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Subscribe: <a href="" title="Posts tagged with ibs"><i class="feedicon"></i></a></span> </h2> <div > <div class="copy" style="float:right;margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"> <strong>Related tags:</strong><br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">diet</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (10)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">stomach</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (8)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">anxiety</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (7)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">diarrhea</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (7)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">resolved</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (5)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">nausea</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (5)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">bloating</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (4)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">health</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (4)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">GI</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (4)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">food</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (4)<br> <a href="" rel="tag" target="_self">fodmap</a> <a href="" target="_self">+</a> (4)<br> <br> <br> <strong>Users that often use this tag:</strong><br> <a href="" target="_self">Anonymous</a> (12)<br> <a href="" target="_self">falcon42</a> (2)<br> <a href="" target="_self">Seeking Direction</a> (2)<br> <a href="" target="_self">stoneandstar</a> (2)<br> <a href="" target="_self">joan_holloway</a> (2)<br> </div> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Flatter stools </a></h2> <div class="copy post">Good morning I am posting here because I have horrible medical anxiety. I am scheduled to have a colonoscopy in 1 week. I always had normal stools, then recently stopped Mounjaro and I took Doxycycline for an upper respiratory infection. Immediately like overnight 2 weeks ago I developed constipation. Now I have thinner stools ( flatter and this morning I had at the end a pencil shaped one- mix of flat with pencil shaped) I also have hemorrhoids so one day they were acting up. I decided to do a IFOBT which was positive I am so worried for colon cancer. I am 36 without hx of colon cancer or family hx ( grandpa had CRC but diagnosed at 86) I had a rectosigmoidoscopy at age 33.5 which was normal- didn’t find any polyps at all I am basically a wreck. Anyone else experienced these abnormal pencil shaped stools and what did ended up being? I think I will be a wreck ball until 1/29 when my colonoscopy is scheduled<br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">barexamfreak</a> on Jan 21, 2024 - <a href="" target="_self">11 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Stomach won't cooperate with intermittent fasting</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I've been eating pretty unhealthy food for the past few weeks, and now feel bloated and vaguely nauseated after every meal. And I'm now obsessed with sugar and simple carbohydrates, and I'm constantly thinking about what unhealthy food I can eat next. I have found that a short (18-24 hr) period of fasting is an excellent remedy for when this happens to me. Unfortunately my stomach hates me and punishes me when I try to do this. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Vatnesine</a> on Oct 4, 2023 - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Transitioning off a low-residue (low-fibre) diet</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Have you ever been on a low-residue or low-fibre diet for colitis, IBS or other illness? What was your process for successfully transitioning to a diet that contained a normal amount of fibre? (For this question, assume that asking one's doctor has not resulted in any guidance at all.)<br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">rednikki</a> on Apr 28, 2023 - <a href="" target="_self">2 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">How do I accept my limitations and be okay with letting others down?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have been a people-pleaser my entire life. Therapy has helped me get better at drawing boundaries. However, I still struggle with saying 'no' to the people I love the most, even though I'm often unable to meet their needs because of chronic illness. My loved ones are understanding and supportive--how can I show that same kindness to myself? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">guessthis</a> on Apr 26, 2023 - <a href="" target="_self">10 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">IBS trigger is stress. Life contains stress. What do?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have long had IBS and just accept that as a part of my life, bad things happening (breakups, work drama, difficult tasks) will cause my guts to act up. Now it's turned into diverticulosis and what was annoying is now potentially life threatening. What should I do? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Feb 16, 2023 - <a href="" target="_self">7 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Did you have GI/intenstinal/stomach issues and then fix them? How?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have had &quot;mild IBS&quot; for a long time, which has slowly gotten worse over time. Past attempts to try and figure out what is going on have led nowhere. I'd like to take another stab at figuring out what is wrong at at least how to manage it better, and am interesting in hearing from people who either got over their issues completely (via some sort of diagnosis, nutritional changes, figuring out an allergy, whatever), or at least figured out a better way to minimize annoyance. Looking for experiences and I guess advice. