple, to provide all customers just-in-time solutions empowering them to operate and grow their subscription business.\n\n- You will be challenged on a daily basis to understand our customers’ use cases and provide the best solutions - the learning will never stop!\n- We offer continuous career development and knowledge training.\n- Our management team grows and motivates individuals through coaching and mentoring, creating a rewarding and challenging work atmosphere.\n\n**WHAT YOU’LL ACHIEVE**\n\n- Ensure an optimal level of customer support.\n- Analyze, track, and resolve customer issues promptly to ensure the highest level of client satisfaction.\n- Prioritize based on severity and customer impact.\n- Handle sensitive escalation issues and conflicting/competing priorities.\n- Maintain product knowledge of new functionality and compliance changes.\n- Monitor and manage application and back-end batch processes to ensure application uptime requirements and SLA compliance.\n- Document solutions into Community articles, leveraging configuration, customization, and integration.\n- Participate in a 24/7 global coverage plan, including weekend on-call and holiday coverage.\n\n**WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL** \n \n**Basic Qualifications:**\n\n- At least 3+ years of proven success in enterprise application support and customer service (experience with SaaS would be awesome!).\n- Experience working with the platform.\n- Strong understanding of Salesforce admin tasks.\n- Basic knowledge of Apex coding.\n\n**Preferred Qualifications:**\n\n- A self-starter with the ability to work independently, yet able to account for their activity.\n- Application support experience.\n- Experience working in a SaaS organization.\n- Background with billing or financial enterprise applications.\n- Experience as a developer or QA engineer in an agile development environment\n- Be a creative, driven, and assertive Team Member always looking for ways to drive improved service and greater operational efficiencies and performance.\n- Ability to work in a globally distributed team environment, liaising with on-site teams and customers\n- Demonstrated ability to learn quickly in a fast-paced, multi-tasking development environment\n- Ability to work independently and be a self-starter.\n- Proven results uncovering solutions that meet or exceed customer needs\n- A particular desire to continually study new technologies and functionality, as well as be involved in projects that push the capabilities of existing technologies\n- Strong communication skills.\n- Able to effectively develop materials that are appropriate for the audience\n- Strong presentation skills. Able to effectively present and defend a point of view to a variety of audiences\n- Experience with technologies supporting SaaS applications, including XML, Web Services, HTML, Apex is a definite plus!\n- Salesforce Admin certification is a plus!\n\n**#ZEOLife at Zuora**\n\nAs an industry pioneer, our work is constantly evolving and challenging us in new ways that require us to think differently, iterate often and learn constantly—it’s exciting. Our people, whom we refer to as “ZEOs\" are empowered to take on a mindset of ownership and make a bigger impact here. Our teams collaborate deeply, exchange different ideas openly and together we’re making what’s next possible for our customers, community and the world.\n\nAs part of our commitment to building an inclusive, high-performance culture where ZEOs feel inspired, connected and valued, we support ZEOs with:\n\n- Competitive compensation, corporate bonus program and performance rewards, company equity and retirement programs\n- Medical, dental and vision insurance\n- Generous, flexible time off\n- Paid holidays, “wellness” days and company wide end of year break\n- 6 months fully paid parental leave\n- Learning \u0026 Development stipend\n- Opportunities to volunteer and give back, including charitable donation match\n- Free resources and support for your mental wellbeing\n\nSpecific benefits offerings may vary by country and can be viewed in more detail during your interview process.\n\nLocation \u0026 Work Arrangements\n\nOrganizations and teams at Zuora are empowered to design efficient and flexible ways of working, being intentional about scheduling, communication, and collaboration strategies that help us achieve our best results. In our dynamic, globally distributed company, this means balancing flexibility and responsibility — flexibility to live our lives to the fullest, and responsibility to each other, to our customers, and to our shareholders. For most roles, we offer the flexibility to work both remotely and at Zuora offices.\n\nOur Commitment to an Inclusive Workplace\n\nThink, be and do you! At Zuora, different perspectives, experiences and contributions matter. Everyone counts. Zuora is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to creating an inclusive environment for all.\n\nZuora does not discriminate on the basis of, and considers individuals seeking employment with Zuora without regards to, race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, reproductive health decisions, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, genetic information, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.\n\nWe encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply. Applicants in need of special assistance or accommodation during the interview process or in accessing our website may contact us by sending an email to\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729041698,"locationNames":["Costa Rica"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"application-support-engineer","title":"Application Support Engineer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3128409","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3146336":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Company Overview\n\nAt Zuora, we do [Modern Business]( We’re helping people subscribe to new ways of doing business that are better for people, companies, and ultimately the planet. It’s an approach resulting from the shift to the Subscription Economy that puts customers first by building recurring relationships instead of one-time product sales and focuses on sustainable growth. Through our leading expertise and multi-product suite, we are transforming all industries and working with the world’s most innovative companies to monetize new business models, nurture subscriber relationships and optimize their digital experiences.\n\n \n\nThe Team \u0026 Role\n\nAs modern businesses expand globally, add new business units, and evolve their processes, the need for diverse integrations between systems becomes crucial. On average, businesses extend their billing and revenue operations to eight different systems or more. The Zuora Integration Hub simplifies the setup of these integration points, reducing time to go live and minimizing the effort required to maintain custom integrations.\n\n \n\nAs a software engineer on the Zuora Integration team, you have the opportunity to play an impactful role with your team and build out the interfaces needed to have a seamless experience. Keeping in mind the scalability and opportunity to extend the solution to other ERP systems. \n\nYou have the ability to think strategically as well as diving into the details of work streams and focus on quick deliverables to demonstrate progress. Additionally, you have the communication and people skills to inspire teams to bring their A-game. \n\n \n\nThis is a location specific position that requires you to come into the office regularly to be most effective. \n\n \n\n**Our Tech Stack:** Java, Spring, Rest API, Microservices, Kafka, Spark, NodeJS, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, AngularJS, ReactJS \n\n \n\n**WHAT YOU’LL ACHIEVE**\n\n- Design and develop highly flexible common components and APIs that enable product customizability and extensibility.\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams like product management, user experience (UX), Implementation teams, and Product Marketing to solve roadblocks, conflicts, and ambiguity.\n- Understand the needs of users and build products that are intuitive and easy to use.\n- Write tests for your own code, develop and ship high-quality software\n\n \n\n**WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL**\n\n- BTech/BE/BS Computer Engineering discipline or relevant degree\n- 5+ years of experience specializing in full-stack software development\n- Experience in software design patterns (E.g: solid principles)\n- Hands on experience with Java, MySQL and AWS technologies\n- Working knowledge of modern web technologies including cloud-based APIs and protocols (REST, JSON)\n- Understanding of microservices frameworks (Spring Boot or Dropwizard)\n- Experience developing apps on a PaaS with database and object modeling skills\n- Excellent Problem Solving and communication skills\n- Passion for exploring and experimenting with the latest application development technologies\n\n**Additional Key Skills:**\n\n- Knowledge and experience in ERP platforms like Salesforce, Oracle, SAP, NetSuite and their specialized programming languages\n- Good knowledge in the account receivable or accounting module of the ERP\n\n \n\n#ZEOLife at Zuora\n\nAs an industry pioneer, our work is constantly evolving and challenging us in new ways that require us to think differently, iterate often and learn constantly—it’s exciting. Our people, whom we refer to as “ZEOs\" are empowered to take on a mindset of ownership and make a bigger impact here. Our teams collaborate deeply, exchange different ideas openly and together we’re making what’s next possible for our customers, community and the world. \n\n \n\nAs part of our commitment to building an inclusive, high-performance culture where ZEOs feel inspired, connected and valued, we support ZEOs with:\n\n- Competitive compensation, corporate bonus program and performance rewards, company equity and retirement programs\n- Medical insurance\n- Generous, flexible time off\n- Paid holidays, “wellness” days and company wide end of year break\n- 6 months fully paid parental leave\n- Learning \u0026 Development stipend\n- Opportunities to volunteer and give back, including charitable donation match\n- Free resources and support for your mental wellbeing\n\n \n\nSpecific benefits offerings may vary by country and can be viewed in more detail during your interview process.\n\n \n\nLocation \u0026 Work Arrangements\n\nOrganizations and teams at Zuora are empowered to design efficient and flexible ways of working, being intentional about scheduling, communication, and collaboration strategies that help us achieve our best results. In our dynamic, globally distributed company, this means balancing flexibility and responsibility — flexibility to live our lives to the fullest, and responsibility to each other, to our customers, and to our shareholders. For most roles, we offer the flexibility to work both remotely and at Zuora offices.\n\n \n\nOur Commitment to an Inclusive Workplace\n\nThink, be and do you! At Zuora, different perspectives, experiences and contributions matter. Everyone counts. Zuora is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to creating an inclusive environment for all.\n\n \n\nZuora does not discriminate on the basis of, and considers individuals seeking employment with Zuora without regards to, race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, reproductive health decisions, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, genetic information, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.\n\n \n\nWe encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply. Applicants in need of special assistance or accommodation during the interview process or in accessing our website may contact us by sending an email to assistance(at)\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731029080,"locationNames":["Bengaluru"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"software-engineer-iii","title":"Software Engineer III","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3146336","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:33464":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"33464","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-33464"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-33464"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-33464"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Cloud-based software that enables any company to transform into a subscription business","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3152511"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3128409"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3146336"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Zuora","slug":"zuora"},"Badge:B2C-588062":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-588062","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-588062":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-588062","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-588062":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-588062","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-588062":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-588062","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3066288":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About the Company**\n\nGemini is a global crypto and Web3 platform founded by[ Tyler Winklevoss]( and[ Cameron Winklevoss]( in 2014. Gemini offers a wide range of crypto products and services for individuals and institutions in over 70 countries.\n\nCrypto is about giving you greater choice, independence, and opportunity. We are here to help you on your journey. We build crypto products that are simple, elegant, and secure. Whether you are an individual or an institution, we help you buy, sell, and store your bitcoin and cryptocurrency. \n\nAt Gemini, our mission is to unlock the next era of financial, creative, and personal freedom.\n\n*In Singapore, we have a hybrid work policy. Employees are expected to work from the office part of the week. We believe our hybrid approach increases productivity through more in-person collaboration where possible.*\n\n**The Department: Customer Support (Technical Exchange Services)**\n\n**The Role: Application Support Engineer**\n\nThis position is full-time, and will report to the Lead of Trading Exchange Services.\n\nGemini is establishing itself as the industry leading exchange for institutional trading of digital assets. This is an opportunity to enter on the ground floor of a rapidly growing organization where you will have the ability to shape the future of providing technical support to our growing customer base.\n\nYou will be at the forefront of providing support to Gemini’s customer base and will work closely with our engineering teams on the continuous improvement of the Gemini platform. You are customer focused and have a track record of being an application support expert within the Financial Technology space. Building and configuring internal operational tools is something that you enjoy and excel in. You will leverage your experience to help Gemini bridge the gap between traditional Financial Service platforms and our world class digital asset exchange.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Provide technical support services to Gemini’s institutional and retail customer base as well as partnered vendors, with a focus on Gemini APIs, network connectivity, and application support\n- Investigate and precisely communicate application issue referencing appropriate logs to Gemini development teams\n- Gather requirements from clients and write up specifications for features\n- Maintain and deploy API documentation, accounting for relevant engineering changes for all Gemini APIs\n- Assist Retail support teams with operational tools to help the overall Support service at Gemini\n- Clearly articulate issues to customers in a way that instills confidence and reliability\n- Assist in the on-boarding and certification process of FIX and Web API customers\n- Provide second level support to sales and business development teams\n- Create and customize operational and monitoring tools to facilitate customer support operations\n\n**Minimum Qualifications:**\n\n- BA/BS degree in technical or engineering concentration\n- 3 years of experience in a technical support role at an Exchange, OMS or other Financial Services Technology provider\n- Deep understanding of FIX protocol and underlying network connectivity approaches\n- Working knowledge of SQL databases and writing well-formed queries\n- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal\n- Well versed in navigating systems, running commands from a Unix terminal, and measuring system performance\n- Working knowledge of Python or other scripting languages\n\n**Preferred Qualifications:**\n\n- Experience with cryptocurrency/blockchain (chain forks, block explorers, smart contracts)\n- Highly skilled in identifying and solving FIX application issues\n- Extensive project management experience, a PMP certification or equivalent\n- Experience with Splunk, Looker, ZenDesk, Grafana\n\n**It Pays to Work Here**\n\nWe take a holistic approach to compensation at Gemini, which includes:\n\n- Comprehensive health plans covered at 100% for employees and dependents\n- Long-term incentive in the form of a new hire equity grant\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- Up to 14 paid vacation days (in addition to public/bank holidays)\n\n*At Gemini, we strive to build diverse teams that reflect the people we want to empower through our products, and we are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity, or Veteran status. Equal Opportunity is the Law, and Gemini is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. If you have a specific need that requires accommodation, please let a member of the People Team know.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1721782111,"locationNames":["Singapore"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-engineer","title":"Application Support Engineer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3066288","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3124087":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About the Company**\n\nGemini is a global crypto and Web3 platform founded by[ Tyler Winklevoss]( and[ Cameron Winklevoss]( in 2014. Gemini offers a wide range of crypto products and services for individuals and institutions in over 70 countries.\n\nCrypto is about giving you greater choice, independence, and opportunity. We are here to help you on your journey. We build crypto products that are simple, elegant, and secure. Whether you are an individual or an institution, we help you buy, sell, and store your bitcoin and cryptocurrency. \n\nAt Gemini, our mission is to unlock the next era of financial, creative, and personal freedom.\n\n*In the United States, we have a flexible hybrid work policy for employees who live within 30 miles of our office headquartered in New York City and our office in Seattle. Employees within the New York and Seattle metropolitan areas are expected to work from the designated office twice a week, unless there is a job-specific requirement to be in the office every workday. Employees outside of these areas are considered part of our remote-first workforce. We believe our hybrid approach for those near our NYC and Seattle offices increases productivity through more in-person collaboration where possible.*\n\n**The Department: Application Security**\n\n**The Role: Senior Application Security Engineer**\n\nAs a member of the Application Security (AppSec) team, you will share in the responsibility of protecting the company and our customers against application security threats. The AppSec team is focused on the advancement of modern application security practices and supports the engineering organization by finding, fixing, and preventing software security vulnerabilities.\n\nAs a Senior Application Security Engineer on the Application Security team’s Product Security group, you will work closely with engineering and product teams to provide security recommendations and identify security issues throughout the software development lifecycle. This includes secure design reviews, threat modeling, secure code review, and penetration testing among other activities.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Support the Gemini Secure Software Development Lifecycle as an application security subject matter expert through design review, threat modeling, code review, and penetration testing\n- Collaborate and advise engineering teams on application security best practices and vulnerability remediation\n- Perform deep-dive security reviews to ensure all Gemini products and services follow secure design principles across our product portfolio (web, mobile, and APIs)\n- Develop tools and research to scale the Product Security team\n- Create and deliver hands-on software security training to engineering teams to increase security awareness\n- Participate in the Application Security on-call rotation to support engineering teams during incidents\n- Role activities:\n - Manual source code review\n - Penetration testing\n - Design and implementation review\n - Threat modeling\n - Design and implementation consultation\n - Continuous assurance activities\n - Risk identification and categorization / management\n - Engineering education and engagement\n\n**Minimum Qualifications:**\n\n- 5+ years of experience in application security or similar roles\n- Ability to perform design reviews, threat modeling, secure code reviews, or penetration testing with an attacker mindset\n- Strong background in application security best practices and familiarity with common vulnerabilities (e.g. SSRF, race conditions, privilege escalations, etc.)\n- Some background in development or scripting experience (Python, Scala, C++, or JavaScript)\n- Familiarity with and ability to understand business objectives, business context, and security risk\n- Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate on a cross-functional team\n\n**Preferred Qualifications:**\n\n- Experience with microservice architectures\n- Experience with cloud-native environments\n- Experience with preventing application security vulnerabilities through secure design patterns, automated tooling, or frameworks\n**It Pays to Work Here** The compensation \u0026 benefits package for this role includes:\n- Competitive starting salary\n- A discretionary annual bonus\n- Long-term incentive in the form of a new hire equity grant\n- Comprehensive health plans\n- 401K with company matching\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- Flexible time off\n\n**Salary Range**: The base salary range for this role is between $152,000 - $190,000 in the State of New York, the State of California and the State of Washington. This range is not inclusive of our discretionary bonus or equity package. When determining a candidate’s compensation, we consider a number of factors including skillset, experience, job scope, and current market data.\n\n*At Gemini, we strive to build diverse teams that reflect the people we want to empower through our products, and we are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity, or Veteran status. Equal Opportunity is the Law, and Gemini is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. If you have a specific need that requires accommodation, please let a member of the People Team know.*\n\n*#LI-AH1*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728607525,"locationNames":["North America","Gemini"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"senior-application-security-engineer","title":"Senior Application Security Engineer","compensation":"$152k – $190k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3124087","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3110874":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About the Company**\n\nGemini is a global crypto and Web3 platform founded by[ Tyler Winklevoss]( and[ Cameron Winklevoss]( in 2014. Gemini offers a wide range of crypto products and services for individuals and institutions in over 70 countries.\n\nCrypto is about giving you greater choice, independence, and opportunity. We are here to help you on your journey. We build crypto products that are simple, elegant, and secure. Whether you are an individual or an institution, we help you buy, sell, and store your bitcoin and cryptocurrency. \n\nAt Gemini, our mission is to unlock the next era of financial, creative, and personal freedom.\n\n*In the United States, we have a flexible hybrid work policy for employees who live within 30 miles of our office headquartered in New York City and our office in Seattle. Employees within the New York and Seattle metropolitan areas are expected to work from the designated office twice a week, unless there is a job-specific requirement to be in the office every workday. Employees outside of these areas are considered part of our remote-first workforce. We believe our hybrid approach for those near our NYC and Seattle offices increases productivity through more in-person collaboration where possible.*\n\n**The Department: Platform**\n\nOur Platform organization’s purpose is to enable Gemini to scale effectively and empower our engineering teams to focus on building innovative financial products and experiences for individuals around the world. Platform focuses around building a scalable and secure foundations platform, enabling Engineering to deploy, validate, and operate their services in production, improve resiliency of the service and increase organizational efficiency by reducing operational toil and increase system efficiency through architectural evolution.\n\nThe Site Reliability Engineering team engages directly with our other engineering teams to onboard them onto our platform systems, reviewing and recommending design and architectural decisions, and guiding our engineering teams on how to implement the tooling provided by the larger Platform organization required to ensure systems can scale and react to changing conditions, with continuous improvement loops.\n\n**The Role: Principal Site Reliability Engineer**\n\nYou will be an integral part of leading Gemini’s engineering teams towards modern DevOps practices, both by developing and providing modern automation and operational tooling, and working cross-functionally across Gemini’s engineering teams to influence and shape our development practices and culture.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Provide primary operational support and engineering for various Gemini services\n- Improve reliability, quality and time-to-market across all Gemini services and offerings\n- Guide engineering teams onto the various supported services provided by Platform\n- Run on-going performance evaluations and improvements for Gemini systems\n- Provide architecture recommendations and engagement as part of SDLC\n- Create “Production-ready Scorecards” to evaluate the health of systems pre-launch\n- Implement and teaching monitoring, alerting and automated resolution best practices\n- Define SLIs, SLOs with Engineering teams\n- Educate and guide Engineering teams on reliability and resiliency best practices, like statelessness, chaos testing, blue/green deployments, etc.\n- Design, build, and maintain operational tooling and automation that streamline processes and enhance system reliability\n\n**Qualifications:**\n\n- 10+ years using monitoring, alerting, and automation tooling to understand and remediate performance and health issues in systems at scale\n- Good knowledge for various cloud technology providers like AWS, GCP, or Azure\n- Expert in an infrastructure as code environment (Terraform), developing automated solutions to solve support and operational issues\n- Experience as a Technical Leader within a team, helping evaluating and making tech decisions for the team\n- Expert working with containerization such as Nomad, EKS (k8s), Docker, etc.\n- Expert working with Configuration Management such as Ansible, Chef, Puppet\n- Proficient at writing scripts or cli tools that help increase Developer Productivity in high-level languages like Python, Go, etc.\n- Expert analyzing system and application performance, identifying bottlenecks, and recommending architectural or systemic improvements\n- Experience working with Engineering teams, teaching, training, and mentoring on how to implement best-practice technical solutions\n**It Pays to Work Here** The compensation \u0026 benefits package for this role includes:\n- Competitive starting salary\n- A discretionary annual bonus\n- Long-term incentive in the form of a new hire equity grant\n- Comprehensive health plans\n- 401K with company matching\n- Paid Parental Leave\n- Flexible time off\n\n**Salary Range**: The base salary range for this role is between $198,000 - $247,000 in the State of New York, the State of California and the State of Washington. This range is not inclusive of our discretionary bonus or equity package. When determining a candidate’s compensation, we consider a number of factors including skillset, experience, job scope, and current market data.\n\n*At Gemini, we strive to build diverse teams that reflect the people we want to empower through our products, and we are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity, or Veteran status. Equal Opportunity is the Law, and Gemini is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. If you have a specific need that requires accommodation, please let a member of the People Team know.*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727711107,"locationNames":["North America","Gemini"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"principal-site-reliability-engineer-platform","title":"Principal Site Reliability Engineer, Platform","compensation":"$198k – $247k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3110874","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:588062":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"588062","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-588062"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-588062"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-588062"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-588062"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"The safe trusted way to build a crypto portfolio - making it easier to buy, sell \u0026 store","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3066288"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3124087"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3110874"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Gemini","slug":"gemini"},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-970315":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-970315","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:1577949":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":" \n\nQuadeye is one of the largest India-based proprietary trading firms. Since inception, we have consistently grown at a handsome rate and have a distinct track record of success behind us. We run a stable business spread globally across various asset classes. Our greatest strength is our work culture which takes a collaborative and non-hierarchical approach against an opposing prevalence in the industry. We strive as one team to stay ahead of the competition all the time.