UK Parliament election results: Notional election for the constituency of St Helens South and Whiston on 12 December 2019

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5.67013C4.26363 5.29241 4.61719 4.75264 4.76359 4.1431L5.14239 4.37393C5.47404 5.60261 6.00166 6.76977 6.70493 7.83046L6.59247 8.26252C6.17482 8.04855 5.71227 7.93698 5.243 7.93699C5.08234 7.93777 4.922 7.95162 4.76359 7.97843C5.17842 8.94052 6.10852 9.57921 7.1554 9.62089C8.20228 9.66256 9.1802 9.09981 9.6702 8.17374C9.33972 8.01835 9.09946 7.71912 9.01914 7.36288C8.96282 7.10204 9.01635 6.91096 9.06971 6.72052C9.12289 6.53069 9.1759 6.34149 9.11976 6.08444C9.01631 5.63616 8.60906 5.32453 8.14932 5.34188C7.68959 5.35923 7.30697 5.70066 7.23761 6.15546C6.82687 5.91468 6.59283 5.45774 6.63744 4.98372C6.68206 4.5097 6.99725 4.10445 7.4457 3.94453C7.89415 3.78461 8.39464 3.89897 8.72912 4.2378C8.55213 3.97332 8.4257 3.67832 8.35624 3.36775C8.19123 2.60116 8.37558 1.80089 8.85933 1.18375C9.55788 1.5425 10.061 2.19303 10.2325 2.95936C10.3028 3.27011 10.3148 3.59121 10.268 3.90635C10.4337 3.46345 10.8394 3.15543 11.3106 3.11493C11.7817 3.07442 12.2341 3.30867 12.4729 3.7168C12.7118 4.12494 12.6944 4.63408 12.4283 5.02499C12.1756 4.63717 11.6819 4.48525 11.2549 4.6639C10.8279 4.84255 10.5895 5.30076 10.6882 5.75299C10.7449 6.01837 10.8751 6.16958 11.0048 6.32015C11.1326 6.46845 11.2598 6.61612 11.3156 6.87163C11.3789 7.16536 11.3281 7.47217 11.1735 7.72984L11.1203 7.83638C12.0764 8.57116 13.3669 8.69911 14.4487 8.16638C15.5305 7.63364 16.2158 6.53271 16.2163 5.32684V5.03091C15.2387 5.1864 14.3443 5.67331 13.6831 6.40997L13.3457 6.0726V2.28463L13.689 1.94134C14.3496 2.67463 15.2416 3.15929 16.2163 3.31448C16.2167 1.967 15.3067 0.789395 14.0027 0.449829L14.3519 0.100626C15.291 0.033547 16.238 7.62939e-06 17.1929 7.62939e-06C18.1478 7.62939e-06 19.0948 0.033547 20.0339 0.100626L20.3831 0.449829C19.0769 0.789948 18.1664 1.97072 18.1695 3.3204C19.1441 3.16521 20.0362 2.68055 20.6967 1.94726L21.04 2.29055V6.08444L20.7027 6.42181C20.0415 5.68515 19.1471 5.19824 18.1695 5.04275V5.32684C18.1804 6.53176 18.8743 7.62604 19.9595 8.14979C21.0447 8.67355 22.3331 8.53599 23.2832 7.79495L23.2181 7.69433C23.0651 7.43828 23.0143 7.13388 23.0761 6.84203C23.1327 6.57665 23.263 6.42544 23.3927 6.27488C23.5204 6.12658 23.6476 5.97891 23.7035 5.7234C23.7868 5.27391 23.5413 4.82809 23.1168 4.65831C22.6923 4.48853 22.2071 4.64201 21.9574 5.02499C21.6913 4.63408 21.674 4.12494 21.9128 3.7168C22.1517 3.30867 22.604 3.07442 23.0752 3.11493C23.5463 3.15543 23.9521 3.46345 24.1178 3.90635C24.069 3.59158 24.079 3.27048 24.1474 2.95936C24.3189 2.19303 24.8219 1.5425 25.5205 1.18375C25.9825 1.79054 26.1594 2.56748 26.0058 3.31448C25.9364 3.62505 25.8099 3.92005 25.6329 4.18453C25.9674 3.84571 26.4679 3.73134 26.9164 