How research can support cyber and data security and privacy

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href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-show-count="true">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></div><iframe src="" width="106" height="28" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <I>This article is promoted by the <B>IEEE Computer Society</B>.</I><br /> <br /> Data security, privacy and overall cybersecurity are a critical focus for the research community. While new artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning applications have brought with them advanced technologies for safeguarding data and information, at the same time, they have debuted a double-edged sword, delivering technologies that fraudsters may twist to target their victims more strategically.<br /> <br /> According to the World Economic Forum’s <a href="" target="_new"><I>Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024</I></a>, 56% of cyber leaders believe that over the next two years, generative AI will provide an overall advantage to cyber attackers, with another 46% saying they are most concerned about advances in adversarial capabilities like phishing, malware development and deepfakes.<br /> <br /> These concerns are warranted. <a href="" target="_new"><I>Generative AI and Cybersecurity: Bright future or business battleground?</I></a>, a report from cyber firm Deep Instinct, found that 75% of security professionals witnessed an increase in attacks over the past year, with 85% attributing this rise to bad actors using generative AI.<br /> <br /> In addition, cybersecurity AI company Darktrace found that <a href="" target="_new">nearly three-quarters (74%)</a> of security leaders believe AI-powered threats to be a significant issue, and 60% do not believe their organisations are adequately prepared to address them.<br /> <br /> Hence, the computer science and engineering community has placed an emphasis on cybersecurity in 2024.<br /> <br /> In fact, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) <a href="" target="_new">ranked</a> cybersecurity in its top technology trends for the year, indicating: “Cybersecurity advances will enhance public confidence and will enable reliance on the cyber infrastructure for large scale applications including energy production and distribution.” However, the predictions also noted the need for managing misinformation that aligns with deepfakes, reiterating a continued focus on risk mitigation.<br /> <br /> It’s clear that the research community will need to renew its efforts to address growing issues and demands related to privacy and cyber and data security. Fortunately, work has already begun in three critical areas:<br /> <br /> <b>1. Acting on advanced research needs</b><br /> <br /> It falls on the research community to expand on existing computer science and engineering milestones to proactively address malicious activity. In essence, if solutions can be manipulated for attack-based purposes, the systems that safeguard that data and information need to outpace the attackers, and that will require a continued focus on solutions that can identify and thwart the attack before it occurs.<br /> <br /> While privacy is distinct from cybersecurity, any attack affects both, intertwining the impacts. These deepening cyber and data security and privacy needs, in part, served as a driver for the launch of IEEE CS’ newest journal <a href="" target="_new"><I>IEEE Transactions on Privacy</I></a>.<br /> <br /> As Jaideep Vaidya, 2024 vice president for publications with IEEE CS, shared in his editorial introduction: “New research from a theoretical, methodological, systems, and engineering perspective is needed to ensure privacy protection… Better description, design, implementation, and evaluation of privacy protection systems and safeguards are of paramount importance for the successful deployment and use of any new technology.”<br /> <br /> The journal’s inaugural issue begins delivering on that premise. The paper “<a href="" target="_new">U.S.-U.K. PETs Prize Challenge: Anomaly detection via privacy-enhanced federated learning</a>” points out that “Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) have the potential to enable collaborative analytics without compromising privacy”.<br /> <br /> It explores “a novel privacy-preserving method for payment network systems (PNS) and banks to collaborate and leverage their data to enhance the detection of fraudulent wires using anomaly detection”. The researchers’ two-pronged approach enabled privacy, utility, efficiency and flexibility, singling it out as the winner of the US challenge.<br /> <br /> This is but one example of the ongoing focus on peer-reviewed work on cyber and data security and privacy. Through industry conferences and academic journals, the community will continue to produce, share and evolve solutions to address rising needs in the privacy and cyber and data security landscape.<br /> <br /> <b>2. Engaging the next generation</b><br /> <br /> While research advancements are critical to technologically addressing burgeoning cyber, data and privacy challenges, as they take hold, these technologies will also need corresponding support from the future workforce – both from the researcher and practitioner standpoint.<br /> <br /> This future workforce may prove to be a challenge, as already <a href="" target="_new">52% of public organisations</a> believe the lack of resources and skills is their biggest challenge with cyber resilience.<br /> <br /> To fuel the ongoing developments in the field, the industry will need to recruit additional computer science and engineering minds and cyber and data security experts. That work starts by engaging a diverse, wide community at a young age.<br /> <br /> Take, for instance, IEEE CS Bangalore Chapter’s recent <a href="" target="_new">‘Hack the Metaverse’</a> event. Enabled by a grant from the <a href="" target="_new">IEEE CS Emerging Technology Fund</a>, this event enabled students to go on a deep dive into the metaverse to better understand the technology, receive tutorials and training, take part in problem-solving, participate in hack-a-thon competitions, and meet with industry professionals.<br /> <br /> Program Organiser Abhishek Appaji, with BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru, shared: “The hackathon created crude solutions which will be further taken by the industry, helping to create long-term sustainability.”<br /> <br /> Through grassroots outreach and initiatives like this, the community can begin to inspire and draw in the next generation of cybersecurity experts and support ideation around solutions in the process. Continued work to engage future leaders in the field will be critical to addressing the future of data and information.<br /> <br /> <b>3. Standardising for safety</b><br /> <br /> In addition to research advancements and the cultivation of future leaders, technical standards around data security and privacy also will help safeguard information. Standards ensure clarity, transparency and consistency with how information is protected. As threats continue to evolve, standards, too, will need to be developed, modified and introduced to support the community’s goals.<br /> <br /> The <a href="" target="_new">IEEE Cybersecurity and Privacy Standards Committee</a> (CPSC) is responsible for the standardisation of cybersecurity and privacy standards in the IEEE.<br /> <br /> The cybersecurity focus includes the following topics: cryptographic techniques and cyber incident management, identity management, IT system security evaluation, information security management systems, network security, security automation and continuous monitoring, supply chain risk management, software assurance, system security engineering standards, emerging techniques and technologies, and more.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, from a privacy focus, the committee explores standardisation associated with the identification of privacy risk and mitigation methods, technology, emerging techniques and technologies, and more. In addition, the committee collaborates with other IEEE standardisation efforts that have cybersecurity and privacy elements, as well as liaising with other standards development organisations involved with cybersecurity and privacy standards.<br /> <br /> “This committee is a good place to engage if you are interested in some of the topics we’re pursuing, or you actually have something that you’d like to bring forward to consider from a standardisation perspective,” said Eric Hibbard, CPSC chair.<br /> <br /> <b>What’s next</b><br /> <br /> As technology shifts, the research community must continue to identify ways to remain one step ahead of bad actors. By engaging in research, encouraging the next generation and seeking out standards to support technological evolution, the science and engineering community can both advance technology and safeguard it at the same time – the goal of any good security initiative.<br /> <br /> <I>For more information or ways to engage in addressing cyber and data security and privacy issues, visit </I><a href="" target="_new"></a>.<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#0000CC"><I>This article is promoted by the IEEE Computer Society.</I></span> </div><br><script src=""></script> <div style="background:#ffe57d;padding:8px" id="subform"> <span style="font-family:arial"><b>Receive email updates from UWN</b></span> <br> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" style="width:65%;font-size:16px" placeholder="enter your email address"> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" style="background:#000;color:#fff;padding:4px;font-size:20px; border:1px solid #000;font-weight:normal;border-radius:8px;font-family:arial" name="action" id="signupbutton" value="Sign Up" onclick="return formCheck();"> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="globalnl" name="globalnl" value="1"> Global newsletters &nbsp;&nbsp; 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