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These conferences bring together professionals, researchers, academics, and industry experts from around the world to discuss current trends, innovations, and challenges in their respective fields. </p><p><b>Key Features of UCG Conferences: </b></p><p><b>Diverse Topics</b>: UCG Conferences cover a wide range of topics, from medical sciences (e.g., pathology, oncology) to engineering, management, and technology. </p><p><b>Global Reach: </b>They attract participants from different countries, offering a platform for international networking and collaboration. </p><p><b>Interactive Sessions: </b>The conferences typically feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, oral and poster presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities. </p><p><b>Industry and Academic Participation: </b>UCG Conferences bring together professionals from both academia and industry, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. </p><p><b>Focus on Innovation:</b> The conferences emphasize the latest research, technological advancements, and innovative practices in various disciplines. </p><p><b>Exhibitions and Sponsorships: </b>UCG Conferences provide opportunities for organizations to showcase their products, services, and research through exhibitions and sponsorships. </p><p><b>Continuing Education:</b> Many of these conferences offer Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits or similar certifications, beneficial for professionals looking to maintain their credentials.</p><p></p></p> </div> <ul class="listingStyle listing2 mb-50"> <li class="listItem "> <a href=""> Join Now</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="categoriesTwo sectionBg1 section-padding"> <div class="container" data-padding-top="0" data-padding-bottom="0"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="singleCat text-center mb-24 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.0s"> <div class="cat-icon"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="cat-cap"> <h5><a href="" class="tittle">Our Mission</a></h5> <p class="pera">Our mission is to bring together professionals, thought leaders, and innovators from various fields to share knowledge, foster collaboration, and drive progress. We aim to create a platform where ideas can flourish, networks can expand, and solutions to the most pressing challenges can be explored.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="singleCat text-center mb-24 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.0s"> <div class="cat-icon"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="cat-cap"> <h5><a href="" class="tittle">What We Do</a></h5> <p class="pera">Event Planning and Management: We take care of every aspect of conference planning, from selecting the perfect venue to coordinating logistics. Our team ensures that the event runs smoothly, allowing attendees to focus on what matters most—engaging with the content and each other.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="singleCat text-center mb-24 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.0s"> <div class="cat-icon"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="cat-cap"> <h5><a href="" class="tittle">Content Development</a></h5> <p class="pera">We work closely with industry experts to curate content that is relevant, informative, and inspiring. Our sessions are designed to provide valuable insights and actionable takeaways that participants can apply in their respective fields.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="singleCat text-center mb-24 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.0s"> <div class="cat-icon"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="cat-cap"> <h5><a href="" class="tittle">Speaker and Attendee Engagement:</a></h5> <p class="pera">We believe that the success of a conference lies in the interaction between speakers and attendees. Our organizer ensures that there are ample opportunities for networking, Q&A sessions, and interactive discussions, fostering a collaborative environment.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="singleCat text-center mb-24 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.0s"> <div class="cat-icon"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="cat-cap"> <h5><a href="" class="tittle">Marketing and Promotion</a></h5> <p class="pera">To ensure that our conferences reach the right audience, we implement targeted marketing strategies. Our campaigns are designed to attract top-tier professionals and organizations, ensuring a diverse and dynamic participant base.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="singleCat text-center mb-24 wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.0s"> <div class="cat-icon"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="cat-cap"> <h5><a href="" class="tittle">Technology and Innovation</a></h5> <p class="pera">Embracing the latest technological advancements, we incorporate cutting-edge tools and platforms to enhance the conference experience. From virtual and hybrid events to interactive apps, we ensure that our events are accessible and engaging for all attendees.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="abutArea-global1 section-padding2"> <div class="container" data-padding-top="0" data-padding-bottom="0"> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col-xxl-6 col-xl-6 col-lg-6"> <div class="aboutImg-global imgEffect"> <img src="" alt="PUCG_Why_Choose_Us"data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> </div> <div class="col-xxl-5 col-xl-6 col-lg-6"> <div class="aboutCaption-global mb-30"> <div class="mb-40"> <h3 class="tittle">Why Choose Us?