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">wooh</a> on Feb 16, 2023 - <a href="" target="_self">22 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Vibrator causing IBS symptoms? </a></h2> <div class="copy post">Late-thirties cis female. Semi-recently, a few minutes after using a vibrator I get pain in my abdomen that is only relieved after using the toilet. Is this something anyone else has experienced, and/or how worried should I be? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Jul 16, 2022 - <a href="" target="_self">7 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Dealing with something like long-term gastritis?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I’ve always had a sensitive stomach but recently it’s gotten a lot worse. Basically looking for some feedback and / or inspirational tales of gastritis that went away :’( <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">stoneandstar</a> on May 29, 2022 - <a href="" target="_self">6 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Food restrictions galore during the pandemic</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'm planning a low-fat, moderate-FODMAP, gluten-free diet, due to gallstones and other abdominal pain, and I'm struggling to figure out how to meet my daily nutritional requirements. Hopefully this would last only until March or April, when it becomes safer for me to get medical attention in person. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">facehugger</a> on Jan 13, 2021 - <a href="" target="_self">9 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Low-FODMAP / IBS travel recommendations for Greece and Istanbul?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I booked a trip to Greece and Istanbul before I was diagnosed with IBS. From my reading about the national cuisines, it seems that it will be difficult to avoid my trigger foods. I'd like to hear from anyone with this condition who has had first-hand experience of travel in Greece and Turkey (perhaps the entire Middle East?). Thanks.<br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">feelinggood</a> on Feb 15, 2020 - <a href="" target="_self">4 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Keep my IBS'd gut happy in Gurgaon, India</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I will likely be going to Gurgaon (India) next month for a work trip. I am looking for advice on how to protect and prepare myself for the inevitable gut distress, especially as someone with IBS-D. I'll have a generous enough expense account to look for safer food and drink, and have good insurance with international coverage. What I don't have is a lot of time to do extensive research on what to pack and how to assess my food options. Help me get quickly up to speed! <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">joan_holloway</a> on Aug 10, 2019 - <a href="" target="_self">21 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">I exercise best on an empty stomach. How can I work out in the evenings?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">When I work out before I've eaten breakfast, I feel great. But if I eat before a workout -- even a couple hours beforehand -- the food sloshes around in my stomach during my workout, making me feel clumsy and bloated. My schedule has changed and I need to start working out later in the day. If you are a slow digester/frequently get bloated after meals, how do you eat during the day before your evening workout? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">rogerroger</a> on Mar 13, 2019 - <a href="" target="_self">9 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">IBS </a></h2> <div class="copy post">I am looking for information on IBS and the use of L Glutamine to treat it. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Phlegmco(tm)</a> on Mar 6, 2019 - <a href="" target="_self">1 answer</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Low Ferritin Low TIBC..?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My Ferritin is at 26.02 and I have been having symptoms of dizziness, chornic fatigue, headaches, brain fog, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, loose stools. However, my TIBC is low which indicates too much iron in the blood. Are these symptoms indicative of low ferritin even with normal to high iron levels? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">nichostetler</a> on Jan 17, 2019 - <a href="" target="_self">7 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">What do you feed a drunken biome?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">So my doctor has put me on a course of <a href="">Rifaximin</a> for IBS-D. I've had gastro issues all my life, but this looks like something that might actually really set me pretty straight. How can I feed this right? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Jan 3, 2019 - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Stomach noises and IBS</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have IBS and my stomach often makes embarrassing noises. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to stop/hide the embarrassing noises? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">NoneOfTheAbove</a> on Oct 18, 2018 - <a href="" target="_self">17 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">You don't win friends with salad!</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Every time I eat more than a few bites of salad (containing lettuce and other raw veggies) I have horrible diarrhea within an hour. The obvious short-term solution is to stop eating salad but I'd love to better understand why this is happening and whether I can ever retrain my body to tolerate salad again. I am 99% sure that I am not eating contaminated salad greens every single time and that this is instead something wrong in my body. More details inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">joan_holloway</a> on Jun 21, 2018 - <a href="" target="_self">28 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Please let me leave the toilet </a></h2> <div class="copy post">What... is this illness, and what are the possible outcomes? Lots of fun bathroom flu issues below the fold. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">stoneandstar</a> on May 7, 2018 - <a href="" target="_self">13 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">If it's not IBS-D what is it?