Patient Financial Resource | Good Samaritan Hospital

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We are a designated Breast Imaging Center of Excellence, as recognized by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and an Accredited Breast Center acknowledged by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC).<\/p>\n\n<blockquote>To schedule a breast imaging exam, please call our Centralized Scheduling Department at <a href=\"tel:+1-855-495-1753\" >(855) 495-1753<\/a>. To reach the Breast Care Center, please call <a href=\"tel:+1-408-358-8414\" >(408) 358-8414<\/a>.<\/blockquote>\n\n<p>The Breast Care Center is open Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4:30pm and Saturday from 8:00am to 1:00pm.<\/p>\n\n<h2>Breast imaging<\/h2>\n\n<p>Our center offers multiple breast cancer imaging options, including:<\/p>\n\n<ul>\n <li>Breast ultrasound<\/li>\n <li>Computer-aided detection (CAD)<\/li>\n <li>Diagnostic mammograms<\/li>\n <li>Screening mammograms<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n<p>Our screening and diagnostic mammograms are performed using 2D or 3D mammography.<\/p>\n\n<h3>Breast imaging abnormalities<\/h3>\n\n<p>It is important to understand that just because an abnormality is found, it does not necessarily result in a cancer diagnosis. In these cases, we offer biopsy services to test suspicious tissues and form an accurate diagnosis.<\/p>\n\n<h2>Other imaging services<\/h2>\n\n<p>We also perform bone density screenings as well as dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scans, to help screen for osteoporosis. <\/p>","orgLevel":"Facility","title":"Good Samaritan Breast Care Center","taleoFacilityId":"","type":"[Health_Center]","division":"Far West","hcaLineOfBusiness":"NA","mhoEnabled":"true","default":"[]","programName":"","financialServiceNumber":"","marketingSpecialty":"n/a","primaryGradient":"#336D41","id":"9429da7c-7abe-4512-9a79-e811189fff18","state":"CA","fax":"","lat":"37.24434189999999","group":"American","zip":"95032","ctaButton":"","image":"","hours":"<p>Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 4:30pm<\/p>\n<p>Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm<\/p>","lng":"-121.9491848","address2":"Suite 200","urlTitle":"","contactEmail":"","address1":"15400 National Ave","secondaryCtaButton":"","coid":"0","rsid":"","erFeed":"","accessPoint":"breast-care-center","market":"San Jose Market","phone":"(408) 358-8414","sortOrder":"0","billPayValue":"","extraCtaButton":"","secondaryGradient":"#7B6D60","providerLocationUrlTitle":"","secondaryColor":"#675B51"},{"marketUrl":"","city":"San Jose","additionalText":"","facilityEccNumber":"(800) 307-7631","link":"","primaryColor":"#004812","entityBrandingId":"30572|Good-Samaritan-Hospital","description":"","orgLevel":"Facility","title":"Good Samaritan Hospital","taleoFacilityId":"","type":"[Hospital]","division":"Far West","hcaLineOfBusiness":"NA","mhoEnabled":"true","default":"[Yes]","programName":"","financialServiceNumber":"pricing-estimate~Good Samaritan Hospital~888-253-1108\ncustomer-service~Good Samaritan Hospital~800-307-7631","marketingSpecialty":"n/a","primaryGradient":"#336D41","id":"888e5451-fd37-4e87-b854-71c237187912","state":"CA","fax":"","lat":"37.2517475","group":"American","zip":"95124","ctaButton":"","image":"","hours":"","lng":"-121.9466889","address2":"","urlTitle":"","contactEmail":"","address1":"2425 Samaritan Dr","secondaryCtaButton":"","coid":"30572","rsid":"","erFeed":"`Good Samaritan","accessPoint":"good-samaritan-hospital","legalChargeMaster":{"legalChargeMasterDisclaimer":{"identifier":"b1127969-45cf-437d-be7e-1cd43d9abaab","title":"DISCLAIMER A - DEFAULT","disclaimerContent":"<p>The attached machine-readable file contains certain charge and rate information for items and services that may be offered by Good Samaritan Hospital (including any additional hospital campus(es) and off-site emergency department(s) listed in the file). This information is subject to the following:<\/p>\n\n<ol>\n <li>The file does <strong><u>not<\/u><\/strong> contain information concerning patient's expected <strong>copayments, deductible amounts, or coinsurance obligations. For payment estimates specific to the amount you may owe for items and services you may receive at this hospital, please call <a href=\"tel:\" class=\"pfa-call\"><\/a>.<\/strong><\/li>\n <li>The file will be fully updated on an annual basis. The \"Last Full Update\" date contained in the file reflects the date the file was last fully updated. The file may also contain technical revisions, corrections or additions after the Last Full Update, which are noted using a \"Last Revision\" date. Changes in charges, rates, network participation or other data elements that become effective following the date of the Last Full Update may not be shown, regardless of the Last Revision date.<\/li>\n <li>Rates are based upon the specific facts and circumstances of the care provided to an individual patient. For example, the items and services furnished to the patient (i.e., drugs and implants) vary by patient circumstance and the product used.