</h3> <p class="pera"> </p> </div> <ul class="listingStyle listing2 mb-50"> <li class="listItem "> <a href=""> Experience: With a proven track record of organizing successful conferences across various industries, our team brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Attention to Detail: We understand that it’s the little things that make a big difference. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that nothing is overlooked, from the registration process to post-event follow-up.</a> </li> <li class="listItem "> <a href=""> Customization: Every event is unique, and we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each conference, ensuring that the final product aligns with the organizer's vision. Commitment to Excellence: Our commitment to excellence drives everything we do. We strive to deliver conferences that are not only informative but also enjoyable and impactful for all participants.</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="testimonialarea-global section-padding2 sectionBg1-global" data-padding-top="0" data-padding-bottom="0"> <div class="container"> <!-- Section Tittle --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xxl-7 col-xl-7 col-lg-8 col-md-9 col-sm-10"> <div class="section-tittle mb-50"> <h2 class="tittle">Our Participate </h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="global-slick-init slider-inner-margin arrowStyleThree" data-arrows="true" data-dots="false" data-slidesToShow="3" data-swipeToSlide="true" data-autoplay="true" data-autoplaySpeed="2500" data-prevArrow='<div class="prev-icon"><i class="las fa-angle-left"></i></div>' data-nextArrow='<div class="next-icon"><i class="las fa-angle-right"></i></div>' data-responsive='[{"breakpoint": 1800,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 3}},{"breakpoint": 1600,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 3}},{"breakpoint": 1400,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 3}},{"breakpoint": 1200,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 3}},{"breakpoint": 991,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 2}},{"breakpoint": 768, "settings": {"slidesToShow": 1}},{"breakpoint": 576, "settings": {"slidesToShow": 1}}]'> <div class="singleTestimonial-global"> <div class="testiPera"> <p class="pera">First pleasure of the conference was meeting experts and colleagues from different backgrounds and networking with them. Having meaningful conversations and productive debates has extended my horizons and given me new ideas for projects in the future. The sharing of experiences and best practices was quite helpful, and it will undoubtedly encourage advancements both within our team and the greater pathology community. Lastly, I would want to sincerely thank all of the conference speakers, organizers, and attendees. Your dedication to helping pathologists grow is really inspiring, and I look forward to more chances to collaborate and support our shared objectives.</p> </div> <!-- Client --> <div class="testimonialClient"> <!-- Clients --> <div class="clients"> <div class="clientImg"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="clientText"> <span class="clientName">Dr. Zev Leifer</span> <p class="clinetDisCrip">The Leifer Institute for Molecular and Digital Pathology Lakewood</p> </div> </div> <!-- Client feedback --> <div class="feedback"> <ul class="rattingList"> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> </ul> <div class="dates"> <span class="dateTime">26 Aug 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="singleTestimonial-global"> <div class="testiPera"> <p class="pera">Excellent learning opportunities: The sessions offered were thought-provoking and educational. The cutting-edge research and best practices given by the keynote speakers and panelists are immediately applicable to my day-to-day job. It worked particularly well to emphasize evidence-based practice and recent technological advancements. Collaboration and networking: Being able to connect with other hepatologists and Pathologists at work was really helpful. My knowledge of various viewpoints and strategies has grown as a result of engaging in debates and exchanging experiences with peers from diverse backgrounds. Potential collaborations and chances for collaboration have already arisen as a result of the professional relationships made during the conference.</p> </div> <!-- Client --> <div class="testimonialClient"> <!-- Clients --> <div class="clients"> <div class="clientImg"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="clientText"> <span class="clientName">Dr. Michael Retsky</span> <p class="clinetDisCrip">Hon Associate Prof at University College London</p> </div> </div> <!-- Client feedback --> <div class="feedback"> <ul class="rattingList"> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> </ul> <div class="dates"> <span class="dateTime">26 Aug 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="singleTestimonial-global"> <div class="testiPera"> <p class="pera">In addition to expanding my knowledge, the conference inspired me to approach my work with fresh enthusiasm and insight. The management and professional development presentations were very motivating since they offered suggestions on how to enhance my professional development and strengthen my ties to the pathology field.</p> </div> <!-- Client --> <div class="testimonialClient"> <!