Mapped: How climate change affects extreme weather around the world - Carbon Brief

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They calculated the specific contribution that human-caused climate change made to an individual extreme weather event.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-ecmgvg">The extreme event in question was the European heatwave in the summer of 2003. Week upon week of extreme heat had a devastating impact, killing more than 70,000 people across the continent.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1yxxodi">The scientists worked out that human influence had at least doubled the risk of such an extreme heatwave occurring. The findings <a href="" rel="nofollow">made</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow">headlines</a> around the world.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-zdk8gt">The study kick-started the scientific field of “extreme event attribution”.</p> <div class="stamp-container" data-svelte-h="svelte-1dnre8q"><img class="bg-stamp left" src="images/stamps/more_wildfire.webp" alt="stamp"> <img class="bg-stamp left-2" src="images/stamps/uncertain_storm.webp" alt="stamp"></div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-mrwh9g">Attribution studies calculate whether, and by how much, climate change affected the intensity, frequency or impact of extremes – from <a href="" rel="nofollow">wildfires in the US</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow">drought in South Africa</a> through to <a href="" rel="nofollow">record-breaking rainfall in Pakistan</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow">typhoons in Taiwan</a>.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-12fvakj">To keep track of this rapidly growing field of research, Carbon Brief has mapped every published study on how climate change has influenced extreme weather.</p> <div data-svelte-h="svelte-1ypxwyi"><div class="further-reading svelte-h0drco"><p class="further svelte-h0drco">Further reading:</p> <p><a href="">Q&amp;A: The evolving science of ‘extreme weather attribution’</a></p></div> <p>This latest iteration of the interactive map (below) includes more than 600 studies, covering almost 750 extreme weather events and trends.</p> <br> <p>Across all these cases, 74% were made more likely or severe because of climate change. This includes multiple cases where scientists found that an extreme was virtually impossible without human influence on global temperatures.</p></div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-7y2vmj">Around 9% of the events and trends in the map were made less likely or severe by climate change.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1awl55g">This means that, overall, 83% of the events and trends included in the map were found to have been influenced by human-caused climate change.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-anxdyt">In the remaining 17% of cases, the studies either found no human influence (10%) or they were inconclusive (7%), often due to insufficient data.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-90rf8n">First published in July 2017, this is the sixth – and most comprehensive – update to Carbon Brief’s map.</p> </section></section> <section style="max-width: none;" class="svelte-1oprvu3"><div class="map-container svelte-1nf5w3i"><h3 class="map-header svelte-1nf5w3i" data-svelte-h="svelte-1sp3qmn"><img class="prompt svelte-1nf5w3i" src="/attribution-studies/images/shared/mouse-windows.png" alt="mouse cursor indicsting interactive content">Studies of almost 750 events and trends reveal the impact of climate change on extreme weather.</h3> <p class="panel-text svelte-1nf5w3i" data-svelte-h="svelte-iss034">Explore the studies either via the map or by the panel of controls below.</p> <div class="graphic-container svelte-1nf5w3i"><div><div class="map-panel svelte-1nf5w3i"><p class="panel-section svelte-1nf5w3i" id="filters" data-svelte-h="svelte-19rjy0y">Switch</p> <div class="filter-panel svelte-1nf5w3i"><div class="switch-container svelte-17i43xo"><div class="svelte-17i43xo">Finding</div> <label class="switch svelte-17i43xo" for="undefined-undefined-switch"><input id="undefined-undefined-switch" type="checkbox" class="svelte-17i43xo"> <span class="slider round svelte-17i43xo"></span></label> <div class="svelte-17i43xo">Event type</div> </div></div></div></div> <div class="main-graphic svelte-1nf5w3i"><svg class="flow-map svelte-1k2viic" viewBox="0 0 800 420"><image href="/attribution-studies/images/basemap.webp" width="800" height="420"></image><g class="map" transform="translate(0, 0)"> <g class="cluster svelte-1k2viic"><g transform="translate(327.73899570398265,-69.04740654673955)"><text class="cluster-label outline svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="102.26100429601735" y="105.52943479579653">Europe</text><text class="cluster-label svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="102.26100429601735" y="105.52943479579653">Europe</text><circle cx="89.94071876359843" cy="146.0653948313328" r="28.25765229381472" stroke="#fff" fill="#dd3f33"></circle> <text text-anchor="middle" class="circle-label-outline" x="89.94071876359843" y="154.68165852274802" font-size="21.540659228538015">116</text> <text text-anchor="middle" class="circle-label svelte-14pb2fh" x="89.94071876359843" y="154.68165852274802" font-size="21.540659228538015">116</text><circle cx="131.9138914208145" 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r="12.30604284189448" stroke="#fff" fill="#dd3f33"></circle> <text text-anchor="middle" class="circle-label-outline" x="68.96056635262467" y="217.32829826024684" font-size="9.38083151964686">22</text> <text text-anchor="middle" class="circle-label svelte-14pb2fh" x="68.96056635262467" y="217.32829826024684" font-size="9.38083151964686">22</text><circle cx="90.79243932964211" cy="213.5759656523881" r="6.9415443427951065" stroke="#fff" fill="#ffb000"></circle> <circle cx="83.78797304232685" cy="224.8069738564805" r="3.710411523691168" stroke="#fff" fill="#cccccc"></circle> <circle cx="83.52093721741436" cy="203.84275968988405" r="2.623657149394735" stroke="#fff" fill="#5a96d1"></circle> </g></g> <g class="cluster svelte-1k2viic"><g transform="translate(266.68353489922697,-60.54764057287889)"><text class="cluster-label outline svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="53.31646510077303" y="94.377914872665">Arctic</text><text class="cluster-label svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="53.31646510077303" y="94.377914872665">Arctic</text><circle cx="46.15764646890915" cy="110.54764057287889" r="6.426621276022155" stroke="#fff" fill="#5a96d1"></circle> <circle cx="61.035229272959114" cy="110.54764057287889" r="5.866675735699949" stroke="#fff" fill="#dd3f33"></circle> </g></g> <g class="cluster svelte-1k2viic"><g transform="translate(210.1971869690302,-10.343672442333599)"><text class="cluster-label outline svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="219.8028130309698" y="146.3302109541285">N Africa &amp; W Asia</text><text class="cluster-label svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="219.8028130309698" y="146.3302109541285">N Africa &amp; W Asia</text><circle cx="214.80025861111469" cy="160.3436724423336" r="6.426621276022155" stroke="#fff" fill="#dd3f33"></circle> <circle cx="227.52157720315586" cy="160.3436724423336" r="3.710411523691168" stroke="#fff" fill="#cccccc"></circle> </g></g> <g class="cluster svelte-1k2viic"><g transform="translate(292.3361038923753,196.56910459296085)"><text class="cluster-label outline svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="57.66389610762468" y="173.22039804546145">Antarctica</text><text class="cluster-label svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="57.66389610762468" y="173.22039804546145">Antarctica</text><circle cx="52.661341687769585" cy="183.43089540703915" r="2.623657149394735" stroke="#fff" fill="#cccccc"></circle> <circle cx="61.57969615318334" cy="183.43089540703915" r="3.710411523691168" stroke="#fff" fill="#dd3f33"></circle> </g></g> <g class="cluster svelte-1k2viic"><g transform="translate(484.4167141130103,74.50010986844262)"><text class="cluster-label outline svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="235.5832858869897" y="122.66573562058495">Oceania</text><text class="cluster-label svelte-14pb2fh" text-anchor="middle" x="235.5832858869897" y="122.66573562058495">Oceania</text><circle cx="229.0438286920363" cy="135.49989013155738" r="3.710411523691168" stroke="#fff" fill="#cccccc"></circle> <circle cx="240.5858403068448" cy="135.49989013155738" r="5.24731429878947" stroke="#fff" fill="#dd3f33"></circle> </g></g></g></svg></div> <div><div class="lower-panel svelte-1nf5w3i"> <div class="lower-panel-container svelte-1nf5w3i"><!-- HTML_TAG_START --><p class="panel-text">How did climate change influence the weather event:</p><!-- HTML_TAG_END --> <div><div class="legend svelte-1rqyzq9"><table class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><tbody><tr class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="item svelte-1rqyzq9"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:11px; --border-radius:6px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or likely </div></td> <td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="count">547</div></td> </tr><tr class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="item svelte-1rqyzq9"><div style="--col:#ffb000; --size:11px; --border-radius:6px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> Had no influence </div></td> <td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="count">71</div></td> </tr><tr class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="item svelte-1rqyzq9"><div style="--col:#5a96d1; --size:11px; --border-radius:6px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> Less severe or likely </div></td> <td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="count">64</div></td> </tr><tr class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="item svelte-1rqyzq9"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:11px; --border-radius:6px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> Inconclusive </div></td> <td class="svelte-1rqyzq9"><div class="count">53</div></td> </tr></tbody></table> </div></div></div> <div class="filter-container svelte-1nf5w3i"><select name="country" id="country-dropdown" class="svelte-1wmcfrm"><option value="none" data-svelte-h="svelte-uidv5w">Choose a country...</option><option value="AFG">Afghanistan</option><option value="DZA">Algeria</option><option value="AGO">Angola</option><option value="ARG">Argentina</option><option value="AUS">Australia</option><option value="AUT">Austria</option><option value="BHS">Bahamas</option><option value="BGD">Bangladesh</option><option value="BEL">Belgium</option><option value="BLZ">Belize</option><option value="BIH">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option><option value="BWA">Botswana</option><option value="BRA">Brazil</option><option value="BGR">Bulgaria</option><option value="BFA">Burkina Faso</option><option value="CAN">Canada</option><option value="TCD">Chad</option><option value="CHL">Chile</option><option value="CHN">China</option><option value="COL">Colombia</option><option value="HRV">Croatia</option><option value="COD">Democratic Republic of Congo</option><option value="DNK">Denmark</option><option value="EGY">Egypt</option><option value="SLV">El Salvador</option><option value="ETH">Ethiopia</option><option value="FIN">Finland</option><option value="FRA">France</option><option value="GEO">Georgia</option><option value="DEU">Germany</option><option value="GRC">Greece</option><option value="GTM">Guatemala</option><option value="GIN">Guinea</option><option value="HND">Honduras</option><option value="IND">India</option><option value="IDN">Indonesia</option><option value="IRN">Iran</option><option value="IRQ">Iraq</option><option value="IRL">Ireland</option><option value="ITA">Italy</option><option value="JPN">Japan</option><option value="KEN">Kenya</option><option value="LAO">Laos</option><option value="LSO">Lesotho</option><option value="LBY">Libya</option><option value="MDG">Madagascar</option><option value="MWI">Malawi</option><option value="MLI">Mali</option><option value="MEX">Mexico</option><option value="MAR">Morocco</option><option value="MOZ">Mozambique</option><option value="NAM">Namibia</option><option value="NPL">Nepal</option><option value="NLD">Netherlands</option><option value="NZL">New Zealand</option><option value="NER">Niger</option><option value="NGA">Nigeria</option><option value="NOR">Norway</option><option value="OMN">Oman</option><option value="PAK">Pakistan</option><option value="PAN">Panama</option><option value="PER">Peru</option><option value="PHL">Philippines</option><option value="PRT">Portugal</option><option value="PRI">Puerto Rico</option><option value="ROU">Romania</option><option value="RUS">Russia</option><option value="RWA">Rwanda</option><option value="SEN">Senegal</option><option value="SRB">Serbia</option><option value="SGP">Singapore</option><option value="SOM">Somalia</option><option value="ZAF">South Africa</option><option value="KOR">South Korea</option><option value="ESP">Spain</option><option value="LKA">Sri Lanka</option><option value="SWE">Sweden</option><option value="CHE">Switzerland</option><option value="SYR">Syria</option><option value="TWN">Taiwan</option><option value="TZA">Tanzania</option><option value="THA">Thailand</option><option value="TUR">Turkey</option><option value="UGA">Uganda</option><option value="ARE">United Arab Emirates</option><option value="GBR">United Kingdom</option><option value="USA">United States of America</option><option value="URY">Uruguay</option><option value="VNM">Vietnam</option><option value="ZMB">Zambia</option><option value="ZWE">Zimbabwe</option></select> <div class="studies-button svelte-1nf5w3i" data-svelte-h="svelte-1eq557c"><a href="#the-studies" class="svelte-1nf5w3i">Explore all cases</a></div></div></div> <div class="panel-footer svelte-1nf5w3i"><p class="svelte-1nf5w3i">Last updated <time datetime="Mon Nov 18 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)">18 November 2024</time></p> <p class="get-data svelte-1nf5w3i"><a href="/attribution-studies/data/papers-download.csv" download>Get the data (.csv)</a></p></div></div></div> <div class="over svelte-1nf5w3i"></div> </div></section> <section class="stack article-section svelte-1llx3s2"><h2 id="extremes-across-the-world" data-svelte-h="svelte-1f5q0at">Extremes across the world</h2> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-ghsepc">In total, the map (above) contains 735 extremes from 612 studies. This is a combination of individual events, such as the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Australian bushfires of 2019-20</a>, and trends of how extremes are changing, such as a <a href="" rel="nofollow">2020 study</a> into marine heatwaves over the past four decades.</p> <div class="cluster papers svelte-19qe9df"><div class="paper-wrapper svelte-1m4jl2h"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Australian bushfires, 2019-20</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 395</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Wildfire</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"[W]e find that climate change has induced a higher weather-induced risk of such an extreme fire season. This trend is mainly driven by the increase of temperature extremes."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_wildfire.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2021)</a> van Oldenborgh, G. J. 2021: Attribution of the Australian bushfire risk to anthropogenic climate change, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci, DOI: 10.5194/nhess-21-941-2021</cite></div> </div> </div> <div class="paper-wrapper svelte-1m4jl2h"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Marine heatwaves, 1981-2017</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 339</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Oceans</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"We show that the occurrence probabilities of the duration, intensity, and cumulative intensity of most documented, large, and impactful MHWs have increased more than 20-fold as a result of anthropogenic climate change."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_oceans.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Science (2020)</a> Laufkötter, C. et al. 2020: High-impact marine heatwaves attributable to human-induced global warming, Science, DOI:10.1126/science.aba0690</cite></div> </div> </div> </div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-oe2h3z">Where a single study covers multiple events or locations, these have been separated out into individual entries on the map (where possible).</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-cfu9qd">Such is the sheer quantity of attribution studies, the new map displays them in regional summaries, rather than individual events or trends. (The regions follow those <a href="" rel="nofollow">used by the UN</a>, except the UN’s “Europe and Northern America” region has been divided into two.)</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-mos6o6">By default, the map displays the data by attribution result.</p> <div class="stamp-container" data-svelte-h="svelte-1yoppl3"><img class="bg-stamp right" src="images/stamps/nochange_rain.webp" alt="stamp"> <img class="bg-stamp right-2" src="images/stamps/less_cold.webp" alt="stamp"></div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-dj6cce">The circles in each region indicate how many events and trends have been made more (red) or less (blue) severe or likely by climate change.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-axna43">Yellow indicates extremes where no human influence was found, while grey shows studies that were inconclusive.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-3ckeun">To explore the data for a specific region, click the relevant circles on the map. This reveals a summary page and a link to explore all the studies related to that part of the world.</p> <div class="wrappy svelte-11cy567"><p class="svelte-11cy567" data-svelte-h="svelte-ne83dr">Across all cases, 74% were found to have been made more likely or severe because of climate change. More than a third of these are heat extremes, which are generally the most straightforward events to link to a warming world.</p> <div class="right-float svelte-11cy567"><div class="paper-wrapper svelte-1m4jl2h"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">High rainfall in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia, February 2018</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 297</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Rain &amp; flooding</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#5a96d1; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"This multi-method study of high precipitation over parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and parts of Zambia in February 2018 indicates decreased likelihood of such events due to climate change, but with substantial uncertainty based on the used observations and models."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/less_rain.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2019)</a> Fučkar, N. S. et al., 2019: On High Precipitation in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia in February 2018 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0162.1</cite></div> </div> </div></div> <p class="svelte-11cy567" data-svelte-h="svelte-79gtpm">Around 9% of the events and trends in the map were made less likely or severe by climate change. Unsurprisingly, this category is dominated by blizzards and cold extremes, but there are also cases where climate change has lessened the chances of other extremes – such as the <a href="">high rainfall event in February 2018 over south-east Africa</a>.</p> <p class="svelte-11cy567" data-svelte-h="svelte-1decn3u">The remaining cases are extremes where scientists either identified no human influence (10%) or where the findings were inconclusive (7%).</p> <p class="svelte-11cy567" data-svelte-h="svelte-rwff9j">(It should be noted that these figures are not representative of all extreme weather events as only a small fraction have been subject to an attribution study. In addition, some of the events included in the map have been the subject of more than one study.)</p> <p class="svelte-11cy567" data-svelte-h="svelte-1r6hagm">The map can also be viewed by event type, which groups the data into seven categories: heat (red), rain and flooding (navy blue), drought (yellow), storm (purple), cold, snow and ice (blue) and other (grey).</p> <p class="svelte-11cy567" data-svelte-h="svelte-aoam9y">To delve into the individual extremes, click “explore all cases” in the map legend or choose a specific country from the dropdown list. A searchable table is also included at the end of this article.</p></div> <div class="stamp-container" data-svelte-h="svelte-zalg65"><img class="bg-stamp left" src="images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt="stamp"> <img class="bg-stamp left-2" src="images/stamps/less_rain.webp" alt="stamp"></div> <div></div> <div class="container border svelte-15b74lk"><div class="margin svelte-15b74lk" style="background-image:url(&quot;/attribution-studies/images/US-wildfire-JK1FJN.webp&quot;); background-position-y:top; background-position-x:center; background-size:cover"><p class="profile-lead svelte-15b74lk">Profile 01</p></div> <div class="country-details svelte-15b74lk"><h2 class="country-name svelte-15b74lk">The United States</h2> <p class="svelte-15b74lk">There are more than 103 attribution studies focusing on events in The United States. 72 studies found that climate change increased the severity or likelihood of the event. <a href="/attribution-studies/USA">Explore the studies for The United States</a></p> <svg width="286" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="176" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="176" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="176" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="176" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="176" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="187" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="187" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="187" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="187" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="187" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="198" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="198" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="198" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="242" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="264" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="264" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="264" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="264" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="264" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="275" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="275" cy="11"></circle></g></svg> <div class="key svelte-f9rhm8"><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->72&nbsp;More&nbsp;severe&nbsp;or&nbsp;likely<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#5a96d1; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->13&nbsp;Less&nbsp;severe&nbsp;or&nbsp;likely<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#ffb000; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->11&nbsp;Had&nbsp;no&nbsp;influence<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->7&nbsp;Inconclusive<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span> </div> <div class="latest svelte-15b74lk"><p class="svelte-15b74lk"><a href="">Latest: Pacific north-west heatwave shows climate is heading into ‘uncharted territory’</a></p></div></div> </div> </section> <section class="stack article-section svelte-1llx3s2"><h2 id="evolving-methods" data-svelte-h="svelte-1poptfr">Evolving methods</h2> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1r7kx02">Following the first extreme event attribution study in 2004, the research field has rapidly gained momentum – with many more scientists and institutions carrying out studies and new methods being developed.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-11m92hn">And what started as a trickle of studies has turned into a flood. In the 10 years following that first scientific paper, around 50 more were published. In the 10 years after that, the number has risen tenfold by more than 500.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-s3lc9r">There are various ways of carrying out an attribution study, but scientists commonly use <a href="" rel="nofollow">climate models</a> to simulate an extreme event in the current climate and compare them with idealised model runs of that event in a world without human-caused warming. The difference between the two sets of simulations indicates how the likelihood or severity of that extreme event has changed.</p> <div class="stamp-container" data-svelte-h="svelte-1bot881"><img class="bg-stamp right" src="images/stamps/more_drought.webp" alt="stamp"> <img class="bg-stamp right-2" src="images/stamps/more_oceans.webp" alt="stamp"></div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-ebp3o3">The evolution of attribution methods over the past two decades is explored in detail in an accompanying <a href="" rel="nofollow">Carbon Brief article</a>.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1gc37rh">The chart below reveals that the most-studied extremes are related to heat (28%) and rainfall and flooding (24%), which together account for more than half of the events and trends in the map. The next-largest group is for drought (14%), followed by storms and cold, snow and ice (both 8%).</p> <div class="readable chart-border svelte-6qahz5"><h3 data-svelte-h="svelte-1xyy2st">Event types</h3> <div class="key svelte-f9rhm8"><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->547&nbsp;More&nbsp;severe&nbsp;or&nbsp;likely<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#5a96d1; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->64&nbsp;Less&nbsp;severe&nbsp;or&nbsp;likely<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#ffb000; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->71&nbsp;Had&nbsp;no&nbsp;influence<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->53&nbsp;Inconclusive<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span> </div> <div class="container" style="--grid-count:12; --narrow-count:6"><div class="bars svelte-1shfnyj"><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Heat (205)</span> <svg width="451" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="198" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="198" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="198" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="198" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="198" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="209" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="209" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="209" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="209" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="209" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="220" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="220" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="220" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="220" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="220" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="231" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="231" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="231" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="231" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="231" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="242" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="242" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="242" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="242" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="242" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="253" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="253" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="253" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="253" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="253" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="264" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="264" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="264" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="264" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="264" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="275" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="275" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="275" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="275" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="275" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="286" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="286" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="286" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="286" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="286" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="297" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="297" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="297" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="297" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="297" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="308" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="308" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="308" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="308" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="308" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="319" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="319" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="319" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="319" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="319" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="330" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="330" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="330" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="330" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="330" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="341" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="341" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="341" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="341" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="341" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="352" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="352" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="352" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="352" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="352" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="363" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="363" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="363" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="363" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="363" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="374" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="374" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="374" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="374" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="374" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="385" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="385" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="385" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="385" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="385" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="396" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="396" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="396" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="396" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="396" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="407" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="407" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="407" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="407" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="407" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="418" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="418" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="418" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="418" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="418" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="429" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="429" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="429" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="429" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="429" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="440" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="440" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="440" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="440" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="440" cy="44"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Rain &amp; flooding (178)</span> <svg width="396" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle 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cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="22"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Cold, snow &amp; ice (57)</span> <svg width="132" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="88" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="88" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="88" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Compound (33)</span> <svg width="77" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Impact (32)</span> <svg width="77" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Wildfire (31)</span> <svg width="77" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Oceans (24)</span> <svg width="55" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Atmosphere (7)</span> <svg width="22" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Sunshine (4)</span> <svg width="11" height="44"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">River flow (3)</span> <svg width="11" height="33"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle></g></svg> </div></div> </div> </div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-17pnftp">One of the most significant developments seen in attribution science is the advent of “rapid” studies.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1ubshs">In 2015, the <a href="" rel="nofollow">World Weather Attribution</a> (WWA) initiative was founded, which streamlined the attribution process in order to produce results within days of an extreme event occurring.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1h4lwj4">The team uses a standard, peer-reviewed <a href="" rel="nofollow">methodology</a> for their analysis, but does not routinely publish the results in formal journals – instead publishing them directly on the WWA website as soon as the analysis is complete.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1a3qzb7">This has allowed scientists to answer the question of how climate change contributed to an extreme event in the immediate aftermath, rather than months later.</p> <div class="wrappy svelte-1kvc7a9"><p class="svelte-1kvc7a9" data-svelte-h="svelte-1jvqojr">For example, on 30 July, heavy rainfall in Kerala, India, triggered massive landslides that killed hundreds of people. Within two weeks, WWA was able to show that human-caused climate change had made the <a href="">extreme rains 10% heavier</a>.</p> <div class="right-float svelte-1kvc7a9"><div class="paper-wrapper svelte-1m4jl2h"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heavy rainfall behind Kerala landslide, July 2024</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Rapid study. Case</strong> 582</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Rain &amp; flooding</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"The available climate models indicate a 10% increase in intensity."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_rain.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">World Weather Attribution (rapid study) (2024)</a> Zachariah, M. et al, 2024: Landslide-triggering rainfall made more intense by human-induced climate change, devastating highly vulnerable communities in northern Kerala, World Weather Attribution</cite></div> </div> </div></div> <p class="svelte-1kvc7a9" data-svelte-h="svelte-1kj5hk">The Carbon Brief map includes WWA studies as well as those from selected other groups, including the <a href="">Grantham Institute at Imperial College London</a> and the <a href="">UK Met Office</a>. (See methodology at the end of this article for more details.)</p> <p class="svelte-1kvc7a9" data-svelte-h="svelte-puoj5">Another recent advance is “impact attribution”, which quantifies the social, economic and/or ecological impacts arising from the influence of climate change on extreme weather.</p> <p class="svelte-1kvc7a9" data-svelte-h="svelte-1i62p6g">In this latest iteration of the map, Carbon Brief has created a specific category for all of these studies. These include, for example, <a href="">research</a> showing how climate change increased the risk of people being displaced by Tropical Cyclone Idai when it hit Mozambique in 2019, and a <a href="">study</a> showing that 370 deaths during Switzerland summer of 2022 &quot;could have been avoided in absence of human-induced climate change&quot;.</p></div> <div class="cluster papers svelte-19qe9df"><div class="paper-wrapper svelte-1m4jl2h"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Human displacements from Tropical Cyclone Idai, 2019</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 538</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Impact</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"Our main estimates indicate that climate change has increased displacement risk from this event by approximately 12,600-14,900 additional displaced persons."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_impact.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2023)</a> Mester B. et al., 2023: Human displacements from Tropical Cyclone Idai attributable to climate change, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-23-3467-2023</cite></div> </div> </div> <div class="paper-wrapper svelte-1m4jl2h"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Deaths during Switzerland summer heatwave, 2022</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 537</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Impact</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"We estimate 623 deaths due to heat between June and August 2022…we find that 60% of this burden could have been avoided in absence of human-induced climate change"</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_impact.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Environmental Research Letters (2023)</a> Vicedo-Cabrera. A. et al., 2023: The footprint of human-induced climate change on heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 in Switzerland, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ace0d0</cite></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="stack article-section svelte-1llx3s2"><h2 id="uneven-spread" data-svelte-h="svelte-1ph7k6f">Uneven spread</h2> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-qkt43n">Even a cursory look at the Carbon Brief map reveals the uneven spread of studied extremes across the world, with the vast majority in the global north.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-w5z8he">The cases included in the map are dominated by extremes in Europe (22%), eastern and south-east Asia (22%) and northern America (19%). In contrast, relatively few of the studied extremes are in central and southern Asia (5%), Oceania (1%) and northern Africa and western Asia (1%).</p> <div class="readable chart-border svelte-6qahz5"><h3 data-svelte-h="svelte-12xl04v">Region breakdown</h3> <div class="key svelte-f9rhm8"><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->205&nbsp;Heat<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#0b4572; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->178&nbsp;Rain&nbsp;&&nbsp;flooding<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#ffb000; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->103&nbsp;Drought<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#a56b8e; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->58&nbsp;Storm<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#5a96d1; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->57&nbsp;Cold,&nbsp;snow&nbsp;&&nbsp;ice<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->32&nbsp;Impact<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->32&nbsp;Compound<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#720800; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->31&nbsp;Wildfire<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->24&nbsp;Oceans<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->7&nbsp;Atmosphere<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->4&nbsp;Sunshine<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span><span class="key-item svelte-f9rhm8"><div style="--col:#cccccc; --size:8px; --border-radius:4px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> <!-- HTML_TAG_START -->3&nbsp;River&nbsp;flow<!-- HTML_TAG_END --> </span> </div> <div class="container" style="--grid-count:13; --narrow-count:7"><div class="bars svelte-1shfnyj"><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Europe (161)</span> <svg width="363" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" 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r="4" cx="198" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="198" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="198" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="209" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="209" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="209" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="209" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="209" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="220" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="220" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" 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cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="275" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="297" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="297" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="297" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="297" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="297" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="308" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="352" cy="0"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Eastern and south-eastern Asia (160)</span> <svg width="352" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle 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cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="77" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="88" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="88" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="88" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="121" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="121" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="121" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="132" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="132" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="132" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="132" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="132" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="143" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="143" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="143" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="143" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="143" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="154" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="154" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="154" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="154" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="154" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="165" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="165" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="165" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="165" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="165" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="176" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="176" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="176" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="176" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="176" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="187" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="187" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="187" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="187" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="187" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="198" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="198" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="198" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="198" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="198" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="209" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="209" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="209" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="209" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="209" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="220" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="231" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="231" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="231" 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cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="275" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="275" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="286" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="286" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="308" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="319" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="330" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="341" cy="44"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Northern America (137)</span> <svg width="308" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" 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cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle 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cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="275" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="275" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="286" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" cy="11"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Global (63)</span> <svg width="143" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle 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cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="121" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="132" 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cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle 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cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="77" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="88" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="88" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="88" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Central and southern Asia (36)</span> <svg width="88" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Latin America and the Caribbean (32)</span> <svg width="77" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#720800" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Northern hemisphere (15)</span> <svg width="33" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Arctic (11)</span> <svg width="33" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Northern Africa and western Asia (8)</span> <svg width="22" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#0b4572" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Oceania (6)</span> <svg width="22" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#a56b8e" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle></g></svg> </div><div class="bar svelte-1shfnyj"><span class="bar-title svelte-1shfnyj">Antarctica (3)</span> <svg width="11" height="33"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle></g></svg> </div></div> </div> </div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-15f2y82">There are a <a href="" rel="nofollow">number of reasons</a> for this, including a lack of weather data and monitoring of extremes in many developing countries. Another factor is that scientists and their institutions that conduct attribution research are often themselves based in global-north countries.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-15rbp8w">This imbalance is something that many attribution scientists <a href="" rel="nofollow">are trying to address</a>, putting a greater focus on extremes in countries that are often overlooked.</p> <div class="stamp-container" data-svelte-h="svelte-14y7676"><img class="bg-stamp left" src="images/stamps/uncertain_oceans.webp" alt="stamp"> <img class="bg-stamp left-2" src="images/stamps/uncertain_cold.webp" alt="stamp"></div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1ue6f4r">What is also noticeable in this latest iteration of the map is the large number of studies examining extremes in China, following record-breaking heatwaves, severe drought and deadly rainfall events in recent years.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1emcxlo">In total, 114 extremes and trends in China have been the subject of an attribution study – making up 16% of all the cases included in the map. More than 70% of them have been published in the past four years.</p> <p></p> <div class="container border svelte-15b74lk"><div class="margin svelte-15b74lk" style="background-image:url(&quot;/attribution-studies/images/china-flooding-JPY8TB.webp&quot;); background-position-y:top; background-position-x:center; background-size:cover"><p class="profile-lead svelte-15b74lk">Profile 02</p></div> <div class="country-details svelte-15b74lk"><h2 class="country-name svelte-15b74lk">China</h2> <p class="svelte-15b74lk">There are more than 114 attribution studies focusing on events in China. 88 studies found that climate change increased the severity or likelihood of the event. <a href="/attribution-studies/CHN">Explore the studies for China</a></p> <svg width="308" height="55"><g class="plot" transform="translate(5,5)"><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="0" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="11" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="22" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="33" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="44" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="55" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="66" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="77" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="88" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="99" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="110" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="121" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="132" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="143" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="154" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="165" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="176" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#dd3f33" r="4" cx="187" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="209" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="209" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="209" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="209" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="209" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="220" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="220" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="220" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="220" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="220" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="231" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="231" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="231" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="231" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="231" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="242" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="242" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="242" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="242" cy="33"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="242" cy="44"></circle><circle fill="#5a96d1" r="4" cx="253" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="275" cy="0"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="275" cy="11"></circle><circle fill="#ffb000" r="4" cx="275" cy="22"></circle><circle fill="#cccccc" r="4" cx="297" 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svelte-15b74lk"><p class="svelte-15b74lk"><a href=""></a></p></div></div> </div> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-3zzeq1">Use the searchable table below to see all extremes and trends for a specific country, and/or use the dropdown lists to select specific regions or types of extremes.</p> </section></article> <div class="card-container svelte-1oprvu3"><h2 id="the-studies" class="svelte-1oprvu3" data-svelte-h="svelte-1ogzbda">Explore the studies</h2> <div class="container svelte-9l0084"><div class="ui svelte-9l0084" style="padding:2em 3em"><p class="ui-text mobile svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-ognive">Filter by region and by event type</p> <span class="ui-text desktop svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-1k7ldju">Filter by</span> <span class="ui-text constrainer svelte-9l0084">Region</span> <select class="selector svelte-9l0084" name="cb-region" id="cb-region-constraint-select" data-property="cb-region"><optgroup label="Region"><option value="" default selected>All regions</option><option value="Antarctica">Antarctica</option><option value="Arctic">Arctic</option><option value="Australia and New Zealand">Australia and New Zealand</option><option value="Central and southern Asia">Central and southern Asia</option><option value="Eastern and south-eastern Asia">Eastern and south-eastern Asia</option><option value="Europe">Europe</option><option value="Global">Global</option><option value="Latin America and the Caribbean">Latin America and the Caribbean</option><option value="Northern America">Northern America</option><option value="Northern Hemisphere">Northern Hemisphere</option><option value="Northern Africa and western Asia">Northern Africa and western Asia</option><option value="Oceania">Oceania</option><option value="Sub-Saharan Africa">Sub-Saharan Africa</option></optgroup></select> <span class="separator svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-1fmfc4l">and </span><span class="ui-text constrainer svelte-9l0084">Event type</span> <select class="selector svelte-9l0084" name="Event type" id="Event type-constraint-select" data-property="Event type"><optgroup label="Event type"><option value="" default selected>All events</option><option value="Heat">Heat</option><option value="Rain &amp; flooding">Rain &amp; flooding</option><option value="Storm">Storm</option><option value="Drought">Drought</option><option value="Cold, snow &amp; ice">Cold, snow &amp; ice</option><option value="Wildfire">Wildfire</option><option value="Oceans">Oceans</option><option value="Impact">Impact</option><option value="Compound">Compound</option><option value="Atmosphere">Atmosphere</option><option value="Sunshine">Sunshine</option><option value="River flow">River flow</option></optgroup></select> <button class="reset svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-ttgojk">Reset</button> <br> <label for="search-field" class="ui-text svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-19w9zfz">Search cases</label> <input id="search-field" type="text" value="" class="svelte-9l0084"> <div>Showing 1 to 12 of 735 results</div> <button class="pagination svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-1d3edj3">« Prev</button> - <button class="pagination svelte-9l0084" data-svelte-h="svelte-1qos5vj">Next »</button></div> <div class="card-array svelte-9l0084" style="padding:2em"><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">European summer heatwave, 2003</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 000</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"We estimate it is very likely (confidence level >90%) that human influence has at least doubled the risk of a heatwave exceeding this threshold magnitude."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Nature (2004)</a> Stott, P. et al., 2004: Human contribution to the European heatwave of 2003. Nature, 432, 610-614</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Global temperature extremes, since 1950</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 001</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"Comparing these observations with climate model simulations in an optimal detection analysis shows a significant human influence on patterns of change in extremely warm nights."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Geophysical Research Letters (2005)</a> Christidis, N. et al., 2005: Detection of changes in temperature extremes during the second half of the 20th century, GRL, 32 (20), DOI:10.1029/2005GL023885</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Record warm autumn in Europe, 2006</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 002</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"Global warming has made a warm autumn like the one observed in 2006 much more likely by shifting the temperature distribution to higher values."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Climate of the Past (2007)</a> Van Oldenborgh, G-J. et al., 2007: How unusual was autumn 2006 in Europe? Climate of the Past, 3, 659-668</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Increasing frequency of 'very warm' northern hemisphere summers, 1860-2009</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 003</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"We detect the dominant influence of anthropogenic factors on observed warming in almost every region, which has led to a rapidly increasing risk of hot summers."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2007)</a> Jones, G. et al., 2007: Human contribution to rapidly increasing frequency of very warm Northern Hemisphere summers, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D02109, DOI:10.1029/2007JD008914</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Moscow summer heatwave, 2010</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 004</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"For July temperature in Moscow, we approximate 80% probability that the 2010 July heat record would not have occurred without climate warming."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2011)</a> Rahmstorf, S. &amp; Coumou, D. 2011: Increase of extreme events in a warming world. PNAS, 108 (44), 17905.</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Global warm nights, 1950-2003</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 005</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"A large part of the observed global-scale trend in TN90 results from the trend in mean temperature, which has been attributed largely to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increase. This suggests that the detected global‐scale trends in the number of warm nights are at least partly anthropogenic."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Geophysical Research Letters (2011)</a> Morak, S. et al., 2011: Detectable regional changes in the number of warm nights. GRL, 38 (17)</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Global 'extremely warm' daytime temperatures, 1950-99</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 006</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"Anthropogenic forcings alter the regional distributions, indicating that extremely warm days have become hotter."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Journal of Climate (2011)</a> Christidis, N. et al., 2011: The Role of Human Activity in the Recent Warming of Extremely Warm Daytime Temperatures. J. Climate, DOI:10.1175/2011JCLI4150.1</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Africa 'anomalously warm' seasonal temperatures, 1961-2008</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 007</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"In the June-August and September-November seasons, many of the sub‐continental regions of Africa and Asia show robust attributable increase in the frequencies of anomalously warm seasonal temperatures."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Atmospheric Science Letters (2011)</a> Stott, P. et al., 2011: Single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence. Atmos. Sci. Lett, 12 (2), 220-227, DOI:10.1002/asl.315</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Asia 'anomalously warm' seasonal temperatures, 1961-2008</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 007</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"In the June-August and September-November seasons, many of the sub‐continental regions of Africa and Asia show robust attributable increase in the frequencies of anomalously warm seasonal temperatures."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Atmospheric Science Letters (2011)</a> Stott, P. et al., 2011: Single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence. Atmos. Sci. Lett, 12 (2), 220-227, DOI:10.1002/asl.315</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Global daily temperature extremes, 1961-2000</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 008</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"Therefore, it is concluded that the influence of anthropogenic forcing has had a detectable influence on extreme temperatures that have impacts on human society and natural systems at global and regional scales."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Journal of Climate (2011)</a> Zwiers, F. et al., 2011: Anthropogenic Influence on Long Return Period Daily Temperature Extremes at Regional Scales, J. Climate, 10.1175/2010JCLI3908.1</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Russia summer heatwave, 2010</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 009</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Heat</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#ffb000; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> No discernible human influence</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"Analysis of forced model simulations indicates that neither human influences nor other slowly evolving ocean boundary conditions contributed substantially to the magnitude of this heat wave."</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/nochange_heat.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Geophysical Research Letters (2011)</a> Dole, R. et al., 2011: Was there a basis for anticipating the 2010 Russian heat wave? Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L06702</cite></div> </div><div class="container svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="header-row"><h3 class="svelte-lfc1sd">Hurricanes Ivan &amp; Katrina, 2004-05</h3></div> <div class="study svelte-lfc1sd"><strong>Case</strong> 010</div> <div class="content-pane svelte-lfc1sd"><div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-y43r8u">Event type</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">Rain &amp; flooding</p></div> <div class="fact svelte-lfc1sd"><h4 class="svelte-lfc1sd" data-svelte-h="svelte-1cjzb1">Finding</h4> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd"><div style="--col:#dd3f33; --size:10px; --border-radius:5px" class="svelte-a6traz"></div> More severe or more likely to occur</p></div> <p class="svelte-lfc1sd">"The environmental changes related to human influences on climate since 1970 have increased SSTs and water vapor, and the results suggest how this may have altered hurricanes and increased associated storm rainfalls, with the latter quantified to date to be of order 6 to 8%"</p> <div class="stamp svelte-lfc1sd"><img src="/attribution-studies/images/stamps/more_rain.webp" alt=""></div></div> <div class="metadata svelte-lfc1sd"><cite class="cite"><a class="paper-link" href="">Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2007)</a> Trenberth, K. et al., 2007: Water and energy budgets of hurricanes: Case studies of Ivan and Katrina. JGR Atmosphere, 112 (D3)</cite></div> </div></div> </div></div> <article><section class="stack article-section svelte-1llx3s2"><h2 id="methodology" data-svelte-h="svelte-1mjb784">Methodology</h2> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1semkb8">Carbon Brief draws on a number of sources to identify attribution studies for this map.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-87ws74">A broad search on the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Scopus</a> database of scientific papers produced a large dataset of potentially relevant studies. A first assessment of these search results to identify attribution papers focusing on extremes was carried out using an AI tool. The shortlisted papers were then evaluated manually to create a final list.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1f1g0d1">Studies are also identified through Carbon Brief’s contacts, reporting and monitoring of new research.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-16rskzb">The final list was cross-referenced with other databases to identify any gaps. These included <a href="" rel="nofollow">Climate Signals</a>, the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Health Attribution Library</a> and the <a href="" rel="nofollow">database</a> maintained by the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Sabin Center for Climate Change Law</a>.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-leihjz">Rapid studies have been included from the <a href="" rel="nofollow">World Weather Attribution</a>, the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Grantham Institute at Imperial College London</a> and the <a href="" rel="nofollow">UK Met Office</a>.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-15kabn5">There has been a recent proliferation of groups undertaking rapid attribution analysis. To keep the map manageable, it is limited to dedicated studies rather than rolling or brief assessments, such as those produced by <a href="" rel="nofollow">ClimaMeter</a>, the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Canadian government</a> and Climate Central’s <a href="" rel="nofollow">Climate Shift Index</a>.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1cpr0wb">Using the complete list of papers, the database that underlies the Carbon Brief map was populated manually. Where a single study covers multiple events or locations, these have been separated out into individual entries (where possible).</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-1sk4oht">It should also be noted that the map only includes attribution studies related to extremes. While attribution research has also identified the human influence in other indicators of climate change, such as <a href="" rel="nofollow">increasing average temperature</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow">sea level rise</a>, these types of studies have not been included.</p> <p data-svelte-h="svelte-m9yff3">The map also currently only includes studies published in English.</p> </section> <section class="stack article-section svelte-1llx3s2"><div class="section" data-svelte-h="svelte-sckmm"><hr> <div class="end-note"><p><em>Carbon Brief’s original attribution map, <a href="" rel="nofollow">published in July 2017</a>, was created by Roz Pidcock and Rosamund Pearce. It was subsequently revised and updated on four occasions by Robert McSweeney, Tom Prater and Joe Goodman. These updates were published in <a href="" rel="nofollow">March 2019</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow">April 2020</a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow">February 2021</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow">August 2022</a>, which are still available at the archived links included here.</em></p> <br> <p><em>Please note: The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Carbon Brief concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.</em></p> <br> <p><em>Update 21/11/2024: The underlying database has been amended to correct the event types of a few cases and also remove several duplicated entries.</em></p></div> <img class="stamps" src="images/stamps/page/row.webp" alt="row of stamps"> <style>.section{ background-color: antiquewhite; padding-top: 3em } hr{ border-top:2px solid #333333; width:100%; max-width: var(--readable-max-width); margin:auto; margin-block-end:2em; } img.stamps{ width: 40%; margin: 5em auto 6em auto; mix-blend-mode: darken; } @media (max-width:780px){ .section{ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; padding-left: 1.5em; padding-right: 1.5em; width: 100vw } img.stamps{ width:75%; } } .section</style></div> </section> </article> <footer class="stack svelte-ou3lyy"><div class="center"><div class="box top full-width svelte-ou3lyy" data-svelte-h="svelte-1kj3m03"><a href="#top" class="up-arrow svelte-ou3lyy"><span class="screenreader-only">Back to the top</span></a></div> <nav class="box svelte-ou3lyy"><div class="stack"><div class="logo svelte-1dt7enu monochrome light" data-svelte-h="svelte-gd2c23"><a href="" class="logo-link svelte-1dt7enu"><span class="screenreader-only">Carbon Brief</span></a> </div> <p class="credit svelte-ou3lyy" data-svelte-h="svelte-1u4taty">Published under a <a target="_blank" href="" class="svelte-ou3lyy">CC license</a>. You are welcome to reproduce unadapted material in full for non-commercial use, credited ‘Carbon Brief’ with a link to the article. 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Nature, 432, 610-614","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"0","row-number":"0",Location:"Continental Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" european summer heatwave, 2003 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate it is very likely (confidence level >90%) that human influence has at least doubled the risk of a heatwave exceeding this threshold magnitude.\" 2004 stott, p. et al., 2004: human contribution to the european heatwave of 2003. nature, 432, 610-614"},{Name:"Global temperature extremes, since 1950","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Comparing these observations with climate model simulations in an optimal detection analysis shows a significant human influence on patterns of change in extremely warm nights.\"","Publication year":"2005",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2005: Detection of changes in temperature extremes during the second half of the 20th century, GRL, 32 (20), DOI:10.1029/2005GL023885","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"1","row-number":"1",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global temperature extremes, since 1950 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"comparing these observations with climate model simulations in an optimal detection analysis shows a significant human influence on patterns of change in extremely warm nights.\" 2005 christidis, n. et al., 2005: detection of changes in temperature extremes during the second half of the 20th century, grl, 32 (20), doi:10.1029/2005gl023885"},{Name:"Record warm autumn in Europe, 2006","Event year/Trend":"2006","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Global warming has made a warm autumn like the one observed in 2006 much more likely by shifting the temperature distribution to higher values.\"","Publication year":"2007",Citation:"Van Oldenborgh, G-J. et al., 2007: How unusual was autumn 2006 in Europe? Climate of the Past, 3, 659-668","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate of the Past","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"2","row-number":"2",Location:"North side of the Alps to southern Norway","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record warm autumn in europe, 2006 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"global warming has made a warm autumn like the one observed in 2006 much more likely by shifting the temperature distribution to higher values.\" 2007 van oldenborgh, g-j. et al., 2007: how unusual was autumn 2006 in europe? climate of the past, 3, 659-668"},{Name:"Increasing frequency of 'very warm' northern hemisphere summers, 1860-2009","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We detect the dominant influence of anthropogenic factors on observed warming in almost every region, which has led to a rapidly increasing risk of hot summers.\"","Publication year":"2007",Citation:"Jones, G. et al., 2007: Human contribution to rapidly increasing frequency of very warm Northern Hemisphere summers, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D02109, DOI:10.1029/2007JD008914","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"3","row-number":"3",Location:"Northern Hemisphere","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern Hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" increasing frequency of 'very warm' northern hemisphere summers, 1860-2009 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we detect the dominant influence of anthropogenic factors on observed warming in almost every region, which has led to a rapidly increasing risk of hot summers.\" 2007 jones, g. et al., 2007: human contribution to rapidly increasing frequency of very warm northern hemisphere summers, j. geophys. res., 113, d02109, doi:10.1029/2007jd008914"},{Name:"Moscow summer heatwave, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"For July temperature in Moscow, we approximate 80% probability that the 2010 July heat record would not have occurred without climate warming.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Rahmstorf, S. & Coumou, D. 2011: Increase of extreme events in a warming world. PNAS, 108 (44), 17905.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"4","row-number":"4",Location:"Moscow","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" moscow summer heatwave, 2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"for july temperature in moscow, we approximate 80% probability that the 2010 july heat record would not have occurred without climate warming.\" rus 2011 rahmstorf, s. & coumou, d. 2011: increase of extreme events in a warming world. pnas, 108 (44), 17905."},{Name:"Global warm nights, 1950-2003","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A large part of the observed global-scale trend in TN90 results from the trend in mean temperature, which has been attributed largely to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increase. This suggests that the detected global‐scale trends in the number of warm nights are at least partly anthropogenic.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Morak, S. et al., 2011: Detectable regional changes in the number of warm nights. GRL, 38 (17)","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"5","row-number":"5",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global warm nights, 1950-2003 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a large part of the observed global-scale trend in tn90 results from the trend in mean temperature, which has been attributed largely to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increase. this suggests that the detected global‐scale trends in the number of warm nights are at least partly anthropogenic.\" 2011 morak, s. et al., 2011: detectable regional changes in the number of warm nights. grl, 38 (17)"},{Name:"Global 'extremely warm' daytime temperatures, 1950-99","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcings alter the regional distributions, indicating that extremely warm days have become hotter.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2011: The Role of Human Activity in the Recent Warming of Extremely Warm Daytime Temperatures. J. Climate, DOI:10.1175/2011JCLI4150.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"6","row-number":"6",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global 'extremely warm' daytime temperatures, 1950-99 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcings alter the regional distributions, indicating that extremely warm days have become hotter.\" 2011 christidis, n. et al., 2011: the role of human activity in the recent warming of extremely warm daytime temperatures. j. climate, doi:10.1175/2011jcli4150.1"},{Name:"Africa 'anomalously warm' seasonal temperatures, 1961-2008","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In the June-August and September-November seasons, many of the sub‐continental regions of Africa and Asia show robust attributable increase in the frequencies of anomalously warm seasonal temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Stott, P. et al., 2011: Single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence. Atmos. Sci. Lett, 12 (2), 220-227, DOI:10.1002/asl.315","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"7","row-number":"7",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" africa 'anomalously warm' seasonal temperatures, 1961-2008 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in the june-august and september-november seasons, many of the sub‐continental regions of africa and asia show robust attributable increase in the frequencies of anomalously warm seasonal temperatures.\" 2011 stott, p. et al., 2011: single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence. atmos. sci. lett, 12 (2), 220-227, doi:10.1002/asl.315"},{Name:"Asia 'anomalously warm' seasonal temperatures, 1961-2008","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In the June-August and September-November seasons, many of the sub‐continental regions of Africa and Asia show robust attributable increase in the frequencies of anomalously warm seasonal temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Stott, P. et al., 2011: Single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence. Atmos. Sci. Lett, 12 (2), 220-227, DOI:10.1002/asl.315","Unique paper":"",Source:"Atmospheric Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"7","row-number":"8",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" asia 'anomalously warm' seasonal temperatures, 1961-2008 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in the june-august and september-november seasons, many of the sub‐continental regions of africa and asia show robust attributable increase in the frequencies of anomalously warm seasonal temperatures.\" 2011 stott, p. et al., 2011: single-step attribution of increasing frequencies of very warm regional temperatures to human influence. atmos. sci. lett, 12 (2), 220-227, doi:10.1002/asl.315"},{Name:"Global daily temperature extremes, 1961-2000","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Therefore, it is concluded that the influence of anthropogenic forcing has had a detectable influence on extreme temperatures that have impacts on human society and natural systems at global and regional scales.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Zwiers, F. et al., 2011: Anthropogenic Influence on Long Return Period Daily Temperature Extremes at Regional Scales, J. Climate, 10.1175/2010JCLI3908.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"8","row-number":"9",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global daily temperature extremes, 1961-2000 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"therefore, it is concluded that the influence of anthropogenic forcing has had a detectable influence on extreme temperatures that have impacts on human society and natural systems at global and regional scales.\" 2011 zwiers, f. et al., 2011: anthropogenic influence on long return period daily temperature extremes at regional scales, j. climate, 10.1175/2010jcli3908.1"},{Name:"Russia summer heatwave, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Analysis of forced model simulations indicates that neither human influences nor other slowly evolving ocean boundary conditions contributed substantially to the magnitude of this heat wave.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Dole, R. et al., 2011: Was there a basis for anticipating the 2010 Russian heat wave? Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L06702","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"9","row-number":"10",Location:"Russia","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" russia summer heatwave, 2010 heat no discernible human influence \"analysis of forced model simulations indicates that neither human influences nor other slowly evolving ocean boundary conditions contributed substantially to the magnitude of this heat wave.\" rus 2011 dole, r. et al., 2011: was there a basis for anticipating the 2010 russian heat wave? geophysical research letters, 38, l06702"},{Name:"Hurricanes Ivan & Katrina, 2004-05","Event year/Trend":"2004-05","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The environmental changes related to human influences on climate since 1970 have increased SSTs and water vapor, and the results suggest how this may have altered hurricanes and increased associated storm rainfalls, with the latter quantified to date to be of order 6 to 8%\"","Publication year":"2007",Citation:"Trenberth, K. et al., 2007: Water and energy budgets of hurricanes: Case studies of Ivan and Katrina. JGR Atmosphere, 112 (D3)","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"10","row-number":"11",Location:"Hurricane Katrina & Ivan","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" hurricanes ivan & katrina, 2004-05 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the environmental changes related to human influences on climate since 1970 have increased ssts and water vapor, and the results suggest how this may have altered hurricanes and increased associated storm rainfalls, with the latter quantified to date to be of order 6 to 8%\" usa 2007 trenberth, k. et al., 2007: water and energy budgets of hurricanes: case studies of ivan and katrina. jgr atmosphere, 112 (d3)"},{Name:"England autumn-winter floods, 2000","Event year/Trend":"2000","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"For all but one catchment, emissions are likely to have led to an increased chance of flooding in the October–December period.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Kay, A.L. et al., 2011: Attribution of Autumn/Winter 2000 flood risk in England to anthropogenic climate change: A catchment-based study. Journal of Hydrology, 406 (1-2), 97-112","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"11","row-number":"12",Location:"England","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" england autumn-winter floods, 2000 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"for all but one catchment, emissions are likely to have led to an increased chance of flooding in the october–december period.\" gbr 2011 kay, a.l. et al., 2011: attribution of autumn/winter 2000 flood risk in england to anthropogenic climate change: a catchment-based study. journal of hydrology, 406 (1-2), 97-112"},{Name:"England & Wales autumn floods, 2000","Event year/Trend":"2000","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In nine out of 10 cases, our model results indicate that twentieth-century anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions increased the risk of floods occurring in England and Wales in autumn 2000 by more than 20%, and in two out of three cases by more than 90%\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Pall, P. et al., 2011: Anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to flood risk in England and Wales in autumn 2000. Nature, 470, 382-385","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"12","row-number":"13",Location:"England & Wales","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" england & wales autumn floods, 2000 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"in nine out of 10 cases, our model results indicate that twentieth-century anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions increased the risk of floods occurring in england and wales in autumn 2000 by more than 20%, and in two out of three cases by more than 90%\" gbr 2011 pall, p. et al., 2011: anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to flood risk in england and wales in autumn 2000. nature, 470, 382-385"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere daily rainfall extremes, 1951–2003","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Here we show that human-induced increases in greenhouse gases have contributed to the observed intensification of heavy precipitation events found over approximately two-thirds of data-covered parts of Northern Hemisphere land areas.\"","Publication year":"2011",Citation:"Min, S-K. et al., 2011: Human contribution to more-intense precipitation extremes. Nature, 470, pages 378–381","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"13","row-number":"14",Location:"Northern Hemisphere","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern Hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northern hemisphere daily rainfall extremes, 1951–2003 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"here we show that human-induced increases in greenhouse gases have contributed to the observed intensification of heavy precipitation events found over approximately two-thirds of data-covered parts of northern hemisphere land areas.\" 2011 min, s-k. et al., 2011: human contribution to more-intense precipitation extremes. nature, 470, pages 378–381"},{Name:"Atlantic tropical cyclone activity, 1870-2004","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This article presents results indicating that anthropogenic factors are likely responsible for long‐term trends in tropical Atlantic warmth and tropical cyclone activity.\" ","Publication year":"2006",Citation:"Mann, M. E. & Emanuel, K. A. 2006: Atlantic hurricane trends linked to climate change, EOS Transactions, 87(24): 233-244, doi:10.1029/2006EO240001","Unique paper":"1",Source:"EOS Transactions","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"14","row-number":"15",Location:"Northern Hemisphere","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern Hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" atlantic tropical cyclone activity, 1870-2004 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"this article presents results indicating that anthropogenic factors are likely responsible for long‐term trends in tropical atlantic warmth and tropical cyclone activity.\" 2006 mann, m. e. & emanuel, k. a. 2006: atlantic hurricane trends linked to climate change, eos transactions, 87(24): 233-244, doi:10.1029/2006eo240001"},{Name:"Russia summer heatwave, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Here we use the results from a large ensemble simulation experiment with an atmospheric general circulation model to show that…the same event can be both mostly internally‐generated in terms of magnitude and mostly externally‐driven in terms of occurrence‐probability.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Otto, F. et al., 2012: Reconciling two approaches to attribution of the 2010 Russian heat wave. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L04702","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"15","row-number":"16",Location:"Russia","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" russia summer heatwave, 2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"here we use the results from a large ensemble simulation experiment with an atmospheric general circulation model to show that…the same event can be both mostly internally‐generated in terms of magnitude and mostly externally‐driven in terms of occurrence‐probability.\" rus 2012 otto, f. et al., 2012: reconciling two approaches to attribution of the 2010 russian heat wave. geophysical research letters, 39, l04702"},{Name:"England warm November, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The warm November of 2011…corresponds to a return period of 20 years in the 2000s, but a return period of 1250 years in the 1960s, an approximately 62 times increase in occurrence.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Massey, N. et al., 2012: Have the odds of warm November temperatures and of cold December temperatures in central England changed? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), 1057-1060","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"16","row-number":"17",Location:"Central England","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" england warm november, 2011 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the warm november of 2011…corresponds to a return period of 20 years in the 2000s, but a return period of 1250 years in the 1960s, an approximately 62 times increase in occurrence.\" gbr 2012 massey, n. et al., 2012: have the odds of warm november temperatures and of cold december temperatures in central england changed? [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), 1057-1060"},{Name:"Remarkable' European temperatures, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"High interannual correlations between observed and analog temperatures confirm that the North Atlantic dynamics remains the main driver of European temperature variability, especially in wintertime.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Cattiaux, J. et al., 2012: Contribution of atmospheric circulation to remarkable European temperatures of 2011 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93 (7), 1054-1057.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"17","row-number":"18",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" remarkable' european temperatures, 2011 heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"high interannual correlations between observed and analog temperatures confirm that the north atlantic dynamics remains the main driver of european temperature variability, especially in wintertime.\" 2012 cattiaux, j. et al., 2012: contribution of atmospheric circulation to remarkable european temperatures of 2011 [in “explaining extreme events of 2011 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 93 (7), 1054-1057."},{Name:"East Africa drought, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"It is interesting to note that while SST-driven simulations of the 2011 March–May (MAM) season clearly show the important role played by the warm western Pacific (Lyon and DeWitt 2012), and while the new CMIP5 SSTs exhibit substantial warming during the 1990s and 2000s, these increasing SSTs do not appear to produce corresponding large changes in evaporation or rainfall over eastern Africa.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Funk, C. et al., 2012: Exceptional warming in the western Pacific–indian ocean warm pool has contributed to more frequent droughts in eastern Africa [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93 (7), 1049-1051.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"18","row-number":"19",Location:"East Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" east africa drought, 2011 drought no discernible human influence \"it is interesting to note that while sst-driven simulations of the 2011 march–may (mam) season clearly show the important role played by the warm western pacific (lyon and dewitt 2012), and while the new cmip5 ssts exhibit substantial warming during the 1990s and 2000s, these increasing ssts do not appear to produce corresponding large changes in evaporation or rainfall over eastern africa.\" 2012 funk, c. et al., 2012: exceptional warming in the western pacific–indian ocean warm pool has contributed to more frequent droughts in eastern africa [in “explaining extreme events of 2011 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 93 (7), 1049-1051."},{Name:"Texas drought, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"While we can provide evidence that the risk of hot and dry conditions has increased, we cannot say that the 2011 Texas drought and heat wave was \"extremely unlikely\" (in any absolute sense) to have occurred before this recent warming.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Rupp, D. et al., 2012: Did human influence on climate make the 2011 Texas drought more probable? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93 (7), 1052-1054.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"19","row-number":"20",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" texas drought, 2011 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"while we can provide evidence that the risk of hot and dry conditions has increased, we cannot say that the 2011 texas drought and heat wave was \"extremely unlikely\" (in any absolute sense) to have occurred before this recent warming.\" usa 2012 rupp, d. et al., 2012: did human influence on climate make the 2011 texas drought more probable? [in “explaining extreme events of 2011 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 93 (7), 1052-1054."},{Name:"Thailand floods, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"THA","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Neither in the precipitation observations nor in climate models is there a trend in mean or variability up to now, so climate change cannot be shown to have played any role in this event.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al., 2012: The absence of a role of climate change in the 2011 Thailand floods [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2011 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93 (7), 1060-1062.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"20","row-number":"21",Location:"Thailand","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" thailand floods, 2011 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"neither in the precipitation observations nor in climate models is there a trend in mean or variability up to now, so climate change cannot be shown to have played any role in this event.\" tha 2012 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al., 2012: the absence of a role of climate change in the 2011 thailand floods [in “explaining extreme events of 2011 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 93 (7), 1060-1062."},{Name:"US flooding, 1882-2008","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"In none of the four regions defined in this study [where the contiguoug US is divided into four] is there strong statistical evidence for flood magnitudes increasing with increasing GMCO2 [global mean CO2 concentration].\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Hirsch, R. M. & Ryberg, K. R. 2012: Has the magnitude of floods across the USA changed with global CO2 levels?, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57:1-9, doi:10.1080/02626667.2011.621895","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Hydrological Sciences Journal","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"21","row-number":"22",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" us flooding, 1882-2008 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"in none of the four regions defined in this study [where the contiguoug us is divided into four] is there strong statistical evidence for flood magnitudes increasing with increasing gmco2 [global mean co2 concentration].\" usa 2012 hirsch, r. m. & ryberg, k. r. 2012: has the magnitude of floods across the usa changed with global co2 levels?, hydrological sciences journal, 57:1-9, doi:10.1080/02626667.2011.621895"},{Name:"UK cold winter of 2010-11","Event year/Trend":"2010-11","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Yet while the odds of such an event have lengthened as a result of human influence on climate, such unlikely events can still happen, as the winter of 2010/11 demonstrated.\" ","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P. 2012: Lengthened odds of the cold uk winter of 2010/11 attributable to human influence Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., S1060-S1062","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"22","row-number":"23",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" uk cold winter of 2010-11 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"yet while the odds of such an event have lengthened as a result of human influence on climate, such unlikely events can still happen, as the winter of 2010/11 demonstrated.\" gbr 2012 christidis, n. & stott, p. 2012: lengthened odds of the cold uk winter of 2010/11 attributable to human influence bull. amer. meteor. soc., s1060-s1062"},{Name:"England cold December, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Therefore, a cold December of –0.7°C is half as likely to occur in the 2000s when compared to the 1960s.\"","Publication year":"2012",Citation:"Massey, N. et al., 2012: Have the odds of warm November temperatures and of cold December temperatures in central England changed? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,93 (7), 1057-1060","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"23","row-number":"24",Location:"Central England","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" england cold december, 2010 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"therefore, a cold december of –0.7°c is half as likely to occur in the 2000s when compared to the 1960s.\" gbr 2012 massey, n. et al., 2012: have the odds of warm november temperatures and of cold december temperatures in central england changed? [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc.,93 (7), 1057-1060"},{Name:"US July heat, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our analyses of the CMIP5 global climate model ensemble suggest that the likelihood of extreme July temperature anomalies is greater in the current forcing than in the preindustrial forcing.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Diffenbaugh, N. & Scherer, M. 2013: Likelihood of july 2012 U.S. temperatures in preindustrial and current forcing regimes [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S6-S9.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"24","row-number":"25",Location:"Central & eastern United States","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" us july heat, 2012 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"our analyses of the cmip5 global climate model ensemble suggest that the likelihood of extreme july temperature anomalies is greater in the current forcing than in the preindustrial forcing.\" usa 2013 diffenbaugh, n. & scherer, m. 2013: likelihood of july 2012 u.s. temperatures in preindustrial and current forcing regimes [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s6-s9."},{Name:"Spring 'warm anomaly' in eastern US, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The anthropogenic contribution to the extreme seasonal (MAM) warmth over the eastern United States can be estimated as about 35%, or in terms of risk, anthropogenic forcing leads to a factor of 12 increase in the risk of such an event according to our calculations.\" ","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Knutson, T et al., 2013: The extreme March–May 2012 warm anomaly over the eastern United States: global context and multimodel trend analysis [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S13-S17","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"25","row-number":"26",Location:"Eastern United States","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" spring 'warm anomaly' in eastern us, 2012 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the anthropogenic contribution to the extreme seasonal (mam) warmth over the eastern united states can be estimated as about 35%, or in terms of risk, anthropogenic forcing leads to a factor of 12 increase in the risk of such an event according to our calculations.\" usa 2013 knutson, t et al., 2013: the extreme march–may 2012 warm anomaly over the eastern united states: global context and multimodel trend analysis [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s13-s17"},{Name:"Australia record summer temperatures, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It was very likely (>90% confidence) there was at least a 2.5 times increase in the odds of extreme heat due to human influences using simulations to 2005, and a fivefold increase in this risk using simulations for 2006–2020.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Lewis et al., 2013: Anthropogenic contributions to Australia's record summer temperatures of 2013. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (14), 3705-3709","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"26","row-number":"27",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia record summer temperatures, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"it was very likely (>90% confidence) there was at least a 2.5 times increase in the odds of extreme heat due to human influences using simulations to 2005, and a fivefold increase in this risk using simulations for 2006–2020.\" aus 2013 lewis et al., 2013: anthropogenic contributions to australia's record summer temperatures of 2013. geophysical research letters, 40 (14), 3705-3709"},{Name:"Global warm/extreme events, 2011-12","Event year/Trend":"2011-12","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In more than half of the 10 cases considered here anthropogenic influence results in warm events being 3 times more likely and extreme events 5 times more likely during September 2011–August 2012.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P., 2013: Change in the Odds of Warm Years and Seasons Due to Anthropogenic Influence on the Climate. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00563.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"27","row-number":"28",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global warm/extreme events, 2011-12 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in more than half of the 10 cases considered here anthropogenic influence results in warm events being 3 times more likely and extreme events 5 times more likely during september 2011–august 2012.\" 2013 christidis, n. & stott, p., 2013: change in the odds of warm years and seasons due to anthropogenic influence on the climate. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-13-00563.1"},{Name:"Global warm/cold days/nights, 1951-2000","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The anthropogenic signal is detected in global and northern continental means of all four indices, albeit less robustly for TXx, which is consistent with previous findings.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Min, S-K. et al., 2013: Multimodel Detection and Attribution of Extreme Temperature Changes. J. Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00551.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"28","row-number":"29",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global warm/cold days/nights, 1951-2000 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the anthropogenic signal is detected in global and northern continental means of all four indices, albeit less robustly for txx, which is consistent with previous findings.\" 2013 min, s-k. et al., 2013: multimodel detection and attribution of extreme temperature changes. j. climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-12-00551.1"},{Name:"US heatwaves of spring/summer 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The contribution of potential changes in circulation to the recent long-term warming in the United States, therefore, requires further research.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Cattiaux, J. & Yiou, P. 2013: U.S. heat waves of spring and summer 2012 from the flow-analogue perspective [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S10-S13","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"29","row-number":"30",Location:"Eastern United States","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" us heatwaves of spring/summer 2012 heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"the contribution of potential changes in circulation to the recent long-term warming in the united states, therefore, requires further research.\" usa 2013 cattiaux, j. & yiou, p. 2013: u.s. heat waves of spring and summer 2012 from the flow-analogue perspective [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s10-s13"},{Name:"South Amazon drought, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It seemed that both human influences and the sea surface temperature (SST) natural variability increased probabilities of the 2010 severe drought in the South Amazon region.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Shiogama, H. et al., 2013: An event attribution of the 2010 drought in the South Amazon region using the MIROC5 model. Atmospheric Science Letters, 14 (3), 170-175","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"30","row-number":"31",Location:"South Amazon","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" south amazon drought, 2010 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"it seemed that both human influences and the sea surface temperature (sst) natural variability increased probabilities of the 2010 severe drought in the south amazon region.\" bra 2013 shiogama, h. et al., 2013: an event attribution of the 2010 drought in the south amazon region using the miroc5 model. atmospheric science letters, 14 (3), 170-175"},{Name:"Iberian Peninsula record winter drought, 2011-12","Event year/Trend":"2011-12","iso country code":"ESP,PRT","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Overall these results agree with previous ones by Hoerling et al. (2012b), who found a tendency toward a drier Mediterranean for the period 1970–2010 in comparison with 1901–70, and that such a trend has been partially driven by the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, although modulated by the NAO phase.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Trigo, R. M. et al., 2013: The record winter drought of 2011–12 in the Iberian peninsula [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S41-S45.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"31","row-number":"32",Location:"Iberian Peninsula","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" iberian peninsula record winter drought, 2011-12 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"overall these results agree with previous ones by hoerling et al. (2012b), who found a tendency toward a drier mediterranean for the period 1970–2010 in comparison with 1901–70, and that such a trend has been partially driven by the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, although modulated by the nao phase.\" esp,prt 2013 trigo, r. m. et al., 2013: the record winter drought of 2011–12 in the iberian peninsula [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s41-s45."},{Name:"East Africa drought, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human influence was found to increase the probability of long rains as dry as, or drier than, 2011\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Lott, F. et al., 2013: Can the 2011 East African drought be attributed to human‐induced climate change? Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (6), 1177-1181","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"32","row-number":"33",Location:"East Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" east africa drought, 2011 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"human influence was found to increase the probability of long rains as dry as, or drier than, 2011\" 2013 lott, f. et al., 2013: can the 2011 east african drought be attributed to human‐induced climate change? geophysical research letters, 40 (6), 1177-1181"},{Name:"Texas drought/heatwave, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Quantitative attribution of the overall human-induced contribution since preindustrial times is complicated by the lack of a detected century-scale temperature trend over Texas.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Hoerling, M et al., 2013: Anatomy of an Extreme Event, J Clim, 26 (9), 2811–2832","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"33","row-number":"34",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" texas drought/heatwave, 2011 drought no discernible human influence \"quantitative attribution of the overall human-induced contribution since preindustrial times is complicated by the lack of a detected century-scale temperature trend over texas.\" usa 2013 hoerling, m et al., 2013: anatomy of an extreme event, j clim, 26 (9), 2811–2832"},{Name:"Severe Great Plains drought, May-July 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"It is concluded that the extreme Great Plains drought did not require extreme external forcings and could plausibly have arisen from atmospheric noise alone.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Kumar, A. et al., 2013: Do extreme climate events require extreme forcings? Geophysical Research Letters, 3440-3445","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"34","row-number":"35",Location:"Great Plains, US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" severe great plains drought, may-july 2012 drought no discernible human influence \"it is concluded that the extreme great plains drought did not require extreme external forcings and could plausibly have arisen from atmospheric noise alone.\" usa 2013 kumar, a. et al., 2013: do extreme climate events require extreme forcings? geophysical research letters, 3440-3445"},{Name:"Central US low rainfall, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The implication is that human alteration of the atmospheric composition may have had little effect on the frequency of low-precipitation periods.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Rupp, D. et al., 2013: Human influence on the probability of low precipitation in the central United States [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S2-S6.