People - Doctoral - Harvard Business School
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} } FacetList.prototype.render = function(args) { var args = args || {}; var facetData = this.facetCtrl.getData(this.key); var facetState = this.facetCtrl.getState(this.key); this.facetState = this.facetCtrl.getState(this.key); if (facetData.length == 0 && !this.deferLoad) return ''; var h = this.facetCtrl.facetStartHTML(this); if (args.simple) h = ''; var tree = this.makeDataTree(facetState,facetData); if (facetData.length > 0) { h += this.recursiveRender(0,facetState,facetData,tree,undefined,args); } if (!args.simple) { h += this.facetCtrl.facetEndHTML(this.label,this.key,this.toggleOption); } return h; } FacetList.prototype.makeDataTree = function(facetState,facetData) { var tree = {}; tree[undefined] = {}; tree[undefined].children = []; tree[undefined].seenChildren = {}; for (var i = 0; i < facetData.length; i++) { var v = facetData[i]; v.param = v.param ||; if (this.labelfn) {v.label = this.labelfn(v.label,v,0)} var termID =; var termParent = v.parentID || undefined; if (!tree[termParent]) { tree[termParent] = {}; tree[termParent].children = []; tree[termParent].seenChildren = {}; } if (!tree[termID]) { tree[termID] = {}; tree[termID].children = []; tree[termID].seenChildren = {}; } if (!tree[termParent].seenChildren[termID]) { tree[termParent].seenChildren[termID] = 1; tree[termParent].children.push(termID); if (facetState[v.param]) { tree[termID].checked = true; } tree[termID].node = v; } } // mark checks on parent terms for (var j = 0;j<4;j++) { for (var i in tree) { if (!tree[i].node || !tree[i].node.parentID) continue; var parent = tree[i].node.parentID; if (tree[i].checked || tree[i].softchecked) { tree[parent].softchecked = true; } } } // if I am checked, add to my parent checked count for (var i in tree) { if (tree[i].checked) { var parent = tree[i].node.parentID; if (parent) { tree[parent].checkedChildren = tree[parent].checkedChildren ? (tree[parent].checkedChildren + 1) : 1; } } } return tree; } FacetList.prototype.renderAllButton = function(facetState,facetData) { var h = ''; if (this.displayAllButton) { var label = this.allLabel || "All"; if (!this.facetCtrl.jQuery.isEmptyObject(facetState)) { var href = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key); h += '<li class="facetlist-all"><a class="ink mu facetctrl-ajax-link facet-link" href="'+href+'"><div class="facet-link-icon">'+this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox',label)+'</div><div class="facet-link-label">'+label+'</div></a></li>'; } else { h += '<li class="facetlist-all"><span class="ink mu inactive facet-link"><div class="facet-link-icon">'+this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox-checked',label)+'</div><div class="facet-link-label">'+label+'</div></span></li>'; } } return h; } FacetList.prototype.disable = function(){ this.disabled = true; } FacetList.prototype.enable = function(){ this.disabled = false; } FacetList.prototype.bindEvents = function(){ var self = this; // change the icon if (this.facetCtrl.ajax) { this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).on("icontoggle","a.facetctrl-ajax-link",function(){ if (self.facetCtrl.isLoading()) { return false; } if ($(this).parent().hasClass('facetlist-all')) return; var link = $(this); link.removeClass('checked'); $("span",this).each(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass('icon-checkbox-checked')) { $(this).replaceWith(self.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox','')) link.addClass('checked'); } else if ($(this).hasClass('icon-checkbox')) { $(this).replaceWith(self.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox-checked','')) link.addClass('checked'); } }); }); } this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).on("click",".default-more a",function(){ $(this).parent().hide(); var $hidden = $(this).parent().parent().find('li:hidden') $; $hidden.eq(0).find('a').focus(); self.moreExpanded = true; return false; }) this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).on("click",".az-more a",function(){ var h = ''; h += '<div id="az-results">Loading</div>' window.dlg = new framework.Dialog({ body: h, animation: 'slidedown', title: self.label, width: '905px' });; framework.progress.start(); $.ajax({ url: '?' +'?','') + '&_autocomplete=1&step=9999&facet='+self.key, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', success: function(data, status, resp) { var h = '<div class="facet-pattern2 nu"><ul class="facet-list" style="padding:0;float:left;">'; data = data.sort(function(a,b){ if (a.t < b.t) return -1; return 1; }) var checked = {}; for (var j = 0;j<self.facetCtrl.parsedFacetState.length;j++) { var d = self.facetCtrl.parsedFacetState[j]; var facetKey = d[0]; var facetValue = d[1]; if (facetKey == self.key) { checked[facetValue] = 1; } } var num = 0; for (var i = 0;i<data.length;i++){ var d = data[i]; if (checked[d.t]) { var href = self.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(self.key,d.t); h += '<li style="float:left;width:30%;margin-left:24px;box-sizing:border-box;"><a href="'+href+'" class="facetctrl-ajax-link ink add-val">' + this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox-checked','') + d.t + ' ('+d.c+')</a></li>' } else { var href = self.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(self.key,d.t); h += '<li style="float:left;width:30%;margin-left:24px;box-sizing:border-box;"><a href="'+href+'" class="facetctrl-ajax-link ink add-val">' + this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox','') + d.t + ' ('+d.c+')</a></li>' } } h += '</ul></div><div class="clear"></div><br/>'; $("#az-results").html(h); framework.progress.done(); } }); return false; }) this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).on("click","input.facetctrl-ajax-date",function(){ var fromDate = $(this).parent().find("input[name='startdate']").val(); var toDate = $(this).parent().find("input[name='enddate']").val(); if (fromDate && toDate) { var from = new Date(fromDate); var to = new Date(toDate); var qstr = from.getFullYear() + '-' + (from.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + from.getDate() + 'TO' + to.getFullYear() + '-' + (to.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + to.getDate(); var href = self.facetCtrl.setFilterHref(self.key,qstr); self.facetCtrl.history.pushState(null, null, href); } }); } FacetList.prototype.recursiveRender = function(depth,facetState,facetData,tree,parent,args){ var h = ''; var self = this; var children = tree[parent].children; var displayZeros = (typeof this.displayZeros != 'undefined') ? this.displayZeros : true; if (!parent) { if (self.singleSelect) { h += '<ul class="facet-nav facet-radio-buttons">'; } else { h += '<ul class="facet-list">'; } h += this.renderAllButton(facetState,facetData); } else { h += '<ul>' if (typeof this.facetHeaders === 'function') h += this.facetHeaders(depth); } if (this.sortfn){ children.sort(function(a,b){ var nodea = tree[a].node; var nodeb = tree[b].node; return self.sortfn(nodea,nodeb); }); } else if (this.sort == 'Alpha') children.sort(function(a,b){ // if it is a set of numbers, then sort naturally, else sort alphabetically var nodea = tree[a].node.label.toLowerCase(); var nodeb = tree[b].node.label.toLowerCase(); var ai = parseInt(nodea); var bi = parseInt(nodeb); if (isNaN(ai) || isNaN(bi)) { if(nodea < nodeb) return -1; if(nodea > nodeb) return 1; return 0; } else { if(ai < bi) return -1; if(ai > bi) return 1; return 0; } }) var hasCheckedChild = false; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var childID = children[i]; if (tree[childID].checked == true || tree[childID].softchecked == true) { hasCheckedChild = true; } } var hasMore = false; var childrenCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var childID = children[i]; if (!childID) continue; var node = tree[childID].node; var safeId = this.key + childID.replace('"','\"'); var liStyle = ' data-term-id="'+safeId+'" data-term-count="'+node.count+'"'; if (!args.simple && this.moreLimit && childrenCount > (this.moreLimit - 1) && !tree[childID].checked && depth == 0 && !self.moreExpanded && (this.moreStyle != 'Default' || !hasCheckedChild)) { liStyle += ' style="display:none"'; hasMore = true; } if ((node.count > 0 && !displayZeros) || displayZeros) childrenCount += 1; // single select if (node['class'] == 'custom-date') { var fromval = ''; var toval = ''; for (var key in this.facetState) { if (key.indexOf('TO') > -1) { var from = new Date(key.split('TO')[0]); var to = new Date(key.split('TO')[1]); fromval = (from.