\n\nWe are looking to hire engineers for Quadeye’s High Frequency Trading environment to monitor the trading strategies for our global electronic markets.\n\n***Role involves working in rotational shifts .The candidate should be ready to relocate to Gurgaon.***\n\n Your responsibilities will include:\n\n- Being In-charge of morning startup or evening shutdown of Quadeye’s automated trading systems and applications\n- Support and monitor the live trading environment in various markets by quickly responding/updating about external market alerts/outages and interfacing with exchange for different trading teams\n- Working in high paced competitive stock trading environment with scripting , data interpretation and manipulation\n\nIdeal candidate should have:\n\n- Engineering degree in Computer Science (preferred) or any other discipline\n- Total experience between 1-3 years with 1 years of relevant experience\n- Experience in Shell/Perl or Python scripting\n- Ability to create automation scripts\n- Hands on experience in Monitoring Tools , preferably in financial industry\n- Ability to work in fast paced environment under pressure and manage multiple high priority projects \n- Willingness to learn and work on new technologies\n- Good communication skills\n\nBenefits:\n\n- Competitive compensation\n- Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks\n- Group health insurance and term insurance\n- Annual team vacation at international locations\n- 5 weeks of paid vacation\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1634717989,"locationNames":["Gurgaon"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-engineer","title":"Application Support Engineer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"1577949","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:970315":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"970315","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-970315"}],"companySize":"SIZE_51_200","highConcept":"Algorithmic Trading ","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:1577949"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Quadeye","slug":"quadeye"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9622840":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-9622840","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 10% of responders","tooltip":"Ferovinum is in the top 10% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9622840":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-9622840","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within two weeks","tooltip":"Based on past data, Ferovinum usually responds to incoming applications within two weeks","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3080752":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**What We Do**\n\nFerovinum (fero-vinum) is revolutionising the global wine and spirits industry. With adoption \u0026amp; growth rates approaching 1,000% y/y and around £150m transacted in the UK alone, our platform is the most important disruptive force to power the success of the challenger brands that will shape the future of this large but archaic industry.\n\n**Who We Are**\n\nWe are a high performing and ambitious team, looking to maximise the impact we can make. Each individual brings their unique strengths and experiences to the team from diverse backgrounds as accomplished deal makers, seasoned product builders, tech experts, serial entrepreneurs and industry veterans.\n\nOur team has a strong mutual respect and clearly defined shared goals to create a cohesive, inclusive and positive working environment that celebrates inventiveness, proactivity and dedication. This provides the opportunity to learn from some of the best in their respective fields helping you explore and expand your own potential. At Ferovinum there is many opportunities for personal development and growth, as the business itself is expanding rapidly.\n\n*This is a 5-day in-office role.* We are tacking a highly complex problem set in a dynanic business environment. High bandwidth communication amongst engineers and with the commercial team is key to our ability to deliver.\n\n**Who You Are**\n* Talented and ambitious individual looking for hard challenges and rewarding career in a fast growing company with a grand vision and a killer product\n* Driven, curious, humble and collaborative. Someone who loves coding and complex problem solving\n* Able and willing to work intensely and sustainably for long periods of time\n\n**Your Responsibilities**\n* Effectively prioritise a high volume of requests and tickets, while also addressing team related tasks and initiatives\n* Collaborate with internal teams at different levels to resolve complex issues while maintaining effective communication and ensuring consistent adherence to company standard\n* Deliver support for Ferovinum proprietary products hosted in AWS infrastructure and ensuring seamless functionality\n* Understand core business objectives and help achieve them through daily proactive outreach to internal/external clients for their day-to-day operational needs\n\n**What We Look For**\n* Bachelor's Degree (or above) in Computer Science or similar discipline\n* Proficient with one or more scripting languages (e.g., Python, TypeScript or similar)\n* 3+ years of relevant, professional experience in a Technical Support role - prior experience working as part of a growth-focused team is a plus\n* Demonstrates ownership and taking initiative, and accountability and providing update to end users or internal/external clients\n* Ability to communicate technical concepts clearly and concisely, adapting communication styles to suit customer needs\n* Passionate to work with small \u0026amp; medium sized enterprises (SMEs) - these are our clients!\n\n**What You’ll Get**\n* The opportunity to be part of a young, exciting Fintech start-up\n* Equity scheme with sign-on + performance bonus\n* Private health insurance\n* Generous paid leave + public holidays\n* Private pension matching contribution\n* We can sponsor Tier 2 work visas as required\n* Sponsored Wine \u0026amp; Spirit Education Trust (WSET) courses","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1724061780,"locationNames":["London"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-engineer","title":"Application Support Engineer","compensation":"£60k – £90k","yearsExperienceMin":3,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3080752","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:9622840":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"9622840","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-9622840"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-9622840"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Growth platform for wine and spirits businesses","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3080752"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Ferovinum","slug":"ferovinum"},"JobListingSearchResult:3135373":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Are you passionate about live sport? Are you someone who takes pride in getting the job right first time? Are you an inquisitive person that enjoys investigating issues? \nDAZN is one of the fasting growing streaming companies in the world and stream over 40 different sports, from more than 300 different leagues, in over 200 countries. We always continue to deliver to our ever-growing number of customers. \nThis is a fast-paced live environment that the right candidate can thrive in. Our application support team sits centrally to the business. It is a great opportunity to develop your own skills and knowledge and learn about how a game at a stadium on the other side of the world ends up playing seamlessly on to a customer’s device. \nThis is an exciting opportunity to join our 24x7 application support team and play a pivotal part in bringing so many of our customers the sport they want combined with great user experience. Our application support team are on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to monitor our platform across the globe and provide 1st line support. This includes, monitoring all play back journeys, all our key functions and critical user journeys and all the micro services that connect DAZN and deliver our content. We also make sure that any issues are escalated to the right place and are resolved as quickly as possible. We provide a first-class service to the business and our customers. \nBenefits include access to DAZN, 25 days’ annual leave (increasing by 3 days after 3 years), private medical insurance, life assurance, pension contributions up to 5%, family friendly community including enhanced parental leave, electric vehicle benefit option, free access for you and one other to our workplace mental health platform app (Unmind), learning and development resources**,** and access to our internal speaker series and events.\n### As our new Application Support Specialist, you’ll have the opportunity to:\n- Provide application support and act as first responder and carrying out level 1 triage to customer impacting incidents.\n- Learn and develop all about how DAZN provides top tier content to its customers\n- Create detailed incident logs, that help triage and resolve issues in a quick and timely manner, providing brilliant communication to business stakeholders\n- Troubleshoot 1st line issues and really dig into the data to see the impact of issues and provide fixes\n- Carrying out proactive and pre- live event and metadata monitoring checks across our product to ensure customers have the content they want when they want it\n- Proactively monitor the platform’s performance and KPIs in line with our service level agreements, using our state-of-the-art tools\n- Being the point of contact for escalating issues when necessary\n- Expand your skills and knowledge on OTT and linear delivery and other areas of the business\n\n### You’ll be set up for success if you have:\n- Experience with dealing with incidents from a technical aspect\n- Knowledge of KPIs that indicate performance and customer experience\n- Service management ticketing tools such as Service Now \n- The ability to balance multiple concurrent activities when incidents occur, to drive performance to ensure communication, escalation, triage and reporting are all done as quickly and accurately as possible\n- Attention to detail to build, follow and update run-books, including deciding severities of our incidents and identifying customer impacts \n\n### Even better if you have:\n- Demonstrable Incident Management experience \n- A healthy passion for getting to the important detail of incidents\n \n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729815215,"locationNames":["Leeds"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-specialist","title":"Application Support Specialist","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3135373","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3160731":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Job Summary:** \nManaging the endpoint team, the Endpoint Team Lead will be responsible for managing and improving the end-user computing environment across the organization. This role will provide leadership in endpoint management, technical escalations, and the implementation of strategic initiatives. The Endpoint Team Lead will play a key role in the design, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of secure and efficient endpoint systems for the organization, driving best practices in device management, security, and continuous service improvements. The ideal candidate will be a seasoned endpoint engineer with strong leadership qualities and the ability to drive performance and development within the team. \n### Key Responsibilities: \n- Lead and mentor the Endpoint team, providing direction, technical guidance, and career development support.\n- Testing and validating updates for both Windows and MAC before the release to the business.\n- Oversee the configuration, administration, and management of Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android endpoint devices using industry-standard management tools (Intune, SCCM, etc.).\n- Design and implement hardware and device management standards, ensuring alignment with the organization's security policies and operational needs.\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure endpoint systems are optimized for security, performance, and scalability.\n- Manage escalations from the EUC (End User Computing) team and provide final-tier technical support for complex hardware and application issues.\n- Drive process improvements, research new technologies, and implement initiatives to enhance the end-user experience and overall efficiency of the endpoint environment.\n- Lead the development and maintenance of technical documentation, standard operating procedures, and knowledge base resources.\n- Ensure compliance with organizational security policies by implementing and maintaining best practices in device and endpoint management.\n- Manage software distribution, application management, OS patching, firmware updates, and antivirus/malware protections.\n- Ensure the team follows ITIL frameworks and service management processes, contributing to change and release management in enterprise environments.\n- Lead endpoint system security initiatives, managing device compliance and configuration profiles, and ensuring devices meet corporate security standards.\n- Manage vendor relationships and third-party service providers related to endpoint management and software distribution.\n- Conduct regular performance reviews, setting goals and objectives for team members and providing training opportunities to enhance their technical expertise.\n\n### Technical Qualifications:\n- 7+ years of experience in endpoint management, including hands-on expertise with Microsoft Intune, SCCM, and scripting languages (PowerShell, shell, KQL).\n- Certification in Microsoft MD-102: Endpoint Administrator or equivalent\n- Strong experience with Azure AD, hybrid environments, and integration scenarios, including Azure AD Connect Synchronization, Federated/Managed Domains, and password synchronization solutions.\n- In-depth experience in OS deployment, device packaging, and software distribution, with a focus on M365 and other enterprise services.\n- Expertise in managing Group Policy Objects (GPO), device configuration, and compliance profiles.\n- Experience with automated patch management and configuration management tools.\n- Knowledge of ITIL processes and IT service management frameworks.\n- Proven ability to design and implement secure endpoint management standards across multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android).\n- Strong understanding of endpoint security solutions, including antivirus, anti-malware, and remote monitoring tools.\n- Experience in a leadership or supervisory role, with demonstrated ability to lead and motivate a technical team.\n- Leadership \u0026 Soft Skills:\n- Strong leadership skills with experience in managing and developing a technical team.\n- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, capable of effectively conveying IT policies and strategies to technical and non-technical audiences.\n- Ability to work under pressure, prioritize multiple tasks, and meet deadlines.\n- Demonstrated strategic thinking in solving complex technical challenges and providing innovative solutions.\n- Strong collaboration skills, working across multiple regions, sectors, and teams.\n- Self-starter with initiative and a proactive approach to problem-solving.\n- Preferred Qualifications:\n- Experience in managing cross-functional projects or initiatives in an enterprise environment.\n- Knowledge of advanced security practices, including Privileged Identity Management (PIM) and Zero Trust architectures.\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732666323,"locationNames":["Hyderabad"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"endpoint-team-lead","title":"Endpoint Team Lead","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160731","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3155890":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"We are seeking a Technical Business Analyst with experience in mobile and TV application domain to join our dynamic team. The successful candidate will work closely with cross-functional teams, including development, QA, and leadership teams to ensure the timely delivery of high-quality applications across Android, iOS-based devices including mobile, TV and other living room devices. This role requires someone with exceptional analytical skills, strong technical acumen, and the ability to collaborate effectively in a fast-paced environment. The candidate should be comfortable stretching their working hours to meet critical release timelines. \n_**Key Responsibilities:**_1. Requirement Gathering \u0026 Analysis· Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business objectives and translate them into detailed technical requirements.· Create functional and non-functional requirement documents, user stories, process flows, and wireframes.· Identify and address potential roadblocks or technical challenges during requirement gathering.2. Requirement Tracking \u0026 Management· Maintain a requirements traceability matrix to ensure alignment with project goals.· Track requirement changes and communicate updates to relevant stakeholders.3. Validation \u0026 Quality Assurance· Work closely with QA teams to validate that implementations meet requirements.· Conduct user acceptance testing and provide feedback to development teams.4. Collaboration \u0026 Communication· Act as the primary point of contact between technical teams, QA, and the project manager.· Organize and facilitate meetings to discuss progress, issues, and updates.5. Release Support· Support development and QA teams during critical release timelines by ensuring clarity on requirements and assisting in issue resolution.· Document lessons learned to improve future processes._ __**Qualifications \u0026 Skills**_Educational Background: · Bachelor’s degree in computer science, IT, Business Administration, or a related field \nExperience:· 5+ years of experience as a Technical Business Analyst or similar role in software development projects.· Strong exposure to mobile (Android/iOS) and TV (Android TV/Apple TV) application development projects. \nTechnical Skills:· Familiarity with mobile and TV app development tools, APIs, and frameworks.· Experience with Agile methodologies and tools (e.g., JIRA, Confluence).· Experience with prototyping tools such as Figma, Balsamiq, []( or similar.· Understanding of software development lifecycle (SDLC). \nSoft Skills:· Excellent verbal and written communication skills.· Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.· Ability to manage multiple priorities and work under tight deadlines. \n**Additional Requirements:**· Flexibility to stretch working hours as needed to meet release timelines.· Strong documentation skills with attention to detail.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732148086,"locationNames":["Hyderabad"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Business Analyst","remote":false,"slug":"technical-business-analyst","title":"Technical Business Analyst","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155890","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:3230467":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"3230467","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"A revolutionary live sports streaming service that lets fans watch their sport, their way","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3135373"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160731"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155890"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"DAZN Group","slug":"dazn"},"Badge:B2C-209970":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-209970","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-209970":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-209970","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-209970":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-209970","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-209970":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-209970","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"DRW is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.1 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:2964096":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":" \n\n**DRW** is a diversified trading firm with over 3 decades of experience bringing sophisticated technology and exceptional people together to operate in markets around the world. We value autonomy and the ability to quickly pivot to capture opportunities, so we operate using our own capital and trading at our own risk.\n\nHeadquartered in Chicago with offices throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia, we trade a variety of asset classes including Fixed Income, ETFs, Equities, FX, Commodities and Energy across all major global markets. We have also leveraged our expertise and technology to expand into three non-traditional strategies: real estate, venture capital and cryptoassets.\n\nWe operate with respect, curiosity and open minds. The people who thrive here share our belief that it’s not just what we do that matters–it's how we do it. DRW is a place of high expectations, integrity, innovation and a willingness to challenge consensus.\n\nAs an **Application Support Specialist**, you will be responsible for providing mission critical support for our proprietary trading applications as well as provide support for the traders. This role performs a wide variety of technical troubleshooting and engineering work, including software deployment, software configuration, and system monitoring. You will work in a dynamic trading environment that provides new technical challenges constantly, alongside highly skilled colleagues such as Software Developers and Traders. \n\n**What is needed in this role**: \n\n- Experience in application support\n- Knowledge of networking fundamentals (multicast, TCP, routing)\n- Basic scripting skills (Such as; Python, PowerShell or Bash, etc.)\n- Experience working in Linux and/or Windows environments\n- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills\n- A client-focused, service- minded approach and a strong sense of urgency\n- The ability to learn quickly and a passion for new technologies\n- Excellent written and verbal communication skills\n- Ability to handle high pressure and time constraints with composure\n- Strong organizational skills, including ability to effectively plan and prioritize \n- Availability to work multiple schedules on a rotation (nights / early mornings) is required\n\n**Bonus Points for**:\n\n- Previous experience in financial markets or with financial trading applications\n- Previous experience with configuration management tools such as Chef and Ansible\n- Previous experience with Docker containers\n- Previous experience with monitoring suites such as Splunk, Kibana \u0026 Grafana\n\n**What you’ll be working on**: \n\n- Delivering flawless production support, software deployment and configuration, and proactive monitoring to anticipate and avoid issues before they occur\n- Providing support for proprietary trading systems deployed across a multi-platform production environment\n- Providing technical support during trading operations to resolve issues affecting mission critical trading applications\n- Analyzing trading strategies together with the traders and research teams\n\n**What DRW Montreal has to offer you**:\n\n- Recognized as one of Canada’s Best Employers for the past 8 years\n- Committed to continuous learning \u0026 development\n- Industry leading benefits package and perks\n- Focused on employee well-being and work-life balance\n- Community initiatives, volunteer program and opportunities for giving back\n\nFind out more about all of our perks \u0026 benefits at\n\n \n\n**For more information about DRW's processing activities and our use of job applicants' data, please view our Privacy Notice at [](**\n\n \n\n**California residents, please review the California Privacy Notice for information about certain legal rights at [](**\n\n \n\n#LI-KS2\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1711423695,"locationNames":["Montreal"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Sales","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-specialist","title":"Application Support Specialist","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2964096","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3155628":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**DRW** is a diversified trading firm with over 3 decades of experience bringing sophisticated technology and exceptional people together to operate in markets around the world. We value autonomy and the ability to quickly pivot to capture opportunities, so we operate using our own capital and trading at our own risk.\n\nHeadquartered in Chicago with offices throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia, we trade a variety of asset classes including Fixed Income, ETFs, Equities, FX, Commodities and Energy across all major global markets. We have also leveraged our expertise and technology to expand into three non-traditional strategies: real estate, venture capital and cryptoassets.\n\nWe operate with respect, curiosity and open minds. The people who thrive here share our belief that it’s not just what we do that matters–it's how we do it. **DRW** is a place of high expectations, integrity, innovation and a willingness to challenge consensus.\n\nThe UP - Pricing and Derived Data team is looking for an outstanding Software Engineer with diverse technical and interpersonal skills to join us in the next stage of our development. Significantly expanding our technical capabilities, we are positioning ourselves for even greater impact across the firm.\n\nWe're responsible for building foundational APIs and data services to price all products—and related products—that the firm may trade, using market and derived data. We work particularly closely with the UP Risk and UP Middle Office Analytics engineering teams to deliver real-time Pricing, Profit-and-Loss and Risk monitoring systems. These tools serve critical functions, for example allowing our users to ensure responsible allocation of capital across the firm. Our systems are used across the organization by Trading Desk leads, Global Risk Management, and Senior Leadership.\n\nWe collect, transform, aggregate, and disseminate pricing and related derived data, such as:\n\n- Commodity Prices and Yield Curves\n- Mark-to-market and Mark-to-model settlement prices\n- Option sensitivities (\"greeks\") and fixed-income sensitivities like DV01s and BPVs\n\nWhile previous experience in the trading and finance industry is beneficial, we're looking for talented software engineers with or without industry-specific expertise. Our team has embraced the BEAM in building the core of our real-time pricing, analytic, and reporting systems. We make extensive use of the OTP and wider Elixir ecosystem, with applications leveraging Ecto, Broadway, LiveView, and Nx.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Act as the primary developer, independently leading end-to-end delivery of complex features.\n- Design, develop, and maintain greenfield and existing API and application services. The overwhelming majority of our systems are written in Elixir, but where necessary, we use small amounts of Python and Java where vendor SDKs require it.\n- Design, develop, and maintain batch and real-time streaming data workloads.\n- Provide on-call support as part of our team-wide rotation. Our on-call rotation is split across US and UK time zones, ensuring coverage while keeping outside-hours disruption minimal.\n- Contribute to the development of the team by advancing design and programming best practices, and providing mentorship and collaboration with other team members.\n\n**Required Qualifications:**\n\n- Experience with — and enthusiasm for! — working with Elixir and the BEAM.\n- Experience working on distributed systems as part of a wider team.\n- Fluency in functional, object-oriented, and procedural programming paradigms.\n- Competency in using Git, CI/CD platforms, Docker, and Kubernetes.\n\n**Familiarity With:**\n\n- More than one of: Ruby, JavaScript, Python\n- One of: Java, C#, C/C++ - PostgreSQL, the database and the query language\n- Kafka/RabbitMQ or similar event-based platforms\n- Data structures and design/analysis of algorithms\n- Analysis of concurrency and parallelism for speed/space performance trade-offs\n\n**Personal Traits:**\n\n- Possess the ability and desire to learn, adapt, and grow.\n- Demonstrate personal humility, respect for others, and trust in your teammates.\n- Capable of independently driving projects to completion but prefer collaborating with teammates.\n- Excellent problem-solving and debugging skills, with even better listening and communication skills.\n- Strong attention to detail, with a track record of leading and driving projects to completion.\n\n**Not Required, But a Bonus:** \n \nWhile it's not essential, having knowledge in exchange-traded or over-the-counter financial assets can certainly be beneficial. Additionally, familiarity with subjects like statistics, probability, linear algebra, or stochastic calculus could enhance your understanding and might open up more opportunities for you. We understand that everyone comes from different backgrounds, and we're here to support you on your journey. \n \n**Position on Remote Work:** \n \nThe Pricing and Derived Data team operates across multiple time zones across the USA and the UK. To ensure appropriate coverage, we're looking for someone to join us in our Chicago Headquarters, to be in-office at least three days per week. The successful candidate will report to the team lead, who is based in our London office.\n\n**For more information about DRW's processing activities and our use of job applicants' data, please view our Privacy Notice at [](**\n\n**California residents, please review the California Privacy Notice for information about certain legal rights at [](**\n\n**#LI-MM1** \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732067970,"locationNames":["Chicago"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Data Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-software-engineer-elixir-up-pricing-derived-data-chicago","title":"Senior Software Engineer, Elixir - UP - Pricing \u0026 Derived Data, Chicago","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155628","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3114537":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**DRW** is a diversified trading firm with over 3 decades of experience bringing sophisticated technology and exceptional people together to operate in markets around the world. We value autonomy and the ability to quickly pivot to capture opportunities, so we operate using our own capital and trading at our own risk.