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">After getting a really bad case of food poisoning about four years ago I found that I had continuing GI issues that still aren't resolved. I've been to 5 different doctors (2 GI specialists) and they keep telling me it's IBS-D but one of the core symptoms of IBS is pain and bloating -- a symptom I lack entirely. (TMI details below the fold!) <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Dec 4, 2017 - <a href="" target="_self">17 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">YANMD - Butterflies in my stomach...well, intestines</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I am a mid-20s male, and have been dealing with constipation-predominant IBS for several years. Generally, fiber supplements are enough to keep me regular. However, sometimes I continue to get a very annoying (though <strong>painless</strong>) tingling, &quot;anxious&quot;, nauseous feeling in my intestines even several hours after &quot;going&quot; successfully. What could this be? (See details.) <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Seeking Direction</a> on Sep 30, 2017 - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Help My Cat Be Comfy</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Mr. Whiskers has either IBS or Lymphoma. I want the least intrusive way to make him comfortable. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">vansly</a> on Jul 25, 2017 - <a href="" target="_self">19 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Should I Get My Gut Tested?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'd like your thoughts on/experiences with gut microbiome testing. More inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">WalkerWestridge</a> on Jul 17, 2017 - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Extremely basic weight/strength training for IBS?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Taking a big step in my physical/mental health and wanting to start a weight training regimen . . . and I know nothing about it. Hope me? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">chainsofreedom</a> on Jun 20, 2017 - <a href="" target="_self">5 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">IBS-D Friendly Desserts</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My friend has IBS-D AND a birthday coming up. I'd like to make her something sweet that might not make her totally ill. Complication: I live in Korea. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">FakePalindrome</a> on Mar 28, 2017 - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">YANMDietician, but...</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I'm a fairly healthy 32yo lady with a few issues that may be related to what I eat. I have some extra time in January and would like to use it to cook and eat a more healthy diet. We are also planning to TTC in January. What diet changes will give me the most bang for my buck, so to speak? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">bananacabana</a> on Dec 25, 2016 - <a href="" target="_self">17 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Getting a part-time job with major health problems</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I need a job where I can make $1000 a month after taxes. The catch? I have serious health problems and limited skills. Much more info inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">dork enlightenment</a> on Aug 20, 2016 - <a href="" target="_self">12 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Neuroplasticity and IBS - What can you tell me?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I posted about radical approaches in healing for IBS previously. I've been researching Neuroplasticity training, specifically DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System). There is scant research on Neuroplasticity and IBS. Does anyone have experience with this? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">falcon42</a> on Dec 14, 2015 - <a href="" target="_self">10 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">FODMAP challenge - can I test it by eating a pile of high-FODMAP food?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I've been trying the <a href="">low-FODMAP diet for IBS</a>. I've avoided most of the prohibited foods, but I see now that serving size matters a lot, even for the low-FODMAP foods, so it turns out I haven't been so faithful to the diet. <strong>Question: Can I test my FODMAP sensitivity by eating a ton of high-FODMAP foods for a few days?</strong> Mmm, bread, garlic, onions, mushrooms, apples, and peaches!<br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">falcon42</a> on Oct 28, 2015 - <a href="" target="_self">9 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Freezer Meal suggestions! Difficulty level: Irritable Bowel Syndrome</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Due to busy life schedules, my family has begun cooking weekday meals in a big cooking session each weekend. We cook 'em, we freeze 'em and on worknights, we thaw 'em and we eat 'em. There are a lots of fantastic recipes for freezer meals in cookbooks and on the interwebs, but we've got a hitch - our family has a member with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which puts limits on what ingredients we can use. (exciting caveats and details inside!) <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">tabubilgirl</a> on May 27, 2015 - <a href="" target="_self">18 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Why does my stupid body hurt so much?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">After years of mysterious pains in my side, treatment for colon cancer in 2014 and a colonoscopy yesterday, last night I ended up in the ER howling in agony for hours. My doctors aren't really sure what happened. YAobviouslyNMD, but I'm hoping the smarties of Ask Metafilter can offer some ideas about what the hell is going on with my stupid goddamned body. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Ursula Hitler</a> on May 14, 2015 - <a href="" target="_self">24 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">The mind is willing but the flesh... not so much</a></h2> <div class="copy post">How do I eat healthier and exercise more while struggling with chronic GI/fatigue issues? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">fox problems</a> on Feb 6, 2015 - <a href="" target="_self">13 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">I need a map. A FODMAP map.</a></h2> <div class="copy post">So after all of the recent hubbub about how <a href="">gluten may not be the culprit</a> in many cases of indigestion/discomfort, I learned for the first time about FODMAPs and realized, &quot;Wait a minute... I have gotten painfully bloated from eating ALL of those high FODMAP foods!&quot; BUT. When I search the internet for FODMAP resources I find a lot of woo and a lot of really bland recipes. Is there a way to try a low FODMAP diet without dying of boredom? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto</a> on Jun 5, 2014 - <a href="" target="_self">7 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Boston...pot. </a></h2> <div class="copy post">How do I get a medical marijuana card in Massachusetts? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Mar 26, 2014 - <a href="" target="_self">5 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Help me figure out what's going on with my butt</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Is there a scientific, non-woo, non-exclusion diet based way to test for food intolerances? Lots of snowflake details and some TMI inside. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">terretu</a> on Feb 7, 2014 - <a href="" target="_self">31 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Your IBS/Migraine Cooking Mission, should you choose to accept it! </a></h2> <div class="copy post">Help me come up with new recipes! My partner has a VERY restricted diet... he has IBS and Migranes...It will be easier for me to tell you what he CAN eat, so here we go: Cauliflower, Carrots, broccoli, Swede, sour cream, butter and oils, garlic, stocks, mushrooms, pasta, rice, barley, pastry, tomatoes, corn, sweet potato, and courgette/zucchini and most meat- plus salmon and chicken.... and I can use a lot of herbs (but no paprika, chili or anything hot)... <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">misspony</a> on Dec 4, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">14 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">How to manage bloating? Halp</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I've had about 10 days straight of distended belly due to bloating. I look 5 months pregnant if I stop sucking in my stomach. I've tried Gas-X and charcoal pills and so far nothing has worked. What should I try? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">spamandkimchi</a> on Nov 26, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">20 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Legal CBD without THC? Really?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What the heck are these CBD/Hemp Oil products</a>? A scam? Illegal? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Oct 8, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">1 answer</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">A Digestion Question</a></h2> <div class="copy post">YANMD. I take a certain daily medication and am questioning its digestion (TMI within). <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">floweredfish</a> on Sep 4, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">8 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Fructose malabsorption? Are you freaking kidding me with this?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My nearly seven year old daughter was just diagnosed with <a href="">fructose malabsorption disorder</a> after years of chronic constipation and abdominal pain. We're on a confusing elimination diet, her pain isn't getting better, school starts in a week, and I'm tearing my hair out. Help! <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">KathrynT</a> on Aug 28, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">25 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">I don't want diarrhea on my wedding day</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I have been having major stomach issues that I need to solve. Really uncomfortable bloating and belching minutes after eating, nausea, cramps, etc. I'm getting checked out by a doctor, but I suspect it is my old friend IBS coming back after a 6+ year absence. I NEED to get this under control and back to rights ASAP but so far nothing is working. HELP! <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">PuppetMcSockerson</a> on Jun 17, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">27 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Help me interpret my elimination(ish) diet results</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I suspect my diet is causing me chronic health problems. How can I confirm this and fix it without health insurance? Semi-elimination diet results inside - please help me interpret my observations. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Vatican Cameos</a> on Mar 18, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">20 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Is "hypochlorhydria" scientifically sound or natural-health quackery?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Is "hypochlorhydria" (low stomach acid) a scientifically sound problem or some natural-health quackery? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Jan 23, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">5 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">YANMD, but do I have IBS?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">YANMD, but do I have IBS? How do I cope? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">uncannyslacks</a> on Jan 1, 2013 - <a href="" target="_self">17 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Why is suck</a></h2> <div class="copy post">Always hungry, except when I eat meat - then I want to throw up. What is wrong with me? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">chaiminda</a> on Nov 26, 2012 - <a href="" target="_self">15 answers</a> <i class="tick" title="this question contains answers marked as best"></i> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Painful digestive condition, round 2</a></h2> <div class="copy post">It's not parasites, IBD/Crohn's, or celiac - but the doctors have found no other explanation for this severe intestinal pain and chronic constipation than &quot;IBS&quot;. Low HDL, metabolic syndrome. Gluten still seems to be a culprit - is this even possible? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Seeking Direction</a> on Jul 16, 2012 - <a href="" target="_self">41 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">I'm in a lot of pain and want to know why.</a></h2> <div class="copy post">About two years ago I started having various health issues, and since then, it's all gone downhill. It's also become clear that I need to switch doctors, so I'm asking you, Metafilter, to help me prepare for the new doctor. What's wrong with me? You are obviously not my doctor! <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href=""><em>anonymous</em></a> on Jan 27, 2012 - <a href="" target="_self">34 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Tapas for Tweens</a></h2> <div class="copy post">What can I send for a kid's school lunch that doesn't need heating or refrigeration, has a super-fast prep time, and doesn't contain gluten, peanuts, or dairy? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">Andrhia</a> on Oct 29, 2011 - <a href="" target="_self">48 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Recommendations for NYC therapist to treat IBS and anxiety?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">I've been suffering from increasing anxiety for the last year, and much to my embarrassment, my fear manifests itself by making me run to the bathroom! I'd like to see a nice therapist and nip this problem in the bud (or, butt). More details below. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">doodletoo</a> on Oct 9, 2011 - <a href="" target="_self">3 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">Help me make my lunch more delicious.</a></h2> <div class="copy post">As a pescetarian who is pretty much on the <a href="">FODMAP diet</a>, what can I eat for lunch? <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">two lights above the sea</a> on Jul 31, 2011 - <a href="" target="_self">11 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <h2 class="posttitle"><a href="" target="_self">My partner has both Sinus and Digestive issues... could they be linked?</a></h2> <div class="copy post">My partner has problems with IBS, her bladder and her sinus. Could they all be linked? Slightly worried it could be something very serious. <span class="smallcopy">[<a href="" target="_self">more inside</a>]</span><br> <span class="smallcopy postbyline"> posted by <a href="">informity</a> on Feb 22, 2011 - <a href="" target="_self">9 answers</a> </span> </div><br> <div class="copy paging chromeleft">Page: <span class="this-page">1</span> <a href="/tags/ibs?page=2" target="_self">2</a> </div> </div> </div> <br clear="all"> <div id="footer"> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Features</strong></p> - <a href="" target="_self">Login</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">New User</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Links</strong></p> - <a href="/" target="_self">Home</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Guidelines</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Content Policy</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Privacy Policy</a><br> - <a href="/search.mefi" target="_self">Search</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">BIPOC Board</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Steering Committee</a><br> - <a href="" target="_self">Mall</a><br> - <a href="/archive.mefi" target="_self">Archives</a><br> - <a href="/tags/" target="_self">Tags</a><br> - <a href="//" target="_self">About</a> <br>- <a href="">MeFi Wiki</a> <br>- <a href="//" target="_self">Modern Theme</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p><strong>Sites</strong></p> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaFilter</a><br> - <a href="" title="Ask MetaFilter RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">AskMeFi</a><br> - <a href="" title="FanFare RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">FanFare</a><br> - <a href="" title="Projects RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Projects</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Music RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Music</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaFilter Jobs RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">Jobs</a><br> - <a href="" title="IRL RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">IRL</a><br> - <a href="" title="MetaTalk RSS feed"><i class="feedicon"></i></a> <a href="" target="_self">MetaTalk</a> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <p style="margin-top:30px;">Join 8,306 readers in helping <a href="" target="_self">fund MetaFilter</a></p> <p style="margin-top:15px;"><a href="">Contact Us</a></p> </div></div> <div style="width:20%;float:left;"><div class="footpad"> <form action="/search.mefi" id="cse-search-box" style="margin-top:15px;"><div><input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-8621957794194569:9650013776"><input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10"><input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"><input type="text" name="q" size="31" style="width:120px;"><input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" style="margin-left:3px;"></div></form><script type="text/javascript" src="//;lang=en"></script> <span class="fineprint">&copy; 1999-2025 MetaFilter LLC<br> All posts are &copy; their original authors.</span><br><br> <span class="fineprint"><a href="" target="_self">FAQ</a> | <a href="" target="_self">Contact</a> | &#9731;<br></span> </div></div> <br clear="all"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </body> </html>

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