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"35","row-number":"36",Location:"Central US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" central us low rainfall, 2012 drought no discernible human influence \"the implication is that human alteration of the atmospheric composition may have had little effect on the frequency of low-precipitation periods.\" usa 2013 rupp, d. et al., 2013: human influence on the probability of low precipitation in the central united states [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s2-s6."},{Name:"Congo Basin dry season low rainfall extremes, 1960s-2000s","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"COD","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"There are no significant changes in the risk of low precipitation extremes during this dry season (JJA) precipitation in the Congo Basin. Results for the December, January, February dry season are less clear.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Otto, F. E. L. et al. 2013: Attribution of changes in precipitation patterns in African rainforests, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 368(1625), doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0299","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"36","row-number":"37",Location:"Congo Basin","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" congo basin dry season low rainfall extremes, 1960s-2000s drought no discernible human influence \"there are no significant changes in the risk of low precipitation extremes during this dry season (jja) precipitation in the congo basin. results for the december, january, february dry season are less clear.\" cod 2013 otto, f. e. l. et al. 2013: attribution of changes in precipitation patterns in african rainforests, philosophical transactions of the royal society b, 368(1625), doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0299"},{Name:"Eastern Kenya & southern Somalia rainfall deficits, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"KEN,SOM","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The results indicate that non-ENSO SST variations substantially increased the risk of a dry event in 2012...It is worth noting, however, that the procedure used here does not necessarily indicate an anthropogenic attribution.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Funk, C. et al., 2013: Attribution of 2012 and 2003–12 rainfall deficits in eastern Kenya and southern Somalia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S45-S48.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"37","row-number":"38",Location:"Eastern Kenya & Southern Somalia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" eastern kenya & southern somalia rainfall deficits, 2012 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"the results indicate that non-enso sst variations substantially increased the risk of a dry event in is worth noting, however, that the procedure used here does not necessarily indicate an anthropogenic attribution.\" ken,som 2013 funk, c. et al., 2013: attribution of 2012 and 2003–12 rainfall deficits in eastern kenya and southern somalia [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s45-s48."},{Name:"Wet north European summer, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This suggests a contribution of climate change to precipitation rate in northern Europe. We conjecture that such a trend could be due to precipitation rates within the cyclonic patterns, which convey more moisture because of increased temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Yiou, P. & Cattiaux, J., 2013: Contribution of atmospheric circulation to wet north European summer precipitation of 2012 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S39-S41.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"38","row-number":"39",Location:"Northern Europe","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" wet north european summer, 2012 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"this suggests a contribution of climate change to precipitation rate in northern europe. we conjecture that such a trend could be due to precipitation rates within the cyclonic patterns, which convey more moisture because of increased temperatures.\" 2013 yiou, p. & cattiaux, j., 2013: contribution of atmospheric circulation to wet north european summer precipitation of 2012 [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s39-s41."},{Name:"New Zealand extreme rainfall, December 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This analysis indicates that the total moisture available for precipitation in the Golden Bay/Nelson extreme rainfall event of December 2011 was 1%–5% higher as a result of the emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Dean, S. et al., 2013: The role of climate change in the two-day extreme rainfall in Golden Bay, New Zealand, December 2011 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S61-S63.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"39","row-number":"40",Location:"Golden Bay, New Zealand","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" new zealand extreme rainfall, december 2011 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"this analysis indicates that the total moisture available for precipitation in the golden bay/nelson extreme rainfall event of december 2011 was 1%–5% higher as a result of the emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases.\" nzl 2013 dean, s. et al., 2013: the role of climate change in the two-day extreme rainfall in golden bay, new zealand, december 2011 [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s61-s63."},{Name:"Northern Hemisphere 1-day & 5-day rainfall totals, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that human influence has intensified annual maximum 1 day precipitation in sampled Northern Hemisphere locations by 3.3% [1.1% to 5.8%, >90% confidence interval] on average.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Zhang, X. et al., 2013: Attributing intensification of precipitation extremes to human influence. GRL, 40 (19), 5252-5257","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"40","row-number":"41",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northern hemisphere 1-day & 5-day rainfall totals, 1951-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that human influence has intensified annual maximum 1 day precipitation in sampled northern hemisphere locations by 3.3% [1.1% to 5.8%, >90% confidence interval] on average.\" 2013 zhang, x. et al., 2013: attributing intensification of precipitation extremes to human influence. grl, 40 (19), 5252-5257"},{Name:"Northwestern Europe wet summers, 2007-12","Event year/Trend":"2007-12","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find no evidence that declines in sea ice can explain these recent wet summers, with the expected response to changes in sea ice since the late 1980s being small.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Tett, S. et al., 2013: Are recent wet northwestern European summers a response to sea ice retreat? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S32-S35.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"41","row-number":"42",Location:"UK & Northwest Europe","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northwestern europe wet summers, 2007-12 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we find no evidence that declines in sea ice can explain these recent wet summers, with the expected response to changes in sea ice since the late 1980s being small.\" gbr 2013 tett, s. et al., 2013: are recent wet northwestern european summers a response to sea ice retreat? [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s32-s35."},{Name:"UK summer high rainfall, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Although the summer UK rainfall in 2012 was unusually large, the model distributions studied suggest that any anthropogenic influence on these patterns was minimal.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Sparrow, S. et al., 2013: The use of a very large atmospheric model ensemble to assess potential anthropogenic influence on the uk summer 2012 high rainfall totals [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S36-S39.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"42","row-number":"43",Location:"UK & Northwest Europe","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uk summer high rainfall, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"although the summer uk rainfall in 2012 was unusually large, the model distributions studied suggest that any anthropogenic influence on these patterns was minimal.\" gbr 2013 sparrow, s. et al., 2013: the use of a very large atmospheric model ensemble to assess potential anthropogenic influence on the uk summer 2012 high rainfall totals [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s36-s39."},{Name:"South-western Japan heavy rainfall, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"In the case of the 2012 event, the effect of anthropogenic global warming is too small to be detected compared with the variability due to the natural variability of the SST.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al., 2013: Contribution of atmospheric circulation change to the 2012 heavy rainfall in southwestern Japan [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S52-S54.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"43","row-number":"44",Location:"Southern Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south-western japan heavy rainfall, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"in the case of the 2012 event, the effect of anthropogenic global warming is too small to be detected compared with the variability due to the natural variability of the sst.\" jpn 2013 imada, y. et al., 2013: contribution of atmospheric circulation change to the 2012 heavy rainfall in southwestern japan [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s52-s54."},{Name:"South-east Australia extreme rainfall, 2011-12","Event year/Trend":"2011-12","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"In summary, we detect limited evidence of a change in the relationship between ENSO and SE Australia extreme rainfall, or of a change in extreme rainfall itself, that may be attributed to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"King, A. et al., 2013: Limited evidence of anthropogenic influence on the 2011–12 extreme rainfall over southeast Australia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S55-S58.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"44","row-number":"45",Location:"Southeast Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south-east australia extreme rainfall, 2011-12 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"in summary, we detect limited evidence of a change in the relationship between enso and se australia extreme rainfall, or of a change in extreme rainfall itself, that may be attributed to anthropogenic climate change.\" aus 2013 king, a. et al., 2013: limited evidence of anthropogenic influence on the 2011–12 extreme rainfall over southeast australia [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s55-s58."},{Name:"Eastern Australia heavy rainfall, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Despite the potential contribution of all factors examined here, the extreme magnitude of the event appears to arise mainly from unforced internal climatic variations.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Christidis, N et al., 2013: An attribution study of the heavy rainfall over eastern Australia in March 2012 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S58-S61","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"45","row-number":"46",Location:"Eastern Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" eastern australia heavy rainfall, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"despite the potential contribution of all factors examined here, the extreme magnitude of the event appears to arise mainly from unforced internal climatic variations.\" aus 2013 christidis, n et al., 2013: an attribution study of the heavy rainfall over eastern australia in march 2012 [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s58-s61"},{Name:"North China floods, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We are unable to confirm or reject the role of climate change in the 21–22 July 2012 rainfall event due to the inability of the CMIP5 models to accurately replicate observations in this region of China.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Zhou, T et al., 2013: The 2012 north China floods: explaining an extreme rainfall event in the context of a longer-term drying tendency [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S49-S51.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"46","row-number":"47",Location:"North China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" north china floods, 2012 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"we are unable to confirm or reject the role of climate change in the 21–22 july 2012 rainfall event due to the inability of the cmip5 models to accurately replicate observations in this region of china.\" chn 2013 zhou, t et al., 2013: the 2012 north china floods: explaining an extreme rainfall event in the context of a longer-term drying tendency [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s49-s51."},{Name:"Arctic sea ice record summer low, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our modeling results indicate that the exceptional 2012 sea ice loss was primarily due to the sea ice memory and to the positive feedback of the warm atmospheric conditions, both contributing approximately equally.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Guemas, V. et al., 2013: September 2012 Arctic sea ice minimum: discriminating between sea ice memory, the august 2012 extreme storm, and prevailing warm conditions [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S20-S22.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"47","row-number":"48",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" arctic sea ice record summer low, 2012 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"our modeling results indicate that the exceptional 2012 sea ice loss was primarily due to the sea ice memory and to the positive feedback of the warm atmospheric conditions, both contributing approximately equally.\" 2013 guemas, v. et al., 2013: september 2012 arctic sea ice minimum: discriminating between sea ice memory, the august 2012 extreme storm, and prevailing warm conditions [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s20-s22."},{Name:"Arctic sea ice record summer low, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The observed 2012 record low in ASIE is extremely unlikely to have occurred due to internal climate variability alone, according to the models.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Zhang, R. & Knutson, T. 2013: The role of global climate change in the extreme low summer Arctic sea ice extent in 2012 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S22-S26.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"48","row-number":"49",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" arctic sea ice record summer low, 2012 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the observed 2012 record low in asie is extremely unlikely to have occurred due to internal climate variability alone, according to the models.\" 2013 zhang, r. & knutson, t. 2013: the role of global climate change in the extreme low summer arctic sea ice extent in 2012 [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s22-s26."},{Name:"European cold spell, February 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"NLD","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Snowfall on the thin ice that had just formed is shown to limit the ice growth more strongly than the effect of warming.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"De Vries, H. et al., 2013: The February 2012 European cold spell that didn’t bring the Dutch another 11-city tour [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S26-S28.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"49","row-number":"50",Location:"The Netherlands","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" european cold spell, february 2012 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"snowfall on the thin ice that had just formed is shown to limit the ice growth more strongly than the effect of warming.\" nld 2013 de vries, h. et al., 2013: the february 2012 european cold spell that didn’t bring the dutch another 11-city tour [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s26-s28."},{Name:"Hurricane Sandy, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Accordingly, we estimate that relative sea level over 1950–2012 from global SLR (thermal expansion and ice melt), VLM (subsidence), and ocean circulation variability has contributed to a one- to two-thirds decrease in Sandy-level event recurrences.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Sweet, W. et al., 2013: Hurricane Sandy inundation probabilities today and tomorrow [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S17-S20.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"50","row-number":"51",Location:"US East Coast","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane sandy, 2012 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"accordingly, we estimate that relative sea level over 1950–2012 from global slr (thermal expansion and ice melt), vlm (subsidence), and ocean circulation variability has contributed to a one- to two-thirds decrease in sandy-level event recurrences.\" usa 2013 sweet, w. et al., 2013: hurricane sandy inundation probabilities today and tomorrow [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s17-s20."},{Name:"Hurricane Katrina, 2005","Event year/Trend":"2005","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Surge simulations suggest that flood elevations would have been 15 to 60 % lower c. 1900 than the conditions observed in 2005. This drastic change suggests that significantly more flood damage occurred in 2005 than would have occurred if sea level and climate conditions had been like those c. 1900.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Irish, J. et al., 2013: Simulations of Hurricane Katrina (2005) under sea level and climate conditions for 1900. Climatic Change, 122 (4), 635–649","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"51","row-number":"52",Location:"New Orleans","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane katrina, 2005 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"surge simulations suggest that flood elevations would have been 15 to 60 % lower c. 1900 than the conditions observed in 2005. this drastic change suggests that significantly more flood damage occurred in 2005 than would have occurred if sea level and climate conditions had been like those c. 1900.\" usa 2013 irish, j. et al., 2013: simulations of hurricane katrina (2005) under sea level and climate conditions for 1900. climatic change, 122 (4), 635–649"},{Name:"Global tropical cyclone activity, 1975-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We find no anthropogenic signal in annual global tropical cyclone or hurricane frequencies. But a strong signal is found in proportions of both weaker and stronger hurricanes: the proportion of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has increased at a rate of ~25–30 % per C of global warming after accounting for analysis and observing system changes.\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Holland, G. & Bruyère , C. L. 2013: Recent intense hurricane response to global climate change, Climate Dynamics, 42: 617-627, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1713-0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"52","row-number":"53",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" global tropical cyclone activity, 1975-2010 storm insufficient data/inconclusive \"we find no anthropogenic signal in annual global tropical cyclone or hurricane frequencies. but a strong signal is found in proportions of both weaker and stronger hurricanes: the proportion of category 4 and 5 hurricanes has increased at a rate of ~25–30 % per c of global warming after accounting for analysis and observing system changes.\" 2013 holland, g. & bruyère , c. l. 2013: recent intense hurricane response to global climate change, climate dynamics, 42: 617-627, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1713-0"},{Name:"Extreme European summer of 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The degree of decadal variability in these features suggests a role for forcing from outside the dynamical atmosphere, and preliminary numerical experiments suggest that the global SST and low Arctic sea ice extent anomalies are likely to have played a role.\" ","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Dong, B et al. 2013: The extreme European summer 2012 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94 (9), S28-S32.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"53","row-number":"54",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" extreme european summer of 2012 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"the degree of decadal variability in these features suggests a role for forcing from outside the dynamical atmosphere, and preliminary numerical experiments suggest that the global sst and low arctic sea ice extent anomalies are likely to have played a role.\" 2013 dong, b et al. 2013: the extreme european summer 2012 [in “explaining extreme events of 2012 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 94 (9), s28-s32."},{Name:"Heat-related mortality in Sweden, 1980-2009","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Mortality from heat extremes in 1980–2009 was double what would have occurred without climate change\"","Publication year":"2013",Citation:"Astrom. D. et al., 2013: Attributing mortality from extreme temperatures to climate change in Stockholm, Sweden, Nature Climate Change, DOI:","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature climate change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"54","row-number":"55",Location:"Sweden","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" heat-related mortality in sweden, 1980-2009 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"mortality from heat extremes in 1980–2009 was double what would have occurred without climate change\" 2013 astrom. d. et al., 2013: attributing mortality from extreme temperatures to climate change in stockholm, sweden, nature climate change, doi:"},{Name:"Australia & tropical Pacific warm anomalies, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP5 simulations suggest that the extremely warm year observed over Australia and the far western Pacific during 2013 was largely attributable to human forcing of the climate system.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Knutson, T. et al., 2014: Multimodel assessment of extreme annual-mean warm anomalies during 2013 over regions of australia and the western tropical pacific [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S34-S37.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"55","row-number":"56",Location:"Australia & far west Pacific","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia & tropical pacific warm anomalies, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip5 simulations suggest that the extremely warm year observed over australia and the far western pacific during 2013 was largely attributable to human forcing of the climate system.\" aus 2014 knutson, t. et al., 2014: multimodel assessment of extreme annual-mean warm anomalies during 2013 over regions of australia and the western tropical pacific [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s34-s37."},{Name:"Australia record temperatures, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has caused a very large increase in the likelihood of extreme events such as the record Australia-wide average temperatures in September, spring, and the 2013 calendar year.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Lewis, L & Karoly, D., 2014: The role of anthropogenic forcing in the record 2013 Australia-wide annual and spring temperatures [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S31-S34.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"56","row-number":"57",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia record temperatures, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has caused a very large increase in the likelihood of extreme events such as the record australia-wide average temperatures in september, spring, and the 2013 calendar year.\" aus 2014 lewis, l & karoly, d., 2014: the role of anthropogenic forcing in the record 2013 australia-wide annual and spring temperatures [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s31-s34."},{Name:"Australia hot summer, 2012-13","Event year/Trend":"2012-13","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human activity has increased the risk of experiencing the hot Australian summer of 2012/13, as measured by simulated heat wave frequency and intensity, by two- and three-fold, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Perkins, S. et al., 2014: Increased simulated risk of the hot Australian summer of 2012/13 due to anthropogenic activity as measured by heat wave frequency and intensity [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S34-S37.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"57","row-number":"58",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia hot summer, 2012-13 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human activity has increased the risk of experiencing the hot australian summer of 2012/13, as measured by simulated heat wave frequency and intensity, by two- and three-fold, respectively.\" aus 2014 perkins, s. et al., 2014: increased simulated risk of the hot australian summer of 2012/13 due to anthropogenic activity as measured by heat wave frequency and intensity [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s34-s37."},{Name:"Australia record hot September, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Record high September maximum temperatures over Australia arose from a combination of a strongly anomalous atmospheric circulation pattern, background warming, and dry and warm antecedent land-surface conditions.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Arblaster, J et al., 2014: Understanding Australia’s hottest September on record [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S37-S41.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"58","row-number":"59",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia record hot september, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"record high september maximum temperatures over australia arose from a combination of a strongly anomalous atmospheric circulation pattern, background warming, and dry and warm antecedent land-surface conditions.\" aus 2014 arblaster, j et al., 2014: understanding australia’s hottest september on record [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s37-s41."},{Name:"South Korea summer heatwave, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A comparison of observations and multiple global climate model simulations indicates that extreme hot summer temperatures in Korea have become 10 times more likely due to human influence.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Min, S-K. et al., 2014: Assessing human contribution to the summer 2013 Korean heat wave [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S48-S51.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"59","row-number":"60",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south korea summer heatwave, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a comparison of observations and multiple global climate model simulations indicates that extreme hot summer temperatures in korea have become 10 times more likely due to human influence.\" kor 2014 min, s-k. et al., 2014: assessing human contribution to the summer 2013 korean heat wave [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s48-s51."},{Name:"Japan heatwave, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change played a significant role in increasing the probability of events such as the heat wave in Japan in 2013.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al., 2014: The contribution of anthropogenic forcing to the Japanese heat waves of 2013 [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S49-S52.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"60","row-number":"61",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" japan heatwave, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change played a significant role in increasing the probability of events such as the heat wave in japan in 2013.\" jpn 2014 imada, y. et al., 2014: the contribution of anthropogenic forcing to the japanese heat waves of 2013 [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s49-s52."},{Name:"Central eastern China hot summer, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Comparison based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models suggest a discernible impact of anthropogenic forcing, with internal variability also being important.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Zhou, T. et al., 2014: Understanding a hot summer in central eastern China: summer 2013 in context of multimodel trend analysis [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S54-S57.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"61","row-number":"62",Location:"China 24°–33°N, 102.5°–122.5°E","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" central eastern china hot summer, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"comparison based on coupled model intercomparison project phase 5 (cmip5) models suggest a discernible impact of anthropogenic forcing, with internal variability also being important.\" chn 2014 zhou, t. et al., 2014: understanding a hot summer in central eastern china: summer 2013 in context of multimodel trend analysis [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s54-s57."},{Name:"Eastern Australia record heat","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"AUS,NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record heat of 2013 across inland eastern Australia was caused by a combination of anthropogenic warming and extreme drought.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"King, A. et al., 2014: Climate change turns Australia's 2013 big dry into a year of record-breaking heat [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S41-S45.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"62","row-number":"63",Location:"Eastern inland Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" eastern australia record heat heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the record heat of 2013 across inland eastern australia was caused by a combination of anthropogenic warming and extreme drought.\" aus,nzl 2014 king, a. et al., 2014: climate change turns australia's 2013 big dry into a year of record-breaking heat [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s41-s45."},{Name:"Eastern China record hot summer, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that anthropogenic influence has caused a more than 60-fold increase in the likelihood of the extreme warm 2013 summer since the early 1950s.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Sun et al., 2014. Rapid increase in the risk of extreme summer heat in Eastern China. Nature Climate Change, 4, 1082-1085","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"63","row-number":"64",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" eastern china record hot summer, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that anthropogenic influence has caused a more than 60-fold increase in the likelihood of the extreme warm 2013 summer since the early 1950s.\" chn 2014 sun et al., 2014. rapid increase in the risk of extreme summer heat in eastern china. nature climate change, 4, 1082-1085"},{Name:"South-western US summer heatwave, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It was suggested that both the anthropogenic warming and an atmospheric circulation regime related to the natural variability of SST and SIC made the heat wave event more likely.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Shiogama et al., 2014. Attribution of the June-July 2013 Heat Wave in the Southwestern United States JSTage:SOLA, 10,. 122-126","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere)","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"64","row-number":"65",Location:"Southwestern US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south-western us summer heatwave, 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"it was suggested that both the anthropogenic warming and an atmospheric circulation regime related to the natural variability of sst and sic made the heat wave event more likely.\" usa 2014 shiogama et al., 2014. attribution of the june-july 2013 heat wave in the southwestern united states jstage:sola, 10,. 122-126"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere hot summers, 1949–2011","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In addition, direct influence of anthropogenic forcing also contributes to increasing the frequency since the late 20th century.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Kamae, Y. et al., 2014: Attributing the increase in Northern Hemisphere hot summers since the late 20th century. GRL, 41 (14), 5192-5199","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"65","row-number":"66",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern Hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern hemisphere hot summers, 1949–2011 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in addition, direct influence of anthropogenic forcing also contributes to increasing the frequency since the late 20th century.\" 2014 kamae, y. et al., 2014: attributing the increase in northern hemisphere hot summers since the late 20th century. grl, 41 (14), 5192-5199"},{Name:"Europe warmest year, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The KNMI and Melbourne teams found that the odds of average temperatures across Europe reaching this year’s record-setting levels were increased by at least 35 to 80 times due to human influence on our climate. The team at the University of Oxford found that…global warming had increased the odds of a year as hot as the one just experienced in most of continental Europe by at least a factor of 10.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2014: 2014 likely to be the warmest year ever recorded","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"66","row-number":"67",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe warmest year, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the knmi and melbourne teams found that the odds of average temperatures across europe reaching this year’s record-setting levels were increased by at least 35 to 80 times due to human influence on our climate. the team at the university of oxford found that…global warming had increased the odds of a year as hot as the one just experienced in most of continental europe by at least a factor of 10.\" 2014 world weather attribution. 2014: 2014 likely to be the warmest year ever recorded"},{Name:"Global temperature extremes, 1960-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We demonstrate that the probability distribution of observed local trends across the globe for the period 1960–2010 is clearly different to what would be expected from internal variability. We detect a distinct intensification of heavy precipitation events and hot extremes.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Fischer, E. M. & Knutti, R. 2014: Detection of spatially aggregated changes in temperature and precipitation extremes, Geophysical Research Letters, 41(2): 547-554, doi:10.1002/2013GL058499","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"67","row-number":"68",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global temperature extremes, 1960-2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we demonstrate that the probability distribution of observed local trends across the globe for the period 1960–2010 is clearly different to what would be expected from internal variability. we detect a distinct intensification of heavy precipitation events and hot extremes.\" 2014 fischer, e. m. & knutti, r. 2014: detection of spatially aggregated changes in temperature and precipitation extremes, geophysical research letters, 41(2): 547-554, doi:10.1002/2013gl058499"},{Name:"California drought, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"There is a traceable anthropogenic warming footprint in the enormous intensity of the anomalous ridge during winter 2013–2014 and the associated drought.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Wang, S.Y. et al., 2014. Probable causes of the abnormal ridge accompanying the 2013–2014 California drought: ENSO precursor and anthropogenic warming footprint. Geophysical Research Letters, 2014GL059748","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"68","row-number":"69",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2013-14 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"there is a traceable anthropogenic warming footprint in the enormous intensity of the anomalous ridge during winter 2013–2014 and the associated drought.\" usa 2014 wang, s.y. et al., 2014. probable causes of the abnormal ridge accompanying the 2013–2014 california drought: enso precursor and anthropogenic warming footprint. geophysical research letters, 2014gl059748"},{Name:"Australian 'Millennium Drought', mid-1990s to late 2000s","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Although climate models generally suggest that Australia’s Millennium Drought was mostly due to multidecadal variability, some late-twentieth-century changes in climate modes that influence regional rainfall are partially attributable to anthropogenic greenhouse warming.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Cai, W. et al., 2014. Did Climate Change–Induced Rainfall Trends Contribute to the Australian Millennium Drought? Journal of Climate, 3145-3168","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"69","row-number":"70",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" australian 'millennium drought', mid-1990s to late 2000s drought more severe or more likely to occur \"although climate models generally suggest that australia’s millennium drought was mostly due to multidecadal variability, some late-twentieth-century changes in climate modes that influence regional rainfall are partially attributable to anthropogenic greenhouse warming.\" aus 2014 cai, w. et al., 2014. did climate change–induced rainfall trends contribute to the australian millennium drought? journal of climate, 3145-3168"},{Name:"California drought, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"California’s driest 12-month period on record occurred during 2013/14, and although global warming has very likely increased the probability of certain large-scale atmospheric conditions, implications for extremely low precipitation in California remain uncertain.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Swain, D. et al., 2014: The extraordinary California drought of 2013/14: character, context, and the role of climate change [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S3-S7.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"70","row-number":"71",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2013-14 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"california’s driest 12-month period on record occurred during 2013/14, and although global warming has very likely increased the probability of certain large-scale atmospheric conditions, implications for extremely low precipitation in california remain uncertain.\" usa 2014 swain, d. et al., 2014: the extraordinary california drought of 2013/14: character, context, and the role of climate change [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s3-s7."},{Name:"New Zealand drought, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"For the 2013 New Zealand drought, evidence from a number of models suggests that the meteorological drivers were more favorable for drought as a result of anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Harrington, L. et al., 2014: The role of anthropogenic climate change in the 2013 drought over North Island, New Zealand Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S45-S48","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"71","row-number":"72",Location:"North Island, New Zealand","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" new zealand drought, 2013 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"for the 2013 new zealand drought, evidence from a number of models suggests that the meteorological drivers were more favorable for drought as a result of anthropogenic climate change.\" nzl 2014 harrington, l. et al., 2014: the role of anthropogenic climate change in the 2013 drought over north island, new zealand bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s45-s48"},{Name:"California extreme dry conditions, early 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The 2013 SST anomalies produced a predilection for California drought, whereas the long-term warming trend appears to make no appreciable contribution because of the counteraction between its dynamical and thermodynamic effects.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Wang, H. & Schubert, S., 2014: Causes of the extreme dry conditions over California during early 2013 [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S45-S48.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"72","row-number":"73",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california extreme dry conditions, early 2013 drought no discernible human influence \"the 2013 sst anomalies produced a predilection for california drought, whereas the long-term warming trend appears to make no appreciable contribution because of the counteraction between its dynamical and thermodynamic effects.\" usa 2014 wang, h. & schubert, s., 2014: causes of the extreme dry conditions over california during early 2013 [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s45-s48."},{Name:"California droughts of 2012-13 & 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2012-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Long-term SST warming trends did not contribute substantially to the 2012/13 and 2013/14 California droughts. North Pacific SSTs were exceptionally warm, however, and coupled models indicate more frequent extreme precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Funk, C et al., 2014: Examining the contribution of the observed global warming trend to the California droughts of 2012/13 and 2013/14 [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S11-S15.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"73","row-number":"74",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california droughts of 2012-13 & 2013-14 drought no discernible human influence \"long-term sst warming trends did not contribute substantially to the 2012/13 and 2013/14 california droughts. north pacific ssts were exceptionally warm, however, and coupled models indicate more frequent extreme precipitation.\" usa 2014 funk, c et al., 2014: examining the contribution of the observed global warming trend to the california droughts of 2012/13 and 2013/14 [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s11-s15."},{Name:"Global 'dry spell length', 1960-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The observations indicate a weak tendency toward shorter dry spell length. However, in contrast to the intensification of heavy precipitation, models suggest that in this case the area with observational data availability is not representative for the total land area, for which the models simulate no discernible change.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Fischer, E. M. & Knutti, R. 2014: Detection of spatially aggregated changes in temperature and precipitation extremes, Geophysical Research Letters, 41(2): 547-554, doi:10.1002/2013GL058499","Unique paper":"",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"67","row-number":"75",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" global 'dry spell length', 1960-2010 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"the observations indicate a weak tendency toward shorter dry spell length. however, in contrast to the intensification of heavy precipitation, models suggest that in this case the area with observational data availability is not representative for the total land area, for which the models simulate no discernible change.\" 2014 fischer, e. m. & knutti, r. 2014: detection of spatially aggregated changes in temperature and precipitation extremes, geophysical research letters, 41(2): 547-554, doi:10.1002/2013gl058499"},{Name:"Northern India severe rainfall, June 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Cumulative precipitation in northern India in June 2013 was a century-scale event, and evidence for increased probability in the present climate compared to the preindustrial climate is equivocal.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Singh, D. et al., 2014: Severe precipitation in northern India in June 2013: causes, historical context, and changes in probability [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S58-S61.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"74","row-number":"76",Location:"Northern India","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northern india severe rainfall, june 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"cumulative precipitation in northern india in june 2013 was a century-scale event, and evidence for increased probability in the present climate compared to the preindustrial climate is equivocal.\" ind 2014 singh, d. et al., 2014: severe precipitation in northern india in june 2013: causes, historical context, and changes in probability [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s58-s61."},{Name:"US rainfall extremes, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 model analyses suggest that seasonal and annual mean precipitation extremes occurring during 2013 in north-central and eastern U.S. regions, while primarily attributable to intrinsic variability, were also partly attributable to anthropogenic and natural forcings combined.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Knutson, T. et al., 2014: Seasonal and annual mean precipitation extremes occurring during 2013: a U.S. focused analysis [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S19-S23.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"75","row-number":"77",Location:"North-central & eastern US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" us rainfall extremes, 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the coupled model intercomparison project phase 5 model analyses suggest that seasonal and annual mean precipitation extremes occurring during 2013 in north-central and eastern u.s. regions, while primarily attributable to intrinsic variability, were also partly attributable to anthropogenic and natural forcings combined.\" usa 2014 knutson, t. et al., 2014: seasonal and annual mean precipitation extremes occurring during 2013: a u.s. focused analysis [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s19-s23."},{Name:"Global heavy rainfall extremes, 1960-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We demonstrate that the probability distribution of observed local trends across the globe for the period 1960–2010 is clearly different to what would be expected from internal variability. We detect a distinct intensification of heavy precipitation events and hot extremes.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Fischer, E. M. & Knutti, R. 2014: Detection of spatially aggregated changes in temperature and precipitation extremes, Geophysical Research Letters, 41(2): 547-554, doi:10.1002/2013GL058499","Unique paper":"",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"67","row-number":"78",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global heavy rainfall extremes, 1960-2010 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we demonstrate that the probability distribution of observed local trends across the globe for the period 1960–2010 is clearly different to what would be expected from internal variability. we detect a distinct intensification of heavy precipitation events and hot extremes.\" 2014 fischer, e. m. & knutti, r. 2014: detection of spatially aggregated changes in temperature and precipitation extremes, geophysical research letters, 41(2): 547-554, doi:10.1002/2013gl058499"},{Name:"Okavango basin floods, 2009-11","Event year/Trend":"2009-11","iso country code":"BWA,AGO,NAM","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has reduced probability of high floods in the Okavango. Reduction is due to increased evaporation; rainfall changes are minor.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Wolski, P. et al., 2014: Attribution of floods in the Okavango basin, Southern Africa, Journal of Hydrology, Vol 511, 16 April 2014, Pages 350-358","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"76","row-number":"79",Location:"Okavango basin","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" okavango basin floods, 2009-11 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has reduced probability of high floods in the okavango. reduction is due to increased evaporation; rainfall changes are minor.\" bwa,ago,nam 2014 wolski, p. et al., 2014: attribution of floods in the okavango basin, southern africa, journal of hydrology, vol 511, 16 april 2014, pages 350-358"},{Name:"North-east Colorado rainfall extremes, September 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The probability for an extreme five-day September rainfall event over northeast Colorado, as was observed in early September 2013, has likely decreased due to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Hoerling, M. et al., 2014: Northeast Colorado extreme rains interpreted in a climate change context [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S15-S18.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"77","row-number":"80",Location:"Northeast Colorado","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" north-east colorado rainfall extremes, september 2013 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the probability for an extreme five-day september rainfall event over northeast colorado, as was observed in early september 2013, has likely decreased due to climate change.\" usa 2014 hoerling, m. et al., 2014: northeast colorado extreme rains interpreted in a climate change context [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s15-s18."},{Name:"Upper Danube & Elbe heavy rainfall, May-June 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"An observation-based analysis and large simulation ensembles show no evidence that climate change made heavy precipitation in the upper Danube and Elbe basins in May–June, such as observed in 2013, more likely.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Schaller, N. et al., 2014: The heavy precipitation event of May–June 2013 in the upper Danube and Elbe basins [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S69-S72.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"78","row-number":"81",Location:"Upper Danube & Elbe basins","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" upper danube & elbe heavy rainfall, may-june 2013 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"an observation-based analysis and large simulation ensembles show no evidence that climate change made heavy precipitation in the upper danube and elbe basins in may–june, such as observed in 2013, more likely.\" 2014 schaller, n. et al., 2014: the heavy precipitation event of may–june 2013 in the upper danube and elbe basins [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s69-s72."},{Name:"Southern Europe wet winter, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Winter 2013 was the second wettest since 1948 in southern Europe. This is partially explained by the atmospheric circulation. We suspect the warm Atlantic Ocean to have amplified the precipitation extreme.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Yiou, P. & Cattiaux, J. 2014: Contribution of atmospheric circulation to wet southern European winter of 2013 [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S66.S69.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"79","row-number":"82",Location:"Southern Europe 10°W–20°E; 35°–49°N","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern europe wet winter, 2013 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"winter 2013 was the second wettest since 1948 in southern europe. this is partially explained by the atmospheric circulation. we suspect the warm atlantic ocean to have amplified the precipitation extreme.\" 2014 yiou, p. & cattiaux, j. 2014: contribution of atmospheric circulation to wet southern european winter of 2013 [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s66.s69."},{Name:"UK cold spring, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change reduced the odds of an extremely cold UK spring in 2013 at least 30 times, as estimated from ensembles of simulations with and without human influences.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2014: The effect of anthropogenic climate change on the cold spring of 2013 in the United Kingdom [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S79-S82.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"80","row-number":"83",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" uk cold spring, 2013 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change reduced the odds of an extremely cold uk spring in 2013 at least 30 times, as estimated from ensembles of simulations with and without human influences.\" gbr 2014 christidis, n. et al., 2014: the effect of anthropogenic climate change on the cold spring of 2013 in the united kingdom [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s79-s82."},{Name:"Spanish Pyrenees extreme snow accumulation, spring 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"ESP","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Natural climatic variability was apparently the main driver in the extreme cumulative snowfall that fell in the Pyrenees in 2013.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Anel, J. et al., 2014: The extreme snow accumulation in the western Spanish Pyrenees during winter and spring 2013 [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S73-S75.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"81","row-number":"84",Location:"Spanish Pyrenees","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" spanish pyrenees extreme snow accumulation, spring 2013 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"natural climatic variability was apparently the main driver in the extreme cumulative snowfall that fell in the pyrenees in 2013.\" esp 2014 anel, j. et al., 2014: the extreme snow accumulation in the western spanish pyrenees during winter and spring 2013 [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s73-s75."},{Name:"South Dakota blizzard, October 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"An early October blizzard in South Dakota is determined to be climatologically anomalous. Climate models suggest that early autumn extreme snowfall events in western South Dakota are less likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Edwards, L. et al., 2014: October 2013 blizzard in western South Dakota october [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S23-S26.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"82","row-number":"85",Location:"South Dakota","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" south dakota blizzard, october 2013 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"an early october blizzard in south dakota is determined to be climatologically anomalous. climate models suggest that early autumn extreme snowfall events in western south dakota are less likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\" usa 2014 edwards, l. et al., 2014: october 2013 blizzard in western south dakota october [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s23-s26."},{Name:"Violent' storm in northern Germany & Denmark, October 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"DEU,DNK","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"A strong storm on 28 October 2013 over northern Germany and southern Denmark fits a slight increase in storminess during recent decades. However, the increase constitutes part of multidecadal variability.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"von Storch, H. et al., 2014: A violent midlatitude storm in northern Germany and Denmark, 28 october 2013 [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S76-S78.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"83","row-number":"86",Location:"Northern Germany & Denmark","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" violent' storm in northern germany & denmark, october 2013 storm no discernible human influence \"a strong storm on 28 october 2013 over northern germany and southern denmark fits a slight increase in storminess during recent decades. however, the increase constitutes part of multidecadal variability.\" deu,dnk 2014 von storch, h. et al., 2014: a violent midlatitude storm in northern germany and denmark, 28 october 2013 [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s76-s78."},{Name:"Western Europe hot & dry summer, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing played a substantial part in western Europe’s hot, dry summer in 2013. North Atlantic sea surface temperatures were likely a factor in the large contrast with summer 2012.\"","Publication year":"2014",Citation:"Dong, B. et al., 2014: The 2013 hot, dry summer in western Europe [in \"Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective\"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95 (9), S62-S66.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"84","row-number":"87",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" western europe hot & dry summer, 2013 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing played a substantial part in western europe’s hot, dry summer in 2013. north atlantic sea surface temperatures were likely a factor in the large contrast with summer 2012.\" 2014 dong, b. et al., 2014: the 2013 hot, dry summer in western europe [in \"explaining extremes of 2013 from a climate perspective\"]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 95 (9), s62-s66."},{Name:"Argentina heatwave, December 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"ARG","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The Argentinian heat wave of December 2013 was likely caused in part by anthropogenic forcings. These forcings have increased the risk of such an event occurring by a factor of five.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Hannart, A. et al., 2015: Causal Influence of Anthropogenic Forcings on the Argentinian Heat Wave of December 2013 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S41-S45.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"85","row-number":"88",Location:"Argentina","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" argentina heatwave, december 2013 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the argentinian heat wave of december 2013 was likely caused in part by anthropogenic forcings. these forcings have increased the risk of such an event occurring by a factor of five.\" arg 2015 hannart, a. et al., 2015: causal influence of anthropogenic forcings on the argentinian heat wave of december 2013 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s41-s45."},{Name:"Record warmth over Europe, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"According to CMIP5 models, the risk of record annual mean warmth in European, north-east Pacific, and north-west Atlantic regions – as occurred in 2014 – has been greatly increased by anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2015: Record Annual Mean Warmth Over Europe, the Northeast Pacific, and the Northwest Atlantic During 2014: Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S61-S65.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"86","row-number":"89",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Europe,Americas","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record warmth over europe, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"according to cmip5 models, the risk of record annual mean warmth in european, north-east pacific, and north-west atlantic regions – as occurred in 2014 – has been greatly increased by anthropogenic climate change.\" 2015 kam, j. et al., 2015: record annual mean warmth over europe, the northeast pacific, and the northwest atlantic during 2014: assessment of anthropogenic influence [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s61-s65."},{Name:"South Korea record hot spring, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A comparison of observations and multiple global climate model simulations indicates that extreme hot summer temperatures in Korea have become 10 times more likely due to human influence.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Min, S. et al., 2015: Anthropogenic Influence on the 2014 Record-Hot Spring in Korea [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S95-S99.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"87","row-number":"90",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south korea record hot spring, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a comparison of observations and multiple global climate model simulations indicates that extreme hot summer temperatures in korea have become 10 times more likely due to human influence.\" kor 2015 min, s. et al., 2015: anthropogenic influence on the 2014 record-hot spring in korea [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s95-s99."},{Name:"Northern China hot spring, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing may have contributed to an 11-fold increase in the chance of the 2014 hot spring in northern China\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Song, L. et al., 2015: Role of Anthropogenic Forcing in 2014 Hot Spring in Northern China [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S111-S114","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"88","row-number":"91",Location:"Northern China 30°–55°N, 105°–135°E","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern china hot spring, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing may have contributed to an 11-fold increase in the chance of the 2014 hot spring in northern china\" chn 2015 song, l. et al., 2015: role of anthropogenic forcing in 2014 hot spring in northern china [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s111-s114"},{Name:"Brisbane heat event, November 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate model simulations for 2014 indicate anthropogenic climate change very likely increased the likelihood of hot and very hot November days in Brisbane by at least 25% and 44% respectively.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"King, A. et al., 2015: Increased Likelihood of Brisbane, Australia, G20 Heat Event Due to Anthropogenic Climate Change [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S141-144","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"89","row-number":"92",Location:"Brisbane","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" brisbane heat event, november 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"climate model simulations for 2014 indicate anthropogenic climate change very likely increased the likelihood of hot and very hot november days in brisbane by at least 25% and 44% respectively.\" aus 2015 king, a. et al., 2015: increased likelihood of brisbane, australia, g20 heat event due to anthropogenic climate change [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s141-144"},{Name:"Adelaide heatwave, January 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change very likely increased the likelihood of prolonged heat waves like that experienced in Adelaide in January 2014 by at least 16%.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Black, M. et al., 2015: The Contribution of Anthropogenic Forcing to the Adelaide and Melbourne, Australia, Heat Waves of January 2014 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S145-S148.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"90","row-number":"93",Location:"Adelaide","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" adelaide heatwave, january 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change very likely increased the likelihood of prolonged heat waves like that experienced in adelaide in january 2014 by at least 16%.\" aus 2015 black, m. et al., 2015: the contribution of anthropogenic forcing to the adelaide and melbourne, australia, heat waves of january 2014 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s145-s148."},{Name:"Australia high temperatures, spring 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record warm Australian spring of 2014 would likely not have occurred without increases in CO2 over the last 50 years working in concert with an upper-level wave train.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Hope, P. et al., 2015: Contributors to the Record High Temperatures Across Australia in Late Spring 2014 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S149-S153.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"91","row-number":"94",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia high temperatures, spring 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the record warm australian spring of 2014 would likely not have occurred without increases in co2 over the last 50 years working in concert with an upper-level wave train.\" aus 2015 hope, p. et al., 2015: contributors to the record high temperatures across australia in late spring 2014 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s149-s153."},{Name:"Australia heatwave, May 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic activity has increased the risk of Australian heatwaves during late autumn similar to the 2014 event by up to 23-fold, compared to climate conditions under no anthropogenic influence.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Perkins, S. & Gibson, P., 2015: Increased Risk of the 2014 Australian May Heatwave Due to Anthropogenic Activity [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S154-S157.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"92","row-number":"95",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia heatwave, may 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic activity has increased the risk of australian heatwaves during late autumn similar to the 2014 event by up to 23-fold, compared to climate conditions under no anthropogenic influence.\" aus 2015 perkins, s. & gibson, p., 2015: increased risk of the 2014 australian may heatwave due to anthropogenic activity [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s154-s157."},{Name:"Record high central England temperature, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"With 90% confidence we find that anthropogenic forcings on the climate have increased the chances of record warm years in Central England by at least 13-fold.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"King et al., 2015: Attribution of the record high Central England temperature of 2014 to anthropogenic influences. Environmental Research Letters, 10 (5), 54002","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"93","row-number":"96",Location:"Central England","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record high central england temperature, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"with 90% confidence we find that anthropogenic forcings on the climate have increased the chances of record warm years in central england by at least 13-fold.\" gbr 2015 king et al., 2015: attribution of the record high central england temperature of 2014 to anthropogenic influences. environmental research letters, 10 (5), 54002"},{Name:"Exceptionally warm' Texas summer, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The likelihood of a given unusually high summer temperature being exceeded was simulated to be about 10 times greater due to anthropogenic emissions.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Rupp et al., 2015: Anthropogenic influence on the changing likelihood of an exceptionally warm summer in Texas, 2011. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (7), 2392–2400","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"94","row-number":"97",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" exceptionally warm' texas summer, 2011 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the likelihood of a given unusually high summer temperature being exceeded was simulated to be about 10 times greater due to anthropogenic emissions.\" 2015 rupp et al., 2015: anthropogenic influence on the changing likelihood of an exceptionally warm summer in texas, 2011. geophysical research letters, 42 (7), 2392–2400"},{Name:"Global heat extremes, 1901-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"About 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times...About 75% of the moderate daily hot extremes over land are attributable to warming.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Fischer & Knutti, 2015: Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes. Nature Climate Change, 5, 560-564","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"95","row-number":"98",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global heat extremes, 1901-2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times...about 75% of the moderate daily hot extremes over land are attributable to warming.\" 2015 fischer & knutti, 2015: anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes. nature climate change, 5, 560-564"},{Name:"Record global temperature, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Of that 1.05C temperature departure from pre-industrial [recorded in 2015], roughly 1.0C is due to the anthropogenic forcing, about 0.05C (0.09F) to 0.1C (0.18F) is due to El Niño and about 0.02C (0.04F) is due to higher solar activity. \"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015. 2015 – a record breaking hot year","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"96","row-number":"99",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record global temperature, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"of that 1.05c temperature departure from pre-industrial [recorded in 2015], roughly 1.0c is due to the anthropogenic forcing, about 0.05c (0.09f) to 0.1c (0.18f) is due to el niño and about 0.02c (0.04f) is due to higher solar activity. \" 2015 world weather attribution. 2015. 2015 – a record breaking hot year"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, July 2015 (Netherlands)","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"NLD","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change has made the observed heat wave almost 2 times more likely to occur. This means that what would have been a 1-in-7 year event in the world without climate change is now a 1-in-4 year event.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015. European heatwave, July 2015","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"97","row-number":"100",Location:"De Bilt","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, july 2015 (netherlands) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change has made the observed heat wave almost 2 times more likely to occur. this means that what would have been a 1-in-7 year event in the world without climate change is now a 1-in-4 year event.\" nld 2015 world weather attribution. 2015. european heatwave, july 2015"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, July 2015 (Spain)","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"ESP","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change has made the observed heat wave 5 times more likely to occur. In other words, what was once a 1-in-100 year event in the world without climate change, is now a 1-in-20 year event.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015. European heatwave, July 2015","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"97","row-number":"101",Location:"Madrid (Barajas station at Madrid Airport)","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, july 2015 (spain) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change has made the observed heat wave 5 times more likely to occur. in other words, what was once a 1-in-100 year event in the world without climate change, is now a 1-in-20 year event.\" esp 2015 world weather attribution. 2015. european heatwave, july 2015"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, July 2015 (Germany)","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"DEU","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change made the observed heat wave almost 4 times more likely to occur. Or, what was a 1-in-130 year event in a world without climate change is now a 1-in-36 year event.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015. European heatwave, July 2015","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"97","row-number":"102",Location:"Mannheim","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, july 2015 (germany) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change made the observed heat wave almost 4 times more likely to occur. or, what was a 1-in-130 year event in a world without climate change is now a 1-in-36 year event.\" deu 2015 world weather attribution. 2015. european heatwave, july 2015"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, July 2015 (France)","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change has made the observed heat wave 35% more likely to occur. Or, what is a 1-in-2.6 year event now would have been a 1-in-3.5 year event in the world without climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015. European heatwave, July 2015","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"97","row-number":"103",Location:"Beauvais-Tille","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, july 2015 (france) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change has made the observed heat wave 35% more likely to occur. or, what is a 1-in-2.6 year event now would have been a 1-in-3.5 year event in the world without climate change.\" fra 2015 world weather attribution. 2015. european heatwave, july 2015"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, July 2015 (Switzerland)","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"CHE","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change has made the observed heat wave about 3 times more likely to occur. What would have been a 1-in-40 year event in a world without climate change is now a 1-in-15 year event.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015. European heatwave, July 2015","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"97","row-number":"104",Location:"Zürich","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, july 2015 (switzerland) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change has made the observed heat wave about 3 times more likely to occur. what would have been a 1-in-40 year event in a world without climate change is now a 1-in-15 year event.\" che 2015 world weather attribution. 2015. european heatwave, july 2015"},{Name:"Melbourne heatwave, January 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change very likely increased the likelihood of prolonged heat waves like that experienced in Adelaide in January 2014 by at least 16%. The influence for Melbourne is less clear.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Black, M. et al., 2015: The Contribution of Anthropogenic Forcing to the Adelaide and Melbourne, Australia, Heat Waves of January 2014 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S145-S148.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"90","row-number":"105",Location:"Melbourne","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" melbourne heatwave, january 2014 heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"anthropogenic climate change very likely increased the likelihood of prolonged heat waves like that experienced in adelaide in january 2014 by at least 16%. the influence for melbourne is less clear.\" aus 2015 black, m. et al., 2015: the contribution of anthropogenic forcing to the adelaide and melbourne, australia, heat waves of january 2014 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s145-s148."},{Name:"Southern Levant drought, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"SYR","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A combined modeling and observational study suggests that the persistent rainfall deficit during the 2014 rainy season in southern Levant was made more likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Bergaoui, K. et al., 2015: The Contribution of Human-Induced Climate Change to the Drought of 2014 in the Southern Levant Region [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S66-S70.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"98","row-number":"106",Location:"Levant, Syria","iso sub region":"Western Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" southern levant drought, 2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"a combined modeling and observational study suggests that the persistent rainfall deficit during the 2014 rainy season in southern levant was made more likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\" syr 2015 bergaoui, k. et al., 2015: the contribution of human-induced climate change to the drought of 2014 in the southern levant region [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s66-s70."},{Name:"East Africa spring drought, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming contributed to the 2014 East African drought by increasing East African and west Pacific temperatures, and increasing the gradient between standardized western and central Pacific SST causing reduced rainfall, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Funk, C. et al., 2015: Assessing the Contributions of East African and West Pacific Warming to the 2014 Boreal Spring East African Drought [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S77-S92.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"99","row-number":"107",Location:"East Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" east africa spring drought, 2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming contributed to the 2014 east african drought by increasing east african and west pacific temperatures, and increasing the gradient between standardized western and central pacific sst causing reduced rainfall, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture.\" 2015 funk, c. et al., 2015: assessing the contributions of east african and west pacific warming to the 2014 boreal spring east african drought [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s77-s92."},{Name:"Horn of Africa drought, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Ensemble modelling of the East African 2014 long rains season suggests no anthropogenic influence on the likelihood of low rainfall but clear signals in other drivers of drought.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Marthews, T. R. et al., 2015: The 2014 Drought in the Horn of Africa: Attribution of Meteorological Drivers [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S83-S88.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"100","row-number":"108",Location:"Horn of Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" horn of africa drought, 2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"ensemble modelling of the east african 2014 long rains season suggests no anthropogenic influence on the likelihood of low rainfall but clear signals in other drivers of drought.\" 2015 marthews, t. r. et al., 2015: the 2014 drought in the horn of africa: attribution of meteorological drivers [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s83-s88."},{Name:"California drought, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This study shows that although low precipitation was the main driver of the WY 2014 drought conditions in California, temperature played an important role in exacerbating the drought.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Shukla, S. et al, 2015: Temperature impacts on the water year 2014 drought in California. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (11), 4384–4393","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"101","row-number":"109",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"this study shows that although low precipitation was the main driver of the wy 2014 drought conditions in california, temperature played an important role in exacerbating the drought.\" usa 2015 shukla, s. et al, 2015: temperature impacts on the water year 2014 drought in california. geophysical research letters, 42 (11), 4384–4393"},{Name:"California drought, 2012-14","Event year/Trend":"2012-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We therefore conclude that anthropogenic warming is increasing the probability of co-occurring warm–dry conditions like those that have created the acute human and ecosystem impacts associated with the 'exceptional' 2012–2014 drought in California.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Diffenbaugh, N et al., 2015: Anthropogenic warming has increased drought risk in California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112 (13), 3931-3936","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"102","row-number":"110",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2012-14 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"we therefore conclude that anthropogenic warming is increasing the probability of co-occurring warm–dry conditions like those that have created the acute human and ecosystem impacts associated with the 'exceptional' 2012–2014 drought in california.\" usa 2015 diffenbaugh, n et al., 2015: anthropogenic warming has increased drought risk in california. proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 112 (13), 3931-3936"},{Name:"California drought, 2011-14","Event year/Trend":"2011-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A] long-term warming trend likely contributed to surface moisture deficits during the drought. As such, the precipitation deficit during the drought was dominated by natural variability.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Seager, R. et al., 2015: Causes of the 2011–14 California Drought. J Clim, 28 (18) 6997–7024","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"103","row-number":"111",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2011-14 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[a] long-term warming trend likely contributed to surface moisture deficits during the drought. as such, the precipitation deficit during the drought was dominated by natural variability.\" usa 2015 seager, r. et al., 2015: causes of the 2011–14 california drought. j clim, 28 (18) 6997–7024"},{Name:"Southern Africa 'unusually' dry summer, 2002-03","Event year/Trend":"2002-03","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Over Southern Africa, we show that unusually dry austral summers as occurred during 2002/2003 have become more likely…due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Bellprat, O. et al., 2015: Unusual past dry and wet rainy seasons over Southern Africa and South America from a climate perspective, Weather and Climate Extremes, 9, 36-46, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.001","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"104","row-number":"112",Location:"Southern Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Africa,Americas","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" southern africa 'unusually' dry summer, 2002-03 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"over southern africa, we show that unusually dry austral summers as occurred during 2002/2003 have become more likely…due to anthropogenic climate change.\" zaf 2015 bellprat, o. et al., 2015: unusual past dry and wet rainy seasons over southern africa and south america from a climate perspective, weather and climate extremes, 9, 36-46, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.001"},{Name:"California drought, 2012-14","Event year/Trend":"2012-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Although natural variability dominates, anthropogenic warming has substantially increased the overall likelihood of extreme California droughts.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Park Williams, A. et al., 2015: Contribution of anthropogenic warming to California drought during 2012–2014. GRL, 42 (16), 6819-6828, DOI:10.1002/2015GL064924","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"105","row-number":"113",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2012-14 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"although natural variability dominates, anthropogenic warming has substantially increased the overall likelihood of extreme california droughts.\" usa 2015 park williams, a. et al., 2015: contribution of anthropogenic warming to california drought during 2012–2014. grl, 42 (16), 6819-6828, doi:10.1002/2015gl064924"},{Name:"California drought, 2011-14","Event year/Trend":"2011-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The results thus indicate that the net effect of climate change has made agricultural drought less likely and that the current severe impacts of drought on California’s agriculture have not been substantially caused by long-term climate changes.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Cheng. L et al., 2015: How Has Human-Induced Climate Change Affected California Drought Risk? J. Clim, 29, 111–120","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"106","row-number":"114",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought, 2011-14 drought decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the results thus indicate that the net effect of climate change has made agricultural drought less likely and that the current severe impacts of drought on california’s agriculture have not been substantially caused by long-term climate changes.\" usa 2015 cheng. l et al., 2015: how has human-induced climate change affected california drought risk? j. clim, 29, 111–120"},{Name:"Ethiopia drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"ETH","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"The study \"found that El Niño made this rare drought even drier in the Kiremt season…No influence of climate change could be found, with the spread of possible trends ranging from drought being 40% less to four times more probable.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2015: Ethiopia drought, 2015 – a livelihood crisis","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"107","row-number":"115",Location:"North and central Ethiopia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" ethiopia drought, 2015 drought no discernible human influence the study \"found that el niño made this rare drought even drier in the kiremt season…no influence of climate change could be found, with the spread of possible trends ranging from drought being 40% less to four times more probable.\" eth 2015 world weather attribution. 2015: ethiopia drought, 2015 – a livelihood crisis"},{Name:"South-east Brazil water shortage, 2014-15","Event year/Trend":"2014-15","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Southeast Brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2014/15. Anthropogenic climate change is not found to be a major influence on the hazard, whereas increasing population and water consumption increased vulnerability.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Otto, F. et al., 2015: Factors Other Than Climate Change, Main Drivers of 2014/15 Water Shortage in Southeast Brazil [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S35-S40.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"108","row-number":"116",Location:"Southeast Brazil","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" south-east brazil water shortage, 2014-15 drought no discernible human influence \"southeast brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2014/15. anthropogenic climate change is not found to be a major influence on the hazard, whereas increasing population and water consumption increased vulnerability.\" bra 2015 otto, f. et al., 2015: factors other than climate change, main drivers of 2014/15 water shortage in southeast brazil [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s35-s40."},{Name:"Singapore record dry spell, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"SGP","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The record dry spell over Singapore–Malaysia was caused by the southward contraction of the intertropical convergence zone. Within present evidence, there is no clear attribution to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"McBride, J. et al., 2015: The 2014 Record Dry Spell at Singapore: An Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) Drought [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S126-S129.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"109","row-number":"117",Location:"Singapore","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" singapore record dry spell, 2014 drought no discernible human influence \"the record dry spell over singapore–malaysia was caused by the southward contraction of the intertropical convergence zone. within present evidence, there is no clear attribution to climate change.\" sgp 2015 mcbride, j. et al., 2015: the 2014 record dry spell at singapore: an intertropical convergence zone (itcz) drought [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s126-s129."},{Name:"Middle East & south-west Asia winter drought, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Of three identified proximate drought factors, climate change does not appear important for two. The third factor, western Pacific SSTs, exhibits a strong warming trend but attribution is an open question.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Barlow, M. & Hoell, A., 2015: Drought in the Middle East and Central–Southwest Asia During Winter 2013/14 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S71-S74.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"110","row-number":"118",Location:"Middle East & South West Asia","iso sub region":"Western Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" middle east & south-west asia winter drought, 2013-14 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"of three identified proximate drought factors, climate change does not appear important for two. the third factor, western pacific ssts, exhibits a strong warming trend but attribution is an open question.\" 2015 barlow, m. & hoell, a., 2015: drought in the middle east and central–southwest asia during winter 2013/14 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s71-s74."},{Name:"North-east Asia hot & dry summer, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Northeast Asia experienced a severe drought in summer 2014. Sea surface temperature forcing may have increased the risk of low precipitation, but model biases preclude reliable attribution to anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Wilcox, L. et al., 2015: The 2014 Hot, Dry Summer in Northeast Asia [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S105-S110.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"111","row-number":"119",Location:"Northeast Asia 40°N, 120°E","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" north-east asia hot & dry summer, 2014 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"northeast asia experienced a severe drought in summer 2014. sea surface temperature forcing may have increased the risk of low precipitation, but model biases preclude reliable attribution to anthropogenic forcing.\" 2015 wilcox, l. et al., 2015: the 2014 hot, dry summer in northeast asia [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s105-s110."},{Name:"South-east Canada floods, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The collective effects of anthropogenic climate change and artificial pond drainage may have played an important role in producing the extreme flood that occurred during early summer 2014 on the southeastern Canadian Prairies.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Szeto, K. et al., 2015: The 2014 Extreme Flood on the Southeastern Canadian Prairies [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S20-S24.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"112","row-number":"120",Location:"Southeast Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south-east canada floods, 2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the collective effects of anthropogenic climate change and artificial pond drainage may have played an important role in producing the extreme flood that occurred during early summer 2014 on the southeastern canadian prairies.\" can 2015 szeto, k. et al., 2015: the 2014 extreme flood on the southeastern canadian prairies [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s20-s24."},{Name:"Southern Great Plains floods, May 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic global warming contributed to the physical processes that caused the persistent precipitation in May 2015.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Wang, S. et al., 2015: Role of the strengthened El Niño teleconnection in the May 2015 floods over the southern Great Plains. GRL, 42 (19), DOI: 10.1002/2015GL065211","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"113","row-number":"121",Location:"Southern Great Plains","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern great plains floods, may 2015 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic global warming contributed to the physical processes that caused the persistent precipitation in may 2015.\" usa 2015 wang, s. et al., 2015: role of the strengthened el niño teleconnection in the may 2015 floods over the southern great plains. grl, 42 (19), doi: 10.1002/2015gl065211"},{Name:"Global increase in record rainfall events, 1981-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results suggest that whilst the number of rainfall record-breaking events can be related to natural multi-decadal variability over the period from 1901 to 1980, observed record-breaking rainfall events significantly increased afterwards consistent with rising temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Lehman, J. et al., 2015: Increased record-breaking precipitation events under global warming. Climatic Change, 132 (4), 501–515","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"114","row-number":"122",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global increase in record rainfall events, 1981-2010 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our results suggest that whilst the number of rainfall record-breaking events can be related to natural multi-decadal variability over the period from 1901 to 1980, observed record-breaking rainfall events significantly increased afterwards consistent with rising temperatures.\" 2015 lehman, j. et al., 2015: increased record-breaking precipitation events under global warming. climatic change, 132 (4), 501–515"},{Name:"Global rainfall extremes, 1901-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We show that at the present-day warming of 0.85C about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times, which in turn primarily results from human influence\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Fischer, E. & Knutti, R., 2015: Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes. Nature Climate Change, 5, 560-564","Unique paper":"",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"undefined","row-number":"123",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global rainfall extremes, 1901-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we show that at the present-day warming of 0.85c about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times, which in turn primarily results from human influence\" 2015 fischer, e. & knutti, r., 2015: anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes. nature climate change, 5, 560-564"},{Name:"New Zealand extreme rainfall, July 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The risk of an extreme 5-day July rainfall event over Northland, New Zealand, such as was observed in early July 2014, has likely increased due to anthropogenic influence on climate.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Rosier, S. et al., 2015: Extreme Rainfall in Early July 2014 in Northland, New Zealand—Was There an Anthropogenic Influence? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S136-S140.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"115","row-number":"124",Location:"Northland","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" new zealand extreme rainfall, july 2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the risk of an extreme 5-day july rainfall event over northland, new zealand, such as was observed in early july 2014, has likely increased due to anthropogenic influence on climate.\" nzl 2015 rosier, s. et al., 2015: extreme rainfall in early july 2014 in northland, new zealand—was there an anthropogenic influence? [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s136-s140."},{Name:"Southern Africa 'unusually' wet summer, 1999-2000","Event year/Trend":"1999-2000","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Over Southern Africa, we show that…unusually wet austral summers like that of 1999/2000 have become less likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Bellprat, O. et al., 2015: Unusual past dry and wet rainy seasons over Southern Africa and South America from a climate perspective, Weather and Climate Extremes, 9, 36-46, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.001","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"104","row-number":"125",Location:"Southern Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Africa,Americas","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern africa 'unusually' wet summer, 1999-2000 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"over southern africa, we show that…unusually wet austral summers like that of 1999/2000 have become less likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\" zaf 2015 bellprat, o. et al., 2015: unusual past dry and wet rainy seasons over southern africa and south america from a climate perspective, weather and climate extremes, 9, 36-46, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.001"},{Name:"UK extreme winter rainfall, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Extreme winter rainfall in the United Kingdom becomes eight times more likely when the atmospheric circulation resembles winter 2013/14, whereas anthropogenic influence is only discernible in extremes with a shorter duration.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Cristidis, N. & Stott, P., 2015: Extreme Rainfall in the United Kingdom During Winter 2013/14: The Role of Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Change [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S46-S50.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"116","row-number":"126",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uk extreme winter rainfall, 2013-14 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"extreme winter rainfall in the united kingdom becomes eight times more likely when the atmospheric circulation resembles winter 2013/14, whereas anthropogenic influence is only discernible in extremes with a shorter duration.\" gbr 2015 cristidis, n. & stott, p., 2015: extreme rainfall in the united kingdom during winter 2013/14: the role of atmospheric circulation and climate change [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s46-s50."},{Name:"Cévennes mountains extreme rainfall, autumn 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Extreme daily fall precipitation in the Cévennes mountains has very likely intensified. The probability of amounts witnessed in 2014 is estimated to have tripled since 1950, with large uncertainties.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Vautard, R. et al., 2015: Extreme Fall 2014 Precipitation in the Cévennes Mountains [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S56-S60.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"117","row-number":"127",Location:"South France","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" cévennes mountains extreme rainfall, autumn 2014 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"extreme daily fall precipitation in the cévennes mountains has very likely intensified. the probability of amounts witnessed in 2014 is estimated to have tripled since 1950, with large uncertainties.\" fra 2015 vautard, r. et al., 2015: extreme fall 2014 precipitation in the cévennes mountains [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s56-s60."},{Name:"Jakarta floods, January 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"IDN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The January 2014 floods paralyzed nearly all of Jakarta, Indonesia. The precipitation events that lead to these floods were not very unusual but show positive trends in the observed record.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Siswanto et al., 2015: Trends in High-Daily Precipitation Events in Jakarta and the Flooding of January 2014 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S131-S135.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"118","row-number":"128",Location:"Jakarta","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" jakarta floods, january 2014 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"the january 2014 floods paralyzed nearly all of jakarta, indonesia. the precipitation events that lead to these floods were not very unusual but show positive trends in the observed record.\" idn 2015 siswanto et al., 2015: trends in high-daily precipitation events in jakarta and the flooding of january 2014 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s131-s135."},{Name:"Midwest US cold winter, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The frigid 2013/14 Midwestern winter was 20–100 times less likely than in the 1880s due to long-term warming, while winter temperature variability has shown little long-term change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Wolter, K. et al., 2015: How Unusual was the Cold Winter of 2013/14 in the Upper Midwest? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S10-S13.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"119","row-number":"129",Location:"Upper Midwest US and Great Lakes","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" midwest us cold winter, 2013-14 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the frigid 2013/14 midwestern winter was 20–100 times less likely than in the 1880s due to long-term warming, while winter temperature variability has shown little long-term change.\" usa 2015 wolter, k. et al., 2015: how unusual was the cold winter of 2013/14 in the upper midwest? [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s10-s13."},{Name:"Eastern US cold winter, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The near-record number of extremely cold days during winter 2014 in the eastern United States cannot be attributed to trends or variability changes. Daily temperature variability is actually decreasing, in contrast to CMIP5 simulations and projections.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Trenary, L. et al., 2015: Was the Cold Eastern Us Winter of 2014 Due to Increased Variability? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S15-S19.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"120","row-number":"130",Location:"Eastern US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern us cold winter, 2014 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"the near-record number of extremely cold days during winter 2014 in the eastern united states cannot be attributed to trends or variability changes. daily temperature variability is actually decreasing, in contrast to cmip5 simulations and projections.\" usa 2015 trenary, l. et al., 2015: was the cold eastern us winter of 2014 due to increased variability? [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s15-s19."},{Name:"Record high Antarctic sea ice extent, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Antarctica","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The record maximum of Antarctic sea ice resulted chiefly from anomalous winds that transported cold air masses away from the Antarctic continent, enhancing thermodynamic sea ice production far offshore.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Massonnet, F. et al., 2015: The 2014 High Record of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S163-S167.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"121","row-number":"131",Location:"Antarctica","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Antarctica",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" record high antarctic sea ice extent, 2014 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"the record maximum of antarctic sea ice resulted chiefly from anomalous winds that transported cold air masses away from the antarctic continent, enhancing thermodynamic sea ice production far offshore.\" 2015 massonnet, f. et al., 2015: the 2014 high record of antarctic sea ice extent [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s163-s167."},{Name:"Himalayan snowstorm, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"NPL","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The Himalayan snowstorm of October 2014 resulted from the unusual merger of a tropical cyclone with an upper trough, and their collective changes under climate warming have increased the odds for similar events.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Wang, S. et al., 2015: The Deadly Himalayan Snowstorm of October 2014: Synoptic Conditions and Associated Trends [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S89-S94.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"122","row-number":"132",Location:"Nepal","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" himalayan snowstorm, 2014 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the himalayan snowstorm of october 2014 resulted from the unusual merger of a tropical cyclone with an upper trough, and their collective changes under climate warming have increased the odds for similar events.\" npl 2015 wang, s. et al., 2015: the deadly himalayan snowstorm of october 2014: synoptic conditions and associated trends [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s89-s94."},{Name:"Extremely active' Hawaiian hurricane season, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"New climate simulations suggest that the extremely active 2014 Hawaiian hurricane season was made substantially more likely by anthropogenic forcing, but that natural variability of El Niño was also partially involved.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Murakami, H. et al., 2015: . Investigating the Influence of Anthropogenic Forcing and Natural Variability on the 2014 Hawaiian Hurricane Season [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S115-S119.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"123","row-number":"133",Location:"Hawaii","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" extremely active' hawaiian hurricane season, 2014 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"new climate simulations suggest that the extremely active 2014 hawaiian hurricane season was made substantially more likely by anthropogenic forcing, but that natural variability of el niño was also partially involved.\" usa 2015 murakami, h. et al., 2015: . investigating the influence of anthropogenic forcing and natural variability on the 2014 hawaiian hurricane season [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s115-s119."},{Name:"UK extreme storm season, winter 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The all-time record number of storms over the British Isles in winter 2013/14 cannot be linked directly to anthropogenic-induced warming of the tropical west Pacific.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Wild, S. et al., 2015: Was the Extreme Storm Season in Winter 2013/14 Over the North Atlantic and the United Kingdom Triggered by Changes in the West Pacific Warm Pool? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S29-S34.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"124","row-number":"134",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" uk extreme storm season, winter 2013-14 storm no discernible human influence \"the all-time record number of storms over the british isles in winter 2013/14 cannot be linked directly to anthropogenic-induced warming of the tropical west pacific.\" gbr 2015 wild, s. et al., 2015: was the extreme storm season in winter 2013/14 over the north atlantic and the united kingdom triggered by changes in the west pacific warm pool? [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s29-s34."},{Name:"North America extreme storm season, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The extreme 2013/14 winter storm season over much of North America was made more likely by the multiyear anomalous tropical Pacific winds associated with the recent global warming hiatus.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Yang, X. et al., 2015: Extreme North America Winter Storm Season of 2013/14: Roles of Radiative Forcing and the Global Warming Hiatus [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S25-S28.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"125","row-number":"135",Location:"N. America","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" north america extreme storm season, 2013-14 storm insufficient data/inconclusive \"the extreme 2013/14 winter storm season over much of north america was made more likely by the multiyear anomalous tropical pacific winds associated with the recent global warming hiatus.\" 2015 yang, x. et al., 2015: extreme north america winter storm season of 2013/14: roles of radiative forcing and the global warming hiatus [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s25-s28."