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0-17.618-1.639-24.665-4.919-7.047-3.045-12.45-7.497-16.208-13.353-3.993-5.623-5.872-11.948-5.872-19.21 0-11.246 4.228-20.383 12.684-27.176 8.222-6.794 21.376-10.074 39.463-10.074h32.417v-1.874c0-8.668-2.584-15.462-7.752-20.148-5.403-4.685-13.155-7.028-23.49-7.028-7.047 0-13.86 1.171-20.671 3.28-6.812 2.108-12.685 5.154-17.383 9.136l-11.51-21.318c6.577-4.92 14.564-8.903 23.725-11.48 9.161-2.577 19.027-3.982 29.362-3.982zm-3.994 106.828c7.282 0 13.86-1.64 19.732-5.154 5.637-3.28 9.63-7.965 11.98-14.29v-14.526h-30.303c-16.912 0-25.369 5.623-25.369 16.634 0 5.388 2.114 9.605 6.343 12.65 4.228 3.046 10.1 4.686 17.617 4.686zM969.831 311.43c-10.1 0-20.201-1.405-29.832-3.982-9.63-2.577-17.383-6.09-23.255-10.073l11.275-22.256c5.638 3.748 12.45 6.794 20.436 8.902 7.752 2.343 15.504 3.514 23.256 3.514 17.617 0 26.308-4.685 26.308-13.822 0-4.451-2.114-7.497-6.577-9.137-4.463-1.64-11.745-3.28-21.61-4.92-10.336-1.64-18.793-3.28-25.135-5.388-6.577-2.108-12.215-5.622-16.913-10.776-4.933-4.92-7.282-11.948-7.282-21.085 0-11.948 4.933-21.319 15.034-28.581 9.866-7.028 23.255-10.542 40.168-10.542 8.691 0 17.148.937 25.839 2.81 8.691 2.11 15.738 4.686 21.14 7.966l-11.274 22.256c-10.57-6.325-22.55-9.37-35.94-9.37-8.691 0-15.269 1.17-19.497 3.748-4.463 2.577-6.812 6.09-6.812 10.308 0 4.685 2.35 7.965 7.282 9.839 4.698 2.108 11.98 3.983 22.08 5.623 10.101 1.64 18.323 3.28 24.665 5.388 6.342 2.108 11.98 5.388 16.678 10.308 4.463 4.92 6.812 11.713 6.812 20.616 0 11.714-5.168 21.084-15.268 28.113-10.101 7.028-23.96 10.542-41.578 10.542zM1052.042 184.69h29.362V309.79h-29.362V184.689zm14.799-20.617c-5.403 0-9.866-1.64-13.39-5.154-3.523-3.28-5.403-7.497-5.403-12.416 0-4.92 1.88-9.137 5.403-12.651 3.524-3.28 7.987-4.92 13.39-4.92 5.402 0 9.865 1.64 13.389 4.686 3.523 3.28 5.403 7.262 5.403 12.182 0 5.154-1.645 9.37-5.168 12.885-3.524 3.514-8.222 5.388-13.624 5.388zM1242.784 135.96v173.831h-28.188v-16.165c-4.932 5.857-10.805 10.308-17.852 13.354-7.282 3.045-15.034 4.45-23.725 4.45-11.98 0-22.785-2.576-32.416-7.964-9.63-5.389-17.383-12.885-22.785-22.725-5.403-9.605-8.222-20.85-8.222-33.5 0-12.652 2.819-23.897 8.222-33.502 5.402-9.605 13.154-17.102 22.785-22.49 9.63-5.388 20.436-7.965 32.416-7.965 8.222 0 15.973 1.405 22.785 4.216 6.813 2.812 12.685 7.029 17.618 12.651v-64.19h29.363zm-66.241 150.404c7.047 0 13.389-1.64 19.027-4.92 5.637-3.046 10.1-7.731 13.389-13.588 3.289-5.857 4.933-12.885 4.933-20.616 0-7.73-1.644-14.76-4.933-20.616-3.289-5.857-7.752-10.542-13.39-13.822-5.637-3.046-11.98-4.685-19.026-4.685-7.047 0-13.39 1.64-19.027 4.685-5.638 3.28-10.1 7.965-13.39 13.822-3.288 5.857-4.932 12.885-4.932 20.616s1.644 14.76 4.932 20.616c3.29 5.857 7.752 10.542 13.39 13.588 5.637 3.28 11.98 4.92 19.027 4.92zM1399.232 247.943c0 2.108-.235 4.92-.47 8.668h-98.423c1.644 9.137 6.342 16.4 13.624 21.787 7.282 5.389 16.208 8.2 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19.522 20.3972 19.522 17.1279C19.522 13.8587 19.0549 11.4768 18.1209 9.98233C17.2179 8.45668 15.9881 7.69386 14.4313 7.69386C12.8434 7.69386 11.5824 8.45668 10.6484 9.98233C9.74542 11.4768 9.29396 13.8587 9.29396 17.1279C9.29396 20.3972 9.74542 22.7946 10.6484 24.3202C11.5824 25.8147 12.8434 26.562 14.4313 26.562Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> <path d="M48.2821 13.8587C50.9909 14.4191 53.0614 15.54 54.4936 17.2213C55.957 18.8715 56.6887 20.8798 56.6887 23.2461C56.6887 25.1765 56.1594 26.9668 55.1008 28.6169C54.0733 30.2671 52.4854 31.606 50.337 32.6334C48.2198 33.6298 45.5889 34.1279 42.4442 34.1279C40.1401 34.1279 37.8517 33.8477 35.5788 33.2873C33.337 32.7268 31.3911 31.9329 29.7409 30.9054L33.1035 23.9466C34.3801 24.8184 35.8123 25.4878 37.4002 25.9549C39.0193 26.4219 40.6072 26.6554 42.164 26.6554C43.7519 26.6554 45.0129 26.3596 45.9469 25.768C46.881 25.1765 47.348 24.3358 47.348 23.2461C47.348 21.1288 45.6823 20.0702 42.3508 20.0702H38.4744V14.2323L44.3123 7.92738H31.4222V0.781776H55.0541V6.57298L48.2821 13.8587Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name">Get all the engagement metrics for any TikTok