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--><div class="sticky note">About us: is the leading Russian online daily on Internet business, life and development. This English news digest is provided in cooperation with the professional translation agency <a href=""></a>. You can use <a href="/web/20070207074603/">our RSS-feed</a>. For contact: info [doggie]</div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Radio station site degrades from forums to blogs over &quot;Nazi slurs&quot;</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The forum of the Echo of Moscow radio <a href="" target="_blank">website</a> has been forced to close. Echo of Moscow editor-in-chief Aleksey Venediktov says the forum needs moderating in view of the numerous nationalistically colored messages, but there is nobody available to moderate the forum on a voluntary basis. Radio station representative Aleksandr Pliushchev adds that the website will develop "more modern" forms of communication with visitors, such as blogs. Blog owners – Echo of Moscow journalists – will be responsible for moderating their blogs. The question is just how much democracy will be allowed by this scheme. Echo of Moscow radio likes to talk about its freedom of speech, and forums seem to be a better symbol of it rather than moderated blogs.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 05.02.2007 20:12 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Ranking of most frequently mentioned brands stirs bitter controversy</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The company <a href="" target="_blank">WebScan Technologies</a> has published a ranking of <a href="" target="_blank">Top 100 Most Frequently Mentioned Runet Brands in 2006</a>. This year's ranking is topped by information agencies RIA Novosti, Interfax, and ITAR-Tass, while last year media outlets were nowhere near the top 100 brands. WebScan Technologies attributes this to the implementation of more stringent intellectual property protection controls on the Web. The information agency <a href="" target="_blank">Regnum</a>, which is not among the top 100 brands, has published expert opinions on the matter. A number of Internet company representatives have stated that methods used to form the rating are not transparent and its results are not to be trusted.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 05.02.2007 19:59 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Microsoft Russia might save school director from incarceration</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Aleksandr Strakh, legal expert on the protection of Microsoft Corporation's intellectual property in Russia and the CIS, assumes that the company may reach an amicable settlement with Aleksandr Ponosov, the infamous school principal in the village of Sepych. Aleksandr Ponosov has been taken to court following a revelation that PCs used in his school's computer class ran on unlicensed Microsoft software. Investigators claim that the director could not produce license labels and installation CDs to prove that the software is licensed. The new wording of Article 146 of the Criminal Code, under which Ponosov has been prosecuted, makes it impossible for the company to close the case by dropping its claims against the school principal, while formerly a statement from the plaintiff could serve this purpose. Aleksandr Ponosov faces 5 years behind bars in addition to having to pay 260,000 rubles ($9,650) in damages.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 05.02.2007 19:58 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Department K shuts down Russian torrent trackers?</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Several torrent trackers have simultaneously stopped working in Tomsk. The forum community in Tomsk has attributed the closures to a possible operation to combat distribution of pirated software and multimedia content. The Interior Department in Tomsk region has denied there is an operation underway and refused to comment on whether it may have anything to do with the closures. Meanwhile, it has become known that usage of p2p channels among Tomsk ISPs has dropped 4 to 5 times. This leads one to believe that the possible reason behind the closures may be attempts to curb excessive traffic. Vadim Andrianov, creator of the Already in Tomsk website, believes that since the website continues to respond to ping requests and serves existing downloads, this rules out the possibility of its hardware having been seized by the Department K. In a similar incident with the website, the site administrator was sentenced to 5 months behind bars and 5 months of house arrest along with a $3,000 fine for illegally distributing movies, music, and software.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 02.02.2007 22:13 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Court sets precedent by ordering website to register as a media outlet</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>In an unprecedented ruling, the municipal court of Abakan ordered the website New Focus to register as a media outlet in order to resume its operation. Observers fear that this precedent might be used by other courts to justify closure of other network resources, even though such registration is still voluntary. Justice Svetlana Shapovalova handed down this ruling despite a date error exposed in the investigation materials, as a result of which the case had to be dismissed under the statute of limitations. The lawyer of New Focus chief editor Mikhail Afanasyev said she would appeal the ruling with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Khakassia.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 02.02.2007 22:11 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/"> wants users to grow attached to its services</a></h2> <div class="content"><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a> general director Dmitry Grishyn said in an interview with <a href="" target="_blank">Computerra journal</a> that he is closely watching the development of his Western competitors – <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Microsoft</a>, and possibly <a href="" target="_blank">Yahoo!</a> In his view, the best business model is to have users to accumulate personal information on your portal, such as photo albums, blogs, and other services. Such people are much harder to lure for competitors. marketing director Anna Artamonova has confirmed that services are designed in such a way as to get users to grow attached to them, unlike <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with its English-language interface. Dmitry Grishyn also said that instant messaging is the only area where does not have a lead, but is second with its Agent messenger.