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The following terms and conditions govern your use of this Site, including any service or content we provide you via the Site (together, the <strong>Online Services</strong>), so please read them carefully.</p> <p>The Site is owned and operated by Foodstuffs North Island Limited (<strong>FSNI </strong>and <strong>we</strong>, <strong>our </strong>or <strong>us</strong>). FSNI is part of the Foodstuffs group, comprising FSNI, Foodstuffs South Island Limited, Foodstuffs (N.Z.) Limited, any affiliate, subsidiary or related company of those Foodstuffs entities and any Foodstuffs member franchisee store (together, <strong>Foodstuffs</strong>). </p> <p>While every endeavour has been made to supply accurate information, errors and omissions may occur. Accordingly, we do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, contained on or accessed through the Online Services.</p> <p>Material that you see on the Online Services may be protected by copyright, trade mark, patent or other protections, even if it is not stated to be.</p> <p>The Online Services are intended for use by people located in New Zealand and are not intended for use by people located outside New Zealand.</p> <p><strong>1.0 HOW DO I AGREE TO YOUR TERMS?</strong></p> <p>By using the Site and/or registering to receive any Online Services you are deemed to have read and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms you should cease using the Online Services.</p> <p><strong>2.0 WHAT CAN I USE THE ONLINE SERVICES FOR?</strong></p> <p>The Online Services allow you to find out information about FSNI, its products and services, promotions and competitions. We are not responsible if you use the Online Services for any other purposes.</p> <p><strong>3.0 REGISTRATION</strong></p> <p>Access to some Online Services may require registration or provision of your information, for example, if you fill in a form to contact us. You agree that all information you make available to us when registering or using the Online Services is true, accurate, up to date, complete and not false, misleading or deceptive in any material way.</p> <p>To the maximum extent permitted by law, we and Foodstuffs will not be liable, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from any use of the Online Services or any third party gaining unauthorised access to your personal information.</p> <p><strong>4.0 ACCESS</strong></p> <p>You understand that we may at any time in our sole discretion and without prior notice to you, prohibit or restrict your access to the Online Services.</p> <p>We will use reasonable endeavours to keep the Online Services free from viruses and from unauthorised access. However, we do not warrant that the Online Services will always operate uninterrupted or error-free or that any files available for downloading by you will be error-free or free from viruses, faults or defects.</p> <p><strong>5.0 WHO OWNS THE CONTENT OF THE ONLINE SERVICES?</strong></p> <p>The Online Services contain intellectual property and other proprietary information. We or Foodstuffs either own or are authorised to use the intellectual property in everything that you hear, read, download or access on or via the Online Services (including messages, files, data, software, images, photographs and other materials). You are not permitted to do anything which infringes these intellectual property rights (such as copying, modifying or reposting content) unless you have express permission from us.</p> <p><strong>6.0 WHAT ABOUT LINKS TO OTHER SITES?</strong></p> <p>We have not reviewed all of the sites that may be linked to the Online Services. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-site page or other sites linked to the Online Services. You use any linked sites at your own risk.</p> <p><strong>7.0 THINGS YOU MUST NOT DO</strong></p> <p>You must not disrupt or interfere with the Online Services or servers or other software, hardware or equipment connected to or via the Online Services. You must not break any relevant law which applies to the use of the Online Services. If you do any of these things or otherwise use the Online Services inappropriately or maliciously you will indemnify us for any loss we suffer in connection with what you have done.</p> <p><strong>8.0 INFORMATION ON THE ONLINE SERVICES</strong></p> <p>We will endeavour to keep information on the Online Services as accurate and up to date as possible. However, the Online Services may have some material which is not accurate or up to date in all respects or errors or omissions may occur. For this reason, we do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information and, to the extent we are able to by law, we do not accept any liability for any errors on the Online Services.</p> <p>We may update information on the Online Services at any time and without notice.</p> <p>We disclaim (to the maximum extent permitted in law) all liability for any damage or loss resulting from your use of, or reliance on, the Online Services or the information provided via the Online Services.</p> <p><strong>9.0 COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION AND YOUR PRIVACY</strong></p> <p>We may need to obtain personal information from you in the course of providing the Online Services to you. Personal information is any information about you that identifies you, or by which your identity can reasonably be ascertained.</p> <p>Our FSNI Privacy Policy, which is located <a href="/privacy-policy">here</a>, sets out how we and Foodstuffs can collect, hold and use your personal information. This Privacy Policy forms part of these terms and conditions.</p> <p><strong>10.0 HOW CAN THE TERMS BE CHANGED</strong></p> <p>We can change these terms and conditions at any time, without notice to you by updating them on the Site. The revised terms will take effect when they are posted and your continued use of the Online Services means you agree to our revised terms.</p> <p><strong>11.0 GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTES</strong></p> <p>The Online Services are governed by New Zealand law. If we have any issues which need to be resolved by a court, you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of New Zealand courts.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <!-- /#content --> <!-- #footer --> <footer> <footer class="footer"> <div class="l-main u-flex-justify-center"> <div class="l-container"> <div class="l-columns"> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--twelve-s l-columns__column--ten-m footer__column"> <div class="l-columns"> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--twelve-s l-columns__column--ten-m"> <div class="l-columns"> <div class="l-columns__column l-columns__column--four-m"> <div class="fs-accordion footer__accordion"> <div class="fs-accordion__item footer__accordion-item "> <input id="About Foodstuffs" type="checkbox" class="fs-accordion__checkbox footer__accordion-checkbox"> <div class="fs-accordion__item-header footer__accordion-header"> <label class="fs-accordion__title footer__accordion-title" for="About Foodstuffs">About Foodstuffs<span 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