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title="XML feed" width="24" height="10"/></a></h1> <div class="article_list"> <div class="tabs"></div> <!-- begin content --><div class="sticky note">About us: is the leading Russian online daily on Internet business, life and development. This English news digest is provided in cooperation with the professional translation agency <a href=""></a>. You can use <a href="/web/20070211010400/">our RSS-feed</a>. For contact: info [doggie]</div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">E-auctions to make government procurements transparent</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Last week the Government of Moscow staged the first four electronic auctions to buy goods and services for the city's needs. Three of the auctions took place in the electronic trading system <a href="" target="_blank">SETonline</a> and the fourth on the platform of the company <a href="" target="_blank">Intertech</a>. SETonline general director Anton Emelyanov told Business that electronic auctions are much cheaper than the conventional ones, costing only 400 US dollars instead of 2,400. Meanwhile, lot prices can go down by as much as 15 to 30 percent. Yet at the last week's auctions prices came down by no more than 11 percent in the face of the small number of suppliers participating in the first round of auctions.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 14.12.2006 20:34 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Blogging mood</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Loic Le Meur, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the blog platform company <a href="" target="_blank">SixApart</a> in Europe, who came to Russia last week to promote <a href="" target="_blank">TypePad</a>, seemed unprepared for the fact that <a href="" target="_blank">LiveJournal and Sup</a> dominate the interest of Russian users. Le Meur believes that <a href="" target="_blank">LiveJournal</a> only makes money from paying users and users of advanced accounts where sponsors can place unobtrusive advertisements. Le Meur knew nothing about office construction projects along Moscow's Sadovoye Koltso, or Garden Ring Road. He explained this by saying that he is not directly involved with Russia, as SixApart will promote its products in the Russian market only via its partners. One of the services,, is now co-managed by the Internet company Sup. Meanwhile, TypePad has been handed over to <a href="" target="_blank">PPE Group</a> (specifically to Weblog Russia), which has the exclusive right to market the platform within the CIS.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 14.12.2006 20:33 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">IMHO buys 2 years of advertising rights from</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>In 2007 and 2008 the agency <a href="" target="_blank">IMHO VI</a> (Video International group of companies) will have exclusive rights to sell advertising space on the premium banner positions of <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Based on the results of a survey of the portal's readership conducted as part of the TNS Web Index project, the agency hopes to get its clients' ads across to the most affluent segment of Internet users. The survey suggests that the publication's monthly readership in Moscow exceeds one million visitors, of whom 39 percent are specialists, 23 percent managers, and 15 percent students. Notably, among online publications Vzglyad has the highest index in the group of managers, which is determined as a ratio between the percentage of managers among the publication's target readership and the percentage of managers in the population of Moscow.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 14.12.2006 20:33 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Aleksandr Mamut skeptical about e-books, has no blog</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Aleksandr Mamut, owner of the Internet company <a href="" target="_blank">Sup</a>, said in a live interview with <a href="" target="_blank">Echo of Moscow</a> radio that his acquisition of the Russian-language segment of <a href="" target="_blank">LiveJournal</a> is a purely commercial move, not a political one. Mamut does not have a blog of his own, but says he would not mind publishing some of the LiveJournal bloggers. The interview was occasioned by Mamut's acquisition of a 100 percent stake in the publishing group <a href="" target="_blank">Inostranka</a>. It turns out that the book mogul Mamut is skeptical about the success of e-books. Yet he hinted at what he called an invisible link between his acquisition of LiveJournal and publishing houses and the bookstore chain <a href="" target="_blank">Bookberry</a> which he owns. "I have a strong emotional affection for book publishing," Mamut said.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 14.12.2006 20:32 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Potanin tops Chubais in website rating</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The Swedish research company Hallvarsson & Halvarsson has published a <a href="" target="_blank">rating of European corporate websites</a>. Among the 16 countries featured, Germany has the best corporate websites, while Russian corporations provide the least amount of information for investors, analysts, and rank-and-file buyers of shares. The website of Nornickel, in which Vladimir Potanin owns a stake, placed fourth in the rating of Russian corporate websites, trailing those of Lukoil, Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Corporation, and Aeroflot. Meanwhile, the website of RAO UES placed only fifteenth. According to analysts, companies in Western Europe continue to improve their websites, posting ever increasing amounts of financial and legal information. Leaders in the rating also offer their visitors podcasts, chats, forums, and blogs of top managers.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 11.12.2006 20:27 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Ukraine to cure Internet addiction the Chinese way</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Representatives of the Regions Party faction in the Kyiv Municipal Council have drafted a resolution titled "Measures to prevent addiction to gambling, computer games, and the Internet among minors". The Regions Party press service explains that a survey of Ukrainian Internet surfers suggests that 85 percent of them are "addicted to the Internet" and that "medical studies confirm the need for medicinal treatment of individuals addicted to computer gaming". If passed, the draft resolution would impose restrictions on the hours when minors can appear at Internet clubs, and ban Internet access to all asocial phenomena – cruelty, violence, and pornography.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 11.12.2006 20:26 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Aleksandr Lyskovskiy: "Potential fans of casual games are still unaware of their existence"</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The conference <a href="" target="_blank">Casuality Europe: East 2006</a>, which recently took place in Kyiv, was attended by 310 representatives of more than 90 companies, more than twice of the attendance originally expected by the organizers. The conference was dominated by issues of the place and role of East European companies in the global industry and the potential of the Russian market of casual games. To quote Aleksandr Lyskovskiy, general director of <a href="" target="_blank">Alawar Entertainment</a>, the audience was most interested in hearing the figures that were released publicly for the first time: turnovers, number of copies released, and market shares of leading vendors. Still the casual games market is only shaping in Russia, and most potential buyers of causal games do not even suspect that such games exist.