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 02.02.2007 22:09 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Rambler to spend USD 23 mln on Internet projects</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The company Rambler Media has finalized a deal to transfer its television channel Rambler-TV to the company Osgora Productions Ltd, an affiliate of the Prof-Media holding, which recently acquired a stake in Rambler Media itself. Rambler Media representatives have said that $23 million in proceeds from the sale of the television channel will be used to buy profitable projects that will supplement the key Internet services of <a href="" target="_blank">Rambler</a>. It's a somewhat bewildering statement, since in terms of the number of its Internet service offers Rambler goes neck and neck with the two other market leaders – <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Yandex</a>, while prices for internet projects in the Russian segment of the Internet have soared to a point where it may not be always wise to buy them. In all likelihood, the cash infusion is not likely to help the Internet holding to increase its market presence. Alternatively, this could be accomplished by tweaking with the company's management and development strategy. Yet market participants believe that Prof-Media is not usually inclined to change the management of the companies it acquires.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 02.02.2007 22:06 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Creator of Optimus keyboard lambastes iPhone</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Web designer Artemy Lebedev <a href="" target="_blank">has criticized</a> Apple's iPhone as part of his Business Lynch project that features his critique of young web designers' work. He is perplexed by the "idiotic American idea of tying the handset to a specific mobile operator" and the fact that there is little feedback from those who tested the new iPhone. "A handset without keys is crap because you just can't dial a number without looking while driving. And you can't even send a short message properly. The only hope is that producers, the likes of Griffin or Belikin, have already started developing a compatible keyboard," he writes. Instead of using a full-size sensor screen, <a href="" target="_blank">Optimus</a> keyboards of Artemy Lebedev's design studio consist of keys with OLED (organic light-emitting diode) screens, which can be configured to perform any function.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(1) | 02.02.2007 22:03 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Moscow police leak database of prostitute clients</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>In December, street stalls with pirated CDs started selling a digital database of addresses, telephones, and personal details of high-ranking clients of Moscow prostitutes, along with police materials of high-profile criminal cases and tapped telephone conversations. The database contains details of some 90,000 individuals and has a price tag of 1,500 rubles ($55). At least 1,000 CDs with the database are said to have been released. Yet some experts have questioned the fact that the Moscow police may be the source of the leak. Many believe this might be a mere publicity stunt by pirates seeking to rev up sales of other databases containing private information of Russian citizens.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 02.02.2007 21:59 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">Putin opens online school for presidential wannabes</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The website "<a href="" target="_blank">President of Russia – to School-age Citizens</a>" has added a new section entitled "School of Presidents". Visitors are invited to take a quiz of ten questions. For example, "Imagine that you are President of Russia. You have invited an Arab sheikh over for breakfast to discuss world oil prices over a cup of coffee. What kind of treat would you offer him? What can be served with coffee?" Visitors are offered a choice of four answers of which three are different pork products. Those who successfully pass the test are invited to join the "school". The study course features somewhat more relevant information about the country's administrative and territorial system, presidential powers and functions, and suchlike. Andrey Varlamov, deputy head of the Presidential Press Service Department, says that Vladimir Putin is familiar with the website content.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070207074603/">comments </a>(0) | 31.01.2007 20:09 || <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div id="pager"><span class="pager-list"><strong class="pager-current">1</strong><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 2">2</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 3">3</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 4">4</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 5">5</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 6">6</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 7">7</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 8">8</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 9">9</a><span class="pager-ellipsis">…</span></span><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-next active" title="К следующей странице">следующая ›</a><a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="pager-last active" title="К последней странице">последняя »</a></div><!-- end content --></div><div style="width:500px;"></div> </td> <td class="parts2"> <div class="block block-webplanet" id="block-webplanet-1"> <h2 class="title">Последние комментарии <a href="/web/20070207074603/" class="xml-icon"><img src="/web/20070207074603im_/" alt="XML-лента" title="Лента всех комментариев" width="24" height="10"/></a></h2> <div class="content"><div class="item-list"><ul><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070207074603/">Герман Каплун: «Мы считаем, что сможем ускорить развитие рынка»</a> (5)</li><li><a href="/web/20070207074603/" title="Смотреть пользовательский профиль.">Вадим Артамонов</a> про <a href="/web/20070207074603/">Инфореальность: управление входящими потоками</a> (31)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070207074603/">Вегетарианец Засурский покидает мясной &quot;Суп&quot;?</a> (24)</li><li><a href="/web/20070207074603/" title="Смотреть пользовательский профиль.">Jack</a> про <a href="/web/20070207074603/">Своя земля</a> (18)</li><li><a href="/web/20070207074603/" title="Смотреть пользовательский профиль.">Jack</a> про <a href="/web/20070207074603/">Wi-Fi-сеть &quot;Голден телекома&quot; 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