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Although MarketingProfs is a United States-based company, and our EU user group is proportionally small, we figure it's good practice to roll out any policy changes to all subscribers, not just those in far-off lands—especially regarding transparency surrounding our business practices.</p> <p>Plus, if history (and recent gaffes by a certain social media company that shall remain unnamed) teaches us anything, similar regulations are likely to roll out in other locales before you know it, like Canada's Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).</p> <h2>tl;dr</h2> <ul> <li>We're serious about privacy and security. We won't sell, rent, or use your information to a third party without your express permission.</li> <li>To subscribe, we'll need your work email. We may also ask for things like your job title or company details or questions from content sponsors on some forms.</li> <li>We primarily collect your data through online forms, though we sometimes get extra details (only about your company) through third-party services. Beyond forms, we track behavioral data, store credit card information for purchases, and use cookies.</li> <li>We mostly use your data to send you editorial and promotional emails, serve you more relevant content, and market to you (we are marketers, after all).</li> <li>If you're PRO, we also use your data to admit you to paid training programs, monitor your learning progress, and send you transactional messages.</li> <li>You can opt out of our emails by managing your subscriptions in the <a href="/account/email">My Account</a> section of the website or by selecting "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any email.</li> <li>We keep your data secure using modern encryption technologies and by restricting staff who can access it.</li> <li>You don't have to consent to letting us use your data. Just know that you won't be able to access much of our content.</li> <li>You can submit a user access request for a copy of your data we have on file or ask us to delete your account completely.</li> <li>Be sure to read up on our <a href="/about/terms-of-use">Terms & Conditions</a> and <a href="/about/cookie-policy">Cookies Policy</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>The Full Shebang</h2> <p><strong>Our Commitment to Privacy and Security</strong><br /> MarketingProfs respects your privacy, and we take your data security seriously.</p> <ul> <li>As a Data Controller, we pledge to hold all information you provide us in absolute privacy.</li> <li>We will NEVER sell or rent your name or personal information to any third party without your express permission.</li> <li>We NEVER sell or rent our email subscriber list.</li> <li>Only authorized employees may access your information.</li> </ul> <p><strong>What Information We Collect</strong></p> <ul> <li>Name <em>(required for all)</em></li> <li>Email <em>(required for all)</em></li> <li>Job title and role <em>(required by PRO)</em></li> <li>Company <em>(required by PRO)</em></li> <li>Address <em>(required by PRO)</em></li> <li>Phone number</li> <li>Industry</li> <li>Business type</li> <li>Company size <em>(required by PRO and Enterprise PRO)</em></li> <li>Annual revenue</li> <li>Marketing experience</li> <li>SMS preferences</li> <li>Email subscriptions preferences</li> <li>Topics of interest</li> <li>Behavioral data, like articles visited or emails opened</li> <li>Marketing automat </ul> <p>Some of our content is sponsored. You may need to provide extra information on the registration or download form to access this content. These questions change on a case-by-case basis.</p> <p>If you are a PRO subscriber or Enterprise PRO user, or if you register for an online or onsite event, we may also collect and track:</p> <ul> <li>Subscription type</li> <li>The price you paid and any discount codes</li> <li>Your subscription renewal date</li> <li>Billing method and details, like your credit card number if you select auto-renew</li> <li>Each online and onsite event you register for and attend</li> <li>Activity in our Learning Management System, like watching Master Classes or workshop companion e-learning resources</li> <li>Saved articles, podcasts, and downloaded e-books</li> </ul> <p>If you register for an Ask an Expert appointment, we will ask you to list the questions or areas of concern you'd like the expert to address, which we share with your selected expert. We also record these sessions and any sensitive information you disclose during your conversation so we can send you the video for your personal use.</p> <p>If you participate in an online event or workshop, we may collect, record, and share these within the viewing platform:</p> <ul> <li>Your name, as displayed on your event platform profile</li> <li>Your photo, if uploaded to your event platform profile</li> <li>Your comments and questions, if you participate in the event chat or Q&A</li> <li>Your video likeness and voice, if you participate in interactive discussions or if you request to come "on stage" (if you do, please know that live and on-demand viewers will see and hear your likeness and name)</li> </ul> <p>If you attend MarketingProfs B2B Forum, we may also collect and track the following:</p> <ul> <li>Conference check-in</li> <li>Session, workshop, and activity scanning</li> <li>Sponsor scanning</li> <li>Survey participation</li> <li>Social media handles</li> </ul> <p>And finally, if you are an Enterprise PRO user, we also collect, track, and share these things with people within your organization:</p> <ul> <li>Designated team and team leader, if assigned by your account admin (your account admin and your team leader can see these)</li> <li>Results of each of your Marketing Skills Assessment tests, including your scores, progress over time, and recommended learning content (you, your account admin, and your team leader can see these)</li> <li>Gamification points earned by participating in e-learning and other activities, and a list of your corresponding activities (any other Enterprise PRO user from your company can see these on your company Learning Center's Leaderboard and Activity Feed if enabled by your account admin)</li> </ul> <p><strong>How and Why We Collect Your Information</strong><br /> MarketingProfs primarily collects your information through online forms. Periodically, we use third-party appending services like Demandbase and D&B to fill in firmographic information about users' companies, like industry. We store this data on our secure Rackspace server, within our marketing automation platform, Acoustic, within our learning management system, Litmos, and if you're a multiseat buyer, speaker, or a sponsor, in Salesforce. We also store some information in our online event platforms like Airmeet and Zoom and our Ask an Expert booking system, Acuity.