},{Name:"Western north Pacific 'highly anomalous' cyclone season, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Oceania","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The absence of western North Pacific tropical cyclone activity during August 2014 was apparently related to strong easterly wind anomalies induced by combined negative intraseasonal and Pacific Decadal Oscillation phases.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Yang, L. et al., 2015: Anomalous Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific in August 2014 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S120-S125.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"126","row-number":"136",Location:"West Pacific","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" western north pacific 'highly anomalous' cyclone season, 2014 storm insufficient data/inconclusive \"the absence of western north pacific tropical cyclone activity during august 2014 was apparently related to strong easterly wind anomalies induced by combined negative intraseasonal and pacific decadal oscillation phases.\" 2015 yang, l. et al., 2015: anomalous tropical cyclone activity in the western north pacific in august 2014 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s120-s125."},{Name:"Hurricane Gonzalo, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"After transitioning from a hurricane to an extratropical storm, Gonzalo tracked unusually far, achieving exceptional strength over Europe; however, it was within the historical range of such transforming storms.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Feser, F. et al, 2015: Hurricane Gonzalo and its Extratropical Transition to a Strong European Storm [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S51-S55.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"127","row-number":"137",Location:"North Atlantic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane gonzalo, 2014 storm insufficient data/inconclusive \"after transitioning from a hurricane to an extratropical storm, gonzalo tracked unusually far, achieving exceptional strength over europe; however, it was within the historical range of such transforming storms.\" 2015 feser, f. et al, 2015: hurricane gonzalo and its extratropical transition to a strong european storm [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s51-s55."},{Name:"Northern California wildfires, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The fire season in northern California during 2014 was the second largest in terms of burned areas since 1996. An increase in fire risk in California is attributable to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Yoon, J. et al., 2015: Extreme Fire Season in California: A Glimpse Into the Future? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S5–S9.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"128","row-number":"138",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" northern california wildfires, 2014 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the fire season in northern california during 2014 was the second largest in terms of burned areas since 1996. an increase in fire risk in california is attributable to human-induced climate change.\" usa 2015 yoon, j. et al., 2015: extreme fire season in california: a glimpse into the future? [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s5–s9."},{Name:"Record high SSTs in western tropical Pacific Ocean, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Oceania","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP5 models suggest that human influence has increased the probability of regional high SST extremes over the western tropical and northeast Pacific Ocean during the 2014 calendar year and summer.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Weller, E. et al., 2015: Human Contribution to the 2014 Record High Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Western Tropical And Northeast Pacific Ocean [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S100-S104.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"129","row-number":"139",Location:"Western tropical Pacific","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record high ssts in western tropical pacific ocean, 2014 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip5 models suggest that human influence has increased the probability of regional high sst extremes over the western tropical and northeast pacific ocean during the 2014 calendar year and summer.\" 2015 weller, e. et al., 2015: human contribution to the 2014 record high sea surface temperatures over the western tropical and northeast pacific ocean [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s100-s104."},{Name:"Record high SSTs in north-east Pacific Ocean, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP5 models suggest that human influence has increased the probability of regional high SST extremes over the western tropical and northeast Pacific Ocean during the 2014 calendar year and summer.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Weller, E. et al., 2015: Human Contribution to the 2014 Record High Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Western Tropical And Northeast Pacific Ocean [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S100-S104.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"129","row-number":"140",Location:"NE Pacific","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record high ssts in north-east pacific ocean, 2014 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip5 models suggest that human influence has increased the probability of regional high sst extremes over the western tropical and northeast pacific ocean during the 2014 calendar year and summer.\" 2015 weller, e. et al., 2015: human contribution to the 2014 record high sea surface temperatures over the western tropical and northeast pacific ocean [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s100-s104."},{Name:"Record warmth of north-east Pacific, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"According to CMIP5 models, the risk of record annual mean warmth in European, northeast Pacific, and northwest Atlantic regions—as occurred in 2014—has been greatly increased by anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2015: Record Annual Mean Warmth Over Europe, the Northeast Pacific, and the Northwest Atlantic During 2014: Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S61-S65.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"86","row-number":"141",Location:"NW Atlantic","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record warmth of north-east pacific, 2014 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"according to cmip5 models, the risk of record annual mean warmth in european, northeast pacific, and northwest atlantic regions—as occurred in 2014—has been greatly increased by anthropogenic climate change.\" 2015 kam, j. et al., 2015: record annual mean warmth over europe, the northeast pacific, and the northwest atlantic during 2014: assessment of anthropogenic influence [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s61-s65."},{Name:"Record warmth of north-west Atlantic, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"According to CMIP5 models, the risk of record annual mean warmth in European, northeast Pacific, and northwest Atlantic regions—as occurred in 2014—has been greatly increased by anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2015: Record Annual Mean Warmth Over Europe, the Northeast Pacific, and the Northwest Atlantic During 2014: Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S61-S65.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"86","row-number":"142",Location:"NE Pacific","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record warmth of north-west atlantic, 2014 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"according to cmip5 models, the risk of record annual mean warmth in european, northeast pacific, and northwest atlantic regions—as occurred in 2014—has been greatly increased by anthropogenic climate change.\" 2015 kam, j. et al., 2015: record annual mean warmth over europe, the northeast pacific, and the northwest atlantic during 2014: assessment of anthropogenic influence [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s61-s65."},{Name:"Typhoon Haiyan storm surge, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"PHL","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The result indicates that the worst case scenario of a storm surge in the Gulf of Leyte may be worse by 20%, though changes in frequency of such events are not accounted for here.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Takayabu, I. et al., (2015) Climate change effects on the worst-case storm surge: a case study of Typhoon Haiyan. Environmental Research Letters, 10, 064011","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"130","row-number":"143",Location:"Leyfe Gulf, Philippines","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" typhoon haiyan storm surge, 2013 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"the result indicates that the worst case scenario of a storm surge in the gulf of leyte may be worse by 20%, though changes in frequency of such events are not accounted for here.\" phl 2015 takayabu, i. et al., (2015) climate change effects on the worst-case storm surge: a case study of typhoon haiyan. environmental research letters, 10, 064011"},{Name:"Extreme' circulation over extratropical North Pacific & North America, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Natural variability played a major role in inducing the anomaly pattern, whereas the anomalously warm sea surface temperature and low Arctic sea ice concentration in the Bering Sea contributed to the intensity.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Lee, M-Y. et al., 2015: Compounding effects of warm sea surface temperature and reduced sea ice on the extreme circulation over the extratropical North Pacific and North America during the 2013–2014 boreal winter. GRL, 42 (5), 1612-1618","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"131","row-number":"144",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" extreme' circulation over extratropical north pacific & north america, 2013-14 atmosphere more severe or more likely to occur \"natural variability played a major role in inducing the anomaly pattern, whereas the anomalously warm sea surface temperature and low arctic sea ice concentration in the bering sea contributed to the intensity.\" 2015 lee, m-y. et al., 2015: compounding effects of warm sea surface temperature and reduced sea ice on the extreme circulation over the extratropical north pacific and north america during the 2013–2014 boreal winter. grl, 42 (5), 1612-1618"},{Name:"South of Australia 'exceptional' air pressures, August 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It is likely that human influences on climate increased the odds of the extreme high pressure anomalies south of Australia in August 2014 that were associated with frosts, lowland snowfalls and reduced rainfall.\"","Publication year":"2015",Citation:"Grose, M. et al., 2015: Attribution of Exceptional Mean Sea Level Pressure Anomalies South of Australia in August 2014 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S158-S162.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"132","row-number":"145",Location:"Off Southern Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" south of australia 'exceptional' air pressures, august 2014 atmosphere more severe or more likely to occur \"it is likely that human influences on climate increased the odds of the extreme high pressure anomalies south of australia in august 2014 that were associated with frosts, lowland snowfalls and reduced rainfall.\" aus 2015 grose, m. et al., 2015: attribution of exceptional mean sea level pressure anomalies south of australia in august 2014 [in “explaining extremes of 2014 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 96 (12), s158-s162."},{Name:"Record global warmth, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In 2015, record warm surface temperatures were observed for the global mean, India, and the equatorial central Pacific. CMIP5 simulations suggest that for the globe and India, anthropogenic warming was largely to blame.","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2016: Multimodel Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on Record Global and Regional Warmth During 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S4-S8, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0138.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"133","row-number":"146",Location:"Global temperature","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record global warmth, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in 2015, record warm surface temperatures were observed for the global mean, india, and the equatorial central pacific. cmip5 simulations suggest that for the globe and india, anthropogenic warming was largely to blame. 2016 kam, j. et al., 2016: multimodel assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global and regional warmth during 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s4-s8, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0138.1."},{Name:"Record warmth in India, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"LKA,IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In 2015, record warm surface temperatures were observed for the global mean, India, and the equatorial central Pacific. CMIP5 simulations suggest that for the globe and India, anthropogenic warming was largely to blame.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2016: Multimodel Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on Record Global and Regional Warmth During 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S4-S8, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0138.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"133","row-number":"147",Location:"Southern India & Sri Lanka","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record warmth in india, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in 2015, record warm surface temperatures were observed for the global mean, india, and the equatorial central pacific. cmip5 simulations suggest that for the globe and india, anthropogenic warming was largely to blame.\" lka,ind 2016 kam, j. et al., 2016: multimodel assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global and regional warmth during 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s4-s8, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0138.1."},{Name:"Central Europe heatwaves, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Station-based observations and bias-corrected model simulations show that the frequency of short-term heat waves in central Europe has increased, albeit quantitative estimates of risk ratios differ considerably between methods.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Sippel, S. et al. 2016: The Role of Anthropogenic Warming in 2015 Central European Heat Waves [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S51-S56, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0150.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"134","row-number":"148",Location:"Central Europe, averaged over 4 sites: 52°06’N, 5°11’E; 50°55.5’N, 11°35’E; 53°52’N, 27°32’E; 48°14’N, 16°21’E","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" central europe heatwaves, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"station-based observations and bias-corrected model simulations show that the frequency of short-term heat waves in central europe has increased, albeit quantitative estimates of risk ratios differ considerably between methods.\" 2016 sippel, s. et al. 2016: the role of anthropogenic warming in 2015 central european heat waves [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s51-s56, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0150.1."},{Name:"Europe heatwave, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A heat wave swept across central Europe in summer 2015. Model experiments suggest that anthropogenic forcings were a major factor in setting the conditions for the development of the 2015 heat wave.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dong. B. et al., 2016: The 2015 European Heat Wave [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S57-S62, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0140.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"135","row-number":"149",Location:"Central Europe 45°–55°N, 0°–35°E","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a heat wave swept across central europe in summer 2015. model experiments suggest that anthropogenic forcings were a major factor in setting the conditions for the development of the 2015 heat wave.\" 2016 dong. b. et al., 2016: the 2015 european heat wave [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s57-s62, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0140.1."},{Name:"Egypt heatwave, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"EGY","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A combined modeling and observational assessment of the 2015 heat wave in Egypt found that human discomfort increased due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Mitchell, D., 2016: Human Influences on Heat-Related Health Indicators During the 2015 Egyptian Heat Wave [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S70-S74, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0132.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"136","row-number":"150",Location:"Egypt","iso sub region":"Northern Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" egypt heatwave, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a combined modeling and observational assessment of the 2015 heat wave in egypt found that human discomfort increased due to anthropogenic climate change.\" egy 2016 mitchell, d., 2016: human influences on heat-related health indicators during the 2015 egyptian heat wave [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s70-s74, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0132.1."},{Name:"Deadly heat & humidity in India & Pakistan, summer 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"PAK,IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that the deadly heat waves in India and Pakistan in 2015 were exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change. Although the impacts of both events were severe, the events themselves were not connected to each other.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Wehner, M. et al., 2016: The Deadly Combination of Heat and Humidity in India and Pakistan in Summer 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S81-S86, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0145.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"137","row-number":"151",Location:"India & Pakistan","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" deadly heat & humidity in india & pakistan, summer 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that the deadly heat waves in india and pakistan in 2015 were exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change. although the impacts of both events were severe, the events themselves were not connected to each other.\" pak,ind 2016 wehner, m. et al., 2016: the deadly combination of heat and humidity in india and pakistan in summer 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s81-s86, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0145.1."},{Name:"North-west China record heat, July 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record-breaking heat over northwest China in July 2015 was linked directly to atmospheric general circulation indices and anthropogenic forcing. The latter increased the risk of extreme heat by three-fold.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Miao, C. et al., 2016: Record-Breaking Heat in Northwest China in July 2015: Analysis of the Severity and Underlying Causes [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S97-S101, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0142.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"138","row-number":"152",Location:"N. W China, Xinjiang Autonomous Region","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north-west china record heat, july 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the record-breaking heat over northwest china in july 2015 was linked directly to atmospheric general circulation indices and anthropogenic forcing. the latter increased the risk of extreme heat by three-fold.\" chn 2016 miao, c. et al., 2016: record-breaking heat in northwest china in july 2015: analysis of the severity and underlying causes [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s97-s101, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0142.1."},{Name:"Western China extreme high temperatures, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human influence has very likely increased the probability of occurrence of the 2015 western China extreme summer temperature events by at least 3-fold and 42-fold for the highest daily maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively.","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Sun, Y. et al., 2016: Human Influence on the 2015 Extreme High Temperature Events in Western China [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S102-S106, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0158.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"139","row-number":"153",Location:"W. China, West of 105°E","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" western china extreme high temperatures, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human influence has very likely increased the probability of occurrence of the 2015 western china extreme summer temperature events by at least 3-fold and 42-fold for the highest daily maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively. chn 2016 sun, y. et al., 2016: human influence on the 2015 extreme high temperature events in western china [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s102-s106, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0158.1."},{Name:"Japan heatwave, August 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The persistent Japanese heat wave that occurred in early August 2015 was mainly attributed to intraseasonal disturbances including tropical cyclones. Anthropogenic warming contributed to an increase in the probability of occurrence.","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Takahashi, C. et al., 2016: A Persistent Japanese Heat Wave in Early August 2015: Roles of Natural Variability and Human-Induced Warming [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S107-S112, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0157.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"140","row-number":"154",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" japan heatwave, august 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the persistent japanese heat wave that occurred in early august 2015 was mainly attributed to intraseasonal disturbances including tropical cyclones. anthropogenic warming contributed to an increase in the probability of occurrence. jpn 2016 takahashi, c. et al., 2016: a persistent japanese heat wave in early august 2015: roles of natural variability and human-induced warming [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s107-s112, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0157.1."},{Name:"Southern Australia's record warm October, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change was found to have a substantial influence on southern Australia’s extreme heat in October 2015. The relative influence of El Niño conditions was less clear.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Black, M. & Karoly, D., 2016: Southern Australia’s Warmest October on Record: The Role of ENSO and Climate Change [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S118-S121, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0124.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"142","row-number":"156",Location:"S. Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" southern australia's record warm october, 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change was found to have a substantial influence on southern australia’s extreme heat in october 2015. the relative influence of el niño conditions was less clear.\" aus 2016 black, m. & karoly, d., 2016: southern australia’s warmest october on record: the role of enso and climate change [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s118-s121, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0124.1."},{Name:"Australia record heat, October 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Using a seasonal forecasting framework for attribution, we find that half of the record heat anomaly across Australia in October 2015 can be attributed to increasing CO2, with much of the rest due to internal atmospheric variability.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Hope, P. et al., 2016: What Caused the Record-Breaking Heat Across Australia in October 2015? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S122-S126, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0142.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"143","row-number":"157",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia record heat, october 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"using a seasonal forecasting framework for attribution, we find that half of the record heat anomaly across australia in october 2015 can be attributed to increasing co2, with much of the rest due to internal atmospheric variability.\" aus 2016 hope, p. et al., 2016: what caused the record-breaking heat across australia in october 2015? [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s122-s126, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0142.1."},{Name:"Europe record hot temperatures, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The year 2014 broke the record for the warmest yearly average temperature in Europe...Each method shows a very strong anthropogenic influence on the event over Europe.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Uhe et al., 2016: Comparison of methods: Attributing the 2014 record European temperatures to human influences. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (16), 8685–8693,","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"144","row-number":"158",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe record hot temperatures, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the year 2014 broke the record for the warmest yearly average temperature in europe...each method shows a very strong anthropogenic influence on the event over europe.\" 2016 uhe et al., 2016: comparison of methods: attributing the 2014 record european temperatures to human influences. geophysical research letters, 43 (16), 8685–8693,"},{Name:"European temperature extremes, 1961-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The models indicate that anthropogenic forcings have influenced almost all indices in recent decades and led to more prominent changes in the frequency of extremes.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P., 2017: Attribution analyses of temperature extremes using a set of 16 indices. Weather and Climate Extremes, 14, 24-35","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"145","row-number":"159",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" european temperature extremes, 1961-2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the models indicate that anthropogenic forcings have influenced almost all indices in recent decades and led to more prominent changes in the frequency of extremes.\" 2016 christidis, n. & stott, p., 2017: attribution analyses of temperature extremes using a set of 16 indices. weather and climate extremes, 14, 24-35"},{Name:"Global summertime heat stress, 1973-2012","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our analysis suggests that there has been a detectable anthropogenic increase in mean summertime heat stress since 1973, both globally and in most land regions analyzed.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Knutson, T. & PLoshay, J., 2016: Detection of anthropogenic influence on a summertime heat stress index. Climatic Change, 138 (1–2), 25–39","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"146","row-number":"160",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global summertime heat stress, 1973-2012 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"our analysis suggests that there has been a detectable anthropogenic increase in mean summertime heat stress since 1973, both globally and in most land regions analyzed.\" 2016 knutson, t. & ploshay, j., 2016: detection of anthropogenic influence on a summertime heat stress index. climatic change, 138 (1–2), 25–39"},{Name:"Global 'hot' events, post-1900","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find a significant human contribution to the probability of record‐breaking global temperature events as early as the 1930s. Since then, all the last 16 record‐breaking hot years globally had an anthropogenic contribution to their probability of occurrence.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"King, A. et al., 2016: Emergence of heat extremes attributable to anthropogenic influences. GRL, 43 (7), 3438-3443 DOI:10.1002/2015GL067448","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"147","row-number":"161",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global 'hot' events, post-1900 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find a significant human contribution to the probability of record‐breaking global temperature events as early as the 1930s. since then, all the last 16 record‐breaking hot years globally had an anthropogenic contribution to their probability of occurrence.\" 2016 king, a. et al., 2016: emergence of heat extremes attributable to anthropogenic influences. grl, 43 (7), 3438-3443 doi:10.1002/2015gl067448"},{Name:"Global temperature extremes, 1951-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results confirm previous HadEX/CMIP3-based results in which anthropogenic (ANT) signals are robustly detected in the increase in global mean and northern continental regional means of the four indices of extreme temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Kim, Y-H. et al., 2016: Attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010. Clim. Dyn., 46 (5–6), 1769–1782","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"148","row-number":"162",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global temperature extremes, 1951-2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"results confirm previous hadex/cmip3-based results in which anthropogenic (ant) signals are robustly detected in the increase in global mean and northern continental regional means of the four indices of extreme temperatures.\" 2016 kim, y-h. et al., 2016: attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010. clim. dyn., 46 (5–6), 1769–1782"},{Name:"North Pole 'unusually high' temperatures, winter 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The model analyses show that the event would also have been extremely unlikely in a world without anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, attributing the cause of the change to human influences.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2016: Unusually high temperatures at the North Pole, winter 2016, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"149","row-number":"163",Location:"North Pole","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Arctic","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north pole 'unusually high' temperatures, winter 2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the model analyses show that the event would also have been extremely unlikely in a world without anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols, attributing the cause of the change to human influences.\" 2016 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2016: unusually high temperatures at the north pole, winter 2016, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe temperature extremes, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"164",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe temperature extremes, 1951-2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"an anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"North America temperature extremes, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"165",Location:"North America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north america temperature extremes, 1951-2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"an anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Asia temperature extremes, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"166",Location:"Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" asia temperature extremes, 1951-2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"an anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Australia temperature extremes, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"167",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" australia temperature extremes, 1951-2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"an anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere temperature extremes, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"168",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern hemisphere temperature extremes, 1951-2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"an anthropogenic contribution to the increasing area affected by maximum and minimum temperature extremes is thus found for all regions, in particular from greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"India all-time high temperature, May 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The analysis did not find a significant trend for these individual heat waves…The lack of a detectable trend may be due to the masking effect of aerosols on global warming and increased use of irrigation.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2016. Record high temperatures in India, 2016","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"151","row-number":"169",Location:"Rajasthan, India","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" india all-time high temperature, may 2016 heat no discernible human influence \"the analysis did not find a significant trend for these individual heat waves…the lack of a detectable trend may be due to the masking effect of aerosols on global warming and increased use of irrigation.\" ind 2016 world weather attribution. 2016. record high temperatures in india, 2016"},{Name:"UK record winter sunshine, 2014-15","Event year/Trend":"2014-15","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Sunshine",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extreme winter sunshine in the United Kingdom, as observed in the record high 2014/15 season, has become more than 1.5 times more likely to occur under the influence of anthropogenic forcings.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2016: Human Contribution to the Record Sunshine of Winter 2014/15 in the United Kingdom [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S46-S50, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0143.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"152","row-number":"170",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" uk record winter sunshine, 2014-15 sunshine more severe or more likely to occur \"extreme winter sunshine in the united kingdom, as observed in the record high 2014/15 season, has become more than 1.5 times more likely to occur under the influence of anthropogenic forcings.\" gbr 2016 christidis, n. et al., 2016: human contribution to the record sunshine of winter 2014/15 in the united kingdom [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s46-s50, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0143.1."},{Name:"Ethiopia drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"ETH","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming contributed to the 2015 Ethiopian and southern African droughts by increasing El Niño SSTs and local air temperatures, causing reduced rainfall and runoff, and contributing to severe food insecurity.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Funk,C. et al., 2016: Assessing the Contributions of Local and East Pacific Warming to the 2015 Droughts in Ethiopia and Southern Africa [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S75-S80, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0167.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"153","row-number":"171",Location:"Ethiopia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" ethiopia drought, 2015 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming contributed to the 2015 ethiopian and southern african droughts by increasing el niño ssts and local air temperatures, causing reduced rainfall and runoff, and contributing to severe food insecurity.\" eth 2016 funk,c. et al., 2016: assessing the contributions of local and east pacific warming to the 2015 droughts in ethiopia and southern africa [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s75-s80, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0167.1."},{Name:"Southern Africa drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"ETH","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming contributed to the 2015 Ethiopian and southern African droughts by increasing El Niño SSTs and local air temperatures, causing reduced rainfall and runoff, and contributing to severe food insecurity.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Funk,C. et al., 2016: Assessing the Contributions of Local and East Pacific Warming to the 2015 Droughts in Ethiopia and Southern Africa [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S75-S80, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0167.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"153","row-number":"172",Location:"Southern Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" southern africa drought, 2015 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming contributed to the 2015 ethiopian and southern african droughts by increasing el niño ssts and local air temperatures, causing reduced rainfall and runoff, and contributing to severe food insecurity.\" eth 2016 funk,c. et al., 2016: assessing the contributions of local and east pacific warming to the 2015 droughts in ethiopia and southern africa [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s75-s80, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0167.1."},{Name:"Tasmania record low rainfall, October 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change and El Niño made small but significant contributions to increasing the likelihood of record low rainfall in October 2015 in Tasmania. Atmospheric variability was the main contributor.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Karoly, D. et al., 2016: The Roles of Climate Change and El Niño in the Record Low Rainfall in October 2015 in Tasmania, Australia [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S127-S130, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0139.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"154","row-number":"174",Location:"Tasmania","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" tasmania record low rainfall, october 2015 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change and el niño made small but significant contributions to increasing the likelihood of record low rainfall in october 2015 in tasmania. atmospheric variability was the main contributor.\" aus 2016 karoly, d. et al., 2016: the roles of climate change and el niño in the record low rainfall in october 2015 in tasmania, australia [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s127-s130, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0139.1."},{Name:"Western Canada extreme drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Analysis results indicate that the 2015 extreme drought in western Canada was likely an outcome of anthropogenically influenced warm spring conditions and naturally forced dry weather from May to July.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Szeto, K. et al., 2016: The 2015 Extreme Drought in Western Canada [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S42-S46, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0147.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"155","row-number":"175",Location:"British Columbia & Alberta","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" western canada extreme drought, 2015 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"analysis results indicate that the 2015 extreme drought in western canada was likely an outcome of anthropogenically influenced warm spring conditions and naturally forced dry weather from may to july.\" can 2016 szeto, k. et al., 2016: the 2015 extreme drought in western canada [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s42-s46, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0147.1."},{Name:"Western US 'exceptionally low' snowpack, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[B]oth human influence and sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies contributed strongly to the risk of snow drought in Oregon and Washington: the contribution of SST anomalies was about twice that of human influence.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Mote et al., 2016: Perspectives on the causes of exceptionally low 2015 snowpack in the western United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (20), 10,980–10,988","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"156","row-number":"176",Location:"Oregon and Washington","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" western us 'exceptionally low' snowpack, 2015 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[b]oth human influence and sea surface temperature (sst) anomalies contributed strongly to the risk of snow drought in oregon and washington: the contribution of sst anomalies was about twice that of human influence.\" usa 2016 mote et al., 2016: perspectives on the causes of exceptionally low 2015 snowpack in the western united states. geophysical research letters, 43 (20), 10,980–10,988"},{Name:"Washington snowpack drought, 2014-15","Event year/Trend":"2014-15","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2014/15 snowpack drought resulted from exceedingly high temperatures notwithstanding normal precipitation—a drought type that may reoccur due to accelerated anthropogenic warming and aggravated by naturally driven low precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Fosu, B. et al., 2016: The 2014/15 Snowpack Drought in Washington State and its Climate Forcing [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S19-S24, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0154.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"157","row-number":"177",Location:"Washington State, US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" washington snowpack drought, 2014-15 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2014/15 snowpack drought resulted from exceedingly high temperatures notwithstanding normal precipitation—a drought type that may reoccur due to accelerated anthropogenic warming and aggravated by naturally driven low precipitation.\" usa 2016 fosu, b. et al., 2016: the 2014/15 snowpack drought in washington state and its climate forcing [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s19-s24, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0154.1."},{Name:"New Zealand drought, January-March 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results demonstrate robust (>99% confidence) increases in the likelihood of observing circulation patterns like those of the 2013 drought in the recent‐climate simulations when compared with the early‐climate simulations.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Harrington, L. J. et al., 2016: Investigating event-specific drought attribution using self‐organizing maps, JGR Atmospheres, DOI:10.1002/2016JD025602","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"158","row-number":"178",Location:"New Zealand North Island","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" new zealand drought, january-march 2013 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"our results demonstrate robust (>99% confidence) increases in the likelihood of observing circulation patterns like those of the 2013 drought in the recent‐climate simulations when compared with the early‐climate simulations.\" nzl 2016 harrington, l. j. et al., 2016: investigating event-specific drought attribution using self‐organizing maps, jgr atmospheres, doi:10.1002/2016jd025602"},{Name:"Southeast China extreme rainfall, May 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change increased the probability that a short-duration, intense rainfall events and associated flooding, like the one that occurred in May, would occur in parts of southeast China.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Burke, C. et al., 2016: Attribution of Extreme Rainfall in Southeast China During May 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S93-S96, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0144.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"159","row-number":"179",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southeast china extreme rainfall, may 2015 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change increased the probability that a short-duration, intense rainfall events and associated flooding, like the one that occurred in may, would occur in parts of southeast china.\" chn 2016 burke, c. et al., 2016: attribution of extreme rainfall in southeast china during may 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s93-s96, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0144.1."},{Name:"Flooding in Boulder, September 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e deduce an increase in the likelihood of extreme one-day precipitation but of a smaller magnitude than what would be expected in a warming world according to the Clausius–Clapeyron relation. For five-day extremes, we are unable to detect a change in likelihood.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Eden, J. et al., 2016: Multi-method attribution analysis of extreme precipitation in Boulder, Colorado. Environmental Research Letters, 11 (12)","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"160","row-number":"180",Location:"Boulder, Colorado","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" flooding in boulder, september 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e deduce an increase in the likelihood of extreme one-day precipitation but of a smaller magnitude than what would be expected in a warming world according to the clausius–clapeyron relation. for five-day extremes, we are unable to detect a change in likelihood.\" usa 2016 eden, j. et al., 2016: multi-method attribution analysis of extreme precipitation in boulder, colorado. environmental research letters, 11 (12)"},{Name:"Southern England floods, winter 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In a large ensemble of climate model simulations, we find that, as well as increasing the amount of moisture the atmosphere can hold, anthropogenic warming caused a small but significant increase in the number of January days with westerly flow, both of which increased extreme precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Schaller, N et al., 2016: Human influence on climate in the 2014 southern England winter floods and their impacts. Nature Climate Change, 6, 627–634","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"161","row-number":"181",Location:"Southern England","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern england floods, winter 2013-14 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"in a large ensemble of climate model simulations, we find that, as well as increasing the amount of moisture the atmosphere can hold, anthropogenic warming caused a small but significant increase in the number of january days with westerly flow, both of which increased extreme precipitation.\" gbr 2016 schaller, n et al., 2016: human influence on climate in the 2014 southern england winter floods and their impacts. nature climate change, 6, 627–634"},{Name:"Louisiana floods, August 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These simulations suggest that ~20% of the 4 day precipitation that fell on Louisiana (average of detrend and double trend) could have been augmented by climate warming trends.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Wang, S-Y. et al., 2016: Synoptic and quantitative attributions of the extreme precipitation leading to the August 2016 Louisiana flood. Geophys. Res. Lett, 44 (23), 805-11,814, DOI: 10.1002/2016GL071460","Unique paper":" ",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"162","row-number":"182",Location:"Louisiana","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" louisiana floods, august 2016 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"these simulations suggest that ~20% of the 4 day precipitation that fell on louisiana (average of detrend and double trend) could have been augmented by climate warming trends.\" usa 2016 wang, s-y. et al., 2016: synoptic and quantitative attributions of the extreme precipitation leading to the august 2016 louisiana flood. geophys. res. lett, 44 (23), 805-11,814, doi: 10.1002/2016gl071460"},{Name:"Europe heavy rainfall, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These results show that an anthropogenic contribution to the heavy precipitation component over Europe is found for a majority of models analyzed.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"183",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" europe heavy rainfall, 1951-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"these results show that an anthropogenic contribution to the heavy precipitation component over europe is found for a majority of models analyzed.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"North America heavy rainfall, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]here is a clear difference emerging between the different scenarios, indicating a likely anthropogenic influence on this component that is underestimated in the models.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"184",Location:"North America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" north america heavy rainfall, 1951-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]here is a clear difference emerging between the different scenarios, indicating a likely anthropogenic influence on this component that is underestimated in the models.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Asia heavy rainfall, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These results indicate that [greenhouse gas] forcing is needed to explain the observed trends.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"185",Location:"Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" asia heavy rainfall, 1951-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"these results indicate that [greenhouse gas] forcing is needed to explain the observed trends.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere heavy rainfall, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[C]limate models are at least partially able to replicate the observed increase in the areas experiencing “much above average” contribution of heavy precipitation to total precipitation across the northern hemisphere, and that part of this increase in area is due to anthropogenic effects.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"186",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northern hemisphere heavy rainfall, 1951-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[c]limate models are at least partially able to replicate the observed increase in the areas experiencing “much above average” contribution of heavy precipitation to total precipitation across the northern hemisphere, and that part of this increase in area is due to anthropogenic effects.\" 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Australia heavy rainfall, 1951-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Over Australia, the simulations do not exhibit any trend, consistent with no trend in the observations.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Dittus, A. & Karoly, D., 2017: A Multiregion Model Evaluation and Attribution Study of Historical Changes in the Area Affected by Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0164.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"150","row-number":"187",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" australia heavy rainfall, 1951-2005 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"over australia, the simulations do not exhibit any trend, consistent with no trend in the observations.\" aus 2016 dittus, a. & karoly, d., 2017: a multiregion model evaluation and attribution study of historical changes in the area affected by temperature and precipitation extremes. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0164.1"},{Name:"Late onset of Nigeria wet season, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find no evidence that the delayed onset of the wet season over Nigeria during April–May 2015 was made more likely by anthropogenic influences or anomalous sea surface temperatures. \"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Lawal, K. et al., 2016: The Late Onset of the 2015 Wet Season in Nigeria [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S63-S69, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0131.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"163","row-number":"188",Location:"Nigeria","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" late onset of nigeria wet season, 2015 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we find no evidence that the delayed onset of the wet season over nigeria during april–may 2015 was made more likely by anthropogenic influences or anomalous sea surface temperatures. \" rus 2016 lawal, k. et al., 2016: the late onset of the 2015 wet season in nigeria [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s63-s69, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0131.1."},{Name:"Chennai heavy rainfall event, December 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Extreme one-day rainfall caused widespread flooding in Chennai, India, in December 2015. No effect of global warming was detected, likely caused by aerosols counteracting greenhouse gases up to now.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al., 2016: The Heavy Precipitation Event of December 2015 in Chennai, India [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S87-S91, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0129.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"164","row-number":"189",Location:"Chennai, India","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" chennai heavy rainfall event, december 2015 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"extreme one-day rainfall caused widespread flooding in chennai, india, in december 2015. no effect of global warming was detected, likely caused by aerosols counteracting greenhouse gases up to now.\" ind 2016 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al., 2016: the heavy precipitation event of december 2015 in chennai, india [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s87-s91, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0129.1"},{Name:"Rainstorms in Germany, May 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"DEU","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The results for this region are inconclusive and no attribution statement can be made at this time.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2016: Rainstorms in France and Germany, May 2016, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"165","row-number":"190",Location:"Germany","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" rainstorms in germany, may 2016 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"the results for this region are inconclusive and no attribution statement can be made at this time.\" deu 2016 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2016: rainstorms in france and germany, may 2016, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Record low Arctic sea ice, March 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record low Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter sea ice maximum stemmed from a strong interannual surface anomaly in the Pacific sector, but it would not have been reached without long-term climate change.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Fučkar, N. et al., 2016: Record Low Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent in March 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S136-140, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0153.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"166","row-number":"191",Location:"Arctic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" record low arctic sea ice, march 2015 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the record low northern hemisphere (nh) winter sea ice maximum stemmed from a strong interannual surface anomaly in the pacific sector, but it would not have been reached without long-term climate change.\" 2016 fučkar, n. et al., 2016: record low northern hemisphere sea ice extent in march 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s136-140, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0153.1."},{Name:"Eastern US winter cold wave, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Consistent with observations, the majority of climate models find that climate change has led to a shift in the distribution of winter daily minimum temperatures toward warmer conditions, and subsequently a decrease in the likelihood of extreme cold waves in the North Atlantic.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Trenary, L. et al., 2016: Extreme Eastern U.S. Winter of 2015 Not Symptomatic of Climate Change [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S31-S35, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0156.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"167","row-number":"192",Location:"North Eastern US 40°– 48°N, 83°–65°W","iso sub region":"Northern America,Northern America","iso region":"Americas,Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean,North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern us winter cold wave, 2015 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"consistent with observations, the majority of climate models find that climate change has led to a shift in the distribution of winter daily minimum temperatures toward warmer conditions, and subsequently a decrease in the likelihood of extreme cold waves in the north atlantic.\" usa 2016 trenary, l. et al., 2016: extreme eastern u.s. winter of 2015 not symptomatic of climate change [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s31-s35, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0156.1."},{Name:"Arctic sea ice record low, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Using several different metrics to define the events in question, it is shown that an extreme SIE minimum of the magnitude seen in 2012 is consistent with a scenario including anthropogenic influence and is extremely unlikely in a scenario excluding anthropogenic influence.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Kirchmeier-Young, M., 2016: Attribution of Extreme Events in Arctic Sea Ice Extent. Journal of Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0412.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"168","row-number":"193",Location:"Arctic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" arctic sea ice record low, 2012 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"using several different metrics to define the events in question, it is shown that an extreme sie minimum of the magnitude seen in 2012 is consistent with a scenario including anthropogenic influence and is extremely unlikely in a scenario excluding anthropogenic influence.\" 2016 kirchmeier-young, m., 2016: attribution of extreme events in arctic sea ice extent. journal of climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0412.1"},{Name:"North America winter temperature dipole, 1980-2015","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Using a large single‐model ensemble of climate simulations, we show that the observed positive trend in the warm‐West/cool‐East events is attributable to historical anthropogenic emissions including greenhouse gases, but that the co‐occurrence of extreme western warmth and eastern cold will likely decrease in the future.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Singh, D. et al., 2016: Recent amplification of the North American winter temperature dipole. JGR Atmos., 121 (17), 9911-9928, DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025116","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"169","row-number":"194",Location:"Eastern North America","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" north america winter temperature dipole, 1980-2015 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"using a large single‐model ensemble of climate simulations, we show that the observed positive trend in the warm‐west/cool‐east events is attributable to historical anthropogenic emissions including greenhouse gases, but that the co‐occurrence of extreme western warmth and eastern cold will likely decrease in the future.\" 2016 singh, d. et al., 2016: recent amplification of the north american winter temperature dipole. jgr atmos., 121 (17), 9911-9928, doi: 10.1002/2016jd025116"},{Name:"US record low temperatures, December 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The cold air outbreak of the next few days is nothing unusual, and neither inconsistent with an overall picture of a warming world, nor evidence that global warming is making cold weather more extreme.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2016: Deep freeze in the US, December 2016, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"170","row-number":"195",Location:"Eastern North America","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" us record low temperatures, december 2016 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"the cold air outbreak of the next few days is nothing unusual, and neither inconsistent with an overall picture of a warming world, nor evidence that global warming is making cold weather more extreme.\" usa 2016 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2016: deep freeze in the us, december 2016, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Eastern US extremely cold days, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"There is no systematic trend in the number of extremely cold days, thus no evidence to suggest that the frequency or persistence of cold events is systematically changing\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Trenary, L. et al., 2016: Extreme Eastern U.S. Winter of 2015 Not Symptomatic of Climate Change [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S31-S35, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0156.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"167","row-number":"196",Location:"Mid (35°–40°N, 83°–72°W) and South (25°–35°N, 89°–75°W)","iso sub region":"Northern America,Northern America","iso region":"Americas,Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean,North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern us extremely cold days, 2015 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"there is no systematic trend in the number of extremely cold days, thus no evidence to suggest that the frequency or persistence of cold events is systematically changing\" usa 2016 trenary, l. et al., 2016: extreme eastern u.s. winter of 2015 not symptomatic of climate change [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s31-s35, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0156.1."},{Name:"North America cold spell, February 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The cold spell of February 2015 in North America was predominantly internally generated; reduced Arctic sea ice and anomalous sea surface temperatures may have contributed in establishing and sustaining the anomalous flow.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Bellprat, O. et al., 2016: The Role of Arctic Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperatures on the Cold 2015 February Over North America [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S36-S41, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0159.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"171","row-number":"197",Location:"N. America","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" north america cold spell, february 2015 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"the cold spell of february 2015 in north america was predominantly internally generated; reduced arctic sea ice and anomalous sea surface temperatures may have contributed in establishing and sustaining the anomalous flow.\" 2016 bellprat, o. et al., 2016: the role of arctic sea ice and sea surface temperatures on the cold 2015 february over north america [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s36-s41, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0159.1"},{Name:"Extreme accumulated cyclone energy in western North Pacific, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Oceania","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The extreme value of the 2015 western North Pacific (WNP) accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) was mainly caused by the sea surface warming in the eastern and central Pacific, with the anthropogenic forcing largely increasing the odds of the occurrence of this event.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Zhang, W. et al., 2016: Influences of Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Forcing on the Extreme 2015 Accumulated Cyclone Energy in the Western North Pacific [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S131-135, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0146.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"172","row-number":"198",Location:"Western North Pacific","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" extreme accumulated cyclone energy in western north pacific, 2015 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the extreme value of the 2015 western north pacific (wnp) accumulated cyclone energy (ace) was mainly caused by the sea surface warming in the eastern and central pacific, with the anthropogenic forcing largely increasing the odds of the occurrence of this event.\" 2016 zhang, w. et al., 2016: influences of natural variability and anthropogenic forcing on the extreme 2015 accumulated cyclone energy in the western north pacific [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s131-135, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0146.1."},{Name:"Hurricane Sandy-like floods, 1800-2100","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Due to the effect of sea level rise, the return period of Hurricane Sandy’s flood height decreased by a factor of ∼3× from year 1800 to 2000 and is estimated to decrease by a further ∼4.4× from 2000 to 2100 under a moderate-emissions pathway.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Lin, N. et al., 2016: Hurricane Sandy’s flood frequency increasing from year 1800 to 2100. PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1604386113","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"173","row-number":"199",Location:"New York City","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane sandy-like floods, 1800-2100 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"due to the effect of sea level rise, the return period of hurricane sandy’s flood height decreased by a factor of ∼3× from year 1800 to 2000 and is estimated to decrease by a further ∼4.4× from 2000 to 2100 under a moderate-emissions pathway.\" usa 2016 lin, n. et al., 2016: hurricane sandy’s flood frequency increasing from year 1800 to 2100. pnas, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1604386113"},{Name:"Alaska fire season, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2015 Alaska fire season burned the second largest number of acres since records began in 1940. Human-induced climate change may have increased the risk of a fire season of this severity by 34%–60%.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Partain, J. et al. 2016: An Assessment of the Role of Anthropogenic Climate Change in the Alaska Fire Season of 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S14-S18, doi::10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0149.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"174","row-number":"200",Location:"Alaska","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" alaska fire season, 2015 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2015 alaska fire season burned the second largest number of acres since records began in 1940. human-induced climate change may have increased the risk of a fire season of this severity by 34%–60%.\" usa 2016 partain, j. et al. 2016: an assessment of the role of anthropogenic climate change in the alaska fire season of 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s14-s18, doi::10.1175/bams-d-16-0149.1."},{Name:"Western US wildfires, 1979-2015","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that human-caused climate change contributed to an additional 4.2 million ha of forest fire area during 1984–2015, nearly doubling the forest fire area expected in its absence.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Abatzoglou, J. & Park Williams, A., 2016: Impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western US forests. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1607171113","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"175","row-number":"201",Location:"Western continental US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" western us wildfires, 1979-2015 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that human-caused climate change contributed to an additional 4.2 million ha of forest fire area during 1984–2015, nearly doubling the forest fire area expected in its absence.\" usa 2016 abatzoglou, j. & park williams, a., 2016: impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western us forests. doi:10.1073/pnas.1607171113"},{Name:"California wildfire activity, 1975-2050","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Historically, we find that anthropogenic influences account for up to fifty percent of explanatory power in the model.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Mann, M. et al., 2016: Incorporating Anthropogenic Influences into Fire Probability Models: Effects of Human Activity and Climate Change on Fire Activity in California. PLOS One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0153589","Unique paper":"1",Source:"PLOS One","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"176","row-number":"202",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" california wildfire activity, 1975-2050 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"historically, we find that anthropogenic influences account for up to fifty percent of explanatory power in the model.\" usa 2016 mann, m. et al., 2016: incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models: effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in california. plos one, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153589"},{Name:"Florida's 'sunny-day flood', September 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The probability of a 0.57-m tidal flood within the Miami region has increased by >500% since 1994 from a 10.9-cm sea level rise (SLR)-related trend in monthly highest tides.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Sweet, W. et al., 2016: In Tide’s Way: Southeast Florida’s September 2015 Sunny-day Flood [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S25-S30, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0117.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"177","row-number":"203",Location:"Miami, Florida","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" florida's 'sunny-day flood', september 2015 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"the probability of a 0.57-m tidal flood within the miami region has increased by >500% since 1994 from a 10.9-cm sea level rise (slr)-related trend in monthly highest tides.\" usa 2016 sweet, w. et al., 2016: in tide’s way: southeast florida’s september 2015 sunny-day flood [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s25-s30, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0117.1."},{Name:"Record warmth in the central Pacific, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Oceania","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"In 2015, record warm surface temperatures were observed for the global mean, India, and the equatorial central Pacific. CMIP5 simulations suggest that for the globe and India, anthropogenic warming was largely to blame.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2016: Multimodel Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on Record Global and Regional Warmth During 2015 [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S4-S8, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0138.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"133","row-number":"204",Location:"Equatorial Central Pacific, Niño-4 region","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record warmth in the central pacific, 2015 oceans insufficient data/inconclusive \"in 2015, record warm surface temperatures were observed for the global mean, india, and the equatorial central pacific. cmip5 simulations suggest that for the globe and india, anthropogenic warming was largely to blame.\" 2016 kam, j. et al., 2016: multimodel assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global and regional warmth during 2015 [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s4-s8, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0138.1."},{Name:"Indonesia severe heat and drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"IDN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"El Niño and human-induced climate change have substantially increased the likelihood of rainfall deficits and high temperatures, respectively, in Indonesia such as those experienced in the drought conditions of July–October 2015.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"King, A. et al., 2016: Climate Change and El Niño Increase Likelihood of Indonesian Heat and Drought [in “Explaining Extremes of 2015 from a Climate Perspective”] Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97 (12), S113-S117, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0164.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"141","row-number":"155",Location:"Indonesia 0°–11°S, 95°–141°E","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" indonesia severe heat and drought, 2015 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"el niño and human-induced climate change have substantially increased the likelihood of rainfall deficits and high temperatures, respectively, in indonesia such as those experienced in the drought conditions of july–october 2015.\" idn 2016 king, a. et al., 2016: climate change and el niño increase likelihood of indonesian heat and drought [in “explaining extremes of 2015 from a climate perspective”] bull. amer. meteor. soc., 97 (12), s113-s117, doi:10.1175/bams-d-16-0164.1."},{Name:"Great Barrier Reef mass bleaching, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We found that climate change has dramatically increased the likelihood of very hot March months like that of 2016 in the Coral Sea. We estimate that there is at least a 175 times increase in likelihood of hot March months because of the human influence on the climate.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2016. Great Barrier reef bleaching, 2016","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"178","row-number":"205",Location:"Coral Sea","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" great barrier reef mass bleaching, 2016 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"we found that climate change has dramatically increased the likelihood of very hot march months like that of 2016 in the coral sea. we estimate that there is at least a 175 times increase in likelihood of hot march months because of the human influence on the climate.\" aus 2016 world weather attribution. 2016. great barrier reef bleaching, 2016"},{Name:"Paris summer heatwave deaths, 2003","Event year/Trend":"2003","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Out of the estimated ~315 and ~735 summer deaths attributed to the heatwave event in Greater London and Central Paris, respectively, 64 (±3) deaths were attributable to anthropogenic climate change in London, and 506 (±51) in Paris.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Mitchell, d. et al., 2016: Attributing human mortality during extreme heat waves to anthropogenic climate change, Environ. Res. Lett. 11 074006","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"179","row-number":"206",Location:"London","iso sub region":"Northern Europe,Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" paris summer heatwave deaths, 2003 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"out of the estimated ~315 and ~735 summer deaths attributed to the heatwave event in greater london and central paris, respectively, 64 (±3) deaths were attributable to anthropogenic climate change in london, and 506 (±51) in paris.\" fra 2016 mitchell, d. et al., 2016: attributing human mortality during extreme heat waves to anthropogenic climate change, environ. res. lett. 11 074006"},{Name:"London summer heatwave deaths, 2003","Event year/Trend":"2003","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Out of the estimated ~315 and ~735 summer deaths attributed to the heatwave event in Greater London and Central Paris, respectively, 64 (±3) deaths were attributable to anthropogenic climate change in London, and 506 (±51) in Paris.\"","Publication year":"2016",Citation:"Mitchell, d. et al., 2016: Attributing human mortality during extreme heat waves to anthropogenic climate change, Environ. Res. Lett. 11 074006","Unique paper":"",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"179","row-number":"207",Location:"Paris","iso sub region":"Northern Europe,Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" london summer heatwave deaths, 2003 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"out of the estimated ~315 and ~735 summer deaths attributed to the heatwave event in greater london and central paris, respectively, 64 (±3) deaths were attributable to anthropogenic climate change in london, and 506 (±51) in paris.\" gbr 2016 mitchell, d. et al., 2016: attributing human mortality during extreme heat waves to anthropogenic climate change, environ. res. lett. 11 074006"},{Name:"Global extreme events, 1931-2016","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that historical warming has increased the severity and probability of the hottest month and hottest day of the year at >80% of the available observational area.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Diffenbaugh, N. et al., 2017: Quantifying the influence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. PNAS, 114 (19), 4881–4886","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"180","row-number":"208",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global extreme events, 1931-2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that historical warming has increased the severity and probability of the hottest month and hottest day of the year at >80% of the available observational area.\" 2017 diffenbaugh, n. et al., 2017: quantifying the influence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. pnas, 114 (19), 4881–4886"},{Name:"Global record temperature streak, 2014-16","Event year/Trend":"2014-16","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that this sequence of record‐breaking temperatures had a negligible (\u003C0.03%) likelihood of occurrence in the absence of anthropogenic warming.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Mann, M. et al., 2017: Record temperature streak bears anthropogenic fingerprint. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44 (15), 7936-7944, DOI:10.1002/2017GL074056","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"181","row-number":"209",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global record temperature streak, 2014-16 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that this sequence of record‐breaking temperatures had a negligible (\u003C0.03%) likelihood of occurrence in the absence of anthropogenic warming.\" 2017 mann, m. et al., 2017: record temperature streak bears anthropogenic fingerprint. geophys. res. lett., 44 (15), 7936-7944, doi:10.1002/2017gl074056"},{Name:"Global temperature record, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"The findings indicate a \"29‐fold increase in the likelihood of setting a record for a hot year in global temperatures in 2016 due to anthropogenic forcings\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"King, A., 2017: Attributing Changing Rates of Temperature Record Breaking to Anthropogenic Influences, Earth's Future, 5 (11) 1156-1168, DOI: 10.1002/2017EF000611","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"182","row-number":"210",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global temperature record, 2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur the findings indicate a \"29‐fold increase in the likelihood of setting a record for a hot year in global temperatures in 2016 due to anthropogenic forcings\". 2017 king, a., 2017: attributing changing rates of temperature record breaking to anthropogenic influences, earth's future, 5 (11) 1156-1168, doi: 10.1002/2017ef000611"},{Name:"Central England temperature record, 2014","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human‐induced climate change increased the chance of setting a new heat record in the CET [Central England Temperature] in 2014 by at least a factor 35.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"King, A., 2017: Attributing Changing Rates of Temperature Record Breaking to Anthropogenic Influences, Earth's Future, 5 (11) 1156-1168, DOI: 10.1002/2017EF000611","Unique paper":"",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"182","row-number":"211",Location:"Central England","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" central england temperature record, 2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human‐induced climate change increased the chance of setting a new heat record in the cet [central england temperature] in 2014 by at least a factor 35.\" gbr 2017 king, a., 2017: attributing changing rates of temperature record breaking to anthropogenic influences, earth's future, 5 (11) 1156-1168, doi: 10.1002/2017ef000611"},{Name:"New South Wales hottest summer, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Average summer temperatures like those seen [in New South Wales] during 2016-2017 are now at least 50 times more likely in the current climate than in the past, before global warming began.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"King, A. et al. 2017: Extreme heat in southeast Australia, February 2017, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"183","row-number":"212",Location:"New South Wales, Southeastern Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" new south wales hottest summer, 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"average summer temperatures like those seen [in new south wales] during 2016-2017 are now at least 50 times more likely in the current climate than in the past, before global warming began.\" aus 2017 king, a. et al. 2017: extreme heat in southeast australia, february 2017, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Eastern US 'exceedingly warm' Feburary, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Overall, we find that the chances of seeing a February as warm as the one experienced across the Lower 48 has increased more than threefold because of human-caused climate change.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. 2017. Warm Februaries becoming much more common in the US, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"184","row-number":"213",Location:"Contiguous US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" eastern us 'exceedingly warm' feburary, 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"overall, we find that the chances of seeing a february as warm as the one experienced across the lower 48 has increased more than threefold because of human-caused climate change.\" usa 2017 van oldenborgh, g. j. 2017. warm februaries becoming much more common in the us, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (Belgium)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"BEL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"214",Location:"Belgium","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (belgium) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". bel 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (France)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"215",Location:"France","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (france) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". fra 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (Netherlands)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"NLD","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"216",Location:"Netherlands (Central Netherlands Temperature region)","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (netherlands) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". nld 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (Portugal)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"PRT","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"217",Location:"Portugal","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (portugal) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". prt 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (Spain)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"ESP","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"218",Location:"Spain","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (spain) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". esp 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (Switzerland)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CHE","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"219",Location:"Switzerland","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (switzerland) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". che 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe heatwave, June 2017 (UK)","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in Belgium, at least four times as likely in France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and central England and at least 10 times as likely in Portugal and Spain\".","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2017: Record June temperatures in western Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"185","row-number":"220",Location:"UK (Central England Temperature region)","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe heatwave, june 2017 (uk) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change made the intensity and frequency of such extreme heat at least twice as likely in belgium, at least four times as likely in france, switzerland, the netherlands, and central england and at least 10 times as likely in portugal and spain\". gbr 2017 otto, f. et al. 2017: record june temperatures in western europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Euro-Mediterannean heat, summer 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The team found that climate change increased the chances of seeing a summer as hot as 2017 by at least a factor of 10 and a heat wave like Lucifer by at least a factor of four since 1900.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2017: Euro-Mediterranean heat, summer 2017","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"186","row-number":"221",Location:"Euro-Mediterranean region","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" euro-mediterannean heat, summer 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the team found that climate change increased the chances of seeing a summer as hot as 2017 by at least a factor of 10 and a heat wave like lucifer by at least a factor of four since 1900.\" 2017 world weather attribution. 2017: euro-mediterranean heat, summer 2017"},{Name:"Tibetan Plateua severe drought, autumn 2009","Event year/Trend":"2009","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Ensemble simulations of climate models demonstrate a robust increase in the dry and warm meteorological conditions seen during the 2009 SEPTP autumn drought due to anthropogenic global warming.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Ma, S. 2017: Increased Chances of Drought in Southeastern Periphery of the Tibetan Plateau Induced by Anthropogenic Warming. J Clim, 30 (16), 6543–6560","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"187","row-number":"222",Location:"Tibetan Plateau","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" tibetan plateua severe drought, autumn 2009 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"ensemble simulations of climate models demonstrate a robust increase in the dry and warm meteorological conditions seen during the 2009 septp autumn drought due to anthropogenic global warming.\" chn 2017 ma, s. 2017: increased chances of drought in southeastern periphery of the tibetan plateau induced by anthropogenic warming. j clim, 30 (16), 6543–6560"},{Name:"Central US severe drought, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An anthropogenic impact on precipitation was detectable in the simulations, doubling the likelihood of what would have been a rainfall deficit with a 2% exceedance probability under preindustrial-level forcings.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Rupp, D. et al., 2017: Influence of the Ocean and Greenhouse Gases on Severe Drought Likelihood in the Central United States in 2012, J. Clim. DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0294.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"188","row-number":"223",Location:"Averaged over Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" central us severe drought, 2012 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"an anthropogenic impact on precipitation was detectable in the simulations, doubling the likelihood of what would have been a rainfall deficit with a 2% exceedance probability under preindustrial-level forcings.\" usa 2017 rupp, d. et al., 2017: influence of the ocean and greenhouse gases on severe drought likelihood in the central united states in 2012, j. clim. doi:10.1175/jcli-d-16-0294.1"},{Name:"Northeast Brazil drought, 2012-16","Event year/Trend":"2012-16","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Northeast Brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2016 due to a five-year drought. Using multiple methods, we could not find sufficient evidence that anthropogenic climate change increased drought risk.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Martins, E. et al., 2017: A Multimethod Attribution Analysis of the Prolonged Northeast Brazil Hydrometeorological Drought (2012–16) [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S65-S69, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0102.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"189","row-number":"224",Location:"Brazil","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" northeast brazil drought, 2012-16 drought no discernible human influence \"northeast brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2016 due to a five-year drought. using multiple methods, we could not find sufficient evidence that anthropogenic climate change increased drought risk.\" bra 2017 martins, e. et al., 2017: a multimethod attribution analysis of the prolonged northeast brazil hydrometeorological drought (2012–16) [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s65-s69, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0102.1."},{Name:"Kenya drought, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"KEN","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Analysing precipitation data for the South East and North West of Kenya we found no consistent signal from human‐induced climate change and thus conclude that it has not greatly affected the likelihood of low rainfall such as in 2016.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Uhe, P. et al., 2017: Attributing drivers of the 2016 Kenyan drought, International Journal of Climatology, 38(51): 554-568, doi: 10.1002/joc.5389","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"190","row-number":"225",Location:"Kenya","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" kenya drought, 2016 drought no discernible human influence \"analysing precipitation data for the south east and north west of kenya we found no consistent signal from human‐induced climate change and thus conclude that it has not greatly affected the likelihood of low rainfall such as in 2016.\" ken 2017 uhe, p. et al., 2017: attributing drivers of the 2016 kenyan drought, international journal of climatology, 38(51): 554-568, doi: 10.1002/joc.5389"},{Name:"Ethiopia drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"ETH","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Taking the model spread into account we again cannot attribute the drought to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Philip, S. et al., 2017: Attribution Analysis of the Ethiopian Drought of 2015, J. Clim, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0274.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"191","row-number":"226",Location:"Ethiopia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" ethiopia drought, 2015 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"taking the model spread into account we again cannot attribute the drought to anthropogenic climate change.\" eth 2017 philip, s. et al., 2017: attribution analysis of the ethiopian drought of 2015, j. clim, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-17-0274.1"},{Name:"California drought trends, 1979-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"These results allow a tenuous case for human-driven climate change driving increased gradients and favoring the west coast ridge, but observational data are not sufficiently accurate to confirm or reject this case.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Seager, R. et al., 2017: Is There a Role for Human-Induced Climate Change in the Precipitation Decline that Drove the California Drought? DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0192.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"192","row-number":"227",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" california drought trends, 1979-2005 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"these results allow a tenuous case for human-driven climate change driving increased gradients and favoring the west coast ridge, but observational data are not sufficiently accurate to confirm or reject this case.\" usa 2017 seager, r. et al., 2017: is there a role for human-induced climate change in the precipitation decline that drove the california drought? doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-17-0192.1"},{Name:"Somalia drought, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"SOM","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Taking all the evidence together we therefore conclude that the effect of climate change on dry extremes in Somalia and Somaliland in the autumn (Deyr) rains is small compared to natural variability. We cannot show that climate change influenced the probability of drought.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2017: Rapid analysis of drought in Somalia, 2016, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"193","row-number":"228",Location:"Somalia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" somalia drought, 2016 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"taking all the evidence together we therefore conclude that the effect of climate change on dry extremes in somalia and somaliland in the autumn (deyr) rains is small compared to natural variability. we cannot show that climate change influenced the probability of drought.\" som 2017 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2017: rapid analysis of drought in somalia, 2016, world weather attribution"},{Name:"European drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Assessments using the maximum number of models and counterfactual climates with pre‐industrial greenhouse gas concentrations point to an enhanced drought risk in Europe. However, other evaluations show contradictory evidence.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Hauser, M. et al. 2017: Methods and Model Dependency of Extreme Event Attribution: The 2015 European Drought, Earth's Future, 5(10): 1034-1043, doi:10.1002/2017EF000612","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"194","row-number":"229",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" european drought, 2015 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"assessments using the maximum number of models and counterfactual climates with pre‐industrial greenhouse gas concentrations point to an enhanced drought risk in europe. however, other evaluations show contradictory evidence.\" 2017 hauser, m. et al. 2017: methods and model dependency of extreme event attribution: the 2015 european drought, earth's future, 5(10): 1034-1043, doi:10.1002/2017ef000612"},{Name:"South Louisiana flooding, August 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Taking into account all modeling results, the probability of an event like the one in south Louisiana in 2016 has increased at least by a factor of 1.4 due to radiative forcing.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"van de Wiel, K. et al., 2017: Rapid attribution of the August 2016 flood-inducing extreme precipitation in south Louisiana to climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 897-921","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Hydrology and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"195","row-number":"230",Location:"Louisiana","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south louisiana flooding, august 2016 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"taking into account all modeling results, the probability of an event like the one in south louisiana in 2016 has increased at least by a factor of 1.4 due to radiative forcing.\" usa 2017 van de wiel, k. et al., 2017: rapid attribution of the august 2016 flood-inducing extreme precipitation in south louisiana to climate change. hydrology and earth system sciences, 21, 897-921"},{Name:"Colorado floods, September 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Using this ‘conditional event attribution’ approach we find that our regional climate model simulations indicate that anthropogenic drivers increased the magnitude of heavy northeast Colorado rainfall for the wet week in September 2013 by 30%, with the occurrence probability of a week at least that wet increasing by at least a factor of 1.3.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Pall, P. et al., 2017: Diagnosing conditional anthropogenic contributions to heavy Colorado rainfall in September 2013. Weather and Climate Extremes, 17, 1-6, DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2017.03.004","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"196","row-number":"231",Location:"Colorado","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" colorado floods, september 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"using this ‘conditional event attribution’ approach we find that our regional climate model simulations indicate that anthropogenic drivers increased the magnitude of heavy northeast colorado rainfall for the wet week in september 2013 by 30%, with the occurrence probability of a week at least that wet increasing by at least a factor of 1.3.\" usa 2017 pall, p. et al., 2017: diagnosing conditional anthropogenic contributions to heavy colorado rainfall in september 2013. weather and climate extremes, 17, 1-6, doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2017.03.004"},{Name:"West Africa heavy rainfall, July-August 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results show that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have decreased the probability of high precipitation across most of the model ensembles.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Parker, H. et al., 2017: A comparison of model ensembles for attributing 2012 West African rainfall, Environ. Res. Lett. (12), 014019","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"197","row-number":"232",Location:"West Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" west africa heavy rainfall, july-august 2012 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"results show that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have decreased the probability of high precipitation across most of the model ensembles.\" 2017 parker, h. et al., 2017: a comparison of model ensembles for attributing 2012 west african rainfall, environ. res. lett. (12), 014019"},{Name:"Southern Europe 'unusually hot & dry' summer, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]here has been a significant increase in the risk of hot summers in southern Europe with climate change. Most approaches also suggested a slight drying, but none of the results were statistically significant.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Wilcox, L. et al., 2017: Multiple perspectives on the attribution of the extreme European summer of 2012 to climate change, Clim. Dyn. (50) 3537 doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3822-7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"198","row-number":"233",Location:"Southern Europe","iso sub region":"Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" southern europe 'unusually hot & dry' summer, 2012 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]here has been a significant increase in the risk of hot summers in southern europe with climate change. most approaches also suggested a slight drying, but none of the results were statistically significant.\" 2017 wilcox, l. et al., 2017: multiple perspectives on the attribution of the extreme european summer of 2012 to climate change, clim. dyn. (50) 3537 doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3822-7"},{Name:"Northern Europe 'very wet' summer, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The unusually wet summer in northern Europe was made more likely by the observed atmospheric circulation pattern in 2012, but no evidence was found for a long-term trend in circulation.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Wilcox, L. et al., 2017: Multiple perspectives on the attribution of the extreme European summer of 2012 to climate change, Clim. Dyn. (50) 3537 doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3822-7","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"198","row-number":"234",Location:"Northern Europe","iso sub region":"Southern Europe,Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northern europe 'very wet' summer, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"the unusually wet summer in northern europe was made more likely by the observed atmospheric circulation pattern in 2012, but no evidence was found for a long-term trend in circulation.\" 2017 wilcox, l. et al., 2017: multiple perspectives on the attribution of the extreme european summer of 2012 to climate change, clim. dyn. (50) 3537 doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3822-7"},{Name:"Sea of Okhotsk sea ice record low, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It was found that because of anthropogenic influence, both the probability of extreme low Okhotsk SIEs that exceed the 2015 event and the observed long-term trends during 1979–2015 have increased by more than 4 times.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Paik, S. et al., 2017: Attributing Causes of 2015 Record Minimum Sea-Ice Extent in the Sea of Okhotsk. J. Clim, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0587.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"199","row-number":"235",Location:"Sea of Okhotsk","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" sea of okhotsk sea ice record low, 2015 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"it was found that because of anthropogenic influence, both the probability of extreme low okhotsk sies that exceed the 2015 event and the observed long-term trends during 1979–2015 have increased by more than 4 times.\" 2017 paik, s. et al., 2017: attributing causes of 2015 record minimum sea-ice extent in the sea of okhotsk. j. clim, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0587.1"},{Name:"Arctic sea ice record low, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We also demonstrate the ability of our framework to systematically evaluate the role of dynamic and thermodynamic factors such as atmospheric circulation patterns and atmospheric water vapor, and find extremely high statistical confidence that anthropogenic forcing increased the probability of record-low Arctic sea ice extent.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Diffenbaugh, N. et al., 2017: Quantifying the influence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. PNAS, 114 (19), 4881–4886","Unique paper":"",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"180","row-number":"236",Location:"Arctic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" arctic sea ice record low, 2012 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"we also demonstrate the ability of our framework to systematically evaluate the role of dynamic and thermodynamic factors such as atmospheric circulation patterns and atmospheric water vapor, and find extremely high statistical confidence that anthropogenic forcing increased the probability of record-low arctic sea ice extent.\" 2017 diffenbaugh, n. et al., 2017: quantifying the influence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events. pnas, 114 (19), 4881–4886"},{Name:"Sierra Nevada snowpack low, 2011-15","Event year/Trend":"2011-15","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming reduced average snowpack levels by 25%, with middle‐to‐low elevations experiencing reductions between 26 and 43%\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Berg, N. & Hall, A., 2017: Anthropogenic warming impacts on California snowpack during drought. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44 (5), 2511-2518, DOI:","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"200","row-number":"237",Location:"Sierra Nevada","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" sierra nevada snowpack low, 2011-15 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming reduced average snowpack levels by 25%, with middle‐to‐low elevations experiencing reductions between 26 and 43%\" usa 2017 berg, n. & hall, a., 2017: anthropogenic warming impacts on california snowpack during drought. geophys. res. lett., 44 (5), 2511-2518, doi:"},{Name:"South-east Europe extreme cold, winter 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The temperature of these cold waves has increased since 1950. This increase is not statistically significant due to the variability of the weather, but climate models show the same increase.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2017: Extreme cold in south east Europe, 2017, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"201","row-number":"238",Location:"South-eastern Europe (Italy, the Balkans and Turkey)","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" south-east europe extreme cold, winter 2017 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"the temperature of these cold waves has increased since 1950. this increase is not statistically significant due to the variability of the weather, but climate models show the same increase.\" 2017 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2017: extreme cold in south east europe, 2017, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Hurricane Harvey, August 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extrapolating these results to the 2017 event, we conclude that global warming made the precipitation about 15% (8%–19%) more intense, or equivalently made such an event three (1.5–5) times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. et al., 2017: Attribution of extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey, August 2017, Env. Res. Lett, 12 (12)","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"202","row-number":"239",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane harvey, august 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"extrapolating these results to the 2017 event, we conclude that global warming made the precipitation about 15% (8%–19%) more intense, or equivalently made such an event three (1.5–5) times more likely.\" usa 2017 van oldenborgh, g. et al., 2017: attribution of extreme rainfall from hurricane harvey, august 2017, env. res. lett, 12 (12)"},{Name:"New York City floods, since pre-industrial","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"However, projected sea-level rise causes overall flood heights associated with tropical cyclones in New York City in coming centuries to increase greatly compared with preindustrial or modern flood heights\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Garnera, A. et al., 2017: Impact of climate change on New York City’s coastal flood hazard: Increasing flood heights from the preindustrial to 2300 CE. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1703568114","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"203","row-number":"240",Location:"New York City","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" new york city floods, since pre-industrial storm more severe or more likely to occur \"however, projected sea-level rise causes overall flood heights associated with tropical cyclones in new york city in coming centuries to increase greatly compared with preindustrial or modern flood heights\" usa 2017 garnera, a. et al., 2017: impact of climate change on new york city’s coastal flood hazard: increasing flood heights from the preindustrial to 2300 ce. doi:10.1073/pnas.1703568114"},{Name:"Eastern Pacific 'extreme' hurricane season, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Although the likelihood of such an extreme year depends on the phase of natural variability, the coupled GCM projects an increase in the frequency of such extremely active TC years over the next few decades for EPO, CPO, and Hawaii as a result of enhanced subtropical Pacific warming from anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Murakami, H. et al., 2017: Dominant Role of Subtropical Pacific Warming in Extreme Eastern Pacific Hurricane Seasons: 2015 and the Future. J. Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0424.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"204","row-number":"241",Location:"","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" eastern pacific 'extreme' hurricane season, 2015 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"although the likelihood of such an extreme year depends on the phase of natural variability, the coupled gcm projects an increase in the frequency of such extremely active tc years over the next few decades for epo, cpo, and hawaii as a result of enhanced subtropical pacific warming from anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2017 murakami, h. et al., 2017: dominant role of subtropical pacific warming in extreme eastern pacific hurricane seasons: 2015 and the future. j. climate, doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-16-0424.1"},{Name:"Hurricane Harvey rainfall, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that human-induced climate change likely increased the chances of the observed precipitation accumulations during Hurricane Harvey in the most affected areas of Houston by a factor of at least 3.5\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Risser and Wehner, 2017: Attributable Human-Induced Changes in the Likelihood and Magnitude of the Observed Extreme Precipitation during Hurricane Harvey, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075888","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"205","row-number":"242",Location:"Houston, Texas","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane harvey rainfall, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that human-induced climate change likely increased the chances of the observed precipitation accumulations during hurricane harvey in the most affected areas of houston by a factor of at least 3.5\" 2017 risser and wehner, 2017: attributable human-induced changes in the likelihood and magnitude of the observed extreme precipitation during hurricane harvey, geophysical research letters, doi: 10.1002/2017gl075888"},{Name:"Typhoon hitting eastern Hokkaido, August 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The amount, intensity, and duration of rainfall in eastern Hokkaido associated with the typhoon increased in the warming climate.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Kanada S. et al., 2017: Future enhancement of heavy rainfall events associated with a typhoon in the midlatitude regions, SOLA, doi:10.2151/sola.2017-045","Unique paper":"1",Source:"SOLA","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"206","row-number":"243",Location:"Eastern Hokkaido","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon hitting eastern hokkaido, august 2016 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the amount, intensity, and duration of rainfall in eastern hokkaido associated with the typhoon increased in the warming climate.\" jpn 2017 kanada s. et al., 2017: future enhancement of heavy rainfall events associated with a typhoon in the midlatitude regions, sola, doi:10.2151/sola.2017-045"},{Name:"Western Canada fire risk, May 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The combined effect of anthropogenic and natural forcing is estimated to have made extreme fire risk events in the region 1.5 to 6 times as likely compared to a climate that would have been with natural forcings alone.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Kirchmeier-Young, M. et al., 2017: Attributing extreme fire risk in Western Canada to human emissions, Climatic Change (144) 365 doi:10.1007/s10584-017-2030-0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"207","row-number":"244",Location:"Alberta, Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" western canada fire risk, may 2016 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the combined effect of anthropogenic and natural forcing is estimated to have made extreme fire risk events in the region 1.5 to 6 times as likely compared to a climate that would have been with natural forcings alone.\" can 2017 kirchmeier-young, m. et al., 2017: attributing extreme fire risk in western canada to human emissions, climatic change (144) 365 doi:10.1007/s10584-017-2030-0"},{Name:"Tasman Sea marine heatwave, 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"AUS,NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Global climate models indicate it is very likely to be that the occurrence of an extreme warming event of this duration or intensity in this region is respectively ≥330 times and ≥6.8 times as likely to be due to the influence of anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Oliver, E. et al., 2017: The unprecedented 2015/16 Tasman Sea marine heatwave. Nat. Commun. 8, 16101 doi:10.1038/ncomms16101","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"208","row-number":"245",Location:"Tasman Sea","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" tasman sea marine heatwave, 2015-16 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"global climate models indicate it is very likely to be that the occurrence of an extreme warming event of this duration or intensity in this region is respectively ≥330 times and ≥6.8 times as likely to be due to the influence of anthropogenic climate change.\" aus,nzl 2017 oliver, e. et al., 2017: the unprecedented 2015/16 tasman sea marine heatwave. nat. commun. 8, 16101 doi:10.1038/ncomms16101"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere summer extremes, 1979-2015","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Here, we isolate a specific fingerprint in the zonal mean surface temperature profile that is associated with QRA-favorable conditions. State-of-the-art (“CMIP5”) historical climate model simulations subject to anthropogenic forcing display an increase in the projection of this fingerprint that is mirrored in multiple observational surface temperature datasets.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Mann, M. et al., 2017: Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Planetary Wave Resonance and Extreme Weather Events. Scientific Reports, 7, 45242, DOI:10.1038/srep45242","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"209","row-number":"246",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern Hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" northern hemisphere summer extremes, 1979-2015 atmosphere more severe or more likely to occur \"here, we isolate a specific fingerprint in the zonal mean surface temperature profile that is associated with qra-favorable conditions. state-of-the-art (“cmip5”) historical climate model simulations subject to anthropogenic forcing display an increase in the projection of this fingerprint that is mirrored in multiple observational surface temperature datasets.\" 2017 mann, m. et al., 2017: influence of anthropogenic climate change on planetary wave resonance and extreme weather events. scientific reports, 7, 45242, doi:10.1038/srep45242"},{Name:"Colorado river drought, 2000-14","Event year/Trend":"2000-14","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"River flow",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e found that recent warming of 0.9°C has likely already reduced river flows from −2.7% to −9% from the mean 1906–1999 flow. This represents approximately one‐sixth to one‐half (average of one‐third) of the total flow loss during the 2000–2014 drought.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Udall, B. & Overpeck, J., 2017: The twenty‐first century Colorado River hot drought and implications for the future. Water Resources Research, 53 (3), 2404-2418, DOI:10.1002/2016WR019638","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Water Resources Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"210","row-number":"247",Location:"Colorado river","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" colorado river drought, 2000-14 river flow decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"[w]e found that recent warming of 0.9°c has likely already reduced river flows from −2.7% to −9% from the mean 1906–1999 flow. this represents approximately one‐sixth to one‐half (average of one‐third) of the total flow loss during the 2000–2014 drought.\" usa 2017 udall, b. & overpeck, j., 2017: the twenty‐first century colorado river hot drought and implications for the future. water resources research, 53 (3), 2404-2418, doi:10.1002/2016wr019638"},{Name:"Southern Europe summer heatwave, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Across the Euro-Mediterranean the likelihood of a heat wave at least as hot as summer 2017 is now on the order of 10%. Anthropogenic climate change has increased the odds at least threefold since 1950.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Kew, S. et al., 2018: The Exceptional Summer Heat Wave in Southern Europe 2017 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0127.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"211","row-number":"248",Location:"Euro-Mediterranean, 8°–24°E, 36°–48°N","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" southern europe summer heatwave, 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"across the euro-mediterranean the likelihood of a heat wave at least as hot as summer 2017 is now on the order of 10%. anthropogenic climate change has increased the odds at least threefold since 1950.\" 2018 kew, s. et al., 2018: the exceptional summer heat wave in southern europe 2017 [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0127.1"},{Name:"South Korea earliest summer onset, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Large-ensemble RCM and GCM simulations suggest a significant anthropogenic contribution to the observed warmest May and earliest summer onset in South Korea, increasing the risk of its occurrence by 2–3 times.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Min, S-K. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Contribution to the 2017 Earliest Summer Onset in South Korea [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0096.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"212","row-number":"249",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south korea earliest summer onset, 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"large-ensemble rcm and gcm simulations suggest a significant anthropogenic contribution to the observed warmest may and earliest summer onset in south korea, increasing the risk of its occurrence by 2–3 times.\" kor 2018 min, s-k. et al., 2018: anthropogenic contribution to the 2017 earliest summer onset in south korea [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0096.1"},{Name:"Central eastern China heatwave, July 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Heat waves in central eastern China like the record-breaking July 2017 event were rare in natural worlds but have now become approximately 1-in-5-yr events due to anthropogenic forcings.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Chen, Y. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Warming Has Substantially Increased the Likelihood of July 2017–like Heat Waves over Central Eastern China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0087.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"213","row-number":"250",Location:"Central eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" central eastern china heatwave, july 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"heat waves in central eastern china like the record-breaking july 2017 event were rare in natural worlds but have now become approximately 1-in-5-yr events due to anthropogenic forcings.\" chn 2018 chen, y. et al., 2018: anthropogenic warming has substantially increased the likelihood of july 2017–like heat waves over central eastern china [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0087.1"},{Name:"Yangtze river delta summer heatwave, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The occurrence probability of the record-breaking Yangtze River Delta heatwave in summer 2017 might be attributed to global warming (23%), the abnormal western Pacific subtropical high (32%), and the urban heat island effect (58%).\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Zhou, C. et al. 2018: Attribution of a Record-Breaking Heatwave Event in Summer 2017 over the Yangtze River Delta [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0134.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"214","row-number":"251",Location:"Yangtze river basin","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" yangtze river delta summer heatwave, 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the occurrence probability of the record-breaking yangtze river delta heatwave in summer 2017 might be attributed to global warming (23%), the abnormal western pacific subtropical high (32%), and the urban heat island effect (58%).\" chn 2018 zhou, c. et al. 2018: attribution of a record-breaking heatwave event in summer 2017 over the yangtze river delta [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0134.1"},{Name:"Global extremely hot days, early 21st century","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that most regions experience increases in the frequency and intensity of extremely hot three day periods, but anthropogenic sulfate aerosol forcing changes locally can decrease these measures of heat waves in some models.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Wehner, M. et al., 2018: Early 21st century anthropogenic changes in extremely hot days as simulated by the C20C+ detection and attribution multi-model ensemble. Weather and Climate Extremes, 20, 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2018.03.001","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"215","row-number":"252",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global extremely hot days, early 21st century heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that most regions experience increases in the frequency and intensity of extremely hot three day periods, but anthropogenic sulfate aerosol forcing changes locally can decrease these measures of heat waves in some models.\" 2018 wehner, m. et al., 2018: early 21st century anthropogenic changes in extremely hot days as simulated by the c20c+ detection and attribution multi-model ensemble. weather and climate extremes, 20, 1-8, doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2018.03.001"},{Name:"Record global warmth, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"According to CMIP5 simulations, the 2016 record global warmth was only possible due to substantial centennial-scale anthropogenic warming. Natural variability made a smaller contribution to the January–December 2016 annual-mean global temperature anomaly\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Knutson, T. et al., 2018: CMIP5 Model-based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on Record Global Warmth During 2016 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S11-S15, doi:10.1175/BAMS -D-17-0104.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"216","row-number":"253",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record global warmth, 2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"according to cmip5 simulations, the 2016 record global warmth was only possible due to substantial centennial-scale anthropogenic warming. natural variability made a smaller contribution to the january–december 2016 annual-mean global temperature anomaly\" 2018 knutson, t. et al., 2018: cmip5 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on record global warmth during 2016 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s11-s15, doi:10.1175/bams -d-17-0104.1."},{Name:"Arctic 'anomalous warmth', November-December 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"According to CMIP5 simulations, the highly anomalous Arctic warmth during November–December 2016, as estimated in five observed datasets, most likely would not have been possible without anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Kam, J. et al, 2018: CMIP5 Model-based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on Highly Anomalous Arctic Warmth During November–December 2016 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S34-S38, doi:I:10/1175/BAMS-D-17-0115.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"217","row-number":"254",Location:"Arctic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Arctic","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" arctic 'anomalous warmth', november-december 2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"according to cmip5 simulations, the highly anomalous arctic warmth during november–december 2016, as estimated in five observed datasets, most likely would not have been possible without anthropogenic forcing.\" 2018 kam, j. et al, 2018: cmip5 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on highly anomalous arctic warmth during november–december 2016 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s34-s38, doi:i:10/1175/bams-d-17-0115.1."},{Name:"France's 'exceptionally warm December' (temperature), 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"December 2015 in France was an extreme of circulation and temperature. Both circulation and climate change partly explain the 4°C anomaly. We found no link between climate change and circulation.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Jézéquel, A. et al., 2018: Analysis of the Exceptionally Warm December 2015 in France Using Flow Analogues [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S76-S79, doi10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0103.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"218","row-number":"255",Location:"France","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" france's 'exceptionally warm december' (temperature), 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"december 2015 in france was an extreme of circulation and temperature. both circulation and climate change partly explain the 4°c anomaly. we found no link between climate change and circulation.\" fra 2018 jézéquel, a. et al., 2018: analysis of the exceptionally warm december 2015 in france using flow analogues [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s76-s79, doi10.1175/bams-d-17-0103.1."},{Name:"Asian heat extremes, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2016 extreme warmth across Asia would not have been possible without climate change. The 2015/16 El Niño also contributed to regional warm extremes over Southeast Asia and the Maritime Continent.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al. 2018: Climate Change Increased the Likelihood of the 2016 Heat Extremes in Asia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S97-S101, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0109.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"219","row-number":"256",Location:"10°S–90°N, 55°E–170°W","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" asian heat extremes, 2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2016 extreme warmth across asia would not have been possible without climate change. the 2015/16 el niño also contributed to regional warm extremes over southeast asia and the maritime continent.\" 2018 imada, y. et al. 2018: climate change increased the likelihood of the 2016 heat extremes in asia [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s97-s101, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0109.1."},{Name:"Arctic record warmth, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results from the atmospheric model experiments are reconciled with coupled climate model simulations which lead to a conclusion that about 60% of the 2016 Arctic warmth was likely attributable to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Sun, L. et al., 2018: Drivers of 2016 record Arctic warmth assessed using climate simulations subjected to Factual and Counterfactual forcing. Weather and Climate Extremes, 19, 1-9, DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2017.11.001","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"220","row-number":"257",Location:"Arctic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" arctic record warmth, 2016 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"results from the atmospheric model experiments are reconciled with coupled climate model simulations which lead to a conclusion that about 60% of the 2016 arctic warmth was likely attributable to human-induced climate change.\" 2018 sun, l. et al., 2018: drivers of 2016 record arctic warmth assessed using climate simulations subjected to factual and counterfactual forcing. weather and climate extremes, 19, 1-9, doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2017.11.001"},{Name:"China heatwave, July 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Within HadGEM3-GA6 July 2017-like heatwaves were unequaled in the ensemble representing the world without human influences. Such heatwaves became approximately a 1 in 50 year event and increased by a factor of 4.8 (5%–95% range of 3.1 to 8.0) in weather@home as a result of human activity.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Sparrow, S. et al. 2018: Attributing human influence on the July 2017 Chinese heatwave: the influence of sea-surface temperatures, Environmental Research Letters, 13(11), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aae356","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"221","row-number":"258",Location:"Central Eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" china heatwave, july 2017 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"within hadgem3-ga6 july 2017-like heatwaves were unequaled in the ensemble representing the world without human influences. such heatwaves became approximately a 1 in 50 year event and increased by a factor of 4.8 (5%–95% range of 3.1 to 8.0) in weather@home as a result of human activity.\" chn 2018 sparrow, s. et al. 2018: attributing human influence on the july 2017 chinese heatwave: the influence of sea-surface temperatures, environmental research letters, 13(11), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aae356"},{Name:"Global daily temperature extremes, 1901–2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Examination of simulations with and without anthropogenic forcings provides evidence that the observed changes are more likely to be anthropogenic than nature in origin.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Li, C. et al., 2018: Widespread persistent changes to temperature extremes occurred earlier than predicted, Scientific Reports, 8, 1007, doi:","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"222","row-number":"259",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global daily temperature extremes, 1901–2005 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"examination of simulations with and without anthropogenic forcings provides evidence that the observed changes are more likely to be anthropogenic than nature in origin.\" 2018 li, c. et al., 2018: widespread persistent changes to temperature extremes occurred earlier than predicted, scientific reports, 8, 1007, doi:"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Ireland)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark there are clear trends towards more heat waves in the observations. In Ireland and Denmark climate models give a very similar increase in probabilities to the observations — roughly a factor two more likely in Dublin and a factor four in Denmark.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"260",Location:"Phoenix Park (Dublin, Ireland, 53.36N, -6.32E, 49.0m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (ireland) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in ireland, the netherlands and denmark there are clear trends towards more heat waves in the observations. in ireland and denmark climate models give a very similar increase in probabilities to the observations — roughly a factor two more likely in dublin and a factor four in denmark.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Netherlands)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark there are clear trends towards more heat waves in the observations. In Ireland and Denmark climate models give a very similar increase in probabilities to the observations — roughly a factor two more likely in Dublin and a factor four in Denmark.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"261",Location:"De Bilt (Netherlands, 52.10N, 5.18E, 1.9m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (netherlands) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in ireland, the netherlands and denmark there are clear trends towards more heat waves in the observations. in ireland and denmark climate models give a very similar increase in probabilities to the observations — roughly a factor two more likely in dublin and a factor four in denmark.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Denmark)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark there are clear trends towards more heat waves in the observations. In Ireland and Denmark climate models give a very similar increase in probabilities to the observations — roughly a factor two more likely in Dublin and a factor four in Denmark.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"262",Location:"Landbohøjskolen (Copenhagen, Denmark, 55.7N; 12.5E, 9m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (denmark) heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in ireland, the netherlands and denmark there are clear trends towards more heat waves in the observations. in ireland and denmark climate models give a very similar increase in probabilities to the observations — roughly a factor two more likely in dublin and a factor four in denmark.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Norway)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in Scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"263",Location:"Oslo Blindern (Norway, 59.94N, 10.72E, 94.0m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (norway) heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"we can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Sweden)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in Scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"264",Location:"Linköping (Sweden, 58.40N, 15.53E, 93.0m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (sweden) heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"we can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Sodankyla, Finland)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in Scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"265",Location:"Sodankyla (Finland, 67.37N, 26.63E, 179.0m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (sodankyla, finland) heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"we can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Northern Europe summer heatwave, 2018 (Jokioinen, Finland)","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in Scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"World Weather Attribution. 2018: Heatwave in northern Europe, summer 2018","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"223","row-number":"266",Location:"Jokioinen (Finland, 60.81N, 23.50E, 104.0m)","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern europe summer heatwave, 2018 (jokioinen, finland) heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"we can conclude that anthropogenic climate change increased the odds of a heat wave as observed in 2018 in scandinavia but we cannot quantify by how much.\" irl 2018 world weather attribution. 2018: heatwave in northern europe, summer 2018"},{Name:"Japan record low sunshine, August 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Sunshine",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record low sunshine over Japan during August 2017 was mainly attributed to a blocking high and Pacific–Japan pattern. Anthropogenic warming and decaying El Niño contributed to an increase in the probability of occurrence.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Takahashi, C. et al., 2018: The Effects of Natural Variability and Climate Change on the Record Low Sunshine over Japan During August 2017 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0107.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"224","row-number":"267",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" japan record low sunshine, august 2017 sunshine more severe or more likely to occur \"the record low sunshine over japan during august 2017 was mainly attributed to a blocking high and pacific–japan pattern. anthropogenic warming and decaying el niño contributed to an increase in the probability of occurrence.\" jpn 2018 takahashi, c. et al., 2018: the effects of natural variability and climate change on the record low sunshine over japan during august 2017 [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0107.1"},{Name:"US northern Great Plains drought, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing made the occurrence of observed 2017 northern Great Plains drought intensity up to 1.5 times more likely through aridification due to long-term increases in evapotranspiration over precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Hoell, A. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Contributions To The Intensity Of The 2017 United States Northern Great Plains Drought [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0127.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"225","row-number":"268",Location:"Great Plains","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" us northern great plains drought, 2017 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing made the occurrence of observed 2017 northern great plains drought intensity up to 1.5 times more likely through aridification due to long-term increases in evapotranspiration over precipitation.\" usa 2018 hoell, a. et al., 2018: anthropogenic contributions to the intensity of the 2017 united states northern great plains drought [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0127.1"},{Name:"US northern Great Plains drought, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2017 northern High Plains precipitation deficits were largely the result of internal atmospheric variability. Global warming may have exacerbated the dry condition by producing surface warming and increasing the probability of heat waves there.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Wang, H. et al., 2018: Attribution Of The 2017 Northern High Plains Drought [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0115.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"226","row-number":"269",Location:"Northern High Plains, Montana and the Dakotas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" us northern great plains drought, 2017 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2017 northern high plains precipitation deficits were largely the result of internal atmospheric variability. global warming may have exacerbated the dry condition by producing surface warming and increasing the probability of heat waves there.\" usa 2018 wang, h. et al., 2018: attribution of the 2017 northern high plains drought [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0115.1"},{Name:"East Africa drought, March-June 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"TZA,ETH,KEN,SOM","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming of Western V sea surface temperatures contributed to East African drought. Extremely warm (FAR = 1) Western V SST doubled the probability of drought, contributing to widespread food insecurity.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Funk, C. et al. 2018: Examining the Potential Contributions of Extreme “Western v” Sea Surface Temperatures to the 2017 March–June East African Drought [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0108.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"227","row-number":"270",Location:"Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia (35°–50°E, 12°S–9°N)","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" east africa drought, march-june 2017 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming of western v sea surface temperatures contributed to east african drought. extremely warm (far = 1) western v sst doubled the probability of drought, contributing to widespread food insecurity.\" tza,eth,ken,som 2018 funk, c. et al. 2018: examining the potential contributions of extreme “western v” sea surface temperatures to the 2017 march–june east african drought [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0108.1"},{Name:"Southern Africa 'flash' droughts, 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Flash drought over southern Africa was tripled during the last 60 years mainly due to anthropogenic climate change, and it was intensified during 2015/16 in the midst of heat waves.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Yuan, X. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Intensification of Southern African Flash Droughts as Exemplified by the 2015/16 Season [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S86-S90, doiI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0077.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"228","row-number":"271",Location:"Southern Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" southern africa 'flash' droughts, 2015-16 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"flash drought over southern africa was tripled during the last 60 years mainly due to anthropogenic climate change, and it was intensified during 2015/16 in the midst of heat waves.\" 2018 yuan, x. et al., 2018: anthropogenic intensification of southern african flash droughts as exemplified by the 2015/16 season [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s86-s90, doii:10.1175/bams-d-17-0077.1."},{Name:"Western Europe record low rainfall, December 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our study suggests that record-breaking low precipitation over parts of western Europe during December 2016 may have been favored by an unprecedented reduction of Arctic sea ice, likely driven by anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Acosta Navarro, J. et al., 2018: December 2016: Linking the Lowest Arctic Sea-Ice Extent on Record with the Lowest European Precipitation Event on Record [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0097.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"230","row-number":"273",Location:"Within box 10°W–30°E, 38°–60°N","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" western europe record low rainfall, december 2016 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"our study suggests that record-breaking low precipitation over parts of western europe during december 2016 may have been favored by an unprecedented reduction of arctic sea ice, likely driven by anthropogenic climate change.\" 2018 acosta navarro, j. et al., 2018: december 2016: linking the lowest arctic sea-ice extent on record with the lowest european precipitation event on record [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0097.1"},{Name:"Cape Town 'Day Zero' drought, 2015-17","Event year/Trend":"2015-17","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"While such event today is very rare, with a return time of more than a hundred years, climate change has significantly increased the likelihood of it by about a factor of three\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Otto, F. E. L., et al. 2018: Likelihood of Cape Town water crisis tripled by climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"231","row-number":"274",Location:"Cape Town","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" cape town 'day zero' drought, 2015-17 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"while such event today is very rare, with a return time of more than a hundred years, climate change has significantly increased the likelihood of it by about a factor of three\" zaf 2018 otto, f. e. l., et al. 2018: likelihood of cape town water crisis tripled by climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Somalia drought, 2010-11","Event year/Trend":"2010-11","iso country code":"SOM","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"For the full year Jul–Jun, the risk ratios calculated from observations are consistent with no change in risk between preindustrial times and now…For the second half year period, the risk ratio best estimate is larger than for the first half year and full year, but the 95% CI still encompasses no change since preindustrial times until now.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Otto, F. E L. et al. 2018: Attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, Climatic Change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"232","row-number":"275",Location:"Somalia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean,South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Africa,Americas,Asia","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" somalia drought, 2010-11 drought no discernible human influence \"for the full year jul–jun, the risk ratios calculated from observations are consistent with no change in risk between preindustrial times and now…for the second half year period, the risk ratio best estimate is larger than for the first half year and full year, but the 95% ci still encompasses no change since preindustrial times until now.\" som 2018 otto, f. e l. et al. 2018: attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, climatic change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3"},{Name:"North-east Brazil drought, 2012-16","Event year/Trend":"2012-16","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Northeast Brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2016 due to a five-year drought. Using multiple methods, we could not find sufficient evidence that anthropogenic climate change increased drought risk.\"","Publication year":"2017",Citation:"Martins, E. S. P. R. et al. 2018: A multimethod attribution analysis of the prolonged northeast Brazil hydrometeorological drought (2012-2016) in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S65-S69, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0102.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"233","row-number":"276",Location:"Northeast Brazil","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" north-east brazil drought, 2012-16 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"northeast brazil experienced profound water shortages in 2016 due to a five-year drought. using multiple methods, we could not find sufficient evidence that anthropogenic climate change increased drought risk.\" bra 2017 martins, e. s. p. r. et al. 2018: a multimethod attribution analysis of the prolonged northeast brazil hydrometeorological drought (2012-2016) in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s65-s69, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0102.1."},{Name:"Peru 'extremely wet' March, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"PER","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"While extreme rainfall of March 2017 in Peru was favored by the anomalously warm ocean, human influence is also estimated to make such events at least 1.5 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2018: The Extremely Wet March Of 2017 In Peru [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0110.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"234","row-number":"277",Location:"Peru","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" peru 'extremely wet' march, 2017 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"while extreme rainfall of march 2017 in peru was favored by the anomalously warm ocean, human influence is also estimated to make such events at least 1.5 times more likely.\" per 2018 christidis, n. et al., 2018: the extremely wet march of 2017 in peru [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0110.1"},{Name:"Uruguay river basin floods, April-May 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"URY","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has increased the risk of the April–May 2017 extreme rainfall in the Uruguay River basin, which has caused extensive flood and major socioeconomic impacts, by at least twofold with a most likely increase of about fivefold.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"De Abreau, R. et al. 2018: Contribution of Anthropogenic Climate Change to April–May 2017 Heavy Precipitation over the Uruguay River Basin [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0102.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"235","row-number":"278",Location:"Uruguay river basin","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uruguay river basin floods, april-may 2017 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has increased the risk of the april–may 2017 extreme rainfall in the uruguay river basin, which has caused extensive flood and major socioeconomic impacts, by at least twofold with a most likely increase of about fivefold.\" ury 2018 de abreau, r. et al. 2018: contribution of anthropogenic climate change to april–may 2017 heavy precipitation over the uruguay river basin [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0102.1"},{Name:"North-east Bangladesh extreme pre-monsoon rainfall, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"BGD","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change doubled the likelihood of the 2017 pre-monsoon extreme 6-day rainfall event at northeast Bangladesh. The magnitude of this contribution is sensitive to the climatological period in use.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Rimi, R. et al., 2018: Risks of Pre-Monsoon Extreme Rainfall Events of Bangladesh: Is Anthropogenic Climate Change Playing a Role? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0097.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"236","row-number":"279",Location:"North-east Bangladesh (90.5°–92.5°E, 24°–25.5°N)","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" north-east bangladesh extreme pre-monsoon rainfall, 2017 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change doubled the likelihood of the 2017 pre-monsoon extreme 6-day rainfall event at northeast bangladesh. the magnitude of this contribution is sensitive to the climatological period in use.\" bgd 2018 rimi, r. et al., 2018: risks of pre-monsoon extreme rainfall events of bangladesh: is anthropogenic climate change playing a role? [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0097.1"},{Name:"South-east China record June rainfall, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic influence has increased the chance of an extreme heavy precipitation event like that in June 2017 in southeastern China by about twofold, from a 0.6% probability to a 1.2% probability.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Sun, Y. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Influence on the Heaviest June Precipitation in Southeastern China Since 1961 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0114.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"237","row-number":"280",Location:"South-east China ( 24°–32°N, 107°–124°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south-east china record june rainfall, 2017 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic influence has increased the chance of an extreme heavy precipitation event like that in june 2017 in southeastern china by about twofold, from a 0.6% probability to a 1.2% probability.\" chn 2018 sun, y. et al., 2018: anthropogenic influence on the heaviest june precipitation in southeastern china since 1961 [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0114.1"},{Name:"Extreme rainfall in Yangtze-Huai, China, June-July 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Both the 2015/16 strong El Niño and anthropogenic factors contributed to the June–July 2016 extreme precipitation (R20mm, RX5day) in Yangtze–Huai, China. Combined, they increased the risk of the event tenfold.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Sun, Q. & Miao, C., 2018: Extreme Rainfall (R20mm, RX5day) in Yangtze–Huai, China, in June–July 2016: The Role of ENSO and Anthropogenic Climate Change [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S102-S106, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0091.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"239","row-number":"282",Location:"China, Yangtze–Huai region (27.5°–35°N, 107.5°–123°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme rainfall in yangtze-huai, china, june-july 2016 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"both the 2015/16 strong el niño and anthropogenic factors contributed to the june–july 2016 extreme precipitation (r20mm, rx5day) in yangtze–huai, china. combined, they increased the risk of the event tenfold.\" chn 2018 sun, q. & miao, c., 2018: extreme rainfall (r20mm, rx5day) in yangtze–huai, china, in june–july 2016: the role of enso and anthropogenic climate change [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s102-s106, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0091.1"},{Name:"Wuhan extreme rainfall, July 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced warming and El Niño may have substantially increased the probability of the occurrence of such events as the July 2016 extreme precipitation over China’s Wuhan.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Zhou, C. et al. 2018: Attribution of the July 2016 Extreme Precipitation Event Over China’s Wuhang [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S107-S112, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0090.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"240","row-number":"283",Location:"China, Wuhan City","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" wuhan extreme rainfall, july 2016 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced warming and el niño may have substantially increased the probability of the occurrence of such events as the july 2016 extreme precipitation over china’s wuhan.\" chn 2018 zhou, c. et al. 2018: attribution of the july 2016 extreme precipitation event over china’s wuhang [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s107-s112, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0090.1."},{Name:"Yangtze river extreme rainfall, summer 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has increased the risk of 2016 Yangtze River extreme summer rainfall by 17%–59%, and the increase could reach 37%–91% in El Niño years.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Yuan, X. et al., 2018: Do Climate Change and El Niño Increase Likelihood of Yangtze River Extreme Rainfall? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S113-S117, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0089.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"241","row-number":"284",Location:"China, Yangtze River","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" yangtze river extreme rainfall, summer 2016 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has increased the risk of 2016 yangtze river extreme summer rainfall by 17%–59%, and the increase could reach 37%–91% in el niño years.\" chn 2018 yuan, x. et al., 2018: do climate change and el niño increase likelihood of yangtze river extreme rainfall? [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s113-s117, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0089.1."},{Name:"Extreme flooding in Missouri, December 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A regime change in El Nino-Southern Oscillation-related precipitation anomalies appears to have occurred, from being negatively correlated before 1950 to positive and significantly correlated after 1970, suggesting a likely effect of anthropogenic warming on the December 2015 extreme precipitation event.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Fosu, B. et al. 2018: Synoptic and climate attributions of the December 2015 extreme flooding in Missouri, USA, Water: 10(4), DOI:10.3390/w10040350","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Water","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"242","row-number":"285",Location:"Missouri, US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme flooding in missouri, december 2015 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"a regime change in el nino-southern oscillation-related precipitation anomalies appears to have occurred, from being negatively correlated before 1950 to positive and significantly correlated after 1970, suggesting a likely effect of anthropogenic warming on the december 2015 extreme precipitation event.\" usa 2018 fosu, b. et al. 2018: synoptic and climate attributions of the december 2015 extreme flooding in missouri, usa, water: 10(4), doi:10.3390/w10040350"},{Name:"France floods, May-June 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The probability of such rainfall has increased over the last century by about a factor of 2.2 (>1.4) on the Seine and 1.9 (>1.5) on the Loire due to anthropogenic emissions.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Philip, S. et al. 2018: Validation of a Rapid Attribution of the May/June 2016 Flood-Inducing Precipitation in France to Climate Change, Journal of Hydrometeorology, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-18-0074.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrometeorology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"243","row-number":"286",Location:"Central northern France","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" france floods, may-june 2016 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the probability of such rainfall has increased over the last century by about a factor of 2.2 (>1.4) on the seine and 1.9 (>1.5) on the loire due to anthropogenic emissions.\" fra 2018 philip, s. et al. 2018: validation of a rapid attribution of the may/june 2016 flood-inducing precipitation in france to climate change, journal of hydrometeorology, doi:10.1175/jhm-d-18-0074.1"},{Name:"UK winter floods, 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-24","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The pooled ensemble results show that emissions are likely to have increased the chance of occurrence of these floods across much of the country.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Kay A. L., 2018: Flood event attribution and damage estimation using national-scale grid-based modelling: Winter 2013/2014 in Great Britain, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.5721","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"245","row-number":"288",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uk winter floods, 2013-14 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the pooled ensemble results show that emissions are likely to have increased the chance of occurrence of these floods across much of the country.\" 2018 kay a. l., 2018: flood event attribution and damage estimation using national-scale grid-based modelling: winter 2013/2014 in great britain, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.5721"},{Name:"South-eastern Australia extreme rainfall, September 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 on the extreme September 2016 rainfall across southeastern Australia was minimal, with changes in circulation and static stability driving a tendency towards drier conditions.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Hope, P. et al., 2018: The Effect of Increasing CO2 on the Extreme September 2016 Rainfall Across Southeastern Australia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S133-S137, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0094.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"246","row-number":"289",Location:"South-eastern Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south-eastern australia extreme rainfall, september 2016 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"the effect of increasing atmospheric co2 on the extreme september 2016 rainfall across southeastern australia was minimal, with changes in circulation and static stability driving a tendency towards drier conditions.\" aus 2018 hope, p. et al., 2018: the effect of increasing co2 on the extreme september 2016 rainfall across southeastern australia [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s133-s137, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0094.1"},{Name:"South-east Australia record wet winter, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Warmth in the east Indian Ocean increased the likelihood of the record wet July–September in southeast Australia by at least a factor two. The role of climate change was minimal.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"King, A., 2018: Natural Variability Not Climate Change Drove the Record Wet Winter in Southeast Australia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S139-S143, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0087.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"247","row-number":"290",Location:"South-eastern Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" south-east australia record wet winter, 2016 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"warmth in the east indian ocean increased the likelihood of the record wet july–september in southeast australia by at least a factor two. the role of climate change was minimal.\" aus 2018 king, a., 2018: natural variability not climate change drove the record wet winter in southeast australia [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s139-s143, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0087.1."},{Name:"Failure of southern California 'extreme wetness', winter 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Failure of heavy rain in Southern California during the 2016 strong El Niño compared to flooding rains during the 1983 strong El Niño does not constitute a climate change effect.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Quan, X-W. et al., 2018: Extreme California Rains During Winter 2015/16: A Change in El Niño Teleconnection? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S49-S53, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0118.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"248","row-number":"291",Location:"Southern California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" failure of southern california 'extreme wetness', winter 2015-16 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"failure of heavy rain in southern california during the 2016 strong el niño compared to flooding rains during the 1983 strong el niño does not constitute a climate change effect.\" usa 2018 quan, x-w. et al., 2018: extreme california rains during winter 2015/16: a change in el niño teleconnection? [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s49-s53, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0118.1."},{Name:"Colombia extreme rainfall, 2006","Event year/Trend":"2006","iso country code":"COL","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find no significant trend in observations…and we therefore calculate the return period assuming no trend.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Otto, F. E L. et al. 2018: Attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, Climatic Change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"232","row-number":"292",Location:"Magdalena river basin, south-east Colombia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean,South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Africa,Americas,Asia","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" colombia extreme rainfall, 2006 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we find no significant trend in observations…and we therefore calculate the return period assuming no trend.\" col 2018 otto, f. e l. et al. 2018: attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, climatic change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3"},{Name:"Japan extreme rainfall, July 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The observational and model evidence agree that climate change has made extremes like the ones observed in 2018 more likely. However, the data on which our observational analysis is based is too noisy to compute by how much.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. 2018: Extreme rainfall in Japan, 2018 – a quick look, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"249","row-number":"293",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" japan extreme rainfall, july 2018 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"the observational and model evidence agree that climate change has made extremes like the ones observed in 2018 more likely. however, the data on which our observational analysis is based is too noisy to compute by how much.\" jpn 2018 van oldenborgh, g. j. 2018: extreme rainfall in japan, 2018 – a quick look, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Thailand floods, October-November 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"THA","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Compared to pre-industrial times (1880), the frequency of such events [2010 floods] has likely increased; however, due to the limited length of the observational series, the trend is not statistically distinguishable above natural climate variability.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Otto, F. E L. et al. 2018: Attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, Climatic Change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"232","row-number":"294",Location:"Thailand","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean,South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Africa,Americas,Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" thailand floods, october-november 2010 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"compared to pre-industrial times (1880), the frequency of such events [2010 floods] has likely increased; however, due to the limited length of the observational series, the trend is not statistically distinguishable above natural climate variability.\" tha 2018 otto, f. e l. et al. 2018: attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, climatic change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3"},{Name:"Western Australia severe frosts, September 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human influence may have enhanced the circulation pattern that drives cold outbreaks and frost risk over southwest Western Australia in September 2016, but larger thermodynamic changes may have still made these events less likely.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Grose, M. et al., 2018: Severe Frosts in Western Australia in September 2016 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S150-S154, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0088.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"250","row-number":"295",Location:"Western Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" western australia severe frosts, september 2016 cold, snow & ice more severe or more likely to occur \"human influence may have enhanced the circulation pattern that drives cold outbreaks and frost risk over southwest western australia in september 2016, but larger thermodynamic changes may have still made these events less likely.\" aus 2018 grose, m. et al., 2018: severe frosts in western australia in september 2016 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s150-s154, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0088.1."},{Name:"Sierra Nevada 'extremely wet year' of 2016–17","Event year/Trend":"2016-17","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results show that historical warming reduced 2016–2017 Sierra Nevada snow water equivalent by 20% while increasing early‐season runoff by 30%.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Huang, X. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Warming Impacts on Today's Sierra Nevada Snowpack and Flood Risk. Geo. Res. Lett., 45 (12), 6215-6222, doi: 10.1029/2018GL077432","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"251","row-number":"296",Location:"Sierra Nevada","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" sierra nevada 'extremely wet year' of 2016–17 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"results show that historical warming reduced 2016–2017 sierra nevada snow water equivalent by 20% while increasing early‐season runoff by 30%.\" usa 2018 huang, x. et al., 2018: anthropogenic warming impacts on today's sierra nevada snowpack and flood risk. geo. res. lett., 45 (12), 6215-6222, doi: 10.1029/2018gl077432"},{Name:"Eastern China recod cold event, January 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic influences are estimated to have reduced the likelihood of an extreme cold event in midwinter with the intensity equal to or stronger than the record of 2016 in eastern China by about two‑thirds.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Qian, C. et al., 2018: Human Influence on the Record-breaking Cold Event in January of 2016 in Eastern China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S118-S122, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0095.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"252","row-number":"297",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern china recod cold event, january 2016 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic influences are estimated to have reduced the likelihood of an extreme cold event in midwinter with the intensity equal to or stronger than the record of 2016 in eastern china by about two‑thirds.\" chn 2018 qian, c. et al., 2018: human influence on the record-breaking cold event in january of 2016 in eastern china [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s118-s122, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0095.1."},{Name:"Eastern China 'super cold surge', 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human influence decreased the probability of a cold surge occurrence in China.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Sun, Y. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Influence on the Eastern China 2016 Super Cold Surge [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S123-S127, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0092.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"253","row-number":"298",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern china 'super cold surge', 2016 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"human influence decreased the probability of a cold surge occurrence in china.\" chn 2018 sun, y. et al., 2018: anthropogenic influence on the eastern china 2016 super cold surge [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s123-s127, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0092.1."},{Name:"Europe's 'unusually cold' winter of 2009-10","Event year/Trend":"2009-10","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Both methods show that the probability of experiencing a winter as cold as 2009/10 has been reduced by approximately a factor of 2 because of anthropogenic changes.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Christiansen, B. et al. 2018: Was the Cold European Winter of 2009/10 Modified by Anthropogenic Climate Change? An Attribution Study, J. Climate, 31, 3387, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0589.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"254","row-number":"299",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" europe's 'unusually cold' winter of 2009-10 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"both methods show that the probability of experiencing a winter as cold as 2009/10 has been reduced by approximately a factor of 2 because of anthropogenic changes.\" 2018 christiansen, b. et al. 2018: was the cold european winter of 2009/10 modified by anthropogenic climate change? an attribution study, j. climate, 31, 3387, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-17-0589.1"},{Name:"Peru 'cold wave', winter 2003","Event year/Trend":"2003","iso country code":"PER","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2013 cold event has a return period of 17 years (7–75 years). In the past, such cold events happened more often: the risk ratio is 0.08 (0.02–0.21).\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Otto, F. E L. et al. 2018: Attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, Climatic Change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"232","row-number":"300",Location:"Peru","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and the Caribbean,South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Africa,Americas,Asia","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" peru 'cold wave', winter 2003 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the 2013 cold event has a return period of 17 years (7–75 years). in the past, such cold events happened more often: the risk ratio is 0.08 (0.02–0.21).\" per 2018 otto, f. e l. et al. 2018: attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events, climatic change, 149: 399-412, doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2258-3"},{Name:"Mid-Atlantic snowstorm Jonas, January 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Model simulations indicate that anthropogenic climate change has made extreme snowstorms less likely over the mid-Atlantic United States. Empirical evidence shows no decline since 1901, with recent storms colder than before.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Wolter, K. et al., 2018: Was the January 2016 Mid-Atlantic Snowstorm \"Jonas\" Symptomatic of Climate Change? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S54-S59, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0130.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"255","row-number":"301",Location:"Latitudes between Virginia & New York","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" mid-atlantic snowstorm jonas, january 2016 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"model simulations indicate that anthropogenic climate change has made extreme snowstorms less likely over the mid-atlantic united states. empirical evidence shows no decline since 1901, with recent storms colder than before.\" usa 2018 wolter, k. et al., 2018: was the january 2016 mid-atlantic snowstorm \"jonas\" symptomatic of climate change? [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s54-s59, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0130.1."},{Name:"North America cold winter, December 2017-January 2018","Event year/Trend":"2017-18","iso country code":"USA,CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Cold outbreaks like this are getting warmer (less frequent) due to global warming, but cold waves still occur somewhere in North America almost every winter.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2018: A cold winter in North America, December 2017 to January 2018, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"256","row-number":"302",Location:"Northeastern US and southeastern Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" north america cold winter, december 2017-january 2018 cold, snow & ice insufficient data/inconclusive \"cold outbreaks like this are getting warmer (less frequent) due to global warming, but cold waves still occur somewhere in north america almost every winter.\" usa,can 2018 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2018: a cold winter in north america, december 2017 to january 2018, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Hurricanes Katrina, Irma and Maria, 2005-17","Event year/Trend":"2005-17","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We found that, relative to pre-industrial conditions, climate change so far has enhanced the average and extreme rainfall of hurricanes Katrina, Irma and Maria, but did not change tropical cyclone wind-speed intensity.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Patricola, C. & Wehner, M., 2018: Anthropogenic influences on major tropical cyclone events. Nature (563), 339-346, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0673-2","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"257","row-number":"303",Location:"","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricanes katrina, irma and maria, 2005-17 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"we found that, relative to pre-industrial conditions, climate change so far has enhanced the average and extreme rainfall of hurricanes katrina, irma and maria, but did not change tropical cyclone wind-speed intensity.\" 2018 patricola, c. & wehner, m., 2018: anthropogenic influences on major tropical cyclone events. nature (563), 339-346, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0673-2"},{Name:"Hurricane Harvey, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Accordingly, record high ocean heat values not only increased the fuel available to sustain and intensify Harvey but also increased its flooding rains on land. Harvey could not have produced so much rain without human‐induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Trenberth, K. et al., 2018: Hurricane Harvey Links to Ocean Heat Content and Climate Change Adaptation. Earth's Future, 6 (5), 730-744, DOI:10.1029/2018EF000825","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"258","row-number":"304",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane harvey, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"accordingly, record high ocean heat values not only increased the fuel available to sustain and intensify harvey but also increased its flooding rains on land. harvey could not have produced so much rain without human‐induced climate change.\" usa 2018 trenberth, k. et al., 2018: hurricane harvey links to ocean heat content and climate change adaptation. earth's future, 6 (5), 730-744, doi:10.1029/2018ef000825"},{Name:"Hurricane Harvey's extreme rainfall in Texas, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 60 member ensemble simulations suggest that post-1980 climate warming could have contributed to the extreme precipitation that fell on southeast Texas during 26–29 August 2017 by approximately 20%, with an interquartile range of 13%–37%.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Wang, S. et al., 2018: Quantitative attribution of climate effects on Hurricane Harvey's extreme rainfall in Texas, Env. Res. Lett, 13 (5)","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"259","row-number":"305",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane harvey's extreme rainfall in texas, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the 60 member ensemble simulations suggest that post-1980 climate warming could have contributed to the extreme precipitation that fell on southeast texas during 26–29 august 2017 by approximately 20%, with an interquartile range of 13%–37%.\" usa 2018 wang, s. et al., 2018: quantitative attribution of climate effects on hurricane harvey's extreme rainfall in texas, env. res. lett, 13 (5)"},{Name:"Atlantic Hurricane season, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The results suggest that unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the eastern Main Development Region, together with the long fetch of the resulting storms in the presence of record-breaking ocean heat content may be key factors in driving the strong tropical cyclone activity in 2017.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Lim, Y-K, et al., 2018: The Roles of Climate Change and Climate Variability in the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Scientific Reports, 8:16172, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34343-5","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"260","row-number":"306",Location:"","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" atlantic hurricane season, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the results suggest that unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the eastern main development region, together with the long fetch of the resulting storms in the presence of record-breaking ocean heat content may be key factors in driving the strong tropical cyclone activity in 2017.\" 2018 lim, y-k, et al., 2018: the roles of climate change and climate variability in the 2017 atlantic hurricane season, scientific reports, 8:16172, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-34343-5"},{Name:"Storm Desmond-like heavy rains in UK, December 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The overall result of the analysis is similar to the real-time analysis with a best estimate of a 59% increase in event frequency [as a result of climate change].\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Otto, F. L. et al. 2018: Climate change increases the probability of heavy rains in Northern England/Southern Scotland like those of storm Desmond—a real-time event attribution revisited, Environmental Research Letters 13(2), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa9663","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"261","row-number":"307",Location:"Northern England and Southern Scotland","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" storm desmond-like heavy rains in uk, december 2015 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the overall result of the analysis is similar to the real-time analysis with a best estimate of a 59% increase in event frequency [as a result of climate change].\" gbr 2018 otto, f. l. et al. 2018: climate change increases the probability of heavy rains in northern england/southern scotland like those of storm desmond—a real-time event attribution revisited, environmental research letters 13(2), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa9663"},{Name:"Stormy January over western Europe, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"By analysing a number of climate simulations, we conclude that human-induced climate change has had so far no significant influence on storms like the two studied [Storm Eleanor and Storm Friederike].\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Vautard, R. et al., 2018: Stormy January over western Europe, 2018","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"262","row-number":"308",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" stormy january over western europe, 2018 storm no discernible human influence \"by analysing a number of climate simulations, we conclude that human-induced climate change has had so far no significant influence on storms like the two studied [storm eleanor and storm friederike].\" 2018 vautard, r. et al., 2018: stormy january over western europe, 2018"},{Name:"Western North America enhanced wildfire risk, 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extreme vapor pressure deficits (VPD) have been associated with enhanced wildfire risk. Using one model, we found for 2015/16 that human influences quintupled the risk of extreme VPD for western North America and increased the risk for extratropical Australia.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Tett, S.F.B. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Forcings and Associated Changes in Fire Risk in Western North America and Australia During 2015/16 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S60-S64, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0096.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"263","row-number":"309",Location:"Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America,Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Americas,Oceania","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" western north america enhanced wildfire risk, 2015-16 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"extreme vapor pressure deficits (vpd) have been associated with enhanced wildfire risk. using one model, we found for 2015/16 that human influences quintupled the risk of extreme vpd for western north america and increased the risk for extratropical australia.\" can 2018 tett, s.f.b. et al., 2018: anthropogenic forcings and associated changes in fire risk in western north america and australia during 2015/16 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s60-s64, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0096.1."},{Name:"Extratropical Australia wildfire risk, 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extreme vapor pressure deficits (VPD) have been associated with enhanced wildfire risk. Using one model, we found for 2015/16 that human influences quintupled the risk of extreme VPD for western North America and increased the risk for extratropical Australia.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Tett, S.F.B. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Forcings and Associated Changes in Fire Risk in Western North America and Australia During 2015/16 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S60-S64, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0096.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"263","row-number":"310",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Americas,Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" extratropical australia wildfire risk, 2015-16 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"extreme vapor pressure deficits (vpd) have been associated with enhanced wildfire risk. using one model, we found for 2015/16 that human influences quintupled the risk of extreme vpd for western north america and increased the risk for extratropical australia.\" aus 2018 tett, s.f.b. et al., 2018: anthropogenic forcings and associated changes in fire risk in western north america and australia during 2015/16 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s60-s64, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0096.1."},{Name:"Canada's extreme wildfire season of 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We show over 95% of the probability for the observed maximum temperature anomalies is due to anthropogenic factors, that the event's high fire weather/behaviour metrics were made 2–4 times more likely, and that anthropogenic climate change increased the area burned by a factor of 7–11.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Kirchmeier-Young, M. C. et al. 2018: Attribution of the Influence of Human‐Induced Climate Change on an Extreme Fire Season, Earth's Future, DOI:10.1029/2018EF001050","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"264","row-number":"311",Location:"British Columbia, Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" canada's extreme wildfire season of 2017 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"we show over 95% of the probability for the observed maximum temperature anomalies is due to anthropogenic factors, that the event's high fire weather/behaviour metrics were made 2–4 times more likely, and that anthropogenic climate change increased the area burned by a factor of 7–11.\" can 2019 kirchmeier-young, m. c. et al. 2018: attribution of the influence of human‐induced climate change on an extreme fire season, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2018ef001050"},{Name:"Eastern Australia record fire weather, February 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"February 2017 saw a broad region with record fire weather across central-eastern Australia. A hybrid attribution technique using modified observations and a seasonal forecast framework did not give a clear signal as to the influence of increasing atmospheric CO2 on the fire weather.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Hope, P. et al., 2018: On Determining the Impact of Increasing Atmospheric CO2 on the Record Fire Weather in Eastern Australia in February [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0135.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"265","row-number":"312",Location:"Eastern Australia (east of 141°E, between 20° and 38°S)","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" eastern australia record fire weather, february 2017 wildfire insufficient data/inconclusive \"february 2017 saw a broad region with record fire weather across central-eastern australia. a hybrid attribution technique using modified observations and a seasonal forecast framework did not give a clear signal as to the influence of increasing atmospheric co2 on the fire weather.\" aus 2018 hope, p. et al., 2018: on determining the impact of increasing atmospheric co2 on the record fire weather in eastern australia in february [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0135.1"},{Name:"Tasman Sea marine heatwave, 2017-18","Event year/Trend":"2017-18","iso country code":"AUS,NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Two GCM ensembles indicate that the record sea surface temperatures during the 2017/18 Tasman Sea marine heatwave were virtually impossible without anthropogenic influence. However, natural variability was important in the atmospheric initiation of the event.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S. et al., 2018: The Role of Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Climate Change in the 2017/18 Tasman Sea Marine Heatwave [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0116.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"266","row-number":"313",Location:"Tasman Sea (west of Tasmania to east of New Zealand)","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" tasman sea marine heatwave, 2017-18 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"two gcm ensembles indicate that the record sea surface temperatures during the 2017/18 tasman sea marine heatwave were virtually impossible without anthropogenic influence. however, natural variability was important in the atmospheric initiation of the event.\" aus,nzl 2018 perkins-kirkpatrick, s. et al., 2018: the role of natural variability and anthropogenic climate change in the 2017/18 tasman sea marine heatwave [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0116.1"},{Name:"Marine heatwaves, 1861–2100","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Today, 87 per cent of MHWs are attributable to human-induced warming, with this ratio increasing to nearly 100 per cent under any global warming scenario exceeding 2 degrees Celsius.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Froelicher, T. et al., 2018: Marine heatwaves under global warming, Nature (560), 360–364","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"267","row-number":"314",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" marine heatwaves, 1861–2100 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"today, 87 per cent of mhws are attributable to human-induced warming, with this ratio increasing to nearly 100 per cent under any global warming scenario exceeding 2 degrees celsius.\" 2018 froelicher, t. et al., 2018: marine heatwaves under global warming, nature (560), 360–364"},{Name:"Extreme El Niño, 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Oceania","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Record warm central equatorial Pacific Ocean temperatures during the 2015/16 El Niño appear to partly reflect an anthropogenically forced trend. Whether they reflect changes in El Niño variability remains uncertain.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Newman, M. et al. 2018: The Extreme 2015/16 El Niño, in the Context of Historical Climate Variability and Change [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S16-S20, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0116.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"268","row-number":"315",Location:"Central equatorial Pacific Ocean","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" extreme el niño, 2015-16 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"record warm central equatorial pacific ocean temperatures during the 2015/16 el niño appear to partly reflect an anthropogenically forced trend. whether they reflect changes in el niño variability remains uncertain.\" 2018 newman, m. et al. 2018: the extreme 2015/16 el niño, in the context of historical climate variability and change [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s16-s20, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0116.1."},{Name:"California current extreme ocean temperatures, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Significant impacts on California Current living marine resources in 2016 resulted from sustained extremely high ocean temperatures forced by a confluence of natural drivers and likely exacerbated by anthropogenic warming.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Jacox, M.G. et al. 2018: Forcing of Multiyear Extreme Ocean Temperatures that Impacted California Current Living Marine Resources in 2016 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S27-S33, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0119.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"270","row-number":"317",Location:"California current","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" california current extreme ocean temperatures, 2016 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"significant impacts on california current living marine resources in 2016 resulted from sustained extremely high ocean temperatures forced by a confluence of natural drivers and likely exacerbated by anthropogenic warming.\" usa 2018 jacox, m.g. et al. 2018: forcing of multiyear extreme ocean temperatures that impacted california current living marine resources in 2016 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s27-s33, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0119.1."},{Name:"Alaska marine heatwave, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA,CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2016 Alaska marine heat wave was unprecedented in terms of sea surface temperatures and ocean heat content, and CMIP5 data suggest human-induced climate change has greatly increased the risk of such anomalies.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Walsh, J.E. et al., 2018: The High Latitude Marine Heat Wave of 2016 and Its Impacts on Alaska [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S39-S43, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0105.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"271","row-number":"318",Location:"Gulf of Alaska","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" alaska marine heatwave, 2016 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2016 alaska marine heat wave was unprecedented in terms of sea surface temperatures and ocean heat content, and cmip5 data suggest human-induced climate change has greatly increased the risk of such anomalies.\" usa,can 2018 walsh, j.e. et al., 2018: the high latitude marine heat wave of 2016 and its impacts on alaska [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s39-s43, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0105.1."},{Name:"Northern Australia marine heatwave, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Two of the longest and most intense marine heat waves in 2016 were up to fifty times more likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Oliver, E. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic and Natural Influences on Record 2016 Marine Heat waves [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S44-S48, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0093.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"272","row-number":"319",Location:"Off Northern Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand,Northern America","iso region":"Oceania,Americas","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" northern australia marine heatwave, 2016 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"two of the longest and most intense marine heat waves in 2016 were up to fifty times more likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\" aus 2018 oliver, e. et al., 2018: anthropogenic and natural influences on record 2016 marine heat waves [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s44-s48, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0093.1."},{Name:"Bering Sea/Gulf of Alaska heatwave, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Two of the longest and most intense marine heat waves in 2016 were up to fifty times more likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Oliver, E. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic and Natural Influences on Record 2016 Marine Heat waves [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S44-S48, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0093.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"272","row-number":"320",Location:"Bering Sea/Gulf of Alaska","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand,Northern America","iso region":"Oceania,Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" bering sea/gulf of alaska heatwave, 2016 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"two of the longest and most intense marine heat waves in 2016 were up to fifty times more likely due to anthropogenic climate change.\" can 2018 oliver, e. et al., 2018: anthropogenic and natural influences on record 2016 marine heat waves [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s44-s48, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0093.1."},{Name:"Mid-tropospheric perturbation' associated with West Virginia floods, June 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We report a discernable, potentially pronounced subseasonal change in the MP [mid-tropospheric perturbations] climatology associated with the changing climate of North America.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Pokharel, B. et al., 2018: Climate of the weakly-forced yet high-impact convective storms throughout the Ohio River Valley and Mid-Atlantic United States, Climate Dynamics. 52: 5709-5721, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4472-0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"273","row-number":"321",Location:"West Virginia","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" mid-tropospheric perturbation' associated with west virginia floods, june 2016 atmosphere more severe or more likely to occur \"we report a discernable, potentially pronounced subseasonal change in the mp [mid-tropospheric perturbations] climatology associated with the changing climate of north america.\" usa 2018 pokharel, b. et al., 2018: climate of the weakly-forced yet high-impact convective storms throughout the ohio river valley and mid-atlantic united states, climate dynamics. 52: 5709-5721, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4472-0"},{Name:"France's 'exceptionally warm December' (circulation), 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"December 2015 in France was an extreme of circulation and temperature. Both circulation and climate change partly explain the 4°C anomaly. We found no link between climate change and circulation.","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Jézéquel, A. et al., 2018: Analysis of the Exceptionally Warm December 2015 in France Using Flow Analogues [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S76-S79, doi10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0103.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"218","row-number":"322",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" france's 'exceptionally warm december' (circulation), 2015 atmosphere no discernible human influence december 2015 in france was an extreme of circulation and temperature. both circulation and climate change partly explain the 4°c anomaly. we found no link between climate change and circulation. fra 2018 jézéquel, a. et al., 2018: analysis of the exceptionally warm december 2015 in france using flow analogues [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s76-s79, doi10.1175/bams-d-17-0103.1."},{Name:"Anticyclonic stagnation over Western Europe, December 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Climate simulations suggest a potential increase in frequency of stagnant wintertime conditions that prevailed over northwestern Europe in December 2016: it is significant in one multimodel ensemble but not in two single-model ensembles.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Vautard, R. et al., 2018: Attribution of Wintertime Anticyclonic Stagnation Contributing to Air Pollution in Western Europe [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S70-S75, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0113.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"274","row-number":"323",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" anticyclonic stagnation over western europe, december 2016 atmosphere insufficient data/inconclusive \"climate simulations suggest a potential increase in frequency of stagnant wintertime conditions that prevailed over northwestern europe in december 2016: it is significant in one multimodel ensemble but not in two single-model ensembles.\" 2018 vautard, r. et al., 2018: attribution of wintertime anticyclonic stagnation contributing to air pollution in western europe [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s70-s75, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0113.1."},{Name:"North-east China hot & dry spring/summer, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has increased the risk of 2017 northeast China persistent spring–summer hot and dry extremes by 5%–55% and 37%–113% respectively.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Wang, S. et al., 2018: Attribution of the Persistent Spring–Summer Hot and Dry Extremes over Northeast China in 2017 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0120.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"275","row-number":"324",Location:"North-east China (80°–120°E and 40°–70°N)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" north-east china hot & dry spring/summer, 2017 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has increased the risk of 2017 northeast china persistent spring–summer hot and dry extremes by 5%–55% and 37%–113% respectively.\" chn 2018 wang, s. et al., 2018: attribution of the persistent spring–summer hot and dry extremes over northeast china in 2017 [in “explaining extreme events of 2017 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-18-0120.1"},{Name:"Thailand hot & dry April, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"THA","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record temperature of April 2016 in Thailand would not have occurred without the influence of both anthropogenic forcings and El Niño, which also increased the likelihood of low rainfall.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2018: The Hot and Dry April of 2016 in Thailand [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S97-S101, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0109.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"276","row-number":"325",Location:"Thailand","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" thailand hot & dry april, 2016 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"the record temperature of april 2016 in thailand would not have occurred without the influence of both anthropogenic forcings and el niño, which also increased the likelihood of low rainfall.\" tha 2018 christidis, n. et al., 2018: the hot and dry april of 2016 in thailand [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s97-s101, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0109.1."},{Name:"Texas drought/heatwave, summer 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The evidence is strong that the probability of an extreme heatwave is much greater with anthropogenic influence than without…[and for drought] we see evidence for a RR [risk ratio] greater than one, with our best estimate of a RR of about two at a variety of event definitions.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Paciorek, C. J. et al., 2018: Quantifying statistical uncertainty in the attribution of human influence on severe weather, Weather and Climate Extremes, 20: 69-80, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2018.01.002","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"277","row-number":"326",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" texas drought/heatwave, summer 2011 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"the evidence is strong that the probability of an extreme heatwave is much greater with anthropogenic influence than without…[and for drought] we see evidence for a rr [risk ratio] greater than one, with our best estimate of a rr of about two at a variety of event definitions.\" usa 2018 paciorek, c. j. et al., 2018: quantifying statistical uncertainty in the attribution of human influence on severe weather, weather and climate extremes, 20: 69-80, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2018.01.002"},{Name:"Ecological impacts of 2015-16 El Niño in Central Pacific","Event year/Trend":"2015-16","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Oceania","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Coral reef and seabird communities in the central equatorial Pacific were disrupted by record-setting sea surface temperatures, linked to an anthropogenically forced trend, during the 2015/16 El Niño.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Brainaird, R.E. et al., 2018: Ecological Impacts of the 2015/16 El Niño in the Central Equatorial Pacific [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S21-S26, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0128.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"269","row-number":"327",Location:"Central equatorial Pacific Ocean","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" ecological impacts of 2015-16 el niño in central pacific impact more severe or more likely to occur \"coral reef and seabird communities in the central equatorial pacific were disrupted by record-setting sea surface temperatures, linked to an anthropogenically forced trend, during the 2015/16 el niño.\" 2018 brainaird, r.e. et al., 2018: ecological impacts of the 2015/16 el niño in the central equatorial pacific [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s21-s26, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0128.1."},{Name:"Great Barrier Reef record 2016 coral bleaching","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic greenhouse gases likely increased the risk of the extreme Great Barrier Reef bleaching event through anomalously high sea surface temperature and the accumulation of thermal stress.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Lewis, C. & Mallela, J., 2018: A Multifactor Risk Analysis of the Record 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S144-S149, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0128.1.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"278","row-number":"328",Location:"Great Barrier Reef","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" great barrier reef record 2016 coral bleaching impact more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic greenhouse gases likely increased the risk of the extreme great barrier reef bleaching event through anomalously high sea surface temperature and the accumulation of thermal stress.\" aus 2018 lewis, c. & mallela, j., 2018: a multifactor risk analysis of the record 2016 great barrier reef bleaching [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s144-s149, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0128.1."},{Name:"Enhancement of El Niño contributing to Southern Africa poor harvests, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A 40-member CESM LE ensemble indicates that climate change likely increased the intensity of the 2015/16 El Niño, contributing to further decreases in SA precipitation, crop production and food availability.\"","Publication year":"2018",Citation:"Funk, C. et al., 2018: Anthropogenic Enhancement of Moderate-to-Strong El Niño Events Likely Contributed to Drought and Poor Harvests in Southern Africa During 2016 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99 (1), S91-S95, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0112.1.","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"229","row-number":"329",Location:"Southern Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" enhancement of el niño contributing to southern africa poor harvests, 2016 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"a 40-member cesm le ensemble indicates that climate change likely increased the intensity of the 2015/16 el niño, contributing to further decreases in sa precipitation, crop production and food availability.\" zaf 2018 funk, c. et al., 2018: anthropogenic enhancement of moderate-to-strong el niño events likely contributed to drought and poor harvests in southern africa during 2016 [in “explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., 99 (1), s91-s95, doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0112.1."},{Name:"Japan high temperature event, July 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The event attribution approach based on the large-ensemble simulations with and without human-induced climate change indicated the following: (1) The event would never have happened without anthropogenic global warming.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al. 2019: The July 2018 High Temperature Event in Japan Could Not Have Happened without Human-Induced Global Warming, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, DOI:10.2151/sola.15A-002","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"279","row-number":"331",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" japan high temperature event, july 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the event attribution approach based on the large-ensemble simulations with and without human-induced climate change indicated the following: (1) the event would never have happened without anthropogenic global warming.\" jpn 2019 imada, y. et al. 2019: the july 2018 high temperature event in japan could not have happened without human-induced global warming, scientific online letters on the atmosphere, doi:10.2151/sola.15a-002"},{Name:"Concurrent hot extremes across northern hemisphere, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Based on Earth System Model simulations, we show that it is virtually certain…that the 2018 north hemispheric concurrent heat events would not have occurred without human‐induced climate change\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Vogel, M. M., et al. 2019: Concurrent 2018 Hot Extremes Across Northern Hemisphere Due to Human‐Induced Climate Change, Earth's Future, DOI:10.1029/2019EF001189","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"280","row-number":"332",Location:"North America, Europe, and Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" concurrent hot extremes across northern hemisphere, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"based on earth system model simulations, we show that it is virtually certain…that the 2018 north hemispheric concurrent heat events would not have occurred without human‐induced climate change\" 2019 vogel, m. m., et al. 2019: concurrent 2018 hot extremes across northern hemisphere due to human‐induced climate change, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2019ef001189"},{Name:"Iberian heatwave, summer 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"ESP,PRT","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"August 2018 saw the warmest Iberian heatwave since that of 2003. Recent climate change has exacerbated this event making it at least »1°C warmer than similar events since 1950–83.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Barriopedro, D. et al., 2019: The Exceptional Iberian Heatwave of Summer 2018 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0159.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"281","row-number":"333",Location:"Spain & Portugal (10°W–3.5°E, 36°–43.5°N)","iso sub region":"Southern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" iberian heatwave, summer 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"august 2018 saw the warmest iberian heatwave since that of 2003. recent climate change has exacerbated this event making it at least »1°c warmer than similar events since 1950–83.\" esp,prt 2019 barriopedro, d. et al., 2019: the exceptional iberian heatwave of summer 2018 [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0159.1"},{Name:"Northern European summer heatwave, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A heatwave struck Northern Europe in summer 2018. The probability of this event increased with human-induced climate change. The properties of the atmospheric circulation are not deemed to change.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Yiou, P. et al., 2019: Analyses of the European Summer Heatwave of 2018 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0170.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"282","row-number":"334",Location:"Northern Europe (5-30°E, 55-70°N)","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern european summer heatwave, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a heatwave struck northern europe in summer 2018. the probability of this event increased with human-induced climate change. the properties of the atmospheric circulation are not deemed to change.\" 2019 yiou, p. et al., 2019: analyses of the european summer heatwave of 2018 [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0170.1"},{Name:"Europe 'summer warm spell', 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that several European regions experienced season-long heat-events with a present-day return period greater than 10 years. The present-day likelihood of such events occurring is approximately 10 to 100 times greater than a \"natural\" climate.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Leach, N. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Influence on the 2018 Summer Warm Spell in Europe: The Impact of Different Spatio-temporal Scales [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0201.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"283","row-number":"335",Location:"Europe (25°N-71.5°N, 25°W-45°E)","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe 'summer warm spell', 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that several european regions experienced season-long heat-events with a present-day return period greater than 10 years. the present-day likelihood of such events occurring is approximately 10 to 100 times greater than a \"natural\" climate.\" 2019 leach, n. et al., 2019: anthropogenic influence on the 2018 summer warm spell in europe: the impact of different spatio-temporal scales [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0201.1"},{Name:"North-east China summer extreme heat, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The probability of the record-breaking summer heat of 2018 over Northeast China was increased by a combination of human-caused climate change influences on thermodynamics and circulation, and urbanization.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Zhou, C. et al., 2019: Conditional Attribution of the 2018 Summer Extreme Heat over Northeast China: Roles of Urbanization, Global Warming and Warming-induced Circulation Changes [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0197.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"284","row-number":"336",Location:"North-east China (110°E-130°E, 35°N-50°N)","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north-east china summer extreme heat, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the probability of the record-breaking summer heat of 2018 over northeast china was increased by a combination of human-caused climate change influences on thermodynamics and circulation, and urbanization.\" chn 2019 zhou, c. et al., 2019: conditional attribution of the 2018 summer extreme heat over northeast china: roles of urbanization, global warming and warming-induced circulation changes [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0197.1"},{Name:"North-east Asia summer heatwave, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The Northeast Asian 2018 heatwave is an unlikely event without anthropogenic forcing; only two have occurred over the last 40 years. By 2050 they will become 1-in-4-yr events.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Qian, Y. et al., 2019: Effects of Anthropogenic Forcing and Natural Variability on the 2018 Heatwave in Northeast Asia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0156.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"285","row-number":"337",Location:"North-east Asia (34°–40°N, 120°–143°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north-east asia summer heatwave, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the northeast asian 2018 heatwave is an unlikely event without anthropogenic forcing; only two have occurred over the last 40 years. by 2050 they will become 1-in-4-yr events.\" 2019 qian, y. et al., 2019: effects of anthropogenic forcing and natural variability on the 2018 heatwave in northeast asia [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0156.1"},{Name:"North-east China nighttime heatwave, summer 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Persistent night-time heat waves like the event of summer 2018 in Northeast China are extremely rare (about a one-in-a-500-year event) in the natural world, but now have become about a one-in-60-year event with anthropogenic warming.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Ren, L. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Influences on the Persistent Night-Time Heat Wave in Summer 2018 over Northeast China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0152.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"286","row-number":"338",Location:"North-east China (34°–55°N, 105°–135°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north-east china nighttime heatwave, summer 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"persistent night-time heat waves like the event of summer 2018 in northeast china are extremely rare (about a one-in-a-500-year event) in the natural world, but now have become about a one-in-60-year event with anthropogenic warming.\" chn 2019 ren, l. et al., 2019: anthropogenic influences on the persistent night-time heat wave in summer 2018 over northeast china [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0152.1"},{Name:"South Korea 'summer longest heatwave', 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"High-resolution large-ensemble simulations indicate that human activities have at least quadrupled the probability of occurrence of the extremely long-lasting heat waves over South Korea as observed in 2018 summer.