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39.1939 20.584 39.2192C20.9786 39.2192 21.3206 39.3201 21.7152 39.623ZM15.2696 38.6387C14.8223 38.6387 14.3224 38.6387 13.8489 38.6387C14.0067 38.8154 14.1909 38.992 14.3224 39.1687C14.7434 39.7239 15.1643 40.2791 15.559 40.8344C15.6116 40.9353 15.6642 41.0615 15.6642 41.1624C15.6905 41.5915 15.6905 42.0205 15.4274 42.4243C15.901 42.4243 16.3482 42.4243 16.7692 42.4243C16.6902 42.2224 16.6113 42.0205 16.585 41.8439C16.5324 41.3896 16.5324 40.9605 16.8744 40.5567C17.4006 39.951 17.8741 39.2696 18.3477 38.6387C17.9268 38.6387 17.5058 38.6387 17.1112 38.6387C17.0849 38.8154 17.0849 38.992 17.0059 39.1182C16.7692 39.4968 16.4798 39.8753 16.1904 40.2791C15.9273 39.9258 15.6905 39.5977 15.4537 39.2696C15.4011 39.1939 15.3222 39.1182 15.3222 39.0425C15.2696 38.9163 15.2696 38.7901 15.2696 38.6387Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M27.7394 8.42876C27.6342 8.42876 27.529 8.42876 27.4237 8.42876C19.5574 8.42876 11.7174 8.42876 3.85102 8.42876C3.509 8.42876 3.509 8.42876 3.509 8.10067C3.509 6.76308 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7.39402 8.48138 7.54545 8.92863 7.46973C9.1391 7.4445 9.37588 7.46973 9.56004 7.46973C9.1391 6.81356 8.74446 6.2331 8.34983 5.6274ZM9.92836 5.4255C9.92836 6.66213 10.8229 7.54545 12.112 7.54545C13.4011 7.54545 14.3219 6.66213 14.3219 5.40026C14.3219 4.13838 13.4011 3.28031 12.112 3.30555C10.7702 3.33079 9.92836 4.16362 9.92836 5.4255ZM25.7137 4.49171C25.7137 4.18886 25.7137 3.96172 25.7137 3.73459C25.7137 3.68411 25.6611 3.58316 25.6084 3.58316C24.8718 3.30555 24.1351 3.2046 23.3985 3.55792C22.8197 3.83554 22.5566 4.44124 22.7934 4.97122C23.0039 5.4255 23.4248 5.57692 23.8984 5.67787C24.2141 5.72835 24.5561 5.77882 24.8455 5.87977C25.1875 6.00596 25.2401 6.35928 24.977 6.61166C24.8718 6.71261 24.6876 6.78832 24.5298 6.81356C24.1088 6.88927 23.6616 6.8388 23.2933 6.66213C23.0828 6.56118 22.8986 6.435 22.6618 6.28357C22.6618 6.56118 22.6618 6.8388 22.6618 7.11641C22.6618 7.16688 22.7408 7.2426 22.7934 7.26783C23.6353 7.54545 24.4508 7.6464 25.2927 7.29307C25.8189 7.09117 26.1083 6.58642 26.082 6.0312C26.0557 5.55168 25.7663 5.24883 25.1875 5.04693C25.0823 5.0217 25.0033 4.99646 24.8981 4.97122C24.5824 4.89551 24.2404 4.8198 23.9247 4.74408C23.7405 4.69361 23.609 4.56742 23.6616 4.39076C23.6879 4.26457 23.8457 4.16362 23.951 4.08791C24.0036 4.03744 24.1088 4.03744 24.1878 4.03744C24.7139 4.0122 25.2401 4.06267 25.7137 4.49171ZM21.9252 6.435C21.3201 6.76308 20.5571 6.86403 19.8468 6.73785C19.8468 6.15738 19.8468 5.60216 19.8468 5.0217C19.8468 4.49171 19.7416 3.93649 20.1362 3.43174C19.6363 3.43174 19.1628 3.43174 18.6892 3.43174C19.0575 4.13839 19.0575 6.6369 18.7155 7.4445C18.7155 7.4445 18.7155 7.46973 18.7418 7.46973C19.7153 7.46973 20.6887 7.46973 21.6621 7.46973C21.7147 7.46973 21.7937 7.41926 21.7937 7.36878C21.8463 7.06593 21.8726 6.76308 21.9252 6.435ZM16.374 3.43174C15.8479 3.43174 15.4006 3.43174 14.8744 3.43174C15.1112 3.75982 15.1638 4.08791 15.1638 4.44124C15.1638 5.12265 15.1638 5.80406 15.1638 6.46023C15.1638 6.81356 15.1375 7.14165 14.9007 7.41926C14.927 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22.0647 4.29313 21.5574C14.7311 18.911 25.0145 16.3087 35.2979 13.7063C35.342 13.7835 35.3752 13.8497 35.3973 13.9158Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M6.5906 23.6305C14.9631 22.0977 23.1257 20.6091 31.2883 19.1205C30.1065 20.5981 29.0792 22.186 27.0248 22.5057C24.9703 22.8255 22.9048 23.1453 20.8614 23.5092C20.5521 23.5643 20.2981 23.8951 19.9888 24.0605C19.7789 24.1818 19.5359 24.27 19.2929 24.3031C15.9461 24.7442 12.5883 25.1853 9.24152 25.6043C9.0427 25.6263 8.75551 25.6263 8.62297 25.505C7.96024 24.9537 7.34169 24.3472 6.5906 23.6305Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M26.3068 28.2948C26.0086 28.2948 25.6993 28.2948 25.4011 28.2948C21.1707 28.2948 16.9402 28.2728 12.7098 28.3169C11.9145 28.3279 11.307 28.1404 10.7768 27.545C10.3571 27.0708 9.86006 26.6849 9.26361 26.1226C11.5832 25.8579 13.7039 25.6153 15.8246 25.3727C17.0286 25.2404 18.2436 25.1742 19.4365 24.9647C20.4637 24.7883 21.3363 24.9206 22.22 25.5271C23.5565 26.4423 24.9814 27.2363 26.3731 28.0743C26.34 28.1515 26.3179 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28.419 57.6468 32.2602C59.4924 36.1015 62.3944 39.3447 66.017 41.6147C69.6395 43.8847 73.8346 45.0886 78.1167 45.0872C79.2405 45.0872 80.3189 44.9168 81.3922 44.7615C81.0445 45.9238 80.6867 47.1061 80.1123 48.1681C79.5378 49.7111 78.6408 51.0487 77.7488 52.3963C77.003 53.8541 75.6878 54.841 74.7202 56.0884C73.7073 57.3008 72.3266 58.1073 71.233 59.1143C70.1597 60.1663 68.7537 60.6923 67.635 61.4338C66.4659 62.1001 65.4479 62.8365 64.3594 63.1872L61.6432 64.2993L59.2546 65.2862L61.6936 75L64.7021 74.2786C65.6646 74.0381 66.8388 73.7576 68.1742 73.4219C69.5398 73.1715 70.9962 72.4851 72.6188 71.8589C74.2163 71.1425 76.0758 70.6666 77.7992 69.5194C79.5327 68.4273 81.5333 67.5155 83.2971 66.0527C85.0054 64.5448 87.0665 63.2373 88.5883 61.3236C90.2513 59.5301 91.8941 57.6464 93.1691 55.5023C94.6456 53.4584 95.6484 51.214 96.7066 48.9947C97.6641 46.7754 98.4351 44.506 99.065 42.3018C100.259 37.8832 100.794 33.6851 101 30.0932C101.171 26.4962 101.071 23.5054 100.859 21.3413C100.788 20.4375 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You guys are just phenomenal. Your team is so responsive and very friendly and helpful. Which is not the norm.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Caitlin Duffy </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Roisin Consulting </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/roisin_consulting.webp " type="image/webp" width="89" height="69" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/roisin_consulting.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/roisin_consulting.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Roisin Consulting" width="89" height="69" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="1" id="slide-1"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/declan_seachoy.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/declan_seachoy.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/declan_seachoy.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="declan_seachoy - Trades Union Congress" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Socialinsider helped us understand whether we're improving or decreasing&nbsp; especially compared to the other accounts that we follow.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Declan Seachoy </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Trades Union Congress </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/trades_union_congress.webp " type="image/webp" width="84" height="30" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/trades_union_congress.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/trades_union_congress.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Trades Union Congress" width="84" height="30" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="2" id="slide-2"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/victor_mukubvu.webp " type="image/webp" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/victor_mukubvu.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/victor_mukubvu.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="victor_mukubvu - Mitsubishi Electric" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Socialinsider allows for a competitor analysis that gives an insight to performance relative to the market.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Victor Mukubvu </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Mitsubishi Electric </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/mitsubishi_electric.webp " type="image/webp" width="118" height="34" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/mitsubishi_electric.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/mitsubishi_electric.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Mitsubishi Electric" width="118" height="34" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="3" id="slide-3"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/giuseppe_veturi.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/giuseppe_veturi.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/giuseppe_veturi.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="giuseppe_veturi - Havas Media Network" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“The sentiment analysis is amazing for Instagram hashtags. This new social media listening dashboard helped me in long-term planning.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Giuseppe Veturi </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Havas Media Network </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/havas_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="89" height="18" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/havas_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/havas_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Havas Media Network" width="89" height="18" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="4" id="slide-4"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/arnold_vieriu.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/arnold_vieriu.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/arnold_vieriu.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="arnold_vieriu - Tribal Worldwide" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">We are using this social media analytics dashboard for all our 40 social media clients. We can have all the performance data in one single place.</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Arnold Vieriu </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Tribal Worldwide </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/tribal_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="102" height="27" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/tribal_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/tribal_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Tribal Worldwide" width="102" height="27" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="5" id="slide-5"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/Yana_fashionbi.webp " type="image/webp" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Yana_fashionbi.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Yana_fashionbi.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Yana_fashionbi - Fashionbi" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“With Socialinsider, our team became more efficient. We do not need to spend time on social media data gathering. Instead, we can focus on insights and analysis.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Yana Bushmeleva </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Fashionbi </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/fashionbi_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="113" height="29" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/fashionbi_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/fashionbi_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Fashionbi" width="113" height="29" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="6" id="slide-6"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/nick_radclyffe.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/nick_radclyffe.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/nick_radclyffe.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="nick_radclyffe - CEO at Hype Lab" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“We use Socialinsider for day-to-day social media insights if we need to outline any simple strategic changes or review the performance of certain social posts.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Nick Radclyffe </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> CEO at Hype Lab </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/hype_lab_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="126" height="24" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hype_lab_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hype_lab_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="CEO at Hype Lab" width="126" height="24" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="7" id="slide-7"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/dorra_lunet.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/dorra_lunet.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/dorra_lunet.