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(2025)</p> <p>Journal article</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/334068868/"> <li> <h2>Effect of older age and/or ACL injury on the dose–response relationship between ambulatory load magnitude and immediate load-induced change in serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein</h2> <p>Herger S, Nüesch C, Liphardt AM, Egloff C, Mündermann A (2025)</p> <p>Journal article</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/331106245/"> <li> <h2>Capturing the breadth of value creation with science fiction storytelling: Evidence from smart service design workshops</h2> <p>Fritzsche A, Soeldner JH (2025)</p> <p>Journal article</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/330997053/"> <li> <h2>SoK: Descriptive Statistics Under Local Differential Privacy</h2> <p>Raab R, Berrang P, Gerhart P, Schröder D (2025)</p> <p>Journal article</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/330457092/"> <li> <h2>Tunable diameter of electrospun fibers using empirical scaling laws of electrospinning parameters</h2> <p>Munawar M, Nilsson F, Schubert DW (2025)</p> <p>Journal article</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/332263622/"> <li> <h2>[bei den Herausgeber*innen] "Zeichne sie auf, daß vor der Jetztwelt sie da stehen, daß für die Nachwelt sie als Muster bleiben". Annäherungen an die Gattungspoetik des theatralen Sittengemäldes</h2> <p>Keller N (2025)</p> <p>Book chapter / Article in edited volumes</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/331220686/"> <li> <h2>Environmental stiffness regulates neuronal maturation via Piezo1-mediated TTR activity</h2> <p>Kreysing EM, Gautier H, Humphrey R, Mooslehner K, Muresan L, Haarhoff D, Mukherjee S, et al. (2025)</p> <p>Unpublished / Preprint</p> </li> </a> <a href="/publications/278605421/"> <li> <h2>Towards Realistic Statistical Channel Models For Positioning: Evaluating the Impact of Early Clusters</h2> <p>Alawieh M, George Y, Eberlein E, Ghimire B, Franke N, Jäckel S, Feigl T, Mutschler C (2025)</p> <p>Unpublished / Preprint</p> </li> </a> </ul> <div class="paginate"> <!-- PREV AND JUMP TO BEGINNING --> <a class="jump" disabled href="?page=1&items=10&year__gte=2025&year__lte=2025">‹</a> <!-- THREE DOTS AFTER 1 --> <!-- PREV TWO NUMBERS --> <!-- CURRENT PAGE --> <a class="num current" href="">1</a> <!-- CURRENT PAGE --> <!-- FOLLOWING TWO NUMBERS --> <a class="num" href="?page=2&items=10&year__gte=2025&year__lte=2025">2</a> <a class="num" href="?page=3&items=10&year__gte=2025&year__lte=2025">3</a> <!-- FOLLOWING TWO NUMBERS --> <!-- THREE DOTS AFTER CURRENT NUMBER + 2 --> <a class="jump" disabled href="">...</a> <!-- NEXT AND JUMP TO END --> <a class="num" href="?page=36&items=10&year__gte=2025&year__lte=2025">36</a> <a class="jump" href="?page=2&items=10&year__gte=2025&year__lte=2025">›</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="content"> <address> <p>Friedrich-Alexander-Universität</p> <p>Erlangen-Nürnberg</p> <p>Schloßplatz 4</p> <p>91054 Erlangen</p> </address> <div> <p>Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg</p> <p>Current Research Information System | CRIS</p> <p><a href="">Mail:</a></p> </div> <div> <p><a href="">Impressum / Datenschutz / Barrierefreiheit</a></p> <p><a href="">CRIS-Blog</a></p> <p><a href="">CRIS-Handbuch</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </body> <script src="/static/js/filter.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/tabs.js"></script> <script src="/static/js/slider.js"></script> </html>