Pitfalls en route to more responsible, ethical HE sector
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allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></div> The Ethiopian Education and Training Authority (ETA) has recently issued a directive that magnifies its monitoring and controlling role, which includes executing punitive measures against higher education institutions that engage in prohibited activities.<br /> <br /> While the content of the Directive for Higher Education, Technical and Vocational Training Monitoring and Control No 987/2024 is not entirely new, the details incorporated in the directive and the penalties it might impose would mark the authority’s latest move towards a more organised and strict regulatory role.<br /> <br /> The initial move towards the directive’s development was made years back by the former Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA), which was the ETA’s precurser. It decided to involve representatives of the private higher education sector to be part of the process to draw sectoral consensus, without abdicating its power to make final decisions.<br /> <br /> Although the task of developing the regulatory scheme was completed after months of work by joint committee members drawn from HERQA and the private higher education sector, its approval was stalled until the ETA looked at the issue further, which allowed for more changes, improvements and additions to the original directive.<br /> <br /> More than a year back, the ETA held a day-long discussion with representatives of the private and public higher education sectors and other relevant stakeholders to gather their comments and opinions.<br /> <br /> Many issues were raised, both in favour of the overall direction the authority was taking, and against the draconian nature and impracticality of some of the penalties that could be imposed.<br /> <br /> <b>Prohibitions</b><br /> <br /> The directive contains two major sections, one that identifies actions that higher education institutions should desist from and the corresponding penalties that will be imposed when there are transgressions.<br /> <br /> Prohibited acts include, among others, providing degree programmes, short training or consultancy services without accreditation; operating an unlicensed campus or campus branch; providing training without renewing institutional licences; changing institutional locations without the authority’s permission and changing an institutional status or designation without permission.<br /> <br /> They also include disseminating deceptive or false information to the public; admitting students who do not meet national requirements; delivering programmes with unapproved curriculums; failure to meet minimum requirements set for staff recruitment; admitting students beyond the minimum number prescribed by the authority; failure to properly document student files or submit the same when requested; failure to display accreditation licences to the public; tampering with, or transferring approved institutional resources; and submitting fraudulent documents and evidence.<br /> <br /> The list of illegal acts appears to have been drawn from the authority’s two decades of experience in accrediting the private higher education sector.<br /> <br /> <b>Penalties</b><br /> <br /> The second major section of the directive offers the penalties to be imposed on institutions that transgress the authority’s directive.<br /> <br /> Penalties extend from barring programme level operations to closing individual institutions, depending on the gravity of the transgression.<br /> <br /> For instance, opening a new institution without securing accreditation will lead to closing the institution, invalidating the programmes offered and banning the institution from reapplying for accreditation for at least four years.<br /> <br /> A similar penalty will be imposed on institutions that engage in offering short-term training and-or consultancy services without securing the necessary permit from the authority. However, the time for reapplying for such institutions is reduced to two years.<br /> <br /> An institution that admits students who do not fulfil admission requirements will be banned for two years from offering training in the programme.<br /> <br /> Furthermore, an institution that presents false documents and credentials for accreditation purposes will be denied the accreditation and will be banned from getting similar services for at least two years.<br /> <br /> In addition, an institution that fails to display its accreditation licence to the public will also be banned from getting services for two consecutive years if it has not been able to take corrective measures after having been warned once.<br /> <br /> In a similar vein, if an institution admits up to 20% more students than permitted, it shall be barred from admitting new students for a year.<br /> <br /> If the admission is more than 20%of the capacity specified in the accreditation licence, the institution will be banned from admitting new students in the programme for the next two years.<br /> <br /> <b>Possible challenges</b><br /> <br /> ETA’S efforts in addressing the rampant breach of regulations by private operators may be regarded as a positive development in the right direction – more so in an environment in which the public has fallen victim to scum institutions.<br /> <br /> The new direction shows the authority’s conviction in correcting bad practices and creating a healthy and fair playing field in a sector with more than 350 private institutions operating currently.<br /> <br /> However, this commendable effort should be accompanied by some cautionary measures to garner wider support and consensus and avoid disenchantment, resistance, disagreement and confrontation between private higher education institutions and the authority.<br /> <br /> <b>Similarity in penalty</b><br /> <br /> From the list of transgressions outlined in the new directive one can see how the failures and their consequences for the sector are on a spectrum in terms of how serious they are.<br /> <br /> Admitting students in unlicensed programmes is a more serious charge than an institution not displaying its accreditation licence given by the authority.<br /> <br /> Similarly, accepting students who do not fulfil their admission requirements cannot be viewed in the same way as admitting more students in programmes and institutions duly accredited.<br /> <br /> However, the gravity of unethical practices does not appear to be properly considered in the series of penalties outlined.<br /> <br /> The penalties of closing programmes and banning institutions for two years appear to dominate most of the content included in the directive, suggesting an understanding that most are equally viewed.<br /> <br /> <b>Contested areas</b><br /> <br /> There are also areas where the agency’s previous practices do not clearly provide the appropriate basis to enforce the new directive with the required level of fairness and practicality. The issue of student numbers is one such area.<br /> <br /> This has been a major area of contention that was hotly debated during the different stages of the development and approval of the directive.<br /> <br /> To begin with, there were times before the directive when the authority was more worried about the licensing of institutions than the number of students admitted. This resulted in the practice of leaving the management of student numbers to the discretion of individual institutions.<br /> <br /> More importantly, the authority has always been stringent in terms of the number of students to be admitted in a given programme, regardless of capacity differences between individual institutions.