Zenodo FAQ - Can you transfer a DOI registered via Zenodo to a different data repository?
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We automatically register a DOI in the 10.5281 DOI prefix when you publish a record on Zenodo (unless you provide an existing DOI). The management of the DOI can be transferred to another data repository. The new repository must be a member of DataCite, and the repository must agree to update the DOI metadata and landing page once they receive the DOI. </div><div><br></div><div>Note, once the DOI is transferred to the new repository, the record will be removed from Zenodo and it will not be possible to share the dataset on Zenodo again.</div><h2>How do request transfer of a DOI?</h2><div>Login to your Zenodo account which manages the record and open a new support request with the following required information:<b><br></b> </div><div><br></div><div><b>Required information:</b></div><div> <ul> <li>DOI (must start with 10.5281) you wish to transfer</li> <li>DataCite repository ID of new repository (Zenodo's repository ID is "CERN.ZENODO").</li> <li>Email address of a contact person at the new repository.</li> <li>Confirmation you have prior agreement from the new repository that they will accept the transfer.</li> </ul> <div>ATTENTION: </div> <div><ul> <li>The support request must be made by logging into the Zenodo account which owns the record otherwise it will be declined.</li> <li>You are responsible for moving the underlying data and metadata to the new repository.</li> </ul></div> </div><div><br></div><div><b>Process</b></div><div>Once we have received and validated the request we will request DataCite to move the DOI to the new repository. For further information see <a href="" title="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"></a>.</div><div><br></div> </div> <div class="article-meta"> Published <time datetime="2024-04-04T15:52:49Z" title="2024-04-04 17:52:49 +0200">04/04/2024 17:52</time> </div> </div> </article> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="footer-menu"> <div class="copyright"> © 2024 CERN. 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