3.89126C27.3648 4.05119 27.68 4.45643 27.7246 4.93045C27.7692 5.40447 27.5352 5.86141 27.1245 6.1022C27.0551 5.64739 26.6725 5.30596 26.2128 5.28861C25.753 5.27126 25.3458 5.58289 25.2423 6.03117C25.186 6.29201 25.2395 6.48309 25.2929 6.67353C25.3461 6.86336 25.3991 7.05256 25.3429 7.30961C25.2626 7.66586 25.0224 7.96508 24.6919 8.12047C25.1723 9.06531 26.1574 9.64544 27.2167 9.60734C28.2759 9.56924 29.2168 8.91983 29.6281 7.94291C29.4697 7.91611 29.3093 7.90226 29.1487 7.90148C28.6794 7.90146 28.2168 8.01304 27.7992 8.22701L27.6867 7.79495C28.3785 6.73599 28.896 5.57301 29.2197 4.35026L29.6222 4.1431C29.7686 4.75264 30.1221 5.29241 30.6224 5.67013C30.9141 4.66063 30.806 3.57761 30.3206 2.64567ZM56.4574 14.6228V3.3773H53.4093V13.8238C53.4093 16.5997 52.2433 17.9669 49.8285 17.9669C47.4137 17.9669 46.2773 16.6056 46.2773 13.7883V3.3773H43.235V14.611C43.235 19.0204 46.3956 20.4824 49.8344 20.4824C53.2732 20.4824 56.4574 19.0323 56.4574 14.6228ZM62.8613 12.936L67.8685 20.1272H71.5677L65.4773 11.5096L71.1356 3.3773H67.5844L62.9145 10.3199H61.6657V3.3773H58.6235V20.1272H61.6775V12.936H62.8613ZM43.235 39.6553V22.9112H48.6092C52.7878 22.9112 54.5812 24.8466 54.5812 28.2381C54.5812 31.6295 52.5925 33.7839 48.8933 33.7839H46.2773V39.6553H43.235ZM48.5617 31.2681H46.277V25.4382H48.5321C50.4971 25.4382 51.4914 26.4325 51.4914 28.3679C51.4914 30.1613 50.7516 31.2681 48.5617 31.2681ZM66.1643 36.273C66.1643 37.214 66.5905 37.4567 67.1291 37.4567C67.3925 37.4619 67.6543 37.4136 67.8985 37.3147V39.5578C67.3777 39.7821 66.814 39.8892 66.2472 39.8715C64.6847 39.8715 63.7199 39.2205 63.4062 37.7704C62.7552 39.4217 61.2755 39.9899 59.5413 39.9899C57.2389 39.9899 55.6468 38.6523 55.6468 36.4091C55.6468 33.5089 57.9196 31.8576 63.2109 32.118V30.6384C63.2109 29.1587 62.3882 28.5372 61.1098 28.5372C60.5453 28.4869 59.9867 28.6834 59.5782 29.0761C59.1696 29.4688 58.9511 30.0191 58.979 30.5851L56.0789 30.0997C56.2801 27.312 58.6949 26.2052 61.311 26.2052C64.1283 26.2052 66.1703 27.389 66.1703 30.3483L66.1643 36.273ZM58.6235 36.1052C58.6235 34.6255 59.9671 33.8561 63.2046 33.939L63.1987 35.6495C63.1987 37.0995 61.7486 37.8098 60.4997 37.8098C60.0166 37.8684 59.5319 37.714 59.1716 37.3867C58.8114 37.0595 58.6114 36.5917 58.6235 36.1052ZM86.0033 20.9413C86.5189 20.9043 87.026 21.0871 87.3993 21.4446C87.7725 21.8021 87.9771 22.3009 87.9624 22.8175C87.9056 23.8433 87.0573 24.6459 86.03 24.6459C85.0026 24.6459 84.1543 23.8433 84.0975 22.8175C84.0785 22.3091 84.2742 21.8161 84.6368 21.4592C84.9993 21.1023 85.4953 20.9143 86.0033 20.9413ZM87.5131 39.6588V26.5252H84.5538V39.6588H87.5131ZM99.7526 36.273C99.7526 37.214 100.179 37.4567 100.717 37.4567C100.981 37.4619 101.243 37.4136 101.487 37.3147V39.5578C100.966 39.7821 100.402 39.8892 99.8355 39.8715C98.2729 39.8715 97.3082 39.2205 96.9945 