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="dorra_lunet - Hanging Gardens Agency" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">On average, a social media report for a brand requires 1 to 2 hours of work with Socialinsider, where it used to require a full day to gather the data.</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Dorra Lunet </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Hanging Gardens Agency </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/hg_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="98" height="41" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hg_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hg_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Hanging Gardens Agency" width="98" height="41" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="8" id="slide-8"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/Mohamed_create_media.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Mohamed_create_media.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Mohamed_create_media.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Mohamed_create_media - Create Media" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Socialinsider has saved us more than $16k per year. It has enabled us to save time on monthly reports and complex long-term analyses.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Mohamed El-Daly </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Create Media </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/create.webp " type="image/webp" width="106" height="23" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/create.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/create.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Create Media" width="106" height="23" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/caitlin_duffy.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/caitlin_duffy.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/caitlin_duffy.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="caitlin_duffy - Roisin Consulting" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Customer service has been one of my favourite features as well. You guys are just phenomenal. Your team is so responsive and very friendly and helpful. Which is not the norm.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Caitlin Duffy </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Roisin Consulting </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/roisin_consulting.webp " type="image/webp" width="89" height="69" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/roisin_consulting.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/roisin_consulting.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Roisin Consulting" width="89" height="69" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/declan_seachoy.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/declan_seachoy.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/declan_seachoy.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="declan_seachoy - Trades Union Congress" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Socialinsider helped us understand whether we're improving or decreasing&nbsp; especially compared to the other accounts that we follow.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Declan Seachoy </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Trades Union Congress </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/trades_union_congress.webp " type="image/webp" width="84" height="30" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/trades_union_congress.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/trades_union_congress.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Trades Union Congress" width="84" height="30" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/victor_mukubvu.webp " type="image/webp" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/victor_mukubvu.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/victor_mukubvu.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="victor_mukubvu - Mitsubishi Electric" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Socialinsider allows for a competitor analysis that gives an insight to performance relative to the market.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Victor Mukubvu </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Mitsubishi Electric </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/mitsubishi_electric.webp " type="image/webp" width="118" height="34" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/mitsubishi_electric.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/mitsubishi_electric.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Mitsubishi Electric" width="118" height="34" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/giuseppe_veturi.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/giuseppe_veturi.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/giuseppe_veturi.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="giuseppe_veturi - Havas Media Network" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“The sentiment analysis is amazing for Instagram hashtags. This new social media listening dashboard helped me in long-term planning.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Giuseppe Veturi </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Havas Media Network </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/havas_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="89" height="18" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/havas_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/havas_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Havas Media Network" width="89" height="18" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/arnold_vieriu.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/arnold_vieriu.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/arnold_vieriu.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="arnold_vieriu - Tribal Worldwide" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">We are using this social media analytics dashboard for all our 40 social media clients. We can have all the performance data in one single place.</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Arnold Vieriu </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Tribal Worldwide </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/tribal_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="102" height="27" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/tribal_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/tribal_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Tribal Worldwide" width="102" height="27" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/Yana_fashionbi.webp " type="image/webp" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Yana_fashionbi.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Yana_fashionbi.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Yana_fashionbi - Fashionbi" width="182" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“With Socialinsider, our team became more efficient. We do not need to spend time on social media data gathering. Instead, we can focus on insights and analysis.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Yana Bushmeleva </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Fashionbi </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/fashionbi_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="113" height="29" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/fashionbi_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/fashionbi_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Fashionbi" width="113" height="29" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/nick_radclyffe.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/nick_radclyffe.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/nick_radclyffe.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="nick_radclyffe - CEO at Hype Lab" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“We use Socialinsider for day-to-day social media insights if we need to outline any simple strategic changes or review the performance of certain social posts.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Nick Radclyffe </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> CEO at Hype Lab </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/hype_lab_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="126" height="24" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hype_lab_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hype_lab_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="CEO at Hype Lab" width="126" height="24" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/dorra_lunet.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/dorra_lunet.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/dorra_lunet.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="dorra_lunet - Hanging Gardens Agency" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">On average, a social media report for a brand requires 1 to 2 hours of work with Socialinsider, where it used to require a full day to gather the data.</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Dorra Lunet </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Hanging Gardens Agency </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/hg_logo.webp " type="image/webp" width="98" height="41" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hg_logo.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/hg_logo.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Hanging Gardens Agency" width="98" height="41" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-index="" id="slide-"> <div class="testimonial-card"> <div class="quote-details"> <div class="profile-image"> <figure class="partner-photo"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/Mohamed_create_media.webp " type="image/webp" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Mohamed_create_media.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/Mohamed_create_media.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Mohamed_create_media - Create Media" width="176" height="190" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> <div class="quote-content"> <p class="quote-text">“Socialinsider has saved us more than $16k per year. It has enabled us to save time on monthly reports and complex long-term analyses.”</p> <div class="author-content"> <div class="author-name"> <span class="profile-name"> Mohamed El-Daly </span> <span> | </span> <span class="profile-company"> Create Media </span> </div> <figure class="author-company"> <picture> <source srcset=" assets/img/webp/homepage/testimonials/create.webp " type="image/webp" width="106" height="23" loading="lazy"> <img srcset=" assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/create.png " src="assets/img/socialinsider/homepage/testimonials/create.png" class="img-fluid lazyload" alt="Create Media" width="106" height="23" loading="lazy"> </picture> </figure> </div> </div> <svg xmlns="" width="88" height="66" viewBox="0 0 88 66" fill="none" class="quote-sign"> <path d="M87.5252 16.4041L87.4155 15.6635L87.3015 15.6899C86.522 12.0266 84.7262 8.65996 82.1221 5.9795C79.5179 3.29905 76.2117 1.41436 72.5861 0.543498C68.9604 -0.327364 65.1635 -0.148804 61.6347 1.05852C58.1058 2.26584 54.9892 4.45259 52.6455 7.36573C50.3018 10.2789 48.8268 13.7993 48.3912 17.5198C47.9555 21.2403 48.577 25.0087 50.1837 28.389C51.7904 31.7693 54.3167 34.6234 57.4703 36.6209C60.6238 38.6185 64.2758 39.678 68.0035 39.6767C68.9818 39.6767 69.9206 39.5268 70.855 39.3902C70.5523 40.4129 70.2409 41.4533 69.7407 42.3879C69.2406 43.7458 68.4598 44.9228 67.6833 46.1087C67.034 47.3916 65.8891 48.2601 65.0468 49.3578C64.165 50.4247 62.963 51.1345 62.011 52.0206C61.0766 52.9464 59.8527 53.4093 58.8788 54.0617C57.861 54.6481 56.9749 55.2961 56.0273 55.6047L53.6628 56.5834L51.5834 57.4519L53.7066 66L56.3256 65.3652C57.1635 65.1536 58.1857 64.9067 59.3482 64.6113C60.537 64.3909 61.8049 63.7869 63.2174 63.2359C64.6081 62.6054 66.2268 62.1866 67.7272 61.1771C69.2363 60.216 70.9779 59.4137 72.5133 58.1264C74.0004 56.7994 75.7947 55.6488 77.1195 53.9647C78.5672 52.3865 79.9973 50.7289 81.1072 48.842C82.3925 47.0434 83.2655 45.0683 84.1868 43.1154C85.0203 41.1624 85.6915 39.1653 86.2399 37.2256C87.2795 33.3373 87.7446 29.6429 87.9244 26.482C88.0736 23.3167 87.9858 20.6848 87.8016 18.7803C87.7399 17.985 87.6478 17.1923 87.5252 16.4041ZM39.2694 16.4041L39.1597 15.6635L39.0456 15.6899C38.2661 12.0266 36.4704 8.65996 33.8662 5.9795C31.262 