Table - DF4_8_MAir/NoiseDirectiveDF4_8
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method="post" action="/tables" style="clear:both"> <!--=======================--> <!-- main table inside div --> <!--=======================--> <!-- schema, MS Excel template, XForm, XmlInst, etc --> <!-- XML Conv data and link --> <div class="system-msg"> <strong> There are 1 QA scripts and 4 conversion scripts registered for this table. <br /> <a href="">Link to the schema page on XMLCONV</a> </strong> </div> <!-- start dotted --> <div id="outerframe"> <!-- attributes --> <table class="datatable results" width="100%"> <!-- static attributes --> <!-- Identifier --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Identifier <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&area=identifier"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <b>DF4_8_MAir</b> <input type="hidden" name="idfier" value="DF4_8_MAir"/> </td> </tr> <!-- short name --> <tr id="short_name_row" class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row short_name"> Short name <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&area=short_name"></a> </th> <td class="short_name_value"> DF4_8_MAir <input type="hidden" name="short_name" value="DF4_8_MAir"/> </td> </tr> <!-- dataset --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Dataset <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=table&area=dataset"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <a href="/datasets/3300"> <b>NoiseDirectiveDF4_8</b> </a> </td> </tr> <!-- Reference URL --> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Reference URL <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&area=refurl"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <small><a href=""></a></small> </td> </tr> <!-- dynamic attributes --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Name <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=1&attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> DF4_8_MAir <input type="hidden" name="oblig_1" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Short Description <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=15&attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> Data Flow 4 and 8, Statistical data - Major Airports <input type="hidden" name="oblig_15" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Definition <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=4&attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> The Major Airports Data Flow 4 and 8 table allows Member States to provide noise map related information and statistics for major airports in their territories as defined in Data Flow 1 and 5. <input type="hidden" name="oblig_4" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Methodology for obtaining data <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=17&attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> European Parliament and Council Directive 2002/49/EC, relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise requires data and reports from Member States to be supplied to the European Commission. In Data Flow 4 and 8, Member States must report strategic noise map related data. This data specification details the table structure for Member States to supply this information. For major airports one single set of results data is required for each reporting major airport. The table detailed in this specification must contain details of the associated written report, which must be supplied electronically with the submission. The table must be supplied with supporting xml metadata compliant with the current European Environment Agency, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (<a href=""></a>). <input type="hidden" name="oblig_17" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <!-- add, save, check-in, undo check-out buttons --> </table> <!-- end of attributes --> <!-- table elements --> <h2 id="elements">Elements</h2> <table class="datatable results"> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:19%"/> <col style="width:31%"/> <thead> <tr> <th>Element name</th> <th>Datatype</th> <th>Element type</th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87582" title="The airport code defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization"> ICAO Code (IcaoCode) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> string </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87560" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lden between 50-54 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade"> Numbers people Exposed to Lden 50-54 (Lden5054) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87627" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lden between 55-59 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 55-59 (Lden5559) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87302" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lden between 60-64 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 60-64 (Lden6064) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87618" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lden between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 65-69 (Lden6569) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87308" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lden between 70-74 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 70-74 (Lden7074) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87696" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lden >75 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden >75 (Lden75) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87575" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation that are exposed to values of Lden between 50-54 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade"> Numbers Exposed to Lden 50-54 with Special Insulation (Lden5054WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87326" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation that are exposed to values of Lden between 55-59 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 55-59 with Special Insulation (Lden5559WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87315" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation that are exposed to values of Lden between 60-64 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 60-64 with Special Insulation (Lden6064WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87240" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation that are exposed to values of Lden between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 65-69 with Special Insulation (Lden6569WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87433" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation that are exposed to values of Lden between 70-74 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 70-74 with Special Insulation (Lden7074WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87293" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation that are exposed to values of Lden >75 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden >75 with Special Insulation (Lden75WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87688" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lden between 50-54 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade"> Numbers Exposed to Lden 50-54 with a Quiet Façade (Lden5054WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87506" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lden between 55-59 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 55-59 with a Quiet Façade (Lden5559WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87593" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lden between 60-64 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 60-64 with a Quiet Façade (Lden6064WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87563" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lden between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 65-69 with a Quiet Façade (Lden6569WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87697" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lden between 70-74 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden 70-74 with a Quiet Façade (Lden7074WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87418" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lden >75 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lden >75 with a Quiet Façade (Lden75WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87551" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lnight between 45-49 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade"> Numbers people Exposed to Lnight 45-49 (Lnight4549) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87317" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lnight between 50-54 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 50-54 (Lnight5054) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87278" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lnight between 55-59 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 55-59 (Lnight5559) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87630" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lnight between 60-64 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 60-64 (Lnight6064) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87636" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lnight between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 65-69 (Lnight6569) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87550" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that are exposed to values of Lnight >70 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight >70 (Lnight70) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87318" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 45-49 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade"> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 45-49 with Special Insulation (Lnight4549WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87659" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 50-54 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 50-54 with Special Insulation (Lnight5054WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87242" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 55-59 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 55-59 with Special Insulation (Lnight5559WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87465" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 60-64 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 60-64 with Special Insulation (Lnight6064WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87313" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 65-69 with Special Insulation (Lnight6569WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87553" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight >70 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight >70 with Special Insulation (Lnight70WithSpecialInsulation) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87700" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have a quiet façade, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 45-49 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade"> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 45-49 with a Quiet Façade (Lnight4549WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87482" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 50-54 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 50-54 with a Quiet Façade (Lnight5054WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87232" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 55-59 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 55-59 with a Quiet Façade (Lnight5559WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87310" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 60-64 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 60-64 with a Quiet Façade (Lnight6064WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87645" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 65-69 with a Quiet Façade (Lnight6569WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87687" title="Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight >70 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed façade."> Numbers Exposed to Lnight >70 with a Quiet Façade (Lnight70WithAQuietFacade) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87604" title="The estimated total area (in km2) exposed to values of Lden higher than 55 dB. The area must include agglomerations."> Area exposed to Lden > 55 (including agglomerations) (AreaExposedToLden55IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> decimal </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87673" title="The estimated total area (in km2) exposed to values of Lden higher than 65 dB. The area must include agglomerations."> Area exposed to Lden > 65 (including agglomerations) (AreaExposedToLden65IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> decimal </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87567" title="The estimated total area (in km2) exposed to values of Lden higher than 75 dB. The area must include agglomerations."> Area exposed to Lden > 75 (including agglomerations) (AreaExposedToLden75IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> decimal </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87434" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) exposed to values of Lden higher than 55 dB. The number of people must include agglomerations."> Numbers exposed to Lden > 55 (including agglomerations) (Lden55IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87455" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) exposed to values of Lden higher than 65 dB. The number of people must include agglomerations."> Numbers exposed to Lden > 65 (including agglomerations) (Lden65IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87384" title="The estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) exposed to values of Lden higher than 75 dB. The number of people must include agglomerations."> Numbers exposed to Lden > 75 (including agglomerations) (Lden75IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87518" title="The estimated total number of dwellings (rounded to the nearest hundred) exposed to values of Lden higher than 55 dB. The number of dwellings must include agglomerations."> Dwellings exposed to Lden > 55 (including agglomerations) (DwellingsExposedToLden55IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87626" title="The estimated total number of dwellings (rounded to the nearest hundred) exposed to values of Lden higher than 65 dB. The number of dwellings must include agglomerations."> Dwellings exposed to Lden > 65 (including agglomerations) (DwellingsExposedToLden65IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87530" title="The estimated total number of dwellings (rounded to the nearest hundred) exposed to values of Lden higher than 75 dB. The number of dwellings must include agglomerations."> Dwellings exposed to Lden > 75 (including agglomerations) (DwellingsExposedToLden75IncludingAgglomerations) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> integer </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87639" title="The map title, the author/publisher and date of production."> Reference to Maps (ReferenceToMaps) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> string </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <span style="font:bold;font-size:1.2em">*</span> <a href="/dataelements/87306" title="The full name of the report, the author/publisher and date of production."> Computation and measurement methods report details (ComputationAndMeasurementMethodsReportDetails) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> string </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- short name --> <td> <a href="/dataelements/87331" title="Short name of the computation method used to made the calculations "> Name of the computation method (ComputationMethodName) </a> </td> <!-- datatype --> <td> string </td> <!-- element type --> <td> Quantitative </td> </tr> </table> <div class="barfont"> (an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table) </div> <!-- end dotted --> </div> <div style="display:none"> <input type="hidden" name="ds_name" value="NoiseDirectiveDF4_8"/> <input type="hidden" name="table_id" value="10760"/> <input type="hidden" name="del_id" value="10760"/> <input type="hidden" name="corresp_ns" value="622"/> <input type="hidden" name="parent_ns" value="614"/> <input type="hidden" name="submitter_url" value="dstable.jsp"/> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="view"/> <input type="hidden" name="ds_id" value="3300"/> <input type="hidden" name="copy_tbl_id" value=""/> <input type="hidden" name="changed" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="saveclose" value="false"/> </div> </form> </div> <!-- end workarea --> </div> <!-- container --> <div id="pagefoot"> <p> <a href="/documentation/doc1">Disclaimer</a> | Copyright: <a rel="license" href="" title="Creative Commons Attribution License"> <img alt="Creative Commons Attribution License" src="" /></a> | <a href=" from the Data Dictionary website">Feedback</a> </p> <p> <a href="">European Environment Agency</a> <br/>Kgs. 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