37.7704C96.3434 39.4217 94.8637 39.9899 93.1296 39.9899C90.8272 39.9899 89.235 38.6523 89.235 36.4091C89.235 33.5089 91.5078 31.8576 96.7992 32.118V30.6384C96.7992 29.1587 95.9765 28.5372 94.698 28.5372C94.1336 28.4869 93.575 28.6834 93.1664 29.0761C92.7579 29.4688 92.5394 30.0191 92.5673 30.5851L89.6671 30.0997C89.8683 27.312 92.2832 26.2052 94.8993 26.2052C97.7166 26.2052 99.7585 27.389 99.7585 30.3483L99.7526 36.273ZM92.2177 36.0993C92.2177 34.6197 93.5495 33.8561 96.7929 33.939V35.6436C96.7929 37.0937 95.3428 37.8039 94.094 37.8039C93.6108 37.8625 93.1261 37.7081 92.7659 37.3809C92.4057 37.0536 92.2056 36.5859 92.2177 36.0993ZM117.551 26.2084C119.741 26.2084 121.386 27.3921 121.386 30.2153V39.6557H118.427V31.2689C118.427 29.7063 117.835 28.7416 116.408 28.7416C114.982 28.7416 113.668 29.7063 113.668 32.2099V39.6557H110.709V31.2689C110.709 29.7063 110.117 28.7416 108.661 28.7416C107.205 28.7416 105.974 29.7063 105.974 32.2336V39.6557H103.014V26.5221H105.382L105.749 29.0493C106.279 27.2724 107.964 26.0952 109.815 26.2084C111.632 26.2084 113.029 26.9778 113.366 29.1085C114.059 27.0311 115.704 26.2084 117.551 26.2084ZM134.602 36.42L132.015 35.6506C131.791 36.9126 130.641 37.7952 129.364 37.6866C127.322 37.6866 126.209 36.0472 126.097 33.6797H134.442C134.591 33.0995 134.666 32.503 134.667 31.9041C134.667 28.5837 132.838 26.2162 129.34 26.2162C125.57 26.2162 123.202 28.8027 123.202 33.2358C123.202 37.5564 125.647 40.0009 129.228 40.0009C131.761 40.0009 134.01 39.0953 134.602 36.42ZM131.761 31.7269C131.775 31.5575 131.775 31.3873 131.761 31.2179C131.813 30.5045 131.562 29.8022 131.07 29.2831C130.578 28.7639 129.89 28.4759 129.175 28.4894C127.441 28.4894 126.334 29.7145 126.133 31.7328L131.761 31.7269ZM143.575 26.2118C141.586 26.2118 140.077 27.0937 139.367 29.0528L139.053 26.5255H136.638V39.6591H139.597V32.243C139.597 29.5381 140.935 28.745 142.438 28.745C143.942 28.745 144.569 29.7394 144.569 31.3019V39.6591H147.529V30.3076C147.529 27.3956 145.676 26.2118 143.575 26.2118ZM158.218 39.2002C157.15 39.7608 155.955 40.0341 154.749 39.9933C152.305 39.9933 150.796 38.7444 150.796 36.1284V28.8543H148.89V26.5223H150.796L151.476 22.9178H153.808V26.5223H157.703V28.8543H153.779V35.5128C153.779 36.9037 154.371 37.4719 155.454 37.4719C156.258 37.4691 157.039 37.1984 157.673 36.7025L158.218 39.2002ZM71.9171 26.5211L72.2841 30.1019C72.7517 28.0777 73.9472 26.527 76.3088 26.2666V29.3917H75.9004C74.1248 29.3917 72.3492 30.6109 72.3492 33.227V39.6547H69.3898V26.5211H71.9171ZM82.0261 37.2883C81.7079 37.3386 81.3845 37.2371 81.1521 37.014C80.9197 36.7909 80.8051 36.4719 80.8423 36.1519V21.4144H77.883V36.8681C77.883 38.9988 79.3627 39.8807 81.0969 39.8807C81.7018 39.8728 82.3014 39.7668 82.8725 39.567V37.1996C82.5965 37.2718 82.3111 37.3018 82.0261 