\n\nHeadquartered in Chicago with offices throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia, we trade a variety of asset classes including Fixed Income, ETFs, Equities, FX, Commodities and Energy across all major global markets. We have also leveraged our expertise and technology to expand into three non-traditional strategies: real estate, venture capital and crypto assets.\n\nWe operate with respect, curiosity, and open minds. The people who thrive here share our belief that it is not just what we do that matters–it is how we do it. DRW is a place of elevated expectations, integrity, innovation, and a willingness to challenge consensus.\n\nWe are looking for a **Technical Lead** to join Cumberland’s blockchain product development team. This role will be responsible for designing and supporting commercial systems in a technologically diverse stack used to support on-chain application infrastructure globally. \n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Work as part of our blockchain products team to build and support best-in-class customer-facing products on distributed ledger technology.\n- Lead Engineering team.\n- Serve as Solution Architect for multiple products.\n- Triage complex software issues and provide technical support to customers.\n- Prioritize and resolve incidents and requests raised by customers.\n- Document features and issue resolutions.\n\n**Qualifications:**\n\n- Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or related disciplines, Or equivalent technical training and/or work experience.\n- 5+ years of experience as a full-stack engineer.\n- **Technical Skills** – strong understanding of computer hardware and software, networking, security, and other related skills:\n\n - Experience developing commercial applications using Java, JavaScript, Python or Scala\n - Experience with databases, particularly SQL, PostgreSQL, and/or Oracle\n - Good understanding of networking protocols/firewalls and cloud computing environments\n - Experience packaging and deploying applications is a plus\n - Ability to diagnose and troubleshoot basic technical issues (e.g., Analyzing problems, testing solutions, and recommending changes)\n - Familiarity with configuring and using Operating Systems (Linux/Windows/MacOS)\n - Familiarity with configuring and using blockchain based distributed ledgers (Fabric, Ethereum, etc.)\n - Experience with deploying and configuring services on cloud environments (AWS, GCP, Azure), and using containerization/orchestration tools (Docker, Kubernetes)\n - Familiarity with using third-party tools such as Jira, Confluence, Datadog, Jaeger, GitHub, etc.\n- **Communication Skills** – possesses the ability to effectively interact with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders, utilizing excellent verbal, written, and listening skills to communicate technical concepts clearly and efficiently.\n- **Problem-solving Skills –** able to identify and understand software issues and develop solutions to fix them.\n- **Customer Service Skills** – ability to maintain a supportive and calmative approach to answer customer questions, solve problems and provide solutions in high-pressure situations.\n- Desire to be the technical owner of multiple products.\n- Experience managing and assessing contractors and third-party products.\n- Experience working in financial services and/or Web3 is a PLUS.\n\nThis position can sit in a DRW office in Chicago, New York, or Austin or be fully remote.\n\nThe annual base salary range for this position is $200,000 to $250,000, depending on the candidate’s experience, qualifications, and relevant skill set. Base salary is only a portion of total compensation, which may also include variable compensation and/or benefits.\n\n**For more information about DRW's processing activities and our use of job applicants' data, please view our Privacy Notice at [](**\n\n**California residents, please review the California Privacy Notice for information about certain legal rights at [](**\n\n**#LI-JL1**\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727715248,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"technical-lead-blockchain-product","title":"Technical Lead - Blockchain Product","compensation":"$200k – $250k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3114537","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:209970":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"209970","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-209970"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-209970"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-209970"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-209970"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Our trading is diverse, and it’s this diversification that sets us apart","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2964096"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155628"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3114537"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"DRW","slug":"drwtrading"},"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-8922867":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_RESPONDER-8922867","name":"TOP_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Top 5% of responders","tooltip":"eGroup is in the top 5% of companies in terms of response time to applications","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-8922867":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-8922867","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within a week","tooltip":"Based on past data, eGroup usually responds to incoming applications within a week","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8922867":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8922867","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3147855":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"You’ll be working for eGroup Technologies, which is an IT-subsidiary of the ebuero AG. ebuero AG is the leading provider of virtual office services in Europe. We develop and operate a Software-as-a-Service platform to provide tens of thousands of freelancers and small businesses customers across Europe with remote secretarial and new work solutions. Our mission is to give people the space to focus on what they are best at. \n\nWe’re looking for an enthusiastic Application Support Engineer (m/f/d) who thrives on solving technical challenges and enjoys the satisfaction of making a real impact on their team. \n\nIf you're passionate about troubleshooting, collaborating closely with experts, and contributing to meaningful solutions, this could be the role for you! \n\n**Your Mission:**\n\nAs an Application Support Engineer, you'll play a critical role in supporting our in-house SaaS Remote Secretary Solution and ensuring our operations run smoothly: \n\n- Provide second-level support for our proprietary SaaS solutions\n\n- Troubleshoot and resolve application issues reported by internal users\n\n- Work closely with development teams to identify and resolve bugs\n\n- Monitor application performance and proactively address potential issues\n\n- Assist with software updates, deployments, and configurations\n\n- Document support processes and maintain records for issue resolution\n\n- Participate in training to stay current with application features and best practices\n- Oversee service provider management and escalate issues as needed\n\n**Your Profile:**\n\nWe’re looking for someone who brings expertise, enthusiasm, and a collaborative mindset: \n\n- 3+ years of experience in IT\n\n- Basic knowledge of SQL, web technologies, and scripting languages\n\n- Familiarity with ticketing systems and managing support tickets\n\n- Good communication and interpersonal skills\n\n- Experience managing relationships with service providers\n\n- Solution-focused, process-oriented approach to work\n- Fluency in English (C1 level or higher) is required\n\n**Your Benefits:** \n\n- Attractive salary and an open-ended employment contract\n\n- Flexible working hours and options for mobile working\n\n- Choice to work in our Berlin or Nürnberg office, or remotely from a location within 3 hours by flight.\n\n- Further training and career opportunities\n\n- A versatile and varied area of responsibility in an innovative and high-growth international company\n\n- Responsible actions as well as direct cooperation with technical experts, and system partners\n\n- Free drinks, fresh fruits, and more location-specific benefits\n\n**Sounds terrific? Great! Let’s get in touch.** \n\n*We at eGroup are fostering diversity and are committed to create teams with a broad variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and skills. All decisions about interviews, offers and employment are based on expertise, merit and business need.* \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731322498,"locationNames":["Nuremberg","Berlin"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"application-support-engineer-m-f-d","title":"Application Support Engineer (m/f/d)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3147855","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3147854":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**About Us** \n\nYou’ll be working for eGroup Technologies, which is an IT-subsidiary of the ebuero AG. ebuero AG is the leading provider of virtual office services in Europe. We develop and operate a Software-as-a-Service platform to provide tens of thousands of freelancers and small businesses customers across Europe with remote secretarial and new work solutions. Our mission is to give people the space to focus on what they are best at. \n\nWe are in the middle of our journey from OnPrem infrastructure to Cloud native. For this journey we are looking for a M365 Specialist. \n\n**Your Role**\n\nAs a System Engineer specializing in Microsoft 365, you will play a key role in developing and managing the IT infrastructure behind our SaaS office and contact center platform. Here’s what your responsibilities will include: \n\n- Microsoft 365 Administration: Oversee and enhance our Microsoft 365 environment (AAD, Exchange, Teams, W365) for over 1,000 users.\n\n- Client Management: Utilize MS Endpoint Manager \u0026 Defender to manage a fleet of 500+ clients.\n\n- Application Integration: Integrate new applications with AAD and SCIM.\n\n- Automation: Streamline processes by automating tasks with PowerShell and GraphAPI in a CI/CD environment.\n\n- Server Administration: Administer and migrate our 50+ Windows Servers to SaaS or PaaS on AWS.\n\n**What you bring to the table**\n\n- Team Spirit: You contribute positively to our collaborative culture.\n\n- Self-Management: You excel in independently coordinating and prioritizing tasks.\n\n- Microsoft 365 Expertise: Strong experience with Microsoft 365 tools, including Azure Active Directory, Exchange Online, and Microsoft Endpoint Manager.\n\n- Automation Skills: Proficiency in automation with PowerShell scripting.\n\n- Server Administration: Hands-on experience with Windows Server, including Active Directory management.\n\n**Why Join Us?**\n\n- Stability and Growth: We’re a successful, fast-growing company with over 20 years of industry experience.\n\n- Inclusive Culture: Join an international team that enjoys collaborating, having lunch together, and celebrating at team events and company-wide gatherings like our summer and Christmas parties.\n\n- Direct Access: Flat hierarchies and open communication with colleagues across departments, including C-level executives and founders.\n\n- Encouraged Innovation: We value fresh ideas, creative approaches, and an all-hands mentality in problem-solving.\n\n- Career Development: Take advantage of opportunities to shape processes, learn new technologies, and become an expert in your field.\n\n**Our Offer**\n\n- Competitive Salary \u0026 Stability: Secure a position with a well-established, growing company.\n\n- Choose Your Tech: Opt for a Windows laptop or MacBook, and get an Android or iOS smartphone for work and personal use.\n\n- Flexible Work Location: Choose to work from our Berlin or Nürnberg office, or remotely within a 3-hour flight radius to Germany.\n\n- Continuous Learning Opportunities: Access a range of edX and Pluralsight courses, along with offsite training to support your career growth.\n\n- Work-Life Balance: Enjoy flexible core hours and a hybrid work model that fits around your family, hobbies, and personal needs.\n\n- On-Site Perks: Free drinks, fresh fruits, and more location-specific benefits to make your work environment enjoyable.\n\n**Sounds terrific? Great! Let’s get in touch.**\n\n*We at eGroup are fostering diversity and are committed to create teams with a broad variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and skills. All decisions about interviews, offers and employment are based on expertise, merit and business need.* \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731322497,"locationNames":["Nuremberg","Berlin"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Systems Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"system-engineer-microsoft-365-m-f-d","title":"System Engineer Microsoft 365 (m/f/d)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3147854","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8922867":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8922867","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_RESPONDER-8922867"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-8922867"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8922867"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Europe's leading provider of smart office services for freelancers and small businesses","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3147855"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3147854"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"eGroup","slug":"egroup-1"},"Badge:B2B-85723":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-85723","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85723":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-85723","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85723":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-85723","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:2990900":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Veeva Systems is a mission-driven organization and pioneer in industry cloud, helping life sciences companies bring therapies to patients faster. As one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in history, we surpassed $2B in revenue in our last fiscal year with extensive growth potential ahead. \nAt the heart of Veeva are our values: Do the Right Thing, Customer Success, Employee Success, and Speed. We're not just any public company – we made history in 2021 by becoming a [public benefit corporation]( (PBC), legally bound to balancing the interests of customers, employees, society, and investors. \nAs a [Work Anywhere]( company, we support your flexibility to work from home or in the office, so you can thrive in your ideal environment. \nJoin us in [transforming the life sciences industry](\u0026ab_channel=Forbes), committed to making a positive impact on its customers, employees, and communities. \n**The Role** \nThe Senior Application Support Engineer is responsible for the day-to-day administration, end user support, system configuration, workflow management, and general system availability related to applications used on a daily basis by the engineering teams. Works closely with the rest of the IT and internal business teams to effectively support our business users.\n### What You'll Do\n- Provide day-to-day administrative support for multiple hosted applications (e.g. JIRA, Confluence, GitLab)\n- Assess, prioritize and resolve issues reported by users in the various applications\n- Provision new users, manage workflows, manage system configuration, and general end user assistance\n- Conduct user audits to ensure appropriate application access is maintained\n- Collaborate with the rest of the IT development teams to participate in projects and identify system improvements\n- Design, develop and test enhancements in alignment with internal business process requirements\n- Document all changes to applications per internal controls\n- Create technical documentation and conduct end user training\n- Adhere to industry best practices for change and release management\n\n### Requirements\n- Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or other similar degree, or equivalent work experience\n- JIRA/Confluence administration experience\n- Groovy Script knowledge and scripting experience to extract or update data via API\n- Advanced technical and analytical skills\n- Strong attention to detail, goal oriented\n- Commitment to excellent customer service\n- Basic time management skills\n- Excellent verbal and written communication skills\n- Ability to work independently with minimal guidance in a dynamic environment\n\n### Nice to Have\n- Working knowledge of Git repositories\n- Administration experience with testing tools\n- Familiarity with Agile methodologies\n- Experience with AWS\n- Experience with Single Sign-On (SSO) technologies such as Okta\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1714004059,"locationNames":["Hungary","Budapest"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-application-support-engineer-engineering-systems","title":"Senior Application Support Engineer - Engineering Systems","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2990900","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:2876252":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Veeva Systems is a mission-driven organization and pioneer in industry cloud, helping life sciences companies bring therapies to patients faster. As one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in history, we surpassed $2B in revenue in our last fiscal year with extensive growth potential ahead. \nAt the heart of Veeva are our values: Do the Right Thing, Customer Success, Employee Success, and Speed. We're not just any public company – we made history in 2021 by becoming a [public benefit corporation]( (PBC), legally bound to balancing the interests of customers, employees, society, and investors. \nAs a [Work Anywhere]( company, we support your flexibility to work from home or in the office, so you can thrive in your ideal environment. \nJoin us in [transforming the life sciences industry](\u0026ab_channel=Forbes), committed to making a positive impact on its customers, employees, and communities. \n**The Role** \nWe are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in India, to join our R\u0026D Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Services and Solution Consulting teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. This is a remote, full-time, Monday – Friday, permanent job with rotational on call responsibilities for weekend coverage. Veeva is a work anywhere company with no location requirement. Applicants who live in Pune, Bangalore, Chennai are encouraged to apply.\n### What You’ll Do\n- Provide support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault Quality Suite applications, primarily to India customers.\n- Learn everything about our software to be a Subject Matter Expert\n- Handle inquiries regarding technical issues, information requests on application capabilities\n- Troubleshoot critical production issues, including system unavailability and data integrity issues, and propose resolutions or workarounds\n- Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production\n- Be a customer facing representative for the Development and Product teams\n- Be responsible for ticket and/or customer escalations and drive progress until resolution\n- Interface with Engineering, Product Management and Services when necessary\n- Maintain Product Support Knowledge Base\n\n### Requirements\n- 3+ years work experience in Level 2/3 Application Support.\n- Experience in a cloud/hosted environment\n- Self-motivated, experience of working successfully in a rapidly changing environment and handling pressure\n- Eager to learn new technical, communication and interpersonal skills\n- Ability to replicate \u0026 diagnose issues using industry-standard tools and techniques, and propose resolutions or workarounds\n- Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Hindi\n\n### Nice to Have\n- Experience with the life science and healthcare industry\n- Experience working with Enterprise Software Support, preferably Content Management Solutions\n- Experience working with Zendesk, Jira, and Confluence\n\n### Perks \u0026 Benefits\n- Health insurance with generous coverage limits\n- Allowance for wellness \u0026 fitness programs\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1702685670,"locationNames":["India","Hyderabad"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"product-support-engineer","title":"Product Support Engineer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2876252","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3151660":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Veeva Systems is a mission-driven organization and pioneer in industry cloud, helping life sciences companies bring therapies to patients faster. As one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in history, we surpassed $2B in revenue in our last fiscal year with extensive growth potential ahead. \nAt the heart of Veeva are our values: Do the Right Thing, Customer Success, Employee Success, and Speed. We're not just any public company – we made history in 2021 by becoming a [public benefit corporation]( (PBC), legally bound to balancing the interests of customers, employees, society, and investors. \nAs a [Work Anywhere]( company, we support your flexibility to work from home or in the office, so you can thrive in your ideal environment. \nJoin us in [transforming the life sciences industry](\u0026ab_channel=Forbes), committed to making a positive impact on its customers, employees, and communities. \n**The Role** \nVeeva Systems is looking for Technical Consultants who have strong technical experience with DevOps and a passion for helping customers achieve their business vision, wish to participate in the transformation of the Life Sciences Industry, and in addition are interested in learning all the details about Cloud System Management. Technical Consultants will work with regional and global service teams to build DevOps strategies to achieve operation efficiency and customer success. The Technical Consultants are members of our Professional Services (Consulting) Organization. They provide Project and Post-Go-Live application consulting as subject matter experts for Veeva Commercial and R\u0026D Cloud products.\n### What You’ll Do\n- Leading, designing, and building DevOps strategy to support Veeva’s business partners to achieve operational excellence\n- Provide application support and troubleshooting issues related to infrastructure, platform, and deployments\n- Automate processes using APIs for infrastructure operations and integrations with other systems\n- Develop and maintain scripts in Python or other scripting languages to automate tasks\n- Monitor all the processes through the project lifecycle to ensure adherence or updates whenever needed\n- Develop internal and external tools to help our customers and consultants\n- Assistance to project implementations wherever technical needs arise\n\n### Requirements\n- At least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or equivalent relevant working experience\n- 3+ Year Hands-on DevOps experience, e.g., designing and implementing the CICD strategy, and hands-on deployment works\n- Proficient in Jenkins CI/CD for automating application development and deployment processes\n- Proficient in scripting languages such as Python, Bash, or similar for automation purposes\n- Direct experience with Java/Spring/REST\n- Hands-on experience in designing/developing/deploying solutions to AWS Cloud\n- Fluent in written English and good in oral English communications\n- Strong communication skills to support your role and work closely with people from different cultures and backgrounds\n\n### Nice to Have\n- Familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or GCP\n- Experience with containerization technologies such as Docker or Kubernetes\n- Japanese or Korean-speaking\n- Work experience with people from different cultures globally\n- Pharma industry knowledge, especially in clinical trials\n- Customer service or consulting experience\n\n### Perks \u0026 Benefits\n- Grants for fitness, communication, and heating\n- Healthy, free, provided snacks\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731629184,"locationNames":["China","Dalian"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"consultant-technical-services-devops","title":"Consultant - Technical Services (DevOps)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151660","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:85723":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"85723","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-85723"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-85723"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-85723"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Enterprise cloud software for life sciences","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2990900"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2876252"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151660"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Veeva Systems","slug":"veeva-systems"},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7997075":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-7997075","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"Badge:GROWING_FAST-7997075":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"GROWING_FAST-7997075","name":"GROWING_FAST_BADGE","label":"Growing fast","tooltip":"Showed strong hiring growth in the past month","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3147836":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"You’ll be working for eGroup Technologies, which is an IT-subsidiary of the ebuero AG. ebuero AG is the leading provider of virtual office services in Europe. We develop and operate a Software-as-a-Service platform to provide tens of thousands of freelancers and small businesses customers across Europe with remote secretarial and new work solutions. Our mission is to give people the space to focus on what they are best at. \n\nWe’re looking for an enthusiastic Application Support Engineer (m/f/d) who thrives on solving technical challenges and enjoys the satisfaction of making a real impact on their team. \n\nIf you're passionate about troubleshooting, collaborating closely with experts, and contributing to meaningful solutions, this could be the role for you! \n\n**Your Mission:**\n\nAs an Application Support Engineer, you'll play a critical role in supporting our in-house SaaS Remote Secretary Solution and ensuring our operations run smoothly: \n\n- Provide second-level support for our proprietary SaaS solutions\n\n- Troubleshoot and resolve application issues reported by internal users\n\n- Work closely with development teams to identify and resolve bugs\n\n- Monitor application performance and proactively address potential issues\n\n- Assist with software updates, deployments, and configurations\n\n- Document support processes and maintain records for issue resolution\n\n- Participate in training to stay current with application features and best practices\n- Oversee service provider management and escalate issues as needed\n\n**Your Profile:**\n\nWe’re looking for someone who brings expertise, enthusiasm, and a collaborative mindset: \n\n- 3+ years of experience in IT\n\n- Basic knowledge of SQL, web technologies, and scripting languages\n\n- Familiarity with ticketing systems and managing support tickets\n\n- Good communication and interpersonal skills\n\n- Experience managing relationships with service providers\n\n- Solution-focused, process-oriented approach to work\n- Fluency in English (C1 level or higher) is required\n\n**Your Benefits:** \n\n- Attractive salary and an open-ended employment contract\n\n- Flexible working hours and options for mobile working\n\n- Choice to work in our Berlin or Nürnberg office, or remotely from a location within 3 hours by flight.\n\n- Further training and career opportunities\n\n- A versatile and varied area of responsibility in an innovative and high-growth international company\n\n- Responsible actions as well as direct cooperation with technical experts, and system partners\n\n- Free drinks, fresh fruits, and more location-specific benefits\n\n**Sounds terrific? Great! Let’s get in touch.** \n\n*We at eGroup are fostering diversity and are committed to create teams with a broad variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and skills. All decisions about interviews, offers and employment are based on expertise, merit and business need.* \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731319465,"locationNames":["Berlin","Nuremberg"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Full-Stack Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"application-support-engineer-m-f-d","title":"Application Support Engineer (m/f/d)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3147836","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3147835":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"**About Us** \n\nYou’ll be working for eGroup Technologies, which is an IT-subsidiary of the ebuero AG. ebuero AG is the leading provider of virtual office services in Europe. We develop and operate a Software-as-a-Service platform to provide tens of thousands of freelancers and small businesses customers across Europe with remote secretarial and new work solutions. Our mission is to give people the space to focus on what they are best at. \n\nWe are in the middle of our journey from OnPrem infrastructure to Cloud native. For this journey we are looking for a M365 Specialist. \n\n**Your Role**\n\nAs a System Engineer specializing in Microsoft 365, you will play a key role in developing and managing the IT infrastructure behind our SaaS office and contact center platform. Here’s what your responsibilities will include: \n\n- Microsoft 365 Administration: Oversee and enhance our Microsoft 365 environment (AAD, Exchange, Teams, W365) for over 1,000 users.\n\n- Client Management: Utilize MS Endpoint Manager \u0026 Defender to manage a fleet of 500+ clients.\n\n- Application Integration: Integrate new applications with AAD and SCIM.\n\n- Automation: Streamline processes by automating tasks with PowerShell and GraphAPI in a CI/CD environment.