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + from.getDate() + '/' + from.getFullYear() + '' + (from.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + from.getDate() toval = (to.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + to.getDate() + '/' + to.getFullYear() + '' + (to.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + to.getDate() // + 'TO' + to.getFullYear() + '-' + (to.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + to.getDate(); } } h += '<li class="toggle-container"><a href="#" class="toggle-button ink">'+node.label + '</a>'; h += '<div class="toggle-show">' h += '<div class="shim12"></div>'; //h += '<input name="startdate" type="text" class="field" data-mask="date" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" value="'+fromval+'" style="width: 84px;padding-left: 7px;font-size: 13px; padding-right: 0px;" /> '; //h += '<span class="mu" style="padding-left:2px;padding-right:5px;">TO</span>' //h += '<input name="enddate" type="text" class="field" data-mask="date" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" value="'+toval+'"style="width: 84px;padding-left: 7px;font-size: 13px; padding-right: 0px;" />'; h += '<div class="datepicker-container" style="float:left"><input name="startdate" type="text" class="field date-range" value="'+fromval +'" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" data-mask="date" style="width: 81px;padding-left: 7px;font-size: 12px; padding-right: 0px;" aria-label="Start Date" /></div> '; h += '<div class="mu" style="padding:8px 5px;float:left;">TO</div>'; h += '<div class="datepicker-container" style="float:left"><input name="enddate" type="text" class="field date-range" value="'+toval +'" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" data-mask="date" style="width: 81px;padding-left: 7px;font-size: 12px; padding-right: 0px;" aria-label="End Date" /></div>'; h += '<div class="clear"></div>'; h += '<div class="shim16"></div>'; h += '<input type="button" class="btn-submit facetctrl-ajax-date" value="Search Date Range" />'; h += '<div class="shim8"></div>'; h += '</div></li>'; } else if (self.singleSelect && (node.count > 0 || self.alwaysActive)) { var facetHref = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key); facetHref = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,node.param,facetHref); var color = tree[childID].checked == true ? 'mu ink' : 'ink' h += '<li'+liStyle+'><a href="'+facetHref+'" class="'+color+' facetctrl-ajax-link">'+node.label; if (this.displayCounts) h += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(node); h += '</a>'; if (tree[childID].checked || tree[childID].softchecked == true) { h += this.recursiveRender(depth+1,facetState,facetData,tree,,args); } h += '</li>'; // disabled single select } else if (self.singleSelect) { var facetHref = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key); facetHref = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,node.param,facetHref); var color = tree[childID].checked == true ? 'ink' : 'ink' h += '<li'+liStyle+' class="facet-disabled"><a href="'+facetHref+'" class="'+color+' facetctrl-ajax-link">'+node.label; if (this.displayCounts) h += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(node); h += '</a>'; h += '</li>'; } else if ((tree[childID].checked == true && node.count > 0) || (tree[childID].checked == true && node.count == 0 && displayZeros)) { var facetHref = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key,node.param); facetHref = this.removeChildLinks(,facetHref,facetData); // if there is a parent, and no siblings are selected if (node.termParent) { facetHref = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,node.termParent,facetHref); } if (this.href) facetHref = this.href(facetHref); h += '<li'+liStyle+'><a class="ink nu facetctrl-ajax-link checked facet-link" href="'+facetHref+'" rel="nofollow"><div class="facet-link-icon">'+this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox-checked', node.label)+'</div><div class="facet-link-label">'+node.label; if (this.displayCounts) h += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(node); h += '</div></a>'; h += this.recursiveRender(depth+1,facetState,facetData,tree,,args); h += '</li>'; } else if (tree[childID].softchecked == true) { // parent of checked elements var facetHref = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,node.param); facetHref = this.removeChildLinks(,facetHref,facetData); if (this.href) facetHref = this.href(facetHref); h += '<li'+liStyle+'><a class="ink nu facetctrl-ajax-link softchecked facet-link" href="'+facetHref+'" rel="nofollow"><div class="facet-link-icon">'+this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox', node.label)+'</div><div class="facet-link-label">'+node.label; if (this.displayCounts) h += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(node); h += '</div></a>'; h += this.recursiveRender(depth+1,facetState,facetData,tree,,args); h += '</li>'; } else if (node.count == 0 && displayZeros) { // disabled h += '<li'+liStyle+' class="facet-disabled"><a class="ink nu facet-link" href="#"><div class="facet-link-icon">'+this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox', node.label)+'</div><div class="facet-link-label">'+node.label; if (this.displayCounts) h += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(node); h += '</div></a>'; h += '</li>'; } else if (node.count > 0 || (node.count == 0 && displayZeros)) { // a normal link var facetHref = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,node.param); if (this.multiple == false) facetHref = this.facetCtrl.setFilterHref(this.key,node.param); facetHref = this.removeParentLinks(node.parentID,facetHref,facetData); if (this.href) facetHref = this.href(facetHref); h += '<li'+liStyle+'><a class="ink nu facetctrl-ajax-link facet-link" href="'+facetHref+'" rel="nofollow"><div class="facet-link-icon">'+this.facetCtrl.getIcon('checkbox', node.label)+'</div><div class="facet-link-label">'+node.label; if (this.displayCounts) h += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(node); h += '</div></a>'; h += '</li>'; } } if (h == '<ul>') return ''; if (this.links && this.links.length > 0) { for (var i = 0;i<this.links.length;i++) { var html = this.links[i]; h += '<li class="text-link"><a href="'; h += + '" class="' h += html.class + '">'; h += html.text + '</a></li>'; } } h += '</ul>'; if (this.addValue) { h += '<div