<br /> <br /> Customarily, the agency happens to offer admission capacity to 50-60 students for almost all institutions without due regard to their resources, staff capacity and the changes they have made over the number of years they have been running the programmes.<br /> <br /> Student numbers are critical for institutions which totally depend on student tuition and fees. Many private higher education institutions would have ceased to exist had the authority tried to enforce its stringent and unclear policy of setting student admission numbers which cannot support their existence, leave alone their growth.<br /> <br /> Another challenge is the lack of practicality in meeting the authority’s demand when institutions admit students in newly accredited programmes.<br /> <br /> An institution accredited for several programmes may attract an increased number of students in one and not in the others due to the unpredictability of student demand. What are the institutions supposed to do? Should they augment their capacity and accept the students, or should they restrict themselves to the meagre number of students suggested by the agency and reject the additional number of students who wish to pursue the programme?<br /> <br /> Understandably, getting permission for more students takes a long time. When the permission is granted, the additional students may not longer be interested in the programme.<br /> <br /> This practical challenge was resolved in the earlier development phase of the directive by balancing the regulatory considerations of HERQA and the practical needs of individual institutions during the admission process.<br /> <br /> It was suggested that the authority first review its previously set student numbers, which disregard institutional differences and capacities, leading to a new set of admission capacity permissions to be given to institutions.<br /> <br /> Secondly, given the practicality of immediately addressing requests for admitting more students, it was suggested that institutions should be allowed to accept an additional number of students in accredited programmes, provided that they deploy the right resources and report their admission figures to the quality assurance authority.<br /> <br /> The authority could then initiate the review process immediately to grant a licence to admit the additional students while holding institutions accountable if they admitted more students without necessarily deploying the needed resources.<br /> <br /> This middle road was regarded as the best mechanism to handle the challenge on both sides. It is not clear why the authority has chosen to impose the new regulation, which could lead to disagreements since it does not accommodate the needs of most of the institutions that have grown their capacity to accommodate more students in their programmes.<br /> <br /> <b>Double standard</b><br /> <br /> The content of the directive appears to concentrate solely on private-sector operators. The public sector, which, given the authority’s power over both sectors, should be treated the same way.<br /> <br /> Although there are areas such as admission requirements that public institutions may not tamper with due to the centralisation of student placements by the Ethiopian Ministry of Education, it is not clear why directives related to the opening of new programmes, curricular requirements, and the opening of branches and campuses should not apply on the public sector, where regulatory breaches are common.<br /> <br /> <b>Due process</b><br /> <br /> The sense that absolute authority has been given to ETA to enforce the directive’s content is clear. The directive is mute on the due process of law that should be followed when individual institutions do not agree with the possible decisions of the quality assurance authority.<br /> <br /> Determining the fate of individual institutions and thousands of students may not be an easy task, given the difference of opinion between the institutions and the authority.<br /> <br /> <b>Extended responsibility with limited capacity</b><br /> <br /> Setting regulatory directions is not as simple as enforcing them. The ETA’s challenges over the past two decades have more to do with the capacity to enforce its regulatory schemes than with its capacity to develop regulations.<br /> <br /> Sophisticated deceptions from unscrupulous providers, corruption, nepotism and the limited capacity of the authority marked by unnecessary delays and red tape have been the major challenges of implementation.<br /> <br /> The extended responsibility the ETA has been given since 2021 to move from a higher education quality assurance agency to a quality watchdog for all levels of education, including for short-term training and consultancy, appears to have further strained its capacity to provide the necessary services.<br /> <br /> If success on this front is desired, the government should ensure that the ETA receives enough support commensurate with the many responsibilities it is assuming.<br /> <br /> <b>Toward a common goal</b><br /> <br /> The ETA’s task of clearly defining the legal routes for private higher education institutions and the corresponding lines of accountability for failures is endorsed by the 2019 higher education proclamation and the 2021 proclamation that established the authority.<br /> <br /> The authority’s effort in issuing the directive is also a direct response to the government and public outcries to monitor the illegal acts of private providers who have more concerns about the profit they make than the services they offer.<br /> <br /> The ETA’s legal mandate and its positive intentions of regulating shoddy practices should also be appreciated by private operators themselves, who must see the value of creating and sustaining a healthy and accountable private sector that has little tolerance for unscrupulous providers.<br /> <br /> However, the positive intentions of the directive may easily be thwarted unless the authority continues to grow its capacity and sits down with private higher education institutions to identify possible areas of contention and address genuine concerns.<br /> <br /> It is only by involving key stakeholders and through concerted and collaborative efforts that the ETA can respond favourably to the creation of a more responsible and ethical sector.<br /> <br /> <I>Wondwosen Tamrat (PhD) is an associate professor of higher education and founding president of St Mary’s University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; a collaborating scholar of the Programme for Research on Private Higher Education at the State University of New York at Albany, United States; and coordinator of the private higher education sub-cluster of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa. He may be reached at or This is a commentary.</I> </div><br><script src=""></script> <div style="background:#ffe57d;padding:8px" id="subform"> <span style="font-family:arial"><b>Receive email updates from UWN</b></span> <br> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" style="width:65%;font-size:16px" placeholder="enter your email address"> <input type="submit" style="background:#000;color:#fff;padding:4px;font-size:20px; border:1px solid #000;font-weight:normal;border-radius:8px;font-family:arial" name="action" id="signupbutton" value="Sign Up" onclick="return formCheck();"> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="globalnl" name="globalnl" value="1"> Global newsletters <input type="checkbox" id="africanl" name="africanl" value="1"> Africa newsletters <input type="checkbox" id="otheremails" name="otheremails" value="1"> Other<br> <i>(other includes related events and webinars)</i> <br><br> <div id="formresponsearea">Data will be processed according to our standard <a 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