\n\n- Server Administration: Administer and migrate our 50+ Windows Servers to SaaS or PaaS on AWS.\n\n**What you bring to the table**\n\n- Team Spirit: You contribute positively to our collaborative culture.\n\n- Self-Management: You excel in independently coordinating and prioritizing tasks.\n\n- Microsoft 365 Expertise: Strong experience with Microsoft 365 tools, including Azure Active Directory, Exchange Online, and Microsoft Endpoint Manager.\n\n- Automation Skills: Proficiency in automation with PowerShell scripting.\n\n- Server Administration: Hands-on experience with Windows Server, including Active Directory management.\n\n**Why Join Us?**\n\n- Stability and Growth: We’re a successful, fast-growing company with over 20 years of industry experience.\n\n- Inclusive Culture: Join an international team that enjoys collaborating, having lunch together, and celebrating at team events and company-wide gatherings like our summer and Christmas parties.\n\n- Direct Access: Flat hierarchies and open communication with colleagues across departments, including C-level executives and founders.\n\n- Encouraged Innovation: We value fresh ideas, creative approaches, and an all-hands mentality in problem-solving.\n\n- Career Development: Take advantage of opportunities to shape processes, learn new technologies, and become an expert in your field.\n\n**Our Offer**\n\n- Competitive Salary \u0026 Stability: Secure a position with a well-established, growing company.\n\n- Choose Your Tech: Opt for a Windows laptop or MacBook, and get an Android or iOS smartphone for work and personal use.\n\n- Flexible Work Location: Choose to work from our Berlin or Nürnberg office, or remotely within a 3-hour flight radius to Germany.\n\n- Continuous Learning Opportunities: Access a range of edX and Pluralsight courses, along with offsite training to support your career growth.\n\n- Work-Life Balance: Enjoy flexible core hours and a hybrid work model that fits around your family, hobbies, and personal needs.\n\n- On-Site Perks: Free drinks, fresh fruits, and more location-specific benefits to make your work environment enjoyable.\n\n**Sounds terrific? Great! Let’s get in touch.**\n\n*We at eGroup are fostering diversity and are committed to create teams with a broad variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and skills. All decisions about interviews, offers and employment are based on expertise, merit and business need.* \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731319463,"locationNames":["Berlin","Nuremberg"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Systems Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"system-engineer-microsoft-365-m-f-d","title":"System Engineer Microsoft 365 (m/f/d)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3147835","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:7997075":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"7997075","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-7997075"},{"__ref":"Badge:GROWING_FAST-7997075"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1_10","highConcept":"virtual assistant as a service","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3147836"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3147835"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Pinguin","slug":"pinguin-2"},"Badge:B2B-421722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-421722","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-421722":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-421722","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:2688330":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Are you someone who loves helping people with technical challenges**\n\nIf so, our clients and engineering team want to work with you.\n\nBusinesses using our software vary in size and technical expertise. They use our platform to run referral marketing programs (refer-a-friend programs) that connect to CRMs, marketing forms, and/or ecommerce stores.\n\nEach customer is a little different and they often need hands-on help to get everything working. That's where you come in.\n\nIf our sales and customer support team can’t solve a client’s technical issue, you’ll be there to swoop in and save the day.\n\n**--Interested!!? [Please apply here!]( (instead of hitting the \"Apply Button\")--**\n\n### What is Referral Rock?\n[Referral Rock]( is a B2B SaaS company that provides referral software to help businesses acquire new customers through word-of-mouth marketing (refer-a-friend, affiliate, partner marketing)\n\nWe believe:\n* Every business can benefit from a strong referral program, and we're on a mission to help companies maximize their potential through our comprehensive platform\n* Great individual contributors (that come together with others to collaborate on strategy) with systems and processes built around them are key to a business like ours. We’re more interested in doing great work together vs building a 100+ person company\n* We care deeply about metrics, product event data, and automation to give our team superpowers (data and feedback driven)\n* Done is better than perfect + everything and everyone is a work in progress\n\nOur 20-person team is 100% remote, ambitious, calm + never had a layoff. We work in EST hours but are flexible with at least 70% working hour cross-over.\n\nPlease see our [careers page]( for more about us.\n\n### Are you a fit?\nAt your core, you enjoy solving problems, and on top of that, people have described you as a:\n* **Systems thinker** - You like looking at the bigger picture and the inter-relationships of the subcomponents of the system.\n* **Librarian** - You’re organized and like to keep track of things with systems, you don’t rely just on your memory.\n* **Detective** - You are curious, open-minded, and seek to understand the root causes of problems and the patterns and trends that emerge over time\n* **Scaler** - If you keep seeing the same problem coming up over and over, you want to figure out a singular solution to solve it for good.\n* **Pleasant human who enjoys talking to customers** - Helping others keeps you engaged, and you have a track record of kindness.\n\n### What you'll do here\nOur customers are businesses that are tech-enabled but not necessarily tech-savvy individuals.\n\nHere’s how we describe the services a customer receives so you get an idea of what the end in mind looks like: (Phase 2 of the Onboarding process)\n\nRight now, various people share the responsibilities below, and we want you to own them as our first dedicated technical support specialist.\n\nYou’ll be first up on our technical support queue where you’ll triage tech support requests.\n\n**Debug and find solutions for customer technical issues:**\n\n* Use basic JavaScript and HTML DOM to set up [conversion tracking]( on webforms.\n* Use the browser’s developer tool to debug website integrations\n* Identify root causes for developers when possible\n\n**Directly assist customers with technical solutions (when necessary):**\n\nNot all solutions can be solved asynchronously. Occasionally you’ll be brought on to interact with customers live on Zoom (pre-scheduled calls) who are setting up our software. Here are some examples:\n\n* Comfortable meeting with English speaking clients on video calls in US time zones\n* Develop custom workflow solutions for clients’ unique needs (APIs workflows)\n* Walk-thru Zapier automation to update a CRM without breaking other customer workflows\n* Setup our native CRM integrations (e.g. [HubSpot](\n\n**Contributing to other areas:**\n\nYou’ll be expected to help the product team and level up our internal and customer-facing documentation to prevent future issues.\n\n* Create internal documentation for integration solutions you come up with\n* Assist with quality assurance / manual testing of development release items\n* Ensure our external [integration docs]( remain accurate\n* Can record tutorial videos for internal-facing docs\n\n### Skills and Experience\nIf you have the required skills and experiences below, please apply for the position, we can’t wait to meet you!\n\n**Required**\n\n* Advanced HTML (DOM, Forms)\n* Client-side browser JavaScript\n* Use of browser console to analyze pages and debug\n* Use of APIs and webhooks with tools like Postman and Request Bin\n\n**Nice to have**\n\n* Setting up DNS records for custom domains\n* Automation tool experience (e.g. Zapier)\n* CRM experience (e.g. HubSpot)\n* Basic SQL experience querying a database\n* Azure service experience (e.g. App Insights)\n* Can record tutorial videos for external-facing docs\n* A proficient technical writer\n\n### Growth opportunities\nOpportunities to advance your career inside the product development team.\n\n* Document client problems and synthesize findings for use in product research and strategy.\n* Set up a local dev environment to fix identified bugs.\n* Create client-facing support documentation from scratch\n* Identify product and integration improvements and create development tasks\n\n### Benefits\n* Benefits available for US-based Employees\n* Flexible PTO and Holidays\n* 100% remote\n\n*Interested? [Please apply here!]( (instead of hitting the \"Apply Button\")*","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1704539128,"locationNames":["United States","Washington DC","Maryland"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Operations Manager","remote":true,"slug":"application-support-specialist-tier-2-100-remote","title":"Application Support Specialist (Tier 2) - 100% Remote","compensation":"$50k – $60k • No equity","yearsExperienceMin":2,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2688330","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:421722":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"421722","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-421722"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-421722"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Scaling word of mouth for any business","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2688330"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Referral Rock","slug":"referral-rock"},"Badge:B2B-222772":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-222772","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-222772":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-222772","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-222772":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-222772","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate 3Pillar Global 4.1/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.1","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3153749":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"As a Software Engineer, you'll play a vital role in our dynamic team, contributing to exciting projects that redefine urban living, establish new media channels for enterprise companies, or drive innovation in healthcare. This opportunity goes beyond code – it's about creating epic solutions that leave a lasting impression in the market. If your passion for programming fuels your drive to make a real-world impact, consider this your pass to the captivating world of Product Development!\n### \n- Techno - Functional role\n- Good verbal \u0026 email communication skills\n- Mandatory Skills required to be successful at the job:\n- Finone banking application (understanding of the lending domain, LOS / LMS implementation.)\n- Database (Oracle, MySQL)\n- General support skills\n- Good understanding of application deployments, WebLogic managed servers, and a basic understanding of Windows / Linux servers\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731975590,"locationNames":["Mumbai"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Other","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-with-los-lms-experience-3-yrs-of-exp","title":"Application Support with LOS/LMS Experience.(3+ Yrs of Exp)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3153749","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3120428":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Application Software Engineer**Embark on an exciting journey into the realm of software development with 3Pillar! We invite you to join our team and gear up for a thrilling adventure. At 3Pillar, our focus is on crafting cutting-edge technologies that revolutionize industries. As a Software Engineer, you'll play a vital role in our dynamic team, contributing to exciting projects that redefine urban living, establish new media channels for enterprise companies, or drive innovation in healthcare. This opportunity goes beyond code – it's about creating epic solutions that leave a lasting impression in the market. If your passion for programming fuels your drive to make a real-world impact, consider this your pass to the captivating world of Product Development! \n**Key Responsibilities-**Providing technical support for software applications. Troubleshooting and resolving software issues. Performing system maintenance and updates. Coordinating with various teams to identify and address application-related problems. Documenting support processes and solutions. Monitoring application performance and implementing changes to improve functionality and stability.\n### Responsibilities\n- Advanced Troubleshooting: Application Support Engineers in L2 support handle escalated technical issues that require in-depth troubleshooting and problem-solving [skills.](http://skills.In-Depth)\n- [In-Depth](http://skills.In-Depth) Analysis: They conduct detailed analysis of software problems to identify root causes and provide advanced [solutions.](http://solutions.Technical)\n- [Technical](http://solutions.Technical) Expertise: These engineers possess specialized knowledge and expertise in specific applications or technologies, allowing them to address complex issues [effectively.](http://effectively.Escalated)\n- [Escalated](http://effectively.Escalated) Tickets: L2 support personnel handle escalated support tickets from L1 support, focusing on resolving more challenging technical [issues.](http://issues.User)\n- [User](http://issues.User) Support: They provide advanced support to end-users or internal stakeholders, ensuring the smooth operation of critical business [applications](http://applications.Tool)\n- [Tool](http://applications.Tool) Utilization: L2 support Application Support Engineers may have access to additional tools and resources to diagnose and address technical issues effectively.\n\n### Qualifications\n- The minimum qualifications for an application support engineer typically include:\n- A bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field, or equivalent work experience\n- Strong problem-solving and analytical skills\n- Familiarity with programming languages such as Java, Python, or similar\n- Understanding of operating systems, databases, and network infrastructure\n- Ability to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues\n- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.\n- Experience with supporting enterprise applications and an understanding of application development processes\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1728346635,"locationNames":["Mumbai"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-software-engineer","title":"Senior Software Engineer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3120428","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3151706":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"At 3Pillar Global, we specialize in building impactful software products that power digital businesses. We are looking for a talented Senior [Node.js](http://Node.js) + Python + AWS Data Science Engineer who will not only write code but also deliver exceptional product capabilities for our clients. Your contributions will play a pivotal role in achieving our passion for client success, solidifying our position as a leading product development services company.\n### Key Responsibilities:\n- Develop a cutting-edge application for our customers.\n- Design and implement scalable foundational services to support data pipeline processing, search functionality, user management, and other customer-facing features.\n- Work on ML infrastructure and Generative AI applications to advance scientific use cases.\n- Build and deliver high-quality products using Agile software development methodologies.\n- Engage in continuous learning, growth, and professional development.\n- Articulate your vision to peers and leadership, while being open to constructive feedback and maintaining resilience.\n\n### Minimum Qualifications:\n- Strong proficiency (7+ years) in [Node.js](http://Node.js), TypeScript, and Python.\n- Over 7 years of experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS).\n- Extensive experience with databases, including relational, NoSQL, and data platform infrastructure.\n- Experience with big data distributed systems, such as Databricks, Snowflake, AWS EMR, Glue, and other lakehouse technologies.\n- Proven track record with large-scale data distributed systems.\n- Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills.\n \n\n### What is it like working for 3Pillar Global?\n- At 3Pillar, you choose where you work - whether in an office, from home, or a combination of both. We are committed to supporting your family and personal goals. Interviews and onboarding are conducted virtually, as an ongoing commitment to our remote-first culture.\n- New team members will live our shared values of Intrinsic Dignity, Open Collaboration, Outsized Impact, and Continuous Improvement every day to harness The Power of the Team and deliver exceptional products and services for our clients.\n\n### We support the comprehensive wellbeing of our team members, through:\n- Career growth and development\n- Physical and mental wellbeing: as a company, we spend a whole trimester in our annual cycle focused on wellbeing. Whether it is taking advantage of fitness offerings, mental health plans (country-dependent), or simply leveraging unlimited PTO to take some needed time off, we want all of our team members to operate at their best.\n- Living our value for Intrinsic Dignity as an equal opportunity employer.\n \n \nCheck out our LinkedIn site and Careers page to learn more about what it’s like to be part of our #oneteam! ","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731629765,"locationNames":["Romania"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-data-science-engineer-python-and-node-js","title":"Senior Data Science Engineer - Python and Node.js","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151706","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:222772":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"222772","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-222772"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-222772"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-222772"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Product Development Services","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3153749"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3120428"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151706"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"3Pillar Global","slug":"3pillar-global"},"Badge:B2B-343161":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-343161","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-343161":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-343161","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3112158":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Overview:**\n\nThe role provides technical support to a proprietary application platform in a global environment and provides expertise to the business and service team. A quick learner, skilled in customer support, knowledgeable with various application platforms, especially proprietary applications, experienced working with a development and product team, providing support to end-users in a work from anywhere model covering a global workforce.\n\n**What You'll Do:**\n\n- Provide troubleshootingand resolve issues\n- Triage user requests regarding employee application functions and issues\n- Investigate and resolve basic to complex application issues\n- Solving problems by identifying bugs and root cause analysis\n- Work with internal development and operations team to escalate issues\n- Identify security issues and bugs\n- Provide excellent customer support to the business and client service team and clients as necessary; provide demo to clients, employees, etc.\n- Provide remote support via phone, email, etc.\n- Identify and present best-case solutions where time is of the essence\n- Respond to customer inquiries via phone, email, chat, or other communication channels.\n- Guide customers through step-by-step solutions.\n- Document customer interactions and solutions in the ticketing system.\n- Escalate complex issues to higher-level support or specialized teams.\n- Maintain a high level of customer satisfaction through courteous and efficient communication.\n- Participate in regular training sessions to stay updated on product knowledge and support skills.\n- Collaborate with the development team to report and resolve bugs.\n\n \n\n**What You Have:**\n\n- Knowledgeable in web application SaaS platforms and architecture\n- Experience with features such as voice conferencing, emailing, etc.\n- Knowledge in web stack operations, VOIP, SMTP, etc. a plus\n- Product knowledge, programming logic\n- Functioning knowledge of database operations such as SQL, etc.\n- Experience with financial aspects such as payment methodologies, etc.\n- Experience with platforms such as LinkedIn, etc.\n- Setting standards and procedures\n\n**_Other_** **_Requirements:_**\n\n- College degree with 4+ years of work experience showing progressive growth in the field\n- Hands-on experience with application support in an enterprise environment\n- Global experience is a plus\n- Collaborative work skills and communication skills\n- Tech writing and documentation\n- Ability to rapidly analyse issues, anticipate consequences, make decisions, and initiate action\n- Ability to work independently and/or as part of a team\n\n**What We Offer:**\n\n- Gain a unique opportunity to master essential skills, including desk research, business negotiation, interpersonal intelligence, multi-tasking, time management, and project management\n- Develop strong business acumen through extensive exposure to new industries and trending topics as well as interaction with experts among various industry sectors\n- Fast and transparent career advancement and opportunity to gain leadership experience\n- We are a family: you will receive strong team support, comprehensive training program and dedicated mentorship scheme to ensure your career progression\n- Comprehensive medical coverage, central office location, competitive compensation, fun and youthful work environment\n\n**About Guidepoint:**\n\nGuidepoint is a leading research enablement platform designed to advance understanding and empower our clients’ decision-making process. Powered by innovative technology, real-time data, and hard-to-source expertise, we help our clients to turn answers into action. \n \nBacked by a network of nearly 1.5 million experts, and Guidepoint’s 1,300 employees worldwide we inform leading organizations’ research by delivering on-demand intelligence and research on request. With Guidepoint, companies and investors can better navigate the abundance of information available today, making it both more useful and more powerful.\n\nAt Guidepoint, our success relies on the diversity of our employees, advisors, and client base, which allows us to create connections that offer a wealth of perspectives. We are committed to upholding policies that contribute to an equitable and welcoming environment for our community, regardless of background, identity, or experience.\n\n#LI-TH1\n\n#LI-onsite\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727712236,"locationNames":["Shanghai"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"application-support-engineer","title":"Application Support Engineer (资深运维工程师)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3112158","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3140358":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Overview:** \n\nTechnology influences everything we do at Guidepoint. Our engineering team plays a vital role in building the powerful technology that allows us to deliver knowledge to our clients faster and more efficiently. Their contributions enhance the way we serve our clients every day. Team members address complex challenges with optimal solutions, working toward their goal of continuous improvement. The team practices a flat management structure, so employees at all levels feel they have a voice, and their contributions are valued. This is a rapidly growing team with ample opportunities for professional growth, so you can expand your skillset, take on new challenges and make a real impact. As a Lead PHP Software Engineer, you’ll lead a team of engineers through challenging development projects. Come join a highly collaborative team of skilled engineers with a passion for quality. \n\n**What you’ll do:** \n\n- Develop new applications, APIs, features, and integrations that support Guidepoint’s CRM modernization initiatives\n- Maintain development and deployment environments using containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes\n- Manage automated build pipelines and code deployments across multiple environments\n- Optimize monolithic legacy codebases and newer repositories using PHP (Symfony)\n- Manage front and back-end team members through projects on a monolithic, legacy codebase and greenfield development projects\n- Coordinate with Product Managers to convert complex business rules and workflows from user stories into technical implementations\n- Coordinate with QA, Application Support, and DevOps teams to triage bugs\n- Coordinate with other Engineering Leads/Managers in the same or different functions\n- Work with large database schemas that would include adding and updating tables and rows using MySql\n- Write Unit tests and Documentation\n\n**What you have:** \n\n- 8 years’ experience with OOP\n- 8 years’ experience and an expert in PHP\n- 8 years’ experience with SQL\n- 6 years’ experience with REST API development\n- 6 years’ experience with Symfony/Frameworks\n- 8 years’ experience with Linux\n- 4 years’ experience with Azure/Cloud\n- 4 years’ experience with system and API design\n- 4 years’ experience with containerized development and deployments\n- 2+ years’ experience with Javascript (React/Node)\n- 2+ years’ experience with Redis/Caching\n- Effective communication skills to explain ideas and processes to others on your team and other departments.\n- Planning and managing projects, tracking progress, and adjusting priorities as needed\n\n- Strong leadership and team management and be able to motivate and guide their team towards achieving common goals\n- Strong sense of judgement when approaching challenges and decision making\n- Think strategically and work with senior leadership to execute products to build Guidepoint’s business\n\n**Preferred Technical Qualifications:**\n\n- 4 years’ experience with RabbitMQ\n- 2 years’ experience with CosmosDB/NoSQL\n\n**About Guidepoint:** \n\nGuidepoint is a leading research enablement platform designed to advance understanding and empower our clients’ decision-making process. Powered by innovative technology, real-time data, and hard-to-source expertise, we help our clients to turn answers into action.\n\nBacked by a network of nearly 1.5 million experts and Guidepoint’s 1,300 employees worldwide, we inform leading organizations’ research by delivering on-demand intelligence and research on request. With Guidepoint, companies and investors can better navigate the abundance of information available today, making it both more useful and more powerful.\n\nAt Guidepoint, our success relies on the diversity of our employees, advisors, and client base, which allows us to create connections that offer a wealth of perspectives. We are committed to upholding policies that contribute to an equitable and welcoming environment for our community, regardless of background, identity, or experience.\n\n#LI-BL1\n\n#LI-hybrid\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730336883,"locationNames":["Toronto"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"lead-software-engineer-php","title":"Lead Software Engineer (PHP)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3140358","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3136772":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Overview:** \n\nGuidepoint’s Engineering team thrives on problem-solving and creating happier users. As Guidepoint works to achieve its mission of making individuals, businesses, and the world smarter through personalized knowledge-sharing solutions, the engineering team is taking on challenges to improve our internal application architecture and create new products to optimize the seamless delivery of our services. \n\nAs a Senior .NET Engineer, you will be responsible for developing high-quality software solutions that meet our business needs. You will closely collaborate with the Lead .NET Software Engineer in growing a performant .NET engineering team to aid transform Guidepoint’s technology landscape into modern, highly available, scalable enterprise PaaS-based solutions. \n\n**This position is hybrid in Toronto.**\n\n**Your Day-to-Day Will Include** 💻[**:**]( \n\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design, develop, test, and deploy software solutions\n- Mentor and provide guidance to junior engineers to help them grow and develop their skills\n- Lead the team in adopting a quality-centric approach to software development\n- Develop and implement processes and procedures to ensure software quality\n- Maintain and improve codebase integrity by actively participating in code reviews and proactively identifying refactoring opportunities in maintained applications.\n- Develop and support scalable web/API applications using.NET core and Azure Platform Services\n- Refactor legacy components using innovative/scalable platform\n- Decompose portions of the legacy application into APIs running on App Services \n- Work with large database schemas that would include adding and updating tables and rows\n- Implement integration and convention tests\n\n**Minimum Technical Qualifications****✔️****:** \n\n- 8+ years of experience in .NET development using C#\n- Experience with OOP principles and patterns, developing and delivering large scale distributed systems\n- Strong adherence to object-oriented programming principles and patterns, developing and delivering large scale distributed systems\n- Proficient in grooming backlog items and ensuring that they are engineer ready\n- Experience in .NET Core 3.1+\n- Experience in xUnit\n- Experience with ORMs such as Entity Framework Core and Dapper\n- Proficient in Data Modeling and SQL\n- Experience building data integrations and other system integrations using different technologies like Message Queues, Kafka etc.