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<li> <h2>Antenna structure for electromagnetic structures</h2> <p> Georg Fischer </p> </li> </a> <a href="/inventions/200190735/"> <li> <h2>Apparatus and Method for Localization</h2> <p> Alexander G枚tz </p> </li> </a> <a href="/inventions/142688069/"> <li> <h2>Automatische Objektverfolgung unter Ber眉cksichtigung der Objektform</h2> <p> Andre Kaup, Katharina Quast </p> </li> </a> <a href="/inventions/142687763/"> <li> <h2>Baseband Pre-Compensation of Distortions introduced by Pulse Width Modulation</h2> <p> Daniel Markert </p> </li> </a> <a href="/inventions/142689995/"> <li> <h2>Biasreduktion einer gemeinsamen St枚rsignalsch盲tzung zur St枚rreduktion in binauralen H枚rger盲ten</h2> <p> Walter Kellermann, Yuanhang Zheng, Klaus Reindl </p> </li> </a> <a href="/inventions/142687925/"> <li> <h2>Class-O Uplink with Delta-Sigma-Modulator/Pulse-Width-Modulator</h2> <p> Daniel Markert </p> </li> </a> <a href="/inventions/200190931/"> <li> <h2>Codemoduliertes Uebertragungsverfahren und nach diesem Uebertragungsverfahren arbeitendes Uebertragungssystem</h2> <p> Robert Weigel </p> </li> </a> </ul> <div class="paginate"> <!-- PREV AND JUMP TO BEGINNING --> <a class="jump" disabled href="?page=1&items=10&">&lsaquo;</a> <!-- THREE DOTS AFTER 1 --> <!-- PREV TWO NUMBERS --> <!-- CURRENT PAGE --> <a class="num current" href="">1</a> <!-- CURRENT PAGE --> <!-- FOLLOWING TWO NUMBERS --> <a class="num" href="?page=2&items=10&">2</a> <a class="num" href="?page=3&items=10&">3</a> <!-- FOLLOWING TWO NUMBERS --> <!-- THREE DOTS AFTER CURRENT NUMBER + 2 --> <a class="jump" disabled href="">...</a> <!-- NEXT AND JUMP TO END --> <a class="num" href="?page=7&items=10&">7</a> <a class="jump" href="?page=2&items=10&">&rsaquo;</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="content"> <address> <p>Friedrich-Alexander-Universit盲t</p> <p>Erlangen-N眉rnberg</p> <p>Schlo脽platz 4</p> <p>91054 Erlangen</p> </address> <div> <p>Friedrich-Alexander-Universit盲t Erlangen-N眉rnberg</p> <p>Current Research 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