</p> <p>Sometimes, we'll get your data through a partnership program we've done with another company. In these cases, you likely opted in when you filled out a form for content on another site. This includes forms hosted by our e-book distribution and event promotion platform, NetLine.</p> <p>We also track geographic and behavioral data on our website to help provide more relevant content and better market to you. We use some third-party cookies to do this; this includes our intent data software provider, Bombora, and cookies for web traffic analytics, remarketing, customer support, and other services. You can find more information about how we use cookies by reading our <a href="/about/cookie-policy">Cookies Policy</a>.</p> <p>Finally, if you subscribe to MarketingProfs PRO or register for one of our paid events, like B2B Forum, we'll collect your credit card and billing information. We'll store it only long enough to process your transaction, and then it will be deleted (unless you've asked us to keep it on file).</p> <p><strong>The Ways We Use It</strong><br /> To sign up for MarketingProfs, you'll need to provide minimal information. We need this information to create your account and allow you to sign in to the site.</p> <p>We also use your data to segment, personalize, and send you emails. This helps us deliver content we think you'll be interested in most. Depending on your email preferences, you may receive our daily newsletter, announcements about our products, and third-party promotional messages we send on behalf of our sponsors.</p> <p>You can opt out of these mailing programs anytime by updating your <a href="/account/email">email preferences</a> in the My Account section or using the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email. If you are a PRO subscriber, Enterprise PRO user, event registrant, or have purchased any paid training or resource product, you cannot unsubscribe from certain transactional trigger emails, like receipts, registration confirmations, and Master Class progress messages.</p> <p>Similarly, when you visit our website, we use your data to target you with relevant next steps, recommended related content, and promotions.</p> <p>If you've signed up for a sponsored content program like a webinar, report download, or online forum, we'll provide the information entered on the form to the content sponsor(s). We require you to acknowledge that you understand as part of submitting your form. We will always disclose sponsored content.</p> <p>If you register for an onsite event, we'll also use your data for our on-site registration, badge scanning system, and event mobile app, all hosted by Cvent.</p> <p>One more thing: We may also use aggregated data from our users for research purposes. In these cases, we don't use your information in ways that can identify you specifically or allow anyone to contact you unless you explicitly request it—like entering to win a prize for submitting a survey.</p> <p><strong>Protection of Children's Personal Information</strong><br /> We never knowingly collect personal information from children. Visitors under 18 should not submit information to without the consent of their parent or guardian.</p> <p><strong>Securing Your Data</strong><br /> At MarketingProfs, we use up-to-date data security measures to ensure your information is safe. Passwords and credit card data are encrypted and cannot be accessed directly by our staff. When we share your information with sponsors or vendors you've authorized, we use password-encrypted files and secure file storage.</p> <p>Plus, we only allow employees with legitimate reasons to use your data to access it. And all employees with access to your data must adhere to our strict privacy and security policies.</p> <p><strong>Your Rights: No Consent</strong><br /> You can visit many pages on our website without providing any information about yourself—providing your data is optional. But sometimes, we need information to provide services that you request, so if you don't provide consent, you'll have limited access to much of our content. Sadly, providing free content to all marketers everywhere is just not a solid business model.</p> <p><strong>Your Rights: User Access Requests and Deleting Your Data</strong><br /> We recommend using the <a href="/account/profile">My Account</a> section of the website to verify, update, and correct the details we have in <a href="/account/profile">your profile</a>, manage your billing preferences, and <a href="/account/email">adjust your email subscriptions</a>.</p> <p>Under the GDPR, you may <a href="">submit a user access request</a> to us asking for a detailed report of the personal information we have for you on file, and we will send it to you within 30 days.</p> <p>Want us to delete your information entirely? While we'll be sad to see you go, you can <a href="/about/contact/">contact us</a>, and we'll purge your account from our records... just know that you won't be able to access your free or paid content if you do so.</p> <p><strong>Data Removal Process</strong><br /> You may request deletion of any and all personal data by emailing and asking us to delete your data permanently.</p> </div> <div style="text-align:center;width:100%;background:#fff;margin-top:30px;"> <!-- === main column content starts === --> <div class="card-box bg-white funnel-box py-4"> <div class="mx-5 text-center"><h2 class="grad-bold my-3">Thousands of Marketing Resources ... FREE!</h2><p class='tmar'>MarketingProfs is a rich and trusted resource that offers actionable know-how to help you market your products and services both smarter and better. 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