style="margin: 3px 0 0 1px;" class="toggle-container"><a href="#" class="ash toggle-button toggle-hide">+ Add</a><input type="text" class="toggle-show toggle-focus facetctrl-autocomplete" data-facet="'+this.key+'"/><div class="facetctrl-autocomplete-container facetctrl-autocomplete-small" style="position:absolute"></div></div>'; } if (hasMore && this.moreStyle == 'Default') { h += '<div class="more default-more" style="margin: 8px 0 8px"><span class="txt-arrow" aria-hidden="true">→</span> <a href="#" role="button" title="Load More '+this.label+' Filters">'+ (this.moreText || 'More') +'</a></div>'; } if (hasMore && this.moreStyle == 'AZList') { h += '<div class="more az-more" style="margin: 8px 0 8px"><span class="txt-arrow" aria-hidden="true">→</span> <a href="#" role="button" title="Load More '+this.label+' Filters">'+ (this.moreText || 'More') +'</a></div>'; } return h; } FacetList.prototype.removeChildLinks = function(parentTermID,href,facetData){ for (var i = 0; i < facetData.length; i++) { var v = facetData[i]; var termID =; var termParent = v.parentID; if (termParent == parentTermID) { href = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key,v.param ||,href); href = this.removeChildLinks(termID,href,facetData); } } return href; } FacetList.prototype.removeParentLinks = function(parentTermID,href,facetData){ if (!parentTermID) return href; href = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key,parentTermID,href); return href; } /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet AZList * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetAZList(args) { for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } } FacetAZList.prototype.render = function() { var h = this.facetCtrl.facetStartHTML(this); var facetKey = this.key; if (this.facetCtrl.getData(this.key).length > 0) { h += '<div class="az-list" role="group" aria-label="Filter by first letter for ' + this.label+ '">'; var letters = "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z".split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) { var l = letters[i]; if (this.hasAZListResults(l)) { h += '<a href="#" role="button" aria-label="Letter '+l+' - Filter for ' + this.label + '" class="letter" data-letter="'+l+'" data-facet="'+facetKey+'">'+l+'</a>'; } else { h += '<a class="disabled" role="button" aria-label="Letter '+l+' - Filter for ' + this.label + '" data-letter="'+l+'" data-facet="'+facetKey+'">'+l+'</a>'; } } h += '</div>'; h += '<div class="clear"></div>' h += '<div class="az-results"></div>'; h += this.facetCtrl.facetEndHTML(this.label,this.key,this.toggleOption); return h; } return ''; } FacetAZList.prototype.hasAZListResults = function(letter) { var facetData = this.facetCtrl.getData(this.key); var displayZeros = (typeof this.displayZeros != 'undefined') ? this.displayZeros : false; for (var i = 0; i < facetData.length; i++) { var v = facetData[i]; if (v.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(letter.toLowerCase()) == 0 && (v.count > 0 || displayZeros)) { return true; } } return false; } FacetAZList.prototype.renderAZListResults = function(letter) { var container = this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).find('.az-results'); var h = ''; var facetData = this.facetCtrl.getData(this.key); facetData = facetData.sort(function(a,b){ if (a.label < b.label) return -1; return 1; }) var facetState = this.facetCtrl.getState(this.key); var displayZeros = (typeof this.displayZeros != 'undefined') ? this.displayZeros : false; h += '<br/><ul class="unbulleted">'; for (var i = 0; i < facetData.length; i++) { var v = facetData[i]; var termLabel = v.label; var termID =; var count = ''; if (this.displayCounts) count += this.facetCtrl.formatCount(v); if (termLabel.toLowerCase().indexOf(letter.toLowerCase()) == 0) { if (facetState[termID] == true && v.count > 0) { var href = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key,termID); h += '<li><a class="nu ash facetctrl-ajax-link" href="'+href+'" rel="nofollow" role="button">'+termLabel+count+'</a></li>'; } else if (facetState[termID] == true && displayZeros) { var href = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(this.key,termID); h += '<li class="facet-disabled">'+termLabel+count+'</li>'; } else if (v.count > 0) { var href = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,termID); h += '<li><a class="nu ink facetctrl-ajax-link" href="'+href+'" rel="nofollow" role="button">'+termLabel+count+'</a></li>'; } else if (displayZeros) { var href = this.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(this.key,termID); h += '<li class="facet-disabled">'+termLabel+'</li>'; } } } h += '</ul>' container.html(h); } FacetAZList.prototype.bindEvents = function(){ var self = this; this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).on("click","a.letter",function(){ $(this).parent().find(".active").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); self.renderAZListResults($(this).data('letter')); return false; }); var facetData = this.facetCtrl.getData(this.key); var facetState = this.facetCtrl.getState(this.key); if (facetState) { for (var key in facetState) { for (var i = 0; i < facetData.length; i++) { var v = facetData[i]; var termLabel = v.label; var termID =; var letter = termLabel.toUpperCase().substring(0,1); if (termID == key) { this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key).find("a.letter[data-letter='"+letter+"']").click();; } } } } } /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet Select * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetSelect(args) { this.disabled = false; for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } } FacetSelect.prototype.render = function() { var h = this.facetCtrl.facetStartHTML(this); var id = this.facetCtrl.newGuid() h += '<div class="row"><div class="span1 mu" style="margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;"><label for="'+id+'">' + this.selectLabel + "</label></div><div class='span2'>" h += '<div class="field-select2 nu field-select2-mini">'; h += '<select id="'+id+'">'; var facetState = this.facetCtrl.getState(this.key); for (var i = 0;i<this.options.length;i++) { var termID = this.options[i][1]; var termLabel = this.options[i][0]; if (facetState[termID] == true ) { h += '<option value="'+termID+'" selected="selected">'+termLabel+'</option>'; } else { h += '<option value="'+termID+'">'+termLabel+'</option>'; } } h += '</select></div></div></div>'; h += this.facetCtrl.facetEndHTML(this.label,this.key,this.toggleOption); return h; } FacetSelect.prototype.bindEvents = function(){ var self = this; this.facetCtrl.jQuery('.facet-name-'+this.key+'').on("change","select",function(){ var selectedVal = $('option:selected',this).attr('value'); var href = self.facetCtrl.setFilterHref(self.key,selectedVal); if (self.facetCtrl.ajax) { self.facetCtrl.history.pushState(null, null, href); } else { document.location.href = href; } return true; }); } FacetSelect.prototype.disable = function(){ this.disabled = true; } FacetSelect.prototype.enable = function(){ this.disabled = false; } /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet Boolean * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetBoolean(args) { for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } } FacetBoolean.prototype.render = function() { var h = this.facetCtrl.facetStartHTML(this); h += '<div class="nu">'; for (var i = 0;i<this.options.length;i++) { var termID = this.options[i][1]; var termLabel = this.options[i][0]; h += ' <input type="checkbox" name="'; h += this.groupName + '" value="' + termID + '"></input>'; h += ' ' + termLabel + '<br/>'; } h += '</div>'; h += this.facetCtrl.facetEndHTML(this.label,this.key,this.toggleOption); return h; } FacetBoolean.prototype.bindEvents = function(){} /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet Clear * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetClear(args) { for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } } FacetClear.prototype.render = function() { var canClear = false; var href = this.facetCtrl.getFilterHref(); for (var i = 0;i<this.facetCtrl.