Element - Lnight6569WithAQuietFacade/DF4_8_MAir/NoiseDirectiveDF4_8

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You must specify the link."); return false; } } } if (hasWhiteSpace("idfier")){ alert("Identifier cannot contain any white space!"); return false; } if (!validForXMLTag(document.forms["form1"].elements["idfier"].value, isCommon)){ alert("Identifier not valid for usage as an XML tag! " + "In the first character only underscore or latin characters are allowed! " + "In the rest of characters only underscore or hyphen or dot or 0-9 or latin characters are allowed!" + "Only common elements may have namespace prefix."); return false; } } //slctAllValues(); if (mode=="editclose"){ mode = "edit"; document.forms["form1"].elements["saveclose"].value = "true"; } document.forms["form1"].elements["mode"].value = mode; document.forms["form1"].submit(); return true; } function delDialogReturn(){ var v = dialogWin.returnValue; if (v==null || v=="" || v=="cancel") return; document.forms["form1"].elements["upd_version"].value = v; deleteReady(); } function deleteReady(){ document.forms["form1"].elements["mode"].value = "delete"; document.forms["form1"].submit(); } function checkObligations(){ var o = document.forms["form1"].delem_name; if (o!=null && o.value.length == 0) return false; o = document.forms["form1"].idfier; if (o!=null && o.value.length == 0) return false; if ($("#form1 .vocabularyAttributeMandatoryValidationError").length) { return false; } var elems = document.forms["form1"].elements; for (var i=0; elems!=null && i<elems.length; i++){ var elem = elems[i]; var elemName =; var elemValue = elem.value; if (startsWith(elemName, "attr_")){ var o = document.forms["form1"].elements[i+1]; if (o == null) return false; if (!startsWith(, "oblig_")) continue; if (o.value == "M" && (elemValue==null || elemValue.length==0)){ return false; } } } return true; } function hasWhiteSpace(input_name){ var elems = document.forms["form1"].elements; if (elems == null) return false; for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++){ var elem = elems[i]; if ( == input_name){ var val = elem.value; if (val.indexOf(" ") != -1) return true; } } return false; } function startsWith(str, pattern){ var i = str.indexOf(pattern,0); if (i!=-1 && i==0) return true; else return false; } function endsWith(str, pattern){ var i = str.indexOf(pattern, str.length-pattern.length); if (i!=-1) return true; else return false; } function fixType(radioButton){ if (!radioButton){ return; } var strType = radioButton.value; if (strType == null || strType.length==0){ return; } var datatypeElemAttrID = 25 var requestQS = new Querystring(); var arr = new Array(); arr[0] = strType; requestQS.setValues_("type", arr); slctAllValues(); var s = visibleInputsToQueryString("form1"); var inputsQS = new Querystring(s); inputsQS.remove("typeSelect"); requestQS.removeAll(inputsQS); // The reason we want to exclude "reg_status" is that IE will change occurance // of "&reg_status" substring to "庐_status". So we will add reg_status explicitly // right to the start of the query string, so that in the final URL it appears right after the question mark. requestQS.remove("reg_status"); requestQS.remove("mode"); inputsQS.remove("reg_status"); inputsQS.remove("mode"); //remove dataelem if CH3. 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So we will add reg_status explicitly // right to the start of the query string, so that in the final URL it appears right after the question mark. requestQS.remove("reg_status"); requestQS.remove("mode"); inputsQS.remove("reg_status"); inputsQS.remove("mode"); var newLocation = "/dataelements/87645/view?"; if (document.forms["form1"].reg_status){ newLocation = newLocation + "reg_status=" + escape(document.forms["form1"].reg_status.value) + "&"; } newLocation = newLocation + requestQS.toString() + "&" + inputsQS.toString(); window.location.assign(newLocation); } function slctAllValues(){ var elems = document.forms["form1"].elements; if (elems == null) return true; for (var j=0; j<elems.length; j++){ var elem = elems[j]; var elemName =; if (startsWith(elemName, "attr_mult_")){ var slct = document.forms["form1"].elements[elemName]; if (slct.options && slct.length){ if (slct.length==1 && slct.options[0].value=="" && slct.options[0].text==""){ slct.remove(0); slct.length = 0; } for (var i=0; i<slct.length; i++){ slct.options[i].selected = "true"; } } } } } function copyElem(){ var isCommon = false; if (hasWhiteSpace("idfier")){ alert("Identifier cannot contain any white space!"); return; } if (!validForXMLTag(document.forms["form1"].elements["idfier"].value, isCommon)) { alert("Identifier not valid for usage as an XML tag! " + "In the first character only underscore or latin characters are allowed! " + "In the rest of characters only underscore or hyphen or dot or 0-9 or latin characters are allowed!"); return; } var ds = document.forms["form1"].elements["ds_id"].value; if (ds==null || ds==""){ alert('Dataset not specified!'); return; } var tbl = document.forms["form1"].elements["table_id"].value; if (tbl==null || tbl==""){ alert('Table not specified!'); return; } var url="/search.jsp?ctx=popup"; wAdd =,"Search","height=800,width=1200,status=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,location=no"); if (window.focus){ wAdd.focus(); } } function pickElemForLink(id, name){ if (pickMode=="link") { document.forms["form1"].elements["successor_id"].value = id; document.getElementById("successorName").href = "/dataelements/"+id; document.getElementById("successorName").innerHTML = name; document.getElementById("successorName").onclick = "return true"; return true; } } function pickElem(id) { document.forms["form1"].elements["copy_elem_id"].value=id; 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main table body --> <!-- quick links --> <!-- type --> <h2> DATA ELEMENT WITH QUANTITATIVE VALUES <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=element&amp;area=type"></a> </h2> <!-- start dotted --> <div id="outerframe"> <!-- attributes --> <table class="datatable results"> <!-- Identifier --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Identifier <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&amp;area=identifier"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <b>Lnight6569WithAQuietFacade</b> <input type="hidden" name="idfier" value="Lnight6569WithAQuietFacade"/> </td> </tr> <!-- short name --> <tr id="short_name_row" class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row short_name"> Short name <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&amp;area=short_name"></a> </th> <td class="short_name_value"> Lnight6569WithAQuietFacade <input type="hidden" name="delem_name" value="Lnight6569WithAQuietFacade"/> </td> </tr> <!-- dataset & table part, relevant for non-common elements only --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Dataset <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=table&amp;area=dataset"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <em> <a href="/datasets/3300"> <b>NoiseDirectiveDF4_8</b> </a> </em> <input type="hidden" name="ds_id" value="3300"/> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Table <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=element&amp;area=table"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <em> <a href="/tables/10760"> DF4_8_MAir </a> </em> <input type="hidden" name="table_id" value="10760"/> </td> </tr> <!-- RegistrationStatus, relevant for common elements only --> <!-- Reference URL --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Reference URL <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&amp;area=refurl"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <small><a href=""></a></small> </td> </tr> <!-- dynamic attributes --> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Name <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=1&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> Numbers Exposed to Lnight 65-69 with a Quiet Fa&#231;ade <input type="hidden" name="oblig_1" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Definition <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=4&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> Where available, the estimated total number of people (rounded to the nearest hundred) living outside agglomerations in dwellings that have special insulation, that are exposed to values of Lnight between 65-69 dB(A), 4 m above the ground and on the most exposed fa&#231;ade. <input type="hidden" name="oblig_4" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Methodology for obtaining data <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=17&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> The number of people, rounded to the nearest hundred (for example 159,432 in this case is equivalent to 159400). <input type="hidden" name="oblig_17" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Datatype <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=25&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> integer <input type="hidden" name="oblig_25" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Maximum size <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=24&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> 11 <input type="hidden" name="oblig_24" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Unit <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=32&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> Number of people <input type="hidden" name="oblig_32" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Owner (Accountable) <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=61&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <input type="hidden" name="oblig_61" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Responsible <a class="helpButton" 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