<\/li>\n <li>Comparisons of rates within the file between payers or comparison of files between hospitals <strong><u>will not<\/u><\/strong> reflect distinctions in prices due to variations in pricing methodology. For example, if an item or service is priced as a case rate (a set rate for an episode of care) with a particular payer or for a particular hospital, but as a per day rate with a different payer or hospital, then these rates cannot be compared without first determining the patient's length of stay and then applying the applicable contractual enhancements (e.g., stoploss or trauma activation).<\/li>\n <li>The file does not include information for non-facility items and services, including the rates for care provided by physicians and other professionals that are not Good Samaritan Hospital employees.<\/li>\n <li>The minimum and maximum results in the file represent the high and low payer-specific negotiated charge by service description. Because items and services are priced differently by payers (i.e., case rate, daily rate, base rate), the minimum and maximum rates may not reflect the highest or lowest dollar value for a given service across all payers. For example, the maximum rate for an item may show Payer A's rate (the highest rate shown), but when the payers' rates are applied to an actual patient stay, Payer B;s rate may in fact be the maximum rate for that particular stay.<\/li>\n <li>In the case of multi-campus hospitals, the file is encoded with location data for each hospital location for inpatient or emergency services that is on the same license and uses the same standard charges. Some locations may offer a more limited set of items and services, and some items and services may be available at certain locations but not others<\/li>\n<\/ol>"},"drgFileName":"FarWestDivision_GoodSamaritanHospital_DRG.csv","id":"55c88fdf-745c-4603-a1c3-a6f307c16793","facilityName":"Good Samaritan Hospital","cmFileName":"62-1763090_good-samaritan-hospital_standardcharges"},"market":"San Jose Market","phone":"(408) 559-2011","sortOrder":"0","billPayValue":"","extraCtaButton":"","secondaryGradient":"#7B6D60","providerLocationUrlTitle":"","secondaryColor":"#675B51"},{"marketUrl":"","city":"Los Gatos","additionalText":"","facilityEccNumber":"","link":"","primaryColor":"#004812","entityBrandingId":"30572|Good-Samaritan-Hospital","description":"","orgLevel":"Facility","title":"Good Samaritan Hospital-Mission Oaks Campus","taleoFacilityId":"","type":"[Hospital]","division":"Far West","hcaLineOfBusiness":"NA","mhoEnabled":"true","default":"[]","programName":"","financialServiceNumber":"","marketingSpecialty":"n/a","primaryGradient":"#336D41","id":"e4c24b14-2ef1-42f8-8e33-3e9de3330555","state":"CA","fax":"","lat":"37.2447534","group":"American","zip":"95032","ctaButton":"","image":"","hours":"","lng":"-121.9479332","address2":"","urlTitle":"","contactEmail":"","address1":"15891 Los Gatos Almaden Rd","secondaryCtaButton":"","coid":"0","rsid":"","erFeed":"","accessPoint":"good-samaritan-hospital-mission-oaks-campus","market":"San Jose Market","phone":"","sortOrder":"0","billPayValue":"","extraCtaButton":"","secondaryGradient":"#7B6D60","providerLocationUrlTitle":"","secondaryColor":"#675B51"}]; var hostCurrentLocationUrl = ""; var hostCurrentLocationTitle = ""; var hostFacilityName = "Good Samaritan Hospital"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" defer></script> </head> <body class="core app-patient-financial patient-financial unified interior theme-2016 "> <div id="page-wrap"> <a href="#page" tabindex="1" id="skip-nav-accessibility-aid">Skip to main content</a> <!--[if lte IE 9]> <div id="update-browser-warning" class="alert alert-info"> <strong>You are using an outdated browser</strong> <p>It is limiting your browser experience. 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We are committed to providing the best available healthcare along with convenient, accurate and timely billing services.</p> <p>We have developed several financial assistance programs and resources to provide our patients with as much information and assistance as possible, and we do our best to make patients aware of this assistance. We have one of the most robust patient financial assistance programs in the industry, and thus encourage our patients to seek assistance as soon as issues or billing questions arise.</p> <h2>Charity and Discount Programs</h2> <p>Full or partial financial assistance is available to patients who have received emergency services and are unable to make partial or full payment on outstanding balances, do not qualify for state or federal assistance for the date of service and have provided sufficient supporting documentation that they meet the income requirements below.</p> <p>Patients that fall within 0-400% of the <a href="">Federal Poverty Level</a> (FPL) may be eligible for a full write-off.</p> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to view the full charity care policy <i class="icon-file-pdf" aria-label="PDF"></i></a></strong></p> <p>Our patient benefit advisors and financial counselors are available to assist our patients with identifying potential financial assistance upon receiving care at our hospitals, which may include applying to qualify for federal and state program coverage. You can request a financial assistance application at any time. Financial assistance applications are submitted following receipt of healthcare services and are specific to an account or date of service.