3.29905 27.9559 1.41436 24.3302 0.543498C20.7046 -0.327364 16.9077 -0.148804 13.3788 1.05852C9.84995 2.26584 6.73337 4.45259 4.38968 7.36573C2.04598 10.2789 0.570968 13.7993 0.135297 17.5198C-0.300374 21.2403 0.321106 25.0087 1.92783 28.389C3.53455 31.7693 6.06085 34.6234 9.21442 36.6209C12.368 38.6185 16.0199 39.678 19.7477 39.6767C20.726 39.6767 21.6648 39.5268 22.5992 39.3902C22.2965 40.4129 21.985 41.4533 21.4849 42.3879C20.9848 43.7458 20.2039 44.9228 19.4274 46.1087C18.7782 47.3916 17.6332 48.2601 16.7909 49.3578C15.9091 50.4247 14.7071 51.1345 13.7552 52.0206C12.8208 52.9464 11.5968 53.4093 10.6229 54.0617C9.60518 54.6481 8.71903 55.2961 7.77146 55.6047L5.40692 56.5834C4.08646 57.1256 3.33192 57.4431 3.33192 57.4431L5.45518 65.9912L8.07415 65.3564C8.91205 65.1448 9.9342 64.8979 11.0967 64.6025C12.2856 64.3821 13.5534 63.7781 14.966 63.227C16.3566 62.5966 17.9754 62.1778 19.4757 61.1683C20.9848 60.2072 22.7264 59.4049 24.2618 58.1176C25.749 56.7906 27.5432 55.64 28.868 53.9559C30.3157 52.3777 31.7458 50.7201 32.8557 48.8332C34.1411 47.0345 35.0141 45.0595 35.9353 43.1065C36.7688 41.1536 37.44 39.1565 37.9884 37.2168C39.0281 33.3284 39.4931 29.6341 39.673 26.4732C39.8221 23.3079 39.7344 20.676 39.5501 18.7715C39.4846 17.9793 39.391 17.1896 39.2694 16.4041Z" fill="#F4F4F4"></path> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- <section class="analytics-tools-section"> <h2 class="section-title">All the analytics tools you need in one place</h2> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-5 content-container d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start flex-column" > <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start" > <div class="platform-icon"> 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23.5696 27.1736 26.1538C25.9491 28.707 24.238 30.6529 22.0403 31.9918C19.8425 33.3306 17.3465 34 14.5522 34ZM14.5522 26.4341C16.122 26.4341 17.3622 25.6868 18.2727 24.1923C19.2146 22.6667 19.6855 20.2692 19.6855 17C19.6855 13.7308 19.2146 11.3489 18.2727 9.8544C17.3622 8.32875 16.122 7.56593 14.5522 7.56593C12.951 7.56593 11.6795 8.32875 10.7376 9.8544C9.82707 11.3489 9.37182 13.7308 9.37182 17C9.37182 20.2692 9.82707 22.6667 10.7376 24.1923C11.6795 25.6868 12.951 26.4341 14.5522 26.4341Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> <path d="M46 0.653846V33.3462H36.6753V7.79945H30.553V0.653846H46Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name">Start by creating a trial account to Socialinsider</span> </div> </div> <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start"> <div class=""> <svg width="57" height="34" viewBox="0 0 57 34" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.4313 34C11.6291 34 9.13828 33.3306 6.95879 31.9918C4.7793 30.6529 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46.6453 11.6447 46.6453 10.8352C46.6453 9.77656 46.2872 8.95146 45.5711 8.35989C44.855 7.76832 43.8119 7.47253 42.442 7.47253C41.2277 7.47253 40.1068 7.75275 39.0793 8.31319C38.083 8.84249 37.2579 9.62088 36.6041 10.6484L29.7387 6.81868C31.0152 4.70147 32.8055 3.03571 35.1096 1.82143C37.4136 0.607143 40.138 0 43.2826 0C45.7735 0 47.9685 0.404762 49.8678 1.21429C51.7982 2.02381 53.2927 3.19139 54.3513 4.71703C55.4411 6.21154 55.9859 7.95513 55.9859 9.9478C55.9859 11.7225 55.5967 13.4038 54.8184 14.9918C54.0711 16.5485 52.6077 18.3233 50.4282 20.3159L44.2634 26.0137H56.8733Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name">Add your competitors and connect the profiles you manage </span> </div> </div> <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start"> <div class=""> <svg width="57" height="35" viewBox="0 0 57 35" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.4313 34.1279C11.6291 34.1279 9.13828 33.4585 6.95879 32.1197C4.7793 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18.8715 56.6887 20.8798 56.6887 23.2461C56.6887 25.1765 56.1594 26.9668 55.1008 28.6169C54.0733 30.2671 52.4854 31.606 50.337 32.6334C48.2198 33.6298 45.5889 34.1279 42.4442 34.1279C40.1401 34.1279 37.8517 33.8477 35.5788 33.2873C33.337 32.7268 31.3911 31.9329 29.7409 30.9054L33.1035 23.9466C34.3801 24.8184 35.8123 25.4878 37.4002 25.9549C39.0193 26.4219 40.6072 26.6554 42.164 26.6554C43.7519 26.6554 45.0129 26.3596 45.9469 25.768C46.881 25.1765 47.348 24.3358 47.348 23.2461C47.348 21.1288 45.6823 20.0702 42.3508 20.0702H38.4744V14.2323L44.3123 7.92738H31.4222V0.781776H55.0541V6.57298L48.2821 13.8587Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name">Get all the engagement metrics for any Twitter business account</span> </div> </div> <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start"> <div class=""> <svg width="63" height="34" viewBox="0 0 63 34" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.4313 34C11.6291 34 9.13828 33.3306 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26.1227 13.435 26.4341 14.4313 26.4341Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> <path d="M31.6448 27.0879V21.0632L46.3096 0.653846H55.8838L41.6393 21.0632L37.2492 19.7555H62.7959V27.0879H31.6448ZM48.925 33.3462V27.0879L49.2052 19.7555V14.1978H57.9387V33.3462H48.925Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name">Compare your performance against your top competitors </span> </div> </div> <div class="platform-row w-100 d-flex align-items-start justify-content-start"> <div class=""> <svg width="59" height="34" viewBox="0 0 59 34" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.8434 34C12.0412 34 9.55039 33.3306 7.3709 31.9918C5.22255 30.6529 3.52566 28.7225 2.28024 26.2005C1.03482 23.6786 0.412109 20.6117 0.412109 17C0.412109 13.3883 1.03482 10.3214 2.28024 7.79945C3.52566 5.27747 5.22255 3.34707 7.3709 2.00824C9.55039 0.669414 12.0412 0 14.8434 0C17.6145 0 20.0742 0.669414 22.2225 2.00824C24.402 3.34707 26.1145 5.27747 27.3599 7.79945C28.6053 10.3214 29.228 13.3883 29.228 17C29.228 20.6117 28.6053 23.6786 27.3599 26.2005C26.1145 28.7225 24.402 30.6529 22.2225 31.9918C20.0742 33.3306 17.6145 34 14.8434 34ZM14.8434 26.4341C15.8398 26.4341 16.7116 26.1227 17.4588 25.5C18.2372 24.8773 18.8443 23.881 19.2802 22.511C19.7161 21.1099 19.9341 19.2729 19.9341 17C19.9341 14.696 19.7161 12.859 19.2802 11.489C18.8443 10.119 18.2372 9.12271 17.4588 8.5C16.7116 7.87729 15.8398 7.56593 14.8434 7.56593C13.8471 7.56593 12.9597 7.87729 12.1813 8.5C11.4341 9.12271 10.8269 10.119 10.3599 11.489C9.92401 12.859 9.70607 14.696 9.70607 17C9.70607 19.2729 9.92401 21.1099 10.3599 22.511C10.8269 23.881 11.4341 24.8773 12.1813 25.5C12.9597 26.1227 13.8471 26.4341 14.8434 26.4341Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> <path d="M43.8261 34C41.5843 34 39.327 33.7198 37.0541 33.1593C34.7812 32.5989 32.8197 31.8049 31.1695 30.7775L34.4854 23.8187C35.8243 24.6905 37.2721 25.3599 38.8289 25.8269C40.4168 26.294 41.9891 26.5275 43.5459 26.5275C45.1027 26.5275 46.3636 26.2317 47.3289 25.6401C48.2941 25.0174 48.7767 24.1612 48.7767 23.0714C48.7767 22.4176 48.5898 21.8416 48.2162 21.3434C47.8426 20.8141 47.2043 20.4249 46.3014 20.1758C45.3984 19.8956 44.1063 19.7555 42.425 19.7555H33.5514L35.186 0.653846H56.0157V7.79945H38.4552L43.1723 3.73627L42.0981 16.6264L37.381 12.5632H44.6201C47.8582 12.5632 50.458 13.0302 52.4195 13.9643C54.3811 14.8672 55.8133 16.0971 56.7162 17.6538C57.6191 19.1795 58.0706 20.9075 58.0706 22.8379C58.0706 24.7683 57.5569 26.5897 56.5294 28.3022C55.5331 29.9835 53.9919 31.3535 51.9058 32.4121C49.8197 33.4707 47.1265 34 43.8261 34Z" fill="#EAEAEA"></path> </svg> </div> <div class="platform-info"> <span class="platform-name"> Perform a cross-channel analysis to evaluate your Twitter performance. </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-7 image-container"> <figure class="media-image-tools" style="padding-top: 0px"> <picture> <img srcset=" ../assets/img/socialinsider/ilustrations/si-free-tools-steps-illustration.png " 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3.44009 24.22 2.89412 24.22 2.22005C24.22 1.54597 23.674 1 22.9999 1H19.0257C18.4361 1 17.9308 1.42193 17.825 2.00146L17.1489 5.71752C16.3854 5.97576 15.6392 6.28484 14.9163 6.64272L11.8104 4.4934C11.3254 4.15789 10.6707 4.21686 10.2538 4.63371L4.63361 10.2541C4.21677 10.6709 4.15781 11.3267 4.49331 11.8106L6.64257 14.9167C6.28572 15.6385 5.97563 16.3858 5.71739 17.1494L2.00143 17.8255C1.42192 17.9312 1 18.4365 1 19.0262V26.9738C1 27.5635 1.42192 28.0688 2.00143 28.1745L5.71739 28.8506C5.97563 29.6142 6.2847 30.3604 6.64257 31.0833L4.49331 34.1894C4.15781 34.6743 4.21677 35.3291 4.63361 35.7459L10.2538 41.3663C10.6707 41.7831 11.3264 41.8421 11.8104 41.5066L14.9163 39.3573C15.6382 39.7141 16.3854 40.0242 17.1489 40.2825L17.825 43.9985C17.9308 44.5781 18.4361 45 19.0257 45H22.9999C23.674 45 24.22 44.454 24.22 43.78C24.22 43.1059 23.674 42.5599 22.9999 42.5599Z"></path> <path d="M39.6228 17.5909C37.078 17.5909 34.942 19.3692 34.3869 21.7482H23.0001C22.326 21.7482 21.78 22.2942 21.78 22.9683C21.78 23.6424 22.326 24.1883 23.0001 24.1883H34.3869C34.941 26.5674 37.077 28.3457 39.6228 28.3457C42.5874 28.3457 45 25.933 45 22.9683C45 20.0036 42.5874 17.5909 39.6228 17.5909ZM39.6228 25.9045C38.0032 25.9045 36.6856 24.5869 36.6856 22.9673C36.6856 21.3477 38.0032 20.03 39.6228 20.03C41.2423 20.03 42.56 21.3477 42.56 22.9673C42.56 24.5869 41.2423 25.9045 39.6228 25.9045Z"></path> <path d="M37.0017 33.8227C35.8762 33.8227 34.83 34.1715 33.9658 34.7652L28.3965 29.6858C28.1677 29.4763 27.8668 29.3645 27.5567 29.3675L22.9908 29.4326C19.4477 29.4285 16.5674 26.5441 16.5674 23.0009C16.5674 19.4577 19.3775 16.6475 22.8586 16.5723C22.9044 16.5774 22.9501 16.5804 22.9969 16.5804C25.0729 16.5804 27.0321 17.591 28.2389 19.2849C28.4768 19.6194 28.8519 19.7973 29.2332 19.7973C29.4782 19.7973 29.7253 19.7241 29.9398 19.5706C30.4888 19.1791 30.6159 18.4176 30.2255 17.8686C29.7487 17.1986 29.1854 16.6069 28.5571 16.1026L33.9648 11.1705C34.829 11.7643 35.8752 12.113 37.0006 12.113C39.9653 12.113 42.3779 9.70037 42.3779 6.73565C42.3779 3.77094 39.9663 1.35829 37.0006 1.35829C34.035 1.35829 31.6234 3.76992 31.6234 6.73565C31.6234 7.69237 31.8756 8.59114 32.3158 9.37096L27.1002 14.1281H22.9979C18.1056 14.1281 14.1264 18.1085 14.1264 22.9999C14.1264 27.8913 18.1067 31.8717 22.9979 31.8717C23.004 31.8717 23.0091 31.8717 23.0152 31.8717L27.1073 31.8137L32.3158 36.5638C31.8756 37.3436 31.6234 38.2424 31.6234 39.1991C31.6234 42.1638 34.036 44.5764 37.0006 44.5764C39.9653 44.5764 42.3779 42.1638 42.3779 39.1991C42.3779 36.2344 39.9663 33.8217 37.0006 33.8217L37.0017 33.8227ZM37.0017 3.79941C38.6212 3.79941 39.9388 5.11706 39.9388 6.73667C39.9388 8.35628 38.6212 9.67393 37.0017 9.67393C35.3821 9.67393 34.0645 8.35628 34.0645 6.73667C34.0645 5.11706 35.3821 3.79941 37.0017 3.79941ZM37.0017 42.1363C35.3821 42.1363 34.0645 40.8187 34.0645 39.1991C34.0645 37.5795 35.3821 36.2618 37.0017 36.2618C38.6212 36.2618 39.9388 37.5795 39.9388 39.1991C39.9388 40.8187 38.6212 42.1363 37.0017 42.1363Z"></path> </mask> <path d="M22.9999 42.5599H20.0444L19.4192 39.1224C19.3368 38.668 19.0044 38.2989 18.5611 38.1698C17.4702 37.8515 16.4118 37.4123 15.4155 36.8663C15.0109 36.6437 14.5147 36.6701 14.1345 36.9324L11.2603 38.9211L7.07975 34.7404L9.06837 31.8662C9.33169 31.4859 9.35711 30.9908 9.13446 30.5851C8.5885 29.5888 8.14929 28.5304 7.83107 27.4394C7.70195 26.9962 7.3329 26.6637 6.87844 26.5813L3.44105 25.9561V20.0439L6.87844 19.4187C7.3329 19.3363 7.70195 19.0038 7.83107 18.5606C8.14929 17.4696 8.5885 16.4112 9.13446 15.4149C9.35711 15.0102 9.33068 14.5141 9.06837 14.1338L7.07975 11.2596L11.2603 7.07889L14.1345 9.06756C14.5147 9.33089 15.0098 9.35631 15.4155 9.13365C16.4118 8.58768 17.4702 8.14846 18.5611 7.83023C19.0044 7.70111 19.3368 7.33205 19.4192 6.87758L20.0444 3.44009H22.9999C23.674 3.44009 24.22 2.89412 24.22 2.22005C24.22 1.54597 23.674 1 22.9999 1H19.0257C18.4361 1 17.9308 1.42193 17.825 2.00146L17.1489 5.71752C16.3854 5.97576 15.6392 6.28484 14.9163 6.64272L11.8104 4.4934C11.3254 4.15789 10.6707 4.21686 10.2538 4.63371L4.63361 10.2541C4.21677 10.6709 4.15781 11.3267 4.49331 11.8106L6.64257 14.9167C6.28572 15.6385 5.97563 16.3858 5.71739 17.1494L2.00143 17.8255C1.42192 17.9312 1 18.4365 1 19.0262V26.9738C1 27.5635 1.42192 28.0688 2.00143 28.1745L5.71739 28.8506C5.97563 29.6142 6.2847 30.3604 6.64257 31.0833L4.49331 34.1894C4.15781 34.6743 4.21677 35.3291 4.63361 35.7459L10.2538 41.3663C10.6707 41.7831 11.3264 41.8421 11.8104 41.5066L14.9163 39.3573C15.6382 39.7141 16.3854 40.0242 17.1489 40.2825L17.825 43.9985C17.9308 44.5781 18.4361 45 19.0257 45H22.9999C23.674 45 24.22 44.454 24.22 43.78C24.22 43.1059 23.674 42.5599 22.9999 42.5599Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M39.6228 17.5909C37.078 17.5909 34.942 