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 11.12.2006 20:26 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">"Begun" expands its audience</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>Users of the service "<a href="" target="_blank">Begun</a>", which places context-sensitive advertisements, are now able to focus their campaigns on new types of resources. Apart from classical websites, search systems, and catalogs, users can now place context-sensitive ads in blogs and forums, in direct mail and on message boards, on tool bars and web interfaces. The implementation of behavioral technologies has made it possible to place ads even on pages without thematic content. One example of such website is the homepage of the mail service <a href="" target="_blank"></a> which has 1 million visitors daily.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 11.12.2006 20:25 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Blogus to place ads in Russian RSS feeds</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The company <a href="" target="_blank">FeedBurner</a>, whose service makes it possible to control RSS feeds, receive detailed statistics and make money from advertisements placed in them, has signed a deal with the Russian catalog of blogs <a href="" target="_blank">Blogus</a>. Blogus will offer the services of FeedBurner to publishers and advertising sponsors in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and in the Russian-speaking community of Israel. Blogus has also been tasked with localizing FeedBurner services and launching the website <a href="" target="_blank"></a> in the immediate future. Among the first users of this joint venture will be popular Russian bloggers Alex Exler and Dmitry Chestnykh, blog communities <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, and magazines <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. In the future Blogus plans to sell the services to the largest news and magazine publishers (Western clients of FeedBurner include Reuters, USA Today, Newsweek, to name only a few).</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 11.12.2006 20:24 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div class="node"> <h2 class="title"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">Language of survival</a></h2> <div class="content"><p>The modern optimizer who speaks the language of search queries will be obsolete five years from now. Search optimization was spawned by the classical Web 1.0, which consisted of static websites. It was a library of sorts, where the librarian was nothing short of god and king. Optimizers are seemingly healthy individuals who grovel before the librarian, begging him to place their card higher in the card index. But today's Web 2.0 is no longer a library. It features a multitude of social services – forums, blogs, messengers, and suchlike – which make it possible to receive increasingly more information directly from users, bypassing the search engine. Therefore, search optimization is giving way to social and linguistic optimization. The human language is taking the place of the robot language. It is the human language that modern optimizers must hurry to learn unless they want to find themselves out on the street.</p> <a href="" class="read_more">Read more in Russian</a> </div> <div class="service_info"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">comments </a>(0) | 11.12.2006 20:23 || <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="active">english digest</a></div> </div> <div id="pager"><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-first active" title="К первой странице">« первая</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-previous active" title="К предыдущей странице">‹ предыдущая</a><span class="pager-list"><span class="pager-ellipsis">…</span><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-previous active" title="Перейти к странице 3">3</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-previous active" title="Перейти к странице 4">4</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-previous active" title="Перейти к странице 5">5</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-previous active" title="Перейти к странице 6">6</a><strong class="pager-current">7</strong><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 8">8</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 9">9</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 10">10</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-next active" title="Перейти к странице 11">11</a><span class="pager-ellipsis">…</span></span><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-next active" title="К следующей странице">следующая ›</a><a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="pager-last active" title="К последней странице">последняя »</a></div><!-- end content --></div><div style="width:500px;"></div> </td> <td class="parts2"> <div class="block block-webplanet" id="block-webplanet-1"> <h2 class="title">Последние комментарии <a href="/web/20070211010400/" class="xml-icon"><img src="/web/20070211010400im_/" alt="XML-лента" title="Лента всех комментариев" width="24" height="10"/></a></h2> <div class="content"><div class="item-list"><ul><li><a href="/web/20070211010400/" title="Смотреть пользовательский профиль.">renny</a> про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">"Суп" не спешит судиться с "Живым журналом" демократов</a> (3)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Оригинальная контрамарка</a> (43)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Киберсквоттер продаст G00GLE.RU на своем аукционе</a> (37)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Готовцев и Завалишин выпустили систему слежки за сотрудниками</a> (27)</li><li><a href="/web/20070211010400/" title="Смотреть пользовательский профиль.">yangler</a> про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">"Рамблер" откажется от "Бегуна"?</a> (9)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Лебедев отлинчевал iPhone</a> (17)</li><li>Sophia про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Russian local authorities surpass Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in blogging</a> (2)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">"Вебальта" загипнотизировала 500 клиентов</a> (6)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Россияне отстояли домен .SU</a> (5)</li><li>Гость про <a href="/web/20070211010400/">Касперский предупреждает о вирусах-вымогателях</a> (6)</li></ul></div><div class="more-link"><a href="/web/20070211010400/">все комментарии</a></div></div> </div> <div class="block block-block" id="block-block-5"> <h2 class="title"></h2> <div class="content"><p><!-- start Link.Ru --></p> <script language="JavaScript"> // <!-- var LinkRuRND = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000); 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