</p> <p><strong><a href="/util/forms/financial_assistance_application.pdf" target="_blank">Click here to view the financial assistance application <i class="icon-file-pdf" aria-label="PDF"></i></a></strong></p> <p>After submission of a financial assistance application and the required supporting documentation by mail or physically brought to the hospital, please allow 21 days for review and processing. You will receive a determination letter in the mail regarding your eligibility for financial assistance. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like assistance completing an application, please contact us.</p> <div class="patient-financial-sidebar"> <ul> <li><strong>Facility Name: </strong> &nbsp; Good Samaritan Hospital</li> <li><strong>Address: </strong> &nbsp; P.O. Box 290969, Nashville, TN 37229</li> <li><strong>Patient Account Customer Service Number: </strong> &nbsp; <a href='tel:8003077631' data-analytics='{"feature": "pfa", "name": "clickToCall"}'>800-307-7631</a></li> <li><strong>Fax Number: </strong> &nbsp; 833-336-8190</li> </ul> </div> <h2>Income Verification</h2> <p>For Medicare beneficiaries, in addition to thorough completion of the financial assistance application, the preferred income documentation will be the most current year's federal tax return. Any patient/responsible party unable to provide the most recent federal tax return may provide two pieces of supporting documentation from the following list to meet this income verification requirement:</p> <ul> <li>State income tax return for the most current year</li> <li>Most recent employer pay stubs</li> <li>Written documentation from income sources</li> <li>Copy of all bank statements for the last three months</li> <li>Current credit report</li> </ul> <h2>Additional Protections for our Patients</h2> <h3>Uninsured Discount</h3> <p>Self pay patients with no third party payer source of payment that do not qualify for Medicaid, Charity Discounts or any other program the facility offers, will receive a discount similar to Medicaid, referred to as an “uninsured discount” (excluding elective cosmetic procedures and facility designated self pay flat rate procedures). At the time of service, patients will be asked to make payment in full or establish payment arrangements on the patient liability amount.</p> <h3>Patient Liability Protection (PLP)</h3> <p>The PLP program provides protection for patients with household incomes above 400% of FPL. The discounts under this program help patients who find themselves unable to pay material balances due to limited or no coverage, a high deductible or other extenuating circumstances after receiving emergency and/or emergent non-elective services. Similar to the policies above, these discounts are need-based and calculated on a sliding scale based on the patient’s annual household income.</p> <h2>Providers Who Bill Separately</h2> <p>It is important to remember that your bill covers services provided by the hospital such as your room, nursing care, meals, housekeeping, and linen. It may also include services ordered by your physician such as X-rays, laboratory tests, medical supplies, and oxygen. The bill does not include charges for your personal physician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, pathologist, emergency physician, radiologist, etc. You will receive separate bills from these physicians for their services.</p> <h2>Hospital Bill Complaint Program</h2> <p>The Hospital Bill Complaint Program is a state program, which reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to <a href=""></a> for more information or to file a complaint.</p> <h2>More Help</h2> <p>There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you understand the billing and payment process. You may call the Health Consumer Alliance at 888-804-3536 or go to <a href=""></a> for more information.</p> </div> </div> </article> </section> </div> </div><!-- /content-wrap --> <div class="patient-financial-disclaimer"> <div class="container"> <div class="disclaimer-inner"> <p>Good Samaritan Hospital makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the pricing information provided herein. The pricing information provided by this website is strictly an estimate of prices, and Good Samaritan Hospital cannot guarantee the accuracy of any estimates. All estimates are based on information provided by a prospective patient and do not include, among other things, any unforeseen complications, additional tests or procedures, and non-hospital related charges, any of which may increase the ultimate pricing for the services provided. Any prospective patient should understand that a final bill for services rendered at Good Samaritan Hospital may differ substantially from the information provided by this website, and Good Samaritan Hospital shall not be liable for any inaccuracies.</p> </div> <a href="#" class="disclaimer-toggle" data-analytics='{"feature": "pfa", "name": "linkClick"}'> <span>Read More</span> <i class="icon-plus-circled"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div><!