-- Clients --> <div class="clients"> <div class="clientImg"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="clientText"> <span class="clientName">Dr. Gunel Gambarova</span> <p class="clinetDisCrip">Azerbaijan Medical Universitety</p> </div> </div> <!-- Client feedback --> <div class="feedback"> <ul class="rattingList"> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> </ul> <div class="dates"> <span class="dateTime">26 Aug 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="singleTestimonial-global"> <div class="testiPera"> <p class="pera">The opportunity to network with fellow nurses and Pathology and Digital Pathology professionals was invaluable. Engaging in discussions and sharing experiences with peers from diverse backgrounds enriched my understanding of different perspectives and approaches. The connections made at the conference have already led to collaborative opportunities and potential partnerships.</p> </div> <!-- Client --> <div class="testimonialClient"> <!-- Clients --> <div class="clients"> <div class="clientImg"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="clientText"> <span class="clientName">Mr. Piotr Krajewski</span> <p class="clinetDisCrip">Piotr Krajewski is a co-founder and CEO of the</p> </div> </div> <!-- Client feedback --> <div class="feedback"> <ul class="rattingList"> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> </ul> <div class="dates"> <span class="dateTime">26 Aug 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="singleTestimonial-global"> <div class="testiPera"> <p class="pera">Attending the EPUCG conference gave me valuable insight into the most recent advancements and difficulties facing our community. The Pathology Innovations workshops were really educational and included useful tactics that I cant wait to implement in my practice. Dr. was among the keynote speakers who delivered thought-provoking talks highlighting the significance of current concerns including patient-centered care, information development, and so forth.</p> </div> <!-- Client --> <div class="testimonialClient"> <!-- Clients --> <div class="clients"> <div class="clientImg"> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </div> <div class="clientText"> <span class="clientName">Dr. Lewis Hassell</span> <p class="clinetDisCrip">University of oklahoma</p> </div> </div> <!-- Client feedback --> <div class="feedback"> <ul class="rattingList"> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> <li class="listItems"><i class="las fa-star icon"></i></li> </ul> <div class="dates"> <span class="dateTime">26 Aug 2024</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ourBranding-global section-padding2"> <div class="container" data-padding-top="0" data-padding-bottom="0"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-xl-10 col-lg-10 col-md-10"> <div class="section-tittle text-center mb-40"> <h2 class="tittle wow ladeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.0s">Our Trusted Company and Sponsor </h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row "> <div class="col-xl-12"> <div class="brandWrapper global-slick-init slider-inner-margin" data-infinite="false" data-arrows="false" data-dots="false" data-slidesToShow="6" data-swipeToSlide="true" data-autoplay="true" data-autoplaySpeed="2500" data-responsive='[{"breakpoint": 1800,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 6}},{"breakpoint": 1600,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 6}},{"breakpoint": 1400,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 5}},{"breakpoint": 1200,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 4}},{"breakpoint": 992,"settings": {"slidesToShow": 4}},{"breakpoint": 768, "settings": {"slidesToShow": 2}},{"breakpoint": 480, "settings": {"slidesToShow": 1}}]'> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="client-single wow ladeInRight" data-wow-delay="0.2s"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal product-quick-view-bg-color" id="product_quick_view" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="productModal" aria-hidden="true"></div> <footer> <div class="footerWrapper sectionBg1 "> <div class="footer-area footer-padding" > <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-between"> <div class="col-xxl-3 col-xl-3 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-8"><div class=" footer_event-widget widget"> <div class="footer-widget widget mb-24"> <div class="footer-tittle"> <div class="footer-logo mb-40"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt=""data-animation=""data-delay=""/> </a> </div> <div class="footer-pera"> <p class="pera wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.1s"> <b>Utilitarian Conferences Gathering </b><div>Companies House – GOV.UK Reg. 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} }, erorr: function (err) { toastr.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { toastr.