Privacy Policy - ISO SaaS/Cloud Platform

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Privacy Policy</span></p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Our Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect when you visit our site, how we protect it and what choices you have about how that information is used. We urge you to read our entire Privacy Policy so that you will understand both our commitment to you and your privacy, and how you can participate in that commitment. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS WEB SITE.</p> <p>Our Other Policies</p> <p>Please also read our other policies to understand the additional terms and conditions which apply to the use of our web sites.</p> <p>Policy Revision</p> <p>Standards Technology Group may at any time revise these terms by updating this posting. By using this web site, you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to determine the then current terms to which you are bound.</p> <p>Collection of Personally Identifiable Information</p> <p>Some functions and services offered through or require that you provide certain Personally Identifiable information (PII). PII that we collect includes email address, name, company name, postal address, telephone number, credit card number. We collect this PII for example, when you order a product, request a catalog, or register for a mailing list. We do maintain this information on,, any other Standards Technology Group site, or on any Standards Technology Group provider site. The PII is sent via email to customer service at Standards Technology Group, except the credit card information which is sent only to our secure eCommerce provider.</p> <p>Receiving Email and Postal Correspondence</p> <p>Our online Registration form and other online submission forms contain clearly identified checkboxes indicating that by submitting the form you will be entitled to receive email correspondence from or, associates and partners unless you opt out of receiving email correspondence by unchecking each box. Each time you submit your email address your privacy preferences will be updated. Web site visitors over the age of 18 who have submitted their names, mailing addresses, or email addresses but have not opted out may occasionally receive email correspondence from or, associates and partners, containing information such as newsletters or special offers. If you do not wish to receive these messages, you can check the box that allows you to opt out. If you have already submitted an online Registration form and wish to change your preferences, see the section below on Opting Out.</p> <p>Except as noted below, Standards Technology Group will not share email addresses we collect through or with any unaffiliated third parties unless we specify this at the point of the collection. Except as otherwise noted, unless you consent to the disclosure of your personally identifiable information, only we, our technical consultants, third-party auditors and other third parties who make or available, enhance their functionality, or provide associated services and/or who deal with you in delivering content, samples, products, and gifts and prizes, have access to this information and we require them to agree that they are covered by this policy.</p> <p>Please note that we do reserve the right to transfer your PII and other information to our successors in business and purchasers of site assets. Any personal information provided to entities affiliated with any Standards Technology Group site will be treated in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, unless you are otherwise notified. In the following limited circumstances we will consider, and may release, personal information to third parties: (1) to comply with valid legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order; or (2) in special cases, such as a physical threat to you or others.</p> <p>Standards Technology Group may also provide aggregate statistics about our customers, traffic patterns and related site information to reputable third parties for statistical analysis, but these statistics will include no personal information.</p> <p>Opting Out of Receiving Email and Postal Correspondence</p> <p>Receiving email messages and postal mail from,, our associates and partners is optional. You may choose not to receive certain email, even after granting prior permission, or you may wish to correct information you previously provided. If you do not wish to receive email or wish to correct information you provided to us, contact customer service. Standards Technology Group will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete records from our database when we receive requests to do so; however, because of possible retention of a residual copy in a system backup file, we cannot guarantee deletion in every instance.</p> <p>If you prefer not to receive postal mailings from or, tell us by contacting customer service.</p> <p>We also may share personal information we obtain from you through offline sources (such as when you respond to a survey, subscribe to our newsletter(s), or buy one of our products). You may opt out of receiving postal communications or telemarketing calls or emails, regardless of how we obtained the information, by contacting customer service. You may also contact customer service for general customer service questions.</p> <p>Newsletters</p> <p>You can unsubscribe from our newsletter(s) by unselecting the newsletter in your STGnet profile or in some cases by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any newsletter you receive from us. If you are an active member, you may also subscribe or unsubscribe via you user profile account.</p> <p>Online Policy for Individuals 17 Years Old and Younger</p> <p>This is a general audience web site. Regardless, we encourage parents to be aware of their children&#8217;s online activities, and to learn about software that can filter objectionable materials.</p> <p>Email Messages</p> <p>If you send Standards Technology Group an email message, we may retain that message and your email address, as well as any response we send you.</p> <p>Hyperlinks to Other Web Sites</p> <p> or may include links to Web sites of other companies unaffiliated with Please note that we are unable to review all such sites and take no responsibility for the content or privacy practices of any unaffiliated Web site.</p> <p>Cookies and Server Logs</p> <p>,, related Web hosting providers, and advertisers and ad serving and tracking companies sometimes utilize &#8220;cookie&#8221; technology. Cookies are bits of data stored on your hard drive that contain no personally identifying information but which help enhance your Web-browsing experience. Not all Web browsers accept cookies, and those that do usually provide a preference or setting that allows you to refuse cookies. If your browser does not accept cookies, you may still enjoy or</p> <p>Server logs capture certain non-personally identifying data, such as the time and date of a Web visit, the browser and operating system being used, and the Web URL a user linked from. This information is used in aggregate form to help us plan system enhancements when necessary and to provide content that is compatible with our visitors&#8217; Web-browsing systems and patterns.</p> <p>Credit Cards</p> <p>Standards Technology Group uses credit card numbers submitted to us through our eCommerce system for payment purposes only, and not for marketing purposes. Your credit card information will be deleted after the purchase is complete. We utilize industry standard secure encryption technology to reasonably assure the privacy and security of the credit card numbers of anyone who places online orders with us.</p> <p>Privacy Precaution Warning</p> <p>Please note that no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you transmit via our online services. We use secure sockets layer technology with an encrypted secure certificate issued by our eCommerce provider the top level of security available on the internet today.</p> <p>Improper Conduct</p> <p>The restrictions above will not apply in the event that you engage in certain improper conduct. Specifically, we shall have the right to use or release to third parties personally identifiable information regarding users who are suspected of having used or for any fraudulent purposes or having otherwise violated any law, rule or regulation or the rights of third parties or having engaged in any conduct that we deem improper.</p> <p>How Standards Technology Group Handles Privacy Internally</p> <p>Standards Technology Group wants your personal information to remain as secure as reasonably possible. Therefore, we have a two-tier system that combines leading technical safeguards and a code of conduct for those employees permitted to access our customers&#8217; personal information. On the technical side, we use SSL to help ensure the integrity and privacy of the personal information you provide to us via the Internet. As an additional security measure, your personal information such as your password is encrypted and stored on a database. Only authorized employees are permitted to access your personal information. All employees must abide by our Privacy Policy and those who violate our Privacy Policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Only certain authorized employees are permitted access to our customer&#8217;s personal information.</p> <p>Acceptance of Privacy Policy</p> <p>By using this site, you signify your agreement to the and privacy policy. You further authorize the export of personal information to the USA and Canada and its storage and use as specified in this policy when you provide such information to us. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SITE. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please bookmark this page and check it periodically. We will post any changes to this privacy policy on our site. Your continued use of our site following the posting of any changes to these terms shall mean that you have accepted those changes. This policy and all of our legal obligations are subject to the laws of Vermont, the USA, and Canada regardless of the location of any user. Any claims or complaints must be filed in the USA in the State of Vermont.</p> <p>Policy last updated January 2013</p> </div></div></div></div></div><div id="footer" class="footer"><div class="wrap"><div id="gwfoot-footer-one-area" class="gwfoot-footer-one-one-third"><div id="text-4" class="gwfoot-footer-one widget-area widget_text"> <div class="textwidget">Copyright ©2014 STG, Inc. The STG product names and the STG logos are trademarks of STG. 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