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Min, S-K. et al., 2019: Quantifying Human Impact on the 2018 Summer Longest Heat Wave in South Korea [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0151.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"287","row-number":"339",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south korea 'summer longest heatwave', 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"high-resolution large-ensemble simulations indicate that human activities have at least quadrupled the probability of occurrence of the extremely long-lasting heat waves over south korea as observed in 2018 summer.\" kor 2019 min, s-k. et al., 2019: quantifying human impact on the 2018 summer longest heat wave in south korea [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0151.1"},{Name:"US Four Corners drought, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced (HI) warming increased Four Corners’ vapor pressure deficits and reduced the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index by ~18%–30%. Without HI warming, March snow water equivalent would have been ~20% higher'","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Williams, E. et al., 2019: Quantifying Human-Induced Temperature Impacts on the 2018 United States Four Corners Hydrologic and Agro-Pastoral Drought [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0187.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"288","row-number":"340",Location:"Four Corners region of the US (34°–39°N, 112°–105°W)","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" us four corners drought, 2018 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced (hi) warming increased four corners’ vapor pressure deficits and reduced the normalized difference vegetation index by ~18%–30%. without hi warming, march snow water equivalent would have been ~20% higher' usa 2019 williams, e. et al., 2019: quantifying human-induced temperature impacts on the 2018 united states four corners hydrologic and agro-pastoral drought [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0187.1"},{Name:"South China late spring drought, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"HadGEM3-A indicates that anthropogenic forcing has increased the likelihood of the 2018 late spring drought in South China approximately 17 times, and such events do not occur in CAM5 without human influence.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Zhang, L. et al., 2019: The Late Spring Drought of 2018 in South China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0202.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"289","row-number":"341",Location:"South China (22°–29°N, 105°–120°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" south china late spring drought, 2018 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"hadgem3-a indicates that anthropogenic forcing has increased the likelihood of the 2018 late spring drought in south china approximately 17 times, and such events do not occur in cam5 without human influence.\" chn 2019 zhang, l. et al., 2019: the late spring drought of 2018 in south china [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0202.1"},{Name:"Record-breaking consecutive dry days in Beijing, winter 2017-18","Event year/Trend":"2017-18","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record long dry period over Beijing during winter 2017/18 was made more likely by a combination of La Niña, a weak Arctic polar vortex, and long-term anthropogenic warming.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Du, J. et al., 2019: Attribution of the Record-Breaking Consecutive Dry Days in Winter 2017/18 in Beijing [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0139.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"290","row-number":"342",Location:"Beijing","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" record-breaking consecutive dry days in beijing, winter 2017-18 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the record long dry period over beijing during winter 2017/18 was made more likely by a combination of la niña, a weak arctic polar vortex, and long-term anthropogenic warming.\" chn 2019 du, j. et al., 2019: attribution of the record-breaking consecutive dry days in winter 2017/18 in beijing [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0139.1"},{Name:"European drought, 2016-17","Event year/Trend":"2016-17","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We also show that recent trends, including those in temperature, have exacerbated the severity of the July 2016 - June 2017 drought event, and that the role of AED [atmospheric evaporative demand] was key in hitting record values, at least in the south.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"García-Herrera, R. et al. 2019: The European 2016/17 drought, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0331.s1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"291","row-number":"343",Location:"Central-western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" european drought, 2016-17 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"we also show that recent trends, including those in temperature, have exacerbated the severity of the july 2016 - june 2017 drought event, and that the role of aed [atmospheric evaporative demand] was key in hitting record values, at least in the south.\" 2019 garcía-herrera, r. et al. 2019: the european 2016/17 drought, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-18-0331.s1"},{Name:"US 'hot droughts', 1850-2000","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that anthropogenic warming leads to enhanced soil moisture–temperature coupling in water-limited areas of the southern Great Plains and/or southwestern United States and consequently amplifies the intensity of extreme heat waves during severe droughts.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Cheng, L. 2019: Physical Understanding of Human-Induced Changes in U.S. Hot Droughts Using Equilibrium Climate Simulations, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0611.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"292","row-number":"344",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" us 'hot droughts', 1850-2000 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that anthropogenic warming leads to enhanced soil moisture–temperature coupling in water-limited areas of the southern great plains and/or southwestern united states and consequently amplifies the intensity of extreme heat waves during severe droughts.\" usa 2019 cheng, l. 2019: physical understanding of human-induced changes in u.s. hot droughts using equilibrium climate simulations, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-18-0611.1"},{Name:"Mid-Atlantic US floods, May-September 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Exceptional January–September total precipitation contributed to flooding across the mid-Atlantic United States from May to September 2018, and was made 1.1 to 2.3 times more likely by anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Winter, J. M. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Impacts on the Exceptional Precipitation of 2018 in the Mid-Atlantic United States [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0172.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"293","row-number":"345",Location:"Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Delaware, and West Virginia","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" mid-atlantic us floods, may-september 2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"exceptional january–september total precipitation contributed to flooding across the mid-atlantic united states from may to september 2018, and was made 1.1 to 2.3 times more likely by anthropogenic climate change.\" usa 2019 winter, j. m. et al., 2019: anthropogenic impacts on the exceptional precipitation of 2018 in the mid-atlantic united states [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0172.1"},{Name:"Central western China daily rainfall extremes, summer 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing…increased [the probability] of daily extremes by ~1.5 times, based on HadGEM3-GA6 ensembles.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Zhang, W. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Influence on 2018 Summer Persistent Heavy Rainfall in Central Western China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0147.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"294","row-number":"346",Location:"Central Western China (30°–38°N, 100°–110°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" central western china daily rainfall extremes, summer 2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing…increased [the probability] of daily extremes by ~1.5 times, based on hadgem3-ga6 ensembles.\" chn 2019 zhang, w. et al., 2019: anthropogenic influence on 2018 summer persistent heavy rainfall in central western china [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0147.1"},{Name:"Japan heavy rainfall event, July 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The unprecedented precipitation total in Japan during the heavy rain event of July 2018 was increased by approximately 7% due to recent rapid warming around Japan.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Kawase, H. et al., 2019: The Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 in Japan Enhanced by Historical Warming [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0173.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"295","row-number":"347",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" japan heavy rainfall event, july 2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the unprecedented precipitation total in japan during the heavy rain event of july 2018 was increased by approximately 7% due to recent rapid warming around japan.\" jpn 2019 kawase, h. et al., 2019: the heavy rain event of july 2018 in japan enhanced by historical warming [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0173.1"},{Name:"Global daily rainfall extremes, 1964-2013","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our analysis covers the 1964–2013 period, when the global warming accelerated, and reveals…increasing trends in the frequency of daily precipitation extremes that are highly unlikely under the assumption of stationarity.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Papalexiou, S. M. & Montanari, A. 2019: Global and Regional Increase of Precipitation Extremes Under Global Warming, Water Resources Research, 55(6): 4901-4914, doi:10.1029/2018WR024067","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Water Resources Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"296","row-number":"348",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global daily rainfall extremes, 1964-2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our analysis covers the 1964–2013 period, when the global warming accelerated, and reveals…increasing trends in the frequency of daily precipitation extremes that are highly unlikely under the assumption of stationarity.\" 2019 papalexiou, s. m. & montanari, a. 2019: global and regional increase of precipitation extremes under global warming, water resources research, 55(6): 4901-4914, doi:10.1029/2018wr024067"},{Name:"High rainfall in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia, February 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"MOZ,ZWE,ZMB","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This multi-method study of high precipitation over parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and parts of Zambia in February 2018 indicates decreased likelihood of such events due to climate change, but with substantial uncertainty based on the used observations and models.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Fučkar, N. S. et al., 2019: On High Precipitation in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia in February 2018 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0162.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"297","row-number":"349",Location:"Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" high rainfall in mozambique, zimbabwe and zambia, february 2018 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"this multi-method study of high precipitation over parts of mozambique, zimbabwe and parts of zambia in february 2018 indicates decreased likelihood of such events due to climate change, but with substantial uncertainty based on the used observations and models.\" moz,zwe,zmb 2019 fučkar, n. s. et al., 2019: on high precipitation in mozambique, zimbabwe and zambia in february 2018 [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0162.1"},{Name:"Central western China persistent heavy rainfall, summer 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing has reduced the probability of summer persistent heavy rainfall in central western China similar to 2018 by ~47%…based on HadGEM3-GA6 ensembles.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Zhang, W. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Influence on 2018 Summer Persistent Heavy Rainfall in Central Western China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0147.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"294","row-number":"350",Location:"Central Western China (30°–38°N, 100°–110°E)","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" central western china persistent heavy rainfall, summer 2018 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing has reduced the probability of summer persistent heavy rainfall in central western china similar to 2018 by ~47%…based on hadgem3-ga6 ensembles.\" chn 2019 zhang, w. et al., 2019: anthropogenic influence on 2018 summer persistent heavy rainfall in central western china [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0147.1"},{Name:"Upper Yellow river basin extreme floods, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change, reservoir operation, and land cover change have decreased the risk of 2018 extreme summer flooding by 34%, 45%, and 11% respectively.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Ji, P. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic Contributions to the 2018 Extreme Flooding over Upper Yellow River Basin in China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0105.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"298","row-number":"351",Location:"Upper Yellow River basin in China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" upper yellow river basin extreme floods, 2018 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change, reservoir operation, and land cover change have decreased the risk of 2018 extreme summer flooding by 34%, 45%, and 11% respectively.\" chn 2019 ji, p. et al., 2019: anthropogenic contributions to the 2018 extreme flooding over upper yellow river basin in china [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0105.1"},{Name:"Bangladesh floods, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"BGD","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The change in risk of high precipitation that has occurred since pre-industrial times is therefore uncertain…The attribution of the change in discharge is therefore somewhat less uncertain than for precipitation, but the 95 % CI still encompasses no change in risk.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Philip, S. et al. 2019: Attributing the 2017 Bangladesh floods from meteorological and hydrological perspectives, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 1409–1429, doi:10.5194/hess-23-1409-2019","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Hydrology and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"299","row-number":"352",Location:"Bangladesh","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" bangladesh floods, 2017 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"the change in risk of high precipitation that has occurred since pre-industrial times is therefore uncertain…the attribution of the change in discharge is therefore somewhat less uncertain than for precipitation, but the 95 % ci still encompasses no change in risk.\" bgd 2019 philip, s. et al. 2019: attributing the 2017 bangladesh floods from meteorological and hydrological perspectives, hydrology and earth system sciences, 23, 1409–1429, doi:10.5194/hess-23-1409-2019"},{Name:"Tasmania '1-day extreme rainfall event', May 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Attribution of an extreme magnitude 1-day rainfall event in Hobart is inhibited by small sample size. For moderate magnitude Hobart daily rainfall extremes, models suggest that the associated extratropical lows will deliver more rainfall with weaker pressure anomalies in a warmer world.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Tozer, C. R. et al., 2019: A 1-Day Extreme Rainfall Event in Tasmania: Process Evaluation and Long Tail Attribution [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0219.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"300","row-number":"353",Location:"Tasmania, Australia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" tasmania '1-day extreme rainfall event', may 2018 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"attribution of an extreme magnitude 1-day rainfall event in hobart is inhibited by small sample size. for moderate magnitude hobart daily rainfall extremes, models suggest that the associated extratropical lows will deliver more rainfall with weaker pressure anomalies in a warmer world.\" 2019 tozer, c. r. et al., 2019: a 1-day extreme rainfall event in tasmania: process evaluation and long tail attribution [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0219.1"},{Name:"Bering Sea record low sea ice extent, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Record low Bering Sea sea ice in 2018 had profound regional impacts. According to climate models, human-caused warming was an overwhelmingly likely contributor, and such low levels will likely be typical by the 2040s.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Thoman, R. L. et al., 2019: The Record Low Bering Sea Ice Extent in 2018: Context, Impacts, and an Assessment of the Role of Anthropogenic Climate Change [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0175.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"301","row-number":"354",Location:"Bering Sea","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" bering sea record low sea ice extent, 2018 cold, snow & ice more severe or more likely to occur \"record low bering sea sea ice in 2018 had profound regional impacts. according to climate models, human-caused warming was an overwhelmingly likely contributor, and such low levels will likely be typical by the 2040s.\" 2019 thoman, r. l. et al., 2019: the record low bering sea ice extent in 2018: context, impacts, and an assessment of the role of anthropogenic climate change [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0175.1"},{Name:"UK 'extremely cold start' to spring 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Observational and model analyses suggest a 6- and 12-fold increase in the likelihood of extremely cold days in March in central England, as in year 2018, without anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P. A., 2019: The Extremely Cold Start of the Spring of 2018 in the United Kingdom [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0084.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"302","row-number":"355",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" uk 'extremely cold start' to spring 2018 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"observational and model analyses suggest a 6- and 12-fold increase in the likelihood of extremely cold days in march in central england, as in year 2018, without anthropogenic climate change.\" gbr 2019 christidis, n. & stott, p. a., 2019: the extremely cold start of the spring of 2018 in the united kingdom [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0084.1"},{Name:"Hurricane Maria 'extreme rainfall' over Puerto Rico, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"PRI","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Within the most affected areas it is likely that the probability of precipitation of Maria's magnitude has increased by a factor greater than 1 (best estimate 4.85) as a result of long‐term climate trends.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Keellings, D. and Hernández Ayala, J. J. 2019: Extreme Rainfall Associated With Hurricane Maria Over Puerto Rico and Its Connections to Climate Variability and Change, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2019GL082077","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"303","row-number":"356",Location:"Puerto Rico","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane maria 'extreme rainfall' over puerto rico, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"within the most affected areas it is likely that the probability of precipitation of maria's magnitude has increased by a factor greater than 1 (best estimate 4.85) as a result of long‐term climate trends.\" pri 2019 keellings, d. and hernández ayala, j. j. 2019: extreme rainfall associated with hurricane maria over puerto rico and its connections to climate variability and change, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2019gl082077"},{Name:"Tropical Storm Imelda 'extreme rainfall' over Texas, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We conclude that two-day extreme precipitation events along the Gulf Coast as intense as observed on 19–20 September 2019 or higher have become 1.6 to 2.6 times more likely due to anthropogenic climate change, or 9% to 17% more intense.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. et al. 2019: Rapid attribution of the extreme rainfall in Texas from Tropical Storm Imelda","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"304","row-number":"357",Location:"South-east Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" tropical storm imelda 'extreme rainfall' over texas, 2019 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"we conclude that two-day extreme precipitation events along the gulf coast as intense as observed on 19–20 september 2019 or higher have become 1.6 to 2.6 times more likely due to anthropogenic climate change, or 9% to 17% more intense.\" usa 2019 van oldenborgh, g. j. et al. 2019: rapid attribution of the extreme rainfall in texas from tropical storm imelda"},{Name:"US hurricane damages, 1900-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our data reveal an emergent positive trend in damage, which we attribute to a detectable change in extreme storms due to global warming.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Grinsted, A. et al. 2019: Normalized US hurricane damage estimates using area of total destruction, 1900−2018, PNAS, 116(48): 23942-23946, doi:10.1073/pnas.1912277116","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"305","row-number":"358",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" us hurricane damages, 1900-2018 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"our data reveal an emergent positive trend in damage, which we attribute to a detectable change in extreme storms due to global warming.\" usa 2019 grinsted, a. et al. 2019: normalized us hurricane damage estimates using area of total destruction, 1900−2018, pnas, 116(48): 23942-23946, doi:10.1073/pnas.1912277116"},{Name:"Typhoon Morakot's extreme rainfall, 2009","Event year/Trend":"2009","iso country code":"TWN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"The study \"indicates that the anthropogenic climate change works to enhance Morakot’s overall rainfall by 2.5-3.6%. Rainfall of individual days during the simulation period also shows consistent increase by 0.4-6.5%.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Wang, C0C. et al. 2019: How much of Typhoon Morakot's extreme rainfall is attributable to anthropogenic climate change?, International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.6030","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"306","row-number":"359",Location:"Taiwan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon morakot's extreme rainfall, 2009 storm more severe or more likely to occur the study \"indicates that the anthropogenic climate change works to enhance morakot’s overall rainfall by 2.5-3.6%. rainfall of individual days during the simulation period also shows consistent increase by 0.4-6.5%.\" twn 2019 wang, c0c. et al. 2019: how much of typhoon morakot's extreme rainfall is attributable to anthropogenic climate change?, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.6030"},{Name:"Queensland fire weather, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Factors including the circulation pattern and antecedent conditions contributed to 2018 northeast Australian fires. High background temperatures also played a role for which model evidence suggests an anthropogenic influence.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Lewis, S. C. et al., 2019: Deconstructing Factors Contributing to the 2018 Fire Weather in Queensland, Australia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2018 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0144.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"307","row-number":"360",Location:"Queensland, Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" queensland fire weather, 2018 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"factors including the circulation pattern and antecedent conditions contributed to 2018 northeast australian fires. high background temperatures also played a role for which model evidence suggests an anthropogenic influence.\" aus 2019 lewis, s. c. et al., 2019: deconstructing factors contributing to the 2018 fire weather in queensland, australia [in “explaining extreme events of 2018 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0144.1"},{Name:"California wildfires, 1972-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"During 1972–2018, California experienced a fivefold increase in annual burned area, mainly due to more than an eightfold increase in summer forest‐fire extent. Increased summer forest‐fire area very likely occurred due to increased atmospheric aridity caused by warming.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Williams, A. P. et al., 2019: Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire in California, Earth's Future, 7: 892-910, doi:10.1029/2019EF001210","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"308","row-number":"361",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" california wildfires, 1972-2018 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"during 1972–2018, california experienced a fivefold increase in annual burned area, mainly due to more than an eightfold increase in summer forest‐fire extent. increased summer forest‐fire area very likely occurred due to increased atmospheric aridity caused by warming.\" usa 2019 williams, a. p. et al., 2019: observed impacts of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire in california, earth's future, 7: 892-910, doi:10.1029/2019ef001210"},{Name:"El Niño variability intensification, 1966–2016","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[The results] imply that ENSO extremes of the last 50 years are significantly stronger than those of the pre‐industrial era in the central tropical Pacific. These records suggest that El Niño events already may be intensifying due to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Grothe, P. R. et al. 2019: Enhanced El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability in recent decades, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2019GL083906","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"309","row-number":"362",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" el niño variability intensification, 1966–2016 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"[the results] imply that enso extremes of the last 50 years are significantly stronger than those of the pre‐industrial era in the central tropical pacific. these records suggest that el niño events already may be intensifying due to anthropogenic climate change.\" 2019 grothe, p. r. et al. 2019: enhanced el niño-southern oscillation variability in recent decades, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2019gl083906"},{Name:"Beijing's 'Airpocalypse', January 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Atmosphere",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that anthropogenic influence has had a small effect on the probability of the January 2013 event in all three indices but has increased the probability of a long‐term positive trend in two out of three indices.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Callahan, C. W. et al., 2019: Multi-Index Attribution of Extreme Winter Air Quality in Beijing, China, JGR Atmospheres, DOI:10.1029/2018JD029738","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"310","row-number":"363",Location:"Beijing","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" beijing's 'airpocalypse', january 2013 atmosphere more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that anthropogenic influence has had a small effect on the probability of the january 2013 event in all three indices but has increased the probability of a long‐term positive trend in two out of three indices.\" chn 2019 callahan, c. w. et al., 2019: multi-index attribution of extreme winter air quality in beijing, china, jgr atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2018jd029738"},{Name:"Global heat-related deaths, 1900-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced warming that leads to an increase in heat-related deaths has reached about a degree in all continents…All regions currently experience at least 10 additional days per year when thermal deaths are expected to occur.\"","Publication year":"2019",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2019: Anthropogenic climate change and heat effects on health, International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.6104","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"311","row-number":"364",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global heat-related deaths, 1900-2020 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced warming that leads to an increase in heat-related deaths has reached about a degree in all continents…all regions currently experience at least 10 additional days per year when thermal deaths are expected to occur.\" 2019 christidis, n. et al., 2019: anthropogenic climate change and heat effects on health, international journal of climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.6104"},{Name:"India's hottest regional summer, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Overall, the observed hottest summer in 2010 can be attributed to anthropogenic warming with high confidence.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Nanditha, J. S. et al. 2020: A seven-fold rise in the probability of exceeding the observed hottest summer in India in a 2C warmer world, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab7555","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"312","row-number":"365",Location:"India","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" india's hottest regional summer, 2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"overall, the observed hottest summer in 2010 can be attributed to anthropogenic warming with high confidence.\" ind 2020 nanditha, j. s. et al. 2020: a seven-fold rise in the probability of exceeding the observed hottest summer in india in a 2c warmer world, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab7555"},{Name:"Unprecedented Europe heat, June-July 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that anthropogenic climate change has caused a sevenfold increase in the likelihood of the extreme heat over 1950–2014 climate, and even a 23‐fold increase since 1980s.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Ma, F. et al. 2020: Unprecedented Europe heat in june–july 2019: risk in the historical and future context, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2020GL087809","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"313","row-number":"366",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" unprecedented europe heat, june-july 2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that anthropogenic climate change has caused a sevenfold increase in the likelihood of the extreme heat over 1950–2014 climate, and even a 23‐fold increase since 1980s.\" 2020 ma, f. et al. 2020: unprecedented europe heat in june–july 2019: risk in the historical and future context, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2020gl087809"},{Name:"US 'Dust-Bowl' heatwaves, 1930s","Event year/Trend":"1934 & 1936","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We use a large-ensemble regional modelling framework to show that GHG increases caused slightly enhanced heatwave activity over the eastern United States during 1934 and 1936.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Cowan, T. et al. 2020: Present-day greenhouse gases could cause more frequent and longer Dust Bowl heatwaves, Nature Climate Change, DOI:10.1038/s41558-020-0771-7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"314","row-number":"367",Location:"North America Great Plains","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" us 'dust-bowl' heatwaves, 1930s heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we use a large-ensemble regional modelling framework to show that ghg increases caused slightly enhanced heatwave activity over the eastern united states during 1934 and 1936.\" usa 2020 cowan, t. et al. 2020: present-day greenhouse gases could cause more frequent and longer dust bowl heatwaves, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0771-7"},{Name:"Global and continental temperature extremes, 1951–2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Analyses that involve signals from anthropogenic and natural external forcings confirm that the anthropogenic signal can be detected over global land as a whole and for most continents in all temperature indices.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Hu, T. et al. 2020: Human influence on frequency of temperature extremes, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab8497","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"315","row-number":"368",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global and continental temperature extremes, 1951–2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"analyses that involve signals from anthropogenic and natural external forcings confirm that the anthropogenic signal can be detected over global land as a whole and for most continents in all temperature indices.\" 2020 hu, t. et al. 2020: human influence on frequency of temperature extremes, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab8497"},{Name:"Record-breaking June and July 2019 heatwaves in Western Europe","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We demonstrate that these short and intense events would have had extremely small odds in the absence of human-induced climate change, and equivalently frequent events would have been 1.5C to 3C colder.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Vautard, R. et al. 2020: Human contribution to the record-breaking June and July 2019 heatwaves in Western Europe, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aba3d4","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"316","row-number":"369",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record-breaking june and july 2019 heatwaves in western europe heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we demonstrate that these short and intense events would have had extremely small odds in the absence of human-induced climate change, and equivalently frequent events would have been 1.5c to 3c colder.\" 2020 vautard, r. et al. 2020: human contribution to the record-breaking june and july 2019 heatwaves in western europe, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aba3d4"},{Name:"Sweden's extremely warm summer, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"SWE","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has strongly increased the probability of a warm summer, such as the one observed 2018, occurring in Sweden.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Wilcke, R. A. I. et al. 2020: The extremely warm summer of 2018 in Sweden – set in a historical context, Earth System Dynamics, DOI:10.5194/esd-11-1107-2020","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth System Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"317","row-number":"370",Location:"Sweden","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" sweden's extremely warm summer, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has strongly increased the probability of a warm summer, such as the one observed 2018, occurring in sweden.\" swe 2020 wilcke, r. a. i. et al. 2020: the extremely warm summer of 2018 in sweden – set in a historical context, earth system dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-11-1107-2020"},{Name:"France heatwave, July 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Both the probability and the intensity of that event have increased significantly in response to human influence. Remarkably, we find that the heat wave considered might not have been possible without climate change.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Robin, Y. & Ribes, A. 2020: Nonstationary extreme value analysis for event attribution combining climate models and observations, Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, DOI:10.5194/ascmo-6-205-2020","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"318","row-number":"371",Location:"France","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" france heatwave, july 2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"both the probability and the intensity of that event have increased significantly in response to human influence. remarkably, we find that the heat wave considered might not have been possible without climate change.\" fra 2020 robin, y. & ribes, a. 2020: nonstationary extreme value analysis for event attribution combining climate models and observations, advances in statistical climatology, meteorology and oceanography, doi:10.5194/ascmo-6-205-2020"},{Name:"East China's hottest spring, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Quantitative estimates of the probability ratio show that anthropogenic forcing may have increased the chance of this event by 10-fold.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Lu, C. et al. 2020: Contribution of Global Warming and Atmospheric Circulation to the Hottest Spring in Eastern China in 2018, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, DOI:10.1007/s00376-020-0088-5","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Atmospheric Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"319","row-number":"372",Location:"East China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" east china's hottest spring, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"quantitative estimates of the probability ratio show that anthropogenic forcing may have increased the chance of this event by 10-fold.\" chn 2020 lu, c. et al. 2020: contribution of global warming and atmospheric circulation to the hottest spring in eastern china in 2018, advances in atmospheric sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-020-0088-5"},{Name:"Scotland heatwave, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change since 1850 has made all these high-temperature extremes more likely.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Undorf, S. et al. 2020: Learning from the 2018 heatwave in the context of climate change: are high-temperature extremes important for adaptation in Scotland?, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6999","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"320","row-number":"373",Location:"Scotland","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" scotland heatwave, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change since 1850 has made all these high-temperature extremes more likely.\" gbr 2020 undorf, s. et al. 2020: learning from the 2018 heatwave in the context of climate change: are high-temperature extremes important for adaptation in scotland?, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6999"},{Name:"UK local temperatures exceeding 30, 35 and 40C, 1960-2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Compared with the natural world, there are now more areas likely to see temperatures exceeding 30 or 35C, while the 40C threshold is still very rare, even in the southeast.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al. 2020: The increasing likelihood of temperatures above 30 to 40 °C in the United Kingdom, Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-16834-0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"321","row-number":"374",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" uk local temperatures exceeding 30, 35 and 40c, 1960-2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"compared with the natural world, there are now more areas likely to see temperatures exceeding 30 or 35c, while the 40c threshold is still very rare, even in the southeast.\" gbr 2020 christidis, n. et al. 2020: the increasing likelihood of temperatures above 30 to 40 °c in the united kingdom, nature communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16834-0"},{Name:"Global temperature extremes, 1951-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our analyses show human influences on temperature extremes at the subcontinental scale.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Wang, Z. et al., 2020: Toward Optimal Fingerprinting in Detection and Attribution of Changes in Climate Extremes, Journal of the American Statistical Association, DOI:10.1080/01621459.2020.1730852","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of the American Statistical Association","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"322","row-number":"375",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global temperature extremes, 1951-2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"our analyses show human influences on temperature extremes at the subcontinental scale.\" 2020 wang, z. et al., 2020: toward optimal fingerprinting in detection and attribution of changes in climate extremes, journal of the american statistical association, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1730852"},{Name:"Siberian heatwave, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The results showed with high confidence that the January to June 2020 prolonged heat was made at least 600 times more likely as a result of human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Ciavarella, A. et al. 2020: Siberian heatwave of 2020 almost impossible without climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"323","row-number":"376",Location:"Siberia","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" siberian heatwave, 2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the results showed with high confidence that the january to june 2020 prolonged heat was made at least 600 times more likely as a result of human-induced climate change.\" rus 2020 ciavarella, a. et al. 2020: siberian heatwave of 2020 almost impossible without climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Cedar Rapids flooding, 2008","Event year/Trend":"2008","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Compared to the baseline scenario with the external forcing removed, this event was ∼1.28-fold larger in flood extent, an approximate 3.4-time larger in the number of affected buildings, and an estimated 5.8- and 7.1-time larger in structural and content damage, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Villarini. G. et al., 2020, Attribution of the impacts of the 2008 flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to anthropogenic forcing, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc5e5","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"324","row-number":"377",Location:"Cedar Rapids, Iowa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" cedar rapids flooding, 2008 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"compared to the baseline scenario with the external forcing removed, this event was ∼1.28-fold larger in flood extent, an approximate 3.4-time larger in the number of affected buildings, and an estimated 5.8- and 7.1-time larger in structural and content damage, respectively.\" usa 2020 villarini. g. et al., 2020, attribution of the impacts of the 2008 flooding in cedar rapids (iowa) to anthropogenic forcing, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc5e5"},{Name:"Record-breaking summer heat in north-east Asia","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"We are also unable to attribute these changes solely to climate change due to the limitation of 60 years of data.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Ren, L. et al. 2020: Attribution of the record-breaking heat event over Northeast Asia in summer 2018: the role of circulation, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab8032","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"325","row-number":"378",Location:"","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record-breaking summer heat in north-east asia heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"we are also unable to attribute these changes solely to climate change due to the limitation of 60 years of data.\" 2020 ren, l. et al. 2020: attribution of the record-breaking heat event over northeast asia in summer 2018: the role of circulation, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab8032"},{Name:"Cape Town's 'Day Zero' drought","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that anthropogenic climate change increased the likelihood of the 2015–2017 rainfall deficit by a factor of five to six.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Pascale, S. et al. 2020: Increasing risk of another Cape Town “Day Zero” drought in the 21st century, PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2009144117","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"326","row-number":"379",Location:"Cape Town","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" cape town's 'day zero' drought drought more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that anthropogenic climate change increased the likelihood of the 2015–2017 rainfall deficit by a factor of five to six.\" zaf 2020 pascale, s. et al. 2020: increasing risk of another cape town “day zero” drought in the 21st century, pnas, doi:10.1073/pnas.2009144117"},{Name:"Agricultural drought in the Netherlands, 1951–2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"NLD","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A trend in agricultural drought…is driven by strong trends in temperature and global radiation rather than a trend in precipitation, resulting in an overall trend in potential evapotranspiration…At least half of this can be attributed to human induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Philip, S. Y. et al. 2020: Regional differentiation in climate change induced drought trends in the Netherlands, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab97ca","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"327","row-number":"380",Location:"The Netherlands","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" agricultural drought in the netherlands, 1951–2019 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"a trend in agricultural drought…is driven by strong trends in temperature and global radiation rather than a trend in precipitation, resulting in an overall trend in potential evapotranspiration…at least half of this can be attributed to human induced climate change.\" nld 2020 philip, s. y. et al. 2020: regional differentiation in climate change induced drought trends in the netherlands, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab97ca"},{Name:"Global observed extreme precipitation, 1951-2015","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results indicate that anthropogenic greenhouse gas influence is robustly detected in the observed intensification of extreme precipitation over the global land and most of the subregions considered.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Paik, S. et al. 2020: Determining the anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to the observed intensification of extreme precipitation, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2019GL086875","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"328","row-number":"381",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global observed extreme precipitation, 1951-2015 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"results indicate that anthropogenic greenhouse gas influence is robustly detected in the observed intensification of extreme precipitation over the global land and most of the subregions considered.\" 2020 paik, s. et al. 2020: determining the anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to the observed intensification of extreme precipitation, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2019gl086875"},{Name:"North America extreme precipitation, 1961-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We conclude that external forcing, dominated by human influence, has contributed to the increase in frequency and intensity of regional precipitation extremes in North America.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Kirchmeier-Young, M. C. & Zhang, X. 2020: Human influence has intensified extreme precipitation in North America, PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1921628117","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"329","row-number":"382",Location:"North America","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" north america extreme precipitation, 1961-2010 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we conclude that external forcing, dominated by human influence, has contributed to the increase in frequency and intensity of regional precipitation extremes in north america.\" 2020 kirchmeier-young, m. c. & zhang, x. 2020: human influence has intensified extreme precipitation in north america, pnas, doi:10.1073/pnas.1921628117"},{Name:"Record-breaking heavy rainfall over western Japan, July 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[Result for events like 2017] indicates that the return period (probability) of daily maximum rainfall changed from 53.5 years to 36.0 years due to global warming.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al. 2020: Advanced risk-based event attribution for heavy regional rainfall events, npj climate and atmospheric science, DOI:10.1038/s41612-020-00141-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"npj climate and atmospheric science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"330","row-number":"383",Location:"Western Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking heavy rainfall over western japan, july 2017 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[result for events like 2017] indicates that the return period (probability) of daily maximum rainfall changed from 53.5 years to 36.0 years due to global warming.\" jpn 2020 imada, y. et al. 2020: advanced risk-based event attribution for heavy regional rainfall events, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-020-00141-y"},{Name:"Record-breaking heavy rainfall over western Japan, July 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The threshold of 72-h rainfall was estimated to have 20.7-year return period under the realistic 2018 climatic conditions, but would have a 68.0-year return period under counterfactual conditions free of human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al. 2020: Advanced risk-based event attribution for heavy regional rainfall events, npj climate and atmospheric science, DOI:10.1038/s41612-020-00141-y","Unique paper":"",Source:"npj climate and atmospheric science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"330","row-number":"384",Location:"Western Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking heavy rainfall over western japan, july 2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the threshold of 72-h rainfall was estimated to have 20.7-year return period under the realistic 2018 climatic conditions, but would have a 68.0-year return period under counterfactual conditions free of human-induced climate change.\" jpn 2020 imada, y. et al. 2020: advanced risk-based event attribution for heavy regional rainfall events, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-020-00141-y"},{Name:"Flooding on the Lancang-Mekong River Basin, 2008–16","Event year/Trend":"2008–16","iso country code":"VNM","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Compared with the baseline period of 1985–2007…climate change increased the magnitude and frequency of the flood by up to 14% and 45%, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Yun, X. et al. 2020: Impacts of climate change and reservoir operation on streamflow and flood characteristics in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin, Journal of Hydrology, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125472","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"331","row-number":"385",Location:"Lancang-Mekong River Basin","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" flooding on the lancang-mekong river basin, 2008–16 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"compared with the baseline period of 1985–2007…climate change increased the magnitude and frequency of the flood by up to 14% and 45%, respectively.\" vnm 2020 yun, x. et al. 2020: impacts of climate change and reservoir operation on streamflow and flood characteristics in the lancang-mekong river basin, journal of hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125472"},{Name:"Mid-lower Yangtze River 2-day rainfall extremes, July 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming has reduced the likelihood of 2019-like 14-days heavy precipitation over the mid–lower reaches of the Yangtze River by 20%, but increased that of 2-days extremes by 30%.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Nanding, N, et al. 2020: Anthropogenic influences on 2019 July precipitation extremes over the mid–lower reaches of the Yangtze river, Frontiers in Environmental Science, DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2020.603061","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Frontiers in Environmental Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"332","row-number":"386",Location:"Mid-lower Yangtze River, China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" mid-lower yangtze river 2-day rainfall extremes, july 2019 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming has reduced the likelihood of 2019-like 14-days heavy precipitation over the mid–lower reaches of the yangtze river by 20%, but increased that of 2-days extremes by 30%.\" chn 2020 nanding, n, et al. 2020: anthropogenic influences on 2019 july precipitation extremes over the mid–lower reaches of the yangtze river, frontiers in environmental science, doi:10.3389/fenvs.2020.603061"},{Name:"Heavy rainfall in Kinugawa, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These results indicate the high probability of intensification of Kinugawa heavy rainfall by anthropogenic GHG emissions.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Taniguchi, K. & Minobe, Y. 2020: Impact of Global Warming on Extreme Heavy Rainfall in the Present Climate: Case Study of Heavy Rainfall in Kinugawa, Japan (2015), Atmosphere, DOI:10.3390/atmos11020220","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmosphere","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"333","row-number":"387",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" heavy rainfall in kinugawa, 2015 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"these results indicate the high probability of intensification of kinugawa heavy rainfall by anthropogenic ghg emissions.\" jpn 2020 taniguchi, k. & minobe, y. 2020: impact of global warming on extreme heavy rainfall in the present climate: case study of heavy rainfall in kinugawa, japan (2015), atmosphere, doi:10.3390/atmos11020220"},{Name:"China summer rainfall, 1961-2012","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Changes attributable to anthropogenic forcing explain most of the observed regional changes for all categories of summer precipitation, and natural forcing contributes little.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Lu, C. et al. 2020: Detectable Anthropogenic Influence on Changes in Summer Precipitation in China, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0285.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"334","row-number":"388",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" china summer rainfall, 1961-2012 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"changes attributable to anthropogenic forcing explain most of the observed regional changes for all categories of summer precipitation, and natural forcing contributes little.\" chn 2020 lu, c. et al. 2020: detectable anthropogenic influence on changes in summer precipitation in china, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-0285.1"},{Name:"Global rainfall extremes, 1951-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An optimal fingerprinting analysis reveals detectable anthropogenic signals in the observations of these indices averaged over the globe and over most continents.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Dong, S. et al., 2020: Attribution of Extreme Precipitation with Updated Observations and CMIP6 Simulations, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-1017.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"335","row-number":"389",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global rainfall extremes, 1951-2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"an optimal fingerprinting analysis reveals detectable anthropogenic signals in the observations of these indices averaged over the globe and over most continents.\" 2020 dong, s. et al., 2020: attribution of extreme precipitation with updated observations and cmip6 simulations, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-1017.1"},{Name:"Mid-lower Yangtze River 14-day rainfall extremes, July 2020","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming has reduced the likelihood of 2019-like 14-days heavy precipitation over the mid–lower reaches of the Yangtze River by 20%, but increased that of 2-days extremes by 30%.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Nanding, N, et al. 2020: Anthropogenic influences on 2019 July precipitation extremes over the mid–lower reaches of the Yangtze river, Frontiers in Environmental Science, DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2020.603061","Unique paper":"",Source:"Frontiers in Environmental Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"332","row-number":"390",Location:"Mid-lower Yangtze River, China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" mid-lower yangtze river 14-day rainfall extremes, july 2020 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming has reduced the likelihood of 2019-like 14-days heavy precipitation over the mid–lower reaches of the yangtze river by 20%, but increased that of 2-days extremes by 30%.\" chn 2020 nanding, n, et al. 2020: anthropogenic influences on 2019 july precipitation extremes over the mid–lower reaches of the yangtze river, frontiers in environmental science, doi:10.3389/fenvs.2020.603061"},{Name:"NZ glacier ice loss events, 2011 & 2018","Event year/Trend":"2011 & 2018","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate extreme mass loss was at least six times (2011) and ten times (2018) (>90% confidence) more likely to occur with anthropogenic forcing than without.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Vargo, L. J. et al. 2020: Anthropogenic warming forces extreme annual glacier mass loss, Nature Climate Change, DOI:10.1038/s41558-020-0849-2","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"336","row-number":"391",Location:"New Zealand","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" nz glacier ice loss events, 2011 & 2018 cold, snow & ice more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate extreme mass loss was at least six times (2011) and ten times (2018) (>90% confidence) more likely to occur with anthropogenic forcing than without.\" nzl 2020 vargo, l. j. et al. 2020: anthropogenic warming forces extreme annual glacier mass loss, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0849-2"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere intense snowfall events, 1979-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The increased anthropogenic activity in the past decades is partly responsible for the increase in intense snowfall events\" over most parts of Asia, North America, and Greenland.","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Chen, H. et al. 2020: Anthropogenic influence would increase intense snowfall events over parts of the Northern Hemisphere in the future, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abbc93","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"337","row-number":"392",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern Hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" northern hemisphere intense snowfall events, 1979-2020 cold, snow & ice more severe or more likely to occur \"the increased anthropogenic activity in the past decades is partly responsible for the increase in intense snowfall events\" over most parts of asia, north america, and greenland. 2020 chen, h. et al. 2020: anthropogenic influence would increase intense snowfall events over parts of the northern hemisphere in the future, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abbc93"},{Name:"Extreme cold events over south-east China, 1960-2017","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Our analysis indicates that even if cold events are likely to have been reduced due to greenhouse gases, trends cannot be attributed with high confidence to any anthropogenic signal alone.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Freychet, N. et al., 2020: Widespread Persistent Extreme Cold Events Over South-East China: Mechanisms, Trends, and Attribution, JGR Atmospheres, DOI:10.1029/2020JD033447","Unique paper":"1",Source:"JGR Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"338","row-number":"393",Location:"South-east China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" extreme cold events over south-east china, 1960-2017 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"our analysis indicates that even if cold events are likely to have been reduced due to greenhouse gases, trends cannot be attributed with high confidence to any anthropogenic signal alone.\" chn 2020 freychet, n. et al., 2020: widespread persistent extreme cold events over south-east china: mechanisms, trends, and attribution, jgr atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2020jd033447"},{Name:"Marine heatwaves, 1981-2017","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We show that the occurrence probabilities of the duration, intensity, and cumulative intensity of most documented, large, and impactful MHWs have increased more than 20-fold as a result of anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Laufkötter, C. et al. 2020: High-impact marine heatwaves attributable to human-induced global warming, Science, DOI:10.1126/science.aba0690","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"339","row-number":"394",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" marine heatwaves, 1981-2017 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"we show that the occurrence probabilities of the duration, intensity, and cumulative intensity of most documented, large, and impactful mhws have increased more than 20-fold as a result of anthropogenic climate change.\" 2020 laufkötter, c. et al. 2020: high-impact marine heatwaves attributable to human-induced global warming, science, doi:10.1126/science.aba0690"},{Name:"Hurricane Florence, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The extreme rainfall was increased by up to 10%, and the fraction of rainfall accumulations of more than 30 inches was increased by more than 7% of what it would have been without climate change.\" & \"The maximum size of Hurricane Florence [was] about 9 km larger in mean maximum diameter (or a 1.6% increase in storm area) due to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Reed, K. A. et al. 2020: Forecasted attribution of the human influence on Hurricane Florence, Science Advances, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aaw9253","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science Advances","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"340","row-number":"395",Location:"US East Coast","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane florence, 2018 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the extreme rainfall was increased by up to 10%, and the fraction of rainfall accumulations of more than 30 inches was increased by more than 7% of what it would have been without climate change.\" & \"the maximum size of hurricane florence [was] about 9 km larger in mean maximum diameter (or a 1.6% increase in storm area) due to climate change.\" usa 2020 reed, k. a. et al. 2020: forecasted attribution of the human influence on hurricane florence, science advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaw9253"},{Name:"Global tropical cyclone frequency trends, 1980-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We found that external forcing (i.e., greenhouse gases, aerosols, and volcanic eruptions) played an important role in the observed TCF [Tropical Cyclone Frequency] trends since 1980.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Murakami, H. et al. 2020: Detected climatic change in global distribution of tropical cyclones, PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1922500117","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"341","row-number":"396",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" global tropical cyclone frequency trends, 1980-2018 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"we found that external forcing (i.e., greenhouse gases, aerosols, and volcanic eruptions) played an important role in the observed tcf [tropical cyclone frequency] trends since 1980.\" 2020 murakami, h. et al. 2020: detected climatic change in global distribution of tropical cyclones, pnas, doi:10.1073/pnas.1922500117"},{Name:"Typhoon translation speeds in mid-latitudes in September, 1980-2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[The findings] reveal two main factors responsible for translation speed slowdown: natural decadal climate variabilities (such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation) and global warming.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Yamaguchi, M. & Maeda, S. 2020: Slowdown of Typhoon Translation Speeds in Mid-latitudes in September Influenced by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Global Warming, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2020-068","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"342","row-number":"397",Location:"Mid-laititudes","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon translation speeds in mid-latitudes in september, 1980-2019 storm decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"[the findings] reveal two main factors responsible for translation speed slowdown: natural decadal climate variabilities (such as the pacific decadal oscillation) and global warming.\" 2020 yamaguchi, m. & maeda, s. 2020: slowdown of typhoon translation speeds in mid-latitudes in september influenced by the pacific decadal oscillation and global warming, journal of the meteorological society of japan, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2020-068"},{Name:"Tropical-cyclone-induced heavy rainfall over western Japan, July 1993","Event year/Trend":"1993","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The tropical-cyclone-induced extreme rainfall…was not attributable to anthropogenic climate change because the occurrence of heavy rainfall depended more on the TC approach rather than on the moisture increase due to global warming.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Imada, Y. et al. 2020: Advanced risk-based event attribution for heavy regional rainfall events, npj climate and atmospheric science, DOI:10.1038/s41612-020-00141-y","Unique paper":"",Source:"npj climate and atmospheric science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"330","row-number":"398",Location:"Western Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Japan",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" tropical-cyclone-induced heavy rainfall over western japan, july 1993 storm no discernible human influence \"the tropical-cyclone-induced extreme rainfall…was not attributable to anthropogenic climate change because the occurrence of heavy rainfall depended more on the tc approach rather than on the moisture increase due to global warming.\" jpn 2020 imada, y. et al. 2020: advanced risk-based event attribution for heavy regional rainfall events, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-020-00141-y"},{Name:"California extreme autumn wildfire conditions, since 1950","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find an increase in the climate model-estimated probability of these extreme autumn conditions since ~1950, including a long-term trend toward increased same-season co-occurrence of extreme fire weather conditions in northern and southern California.\"","Publication year":"",Citation:"Goss, M. et al. 2020: Climate change is increasing the likelihood of extreme autumn wildfire conditions across California, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ab83a7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"343","row-number":"399",Location:"California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" california extreme autumn wildfire conditions, since 1950 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"we find an increase in the climate model-estimated probability of these extreme autumn conditions since ~1950, including a long-term trend toward increased same-season co-occurrence of extreme fire weather conditions in northern and southern california.\" usa goss, m. et al. 2020: climate change is increasing the likelihood of extreme autumn wildfire conditions across california, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab83a7"},{Name:"Colorado River discharge deficit, 2000-17","Event year/Trend":"2000-17","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"River flow",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"If we set temperature every year to its climatology, the model yields a discharge trend [for 1913-2017] of −8.4%/century and a discharge deficit [for 2000-17] of −8.1%. We conclude that temperature sensitivity accounts for more than half of both drying phenomena, consistent with a previous analysis.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Milly, P. C. D. & Dunne, K. A. 2020: Colorado River flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow energizes evaporation, Science, DOI:10.1126/science.aay9187","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"344","row-number":"400",Location:"Upper Colorado River Basin","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" colorado river discharge deficit, 2000-17 river flow decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"if we set temperature every year to its climatology, the model yields a discharge trend [for 1913-2017] of −8.4%/century and a discharge deficit [for 2000-17] of −8.1%. we conclude that temperature sensitivity accounts for more than half of both drying phenomena, consistent with a previous analysis.\" usa 2020 milly, p. c. d. & dunne, k. a. 2020: colorado river flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow energizes evaporation, science, doi:10.1126/science.aay9187"},{Name:"Summer hot drought events over north-eastern China, 1961-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Based on the optimal fingerprinting method, the impact of increased anthropogenic activities can be detected at the 90% confidence level.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Li, H. et al. 2020: A detectable anthropogenic shift toward intensified summer hot drought events over northeastern China, Earth and Space Science, DOI:10.1029/2019EA000836","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth and Space Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"345","row-number":"401",Location:"North-eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" summer hot drought events over north-eastern china, 1961-2005 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"based on the optimal fingerprinting method, the impact of increased anthropogenic activities can be detected at the 90% confidence level.\" chn 2020 li, h. et al. 2020: a detectable anthropogenic shift toward intensified summer hot drought events over northeastern china, earth and space science, doi:10.1029/2019ea000836"},{Name:"Economic costs of New Zealand droughts, 2007-17","Event year/Trend":"2007-17","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"With a FAR [fraction of attributable risk] of 20%, this yields excess costs of the drought due to anthropogenic climate change of NZ$300M.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Frame, D. J. et al. 2020: Climate change attribution and the economic costs of extreme weather events: a study on damages from extreme rainfall and drought, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-020-02729-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"346","row-number":"402",Location:"New Zealand","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" economic costs of new zealand droughts, 2007-17 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"with a far [fraction of attributable risk] of 20%, this yields excess costs of the drought due to anthropogenic climate change of nz$300m.\" nzl 2020 frame, d. j. et al. 2020: climate change attribution and the economic costs of extreme weather events: a study on damages from extreme rainfall and drought, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-020-02729-y"},{Name:"Economic costs of New Zealand floods, 2007-17","Event year/Trend":"2007-17","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that major-flood insured costs attributable to anthropogenic influence on climate are currently somewhere in the vicinity of $140M for this decade.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Frame, D. J. et al. 2020: Climate change attribution and the economic costs of extreme weather events: a study on damages from extreme rainfall and drought, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-020-02729-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"347","row-number":"403",Location:"New Zealand","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" economic costs of new zealand floods, 2007-17 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that major-flood insured costs attributable to anthropogenic influence on climate are currently somewhere in the vicinity of $140m for this decade.\" nzl 2020 frame, d. j. et al. 2020: climate change attribution and the economic costs of extreme weather events: a study on damages from extreme rainfall and drought, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-020-02729-y"},{Name:"Economic costs of Hurricane Harvey","Event year/Trend":"2014","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"With an average estimate of damages from Harvey assessed at about US$90bn, applying this fraction [of attributable risk] gives a best estimate of US$67bn, with a likely lower bound of at least US$30bn, of these damages that are attributable to the human influence on climate.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Frame, D. J. et al. 2020: The economic costs of Hurricane Harvey attributable to climate change, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-020-02692-8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"348","row-number":"404",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" economic costs of hurricane harvey impact more severe or more likely to occur \"with an average estimate of damages from harvey assessed at about us$90bn, applying this fraction [of attributable risk] gives a best estimate of us$67bn, with a likely lower bound of at least us$30bn, of these damages that are attributable to the human influence on climate.\" usa 2020 frame, d. j. et al. 2020: the economic costs of hurricane harvey attributable to climate change, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-020-02692-8"},{Name:"Biological responses to Elbe River floodplain flooding & heatwaves, 2002-13","Event year/Trend":"2002-13","iso country code":"DEU","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Our ability to attribute these responses to anthropogenic climate change is limited by high natural variability in climate and biological data; lack of long-term data and replication, and the effects of multiple events.\"","Publication year":"2020",Citation:"Harris, R. M. B. et al. 2020: Biological responses to extreme weather events are detectable but difficult to formally attribute to anthropogenic climate change, Scientific Reports, DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-70901-6","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"349","row-number":"405",Location:"Elbe River floodplain, Germany","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" biological responses to elbe river floodplain flooding & heatwaves, 2002-13 impact no discernible human influence \"our ability to attribute these responses to anthropogenic climate change is limited by high natural variability in climate and biological data; lack of long-term data and replication, and the effects of multiple events.\" deu 2020 harris, r. m. b. et al. 2020: biological responses to extreme weather events are detectable but difficult to formally attribute to anthropogenic climate change, scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-70901-6"},{Name:"UK's third warmest year on record, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"Including climate change, the \"likelihood estimate increases by around a factor of 50, to 56% (range 53–58%). This suggests that we now expect a year as warm as 2020 every other year.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"McCarthy, M. et al. 2021: Met Office: A review of the UK’s climate in 2020, Carbon Brief","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Carbon Brief","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"350","row-number":"406",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" uk's third warmest year on record, 2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur including climate change, the \"likelihood estimate increases by around a factor of 50, to 56% (range 53–58%). this suggests that we now expect a year as warm as 2020 every other year.\" gbr 2021 mccarthy, m. et al. 2021: met office: a review of the uk’s climate in 2020, carbon brief"},{Name:"UK extremely warm days, winter 2018-19","Event year/Trend":"2018-19","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extremely warm winter days in central England, as in 2018/19, are still very rare, but human influence is estimated to have made them about 300 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P. A., 2021: Extremely Warm Days in the United Kingdom in Winter 2018/19 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0123.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"351","row-number":"407",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" uk extremely warm days, winter 2018-19 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"extremely warm winter days in central england, as in 2018/19, are still very rare, but human influence is estimated to have made them about 300 times more likely.\" gbr 2021 christidis, n. & stott, p. a., 2021: extremely warm days in the united kingdom in winter 2018/19 [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0123.1"},{Name:"Southern China record-breaking rainfall and temperature event, summer 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN,CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[H]ot events similar to the 2020 event cannot occur under past climate, while those reaching or exceeding a one standard deviation threshold increased from 0.58% under past climate conditions to 68.83% under the present climate, 99% of which can be attributed to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Ye, T. & Qian, C., 2021: Conditional attribution of climate change and atmospheric circulation contributing to the record-breaking precipitation and temperature event of summer 2020 in southern China, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abeeaf","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"352","row-number":"408",Location:"Southern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia,Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia,Asia","WMO region":"Asia,Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" southern china record-breaking rainfall and temperature event, summer 2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[h]ot events similar to the 2020 event cannot occur under past climate, while those reaching or exceeding a one standard deviation threshold increased from 0.58% under past climate conditions to 68.83% under the present climate, 99% of which can be attributed to climate change.\" chn,chn 2021 ye, t. & qian, c., 2021: conditional attribution of climate change and atmospheric circulation contributing to the record-breaking precipitation and temperature event of summer 2020 in southern china, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abeeaf"},{Name:"Increasing extreme temperatures in China, 1951-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[We] show that anthropogenic forcing is the main driver for these changes…GHG forcing plays a dominant role, accounting for about 1.6 (1.1–2) times of observed warming in changes of most indices, while the AA offset about 35% (10–60%) of GHG induced warming for warm extremes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hu, T. & Sun, Y., 2021: Anthropogenic influence on extreme temperatures in China based on CMIP6 models, International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.7402","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"353","row-number":"409",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" increasing extreme temperatures in china, 1951-2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[we] show that anthropogenic forcing is the main driver for these changes…ghg forcing plays a dominant role, accounting for about 1.6 (1.1–2) times of observed warming in changes of most indices, while the aa offset about 35% (10–60%) of ghg induced warming for warm extremes.\" chn 2021 hu, t. & sun, y., 2021: anthropogenic influence on extreme temperatures in china based on cmip6 models, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7402"},{Name:"European heatwave of February 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The direct CO2 effect increases the probability of the event over all European regions\" (And specifically by 42% for the UK, at least 100% for France and 7% for the Mediterranean.) ","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Leach, N. J. et al., 2021: Forecast-based attribution of a winter heatwave within the limit of predictability, PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2112087118","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"354","row-number":"410",Location:"Northern and central Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" european heatwave of february 2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the direct co2 effect increases the probability of the event over all european regions\" (and specifically by 42% for the uk, at least 100% for france and 7% for the mediterranean.) 2021 leach, n. j. et al., 2021: forecast-based attribution of a winter heatwave within the limit of predictability, pnas, doi:10.1073/pnas.2112087118"},{Name:"Global hot extremes, 1850-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]hese simulations suggest that many areas of the globe — particularly in the tropics, sub-tropics, and northern-hemisphere high latitudes — have already moved into a climate where the hottest daily-, seasonal- and annual-scale conditions would not have occurred in thousands of years without anthropogenic forcings.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Diffenbaugh, N. S. & Davenport, F. V. 2021: On the impossibility of extreme event thresholds in the absence of global warming, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:/10.1088/1748-9326/ac2f1a","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"355","row-number":"411",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global hot extremes, 1850-2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]hese simulations suggest that many areas of the globe — particularly in the tropics, sub-tropics, and northern-hemisphere high latitudes — have already moved into a climate where the hottest daily-, seasonal- and annual-scale conditions would not have occurred in thousands of years without anthropogenic forcings.\" 2021 diffenbaugh, n. s. & davenport, f. v. 2021: on the impossibility of extreme event thresholds in the absence of global warming, environmental research letters, doi:/10.1088/1748-9326/ac2f1a"},{Name:"Siberia extreme heat of 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]ithout human influence the temperatures widely experienced in Siberia in the first half of 2020 would have been practically impossible.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Ciavarella, A. et al., 2021: Prolonged Siberian heat of 2020 almost impossible without human influence, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-021-03052-w","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"357","row-number":"413",Location:"Siberia","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" siberia extreme heat of 2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]ithout human influence the temperatures widely experienced in siberia in the first half of 2020 would have been practically impossible.\" rus 2021 ciavarella, a. et al., 2021: prolonged siberian heat of 2020 almost impossible without human influence, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-021-03052-w"},{Name:"Record Australian heat event of October 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that about half of the October 2015 Australia-wide temperature anomaly is due to the increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1960.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Wang, G. et al., 2021: An Initialized Attribution Method for Extreme Events on Subseasonal to Seasonal Time Scales, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-1021.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"358","row-number":"414",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record australian heat event of october 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that about half of the october 2015 australia-wide temperature anomaly is due to the increase in atmospheric co2 since 1960.\" aus 2021 wang, g. et al., 2021: an initialized attribution method for extreme events on subseasonal to seasonal time scales, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-1021.1"},{Name:"Global extreme temperature changes, 1951-2015","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Greenhouse gas signals are detected in isolation from other external forcings over global, continental, and several subcontinental domains especially for warm extremes, explaining most of the observed warming.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Seong, M-G. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas and Aerosol Contributions to Extreme Temperature Changes during 1951–2015, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-1023.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"359","row-number":"415",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global extreme temperature changes, 1951-2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"greenhouse gas signals are detected in isolation from other external forcings over global, continental, and several subcontinental domains especially for warm extremes, explaining most of the observed warming.\" 2021 seong, m-g. et al., 2021: anthropogenic greenhouse gas and aerosol contributions to extreme temperature changes during 1951–2015, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-19-1023.1"},{Name:"European summer heatwave of 2003","Event year/Trend":"2003","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he effect of climate change was to increase temperatures across Europe by about the global-mean warming level throughout the summer, and the heatwave was simply the dynamical event riding on top of that.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"van Garderen, L. et al., 2021: A methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, DOI:10.5194/nhess-21-171-2021","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"360","row-number":"416",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" european summer heatwave of 2003 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he effect of climate change was to increase temperatures across europe by about the global-mean warming level throughout the summer, and the heatwave was simply the dynamical event riding on top of that.\" rus 2021 van garderen, l. et al., 2021: a methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline, natural hazards and earth system sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-21-171-2021"},{Name:"Russian summer heatwave of 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he effect of climate change was much higher than the global warming level and was particularly enhanced, approximately threefold, during the peak of the heatwave.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"van Garderen, L. et al., 2021: A methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, DOI:10.5194/nhess-21-171-2021","Unique paper":"",Source:"Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"360","row-number":"417",Location:"Russia","iso sub region":"Western Europe,Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" russian summer heatwave of 2010 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he effect of climate change was much higher than the global warming level and was particularly enhanced, approximately threefold, during the peak of the heatwave.\" rus 2021 van garderen, l. et al., 2021: a methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline, natural hazards and earth system sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-21-171-2021"},{Name:"Europe's record hot summer, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The calculations showed that the record-breaking summer season in Europe would have been almost impossible without human influence.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2021: Climate change drives Europe's record 2021 summer, Met Office","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Met Office","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"361","row-number":"418",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe's record hot summer, 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the calculations showed that the record-breaking summer season in europe would have been almost impossible without human influence.\" 2021 christidis, n. et al., 2021: climate change drives europe's record 2021 summer, met office"},{Name:"Western North American extreme heat, June 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Based on observations and modeling, the occurrence of a heatwave with maximum daily temperatures (TXx) as observed…was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Philip, S. Y. et al. 2021: Rapid attribution analysis of the extraordinary heatwave on the Pacific Coast of the US and Canada June 2021, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"362","row-number":"419",Location:"Western North America","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" western north american extreme heat, june 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"based on observations and modeling, the occurrence of a heatwave with maximum daily temperatures (txx) as observed…was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change.\" 2021 philip, s. y. et al. 2021: rapid attribution analysis of the extraordinary heatwave on the pacific coast of the us and canada june 2021, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Record-breaking low sunshine on the Yangtze Plain, January-February 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Sunshine",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record-low January–February 2019 sunshine in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain was favored by a circulation pattern, while anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases increased their probability in recent decades by 3.1 and 1.3 times, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"He, Y. et al., 2021: Roles of Anthropogenic Forcing and Natural Variability in the Record Breaking Low Sunshine Event in January–February 2019 over the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0185.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"363","row-number":"420",Location:"Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record-breaking low sunshine on the yangtze plain, january-february 2019 sunshine more severe or more likely to occur \"the record-low january–february 2019 sunshine in the middle-lower yangtze plain was favored by a circulation pattern, while anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases increased their probability in recent decades by 3.1 and 1.3 times, respectively.\" chn 2021 he, y. et al., 2021: roles of anthropogenic forcing and natural variability in the record breaking low sunshine event in january–february 2019 over the middle-lower yangtze plain [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0185.1"},{Name:"Europe increasingly dry summers, 1900-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Using the SPI and SPEI indices defined relative to a climate without the effect of human activity we demonstrate that anthropogenic forcings drive marked changes in European wet and dry summers.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P. A. 2021: The influence of anthropogenic climate change on wet and dry summers in Europe, Science Bulletin, DOI:10.1016/j.scib.2021.01.020","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science Bulletin","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"364","row-number":"421",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" europe increasingly dry summers, 1900-2020 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"using the spi and spei indices defined relative to a climate without the effect of human activity we demonstrate that anthropogenic forcings drive marked changes in european wet and dry summers.\" 2021 christidis, n. & stott, p. a. 2021: the influence of anthropogenic climate change on wet and dry summers in europe, science bulletin, doi:10.1016/j.scib.2021.01.020"},{Name:"Western Cape drought, 2015-19","Event year/Trend":"2015-19","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP6 simulations suggest that anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing has at least doubled the likelihood of 2015–19 like prolonged droughts over the South African Western Cape, with large cancellation due to other anthropogenic effects.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2021: CMIP6 Model-Based Assessment of Anthropogenic Influence on the Long Sustained Western Cape Drought over 2015–19 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0159.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"365","row-number":"422",Location:"Western Cape","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" western cape drought, 2015-19 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip6 simulations suggest that anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing has at least doubled the likelihood of 2015–19 like prolonged droughts over the south african western cape, with large cancellation due to other anthropogenic effects.\" zaf 2021 kam, j. et al., 2021: cmip6 model-based assessment of anthropogenic influence on the long sustained western cape drought over 2015–19 [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0159.1"},{Name:"SW China extreme low rainfall, May-June 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing has likely increased the likelihood of the May–June 2019 severe low precipitation event in southwestern China by approximately 6 (1.4) times based on the HADGEM3-GA6 (CMIP6) simulations.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Lu, C. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic Influence on 2019 May–June Extremely Low Precipitation in Southwestern China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0128.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"366","row-number":"423",Location:"Southwestern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" sw china extreme low rainfall, may-june 2019 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing has likely increased the likelihood of the may–june 2019 severe low precipitation event in southwestern china by approximately 6 (1.4) times based on the hadgem3-ga6 (cmip6) simulations.\" chn 2021 lu, c. et al., 2021: anthropogenic influence on 2019 may–june extremely low precipitation in southwestern china [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0128.1"},{Name:"Global drought frequency, duration and intensity, 1851-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e show that the presence of anthropogenic forcing has increased the drought frequency, maximum drought duration, and maximum drought intensity experienced in large parts of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Chiang, F. et a.., 2021: Evidence of anthropogenic impacts on global drought frequency, duration, and intensity, Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-22314-w","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"367","row-number":"424",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" global drought frequency, duration and intensity, 1851-2005 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e show that the presence of anthropogenic forcing has increased the drought frequency, maximum drought duration, and maximum drought intensity experienced in large parts of the americas, africa, and asia.\" 2021 chiang, f. et a.., 2021: evidence of anthropogenic impacts on global drought frequency, duration, and intensity, nature communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-021-22314-w"},{Name:"Droughts across China, 2002-20","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The attribution analysis revealed that both climate change and anthropogenic impacts played a dominant role in driving intensified droughts.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Deng, S. et al., 2021: Assessment and attribution of China’s droughts using an integrated drought index derived from GRACE and GRACE-FO data, Journal of Hydrology, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127170","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"368","row-number":"425",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" droughts across china, 2002-20 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the attribution analysis revealed that both climate change and anthropogenic impacts played a dominant role in driving intensified droughts.\" chn 2021 deng, s. et al., 2021: assessment and attribution of china’s droughts using an integrated drought index derived from grace and grace-fo data, journal of hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127170"},{Name:"Flash drought over South China in August 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic climate change has increased the likelihood of onset speed and intensity of the drought event by 24 ± 16% and 37 ± 9%, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Wang, Y. & Yun, X., 2021: Anthropogenic Speeding Up of South China Flash Droughts as Exemplified by the 2019 Summer-Autumn Transition Season, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2020GL091901","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"369","row-number":"427",Location:"South China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" flash drought over south china in august 2019 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic climate change has increased the likelihood of onset speed and intensity of the drought event by 24 ± 16% and 37 ± 9%, respectively.\" chn 2021 wang, y. & yun, x., 2021: anthropogenic speeding up of south china flash droughts as exemplified by the 2019 summer-autumn transition season, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2020gl091901"},{Name:"Droughts in northern Central Asia, 1958-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e show evidence that the drying trend is dominated by anthropogenic change of the atmospheric circulation evinced in the southward shift and weakening of the subtropical westerly jet (SWJ).\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Jiang , J. & Zhou, T., 2021: Human-Induced Rainfall Reduction in Drought-Prone Northern Central Asia, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2020GL092156","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"370","row-number":"428",Location:"Northern Central Asia","iso sub region":"Central Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" droughts in northern central asia, 1958-2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e show evidence that the drying trend is dominated by anthropogenic change of the atmospheric circulation evinced in the southward shift and weakening of the subtropical westerly jet (swj).\" 2021 jiang , j. & zhou, t., 2021: human-induced rainfall reduction in drought-prone northern central asia, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2020gl092156"},{Name:"Super droughts over East Asia since 1960","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Super droughts over Transitional Climate Zone peak in the recent two decades, which are primarily driven by the increase in potential evaporation (PET)…It turns out that global warming signal can explain more than 90% of this PET increase.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Wang, L. et al., 2021: Super droughts over East Asia since 1960 under the impacts of global warming and decadal variability, International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.7483","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"371","row-number":"429",Location:"East Asia","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" super droughts over east asia since 1960 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"super droughts over transitional climate zone peak in the recent two decades, which are primarily driven by the increase in potential evaporation (pet)…it turns out that global warming signal can explain more than 90% of this pet increase.\" 2021 wang, l. et al., 2021: super droughts over east asia since 1960 under the impacts of global warming and decadal variability, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7483"},{Name:"Increasing drought trends in eastern Africa, 1900-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We conclude that until now the impact of increasing local temperatures on agricultural drought in eastern Africa is limited.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Few, S. F. et al., 2021: Impact of precipitation and increasing temperatures on drought trends in eastern Africa, Earth System Dynamics, DOI:10.5194/esd-12-17-2021","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth System Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"372","row-number":"430",Location:"East Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" increasing drought trends in eastern africa, 1900-2018 drought no discernible human influence \"we conclude that until now the impact of increasing local temperatures on agricultural drought in eastern africa is limited.\" 2021 few, s. f. et al., 2021: impact of precipitation and increasing temperatures on drought trends in eastern africa, earth system dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-12-17-2021"},{Name:"Poor rains and food insecurity in southern Madagascar, 2019-21","Event year/Trend":"2019-21","iso country code":"MDG","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Based on observations and climate modeling, the occurrence of poor rains as observed from July 2019 to June 2021 in southern Madagascar has not significantly increased due to human-caused climate change.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Harrington, L. J. et al., 2021: Attribution of severe low rainfall in southern Madagascar, 2019-21, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"373","row-number":"431",Location:"Southern Madagascar","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" poor rains and food insecurity in southern madagascar, 2019-21 drought no discernible human influence \"based on observations and climate modeling, the occurrence of poor rains as observed from july 2019 to june 2021 in southern madagascar has not significantly increased due to human-caused climate change.\" mdg 2021 harrington, l. j. et al., 2021: attribution of severe low rainfall in southern madagascar, 2019-21, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Rainfall associated with Ottawa River flood, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing increased the likelihood of the 30-day high rainfall over Ontario and Quebec that contributed to the 2019 Ottawa River floods by a factor of 2 to 3.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Kirchmeier-Young, M. C. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic Contribution to the Rainfall Associated with the 2019 Ottawa River Flood [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0191.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"374","row-number":"432",Location:"Ontario and Quebec","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" rainfall associated with ottawa river flood, 2019 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing increased the likelihood of the 30-day high rainfall over ontario and quebec that contributed to the 2019 ottawa river floods by a factor of 2 to 3.\" can 2021 kirchmeier-young, m. c. et al., 2021: anthropogenic contribution to the rainfall associated with the 2019 ottawa river flood [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0191.1"},{Name:"Record-breaking UK daily rainfall in October 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record rainfall of the wettest day in year 2020 is estimated to have become about 2.5 times more likely because of human influence.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2021: Record-breaking daily rainfall in the United Kingdom and the role of anthropogenic forcings, Atmospheric Science Letters, DOI:10.1002/asl.1033","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"375","row-number":"433",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking uk daily rainfall in october 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the record rainfall of the wettest day in year 2020 is estimated to have become about 2.5 times more likely because of human influence.\" gbr 2021 christidis, n. et al., 2021: record-breaking daily rainfall in the united kingdom and the role of anthropogenic forcings, atmospheric science letters, doi:10.1002/asl.1033"},{Name:"Southern China record-breaking rainfall and temperature event, summer 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN,CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Compared with past climate, the occurrence risk of an event reaching or exceeding the 2020 Meiyu amount under similar atmospheric circulation conditions increased by 5.1 times under the present climate, 80% of which can be attributed to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Ye, T. & Qian, C., 2021: Conditional attribution of climate change and atmospheric circulation contributing to the record-breaking precipitation and temperature event of summer 2020 in southern China, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/abeeaf","Unique paper":"",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"352","row-number":"434",Location:"Southern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia,Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia,Asia","WMO region":"Asia,Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern china record-breaking rainfall and temperature event, summer 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"compared with past climate, the occurrence risk of an event reaching or exceeding the 2020 meiyu amount under similar atmospheric circulation conditions increased by 5.1 times under the present climate, 80% of which can be attributed to climate change.\" chn,chn 2021 ye, t. & qian, c., 2021: conditional attribution of climate change and atmospheric circulation contributing to the record-breaking precipitation and temperature event of summer 2020 in southern china, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abeeaf"},{Name:"Abrupt increase in north-east US extreme rainfall since 1996","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 1996 shift in Northeast EP can be attributed to both climate variability (especially AMV) and anthropogenic forcings (especially GHG), rather than either factor alone.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Huang, H. et al., 2021: Rise in Northeast US extreme precipitation caused by Atlantic variability and climate change, Weather and Climate Extremes, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2021.100351","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"376","row-number":"435",Location:"North-east US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" abrupt increase in north-east us extreme rainfall since 1996 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the 1996 shift in northeast ep can be attributed to both climate variability (especially amv) and anthropogenic forcings (especially ghg), rather than either factor alone.\" usa 2021 huang, h. et al., 2021: rise in northeast us extreme precipitation caused by atlantic variability and climate change, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2021.100351"},{Name:"Extreme precipitation events in Central Asia, 1961-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results indicate that radiative forcing changes, mainly driven by human activities, have significantly augmented the extreme precipitation indices in Central Asia.