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.facetCtrl.parsedFacetState[i]; var facetKey = d[0]; var facetVal = d[1]; if(this.facetCtrl.isFacet(facetKey)){ href = this.facetCtrl.removeFilterHref(facetKey,facetVal,href); canClear = true; } } if (canClear) { return '<div class="facet-control facet-clear"><a href="'+href+'" class="btn-submit facetctrl-ajax-link facet-clear-all facetctrl-event-clear">Clear All Selections</a></div>'; } else { return ''; } } FacetClear.prototype.bindEvents = function(){} /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet HTML * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetHTML(args) { for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } } FacetHTML.prototype.render = function() { return this.html; } FacetHTML.prototype.bindEvents = function(){} /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet Group * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetGroup(args) { for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } this.children = []; } FacetGroup.prototype.append = function(facet){ this.children.push(facet); } FacetGroup.prototype.getFacets = function(){ var k = [] for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { k.push(this.children[i]) } return k; } FacetGroup.prototype.render = function(){ var h = ""; if (this.label) h += this.facetCtrl.facetStartHTML(this); h += '<div class="facet-group">'; var lastType = ''; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { var fhtml = this.children[i].render(); lastType = this.children[i] if (fhtml) { h += '<div class="facet-container-'+ ( this.children[i].key || i ) +'">'; h += '<div class="hr3"></div>' h += fhtml; h += '</div>'; } } if (lastType != 'FacetHTML') { h += '<div class="hr3 facet-last-hr"></div>' } h += '</div>'; if (this.label) h += this.facetCtrl.facetEndHTML(this.label,this.key,this.toggleOption); return h; } FacetGroup.prototype.bindEvents = function(){ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) { this.children[i].bindEvents(); } $(".toggle-container",this.facetCtrl.container).each(function(){ var $c = $(this); if ($(this).hasClass('analytics-bound')) return; $(this).addClass('analytics-bound'); $('> div > .kappa-uc > .toggle-button',$c).on('click',function(){ var id = $c.attr('id'); if (!id) return; if ($(this).find('.icon-plusbox').length == 0) { if ( analytics.event(id.toLowerCase()+'-closed') } else { if ( analytics.event(id.toLowerCase()+'-opened') } return true; }) }) } /* ---------------------------------------------- * * Facet Controller * * ---------------------------------------------- */ function FacetController(args) { for (key in args) { this[key] = args[key]; } this.ajaxCache = {}; this.ajaxEventsBound = false; this.ajaxConnectionActive = false; this.jQuery = FacetController.libs.jQuery; this.history = FacetController.libs.History; this.imagesLoaded = FacetController.libs.ImagesLoaded; this.facets = []; this.language = 'en'; if (document.location.href.indexOf('/cn/') > -1) { this.language = 'cn'; } } FacetController.prototype.bindEvents = function(){ if (; if (this.groupMobile) { this.groupMobile.bindEvents(); } if (this.ajax && this.history && this.ajaxEventsBound == false) { this.bindAjaxEvents(); } this.autocompleteEvents(); // add accessibility tags $(".facetctrl-ajax-html,.facetctrl-results").attr('aria-live','polite') } FacetController.prototype.newGuid = function() { return 'Axxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }).toUpperCase(); } FacetController.prototype.autocompleteEvents = function(){ if(typeof $(".facetctrl-autocomplete").autocomplete == 'function' && $(".facetctrl-autocomplete").not('.autocomplete-installed').length > 0){ $.ui.autocomplete.prototype._renderItem = function( ul, item) { var t = item.label; var parts = this.term.split(' '); for (var i = 0;i<parts.length;i++) { if (parts[i]) { var re = new RegExp(parts[i], "ig"); t = t.replace(re,'<b>' + parts[i] + "</b>"); } } t = t.replace(/<<b>b<\/b>>/g,'<b>'); t = t.replace(/<\/<b>b<\/b>>/g,'</b>'); if (t.indexOf('<b>') == -1 && item.highlight) t = item.highlight if (item.collection) t = t + ' <b class="sub">in ' + item.collection + '</b>'; return $( "<li></li>" ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( "<a>" + t + "</a>" ) .appendTo( ul ); }; $(".facetctrl-autocomplete").each(function(){ var container = $(this).parent().find('.facetctrl-autocomplete-container'); $(this).autocomplete({ source: function(request,response) { var facet = $(this.element).data('facet'); var extra = ''; if (facet) { extra = facet = '&facet='+facet} $.ajax({ url: '?' +'?','') + '&_autocomplete=1&step=6&_q='+encodeURIComponent(request.term) + extra, //url: '?_autocomplete=1&q='+encodeURIComponent(request.term) + extra, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', success: function(data, status, resp) { var r = []; r = $.map(data,function(item,index){ var t = item.t; var v = item.t; if (t.indexOf('|l=') > -1) { v = t.split('|t=')[1].split('|')[0]; t = t.split('|l=')[1].split('|')[0]; } return { label: t, highlight: item.highlight, value: v } }) response(r); } }); }, minLength: self.minLength ? self.minLength : 1, delay: self.delay ? self.delay : 0, select: function( event, ui ) { var href = ''; var facet = $(this).data('facet'); if (facet) { href = self.facetCtrl.addFilterHref(facet || 'q',ui.item.value); } else { href = self.facetCtrl.setFilterHref(facet || 'q',ui.item.value); } if (self.facetCtrl.ajax) { self.facetCtrl.history.pushState(null, null, href); } else { document.location.href = href; } }, appendTo: container }) $(this).addClass('autocomplete-installed'); }) } } FacetController.prototype.bindAjaxEvents = function(){ var self = this; self.ajaxEventsBound = true; try { // course schedule viewer iframe doesn't like this this.state = this.history.getState(); } catch (error) { } $(window).unbind('.search1'); this.history.