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); $(document).on('click', '.compare-btn', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let pid_id = null; let product_id = $(this).data("product_id"); let quantity = 1; let product_variant = null; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: null, selected_color: null, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); CustomLoader.end(); } }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred'); CustomLoader.end(); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.add-to-wishlist-btn', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let pid_id = null; let product_id = $(this).data("product_id"); let quantity = 1; let product_variant = null; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: null, selected_color: null, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); CustomLoader.end(); } }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred'); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.add-to-cart-btn', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let pid_id = null; let product_id = $(this).data("product_id"); let quantity = 1; let product_variant = null; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: null, selected_color: null, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); CustomLoader.end(); load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.add-to-buy-now-btn', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let pid_id = null; let product_id = $(this).data("product_id"); let quantity = 1; let product_variant = null; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: null, selected_color: null, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); CustomLoader.end(); load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } setTimeout(()=>{ location.href = ""; }, 1000) }, erorr: function (err) { //toastr.error('An error occurred') CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } }); }); function storeIntoSession(product_id) { let arrItem = []; if(sessionStorage.length === 0) { sessionStorage.setItem('products', product_id); } else { arrItem.push(sessionStorage.getItem('products')); arrItem.push(product_id); sessionStorage.setItem('products', arrItem); } return sessionStorage.getItem('products'); } }); $(document).on('click', '.social_share_parent', function (e){ $('.social_share_wrapper_item').toggleClass('show'); }); $('body').on('click', '.quick-view-size-lists li', function (event) { let el = $(this); let value ='displayValue'); let parentWrap = el.parent().parent(); el.addClass('active'); el.siblings().removeClass('active'); parentWrap.find('input[type=text]').val(value); parentWrap.find('input[type=hidden]').val('value')); // selected attributes selectedAttributeSearch(this); }); function selectedAttributeSearch(selected_item) { /* * search based on all selected attributes * * 1. get all selected attributes in {key:value} format * 2. search in attribute_store for all available matches * 3. display available matches (keep available matches selectable, and rest as disabled) * */ let available_variant_types = []; let selected_options = {}; $('.quick-view-size-lists li').addClass('disabled'); // get all selected attributes in {key:value} format (k, option) { let selected_option = $(option).find(''); let type = selected_option.closest('.quick-view-size-lists').data('type'); let value ='displayValue'); if (type) { available_variant_types.push(type); } if (type && value) { selected_options[type] = value; } }); quickViewSyncImage(get_quick_view_selected_options()); quickViewSyncPrice(get_quick_view_selected_options()); quickViewSyncStock(get_quick_view_selected_options()); // search in attribute_store for all available matches let available_variants_selection = []; let selected_attributes_by_type = {}; (arr) { let matched = true; Object.keys(selected_options).map(function (type) { if (arr[type] !== selected_options[type]) { matched = false; } }) if (matched) { available_variants_selection.push(arr); // insert as {key: [value, value...]} Object.keys(arr).map(function (type) { // not array available for the given key if (!selected_attributes_by_type[type]) { selected_attributes_by_type[type] = [] } // insert value if not inserted yet if (selected_attributes_by_type[type].indexOf(arr[type]) <= -1) { selected_attributes_by_type[type].push(arr[type]); } }) } window.quick_view_selected_variant = selected_attributes_by_type; }); // selected item not contain product then de-select all selected option hare if (Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).length == 0) { $('.quick-view-size-lists').each(function () { let sizeItem = $(this).parent().parent(); sizeItem.find('input[type=hidden]').val(''); sizeItem.find('input[type=text]').val(''); }); $('.quick-view-size-lists').removeClass("active"); $('.quick-view-size-lists li.disabled').removeClass("disabled"); let el = $(selected_item); let value ='displayValue'); let parentWrap = el.parent().parent(); el.addClass("active"); el.siblings().removeClass('active'); selectedAttributeSearch(); parentWrap.find('input[type=text]').val(value); parentWrap.find('input[type=hidden]').val('value')); } // keep only available matches selectable Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).map(function (type) { // initially, disable all buttons $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li').addClass('disabled'); // make buttons selectable for the available options selected_attributes_by_type[type].map(function (value) { let available_buttons = $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li[data-display-value="' + value + '"]'); (key, el) { $(el).removeClass('disabled'); }) }) }); // todo check is empty object // selected_attributes_by_type } function quickViewSyncImage(selected_options) { //todo fire when attribute changed let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_image_el = $('.quick-view-long-img img'); let img_original_src = product_image_el.parent().data('src'); // if selection has any image to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_image = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key].image; if (attribute_image) { product_image_el.attr('src', attribute_image); } } else { product_image_el.attr('src', img_original_src); } } function quickViewSyncPrice(selected_options) { let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_price_el = $('#quick-view-price'); let