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Zou, S. et al., 2021: Attribution of changes in the trend and temporal non-uniformity of extreme precipitation events in Central Asia, Scientific Reports, DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-94486-w","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"377","row-number":"436",Location:"Central Asia","iso sub region":"Central Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme precipitation events in central asia, 1961-2005 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"results indicate that radiative forcing changes, mainly driven by human activities, have significantly augmented the extreme precipitation indices in central asia.\" 2021 zou, s. et al., 2021: attribution of changes in the trend and temporal non-uniformity of extreme precipitation events in central asia, scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-94486-w"},{Name:"Extreme rainfall in Hami city in eastern Xinjiang, summer 2018 ","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he fraction of attributable risk (FAR) value was 1.00 when the 2018 July–August RX1day (11.52 mm) was marked as the threshold, supporting the claim of a significant anthropogenic influence on the risk of this extreme rainfall.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Zou, S. et al., 2021: An extreme rainfall event in summer 2018 of Hami city in eastern Xinjiang, China, Advances in Climate Change Research, DOI:10.1016/j.accre.2021.10.005","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Climate Change Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"378","row-number":"437",Location:"Hami city in eastern Xinjiang","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme rainfall in hami city in eastern xinjiang, summer 2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he fraction of attributable risk (far) value was 1.00 when the 2018 july–august rx1day (11.52 mm) was marked as the threshold, supporting the claim of a significant anthropogenic influence on the risk of this extreme rainfall.\" chn 2021 zou, s. et al., 2021: an extreme rainfall event in summer 2018 of hami city in eastern xinjiang, china, advances in climate change research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2021.10.005"},{Name:"Extreme Meiyu rainfall in eastern China in 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[G]reenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have increased the probability by 44% as a result of atmospheric warming and moistening.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Zhou, T. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic influence on extreme Meiyu rainfall in 2020 and its future risk, Science China Earth Sciences, DOI:10.1007/s11430-020-9771-8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science China Earth Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"379","row-number":"438",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme meiyu rainfall in eastern china in 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[g]reenhouse gas (ghg) emissions have increased the probability by 44% as a result of atmospheric warming and moistening.\" chn 2021 zhou, t. et al., 2021: anthropogenic influence on extreme meiyu rainfall in 2020 and its future risk, science china earth sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-020-9771-8"},{Name:"Mackenzie river flooding, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"439",Location:"Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" mackenzie river flooding, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. can 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Fraser river flooding, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Three snow-induced floods were enhanced [by climate change] (the Fraser in 2012, Sava in 2010, and Volga in 2012), which is due to increased precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"440",Location:"Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" fraser river flooding, 2012 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"three snow-induced floods were enhanced [by climate change] (the fraser in 2012, sava in 2010, and volga in 2012), which is due to increased precipitation.\" can 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Magdalena river flooding, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"COL","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he cause of five flood events (Magdalena in 2011, Amazon in 2012, Amur in 2013, Songhua in 2013, and Indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"441",Location:"Colombia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" magdalena river flooding, 2011 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he cause of five flood events (magdalena in 2011, amazon in 2012, amur in 2013, songhua in 2013, and indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\" col 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Amazon river flooding, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"PER","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he cause of five flood events (Magdalena in 2011, Amazon in 2012, Amur in 2013, Songhua in 2013, and Indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"442",Location:"Peru","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" amazon river flooding, 2012 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he cause of five flood events (magdalena in 2011, amazon in 2012, amur in 2013, songhua in 2013, and indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\" per 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Sava river flooding, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"HRV,SRB,BIH","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Three snow-induced floods were enhanced [by climate change] (the Fraser in 2012, Sava in 2010, and Volga in 2012), which is due to increased precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"443",Location:"Central and south-east Europe","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" sava river flooding, 2010 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"three snow-induced floods were enhanced [by climate change] (the fraser in 2012, sava in 2010, and volga in 2012), which is due to increased precipitation.\" hrv,srb,bih 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Volga river flooding, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Three snow-induced floods were enhanced [by climate change] (the Fraser in 2012, Sava in 2010, and Volga in 2012), which is due to increased precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"444",Location:"Russia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" volga river flooding, 2012 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"three snow-induced floods were enhanced [by climate change] (the fraser in 2012, sava in 2010, and volga in 2012), which is due to increased precipitation.\" rus 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Amur river flooding, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he cause of five flood events (Magdalena in 2011, Amazon in 2012, Amur in 2013, Songhua in 2013, and Indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"445",Location:"Russian-Chinese border","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" amur river flooding, 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he cause of five flood events (magdalena in 2011, amazon in 2012, amur in 2013, songhua in 2013, and indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\" chn 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Songhua river flooding, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he cause of five flood events (Magdalena in 2011, Amazon in 2012, Amur in 2013, Songhua in 2013, and Indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"446",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" songhua river flooding, 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he cause of five flood events (magdalena in 2011, amazon in 2012, amur in 2013, songhua in 2013, and indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\" chn 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Indus river flooding, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he cause of five flood events (Magdalena in 2011, Amazon in 2012, Amur in 2013, Songhua in 2013, and Indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"447",Location:"Pakistan","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" indus river flooding, 2010 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he cause of five flood events (magdalena in 2011, amazon in 2012, amur in 2013, songhua in 2013, and indus in 2010) was heavy rainfall, corresponding to the observed significant increases in heavy precipitation on a global scale, which has been shown to be the result of anthropogenic changes.\" pak 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Western Europe heavy rainfall, July 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change increased the intensity of the maximum 1-day rainfall event in the summer season in this large region by about 3-19% compared to a global climate 1.2C cooler than today. The increase is similar for the 2-day event.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Kreienkamp, F. et al. 2021: Rapid attribution of heavy rainfall events leading to the severe flooding in Western Europe during July 2021, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"381","row-number":"448",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" western europe heavy rainfall, july 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change increased the intensity of the maximum 1-day rainfall event in the summer season in this large region by about 3-19% compared to a global climate 1.2c cooler than today. the increase is similar for the 2-day event.\" 2021 kreienkamp, f. et al. 2021: rapid attribution of heavy rainfall events leading to the severe flooding in western europe during july 2021, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Minas Gerais extreme rainfall, January 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our findings suggest that human-induced climate change made this event >70% more likely to occur.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Dalagnol R., 2021: Extreme rainfall and its impacts in the Brazilian Minas Gerais state in January 2020: Can we blame climate change?, Climate Resilience and Sustainability, doi:10.1002/cli2.15","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Resilience and Sustainability","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"382","row-number":"449",Location:"Minas Gerais, Brazil","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" minas gerais extreme rainfall, january 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our findings suggest that human-induced climate change made this event >70% more likely to occur.\" 2021 dalagnol r., 2021: extreme rainfall and its impacts in the brazilian minas gerais state in january 2020: can we blame climate change?, climate resilience and sustainability, doi:10.1002/cli2.15"},{Name:"Yangtze River extended rainy winter, 2018-19","Event year/Trend":"2018-19","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing reduced the probability of rainfall amount in the extended rainy winter of 2018/19 over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, by ~19%, but exerted no influence on the excessive rainy days.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hu, Z. et al., 2021: Was the Extended Rainy Winter 2018/19 over the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Driven by Anthropogenic Forcing? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0127.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"383","row-number":"450",Location:"Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" yangtze river extended rainy winter, 2018-19 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing reduced the probability of rainfall amount in the extended rainy winter of 2018/19 over the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river, china, by ~19%, but exerted no influence on the excessive rainy days.\" chn 2021 hu, z. et al., 2021: was the extended rainy winter 2018/19 over the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river driven by anthropogenic forcing? [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0127.1"},{Name:"Southern China extremely wet rainy season, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcings have reduced the likelihood of heavy precipitation in southern China like the 2019 March–July event by about 60%.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Li, R. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic Influences on Heavy Precipitation during the 2019 Extremely Wet Rainy Season in Southern China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0135.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"384","row-number":"451",Location:"Southern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern china extremely wet rainy season, 2019 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcings have reduced the likelihood of heavy precipitation in southern china like the 2019 march–july event by about 60%.\" chn 2021 li, r. et al., 2021: anthropogenic influences on heavy precipitation during the 2019 extremely wet rainy season in southern china [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0135.1"},{Name:"Red river flooding, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Two snow-induced floods (the Red in 2011 and Missouri in 2011) were suppressed [by climate change], despite the increased precipitation, may be due to decreased snow and earlier snowmelt peaks due to warming.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"452",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" red river flooding, 2011 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"two snow-induced floods (the red in 2011 and missouri in 2011) were suppressed [by climate change], despite the increased precipitation, may be due to decreased snow and earlier snowmelt peaks due to warming.\" usa 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Missouri river flooding, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Two snow-induced floods (the Red in 2011 and Missouri in 2011) were suppressed [by climate change], despite the increased precipitation, may be due to decreased snow and earlier snowmelt peaks due to warming.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"453",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" missouri river flooding, 2011 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"two snow-induced floods (the red in 2011 and missouri in 2011) were suppressed [by climate change], despite the increased precipitation, may be due to decreased snow and earlier snowmelt peaks due to warming.\" usa 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Mississippi river flooding, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[O]ngoing climate change affected the occurrence of 64% (14 of 22) of historical floods from 2010 to 2013; they were enhanced in eight basins and suppressed in six.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"454",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" mississippi river flooding, 2011 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"[o]ngoing climate change affected the occurrence of 64% (14 of 22) of historical floods from 2010 to 2013; they were enhanced in eight basins and suppressed in six.\" usa 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Lena river flooding, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Suppressing\" effect of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"455",Location:"Siberia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" lena river flooding, 2010 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"suppressing\" effect of human-caused climate change identified. rus 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Fitzroy river flooding, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Suppressing\" effect of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"456",Location:"Queensland, Australia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" fitzroy river flooding, 2010 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"suppressing\" effect of human-caused climate change identified. aus 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Niger river flooding, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"MLI,BFA","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Suppressing\" effect of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"457",Location:"Mali/Burkina Faso","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" niger river flooding, 2010 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"suppressing\" effect of human-caused climate change identified. mli,bfa 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Antwerp urban flooding, 1901–2000","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"NLD","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"It can therefore be concluded that the urban flooding in Antwerp is not attributable to anthropogenic climate impacts.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Tabari, H. et al., 2021: Developing a framework for attribution analysis of urban pluvial flooding to human-induced climate impacts, Journal of Hydrology, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126352","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"385","row-number":"458",Location:"Antwerp","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" antwerp urban flooding, 1901–2000 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"it can therefore be concluded that the urban flooding in antwerp is not attributable to anthropogenic climate impacts.\" nld 2021 tabari, h. et al., 2021: developing a framework for attribution analysis of urban pluvial flooding to human-induced climate impacts, journal of hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126352"},{Name:"Peace river flooding, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"459",Location:"Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" peace river flooding, 2011 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. can 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Saskatchewan river flooding, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"460",Location:"Canada","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" saskatchewan river flooding, 2013 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. can 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Danube river flooding, 2013","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"HRV,SRB,BIH,ROU,BGR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"461",Location:"Central and south-east Europe","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" danube river flooding, 2013 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. hrv,srb,bih,rou,bgr 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Kuban river flooding, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"462",Location:"Russia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" kuban river flooding, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. rus 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Yalu river flooding, 2010","Event year/Trend":"2010","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"463",Location:"Chinese-North Korean boder","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" yalu river flooding, 2010 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. chn 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Okavango river flooding, 2011","Event year/Trend":"2011","iso country code":"MLI,BFA,BWA,AGO","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"464",Location:"South-west Africa","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" okavango river flooding, 2011 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. mli,bfa,bwa,ago 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Murrumbidge & Murray river flooding, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"No significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Hirabayashi , Y. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, DOI:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w","Unique paper":"",Source:"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"380","row-number":"465",Location:"New South Wales, Australia","iso sub region":"Northern America,Latin America and the Caribbean,Southern Europe,Eastern Europe,Eastern Asia,Southern Asia,Australia and New Zealand,Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Americas,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Africa","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" murrumbidge & murray river flooding, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"no significant effect\" of human-caused climate change identified. aus 2021 hirabayashi , y. et al., 2021: anthropogenic climate change has changed frequency of past flood during 2010-2013, progress in earth and planetary science, doi:10.1186/s40645-021-00431-w"},{Name:"Increased outburst flood hazard from Lake Palcacocha due to human-induced glacier retreat","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"PER","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We conclude that it is virtually certain (>99% probability) that the retreat of Palcaraju glacier to the present day cannot be explained by natural variability alone\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Stuart-Smith, R. F. et al. 2021: Increased outburst flood hazard from Lake Palcacocha due to human-induced glacier retreat, Nature Geoscience, DOI:10.1038/s41561-021-00686-4","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Geoscience","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"386","row-number":"466",Location:"Peru","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" increased outburst flood hazard from lake palcacocha due to human-induced glacier retreat cold, snow & ice more severe or more likely to occur \"we conclude that it is virtually certain (>99% probability) that the retreat of palcaraju glacier to the present day cannot be explained by natural variability alone\" per 2021 stuart-smith, r. f. et al. 2021: increased outburst flood hazard from lake palcacocha due to human-induced glacier retreat, nature geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-021-00686-4"},{Name:"Eastern US severe cold, November 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP6 results find nonsignificant dynamical effects of anthropogenic climate change on such regional winds; thermodynamic effects alone decreased the probability of this cold event by 70%.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Zhou, C. et al., 2021: Quantifying Human-Induced Dynamic and Thermodynamic Contributions to Severe Cold Outbreaks Like November 2019 in the Eastern United States [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0171.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"387","row-number":"467",Location:"Eastern US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern us severe cold, november 2019 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"cmip6 results find nonsignificant dynamical effects of anthropogenic climate change on such regional winds; thermodynamic effects alone decreased the probability of this cold event by 70%.\" usa 2021 zhou, c. et al., 2021: quantifying human-induced dynamic and thermodynamic contributions to severe cold outbreaks like november 2019 in the eastern united states [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0171.1"},{Name:"North Pacific marine heatwave, summer 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"…[I]t is possible that the models underestimate the strength of the forced response in recent decades. Regardless, it is clear that large internal climate variability complicates the detectability of the forced [mixed layer depth signal] in observations.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Amaya, D. J. et al., 2021: Are Long-Term Changes in Mixed Layer Depth Influencing North Pacific Marine Heatwaves? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0144.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"388","row-number":"468",Location:"Northeast Pacific Ocean","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" north pacific marine heatwave, summer 2019 oceans insufficient data/inconclusive \"…[i]t is possible that the models underestimate the strength of the forced response in recent decades. regardless, it is clear that large internal climate variability complicates the detectability of the forced [mixed layer depth signal] in observations.\" 2021 amaya, d. j. et al., 2021: are long-term changes in mixed layer depth influencing north pacific marine heatwaves? [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0144.1"},{Name:"Hurricane Dorian's extreme rainfall, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"BHS","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change increased the likelihood of Hurricane Dorian’s extreme 3-hourly rainfall amounts and total accumulated rainfall by 8%–18% and 5%–10%, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Reed, K. A. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic Influence on Hurricane Dorian’s Extreme Rainfall [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0160.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"389","row-number":"469",Location:"The Bahamas","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane dorian's extreme rainfall, 2019 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change increased the likelihood of hurricane dorian’s extreme 3-hourly rainfall amounts and total accumulated rainfall by 8%–18% and 5%–10%, respectively.\" bhs 2021 reed, k. a. et al., 2021: anthropogenic influence on hurricane dorian’s extreme rainfall [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0160.1"},{Name:"Houston flooding from Hurricane Harvey, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The cost of Hurricane Harvey attributable to anthropogenic global warming as $13bn dollars.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Wehner, M. & Sampson, C., 2021: Attributable human-induced changes in the magnitude of flooding in the Houston, Texas region during Hurricane Harvey, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-021-03114-z","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"390","row-number":"470",Location:"Houston, Texas","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" houston flooding from hurricane harvey, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the cost of hurricane harvey attributable to anthropogenic global warming as $13bn dollars.\" usa 2021 wehner, m. & sampson, c., 2021: attributable human-induced changes in the magnitude of flooding in the houston, texas region during hurricane harvey, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-021-03114-z"},{Name:"Number of typhoons affecting South Korea in September 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"A multimodel analysis indicates that the 2019 September record high number of typhoons affecting South Korea was contributed to mostly by the very strong convection over northwestern India with no discernible anthropogenic contribution.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Min, S-K. et al., 2021: Has Global Warming Contributed to the Largest Number of Typhoons Affecting South Korea in September 2019? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0156.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"391","row-number":"471",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" number of typhoons affecting south korea in september 2019 storm no discernible human influence \"a multimodel analysis indicates that the 2019 september record high number of typhoons affecting south korea was contributed to mostly by the very strong convection over northwestern india with no discernible anthropogenic contribution.\" kor 2021 min, s-k. et al., 2021: has global warming contributed to the largest number of typhoons affecting south korea in september 2019? [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0156.1"},{Name:"Typhoon-induced torrential rainfall in central Vietnam, October 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"VNM","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"[W]e find that…the effect of human-induced climate change contributing to this persistent extreme rainfall event is small compared to natural variability.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Luu, L. N., 2021: Attribution of typhoon-induced torrential precipitation in Central Vietnam, October 2020, Climatic Change, DOI:10.1007/s10584-021-03261-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"392","row-number":"472",Location:"Central Vietnam","iso sub region":"South-eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon-induced torrential rainfall in central vietnam, october 2020 storm no discernible human influence \"[w]e find that…the effect of human-induced climate change contributing to this persistent extreme rainfall event is small compared to natural variability.\" vnm 2021 luu, l. n., 2021: attribution of typhoon-induced torrential precipitation in central vietnam, october 2020, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-021-03261-3"},{Name:"Alaska wildfires, July 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"Results indicate \"a threefold increased risk of Alaska’s extreme fires during recent decades due to primarily anthropogenic ignition and secondarily climate-induced biofuel abundance.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Yu, Y. et al., 2021: Increased Risk of the 2019 Alaskan July Fires due to Anthropogenic Activity [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0154.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"393","row-number":"473",Location:"Alaska","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" alaska wildfires, july 2019 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur results indicate \"a threefold increased risk of alaska’s extreme fires during recent decades due to primarily anthropogenic ignition and secondarily climate-induced biofuel abundance.\" usa 2021 yu, y. et al., 2021: increased risk of the 2019 alaskan july fires due to anthropogenic activity [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0154.1"},{Name:"South-west China wildfire risk, spring 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2019 extreme wildfire in South China was largely related to both anthropogenic warming and El Nino event. They increased the weather-related risk of extreme wildfire by 7.2 times and 3.6 times, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Du, J. et al., 2021: Attribution of the Extreme Drought-Related Risk of Wildfires in Spring 2019 over Southwest China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0165.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"394","row-number":"474",Location:"Southwestern China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" south-west china wildfire risk, spring 2019 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2019 extreme wildfire in south china was largely related to both anthropogenic warming and el nino event. they increased the weather-related risk of extreme wildfire by 7.2 times and 3.6 times, respectively.\" chn 2021 du, j. et al., 2021: attribution of the extreme drought-related risk of wildfires in spring 2019 over southwest china [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0165.1"},{Name:"Australian bushfires, 2019-20","Event year/Trend":"2019-20","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e find that climate change has induced a higher weather-induced risk of such an extreme fire season. This trend is mainly driven by the increase of temperature extremes.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"van Oldenborgh, G. J. 2021: Attribution of the Australian bushfire risk to anthropogenic climate change, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci, DOI: 10.5194/nhess-21-941-2021","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"395","row-number":"475",Location:"South-east Australia","iso sub region":"Australia and New Zealand","iso region":"Oceania","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" australian bushfires, 2019-20 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e find that climate change has induced a higher weather-induced risk of such an extreme fire season. this trend is mainly driven by the increase of temperature extremes.\" aus 2021 van oldenborgh, g. j. 2021: attribution of the australian bushfire risk to anthropogenic climate change, nat. hazards earth syst. sci, doi: 10.5194/nhess-21-941-2021"},{Name:"Global extreme fire weather, 1980-2005","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Changes to temperature and relative humidity drive the largest shifts in extreme fire weather conditions; this is particularly apparent over the Amazon, where GHGs cause a seven-fold increase by 2080.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Touma, D. et al., 2021: Human-driven greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions cause distinct regional impacts on extreme fire weather, Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-20570-w","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"396","row-number":"476",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" global extreme fire weather, 1980-2005 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"changes to temperature and relative humidity drive the largest shifts in extreme fire weather conditions; this is particularly apparent over the amazon, where ghgs cause a seven-fold increase by 2080.\" 2021 touma, d. et al., 2021: human-driven greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions cause distinct regional impacts on extreme fire weather, nature communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20570-w"},{Name:"Western US increased fire weather risk, 1979-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Both estimates [68% from observations and 88% from models] suggest that anthropogenic warming is the main cause for increasing fire weather and provide a likely range for the true anthropogenic contribution to the western US trend in vapour pressure deficit.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Zhuang, Y. et al., 2021: Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States, PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2111875118","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"397","row-number":"477",Location:"Western US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" western us increased fire weather risk, 1979-2020 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"both estimates [68% from observations and 88% from models] suggest that anthropogenic warming is the main cause for increasing fire weather and provide a likely range for the true anthropogenic contribution to the western us trend in vapour pressure deficit.\" usa 2021 zhuang, y. et al., 2021: quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western united states, pnas, doi:10.1073/pnas.2111875118"},{Name:"August Complex “Gigafire”","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"During August 2020, when the August Complex “Gigafire” occurred in the western US, anthropogenic warming likely explains 50% of the unprecedented high vapour pressure deficit anomalies.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Zhuang, Y. et al., 2021: Quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western United States, PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2111875118","Unique paper":"",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"397","row-number":"478",Location:"Northern California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" august complex “gigafire” wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"during august 2020, when the august complex “gigafire” occurred in the western us, anthropogenic warming likely explains 50% of the unprecedented high vapour pressure deficit anomalies.\" usa 2021 zhuang, y. et al., 2021: quantifying contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcings on increased fire weather risk over the western united states, pnas, doi:10.1073/pnas.2111875118"},{Name:"Extreme fire activity in south central Alaska, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"The \"analysis suggests that the anthropogenic signal of increased fire risk had not yet emerged in 2019 because of the [model]’s internal variability.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Bhatt, U. S. et al., 2021: Emerging Anthropogenic Influences on the Southcentral Alaska Temperature and Precipitation Extremes and Related Fires in 2019, Land, DOI:10.3390/land10010082","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Land","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"398","row-number":"479",Location:"South central Alaska","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" extreme fire activity in south central alaska, 2019 wildfire no discernible human influence the \"analysis suggests that the anthropogenic signal of increased fire risk had not yet emerged in 2019 because of the [model]’s internal variability.\" usa 2021 bhatt, u. s. et al., 2021: emerging anthropogenic influences on the southcentral alaska temperature and precipitation extremes and related fires in 2019, land, doi:10.3390/land10010082"},{Name:"Forest fires in Sweden, summer 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"SWE","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"[W]e find a (non-significant) reduced probability of such events based on reanalyses, a small (non-significant) increased probability due to global warming up to now.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Krikken, F. et al., 2021: Attribution of the role of climate change in the forest fires in Sweden 2018, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, DOI:10.5194/nhess-21-2169-2021","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"399","row-number":"480",Location:"Sweden","iso sub region":"Northern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" forest fires in sweden, summer 2018 wildfire insufficient data/inconclusive \"[w]e find a (non-significant) reduced probability of such events based on reanalyses, a small (non-significant) increased probability due to global warming up to now.\" swe 2021 krikken, f. et al., 2021: attribution of the role of climate change in the forest fires in sweden 2018, natural hazards and earth system sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-21-2169-2021"},{Name:"Susquehanna River extreme streamflow","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"River flow",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has increased the probability of extreme Susquehanna River mean streamflows.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Ross, A. C. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic Influences on Extreme Annual Streamflow into Chesapeake Bay from the Susquehanna River [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0129.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"400","row-number":"481",Location:"Chesapeake Bay","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" susquehanna river extreme streamflow river flow more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has increased the probability of extreme susquehanna river mean streamflows.\" usa 2021 ross, a. c. et al., 2021: anthropogenic influences on extreme annual streamflow into chesapeake bay from the susquehanna river [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0129.1"},{Name:"Compound dry and hot events in China, 1971-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"Anthropogenic forcing is shown to contribute to the high likelihood of CDHEs in recent decades over most parts of China, with remarkable contributions in southwestern regions.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Wu, X. et al., 2021: Anthropogenic influence on compound dry and hot events in China based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 models, International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.7473","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"401","row-number":"482",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" compound dry and hot events in china, 1971-2010 compound more severe or more likely to occur anthropogenic forcing is shown to contribute to the high likelihood of cdhes in recent decades over most parts of china, with remarkable contributions in southwestern regions.\" chn 2021 wu, x. et al., 2021: anthropogenic influence on compound dry and hot events in china based on coupled model intercomparison project phase 6 models, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7473"},{Name:"Yunnan extreme hot drought, spring-summer 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic influence has increased the risk of 2019 March–June hot and dry extremes over Yunnan province in southwestern China by 123%–157% and 13%–23%, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Wang, S. et al., 2021: Attribution of 2019 Extreme Spring-Early Summer Hot Drought over Yunnan in Southwestern China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0121.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"402","row-number":"483",Location:"Yunnan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" yunnan extreme hot drought, spring-summer 2019 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic influence has increased the risk of 2019 march–june hot and dry extremes over yunnan province in southwestern china by 123%–157% and 13%–23%, respectively.\" chn 2021 wang, s. et al., 2021: attribution of 2019 extreme spring-early summer hot drought over yunnan in southwestern china [in “explaining extreme events of 2019 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-20-0121.1"},{Name:"Impacts of Minas Gerais extreme rainfall, January 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that >90,000 people became temporarily homeless, and at least BRL 1.3bn ($240m) was lost in public and private sectors, of which 41% can be attributed to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Dalagnol R., 2021: Extreme rainfall and its impacts in the Brazilian Minas Gerais state in January 2020: Can we blame climate change?, Climate Resilience and Sustainability, doi:10.1002/cli2.15","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Resilience and Sustainability","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"382","row-number":"485",Location:"Minas Gerais, Brazil","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" impacts of minas gerais extreme rainfall, january 2020 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that >90,000 people became temporarily homeless, and at least brl 1.3bn ($240m) was lost in public and private sectors, of which 41% can be attributed to human-induced climate change.\" bra 2021 dalagnol r., 2021: extreme rainfall and its impacts in the brazilian minas gerais state in january 2020: can we blame climate change?, climate resilience and sustainability, doi:10.1002/cli2.15"},{Name:"Mortality from UK heatwave, 2003","Event year/Trend":"2003","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"Findings show that 1,117 \"excess deaths are directly attributable to human-induced climate change\".","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Clarke B. J. et al., 2021: Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, Climate Risk Management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Risk Management","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"404","row-number":"486",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" mortality from uk heatwave, 2003 impact more severe or more likely to occur findings show that 1,117 \"excess deaths are directly attributable to human-induced climate change\". gbr 2021 clarke b. j. et al., 2021: inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, climate risk management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285"},{Name:"Mortality from UK heatwave, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"Findings show that 432 \"excess deaths are directly attributable to human-induced climate change\".","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Clarke B. J. et al., 2021: Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, Climate Risk Management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Risk Management","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"404","row-number":"487",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" mortality from uk heatwave, 2018 impact more severe or more likely to occur findings show that 432 \"excess deaths are directly attributable to human-induced climate change\". gbr 2021 clarke b. j. et al., 2021: inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, climate risk management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285"},{Name:"Damages from UK flooding, autumn 2000","Event year/Trend":"2000","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Estimated attributable damages from UK flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $3.5bn.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Clarke B. J. et al., 2021: Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, Climate Risk Management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Risk Management","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"404","row-number":"488",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" damages from uk flooding, autumn 2000 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"estimated attributable damages from uk flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $3.5bn. gbr 2021 clarke b. j. et al., 2021: inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, climate risk management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285"},{Name:"Damages from UK flooding, summer 2007","Event year/Trend":"2007","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Estimated attributable damages from UK flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $4.2bn.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Clarke B. J. et al., 2021: Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, Climate Risk Management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Risk Management","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"404","row-number":"489",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" damages from uk flooding, summer 2007 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"estimated attributable damages from uk flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $4.2bn. gbr 2021 clarke b. j. et al., 2021: inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, climate risk management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285"},{Name:"Damages from UK flooding, winter 2013-14","Event year/Trend":"2013-14","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Estimated attributable damages from UK flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $450m.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Clarke B. J. et al., 2021: Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, Climate Risk Management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Risk Management","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"404","row-number":"490",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" damages from uk flooding, winter 2013-14 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"estimated attributable damages from uk flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $450m. gbr 2021 clarke b. j. et al., 2021: inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, climate risk management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285"},{Name:"Damages from UK flooding, winter 2015-16","Event year/Trend":"2015-26","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Estimated attributable damages from UK flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $805m.","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Clarke B. J. et al., 2021: Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, Climate Risk Management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climate Risk Management","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"404","row-number":"491",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" damages from uk flooding, winter 2015-16 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"estimated attributable damages from uk flood events\" to human-caused climate change amounts to $805m. gbr 2021 clarke b. j. et al., 2021: inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes, climate risk management, doi:10.1016/j.crm.2021.100285"},{Name:"Lesotho-South Africa drought and 2007 food crisis","Event year/Trend":"2007","iso country code":"LSO","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change was found to be a critical driver that led to the 2007 crisis in Lesotho, aggravating an ongoing decline in food production in the country.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Verschuur, J. et al., 2021: Climate change as a driver of food insecurity in the 2007 Lesotho-South Africa drought, Scientific Reports, DOI:","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"405","row-number":"492",Location:"Lesotho and South Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" lesotho-south africa drought and 2007 food crisis impact more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change was found to be a critical driver that led to the 2007 crisis in lesotho, aggravating an ongoing decline in food production in the country.\" lso 2021 verschuur, j. et al., 2021: climate change as a driver of food insecurity in the 2007 lesotho-south africa drought, scientific reports, doi:"},{Name:"Heat-related mortality attributable to climate change","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Across all study countries, we find that 37.0% (range 20.5–76.3%) of warm-season heat-related deaths can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change and that increased mortality is evident on every continent.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., 2021: The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change, Nature Climate Change, DOI:10.1038/s41558-021-01058-x","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"406","row-number":"493",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" heat-related mortality attributable to climate change impact more severe or more likely to occur \"across all study countries, we find that 37.0% (range 20.5–76.3%) of warm-season heat-related deaths can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change and that increased mortality is evident on every continent.\" 2021 vicedo-cabrera, a. m., 2021: the burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01058-x"},{Name:"Increasing US crop insurance losses, 1991-2017","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e estimate that county-level temperature trends have contributed $27.0bn – or 19% – of the national-level crop insurance losses over the 1991–2017 period.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Diffenbaugh, N. S. et al., 2021: Historical warming has increased US crop insurance losses, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac1223","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"407","row-number":"494",Location:"US","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" increasing us crop insurance losses, 1991-2017 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e estimate that county-level temperature trends have contributed $27.0bn – or 19% – of the national-level crop insurance losses over the 1991–2017 period.\" usa 2021 diffenbaugh, n. s. et al., 2021: historical warming has increased us crop insurance losses, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac1223"},{Name:"Early growing period frost in France, March-April 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[H]uman-caused warming…affected the earlier occurrence of bud burst…thus exposing young leaves to more winter-like conditions with lower minimum temperatures and longer nights.\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Vautard, R. et al., 2021: Human influence on growing period frosts like the early april 2021 in Central France, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"408","row-number":"495",Location:"Central France","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" early growing period frost in france, march-april 2021 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"[h]uman-caused warming…affected the earlier occurrence of bud burst…thus exposing young leaves to more winter-like conditions with lower minimum temperatures and longer nights.\" fra 2021 vautard, r. et al., 2021: human influence on growing period frosts like the early april 2021 in central france, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Individual responsibility for China 2022 heatwave impacts","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A relatively simple technique finds sample individuals responsible for between 0.53 and 18.10 yuan\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Lott. F. et al., 2021: Quantifying the contribution of an individual to making extreme weather events more likely. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe9e9","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"409","row-number":"496",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" individual responsibility for china 2022 heatwave impacts impact more severe or more likely to occur \"a relatively simple technique finds sample individuals responsible for between 0.53 and 18.10 yuan\" chn 2021 lott. f. et al., 2021: quantifying the contribution of an individual to making extreme weather events more likely. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe9e9"},{Name:"Hurricane Sandy economic damages","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that approximately $8.1bn of Sandy’s damages are attributable to climate-mediated anthropogenic sea level rise\"","Publication year":"2021",Citation:"Strauss. B. et al., 2021: Economic damages from Hurricane Sandy attributable to sea level rise caused by anthropogenic climate change, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22838-1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"410","row-number":"497",Location:"US","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" hurricane sandy economic damages impact more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that approximately $8.1bn of sandy’s damages are attributable to climate-mediated anthropogenic sea level rise\" usa 2021 strauss. b. et al., 2021: economic damages from hurricane sandy attributable to sea level rise caused by anthropogenic climate change, nature communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22838-1"},{Name:"Warm extremes over Asia's mid-high latitudes, 1979-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Briefly, the increased anthropogenic activity has exacerbated the warm extremes and soothed the cold extremes over the mid–high latitudes of Asia during the past decades.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Jiang W. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature changes over the mid–high latitudes of Asia, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7753","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"411","row-number":"498",Location:"Mid-high latitudes of Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" warm extremes over asia's mid-high latitudes, 1979-2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"briefly, the increased anthropogenic activity has exacerbated the warm extremes and soothed the cold extremes over the mid–high latitudes of asia during the past decades.\" rus 2022 jiang w. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature changes over the mid–high latitudes of asia, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7753"},{Name:"Record-breaking wet-bulb heat over southern China, September 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"2021-like events would happen extremely rarely without anthropogenic warming…and have become a 1-in-16-year event in the factual world.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"WANG D.-Q. et al., 2022: Effects of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation on the record-breaking welt bulb heat event over southern China in September 2021, Advances in Climate Change Research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2022.11.007","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Climate Change Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"412","row-number":"499",Location:"Southern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record-breaking wet-bulb heat over southern china, september 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"2021-like events would happen extremely rarely without anthropogenic warming…and have become a 1-in-16-year event in the factual world.\" chn 2022 wang d.-q. et al., 2022: effects of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation on the record-breaking welt bulb heat event over southern china in september 2021, advances in climate change research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2022.11.007"},{Name:"Record-breaking Antarctic Peninsula heatwave, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Antarctica","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The aggravated severity of the event can be largely ascribed to long-term summer warming of the Antarctic Peninsula.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"González-Herrero S. et al., 2022: Climate warming amplified the 2020 record-breaking heatwave in the Antarctic Peninsula, Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00450-5","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Communications Earth and Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"413","row-number":"500",Location:"Antarctic Peninsula","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Antarctica",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record-breaking antarctic peninsula heatwave, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the aggravated severity of the event can be largely ascribed to long-term summer warming of the antarctic peninsula.\" 2022 gonzález-herrero s. et al., 2022: climate warming amplified the 2020 record-breaking heatwave in the antarctic peninsula, communications earth and environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00450-5"},{Name:"Strengthening temperature seasonality in the Mediterranean, 1950–2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing was found to play a major role in changes in the temperature seasonality.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Feng X. et al., 2022: Amplification of the Temperature Seasonality in the Mediterranean Region Under Anthropogenic Climate Change, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2022GL099658","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"414","row-number":"501",Location:"Mediterranean","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe and Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" strengthening temperature seasonality in the mediterranean, 1950–2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing was found to play a major role in changes in the temperature seasonality.\" 2022 feng x. et al., 2022: amplification of the temperature seasonality in the mediterranean region under anthropogenic climate change, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2022gl099658"},{Name:"Intensifying regional heatwaves across Eurasia, 1950-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]the intensifying Eurasian heatwave tendency is a combined result of both climate change and human activities.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Wang G. et al., 2022: Fractional contribution of global warming and regional urbanization to intensifying regional heatwaves across Eurasia, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-021-06054-7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"415","row-number":"502",Location:"Eurasia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe and Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" intensifying regional heatwaves across eurasia, 1950-2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]the intensifying eurasian heatwave tendency is a combined result of both climate change and human activities.\" 2022 wang g. et al., 2022: fractional contribution of global warming and regional urbanization to intensifying regional heatwaves across eurasia, climate dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-021-06054-7"},{Name:"Heat discomfort days in China, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Further, the impacts of GHG and anthropogenic forcings on the HDDs (CDDs) are detectable over China, except for central and eastern China.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Li W. et al., 2022: Detection and Attribution of Changes in Thermal Discomfort over China during 1961–2014 and Future Projections, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-021-1168-x","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Atmospheric Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"416","row-number":"503",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" heat discomfort days in china, 1961-2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"further, the impacts of ghg and anthropogenic forcings on the hdds (cdds) are detectable over china, except for central and eastern china.\" chn 2022 li w. et al., 2022: detection and attribution of changes in thermal discomfort over china during 1961–2014 and future projections, advances in atmospheric sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-021-1168-x"},{Name:"Record-breaking heat in north-western China, July-August 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"Using different approaches, the study finds that \"anthropogenic forcing has increased the likelihood of hot extremes\" like those seen in 2015 by a factor of 27, 12 or 21.","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zhang W. et al., 2022: Understanding Differences in Event Attribution Results Arising from Modeling Strategy, Journal of Meteorological Research, doi:10.1007/s13351-022-1109-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Meteorological Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"417","row-number":"504",Location:"North-western China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" record-breaking heat in north-western china, july-august 2015 heat more severe or more likely to occur using different approaches, the study finds that \"anthropogenic forcing has increased the likelihood of hot extremes\" like those seen in 2015 by a factor of 27, 12 or 21. chn 2022 zhang w. et al., 2022: understanding differences in event attribution results arising from modeling strategy, journal of meteorological research, doi:10.1007/s13351-022-1109-3"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere concurrent large heatwaves, 1979-2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Their increasing occurrence is mainly driven by warming baseline temperatures due to global heating.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Rogers C.D.W. et al., 2022: Sixfold Increase in Historical Northern Hemisphere Concurrent Large Heatwaves Driven by Warming and Changing Atmospheric Circulations, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0200.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"418","row-number":"505",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern hemisphere concurrent large heatwaves, 1979-2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"their increasing occurrence is mainly driven by warming baseline temperatures due to global heating.\" 2022 rogers c.d.w. et al., 2022: sixfold increase in historical northern hemisphere concurrent large heatwaves driven by warming and changing atmospheric circulations, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-21-0200.1"},{Name:"South Korea heatwave, October 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"GCM ensembles indicate that the the October 2021 South Korean heatwave was extremely unlikely to occur without human influences\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Kim, Y. et al., 2022: Attribution of the Unprecedented 2021 October Heatwave in South Korea [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0124.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"419","row-number":"506",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south korea heatwave, october 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"gcm ensembles indicate that the the october 2021 south korean heatwave was extremely unlikely to occur without human influences\" kor 2022 kim, y. et al., 2022: attribution of the unprecedented 2021 october heatwave in south korea [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0124.1"},{Name:"East Asia record heat, February 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced warming is estimated to have increased the occurrence probability of events like the record-breaking warm February in East Asia by a factor of 4–20.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Xie, J. et al., 2022: Record High Warm 2021 February Temperature over East Asia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0139.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"420","row-number":"507",Location:"East Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" east asia record heat, february 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced warming is estimated to have increased the occurrence probability of events like the record-breaking warm february in east asia by a factor of 4–20.\" 2022 xie, j. et al., 2022: record high warm 2021 february temperature over east asia [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0139.1"},{Name:"South America extreme heat, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-caused climate change made the event about 60 times more. Alternatively, a heatwave with a similar probability would be about 1.4C less hot in a world that had not been warmed by human activities.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Rivera, J. et al. 2022: Climate change made record breaking early season heat in Argentina and Paraguay about 60 times more likely, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"421","row-number":"508",Location:"Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and Uruguay","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south america extreme heat, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human-caused climate change made the event about 60 times more. alternatively, a heatwave with a similar probability would be about 1.4c less hot in a world that had not been warmed by human activities.\" 2022 rivera, j. et al. 2022: climate change made record breaking early season heat in argentina and paraguay about 60 times more likely, world weather attribution"},{Name:"UK 40C heat, July 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-caused climate change made the event at least 10 times more likely. In the models, the same event would be about 2C less hot in a 1.2C cooler world.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2022: Without human-caused climate change temperatures of 40°C in the UK would have been extremely unlikely, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"422","row-number":"509",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" uk 40c heat, july 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human-caused climate change made the event at least 10 times more likely. in the models, the same event would be about 2c less hot in a 1.2c cooler world.\" gbr 2022 zachariah, m. et al, 2022: without human-caused climate change temperatures of 40°c in the uk would have been extremely unlikely, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Lake heatwaves over the past few decades","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimated that 94% of severe heatwaves observed in recent decades have an anthropogenic contribution\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Woolway, R. I. et al, 2022: Severe Lake Heatwaves Attributable to Human-Induced Global Warming, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2021GL097031","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"423","row-number":"510",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" lake heatwaves over the past few decades heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimated that 94% of severe heatwaves observed in recent decades have an anthropogenic contribution\" 2022 woolway, r. i. et al, 2022: severe lake heatwaves attributable to human-induced global warming, geophysical research letters, doi: 10.1029/2021gl097031"},{Name:"Western Europe's extremely warm May of 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The extremely warm May of 2020 in western Europe was favoured by persistent high pressure, but human influence is also estimated to have made such events 40 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P. A., 2022: Anthropogenic Climate Change and the Record-High Temperature of May 2020 in Western Europe [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0128.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"424","row-number":"511",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"Western Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" western europe's extremely warm may of 2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the extremely warm may of 2020 in western europe was favoured by persistent high pressure, but human influence is also estimated to have made such events 40 times more likely.\" 2022 christidis, n. & stott, p. a., 2022: anthropogenic climate change and the record-high temperature of may 2020 in western europe [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0128.1"},{Name:"India & Pakistan heatwave, May 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"IND,PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Because of climate change, the probability of an event such as that in 2022 has increased by a factor of about 30.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al. 2022: Climate Change made devastating early heat in India and Pakistan 30 times more likely, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"425","row-number":"512",Location:"India & Pakistan","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" india & pakistan heatwave, may 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"because of climate change, the probability of an event such as that in 2022 has increased by a factor of about 30.\" ind,pak 2022 zachariah, m. et al. 2022: climate change made devastating early heat in india and pakistan 30 times more likely, world weather attribution"},{Name:"North India & Pakistan heatwave, May 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"IND,PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The analysis suggests that human influence has increased the likelihood of extreme April-May temperature anomalies by a factor of about 100.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Christidis, N. , 2022: The heatwave in North India and Pakistan in April-May 2022, Met Office","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Met Office","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"426","row-number":"513",Location:"India & Pakistan","iso sub region":"Southern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north india & pakistan heatwave, may 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the analysis suggests that human influence has increased the likelihood of extreme april-may temperature anomalies by a factor of about 100.\" ind,pak 2022 christidis, n. , 2022: the heatwave in north india and pakistan in april-may 2022, met office"},{Name:"Pre-term births in China due to heat over 2010-20","Event year/Trend":"2010-22","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In simulated scenarios, 25.8% of heatwave-related preterm births per year on average can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change, which further result in substantial human capital losses, estimated at over $1 billion costs.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zhang. Y. et al., 2022: The burden of heatwave-related preterm births and associated human capital losses in China, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-35008-8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"427","row-number":"514",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" pre-term births in china due to heat over 2010-20 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in simulated scenarios, 25.8% of heatwave-related preterm births per year on average can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change, which further result in substantial human capital losses, estimated at over $1 billion costs.\" chn 2022 zhang. y. et al., 2022: the burden of heatwave-related preterm births and associated human capital losses in china, nature communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35008-8"},{Name:"Summer heat-related illness in North Carolina, 2011-16","Event year/Trend":"2011-16","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"About 3 out of 20 heat-realteed illness visits are attributable to anthropogenic climate change in Coastal and Piedmont regions.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Puvvula. J. et al., 2022: Estimating the Burden of Heat-Related Illness Morbidity Attributable to Anthropogenic Climate Change in North Carolina, GeoHealth, DOI:10.1029/2022GH000636","Unique paper":"1",Source:"GeoHealth","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"428","row-number":"515",Location:"North Carolina","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" summer heat-related illness in north carolina, 2011-16 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"about 3 out of 20 heat-realteed illness visits are attributable to anthropogenic climate change in coastal and piedmont regions.\" usa 2022 puvvula. j. et al., 2022: estimating the burden of heat-related illness morbidity attributable to anthropogenic climate change in north carolina, geohealth, doi:10.1029/2022gh000636"},{Name:"Heat-related child mortality in Africa, 1995-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"By 2009, heat-related child mortality was double what it would have been without climate change\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Chapman. S. et al., 2022: Past and projected climate change impacts on heat-related child mortality in Africa, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac7ac5","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"429","row-number":"516",Location:"Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" heat-related child mortality in africa, 1995-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"by 2009, heat-related child mortality was double what it would have been without climate change\" 2022 chapman. s. et al., 2022: past and projected climate change impacts on heat-related child mortality in africa, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac7ac5"},{Name:"Tibetan Plateau extremely low solar radiation, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Sunshine",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2021 low solar radiation over southeastern Tibetan Plateau was mainly caused by abnormally strong southerlies and further enhanced by anthropogenic aerosols and [greenhouse gas]-induced warming, and consequently reduced vegetation growth.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Yanyi, H. et al., 2022: Causes of the extremely low solar radiation in the 2021 growing season over southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its impact on vegetation growth [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0122.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"430","row-number":"517",Location:"Tibetan Plateau","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" tibetan plateau extremely low solar radiation, 2021 sunshine more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2021 low solar radiation over southeastern tibetan plateau was mainly caused by abnormally strong southerlies and further enhanced by anthropogenic aerosols and [greenhouse gas]-induced warming, and consequently reduced vegetation growth.\" chn 2022 yanyi, h. et al., 2022: causes of the extremely low solar radiation in the 2021 growing season over southeastern tibetan plateau and its impact on vegetation growth [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0122.1"},{Name:"North American 'megadrought', 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We show that after exceptional drought severity in 2021, ~19% of which is attributable to anthropogenic climate trends…\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Williams A.P. et al., 2022: Rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern North American megadrought in 2020–2021, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01290-z","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"431","row-number":"518",Location:"South-western North America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" north american 'megadrought', 2021 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"we show that after exceptional drought severity in 2021, ~19% of which is attributable to anthropogenic climate trends…\" 2022 williams a.p. et al., 2022: rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern north american megadrought in 2020–2021, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01290-z"},{Name:"Iran meteorological drought, 2020-21","Event year/Trend":"2020-21","iso country code":"IRN","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP6 simulations suggest that the 2020/21-like severe and long-lasting Iran droughts have become more probable by at least 50% due mainly to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2022: Human Contribution to 2020/21-like Persistent Iran Meteorological Droughts [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0149.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"432","row-number":"519",Location:"Iran","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" iran meteorological drought, 2020-21 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip6 simulations suggest that the 2020/21-like severe and long-lasting iran droughts have become more probable by at least 50% due mainly to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases.\" irn 2022 kam, j. et al., 2022: human contribution to 2020/21-like persistent iran meteorological droughts [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0149.1"},{Name:"June-August north-hemisphere extratropics drought, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced climate change made the observed soil moisture drought much more likely, by a factor of at least 20 for the root zone soil moisture and at least 5 for the surface soil moisture\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Schumacher, D. et al. 2022: High temperatures exacerbated by climate change made 2022 Northern Hemisphere droughts more likely, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"433","row-number":"520",Location:"North-hemisphere extratropics","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" june-august north-hemisphere extratropics drought, 2022 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced climate change made the observed soil moisture drought much more likely, by a factor of at least 20 for the root zone soil moisture and at least 5 for the surface soil moisture\" 2022 schumacher, d. et al. 2022: high temperatures exacerbated by climate change made 2022 northern hemisphere droughts more likely, world weather attribution"},{Name:"West-central Europe drought, June-August 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced climate change made the 2022 root zone soil moisture drought about 3-4 times more likely, and the surface soil moisture drought about 5-6 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Schumacher, D. et al. 2022: High temperatures exacerbated by climate change made 2022 Northern Hemisphere droughts more likely, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"433","row-number":"521",Location:"France, Germany and other central European countries","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" west-central europe drought, june-august 2022 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced climate change made the 2022 root zone soil moisture drought about 3-4 times more likely, and the surface soil moisture drought about 5-6 times more likely.\" 2022 schumacher, d. et al. 2022: high temperatures exacerbated by climate change made 2022 northern hemisphere droughts more likely, world weather attribution"},{Name:"North American 'megadrought', 2020–21","Event year/Trend":"2020-21","iso country code":"USA,CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The multimodel mean anthropogenic climate change trends account for 42% of the southwestern North America soil moisture anomaly in 2000-21 and 19% in 2021.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Willians, A. P. et al., 2022: Rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern North American megadrought in 2020–2021, Nature climate change, DOI:10.1038/s41558-022-01290-z","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"434","row-number":"522",Location:"South-western North America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" north american 'megadrought', 2020–21 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the multimodel mean anthropogenic climate change trends account for 42% of the southwestern north america soil moisture anomaly in 2000-21 and 19% in 2021.\" usa,can 2022 willians, a. p. et al., 2022: rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern north american megadrought in 2020–2021, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01290-z"},{Name:"Record low North American monsoon rainfall in 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Model experiments suggest climate change increased the risk for record low American Southwest precipitation in June–September 2020, but confidence is low due to model biases and no significant observed trends.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Hoell, A. et al., 2022: Record Low North American Monsoon Rainfall in 2020 Reignites Drought over the American Southwest. [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0129.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"435","row-number":"523",Location:"American Southwest","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" record low north american monsoon rainfall in 2020 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"model experiments suggest climate change increased the risk for record low american southwest precipitation in june–september 2020, but confidence is low due to model biases and no significant observed trends.\" 2022 hoell, a. et al., 2022: record low north american monsoon rainfall in 2020 reignites drought over the american southwest. [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0129.1"},{Name:"Autumn drought trend over China, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This result clearly indicates that anthropogenic climate change plays a dominant role in the enhancement of autumn drought in China.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zhang, X. et al., 2022: Role of Anthropogenic Climate Change in Autumn Drought Trend over China from 1961 to 2014, Journal of Meteorological Research, DOI:10.1007/s13351-022-1178-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Meteorological Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"436","row-number":"524",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" autumn drought trend over china, 1961-2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"this result clearly indicates that anthropogenic climate change plays a dominant role in the enhancement of autumn drought in china.\" chn 2022 zhang, x. et al., 2022: role of anthropogenic climate change in autumn drought trend over china from 1961 to 2014, journal of meteorological research, doi:10.1007/s13351-022-1178-3"},{Name:"South-western China extreme drought, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic impacts on the intensity, duration, and severity of drought are not detectable.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Tan X. et al., 2022: Detection and attribution of the decreasing precipitation and extreme drought 2020 in southeastern China, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127996","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"437","row-number":"525",Location:"South-western China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" south-western china extreme drought, 2020 drought no discernible human influence \"anthropogenic impacts on the intensity, duration, and severity of drought are not detectable.\" chn 2022 tan x. et al., 2022: detection and attribution of the decreasing precipitation and extreme drought 2020 in southeastern china, journal of hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127996"},{Name:"South America drought, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The models show that low rainfall events decrease…although this trend is again not significant and is compatible with natural variability. Thus, we cannot attribute the low rainfall to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Arias, P. et al. 2023: Vulnerability and high temperatures exacerbate impacts of ongoing drought in Central South America, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"438","row-number":"526",Location:"Argentina and neighbouring countries","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" south america drought, 2022 drought no discernible human influence \"the models show that low rainfall events decrease…although this trend is again not significant and is compatible with natural variability. thus, we cannot attribute the low rainfall to climate change.\" 2022 arias, p. et al. 2023: vulnerability and high temperatures exacerbate impacts of ongoing drought in central south america, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Increasing extreme rainfall over Asian monsoon region, 1950-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results provide evidence that anthropogenic greenhouse gases (mainly CO2) are the prime external factor influencing the increase of AM's extreme precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Dong T. et al., 2022: Detection and attribution of extreme precipitation events over the Asian monsoon region, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100497","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"439","row-number":"527",Location:"Asian monsoon region","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" increasing extreme rainfall over asian monsoon region, 1950-2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our results provide evidence that anthropogenic greenhouse gases (mainly co2) are the prime external factor influencing the increase of am's extreme precipitation.\" 2022 dong t. et al., 2022: detection and attribution of extreme precipitation events over the asian monsoon region, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100497"},{Name:"Western US 'precipitation roller coaster', 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"The fraction of attributable risk framework reveals that the 2021 extreme [hydroclimatic intensity] is more likely to occur with anthropogenic forcing…than natural forcing alone.","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zhang W. et al., 2022: The Role of Anthropogenic Forcing in Western United States Hydroclimate Extremes, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2022GL100659","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"440","row-number":"528",Location:"Western US","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" western us 'precipitation roller coaster', 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur the fraction of attributable risk framework reveals that the 2021 extreme [hydroclimatic intensity] is more likely to occur with anthropogenic forcing…than natural forcing alone. usa 2022 zhang w. et al., 2022: the role of anthropogenic forcing in western united states hydroclimate extremes, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2022gl100659"},{Name:"Henan extreme precipitation, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It is found that warming may lead to significant intensification of both regional-scale (10–14% per C), depending on convective organization) and station-scale precipitation extremes (7–9% per C).\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Qin H. et al., 2022: Climate change attribution of the 2021 Henan extreme precipitation: Impacts of convective organization, Science China Earth Sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-022-9953-0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science China Earth Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"441","row-number":"529",Location:"Henan, China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" henan extreme precipitation, 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"it is found that warming may lead to significant intensification of both regional-scale (10–14% per c), depending on convective organization) and station-scale precipitation extremes (7–9% per c).\" chn 2022 qin h. et al., 2022: climate change attribution of the 2021 henan extreme precipitation: impacts of convective organization, science china earth sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-022-9953-0"},{Name:"Rainfall extremes across China, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Intensified precipitation extremes can be attributed to human influence dominated by the [greenhouse gas] effect.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Xu H. et al., 2022: Detectable Human Influence on Changes in Precipitation Extremes Across China, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2021EF002409","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"442","row-number":"530",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" rainfall extremes across china, 1961-2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"intensified precipitation extremes can be attributed to human influence dominated by the [greenhouse gas] effect.\" chn 2022 xu h. et al., 2022: detectable human influence on changes in precipitation extremes across china, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2021ef002409"},{Name:"Eastern north-east Brazil floods & landslides, May 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[H]uman-induced climate change is, at least in part, responsible for the increase in likelihood and intensity of heavy rainfall events as observed in May 2022.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Das Chagas Vasconcelos Junior, F. et al., 2022: An attribution study of very intense rainfall events in Eastern Northeast Brazil, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100699","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"443","row-number":"531",Location:"North-east Brazil","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" eastern north-east brazil floods & landslides, may 2022 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[h]uman-induced climate change is, at least in part, responsible for the increase in likelihood and intensity of heavy rainfall events as observed in may 2022.\" bra 2022 das chagas vasconcelos junior, f. et al., 2022: an attribution study of very intense rainfall events in eastern northeast brazil, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100699"},{Name:"UK extremely wet May, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human influence and persistent low pressure are estimated to make extreme May rainfall in the United Kingdom, as in year 2021, about 1.5 and 3.5 times more likely, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Christidis, N, et al., 2022: The Extremely Wet May of 2021 in the United Kingdom [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0108.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"444","row-number":"532",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uk extremely wet may, 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"human influence and persistent low pressure are estimated to make extreme may rainfall in the united kingdom, as in year 2021, about 1.5 and 3.5 times more likely, respectively.\" gbr 2022 christidis, n, et al., 2022: the extremely wet may of 2021 in the united kingdom [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0108.1"},{Name:"Northern China wettest September, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Greenhouse gas forcing has increased the likelihood of events like the 2021 wettest September in northern China by approximately twofold.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Hu, T. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic Influence on the 2021 Wettest September in Northern China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0156.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"445","row-number":"533",Location:"Northern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" northern china wettest september, 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"greenhouse gas forcing has increased the likelihood of events like the 2021 wettest september in northern china by approximately twofold.\" chn 2022 hu, t. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on the 2021 wettest september in northern china [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0156.1"},{Name:"May-October 2022 flooding over West Africa","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change exacerbated heavy rainfall leading to large scale flooding in highly vulnerable communities in west Africa.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al: 2022: Climate change exacerbated heavy rainfall leading to large scale flooding in highly vulnerable communities in West Africa, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"446","row-number":"534",Location:"West Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" may-october 2022 flooding over west africa rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change exacerbated heavy rainfall leading to large scale flooding in highly vulnerable communities in west africa.\" 2022 zachariah, m. et al: 2022: climate change exacerbated heavy rainfall leading to large scale flooding in highly vulnerable communities in west africa, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Brazil flooding, May-June 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Rainfall events as rare as these, that occurred in a 1.2C cooler climate, would have been approximately a fifth less intense.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al., 2022: Climate change increased heavy rainfall, hitting vulnerable communities in eastern north-east Brazil, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"447","row-number":"535",Location:"Eastern Northeast Brazil","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" brazil flooding, may-june 2022 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"rainfall events as rare as these, that occurred in a 1.2c cooler climate, would have been approximately a fifth less intense.\" bra 2022 zachariah, m. et al., 2022: climate change increased heavy rainfall, hitting vulnerable communities in eastern north-east brazil, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Record-breaking winter precipitation event over Beijing in February 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Precipitation in Beijing during February 2020 was the highest since 1951. Anthropogenic influences contributed to a 52.9% increase in the likelihood of circulation anomalies associated with similar extreme precipitations.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Pei, L. et al., 2022: The Contribution of Human-Induced Atmospheric Circulation Changes to the Record-Breaking Winter Precipitation Event over Beijing in February 2020 [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0153.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"448","row-number":"536",Location:"Beijing","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking winter precipitation event over beijing in february 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"precipitation in beijing during february 2020 was the highest since 1951. anthropogenic influences contributed to a 52.9% increase in the likelihood of circulation anomalies associated with similar extreme precipitations.\" chn 2022 pei, l. et al., 2022: the contribution of human-induced atmospheric circulation changes to the record-breaking winter precipitation event over beijing in february 2020 [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0153.1"},{Name:"Extreme dry-wet contrast over south China in 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The extreme precipitation and heatwave led to a 1-in-183-year extreme dry–wet contrast over South China in the 2020 summer. Anthropogenic influences increased the risk of such extremes by at least 3 times.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Du, J. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic Influences on 2020 Extreme Dry–Wet Contrast over South China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0176.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"449","row-number":"537",Location:"South China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme dry-wet contrast over south china in 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the extreme precipitation and heatwave led to a 1-in-183-year extreme dry–wet contrast over south china in the 2020 summer. anthropogenic influences increased the risk of such extremes by at least 3 times.\" chn 2022 du, j. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influences on 2020 extreme dry–wet contrast over south china [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0176.1"},{Name:"Heavy rainfall in south-western China in August 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Atmospheric circulation explained about 47% of the observed intensity of the heavy rainfall event in mid-August 2020 in southwestern China, and anthropogenic forcings have roughly doubled the likelihood of such heavy rainfall.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Qian, C. et al., 2022: Heavy Rainfall Event in Mid-August 2020 in Southwestern China: Contribution of Anthropogenic Forcings and Atmospheric Circulation [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0233.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"450","row-number":"538",Location:"South-west China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" heavy rainfall in south-western china in august 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"atmospheric circulation explained about 47% of the observed intensity of the heavy rainfall event in mid-august 2020 in southwestern china, and anthropogenic forcings have roughly doubled the likelihood of such heavy rainfall.\" chn 2022 qian, c. et al., 2022: heavy rainfall event in mid-august 2020 in southwestern china: contribution of anthropogenic forcings and atmospheric circulation [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0233.1"},{Name:"Atmospheric river that contributed to California's Oroville Dam crisis, February 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that climate change to date results in ~11% and ~15% increase in precipitation over the Feather River Basin in northern California for the first and second pulses.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Michaelis, A. C. et al., 2022: Atmospheric River Precipitation Enhanced by Climate Change: A Case Study of the Storm That Contributed to California's Oroville Dam Crisis, Earth's Future, DOI:10.1029/2021EF002537","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"451","row-number":"539",Location:"Oroville, California","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" atmospheric river that contributed to california's oroville dam crisis, february 2017 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that climate change to date results in ~11% and ~15% increase in precipitation over the feather river basin in northern california for the first and second pulses.\" usa 2022 michaelis, a. c. et al., 2022: atmospheric river precipitation enhanced by climate change: a case study of the storm that contributed to california's oroville dam crisis, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2021ef002537"},{Name:"British Columbia floods, November 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"For two-day rainfall, \"the probability of events at least this large has been increased by a best estimate of 45% by human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Gillett, N. P. et al., 2022: Human influence on the 2021 British Columbia floods, Weather and Climate Extremes, DOI:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100441","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"452","row-number":"540",Location:"British Columbia","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" british columbia floods, november 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur for two-day rainfall, \"the probability of events at least this large has been increased by a best estimate of 45% by human-induced climate change.\" can 2022 gillett, n. p. et al., 2022: human influence on the 2021 british columbia floods, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100441"},{Name:"Global trends in extreme 1- and 5-day rainfall, 1950-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The influence of anthropogenic forcings on extreme precipitation is detected over the global land area, three continental regions (the western Northern Hemisphere, western Eurasia, and eastern Eurasia), and many smaller IPCC regions.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Sun, Q. et al., 2022: Quantifying the Human Influence on the Intensity of Extreme 1- and 5-Day Precipitation Amounts at Global, Continental, and Regional Scales, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0028.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"453","row-number":"541",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global trends in extreme 1- and 5-day rainfall, 1950-2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the influence of anthropogenic forcings on extreme precipitation is detected over the global land area, three continental regions (the western northern hemisphere, western eurasia, and eastern eurasia), and many smaller ipcc regions.\" 2022 sun, q. et al., 2022: quantifying the human influence on the intensity of extreme 1- and 5-day precipitation amounts at global, continental, and regional scales, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-21-0028.1"},{Name:"Seasonal rainfall extremes in Europe, 1901-2018 ","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he models suggest that human influence alters characteristics of seasonal extremes, with the frequency of high precipitation extremes increasing everywhere except the Mediterranean basin.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Christidis, N. & Stott, P., 2022: Human influence on seasonal precipitation in Europe, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0637.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"454","row-number":"542",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" seasonal rainfall extremes in europe, 1901-2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he models suggest that human influence alters characteristics of seasonal extremes, with the frequency of high precipitation extremes increasing everywhere except the mediterranean basin.\" 2022 christidis, n. & stott, p., 2022: human influence on seasonal precipitation in europe, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-21-0637.1"},{Name:"Devastating flooding in eastern South Africa, April 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We conclude that greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions are (at least in part) responsible for the observed increases [in rainfall].\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Pinto, I. et al., 2022: Climate change exacerbated rainfall causing devastating flooding in eastern South Africa, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"455","row-number":"543",Location:"Eastern South Africa","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" devastating flooding in eastern south africa, april 2022 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we conclude that greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions are (at least in part) responsible for the observed increases [in rainfall].\" zaf 2022 pinto, i. et al., 2022: climate change exacerbated rainfall causing devastating flooding in eastern south africa, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Record-breaking mei-yu rainfall of 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The record-breaking mei-yu rainfall amount of 2020 around the Yangtze River decreased by approximately 9.2%–14.1% due to the post-1980 regional climate change in Asia.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Ma, Y. et al., 2022: Was the Record-Breaking Mei-yu of 2020 Enhanced by Regional Climate Change? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0187.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"456","row-number":"544",Location:"Yangtze river basin","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking mei-yu rainfall of 2020 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"the record-breaking mei-yu rainfall amount of 2020 around the yangtze river decreased by approximately 9.2%–14.1% due to the post-1980 regional climate change in asia.\" chn 2022 ma, y. et al., 2022: was the record-breaking mei-yu of 2020 enhanced by regional climate change? [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0187.1"},{Name:"Record-breaking June-July mei-yu rainfall in 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing has approximately halved the probability of 2020 June–July persistent heavy mei-yu rainfall event based on HadGEM3-GA6 simulations without considering the COVID-induced aerosol emission reduction.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Tang, H. et al., 2022: Reduced Probability of 2020 June–July Persistent Heavy Mei-yu Rainfall Event in the Middle to Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin under Anthropogenic Forcing [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0167.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"457","row-number":"545",Location:"Yangtze river basin","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking june-july mei-yu rainfall in 2020 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing has approximately halved the probability of 2020 june–july persistent heavy mei-yu rainfall event based on hadgem3-ga6 simulations without considering the covid-induced aerosol emission reduction.\" chn 2022 tang, h. et al., 2022: reduced probability of 2020 june–july persistent heavy mei-yu rainfall event in the middle to lower reaches of the yangtze river basin under anthropogenic forcing [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0167.1"},{Name:"Record-breaking mei-yu in the Yangtze River Valley in 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing has likely reduced the probability of the 2020 June–July mei-yu in the Yangtze River Valley by approximately 54%; however, the anomalous circulation of 2020 favoured the occurrence of heavy precipitation.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Lu, C. et al., 2022: The 2020 Record-Breaking Mei-yu in the Yangtze River Valley of China: The Role of Anthropogenic Forcing and Atmospheric Circulation [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0161.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"458","row-number":"546",Location:"Yangtze river basin","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" record-breaking mei-yu in the yangtze river valley in 2020 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing has likely reduced the probability of the 2020 june–july mei-yu in the yangtze river valley by approximately 54%; however, the anomalous circulation of 2020 favoured the occurrence of heavy precipitation.\" chn 2022 lu, c. et al., 2022: the 2020 record-breaking mei-yu in the yangtze river valley of china: the role of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0161.1"},{Name:"Catastrophic floods and landslides in eastern north-east Brazil, May 2022 ","Event year/Trend":"","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"[A]ll models exhibit systematic errors in precipitation magnitudes…We can therefore not quantify the role of climate change in the observed increase in likelihood and intensity.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al., 2022: Climate change increased heavy rainfall, hitting vulnerable communities in eastern north-east Brazil, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"459","row-number":"547",Location:"Eastern north-east Brazil","iso sub region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" catastrophic floods and landslides in eastern north-east brazil, may 2022 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"[a]ll models exhibit systematic errors in precipitation magnitudes…we can therefore not quantify the role of climate change in the observed increase in likelihood and intensity.\" bra 2022 zachariah, m. et al., 2022: climate change increased heavy rainfall, hitting vulnerable communities in eastern north-east brazil, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Winter storm Filomena, January 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"ESP","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We can state that the results are in line with the expected climate-change trends.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"548",Location:"Spain","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" winter storm filomena, january 2021 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"we can state that the results are in line with the expected climate-change trends.\" esp 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Mediterranean heatwave, August 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"ESP,FRA,ITA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In summary, our analysis…shows the predominance of the thermodynamic effects of climate change on the heatwave, with a clear warming signal in the analogues, which is higher than that of the global average.