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange.search1',function(){ if ( analytics.pageView(document.location.href); self.updateState(); }); $(this.container).on('reload',function(){ self.updateState({force:true}); }) window.wcmReload = function(){ self.updateState({force:true, timeout:30000}); } $(this.container).on("click",".facetctrl-ajax-link",function(e){ // nasty history.js bug // use this version instead if (self.isLoading()) { return false; } $(this).trigger('icontoggle') if ($(this).parents('.facetctrl-sticky-target').length) { self.facetCtrl.closeFacets = true; // looks like a bug } if ( { if ($(this).hasClass('facetctrl-event-clear')) analytics.event("clear-search") } if ($(this).hasClass('facetctrl-scroll-top')) { if (document.getElementById('s4-workspace')) { $('#s4-workspace,html,body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 0,'swing',function(){ }); } else { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 0,'swing',function(){ }); } } var href = this.href; /*if (href.indexOf('page=') > -1){ href += '&_ajax_pagination=1' }*/ if (!e.screenX) { // keyboard click self.saveFocus($(this).parent().data('term-id')); } self.history.pushState(null, null, href); return false; }) $(this.container).on("click","a.facetctrl-ajax-nextpage",function(){ // load more results, but don't change the facets or the URL if ( analytics.event("show-more") if (self.isLoading()) { return false; } var href = this.href; self.nextPage(href); return false; }) $(this.container).on("click","a.facetctrl-ajax-pages",function(){ // load more results, but don't change the facets if (self.isLoading()) { return false; } var href = this.href; self.nextPage(href); return false; }) function inputchange(el){ var name = $(el).attr('name'); var val = $(el).val(); var oldval = framework.URI().search(true)[name]; var oldhref = self.getFilterHref(); var href = self.setFilterHref(name,val); if (oldhref != href && val != oldval) { self.history.pushState(null, null, href); } } $(this.container).on("blur update",".facetctrl-ajax-input",function(){ inputchange(this); }); $(this.container).on("focus",".facetctrl-ajax-input",function(){ $(this).unbind('keypress.facetctrl'); $(this).bind('keypress.facetctrl',function(e){ if (e.which == 13) { inputchange(this); $(this).trigger('enter'); return false; } }) }); /* $(this.container).on("keydown",".facetctrl-ajax-input",function(e){ if(e.which == 13) { alert('inputchange'); //inputchange(this); e.preventDefault(); return false; } else { return true; } return false; }); */ $(this.container).on("change",".facetctrl-radio-grp input",function(){ var name = $(this).attr('name'); var val = $(this).val(); var href = self.setFilterHref(name,val); self.history.pushState(null, null, href); }) $(this.container).on("closed",".facetctrl-ajax-facet",function(){ $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",this).html(''); }) function drawFacet(thisInput,refresh) { var facet = $(thisInput).data('facet'); if (!refresh) { $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",thisInput).html('Loading...'); } $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",thisInput).addClass('facetctrl-loading'); var url = framework.URI().setQuery({"_autocomplete":1,"step":"9999","facet":facet}).removeQuery("debug").search() $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', success: function(data, status, resp) { var checked = {}; for (var j = 0;j<self.parsedFacetState.length;j++) { var d = self.parsedFacetState[j]; var facetKey = d[0]; var facetValue = d[1]; if (facetKey == facet) { checked[facetValue] = 1 } } var html = ['<ul class="facet-list nu filtering-list facetctrl-fade">'] var hasResults = false; if ($(thisInput).data('facet-sort').indexOf('alpha') != -1) { data = data.sort(function(a,b){ if (a.t > b.t) return 1; if (a.t < b.t) return -1; return 0; }) } if ($(thisInput).data('facet-sort').indexOf('numeric') != -1) { data = data.sort(function(a,b){ var numa = parseInt(a.t,10); var numb = parseInt(b.t,10); if (numa > numb) return 1; if (numa < numb) return -1; return 0; }) } if ($(thisInput).data('facet-sort').indexOf('reverse') != -1) { data.reverse(); } for (var i = 0;i<data.length;i++){ var d = data[i]; var count = self.formatCount(d); var li; if (checked[d.t]) { li = '<li><a class="ink facetctrl-ajax-toggle" href="#" data-facet="'+facet+'" data-value="'+encodeURIComponent(d.t)+'"><span class="icon-checkbox-checked"></span>'+d.t+count+'</a></li>' } else { li = '<li><a class="ink facetctrl-ajax-toggle" href="#"data-facet="'+facet+'" data-value="'+encodeURIComponent(d.t)+'"><span class="icon-checkbox"></span>'+d.t+count+'</a></li>' } html.push(li) hasResults = true; } html.push('</ul>') if (hasResults) { $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-show-if-results",thisInput).show(); $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",thisInput).html(html.join('')) } else { $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",thisInput).html('No options'); } $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target .facetctrl-ajax-toggle").on('click',function(){ var facet = $(this).data('facet'); var value = decodeURIComponent($(this).data('value')); if ($(this).find('.icon-checkbox-checked').length) { $(this).find('.icon-checkbox-checked').toggleClass('icon-checkbox-checked icon-checkbox'); var href = self.removeFilterHref(facet,value); self.history.pushState(null, null, href); } else { $(this).find('.icon-checkbox').toggleClass('icon-checkbox-checked icon-checkbox'); var href = self.addFilterHref(facet,value); self.history.pushState(null, null, href); } //drawFacet(thisInput,true); //jg //$(self.container).one("facetctrl.update.complete",function(){ // drawFacet(thisInput,true); //}); return false; }) $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",thisInput).parent().scrollTop(1).scrollTop(0); // toggle scrollbar for ios $(".dropdown-menu3",thisInput).trigger('reposition'); $(".facetctrl-ajax-facet-target",thisInput).removeClass('facetctrl-loading'); }, error: function(xhdr,msg,err){ console.error(msg); } }); } $(this.container).on("opened",".facetctrl-ajax-facet",function(){ drawFacet(this); }) $(this.container).on("change","select.facetctrl-field",function(){ var name = $(this).attr('name'); var val = $(this).val(); var href = self.setFilterHref(name,val); self.history.pushState(null, null, href); }) $(window).bind('scroll.search1',function(){ if (!$("html").hasClass('ua-desktop')) { var target = $('.facetctrl-sticky-target').eq(0); var istarget = $('.facetctrl-sticky-target').length; if (target && istarget) { var ypos = $(this).scrollTop(); var targetTop = target.offset().top; if (ypos > targetTop) { $('.facetctrl-sticky').addClass('active'); } else { $('.facetctrl-sticky').removeClass('active'); } } } }); $('.facetctrl-sticky a').click(function(){ $('.facetctrl-sticky-target .toggle-container:not(.toggled) a.toggle-button').eq(0).click(); }); } FacetController.prototype.formatCount = function(node) { var num = node.count || node.c || ''; if (num == '') return ''; return ' ('+num.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")+')'; } FacetController.prototype.nextPage = function(url){ this.loading(); var self = this; self.ajaxConnectionActive = true; jQuery.ajax( { url: url, timeout:5000, success:function(data){ += 1; self.redraw(data,true); self.doneLoading(); self.ajaxConnectionActive = false; $(self.container).trigger("facetctrl.nextpage.complete"); }, error: function(){ document.location = url.replace('_ajax_pagination=1','') } }) } FacetController.prototype.updateState = function(args){ this.historyState = this.history.getState(); this.ajaxConnectionActive = true; var args = args || {}; args.force = args.force || false; var url = this.historyState.url; if (this.ajaxCache[url] && args.force == false) { var self = this; this.loading(); window.setTimeout(function(){ var data = self.ajaxCache[url]; self.redraw(data); self.doneLoading(); self.ajaxConnectionActive = false; $(self.container).trigger("facetctrl.update.complete"); },400); } else { this.loading(); var self = this; jQuery.ajax( { url: this.historyState.url, timeout:args.timeout || 5000, success:function(data){ console.timeEnd('dataLoaded'); console.time('redraw'); //self.ajaxCache[self.historyState.url] = data; // save memory self.redraw(data); self.doneLoading(); self.ajaxConnectionActive = false; $(self.container).trigger("facetctrl.update.complete"); console.timeEnd('redraw'); }, error: function(){ if (!window.wcm) {document.location = self.historyState.url} } }) } } FacetController.prototype.loading = function(){ console.time('dataLoaded'); $(this.container).addClass("facetctrl-loading"); framework.progress.start(); } FacetController.prototype.doneLoading = function(){ var self = this; self.restoreFocus() window.setTimeout(function(){ $(self.container).removeClass("facetctrl-loading"); framework.progress.done(); if (window.dlg) {window.dlg.close()}; },1) } FacetController.prototype.isLoading = function(){ return this.ajaxConnectionActive; } FacetController.prototype.getIcon = function(icon, alt){ if (icon == 'checkbox') { return '<span class="icon-checkbox icon-svg"><img src="" tab-index="0" aria-checked="false" role="checkbox" alt="" aria-label="' + alt +'"/></span>' } if (icon == 'checkbox-checked') { return '<span class="icon-checkbox-checked icon-svg"><img src="" tab-index="0" aria-checked="true" role="checkbox" alt="" aria-label="' + alt +'" aria-checked="true"/></span>' } } FacetController.prototype.updateInputFields = function(){ for (var i = 0;i<this.facets.length;i++) { var facet = this.facets[i].key; var facetValue = null; for (var j = 0;j<this.parsedFacetState.length;j++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[j]; var facetKey = d[0]; if (facetKey == facet) { facetValue = d[1]; } } if (facetValue == null) { $(this.container).find('input:text').each(function(){ if ( == facet && $(this).val() != '' && !$(this).is(':focus')) { $(this).val('') } }) } else { $(this.container).find('input:text').each(function(){ if ( == facet && !$(this).is(':focus') && !$(this).hasClass('facetctrl-ajax-textq')) { $(this).val(facetValue) } }) } } } FacetController.prototype.redraw = function(data,append){ // sync html areas var self = this; var newdoc = document.createElement('div'); newdoc.innerHTML = data; // new result has no isotope, uninstall it if (data && $(newdoc).find(".facetctrl-isotope-results").length == 0) { $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-isotope-results").removeClass('facetctrl-isotope-results'); } // isotope container already exists, and new result has more isotope var isotopeInserted = false; $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-isotope-results.isotope-installed").each(function(){ self.redrawIsotope(data,this,append); isotopeInserted = true; }) if (data) { var id = $(self.container).attr('id'); $(newdoc).find("#" + id + " .facetctrl-ajax-classes").each(function(i){ var classes = $(this).attr('class'); $(self.container).find(".facetctrl-ajax-classes").eq(i).attr('class',classes); }) $(newdoc).find("#" + id + " .facetctrl-ajax-html").each(function(i){ var html = $(this).html(); if ($(this).hasClass('facetctrl-ajax-noupdate')) { // pass } else if ($(this).hasClass('facetctrl-ajax-append') && append) { $(self.container).find(".facetctrl-ajax-html").eq(i).append('<div class="facetctrl-appended">'+html+'</div>'); } else if (!append) { $(self.container).find(".facetctrl-ajax-html").eq(i).html(html); } }) $(newdoc).find("#" + id + " .facetctrl-results").each(function(){ var html = $(this).html(); if (append && !isotopeInserted) { $(self.container).find(".facetctrl-results").append('<div class="facetctrl-appended">'+html+'</div>'); } else if (!isotopeInserted) { $(self.container).find(".facetctrl-results").html(html); } else { $(self.container).find('.facetctrl-no-results').remove() $(self.container).find('.facetctrl-results').append($(this).find('.facetctrl-no-results')); } }); var facetState =; if (append) { $(document).trigger('framework.domupdate'); } else { eval($(newdoc).find("script[type='text/facetconfig']").html()); var facetData = eval($(newdoc).find("script[type='text/facetdata']").html()); self.loadData(facetData,facetState); self.render(); } var newtitle = $(newdoc).find('title').eq(0).text() if (newtitle) document.title = newtitle; $(self.container).trigger("facetctrl.ajax.complete",{"html":data}); } // isotope container was newly installed $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-isotope-results").each(function(){ if (!$(this).hasClass("isotope-installed")) { $(this).addClass("isotope-installed"); self.installIsotope(this); self.redrawIsotope(data,this,append); } }) if (self.closeFacets) { $(this.container).find('.toggle-button').click(); framework.scrollTo(document.getElementById('search1-app')) self.closeFacets = false; } self.updatePagination(); if (window.authoring) window.authoring.reload(); } FacetController.prototype.redrawIsotope = function(data,results,append){ var $results = $(results); var self = this; if (data) { if (!append) { $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-isotope-element").removeClass("visible"); $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-isotope-element").hide(); } var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = data; var $newItems = $(div).find(".facetctrl-isotope-element").filter(function(){ if (document.getElementById( { var newposition = $(this).attr('data-position'); $(document.getElementById($(this).html()); $(document.getElementById("visible").attr('data-position',newposition); $(document.getElementById(; return false; } return true; }); $newItems.addClass("visible"); this.iso.insert($newItems); } else { $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-isotope-element").addClass("visible"); } $(this.container).addClass('facetctrl-animating'); this.iso.reloadItems(); this.iso.on("layoutComplete",function(){ $(self.container).removeClass('facetctrl-animating'); $(document).trigger('framework.domupdate'); $('.facetctrl-isotope-results.invisible',self.container).removeClass('invisible'); if(typeof Widgets != 'undefined') $(document).ready(Widgets.refresh); }); var $container = $('.facetctrl-isotope-results'); $container.imagesLoaded( function() { iso.layout(); }); this.iso.arrange({filter:".visible"}) } FacetController.prototype.installIsotope = function(results){ //var windowSize = $(window).width(); var gutterWidth = 24; //var columnWidth = Math.floor(($('.facetctrl-isotope-results').width() / 3) - (2 * gutterWidth)); /*if (windowSize <= 650) { gutterWidth = 0; } else if (windowSize > 651 && windowSize < 1020 ) { gutterWidth = 8; } else if (windowSize >= 1020) { gutterWidth = 24;}*/ var options = { itemSelector : '.facetctrl-isotope-element', masonry: { gutter: gutterWidth }, getSortData : { position: function (itemElem) { var weight = $(itemElem).attr('data-position') return parseInt(weight); } }, sortBy: 'position' } this.iso = window.iso = new FacetController.libs.Isotope(results,options); var $container = $('.facetctrl-isotope-results'); $container.imagesLoaded( function() { iso.layout(); }); } FacetController.prototype.install = function(group){ = group; this.facets = group.getFacets(); } FacetController.prototype.installMobile = function(groupMobile){ return; this.groupMobile= groupMobile; } FacetController.isReady = false; FacetController.ready = function(callback) { if (FacetController.isReady) { callback(); return; } var libs = [ '', '', '']; //if ($.ui) { //libs.splice(1,1) //} /*var link = document.