profile</span> </div> </div> <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start"> <div class=""> <svg width="63" height="34" viewBox="0 0 63 34" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.4313 34C11.6291 34 9.13828 33.3306 6.95879 31.9918C4.81044 30.6529 3.11355 28.7225 1.86813 26.2005C0.622711 23.6786 0 20.6117 0 17C0 13.3883 0.622711 10.3214 1.86813 7.79945C3.11355 5.27747 4.81044 3.34707 6.95879 2.00824C9.13828 0.669415 11.6291 0 14.4313 0C17.2024 0 19.6621 0.669415 21.8104 2.00824C23.9899 3.34707 25.7024 5.27747 26.9478 7.79945C28.1932 10.3214 28.8159 13.3883 28.8159 17C28.8159 20.6117 28.1932 23.6786 26.9478 26.2005C25.7024 28.7225 23.9899 30.6529 21.8104 31.9918C19.6621 33.3306 17.2024 34 14.4313 34ZM14.4313 26.4341C15.4277 26.4341 16.2995 26.1227 17.0467 25.5C17.8251 24.8773 18.4322 23.881 18.8681 22.511C19.304 21.1099 19.522 19.2729 19.522 17C19.522 14.696 19.304 12.859 18.8681 11.489C18.4322 10.119 17.8251 9.12271 17.0467 8.5C16.2995 7.87729 15.4277 7.56593 14.4313 7.56593C13.435 7.56593 12.5476 7.87729 11.7692 8.5C11.022 9.12271 10.4148 10.119 9.9478 11.489C9.5119 12.859 9.29396 14.696 9.29396 17C9.29396 19.2729 9.5119 21.1099 9.9478 22.511C10.4148 23.881 11.022 24.8773 11.7692 25.5C12.5476 26.1227 13.435 26.4341 14.4313 26.4341Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> <path d="M31.6448 27.0879V21.0632L46.3096 0.653846H55.8838L41.6393 21.0632L37.2492 19.7555H62.7959V27.0879H31.6448ZM48.925 33.3462V27.0879L49.2052 19.7555V14.1978H57.9387V33.3462H48.925Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name">Compare your performance against your top competitors </span> </div> </div> <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start"> <div class=""> <svg width="59" height="34" viewBox="0 0 59 34" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.8434 34C12.0412 34 9.55039 33.3306 7.3709 31.9918C5.22255 30.6529 3.52566 28.7225 2.28024 26.2005C1.03482 23.6786 0.412109 20.6117 0.412109 17C0.412109 13.3883 1.03482 10.3214 2.28024 7.79945C3.52566 5.27747 5.22255 3.34707 7.3709 2.00824C9.55039 0.669414 12.0412 0 14.8434 0C17.6145 0 20.0742 0.669414 22.2225 2.00824C24.402 3.34707 26.1145 5.27747 27.3599 7.79945C28.6053 10.3214 29.228 13.3883 29.228 17C29.228 20.6117 28.6053 23.6786 27.3599 26.2005C26.1145 28.7225 24.402 30.6529 22.2225 31.9918C20.0742 33.3306 17.6145 34 14.8434 34ZM14.8434 26.4341C15.8398 26.4341 16.7116 26.1227 17.4588 25.5C18.2372 24.8773 18.8443 23.881 19.2802 22.511C19.7161 21.1099 19.9341 19.2729 19.9341 17C19.9341 14.696 19.7161 12.859 19.2802 11.489C18.8443 10.119 18.2372 9.12271 17.4588 8.5C16.7116 7.87729 15.8398 7.56593 14.8434 7.56593C13.8471 7.56593 12.9597 7.87729 12.1813 8.5C11.4341 9.12271 10.8269 10.119 10.3599 11.489C9.92401 12.859 9.70607 14.696 9.70607 17C9.70607 19.2729 9.92401 21.1099 10.3599 22.511C10.8269 23.881 11.4341 24.8773 12.1813 25.5C12.9597 26.1227 13.8471 26.4341 14.8434 26.4341Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> <path d="M43.8261 34C41.5843 34 39.327 33.7198 37.0541 33.1593C34.7812 32.5989 32.8197 31.8049 31.1695 30.7775L34.4854 23.8187C35.8243 24.6905 37.2721 25.3599 38.8289 25.8269C40.4168 26.294 41.9891 26.5275 43.5459 26.5275C45.1027 26.5275 46.3636 26.2317 47.3289 25.6401C48.2941 25.0174 48.7767 24.1612 48.7767 23.0714C48.7767 22.4176 48.5898 21.8416 48.2162 21.3434C47.8426 20.8141 47.2043 20.4249 46.3014 20.1758C45.3984 19.8956 44.1063 19.7555 42.425 19.7555H33.5514L35.186 0.653846H56.0157V7.79945H38.4552L43.1723 3.73627L42.0981 16.6264L37.381 12.5632H44.6201C47.8582 12.5632 50.458 13.0302 52.4195 13.9643C54.3811 14.8672 55.8133 16.0971 56.7162 17.6538C57.6191 19.1795 58.0706 20.9075 58.0706 22.8379C58.0706 24.7683 57.5569 26.5897 56.5294 28.3022C55.5331 29.9835 53.9919 31.3535 51.9058 32.4121C49.8197 33.4707 47.1265 34 43.8261 34Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name"> Perform a cross-channel analysis to evaluate your tiktok performance. </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 image-container"> <figure class="media-image-tools" style="padding-top: 0px"> <picture> <img srcset=" ../assets/img/socialinsider/ilustrations/si-free-tools-steps-illustration.png " src="../assets/img/socialinsider/ilustrations/si-free-tools-steps-illustration.