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"549",Location:"Spain/France/Italy","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" mediterranean heatwave, august 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in summary, our analysis…shows the predominance of the thermodynamic effects of climate change on the heatwave, with a clear warming signal in the analogues, which is higher than that of the global average.\" esp,fra,ita 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Westphalia floods, July 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"BEL,NLD,DEU","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"[A]ttributing this event to climate change requires disentangling the possible role of AMO versus global warming.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"550",Location:"Benelux/Germany","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" westphalia floods, july 2021 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"[a]ttributing this event to climate change requires disentangling the possible role of amo versus global warming.\" bel,nld,deu 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Exceptional cold spell in France, spring 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We can conclude that this cold spell would have led to temperatures 2-4C colder without anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"551",Location:"France","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" exceptional cold spell in france, spring 2021 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"we can conclude that this cold spell would have led to temperatures 2-4c colder without anthropogenic forcing.\" fra 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Scandinavian cold spell, November 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"SWE,NOR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"[T]he atmospheric configuration driving cold spells such as the November 2021 episode has not become more unusual with climate change and that the intensity of the cold spells engendered by similar atmospheric configurations has not weakened significantly.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"552",Location:"Sweden/Norway","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" scandinavian cold spell, november 2021 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"[t]he atmospheric configuration driving cold spells such as the november 2021 episode has not become more unusual with climate change and that the intensity of the cold spells engendered by similar atmospheric configurations has not weakened significantly.\" swe,nor 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Po Valley tornado outbreak, September 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"ITA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our analysis…shows a clear increase in temperature of the analogues of this event in the factual period. This is compatible with the occurrence of more favorable environments for tornadoes due to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"553",Location:"Po Valley","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" po valley tornado outbreak, september 2021 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"our analysis…shows a clear increase in temperature of the analogues of this event in the factual period. this is compatible with the occurrence of more favorable environments for tornadoes due to climate change.\" ita 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Hurricane Ida, August 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"[I]t is hard to disentangle changes in the type of events that would occur in the area and the impact of climate change on each type of event.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"554",Location:"New York City","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane ida, august 2021 storm insufficient data/inconclusive \"[i]t is hard to disentangle changes in the type of events that would occur in the area and the impact of climate change on each type of event.\" usa 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Medicane Apollo, October 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"ITA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Our analysis highlights the potential intensification of precipitation associated with cyclones around the island of Sicily…However, we point to the black swan nature of this storm compared to its analogues and therefore to a careful interpretation of the attribution results/\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Faranda D. et al., 2022: A climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"460","row-number":"555",Location:"Italy","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" medicane apollo, october 2021 storm insufficient data/inconclusive \"our analysis highlights the potential intensification of precipitation associated with cyclones around the island of sicily…however, we point to the black swan nature of this storm compared to its analogues and therefore to a careful interpretation of the attribution results/\" ita 2022 faranda d. et al., 2022: a climate-change attribution retrospective of some impactful weather extremes of 2021, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-1311-2022"},{Name:"Kenya's extreme March-April-May rainfall, 2012","Event year/Trend":"2012","iso country code":"KEN","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find a shift towards intensification of extreme rainfall in today's climate, although these increases are not in all cases statistically distinguishable from our estimates of magnitudes in the preindustrial climate.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Kimutai J. et al., 2022: Attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 March-April-May seasons in Kenya, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100529","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"461","row-number":"556",Location:"Kenya","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" kenya's extreme march-april-may rainfall, 2012 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we find a shift towards intensification of extreme rainfall in today's climate, although these increases are not in all cases statistically distinguishable from our estimates of magnitudes in the preindustrial climate.\" ken 2022 kimutai j. et al., 2022: attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 march-april-may seasons in kenya, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100529"},{Name:"Kenya's extreme March-April-May rainfall, 2016","Event year/Trend":"2016","iso country code":"KEN","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find a shift towards intensification of extreme rainfall in today's climate, although these increases are not in all cases statistically distinguishable from our estimates of magnitudes in the preindustrial climate.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Kimutai J. et al., 2022: Attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 March-April-May seasons in Kenya, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100529","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"461","row-number":"557",Location:"Kenya","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" kenya's extreme march-april-may rainfall, 2016 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we find a shift towards intensification of extreme rainfall in today's climate, although these increases are not in all cases statistically distinguishable from our estimates of magnitudes in the preindustrial climate.\" ken 2022 kimutai j. et al., 2022: attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 march-april-may seasons in kenya, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100529"},{Name:"Kenya's extreme March-April-May rainfall, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"KEN","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find a shift towards intensification of extreme rainfall in today's climate, although these increases are not in all cases statistically distinguishable from our estimates of magnitudes in the preindustrial climate.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Kimutai J. et al., 2022: Attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 March-April-May seasons in Kenya, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100529","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"461","row-number":"558",Location:"Kenya","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" kenya's extreme march-april-may rainfall, 2018 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we find a shift towards intensification of extreme rainfall in today's climate, although these increases are not in all cases statistically distinguishable from our estimates of magnitudes in the preindustrial climate.\" ken 2022 kimutai j. et al., 2022: attribution of the human influence on heavy rainfall associated with flooding events during the 2012, 2016, and 2018 march-april-may seasons in kenya, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100529"},{Name:"Cold extremes over Asia's mid-high latitudes, 1979-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Briefly, the increased anthropogenic activity has exacerbated the warm extremes and soothed the cold extremes over the mid–high latitudes of Asia during the past decades.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Jiang W. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature changes over the mid–high latitudes of Asia, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7753","Unique paper":"",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"411","row-number":"559",Location:"Mid-high latitudes of Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" cold extremes over asia's mid-high latitudes, 1979-2014 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"briefly, the increased anthropogenic activity has exacerbated the warm extremes and soothed the cold extremes over the mid–high latitudes of asia during the past decades.\" rus 2022 jiang w. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature changes over the mid–high latitudes of asia, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7753"},{Name:"Global decrease in diurnal temperature range, 1901-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Globally, anthropogenic influence is estimated to explain more than 90% of the observed changes.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Lu C. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic Influence on the Diurnal Temperature Range since 1901, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0928.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"462","row-number":"560",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" global decrease in diurnal temperature range, 1901-2014 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"globally, anthropogenic influence is estimated to explain more than 90% of the observed changes.\" 2022 lu c. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on the diurnal temperature range since 1901, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-21-0928.1"},{Name:"China decrease in diurnal temperature range, 1901-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In China, human influence is also clearly detected, although model simulated results on the regional scale have larger deviation.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Lu C. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic Influence on the Diurnal Temperature Range since 1901, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0928.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"462","row-number":"561",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" china decrease in diurnal temperature range, 1901-2014 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"in china, human influence is also clearly detected, although model simulated results on the regional scale have larger deviation.\" chn 2022 lu c. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on the diurnal temperature range since 1901, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-21-0928.1"},{Name:"January 2021 cold air outbreak over eastern China","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It is characterized as a weakened cold event that would have been more severe with less anthropogenic warming.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Liu Y. et al., 2022: The January 2021 Cold Air Outbreak over Eastern China: Is There a Human Fingerprint?, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0143.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"463","row-number":"562",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" january 2021 cold air outbreak over eastern china cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"it is characterized as a weakened cold event that would have been more severe with less anthropogenic warming.\" chn 2022 liu y. et al., 2022: the january 2021 cold air outbreak over eastern china: is there a human fingerprint?, bulletin of the american meteorological society, doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0143.1"},{Name:"Cold discomfort days in China, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Further, the impacts of GHG and anthropogenic forcings on the HDDs (CDDs) are detectable over China, except for central and eastern China.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Li W. et al., 2022: Detection and Attribution of Changes in Thermal Discomfort over China during 1961–2014 and Future Projections, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-021-1168-x","Unique paper":"",Source:"Advances in Atmospheric Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"416","row-number":"563",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" cold discomfort days in china, 1961-2014 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"further, the impacts of ghg and anthropogenic forcings on the hdds (cdds) are detectable over china, except for central and eastern china.\" chn 2022 li w. et al., 2022: detection and attribution of changes in thermal discomfort over china during 1961–2014 and future projections, advances in atmospheric sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-021-1168-x"},{Name:"Cold air outbreak over eastern China in January 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A cold air outbreak swept across eastern China in January 2021. It is characterized as a weakened cold event that would have been more severe with less anthropogenic warming.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Liu, Y. et al., 2022: The January 2021 Cold Air Outbreak over Eastern China: Is There a Human Fingerprint? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0143.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"464","row-number":"564",Location:"East China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" cold air outbreak over eastern china in january 2021 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"a cold air outbreak swept across eastern china in january 2021. it is characterized as a weakened cold event that would have been more severe with less anthropogenic warming.\" chn 2022 liu, y. et al., 2022: the january 2021 cold air outbreak over eastern china: is there a human fingerprint? [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0143.1"},{Name:"Exceptional cold spell over north-east China in April 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced thermodynamic effects have declined the likelihood of April 2020-like cold spells over Northeast China by ~80%, but such events tend to be triggered by more intense dynamical factors.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Yu, H. et al., 2022: Attribution of April 2020 Exceptional Cold Spell over Northeast China [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0175.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"465","row-number":"565",Location:"North-east China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" exceptional cold spell over north-east china in april 2020 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"human-induced thermodynamic effects have declined the likelihood of april 2020-like cold spells over northeast china by ~80%, but such events tend to be triggered by more intense dynamical factors.\" chn 2022 yu, h. et al., 2022: attribution of april 2020 exceptional cold spell over northeast china [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0175.1"},{Name:"North-west Pacific marine heatwave, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The 2021 north-west Pacific marine heatwave was favored by the atmospheric and oceanic conditions; changes in the mean climate due to anthropogenic warming made the event 43 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Li, D. et al., 2022: Attribution of the July 2021 Record-breaking Northwest Pacific Marine Heatwave to Global warming, Atmospheric Circulation and ENSO [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0142.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"466","row-number":"566",Location:"North-west Pacific","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" north-west pacific marine heatwave, 2021 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"the 2021 north-west pacific marine heatwave was favored by the atmospheric and oceanic conditions; changes in the mean climate due to anthropogenic warming made the event 43 times more likely.\" 2022 li, d. et al., 2022: attribution of the july 2021 record-breaking northwest pacific marine heatwave to global warming, atmospheric circulation and enso [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0142.1"},{Name:"North-east Pacific marine heatwave, 2019-21","Event year/Trend":"2019-21","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Forcing by elevated greenhouse gases levels has virtually certainly caused the multi-year persistent 2019–2021 marine heatwave.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Barkhordarian A. et al., 2022: Recent marine heatwaves in the North Pacific warming pool can be attributed to rising atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00461-2","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Communications Earth and Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"467","row-number":"567",Location:"North-east Pacific","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" north-east pacific marine heatwave, 2019-21 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"forcing by elevated greenhouse gases levels has virtually certainly caused the multi-year persistent 2019–2021 marine heatwave.\" 2022 barkhordarian a. et al., 2022: recent marine heatwaves in the north pacific warming pool can be attributed to rising atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, communications earth and environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00461-2"},{Name:"Tropical cyclone heavy rainfall over coastal east Asia, 1961-2015","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic impacts have already significantly altered the [tropical cyclone]-induced heavy rainfall pattern in the WNP region.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Utsumi N. et al., 2022: Observed influence of anthropogenic climate change on tropical cyclone heavy rainfall, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01344-2","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"468","row-number":"568",Location:"Coastal east Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" tropical cyclone heavy rainfall over coastal east asia, 1961-2015 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic impacts have already significantly altered the [tropical cyclone]-induced heavy rainfall pattern in the wnp region.\" 2022 utsumi n. et al., 2022: observed influence of anthropogenic climate change on tropical cyclone heavy rainfall, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01344-2"},{Name:"Atlantic tropical cyclone activity, 1982-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our findings…illustrate how anthropogenic climate change has contributed to a decisive increase in Atlantic tropical cyclone season activity.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Pfleiderer P. et al., 2022: Extreme Atlantic hurricane seasons made twice as likely by ocean warming, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-471-2022","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"469","row-number":"569",Location:"Atlantic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" atlantic tropical cyclone activity, 1982-2020 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"our findings…illustrate how anthropogenic climate change has contributed to a decisive increase in atlantic tropical cyclone season activity.\" 2022 pfleiderer p. et al., 2022: extreme atlantic hurricane seasons made twice as likely by ocean warming, weather and climate dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-3-471-2022"},{Name:"Extreme atlantic hurricane season, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"For the year 2020, our results suggest that such an exceptionally intense [hurricane] season might have been made twice as likely by ocean surface warming.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Pfleiderer, P. et al. 2022: Extreme Atlantic hurricane seasons made twice as likely by ocean warming, Weather and Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.5194/wcd-3-471-2022, 2022.","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"470","row-number":"570",Location:"Atlantic ocrean","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" extreme atlantic hurricane season, 2020 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"for the year 2020, our results suggest that such an exceptionally intense [hurricane] season might have been made twice as likely by ocean surface warming.\" 2022 pfleiderer, p. et al. 2022: extreme atlantic hurricane seasons made twice as likely by ocean warming, weather and climate dynamics, doi: 10.5194/wcd-3-471-2022, 2022."},{Name:"Hurricane Harvey flooding in Texas, 2017","Event year/Trend":"2017","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"30-50% of the flooded properties would not have flooded without climate change.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Smiley, K. T. et al 2022: Social inequalities in climate change-attributed impacts of Hurricane Harvey, Nature communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31056-2","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"471","row-number":"571",Location:"Texas","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane harvey flooding in texas, 2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"30-50% of the flooded properties would not have flooded without climate change.\" usa 2022 smiley, k. t. et al 2022: social inequalities in climate change-attributed impacts of hurricane harvey, nature communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31056-2"},{Name:"North Atlantic hurricane season extreme rainfall, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[H]uman-induced climate change increased the extreme 3-hourly storm rainfall rates and extreme 3-day accumulated rainfall amounts during the full 2020 hurricane season for observed storms that are at least tropical storm strength (>18 m/s) by 10 and 5%, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Reed, K. A. et al., 2022: Attribution of 2020 hurricane season extreme rainfall to human-induced climate change, Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-29379-1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"472","row-number":"572",Location:"","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" north atlantic hurricane season extreme rainfall, 2020 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"[h]uman-induced climate change increased the extreme 3-hourly storm rainfall rates and extreme 3-day accumulated rainfall amounts during the full 2020 hurricane season for observed storms that are at least tropical storm strength (>18 m/s) by 10 and 5%, respectively.\" 2022 reed, k. a. et al., 2022: attribution of 2020 hurricane season extreme rainfall to human-induced climate change, nature communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29379-1"},{Name:"Rising proportion of major tropical cyclones, 1978-2017","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The proportion of major tropical cyclones to the total number of storms (category 1–5) exhibits a statistically significant multidecadal upward trend, which is attributed to a global sea surface warming.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Katz, Y. A. & Biem, A., 2022: Growing cumulative activity of major tropical cyclones: Detection, attribution, and projections, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, DOI:10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.106202","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"473","row-number":"573",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" rising proportion of major tropical cyclones, 1978-2017 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the proportion of major tropical cyclones to the total number of storms (category 1–5) exhibits a statistically significant multidecadal upward trend, which is attributed to a global sea surface warming.\" 2022 katz, y. a. & biem, a., 2022: growing cumulative activity of major tropical cyclones: detection, attribution, and projections, communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.106202"},{Name:"Flooding in Madagascar, Mozambique & Malawi associated with tropical cyclones, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"MDG,MOZ,MWI","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We conclude that greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions are in part responsible for the observed increases [in rainfall].\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Otto, F. E. L., 2022: Climate change increased rainfall associated with tropical cyclones hitting highly vulnerable communities in Madagascar, Mozambique & Malawi, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World weather attribution","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"474","row-number":"574",Location:"Madagascar, Mozambique & Malawi","iso sub region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","iso region":"Africa","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" flooding in madagascar, mozambique & malawi associated with tropical cyclones, 2022 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"we conclude that greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions are in part responsible for the observed increases [in rainfall].\" mdg,moz,mwi 2022 otto, f. e. l., 2022: climate change increased rainfall associated with tropical cyclones hitting highly vulnerable communities in madagascar, mozambique & malawi, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Tropical cyclone heavy rainfall over southern parts of the western North Pacific , 1961-2016","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic impacts have already significantly altered the TC-induced heavy rainfall pattern in the WNP region.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Utsumi N. et al., 2022: Observed influence of anthropogenic climate change on tropical cyclone heavy rainfall, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01344-2","Unique paper":"",Source:"Nature Climate Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"468","row-number":"575",Location:"Coastal east Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" tropical cyclone heavy rainfall over southern parts of the western north pacific , 1961-2016 storm decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic impacts have already significantly altered the tc-induced heavy rainfall pattern in the wnp region.\" 2022 utsumi n. et al., 2022: observed influence of anthropogenic climate change on tropical cyclone heavy rainfall, nature climate change, doi:10.1038/s41558-022-01344-2"},{Name:"Cape Town wildfire, April 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP6 models suggest that extreme fire weather associated with the April 2021 Cape Town wildfire has become 90% more likely in a warmer world.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Liu, Z. et al., 2022: The April 2021 Cape Town Wildfire: Has Anthropogenic Climate Change Altered the Likelihood of Extreme Fire Weather? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0204.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"475","row-number":"576",Location:"Cape town, South Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" cape town wildfire, april 2021 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip6 models suggest that extreme fire weather associated with the april 2021 cape town wildfire has become 90% more likely in a warmer world.\" zaf 2022 liu, z. et al., 2022: the april 2021 cape town wildfire: has anthropogenic climate change altered the likelihood of extreme fire weather? [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0204.1"},{Name:"Siberia wildfires of 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The meteorological conditions that coincided with extreme wildfires in Siberia during 2020 were up to 80% more likely than a century ago as a result of global warming.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Liu, Z. et al., 2022: Were Meteorological Conditions Related to the 2020 Siberia Wildfires Made More Likely by Anthropogenic Climate Change? [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0168.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"476","row-number":"577",Location:"Siberia","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" siberia wildfires of 2020 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the meteorological conditions that coincided with extreme wildfires in siberia during 2020 were up to 80% more likely than a century ago as a result of global warming.\" rus 2022 liu, z. et al., 2022: were meteorological conditions related to the 2020 siberia wildfires made more likely by anthropogenic climate change? [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0168.1"},{Name:"Severe autumn fire weather on US west coast, 2017-18","Event year/Trend":"2017-18","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These findings illustrate that anthropogenic climate change is exacerbating autumn fire weather extremes that contribute to high-impact catastrophic fires in populated regions of the western US.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Hawkins, L. R. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic Influence on Recent Severe Autumn Fire Weather in the West Coast of the United States, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2021GL095496","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"477","row-number":"578",Location:"Northern California and Oregon","iso sub region":"Northern America","iso region":"Americas","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" severe autumn fire weather on us west coast, 2017-18 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"these findings illustrate that anthropogenic climate change is exacerbating autumn fire weather extremes that contribute to high-impact catastrophic fires in populated regions of the western us.\" usa 2022 hawkins, l. r. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on recent severe autumn fire weather in the west coast of the united states, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2021gl095496"},{Name:"California & Nevada, compound rainfall and temperature extremes, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2020-21","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenically forced-warming and La Niña forced-precipitation deficits caused at least a sixfold risk increase for compound extreme low precipitation and high temperature in California–Nevada from October 2020 to September 2021.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Hoell, A. et al., 2022: Water Year 2021 Compound Precipitation and Temperature Extremes in California and Nevada [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2021 and 2022 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0112.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"478","row-number":"579",Location:"California-Nevada","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" california & nevada, compound rainfall and temperature extremes, 2021 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenically forced-warming and la niña forced-precipitation deficits caused at least a sixfold risk increase for compound extreme low precipitation and high temperature in california–nevada from october 2020 to september 2021.\" usa 2022 hoell, a. et al., 2022: water year 2021 compound precipitation and temperature extremes in california and nevada [in “explaining extreme events of 2021 and 2022 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi: 10.1175/bams-d-22-0112.1"},{Name:"Increasing compound dry and hot events in China, 1931-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing is shown to contribute to the high likelihood of CDHEs in recent decades over most parts of China.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Wu X. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic influence on compound dry and hot events in China based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 models, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7473","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"479","row-number":"580",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" increasing compound dry and hot events in china, 1931-2010 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing is shown to contribute to the high likelihood of cdhes in recent decades over most parts of china.\" chn 2022 wu x. et al., 2022: anthropogenic influence on compound dry and hot events in china based on coupled model intercomparison project phase 6 models, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7473"},{Name:"Global concurrent warm and dry months, 1850-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"At the global scale, the likelihood of compound warm-dry months has increased 2.7 times due to anthropogenic emissions.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Chiang F. et al., 2022: Intensified Likelihood of Concurrent Warm and Dry Months Attributed to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2021WR030411","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Water Resources Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"480","row-number":"581",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global concurrent warm and dry months, 1850-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"at the global scale, the likelihood of compound warm-dry months has increased 2.7 times due to anthropogenic emissions.\" 2022 chiang f. et al., 2022: intensified likelihood of concurrent warm and dry months attributed to anthropogenic climate change, water resources research, doi:10.1029/2021wr030411"},{Name:"Hot and dry years in South Africa's Western Cape, 2015-17","Event year/Trend":"2015-17","iso country code":"ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Overall, we conclude that anthropogenic climate change has strongly contributed to the recent hot years in the Western Cape region and it had moderate influence on their dryness.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zscheischler J. et al., 2022: Attributing Compound Events to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0116.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"481","row-number":"582",Location:"South Africa's Western Cape","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" hot and dry years in south africa's western cape, 2015-17 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"overall, we conclude that anthropogenic climate change has strongly contributed to the recent hot years in the western cape region and it had moderate influence on their dryness.\" zaf 2022 zscheischler j. et al., 2022: attributing compound events to anthropogenic climate change, bulletin of the american meteorological society, doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0116.1"},{Name:"Co-occurring droughts in Lesotho and South Africa, 1992","Event year/Trend":"1992","iso country code":"LSO,ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Overall, we conclude that there is some evidence that anthropogenic climate change contributed to the extreme droughts in 1992 and 2007 in Lesotho and South Africa, and to their co-occurrence.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zscheischler J. et al., 2022: Attributing Compound Events to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0116.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"481","row-number":"583",Location:"North-eastern South Africa and Lesotho","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" co-occurring droughts in lesotho and south africa, 1992 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"overall, we conclude that there is some evidence that anthropogenic climate change contributed to the extreme droughts in 1992 and 2007 in lesotho and south africa, and to their co-occurrence.\" lso,zaf 2022 zscheischler j. et al., 2022: attributing compound events to anthropogenic climate change, bulletin of the american meteorological society, doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0116.1"},{Name:"Co-occurring droughts in Lesotho and South Africa, 2007","Event year/Trend":"2007","iso country code":"LSO,ZAF","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Overall, we conclude that there is some evidence that anthropogenic climate change contributed to the extreme droughts in 1992 and 2007 in Lesotho and South Africa, and to their co-occurrence.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zscheischler J. et al., 2022: Attributing Compound Events to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0116.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"481","row-number":"584",Location:"North-eastern South Africa and Lesotho","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" co-occurring droughts in lesotho and south africa, 2007 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"overall, we conclude that there is some evidence that anthropogenic climate change contributed to the extreme droughts in 1992 and 2007 in lesotho and south africa, and to their co-occurrence.\" lso,zaf 2022 zscheischler j. et al., 2022: attributing compound events to anthropogenic climate change, bulletin of the american meteorological society, doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0116.1"},{Name:"North-eastern China summer compound hot and dry events, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic greenhouse gases dominantly contribute to the observed change.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Li W. et al., 2022: Detection and Attribution of Changes in Summer Compound Hot and Dry Events over Northeastern China with CMIP6 Models, Journal of Meteorological Research, doi:10.1007/s13351-022-1112-8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Meteorological Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"482","row-number":"585",Location:"North-eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" north-eastern china summer compound hot and dry events, 1961-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic greenhouse gases dominantly contribute to the observed change.\" chn 2022 li w. et al., 2022: detection and attribution of changes in summer compound hot and dry events over northeastern china with cmip6 models, journal of meteorological research, doi:10.1007/s13351-022-1112-8"},{Name:"Record-breaking warm and wet winter 2019/20 over north-west Russia","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"RUS","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"CMIP6 simulations suggest that the 2019/20 extremely warm and wet winter over northwest Russia would have been extremely unlikely without human influence despite a strong positive phase of the NAO.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Kam, J. et al., 2022: Anthropogenic Contribution to the Record-Breaking Warm and Wet Winter 2019/20 over Northwest Russia [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0148.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"483","row-number":"586",Location:"North-west Russia","iso sub region":"Eastern Europe","iso region":"Europe","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" record-breaking warm and wet winter 2019/20 over north-west russia compound more severe or more likely to occur \"cmip6 simulations suggest that the 2019/20 extremely warm and wet winter over northwest russia would have been extremely unlikely without human influence despite a strong positive phase of the nao.\" rus 2022 kam, j. et al., 2022: anthropogenic contribution to the record-breaking warm and wet winter 2019/20 over northwest russia [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0148.1"},{Name:"Successive hot-wet extremes in South Korean summer of 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"KOR","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Greenhouse gas forcing has significantly increased the risk for successive hot-wet extremes as observed over South Korea in summer 2020, through intensifying hot extremes while hardly affecting wet extremes.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Min, S-K et al., 2022: Human Contribution to the 2020 Summer Successive Hot-Wet Extremes in South Korea [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2020 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0144.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"484","row-number":"587",Location:"South Korea","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" successive hot-wet extremes in south korean summer of 2020 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"greenhouse gas forcing has significantly increased the risk for successive hot-wet extremes as observed over south korea in summer 2020, through intensifying hot extremes while hardly affecting wet extremes.\" kor 2022 min, s-k et al., 2022: human contribution to the 2020 summer successive hot-wet extremes in south korea [in “explaining extreme events of 2020 from a climate perspective”]. bull. amer. meteor. soc., doi:10.1175/bams-d-21-0144.1"},{Name:"Summer hot compound events in China, 1965-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic (ANT) forcing can be robustly detected and separated from the response to natural (NAT) forcing in the frequency and intensity trends of compound hot events over China.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Wang, X. et al., 2022: Detectable anthropogenic influence on summer compound hot events over China from 1965 to 2014, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac4d4e","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"485","row-number":"588",Location:"China","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" summer hot compound events in china, 1965-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic (ant) forcing can be robustly detected and separated from the response to natural (nat) forcing in the frequency and intensity trends of compound hot events over china.\" chn 2022 wang, x. et al., 2022: detectable anthropogenic influence on summer compound hot events over china from 1965 to 2014, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac4d4e"},{Name:"Global increases in compound dry and hot events, 1901–2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find anthropogenic influences have increased the risk of compound dry and hot events in large regions across the globe except for parts of Eurasia and North America.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Zhang, Y. et al., 2022: Anthropogenically forced increases in compound dry and hot events at the global and continental scales, Environmental Research Letters, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac43e0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"486","row-number":"589",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global increases in compound dry and hot events, 1901–2010 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"we find anthropogenic influences have increased the risk of compound dry and hot events in large regions across the globe except for parts of eurasia and north america.\" 2022 zhang, y. et al., 2022: anthropogenically forced increases in compound dry and hot events at the global and continental scales, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac43e0"},{Name:"Ecomomic damages caused by extreme rainfall from Typhoon Hagibis, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our conservative estimate is that ~$4bn of the damages due to the extreme heavy rainfall associated with Typhoon Hagibis are due to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Li, S. & Otto, F. E. L., 2022: The role of human-induced climate change in heavy rainfall events such as the one associated with Typhoon Hagibis, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-022-03344-9","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"487","row-number":"590",Location:"Toyko, Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" ecomomic damages caused by extreme rainfall from typhoon hagibis, 2019 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"our conservative estimate is that ~$4bn of the damages due to the extreme heavy rainfall associated with typhoon hagibis are due to human-induced climate change.\" jpn 2022 li, s. & otto, f. e. l., 2022: the role of human-induced climate change in heavy rainfall events such as the one associated with typhoon hagibis, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-022-03344-9"},{Name:"Extremely early cherry tree flowering in Kyoto, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extremely early flowering dates, as in 2021, would be rare without human influence, but are now estimated to be 15 times more likely, and are expected to occur at least once a century.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Christidis, N. et al., 2022: Human influence increases the likelihood of extremely early cherry tree flowering in Kyoto, Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac6bb4","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"488","row-number":"591",Location:"Kyoto, Japan","iso sub region":"Eastern Asia","iso region":"Asia","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" extremely early cherry tree flowering in kyoto, 2021 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"extremely early flowering dates, as in 2021, would be rare without human influence, but are now estimated to be 15 times more likely, and are expected to occur at least once a century.\" jpn 2022 christidis, n. et al., 2022: human influence increases the likelihood of extremely early cherry tree flowering in kyoto, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac6bb4"},{Name:"Iran heatwaves, 1977 to 2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"IRN","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These findings suggest that anthropogenic global warming and associated climate change are main reasons for heatwave occurrence over Iran.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Chitsaz F. et al., 2023: Heatwave Duration and Heating Rate in a Non-Stationary Climate: Spatiotemporal Pattern and Key Drivers, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2023EF003995","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"489","row-number":"592",Location:"Iran","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" iran heatwaves, 1977 to 2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"these findings suggest that anthropogenic global warming and associated climate change are main reasons for heatwave occurrence over iran.\" irn 2023 chitsaz f. et al., 2023: heatwave duration and heating rate in a non-stationary climate: spatiotemporal pattern and key drivers, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2023ef003995"},{Name:"Global extreme temperatures, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"For the year 2018, increased anthropogenic forcings are mostly responsible for increased risk to extreme [temperature] affecting [94%] of global population and [97%] of global GDP relative to the baseline period 1961-1990.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Estrada F. et al., 2023: Anthropogenic influence on extremes and risk hotspots, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-27220-9","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"490","row-number":"593",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global extreme temperatures, 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"for the year 2018, increased anthropogenic forcings are mostly responsible for increased risk to extreme [temperature] affecting [94%] of global population and [97%] of global gdp relative to the baseline period 1961-1990.\" 2023 estrada f. et al., 2023: anthropogenic influence on extremes and risk hotspots, scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-27220-9"},{Name:"China extreme temperatures, 1960-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The results show that [greenhouse gases are] the main driver of extreme temperature changes in China.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Xu W. et al., 2023: Anthropogenic emissions and land use/cover change contributions to extreme temperature changes over China, Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106845","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"491","row-number":"594",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" china extreme temperatures, 1960-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the results show that [greenhouse gases are] the main driver of extreme temperature changes in china.\" chn 2023 xu w. et al., 2023: anthropogenic emissions and land use/cover change contributions to extreme temperature changes over china, atmospheric research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106845"},{Name:"Increased summer European heatwaves, 1980–2021","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"It is found that [greenhouse gas]-induced warming contributes to ∼57% of the European heatwave trend over 1980-2021.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Luo B. et al., 2023: Increased Summer European Heatwaves in Recent Decades: Contributions From Greenhouse Gases-Induced Warming and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation-Like Variations, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2023EF003701","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"492","row-number":"595",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" increased summer european heatwaves, 1980–2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"it is found that [greenhouse gas]-induced warming contributes to ∼57% of the european heatwave trend over 1980-2021.\" 2023 luo b. et al., 2023: increased summer european heatwaves in recent decades: contributions from greenhouse gases-induced warming and atlantic multidecadal oscillation-like variations, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2023ef003701"},{Name:"South American heatwave, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-caused climate change made the event about 60 times more likely\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Rivera J.A. et al., 2023: 2022 early-summer heatwave in Southern South America: 60 times more likely due to climate change, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03576-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"493","row-number":"596",Location:"Central-northern part of Argentina, southern Bolivia, central Chile, and most of Paraguay and Uruguay","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" south american heatwave, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human-caused climate change made the event about 60 times more likely\" 2023 rivera j.a. et al., 2023: 2022 early-summer heatwave in southern south america: 60 times more likely due to climate change, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03576-3"},{Name:"Northern hemisphere extreme heatwaves, 1951-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern hemisphere","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced [greenhouse gas] forcings are found to be the leading cause of the proportion increases in the large-area and long duration-large-area events after 1989.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Wang Y. et al., 2023: Classification of extreme heatwave events in the Northern Hemisphere through a new method, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06649-8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"494","row-number":"597",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Northern hemisphere",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" northern hemisphere extreme heatwaves, 1951-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced [greenhouse gas] forcings are found to be the leading cause of the proportion increases in the large-area and long duration-large-area events after 1989.\" 2023 wang y. et al., 2023: classification of extreme heatwave events in the northern hemisphere through a new method, climate dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06649-8"},{Name:"Madagascar extreme temperatures, 1950-2018","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"MDG","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In a nutshell, most observed changes are attributed to [greenhouse gases] and [anthropogenic] forcings.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Randriamarolaza L.Y.A. et al., 2023: Extreme temperatures detection and attribution related to external forcing in Madagascar, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8065","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"495","row-number":"598",Location:"Madagascar","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" madagascar extreme temperatures, 1950-2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in a nutshell, most observed changes are attributed to [greenhouse gases] and [anthropogenic] forcings.\" mdg 2023 randriamarolaza l.y.a. et al., 2023: extreme temperatures detection and attribution related to external forcing in madagascar, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8065"},{Name:"Global concurrent temperature extremes, 1901-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Historical anthropogenic forcing has strengthened the concurrence of temperature extremes over 56% of 946 global paired regions, particularly in the tropics.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhou S. et al., 2023: Global concurrent climate extremes exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change, Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo1638","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science Advances","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"496","row-number":"599",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global concurrent temperature extremes, 1901-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"historical anthropogenic forcing has strengthened the concurrence of temperature extremes over 56% of 946 global paired regions, particularly in the tropics.\" 2023 zhou s. et al., 2023: global concurrent climate extremes exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change, science advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo1638"},{Name:"Eastern China hot extremes, 1958-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These results indicate a dominant role played by anthropogenic forcing in the extreme temperature changes.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Sun Y. et al., 2023: Detection of the anthropogenic signal and urbanization effects in extreme temperature changes in eastern China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100332","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"497","row-number":"600",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" eastern china hot extremes, 1958-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"these results indicate a dominant role played by anthropogenic forcing in the extreme temperature changes.\" chn 2023 sun y. et al., 2023: detection of the anthropogenic signal and urbanization effects in extreme temperature changes in eastern china, atmospheric and oceanic science letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100332"},{Name:"Global hot extremes, 1981-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our attribution analysis revealed anthropogenic forcings are robustly detectable and the main drivers of observed changes in all indices for all regions.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Engdaw M.M. et al., 2023: Attribution of observed changes in extreme temperatures to anthropogenic forcing using CMIP6 models, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100548","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"498","row-number":"601",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" global hot extremes, 1981-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"our attribution analysis revealed anthropogenic forcings are robustly detectable and the main drivers of observed changes in all indices for all regions.\" 2023 engdaw m.m. et al., 2023: attribution of observed changes in extreme temperatures to anthropogenic forcing using cmip6 models, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100548"},{Name:"Madagascar heatwave, October 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"MDG","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Because of human-induced climate change the event would have been approx. 1 to 2C cooler for all three event definitions had humans not warmed the planet by burning fossil fuels.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Pinto, I. et al. 2023: Extreme poverty renders Madagascar highly vulnerable to underreported extreme heat that would not have occurred without human-induced climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"499","row-number":"602",Location:"Madagascar","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" madagascar heatwave, october 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"because of human-induced climate change the event would have been approx. 1 to 2c cooler for all three event definitions had humans not warmed the planet by burning fossil fuels.\" mdg 2023 pinto, i. et al. 2023: extreme poverty renders madagascar highly vulnerable to underreported extreme heat that would not have occurred without human-induced climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Early spring heat, South America, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The event would have been 1.4 to 4.3C cooler had humans not warmed the planet by burning fossil fuels\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Kew, S. et al. 2023: Strong influence of climate change in uncharacteristic early spring heat in South America, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"500","row-number":"603",Location:"South America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" early spring heat, south america, 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the event would have been 1.4 to 4.3c cooler had humans not warmed the planet by burning fossil fuels\" 2023 kew, s. et al. 2023: strong influence of climate change in uncharacteristic early spring heat in south america, world weather attribution"},{Name:"North America extreme heat, July 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A heatwave of the same likelihood as the one observed today would have been significantly cooler in a world without climate change\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al. 2023: Extreme heat in North America, Europe and China in July 2023 made much more likely by climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"501","row-number":"604",Location:"USA/Mexico","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" north america extreme heat, july 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a heatwave of the same likelihood as the one observed today would have been significantly cooler in a world without climate change\" 2023 zachariah, m. et al. 2023: extreme heat in north america, europe and china in july 2023 made much more likely by climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Europe extreme heat, July 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A heatwave of the same likelihood as the one observed today would have been significantly cooler in a world without climate change\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al. 2023: Extreme heat in North America, Europe and China in July 2023 made much more likely by climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"501","row-number":"605",Location:"Southern Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" europe extreme heat, july 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a heatwave of the same likelihood as the one observed today would have been significantly cooler in a world without climate change\" 2023 zachariah, m. et al. 2023: extreme heat in north america, europe and china in july 2023 made much more likely by climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"China extreme heat, July 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"A heatwave of the same likelihood as the one observed today would have been significantly cooler in a world without climate change\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al. 2023: Extreme heat in North America, Europe and China in July 2023 made much more likely by climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"501","row-number":"606",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" china extreme heat, july 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"a heatwave of the same likelihood as the one observed today would have been significantly cooler in a world without climate change\" chn 2023 zachariah, m. et al. 2023: extreme heat in north america, europe and china in july 2023 made much more likely by climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Bangladesh & India extreme humid heat, April 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"IND,BGD","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The combined results give an increase in the likelihood of such an event to occur of at least a factor of 30 over India and Bangladesh due to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al. 2023: Extreme humid heat in South Asia in April 2023, largely driven by climate change, detrimental to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"502","row-number":"607",Location:"Bangladesh and India","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" bangladesh & india extreme humid heat, april 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the combined results give an increase in the likelihood of such an event to occur of at least a factor of 30 over india and bangladesh due to human-induced climate change.\" ind,bgd 2023 zachariah, m. et al. 2023: extreme humid heat in south asia in april 2023, largely driven by climate change, detrimental to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Thailand & Laos extreme humid heat, April 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"THA,LAO","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An event of the same magnitude as the observed heatwave would have been extremely rare in a 1.2C cooler climate and hence it would have been virtually impossible to have occurred without climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al. 2023: Extreme humid heat in South Asia in April 2023, largely driven by climate change, detrimental to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"502","row-number":"608",Location:"Thailand and Lao PDR","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" thailand & laos extreme humid heat, april 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"an event of the same magnitude as the observed heatwave would have been extremely rare in a 1.2c cooler climate and hence it would have been virtually impossible to have occurred without climate change.\" tha,lao 2023 zachariah, m. et al. 2023: extreme humid heat in south asia in april 2023, largely driven by climate change, detrimental to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Morocco & Algeria extreme heat, April 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"MAR,DZA","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extreme April heat in Spain, Portugal, Morocco & Algeria almost impossible without climate change\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Philip, S. et al. 2023: Extreme April heat in Spain, Portugal, Morocco & Algeria almost impossible without climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"503","row-number":"609",Location:"Morocco and Algeria","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" morocco & algeria extreme heat, april 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"extreme april heat in spain, portugal, morocco & algeria almost impossible without climate change\" mar,dza 2023 philip, s. et al. 2023: extreme april heat in spain, portugal, morocco & algeria almost impossible without climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Spain & Portugal extreme heat, April 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"ESP,PRT","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extreme April heat in Spain, Portugal, Morocco & Algeria almost impossible without climate change\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Philip, S. et al. 2023: Extreme April heat in Spain, Portugal, Morocco & Algeria almost impossible without climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"503","row-number":"610",Location:"Spain and Portugal","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" spain & portugal extreme heat, april 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"extreme april heat in spain, portugal, morocco & algeria almost impossible without climate change\" esp,prt 2023 philip, s. et al. 2023: extreme april heat in spain, portugal, morocco & algeria almost impossible without climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"India and Pakistan spring heatwave, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"IND,PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that human-caused climate change made this heatwave about 1C hotter and 30 times more likely in the current, 2022 climate, as compared to the 1.2C cooler, pre-industrial climate.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah. M. et al,. 2023: Attribution of 2022 early-spring heatwave in India and Pakistan to climate change: lessons in assessing vulnerability and preparedness in reducing impacts, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/2752-5295/acf4b6","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"504","row-number":"611",Location:"India and Pakistan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" india and pakistan spring heatwave, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that human-caused climate change made this heatwave about 1c hotter and 30 times more likely in the current, 2022 climate, as compared to the 1.2c cooler, pre-industrial climate.\" ind,pak 2023 zachariah. m. et al,. 2023: attribution of 2022 early-spring heatwave in india and pakistan to climate change: lessons in assessing vulnerability and preparedness in reducing impacts, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/acf4b6"},{Name:"Antarctic heatwave, March 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Antarctica","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The heatwave was made 2C warmer by climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E. et al., 2023: The Largest Ever Recorded Heatwave—Characteristics and Attribution of the Antarctic Heatwave of March 2022, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1029/2023GL104910","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"505","row-number":"612",Location:"Antarctic","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Antarctic",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" antarctic heatwave, march 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the heatwave was made 2c warmer by climate change.\" 2023 blanchard-wrigglesworth, e. et al., 2023: the largest ever recorded heatwave—characteristics and attribution of the antarctic heatwave of march 2022, geophysical research letters, doi: 10.1029/2023gl104910"},{Name:"Yangtze River basin summer heat extremes, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"[S]uch an anomaly circulation pattern likely resulted from internalvariability in the atmosphere and underlying surface conditions. However, anthropogenic climate change may have already slightly increased the chance of such events.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Hua W. et al., 2023: How Unexpected Was the 2022 Summertime Heat Extremes in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River?, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2023GL104269","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"506","row-number":"613",Location:"Yangtze River basin (middle reaches)","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" yangtze river basin summer heat extremes, 2022 heat insufficient data/inconclusive \"[s]uch an anomaly circulation pattern likely resulted from internalvariability in the atmosphere and underlying surface conditions. however, anthropogenic climate change may have already slightly increased the chance of such events.\" chn 2023 hua w. et al., 2023: how unexpected was the 2022 summertime heat extremes in the middle reaches of the yangtze river?, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2023gl104269"},{Name:"South-west Western Australia cool season driest 20-years on record, 2001-20","Event year/Trend":"2001-20","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In the more recent period (2001–2020), the signal of global warming is very clear, as the [multi-model mean] 20-year averages are more than two standard deviations drier than the multi-model preindustrial decadal variability.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Rauniyar S.P. et al., 2023: The role of internal variability and external forcing on southwestern Australian rainfall: prospects for very wet or dry years, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-48877-w","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"507","row-number":"614",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" south-west western australia cool season driest 20-years on record, 2001-20 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"in the more recent period (2001–2020), the signal of global warming is very clear, as the [multi-model mean] 20-year averages are more than two standard deviations drier than the multi-model preindustrial decadal variability.\" aus 2023 rauniyar s.p. et al., 2023: the role of internal variability and external forcing on southwestern australian rainfall: prospects for very wet or dry years, scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-48877-w"},{Name:"Norway floods, 2010s","Event year/Trend":"2010s","iso country code":"NOR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The comparisons of the historical extreme events under factual and counterfactual conditions show that more than 65% of floods and droughts in the 2010s could have been magnified by climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Yang X. et al., 2023: Attribution assessment of hydrological trends and extremes to climate change for Northern high latitude catchments in Norway, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03615-z","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"508","row-number":"615",Location:"Norway","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" norway floods, 2010s rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the comparisons of the historical extreme events under factual and counterfactual conditions show that more than 65% of floods and droughts in the 2010s could have been magnified by climate change.\" nor 2023 yang x. et al., 2023: attribution assessment of hydrological trends and extremes to climate change for northern high latitude catchments in norway, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03615-z"},{Name:"Norway droughts, 2010s","Event year/Trend":"2010s","iso country code":"NOR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The comparisons of the historical extreme events under factual and counterfactual conditions show that more than 65% of floods and droughts in the 2010s could have been magnified by climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Yang X. et al., 2023: Attribution assessment of hydrological trends and extremes to climate change for Northern high latitude catchments in Norway, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03615-z","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"508","row-number":"616",Location:"Norway","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" norway droughts, 2010s drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the comparisons of the historical extreme events under factual and counterfactual conditions show that more than 65% of floods and droughts in the 2010s could have been magnified by climate change.\" nor 2023 yang x. et al., 2023: attribution assessment of hydrological trends and extremes to climate change for northern high latitude catchments in norway, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03615-z"},{Name:"Eastern China extreme drought, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The authors…found that the occurrence probability of a 2019Drought-like event increased by eight times due to anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Li Y. et al., 2023: Anthropogenic influence on the occurrence of extreme drought like that in eastern China in 2019, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2022.100296","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"509","row-number":"617",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" eastern china extreme drought, 2019 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the authors…found that the occurrence probability of a 2019drought-like event increased by eight times due to anthropogenic forcing.\" chn 2023 li y. et al., 2023: anthropogenic influence on the occurrence of extreme drought like that in eastern china in 2019, atmospheric and oceanic science letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2022.100296"},{Name:"Marathwada summer drought, 2015","Event year/Trend":"2015","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Highly unlikely in a world without anthropogenic climate change (1-in-256 year), the event is found to be frequent (1-in-38 year) in the actual world. \"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah M. et al., 2023: Attribution of the 2015 drought in Marathwada, India from a multivariate perspective, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100546","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"510","row-number":"618",Location:"Marathwada, India","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" marathwada summer drought, 2015 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"highly unlikely in a world without anthropogenic climate change (1-in-256 year), the event is found to be frequent (1-in-38 year) in the actual world. \" ind 2023 zachariah m. et al., 2023: attribution of the 2015 drought in marathwada, india from a multivariate perspective, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2022.100546"},{Name:"China droughts, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[Anthropogenic climate change] enhanced the drought frequency ∼15.3%, drought duration ∼4.7 months, drought intensity ∼9.74, respectively, averagely over China.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhao R. et al., 2023: Effects of anthropogenic climate change on the drought characteristics in China: From frequency, duration, intensity, and affected area, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.129008","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"511","row-number":"619",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" china droughts, 1961-2014 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[anthropogenic climate change] enhanced the drought frequency ∼15.3%, drought duration ∼4.7 months, drought intensity ∼9.74, respectively, averagely over china.\" chn 2023 zhao r. et al., 2023: effects of anthropogenic climate change on the drought characteristics in china: from frequency, duration, intensity, and affected area, journal of hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.129008"},{Name:"Syria, Iraq & Iran drought, 2020-23","Event year/Trend":"2020-2023","iso country code":"IRQ,IRN","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced climate change has increased the intensity of such a drought such that it would not have been classified as a drought in a 1.2C cooler world\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Otto, F. et al. 2023: Human-induced climate change compounded by socio-economic water stressors increased severity of drought in Syria, Iraq and Iran, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"512","row-number":"620",Location:"Syria, Iraq and Iran","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" syria, iraq & iran drought, 2020-23 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced climate change has increased the intensity of such a drought such that it would not have been classified as a drought in a 1.2c cooler world\" irq,irn 2023 otto, f. et al. 2023: human-induced climate change compounded by socio-economic water stressors increased severity of drought in syria, iraq and iran, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Horn of Africa drought, 2021-22","Event year/Trend":"2021-2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change has made events like the current drought much stronger and more likely; a conservative estimate is that such droughts have become about 100 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al. 2023: Human-induced climate change increased drought severity in Horn of Africa, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"513","row-number":"621",Location:"Horn of Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" horn of africa drought, 2021-22 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change has made events like the current drought much stronger and more likely; a conservative estimate is that such droughts have become about 100 times more likely.\" 2023 kimutai, j. et al. 2023: human-induced climate change increased drought severity in horn of africa, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Sahel drought, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The large uncertainties in the observational data and subsequent difficulties in assessing climate models mean it is not possible to assess whether there is no climate change signal or whether we cannot detect it.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Brouillet, A. et al. 2022: Food crisis in Central Sahel in 2022 driven by chronic vulnerability with uncertain role of climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"514","row-number":"622",Location:"Central Sahel","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" sahel drought, 2021 drought insufficient data/inconclusive \"the large uncertainties in the observational data and subsequent difficulties in assessing climate models mean it is not possible to assess whether there is no climate change signal or whether we cannot detect it.\" 2023 brouillet, a. et al. 2022: food crisis in central sahel in 2022 driven by chronic vulnerability with uncertain role of climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Summer extreme rainfall in east China, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The greenhouse gas emissions from human activities increase the likelihood of both [month-scale precipitation and corresponding RX1day extreme events], leading to decreases in the return period for summer 2020-like events.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Li R. et al., 2023: A comparative analysis of the attribution of extreme summer precipitation in south and north parts of the East China monsoon region—with the year 2020 as an example, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8260","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"515","row-number":"623",Location:"East China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" summer extreme rainfall in east china, 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the greenhouse gas emissions from human activities increase the likelihood of both [month-scale precipitation and corresponding rx1day extreme events], leading to decreases in the return period for summer 2020-like events.\" chn 2023 li r. et al., 2023: a comparative analysis of the attribution of extreme summer precipitation in south and north parts of the east china monsoon region—with the year 2020 as an example, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8260"},{Name:"Pearl River delta extreme rainfall, December 2013 ","Event year/Trend":"2013","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results indicate that anthropogenic warming has intensified this wintertime rainstorm by 17%.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhao R. et al., 2023: Attribution of the December 2013 extreme rainfall over the Pearl River Delta to anthropogenic influences, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06869-6","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"516","row-number":"624",Location:"Pearl River delta","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" pearl river delta extreme rainfall, december 2013 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our results indicate that anthropogenic warming has intensified this wintertime rainstorm by 17%.\" chn 2023 zhao r. et al., 2023: attribution of the december 2013 extreme rainfall over the pearl river delta to anthropogenic influences, climate dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06869-6"},{Name:"Global extreme rainfall, 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"For the year 2018, increased anthropogenic forcings are mostly responsible for increased risk to extreme [precipitation] affecting [72%] of global population and [76%] of global GDP relative to the baseline period 1961-1990.","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Estrada F. et al., 2023: Anthropogenic influence on extremes and risk hotspots, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-27220-9","Unique paper":"",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"490","row-number":"625",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global extreme rainfall, 2018 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"for the year 2018, increased anthropogenic forcings are mostly responsible for increased risk to extreme [precipitation] affecting [72%] of global population and [76%] of global gdp relative to the baseline period 1961-1990. 2023 estrada f. et al., 2023: anthropogenic influence on extremes and risk hotspots, scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-27220-9"},{Name:"Yangtze River valley extreme rainfall, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The higher occurrence likelihood of circulation patterns conducive to precipitation in all forcing experiment than that in natural forcing proves that the extreme precipitation in the YRV in 2020 is attributable to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Wang Q. et al., 2023: Attribution of tropical sea surface temperature change on extreme precipitation over the Yangtze River Valley in 2020, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06752-4","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"517","row-number":"626",Location:"Yangtze River basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" yangtze river valley extreme rainfall, 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the higher occurrence likelihood of circulation patterns conducive to precipitation in all forcing experiment than that in natural forcing proves that the extreme precipitation in the yrv in 2020 is attributable to human-induced climate change.\" chn 2023 wang q. et al., 2023: attribution of tropical sea surface temperature change on extreme precipitation over the yangtze river valley in 2020, climate dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-023-06752-4"},{Name:"Western Europe heavy rainfall & flooding, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change has already increased the intensity of the maximum 1-day rainfall event in the summer season by 3–19 %. The likelihood of such an event to occur today compared to a 1.2 C cooler climate has increased by a factor of 1.2–9\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Tradowsky J.S. et al., 2023: Attribution of the heavy rainfall events leading to severe flooding in Western Europe during July 2021, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03502-7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"518","row-number":"627",Location:"Western Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" western europe heavy rainfall & flooding, 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change has already increased the intensity of the maximum 1-day rainfall event in the summer season by 3–19 %. the likelihood of such an event to occur today compared to a 1.2 c cooler climate has increased by a factor of 1.2–9\" 2023 tradowsky j.s. et al., 2023: attribution of the heavy rainfall events leading to severe flooding in western europe during july 2021, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03502-7"},{Name:"Central China record-breaking extreme rainfall, July 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change contributed to [+47%] of the [decrease] in the occurrence probability of the 2021 extreme precipitation events in [central] China.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Wang L. et al., 2023: Attribution of the Record-Breaking Extreme Precipitation Events in July 2021 Over Central and Eastern China to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2023EF003613","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"519","row-number":"628",Location:"Central China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" central china record-breaking extreme rainfall, july 2021 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change contributed to [+47%] of the [decrease] in the occurrence probability of the 2021 extreme precipitation events in [central] china.\" chn 2023 wang l. et al., 2023: attribution of the record-breaking extreme precipitation events in july 2021 over central and eastern china to anthropogenic climate change, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2023ef003613"},{Name:"Eastern China record-breaking extreme rainfall, July 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change contributed to [+55%] of the [increase] in the occurrence probability of the 2021 extreme precipitation events in [eastern] China.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Wang L. et al., 2023: Attribution of the Record-Breaking Extreme Precipitation Events in July 2021 Over Central and Eastern China to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2023EF003613","Unique paper":"",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"519","row-number":"629",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" eastern china record-breaking extreme rainfall, july 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change contributed to [+55%] of the [increase] in the occurrence probability of the 2021 extreme precipitation events in [eastern] china.\" chn 2023 wang l. et al., 2023: attribution of the record-breaking extreme precipitation events in july 2021 over central and eastern china to anthropogenic climate change, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2023ef003613"},{Name:"Henan extreme rainfall, July 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results showed that the regional-average magnitude of the 48h accumulated rainfall during the [event] was increased by 5.7%…while the area of extreme rainfall (⩾500 mm) increased by 29.9%…as a result of anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhao, D. et al., 2023: Quantitative attribution of historical anthropogenic warming on the extreme rainfall event over Henan in July 2021, Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acfccd","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"520","row-number":"630",Location:"Henan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" henan extreme rainfall, july 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our results showed that the regional-average magnitude of the 48h accumulated rainfall during the [event] was increased by 5.7%…while the area of extreme rainfall (⩾500 mm) increased by 29.9%…as a result of anthropogenic climate change.\" chn 2023 zhao, d. et al., 2023: quantitative attribution of historical anthropogenic warming on the extreme rainfall event over henan in july 2021, environmental research letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acfccd"},{Name:"Horn of Africa flooding, October-December 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Due to the warming of 1.2C up till now, the magnitude of rainfall has also approximately doubled.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al., 2023: Compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe impacts from Horn of Africa flooding exacerbated by climate change and Indian Ocean Dipole, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"521","row-number":"631",Location:"Horn of Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" horn of africa flooding, october-december 2023 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"due to the warming of 1.2c up till now, the magnitude of rainfall has also approximately doubled.\" 2023 kimutai, j. et al., 2023: compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe impacts from horn of africa flooding exacerbated by climate change and indian ocean dipole, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Bulgaria & Turkey extreme rainfall, September 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"BGR,TUR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that human-induced climate change made an event as extreme as the one observed up to 10 times more likely and up to 40% more intense.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2023: Interplay of climate change-exacerbated rainfall, exposure and vulnerability led to widespread impacts in the Mediterranean region, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"522","row-number":"632",Location:"Bulgaria and Turkey","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" bulgaria & turkey extreme rainfall, september 2023 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"we find that human-induced climate change made an event as extreme as the one observed up to 10 times more likely and up to 40% more intense.\" bgr,tur 2023 zachariah, m. et al, 2023: interplay of climate change-exacerbated rainfall, exposure and vulnerability led to widespread impacts in the mediterranean region, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Libya extreme rainfall, September 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"LBY","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"An event as extreme as the one observed over Libya has become up to 50 times more likely and up to 50% more intense compared to a 1.2C cooler climate.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2023: Interplay of climate change-exacerbated rainfall, exposure and vulnerability led to widespread impacts in the Mediterranean region, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"522","row-number":"633",Location:"Libya","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" libya extreme rainfall, september 2023 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"an event as extreme as the one observed over libya has become up to 50 times more likely and up to 50% more intense compared to a 1.2c cooler climate.\" lby 2023 zachariah, m. et al, 2023: interplay of climate change-exacerbated rainfall, exposure and vulnerability led to widespread impacts in the mediterranean region, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Pakistan flooding, August 2022 ","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"5-day maximum rainfall over the provinces Sindh and Balochistan is now about 75% more intense than it would have been had the climate not warmed by 1.2C, whereas the 60-day rain across the basin is now about 50% more intense.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Otto, F. et al, 2022: Climate change likely increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan, Environmental Research Climate, DOI: 10.1088/2752-5295/acbfd5","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"523","row-number":"634",Location:"Pakistan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" pakistan flooding, august 2022 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"5-day maximum rainfall over the provinces sindh and balochistan is now about 75% more intense than it would have been had the climate not warmed by 1.2c, whereas the 60-day rain across the basin is now about 50% more intense.\" pak 2023 otto, f. et al, 2022: climate change likely increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in pakistan, environmental research climate, doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/acbfd5"},{Name:"Global concurrent rainfall extremes, 1901-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Historical anthropogenic forcing has strengthened the concurrence of temperature extremes over 56% of 946 global paired regions…but has not yet significantly affected concurrent precipitation extremes.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhou S. et al., 2023: Global concurrent climate extremes exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change, Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo1638","Unique paper":"",Source:"Science Advances","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"496","row-number":"635",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" global concurrent rainfall extremes, 1901-2020 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"historical anthropogenic forcing has strengthened the concurrence of temperature extremes over 56% of 946 global paired regions…but has not yet significantly affected concurrent precipitation extremes.\" 2023 zhou s. et al., 2023: global concurrent climate extremes exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change, science advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo1638"},{Name:"Italy heavy rainfall, May 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"ITA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Of the 19 models used, none of them show a significant change in the likelihood or intensity of such an event to occur. This suggests that in contrast to most parts of the world, there is indeed no detectable increase in heavy rainfall in the Emilia-Romagna region in spring.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Barnes, C. et al, 2023: Limited net role for climate change in heavy spring rainfall in Emilia-Romagna, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"524","row-number":"636",Location:"Italy, Emilia-Romagna","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" italy heavy rainfall, may 2023 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"of the 19 models used, none of them show a significant change in the likelihood or intensity of such an event to occur. this suggests that in contrast to most parts of the world, there is indeed no detectable increase in heavy rainfall in the emilia-romagna region in spring.\" ita 2023 barnes, c. et al, 2023: limited net role for climate change in heavy spring rainfall in emilia-romagna, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Lake Kivu flooding, May 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"RWA,COD","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The scarcity of data does not allow us to draw any conclusions on the role of climate change in the floods today.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al, 2023: Limited data prevent assessment of role of climate change in deadly floods affecting highly vulnerable communities around Lake Kivu, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"525","row-number":"637",Location:"Rwanda and the DRC","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" lake kivu flooding, may 2023 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"the scarcity of data does not allow us to draw any conclusions on the role of climate change in the floods today.\" rwa,cod 2023 kimutai, j. et al, 2023: limited data prevent assessment of role of climate change in deadly floods affecting highly vulnerable communities around lake kivu, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Frost days in China, 1961-2017","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Logically, on a large scale, global warming has reduced the number of annual [frost days] and lengthened the length of the [frost-free periods].\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhu L. et al., 2023: Change and attribution of frost days and frost-free periods in China, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8310","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"526","row-number":"638",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" frost days in china, 1961-2017 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"logically, on a large scale, global warming has reduced the number of annual [frost days] and lengthened the length of the [frost-free periods].\" chn 2023 zhu l. et al., 2023: change and attribution of frost days and frost-free periods in china, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8310"},{Name:"Frost-free periods in China, 1961-2017","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Logically, on a large scale, global warming has reduced the number of annual [frost days] and lengthened the length of the [frost-free periods].\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Zhu L. et al., 2023: Change and attribution of frost days and frost-free periods in China, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8310","Unique paper":"",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"526","row-number":"639",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" frost-free periods in china, 1961-2017 cold, snow & ice more severe or more likely to occur \"logically, on a large scale, global warming has reduced the number of annual [frost days] and lengthened the length of the [frost-free periods].\" chn 2023 zhu l. et al., 2023: change and attribution of frost days and frost-free periods in china, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8310"},{Name:"Cold snap in eastern China, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing led to a 1.5-fold decrease in the probability of 2022-like events, with anthropogenic greenhouse gases being the primary contributors to this reduction.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Chen Z.-F. et al., 2023: Role of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation in a low-temperature event in February 2022 in eastern China, Advances in Climate Change Research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2023.11.009","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Climate Change Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"527","row-number":"640",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" cold snap in eastern china, 2022 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing led to a 1.5-fold decrease in the probability of 2022-like events, with anthropogenic greenhouse gases being the primary contributors to this reduction.\" chn 2023 chen z.-f. et al., 2023: role of anthropogenic forcing and atmospheric circulation in a low-temperature event in february 2022 in eastern china, advances in climate change research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2023.11.009"},{Name:"France growing-period frost, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We found that, without human-caused climate change, such temperatures in April or later in spring would have been even lower by 1.2 C\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Vautard R. et al., 2023: Human influence on growing-period frosts like in early April 2021 in central France, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-23-1045-2023","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"528","row-number":"641",Location:"France","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" france growing-period frost, 2021 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"we found that, without human-caused climate change, such temperatures in april or later in spring would have been even lower by 1.2 c\" fra 2023 vautard r. et al., 2023: human influence on growing-period frosts like in early april 2021 in central france, natural hazards and earth system sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-23-1045-2023"},{Name:"Eastern China cold extremes, 1958-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These results indicate a dominant role played by anthropogenic forcing in the extreme temperature changes.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Sun Y. et al., 2023: Detection of the anthropogenic signal and urbanization effects in extreme temperature changes in eastern China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100332","Unique paper":"",Source:"Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"497","row-number":"642",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eastern china cold extremes, 1958-2020 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"these results indicate a dominant role played by anthropogenic forcing in the extreme temperature changes.\" chn 2023 sun y. et al., 2023: detection of the anthropogenic signal and urbanization effects in extreme temperature changes in eastern china, atmospheric and oceanic science letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100332"},{Name:"Global cold extremes, 1981-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our attribution analysis revealed anthropogenic forcings are robustly detectable and the main drivers of observed changes in all indices for all regions.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Engdaw M.M. et al., 2023: Attribution of observed changes in extreme temperatures to anthropogenic forcing using CMIP6 models, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100548","Unique paper":"",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"498","row-number":"643",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" global cold extremes, 1981-2020 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"our attribution analysis revealed anthropogenic forcings are robustly detectable and the main drivers of observed changes in all indices for all regions.\" 2023 engdaw m.m. et al., 2023: attribution of observed changes in extreme temperatures to anthropogenic forcing using cmip6 models, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100548"},{Name:"Storm Alex, October 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"FRA,ITA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These changes collectively point to high-impact storms like Alex having become more common in a changing climate.\"","Publication year":"2022",Citation:"Ginesta M. et al., 2023: A methodology for attributing severe extratropical cyclones to climate change based on reanalysis data: the case study of storm Alex 2020, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06565-x","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"529","row-number":"644",Location:"Southern France and nothern Italy","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" storm alex, october 2020 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"these changes collectively point to high-impact storms like alex having become more common in a changing climate.\" fra,ita 2022 ginesta m. et al., 2023: a methodology for attributing severe extratropical cyclones to climate change based on reanalysis data: the case study of storm alex 2020, climate dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06565-x"},{Name:"Cyclone Gabrielle extreme rainfall, February 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"NZL","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"2-day maximum rainfall over Te Matau-a-Māui/Te Tairāwhiti region is now about 30% more intense than it might have been had human greenhouse gas emissions not warmed the climate by 1.2C.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Harrington, LJ, et al: 2023: The role of climate change in extreme rainfall associated with Cyclone Gabrielle over Aotearoa New Zealand’s East Coast, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"530","row-number":"645",Location:"New Zealand","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" cyclone gabrielle extreme rainfall, february 2023 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"2-day maximum rainfall over te matau-a-māui/te tairāwhiti region is now about 30% more intense than it might have been had human greenhouse gas emissions not warmed the climate by 1.2c.\" nzl 2023 harrington, lj, et al: 2023: the role of climate change in extreme rainfall associated with cyclone gabrielle over aotearoa new zealand’s east coast, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Burned area increase over 1971-2021","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We show that nearly all of the observed increase in burned area over the past half-century is attributable to anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Turco M. et al., 2023: Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi:10.1073/pnas.2213815120","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"531","row-number":"646",Location:"California","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" burned area increase over 1971-2021 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"we show that nearly all of the observed increase in burned area over the past half-century is attributable to anthropogenic climate change.\" usa 2023 turco m. et al., 2023: anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in california, proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america, doi:10.1073/pnas.2213815120"},{Name:"Eastern Canada wildfires, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change made the cumulative severity of Québec’s 2023 fire season to the end of July around 50% more intense, and seasons of this severity at least seven times more likely to occur.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Barnes, C. et al, 2023: Climate change more than doubled the likelihood of extreme fire weather conditions in Eastern Canada, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"532","row-number":"647",Location:"Eastern Canada","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" eastern canada wildfires, 2023 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change made the cumulative severity of québec’s 2023 fire season to the end of july around 50% more intense, and seasons of this severity at least seven times more likely to occur.\" can 2023 barnes, c. et al, 2023: climate change more than doubled the likelihood of extreme fire weather conditions in eastern canada, world weather attribution"},{Name:"China compound heatwave and heavy rainfall event, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic climate change has increased the occurrence probability of similar events at least 10-fold.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Qian C. et al., 2023: Human influences on spatially compounding flooding and heatwave events in China and future increasing risks, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100616","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"533","row-number":"648",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" china compound heatwave and heavy rainfall event, 2020 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic climate change has increased the occurrence probability of similar events at least 10-fold.\" chn 2023 qian c. et al., 2023: human influences on spatially compounding flooding and heatwave events in china and future increasing risks, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100616"},{Name:"China summer extreme high temperature and drought/rain events (CHTDE/CHTRE), 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"1961-2014","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change, especially greenhouse gas forcing, which contributes 90% to the linear change in the severity of CHTDE and CHTRE, is identified as the dominant factor affecting the severity of CHTDE in China.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Li W. et al., 2023: Anthropogenic impact on the severity of compound extreme high temperature and drought/rain events in China, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, doi:10.1038/s41612-023-00413-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"npj Climate and Atmospheric Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"534","row-number":"649",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" china summer extreme high temperature and drought/rain events (chtde/chtre), 1961-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change, especially greenhouse gas forcing, which contributes 90% to the linear change in the severity of chtde and chtre, is identified as the dominant factor affecting the severity of chtde in china.\" chn 2023 li w. et al., 2023: anthropogenic impact on the severity of compound extreme high temperature and drought/rain events in china, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-023-00413-3"},{Name:"Global compound fire weather, 1981-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic climate change (due primarily to greenhouse gas emissions) has aggravated the frequency and intensity of [compound fire weather] events, particularly in the Amazon region.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Fan X. et al., 2023: Escalating Hot-Dry Extremes Amplify Compound Fire Weather Risk, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2023EF003976","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"535","row-number":"650",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global compound fire weather, 1981-2020 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic climate change (due primarily to greenhouse gas emissions) has aggravated the frequency and intensity of [compound fire weather] events, particularly in the amazon region.