19.3692 34.3869 21.7482H23.0001C22.326 21.7482 21.78 22.2942 21.78 22.9683C21.78 23.6424 22.326 24.1883 23.0001 24.1883H34.3869C34.941 26.5674 37.077 28.3457 39.6228 28.3457C42.5874 28.3457 45 25.933 45 22.9683C45 20.0036 42.5874 17.5909 39.6228 17.5909ZM39.6228 25.9045C38.0032 25.9045 36.6856 24.5869 36.6856 22.9673C36.6856 21.3477 38.0032 20.03 39.6228 20.03C41.2423 20.03 42.56 21.3477 42.56 22.9673C42.56 24.5869 41.2423 25.9045 39.6228 25.9045Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M37.0017 33.8227C35.8762 33.8227 34.83 34.1715 33.9658 34.7652L28.3965 29.6858C28.1677 29.4763 27.8668 29.3645 27.5567 29.3675L22.9908 29.4326C19.4477 29.4285 16.5674 26.5441 16.5674 23.0009C16.5674 19.4577 19.3775 16.6475 22.8586 16.5723C22.9044 16.5774 22.9501 16.5804 22.9969 16.5804C25.0729 16.5804 27.0321 17.591 28.2389 19.2849C28.4768 19.6194 28.8519 19.7973 29.2332 19.7973C29.4782 19.7973 29.7253 19.7241 29.9398 19.5706C30.4888 19.1791 30.6159 18.4176 30.2255 17.8686C29.7487 17.1986 29.1854 16.6069 28.5571 16.1026L33.9648 11.1705C34.829 11.7643 35.8752 12.113 37.0006 12.113C39.9653 12.113 42.3779 9.70037 42.3779 6.73565C42.3779 3.77094 39.9663 1.35829 37.0006 1.35829C34.035 1.35829 31.6234 3.76992 31.6234 6.73565C31.6234 7.69237 31.8756 8.59114 32.3158 9.37096L27.1002 14.1281H22.9979C18.1056 14.1281 14.1264 18.1085 14.1264 22.9999C14.1264 27.8913 18.1067 31.8717 22.9979 31.8717C23.004 31.8717 23.0091 31.8717 23.0152 31.8717L27.1073 31.8137L32.3158 36.5638C31.8756 37.3436 31.6234 38.2424 31.6234 39.1991C31.6234 42.1638 34.036 44.5764 37.0006 44.5764C39.9653 44.5764 42.3779 42.1638 42.3779 39.1991C42.3779 36.2344 39.9663 33.8217 37.0006 33.8217L37.0017 33.8227ZM37.0017 3.79941C38.6212 3.79941 39.9388 5.11706 39.9388 6.73667C39.9388 8.35628 38.6212 9.67393 37.0017 9.67393C35.3821 9.67393 34.0645 8.35628 34.0645 6.73667C34.0645 5.11706 35.3821 3.79941 37.0017 3.79941ZM37.0017 42.1363C35.3821 42.1363 34.0645 40.8187 34.0645 39.1991C34.0645 37.5795 35.3821 36.2618 37.0017 36.2618C38.6212 36.2618 39.9388 37.5795 39.9388 39.1991C39.9388 40.8187 38.6212 42.1363 37.0017 42.1363Z" fill="black"></path> <path d="M22.9999 42.5599H20.0444L19.4192 39.1224C19.3368 38.668 19.0044 38.2989 18.5611 38.1698C17.4702 37.8515 16.4118 37.4123 15.4155 36.8663C15.0109 36.6437 14.5147 36.6701 14.1345 36.9324L11.2603 38.9211L7.07975 34.7404L9.06837 31.8662C9.33169 31.4859 9.35711 30.9908 9.13446 30.5851C8.5885 29.5888 8.14929 28.5304 7.83107 27.4394C7.70195 26.9962 7.3329 26.6637 6.87844 26.5813L3.44105 25.9561V20.0439L6.87844 19.4187C7.3329 19.3363 7.70195 19.0038 7.83107 18.5606C8.14929 17.4696 8.5885 16.4112 9.13446 15.4149C9.35711 15.0102 9.33068 14.5141 9.06837 14.1338L7.07975 11.2596L11.2603 7.07889L14.1345 9.06756C14.5147 9.33089 15.0098 9.35631 15.4155 9.13365C16.4118 8.58768 17.4702 8.14846 18.5611 7.83023C19.0044 7.70111 19.3368 7.33205 19.4192 6.87758L20.0444 3.44009H22.9999C23.674 3.44009 24.22 2.89412 24.22 2.22005C24.22 1.54597 23.674 1 22.9999 1H19.0257C18.4361 1 17.9308 1.42193 17.825 2.00146L17.1489 5.71752C16.3854 5.97576 15.6392 6.28484 14.9163 6.64272L11.8104 4.4934C11.3254 4.15789 10.6707 4.21686 10.2538 4.63371L4.63361 10.2541C4.21677 10.6709 4.15781 11.3267 4.49331 11.8106L6.64257 14.9167C6.28572 15.6385 5.97563 16.3858 5.71739 17.1494L2.00143 17.8255C1.42192 17.9312 1 18.4365 1 19.0262V26.9738C1 27.5635 1.42192 28.0688 2.00143 28.1745L5.71739 28.8506C5.97563 29.6142 6.2847 30.3604 6.64257 31.0833L4.49331 34.1894C4.15781 34.6743 4.21677 35.3291 4.63361 35.7459L10.2538 41.3663C10.6707 41.7831 11.3264 41.8421 11.8104 41.5066L14.9163 39.3573C15.6382 39.7141 16.3854 40.0242 17.1489 40.2825L17.825 43.9985C17.9308 44.5781 18.4361 45 19.0257 45H22.9999C23.674 45 24.22 44.454 24.22 43.78C24.22 43.1059 23.674 42.5599 22.9999 42.5599Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.4" mask="url(#path-1-outside-1_1321_730)"></path> <path d="M39.6228 17.5909C37.078 17.5909 34.942 19.3692 34.3869 21.7482H23.0001C22.326 21.7482 21.78 22.2942 21.78 22.9683C21.78 23.6424 22.326 24.1883 23.0001 24.1883H34.3869C34.941 26.5674 37.077 28.3457 39.6228 28.3457C42.5874 28.3457 45 25.933 45 22.9683C45 20.0036 42.5874 17.5909 39.6228 17.5909ZM39.6228 25.9045C38.0032 25.9045 36.6856 24.5869 36.6856 22.9673C36.6856 21.3477 38.0032 20.03 39.6228 20.03C41.2423 20.03 42.56 21.3477 42.56 22.9673C42.56 24.5869 41.2423 25.9045 39.6228 25.9045Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.4" mask="url(#path-1-outside-1_1321_730)"></path> <path d="M37.0017 33.8227C35.8762 33.8227 34.83 34.1715 33.9658 34.7652L28.3965 29.6858C28.1677 29.4763 27.8668 29.3645 27.5567 29.3675L22.9908 29.4326C19.4477 29.4285 16.5674 26.5441 16.5674 23.0009C16.5674 19.4577 19.3775 16.6475 22.8586 16.5723C22.9044 16.5774 22.9501 16.5804 22.9969 16.5804C25.0729 16.5804 27.0321 17.591 28.2389 19.2849C28.4768 19.6194 28.8519 19.7973 29.2332 19.7973C29.4782 19.7973 29.7253 19.7241 29.9398 19.5706C30.4888 19.1791 30.6159 18.4176 30.2255 17.8686C29.7487 17.1986 29.1854 16.6069 28.5571 16.1026L33.9648 11.1705C34.829 11.7643 35.8752 12.113 37.0006 12.113C39.9653 12.113 42.3779 9.70037 42.3779 6.73565C42.3779 3.77094 39.9663 1.35829 37.0006 1.35829C34.035 1.35829 31.6234 3.76992 31.6234 6.73565C31.6234 7.69237 31.8756 8.59114 32.3158 9.37096L27.1002 14.1281H22.9979C18.1056 14.1281 14.1264 18.1085 14.1264 22.9999C14.1264 27.8913 18.1067 31.8717 22.9979 31.8717C23.004 31.8717 23.0091 31.8717 23.0152 31.8717L27.1073 31.8137L32.3158 36.5638C31.8756 37.3436 31.6234 38.2424 31.6234 39.1991C31.6234 42.1638 34.036 44.5764 37.0006 44.5764C39.9653 44.5764 42.3779 42.1638 42.3779 39.1991C42.3779 36.2344 39.9663 33.8217 37.0006 33.8217L37.0017 33.8227ZM37.0017 3.79941C38.6212 3.79941 39.9388 5.11706 39.9388 6.73667C39.9388 8.35628 38.6212 9.67393 37.0017 9.67393C35.3821 9.67393 34.0645 8.35628 34.0645 6.73667C34.0645 5.11706 35.3821 3.79941 37.0017 3.79941ZM37.0017 42.1363C35.3821 42.1363 34.0645 40.8187 34.0645 39.1991C34.0645 37.5795 35.3821 36.2618 37.0017 36.2618C38.6212 36.2618 39.9388 37.5795 39.9388 39.1991C39.9388 40.8187 38.6212 42.1363 37.0017 42.1363Z" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.4" mask="url(#path-1-outside-1_1321_730)"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="title">Social media data integration</span> <p class="description"> Leverage large social media data sets to add more value to your products and increase your business. </p> <span class="view-more mt-auto justify-content-end"> <span class="mr-2">View more</span> <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <path d="M37.5 18.5C37.5 28.4286 29.2299 36.5 19 36.5C8.77008 36.5 0.5 28.4286 0.5 18.5C0.5 8.57136 8.77008 0.5 19 0.5C29.2299 0.5 37.5 8.57136 37.5 18.5Z" fill="#6D57F6" stroke="black" class="purple-circle"></path> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3"></path> </svg> </span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section section-faq borderless-pricing"> <div class="container"> <header class="section-header"> <h2 class="section-title">Frequently Asked Questions</h2> <p class="lead">Got a question? We've got answers.</p> </header> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 mx-auto"> <div class="accordion si-accordion accordion-arrow-right" id="faq-accordion"> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-1" aria-expanded="true"> What is Twitter analytics? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-1" class="collapse show" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>X (Twitter) analytics involves collecting and analyzing data from your X account to assess and optimize your strategy and presence on the platform.</p><p>You can pull various metrics from your Twitter data, but they broadly fall into three categories:</p> <ul><li><strong>Audience</strong>: e.g. follower growth, demographics and active times.</li><li><strong>Content</strong>: e.g. Tweet impressions, video views, engagements, engagement rates and link clicks. </li><li><strong>Campaign performance</strong>: e.g. cost per engagement, conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS).</li></ul><p>You can either monitor your Twitter activity using native Twitter analytics (but be warned: this is only available with a paid X premium plan) or with a third-party tool, like Socialinsider.</p><p>Effectively tracking and interpreting your analytics data is crucial to any successful Twitter marketing strategy. Twitter insights will help you:</p> <ul><li><strong>Run a Twitter audit</strong>: with a comprehensive overview of all your Twitter activity, you can quickly identify what is and isn’t working—without wasting time or budget on tactics that aren’t serving your business objectives.</li><li><strong>Measure content performance</strong>: by understanding which content gets the most views, impressions, likes, replies or retweets, you can tailor future posts to boost performance.</li><li><strong>Analyze profile growth</strong>: tracking your profile visits and followers will reveal whether your content is driving tangible page growth.</li><li><strong>Identify trends</strong>: across your audience, industry and the platform at large—so you can keep up with the fast-paced conversations Twitter is famous for.</li><li><strong>Export data for reporting and measuring ROI</strong>: keep a close eye on how spend and resource is translating to ROI. Export data from Twitter analytics to create clear, actionable reports for you and company stakeholders.</li></ul><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-2" aria-expanded="false"> Why tracking X (Twitter) analytics is important <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-2" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>If you’re using social media in your marketing strategy, you need to get very familiar with social media analytics.This is especially true for Twitter.</p><p>Firstly, the very nature of Twitter is…well, kind of overwhelming. With over 300 million users, a high volume of Tweets, and conversations that move at lightning speed, you might wonder if cutting through the noise is even possible.</p><p>Secondly, Twitter has undergone huge changes since it was acquired by Elon Musk in 2022—and not just changing its name to X:</p><ul><li><strong>Features and functionality</strong> - Musk has shared that he imagines X as an “everything app”. This means new functions and features are being added to the platform all the time—from shopping, to X Premium accounts, to ad revenue sharing.</li><li><strong>More diverse content</strong> - Previously known for its snappy, 140-character Tweets, X has increased the character limit so its paying users can post longer text updates, as well as introducing more multimedia content.</li><li><strong>Audience growth</strong> - Overall, X has lost an estimated 32.7 million users since the acquisition. But if we drill down into the demographics, we can see a rise in Gen Z users (<a href="">45% of Gen Z use X</a>).</li></ul><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-3" aria-expanded="false"> How brands can use Twitter analytics <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-3" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Brands have historically used Twitter to have fun and communicate in real-time with their audience (think fast food brands like KFC or Wendy’s). However, all this change might leave you questioning whether X is still worth investing in.</p><p>That’s why Twitter analytics are more important than ever—they’ll help you answer that question. You’ll be able to:</p><ul><li><strong>Gather competitive intel</strong> - monitor other Twitter profiles and Twitter activity in your industry to find your competitive edge: are other brands in your niche having success? What are the most important topics of conversation? Is your category saturated, or are there gaps you can fill? All of this will tell you whether it’s worth maintaining a presence on X in the first place.</li><li><strong>Deliver a better customer experience</strong> - every good marketing strategy starts with understanding your audience. Your Twitter follower analytics will show you the demographics you’re attracting (or want to attract), so you can weave their needs and preferences into every Tweet and campaign. And it’s not just about content—remember that X is a key channel for real-time customer support, too.</li><li><strong>Understand trends and patterns</strong> - Twitter is not only extremely trend-driven, but also extremely fast. With discussions around news or events happening in real-time, analytics help you monitor emerging conversations, track seasonal patterns and delve into audience behavior, so you can stay relevant, adapt and capitalize on important moments for your brand.