UxC: China's Nuclear Reactor and Fuel Cycle Markets

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UxC continuously monitors and updates its research and analysis of China's nuclear program in all areas, including the front-end nuclear markets and the domestic and reactor export programs. In order to enhance its deep understanding of this critical country, UxC also works with leading experts on China's nuclear program, including Dr. Hui Zhang of Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Through these efforts, UxC has prepared a new 2016 special report to present the latest information and analysis of all critical aspects of China's nuclear industry.</p> <h2>Report Overview</h2> <p>This new special report provides in-depth coverage and forecasts for China's nuclear power and reactor exports as well as the individual fuel cycle component markets of uranium, conversion, and enrichment. Additional insights and discussions on the current role and potential future direction of China's nuclear program are also included. Relevant reference materials are also included with this report.</p> <p class="indent-0">This special report is comprised of the following chapters:</p> <ul> <li>China's Nuclear Power Policies and Regulations</li> <li>China's Domestic Nuclear Power Program</li> <li>China's Reactor Technologies and Supply Chain</li> <li>China's Reactor Export Ambitions</li> <li>China's Uranium Industry</li> <li>China's Conversion Industry</li> <li>China's Enrichment Industry</li> <li>Summary and Conclusions</li> <li>Appendices with supporting reference materials</li> </ul> <figure class="float-right ml-2"> <img src="/images/pictures/products/hpr-1000.jpg" width="320" height="194" alt="" /> <figcaption>China's Hualong-One (HPR-1000) reactor design<br />Source: CNNC</figcaption> </figure> <h2>Why Buy this Report?</h2> <p> Over the past five years since Fukushima, there have been many changes and new developments that have affected China's approach to nuclear power. This report provides factual data and holistic analysis on all key aspects of the country's nuclear program, including the current drivers and potential future direction of China's nuclear industry. Some of the main questions addressed by this report include: </p> <ul> <li>What reactor technologies will China look to build in the future?</li> <li>How many reactors will China have operating in 2020, 2030, and 2040?</li> <li>Where will Chinese companies build reactors outside of the country?</li> <li>How much of its uranium needs will China be able to satisfy through domestic and foreign mine projects?</li> <li>What are China's intentions in terms of enrichment capacity expansions and SWU exports?</li> </ul> <img src="/images/pictures/products/china-flag.jpg?v=1" width="240" height="160" alt="" class="float-right ml-2" /> <h2>Purchasing Information</h2> <p> This special report on China was published in December 2016. Discounts are available for customers of UxC's <i>Market Outlook</i> reports. To place your order or for any questions, please contact Jonathan Hinze at +1 (770) 642-7745 or <span><script>document.write('<n uers="znvygb:wbanguna.uvamr@hkp.pbz">wbanguna.uvamr@hkp.pbz</n>'))</script><noscript><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl;">moc.cxu@eznih.nahtanoj</span></noscript></span> </p> <p> Please see our <a href="/docs/p/product/Flier-China%202016-12.pdf">product flier</a> and the <a href="/docs/p/product/UxC-China%202016-12%20TOC.pdf">table of contents</a> for the full report in Adobe Acrobat PDF <i class="file-icon file-icon-pdf"></i> format.<br /><br /> </p> <p class="indent-0">An <a href="/p/order/61">online order form</a> is now available.</p> </article> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div style='font-size:8pt;margin:10px 0 20px>;text-align:right;border-top:1px #3569a5 solid;padding-top:10px;'> For additional information, please contact<br /> <b>Jonathan Hinze</b> <b class="bullet bullet-blue"></b> <b>+1 (770) 642-7745</b> <b class="bullet bullet-blue"></b> <b><span><script>document.write('<n uers="znvygb:wbanguna.uvamr@hkp.pbz">wbanguna.uvamr@hkp.pbz</n>'))</script><noscript><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl;">moc.cxu@eznih.nahtanoj</span></noscript></span></b> </div><div class="text-only-content" data-content="\n"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8" style="line-height:1rem;"> <a href="#top" onclick="window.scroll(0, 0); return false;"><span class="text-muted">BACK TO TOP</span></a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/">HOME</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/SiteMap.aspx">SITE MAP</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Terms.aspx">Terms of Use</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Privacy.aspx">Privacy Policy</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/corp/background">Contact Us</a> <table class="no-border" style="margin-top:30px;"> <tr> <td class="small"> &copy; 2024 UxC, LLC<br /> All rights reserved. </td> <td class="pl-4"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/logos/logo-x.svg" height="24" /></a> </td> <td class="pl-3"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/logos/logo-linkedin.svg" height="32" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <br class="d-sm-none" /> <div> <b style="line-height:1rem;">UxC, LLC</b> <br /> <br class="hidden-xs" /> <p class="small" style="margin-bottom:0;"> <b>Corporate Office:</b><br /> 1501 MACY DR &nbsp;|&nbsp; ROSWELL, GA 30076 USA<br /> +1 (770) 642-7745 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-10981520-1'); </script> <script src="/bundles/uxc?v=XqoGEPdbjSRXqB0vGwzBlqhcdqbQJnvuJ3NHaF_B7sA1"></script> </body> </html>

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