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt=""> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="testimonial-banner no-padding-image calculator-page" id="testimonial-banner"> <div class="container"> <div class="row banner-wrapper"> <div class="col-lg-7 banner-content"> <h3 class="quote-content"> Analyze your TikTok performance </h3> <p class="author"> Easily analyze and track your TikTok metrics, conduct audits, and perform TikTok competitor analysis with Socialinsider. </p> <div class="actions"> <a href="" class="play-video see-stories-btn btn-primary"> Free 14-Day trial </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-5 banner-image"> <figure class="banner-card-figure"> <picture> <source srcset=" ../assets/img/webp/ctas/TikTok_statistics.webp " type="image/webp" class="lazyload" width="457" height="387" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" ../assets/img/socialinsider/ctas/TikTok_statistics.png " src="../assets/img/socialinsider/ctas/TikTok_statistics.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Alex Khan" width="457" height="387" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section-faq borderless-pricing"> <div class="container"> <header class="section-header"> <h2 class="section-title"> FAQs about tiktok engagement calculator </h2> <p class="lead">Got a question? We've got answers.</p> </header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 mx-auto"> <div class="accordion si-accordion accordion-arrow-right" id="faq-accordion"> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-1" aria-expanded="true"> What is a TikTok engagement rate calculator? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-1" class="collapse show" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>A TikTok engagement rate calculator is a tool designed to measure the level of interaction and audience engagement with TikTok content. It calculates the percentage of engagement based on various metrics such as likes, comments, shares, videos, and views. This calculator provides TikTok marketers with valuable insights into the performance and effectiveness of their videos.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-2" aria-expanded="false"> Why do you need an Engagement Rate Calculator for TikTok? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-2" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>An Engagement Rate Calculator for TikTok is essential for several reasons, especially if you're a content creator, marketer, or business leveraging TikTok for growth. Here's why:</p><h4>Measure content performance</h4><ul><li>It quantifies how well your videos resonate with your audience.</li><li>A higher engagement rate indicates that your content is impactful and aligns with your followers' preferences.</li></ul><h4>Evaluate audience interactions</h4><ul><li>Engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares) show how actively your audience participates with your content.</li><li>This helps identify whether your followers are passive viewers or active supporters.</li></ul><h4>Optimize TikTok strategy</h4><ul><li>By analyzing engagement rates, you can determine what type of content works best.</li><li>It helps refine your content strategy to focus on posts that drive the most interaction.</li></ul><h4>Attract brand partnerships</h4><ul><li>Brands look for influencers with high engagement rates to ensure their campaigns reach an active audience.</li><li>A strong engagement rate often matters more than follower count in influencer marketing.</li></ul><h4>Benchmarking</h4><ul><li>Compare your performance with competitors or industry standards.</li><li>Identify areas of improvement and stand out in your niche.</li></ul><h4>Understanding audience preferences</h4><ul><li>Engagement rates reveal audience behaviors and interests, allowing you to cater content that builds loyalty and growth.</li></ul><p>By using an engagement rate calculator, you gain a clearer understanding of your TikTok presence, empowering you to make data-driven decisions for personal branding, business growth, or creative improvement.