37.2883Z" fill="white"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M34.3568 19.5326C34.3903 18.4398 33.6467 17.4756 32.5812 17.2303V15.9163C33.7566 15.6357 34.532 14.5148 34.38 13.3159C34.2281 12.117 33.1976 11.225 31.9893 11.2465C30.8956 11.2106 29.9301 11.9552 29.6869 13.0221H4.69812C4.45283 11.9565 3.48863 11.2129 2.39575 11.2465C1.76245 11.2283 1.14966 11.4719 0.701666 11.9199C0.253676 12.3678 0.0100872 12.9806 0.0282634 13.6139C-0.00525611 14.7068 0.738342 15.671 1.80388 15.9163V17.2362C0.744795 17.4958 0 18.4452 0 19.5356C0 20.626 0.744795 21.5754 1.80388 21.835V23.1549C0.744795 23.4145 0 24.3639 0 25.4543C0 26.5447 0.744795 27.4941 1.80388 27.7537V29.0736C0.744795 29.3332 0 30.2826 0 31.373C0 32.4634 0.744795 33.4128 1.80388 33.6724V34.9923C0.641208 35.2836 -0.120351 36.3978 0.0305448 37.5869C0.181441 38.7759 1.19718 39.6646 2.39575 39.6562C3.60403 39.6777 4.63453 38.7857 4.78648 37.5868C4.93843 36.3879 4.16304 35.267 2.98762 34.9864V33.6724C4.0467 33.4128 4.79149 32.4634 4.79149 31.373C4.79149 30.2826 4.0467 29.3332 2.98762 29.0736V27.7537C4.0467 27.4941 4.79149 26.5447 4.79149 25.4543C4.79149 24.3639 4.0467 23.4145 2.98762 23.1549V21.835C4.0467 21.5754 4.79149 20.626 4.79149 19.5356C4.79149 18.4452 4.0467 17.4958 2.98762 17.2362V15.9163C3.84051 15.7247 4.50656 15.0587 4.69812 14.2058H5.94697V39.6562H6.21923C6.82325 37.8427 7.73196 36.1454 8.90632 34.6372V34.3294H7.72258V30.7782H10.6819V34.3294H10.0901V34.6549C10.8779 36.2346 11.436 37.9187 11.7473 39.6562H11.9781C12.2913 37.9184 12.8514 36.2343 13.6413 34.6549V34.3294H13.0494V30.7782H16.0088V34.3294H15.4169V34.6549C16.2048 36.2346 16.7628 37.9187 17.0741 39.6562H17.305C17.6182 37.9184 18.1782 36.2343 18.9681 34.6549V34.3294H18.3763V30.7782H21.3356V34.3294H20.7437V34.6549C21.5316 36.2346 22.0897 37.9187 22.401 39.6562H22.6318C22.945 37.9184 23.5051 36.2343 24.295 34.6549V34.3294H23.7031V30.7782H26.6624V34.3294H25.4787V34.6372C26.6531 36.1454 27.5618 37.8427 28.1658 39.6562H28.4381V14.2058H29.6869C29.8771 15.0594 30.5438 15.7261 31.3974 15.9163V17.2362C30.3383 17.4958 29.5935 18.4452 29.5935 19.5356C29.5935 20.626 30.3383 21.5754 31.3974 21.835V23.1549C30.3383 23.4145 29.5935 24.3639 29.5935 25.4543C29.5935 26.5447 30.3383 27.4941 31.3974 27.7537V29.0736C30.3383 29.3332 29.5935 30.2826 29.5935 31.373C29.5935 32.4634 30.3383 33.4128 31.3974 33.6724V34.9923C30.2431 35.2904 29.4904 36.4002 29.6407 37.5829C29.7909 38.7656 30.7971 39.6521 31.9893 39.6521C33.1815 39.6521 34.1877 38.7656 34.3379 37.5829C34.4881 36.4002 33.7355 35.2904 32.5812 34.9923V33.6724C33.6402 33.4128 34.385 32.4634 34.385 31.373C34.385 30.2826 33.6402 29.3332 32.5812 29.0736V27.7537C33.6402 27.4941 34.385 26.5447 34.385 25.4543C34.385 24.3639 33.6402 23.4145 32.5812 23.1549V21.835C33.6467 21.5897 34.3903 20.6255 34.3568 19.5326ZM3.57993 37.2867C3.59913 