-- /page --> <div id="footer-wrap" class="clearfix"> <footer role="contentinfo"> <section class="site-info style-4"> <div class="container"> <div class="row footer-divider hidden-xs"> <div class="col-sm-3 footer-info"> <img src='/contentAsset/raw-data/e661c928-c92d-4a0d-aa6a-5d23023e4898/fullColorLogo' alt='Good Samaritan Hospital'> <p> Good Samaritan Hospital<br/> 2425 Samaritan Dr<br/>San Jose, CA 95124 </p> <p> Telephone: <a href="tel:4085592011" data-analytics='{"feature": "nava", "name": "clickToCall"}'>(408) 559-2011</a><br/> </p> </div> <div 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+= (location.protocol.indexOf("https") > -1) ? "" : ""; er_feed_url += "/src/widgets/er-wait-times/pages/"+division_feed; json_request = new XDomainRequest();"GET",er_feed_url); } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // modern browsers supported IE11+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari json_request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",er_feed_url,true); } else { json_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); er_feed_url = location.protocol+"//"; er_feed_url += (location.protocol.indexOf("https") > -1) ? "" : ""; er_feed_url += "/src/widgets/er-wait-times/pages/"+division_feed; json_request = new XDomainRequest();"GET",er_feed_url); } json_request.onload = function() { var JSON = $.parseJSON(json_request.responseText); if (JSON == null || typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') { JSON = $.parseJSON(data.firstChild.textContent); } getFeedSuccess(JSON,er_feed_map); } json_request.send(); json_request.onerror = function () { er_feed_map.status = "fail"; }; } function getFeedSuccess(data,er_feed_map) { var items =; if (items.length > 0) { $(items).each(function() { // Add all variables from feed into JS array var feed_result = []; er_feed_map.status = "success"; feed_result.feed_info = er_feed_map.feed_info; feed_result.facility = this.title; feed_result.pub_date = this.pubDate; feed_result.er_time = this.description; feed_result.pub_date_formatted = false; er_feed_results.push(feed_result); }); er_feeds_processed = er_feeds_processed + 1; setupFacilitiesForWidgets(); } else { er_feed_map.status = "fail"; } } function setupFacilitiesForWidgets() { // Only run this function once all facilities are returned if(er_feeds_processed == total_er_feeds) { // For each widget, we'll need to find the facilities for those widgets in the cached feeds $(er_widget_data).each(function() { var current_widget_data = this; // For each facility specified in the widget var results = []; $(current_widget_data.facilities).each(function() { var er_facility = this; er_facility = $.trim(er_facility); // For each er_feed_result for(i = 0; i < er_feed_results.length; i++) { // Find a match for the widget's specified facility in the feed results if(er_feed_results[i].facility == er_facility) { // Add 00: to beginning and strip off Mins var time = er_feed_results[i].er_time; if(time.indexOf("Coming Soon") == -1) { time = time.replace("Mins","").replace(" ",""); if(current_widget_data.include_hours == "true") { // Add hours if (time.length == 1) { time = "0" + time; } time = "00:" + time; } } else { time = "Coming Soon"; } er_feed_results[i].er_time = time; // Setup the date based on the publication date set var already_formatted = er_feed_results[i].pub_date_formatted; if (already_formatted != true) { var pub_date_org = er_feed_results[i].pub_date; pub_date_org = pub_date_org.replace(/ -0700/,""); //.replace(/AM/," am").replace(/PM/," pm"); // Check for and save any timezone info // - all feeds are standard format with last 3 characters as timezone var timezone = pub_date_org.substring(pub_date_org.length - 3, pub_date_org.length); pub_date_org = pub_date_org.substring(0,pub_date_org.length - 4); // includes removing the space // Date formats are different for different feeds var old_date_format = er_feed_results[i].feed_info.date_format; var new_date_format = current_widget_data.pub_date_format; var new_time_format = current_widget_data.pub_time_format; var pub_date = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_date_format); pub_time = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_time_format); // For customizing based on area var new_header_date_format = current_widget_data.pub_date_format_header; var new_header_time_format = current_widget_data.pub_time_format_header; var pub_date_header = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_header_date_format); var pub_time_header = moment(pub_date_org,old_date_format).format(new_header_time_format); // Add timezone back to date pub_time = pub_time + " " + timezone; er_feed_results[i].pub_date = pub_date; er_feed_results[i].pub_time = pub_time; er_feed_results[i].pub_date_formatted = true; er_feed_results[i].pub_date_header = pub_date_header; er_feed_results[i].pub_time_header = pub_time_header; } results.push(er_feed_results[i]); break; // Need to use 'for loop' so can break before end if match if found (can't use $.each) } } }); // Calculate columns var columns = current_widget_data.columns; if (columns == undefined || columns == "") { columns = 1; } columns = parseInt(columns); // Round down, keep a column count so that if we're on the last column, keep going if((results.length/columns) % 1 >= 0.5) { var items_per_column = Math.floor(results.length / columns) + 1; } else { var items_per_column = Math.floor(results.length / columns); } // Print results in the er-wait div var counter = 0; var column_count = 0; var feed_html = ""; var er_wait_container = $(".ehc-er-wait"); for(e = 0; e < er_wait_container.length; e++) { if(current_widget_data.facilities.length > 2) { var options = $(".ehc-er-facility-select"); // Add in column logic $(results).each(function() { // Add results to the DOM var this_er_time = parseInt(this.er_time); var er_wait_time_class = "wait-time"; if (this_er_time > 60) { er_wait_time_class += " high"; } else if (this_er_time > 30) { er_wait_time_class += " med"; } else { er_wait_time_class += " low"; } //If wait time is 1 min, change "mins" to "min" or "Minutes" to "Minute" if (this_er_time == 1) { var minsOrMinutes = $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html(); if (minsOrMinutes == "mins") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("min"); } else if (minsOrMinutes == "Minutes") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("Minute"); } } $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time').attr('class',er_wait_time_class); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .time').html(this.er_time); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] a[data-wait-time]').attr("data-wait-time",this.er_time.replace(/\s/g,"")); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time); }); $(er_wait_container[e]).removeClass("feed-loading"); } else { // Add in column logic $(results).each(function() { // Logic for creating columns (ul) if(counter == 0) { column_count = column_count + 1; } else if (counter % items_per_column == 0 && column_count != columns) { column_count = column_count + 1; } var this_er_time = parseInt(this.er_time); var er_wait_time_class = "wait-time"; if (this_er_time > 60) { er_wait_time_class += " high"; } else if (this_er_time > 30) { er_wait_time_class += " med"; } else { er_wait_time_class += " low"; } //If wait time is 1 min, change "mins" to "min" if (this_er_time == 1) { var minsOrMinutes = $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html(); if (minsOrMinutes == "mins") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("min"); } else if (minsOrMinutes == "Minutes") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .mins').html("Minute"); } } // console.log("Current facility "+this.facility); // Add results to the DOM $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time').attr('class',er_wait_time_class); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .wait-time .time').html(this.er_time); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] a[data-wait-time]').attr("data-wait-time",this.er_time.replace(/\s/g,"")); // $(er_wait_container[e]).find('.feed.published .pubtime').html(feed_pub_time); if($(er_wait_container[e]).attr("id") == "header-wait-times") { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date_header); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time_header); } else { $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date); $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time); } $(er_wait_container[e]).removeClass("feed-loading"); // $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubdate').html(this.pub_date); // $(er_wait_container[e]).find('[data-ertitle="'+this.facility+'"] .published .pubtime').html(this.pub_time); }); } } }); // Hide the loading bar $('.ehc-er-loading').hide(); // TRIGGER EVENT ONCE THE ER WAITS HAVE LOADED // TRIGGER EVENT ONCE THE ER WAITS HAVE LOADED if (document.createEvent) { var event = document.createEvent('Event'); // Define that the event name is 'build'. event.initEvent('er_wait_loaded', true, true); document.dispatchEvent(event); } else { document.fireEvent("er_wait_loaded"); } // set a continuos loop, check for the latest ER Wait Time every 5 minutes if (er_wait_time_loaded === false){ window.setInterval(function(){ update_er_wait_times() }, 300000); } er_wait_time_loaded = true; // this is for changing image in background if less than 480 $(window).resize(function() { var browserWidth = $(window).outerWidth(); if (browserWidth < 640) { $(".map-wrap img").attr("src","//"); } else { $(".map-wrap img").attr("src","//"); } }).resize(); } } function update_er_wait_times() { // reset counters er_feeds_processed = 0; er_feed_results.length = 0; $(er_feeds).each(function() { getFeed(this); }); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <!-- END ER WAIT JAVASCRIPT --> <script> // masonry containers var msnry_containers = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-pane.masonry-tab div.row[data-masonry="true"]'); for (var i=0; msnry_containers.length > i; i++) { var msnry = new Masonry( msnry_containers[i], { itemSelector: '.masonry' }); msnry.layout(); } </script> <input type="hidden" id="gap-facility-title" value="Good Samaritan Hospital"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </body> </html>

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