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = ''; if (document.location.href.indexOf('') > -1) { link.href = ''; } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(link);*/ requirejs.config({waitSeconds:60}); requirejs(libs,function(Isotope){ FacetController.libs = {} FacetController.libs.Isotope = Isotope; FacetController.libs.ImagesLoaded = window.ImagesLoaded; FacetController.libs.History = window.History; FacetController.libs.jQuery = window.jQuery; FacetController.isReady = true; callback(); }); } FacetController.prototype.loadData = function(facetData) { = {}; = {}; = facetData.pages; =; = facetData.query; = facetData.breadcrumb; =; this.state = {}; if (this.history && this.history.getState) { this.facetState = this.history.getState().url.split('#')[0]; } else { this.facetState ='#')[0]; } this.parsedFacetState = this.getFacetStateFromQueryString(this.facetState); for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; facetKey = d[0]; facetId = d[1]; if (!this.state[facetKey]) this.state[facetKey] = {}; this.state[facetKey][facetId] = true; } for (var i = 0;i<facetData.facets.length;i++) { var d = facetData.facets[i]; if (typeof d != 'undefined' && d.facet) { var facetKey = d.facet; if (d.packed && d.packed.indexOf('|') > -1) { var parts = d.packed.split('|'); = parts[1].replace('t=',''); d.label =; if (parts[2]) d.parentID = parts[2].replace('p=',''); } if (![facetKey])[facetKey] = []; if (!this.state[facetKey]) this.state[facetKey] = {};[facetKey].push(d); } } }; FacetController.prototype.onRender = function(callback) { this.renderCallback = callback; } FacetController.prototype.render = function(callback) { this.renderCallback(); $(this.container).addClass('rendered'); var self = this; var refiners = []; var query = []; for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; var facetKey = d[0]; var facetValue = d[1]; var facetLabel = this.findLabel(facetKey,facetValue); if(facetKey!='page' && facetKey != 'facet' &&[facetKey] != undefined){ refiners.push(facetKey + ' : '+facetLabel); } if (facetKey == 'q') { query.push(facetValue); } } if (refiners.length > 0 || query) { var ttl =; if ( {" and ") || '',ttl || '',refiners); } else if (window.tagManager) { window.tagManager.getAnalytics(function(analytics){" and ") || '',ttl || '',refiners); }) } else { window._analytics = window._analytics || []; window._analytics.push(function(){" and ") || '',ttl || '',refiners); }); } } if (!this.setupComplete) { self.redraw(false); self.setupComplete = true; } if (this.onRefreshComplete) this.onRefreshComplete(); } FacetController.prototype.getState = function(key) { var facetState = this.state[key]; if (!facetState) return []; return facetState; } FacetController.prototype.isSelected = function(key) { for (var p in this.state[key]) { return true; } return false; } FacetController.prototype.getData = function(key) { var facetData =[key]; if (!facetData) return []; return facetData; } FacetController.prototype.saveFocus = function(key) { self.previousFocus = key } FacetController.prototype.restoreFocus = function() { if (self.previousFocus) { $(self.container).find('[data-term-id]').each(function(){ if ($(this).data('term-id') == self.previousFocus) { $(this).find('a').eq(0).focus(); } }) self.previousFocus = null } } //headerTitle,label,key,defaultCollapsed,disabled,deferLoad FacetController.prototype.facetStartHTML = function(facet) { var languageContainer = ''; var label = facet.label var key = facet.key; var defaultCollapsed = facet.defaultCollapsed; var disabled = facet.disabled; var deferLoad = facet.deferLoad; if (typeof Search != 'undefined' && typeof Search.Settings.LanguageContainer != 'undefined') languageContainer = Search.Settings.LanguageContainer; var h = '<div class="facet-control">'; if (defaultCollapsed && this.isSelected(key)) defaultCollapsed = false; var cls = (defaultCollapsed && !deferLoad) ? 'toggle-hide' : 'toggle-show'; var memory = ' has-memory'; if (this.isSelected(key)) memory = ''; if (typeof facet.toggle != 'undefined' && !facet.toggle) { h += '<div class="facet-name-'+key+'" id="facet-'+key+'">'; h += '<div><h2 class="kappa-uc">' + label+'</div></h2>'; h += '<div class="nu">'; } else if (disabled && label) { h += '<div class="facet-name-'+key+' facet-disabled">'; h += '<div><h2 class="kappa-uc"><a href="#" role="button" aria-expanded="false" class="toggle-button ' + languageContainer + ' black">'; h += '<span class="icon-plusbox"></span>'+label+'</a></h2>'; h += '</div>'; h += '<div class="nu hidden">'; } else if (disabled) { h += '<div class="nu hidden">'; } else if (label && deferLoad && this.getData(key).length == 0) { // nothing has been loaded yet var href = this.addFilterHref('facet',key); h += '<div class="facet-name-'+key+'">'; h += '<div><h2 class="kappa-uc"><a href="'+href+'" aria-expanded="false" class="facetctrl-ajax-link black">'; h += '<span class="icon-plusbox"></span>'+label+'</a></h2>'; h += '</div>'; h += '<div class="nu">'; } else if (label) { h += '<div class="toggle-container'+memory+' facet-name-'+key+'" id="facet-'+key+'">'; h += '<div class="'+cls+'"><h2 class="kappa-uc"><a href="#" role="button" aria-expanded="false" class="toggle-button ' + languageContainer + ' black">'; h += '<span class="icon-plusbox"></span>'+label+'</a></h2>'; h += '</div>'; cls = (defaultCollapsed && !deferLoad) ? 'toggle-show' : 'toggle-hide'; h += '<div class="'+cls+'"><h2 class="kappa-uc"><a href="#" aria-expanded="true" role="button" class="toggle-button ' + languageContainer + ' black">'; h += '<span class="icon-minusbox"></span>'+label+'</a></h2>'; h += '</div>'; h += '<div class="'+cls+' has-slide nu">'; } else { h += '<div class="facet-name-'+key+'"><div>' } return h; } FacetController.prototype.facetEndHTML = function() { var h = '</div></div></div>'; return h; } FacetController.prototype.renderNavigation = function(facetName) { var h = '<div class="facet-pattern2"><h2 class="visually-hidden">Filters</h2>'; if (facetName) { for (var i = 0; i <; i++ ) { var facet =[i]; if (facetName == facet.key) { return facet.render({simple:true}); } } } else { if ( h +=; } h += '</div>'; return h; } FacetController.prototype.renderNavigationMobile = function() { return ''; var h = '<div class="facet-pattern">'; h += this.groupMobile.render(); h += '</div>'; return h; } FacetController.prototype.isFacet = function(facetKey) { //if (facetKey == 'q') return false; if (facetKey == 'sort') return false; for (var i=0;i<this.facets.length;i++) { if (this.facets[i].key == facetKey) return true; } return false; } FacetController.prototype.getFacet = function(facetKey) { //if (facetKey == 'q') return false; for (var i=0;i<this.facets.length;i++) { if (this.facets[i].key == facetKey) return this.facets[i]; } return false; } FacetController.prototype.findLabel = function(facetKey, value, breadcrumb) { var d = this.getData(facetKey); if (d) { for (var i = 0;i<d.length;i++) { var data = d[i]; if (value == || value == data.param) { var f = this.getFacet(data.facet); if (f && f.labelfn) { return f.labelfn(data.label,data,1);} if (breadcrumb && data.breadcrumb) return data.breadcrumb; return data.label; //Display Label } } } return value; } // make safe for printing FacetController.prototype.p = function(str) { if (!str) return ''; return str.replace(/\+/g,' ').