37.6062 3.48059 37.9186 3.2543 38.1449C3.02801 38.3712 2.71563 38.4897 2.39619 38.4705C1.83922 38.4962 1.33981 38.1298 1.19721 37.5907C1.05462 37.0517 1.30749 36.4863 1.80431 36.2332C1.86632 36.5085 2.11406 36.7018 2.39619 36.6949C2.67831 36.7018 2.92605 36.5085 2.98806 36.2332C3.37437 36.4385 3.6056 36.85 3.57993 37.2867ZM2.98738 32.4222C3.3737 32.217 3.60493 31.8054 3.57925 31.3687C3.60493 30.932 3.3737 30.5204 2.98738 30.3152C2.92538 30.5905 2.67763 30.7837 2.39551 30.7768C2.11159 30.7832 1.86321 30.5869 1.80364 30.3093C1.42897 30.5293 1.19885 30.9313 1.19885 31.3657C1.19885 31.8002 1.42897 32.2022 1.80364 32.4222C1.86564 32.1469 2.11339 31.9537 2.39551 31.9606C2.67763 31.9537 2.92538 32.1469 2.98738 32.4222ZM3.57925 25.4491C3.60493 25.8858 3.3737 26.2974 2.98738 26.5027C2.92538 26.2273 2.67763 26.0341 2.39551 26.041C2.11339 26.0341 1.86564 26.2273 1.80364 26.5027C1.42897 26.2826 1.19885 25.8807 1.19885 25.4462C1.19885 25.0117 1.42897 24.6097 1.80364 24.3897C1.86321 24.6673 2.11159 24.8636 2.39551 24.8573C2.67763 24.8642 2.92538 24.6709 2.98738 24.3956C3.3737 24.6008 3.60493 25.0124 3.57925 25.4491ZM2.39619 14.2025C2.67831 14.1956 2.92605 14.3888 2.98806 14.6642C3.48488 14.4111 3.73775 13.8456 3.59516 13.3066C3.45256 12.7676 2.95315 12.4012 2.39619 12.4269C1.83922 12.4012 1.33981 12.7676 1.19721 13.3066C1.05462 13.8456 1.30749 14.4111 1.80431 14.6642C1.86632 14.3888 2.11406 14.1956 2.39619 14.2025ZM10.6821 28.9995H7.72278V25.4482H10.6821V28.9995ZM7.72278 23.6738H10.6821V20.1226H7.72278V23.6738ZM10.6821 18.3482H7.72278V14.797H10.6821V18.3482ZM13.049 28.9995H16.0083V25.4482H13.049V28.9995ZM16.0083 23.6738H13.049V20.1226H16.0083V23.6738ZM13.049 18.3482H16.0083V14.797H13.049V18.3482ZM21.3356 28.9995H18.3762V25.4482H21.3356V28.9995ZM18.3762 23.6738H21.3356V20.1226H18.3762V23.6738ZM21.3356 18.3482H18.3762V14.797H21.3356V18.3482ZM23.7035 28.9995H26.6628V25.4482H23.7035V28.9995ZM26.6628 23.6738H23.7035V20.1226H26.6628V23.6738ZM23.7035 18.3482H26.6628V14.797H23.7035V18.3482ZM30.8058 13.6138C30.8196 13.0431 31.2386 12.5636 31.8023 12.4734C32.3659 12.3833 32.9136 12.7083 33.1047 13.2462C33.2957 13.7841 33.0756 14.3817 32.5814 14.6673C32.5814 14.3404 32.3164 14.0754 31.9895 14.0754C31.6626 14.0754 31.3976 14.3404 31.3976 14.6673C31.0113 14.462 30.7801 14.0505 30.8058 13.6138ZM32.1762 38.4271C32.7399 38.3369 33.1589 37.8574 33.1727 37.2867C33.1984 36.85 32.9672 36.4385 32.5808 36.2332C32.5808 36.5601 32.3158 36.8251 31.989 36.8251C31.6621 36.8251 31.3971 36.5601 31.3971 36.2332C30.9028 36.5188 30.6828 37.1164 30.8738 37.6543C31.0649 38.1922 31.6125 38.5172 32.1762 38.4271ZM33.1726 31.3687C33.1983 31.8054 32.9671 32.217 32.5808 32.4222C32.5808 32.0954 32.3158 31.8304 31.9889 31.8304C31.662 31.8304 31.397 32.0954 31.397 32.4222C31.0224 32.2022 30.7922 31.8002 30.7922 