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But one thing certain is that the California State Treasurer鈥檚 office will faithfully carry out our vital role as the state鈥檚 banker, and do so in a way that protects the public's funds.</p> <p>We will keep managing the approximate $2.9 trillion in banking transactions, continue selling bonds and managing bond debt, and carry on managing the state’s investment portfolio, which has averaged more than $140 billion in assets over the course of my administration.</p> <p>Similarly, the 16 boards, commissions and authorities that I chair will continue to serve the public, hospitals, businesses, and help spur housing and economic development. </p> <p>As we carry on our work, we are always conscious that the safety of our employees is crucial to our success. Over these recent months, we have responded by conducting meetings by phone, remaining vigilant about cleaning and washing hands, and following guidelines for telecommuting so our employees and the public remain safe from the deadly COVID-19 virus and its variants.</p> <p>I urge everyone else to do the same. Working together and following safety guidelines is our best hope for saving lives and defeating the pandemic.</p> <p>In Peace and Friendship,</p> <p>Treasurer Fiona Ma</p> </div> <div class="add_padding"> <div class="home_buttons" style="background-color:#ffffff;" role="region" aria-label="Resource buttons"> <h2 style="font-size:175%;text-align:center;color:#5f742e;margin:30px 0;">As the State's Leader in Investments, Banking, and Finance, <br /> We Offer Helpful Resources in These Areas.</h2> <p class="center"> <a class="stoIcon" href="category/economic.asp"> <img src="images/content/buttons/category/home/sustainable.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Economic Development"></a> <a class="stoIcon" href="category/housing.asp"> <img src="images/content/buttons/category/home/housing.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Housing"></a> <a class="stoIcon" href="category/health.asp"> <img id="healthIcon" src="images/content/buttons/category/home/health.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Health"></a> <a href="category/education.asp"> <img src="images/content/buttons/category/home/education.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Education"></a> <br> <a class="stoIcon" href="category/investment.asp"> <img src="images/content/buttons/category/home/investments.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Community Investments"></a> <a class="stoIcon" href="category/smallbusiness.asp"> <img src="images/content/buttons/category/home/smallbusiness.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Small Business"></a> <a class="stoIcon" href="category/environment.asp"> <img src="images/content/buttons/category/home/environment.gif" width="130" height="130" alt="Environment"></a> </p> </div><!-- end home_buttons --> <div class="add_padding"> <div class="new_left_column3" style="margin-top:-10px; background-color:#FFFFFF;" role="region" aria-label="left column"> <p><a href="bio.asp"><img src="images/content/ma.jpg" width="440" height="80" alt="California State Treasurer Fiona Ma"></a</p> <p><a href="images/official/fiona-portrait1.jpg">Download a high resolution photo</a> | <a href="comm-external-urls/fiona-ma-bio.pdf" target="_blank">Download Fiona Ma's biography</a>.</p> <hr class="hrRule" /><br> <div id="welcome"> <p>Welcome to the California State Treasurer鈥檚 website for California鈥檚 stakeholders.</p> <p>As California鈥檚 Treasurer, I appreciate your continued interest and the commitment to California鈥檚 success it demonstrates. Here鈥檚 a look at our <a href="/newsletter/2022/january-2022.pdf">accomplishments in 2022</a>. The Treasurer provides financing for our schools, roads, housing, levees, public health facilities, and other crucial infrastructure projects that better the lives of all Californians. </p> <p>The State Treasurer鈥檚 Office (STO) was created in the California Constitution in 1849. The STO managed approximately $2.9 trillion of banking transactions this past fiscal year. </p> <p>One of the primary duties of the Treasurer is to provide transparency and oversight for the state鈥檚 investment portfolio and bank accounts. Funds held in the treasury that are not needed immediately are invested in safe, liquid securities designed to use the state鈥檚 financial resources efficiently.</p> <p>The STO oversees an investment portfolio that has averaged more than $140 billion during my administration, and had grown to over $240 billion, about 14% of which are funds beneficially owned by more than 2,300 local governments in California.<br> <br> In addition to these banking and investment activities, the Treasurer serves as the agent for the sale of all state bonds and is the trustee on a majority of the state’s outstanding debt.<br><br> In addition, the STO manages three savings programs helping individuals with disabilities, families saving for their children’s college education, and private-employees who lack an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan.<br><br> An integral part of my approach to this office is to be transparent and provide all Californians with a more user-friendly way to access the workings of this office. My goal is to use this openness to build trust with the various stakeholders we interact with daily. I will always welcome your feedback on how we are doing.<br><br> By executing these responsibilities for California鈥攖he Golden State鈥攎y aim is to create tangible benefits for current and future generations of Californians. On behalf of them, I thank you for your interest and continued support.</p> <p>Sincerely,</p> <img src="images/signatures/fiona-ma-sig.jpg" width="175" height="43" alt="Fiona Ma signature"> <p>Fiona Ma, CPA<br> State Treasurer</p> </div><br> <!-- <a href="/common/sto-listserv.asp"> <img src="/images/listserv.jpg" alt="Sign Up to Get Treasurer's Office News Releases" title="Sign Up to Get Treasurer's Office News Releases"></a> --> <br> </div><!-- end content_left_column3 --> </div><!-- end add_padding - starts on line 89 to add extra padding for the left column --> </div><!-- end add_padding - starts on line 75 for both columns --> <!-- ****************************** right side ******************************* --> <div class="new_right_column3" style="margin-top:-46px;" role="region" aria-label="Right column"> <div class="columnleft-2" style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"> <!-- ***************************** LIVE STREAM ************************************ --> <!--<h2 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