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Where are my tickets and have I been charged?</h4> <p>There are a number of reasons why this might have happened. In order to make a successful order please ensure the details provided match those that the card are registered under. Please confirm that you are entering your postcode on the payment screen next to the CVC section. This box will appear once you begin entering your card number. Otherwise this order has most likely failed validation as the details which were provided do not match those registered. No payment will be taken as the validation was unsuccessful. If this transaction is still 'Pending' then your bank may have ringfenced the money as a security measure and will usually refund this transaction within 3 working days.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I purchased tickets for myself and my friends/family in a single order but the tickets are all listed under my name, will my group still get in?</h4> <p>Yes, so long as your group all enter together or possess the primary ticket holder's ID if entering at different times.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>My friend purchased these tickets in their name. Please can I change the name on this order?</h4> <p>Yes, if the event organiser has allowed this you can follow the 'Change Name' process from within 'Your Tickets'. Please note that an additional transaction charge may be applicable for this.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>My order was placed on a ticket supplier that isn't Eventcube, how do I access my tickets?</h4> <p>Eventcube has no access to third party or external ticket support facilities. Please contact the event provider directly for assistance or the platform on which tickets were purchased for support.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>Can I add Booking Refund Insurance after I have already placed an order?</h4> <p>Booking Refund Insurance is only applicable when purchased at the point of initial sale. There is no way to purchase Booking Refund Insurance for a ticket thereafter.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>How can I check if I ordered booking refund insurance?</h4> <p>Your tickets received via the email address used when purchasing will indicate whether you purchased Booking Refund Insurance.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>How do I pay the outstanding balance on my instalment tickets?</h4> <p>If you have outstanding balance on an installment ticket, go to <a href='/support/manage-order' target='_blank'>Manage Order.</a> Here you will find a 'Instalments' button where you can manage your payments </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I ordered tickets, but I haven't received anything to my email address?</h4> <p>Your tickets should arrive within 30 minutes of purchase as long as email validation has been submitted correctly. If you have not received your ticket confirmation within 24 hours, you can <a href='/support/manage-order' target='_blank'><a href='/support-hub/find-order' target='_blank'>Find Your Order.</a></a></p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I've booked tickets somewhere else - can you confirm that they're genuine?</h4> <p>Eventcube has no access to third party or external ticket support facilities. Please contact the event provider directly for assistance or the platform on which tickets were purchased for support.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>How secure is my personal information?</h4> <p>We use DigiCert certified 256-bit Secure Socket Layering and Stripe to process your payments and to keep your details safe. We do not store your credit card details after the transaction is complete.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>What payment methods do you accept?</h4> <p>We take payments from Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express and JCB and all debit cards.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>My transaction was declined/unsuccessful.</h4> <p>If your transaction was declined, please ensure your card and billing address details are entered correctly. If you are still encountering problems, please contact your bank.</p> </div> </div> <div class="faqs-content" id="refunds-exchanges-faqs"> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I purchased Booking Refund Insurance and I can no longer attend, how do I get a refund?</h4> <p>If you have purchased Booking Refund Insurance you may be eligible for a refund. Go to <a href='/support/manage-order' target='_blank'>Manage Order,</a> you can find the 'Refund' button under the 'Your Tickets' tab to make a claim.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I can no longer attend, please can I have a refund?</h4> <p>If you have purchased Booking Refund Insurance you may be eligible for a refund. Go to <a href='/support/manage-order' target='_blank'>Manage Order,</a> you can find the 'Refund' button under the 'Your Tickets' tab to make a claim.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I am no longer friends with the person that purchased my tickets for me, how do I get my ticket from them?</h4> <p> Only the ticket holder is able to make any changes to the order including name changes. </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I didn't place this order, I think it might be fraudulent, how do I get a refund?</h4> <p>Please contact your bank directly to raise this claim who will deal with all false and fraudelent transactions. </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>My event has been cancelled, how do I claim a refund?</h4> <p> This is subject to the event organisers refund and cancellation policy. Please seek further instruction directly from the <a href='/support-hub/contact' target='_blank'>event organiser.