product_main_price = Number(String('mainPrice'))).toFixed(2); let site_currency_symbol ='currencySymbol'); // if selection has any additional price to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_price = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['additional_price']; if (attribute_price) { let price = Number(product_main_price) + Number(attribute_price); product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + Number(price).toFixed(2)); } } else { product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + product_main_price); } } function quickViewSyncStock(selected_options) { let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_stock_el = $('#quick_view_stock'); let product_item_left_el = $('#quick_view_item_left'); // if selection has any size and color to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let stock_count = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['stock_count']; let stock_message = ''; if (Number(stock_count) > 0) { stock_message = `<span class="text-success">In Stock</span>`; product_item_left_el.text(`Only! ${stock_count} Item Left!`); product_item_left_el.addClass('text-success'); product_item_left_el.removeClass('text-danger'); } else { stock_message = `<span class="text-danger">Our fo Stock</span>`; product_item_left_el.text(`No Item Left!`); product_item_left_el.addClass('text-danger'); product_item_left_el.removeClass('text-success'); } product_stock_el.html(stock_message); }else{ product_stock_el.html("stock-text")) product_item_left_el.html("stock-text")) } } function attributeSelected() { let total_options_count = $('.quick-view-size-lists').length; let selected_options_count = $('.quick-view-size-lists').length; return total_options_count === selected_options_count; } function addslashes(str) { return (str + '').replace(/[\\"']/g, '\\$&').replace(/\u0000/g, '\\0'); } function getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options) { return MD5(JSON.stringify(selected_options)); } function get_quick_view_selected_options() { let selected_options = {}; var quick_view_available_options = $('.quick-view-value-input-area'); // get all selected attributes in {key:value} format (k, option) { let selected_option = $(option).find(''); let type = selected_option.closest('.quick-view-size-lists').data('type'); let value ='displayValue'); if (type && value) { selected_options[type] = value; } }); let ordered_data = {}; let selected_options_keys = Object.keys(selected_options).sort(); (e) { ordered_data[e] = selected_options[e]; }); return ordered_data; } function getQuickViewAttributesForCart() { let selected_options = get_quick_view_selected_options(); let cart_selected_options = selected_options; let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); // if selected attribute set is available if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { return quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['pid_id']; } // if selected attribute set is not available if (Object.keys(selected_options).length) { toastr.error('Attribute not available') } return ''; } function quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes() { let selected_options = get_quick_view_selected_options(); let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); // validate if product has any attribute if (quick_view_attribute_store.length) { if (!Object.keys(selected_options).length) { return false; } if (!quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { return false; } return !!quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['pid_id']; } return true; } $(document).on('click', '.quick_view_add_to_cart', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let quick_view_has_campaign = '0'; let quick_view_campaign_expired = '0'; if(quick_view_has_campaign === 1){ if (quick_view_campaign_expired === 0){ toastr.error('The campaign is over, Sorry! you can not cart this product'); return false; } } let selected_size = $('#selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#selected_color').val(); let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = quick_view_product_id; let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; let productAttribute = quick_view_selected_variant; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { CustomLoader.end(); if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); $('.track-icon-list').hide(); $('.track-icon-list').fadeIn(); } }, erorr: function (err) { toastr.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { toastr.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); $(document).on('click', '.quick_view_add_to_wishlist', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let quick_view_has_campaign = '0'; let quick_view_campaign_expired = '0'; if(quick_view_has_campaign === 1){ if (quick_view_campaign_expired === 0){ toastr.error('The campaign is over, Sorry! you can not cart this product'); return false; } } let selected_size = $('#selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#selected_color').val(); let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = quick_view_product_id; let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; let productAttribute = quick_view_selected_variant; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { CustomLoader.end(); if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg) } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg) CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); $(document).on('click', '.quick_view_but_now', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let quick_view_has_campaign = '0'; let quick_view_campaign_expired = '0'; if(quick_view_has_campaign === 1){ if (quick_view_campaign_expired === 0){ toastr.error('The campaign is over, Sorry! you can not cart this product'); return false; } } let selected_size = $('#selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#selected_color').val(); let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = quick_view_product_id; let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; let productAttribute = quick_view_selected_variant; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, beforeSend: function () { CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data) { if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg); } else if(data.error_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.error_msg); CustomLoader.end(); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg); SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); } setTimeout(()=>{ location.href = ""; }, 2000) }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred'); } }); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Select all attribute to proceed'); } }); /* ======================================== Product Quantity JS ========================================*/ $(document).on('click', '.quick-view-plus', function () { var selectedInput = $(this).prev('.quick-view-quantity-input'); if (selectedInput.val()) { selectedInput[0].stepUp(1); } }); $(document).on('click', '.quick-view-substract', function () { var selectedInput = $(this).next('.quick-view-quantity-input'); if (selectedInput.val() > 1) { selectedInput[0].stepDown(1); } }); $(document).on('click', '.top_right_close_table_cart', function (e){ let el = $(this); let product_hash_id ='product_hash_id'); console.log(product_hash_id) $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', data: { 'product_hash_id': product_hash_id, }, beforeSend: function (){ CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data){ CustomLoader.end(); if (data.msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); if (data.empty_cart !== '') { $('.cart-main-wrapper').html(data.empty_cart).hide(); $('.cart-main-wrapper').fadeIn(); } $('.coupon-contents').parent().load(location.href + " .coupon-contents"); $('.track-icon-list').load(location.href + " .track-icon-list"); $('.custom--table.table-border.radius-10').parent().load(location.href + " .custom--table.table-border.radius-10"); $('.close-overlay').removeClass('show'); } }, error: function (data){ CustomSweetAlertTwo.error(data.msg) } }) }); $(document).on('click', '.top_right_close_table_wishlist', function (e){ let el = $(this); let product_hash_id ='product_hash_id'); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', data: { 'product_hash_id': product_hash_id, }, beforeSend: function (){ CustomLoader.start(); }, success: function (data){ if (data.msg) { SohanCustom.load_topbar_cart_nad_wishlist(); CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) CustomLoader.end(); if (data.empty_cart !== '') { $('.cart-main-wrapper').html(data.empty_cart).hide(); $('.cart-main-wrapper').fadeIn(); } $('.track-icon-list').load(location.href + " .track-icon-list"); $('.custom--table.table-border.radius-10').parent().load(location.href + " .custom--table.table-border.radius-10"); $('.close-overlay').removeClass('show'); } }, error: function (data){ CustomLoader.end(); } }) }); </script> <script> (function ($) { 'use strict' $("#product_quick_view .modal-content.p-5").niceScroll(); let site_currency_symbol = '£'; $('body').on('click', '.quick-view-size-lists li', function (event) { let el = $(this); let value = el.attr('data-display-value'); let parentWrap = el.parent().parent(); el.addClass('active'); el.siblings().removeClass('active'); // selected attributes selectedAttributeSearch(this); }); function selectedAttributeSearch(selected_item) { /* * search based on all selected attributes * * 1. get all selected attributes in {key:value} format * 2. search in attribute_store for all available matches * 3. display available matches (keep available matches selectable, and rest as disabled) * */ let available_variant_types = []; let selected_options = {}; // get all selected attributes in {key:value} format (k, option) { let selected_option = $(option).find(''); let type = selected_option.closest('.quick-view-size-lists').data('type'); let value ='displayValue'); if (type) { available_variant_types.push(type); } if (type && value) { selected_options[type] = value; } }); quickViewSyncImage(get_quick_view_selected_options()); quickViewSyncPrice(get_quick_view_selected_options()); // search in attribute_store for all available matches let available_variants_selection = []; let selected_attributes_by_type = {}; (arr) { let matched = true; Object.keys(selected_options).map(function (type) { if (arr[type] !== selected_options[type]) { matched = false; } }) if (matched) { available_variants_selection.push(arr); // insert as {key: [value, value...]