\n- Experience leveraging issue-tracking systems/wikis for documentation (Jira/Confluence)\n- Willingness to learn designing fault-tolerant architecture on cloud deployments (load balancing, clustering, reducing/eliminating single points of failure, etc)\n\n**Preferred Technical Qualifications****✔️****:** \n\n- 10+ years of experience developing software using C# and .NET tech stack\n- 4+ years of leading software engineering teams\n- Hands-on experience with Azure platform services\n- Experienced in architecture diagraming tools such as Visio or LucidChart.\n- Experience with developing applications following CQRS and DDD.\n- Experience with Aspect Oriented Programming.\n- Experience in Data Management methodologies\n- 2+ years of experience in implementing CI/CD pipelines\n\n**Soft Skills Required****✔️****:** \n\n- Maintain problem-solving skills and a proactive work style\n- Strong interpersonal \u0026 candid communication skills\n- Independent contributor with drive\n- Collaborative and teamwork-oriented\n- Accountable for work and take ownership of tasks\n- Able to balance strategic and tactical methodologies in delivery.\n- Exhibits judgement when it comes to prioritization and overall team management\n\n**You will also be eligible for the following benefits:**\n\n- Paid Time Off\n- Comprehensive benefits plan\n- Company RRSP Match\n- Development opportunities through the LinkedIn Learning platform\n\n**About Guidepoint:** \n\nGuidepoint, a leading expert network firm, connects clients with vetted subject matter experts—Advisors—from their global professional network. Guidepoint clients leverage the insights and perspectives shared by Advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions. Its slate of services, including phone consultations, surveys, events, and proprietary data insights products, helps professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of a topic before making strategic or investment decisions. Guidepoint’s multinational client list includes 9 of the top 10 consulting firms and some of the largest hedge funds, private equity firms, and Fortune-ranked public companies. For more information, visit []( \n\n \n\n#LI-hybrid\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729904988,"locationNames":["Toronto"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-net-engineer","title":"Senior .NET Engineer ","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3136772","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:343161":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"343161","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-343161"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-343161"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Providing on-demand consultation and data services for leading global companies","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3112158"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3140358"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3136772"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Guidepoint","slug":"guidepoint"},"Badge:B2B-8752353":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-8752353","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8752353":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-8752353","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Early Stage","tooltip":"Startup in initial stages","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"early_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:3126753":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"**About TransFi **\n\nTransFi powers the world’s payments, helping businesses and individuals access better ways to move money. Combining industry-leading coverage of currencies and payment methods, we deliver compliant payouts, collections, and ramp services across Asia, Europe, LatAm, Africa, and North America. In our pursuit to advance economic prosperity through borderless finance, TransFi’s enterprise-grade, developer-friendly platform is quietly transforming global payments—making international money movement faster, simpler, less expensive, and more reliable than ever. \nTransFi is remote first; we believe the best talent comes from across geographies. We are building for the long term and look for strong owners, builders and big thinkers. Join us if you want to build the future of Web3.\n\n**Job Description:**\nWe are looking for an experienced Application Support Engineer with a strong focus on Customer Support to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for providing technical support for our applications while ensuring excellent customer service. You will work closely with both the development team and the customer to resolve issues, improve user experiences, and provide timely support to ensure smooth operations.\n\n**Key Responsibilities:**\n\n* Provide first-level and second-level support for application-related issues, troubleshooting and diagnosing problems in a timely manner.\n* Handle customer queries related to application use and functionality, ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.\n* Act as a liaison between customers and the development team to resolve issues and provide feedback for improvement.\n* Monitor application performance and proactively address potential issues before they impact users.\n* Document and track support requests, issues, and resolutions in the support system.\n* Assist with the deployment and configuration of new applications or updates.\n* Provide guidance and training to customers on how to use the applications effectively.\n* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive continuous improvement in the support process.\n* Stay up-to-date with the latest application features and industry trends to provide expert-level support.\n\n**Qualifications:**\n* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field.\n* 2+ years of experience in application support with customer support roles.\n* Strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills.\n* Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical users.\n* Experience with support ticketing systems and remote support tools.\n* Basic understanding of software development processes and application lifecycle management.\n* Ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities in a fast-paced environment.\n* Familiarity with database queries and application monitoring tools is a plus.\n\n**Preferred Skills:**\n* Experience working in customer-facing roles.\n* Knowledge of web-based applications, APIs, and cloud platforms.\n* Familiarity with ITIL frameworks and best practices.\n* Strong organizational skills with attention to detail.\n\n**Benefits:**\n\n* Competitive salary and benefits package.\n* Opportunities for career development and training.\n* Collaborative and supportive work environment.\n* Exposure to cutting-edge technology and projects.","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729000095,"locationNames":["India"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Service","remote":true,"slug":"application-support-engineer-with-customer-support-focus-remote","title":"Application Support Engineer (with customer support focus) - Remote","compensation":"₹5L – ₹8L","yearsExperienceMin":2,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3126753","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:8752353":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"8752353","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-8752353"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-8752353"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Web3 onramp / offramp and payments for emerging markets","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3126753"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"TransFi","slug":"trans-fi"},"Badge:B2B-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-884109","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-884109","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-884109","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-884109","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-884109","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Collibra is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.7 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-884109","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Collibra 4.3/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.3","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-884109":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-884109","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Collibra 4.5/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3158579":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"### **Joining Collibra’s Premium Support team**\n\nCollibra seeks to expand our Premium Customer Support team with the addition of a Premium Support Engineer (PSE) to support the company's growth and the growth of the Premium Support organization. The PSE will be a product expert assigned to a small number of Collibra’s most strategic Premium customers supporting their post-implementation product issues. The PSE's goals are to reactively and proactively help the customer resolve and avoid potential problems while maximizing product and service value. The PSE provides a critical customer facing role by developing relationships with the customer's technical staff and working closely with other facets of Collibra such as Consulting, Engineering, Customer Success and Sales to ensure the customer is receiving value from their investment in the Premium Support offering and their Collibra products.\n\nThis a hybrid position based in Brussels, Belgium.\n\n### **Premium Support Engineers at Collibra are responsible for**\n\n- Acting as the primary technical contact for named accounts that subscribe to Premium Customer Support, serving as the customer’s trusted technical advisor and advocate back into Collibra\n- Owning Support Tickets for a small number of assigned customers by managing the communication and action plans toward effective and timely resolution of technical issues\n- Delivering proactive guidance and best practice to mitigate potential issues and equip the customer with the knowledge to address specific needs and priorities\n- Collaborating with Customer Success Managers and other account team members for assigned accounts to maintain a thorough understanding of the Customer's Technical Environment and product plans\n- Engaging and supporting the greater Premium Support organization and engineering team to assist with issues and provide technical guidance to ensure the customers’ overall success with Collibra products\n\n### **You have**\n\n- 5+ years in a technical customer facing role, ideally supporting Enterprise Class customers in an SaaS environment\n- Experience in Technical Account Management, Support or similar type of Premium or Signature Service organization dealing with Enterprise Software Application Support\n- Experience troubleshooting web-based applications\n- Experience with Java, REST API and SSO with a working knowledge of kubernetes, VM/K8s. SQL, SSL, SSO, and LDAP is a plus\n- Experience and a strong interest in developing deep customer relationships while facilitating discussions about enterprise IT architecture\n- A bachelor’s degree or equivalent related working experience is required\n- This position is not eligible for visa sponsorship\n\n### **You are**\n\n- A methodical problem solver\n- Self driven to learn new technology\n- A team player\n- Passionate about serving customers, internal and external\n- Big on ownership and accountability\n\n### **Measures of success**\n\n- Within your first month, you will gain a fundamental knowledge of the Collibra Product Suite and become familiar with high-level Support processes and procedures\n- Within your third month, you will have a functional knowledge of the Collibra Product Suite and begin fielding tickets in a limited capacity from the Premium Support accounts. You will also be introduced to the customers for a hand-off of the account (if the account already exists) at the end of the third month\n- Within your sixth month, you will be assigned a full complement of 5 (or more) Premium Support accounts, run bi-annual support reviews, spearhead escalation endeavors tied to your assigned accounts and draft content for the Support Knowledge base\n\n \n\n### **Benefits at Collibra**\n\nCollibra recognizes and values that everyone has different needs, interests, and life goals. We built our {Be}well benefits program with flexibility in mind to support you and your loved ones through a diverse range of circumstances and life events. These flexible offerings sit on a foundation of competitive compensation, health coverage, and time off.\n\n \n\n**Professional Development**\n\n \n\nCollibrians are ambitious and inventive, and we want to develop our skills individually and as a team. You’ll have access to development opportunities, as well as other rewards and recognition programs to help grow your career.\n\n \n\n**Health Coverage**\n\n \n\nWe strive to remain locally competitive and globally equitable. This means comprehensive offerings including medical, dental, vision, and mental health benefits for you and your family.\n\n \n\n**Paid Time Off and Flexibility**\n\n \n\nWe offer global leave policies for a variety of personal and family circumstances, company-wide wellness days off throughout the year, meeting-free Wednesdays, and a flexible culture to help balance your work and your life.\n\n \n\n**Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion**\n\n \n\nWe create inclusion and belonging through how we onboard, meet, connect, engage, and communicate. Learn more about [diversity, equity, and inclusion]( at Collibra.\n\n \n\nLearn more about [Collibra’s benefits](\n\n \n\nAt Collibra, we’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer – which ties directly to our core value, “open, direct, and kind.” We realize the key to creating a company with a world-class culture and employee experience comes from who we hire and creating a workplace that celebrates everyone. If you have a need that requires accommodation, let us know by completing our [Accommodations for Applicants form](\n\n \n\n#LI-RC1\n\n \n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732408357,"locationNames":["Brussels"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"premium-support-engineer","title":"Premium Support Engineer","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3158579","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3159299":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"EMPLOYER: Collibra Inc.\n\nTITLE: Technical QA Engineer, Performance\n\nLOCATION: New York, NY (option to work remotely from any location in the U.S.)\n\nDUTIES: Lead/participate in the constant improvement of our testing practices, i.e. exploratory testing, test charters, session-based test management. Identify areas of performance risk for software and architecture changes in web-based enterprise application. Design and run test cases that efficiently mitigate that risk. Participate in design meetings with Business Analysts, UX designers, Support and Developers and share perspectives on ensuring testability. Create and define new scripts or ad-hoc tools and processes to properly test and analyze performance as needed. Develop and debug code to identify and fix performance issues. Produce and maintain product coverage reports for test coverage. Perform capacity planning and projection planning for large customers, focusing on I/O and RAM capacity analysis. Design and build efficient processes and automation to run tests for every nightly build. Analyze test results, identify performance issues, and dig deeper to understand and document the root cause for performance bottlenecks and issues. Coach developers and other testers on good testing practices and techniques. EOE\n\nREQTS: Must have a Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, or a related field plus eight (8) years of progressively responsible experience analyzing, troubleshooting, and automating performance workloads on large-scale systems in the position offered, as a Software Engineer, or a related position. Must include five (5) years of experience with all of the following: Utilizing performance load testing tools including Neoload, LoadRunner, and JMeter to design, test, and analyze performance; Creating automated performance tests in Jenkins using Python and Groovy to run nightly on AWS and GCP cloud- hosted environments and sending results data to Kibana; Creating reports of nightly performance tests using data available in Kibana and displaying results using Grafana dashboard; Utilizing performance analysis tools including Datadog, SentryOne, and JProfiler to investigate, troubleshoot, and identify performance bottlenecks and issues; Testing, analyzing, and troubleshooting performance of enterprise-scale HTML/J2EE web-based application with a database backend, including Postgress, MSSQL, MySQL, and Oracle; Working in Agile/Scrum models.\n\nSALARY: $195,700 - $210,000 per year \nHOURS: 40 hours per week, Monday-Friday \n*The position is eligible for employee referral reward.\n\n**#LI-DNI**\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732581198,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"technical-qa-engineer-performance-1725","title":"Technical QA Engineer, Performance (1725)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159299","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3160313":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Joining Collibra’s Product Reliability team**\n\nWe are seeking an experienced and skilled Senior Database Engineer to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for ensuring the optimal performance, scalability, and reliability of our database systems. This role involves collaborating with cross-functional teams, providing technical leadership, and implementing best practices to enhance the overall efficiency of our database infrastructure.\n\nThis is a hybrid position based in Prague, Czech Republic.\n\n**Senior Database Engineers at Collibra are responsible for**\n\n- Performance Optimization: Analyze and optimize database performance through monitoring, tuning, and query optimization to ensure optimal response times and efficient resource utilization. Collaborate with our engineering teams to brainstorm, assist with resolution.\n- Right Sizing: Conduct capacity planning and forecasting to anticipate future database requirements and ensure scalability. Automate a way to do that sizing with scalability.\n- Troubleshooting and Problem Resolution: Diagnose and resolve complex database issues, including performance bottlenecks, scalability problems, and data inconsistencies.Analyze observability data to identify patterns, trends, and potential performance bottlenecks.\n- Collaboration: Work closely with developers, system administrators, and other stakeholders to understand application requirements and provide guidance on database-related concerns.\n- Automation: Implement automation for repetitive tasks, and performance monitoring to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Develop and maintain automated solutions for continuous workload analysis at scale, allowing for proactive identification of potential issues.\n- Best practices \u0026 documentation: Best practices for developing the overall database architecture, database configurations, processes, and troubleshooting procedures.\n- Mentoring and Training: Provide mentorship and training to junior team members, sharing expertise and fostering continuous learning within the team.\n\n**You have:**\n\n- A bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field, or equivalent related working experience is required. Advanced degree preferred.\n- Proven experience as a Database Performance Engineer or similar role with at least 5 of hands-on experience.\n- Expertise in database management systems in PostgreSQL or other DBMS and proficiency in SQL.\n- Professional experience in Cloud hosting platforms like AWS and GCP, with a preference for those with managed database experience.\n- Nice to have: knowledge of graph databases.\n- You must have work authorization to work in Prague, CZ.\n\n**You are**\n\n- Equipped with in-depth knowledge of database architecture, replication, and optimization techniques.\n- Possessing strong analytical and problem-solving skills, capable of troubleshooting complex database issues effectively.\n- Familiar with performance monitoring and tuning tools, demonstrating a keen understanding of optimizing database performance.\n- A team player with excellent communication and collaboration skills, capable of working closely with developers, system administrators, and various stakeholders.\n\n**Measures of success**\n\nWithin your first month, you will...\n\n- Familiarize yourself with the existing database infrastructure, understanding its components and intricacies.\n- Engage with the cross-functional teams and gain insights into ongoing projects and database-related challenges.\n- Initiate communication and collaboration with developers, system administrators, and stakeholders to establish effective working relationships.\n\nWithin your third month, you will…\n\n- Have actively contributed to ongoing performance optimization efforts, implementing monitoring, tuning, and query optimization strategies.\n- Participate in capacity planning and forecasting exercises, contributing to the scalability of the database systems.\n- Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks and enhance overall efficiency.\n\nWithin your sixth month, you will…\n\n- Lead initiatives related to database architecture and configurations, implementing best practices and troubleshooting procedures.\n- Provide mentorship and training to junior team members, contributing to their continuous learning and development.\n- Have actively collaborated on the development and maintenance of automated solutions for workload analysis at scale.\n\nThese milestones will not only showcase your integration into the team but also highlight your substantial contributions to the optimization and efficiency enhancement of our database infrastructure.\n\n### **Benefits at Collibra**\n\nCollibra recognizes and values that everyone has different needs, interests, and life goals. We built our {Be}well benefits program with flexibility in mind to support you and your loved ones through a diverse range of circumstances and life events. These flexible offerings sit on a foundation of competitive compensation, health coverage, and time off.\n\n**Professional Development**\n\nCollibrians are ambitious and inventive, and we want to develop our skills individually and as a team. You’ll have access to LinkedIn Learning and other development opportunities, as well as other rewards and recognition programs to help grow your career.\n\n**Health Coverage**\n\nWe strive to remain locally competitive and globally equitable. This means comprehensive offerings including medical, dental, vision, and mental health benefits for you and your family.\n\n**Paid Time Off and Flexibility**\n\nWe offer global leave policies for a variety of personal and family circumstances, company-wide wellness days off throughout the year, meeting-free Wednesdays, and a flexible culture to help balance your work and your life.\n\n**Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion**\n\nWe create inclusion and belonging through how we onboard, meet, connect, engage, and communicate. Learn more about [diversity, equity, and inclusion]( at Collibra.\n\nLearn more about [Collibra’s benefits](\n\n**CAREERS PAGE WARNING**\n\n**Beware of job scams!** Our recruiters use emails only for all of our jobs globally and all job postings can be found at []( We don’t interview via text/message or on social media. We don’t ask for sensitive information like bank account numbers, tax forms or credit card information during the recruitment process.\n\n#LI-AC1\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732667667,"locationNames":["Prague"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-database-engineer-product-reliability","title":"Senior Database Engineer, Product Reliability","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160313","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:884109":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"884109","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-884109"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-884109"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-884109"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-884109"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-884109"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-884109"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-884109"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Self-service access to data assets for cross-functional collaborations \u0026 new opportunities","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3158579"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159299"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160313"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Collibra","slug":"collibra-1"},"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"QUICK_RESPONDER-98145","name":"QUICK_RESPONDER_BADGE","label":"Responds within three weeks","tooltip":"Based on past data, Klaviyo usually responds to incoming applications within three weeks","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-98145","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-98145","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-98145","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-98145","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"Klaviyo is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.6 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.6","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-98145","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Klaviyo 4.5/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.5","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-98145":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-98145","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate Klaviyo 4.6/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.6","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3078756":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Klaviyo is seeking a Senior Software Engineer to join the Security and Trust organization’s **Product Security** team. In this role you will work closely with Security, Product, AppSec, and Development teams to build customer facing security features, internal security tooling to support the Security Operations team, secure code libraries to enable secure product development by Klaviyo developers. You will be directly supporting our mission of reducing risk while maintaining secure development speed and enabling customers to operate on a secure platform. As a member of the Product Security team you will positively impact Klaviyo by providing a secure platform for our customers, enabling development teams to securely and independently maintain secure software, and enable the Security Operations team to execute effectively by providing impactful internal tooling.\n\n**How you will make a difference:**\n\n- Build high impact security solutions within the Klaviyo application\n- Support development teams by consulting on new product development\n- Develop internal security tooling to support the Security Operations mission\n- Work with the Offensive Security and Detection \u0026 Response teams to provide infrastructure to support offensive and defensive capabilities\n- Assist teams so they can remediate security vulnerabilities and reduce risk by implementing secure code practices / tooling.\n- Build automation to prevent security issues from entering our environments or augment security team workflows\n- Identify security gaps and determine best ways to increase visibility and reduce risk\n- Conduct periodic security reviews of proposed software projects, work with development teams during project development to implement secure code practices, make recommendations across the organization to better secure our code and platforms.\n\n#### **Technologies we use (not exhaustive):**\n\n- Python, Django, React, RabbitMQ, Celery, MySQL, Redis, Memcached\n- Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS, Aurora, etc.), Terraform, Jenkins, GCP\n- Splunk, Snowflake, Lacework, Tines, Jira\n\n#### **We’d love to hear from you if you have:**\n\n- 4+ years of hands-on secure software development\n- Experience developing web applications\n\n - Django or other modern platforms\n- Strong development experience with Python\n- Understanding of OWASP top 10 and countermeasures\n- Experience deploying software/applications to complex cloud environments (AWS preferred)\n- Experience with infrastructure-as-code tools such as Terraform\n- Experience in deploying workloads to Kubernetes\n- Automation-first approach for all work performed\n- Strong oral and written communication skills\n- Team player with a strong, self-managing work ethic\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731605771,"locationNames":["Boston"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-software-engineer-product-security","title":"Senior Software Engineer, Product Security","compensation":"$152k – $228k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3078756","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3155319":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Klaviyo is empowering creators to own their destiny. To that end, our Risk \u0026 Trust team partners with our fellow Klaviyos to help them securely deliver customer value and foster unwavering trust with our customers. Within Risk \u0026 Trust, our Risk function enables Klaviyos to take smart risks while bolstering accountability around timely and effective risk mitigation.\n\nWe’re seeking a highly collaborative **Lead Security Risk Engineer** who will help us continue to evolve our Risk function by using engineering principles and data-driven strategies to precisely identify, understand, communicate, and prioritize mitigation of risk. This role will start out primarily focused on supporting our security metrics program, with a big focus on data engineering and making security metrics easily accessible and highly impactful for stakeholders.\n\nYou’ll partner closely with Engineering, IT, Security, Leadership, and basically every other team at Klaviyo to create a holistic view of risk based on high-quality data about our assets, weaknesses, threats, and safeguards (controls). You will help evolve our risk management practices to be transparent, evidence-based, and centered around quantitative risk models. Through all of this, Klaviyo will be in a much better position to sustainably grow and deliver value to our customers.