</li><li><strong>Identify the best conten</strong>t - Tweets remain capped at 280 characters for non-paying users, but paying users can post up to 4,000 characters. Still, old habits die hard: the average Tweet is between 240 and 259 characters, and it’s recommended to post 5-10 times a day. Given the limited space and high posting frequency, you’ll need resource, sharp messaging and a distinctive brand voice to succeed. Tracking your Twitter efforts will help you identify top-performing posts and formats (e.g. video vs. text), optimize your content production, and improve performance.</li><li><strong>Get X (Twitter) influencers and advocates</strong> - on the subject of boosting visibility, increasing engagement, and building trust with your audience, partnering with X influencers and advocates can be a game-changer. Twitter analytics will help you pick out followers who engage frequently with your brand, and spot popular thought leaders and creators in your niche. Whether you run giveaways, host AMAs or collaborate on promoted tweets, you can then use analytics to report on the success of the partnership.</li></ul><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-4" aria-expanded="false"> How to check Twitter analytics <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-4" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Now you understand why it’s so important to have robust Twitter analytics, you might be wondering how to see your Twitter analytics.</p> <p>First things first, native Twitter analytics are only available with a paid subscription to X Premium. So if you have an unpaid membership or Basic X subscription, you won’t be able to access your in-app analytics dashboard.</p><p>The good news is that you can use a third-party tool, like Socialinsider, to conduct advanced analytics without paying for an X subscription.</p><p>Here’s a quick guide to how to access Twitter analytics on X mobile and desktop, and via Socialinsider.</p><h4 class="inner-subtitle">How to check X (Twitter) analytics on mobile</h4><ol><li> Open the X (Twitter) app and log in to your account.</li><li> Tap your profile picture to navigate to your page.</li><li> Find a specific tweet you wish to analyze.</li><li> Tap the "•••" (More) icon under the tweet, then select "View Tweet Analytics" to see detailed engagement data like impressions, likes, and retweets.</li></ol><p>The mobile version of X (Twitter) analytics is pretty useful for checking Tweet performance on-the-fly. However, you’ll need to use the desktop version for full account analytics.</p><h4 class="inner-subtitle">How to check X (Twitter) analytics on desktop</h4><ol><li>Go to <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> and log in to your account.</li><li>Click on “More and Creator Studio” in the left-hand menu, where you’ll find your X Analytics dashboard.</li><li>You’ll be able to see an overview of your account performance, including:</li><ul><li>A 28-day summary of impressions, profile visits, mentions and followers</li><li>Highlights like top tweets, top mentions and top followers</li><li>Tweet and video activity: more granular content metrics like impressions, views and engagements</li><li>Conversion tracking for ad campaigns</li></ul></ol><p>You can also explore audience demographics (age, location, active times, etc.) and content trends over time.</p><h4 class="inner-subtitle">How to check X (Twitter) analytics with Socialinsider</h4><p>Beyond the native analytics dashboard, Twitter analytics tools like Socialinsider can give you more powerful insights to really up your game on X. </p><p>If you want to understand long-term analytics, track relevant KPIs in an easy-to-read Twitter analytics dashboard, access competitive data and industry benchmarks, and automate your reporting—all without paying for an X subscription—it’s worth looking into.</p><p>Here’s how to view Twitter analytics with Socialinsider:</p><ol><li>Create or log in to your <a href="">Socialinsider account</a>.</li><li>Create a <strong>new project</strong> or navigate to an existing project. Click “<strong>Connect social accounts</strong>”.</li><li><strong>Connect</strong> to your X (Twitter) account, then <strong>select the page(s)</strong> you would like to add.</li><li>From your dashboard, you can <strong>select the platform and page you wish to analyze</strong>. </li><li>Here, you can access a wide range of advanced analytics—from Socialinsider’s Twitter competitor analysis tools, to historical analytics data for your tweets. </li></ol><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-5" aria-expanded="false"> All the X (Twitter) metrics you need to know <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-5" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Not only is X a very unique social media platform, but it’s also been through some pretty big changes. So you can’t simply copy and paste your reporting strategy from Instagram or Tik Tok—you need to have a solid understanding of which Twitter analytics metrics to track.</p><p>But before you start tracking, get clear on your goals first. Your KPIs will depend on your business objectives, but X tends to be best for:</p><ul><li>Growing your audience and increasing brand awareness</li><li>Boosting engagement and nurturing a community</li><li>Driving website traffic</li><li>Direct sales</li><li>Thought leadership</li><li>Customer research and social listening</li></ul><p>Broadly speaking, the most important metrics to track are overview metrics, audience metrics and content metrics. Let’s break down each area and understand how each metric feeds into the bigger picture.</p><h4 class="inner-subtitle">Overview metrics</h4><p>X’s fast pace means you do need to track performance in real-time. This is where overview metrics come in, as they allow you to check all your KPIs at-a-glance. </p><p>From this high-level summary of your Twitter account analytics, you can determine the overaleffectiveness of your strategy and quickly spot patterns in performance.</p><p>Overview metrics include:</p><p><strong>Impressions (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the total number of times your tweet has been seen, which includes multiple views from the same user. Tracking impressions helps you gauge your content reach and brand visibility on X.</p><p><strong>Engagement (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the total number of interactions on a tweet, including likes, replies, retweets and clicks on links, hashtags or media. This lets you know if your content is resonating with your audience. Also, high engagement drives visibility in the X algorithm. </p><p><strong>Engagement rate (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the percentage of users who have interacted with a Tweet, out of the total users who saw it. You can calculate this by adding up the total engagements on a Tweet, dividing this number by either Tweet impressions OR your total followers, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. As fluctuations in visibility may be out of your control (for example, if there is an algorithm update), engagement rate is a useful way to measure the quality of engagement, not just the quantity.</p><p><strong>Profile visits (track in the native app)</strong> - how many times users click through to your profile. Monitoring profile visits is a useful way to measure how your content is driving interest in your brand, and if people are actively searching for your account. Essentially, do people want to learn more about you?</p><p><strong>New followers (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - how many new followers you’ve gained over a specific time period. This shows you whether your content and campaigns are driving audience growth. If you’re gaining followers, it indicates that people are interested in building an ongoing relationship with your brand—perhaps they liked a Tweet, and now they want to see what you post next.</p><p><strong>Replies (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of direct responses to your tweet. Replies signal that your content is driving conversation—which is, after all, the real purpose of Twitter. They’re useful for increasing engagement (as the X algorithm will prioritize content with lots of buzz) and nurturing your community (for example, fostering connection or gathering feedback).</p><p><strong>Likes (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of likes a Tweet gets. Likes are the easiest way for your audience to interact with your content, making them a quick indicator of whether your content is getting the seal of approval.</p><p><strong>Reposts (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of times your tweet is reposted or “retweeted”. If someone retweets you, it means they identify with your content and think it’s valuable enough to share with their followers. So by designing your content to be shareable, you can amplify it to a broader audience.</p><p><strong>Bookmarks (track in the native app)</strong> - how many times users have saved your tweets. Again, bookmarks are a really important value-based metric—even if people don’t publicly interact with your content, saves show that they found it interesting and relevant enough to revisit at a later date.</p><p><strong>Shares (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of times your content has been shared, both on and off X. This includes reposts or retweets, but also external shares outside of X (for example, via WhatsApp or email). This lets you see how far your message is spreading beyond your immediate audience.</p><p><strong>Quotes (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of times your tweet is reposted with additional commentary. When users quote your tweet, they are engaging more deeply with your content by sharing their own ideas or hot takes. In other words, your content is not only interesting or valuable, but also thought-provoking.</p><p><strong>Follower growth (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the rate at which your total followers are increasing or decreasing over time. It’s essential to analyze your Twitter followers to understand the overall health of your X presence and track the long-term impact of your content.</p><h4 class="inner-subtitle">Audience metrics</h4><p>Ultimately, your X strategy—from the type of content you create, to the KPIs you track—is going to depend on your unique audience. Do they prefer videos or article links? Are they entertained or baffled by memes? When are they most likely to see your content? Tracking audience metrics can help you answer all of this and more.</p><p><strong>Age (track in the native app)</strong> - the dominant age brackets of your followers. If you know the age demographics you’re speaking to, you can make sure this aligns with your business’s target audience, tailor your content to better fit their interests and preferences, and refine your messaging so it lands with the right groups.</p><p><strong>Gender (track in the native app)</strong> - the gender breakdown of your followers. Again, this helps you assess whether your strategy is on track—whether you’re aiming for balanced representation or targeting a specific gender—and optimize your content and advertising efforts accordingly.</p><p><strong>Active times (track in the native app)</strong> - peak times of the day or week when your audience is most active on X. Because Tweets are more ephemeral than other types of social media content, you want to post when your followers are online—having this data helps you align your schedule.</p><p><strong>Country (track in the native app)</strong> - the main geographic locations of your followers. Knowing where your followers are based is essential for ad targeting, but also for being sensitive to cultural preferences, and tailoring content or campaigns for a global vs. local audience.</p><h4 class="inner-subtitle">Content metrics</h4><p>For some businesses, it’s enough to use X for social listening or customer support. But if you want to build a presence that could genuinely impact your bottom line, you need to invest in content. And if you’re going to invest in content, you’re going to need to understand content metrics. </p><p>Here are the metrics you need to track to develop a winning content strategy on X:</p><p><strong>AI Content Pillars (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - using AI, Socialinsider can identify key themes or categories to build your content around. These are what we call “content pillars”. They help you focus and organize your content creation efforts, so you can invest in posts that resonate most with your audience. In Socialinsider, you can see both the volume of content and the engagement rates in different categories.