\" 2023 fan x. et al., 2023: escalating hot-dry extremes amplify compound fire weather risk, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2023ef003976"},{Name:"Global summer compound hot and dry events, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The anthropogenic influence on the intensified of compound hot and dry events on six continents and more than 65% of 44 sub-continents have been robustly detected.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Pan R. et al., 2023: Detectable Anthropogenic Intensification of the Summer Compound Hot and Dry Events Over Global Land Areas, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2022EF003254","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth's Future","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"536","row-number":"651",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global summer compound hot and dry events, 1961-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"the anthropogenic influence on the intensified of compound hot and dry events on six continents and more than 65% of 44 sub-continents have been robustly detected.\" 2023 pan r. et al., 2023: detectable anthropogenic intensification of the summer compound hot and dry events over global land areas, earth's future, doi:10.1029/2022ef003254"},{Name:"Deaths during Switzerland summer heatwave, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHE","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate 623 deaths due to heat between June and August 2022…we find that 60% of this burden could have been avoided in absence of human-induced climate change\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Vicedo-Cabrera. A. et al., 2023: The footprint of human-induced climate change on heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 in Switzerland, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ace0d0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"537","row-number":"652",Location:"Switzerland","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" deaths during switzerland summer heatwave, 2022 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate 623 deaths due to heat between june and august 2022…we find that 60% of this burden could have been avoided in absence of human-induced climate change\" che 2023 vicedo-cabrera. a. et al., 2023: the footprint of human-induced climate change on heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 in switzerland, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ace0d0"},{Name:"Human displacements from Tropical Cyclone Idai, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"MOZ","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our main estimates indicate that climate change has increased displacement risk from this event by approximately 12,600-14,900 additional displaced persons.\"","Publication year":"2023",Citation:"Mester B. et al., 2023: Human displacements from Tropical Cyclone Idai attributable to climate change, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-23-3467-2023","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"538","row-number":"653",Location:"Mozambique","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" human displacements from tropical cyclone idai, 2019 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"our main estimates indicate that climate change has increased displacement risk from this event by approximately 12,600-14,900 additional displaced persons.\" moz 2023 mester b. et al., 2023: human displacements from tropical cyclone idai attributable to climate change, natural hazards and earth system sciences, doi:10.5194/nhess-23-3467-2023"},{Name:"Alaska & northern Canada February cold extremes, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"USA,CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[P]erturbed CO2 experiments illuminate increases in CO2, causing a [lower] chance for [cold] extremes. \"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Lee D. et al., 2024: The Attribution of February Extremes over North America: A Forecast-Based Storyline Study, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-24-0074.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"539","row-number":"654",Location:"Alaska and northern Canada","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" alaska & northern canada february cold extremes, 2019 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"[p]erturbed co2 experiments illuminate increases in co2, causing a [lower] chance for [cold] extremes. \" usa,can 2024 lee d. et al., 2024: the attribution of february extremes over north america: a forecast-based storyline study, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-24-0074.1"},{Name:"Mexico and Florida February heat extremes, 2019","Event year/Trend":"2019","iso country code":"MEX,USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[P]erturbed CO2 experiments illuminate increases in CO2, causing a [higher] chance for [warm] extremes. \"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Lee D. et al., 2024: The Attribution of February Extremes over North America: A Forecast-Based Storyline Study, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-24-0074.1","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"539","row-number":"655",Location:"Mexico and Florida","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" mexico and florida february heat extremes, 2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[p]erturbed co2 experiments illuminate increases in co2, causing a [higher] chance for [warm] extremes. \" mex,usa 2024 lee d. et al., 2024: the attribution of february extremes over north america: a forecast-based storyline study, journal of climate, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-24-0074.1"},{Name:"Yangtze River basin extreme heat, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing has contributed to the 2022-like heatwave by a factor about 7 compared to natural forcing under the present climate of the past 30 years\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Liang W. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic forcing and subtropical anticyclonic drivers of the August 2022 heatwave in China, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100707","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"540","row-number":"656",Location:"Yangtze River basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" yangtze river basin extreme heat, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing has contributed to the 2022-like heatwave by a factor about 7 compared to natural forcing under the present climate of the past 30 years\" chn 2024 liang w. et al., 2024: anthropogenic forcing and subtropical anticyclonic drivers of the august 2022 heatwave in china, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100707"},{Name:"Concurrent heatwaves in northern Europe and north-east Asia, July 2018","Event year/Trend":"2018","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"External forcings significantly amplify the heatwaves and contribute about 1C [surface air temperature] anomalies both in Northern Europe and north-east Asia.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Ma K. et al., 2024: Attribution of the concurrent extreme heatwaves in Northern Europe and Northeast Asia in July 2018, Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107506","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"541","row-number":"657",Location:"Northern Europe and north-east Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe and Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" concurrent heatwaves in northern europe and north-east asia, july 2018 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"external forcings significantly amplify the heatwaves and contribute about 1c [surface air temperature] anomalies both in northern europe and north-east asia.\" 2024 ma k. et al., 2024: attribution of the concurrent extreme heatwaves in northern europe and northeast asia in july 2018, atmospheric research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107506"},{Name:"European summer heatwaves since 1979","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"These findings highlight the significant impact of anthropogenic forcings on the observed surge of heatwaves in Europe compared to global land.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Yin Z. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic Impacts on Amplified Midlatitude European Summer Warming and Rapid Increase of Heatwaves in Recent Decades, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2024GL108982","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"542","row-number":"658",Location:"Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" european summer heatwaves since 1979 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"these findings highlight the significant impact of anthropogenic forcings on the observed surge of heatwaves in europe compared to global land.\" 2024 yin z. et al., 2024: anthropogenic impacts on amplified midlatitude european summer warming and rapid increase of heatwaves in recent decades, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2024gl108982"},{Name:"Eastern China seasonal extreme temperatures, 1901-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The optimal fingerprinting detections suggest that the century-scale warming can be clearly attributed to anthropogenic forcing, including changes in seasonal extreme temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Hu T. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic influence on seasonal extreme temperatures in eastern China at century scale, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100675","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"543","row-number":"659",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" eastern china seasonal extreme temperatures, 1901-2020 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the optimal fingerprinting detections suggest that the century-scale warming can be clearly attributed to anthropogenic forcing, including changes in seasonal extreme temperatures.\" chn 2024 hu t. et al., 2024: anthropogenic influence on seasonal extreme temperatures in eastern china at century scale, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100675"},{Name:"Central Asia extreme temperature events, 1901-2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[T]he probability of experiencing a +7C temperature anomaly event in [central Asia] increases by up to a factor of seven in some areas due to global warming.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Fallah B. et al., 2024: Exploring the impact of the recent global warming on extreme weather events in Central Asia using the counterfactual climate data ATTRICI v1.1, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-024-03743-0","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"544","row-number":"660",Location:"Central Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" central asia extreme temperature events, 1901-2019 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[t]he probability of experiencing a +7c temperature anomaly event in [central asia] increases by up to a factor of seven in some areas due to global warming.\" 2024 fallah b. et al., 2024: exploring the impact of the recent global warming on extreme weather events in central asia using the counterfactual climate data attrici v1.1, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-024-03743-0"},{Name:"Asia warm spell duration, 1960-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic forcing contributed to the observed increase in [warm spell duration] in the three hotspot regions (west Asia, south Asia and south-east Asia), with the majority of the changes being attributed to greenhouse gas forcing.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Wang Z.-M. et al., 2024: Human influence on the duration of extreme temperature events in Asia's hotspot regions, Advances in Climate Change Research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2024.03.005","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Climate Change Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"545","row-number":"661",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" asia warm spell duration, 1960-2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic forcing contributed to the observed increase in [warm spell duration] in the three hotspot regions (west asia, south asia and south-east asia), with the majority of the changes being attributed to greenhouse gas forcing.\" 2024 wang z.-m. et al., 2024: human influence on the duration of extreme temperature events in asia's hotspot regions, advances in climate change research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2024.03.005"},{Name:"Shanghai extreme heatwave, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We found that about 1/3 of the 2022 HW days in Shanghai can be attributed to the long-term warming trend of global warming.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Liang P. et al., 2024: The 2022 Extreme Heatwave in Shanghai, Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Valley: Combined Influences of Multiscale Variabilities, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-023-3007-8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Atmospheric Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"546","row-number":"662",Location:"Shanghai","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" shanghai extreme heatwave, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we found that about 1/3 of the 2022 hw days in shanghai can be attributed to the long-term warming trend of global warming.\" chn 2024 liang p. et al., 2024: the 2022 extreme heatwave in shanghai, lower reaches of the yangtze river valley: combined influences of multiscale variabilities, advances in atmospheric sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-023-3007-8"},{Name:"Extreme heat in the Yangtze River basin, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic warming may increase the probability of such extensively persistent hot extreme by 1.8 times\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Liao Z. et al., 2024: Extraordinary hot extreme in summer 2022 over the Yangtze River basin modulated by the La Niña condition under global warming, Advances in Climate Change Research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2023.12.006","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Climate Change Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"547","row-number":"663",Location:"Yangtze River basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" extreme heat in the yangtze river basin, 2022 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic warming may increase the probability of such extensively persistent hot extreme by 1.8 times\" chn 2024 liao z. et al., 2024: extraordinary hot extreme in summer 2022 over the yangtze river basin modulated by the la niña condition under global warming, advances in climate change research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2023.12.006"},{Name:"Greece summer heatwave, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"GRC","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The results reveal a contribution of the immediate anthropogenic warming due to the increased [greenhouse gas] concentrations to the [late July/early August 2021 event] intensity.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Giannaros C. et al., 2024: The extreme heat wave of late July/early August 2021 in Greece under the context of the direct effect of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, Atmospheric Science Letters, doi:10.1002/asl.1191","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"548","row-number":"664",Location:"Greece","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" greece summer heatwave, 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"the results reveal a contribution of the immediate anthropogenic warming due to the increased [greenhouse gas] concentrations to the [late july/early august 2021 event] intensity.\" grc 2024 giannaros c. et al., 2024: the extreme heat wave of late july/early august 2021 in greece under the context of the direct effect of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, atmospheric science letters, doi:10.1002/asl.1191"},{Name:"Pacific north-west heatwave, 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"USA,CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e…show that human influence on the climate made this event at least 8 [2–50] times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Leach N.J. et al., 2024: Heatwave attribution based on reliable operational weather forecasts, Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"549","row-number":"665",Location:"Pacific north-west","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" pacific north-west heatwave, 2021 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e…show that human influence on the climate made this event at least 8 [2–50] times more likely.\" usa,can 2024 leach n.j. et al., 2024: heatwave attribution based on reliable operational weather forecasts, nature communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7"},{Name:"West Africa humid heat, February 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Dangerous humid heat in southern west Africa about 4C hotter due to climate change\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Pinto, I. et al, 2024, Dangerous humid heat in southern West Africa about 4°C hotter due to climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"550","row-number":"666",Location:"Southern coastal zone of Western Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" west africa humid heat, february 2024 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"dangerous humid heat in southern west africa about 4c hotter due to climate change\" 2024 pinto, i. et al, 2024, dangerous humid heat in southern west africa about 4°c hotter due to climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Sahel heatwave, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"SEN,GIN,MLI,BFA,NGA,NER,TCD","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Extreme Sahel heatwave that hit highly vulnerable population at the end of Ramadan would not have occurred without climate change\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Barnes, C. et al 2024, Extreme Sahel heatwave that hit highly vulnerable population at the end of Ramadan would not have occurred without climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"551","row-number":"667",Location:"Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria and Chad","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" sahel heatwave, 2024 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"extreme sahel heatwave that hit highly vulnerable population at the end of ramadan would not have occurred without climate change\" sen,gin,mli,bfa,nga,ner,tcd 2024 barnes, c. et al 2024, extreme sahel heatwave that hit highly vulnerable population at the end of ramadan would not have occurred without climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"West Asia heatwave, April 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In west Asia, climate change increased the probability of the event by about a factor of 5\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2022: Climate change made the deadly heatwaves that hit millions of highly vulnerable people across Asia more frequent and extreme, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"552","row-number":"668",Location:"West Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" west asia heatwave, april 2024 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in west asia, climate change increased the probability of the event by about a factor of 5\" 2024 zachariah, m. et al, 2022: climate change made the deadly heatwaves that hit millions of highly vulnerable people across asia more frequent and extreme, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Philippines heatwave, April 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"PHL","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In the Philippines, the change in likelihood is so large that the event would have been impossible without human-caused climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2022: Climate change made the deadly heatwaves that hit millions of highly vulnerable people across Asia more frequent and extreme, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"552","row-number":"669",Location:"Philippines","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" philippines heatwave, april 2024 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"in the philippines, the change in likelihood is so large that the event would have been impossible without human-caused climate change.\" phl 2024 zachariah, m. et al, 2022: climate change made the deadly heatwaves that hit millions of highly vulnerable people across asia more frequent and extreme, world weather attribution"},{Name:"One year of extreme heat, globally","Event year/Trend":"2023-24","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Over the last 12 months, human-caused climate change added an average of 26 days of extreme heat (on average, across all places in the world) than there would have been without a warmed planet.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Heat Action Day Report: Climate change and the escalation of global extreme heat, 2024, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"553","row-number":"670",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" one year of extreme heat, globally heat more severe or more likely to occur \"over the last 12 months, human-caused climate change added an average of 26 days of extreme heat (on average, across all places in the world) than there would have been without a warmed planet.\" 2024 heat action day report: climate change and the escalation of global extreme heat, 2024, world weather attribution"},{Name:"\"Human-induced warming from burning fossil fuels made the 5-day maximum temperature event about 1.4C hotter and about 35 times more likely. For nighttime temperatures this is about 1.6C hotter and about 200 times more likely.\"","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"USA,MEX,GTM,BLZ,HND,SLV","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human-induced warming from burning fossil fuels made the 5-day maximum temperature event about 1.4 degrees hotter and about 35 times more likely. For nighttime temperatures this is about 1.6C hotter and about 200 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Pinto, I. et al, 2024: Extreme heat killing more than 100 people in Mexico hotter and much more likely due to climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"554","row-number":"671",Location:"US southwest, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador.","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" \"human-induced warming from burning fossil fuels made the 5-day maximum temperature event about 1.4c hotter and about 35 times more likely. for nighttime temperatures this is about 1.6c hotter and about 200 times more likely.\" heat more severe or more likely to occur \"human-induced warming from burning fossil fuels made the 5-day maximum temperature event about 1.4 degrees hotter and about 35 times more likely. for nighttime temperatures this is about 1.6c hotter and about 200 times more likely.\" usa,mex,gtm,blz,hnd,slv 2024 pinto, i. et al, 2024: extreme heat killing more than 100 people in mexico hotter and much more likely due to climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Mediterranean heatwave, July 2024","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"GRC,ITA,ESP,PRT,FRA,MAR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Deadly Mediterranean heatwave would not have occurred without human induced climate change\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Deadly Mediterranean heatwave would not have occurred without human induced climate change, 2024, World Weather Arrtibution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"555","row-number":"672",Location:"Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" mediterranean heatwave, july 2024 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"deadly mediterranean heatwave would not have occurred without human induced climate change\" grc,ita,esp,prt,fra,mar 2024 deadly mediterranean heatwave would not have occurred without human induced climate change, 2024, world weather arrtibution"},{Name:"Southcentral North America heat 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We estimate that temperatures during the southcentral North America event were 1.18-1.42C warmer because of global warming.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Trok J.T. et al., 2024: Machine learning–based extreme event attribution, Science Advances, doi:0.1126/sciadv.adl3242","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science Advances","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"556","row-number":"673",Location:"southcentral North America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" southcentral north america heat 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"we estimate that temperatures during the southcentral north america event were 1.18-1.42c warmer because of global warming.\" 2024 trok j.t. et al., 2024: machine learning–based extreme event attribution, science advances, doi:0.1126/sciadv.adl3242"},{Name:"African heatwaves, 1980-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results confirm the intensification of heatwaves across Africa in recent years is due anthropogenic activity \"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Adigun. P. et al,. 2024: Intensifying human-driven heatwaves characteristics and heat related mortality over Africa, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad1f41","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"557","row-number":"674",Location:"Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" african heatwaves, 1980-2014 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"our results confirm the intensification of heatwaves across africa in recent years is due anthropogenic activity \" 2024 adigun. p. et al,. 2024: intensifying human-driven heatwaves characteristics and heat related mortality over africa, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad1f41"},{Name:"July winter heat, Australia, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Heat",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Approximately half of the unusual warmth was attributed to climate change, with the likelihood of breaking the previous record at least 17 times higher in the current climate compared to a stationary pre-industrial climate (14% vs. 0.4%).\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Hope. F. et al., 2024: Lessons learnt from a real-time attribution and contextualisation trial in a National Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad7da8","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"558","row-number":"675",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Australia",eventTypeGroup:"Heat",_search:" july winter heat, australia, 2023 heat more severe or more likely to occur \"approximately half of the unusual warmth was attributed to climate change, with the likelihood of breaking the previous record at least 17 times higher in the current climate compared to a stationary pre-industrial climate (14% vs. 0.4%).\" aus 2024 hope. f. et al., 2024: lessons learnt from a real-time attribution and contextualisation trial in a national meteorological and hydrological service, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad7da8"},{Name:"Afghanistan flash droughts, 1979-2021","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"AFG","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Additionally, anthropogenic climate change has intensified flash droughts in the spring-summer season, with a median fraction of attributable risk of 60%, 80%, and 90% for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Ullah I. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in South Asia, Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01390-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Communications Earth and Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"559","row-number":"676",Location:"Afghanistan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" afghanistan flash droughts, 1979-2021 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"additionally, anthropogenic climate change has intensified flash droughts in the spring-summer season, with a median fraction of attributable risk of 60%, 80%, and 90% for afghanistan, pakistan, and india, respectively.\" afg 2024 ullah i. et al., 2024: anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in south asia, communications earth and environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01390-y"},{Name:"Pakistan flash droughts, 1979-2021","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Additionally, anthropogenic climate change has intensified flash droughts in the spring-summer season, with a median fraction of attributable risk of 60%, 80%, and 90% for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Ullah I. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in South Asia, Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01390-y","Unique paper":"",Source:"Communications Earth and Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"559","row-number":"677",Location:"Pakistan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" pakistan flash droughts, 1979-2021 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"additionally, anthropogenic climate change has intensified flash droughts in the spring-summer season, with a median fraction of attributable risk of 60%, 80%, and 90% for afghanistan, pakistan, and india, respectively.\" pak 2024 ullah i. et al., 2024: anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in south asia, communications earth and environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01390-y"},{Name:"India flash droughts, 1979-2021","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Additionally, anthropogenic climate change has intensified flash droughts in the spring-summer season, with a median fraction of attributable risk of 60%, 80%, and 90% for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Ullah I. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in South Asia, Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01390-y","Unique paper":"",Source:"Communications Earth and Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"559","row-number":"678",Location:"India","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" india flash droughts, 1979-2021 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"additionally, anthropogenic climate change has intensified flash droughts in the spring-summer season, with a median fraction of attributable risk of 60%, 80%, and 90% for afghanistan, pakistan, and india, respectively.\" ind 2024 ullah i. et al., 2024: anthropogenic and atmospheric variability intensifies flash drought episodes in south asia, communications earth and environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01390-y"},{Name:"Yangtze River basin \"mega-flash drought\", 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our findings emphasized the role of land-atmosphere coupling combined with anthropogenic climate change in intensifying flash droughts.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Yuan X. et al., 2024: Multiscale causes of the 2022 Yangtze mega-flash drought under climate change, Science China Earth Sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-024-1356-x","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science China Earth Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"560","row-number":"679",Location:"Yangtze River basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" yangtze river basin \"mega-flash drought\", 2022 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"our findings emphasized the role of land-atmosphere coupling combined with anthropogenic climate change in intensifying flash droughts.\" chn 2024 yuan x. et al., 2024: multiscale causes of the 2022 yangtze mega-flash drought under climate change, science china earth sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-024-1356-x"},{Name:"Yangtze River Valley extreme summer drought, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Human forcing has increased the likelihood of drought such as in 2022 by 65 (1–90) times for [rainfall] and 1300 (90–3000) times for [temperature], respectively.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhang L. et al., 2024: Attribution of the Extreme 2022 Summer Drought along the Yangtze River Valley in China Based on Detection and Attribution System of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0258.1","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"561","row-number":"680",Location:"Yangtze River basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" yangtze river valley extreme summer drought, 2022 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"human forcing has increased the likelihood of drought such as in 2022 by 65 (1–90) times for [rainfall] and 1300 (90–3000) times for [temperature], respectively.\" chn 2024 zhang l. et al., 2024: attribution of the extreme 2022 summer drought along the yangtze river valley in china based on detection and attribution system of chinese academy of sciences, bulletin of the american meteorological society, doi:10.1175/bams-d-23-0258.1"},{Name:"Drought that lead to Australia’s \"Tinderbox\" drought, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2017-19","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing intensified the rainfall deficits of the Tinderbox Drought by around 18%\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Devanand A. et al., 2024: Australia’s Tinderbox Drought: An extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change, Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj3460","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science Advances","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"562","row-number":"681",Location:"Australia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" drought that lead to australia’s \"tinderbox\" drought, 2020 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing intensified the rainfall deficits of the tinderbox drought by around 18%\" aus 2024 devanand a. et al., 2024: australia’s tinderbox drought: an extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change, science advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj3460"},{Name:"Western-central Europe soil drought, summer 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"A \"soil moisture drought such as in 2022 is expected to occur once in 20 years in the present climate but would have occurred only about once per century during pre-industrial times\".","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Schumacher D.L. et al., 2024: Detecting the human fingerprint in the summer 2022 western-central European soil drought, Earth System Dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-15-131-2024","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth System Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"563","row-number":"682",Location:"Western-central Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" western-central europe soil drought, summer 2020 drought more severe or more likely to occur a \"soil moisture drought such as in 2022 is expected to occur once in 20 years in the present climate but would have occurred only about once per century during pre-industrial times\". 2024 schumacher d.l. et al., 2024: detecting the human fingerprint in the summer 2022 western-central european soil drought, earth system dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-15-131-2024"},{Name:"Iran consecutive dry days, 1967-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"IRN","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic forcing caused an increase in the return period of a 20-year event by 1.9 years for CDD.","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Shirazi M. et al., 2024: Detection and Attribution of Precipitation Extremes to Human Influence in Iran, Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, doi:10.22059/jesphys.2024.364541.1007559","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of the Earth and Space Physics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"564","row-number":"683",Location:"Iran","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" iran consecutive dry days, 1967-2010 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic forcing caused an increase in the return period of a 20-year event by 1.9 years for cdd. irn 2024 shirazi m. et al., 2024: detection and attribution of precipitation extremes to human influence in iran, journal of the earth and space physics, doi:10.22059/jesphys.2024.364541.1007559"},{Name:"Drought characteristics in China over 1960 to 2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic climate change is highlighted as the primary factor influencing the observed drought characteristics changes in China, with contribution rates of 84.67%, 75.25%, 190.32%, and 133.99% for changes in the increased drought frequency, intensity, duration, and affected area, respectively\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Dai R. et al., 2024: Impacts of anthropogenic climate change on meteorological drought in China, Frontiers in Earth Science, doi:10.3389/feart.2024.1369523","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Frontiers in Earth Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"565","row-number":"684",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" drought characteristics in china over 1960 to 2019 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic climate change is highlighted as the primary factor influencing the observed drought characteristics changes in china, with contribution rates of 84.67%, 75.25%, 190.32%, and 133.99% for changes in the increased drought frequency, intensity, duration, and affected area, respectively\" chn 2024 dai r. et al., 2024: impacts of anthropogenic climate change on meteorological drought in china, frontiers in earth science, doi:10.3389/feart.2024.1369523"},{Name:"Eastern China drought, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing increases the occurrence probability of a 2022Drought-like event by 56%\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhang Y. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic influence on the extreme drought in eastern China in 2022 and its future risk, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100390","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"566","row-number":"685",Location:"Eastern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" eastern china drought, 2022 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing increases the occurrence probability of a 2022drought-like event by 56%\" chn 2024 zhang y. et al., 2024: anthropogenic influence on the extreme drought in eastern china in 2022 and its future risk, atmospheric and oceanic science letters, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100390"},{Name:"Amazon river basin drought, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The likelihood of the meteorological drought occurring has increased by a factor of 10, while the agricultural drought has become about 30 times more likely.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Clarke, B. et al. 2024: Climate change, not El Niño, main driver of exceptional drought in highly vulnerable Amazon River Basin, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"567","row-number":"686",Location:"Amazon river basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" amazon river basin drought, 2023 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"the likelihood of the meteorological drought occurring has increased by a factor of 10, while the agricultural drought has become about 30 times more likely.\" 2024 clarke, b. et al. 2024: climate change, not el niño, main driver of exceptional drought in highly vulnerable amazon river basin, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Sicily & Sardinia drought, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"ITA,FRA","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This increase in drought severity is primarily driven by the very strong increase in extreme temperatures due to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al., 2024: Climate change key driver of extreme drought in water scarce Sicily and Sardinia, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"568","row-number":"687",Location:"Sicily and Sardinia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" sicily & sardinia drought, 2024 drought more severe or more likely to occur \"this increase in drought severity is primarily driven by the very strong increase in extreme temperatures due to human-induced climate change.\" ita,fra 2024 zachariah, m. et al., 2024: climate change key driver of extreme drought in water scarce sicily and sardinia, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Drought behind Panama Canal’s shipping disruption, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"PAN","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"With neither climate model data nor a strong physical argument to support the hypothesis, we therefore cannot conclude that the observed drying is attributable to human-caused climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Barnes, C. et al., 2024: Low water levels in Panama Canal due to increasing demand exacerbated by El Niño event, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"569","row-number":"688",Location:"Panama canal","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" drought behind panama canal’s shipping disruption, 2023 drought no discernible human influence \"with neither climate model data nor a strong physical argument to support the hypothesis, we therefore cannot conclude that the observed drying is attributable to human-caused climate change.\" pan 2024 barnes, c. et al., 2024: low water levels in panama canal due to increasing demand exacerbated by el niño event, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Southern African drought, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"ZWE,ZMB,MWI,AGO,MOZ,BWA","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"The models that passed the model evaluation do not show a significant relationship between rainfall and global warming levels with increasing global temperatures.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al., 2024: El Niño key driver of drought in highly vulnerable Southern African countries, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"570","row-number":"689",Location:"Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Angola, Mozambique and Botswana","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" southern african drought, 2024 drought no discernible human influence \"the models that passed the model evaluation do not show a significant relationship between rainfall and global warming levels with increasing global temperatures.\" zwe,zmb,mwi,ago,moz,bwa 2024 kimutai, j. et al., 2024: el niño key driver of drought in highly vulnerable southern african countries, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Central South America drought, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Drought",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We cannot attribute the low rainfall to climate change\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Arias P.A. et al., 2024: Interplay between climate change and climate variability: the 2022 drought in Central South America, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03664-4","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"571","row-number":"690",Location:"Central South America","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Drought",_search:" central south america drought, 2022 drought no discernible human influence \"we cannot attribute the low rainfall to climate change\" 2024 arias p.a. et al., 2024: interplay between climate change and climate variability: the 2022 drought in central south america, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-023-03664-4"},{Name:"Yangtze River basin summer extreme flooding, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The [geeenhouse gas] and [aerosol] forcings contribute positively and negatively to the probability of flooding in the Yangtze River Basin, respectively.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Li X. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic forcing decreases the probability of the 2020 Yangtze River extreme flood and future risk, Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107662","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"572","row-number":"691",Location:"Yangtze River valley","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" yangtze river basin summer extreme flooding, 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the [geeenhouse gas] and [aerosol] forcings contribute positively and negatively to the probability of flooding in the yangtze river basin, respectively.\" chn 2024 li x. et al., 2024: anthropogenic forcing decreases the probability of the 2020 yangtze river extreme flood and future risk, atmospheric research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107662"},{Name:"Pakistan record-shattering rainfall, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"PAK","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[M]odel-based analysis confirms that [the trend in cross-equatorial moisture transport] is consistent with the fingerprint of anthropogenic climate warming.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"You Y. et al., 2024: Climate warming contributes to the record-shattering 2022 Pakistan rainfall, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00630-4","Unique paper":"1",Source:"npj Climate and Atmospheric Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"573","row-number":"692",Location:"Pakistan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" pakistan record-shattering rainfall, 2022 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[m]odel-based analysis confirms that [the trend in cross-equatorial moisture transport] is consistent with the fingerprint of anthropogenic climate warming.\" pak 2024 you y. et al., 2024: climate warming contributes to the record-shattering 2022 pakistan rainfall, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00630-4"},{Name:"Yangtze River extreme cumulative rainfall, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results show that anthropogenic climate change…has led to a decrease in the number of light to heavy precipitation days, while concurrently increasing the number of extreme precipitation days in the [middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River].\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Luo F. et al., 2024: Differing Contributions of Anthropogenic Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases on Precipitation Intensity Percentiles Over the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2023JD040202","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"574","row-number":"693",Location:"Yangtze River basin","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" yangtze river extreme cumulative rainfall, 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"our results show that anthropogenic climate change…has led to a decrease in the number of light to heavy precipitation days, while concurrently increasing the number of extreme precipitation days in the [middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river].\" chn 2024 luo f. et al., 2024: differing contributions of anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases on precipitation intensity percentiles over the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river, journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2023jd040202"},{Name:"UK winter rainfall extremes, 2015 & 2020","Event year/Trend":"2015 & 2020","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[F]or all five events we found a significant climate signal in the extreme regional rainfall totals immediately preceding the flooding.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Cotterill D.F. et al., 2024: Using UNSEEN approach to attribute regional UK winter rainfall extremes, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8460","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"575","row-number":"694",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uk winter rainfall extremes, 2015 & 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[f]or all five events we found a significant climate signal in the extreme regional rainfall totals immediately preceding the flooding.\" gbr 2024 cotterill d.f. et al., 2024: using unseen approach to attribute regional uk winter rainfall extremes, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8460"},{Name:"Central Asia extreme rainfall events, 1901-2019","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[W]e observed that heavy precipitation events…have become more frequent in the observed climate, indicating that global warming is already modifying the hydrological cycle in Central Asia.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Fallah B. et al., 2024: Exploring the impact of the recent global warming on extreme weather events in Central Asia using the counterfactual climate data ATTRICI v1.1, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-024-03743-0","Unique paper":"",Source:"Climatic Change","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"544","row-number":"695",Location:"Central Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" central asia extreme rainfall events, 1901-2019 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[w]e observed that heavy precipitation events…have become more frequent in the observed climate, indicating that global warming is already modifying the hydrological cycle in central asia.\" 2024 fallah b. et al., 2024: exploring the impact of the recent global warming on extreme weather events in central asia using the counterfactual climate data attrici v1.1, climatic change, doi:10.1007/s10584-024-03743-0"},{Name:"Zhengzhou \"extraordinary rainstorm\", July 2021","Event year/Trend":"2021","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The attribution analysis shows that climate change due to anthropogenic forcings such as greenhouse gas emissions increased the risk of such a rainstorm event by 12%.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Wang W. et al., 2024: Climate change and La Niña increase the likelihood of the ‘7·20’ extraordinary typhoon-rainstorm in Zhengzhou, China, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8386","Unique paper":"1",Source:"International Journal of Climatology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"576","row-number":"696",Location:"Zhengzhou","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" zhengzhou \"extraordinary rainstorm\", july 2021 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the attribution analysis shows that climate change due to anthropogenic forcings such as greenhouse gas emissions increased the risk of such a rainstorm event by 12%.\" chn 2024 wang w. et al., 2024: climate change and la niña increase the likelihood of the ‘7·20’ extraordinary typhoon-rainstorm in zhengzhou, china, international journal of climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8386"},{Name:"Heavy rainfall leading to record-breaking levels in Lake Victoria, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"KEN,UGA,TZA","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The best estimate is that the event has become more likely by a factor of 1.8 in the current climate compared to a pre-industrial climate and that in the absence of anthropogenic climate change an event with the same return period would have led lake levels to rise by 7 cm less than observed\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Pietroiusti R. et al., 2024: Possible role of anthropogenic climate change in the record-breaking 2020 Lake Victoria levels and floods, Earth System Dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-15-225-2024","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth System Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"577","row-number":"697",Location:"Lake Victoria","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" heavy rainfall leading to record-breaking levels in lake victoria, 2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the best estimate is that the event has become more likely by a factor of 1.8 in the current climate compared to a pre-industrial climate and that in the absence of anthropogenic climate change an event with the same return period would have led lake levels to rise by 7 cm less than observed\" ken,uga,tza 2024 pietroiusti r. et al., 2024: possible role of anthropogenic climate change in the record-breaking 2020 lake victoria levels and floods, earth system dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-15-225-2024"},{Name:"China shift from light to heavy precipitation, 1961-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Attribution results suggest that the observed shift from light to heavy precipitation is predominantly a result of the combined influence of [greenhouse gas] and [aerosol] forcing.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Bai J. et al., 2024: Detectable anthropogenic influence on the changes in structure of precipitation over China using CMIP6 models, Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07368-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Climate Dynamics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"578","row-number":"698",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" china shift from light to heavy precipitation, 1961-2014 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"attribution results suggest that the observed shift from light to heavy precipitation is predominantly a result of the combined influence of [greenhouse gas] and [aerosol] forcing.\" chn 2024 bai j. et al., 2024: detectable anthropogenic influence on the changes in structure of precipitation over china using cmip6 models, climate dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-024-07368-y"},{Name:"Ireland extreme rainfall, October 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"2-day October rainfall at least as high as occurred on 17-18th October 2023 has more than doubled in likelihood and increased in intensity by around 13% due to global warming since pre-industrial levels.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Clarke, B. et al, 2024: Climate change made the extreme rainfall associated with flooding in Midleton, Ireland more likely and more intense, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"579","row-number":"699",Location:"Ireland","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" ireland extreme rainfall, october 2023 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"2-day october rainfall at least as high as occurred on 17-18th october 2023 has more than doubled in likelihood and increased in intensity by around 13% due to global warming since pre-industrial levels.\" irl 2024 clarke, b. et al, 2024: climate change made the extreme rainfall associated with flooding in midleton, ireland more likely and more intense, world weather attribution"},{Name:"East Africa, heavy rainfall, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Sub-Saharan Africa","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"On average, an event like this has become about twice as likely and 5% more intense in today’s climate, representing the effect of 1.2C of global warming.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al, 2024: Urban planning at the heart of increasingly severe East African flood impacts in a warming world, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"580","row-number":"700",Location:"East Africa","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Africa",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" east africa, heavy rainfall, 2024 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"on average, an event like this has become about twice as likely and 5% more intense in today’s climate, representing the effect of 1.2c of global warming.\" 2024 kimutai, j. et al, 2024: urban planning at the heart of increasingly severe east african flood impacts in a warming world, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Southern Brazil heavy rainfall, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[We] assess changes in the likelihood and intensity for the 10-day and 4-day heavy rainfall over Rio Grande do Sul and find an increase in likelihood for both events of more than a factor of 2 and intensity increase of 6-9% due to the burning of fossil fuels.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Clarke, B. et al, 2024: Climate change, El Niño and infrastructure failures behind massive floods in southern Brazil, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"581","row-number":"701",Location:"Brazil’s southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" southern brazil heavy rainfall, 2024 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[we] assess changes in the likelihood and intensity for the 10-day and 4-day heavy rainfall over rio grande do sul and find an increase in likelihood for both events of more than a factor of 2 and intensity increase of 6-9% due to the burning of fossil fuels.\" bra 2024 clarke, b. et al, 2024: climate change, el niño and infrastructure failures behind massive floods in southern brazil, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Heavy rainfall behind Kerala landslide, July 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"IND","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The available climate models indicate a 10% increase in intensity.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2024: Landslide-triggering rainfall made more intense by human-induced climate change, devastating highly vulnerable communities in northern Kerala, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"582","row-number":"702",Location:"Kerala, India","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" heavy rainfall behind kerala landslide, july 2024 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"the available climate models indicate a 10% increase in intensity.\" ind 2024 zachariah, m. et al, 2024: landslide-triggering rainfall made more intense by human-induced climate change, devastating highly vulnerable communities in northern kerala, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Central Europe heavy rainfall, September 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"When looking at the regional-scale described above, heavy four-day rainfall events have become about twice as likely and 10% more intense since the pre-industrial era.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al, 2024: Climate change and high exposure increased costs and disruption to lives and livelihoods from flooding associated with exceptionally heavy rainfall in Central Europe, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"583","row-number":"703",Location:"Central Europe","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" central europe heavy rainfall, september 2024 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"when looking at the regional-scale described above, heavy four-day rainfall events have become about twice as likely and 10% more intense since the pre-industrial era.\" 2024 kimutai, j. et al, 2024: climate change and high exposure increased costs and disruption to lives and livelihoods from flooding associated with exceptionally heavy rainfall in central europe, world weather attribution"},{Name:"US extreme rainfall trends, 1900-2020","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[Greenhouse gas] emissions increase mean and extreme precipitation from rain gauge measurements across all seasons.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Risser, M. et al, 2024: Anthropogenic aerosols mask increases in US rainfall by greenhouse gases, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45504-8 ","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"584","row-number":"704",Location:"US","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" us extreme rainfall trends, 1900-2020 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[greenhouse gas] emissions increase mean and extreme precipitation from rain gauge measurements across all seasons.\" usa 2024 risser, m. et al, 2024: anthropogenic aerosols mask increases in us rainfall by greenhouse gases, nature communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45504-8 "},{Name:"Iran extreme rainfall, 1967-2010","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"IRN","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"Although human-induced forcing factors presented marked trends in some cases, their effects were not generally detected and attributed to the change in the observations.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Shirazi M. et al., 2024: Detection and Attribution of Precipitation Extremes to Human Influence in Iran, Journal of the Earth and Space Physics, doi:10.22059/jesphys.2024.364541.1007559","Unique paper":"",Source:"Journal of the Earth and Space Physics","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"564","row-number":"705",Location:"Iran","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" iran extreme rainfall, 1967-2010 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"although human-induced forcing factors presented marked trends in some cases, their effects were not generally detected and attributed to the change in the observations.\" irn 2024 shirazi m. et al., 2024: detection and attribution of precipitation extremes to human influence in iran, journal of the earth and space physics, doi:10.22059/jesphys.2024.364541.1007559"},{Name:"Afghanistan, Pakistan & Iran deadly flooding, April-May 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"AFG,PAK,IRN","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We can not attribute the observed increase, which is also not consistent across observation-based products, to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al: Increasing April-May rainfall, El Niño and high vulnerability behind deadly flooding in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"585","row-number":"706",Location:"Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" afghanistan, pakistan & iran deadly flooding, april-may 2024 rain & flooding no discernible human influence \"we can not attribute the observed increase, which is also not consistent across observation-based products, to human-induced climate change.\" afg,pak,irn 2024 zachariah, m. et al: increasing april-may rainfall, el niño and high vulnerability behind deadly flooding in afghanistan, pakistan and iran, world weather attribution"},{Name:"UAE and Oman heavy rainfall, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"ARE,OMN","cb-region":"Northern Africa and western Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"The disagreement between model results and observations prevents us from concluding with certainty that human-induced climate change is the main driver making this event more likely.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2024: Heavy precipitation hitting vulnerable communities in the UAE and Oman becoming an increasing threat as the climate warms, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"586","row-number":"707",Location:"The UAE and Oman","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" uae and oman heavy rainfall, 2024 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"the disagreement between model results and observations prevents us from concluding with certainty that human-induced climate change is the main driver making this event more likely.\" are,omn 2024 zachariah, m. et al, 2024: heavy precipitation hitting vulnerable communities in the uae and oman becoming an increasing threat as the climate warms, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Philippines heavy rainfall, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"PHL","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Insufficient data/inconclusive","Summary statement":"\"Given that the trend in the observations is large, there is probably an aspect of the atmospheric circulation that is systematically misrepresented by the models. This prevents us…draw[ing] an overarching attribution conclusion that quantifies the influence of climate change on this event.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2024: Reducing vulnerability and improved land management needed with increasing heavy rainfall in Mindanao Island, southern Philippines, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"587","row-number":"708",Location:"Mindanao Island, southern Philippines","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" philippines heavy rainfall, 2024 rain & flooding insufficient data/inconclusive \"given that the trend in the observations is large, there is probably an aspect of the atmospheric circulation that is systematically misrepresented by the models. this prevents us…draw[ing] an overarching attribution conclusion that quantifies the influence of climate change on this event.\" phl 2024 zachariah, m. et al, 2024: reducing vulnerability and improved land management needed with increasing heavy rainfall in mindanao island, southern philippines, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Extreme rainfall in north of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic warming [decreased] precipitation in the [northern] sub-region of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhao D., et al. 2024: Locally opposite responses of the 2023 Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei extreme rainfall event to global anthropogenic warming, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00584-7","Unique paper":"1",Source:"npj Climate and Atmospheric Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"595","row-number":"717",Location:"Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme rainfall in north of beijing-tianjin-hebei region, 2023 rain & flooding decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic warming [decreased] precipitation in the [northern] sub-region of the beijing-tianjin-hebei area.\" chn 2024 zhao d., et al. 2024: locally opposite responses of the 2023 beijing–tianjin–hebei extreme rainfall event to global anthropogenic warming, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00584-7"},{Name:"Extreme rainfall in south of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Rain & flooding",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic warming [increased] precipitation in the [southern] sub-region of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhao D., et al. 2024: Locally opposite responses of the 2023 Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei extreme rainfall event to global anthropogenic warming, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00584-7","Unique paper":"",Source:"npj Climate and Atmospheric Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"595","row-number":"718",Location:"Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Rain & flooding",_search:" extreme rainfall in south of beijing-tianjin-hebei region, 2023 rain & flooding more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic warming [increased] precipitation in the [southern] sub-region of the beijing-tianjin-hebei area.\" chn 2024 zhao d., et al. 2024: locally opposite responses of the 2023 beijing–tianjin–hebei extreme rainfall event to global anthropogenic warming, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00584-7"},{Name:"Extremely low Arctic sea ice, September 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Further analysis reveals that human influence including [greenhouse gas] forcing has substantially increased the probability of occurrence of the 2020-like extreme events.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Wang K. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic influence on the extremely low September sea ice and hot summer of 2020 over the arctic and its future risk of occurrence, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100674","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"588","row-number":"709",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" extremely low arctic sea ice, september 2020 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"further analysis reveals that human influence including [greenhouse gas] forcing has substantially increased the probability of occurrence of the 2020-like extreme events.\" 2024 wang k. et al., 2024: anthropogenic influence on the extremely low september sea ice and hot summer of 2020 over the arctic and its future risk of occurrence, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100674"},{Name:"Asia cold spell duration, 1960-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Central and southern Asia","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"However, a generally weak [anthropogenic] signal can be observed in the decreasing trend of [cold spell duration] and can be detected in south and south-east Asia.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Wang Z.-M. et al., 2024: Human influence on the duration of extreme temperature events in Asia's hotspot regions, Advances in Climate Change Research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2024.03.005","Unique paper":"",Source:"Advances in Climate Change Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"545","row-number":"710",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" asia cold spell duration, 1960-2014 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"however, a generally weak [anthropogenic] signal can be observed in the decreasing trend of [cold spell duration] and can be detected in south and south-east asia.\" 2024 wang z.-m. et al., 2024: human influence on the duration of extreme temperature events in asia's hotspot regions, advances in climate change research, doi:10.1016/j.accre.2024.03.005"},{Name:"Scandinavia cold snap, January 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"NOR,SWE,FIN","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"We find that because of human-induced climate change the area-averaged event would have been about 4C colder in a 1.2C cooler climate. This corresponds to such cold spells having become about 5 times less frequent.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Pinto, I. et al, 2024: Extreme cold will still occur in Northern Europe, although less often – risking decreasing preparedness and higher vulnerability, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"589","row-number":"711",Location:"Norway, Finland and Sweden","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" scandinavia cold snap, january 2024 cold, snow & ice decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"we find that because of human-induced climate change the area-averaged event would have been about 4c colder in a 1.2c cooler climate. this corresponds to such cold spells having become about 5 times less frequent.\" nor,swe,fin 2024 pinto, i. et al, 2024: extreme cold will still occur in northern europe, although less often – risking decreasing preparedness and higher vulnerability, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Eurasia intense snowfall, 1980-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Cold, snow & ice",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"[H]uman influence detections fail for intense snowfall, and it is hard to detect on regional scales, except for north Asia.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Lin W. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic influence has significantly affected snowfall changes in Eurasia, Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107125","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Atmospheric Research","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"590","row-number":"712",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Eurasia",eventTypeGroup:"Cold, snow & ice",_search:" eurasia intense snowfall, 1980-2014 cold, snow & ice no discernible human influence \"[h]uman influence detections fail for intense snowfall, and it is hard to detect on regional scales, except for north asia.\" 2024 lin w. et al., 2024: anthropogenic influence has significantly affected snowfall changes in eurasia, atmospheric research, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.107125"},{Name:"Arctic marine heatwave, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Arctic","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"The event \"would be exceptionally unlikely in the absence of greenhouse gas forcing in terms of both intensity and duration\".","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Barkhordarian A. et al., 2024: Arctic marine heatwaves forced by greenhouse gases and triggered by abrupt sea-ice melt, Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01215-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Communications Earth and Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"591","row-number":"713",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Arctic",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" arctic marine heatwave, 2020 oceans more severe or more likely to occur the event \"would be exceptionally unlikely in the absence of greenhouse gas forcing in terms of both intensity and duration\". 2024 barkhordarian a. et al., 2024: arctic marine heatwaves forced by greenhouse gases and triggered by abrupt sea-ice melt, communications earth and environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01215-y"},{Name:"Global record-high sea surface temperatures, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Further analyses show that the record-high SSTs are attributed to a long-term-warming trend associated with increasing greenhouse gases [and other natural factors].\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Huang B. et al., 2024: Record High Sea Surface Temperatures in 2023, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2024GL108369","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Geophysical Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"592","row-number":"714",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global record-high sea surface temperatures, 2023 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"further analyses show that the record-high ssts are attributed to a long-term-warming trend associated with increasing greenhouse gases [and other natural factors].\" 2024 huang b. et al., 2024: record high sea surface temperatures in 2023, geophysical research letters, doi:10.1029/2024gl108369"},{Name:"Ocean heat, July 2023 ","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Oceans",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Their temperatures were consistently made at least four times as likely to occur in our human-influenced climate than in a world without climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Giguere. J. et al., 2024: Attributing daily ocean temperatures to anthropogenic climate change, Environmental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad4815","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"593","row-number":"715",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" ocean heat, july 2023 oceans more severe or more likely to occur \"their temperatures were consistently made at least four times as likely to occur in our human-influenced climate than in a world without climate change.\" 2024 giguere. j. et al., 2024: attributing daily ocean temperatures to anthropogenic climate change, environmental research letters, doi: 10.1088/2752-5295/ad4815"},{Name:"Storm Eunice, February 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"GBR","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our results robustly indicate that Eunice has become more intense with climate change and similar storms will continue to intensify with further anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Ermis S., 2024: Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts, Environmental Research: Climate, doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research: Climate","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"594","row-number":"716",Location:"UK","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" storm eunice, february 2022 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"our results robustly indicate that eunice has become more intense with climate change and similar storms will continue to intensify with further anthropogenic forcing.\" gbr 2024 ermis s., 2024: event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts, environmental research: climate, doi:10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200"},{Name:"Typhoon Doksuri hitting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"[A]nthropogenic warming not only subtly altered the track of the remnant of Typhoon Doksuri, but also markedly amplified its intensity.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhao D., et al. 2024: Locally opposite responses of the 2023 Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei extreme rainfall event to global anthropogenic warming, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00584-7","Unique paper":"",Source:"npj Climate and Atmospheric Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"595","row-number":"719",Location:"Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon doksuri hitting beijing-tianjin-hebei region, 2023 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"[a]nthropogenic warming not only subtly altered the track of the remnant of typhoon doksuri, but also markedly amplified its intensity.\" chn 2024 zhao d., et al. 2024: locally opposite responses of the 2023 beijing–tianjin–hebei extreme rainfall event to global anthropogenic warming, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00584-7"},{Name:"Storm Bettina heavy rainfall, November 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"TUR,BGR,ROU,RUS,GEO","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The burning of fossil fuels has increased the likelihood of its occurrence by about a factor of 2. The intensity of an event like this has increased by about 5% due to human-induced climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zachariah, M. et al, 2024: Climate change increased heavy precipitation associated with impactful Storm Bettina over Black Sea, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"596","row-number":"720",Location:"Black Sea","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" storm bettina heavy rainfall, november 2023 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"the burning of fossil fuels has increased the likelihood of its occurrence by about a factor of 2. the intensity of an event like this has increased by about 5% due to human-induced climate change.\" tur,bgr,rou,rus,geo 2024 zachariah, m. et al, 2024: climate change increased heavy precipitation associated with impactful storm bettina over black sea, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Typhoon Gaemi, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change increased Typhoon Gaemi’s wind speeds and rainfall, with devastating impacts across the western Pacific region.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Clarke, B. et al, 2024: Climate change increased Typhoon Gaemi's wind speeds and rainfall, with devastating impacts across the western Pacific region, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"597","row-number":"721",Location:"South-east Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon gaemi, 2024 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change increased typhoon gaemi’s wind speeds and rainfall, with devastating impacts across the western pacific region.\" 2024 clarke, b. et al, 2024: climate change increased typhoon gaemi's wind speeds and rainfall, with devastating impacts across the western pacific region, world weather attribution"},{Name:"UK and Ireland winter storm rainfall, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"GBR,IRL","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\" Autumn and winter storm rainfall in the UK and Ireland was made about 20% heavier by human-caused climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Kew, SF. et al 2024: Autumn and winter storm rainfall in the UK and Ireland was made about 20% heavier by human-caused climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"598","row-number":"722",Location:"UK and Ireland","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" uk and ireland winter storm rainfall, 2024 storm more severe or more likely to occur \" autumn and winter storm rainfall in the uk and ireland was made about 20% heavier by human-caused climate change.\" gbr,irl 2024 kew, sf. et al 2024: autumn and winter storm rainfall in the uk and ireland was made about 20% heavier by human-caused climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Hurricane Beryl, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"USA","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Hurricane Beryl’s extreme winds in Jamaica were nearly twice as likely due to climate change  \"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Grantham Institute, 2024: Hurricane Beryl IRIS attribution analysis, Imperial College London","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Grantham Institute","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"600","row-number":"724",Location:"US","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America, Central America & the Caribbean",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" hurricane beryl, 2024 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"hurricane beryl’s extreme winds in jamaica were nearly twice as likely due to climate change  \" usa 2024 grantham institute, 2024: hurricane beryl iris attribution analysis, imperial college london"},{Name:"Typhoon Gaemi, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Typhoon Gaemi’s extreme winds increased 50% by climate change\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Grantham Institute, 2024: Typhoon Gaemi IRIS attribution analysis, Imperial College London","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Grantham Institute","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"601","row-number":"725",Location:"Eastern Asia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon gaemi, 2024 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"typhoon gaemi’s extreme winds increased 50% by climate change\" 2024 grantham institute, 2024: typhoon gaemi iris attribution analysis, imperial college london"},{Name:"Typhoon Shanshan, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"JPN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Storm",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Typhoon Shanshan made 7.5% more intense and 26% more likely by climate change\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Grantham Institute, 2024: Typhoon Shanshan IRIS attribution analysis, Imperial College London","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Grantham Institute","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"602","row-number":"726",Location:"Japan","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Storm",_search:" typhoon shanshan, 2024 storm more severe or more likely to occur \"typhoon shanshan made 7.5% more intense and 26% more likely by climate change\" jpn 2024 grantham institute, 2024: typhoon shanshan iris attribution analysis, imperial college london"},{Name:"Canada high fire weather, June 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"CAN","cb-region":"Northern America","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The fire weather conditions in Canada during June 2023 were 2.9–3.6 times more likely due to anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Jones M.W. et al., 2024: State of Wildfires 2023-2024, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Earth System Science Data","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"603","row-number":"727",Location:"Canada","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"North America",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" canada high fire weather, june 2023 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the fire weather conditions in canada during june 2023 were 2.9–3.6 times more likely due to anthropogenic forcing.\" can 2024 jones m.w. et al., 2024: state of wildfires 2023-2024, earth system science data, doi:10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024"},{Name:"Greece high fire weather, June 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"GRC","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"The high fire weather conditions experienced during the peak anomaly in BA in August 2023 were 1.9–4.1 times more likely due to anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Jones M.W. et al., 2024: State of Wildfires 2023-2024, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024","Unique paper":"",Source:"Earth System Science Data","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"603","row-number":"728",Location:"Greece","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" greece high fire weather, june 2023 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"the high fire weather conditions experienced during the peak anomaly in ba in august 2023 were 1.9–4.1 times more likely due to anthropogenic forcing.\" grc 2024 jones m.w. et al., 2024: state of wildfires 2023-2024, earth system science data, doi:10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024"},{Name:"Western Amazonia high fire weather, September-October 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"High fire weather in western Amazonia during September-October 2023 was 20.0–28.5 times more likely due to anthropogenic forcing.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Jones M.W. et al., 2024: State of Wildfires 2023-2024, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024","Unique paper":"",Source:"Earth System Science Data","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"603","row-number":"729",Location:"Western Amazonia","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" western amazonia high fire weather, september-october 2023 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"high fire weather in western amazonia during september-october 2023 was 20.0–28.5 times more likely due to anthropogenic forcing.\" 2024 jones m.w. et al., 2024: state of wildfires 2023-2024, earth system science data, doi:10.5194/essd-16-3601-2024"},{Name:"Heat contributing to south-central Chile's 'exceptional' fire seasons, 2017 & 2023","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHL","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Our findings further reveal that climate change has increased the probability and intensity of extremely warm temperatures in south-central Chile.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Carrasco-Escaff T. et al., 2024: The key role of extreme weather and climate change in the occurrence of exceptional fire seasons in south-central Chile, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100716","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"604","row-number":"730",Location:"South-central Chile","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" heat contributing to south-central chile's 'exceptional' fire seasons, 2017 & 2023 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"our findings further reveal that climate change has increased the probability and intensity of extremely warm temperatures in south-central chile.\" chl 2024 carrasco-escaff t. et al., 2024: the key role of extreme weather and climate change in the occurrence of exceptional fire seasons in south-central chile, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100716"},{Name:"Brazilian Pantanal wildfires, 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"BRA","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Hot, dry and windy conditions that drove devastating Pantanal wildfires 40% more intense due to climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Barnes, C. et al., 2024: Hot, dry and windy conditions that drove devastating Pantanal wildfires 40% more intense due to climate change, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"605","row-number":"731",Location:"Brazilian Pantanal","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" brazilian pantanal wildfires, 2024 wildfire more severe or more likely to occur \"hot, dry and windy conditions that drove devastating pantanal wildfires 40% more intense due to climate change.\" bra 2024 barnes, c. et al., 2024: hot, dry and windy conditions that drove devastating pantanal wildfires 40% more intense due to climate change, world weather attribution"},{Name:"Chile wildfires, February 2024","Event year/Trend":"2024","iso country code":"CHL","cb-region":"Latin America and the Caribbean","Event type":"Wildfire",Classification:"No discernible human influence","Summary statement":"\"We find that overall, there is a small increase in the hot dry windy index in the observations and some models, but it is not significant.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Kimutai, J. et al, 2024: Despite known coastal cooling trend, risk of deadly wildfires in central Chile increasing with changing land management in a warming climate, World Weather Attribution","Unique paper":"1",Source:"World Weather Attribution (rapid study)","Rapid study?":"Yes",Link:"","study-index":"606","row-number":"732",Location:"Chile","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South America",eventTypeGroup:"Wildfire",_search:" chile wildfires, february 2024 wildfire no discernible human influence \"we find that overall, there is a small increase in the hot dry windy index in the observations and some models, but it is not significant.\" chl 2024 kimutai, j. et al, 2024: despite known coastal cooling trend, risk of deadly wildfires in central chile increasing with changing land management in a warming climate, world weather attribution"},{Name:"China hot-dry events, 1979-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Over the past 40 years, anthropogenic activities have increased hot-dry events by 2.34 timess.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Yao H. et al., 2024: Changes caused by human activities in the high health-risk hot-dry and hot-wet events in China, Communications Earth & Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01625-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Communications Earth & Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"607","row-number":"733",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" china hot-dry events, 1979-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"over the past 40 years, anthropogenic activities have increased hot-dry events by 2.34 timess.\" chn 2024 yao h. et al., 2024: changes caused by human activities in the high health-risk hot-dry and hot-wet events in china, communications earth & environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01625-y"},{Name:"Austria compound heatwaves, September-October 2023","Event year/Trend":"2023","iso country code":"AUT","cb-region":"Europe","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"This illustrates what an extraordinary event the sequence of the months September and October 2023 in Vienna was, and that this was only made possible by anthropogenic climate change.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Laimighofer J. et al., 2024: Climate change contribution to the 2023 autumn temperature records in Vienna, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-54822-2","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Scientific Reports","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"608","row-number":"734",Location:"Austria","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Europe",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" austria compound heatwaves, september-october 2023 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"this illustrates what an extraordinary event the sequence of the months september and october 2023 in vienna was, and that this was only made possible by anthropogenic climate change.\" aut 2024 laimighofer j. et al., 2024: climate change contribution to the 2023 autumn temperature records in vienna, scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-54822-2"},{Name:"Global increase in compound hot-dry and hot-wet extremes","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Compound hot-dry (CHD) and compound hot-wet (CHW) extremes have both intensified under global warming…Our investigation further reveals that anthropogenic climate change predominantly drives the increase in both types of compound extremes.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zeng, J. et al., 2024: Comparison of the risks and drivers of compound hot-dry and hot-wet extremes in a warming world, Enviromental Research Letters, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad7617","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Research Letters","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"609","row-number":"735",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global increase in compound hot-dry and hot-wet extremes compound more severe or more likely to occur \"compound hot-dry (chd) and compound hot-wet (chw) extremes have both intensified under global warming…our investigation further reveals that anthropogenic climate change predominantly drives the increase in both types of compound extremes.\" 2024 zeng, j. et al., 2024: comparison of the risks and drivers of compound hot-dry and hot-wet extremes in a warming world, enviromental research letters, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad7617"},{Name:"Yangtze River valley \"unprecedented\" drought & heat event, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic influence had increased the probability of such [compound heatwave and drought event] by more than 10 times compared to the counterfactual climate\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Chen D. et al., 2024: Contribution of anthropogenic influence to the 2022-like Yangtze River valley compound heatwave and drought event, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00720-3","Unique paper":"1",Source:"npj Climate and Atmospheric Science","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"610","row-number":"736",Location:"Yangtze River valley","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" yangtze river valley \"unprecedented\" drought & heat event, 2022 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic influence had increased the probability of such [compound heatwave and drought event] by more than 10 times compared to the counterfactual climate\" chn 2024 chen d. et al., 2024: contribution of anthropogenic influence to the 2022-like yangtze river valley compound heatwave and drought event, npj climate and atmospheric science, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00720-3"},{Name:"Global successive runoff-heat extreme events, 1950-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Results indicate that [anthropogenic climate change] exacerbates [successive runoff-heat extreme] occurrence for most global regions, especially in the southern hemisphere (> 60 % increase in probability).\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhou J. et al., 2024: A global attribution analysis of increasing risk of successive runoff-heat extreme events driven by anthropogenic forcing, Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131779","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Journal of Hydrology","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"611","row-number":"737",Location:"","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" global successive runoff-heat extreme events, 1950-2014 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"results indicate that [anthropogenic climate change] exacerbates [successive runoff-heat extreme] occurrence for most global regions, especially in the southern hemisphere (> 60 % increase in probability).\" 2024 zhou j. et al., 2024: a global attribution analysis of increasing risk of successive runoff-heat extreme events driven by anthropogenic forcing, journal of hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131779"},{Name:"Southern China extremely hot & dry summer, 2020","Event year/Trend":"2020","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcings doubled (increased by 27%) the probability of precipitation deficits, and increased occurrence more than times for both [surface air temperature] anomaly (50 times probability higher) and [number of hot days anomaly (6 times probability higher).\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Wang K. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic influences on the extremely dry and hot summer of 2020 in Southern China and projected changes in the likelihood of the event, Weather and Climate Extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100706","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Weather and Climate Extremes","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"612","row-number":"738",Location:"Southern China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" southern china extremely hot & dry summer, 2020 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcings doubled (increased by 27%) the probability of precipitation deficits, and increased occurrence more than times for both [surface air temperature] anomaly (50 times probability higher) and [number of hot days anomaly (6 times probability higher).\" chn 2024 wang k. et al., 2024: anthropogenic influences on the extremely dry and hot summer of 2020 in southern china and projected changes in the likelihood of the event, weather and climate extremes, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2024.100706"},{Name:"Tibetan Plateau drought & heat event, 2022","Event year/Trend":"2022","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Without anthropogenically induced global warming, a comparable compound hot and dry event akin to that observed in 2022 on the Tibetan Plateau would not be possible.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhou B. et al., 2024: Bivariate attribution of the compound hot and dry summer of 2022 on the Tibetan Plateau, Science China Earth Sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-023-1320-y","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Science China Earth Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"613","row-number":"739",Location:"Tibetan Plateau","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" tibetan plateau drought & heat event, 2022 compound more severe or more likely to occur \"without anthropogenically induced global warming, a comparable compound hot and dry event akin to that observed in 2022 on the tibetan plateau would not be possible.\" chn 2024 zhou b. et al., 2024: bivariate attribution of the compound hot and dry summer of 2022 on the tibetan plateau, science china earth sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-023-1320-y"},{Name:"China growing season hot and dry events, mid 1990s","Event year/Trend":"Mid-1990s","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Anthropogenic forcing changes can explain 60%–70% of the observed decadal changes.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Su Q. et al., 2024: Anthropogenic Influence on Decadal Changes in Concurrent Hot and Dry Events over China around the Mid-1990s, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-023-2319-z","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Advances in Atmospheric Sciences","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"614","row-number":"740",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" china growing season hot and dry events, mid 1990s compound more severe or more likely to occur \"anthropogenic forcing changes can explain 60%–70% of the observed decadal changes.\" chn 2024 su q. et al., 2024: anthropogenic influence on decadal changes in concurrent hot and dry events over china around the mid-1990s, advances in atmospheric sciences, doi:10.1007/s00376-023-2319-z"},{Name:"China hot-wet events, 1979-2014","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Compound",Classification:"Decrease, less severe or less likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Over the past 40 years, anthropogenic activities have…decreased hot-wet events by 0.63 times.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Yao H. et al., 2024: Changes caused by human activities in the high health-risk hot-dry and hot-wet events in China, Communications Earth & Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01625-y","Unique paper":"",Source:"Communications Earth & Environment","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"607","row-number":"741",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" china hot-wet events, 1979-2014 compound decrease, less severe or less likely to occur \"over the past 40 years, anthropogenic activities have…decreased hot-wet events by 0.63 times.\" chn 2024 yao h. et al., 2024: changes caused by human activities in the high health-risk hot-dry and hot-wet events in china, communications earth & environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01625-y"},{Name:"Heat extremes behind bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, 2017, 2020 & 2024","Event year/Trend":"2017, 2020 & 2024","iso country code":"AUS","cb-region":"Australia and New Zealand","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate model analysis confirms that human influence on the climate system is responsible for the rapid warming in recent decades.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Henley B.J. et al., 2024: Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger, Nature, doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07672-x","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"615","row-number":"742",Location:"Coral Sea","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"South West Pacific",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" heat extremes behind bleaching of the great barrier reef, 2017, 2020 & 2024 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"climate model analysis confirms that human influence on the climate system is responsible for the rapid warming in recent decades.\" aus 2024 henley b.j. et al., 2024: highest ocean heat in four centuries places great barrier reef in danger, nature, doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07672-x"},{Name:"Heat-related neonatal deaths in low- and middle-income countries, 2001-19","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"","cb-region":"Global","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"Climate change was responsible for 32% (range: 19-79%) of heat-related neonatal deaths\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Dimitrova. A. et al., 2024: Temperature-related neonatal deaths attributable to climate change in 29 low- and middle-income countries, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49890-x","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Nature Communications","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"616","row-number":"743",Location:"Global","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Global",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" heat-related neonatal deaths in low- and middle-income countries, 2001-19 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"climate change was responsible for 32% (range: 19-79%) of heat-related neonatal deaths\" 2024 dimitrova. a. et al., 2024: temperature-related neonatal deaths attributable to climate change in 29 low- and middle-income countries, nature communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49890-x"},{Name:"Hospitalisations in China due to heat, 2000-19","Event year/Trend":"Trend","iso country code":"CHN","cb-region":"Eastern and south-eastern Asia","Event type":"Impact",Classification:"More severe or more likely to occur","Summary statement":"\"In the 2010s, the heat-related attributable fractions for specific causes of injury ranged from 12.4% to 54.4%, with human-induced change accounting for 6.7% to 10.6% of the burden.\"","Publication year":"2024",Citation:"Zhou. L. et al,. 2024: Quantification of the Heat-Related Risk and Burden of Hospitalizations for Cause-Specific Injuries and Contribution of Human-Induced Climate Change: A Time-Stratified Case-Crossover Study in China, Environmental Health Perspectives, DOI: 10.1289/EHP14057","Unique paper":"1",Source:"Environmental Health Perspectives","Rapid study?":"No",Link:"","study-index":"617","row-number":"744",Location:"China","iso sub region":"","iso region":"","WMO region":"Asia",eventTypeGroup:"Other",_search:" hospitalisations in china due to heat, 2000-19 impact more severe or more likely to occur \"in the 2010s, the heat-related attributable fractions for specific causes of injury ranged from 12.4% to 54.4%, with human-induced change accounting for 6.7% to 10.6% of the burden.\" chn 2024 zhou. l. et al,. 2024: quantification of the heat-related risk and burden of hospitalizations for cause-specific injuries and contribution of human-induced climate change: a time-stratified case-crossover study in china, environmental health perspectives, doi: 10.1289/ehp14057"}],stories:[{url:"",un_region:"Australia and New Zealand",title:"Heavy rainfall from New Zealand’s Cyclone Gabrielle ‘more common on warmer planet’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Central and southern Asia",title:"Climate change made ‘monsoon downpour’ behind Kerala landslides 10% more intense",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Central and southern Asia",title:"Climate change ‘likely’ increased extreme rainfall that led to Pakistan flooding",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Central and southern Asia",title:"Climate change made India and Pakistan’s 2022 early heatwave ‘30 times more likely’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Eastern and south-eastern Asia",title:"Japan’s deadly 2018 heatwave ‘could not have happened without climate change’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Europe",title:"Climate change had no ‘significant’ impact on northern Italy floods in May 2023",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern Africa and western Asia",title:"Western-Mediterranean heatwave ‘almost impossible’ without climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Europe",title:"Climate change made 2022’s UK heatwave ‘at least 10 times more likely’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Europe",title:"France’s record-breaking heatwave made ‘at least five times’ more likely by climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Europe",title:"Climate change made Europe’s 2019 record heatwave up to ‘100 times more likely’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Europe",title:"Met Office: Climate change made 2018 UK summer heatwave ‘30 times more likely’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Europe",title:"Climate change made 2018 European heatwave up to ‘five times’ more likely",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Global",title:"Record-breaking 2023 heat events are ‘not rare anymore’ due to climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Latin America and the Caribbean",title:"Climate change made the ‘supercharged’ 2024 Pantanal wildfires 40% more intense",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Latin America and the Caribbean",title:"Drought behind Panama Canal’s 2023 shipping disruption ‘unlikely’ without El Niño",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Latin America and the Caribbean",title:"No ‘statistically significant’ link between climate change and Chile’s wildfires",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Latin America and the Caribbean",title:"South American drought in 2022 partly driven by ‘triple-dip’ La Niña",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Latin America and the Caribbean",title:"Argentina’s record-breaking 2022 heatwave made ‘60 times more likely’ by climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern Africa and western Asia",title:"Afghanistan’s ‘deadly’ early spring rainfall made twice as likely by El Niño",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern Africa and western Asia",title:"Climate change: Intensity of ongoing drought in Syria, Iraq and Iran ‘not rare anymore’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern America",title:"Eastern Canada wildfires: Climate change doubled likelihood of ‘extreme fire weather’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern America",title:"Pacific north-west heatwave shows climate is heading into ‘uncharted territory’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern America",title:"Climate change ‘tripled chances’ of Hurricane Harvey’s record rain",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern hemisphere",title:"Climate change made 2022’s northern-hemisphere droughts ‘at least 20 times’ more likely",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern hemisphere",title:"Record-breaking 2023 heat events are ‘not rare anymore’ due to climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Northern hemisphere",title:"Northern hemisphere’s extreme heatwave in 2018 ‘impossible’ without climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Sub-Saharan Africa",title:"Climate change made west Africa’s ‘dangerous humid heatwave’ 10 times more likely",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Sub-Saharan Africa",title:"West Africa’s deadly rainfall in 2022 made ‘80 times more likely’ by climate change",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Sub-Saharan Africa",title:"Climate change made extreme rains in 2022 South Africa floods ‘twice as likely’",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""},{url:"",un_region:"Sub-Saharan Africa",title:"Climate change not the main driver of Madagascar food crisis, scientists find",wmo_region:"",thumbnail:""}],isoLookup:{DZA:"Algeria",EGY:"Egypt",LBY:"Libya",MAR:"Morocco",SDN:"Sudan",TUN:"Tunisia",ESH:"Western Sahara",AGO:"Angola",BEN:"Benin",BWA:"Botswana",BFA:"Burkina 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