31.3657C30.7922 30.9313 31.0224 30.5293 31.397 30.3093C31.397 30.6361 31.662 30.9011 31.9889 30.9011C32.3158 30.9011 32.5808 30.6361 32.5808 30.3093C32.9691 30.5154 33.2007 30.9299 33.1726 31.3687ZM32.5808 26.5027C32.9671 26.2974 33.1983 25.8858 33.1726 25.4491C33.2007 25.0104 32.9691 24.5958 32.5808 24.3897C32.5808 24.7166 32.3158 24.9816 31.9889 24.9816C31.662 24.9816 31.397 24.7166 31.397 24.3897C31.0224 24.6097 30.7922 25.0117 30.7922 25.4462C30.7922 25.8807 31.0224 26.2826 31.397 26.5027C31.397 26.1758 31.662 25.9108 31.9889 25.9108C32.3158 25.9108 32.5808 26.1758 32.5808 26.5027ZM3.57925 19.5339C3.60493 19.9706 3.3737 20.3822 2.98738 20.5875C2.92538 20.3122 2.67763 20.1189 2.39551 20.1258C2.11339 20.1189 1.86564 20.3122 1.80364 20.5875C1.42897 20.3675 1.19885 19.9655 1.19885 19.531C1.19885 19.0965 1.42897 18.6945 1.80364 18.4745C1.86321 18.7522 2.11159 18.9484 2.39551 18.9421C2.67763 18.949 2.92538 18.7557 2.98738 18.4804C3.3737 18.6856 3.60493 19.0972 3.57925 19.5339ZM32.5808 20.5875C32.9671 20.3822 33.1983 19.9706 33.1726 19.5339C33.2007 19.0952 32.9691 18.6806 32.5808 18.4745C32.5808 18.8014 32.3158 19.0664 31.9889 19.0664C31.662 19.0664 31.397 18.8014 31.397 18.4745C31.0224 18.6945 30.7922 19.0965 30.7922 19.531C30.7922 19.9655 31.0224 20.3675 31.397 20.5875C31.397 20.2606 31.662 19.9956 31.9889 19.9956C32.3158 19.9956 32.5808 20.2606 32.5808 20.5875Z" fill="white"></path> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="context-nav" role="navigation"> <div class="container"> <nav> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <a href="">UK Parliament</a> </li> <li> <a href="">House of Commons Library</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Election Results</a> </li> <li> <a href=""> General elections </a> </li><li> <a href=""> 12 December 2019 (Notional) </a> </li><li> St Helens South and Whiston </li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="page-header"> <div class="container"> <span id="site-title"><a href="">Election Results</a></span> <nav id="header-nav"> <a class="general-elections" href="">General elections</a> <!-- %= link_to( 'By-elections', by_election_list_url, :class => 'by-elections' ) % --> <a class="constituency-areas" href="">Constituency areas</a> <a class="political-parties" href="">Political parties</a> <a class="members" href="">Members</a> <a class="parliament-periods" href="">Parliament periods</a> <a class="boundary-sets" href="">Boundary sets</a> <a class="legislation" href="">Legislation</a> </nav> </div> </div> </header> <div class="container"> </div> <main id="main-content" class="container" role="main"> <div class="inner-content container"> <div class="reading-width"> <h1>Notional election for the constituency of St Helens South and Whiston on 12 December 2019</h1> <p>A notional election to the <a href="">58th Parliament of the United Kingdom</a> for the constituency area of <a href="">St Helens South and Whiston</a>, forming part of the <a href="">notional general election on 12 December 2019</a>.