</p><p><strong>Engagement for each content pillar (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - this measures how well different content pillars perform by tracking likes, replies, retweets, quotes, shares, clicks, etc. By identifying themes that generate the most interactions, you can feel more confident ideating and creating future content.</p><p><strong>Impressions on a post level (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of times an individual post has been displayed in users’ feeds. Comparing impressions across analytics for individual tweets will show you what specifically drives reach for your page (messaging, post type, paid promotions, etc.).</p><p><strong>Likes on a post level (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of likes on an individual post. This gives you a clear indication of which content lands well with your audience. </p><p><strong>Replies on a post level (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of direct responses or comments on an individual post. This will reveal what kind of content drives deeper engagement by sparking conversations.</p><p><strong>Reposts on a post level (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the number of times a post has been reposted or retweeted—in other words, how shareable your content is. By monitoring this over time, you should get an idea of what exactly prompts people to share.</p><p><strong>Engagement rate on a post level (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the percentage of people who engaged with an individual post out of the people who saw it (impressions or followers). This is helpful for clarifying your top-performing posts. For instance, if two posts have the same engagement but different impressions, the one with the higher engagement rate stands out.</p><p><strong>Post types by engagement (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - a breakdown of engagement based on the type of content: links, text posts, photos, animated GIFs or videos. Really handy for easily identifying which formats perform best—so you can create more of what truly engages your audiences.</p><p><strong>Top posts by engagement (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - a leaderboard of posts with the highest levels of engagement. Ranking post performance will help you replicate and refine successful tactics or content types, so you can keep on hitting new highs of engagement.</p><p><strong>Bottom posts by engagement (track with Socialinsider)</strong> - the posts with the lowest levels of engagement. This is just as important as tracking top-performers, so you can learn what to stop doing and avoid wasting time, resource or budget on content that doesn’t drive meaningful results.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-6" aria-expanded="false"> How to create X (Twitter) analytics reports. <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-6" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Creating detailed X (Twitter) analytics reports is helpful for you, the rest of your team, and company stakeholders. They’ll help you:</p><ul><li>Track performance to make sure your posts and activity are hitting KPIs</li><li>Identify patterns and trends to refine your content creation efforts</li><li>Gather helpful intel on your audience and competitors</li><li>Communicate how your Twitter marketing is supporting wider business objectives</li></ul><p>You can create Twitter reports in various formats by following the steps below.</p><strong>a) CSV reports - create with Socialinsider</strong><p>With Socialinsider, you can export any data you see in your dashboard. Whether it’s a profile overview or top-performing posts, just look out for the “Download” button in the top-right corner. </p><p>When you click this, you’ll see a dropdown menu with different formats. Select CSV to export your data, which you can then import into Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (note that only certain reports can be exported as CSVs).</p><strong>b) PPT, PDF or Excel reports - create with Socialinsider</strong><p>To export your Socialinsider data into PPT, PDF or Excel reports, simply follow the same steps as above, but select a different format from the dropdown menu.</p><p>You can also automate reporting to get your favorite reports sent straight to your inbox. Just head to the “Autoreports” section in the left hand sidebar and start scheduling.</p><strong>c) Looker studio - create with Google </strong><p>If you’re working with a lot of data (for example, across multiple profiles, channels or brands), you might wish to use Google’s Looker studio (formerly Google Data Studio). Looker is a data visualization platform that can help you present and analyze your Twitter data in a bigger, more sophisticated marketing dashboard. </p><p>To pull in your Socialinsider data, log into <a href="">Google Looker</a>, go to “Data sources” and connect Socialinsider.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-7" aria-expanded="false"> How to create X (Twitter) analytics competitor reports <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-7" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Your Twitter account may offer plenty of data, but focusing solely on your own metrics won’t drive social media success. To really level up your Twitter marketing strategy, you need to look outwards, conducting regular competitor analysis and benchmarking to figure out what rivals and industry leaders are doing (or missing). This will help you:</p><ul><li>Understand how you are performing compared to competitors</li><li>Set realistic KPIs and objectives</li><li>Keep up with conversations and trends in your niche</li><li>Replicate successful strategies—or jump on opportunities no one else has spotted</li></ul><p>Luckily, it’s easy to look at Twitter analytics for another account using Socialinsider’s competitor analysis tools. For each Twitter profile, you can track:</p><ul><li><strong>Which topics resonate most with your audience?</strong> - Highlight key themes and topics that drive engagement for competitors, so you can get inspiration for your own posts.</li><li><strong>How do posts perform over time?</strong> - Track and compare post performance across your account and your competitors’ accounts, so you can spot patterns and better understand dips or spikes—for example, if there’s an algorithm update that’s affecting everyone’s impressions.</li><li><strong>Followers growth</strong> - Monitor your rivals’ follower counts and growth rates so you can keep an eye on how fast their audience is expanding, relative to yours. From this, try to assess triggers for patterns of growth, so you can get an insight into how they are attracting (or even losing followers) and optimize your strategy accordingly.</li><li><strong>AI content pillars</strong> - Socialinsider’s AI-driven analysis can group competitor posts into specific pillars, like educational posts or entertainment news. By revealing what drives engagement for competitors (or simply brands you admire), you can reverse-engineer their strategy and refine your own content mix.</li></ul><p>By analyzing all these competitive metrics, you can accurately evaluate what does and doesn’t work in your niche, so you can make data-driven decisions and outperform your rivals.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-8" aria-expanded="false"> What happened to X (Twitter) analytics? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-8" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>X (formerly Twitter) analytics used to be free to all users on the platform. As of recent changes, the native Twitter analytics page is now only available to users with a Premium subscription. If you’re wondering how to see Twitter analytics now, you have two choices:</p><p>a) Upgrade to a paid plan on X (Premium or Premium+)</p><p>b) Sign up for a third-party analytics tool, like Socialinsider</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-9" aria-expanded="false"> Where is X analytics now? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-9" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>X Analytics has now moved behind the paywall, meaning users need a Premium subscription to access performance data. Alternatively, you can get advanced reporting and insights using a third-party tool like Socialinsider, without needing to upgrade to a paid X plan.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-10" aria-expanded="false"> Why can’t I see analytics for my Tweet? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-10" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>If you can’t see analytics for your tweets, check which type of X plan you are on. If it’s free or Basic, you can no longer access X analytics—you’ll need to either upgrade to a Premium subscription, or use a third-party tool like Socialinsider.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-title" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#faq-11" aria-expanded="false"> Where are the analytics for posts on Twitter now? <svg xmlns="" width="38" height="37" viewBox="0 0 38 37" fill="none"> <ellipse cx="19" cy="18.5" rx="19" ry="18.5" fill="#EFEFEF" class="ellipse"></ellipse> <path d="M18.8047 23.9722L18.6943 24.0797L18.8047 24.1872L19.9039 25.2575L20.0086 25.3594L20.1132 25.2575L26.8659 18.6825L26.9763 18.575L26.8659 18.4675L20.1132 11.8925L20.0086 11.7906L19.9039 11.8925L18.8047 12.9629L18.6943 13.0703L18.8047 13.1778L23.4089 17.6603H12H11.85V17.8103V19.3398V19.4898H12H23.4089L18.8047 23.9722Z" fill="black" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.3" class="arrow"></path> </svg> </h3> <div id="faq-11" class="collapse" data-parent="#faq-accordion"> <div class="card-body"> <p></p><p>Post analytics are still available, but only for Premium users. If you're no longer seeing them, it’s because X has restricted access to analytics without a paid plan. Alternatively, you can use third-party analytics platforms like Socialinsider for robust Twitter analytics, without needing to upgrade. </p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section full-width-banner "> <div class="container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="1500" data-aos-once="true"> <div class="row inner-content d-flex flex-column align-items-center"> <h2 class="heading">Gain a competitive advantage with in-depth Twitter analytics metrics. </h2> <p class="content">Perform Twitter audits, run competitor analysis, identify top tweets, and get top Twitter metrics in seconds. </p> <a onclick="_t('click_start_free_trial_banner','click_start_free_trial','start_free_trial')" href="" class="trial-button btn btn-md btn-primary"> Start 14-day free trial </a> </div> </div> </section> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { const faqAccordion = document.querySelector("#faq-accordion"); const cards = 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Do a deep dive into your Twitter analytics data to understand how effective your current strategy is for achieving your social media goals. Keep an eye on your most relevant Twitter KPIs, such as impressions, engagement, replies, retweets, analytics on a post level, benchmarks, Twitter comparisons, and much more. Monitor your Twitter post analytics to discover your most engaging formats and content pillars. Look at historical Twitter posts data to understand what’s working and what’s not over a longer timeframe and optimize your content calendar based on data-driven insights. Play Video. Spy on your competitors' Twitter analytics data to discover their top-performing content and strategies, identify gaps, and gain inspiration for more engaging posts. Leverage Twitter industry benchmarks to measure brand performance and campaign effectiveness. Download Twitter analytics data in presentation-ready reports and save time on your reporting. Export Twitter data in multiple formats such as CSV, Excel, PDF, and PPT, or connect your Twitter performance with Looker (Google Data Studio). Perform Twitter audits, run competitor analysis, identify top tweets, and get top Twitter metrics in seconds. ","name":"Twitter Analytics & Benchmarking Tool | Socialinsider","description":"Socialinsider provides in-depth Twitter analytics data for any account such as impressions, engagement, replies, retweets, analytics on a post level, benchmarks, Twitter comparisons and much more.","headline":"Twitter analytics data to boost your tweets and gain competitive advantage.","hasPart":{"@id":""}}</script> <script type="application/ld+json" class="BreadcrumbList">{"@context":"","@type":"BreadcrumbList","@id":"","name":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"item":"","name":"Twitter Analytics & Benchmarking Tool | Socialinsider"}]}</script> <script type="application/ld+json" class="FAQ">{"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"","name":"FAQPage","accessMode":["textual","visual"],"isFamilyFriendly":true,"inLanguage":{"@type":"Language","name":"en","alternateName":"English","description":"The English language"},"reviewedBy":{"@id":""},"mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Twitter analytics?