\n\n**What you’ll be doing:**\n\n- Build and curate security metrics (KPIs, KRIs, KCIs) that provide actionable, real-time risk insights that answer meaningful business questions\n- Automate and streamline third-party and internal security risk management processes\n- Assist with risk management operations, including risk assessments and risk reviews\n- Identify and assess risks using qualitative and quantitative methods, such as FAIR\n- Co-create security standards and risk plans with InfoSec and partner team subject matter experts\n- Provide mentorship and technical lead support to your fellow team members\n\n### We’d love to hear from you if you have:\n\n- Strong expertise in ***most*** of the following security domains: vulnerability risk management, application security, cloud infrastructure security, SaaS security, identity and access management, data security and access governance, platform and product safety\n- Experience building security data products at scale, ideally using SQL and Snowflake, Airflow or Airbyte, and dbt\n- Experience building and operationalizing security metrics with partner teams by using data visualization tools, ideally using Apache Superset\n- Experience writing code to build on and integrate with web application APIs, ideally using Python and REST APIs\n\n**Everyone on our team must have:**\n\n- A strong bias toward evidence, logic, math, and reason when communicating risk (instead of fear, uncertainty, and doubt)\n- A strong bias toward “guardrails, not gates” and “paved security roads” philosophies (instead of rigid “centralized command-and-control” processes and operating styles)\n- Excellent ability to plan, prioritize, and deliver results cross-functionally and in a timely fashion\n- Proficiency discussing complex, nuanced topics with technical \u0026 non-technical audiences alike, especially software engineers\n- Strong alignment with[Klaviyo’s core values](\n\n**Bonus points if you have any of the following:**\n\n- Experience designing, building, or implementing technical security controls in AWS\n- Experience with cyber risk quantification (CRQ) tools and frameworks, such as riskquant and FAIR\n- Experience with threat modeling or secure design reviews\n- Experience in security operations, security engineering, and/or security architecture\n- Experience or knowledge of securing web applications, Kubernetes clusters, and/or containers\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732141069,"locationNames":["Denver"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"lead-security-risk-engineer","title":"Lead Security Risk Engineer","compensation":"$160k – $240k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155319","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3155309":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":"AtsIntegration::Greenhouse::Listing","description":"Klaviyo is empowering creators to own their destiny. To that end, our Risk \u0026 Trust team partners with our fellow Klaviyos to help them securely deliver customer value and foster unwavering trust with our customers. Within Risk \u0026 Trust, our Risk function enables Klaviyos to take smart risks while bolstering accountability around timely and effective risk mitigation.\n\nWe’re seeking a highly collaborative **Lead Security Risk Engineer** who will help us continue to evolve our Risk function by using engineering principles and data-driven strategies to precisely identify, understand, communicate, and prioritize mitigation of risk. This role will start out primarily focused on supporting our security metrics program, with a big focus on data engineering and making security metrics easily accessible and highly impactful for stakeholders.\n\nYou’ll partner closely with Engineering, IT, Security, Leadership, and basically every other team at Klaviyo to create a holistic view of risk based on high-quality data about our assets, weaknesses, threats, and safeguards (controls). You will help evolve our risk management practices to be transparent, evidence-based, and centered around quantitative risk models. Through all of this, Klaviyo will be in a much better position to sustainably grow and deliver value to our customers.\n\n**What you’ll be doing:**\n\n- Build and curate security metrics (KPIs, KRIs, KCIs) that provide actionable, real-time risk insights that answer meaningful business questions\n- Automate and streamline third-party and internal security risk management processes\n- Assist with risk management operations, including risk assessments and risk reviews\n- Identify and assess risks using qualitative and quantitative methods, such as FAIR\n- Co-create security standards and risk plans with InfoSec and partner team subject matter experts\n- Provide mentorship and technical lead support to your fellow team members\n\n### We’d love to hear from you if you have:\n\n- Strong expertise in ***most*** of the following security domains: vulnerability risk management, application security, cloud infrastructure security, SaaS security, identity and access management, data security and access governance, platform and product safety\n- Experience building security data products at scale, ideally using SQL and Snowflake, Airflow or Airbyte, and dbt\n- Experience building and operationalizing security metrics with partner teams by using data visualization tools, ideally using Apache Superset\n- Experience writing code to build on and integrate with web application APIs, ideally using Python and REST APIs\n\n**Everyone on our team must have:**\n\n- A strong bias toward evidence, logic, math, and reason when communicating risk (instead of fear, uncertainty, and doubt)\n- A strong bias toward “guardrails, not gates” and “paved security roads” philosophies (instead of rigid “centralized command-and-control” processes and operating styles)\n- Excellent ability to plan, prioritize, and deliver results cross-functionally and in a timely fashion\n- Proficiency discussing complex, nuanced topics with technical \u0026 non-technical audiences alike, especially software engineers\n- Strong alignment with[Klaviyo’s core values](\n\n**Bonus points if you have any of the following:**\n\n- Experience designing, building, or implementing technical security controls in AWS\n- Experience with cyber risk quantification (CRQ) tools and frameworks, such as riskquant and FAIR\n- Experience with threat modeling or secure design reviews\n- Experience in security operations, security engineering, and/or security architecture\n- Experience or knowledge of securing web applications, Kubernetes clusters, and/or containers\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732141059,"locationNames":["Boston"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"lead-security-risk-engineer","title":"Lead Security Risk Engineer","compensation":"$160k – $240k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155309","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:98145":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"98145","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:QUICK_RESPONDER-98145"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-98145"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-98145"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-98145"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-98145"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-98145"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-98145"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"Klaviyo is a unified customer platform for email, SMS, and more. Own your consumer data an","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3078756"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155319"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155309"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Klaviyo","slug":"klaviyo"},"Badge:B2B-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-183505","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-183505","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-183505","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:YC-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"YC-183505","name":"YC_BADGE","label":"YC Funded","tooltip":"Startup funded by Y Combinator","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"HIGHLY_RATED-183505","name":"HIGHLY_RATED_BADGE","label":"Highly rated","tooltip":"GitLab is highly rated on Glassdoor, with 4.8 out of 5 stars","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate GitLab 4.8/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.8","data":null},"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505","name":"STRONG_LEADERSHIP_BADGE","label":"Strong Leadership","tooltip":"Employees rate GitLab 4.7/5 on Glassdoor for faith in leadership","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.7","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3160486":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\n#### **An overview of this role**\n\nSupport Engineering at GitLab isn’t just a title - you will be embedded within the Engineering department and will truly operate in an environment where Support and Engineering meet. You’ll interact with customers daily as they encounter the difficult edge cases of running GitLab in complex environments. In the space of a day, you might be doing behind-the-scenes work of a Linux administrator troubleshooting performance problems by using strace on a particular process, interacting with the Product team to ensure that steps in a bug report are reproducible, or interacting with the Engineering team itself by diving deep into our codebase and putting together a merge request actually to fix a customer issue. \n\nThat’s not all though - you’d equally be invited to contribute to the source code, improve our documentation, and help build out more efficient support processes in our issue tracker. We want to live in a world where everyone can contribute, and as a member of the support team, there are no barriers to using your skills to improve the experience of our users and customers.\n\n**Some examples of our projects:**\n\n- [A tool to quickly analyze strace output](\n- A[solution to capture the state of a customer’s server]( for easier troubleshooting\n- [A tool which turns log files into interactive tables to easily sort and filter columns](\n- A functionality to[ChatOps]( to make it easier to identify user accounts on\n\n**What you’ll do**\n\n- **I**nitially Support a mix of Self-managed and (SaaS) customers and resolve their issues via Zendesk tickets, merge requests, email and video conferencing\n- Transition to working with assigned accounts, taking the initiative to understand their environments, business objectives, and challenges proactively\n- Advocate for customers by anticipating their needs and providing tailored solutions to deliver an enhanced and seamless support experience\n- Collaborate with our[Product](,[Development](,[Infrastructure](,[Customer Success]( and[Sales]( Teams to build new features and fix bugs, define and shape the product goals, roadmap, priorities, and strategy\n- Create and update documentation based on customer interactions\n- Collaborate with Support team members (through[Pairing Sessions]( and other GitLab team members (for example: as a[Support Stable Counterpart](\n- Participate in regular rotations for weekday and weekend on-call coverage (daytime only as required), providing emergency support to our Self-managed and SaaS customers or working with our SaaS Production team to coordinate incident communications\n- Participate in our hiring processes by reviewing applications and assessments and by participating in interviews.\n\n**What you’ll bring**\n\n- Experience in and passion for managing customer-facing cases throughout the entire support lifecycle from initial customer inquiry to triage and reproduction, writing bug reports for handoff to the development team, and case resolution\n- Experience with GitLab and CI/CD; understanding the range of different GitLab implementations, and how service interruptions impact the customer\n- Excellent Linux systems administration knowledge (LFCE or RHCE equivalent knowledge)\n- Ability to use scripting languages (preferably Ruby or Bash), and MVC frameworks (preferably Ruby on Rails)\n- Expertise in writing support content\n- Ability to communicate complex technical topics to customers and coworkers of varying technical skill level\n- Familiarity with DevOps methodologies and technologies like Serverless and Kubernetes.\n\n#### \n\n**About the team**\n\nThe Support team is distributed all over the world across AMER, EMEA, and APAC regions. Support Engineers work on Support Tickets and helping GitLab’s customers, but they also dig into the code and logs to find out why something is not working as expected. The Collaboration here at GitLab is extraordinary and exciting - Support Engineers[ solve complex problems together]( and participate in regular pairing sessions and 1:1s, as well as coffee chats and Slack conversations that help them stay connected. \n\nThanks to our[ Transparency]( value, you can see what we are working on in our[ Support Team]( page. Additionally, you can see our company[ roadmap]( and[ listen]( to some of our meetings. \n\n#### **How GitLab will support you**\n\n- [Benefits to support your health, finances, and well-being](\n- [All remote](, [asynchronous]( work environment\n- [Flexible Paid Time Off](\n- [Team Member Resource Groups](,-TMRGs%20are%20voluntary\u0026text=The%20purpose%20for%20this%20type,developing%20the%20sense%20of%20belonging.)\n- [Equity Compensation \u0026 Employee Stock Purchase Plan](\n- [Growth and development budget](\n- [Parental leave](\n- [Home office]( support\n\n*Please note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from [underrepresented groups]( are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.*\n\n*The base salary range for this role’s listed level is currently for residents of listed locations only. Grade level and salary ranges are determined through interviews and a review of education, experience, knowledge, skills, abilities of the applicant, equity with other team members, and alignment with market data. See more information on our [benefits]( and [equity]( Sales roles are also eligible for incentive pay targeted at up to 100% of the offered base salary.*\n\nCalifornia/Colorado/Hawaii/New Jersey/New York/Washington/DC pay range$87,400—$187,200 USD\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732667090,"locationNames":[],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"senior-support-engineer-amer","title":"Senior Support Engineer (AMER)","compensation":"$87k – $187k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160486","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3160487":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\n#### **An overview of this role**\n\nSupport Engineering at GitLab isn’t just a title - you will be embedded within the Engineering department and will truly operate in an environment where Support and Engineering meet. You’ll interact with customers daily as they encounter the difficult edge cases of running GitLab in complex environments. In the space of a day, you might be doing behind the scenes work of a Linux administrator troubleshooting performance problems by using strace on a particular process, interacting with the Product team to ensure that steps in a bug report are reproducible, or interacting with the Engineering team itself by diving deep into our codebase and putting together a merge request to actually fix a customer issue. \n\nThat’s not all though - you’d equally be invited to contribute to the source code, improve our documentation, and help build out more efficient support processes in our issue tracker. We want to live in a world where everyone can contribute, and as a member of the support team, there are no barriers to using your skills to improve the experience of our users and customers.\n\nSome examples of our projects: \n\n- [A tool to quickly analyze strace output](\n- A [solution to capture the state of a customer’s server]( for easier troubleshooting\n- [A tool which turns log files into interactive tables to easily sort and filter columns](\n- A functionality to[ChatOps]( to make it easier to identify user accounts on\n\n**What you’ll do** \n\n- Initially Support a mix of Self-managed and (SaaS) customers and resolve their issues via Zendesk tickets, merge requests, email and video conferencing\n- Transition to working with assigned accounts, becoming familiar with their environments and business to provide an enhanced support experience\n- Collaborate with our [Product](, [Development](, [Infrastructure](, [Customer Success]( and [Sales]( Teams to build new features and fix bugs, define and shape the product goals, roadmap, priorities, and strategy\n- Create and update documentation based on customer interactions\n- Collaborate with Support team members (through [Pairing Sessions]( and other GitLab team members (for example: as a [Support Stable Counterpart](\n- Participate in regular rotations for weekday and weekend on-call coverage (daytime only as required), providing emergency support to our Self-managed and SaaS customers, or working with our SaaS Production team to coordinate incident communications\n- Participate in our hiring processes by reviewing applications and assessments, and by participating in interviews.\n\n#### \n\n**What you’ll bring**\n\n- Experience in, and passion for managing customer facing cases throughout the entire support lifecycle from initial customer inquiry to triage and reproduction, writing bug reports for hand off to the development team, and case resolution\n- Experience with GitLab and CI/CD; understanding the range of different GitLab implementations, and how service interruptions impact the customer\n- Excellent Linux systems administration knowledge (LFCE or RHCE equivalent knowledge)\n- Ability to use scripting languages (preferably Ruby or Bash), and MVC frameworks (preferably Ruby on Rails)\n- Expertise in writing support content\n- Ability to communicate complex technical topics to customers and coworkers of varying technical skill level\n- Familiarity with DevOps methodologies and technologies like Serverless and Kubernetes.\n\n#### \n\n**About the team**\n\nThe Support team is distributed all over the world across AMER, EMEA, and APAC regions. Support Engineers work on Support Tickets and helping GitLab’s customers, but they also dig into the code and logs to find out why something is not working as expected. The Collaboration here at GitLab is extraordinary and exciting - Support Engineers [solve complex problems together]( and participate in regular pairing sessions and 1:1s, as well as coffee chats and Slack conversations that help them stay connected. \n\nThanks to our [Transparency]( value, you can see what we are working on in our [Support Team]( page. Additionally, you can see our company [roadmap]( and [listen]( to some of our meetings. \n\n#### \n\n#### **How GitLab will support you**\n\n- [Benefits to support your health, finances, and well-being](\n- [All remote](, [asynchronous]( work environment\n- [Flexible Paid Time Off](\n- [Team Member Resource Groups](,-TMRGs%20are%20voluntary\u0026text=The%20purpose%20for%20this%20type,developing%20the%20sense%20of%20belonging.)\n- [Equity Compensation \u0026 Employee Stock Purchase Plan](\n- [Growth and development budget](\n- [Parental leave](\n- [Home office]( support\n\n*Please note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from* [*underrepresented groups*]( *are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.*\n\n#### **#LI-JM1**\n\n#### \n\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732667090,"locationNames":["Emeabiam"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"senior-support-engineer-emea","title":"Senior Support Engineer (EMEA)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3160487","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3146061":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"GitLab is an open core software company that develops the most comprehensive [AI-powered DevSecOps Platform](, used by more than 100,000 organizations. Our [mission]( is to enable everyone to contribute to and co-create the software that powers our world. When everyone can contribute, consumers become contributors, significantly accelerating the rate of human progress. This mission is integral to our culture, influencing how we hire, build products, and lead our industry. We make this possible at GitLab by running our [operations]( on our product and staying aligned with our [values]( Learn more about [Life at GitLab](\n\n#### **An overview of this role**\n\nSupport Engineering at GitLab isn’t just a title - you will be embedded within the Engineering department and will truly operate in an environment where Support and Engineering meet. You’ll interact with customers daily as they encounter the difficult edge cases of running GitLab in complex environments. In the space of a day, you might be doing behind the scenes work of a Linux administrator troubleshooting performance problems by using strace on a particular process, interacting with the Product team to ensure that steps in a bug report are reproducible, or interacting with the Engineering team itself by diving deep into our codebase and putting together a merge request to actually fix a customer issue. \n\nThat’s not all though - you’d equally be invited to contribute to the source code, improve our documentation, and help build out more efficient support processes in our issue tracker. We want to live in a world where everyone can contribute, and as a member of the Support team, there are no barriers to using your skills to improve the experience of our users and customers.\n\nSome examples of our projects: \n\n- [A tool to quickly analyze strace output](\n- A [solution to capture the state of a customer’s server]( for easier troubleshooting\n- [A tool which turns log files into interactive tables to easily sort and filter columns](\n- A functionality to[ChatOps]( to make it easier to identify user accounts on\n\n \n\n**What you’ll do** \n\n- Support a mix of Self-managed and (SaaS) customers and resolve their issues via Zendesk tickets, merge requests, email and video conferencing\n- Collaborate with our [Product](, [Development](, [Infrastructure](, [Customer Success]( and [Sales]( Teams to build new features and fix bugs, define and shape the product goals, roadmap, priorities, and strategy\n- Create and update documentation based on customer interactions\n- Collaborate with Support team members (through [Pairing Sessions]( and other GitLab team members (for example: as a [Support Stable Counterpart](\n- Participate in regular rotations for weekday and weekend on-call coverage (daytime only), providing emergency support to our Self-managed and SaaS customers, or working with our SaaS Production team to coordinate incident communications\n\n \n\n**What you’ll bring**\n\n- Experience in / passion for managing customer-facing cases throughout the entire support lifecycle from initial customer inquiry to triage and reproduction, writing bug reports for handoff to the development team, and case resolution\n- Basic Linux systems knowledge\n- Basic familiarity/knowledge of scripting languages (preferably Ruby or Bash)\n- Basic understanding of Git\n- Ability to communicate technical topics to customers and coworkers of varying technical skill level\n\n \n\n**About the team**\n\nThe Support team is distributed all over the world across AMER, EMEA, and APAC regions. Support Engineers work on Support Tickets and helping GitLab’s customers, but they also dig into the code and logs to find out why something is not working as expected. The Collaboration here at GitLab is extraordinary and exciting - Support Engineers [solve complex problems together]( and participate in regular pairing sessions and 1:1s, as well as coffee chats and Slack conversations that help them stay connected. \n\nThanks to our [Transparency]( value, you can see what we are working on in our [Support Team]( page. Additionally, you can see our company [roadmap]( and [listen]( to some of our meetings. \n\n \n\n#### **How GitLab will support you**\n\n- [Benefits to support your health, finances, and well-being](\n- [All remote](, [asynchronous]( work environment\n- [Flexible Paid Time Off](\n- [Team Member Resource Groups](,-TMRGs%20are%20voluntary\u0026text=The%20purpose%20for%20this%20type,developing%20the%20sense%20of%20belonging.)\n- [Equity Compensation \u0026 Employee Stock Purchase Plan](\n- [Growth and development budget](\n- [Parental leave](\n- [Home office]( support\n\n*Please note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from* [*underrepresented groups*]( *are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.*\n\n#### **#LI-JM1**\n\n \n\n* * *\n\n**Country Hiring Guidelines:** GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process. \n\n**Privacy Policy:** Please review our [Recruitment Privacy Policy.]( Your privacy is important to us.\n\nGitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also [GitLab’s EEO Policy]( and [EEO is the Law]( If you have a disability or special need that requires [accommodation](, please let us know during the [recruiting process](\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731025497,"locationNames":["Emeabiam"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":true,"slug":"associate-support-engineer-emea","title":"Associate Support Engineer (EMEA)","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3146061","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:183505":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"183505","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:YC-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:HIGHLY_RATED-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-183505"},{"__ref":"Badge:STRONG_LEADERSHIP-183505"}],"companySize":"SIZE_1001_5000","highConcept":"One interface. A complete CI/CD toolchain, out-of-the-box","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160486"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3160487"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3146061"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"GitLab","slug":"gitlab"},"Badge:B2B-682337":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-682337","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-682337":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-682337","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Scale Stage","tooltip":"Rapidly increasing operations","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"scale_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-682337":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-682337","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:VALUATION_1B-682337":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"VALUATION_1B-682337","name":"VALUATION1B_BADGE","label":"Valuation $1B+","tooltip":"This company has a valuation of $1B or more","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3151523":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Passionate about precision medicine and advancing the healthcare industry?**\n\nRecent advancements in underlying technology have finally made it possible for AI to impact clinical care in a meaningful way. Tempus' proprietary platform connects an entire ecosystem of real-world evidence to deliver real-time, actionable insights to physicians, providing critical information about the right treatments for the right patients, at the right time.\n\nWe are looking for a Technical Director, Laboratory Process Improvement who will be responsible for strategic action plans of all nonconformances.\n\n**What You’ll Do**\n\n- Provide primary scientific, technical, and application support for the clinical next-generation sequencing (NGS) laboratory\n- Collaborate with the Senior Medical Director and critical laboratory staff to identify and implement quality improvements\n- Assist with troubleshooting and deliver exceptional technical support\n- Diagnose mechanical, hardware, software, and system failure, using advanced knowledge, experience, and skills\n- Maintain expert-level knowledge of all procedures in the NGS laboratory\n- Provide management with updates on application support, key metrics, issues, and risks\n- Provide analyses, feedback, and recommendations regarding assay and equipment performance\n- Lead investigations into lab issues, including equipment malfunctions, process deviations, and unexpected results.\n- Investigate nonconformances through RCA and DMAIC, perform/recommend corrective and preventive actions\n- Proactively provide practical preventions and corrective action plans for all types of nonconformance issues\n- Identify applications that are error-prone and research innovative approaches for practical prevention\n- Conduct regular assessments of lab operations to identify areas for improvement and efficiency gains.\n- Liaise with Quality Assurance, Process Engineering, Automation, and Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) departments as a technical applications expert\n\n**Required Knowledge and Skills**\n\n- PhD in molecular biology, genetics, or genomics\n- Minimum of 5 years of experience in a clinical laboratory setting, with a focus on process improvement and operational efficiency\n- Exceptional interpersonal skills\n- Ability to communicate effectively with various internal teams via email, Slack, and live conversation\n- Ability to think fast, find answers, and respond quickly to operational problems\n- Very highly organized and systematic, superb attention to detail and ability to complete tasks with a high degree of accuracy and autonomy\n- Show initiative and ability to work as part of a high-level team while working independently on mission-critical tasks\n- Detailed understanding of entire MS Office Suite and G-Suite applications\n\n**Preferred Knowledge and Experience**\n\n- Project management experience\n- Tech-savvy and comfortable learning and integrating new forms of technology\n- Detailed understanding of entire MS Office Suite and G-Suite applications\n- Experience with homegrown software\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nWe are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.\n\n###### #LI-SH1\n\n###### #LI-Hybrid\n\n###### #LI-Onsite\n\nWe are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.\n\n \n\nAdditionally, *for remote roles open to individuals in unincorporated Los Angeles – including remote roles- *Tempus reasonably believes that criminal history may have a direct, adverse and negative relationship on the following job duties, potentially resulting in the withdrawal of the conditional offer of employment: engaging positively with customers and other employees; accessing confidential information, including intellectual property, trade secrets, and protected health information; and appropriately handling such information in accordance with legal and ethical standards. Qualified applicants with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with applicable law, including the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731632312,"locationNames":["Chicago"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Engineering Manager","remote":false,"slug":"technical-director-laboratory-process-improvement","title":"Technical Director, Laboratory Process Improvement","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3151523","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3135011":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Passionate about precision medicine and advancing the healthcare industry?