</a> </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I've been charged twice, can I get a refund, please?</h4> <p>If you have been charged twice then contact the <a href='/support-hub/contact' target='_blank'>event organiser.</a></p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>How long will my refund take to reach my account?</h4> <p>Refunds can take between 5-10 working days to reach your account.</p> </div> </div> <div class="faqs-content" id="tickets-faqs"> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I've lost my tickets, can they be resent?</h4> <p>If you have lost your ticket confirmation or not received it within 24 hours, you can <a href='/support-hub/find-order' target='_blank'>Find Your Order.</a> </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I've lost access to my email address, how do I update the email address linked to my order?</h4> <p>Please contact your <a href='/support-hub/contact' target='_blank'>event organiser.</a> with the event details, your name and the email address you used to buy the tickets, along with the new email address. Please note you may be asked to provide suitable identification to ensure proof of purchase. </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>What ticket type have I ordered?</h4> <p>This information will be displayed in your confirmation email. If you have lost your confirmation email, you can <a href='/support-hub/find-order' target='_blank'>Find Your Order.</a></p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>My friend purchased these tickets in their name. Please can I change the name on this order?</h4> <p>Yes, if the event organiser has allowed this, go to Manage Order, go to 'Change Name' process from within 'Your Tickets'. Please note that an additional transaction charge may be applicable for this. </p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>I bought my ticket as a gift but I'm not attending, will the person using the ticket get in?</h4> <p>This is event dependent. Some of our event partners allow tickets to be used by unnamed guests and usually just require the unnamed ticketholder to provide a copy of the original ticketholder's ID upon entry to validate. Please check the event terms & conditions located at the bottom of the event store page for further details.</p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>What is an e-ticket?</h4> An e-ticket is an electronically delivered ticket via email. You will need to take the full e-ticket with the booking reference or barcode with you, either on your phone or as paper print out along with ID to gain entry to the event. You may also be required, if requested by the organiser to provide the credit card that was used in the transaction. We recommend printing or downloading the e-ticket in advance to avoid any issues on the door. </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>What are the booking fees or hidden charges?</h4> Tickets purchased may be subject to a per ticket, non-refundable booking fee which is set by the <a href='/support-hub/contact' target='_blank'>event organiser.</a> What you see at checkout is what you pay, there are no hidden costs apart from the ticket price and booking fee. </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>How many tickets can I buy for an event?</h4> The limit for ticket purchases for a single event varies. The order limit will be shown in the dropdown when selecting your ticket quantity. </div> </div> <div class="faqs-content" id="ticket-resale-faqs"> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>Can I resell my tickets? </h4> <p>If your event organiser has enabled Ticket Resale, you can list your tickets via Eventcube but only after the event has sold out. Please follow these instructions to Ticket Resale if applicable.</p><ol><li>Go to <a href='/support/manage-order' target='_blank'>Manage Order</a> </li><li>If enabled, click 'Sell tickets' and follow the instructions. </li><ol> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>Can I resell this order to my friends?</h4> <p>Tickets cannot be resold directly between individuals and are listed for general resale. If your event organiser has enabled Ticket Resale, you can list your tickets via Eventcube but only after the event has sold out. Please follow these instructions to Ticket Resale if applicable.</p><ol><li>Go to <a href='/support/manage-order' target='_blank'>Manage Order</a> </li><li>If enabled, click 'Sell tickets' and follow the instructions. </li><ol> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>If I resell my tickets to my friends, can they get in with the ticket in my name?</h4> <p>They must present ID of the named ticket buyer listed on their ticket at the time of entry. </p> </div> </div> <div class="faqs-content" id="accessibility-faqs"> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>How can I apply for a carer ticket with my order?</h4> <p>This is event dependent, see <a class='event-info-link' href='#'>Event Info</a> or you can contact <a href='/support-hub/contact' target='_blank'>event organiser.</a></p> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <h4>Is the event accessible?</h4> <p>This is event dependent, see <a class='event-info-link' href='#'>Event Info</a> or you can contact <a href='/support-hub/contact' target='_blank'>event organiser.</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="pre-footer"> <div class="poweredby-footer"> <div class="store-footer-container"> <div id="navbar-store-logo" style=""> <h2 id="logo" class="logo ha" style="padding: 0px"> <a href=""> <div class="text-logo"> <span> Conve</span> </div> </a> </h2> </div> <style> .text-logo{ word-break: break-word; 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