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" X (Twitter) analytics involves collecting and analyzing data from your X account to assess and optimize your strategy and presence on the platform.You can pull various metrics from your Twitter data, but they broadly fall into three categories: Audience: e.g. follower growth, demographics and active times.Content: e.g. Tweet impressions, video views, engagements, engagement rates and link clicks. Campaign performance: e.g. cost per engagement, conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS).You can either monitor your Twitter activity using native Twitter analytics (but be warned: this is only available with a paid X premium plan) or with a third-party tool, like Socialinsider.Effectively tracking and interpreting your analytics data is crucial to any successful Twitter marketing strategy. Twitter insights will help you: Run a Twitter audit: with a comprehensive overview of all your Twitter activity, you can quickly identify what is and isn’t working—without wasting time or budget on tactics that aren’t serving your business objectives.Measure content performance: by understanding which content gets the most views, impressions, likes, replies or retweets, you can tailor future posts to boost performance.Analyze profile growth: tracking your profile visits and followers will reveal whether your content is driving tangible page growth.Identify trends: across your audience, industry and the platform at large—so you can keep up with the fast-paced conversations Twitter is famous for.Export data for reporting and measuring ROI: keep a close eye on how spend and resource is translating to ROI. Export data from Twitter analytics to create clear, actionable reports for you and company stakeholders. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why tracking X (Twitter) analytics is important.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" If you’re using social media in your marketing strategy, you need to get very familiar with social media analytics.This is especially true for Twitter.Firstly, the very nature of Twitter is…well, kind of overwhelming. With over 300 million users, a high volume of Tweets, and conversations that move at lightning speed, you might wonder if cutting through the noise is even possible.Secondly, Twitter has undergone huge changes since it was acquired by Elon Musk in 2022—and not just changing its name to X:Features and functionality - Musk has shared that he imagines X as an “everything app”. This means new functions and features are being added to the platform all the time—from shopping, to X Premium accounts, to ad revenue sharing.More diverse content - Previously known for its snappy, 140-character Tweets, X has increased the character limit so its paying users can post longer text updates, as well as introducing more multimedia content.Audience growth - Overall, X has lost an estimated 32.7 million users since the acquisition. But if we drill down into the demographics, we can see a rise in Gen Z users (45% of Gen Z use X). "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How brands can use Twitter analytics.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Brands have historically used Twitter to have fun and communicate in real-time with their audience (think fast food brands like KFC or Wendy’s). However, all this change might leave you questioning whether X is still worth investing in.That’s why Twitter analytics are more important than ever—they’ll help you answer that question. You’ll be able to:Gather competitive intel - monitor other Twitter profiles and Twitter activity in your industry to find your competitive edge: are other brands in your niche having success? What are the most important topics of conversation? Is your category saturated, or are there gaps you can fill? All of this will tell you whether it’s worth maintaining a presence on X in the first place.Deliver a better customer experience - every good marketing strategy starts with understanding your audience. Your Twitter follower analytics will show you the demographics you’re attracting (or want to attract), so you can weave their needs and preferences into every Tweet and campaign. And it’s not just about content—remember that X is a key channel for real-time customer support, too.Understand trends and patterns - Twitter is not only extremely trend-driven, but also extremely fast. With discussions around news or events happening in real-time, analytics help you monitor emerging conversations, track seasonal patterns and delve into audience behavior, so you can stay relevant, adapt and capitalize on important moments for your brand.Identify the best content - Tweets remain capped at 280 characters for non-paying users, but paying users can post up to 4,000 characters. Still, old habits die hard: the average Tweet is between 240 and 259 characters, and it’s recommended to post 5-10 times a day. Given the limited space and high posting frequency, you’ll need resource, sharp messaging and a distinctive brand voice to succeed. Tracking your Twitter efforts will help you identify top-performing posts and formats (e.g. video vs. text), optimize your content production, and improve performance.Get X (Twitter) influencers and advocates - on the subject of boosting visibility, increasing engagement, and building trust with your audience, partnering with X influencers and advocates can be a game-changer. Twitter analytics will help you pick out followers who engage frequently with your brand, and spot popular thought leaders and creators in your niche. Whether you run giveaways, host AMAs or collaborate on promoted tweets, you can then use analytics to report on the success of the partnership. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to check Twitter analytics.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Now you understand why it’s so important to have robust Twitter analytics, you might be wondering how to see your Twitter analytics. First things first, native Twitter analytics are only available with a paid subscription to X Premium. So if you have an unpaid membership or Basic X subscription, you won’t be able to access your in-app analytics dashboard.The good news is that you can use a third-party tool, like Socialinsider, to conduct advanced analytics without paying for an X subscription.Here’s a quick guide to how to access Twitter analytics on X mobile and desktop, and via Socialinsider.How to check X (Twitter) analytics on mobile Open the X (Twitter) app and log in to your account. Tap your profile picture to navigate to your page. Find a specific tweet you wish to analyze. Tap the \"•••\" (More) icon under the tweet, then select \"View Tweet Analytics\" to see detailed engagement data like impressions, likes, and retweets.The mobile version of X (Twitter) analytics is pretty useful for checking Tweet performance on-the-fly. However, you’ll need to use the desktop version for full account analytics.How to check X (Twitter) analytics on desktopGo to or and log in to your account.Click on “More and Creator Studio” in the left-hand menu, where you’ll find your X Analytics dashboard.You’ll be able to see an overview of your account performance, including:A 28-day summary of impressions, profile visits, mentions and followersHighlights like top tweets, top mentions and top followersTweet and video activity: more granular content metrics like impressions, views and engagementsConversion tracking for ad campaignsYou can also explore audience demographics (age, location, active times, etc.) and content trends over time.How to check X (Twitter) analytics with SocialinsiderBeyond the native analytics dashboard, Twitter analytics tools like Socialinsider can give you more powerful insights to really up your game on X. If you want to understand long-term analytics, track relevant KPIs in an easy-to-read Twitter analytics dashboard, access competitive data and industry benchmarks, and automate your reporting—all without paying for an X subscription—it’s worth looking into.Here’s how to view Twitter analytics with Socialinsider:Create or log in to your Socialinsider account.Create a new project or navigate to an existing project. Click “Connect social accounts”.Connect to your X (Twitter) account, then select the page(s) you would like to add.From your dashboard, you can select the platform and page you wish to analyze. Here, you can access a wide range of advanced analytics—from Socialinsider’s Twitter competitor analysis tools, to historical analytics data for your tweets. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"All the X (Twitter) metrics you need to know.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Not only is X a very unique social media platform, but it’s also been through some pretty big changes. So you can’t simply copy and paste your reporting strategy from Instagram or Tik Tok—you need to have a solid understanding of which Twitter analytics metrics to track.But before you start tracking, get clear on your goals first. Your KPIs will depend on your business objectives, but X tends to be best for:Growing your audience and increasing brand awarenessBoosting engagement and nurturing a communityDriving website trafficDirect salesThought leadershipCustomer research and social listeningBroadly speaking, the most important metrics to track are overview metrics, audience metrics and content metrics. Let’s break down each area and understand how each metric feeds into the bigger picture.Overview metricsX’s fast pace means you do need to track performance in real-time. This is where overview metrics come in, as they allow you to check all your KPIs at-a-glance. From this high-level summary of your Twitter account analytics, you can determine the overaleffectiveness of your strategy and quickly spot patterns in performance.Overview metrics include:Impressions (track with Socialinsider) - the total number of times your tweet has been seen, which includes multiple views from the same user. Tracking impressions helps you gauge your content reach and brand visibility on X.Engagement (track with Socialinsider) - the total number of interactions on a tweet, including likes, replies, retweets and clicks on links, hashtags or media. This lets you know if your content is resonating with your audience. Also, high engagement drives visibility in the X algorithm. Engagement rate (track with Socialinsider) - the percentage of users who have interacted with a Tweet, out of the total users who saw it. You can calculate this by adding up the total engagements on a Tweet, dividing this number by either Tweet impressions OR your total followers, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. As fluctuations in visibility may be out of your control (for example, if there is an algorithm update), engagement rate is a useful way to measure the quality of engagement, not just the quantity.Profile visits (track in the native app) - how many times users click through to your profile. Monitoring profile visits is a useful way to measure how your content is driving interest in your brand, and if people are actively searching for your account. Essentially, do people want to learn more about you?New followers (track with Socialinsider) - how many new followers you’ve gained over a specific time period. This shows you whether your content and campaigns are driving audience growth. If you’re gaining followers, it indicates that people are interested in building an ongoing relationship with your brand—perhaps they liked a Tweet, and now they want to see what you post next.Replies (track with Socialinsider) - the number of direct responses to your tweet. Replies signal that your content is driving conversation—which