**\n\nRecent advancements in technology have finally made it possible for AI to impact clinical care in a meaningful way. Tempus' proprietary platform connects an entire ecosystem of real-world evidence to deliver real-time, actionable insights to physicians, providing critical information about the right treatments for the right patients, at the right time.\n\nAt Tempus, software and AI products are owned and developed by small, autonomous teams composed of engineers, designers, scientists, and product managers. Teams set the goals, build the software, deploy the code, and contribute to a growing software platform that drives research and delivers advanced diagnostic and treatment improvements for our clinical partners and their patients.\n\nAs a Senior Software Engineer on the Transforms Platform team at Tempus, you’ll be on the front lines of our battle to develop and deliver cutting-edge, modern technology into the hands of clinicians. The Transforms platform is the culmination of years of experience helping bioinformatics scientists, data scientists, and ML developers build their algorithms, pipelines, and models and deliver them in production at scale. Transforms enable these users to rapidly develop and easily operate their solutions in a highly regulated, secure, and scalable production environment by handling technical architecture, cloud infrastructure, security, and compliance so they can stay focused on their areas of expertise and delivering value for Tempus customers and patients.\n\nWe are seeking a talented and experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our team and drive the development of this core component of our platform. Transforms are critical to our mission of delivering high-quality, scalable, and efficient solutions to our internal users and external customers. By joining our team, you will be a key contributor to the innovation and optimization of our data processing capabilities, ensuring that we continue to meet the evolving needs of our business and customers. Your work will directly impact our ability to provide cutting-edge AI solutions that empower clinicians to provide cutting edge care to patients that helps them live longer, healthier lives.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Drive the development and maintenance of a core platform for scientists and engineers to develop, deploy, and operate their algorithms and models.\n- Deliver new Transforms platform features and enhancements to expand capabilities, connect to new data sources, increase scalability, and improve user experience.\n- Design, implement, and test production backend web services in TypeScript.\n- Support other engineering, science, and ML teams developing and operating their Transform-based solutions. You will leverage your expertise as a software engineer and knowledge of the Transforms platform to answer user questions and troubleshoot development or production issues.\n- Assist teams migrating their Transforms to new versions of the platform and adopting new features.\n- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand business requirements and translate them into technical solutions.\n- Optimize and enhance the performance of existing platform services and features.\n- Develop and promote best practices for software engineering, including code quality, testing, and documentation.\n- Mentor and guide junior engineers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.\n- Participate in code reviews, providing constructive feedback to peers.\n- Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, incorporating them into the platform as appropriate.\n- Troubleshoot and resolve complex technical issues related to data processing and transformation among container-based applications.\n- Contribute to the overall architecture and design of the Transforms Platform, ensuring it aligns with the company's strategic goals.\n- Take operational responsibility for platform systems in production, including on-call duties.\n- Monitor systems to ensure reliability and performance, responding proactively to issues.\n\n**Required Qualifications:**\n\n- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field, or equivalent industry experience.\n- 5+ years of experience in software engineering, with a focus on data or platform engineering, and backend web services.\n- Demonstrated success in writing production backend web services in statically-typed programming languages such as TypeScript, Java, Rust, or Go.\n- Openness to working primarily in a TypeScript and Node.js programming environment.\n- Strong understanding of data structures, algorithms, and software design principles.\n- Familiarity with relational database design and application-level operations, including schema migrations. Experience with PostgreSQL is preferred.\n- Strong experience building and running containers for production systems.\n- Experience with container orchestration and storage on public cloud platforms (GCP, AWS), such as Kubernetes (GKE, AWS EKS), AWS ECS, and AWS Fargate.\n- Demonstrated success in translating complex business requirements into technical design, with a track record of success in application design.\n- Experience in systems monitoring and operational responsibility for platform production systems, including internal user support and/or on-call duties.\n\n**Preferred Qualifications:**\n\n- Experience with cloud technologies such as:\n\n - Google: Batch, GCS, BigTable, BigQuery, Cloud SQL\n - AWS: S3, OpenSearch, RDS\n- Strong preference for experience with GCP and Kubernetes.\n- Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and DevOps practices.\n\n \n\n \n\n###### #LI-SH1\n\n###### #LI-Hybrid\n\n###### #LI-Onsite\n\nWe are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.\n\n \n\nAdditionally, *for remote roles open to individuals in unincorporated Los Angeles – including remote roles- *Tempus reasonably believes that criminal history may have a direct, adverse and negative relationship on the following job duties, potentially resulting in the withdrawal of the conditional offer of employment: engaging positively with customers and other employees; accessing confidential information, including intellectual property, trade secrets, and protected health information; and appropriately handling such information in accordance with legal and ethical standards. Qualified applicants with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with applicable law, including the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729731640,"locationNames":["Chicago"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"senior-software-engineer-transforms-platform","title":"Senior Software Engineer, Transforms Platform","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3135011","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3135012":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**Passionate about precision medicine and advancing the healthcare industry?**\n\nRecent advancements in technology have finally made it possible for AI to impact clinical care in a meaningful way. Tempus' proprietary platform connects an entire ecosystem of real-world evidence to deliver real-time, actionable insights to physicians, providing critical information about the right treatments for the right patients, at the right time.\n\nAt Tempus, software and AI products are owned and developed by small, autonomous teams composed of engineers, designers, scientists, and product managers. Teams set the goals, build the software, deploy the code, and contribute to a growing software platform that drives research and delivers advanced diagnostic and treatment improvements for our clinical partners and their patients.\n\nAs a Software Engineer on the Transforms Platform team at Tempus, you’ll be on the front lines of our battle to develop and deliver cutting-edge, modern technology into the hands of clinicians. The Transforms platform is the culmination of years of experience helping bioinformatics scientists, data scientists, and ML developers build their algorithms, pipelines, and models and deliver them in production at scale. Transforms enable these users to rapidly develop and easily operate their solutions in a highly regulated, secure, and scalable production environment by handling technical architecture, cloud infrastructure, security, and compliance so they can stay focused on their areas of expertise and delivering value for Tempus customers and patients.\n\nWe are seeking a motivated and talented Software Engineer to join our team and assist in the development and maintenance of the core components of our platform. Transforms are critical to our mission of delivering high-quality, scalable, and efficient solutions to our internal users and external customers. By joining our team, you will contribute to the innovation and optimization of our data processing capabilities, ensuring that we continue to meet the evolving needs of our business and customers. Your work will directly impact our ability to provide cutting-edge AI solutions that empower clinicians to provide cutting edge care to patients that helps them live longer, healthier lives.\n\n**Responsibilities:**\n\n- Assist in developing and maintaining a core platform for scientists and engineers to develop, deploy, and operate their algorithms and models.\n- Help the team deliver new Transforms platform features and enhancements to expand capabilities, connect to new data sources, increase scalability, and improve user experience.\n- Write backend web services in TypeScript under the guidance of senior engineers.\n- Design and implement software solutions according to requirements and specifications provided by product managers and senior engineers.\n- Follow best practices for software engineering, code quality, testing, and documentation established by the team.\n- Participate in code reviews, providing and receiving constructive feedback.\n- Support other engineering, science, and ML teams developing and operating their Transform-based solutions. You will leverage your expertise as a software engineer and knowledge of the Transforms platform to answer user questions and troubleshoot development or production issues.\n- Assist teams migrating their Transforms to new versions of the platform.\n- Monitor systems to ensure reliability and performance, responding proactively to issues.\n\n**Required Qualifications:**\n\n- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field, or equivalent industry experience.\n- 1-3 years of experience in software engineering, with a focus on backend web services.\n- Experience in writing backend web services in statically-typed programming languages such as TypeScript, Java, Rust, or Go.\n- Openness to working primarily in a TypeScript and Node.js programming environment.\n- Understanding of data structures, algorithms, and software design principles.\n- Familiarity with relational database design and application-level operations, including schema migrations. Experience with PostgreSQL is preferred.\n\n**Preferred Qualifications:**\n\n- Familiarity with container orchestration and storage on public cloud platforms (GCP, AWS), such as Kubernetes (GKE, AWS EKS), AWS ECS, and AWS Fargate.\n- Experience with cloud technologies such as:\n\n - Google: Batch, Pub/Sub, GCS, Cloud SQL, BigQuery\n - AWS: S3, OpenSearch, RDS\n- Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and DevOps practices.\n\n \n\n###### #LI-SH1\n\n###### #LI-Hybrid\n\n###### #LI-Onsite\n\nWe are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.\n\n \n\nAdditionally, *for remote roles open to individuals in unincorporated Los Angeles – including remote roles- *Tempus reasonably believes that criminal history may have a direct, adverse and negative relationship on the following job duties, potentially resulting in the withdrawal of the conditional offer of employment: engaging positively with customers and other employees; accessing confidential information, including intellectual property, trade secrets, and protected health information; and appropriately handling such information in accordance with legal and ethical standards. Qualified applicants with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with applicable law, including the Los Angeles County Fair Chance Ordinance for Employers and the California Fair Chance Act.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729731640,"locationNames":["Chicago"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Backend Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"software-engineer-transforms-platform","title":"Software Engineer, Transforms Platform","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3135012","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:682337":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"682337","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-682337"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-682337"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-682337"},{"__ref":"Badge:VALUATION_1B-682337"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Using data to speed up research for cancer treatments","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3151523"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3135011"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3135012"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Tempus Labs","slug":"tempus"},"Badge:B2C-1086283":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2C-1086283","name":"B2C_BADGE","label":"B2C","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:B2B-1086283":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-1086283","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-1086283":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-1086283","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Growth Stage","tooltip":"Expanding market presence","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"growth_stage"},"JobListingSearchResult:2918847":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":false,"atsSource":null,"description":"A Cloud Engineer serves as an infrastructure and Cloud Engineer within the Technical Operations team. This role possesses a mix of networking, security, scripting, and system administration skills, as the Cloud Engineer is required to provide developer support, application systems administration, production support, and many other tasks. The Cloud Engineer works closely with developers, facilitating the development process by removing obstacles interfering with development, and by designing and implementing appropriate infrastructure solutions. \n\n**Primary Job Duties: **\n\n•\tDeploy, maintain, support and troubleshoot resources in a cloud environment.\n•\tEvaluate, test, deploy and maintain both custom developed and third-party software upgrades. \n•\tMaintain systems such as test environments, source control and automated build/test/deploy systems to support our SDLC and services.\n•\tMaintain production services to our SLAs.\n•\tTake ownership of production issues, working closely with the development and customer success teams on issue resolution\n•\tProvide developer support on an ongoing basis, frequently collaborating with development teams.\n•\tProvide 24x7 production support as part of a team rotation, resolving or escalating issues as appropriate.\n•\tSupport releases on a regularly scheduled basis, as well as emergency releases as needed.\n•\tDeploy application and data changes to stage and production environments as needed. \n•\tProficient in troubleshooting and resolving production issues.\n•\tDesign and implement new environments, services, infrastructure, and application architecture modifications.\n•\tResearch, evaluate and implement operational improvements, application packages and architectural modifications.\n•\tParticipate in change control, release planning, and other operational planning.\n•\tRemain current on industry leading solutions for public cloud hosting (primary focus on Azure), including deployment, scaling, monitoring, data storage and cost management.\n•\tRemain current on industry leading solutions and best practices for infrastructure and application security tools and technology.\n\n**Required Skill Set**\n\n•\tBachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent experience\n•\t2+ years production application support experience in a high uptime environment\n•\t2+ years server administration experience including diagnosis of performance issues, package management, load estimation, networking configuration for both a Windows and Linux server environment. \n•\tExperience with SQL and SQL Server management including scripting ability.\n•\tExperience with Kubernetes strongly desired\n•\tExperience with Azure IaaS and PaaS services (VMs, Networking, SQL Azure, Azure AD, Cosmos DB, Log Analytic, Application Insights are some of the most important services)\n•\tHands-on cloud experience strongly preferred (Azure, Amazon Web Services or Google)\n•\tUnderstanding of networking principles, esp. TCP/IP\n•\tExcellent troubleshooting and analytic skills\n•\tAbility to work as a team or independently as required.\n•\tExcellent communications skills","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1731854471,"locationNames":["St. Louis"],"primaryRoleTitle":"DevOps","remote":true,"slug":"cloud-engineer","title":"Cloud Engineer","compensation":"$75k – $120k","yearsExperienceMin":3,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"2918847","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:1086283":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"1086283","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2C-1086283"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-1086283"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-1086283"}],"companySize":"SIZE_11_50","highConcept":"Financial Fitness for Homeownership","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:2918847"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"FinLocker","slug":"finlocker"},"Badge:B2B-49096":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-49096","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-49096":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-49096","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-49096":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-49096","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-49096":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-49096","name":"WORK_LIFE_BALANCE_BADGE","label":"Work / Life Balance","tooltip":"Employees rate Fastly 4.2/5 on Glassdoor for work / life balance","avatarUrl":null,"rating":"4.2","data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3159344":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Fastly helps people stay better connected with the things they love. Fastly’s edge cloud platform enables customers to create great digital experiences quickly, securely, and reliably by processing, serving, and securing our customers’ applications as close to their end-users as possible — at the edge of the Internet. The platform is designed to take advantage of the modern internet, to be programmable, and to support agile software development. Fastly’s customers include many of the world’s most prominent companies, including Vimeo, Pinterest, The New York Times, and GitHub.\n\nWe're building a more trustworthy Internet. Come join us.\n\n**Posting Open Date: November 22 2024**\n\n**Anticipated Posting Close Date*:** December 22 2024\n\n**Job posting may close early due to the volume of applicants.*\n\n**Customer Support Engineer**\n\nCustomer Support Engineers will have experience actively diagnosing and debugging customer tickets and will be technically curious; digging deep to find the answer to a tricky problem. CSEs will be good communicators and will be able to handle customers in both positive and negative situations. They must be able to fully drive customers through the debugging process in confident control. \n\nFastly’s goal of creating the best set of tools for people who scale the internet is rooted in great support. It's a core value, and something that shapes our culture. Fastly is looking for passionate support engineers to continue our high standard of support, as well as scale and improve our support systems as we grow.\n\nThe ideal candidate should be a master of written voice, and have the technical curiosity and experience necessary to understand Fastly’s product from end to end. They’ll be working with our marketing, engineering, and sales teams on behalf of our customer base, so a passion for customer advocacy is essential. Also, no two support tickets at Fastly are alike, so support engineers will be dealing with a wide range of complex and rewarding problems on a daily basis. \n\n#### **What You’ll Do**\n\n- Manage customer CDN configurations over email and chat\n- Communicate customer needs and requirements with the engineering, product and sales teams\n- Contribute to our customer facing documentation when necessary\n- Contribute to the processes and policies that scale our support organization as we grow\n\n#### **What We're Looking For**\n\n- Recommended minimum of 2+ years of experience in customer support or sysadmin role\n- Strong written communication skills and experience supporting customers via email, chat, ticketing system or phone\n- Demonstrated understanding of one or more programming languages\n- Demonstrated understanding of *nix environment\n- Ability to debug connections using cURL, traceroute, nc or other network diagnostic tools\n\n**Work Hours:**\n\n- This position will require you to be available during core business hours.\n\n**Work Locations \u0026 Travel Requirements:**\n\nThis position is open to the following preferred office locations:\n\n- Denver, CO\n- New York City, NY\n\nFastly currently embraces a largely hybrid model for most roles which allows employees flexibility to split their time between the office and home. \n\nPursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance and the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.\n\n**Salary:**\n\nThe estimated salary range for this position is $95,170 to $132,170.\n\nStarting salary may vary based on permissible, non-discriminatory factors such as experience, skills, qualifications, and location.\n\nThis role may be eligible to participate in Fastly’s equity and discretionary bonus programs.\n\n**Benefits:**\n\nWe care about you. Fastly works hard to create a positive environment for our employees, and we think your life outside of work is important too. We support our teams with great benefits that start on the first day of your employment with Fastly. Curious about our offerings? \n\nWe offer a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, and vision insurance. Family planning, mental health support along with Employee Assistance Program, Insurance (Life, Disability, and Accident), a Flexible Vacation policy and up to 18 days of accrued paid sick leave are there to help support our employees. We also offer 401(k) (including company match) and an Employee Stock Purchase Program. For 2024, we offer 10 paid local holidays, 11 paid company wellness days. \n\n**Why Fastly?**\n\n- **We have a huge impact.** Fastly is a small company with a big reach. Not only do[our customers]( have a tremendous user base, but we also support a growing number of[open source projects and initiatives]( Outside of code, employees are encouraged to share causes close to their heart with others so we can help lend a supportive hand.\n- **We love distributed teams.** Fastly’s home-base is in San Francisco, but we have multiple offices and employees sprinkled around the globe. As a new hire, you will be able to attend our IN-PERSON new hire orientation in our San Francisco office! It is an exciting week-long experience that we offer to new employees to build connections with colleagues across Fastly, participate in hands-on learning opportunities, and immerse yourself in our culture firsthand.\n- **We value diversity.** Growing and maintaining our inclusive and diverse team matters to us. We are committed to being a company where our employees feel comfortable bringing their authentic selves to work and have the ability to be successful -- every day.\n- **We are passionate.** Fastly is chock full of passionate people and we’re not ‘one size fits all’. Fastly employs authors, pilots, skiers, parents (of humans and animals), makeup geeks, coffee connoisseurs, and more. We love employees for who they are and what they are passionate about.\n\n**We’re always looking for humble, sharp, and creative folks to join the Fastly team. If you think you might be a fit please apply!** **A fully completed application and resume or CV are required when applying.**\n\n*Fastly is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity and to providing employees with a safe and welcoming work environment free of discrimination and harassment. Our employment decisions are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications.* *All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, family or parental status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances.*\n\n*Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal or state disability laws, Fastly will provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and employees with disabilities. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and/or to receive other benefits and privileges of employment, please contact your Recruiter, or the Fastly Employee Relations team at* [**]( *or 501-287-4901. *\n\n*Fastly collects and processes personal data submitted by job applicants in accordance with our[ Privacy Policy]( Please see our[ privacy notice for job applicants](*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732580972,"locationNames":["New York City"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Service","remote":false,"slug":"customer-support-engineer","title":"Customer Support Engineer","compensation":"$95k – $132k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3159344","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3157993":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Fastly helps people stay better connected with the things they love. Fastly’s edge cloud platform enables customers to create great digital experiences quickly, securely, and reliably by processing, serving, and securing our customers’ applications as close to their end-users as possible — at the edge of the Internet. The platform is designed to take advantage of the modern internet, to be programmable, and to support agile software development. Fastly’s customers include many of the world’s most prominent companies, including Vimeo, Pinterest, The New York Times, and GitHub.\n\nWe're building a more trustworthy Internet. Come join us.\n\n**Posting Open Date: November 22 2024**\n\n**Anticipated Posting Close Date*:** December 22 2024\n\n**Job posting may close early due to the volume of applicants.*\n\n**Customer Support Engineer**\n\nCustomer Support Engineers will have experience actively diagnosing and debugging customer tickets and will be technically curious; digging deep to find the answer to a tricky problem. CSEs will be good communicators and will be able to handle customers in both positive and negative situations. They must be able to fully drive customers through the debugging process in confident control. \n\nFastly’s goal of creating the best set of tools for people who scale the internet is rooted in great support. It's a core value, and something that shapes our culture. Fastly is looking for passionate support engineers to continue our high standard of support, as well as scale and improve our support systems as we grow.\n\nThe ideal candidate should be a master of written voice, and have the technical curiosity and experience necessary to understand Fastly’s product from end to end. They’ll be working with our marketing, engineering, and sales teams on behalf of our customer base, so a passion for customer advocacy is essential. Also, no two support tickets at Fastly are alike, so support engineers will be dealing with a wide range of complex and rewarding problems on a daily basis. \n\n#### **What You’ll Do**\n\n- Manage customer CDN configurations over email and chat\n- Communicate customer needs and requirements with the engineering, product and sales teams\n- Contribute to our customer facing documentation when necessary\n- Contribute to the processes and policies that scale our support organization as we grow\n\n#### **What We're Looking For**\n\n- Recommended minimum of 2+ years of experience in customer support or sysadmin role\n- Strong written communication skills and experience supporting customers via email, chat, ticketing system or phone\n- Demonstrated understanding of one or more programming languages\n- Demonstrated understanding of *nix environment\n- Ability to debug connections using cURL, traceroute, nc or other network diagnostic tools\n\n**Work Hours:**\n\n- This position will require you to be available during core business hours.\n\n**Work Locations \u0026 Travel Requirements:**\n\nThis position is open to the following preferred office locations:\n\n- Denver, CO\n- New York City, NY\n\nFastly currently embraces a largely hybrid model for most roles which allows employees flexibility to split their time between the office and home. \n\nPursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance and the Los Angeles Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.\n\n**Salary:**\n\nThe estimated salary range for this position is $95,170 to $132,170.\n\nStarting salary may vary based on permissible, non-discriminatory factors such as experience, skills, qualifications, and location.\n\nThis role may be eligible to participate in Fastly’s equity and discretionary bonus programs.\n\n**Benefits:**\n\nWe care about you. Fastly works hard to create a positive environment for our employees, and we think your life outside of work is important too. We support our teams with great benefits that start on the first day of your employment with Fastly. Curious about our offerings? \n\nWe offer a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, and vision insurance. Family planning, mental health support along with Employee Assistance Program, Insurance (Life, Disability, and Accident), a Flexible Vacation policy and up to 18 days of accrued paid sick leave are there to help support our employees. We also offer 401(k) (including company match) and an Employee Stock Purchase Program. For 2024, we offer 10 paid local holidays, 11 paid company wellness days. \n\n**Why Fastly?