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-3" aria-expanded="false"> What is a good TikTok engagement rate? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-3" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Our most recent <a href="">TikTok engagement benchmarks</a> tells us that the average TikTok engagement rate is 3.30% (calculated by views), which means anything above that is considered to be a good engagement rate for TikTok.</p><p>In general, it's a great practice to regularly check our <a href="">social media benchmarks data</a> to see if your results are below or above average and by how much.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-4" aria-expanded="false"> Why should I calculate the TikTok Engagement Rate for an influencer? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-4" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Calculating the TikTok engagement rate for an influencer is crucial for brands, marketers, and even influencers themselves. Here's why it matters:</p><h4>Assess authenticity of the influencer</h4><ul><li>A high engagement rate suggests that the influencer's followers are real, active, and genuinely interested in their content.</li><li>It helps detect influencers with inflated follower counts due to bots or purchased followers.</li></ul><h4>Evaluate content effectiveness</h4><ul><li>Engagement rate shows how well the influencer's audience interacts with their content.</li><li>Higher interaction indicates that their posts are engaging and resonate with their audience.</li></ul><h4>Determine ROI for collaborations</h4><ul><li>Engagement rate is a key indicator of how impactful an influencer will be for your brand.</li><li>It ensures you're investing in influencers who can drive meaningful results, such as brand awareness, website visits, or sales.</li></ul><h4>Match influencers to campaign goals</h4><ul><li>Influencers with high engagement are ideal for generating conversation and building community.</li><li>Influencers with low engagement but high reach might be better suited for brand awareness campaigns.</li></ul><h4>Benchmark influencer performance</h4><ul><li>Engagement rate helps compare influencers to industry averages or to others within the same niche.</li><li>It provides a standardized way to identify the best influencers for your brand.</li></ul><h4>Optimize your marketing budget</h4><ul><li>Choosing influencers with higher engagement ensures you get better value for your marketing spend.</li><li>It prevents you from overspending on influencers with large, but passive, audiences.</li></ul><h4>Build brand trust and loyalty</h4><ul><li>When influencers have highly engaged audiences, their endorsements feel more authentic.</li><li>This trust transfers to your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversions.</li></ul><h4>Predict campaign success</h4><ul><li>Engagement rates can predict how well an influencer's audience will respond to your campaign.</li><li>It ensures alignment between the influencer's content style and your brand's message.</li></ul><h4>How Engagement Rate reflects an influencer's value</h4><p>For influencers, engagement rate matters more than sheer follower numbers. It shows that their audience is paying attention, interacting, and valuing their content—key metrics for effective influencer marketing campaign</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-5" aria-expanded="false"> How to calculate the TikTok engagement rate manually? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-5" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>When it comes to formulas, you don't need to search high and low to calculate TikTok engagement—we've got you covered.</p><p>The simplest way to track your TikTok engagement rate? Let <a href="">Socialinsider</a> handle the numbers for you. After all, who has time for math in today's fast-paced world?</p><p>Need a quick snapshot of your TikTok engagement? Use an online calculator for instant results.