is, after all, the real purpose of Twitter. They’re useful for increasing engagement (as the X algorithm will prioritize content with lots of buzz) and nurturing your community (for example, fostering connection or gathering feedback).Likes (track with Socialinsider) - the number of likes a Tweet gets. Likes are the easiest way for your audience to interact with your content, making them a quick indicator of whether your content is getting the seal of approval.Reposts (track with Socialinsider) - the number of times your tweet is reposted or “retweeted”. If someone retweets you, it means they identify with your content and think it’s valuable enough to share with their followers. So by designing your content to be shareable, you can amplify it to a broader audience.Bookmarks (track in the native app) - how many times users have saved your tweets. Again, bookmarks are a really important value-based metric—even if people don’t publicly interact with your content, saves show that they found it interesting and relevant enough to revisit at a later date.Shares (track with Socialinsider) - the number of times your content has been shared, both on and off X. This includes reposts or retweets, but also external shares outside of X (for example, via WhatsApp or email). This lets you see how far your message is spreading beyond your immediate audience.Quotes (track with Socialinsider) - the number of times your tweet is reposted with additional commentary. When users quote your tweet, they are engaging more deeply with your content by sharing their own ideas or hot takes. In other words, your content is not only interesting or valuable, but also thought-provoking.Follower growth (track with Socialinsider) - the rate at which your total followers are increasing or decreasing over time. It’s essential to analyze your Twitter followers to understand the overall health of your X presence and track the long-term impact of your content.Audience metricsUltimately, your X strategy—from the type of content you create, to the KPIs you track—is going to depend on your unique audience. Do they prefer videos or article links? Are they entertained or baffled by memes? When are they most likely to see your content? Tracking audience metrics can help you answer all of this and more.Age (track in the native app) - the dominant age brackets of your followers. If you know the age demographics you’re speaking to, you can make sure this aligns with your business’s target audience, tailor your content to better fit their interests and preferences, and refine your messaging so it lands with the right groups.Gender (track in the native app) - the gender breakdown of your followers. Again, this helps you assess whether your strategy is on track—whether you’re aiming for balanced representation or targeting a specific gender—and optimize your content and advertising efforts accordingly.Active times (track in the native app) - peak times of the day or week when your audience is most active on X. Because Tweets are more ephemeral than other types of social media content, you want to post when your followers are online—having this data helps you align your schedule.Country (track in the native app) - the main geographic locations of your followers. Knowing where your followers are based is essential for ad targeting, but also for being sensitive to cultural preferences, and tailoring content or campaigns for a global vs. local audience.Content metricsFor some businesses, it’s enough to use X for social listening or customer support. But if you want to build a presence that could genuinely impact your bottom line, you need to invest in content. And if you’re going to invest in content, you’re going to need to understand content metrics. Here are the metrics you need to track to develop a winning content strategy on X:AI Content Pillars (track with Socialinsider) - using AI, Socialinsider can identify key themes or categories to build your content around. These are what we call “content pillars”. They help you focus and organize your content creation efforts, so you can invest in posts that resonate most with your audience. In Socialinsider, you can see both the volume of content and the engagement rates in different categories.Engagement for each content pillar (track with Socialinsider) - this measures how well different content pillars perform by tracking likes, replies, retweets, quotes, shares, clicks, etc. By identifying themes that generate the most interactions, you can feel more confident ideating and creating future content.Impressions on a post level (track with Socialinsider) - the number of times an individual post has been displayed in users’ feeds. Comparing impressions across analytics for individual tweets will show you what specifically drives reach for your page (messaging, post type, paid promotions, etc.).Likes on a post level (track with Socialinsider) - the number of likes on an individual post. This gives you a clear indication of which content lands well with your audience. Replies on a post level (track with Socialinsider) - the number of direct responses or comments on an individual post. This will reveal what kind of content drives deeper engagement by sparking conversations.Reposts on a post level (track with Socialinsider) - the number of times a post has been reposted or retweeted—in other words, how shareable your content is. By monitoring this over time, you should get an idea of what exactly prompts people to share.Engagement rate on a post level (track with Socialinsider) - the percentage of people who engaged with an individual post out of the people who saw it (impressions or followers). This is helpful for clarifying your top-performing posts. For instance, if two posts have the same engagement but different impressions, the one with the higher engagement rate stands out.Post types by engagement (track with Socialinsider) - a breakdown of engagement based on the type of content: links, text posts, photos, animated GIFs or videos. Really handy for easily identifying which formats perform best—so you can create more of what truly engages your audiences.Top posts by engagement (track with Socialinsider) - a leaderboard of posts with the highest levels of engagement. Ranking post performance will help you replicate and refine successful tactics or content types, so you can keep on hitting new highs of engagement.Bottom posts by engagement (track with Socialinsider) - the posts with the lowest levels of engagement. This is just as important as tracking top-performers, so you can learn what to stop doing and avoid wasting time, resource or budget on content that doesn’t drive meaningful results. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":" How to create X (Twitter) analytics reports. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Creating detailed X (Twitter) analytics reports is helpful for you, the rest of your team, and company stakeholders. They’ll help you:Track performance to make sure your posts and activity are hitting KPIsIdentify patterns and trends to refine your content creation effortsGather helpful intel on your audience and competitorsCommunicate how your Twitter marketing is supporting wider business objectivesYou can create Twitter reports in various formats by following the steps below.a) CSV reports - create with SocialinsiderWith Socialinsider, you can export any data you see in your dashboard. Whether it’s a profile overview or top-performing posts, just look out for the “Download” button in the top-right corner. When you click this, you’ll see a dropdown menu with different formats. Select CSV to export your data, which you can then import into Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (note that only certain reports can be exported as CSVs).b) PPT, PDF or Excel reports - create with SocialinsiderTo export your Socialinsider data into PPT, PDF or Excel reports, simply follow the same steps as above, but select a different format from the dropdown menu.You can also automate reporting to get your favorite reports sent straight to your inbox. Just head to the “Autoreports” section in the left hand sidebar and start scheduling.c) Looker studio - create with Google If you’re working with a lot of data (for example, across multiple profiles, channels or brands), you might wish to use Google’s Looker studio (formerly Google Data Studio). Looker is a data visualization platform that can help you present and analyze your Twitter data in a bigger, more sophisticated marketing dashboard. To pull in your Socialinsider data, log into Google Looker, go to “Data sources” and connect Socialinsider. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to create X (Twitter) analytics competitor reports.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Your Twitter account may offer plenty of data, but focusing solely on your own metrics won’t drive social media success. To really level up your Twitter marketing strategy, you need to look outwards, conducting regular competitor analysis and benchmarking to figure out what rivals and industry leaders are doing (or missing). This will help you:Understand how you are performing compared to competitorsSet realistic KPIs and objectivesKeep up with conversations and trends in your nicheReplicate successful strategies—or jump on opportunities no one else has spottedLuckily, it’s easy to look at Twitter analytics for another account using Socialinsider’s competitor analysis tools. For each Twitter profile, you can track:Which topics resonate most with your audience? - Highlight key themes and topics that drive engagement for competitors, so you can get inspiration for your own posts.How do posts perform over time? - Track and compare post performance across your account and your competitors’ accounts, so you can spot patterns and better understand dips or spikes—for example, if there’s an algorithm update that’s affecting everyone’s impressions.Followers growth - Monitor your rivals’ follower counts and growth rates so you can keep an eye on how fast their audience is expanding, relative to yours. From this, try to assess triggers for patterns of growth, so you can get an insight into how they are attracting (or even losing followers) and optimize your strategy accordingly.AI content pillars - Socialinsider’s AI-driven analysis can group competitor posts into specific pillars, like educational posts or entertainment news. By revealing what drives engagement for competitors (or simply brands you admire), you can reverse-engineer their strategy and refine your own content mix.By analyzing all these competitive metrics, you can accurately evaluate what does and doesn’t work in your niche, so you can make data-driven decisions and outperform your rivals. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happened to X (Twitter) analytics?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"X (formerly Twitter) analytics used to be free to all users on the platform. As of recent changes, the native Twitter analytics page is now only available to users with a Premium subscription. If you’re wondering how to see Twitter analytics now, you have two choices:a) Upgrade to a paid plan on X (Premium or Premium+)b) Sign up for a third-party analytics tool, like Socialinsider."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where is X analytics now?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" X Analytics has now moved behind the paywall, meaning users need a Premium subscription to access performance data. Alternatively, you can get advanced reporting and insights using a third-party tool like Socialinsider, without needing to upgrade to a paid X plan. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why can’t I see analytics for my Tweet?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" If you can’t see analytics for your tweets, check which type of X plan you are on. If it’s free or Basic, you can no longer access X analytics—you’ll need to either upgrade to a Premium subscription, or use a third-party tool like Socialinsider. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the analytics for posts on Twitter now?.","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" Post analytics are still available, but only for Premium users. If you're no longer seeing them, it’s because X has restricted access to analytics without a paid plan. Alternatively, you can use third-party analytics platforms like Socialinsider for robust Twitter analytics, without needing to upgrade. "}}]}</script> </body></html>

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