**\n\n- **We have a huge impact.** Fastly is a small company with a big reach. Not only do[our customers]( have a tremendous user base, but we also support a growing number of[open source projects and initiatives]( Outside of code, employees are encouraged to share causes close to their heart with others so we can help lend a supportive hand.\n- **We love distributed teams.** Fastly’s home-base is in San Francisco, but we have multiple offices and employees sprinkled around the globe. As a new hire, you will be able to attend our IN-PERSON new hire orientation in our San Francisco office! It is an exciting week-long experience that we offer to new employees to build connections with colleagues across Fastly, participate in hands-on learning opportunities, and immerse yourself in our culture firsthand.\n- **We value diversity.** Growing and maintaining our inclusive and diverse team matters to us. We are committed to being a company where our employees feel comfortable bringing their authentic selves to work and have the ability to be successful -- every day.\n- **We are passionate.** Fastly is chock full of passionate people and we’re not ‘one size fits all’. Fastly employs authors, pilots, skiers, parents (of humans and animals), makeup geeks, coffee connoisseurs, and more. We love employees for who they are and what they are passionate about.\n\n**We’re always looking for humble, sharp, and creative folks to join the Fastly team. If you think you might be a fit please apply!** **A fully completed application and resume or CV are required when applying.**\n\n*Fastly is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity and to providing employees with a safe and welcoming work environment free of discrimination and harassment. Our employment decisions are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications.* *All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, family or parental status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances.*\n\n*Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal or state disability laws, Fastly will provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and employees with disabilities. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and/or to receive other benefits and privileges of employment, please contact your Recruiter, or the Fastly Employee Relations team at* [**]( *or 501-287-4901. *\n\n*Fastly collects and processes personal data submitted by job applicants in accordance with our[ Privacy Policy]( Please see our[ privacy notice for job applicants](*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732322057,"locationNames":["Denver"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Customer Service","remote":false,"slug":"customer-support-engineer","title":"Customer Support Engineer","compensation":"$95k – $132k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3157993","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3138688":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"Fastly helps people stay better connected with the things they love. Fastly’s edge cloud platform enables customers to create great digital experiences quickly, securely, and reliably by processing, serving, and securing our customers’ applications as close to their end-users as possible — at the edge of the Internet. The platform is designed to take advantage of the modern internet, to be programmable, and to support agile software development. Fastly’s customers include many of the world’s most prominent companies, including Vimeo, Pinterest, The New York Times, and GitHub.\n\nWe're building a more trustworthy Internet. Come join us.\n\n**Web Application Security Analyst - Denver (Hybrid)**\n\n**Posting Open Date:** 10/29/2024\n\n**Anticipated Posting Close Date*:** 11/30/2024\n\n**Job posting may close early due to the volume of applicants.*\n\nLeveraging our growing security product suite, a **Web Application Security** **Analyst** contributes real world security insights to Fastly and our customers as part of our Customer Security Operations Center (CSOC) team, as we address Internet-scale threats. \n\nThe CSOC team provides operational support for Fastly’s security products and services. Cloud security solutions enable our customers to benefit from extra visibility across the world and expertise from a central team. Analysts within this team focus on delivering outstanding security services to our customers. The team works with the security, operations and customer organizations internally to respond to security threats faced on the Internet today.\n\n**What You'll Do:**\n\nYou will be responsible for monitoring and analyzing customer activity, like identifying account-takeover, bot attacks, DDoS attacks and other malicious web traffic. The focus will be around attacks at the application layer. You will have the opportunity to work on some of the world’s most scalable distributed systems that handle around 25 million requests per second, as well as the world-class engineers who developed these systems.\n\n**Analysts are responsible for the following:**\n\n- Provide an outstanding response to customer security issues and support\n- Provide an excellent customer experience\n- Analyze web traffic and identify suspicious activity\n- Triaging and responding to incoming tickets and proactively detected alerts\n- Write, contribute to, and review security reports\n- Manage security configurations for our customers\n- New alert creations\n- New attack mitigations\n- Modification of existing controls\n- Respond to tickets and alerts in accordance with established Service Level Agreements (SLAs)\n- Contribute to the processes and policies that scale our organization as we grow\n- Provide support for Terraform deployments and configurations\n- Troubleshoot issues related to Kubernetes deployments and configurations\n- Troubleshoot SSO configurations and integrations\n\n**What We're Looking For:**\n\n- Strong interest in infosec and application security\n- Working knowledge of core internet technologies like DNS, HTTP \u0026 TLS\n- An understanding of the OSI model and are able to explain potential exploit methods at each layer\n- Experience in any IT or security operations, technical support, or research related role\n- Scripting ability in a popular coding languages\n- Kubernetes/ Terraform knowledge/ experience\n- Desire to contribute to the processes and policies that scale our organization as we grow\n- Assist with the maintenance of existing runbooks and identifying when a new one should be created\n- Desire to work and learn on one's own initiative but in a supportive team environment\n- Experience troubleshooting WAF products\n- Fluency in English (both spoken and written) required and you know how to adapt content for different audiences\n- Connecting with clients to address concerns or escalations; track and drive to closure any issues that impact the service and its value to clients\n- Focused on delivering exceptional customer experiences\n\n**Work Hours:** \nTuesday to Saturday each week around core hours 9am - 6pm\n\n**Work Location(s) \u0026 Travel Requirements:** \nThis position is open to the following preferred office locations: \n**Denver, US (only)**\n\nFastly currently embraces a largely hybrid model for most roles which allows employees flexibility to split their time between the office and home, with at least two days per week in the office. \nThis position will require travel as required by your role or requested by your manager.\n\n**Salary:**\n\nThe estimated salary range for this position is $102,780.00 - $128,470.00\n\nStarting salary may vary based on permissible, non-discriminatory factors such as experience, skills, qualifications, and location.\n\nThis role may be eligible to participate in Fastly’s equity and discretionary bonus programs.\n\n**Benefits:**\n\nWe care about you. Fastly works hard to create a positive environment for our employees, and we think your life outside of work is important too. We support our teams with great benefits that start on the first day of your employment with Fastly. Curious about our offerings? \n\nWe offer a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, and vision insurance. Family planning, mental health support along with Employee Assistance Program, Insurance (Life, Disability, and Accident), a Flexible Vacation policy and up to 18 days of accrued paid sick leave are there to help support our employees. We also offer 401(k) (including company match) and an Employee Stock Purchase Program. For 2024, we offer 10 paid local holidays, 11 paid company wellness days.\n\n \n\n**Why Fastly?**\n\n- **We have a huge impact.** Fastly is a small company with a big reach. Not only do[our customers]( have a tremendous user base, but we also support a growing number of[open source projects and initiatives]( Outside of code, employees are encouraged to share causes close to their heart with others so we can help lend a supportive hand.\n- **We love distributed teams.** Fastly’s home-base is in San Francisco, but we have multiple offices and employees sprinkled around the globe. As a new hire, you will be able to attend our IN-PERSON new hire orientation in our San Francisco office! It is an exciting week-long experience that we offer to new employees to build connections with colleagues across Fastly, participate in hands-on learning opportunities, and immerse yourself in our culture firsthand.\n- **We value diversity.** Growing and maintaining our inclusive and diverse team matters to us. We are committed to being a company where our employees feel comfortable bringing their authentic selves to work and have the ability to be successful -- every day.\n- **We are passionate.** Fastly is chock full of passionate people and we’re not ‘one size fits all’. Fastly employs authors, pilots, skiers, parents (of humans and animals), makeup geeks, coffee connoisseurs, and more. We love employees for who they are and what they are passionate about.\n\n**We’re always looking for humble, sharp, and creative folks to join the Fastly team. If you think you might be a fit please apply!** **A fully completed application and resume or CV are required when applying.**\n\n*Fastly is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity and to providing employees with a safe and welcoming work environment free of discrimination and harassment. Our employment decisions are based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications.* *All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, family or parental status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances.*\n\n*Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal or state disability laws, Fastly will provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and employees with disabilities. If reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and/or to receive other benefits and privileges of employment, please contact your Recruiter, or the Fastly Employee Relations team at* [**]( *or 501-287-4901. *\n\n*Fastly collects and processes personal data submitted by job applicants in accordance with our[ Privacy Policy]( Please see our[ privacy notice for job applicants](*\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1730248034,"locationNames":["Denver"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Security Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"web-application-security-analyst","title":"Web Application Security Analyst","compensation":"$103k – $128k","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3138688","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:49096":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"49096","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-49096"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-49096"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-49096"},{"__ref":"Badge:WORK_LIFE_BALANCE-49096"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"Empower your developers and connect with your customers with today’s leading edge cloud platform","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3159344"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3157993"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3138688"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"Fastly","slug":"fastly"},"Badge:B2B-33526":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"B2B-33526","name":"B2B_BADGE","label":"B2B","tooltip":null,"avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-33526":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"COMPANY_STAGE-33526","name":"COMPANY_STAGE_BADGE","label":"Public Stage","tooltip":"Publicly traded company","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":"public_stage"},"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-33526":{"__typename":"Badge","id":"TOP_INVESTORS-33526","name":"TOP_INVESTORS_BADGE","label":"Top Investors","tooltip":"This company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors","avatarUrl":null,"rating":null,"data":null},"JobListingSearchResult:3155526":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**SurveyMonkey is the world’s most popular platform for surveys and forms, built for business—loved by users.** We combine powerful capabilities with intuitive design, effectively serving every use case, from customer experience to employee engagement, market research to payment and registration forms. With built-in research expertise and AI-assisted technology, it’s like having a team of expert researchers right at your fingertips. \n \nTrusted by millions—from startups to Fortune 500 companies—SurveyMonkey helps teams gather insights and information that inspire better decisions, create experiences people love, and drive business growth. Discover how at [](\n\n**What we’re looking for**\n\nWe are seeking a part-time contractor IT Support Engineer to support our internal enterprise IT platforms and services. This is a hands-on role that offers compelling projects, an excellent working environment, great coworkers, and a culture that values teamwork and innovation. In addition, there are many opportunities for further training and career growth.\n\nYou are expected to provide exceptional IT support to our internal stakeholders. Technically solid with great multitasking and organizational skills, but at the same time with a user-friendly and empathetic attitude as well as a desire to provide superb technical support to internal users. Moreover, we are looking for a self-starter individual who can work independently as well as part of a team. Your set of skills should include tools and systems alike. Note: This role is only 3 days a week, with a hybrid setup working from your home and the Portland office.\n\n**What you’ll be working on**\n\n- Manage the daily operation of Mac and Windows systems, mobile devices, networking equipment and provide application support to employees.\n- Troubleshoot software, hardware, network, printer, or videoconferencing issues (among others) that may arise for in-office and remote staff.\n- Perform daily tasks by using systems in the IT Ops ecosystem including but not limited to Microsoft Active Directory, Azure AD, Office 365, Google Workspaces, Zoom, and Slack.\n- Have ownership of all incidents and requests, including interactions with other resolver groups.\n- Troubleshoot and Support our Azure Virtual Desktop environment for remote users\n- Handle onboarding and offboarding-related tasks, including IT equipment preparation, account provisioning, and new hire education \u0026 training.\n- Track and maintain local office IT equipment inventory.\n- Assist in continuing technical education for end users.\n- Enforce the current IT Ops policies (security \u0026 compliance, hardware lifecycle, etc.).\n- Write and update IT documentation with an end-user mindset.\n- Assist in long-term IT Ops projects\n\n**We’d love to hear from people with**\n\n- At least 2-4 years of hands-on experience tackling the functions listed above.\n- Undergraduate degree in a IT-related technical field.\n- Fluency in English, both oral and written.\n- Ability to comfortably communicate with both highly technical and non-technical people with an emphasis on training users.\n- Strong organizational and problem-solving skills and a strong detail-oriented work ethic.\n- Outstanding user/customer-oriented attitude and communication skills, focused on problem-solving and end-user satisfaction.\n- Self-starting attitude with the ability to research technical problems and solutions.\n- Interest in learning and taking on increasingly complex tasks.\n- Familiarity with common ITSM platforms (Zendesk, ServiceNow) and ITIL processes (Change management, incident resolution, etc.)\n- Familiarity with fundamental networking/distributed computing environment concepts; ability to configure DHCP, DNS, Windows host networking, and local and network-based user and group accounts and permissions; understands basic networking concepts.\n- Certifications a plus (ex. Microsoft, ITIL, Cisco, Zendesk).\n\nThe hourly pay provided for this position ranges from $30.00 / hour - $35.00 / hour depending on geographic market and assuming a full-time schedule. Actual hourly pay is based on a number of factors, including market location, job-related knowledge, education or training, skills, and experience.\n\nSurveyMonkey believes in-person collaboration is valuable for building relationships, fostering community, and enhancing our speed and execution in problem-solving and decision-making. **As such, you will be required to work from a SurveyMonkey office up to 3 days per week.** \n \n#LI - Hybrid\n\n**Why SurveyMonkey? We’re glad you asked**\n\nSurveyMonkey is a place where the curious come to grow. We’re building an inclusive workplace where people of every background can excel no matter their time zone. At SurveyMonkey, we weave employee feedback and our [core values]( into everything we do to create forward-looking benefits policies, employee programs, and an award-winning culture, including our annual holiday refresh, our annual [week of service](, learning and development opportunities like [Curiosity Week](, and our [C.H.O.I.C.E Fund]( \n\n**Our commitment to an inclusive workplace**\n\nSurveyMonkey is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. We celebrate the unique differences of our employees because that is what drives curiosity, innovation, and the success of our business. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, pregnancy, parental status, genetic information, political affiliation, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1732064415,"locationNames":["Portland"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Software Engineer","remote":false,"slug":"it-support-engineer-contractor-part-time","title":"IT Support Engineer - Contractor, Part-time","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3155526","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3127413":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**SurveyMonkey is the world’s most popular platform for surveys and forms, built for business—loved by users.** We combine powerful capabilities with intuitive design, effectively serving every use case, from customer experience to employee engagement, market research to payment and registration forms. With built-in research expertise and AI-assisted technology, it’s like having a team of expert researchers right at your fingertips. \n \nTrusted by millions—from startups to Fortune 500 companies—SurveyMonkey helps teams gather insights and information that inspire better decisions, create experiences people love, and drive business growth. Discover how at [](\n\n**More about Our Global IT Team**\n\nSurveyMonkey’s Global IT team, a collaborative and diverse group of professionals across Europe and the Americas, is seeking a motivated and experienced IT Support Engineer to join our Central America team. You will report to the IT Support Manager.\n\n**What We’re Looking For**\n\nWe are seeking a full-time IT Support Engineer to support our internal enterprise IT platforms and services. This is a hands-on role that offers exciting projects, a supportive working environment, exceptional colleagues, and a culture that values teamwork, innovation, and inclusivity. We prioritize opportunities for further training, career growth, and professional development for all employees.\n\nWe are looking for someone who is skilled at providing IT support to our internal stakeholders. The ideal candidate will have strong multitasking and organizational skills, along with a user-friendly, empathetic approach to technical support. You should enjoy helping others and have a passion for resolving technical challenges with a collaborative and inclusive mindset.\n\nWe encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds who thrive both independently and as part of a team. If you are a proactive, self-starting individual with a desire to grow your technical expertise, we’d love to hear from you. \n\n**What You’ll Be Working On**\n\n- Provide support for Mac and Windows systems, mobile devices, networking equipment, and offer application support to employees.\n- Troubleshoot software, hardware, network, printer, or video conferencing issues for both in-office and remote staff.\n- Utilize IT Ops systems such as Microsoft Active Directory, Azure AD, Office 365, Google Workspaces, Zoom, and Slack.\n- Take ownership of all incidents and requests, collaborating with other teams when needed.\n- Support our Azure Virtual Desktop environment for remote users.\n- Assist with onboarding and offboarding tasks, including IT equipment preparation and account provisioning.\n- Maintain IT equipment inventory for the local office.\n- Provide technical education and training for end users, promoting knowledge-sharing within the organization.\n- Ensure adherence to IT Ops policies related to security, compliance, and hardware lifecycle.\n- Write and update IT documentation with the end user in mind.\n- Contribute to long-term IT Ops projects.\n\n**We’d love to hear from people with**\n\n- 2+ years of hands-on experience in the responsibilities listed above.\n- Undergraduate degree in a relevant technical field, or equivalent practical experience.\n- Fluency in English, both oral and written.\n- Strong communication skills with the ability to work effectively with both technical and non-technical individuals.\n- A detail-oriented, problem-solving mindset focused on delivering a positive user experience.\n- Willingness to work independently and as part of a team, demonstrating initiative in solving technical problems.\n- Familiarity with ITSM platforms such as Zendesk or ServiceNow, and understanding of ITIL processes.\n- Knowledge of fundamental networking and distributed computing concepts, with the ability to configure DHCP, DNS, and manage user and group permissions.\n- Certifications such as Microsoft, ITIL, Cisco, or Zendesk are a plus but not required.\n\n*This opportunity is hybrid and requires you to work from the SurveyMonkey office in Heredia 3 days per week.* \n \n*Please apply using an English version of your resume/CV.* \n \n#LI-Hybrid\n\n**Why SurveyMonkey? We’re glad you asked**\n\nSurveyMonkey is a place where the curious come to grow. We’re building an inclusive workplace where people of every background can excel no matter their time zone. At SurveyMonkey, we weave employee feedback and our [core values]( into everything we do to create forward-looking benefits policies, employee programs, and an award-winning culture, including our annual holiday refresh, our annual [week of service](, learning and development opportunities like [Curiosity Week](, and our [C.H.O.I.C.E Fund]( \n\n**Our commitment to an inclusive workplace**\n\nSurveyMonkey is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. We celebrate the unique differences of our employees because that is what drives curiosity, innovation, and the success of our business. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, pregnancy, parental status, genetic information, political affiliation, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1729040268,"locationNames":["Heredia"],"primaryRoleTitle":"Data Analyst","remote":false,"slug":"information-technology-support-analyst","title":"Information Technology Support Analyst","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3127413","isBookmarked":false},"JobListingSearchResult:3104536":{"__typename":"JobListingSearchResult","autoPosted":true,"atsSource":null,"description":"**SurveyMonkey is the world’s most popular platform for surveys and forms, built for business—loved by users.** We combine powerful capabilities with intuitive design, effectively serving every use case, from customer experience to employee engagement, market research to payment and registration forms. With built-in research expertise and AI-assisted technology, it’s like having a team of expert researchers right at your fingertips. \n \nTrusted by millions—from startups to Fortune 500 companies—SurveyMonkey helps teams gather insights and information that inspire better decisions, create experiences people love, and drive business growth. Discover how at [](\n\n**What we’re looking for**\n\nAs a member of the Infrastructure team at Survey Monkey, you will have a direct impact in designing, engineering and maintaining our Cloud, Messaging and Observability Platform. Solutioning with best practices, deployment processes, architecture, and support the ongoing operation of our multi-tenant AWS environments. This role presents a prime opportunity for building world-class infrastructure, solving complex problems at scale, learning new technologies and offering mentorship to other engineers.\n\n**What you’ll be working on**\n\n- Architect, build, and operate AWS environments at scale with well-established industry best practices\n- Automating infrastructure provisioning, DevOps, and/or continuous integration/delivery\n- Support and maintain AWS services, such as EKS\n- Write libraries and APIs that provide a simple, unified interface to other developers when they use our monitoring, logging, and event-processing systems\n- Support and partner with other teams on improving our observability systems to monitor site stability and performance\n- Work closely with developers in supporting new features and services.\n- Work in a highly collaborative team environment\n- Serving as a technical mentor\n- Participate in on-call rotation\n\n**We’d love to hear from people with**\n\nExperience and Background:\n\n- 5-8+ years of professional experience in relevant fields, with solid engineering expertise.\n- Over 5 years of hands-on experience in production environments using AWS services, including EKS, EC2, IAM, Kafka, Redis, Memcache, and CloudWatch.\n\nCloud Infrastructure and Tools:\n\n- Experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.\n- Familiarity with observability tools like Splunk, OpenTelemetry, New Relic, Datadog, and Grafana/Prometheus.\n\nConfiguration Management and Automation:\n\n- Proficient in configuration management and orchestration tools such as Ansible, Terraform, and CloudFormation.\n- Strong expertise in Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration.\n- Knowledge of GitOps practices and tools like ArgoCD or FluxCD.\n\nScripting and Programming:\n\n- Proficient in scripting languages (Bash, Python, YAML) for system automation.\n- Experience instrumenting Python and Node.js applications to send metrics, traces, and logs to third-party observability tools.\n\nData Management and Analysis:\n\n- Familiarity with databases and caching technologies, including PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Memcached, Redis, and Kafka.\n- Experience with metrics and logging libraries, data aggregation, and visualization tools, particularly Splunk and OpenTelemetry.\n\nCollaboration and Communication:\n\n- Excellent communication skills, capable of collaborating effectively with both co-located and remote teams.\n- Ability to listen and partner to understand requirements, troubleshoot problems, and promote platform adoption.\n\nAgile and Development Practices:\n\n- Experience working in agile environments and utilizing JIRA.\n- Familiarity with GitHub and GitHub Actions in software engineering or DevOps contexts.\n- Preferably experienced with secrets management, particularly HashiCorp Vault.\n\nAdditional Skills:\n\n- Strong troubleshooting skills across systems, networks, and application code.\n- Genuine interest in the instrumentation and optimization of Kubernetes clusters.\n- Understanding of scalable and high-performance application architecture.\n\n*This opportunity is hybrid and requires you to work from the SurveyMonkey office in Bengaluru 3 days per week.* \n \n#LI-Hybrid\n\n**Why SurveyMonkey? We’re glad you asked**\n\nSurveyMonkey is a place where the curious come to grow. We’re building an inclusive workplace where people of every background can excel no matter their time zone. At SurveyMonkey, we weave employee feedback and our [core values]( into everything we do to create forward-looking benefits policies, employee programs, and an award-winning culture, including our annual holiday refresh, our annual [week of service](, learning and development opportunities like [Curiosity Week](, and our [C.H.O.I.C.E Fund]( \n\n**Our commitment to an inclusive workplace**\n\nSurveyMonkey is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. We celebrate the unique differences of our employees because that is what drives curiosity, innovation, and the success of our business. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, pregnancy, parental status, genetic information, political affiliation, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate. Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities.\n\n","jobType":"full-time","liveStartAt":1727711395,"locationNames":["Bengaluru"],"primaryRoleTitle":"DevOps","remote":false,"slug":"senior-site-reliability-engineer-getfeedback-digital-team","title":"Senior Site Reliability Engineer - GetFeedback Digital Team","compensation":"","yearsExperienceMin":null,"yearsExperienceMax":null,"id":"3104536","isBookmarked":false},"StartupResult:33526":{"__typename":"StartupResult","id":"33526","badges":[{"__ref":"Badge:ACTIVELY_HIRING"},{"__ref":"Badge:B2B-33526"},{"__ref":"Badge:COMPANY_STAGE-33526"},{"__ref":"Badge:TOP_INVESTORS-33526"}],"companySize":"SIZE_501_1000","highConcept":"On a mission to help people turn their curiosity into action","highlightedJobListings":[{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3155526"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3127413"},{"__ref":"JobListingSearchResult:3104536"}],"logoUrl":"","name":"SurveyMonkey","slug":"surveymonkey"},"SeoRoleKeyword:937":{"__typename":"SeoRoleKeyword","id":"937","slug":"application-support","displayName":"Application Support"},"RoleEditorial:937":{"__typename":"RoleEditorial","id":"937","meta":{"__typename":"MetaTags","canonicalUrl":"","description":"Find the best Application Support jobs in November 2024 on Wellfound! 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