</p> <div id="result-summary"> <p>Labour win with a majority of 16,720 - 36.8% - on a turnout of 64.0%.</p> <p id="count">An electorate of 70,937, having a valid vote count of 45,397.</p> </div> <div id="candidacies"> <h2>Candidates</h2> <div class="table-wrapper"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Party</th> <th class="number">Vote</th> <th class="number">Vote share</th> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="party party-15"> <a href="">Labour</a> </td> <td class="number">26,386</td> <td class="number"><abbr>58.1%</abbr></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="party party-4"> <a href="">Conservative</a> </td> <td class="number">9,666</td> <td class="number"><abbr>21.3%</abbr></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="party party-1006"> <a href="">The Brexit Party</a> </td> <td class="number">4,822</td> <td class="number"><abbr>10.6%</abbr></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="party party-17"> <a href="">Liberal Democrat</a> </td> <td class="number">2,579</td> <td class="number"><abbr>5.7%</abbr></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="party party-44"> <a href="">Green Party</a> </td> <td class="number">1,944</td> <td class="number"><abbr>4.3%</abbr></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <p id="lost-deposit-notice">Under <a href="">section 13(b) of the Representation of the People Act 1985</a>, a candidate gaining 5% or less of the vote share will forfeit their deposit.</p> <div id="notional-notice"> <h2>Estimates of the 2019 general election result in new constituencies</h2> <p>BBC News, ITV News, Sky News and the Press Association have together produced estimates of the 2019 general election result as if the new constituencies recommended by the separate Parliamentary Boundary Commissions for England, Scotland,聽Wales and Northern Ireland had then been in existence.</p> <p>Rallings &amp; Thrasher, Professor David Denver (Scotland), Nicholas Whyte (NI) for Sky News, PA, BBC News and ITV News.</p> <p>An explanation of the methods used and the electoral impact of the changes can be found in <a href="">the linked document</a>.</p> </div> <div id="downloads"> <p> <a title="Download candidate result data as a CSV file." class="csv" href=""><abbr>CSV</abbr></a><a href="">Download candidate result data as a CSV file.</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer role="contentinfo"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <p>&copy; House of Commons 2024. 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