</p><p>But if you're feeling nostalgic and prefer the manual route, here's how you can do it:</p><p>Start by choosing your engagement rate formula—there are different options depending on whether you're focused on views or followers.</p><p>A common choice is the Engagement Rate by Views (ER). Here's how to calculate it:</p><ol><li>Add up the total engagements (likes, comments, shares) on your video.</li><li>Divide that number by the total videos.</li><li>Divide the result by your total views.</li><li>Multiply by 100.</li></ol><p>And there you have it—your TikTok engagement rate!</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section full-width-banner "> <div class="container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1500" data-aos-once="true"> <div class="row inner-content d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <h2 class="heading">Ready to improve your social media strategy with real-time insights?</h2> <p class="content">Get strategic insights, analyze the social performance across all channels, compare metrics from different periods and download reports in seconds.</p> <a onclick="_t('click_start_free_trial_banner','click_start_free_trial','start_free_trial')" href="" class="trial-button btn btn-md btn-primary"> Start 14-day free 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21.085 10.57 28.347 6.812 7.263 15.738 10.777 26.544 10.777zM344.997 311.43c-12.92 0-24.664-2.81-35-8.199-10.335-5.388-18.322-13.119-24.194-22.958-5.873-9.606-8.692-20.616-8.692-33.033 0-12.416 2.819-23.427 8.692-33.032 5.872-9.606 13.859-17.337 24.194-22.725 10.1-5.388 21.846-8.2 35-8.2 12.45 0 23.255 2.578 32.651 7.497 9.161 4.92 16.208 12.183 20.906 21.553l-22.55 13.12c-3.523-5.857-7.987-10.074-13.39-13.12-5.402-2.81-11.51-4.216-17.852-4.216-11.04 0-19.966 3.514-27.248 10.542-7.282 7.262-10.805 16.633-10.805 28.581s3.523 21.319 10.805 28.347c7.047 7.263 16.208 10.777 27.248 10.777 6.343 0 12.45-1.406 17.853-4.451 5.402-2.812 9.866-7.029 13.39-12.886l22.55 13.12c-4.933 9.37-11.98 16.633-21.142 21.553-9.396 5.154-20.2 7.73-32.416 7.73zM423.924 184.69h29.362V309.79h-29.362V184.689zm14.798-20.617c-5.402 0-9.865-1.64-13.389-5.154-3.523-3.28-5.403-7.497-5.403-12.416 0-4.92 1.88-9.137 5.403-12.651 3.524-3.28 7.987-4.92 13.39-4.92 5.402 0 9.865 1.64 13.389 4.686 3.523 3.28 5.402 7.262 5.402 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It calculates the percentage of engagement based on various metrics such as likes, comments, shares, videos, and views. This calculator provides TikTok marketers with valuable insights into the performance and effectiveness of their videos. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why do you need an Engagement Rate Calculator for TikTok?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" An Engagement Rate Calculator for TikTok is essential for several reasons, especially if you're a content creator, marketer, or business leveraging TikTok for growth. Here's why:Measure content performanceIt quantifies how well your videos resonate with your audience.A higher engagement rate indicates that your content is impactful and aligns with your followers' preferences.Evaluate audience interactionsEngagement metrics (likes, comments, shares) show how actively your audience participates with your content.This helps identify whether your followers are passive viewers or active supporters.Optimize TikTok strategyBy analyzing engagement rates, you can determine what type of content works best.It helps refine your content strategy to focus on posts that drive the most interaction.Attract brand partnershipsBrands look for influencers with high engagement rates to ensure their campaigns reach an active audience.A strong engagement rate often matters more than follower count in influencer marketing.BenchmarkingCompare your performance with competitors or industry standards.Identify areas of improvement and stand out in your niche.Understanding audience preferencesEngagement rates reveal audience behaviors and interests, allowing you to cater content that builds loyalty and growth.By using an engagement rate calculator, you gain a clearer understanding of your TikTok presence, empowering you to make data-driven decisions for personal branding, business growth, or creative improvement. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is a good TikTok engagement rate?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Our most recent TikTok engagement benchmarks tells us that the average TikTok engagement rate is 3.30% (calculated by views), which means anything above that is considered to be a good engagement rate for TikTok.In general, it's a great practice to regularly check our social media benchmarks data to see if your results are below or above average and by how much. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why should I calculate the TikTok Engagement Rate for an influencer?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Calculating the TikTok engagement rate for an influencer is crucial for brands, marketers, and even influencers themselves. Here's why it matters:Assess authenticity of the influencerA high engagement rate suggests that the influencer's followers are real, active, and genuinely interested in their content.It helps detect influencers with inflated follower counts due to bots or purchased followers.Evaluate content effectivenessEngagement rate shows how well the influencer's audience interacts with their content.Higher interaction indicates that their posts are engaging and resonate with their audience.Determine ROI for collaborationsEngagement rate is a key indicator of how impactful an influencer will be for your brand.It ensures you're investing in influencers who can drive meaningful results, such as brand awareness, website visits, or sales.Match influencers to campaign goalsInfluencers with high engagement are ideal for generating conversation and building community.Influencers with low engagement but high reach might be better suited for brand awareness campaigns.Benchmark influencer performanceEngagement rate helps compare influencers to industry averages or to others within the same niche.It provides a standardized way to identify the best influencers for your brand.Optimize your marketing budgetChoosing influencers with higher engagement ensures you get better value for your marketing spend.It prevents you from overspending on influencers with large, but passive, audiences.Build brand trust and loyaltyWhen influencers have highly engaged audiences, their endorsements feel more authentic.This trust transfers to your brand, increasing the likelihood of conversions.Predict campaign successEngagement rates can predict how well an influencer's audience will respond to your campaign.It ensures alignment between the influencer's content style and your brand's message.How Engagement Rate reflects an influencer's valueFor influencers, engagement rate matters more than sheer follower numbers. It shows that their audience is paying attention, interacting, and valuing their content—key metrics for effective influencer marketing campaign."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to calculate the TikTok engagement rate manually?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"When it comes to formulas, you don't need to search high and low to calculate TikTok engagement—we've got you covered.The simplest way to track your TikTok engagement rate? Let Socialinsider handle the numbers for you. After all, who has time for math in today's fast-paced world?Need a quick snapshot of your TikTok engagement? Use an online calculator for instant results.But if you're feeling nostalgic and prefer the manual route, here's how you can do it:Start by choosing your engagement rate formula—there are different options depending on whether you're focused on views or followers.A common choice is the Engagement Rate by Views (ER). Here's how to calculate it:Add up the total engagements (likes, comments, shares) on your video.Divide that number by the total videos.Divide the result by your total views.Multiply by 100.And there you have it—your TikTok engagement rate!."}}]}</script> </body></html>

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