} Object.keys(arr).map(function (type) { // not array available for the given key if (!selected_attributes_by_type[type]) { selected_attributes_by_type[type] = [] } // insert value if not inserted yet if (selected_attributes_by_type[type].indexOf(arr[type]) <= -1) { selected_attributes_by_type[type].push(arr[type]); } }) } }); // selected item not contain product then de-select all selected option hare if (Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).length == 0) { $('.quick-view-size-lists').each(function () { let sizeItem = $(this).parent().parent(); sizeItem.find('input[type=hidden]').val(''); sizeItem.find('input[type=text]').val(''); }); $('.quick-view-size-lists').removeClass("active"); $('.quick-view-size-lists li.disabled-option').removeClass("disabled-option"); let el = $(selected_item); let value ='displayValue'); el.addClass("active"); $(this).find('input[type=hidden]').val(value); $(this).find('input[type=text]').val('value')); selectedAttributeSearch(); } // keep only available matches selectable Object.keys(selected_attributes_by_type).map(function (type) { // initially, disable all buttons $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li').addClass('disabled-option'); // make buttons selectable for the available options selected_attributes_by_type[type].map(function (value) { let available_buttons = $('.quick-view-size-lists[data-type="' + type + '"] li[data-display-value="' + value + '"]'); (key, el) { $(el).removeClass('disabled-option'); }) }) }); // todo check is empty object // selected_attributes_by_type } function quickViewSyncImage(selected_options) { //todo fire when attribute changed let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_image_el = $('.quick-view-long-img img'); let img_original_src = product_image_el.parent().data('src'); // if selection has any image to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_image = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key].image; if (attribute_image) { product_image_el.attr('src', attribute_image); } } else { product_image_el.attr('src', img_original_src); } } function quickViewSyncPrice(selected_options) { let hashed_key = getQuickViewSelectionHash(selected_options); let product_price_el = $('#quick-view-price'); let product_main_price = Number(String('mainPrice'))).toFixed(2); let site_currency_symbol ='currencySymbol'); // if selection has any additional price to it if (quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]) { let attribute_price = quick_view_additional_info_store[hashed_key]['additional_price']; if (attribute_price) { let price = Number(product_main_price) + Number(attribute_price); product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + Number(price).toFixed(2)); } } else { product_price_el.text(site_currency_symbol + product_main_price); } } $('body').on('click', '.add_to_cart_single_page_quick_view',function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let selected_size = $('#quick_view_selected_size').val(); let selected_color = $('#quick_view_selected_color').val(); $("") let pid_id = getQuickViewAttributesForCart(); let product_id = $(this).data('id'); let quantity = Number($('#quick-view-quantity').val().trim()); let price = $('#quick-view-price').text().split(site_currency_symbol)[1]; let attributes = {}; let product_variant = pid_id; attributes['price'] = price; // if selected attribute is a valid product item if (quickViewValidateSelectedAttributes()) { $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, pid_id: pid_id, product_variant: product_variant, selected_size: selected_size, selected_color: selected_color, attributes: attributes, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, success: function (data) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg) } refreshShippingDropdown(); }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('An error occurred') } }); } else { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Select all attribute to proceed') } }); let productQuickViewModel = document.getElementById("product_quick_view"); let defaultQuickViewModel = document.getElementById("quick_view"); window.onclick = function (event){ if(productQuickViewModel =={ $("#product_quick_view").fadeOut(); setTimeout(function (){ $("#product_quick_view").empty(); },200); }else if(defaultQuickViewModel =={ $("#quick_view").fadeOut(); $("#quick_view").removeClass('show'); $(".modal-backdrop").fadeOut(); } $("html body").removeClass("stop-scroll") } $(document).on('click','.add_to_cart_ajax', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let product_id = $(this).data('id'); let quickViewQty = $("#quantity_single_quick_view_btn").val(); quickViewQty = quickViewQty != undefined ? quickViewQty.trim() : 1; let quantity = Number(quickViewQty); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: { product_id: product_id, quantity: quantity, product_attributes: null, _token: '5oMSdZ2wGTnkEJZTI3QlcdrryQPPRviN68sDfsLX' }, success: function (data) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.success(data.msg) if (data.quantity_msg) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.warning(data.quantity_msg) } refreshShippingDropdown(); }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Something went wrong') } }); }); // open modal with product quick view $(document).on("click",".product-quick-view-ajax",function (){ let action_route = $(this).data('action-route'); // let product_id = $(this).data('id'); // get_campaign_product_end_date_show_timer(product_id); let icon = $(this).find("i"); let oldIconClass = icon.attr("class"); icon.attr("class","las la-spinner icon la-spin"); $.ajax({ url: action_route, type: 'GET', success: function (data) { icon.attr("class",oldIconClass); $("#product_quick_view").html(data); $("#product_quick_view").fadeIn(); $("html body").addClass("stop-scroll") $('.global-timer').syotimer({ year: year, month: month, day: day, }); }, erorr: function (err) { CustomSweetAlertTwo.error('Something went wrong') } }); }); // close quick view details model and make empty $(document).on("click","#product_quick_view .quick-view-close-btn",function (){ $("#product_quick_view").fadeOut(); setTimeout(function (){ $("#product_quick_view").empty(); 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