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/"/g,'"'); } FacetController.prototype.renderBreadcrumb = function(){ if (this.singleSelect) { for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; var facetKey = d[0]; var facetValue = d[1]; var facetLabel = this.findLabel(facetKey,facetValue,1); if(this.isFacet(facetKey)){ var href = this.removeFilterHref(facetKey,facetValue); return '<h2 class="gamma">'+this.p(facetLabel) + '</h2>' } } } var bcrumb = ''; for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; var facetKey = d[0]; var facetValue = d[1]; var facetLabel = this.findLabel(facetKey,facetValue,1); if(this.isFacet(facetKey)){ var href = this.removeFilterHref(facetKey,facetValue); bcrumb += '<a class="ink facetctrl-ajax-link facetctrl-event-clear" href="'+href+'">'+this.p(facetLabel)+'<span class="icon-circle-close-red"></span></a> <span class="txt-arrow eta" aria-hidden="true">→</span> '; } } if (bcrumb) {bcrumb = '<h2 class="eta">' + bcrumb + '</h2>'} return bcrumb; } FacetController.prototype.renderPagination = function(){ return '<div class="facetctrl-ajax-pagination"></div>' } FacetController.prototype.updatePagination = function(){ var self = this; $(this.container).find(".facetctrl-ajax-pagination").each(function(){ var qs = '?' + (window.SESSION_QUERYSTRING || ''); for (var i = 0;i<self.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = self.parsedFacetState[i]; if ( d[0] != 'page') { qs += '&' + d[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(d[1]); } } if(( < { $(this).attr('style','text-align:center;display:block !important;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:32px;'); $(this).addClass('hbsred-bg').removeClass("hidden"); qs += '&_ajax_pagination=1&page=' + ( + 1); qs = qs.replace('?&','?'); var label = $(".btn-bar",self.container).text(); $(this).html('<a href="'+qs+'" role="button" class="facetctrl-ajax-nextpage white lambda-uc btn-bar hbsred-bg" title="Load More Results">'+label+'<span class="icon-expand-white" style="margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:1px;"></span></a>'); }else{ $(this).attr('style','display:none;'); } }); } FacetController.prototype.addFilterHref = function(key,val,querystring) { var qs = '?' + (window.SESSION_QUERYSTRING || ''); var found = false; for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; if (d[0] == 'page') continue; qs += '&' + d[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(d[1]); if (d[0] == key && d[1] == val) found = true; } if (querystring) qs = querystring; if (!found) { qs += '&' + key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); } qs = qs.replace('?&','?'); return qs; } FacetController.prototype.removeFilterHref = function(key,val,href) { var qs = '?' + (window.SESSION_QUERYSTRING || ''); var facetState = this.parsedFacetState; if (href) facetState = this.getFacetStateFromQueryString(href); for (var i = 0;i<facetState.length;i++) { var d = facetState[i]; if (key == d[0] && val == d[1]) { //pass } else if (d[0] == 'page') { //pass } else if (key == d[0] && !val) { //pass } else { qs += '&' + d[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(d[1]); } } qs = qs.replace('?&','?') return document.location.pathname + qs; } FacetController.prototype.removeFacetFilterHref = function() { var facetHref = null; for (var j = 0; j<this.facets.length; j++) { var f = this.facets[j]; if (f.key) facetHref = this.removeFilterHref(f.key,null,facetHref); } return facetHref; } FacetController.prototype.setFilterHref = function(key,val) { var qs = '?' + (window.SESSION_QUERYSTRING || ''); for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; if (key == d[0]) { //pass } else if (d[0] == 'page') { //pass } else { qs += '&' + d[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(d[1]); } } if (val) qs += '&' + key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); qs = qs.replace('?&','?') return document.location.pathname + qs; } FacetController.prototype.getFilterHref = function() { var qs = '?' for (var i = 0;i<this.parsedFacetState.length;i++) { var d = this.parsedFacetState[i]; qs += '&' + d[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(d[1]); } qs = qs.replace('?&','?') return qs; } FacetController.prototype.getFacetStateFromQueryString = function(qs) { var queryParam = []; var self = this; if (qs) { qs.replace( new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g"), function($0, $1, $2, $3) { if ($3) { if (!self.validParams || $.inArray($1,self.validParams) > -1) { var val = $3.replace(/\+/g, '%20'); queryParam.push([$1,decodeURIComponent(val)]); } } } ); } return queryParam; }; /** * @fileoverview TextResizeDetector * * Detects changes to font sizes when user changes browser settings * <br>Fires a custom event with the following data:<br><br> * iBase : base font size * iDelta : difference in pixels from previous setting<br> * iSize : size in pixel of text<br> * * * @author Lawrence Carvalho * @version 1.0 */ /** * @constructor */ TextResizeDetector = function() { var el = null; var iIntervalDelay = 200; var iInterval = null; var iCurrSize = -1; var iBase = -1; var aListeners = []; var createControlElement = function() { el = document.createElement('span');'textResizeControl'; el.innerHTML=' ';"absolute";"-9999px"; var elC = document.getElementById(TextResizeDetector.TARGET_ELEMENT_ID); // insert before firstChild if (elC) elC.insertBefore(el,elC.firstChild); iBase = iCurrSize = TextResizeDetector.getSize(); }; function _stopDetector() { window.clearInterval(iInterval); iInterval=null; }; function _startDetector() { if (!iInterval) { iInterval = window.setInterval('TextResizeDetector.detect()',iIntervalDelay); } }; function _detect() { var iNewSize = TextResizeDetector.getSize(); if(iNewSize!== iCurrSize) { for (var i=0;i <aListeners.length;i++) { aListnr = aListeners[i]; var oArgs = { iBase: iBase,iDelta:((iCurrSize!=-1) ? iNewSize - iCurrSize + 'px' : "0px"),iSize:iCurrSize = iNewSize}; if (!aListnr.obj) { aListnr.fn('textSizeChanged',[oArgs]); } else { aListnr.fn.apply(aListnr.obj,['textSizeChanged',[oArgs]]); } } } return iCurrSize; }; var onAvailable = function() { if (!TextResizeDetector.onAvailableCount_i ) { TextResizeDetector.onAvailableCount_i =0; } if (document.getElementById(TextResizeDetector.TARGET_ELEMENT_ID)) { TextResizeDetector.init(); if (TextResizeDetector.USER_INIT_FUNC){ TextResizeDetector.USER_INIT_FUNC(); } TextResizeDetector.onAvailableCount_i = null; } else { if (TextResizeDetector.onAvailableCount_i<600) { TextResizeDetector.onAvailableCount_i++; setTimeout(onAvailable,200) } } }; setTimeout(onAvailable,500); return { /* * Initializes the detector * * @param {String} sId The id of the element in which to create the control element */ init: function() { createControlElement(); _startDetector(); }, /** * Adds listeners to the ontextsizechange event. * Returns the base font size * */ addEventListener:function(fn,obj,bScope) { aListeners[aListeners.length] = { fn: fn, obj: obj } return iBase; }, /** * performs the detection and fires textSizeChanged event * @return the current font size * @type {integer} */ detect:function() { return _detect(); }, /** * Returns the height of the control element * * @return the current height of control element * @type {integer} */ getSize:function() { var iSize; return el.offsetHeight; }, /** * Stops the detector */ stopDetector:function() { return _stopDetector(); }, /* * Starts the detector */ startDetector:function() { return _startDetector(); } } }(); TextResizeDetector.TARGET_ELEMENT_ID = 'doc'; TextResizeDetector.USER_INIT_FUNC = null; function textResizeInit() { var iBase = TextResizeDetector.addEventListener(onFontResize,null); } //id of element to check for and insert control TextResizeDetector.TARGET_ELEMENT_ID = 'container'; //function to call once TextResizeDetector has init'd TextResizeDetector.USER_INIT_FUNC = textResizeInit; function onFontResize(e,args) { console.log('font resized!'); if (window.iso) iso.layout(); } </script> <style>a[href*="TOFIX" i],a[href*="TODO" i] { background-color: yellow; } @media all and 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